Southern Tidings for 1997
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Ride For Life Moto WhoA Preceded by a harp concert by Judy Bailey, the women of Carolina paid tribute to their retiring leader Ann Pendleton and her out- A Renewed standing leadership qualities and contribu- tions over the last six years. On hand for the ceremony was Evie VandeVere, assistant director of NAD Women's Ministries (left), Glenda Tapper, Judy Bailey, Ann Pendleton, Spirit Within Me" and Debbie Rapp, new women's director. by Debbie Rapp visitors from neighboring conferences, desire a closer relationship with their he glanced out the window Lord. and saw her husband driv- The main speaker was Kay Rizzo, ing out of the driveway. who flew into nearby Charlotte from S "Wonder why he forgot to central California where she resides give me a kiss good-bye this morning?" with her professor husband and mes- She pondered, "Oh no, we're going merized her audience at the The natural, peaceful setting of Nosoca Pines to be late for school—I just know it!" conference's quiet, natural camp lo- is the perfect backdrop for a relaxing week- "Are you ready to walk out the door?" cation. As a product of codependency, end to concentrate on spiritual renewal. "No, Mom, I can't find my tennis emotional neediness and spiritual emp- shoes." tiness, she traced her journey, out- is noble, whatever is right, whatever "Just look in the upstairs bathroom, lined in her recent book, Wings of is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever I saw them there last night. Hurry, Praise. Immediately, she established is admirable—if anything is excellent we're going to be late! Your sister is a connection through both laughter or praiseworthy, think about such already in the car." and tears with the assembled ladies. things." (Phil. 4:8) No matter what kind She pulled up to the school just in The reason she could speak so elo- of baggage was brought to the meet- time, before the last bell, "Well, kids, quently is because she had detours in ing—one could have been going through hope you have a great day. Remem- her walk with the Lord, and she can a divorce, the loss of a child or loss ber, I love you." now offer solutions that are both bib- of a job, it was an opportunity to draw "Oh no Mom, did you get my lunch lical and practical to other women. close to God. off the counter for me? . .. I don't Through her ability to make a whole It's the one time of year that women have it with me." room full of women feel an undeni- can take off from their responsibili- A heavy sigh followed. "If I can just able, personal bond with her, she encour- ties of teaching, caring, nurturing, make it through to this afternoon, she ages each one to pursue and achieve a parenting, working, and constantly thought. I'm on my way to the women's closer relationship with our Saviour. giving to others and be spiritually retreat at Nosoca. I'm sure ready for The retreat was a place where you refreshed themselves. As one lady who a break—in the worst way." could find "Hearts of Praise," blended attended remarked, "I am going back When the women of Carolina get voices ringing with songs for a living home with more faith, and more hope together at their annual fall retreat, Lord. From the seminars that peaked in the Lord Jesus Christ." it's a sight to behold. I'm not just with emphasis on Beautifying the Home Have you come to the end of a referring to the gym that has been to Bible Study, and Developing a Re- frazzled day? Don't let another week go totally transformed into a decorator's lationship with God, to fully knowing by without getting involved in women's delight at the hands of Stephanie Conley how to Praise God in all the aspects ministries. You won't regret it. 13 and Babette Crofford. There's a spiri- of your life, the retreat unleashed a tual awakening. This year was no new plateau for spiritual renewal. Debbie Rapp is the secretary to the exception at Nosoca Pines Ranch. A Besides the keen focus on spiritual Carolina Conference secretary and the record crowd of 392 was proof that elements, as we are instructed to do: editorial assistant in the communica- women in the Carolinas, including "Whatsoever things are true, whatever tion department. Cover: Castle Mountain. Photo Credit: Nye Simmons. Lighting a world for Christ, one flame at a time. Women lifting their voices in praise, led by Teri Fowle, is an integral part of the ministry in Carolina. Little things make a difference when women get together. A smile and a cup of tea are just what these ladies needed from Arlene Bracebridge. December, 1997 this fall in faculty-staff discussions: a Christ- centered campus, academic excellence, a distinc- U119111111 tive Seventh-day Adventist environment, an ethic of service, caring hospitality, and