A Glossary for IWGS (Auto-Generated)

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A Glossary for IWGS (Auto-Generated) A Glossary for IWGS (Auto-Generated) Michael Kohlhase Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg https://kwarc.info/kohlhase July 1, 2021 Preface This document contains an English glossary for the course Informatische Werkzeuge in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (IWGS). It is automatically generated from the sources of the IWGS course notes and should be up-to-date with the course progress. The glossary contains definitions for all technical terms used in the course, both theones defined in the course, as well as the ones presupposed. The latter should be relatively few,since IWGS is intended as a beginner’s course. 1 1 Glossary for IWGS Given a description logic D, a D-ontology consists of D-ontology–a terminology (or TBox): concepts and roles and a set of concept axioms that describe them, and – assertions (or ABox): a set of individuals and statements about concept membership and role relationships for them. To make the role of arguments extremely clear, we write functions in λ-notation. For f = f(x; E) j x 2 Xg, where E is an expression, we write λx 2 X:E. n n-dim Cartesianλ-notation space n-dim Cartesian space: A := fha1; : : : ; ani j 1≤i≤n ) ai 2 Ag, call ha1; : : : ; ani a vector n-dimensional Cartesian space An n-dimensional Cartesian product A1 × ::: × An is called a n-dimensional Cartesian space n n over A (and denoted A ) iff Ai = A for some set A for all i. We call ha1; : : : ; ani 2 A a vector. n-fold Cartesian product Let A := fAi j 1≤i≤ng be a collection of sets, then the n-fold Cartesian product A1 × ::: × An is fha1; : : : ; ani j ai 2 Ai for all 1≤i≤ng, we call ha1; : : : ; ani 2 A1 × ::: × An an n-tuple. n is called the dimension of A1 × ::: × An. n-fold Cartesian product n-fold Cartesian product: A1 × ::: × An := fha1; : : : ; ani j 8 i 1≤i≤n ) ai 2 Aig, call ha1; : : : ; ani an n-tuple n-fold composition We write the n-fold composition of the relation R as Rn and define it by R1 := R and Ri + 1 := fS ◦ R j S 2 Rig n-tuple Defined along with n-fold Cartesian product n-tuple Defined along with n-fold Cartesian product p-closure Let p be a properties and R ⊆ A × B a relation, then we call the smallest (in terms of the ⊆) relation R0 ⊇ R that has property p the p-closure of R. p-closure Let p be one of the properties above and R be a relation, then we call the smallest relation ⊇ R0R (in terms of the ⊆) that has property p the p-closure of R. ABox Defined along with terminology ABox Defined along with ontology ABox Defined along with D-ontology ADT See abstract data type AI See Artificial Intelligence AI Defined along with Artificial Intelligence AI See Artificial Intelligence AJAX JSON is for JavaScript as (nested) dictionaries are for python. – The browser can directly read JSON and use it via JavaScript. – AJAX =b JavaScript can query the backend for JSON data to update parts of the ;DOM.(lightweight interaction) 2 AJAX See Ajax ALU Defined along with central processing unit API See application programming interface Ajax Ajax, (also AJAX; short for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”) is a set of client-side techniques for creating asynchronous web applications. American Standard Code for Information Interchange The American Standard Code for Information Interchange( ASCII) is a character code that assigns characters to numbers 0-127 Code ···0 ···1 ···2 ···3 ···4 ···5 ···6 ···7 ···8 ···9 ···A ···B ···C ···D ···E ···F 0··· NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 1··· DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 2··· !"#$%&’()*+,-./ 3··· 0123456789:;<=>? 4··· @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO 5··· PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ 6··· ‘abcdefghijklmno 7··· p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multinational treaty on interna- tional standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence(AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence(AI) is a sub-field of Computer Science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior. Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence(AI) studies how we can make the computer do things that humans can still do better at the moment. Berne convention The Berne convention process is a series of international treaties that try to harmonize internationalIP laws. It started with the original Berne convention 1886 and went through revision in 1896, 1908, 1914, 1928, 1948, 1967, 1971, and 1979. Boolean Defined along with integer CC provision The CC licenses stipulate that (cf. http://www.creativecommons.org) – Creators retain the copyright on their works. – Creators license their works to the world with under the CC provisions: +/- attribuition(must reference the author) +/- commercial use(can be restricted) +/- derivative works(can allow modification) +/- share alike(copyleft)(modifications must be donated