God Finished with the Adventist Church? an Ellen White Prediction? Adventisttoday Executive Publisher Ervin Taylor Dinsiepartmentde Editor Vol
The End of Islamic Neo- Ministry as Connection Apocalyptic We Know It Adventism SUMMER 2009 • WWW.atodAy.CoM AdventistToday Is God Finished With the Adventist Church? An Ellen White Prediction? AdventistToday Executive Publisher Ervin Taylor dINSIepartmentdE Editor vol. 17 No. 3 J. David Newman 10 cover story Copy Editor Debra J. Hicks Contributing Editors Is Chris Blake, John McLarty, Andy Nash, James Walters God Finished With the Art Director Chris Komisar Adventist Church? Online Editor Marcel Schwantes cover story 8 Webmaster Linda Greer Director of Development Edwin A. Schwisow F O u n dat i O n B oa r D Larry Downing — Board Chair, Ervin Taylor — Board Vice- Chair, Eugene Platt — Treasurer, Virginia Burley, Keith Colburn, Elwin Dunn, Edmund Jones, John McLarty, Chuck Mitchell, Jim Nelson, Randy Roberts, Nate Schilt, J. Gordon Short, Dan Smith, James Stirling, Eldon Stratton, David Van Putten, John Vogt, James Walters r Ay m O n D F. C O t t r E l l EndowmEnt BoarD James Walters — Board Chair, Douglass Ewing, James Nelson, Nate Schilt, Ervin Taylor SEniOr liFEtimE ADvisorS ($25,000+) Beth and Elwin Dunn, Patricia and Douglass Ewing, Kathi and Richard Guth, Judy and John Jacobson, Betty and Al Koppel, Joan Ogden, Lori and Thaine Price, J. Gordon Short, Marilynn and Ervin Taylor, Priscilla and James Walters features l i fe t i m E AD v i so r S ($10,000+) departments Susan and Hernan Barros, Kathryn and James Dexter, 6 Why I Am a Seventh-day Rosemary and Merlyn Duerksen, Patricia Hare, Patricia Phillips, Judy and Gordon Rick, James Stirling, Nancy Adventist 3 Editorial and John Vogt by John Tangen unDErWriting ADvisorS ($2,500+ during last two years) 4 Letters Kelli and Robert Black, Mariellyn and Edwin Hill, Carmen 14 Islamic Connection and Clive Holland, Tracy and R.
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