affordability. "We can't afford to have schools to reinforce popu- lar values," Bietz said. "Such values can be found in gen- erous supply in the general educational marketplace." Bietz is the first president of the institution since its name changed to Southern Adventist University a 1111911MIFITITU year ago. lie officially assumed his presidential po- sition on June 1 of this year. Prior to that, he was by Doris Burdick president of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference for three years. From 1981-1994 he was senior pastor of the Collegedale church on Southern's campus. ordon Bietz, D.Min., was inaugurated as The current senior pastor, Ed Wright, D.Min., gave Southern's 23rd president on Thursday, Oc- a charge to spiritual commitment and presented a tober 23. Bible to Dr. Bietz. Bj Christensen, administrative )74 "Education is a conversation between the assistant to the president of the North American Division, older and younger generations on what is important," presented the presidential medallion. Larry Evans, he told students, teachers, and guests. Introduced by D.Min., Georgia-Cumberland Conference president, Malcolm Gordon, chair of the Southern Adventist had the prayer of inauguration, and R. R. Bietz, the University board, the new president gave his inaugu- president's 91-year-old father, gave the benediction. ral address at a morning convocation invigorated Other family guests included the twin daughters with music by the University's Southern Singers and and sons-in-law of Gordon and Cynthia Bietz, Gina the symphony orchestra. and Jeff Gang of Orlando and Julie and Peter Kroll "Southern Adventist University is a place for impor- of Loma Linda. All are graduates of Southern. tant conversations between the older and the younger Guests also included presidents and representa- generation of Seventh-day Adventists," Bietz told his tives from a number of other schools, as well as civic listeners. "It is a place for having a conversation and business leaders. secure in the knowledge that through mutual love An evening presidential picnic on the promenade and trust we take each others' words as a sacred trust extended the celebration for the students. hundreds and sift out the chaff while holding firm to the of them had penned greetings on a congratulatory wheat." scroll. After describing threats to educational conversa- "We are very pleased that Dr. Gordon Bietz is our tions such as secularism and superficial profession- new president," said Ron Barrow, Ph.D., vice presi- alism, the new president discussed "what is impor- dent for enrollment services and chair of the inaugu- tant" at Southern. He reviewed core values identified ration planning committee. Volume 87 SOUTHERN TIDINGS (USPS507-000) Number 11 Published monthly by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Free to members. $8 yearly subscription to others. Second-class postage paid at Decatur, Ga., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send changes of address to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, P.O. Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031. Ride For Of e Mission, at first and very scared of losing my year treatment at St. Jude and has son." The following day Mikey began been in remission for six years. a two and one-half year treatment Founded in 1962 by entertainer protocol to save his life. In December, Danny Thomas, more than 14,500 1996, the disease went into remis- children worldwide have benefited from sion, but maintenance treatments will the research and treatment St. Jude continue until 1999. provides. Patients are treated regard- Mikey is the nephew of Dr. Gary less of their financial status. football team McPherson played on a Mikey like Edgmon, an orthodontist in Calhoun, "We are thankful for what St. Jude before getting sick. lie enjoys sports Georgia. "We were given little hope in has done," Edgmon stated. "Most of baseball, football, swimming, and riding go- the beginning," said Edgmon. "With all, we thank God and those who have karts and four wheelers. God's help and the doctors of St. Jude been praying on Mikey's behalf." One Hospital, Mikey celebrated his 12th lady from Indiana called to say, "I read birthday in August." in the newspaper about your Ride For 11111 ikey McPherson, an 11- Edgmon wanted to do something to Life. I'm praying for Mikey." year-old sports enthusi- say 'thank you' for the help St. Jude Edgmon and Lunsford returned home ast, began to feel listless gave his nephew. On September 7, he September 28. When they arrived in all the time. "I started to and a friend Grover Lunsford, an in- Cleveland, Tennessee, Mikey's home, get spots like bruises on my legs, and surance agent from Calhoun, began he rode the motorcycle with his uncle I felt achy all over," he said.