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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Communication

First confirmed sightings of Blue Whales musculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Cetartiodactyla: Balaenopteridae) in the Philippines since the 19th century

Jo Marie Vera Acebes, Joshua Neal Silberg, Timothy John Gardner, Edna Rex Sabater, Angelico Jose Cavada Tiongson, Patricia Dumandan, Diana Maria Margarita Verdote, Christne Louise Emata, Jean Utzurrum & Arnel Andrew Yaptnchay

26 March 2021 | Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Pages: 17875–17888 DOI: 10.11609/jot.6483.13.3.17875-17888

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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) PLATINUM OPEN ACCESS htps://

#6483 | Received 29 July 2020 | Final received 23 December 2020 | Finally accepted 19 February 2021 COMMUNICATION

First confrmed sightngs of Blue Whales Balaenoptera musculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Cetartodactyla: Balaenopteridae) in the Philippines since the 19th century

Jo Marie Vera Acebes 1 , Joshua Neal Silberg 2 , Timothy John Gardner 3 , Edna Rex Sabater 4 , Angelico Jose Cavada Tiongson 5 , Patricia Dumandan6 , Diana Maria Margarita Verdote7 , Christne Louise Emata 8 , Jean Utzurrum 9 & Arnel Andrew Yaptnchay 10

1,2,3,6,7 BALYENA.ORG, Paseo del Mar, Brgy. Pangdan, Jagna 6308, Bohol, Philippines. 1 Zoology Division, Natonal Museum of the Philippines, Padre Burgos Drive, Rizal Park, Manila 1000, Philippines. 2 LAMAVE (Large Marine Vertebrates Insttute Philippines), Tejero, Jagna 6308, Bohol, Philippines. 4 210 F.W. Olin Bldg, Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences, Florida Insttute of Technology, 150 W University Blvd, Melbourne FL 32901 USA. 4,5,8,9 Silliman University, Insttute of Environmental and Marine Sciences, Brgy, Bantayan, Dumaguete City 6200, Negros Oriental, Philippines. 10 Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines, 2108 Volta St., Makat City 1234, Philippines. 1 [email protected] (corresponding author), 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], 4 [email protected], 5 [email protected], 6 [email protected], 7 [email protected], 8 [email protected], 9 [email protected], 10 [email protected]

Abstract: For over two centuries there were no records of Blue Whales Balaenoptera musculus in the Philippines. Whalers recorded Blue Whales in the Philippines in the 19th century, and the next confrmed sightng in the country was of a mother and calf in 2004. Since then 33 subsequent sightngs of potentally one individual were recorded between 2004 and 2019, all within the central region of the Philippines around the Bohol Sea. This individual, recognized through photo-identfcaton, was sighted on at least 13 occasions during eight diferent years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The geographic locaton and tming of the sightngs (January to July) suggest that Blue Whales in the Philippines may extend the outer range edge of the Indo-Australian populaton that migrate between western Australia, Indonesia, and East Timor. Blue Whale sightngs in the Bohol Sea coincide with tmes of high ocean productvity, although further investgaton is needed to determine if they are actually feeding in this region. Acoustc studies and photo-identfcaton matching with other Blue Whale catalogues will clarify the stock identty of Blue Whales in the Philippines and their relaton to the rest of the Blue Whale populaton, with implicatons for the conservaton of this endangered species across multple jurisdictons. Keywords: Bohol Sea, photo-identfcaton, survey.