back) CIDOC CRM CIDOC CRM provides an extensible ontology for concepts and information in cultural heritage and museum documentation. It is the international standard (ISO 21127:2014) for the controlled exchange of cultural heritage information. The central classes include – space-time specified by title/identifier, place, era/period, time-span, and relationship to persistent items – events specified by title/identifier, beginning/ending of existence, participants (people, either individually or in groups), creation/modification of things (physical or concep- tional), and relationship to persistent items 3 – material things specified by title/identifier, place, the information object the material thing carries, part-of relationships, and relationship to persistent items – immaterial things specified by title/identifier, information objects (propositional or symbolic), conceptional things, and part-of relationships CLI See command-line interface CMS See content management system CPU See central processing unit CS See computer science CWA See closed world assumption Cartesian product The Cartesian product of an arbitrary (possibly infinite) indexed family of sets is defined Q S as i2I Xi := ff : I ! i2I Xi j f(i) 2 Xig. Cartesian product Cartesian product: A × B := f(a; b) j a 2 A ^ b 2 Bg, call (a; b) pair. Cascading Style Sheets The Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), is a style sheet language that allows authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts, colors, and spacing) to HTML and XML documents. Content MathML Defined along with Mathematics Markup Language Creative Commons license The Creative Commons licenses are – a common legal vocabulary for sharing content – to create a kind of “public domain” using licensing – presented in three layers (human/lawyer/machine)-readable DAG We will sometimes use the abbreviation DAG for “directed acyclic graph”. DAG Defined along with cyclic DBMS See database management system DDL See data definition language DELETE Defined along with method DOM See document object model DTM Defined along with nondeterministic Turing machine DUPLICATE Defined along with issue number ERD See entity relationship diagram EU directive A EU directive is a legal act of the European Union which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. EU regulation A EU regulation is a legal act of the European Union that becomes immediately enforceable as law in all member states simultaneously. Erlangen CRM/OWL Erlangen CRM/OWL implements CIDOC CRM in OWL Extensible Markup Language See XML FAIR Research data should be FAIR: 4 – Findable: easy to identify and find for both humans and computers, e.g. with metadata that facilitate searching for specific datasets, – Accessible: stored for long term so that they can easily be accessed and/or downloaded with well-defined access conditions, whether at the level of metadata, or at thelevelof the actual data, – Interoperable: ready to be combined with other datasets by humans or computers, without ambiguities in the meanings of terms and values, – Reusable: ready to be used for future research and to be further processed using com- putational methods. Consensus in the research data community; for details see [FAIR; WilDumAal:FAIR16]. FIXED Defined along with issue number FLOSS See Free/Libre/Open-Source Software Free/Libre/Open-Source Software Free/Libre/Open-Source Software(FLOSS or just open source) is software that is and licensed via licenses that ensure that its source code is available. GDPR See General Data Protection Regulation GET Defined along with method GFM See GitHub flavored markdown GIT flow [gitflow:url] suggests GIT flow, which includes: – A main branch called main that all other branches merge into. – New functionality is developed “feature-by-feature” on feature branches. – A development branch (usually called devel) that integrates all feature branches and is merged into master once the integrated functionality is stable. – (possibly) release branches for every release; they collect bugfixes, but no new features. GND But there are some sources that are useful – the GND(Gemeinsame Normdatei[ GND:on]), an authority file for personal/corporate names and keywords from literary catalogs, – geonames[ geonames:on], a geographical database with more than 25M names and locations – Wikipedia Gemeinsame Normdatei See GND General Data Protection Regulation The General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) is a EU regulation created in 2016 to harmonize information privacy regulations within Europe. The GDPR applies to data controllers, i.e organizations that process personal data of EU citizens (the data subjects). It sanctions violations to GDPR mandates with substantial punishments – up to 20Me or 4% of annual worldwide turnover. General Public License The General Public License (GPL) is a copyleft license for FLOSS software originally writ- ten by Richard Stallman in 1989.

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