Dina Karadžić & Vedran Gligo

/'fu:bar/ 2015

/'fu:bar/ - sometimes used as a , a metasyntactic variable in or computer-related documentation / “Fucked up beyond all recognition” / a glitch art exhibition in Siva Galerija.

/'fu:bar/ 2015 hosted over 80 international artists and /‘fu:bar/ 2016 is happening again this september in festival form, dedicated to the error as a form of artistic expression. http://fubar.space/

net.cube (timecapsule)

timeCAPsule is a visionary virtual social space. In it you articulate your visions & wishes in the form of a dialogue with other anonymous users, asking and answering questions on utopian & dystopian alternate future, politics and ethics, idealism and nihilism ideologies, etc. By straining your imagination to foresee distant future and by expressing your mind you are encapsulating your current thoughts on future events in a timeCAPsule, which wraps around a constellation of ideas.

After your login, you are invited to answer the first of the questions, by which you are unlocking every respective theme. Whilst you submit your answer, you can ask a question to another user, and keep that thread of thoughts in mind (and in your mailbox). Take care of your #userlink; you should save it till the timeCAPsule opens up, June 2042.

Timecapsule is still under construction and was funded through the net.cube project.

Net.cube started in January 2015 as part of the Centre for Drama Art programme to establish the conditions for Internet art projects and to encourage local Internet art production, its contextualization and mapping, as well as the communication among the interested parties. Therefore, the project is realized two-fold – as an Internet gallery and as a discursive programme with parallel research.

The title of the project refers to pioneer online art attempts by net artists from the 1990’s, on the one hand, and on the other, the name refers to the modernist white cube of a gallery whose limitations and specificities are contextualized within cyberspace.

Virtual galleries are the result of the immaterialness of their location, that is, the immaterialness of the Internet. The Internet determines codes, language and modes of production, representation, mediation, documentation and archiving of artworks. In such a context, the way in which artworks react to the Internet surroundings as the World Wide Web of all webs - the public, academic, military, corporate, commercial networks, all intertwined by telecommunication technology ranging from hundred-year-old telephone cables to optic and satellite communications – is important. What are the particular conditions of cyberspace in which a work of art operates? What language does it take on and is there subversive leeway? How do hacking and art crossover and support each other?

The project focuses on the deconstruction of the “white cube”, that is, it creates an online gallery which will be attached to the idea of material, physical gallery space in some segments. What has to stand out are the aspects of the white cube in cyberspace, as well as ways in which it becomes more flexible and accessible under the influence of the Internet as an integral part of its surroundings. The issue is how the invisible walls of an Internet gallery add value to the exhibits. Given that the context determines the content to a large extent, after all, the medium is the message, according to McLuhan, a piece of Internet art presented in a virtual gallery actually defines the gallery and its rules. By exploring the analogy between the “white cube” and cyberspace, there will be an attempt to analyse whether Internet art only includes the transformation of traditional discourse, rather than innovation (of the language of art), as defined by Lev Manovich.

Curators: Irena Borid, Martina Kontošid and Renata Šparada

Supported by Kultura Nova Foundation, Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sports and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. http://www.netdotcube.org/

Slikovne kondenzacije

Visual condenzations are an interdisciplinary workshop with an aim to share knowledge about free tools such as import.io(for web scraping and data structuring), ImageJ (for image editing and analysis) and ImagePlot. With the aid of softtware such as import.io, wget, etc. we acquire data and objects which are then formatted as unique visual representations with ImageJ and ImagePlot (software for vizualuzation and sample exploration in large image collections).

This method generates a hybrid intersection between subjective / author practice and exact analytics and organization. The reslult of the experiment is a 2D visualisation genereted by objective data categorization that provides insight into patterns of cultural trends and processes, with emphasis on visual culture. http://2015.dan-d.info/dina-karadzic-i-vedran-gligo-slikovne-kondenzacije-import-io-i-imagejimageplot/


Glitch /Databend is a series of three public lectures accompanied by free workshops and an exhibition about the techniques and application of databending, on the crossroads of visual and computer culture.

By reading and writing digital art, we will present the process of modification, reintepretation and the introduction of structural defects into digital files thus creating works with new aesthetic properties and deepening the understanding of modern digital media.

Events took place in three parts: [I_image files] organized by the Association of Orlando Youth in Dubrovnik in September, [II_video] in Zagreb in space Hacklab01 early October, and [III_expo] in Osijek in art organization Format , during November 2015. http://glitch-databend.tumblr.com/