Editor: Anonymity requested. Date of publicaton: 26 March 2021 (online & print) Citaton: Acebes, J.M.V., J.N. Silberg, T.J. Gardner, E.R. Sabater, A.J.C. Tiongson, P. Dumandan, D.M.M. Verdote, C.L. Emata, J. Utzurrum & A.A. Yaptnchay (2021). First confrmed sightngs of Blue Whales Balaenoptera musculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Cetartodactyla: Balaenopteridae) in the Philippines since the 19th century. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(3): 17875–17888. htps:// Copyright: © Acebes et al. 2021. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton. Funding: The Natonal Geographic Society, EC-54888C-18; Society for Conservaton Biology; BALYENA.ORG; U.S. Fulbright Program; Ocean Park Conservaton Foundaton - Hong Kong, FH01_11/12, 2011/12 (JNS); Ruford Small Grants Foundaton RSGF Grant Number: 53.02.10 and 21574-2; Ocean Park Conservaton Foundaton - Hong Kong, MM08.1011, 2010/11 (ERS); Condura Run for the Dolphins (2012); SU-IEMS. Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests. For Filipino abstract, Author details, Author contributon and Acknowledgements see end of this artcle.

17875 J TT Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. INTRODUCTION than B.m. intermedia (Jeferson et al. 2015). Populatons of Blue Whales can also be separated Blue Whales Balaenoptera musculus Linnaeus, acoustcally into at least 10 distnct populatons (Rankin 1758 are currently classifed as Endangered by the et al. 2005; McDonald et al. 2006, 2009; Staford et al. Internatonal Union for the Conservaton of Nature 2011; Širović et al. 2018). The Philippines lie on the edge (IUCN) (Cooke 2018), and sightngs in the Philippines of the North Indian, Southeast Indian, North Pacifc, and are rare. Although historical data suggests Blue Whales Southern Ocean acoustcally-recognized populatons. occurred in Philippine waters (Acebes 2014), their The central Indian Ocean populaton (B.m. indica), presence was not reported between the end of the is found in highest concentratons around Sri Lanka and 19th century (1870) and 2004. Stories from fshers from appears to be resident in nature (de Vos et al. 2012, 2016), Bohol suggest sightngs of mother-calf pairs in the early while at least some individuals from the Southeast Indian 1990s (Jo Marie V. Acebes pers. comm. 8.xi.2011). While populaton (currently identfed as B.m. brevicauda) a whale skull of unknown source labeled “Blue Whale” undergo migratons from western Australia to Indonesia, was once displayed on the grounds of a village town hall arriving by June (Branch et al. 2007b; Double et al. in Lila, Bohol, the evidence of Blue Whale occurrence 2014). North Pacifc B.m. musculus are recognized as at in the 20th century remains anecdotal (Acebes 2013). least two acoustcally separate populatons, the eastern The frst confrmed documentaton of a Blue Whale in North Pacifc populaton (ENP) and western North Pacifc the Philippines occurred when a mother and calf were populaton (WNP), with almost none sighted south of flmed of Pamilacan Island in the Bohol Sea in February northeastern Japan for decades (McDonald et al. 2006, 2004 (Dolar & Sabater 2012; Acebes 2014). The 2009; Branch et al. 2019). The western North Pacifc was initally thought to be a Bryde’s Whale Balaenoptera Blue Whales were historically hunted as far south as edeni Anderson, 1879, but was subsequently identfed Taiwan (Tomilin 1957; Staford et al. 2001; Wang et al. as a Blue Whale (Acebes 2006). Photographs of a baleen 2001), but were virtually extrpated from the southern whale seen in the same area in May 2004 were also part of their range, including southern Japan (Natonal confrmed to be a Blue Whale (Sabater 2005). These Marine Fisheries Service 1998; Clapham et al. 1999; sightngs were brief and no detailed informaton on the Gilpatrick & Perryman 2008). Southern Ocean B.m. animal and its behavior were recorded. intermedia remain south of 52°S during the austral With such a gap in tme between records, the summer, but their acoustc song is heard throughout the subspecies and populaton of the Blue Whale seen in Southern Hemisphere in the winter months (Staford et 2004 was unclear. There are four recognized subspecies al. 2004, 2011; Rankin et al. 2005; McDonald et al. 2006, of Blue Whale (Commitee on Taxonomy 2019); however, 2009; Branch et al. 2007b; Samaran et al. 2013, 2019; many authorites do not recognize the northern Indian Shabangu et al. 2019). The Philippines is geographically Ocean subspecies Balaenoptera musculus indica (Blyth, situated between the known ranges of B.m. brevicauda, 1859) as separate from Pygmy Blue Whales Balaenoptera B.m. indica, and B.m. musculus subspecies, but is musculus brevicauda (Ichihara, 1966) because of a lack of closest to the Southeast Indian Ocean populaton of morphological diferences (Branch et al. 2007b; Branch B.m. brevicauda. Since sub-specifc taxonomy remains & Mikhalev 2008; Jeferson et al. 2015). Antarctc Blue unresolved (Cooke 2018) (See Fig. 1), we consider all Whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia Burmeister, Blue Whale sightngs here to be B. musculus sp. 1871) are restricted to Antarctc waters south of 60°S We describe all documented encounters with Blue and are morphologically and genetcally distnct from Whales in the Philippines since 2004. We investgate the other subspecies (Rice 1998; Kato et al. 2002; Branch et distributon and ecology of Blue Whales in the Philippines al. 2007a,b; LeDuc et al. 2007; Branch & Mikhalev 2008; by reviewing the tming and locaton of these sightngs Branch et al. 2009). Balaenoptera musculus musculus and examining the behavior of encountered, (Linnaeus, 1758) are found only in the Northern and photographically identfying the whales to initate a Hemisphere and, while longer and heavier than B.m. photo-identfcaton catalogue for the country. indica and B.m. brevicauda, are stll shorter and lighter

Abbreviatons: ENP—Eastern North Pacifc | GPS—Geographic Positoning System | IUCN—Internatonal Union for the Conservaton of Nature | LAMAVE—Large Marine Vertebrates Insttute Philippines | PCBs—Polychlorinated Biphenyls | SHBWP—Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Photo- ID | SLR—Single Lens Refex | SU-IEMS—Silliman University - Insttute of Environmental and Marine Sciences | SWIMS-HK—Swire Insttute of Marine Science of the University of Hong Kong | WNP—Western North Pacifc.

17876 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. J TT



Figure 1. Known geographic ranges of blue whales in relaton to the Philippines: A—shows the locaton of the Philippines in relaton to the known geographic ranges of blue whale populatons | B—shows the map of the Philippines and the locaton of the Bohol Sea | C—shows the Bohol Sea in the Central Visayas region of the Philippines.

Figure 2. Study site in the Bohol Sea with areas surveyed marked with polygons with diagonal lines.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 17877 J TT Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 1. Survey efort of diferent research groups from 2010 to 2019.

Research Group Survey period No. of Days Study site iii.2010 1 The primary study site was the Bohol Sea, also iv.2010 2 known as the Mindanao Sea (Fig. 2). The Bohol Sea is located in the central Philippines (9˚N & 124˚E) and is v.2010 8 surrounded by the island of Bohol in the north, southern 1 Leyte in the east, and northwestern Mindanao in the iv.2011 4 south. It covers 29,000km² and measures 270km east v.2011 3 to west (Indab & Suarez-Aspilla 2004; Green et al. 2004). vi.2011 7 LAMAVE Located in the centre of the Philippine archipelago, the iii.2012 4

Bohol Sea connects to the Sulu Sea to the west and iv.2012 2

to the Pacifc Ocean in the east. Because the Bohol v.2012 13

Sea has a relatvely short contnental shelf, there is vi.2012 2 considerable pelagic ocean habitat close to the shores iv.2013 4 of the surrounding islands — distnctve bathymetric v.2013 11 conditons that contribute to deep water upwelling and associated high primary productvity (Cabrera et vi.2013 6 al. 2011; Gordon et al. 2011), and are similar to regions TOTAL 68 favored by Blue Whales of California and Australia. vi.2010 2 Cetaceans in the Bohol Sea are relatvely understudied x.2010 4 compared to cetaceans in other areas of the Philippines, xi.2010 10 owing to the sea’s large area. Confrmed sightngs of B. iv.2011 15

musculus sp. in the Philippines since 2004 have all been v.2011 8 SU-IEMS in the Bohol Sea region. x.2011 2

iii.2012 2 Sightng reports review iv.2012 6 We collected and reviewed reports of sightngs v.2014 5 of Blue Whales and other large baleen whales in local news and social media, and examined photographs and vi.2014 4 videos to verify the species by looking for distnctve TOTAL 58 characteristcs. Other photos and videos of large baleen 18–25.v.2015 9 whales submited to the authors were included when 19–27.v.2016 9 quality was sufcient to verify that it was a Blue Whale. 19–27.v.2017 9 We counted separate encounters of the same individual 19 & 21.vii.2017 2 whale on one day as a single sightng. 26—29.i.2018 4

Blue Whales were morphologically distnguished 23.v– 10

from other baleen whales through several distnctve BALYENA.ORG 10–12.iii.2019 3 characteristcs: 1) the “splash guard” or the prominent 16—18.iii.2019 3 feshy ridge anterior to the blowhole; 2) the large, 26—28.iii.2019 3 broad, U-shaped head; 3) the relatvely small dorsal fn positoned far back on the body; and 4) the motled 15–17.iv.2019 3 pigmentaton in light and dark shades of gray found 23–26.iv.2019 4 dorsoventrally along the body of the animal except the 21–27.v.2019 7 head and fuke (Sears 2002). Out at sea on a calm day 22.vii.2019 1 from a distance, a Blue Whale projects a tall, dense, TOTAL 67 broad blow which can also be used to distnguish it from SWIMS-HKU 25.v.2016 1 the Fin Whale Balaenoptera physalus Linnaeus, 1758. TOTAL 1

Small vessel-based surveys Small vessel surveys were conducted in the Bohol

17878 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. J TT Sea between 2010 and 2019 by four diferent research Photographic identfcaton groups (described further below, for a summary see We used 35mm digital single lens refex (SLR) Table 1 and Fig. 2). In all surveys, cetacean encounters cameras with 70–400 mm zoom lenses. We photo- were documented by recording the species, pod identfed the animals using standard techniques used compositon, number, and behaviour. We used a for Blue Whales (Sears 1990; Calambokidis & Barlow handheld Geographic Positoning System (GPS) to record 2004; Gendron & De La Cruz 2012). We photographed the locaton of sightngs. We photographed all cetacean both sides of the fank from a perpendicular angle, species encountered, and estmated the sizes of animals and included the dorsal fn as a point of reference. As using known boat length, when possible. much as possible, we photographed the entre fank The Insttute of Environmental & Marine Sciences of of the animal in one sequence as the whale rounded Silliman University (SU-IEMS) conducted systematc line- out to dive. We also photographed the head and transect surveys using the distance sampling technique fuke. We used photographs of the fuke as part of the (Buckland et al. 2001), between June 2010 and June identfcaton whenever possible. Photographs were 2014 in the northwestern Bohol Sea using 20m long considered good for photo-identfcaton based on the outrigger boats (See Table 1 and Fig. 2). Equal-distance sharpness of the image, the lightng and if the image was zigzag design was followed. Transect legs were 20–25 large enough for the markings to be clearly seen (Sears km in length, 10km apart at the base, covering an area 1990). We compared good quality photographs taken of 766km². This survey was strategically developed to of Blue Whales encountered with the BALYENA.ORG investgate cetacean distributon and abundance in the catalogue, and conducted an informal comparison with study area over tme. Geographe Bay and New Zealand photos included in the The Large Marine Vertebrates Insttute Philippines Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Photo-ID (SHBWP) (LAMAVE) conducted non-systematc, non-random Catalogue (e.g., Gallet-Vernazzani et al. 2019), which surveys in the northeastern Bohol Sea and the area included lef-side comparisons with 74 images (Chandra around Pamilacan Island using 7–10 m long outrigger Salgado-Kent pers. comm. 13.iv.2019). boats. The primary objectve of these surveys was to photo-identfy Melon-headed Whales Peponocephala electra (Gray, 1846), hence the search patern was set RESULTS to maximize these sightngs by searching between three and 25km from shore across depths ranging between Reported sightngs in local news and social media 200 and 2,000 m. In additon, if there were local reports A total of 23 Blue Whale sightngs were reported of large whales in the area, a survey was conducted as since 2004 based on reports in the local news and soon as possible. social media (Table 2). All reports were verifed by BALYENA.ORG conducted strip transect surveys in examining the photographs or videos. Although all the the northern Bohol Sea from Anda in the East to Valencia photographs and videos examined were adequate for in the West, including the area around Pamilacan Island species identfcaton, only one was suitable for photo- using an 18–20 m long outrigger boat from 2015 to identfcaton. 2019 (see Table 1 for details). The transect lines were Ten sightngs occurred in the area of Pamilacan set at 1km from the coastline, radiatng fve to 6km Island, while three occurred of Panglao Island, both out and were approximately 1km apart. Opportunistc in the province of Bohol (Fig. 3). Two sightngs were surveys were conducted in July 2017, January 2018, and observed of the southern point of Sogod Bay in the March 2019 around Pamilacan Island when Blue Whale province of Southern Leyte at the far eastern edge sightngs were reported. of the Bohol Sea. One sightng was from Oslob in An opportunistc survey was conducted by a southwestern Cebu, directly south-east of Bohol. Five team from the Swire Insttute of Marine Science of sightngs occurred of the coast of Dauin and Dumaguete the University of Hong Kong (SWIMS-HKU) along the in southwestern Negros Oriental, and an additonal two southern coast of Negros Oriental in May 2016 afer sightngs were reported from Sipalay and Hinoba-an receiving reports of a sightng of a Blue Whale in the along the southwestern shore of Negros Occidental. area. An infatable rubber boat about fve to 7m long All sightngs were of a solitary animal except for the with a 25hp engine was used to survey along the coast frst sightng in 2004, which was of a mom and calf. No about one to two kilometres from shore. detailed descripton of the behaviour was recorded because almost all sightngs were made by tourists who

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 17879 J TT Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al.

Table 2. Confrmed sightngs of blue whales in the Philippines from 2004 to 2019.

Date sighted Reported sightngs Locaton Estmated size (m) Group compositon

ii.2004 Sports Unlimited (local TV crew) Pamilacan Island - Mother and calf Pet Digdigan & Virginia 1.v.2004 Pamilacan Island - single Montgomery 20.v.2008 Eulo Valeroso east of Pamilacan Island - single Two nautcal miles from Napantao, 12.iii.2010 Louise Dixon - single east of Sogod Bay, So. Leyte GMA Born-To-Be-Wild (local TV 14.iii.2011 Pamilacan Island 25–30m single crew) Between Panglao Island and 24.v.2015 Suzete Pepito - single Balicasag Island iii.2016 Jojo Baritua Pamilacan Island - single

3.iv.2016 - Oslob, Cebu - single

13–14.iv.2016 Nemesia Pingkian Pamilacan Island - single

28.iv.2016 Justn Jordan Reloj Padre Burgos, So. Leyte - single Canday-ong, Dumaguete, Negros 17.v.2016 Danny Ocampo - single Oriental 20.v.2016 Joseph Jasper Acay Panglao Island - single

23.v.2016 Lyka Marie Abella Dauin, Negros Oriental - single GB Aguilar, Harold Biglete, Judalyn San Miguel, Bacong-Dumaguete 24–26.v.2016 - single Flores Partlow City, Negros Oriental 29.v.2016 - Sipalay, Negros Occidental - single - Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental - single

18.vii.2017 Manong Sonny of Pamilacan Island - single

11.viii.2017 Rico Ramos 5km of Dauin, Negros Oriental - single

1–5.iii.2018 Jojo Baritua of Pamilacan Island - single

3.iii.2018 Jojo Baritua Cervera shoal, west of Pamilacan - single

12–18.iii.2018 Jojo Baritua of Pamilacan Island - single

22.iii.2018 Zita Lin of southern coast of Panglao - single

10.iii.2019 Vanela Grace Torres of Dauin, Negros Oriental - single

Survey sightngs LAMAVE 9.47835N & 123.94426E 22m single

29.iii.2012 LAMAVE Pamilacan Island 19m single

25.v.2015 BALYENA.ORG 09.51238N & 124.11468E 22m single

25.v.2016 SWIMS-HKU 09.26222N & 123.32779E 20–21m single

19.vii.2017 BALYENA.ORG 9.53003N & 123.8391E less than 30m single

21.vii.2017 BALYENA.ORG 9.469N & 123.85447E less than 30m single

26.i.2018 BALYENA.ORG 9.516725N & 123.90106E Under 30m single

27.i.2018 BALYENA.ORG 9.47678N & 123.88336E Under 30m single

29.i.2018 BALYENA.ORG 9.54751N & 123.91459E Under 30m single

29.i.2018 BALYENA.ORG 9.5594N & 123.93287E Under 30m single

26.iii.2019 BALYENA.ORG 9.46154N & 123.87368E 19–20m single

happened to be on a boat passing the area. According The longest, almost contnuous sightng of an to the local TV crew that documented the encounter individual Blue Whale in the Philippines was in 2016, with a Blue Whale in March 2011, the whale excreted a over 19 days from May to June along the southern coasts reddish-brown liquid twice while they were following it. of Negros Oriental and Occidental. Tracking the sightng The whale was estmated to have a dive interval of 15 to locatons within this period seems to indicate that the 20 minutes. whale was moving northwest, exitng the Bohol Sea and

17880 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. J TT

Figure 3. Point locatons of blue whale sightngs from surveys and sightngs. Red circles are sightngs from vessel surveys while green crosses are from reported sightngs. traveling towards the Sulu Sea, as it was last sighted of on 25 May 2015 during the 2015 dedicated survey, but the southwestern coast of Negros Occidental. no Blue Whales were sighted during the subsequent 2016 to 2019 dedicated surveys (See Table 2). Following Sightngs from small vessel-based surveys reported Blue Whale sightngs of of Pamilacan Island, Eleven Blue Whale encounters were documented a Blue Whale was encountered on 19 and 21 July 2017; based on small vessel surveys between 2010 and 2019 26, 27, and 29 January 2018; and March 26, 2019 during (Table 2). All sightngs occurred in the area of Pamilacan opportunistc surveys. On 29 January 2018, a Blue Whale Island, Bohol (Fig. 3) except for the 25 May 2016 sightng was encountered twice, in the morning and afernoon. from the coast of Dumaguete City in southern Negros On 25 May 2016, a large whale sightng was reported Oriental. of Dauin, Negros Oriental. A team from SWIMS-HKU LAMAVE conducted surveys in 2010, 2011, 2012, headed southeast along the coast of Dumaguete City and 2013. In 2010, 12 survey days were conducted and was able to locate the animal about 2km from between March and June. In 2011, 14 survey days shore and confrmed the species as Blue Whale. The were conducted from April to June. In 2012, 21 survey team followed it for one hour and 11 minutes as it days were conducted from March to June. In 2013, 21 moved up and down the coast of Bacong town and survey days were conducted from April to June. During Dumaguete City before eventually losing the animal due all surveys, a Blue Whale was encountered twice—June to unfavorable conditons. The whale was sighted again 2010 and March 2012 (Table 2). several hours later as close as 900m from shore. The SU-IEMS surveys were conducted in June 2010, whale was observed milling. October-November 2010, April-May 2011, October All individuals ft the descripton of ‘pygmy’ Blue 2011, March-April 2012, and May-June 2014. The total Whales by Kato et al. (2002) based on the body shape, efort was 58 survey days covering 766km² of the area. coloraton, dorsal hump, and blowhole morphology. No Blue Whales were encountered in any of the surveys The individual encountered in June 2010, May 2015, and but other balaenopterids were seen. May 2016 was estmated to be 20 to 22 m long, while the The BALYENA.ORG surveys were conducted from individual encountered in 2012 and 2019 was estmated 2015 to 2019 for a total of 67 combined dedicated to be 19 to 20 m. The diference in size estmaton is strip-transect and opportunistc survey days. Dedicated most likely due to the subjectvity of observers. strip-transect surveys during 61 days covered 1,191km² All Blue Whales encountered during the surveys were of area (Figure 2). A Blue Whale sightng was recorded solitary. The whale encountered on 29 March 2012 was

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 17881 J TT Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. associated with Spinner Dolphins Stenella longirostris. Based on comparison of the photographs of the lef side At all encounters, except in May 2016, the whale of the Blue Whales encountered it was found that the appeared to be restng. When approached, the whale same individual was photo-identfed on 11 June 2010, swam away or dove, resurfacing a hundred meters away 29 March 2012, 25 May 2015, 25 May 2016, and 21 July or more from the research boat. In 2015, the whale’s 2017 (Image 1). Closer examinaton of the photographs surface interval was brief. Two or so breathing bouts of the lef side of the dorsal fn of the blue whale were observed, followed by a dive, and the whale would encountered in 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019 resurface 500m or more away from the boat afer the revealed an identcal semi-circular indentaton, which completon of its dive. In 2018, surface intervals were further confrmed the identfcaton (Image 2). A good for approximately one to fve minutes, with about 10–15 photograph of the ventral side of the fuke of the Blue breathing bouts, and the whale resurfaced 500 or more Whale encountered in May 2015, May 2016, January meters away afer the completon of its dive. In 2019, 2018, March 2018, and March 2019 was also taken. the surface interval was longer at approximately nine to Examinaton of the fuke photos revealed identcal ten minutes, with about 10–14 breathing bouts. notches on the lef and right sides of the tp of the fuke of all whales photographed (Image 3). Results show that Photographic identfcaton all 13 sightngs of Blue Whales in eight diferent years The photograph of the lef fank of a Blue Whale taken were of the same individual. by the host of the local TV show on 2011 was compared with the photographs of the Blue Whale encountered during the survey in 2010 and 2015, and was confrmed DISCUSSION to be the same individual. Photographs of the lef and right side of the Blue Despite the eforts of four research groups with an Whale encountered in vessel-based surveys in 2010, accumulated efort of 194 days over 10 years between 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 were taken. the months of January and July, and between October

Image 1. Photographic identfcaton of the blue whale sighted in A—2016 © Angelico Tiongson | B—2011 © Ferdinand Recio | C—2017 © Maita Verdote | D—2015 © Jom Acebes | E—2012 © Josh Silberg | F—2010 © Jom Acebes, showing similar pigmentaton on the lef fank.

17882 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. J TT

Image 2. Lef side of the dorsal fn of the blue whale encountered in A—2015 © Jom Acebes | B—2016 © Angelico Tiongson | C—2017 © Maita Verdote | D—2012 © Josh Silberg | E—2010 © Jom Acebes | F—2019 © Angelico Tiongson, showing identcal semi-circular indentaton.

Image 3. Ventral side of the fuke of the blue whale encountered on A—3 March 2018 © Jojo Baritua | B—2019 © Angelico Tiongson | C—27 Jan. 2018 © Zerlina Leung | D—29 January 2018 © Kent Truog | E—2016 © