IQE: A tale of two JVs This research report was completed and first distributed at 5pm GMT on Friday 8 December 2017 Author: Matthew Earl - Managing Partner ShadowFall Capital & Research LLP Research Recommendation Disclaimer and Disclosures: Please note this final research report was completed and first distributed at 5pm GMT on Friday 8 December 2017. All information was up to date as of this date. Contact:
[email protected] Author: Matthew Earl - Managing Partner ShadowFall Capital & Research LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This research report, which contains an implicit research recommendation, has been produced by ShadowFall Capital & Research LLP (“ShadowFall”), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom (firm reference number 782080). This research report has been produced exclusively by Matthew Earl who is the managing partner of ShadowFall (the “author”). The report is for your sole use and provided to you subject to legal terms which must be adhered to at all times. This final research report was completed and distributed at 5pm GMT on Friday 8 December 2017. ShadowFall has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that factual information in this research report is true and accurate. However, where such factual information is derived from publicly available sources ShadowFall has relied on the accuracy of those sources. All statements of opinion contained in the research report are based on ShadowFall’s own assessment based on information available to it. That information may not be complete or exhaustive. No representation is made or warranty given as to the accuracy, completeness, achievability or reasonableness of such statements of opinion.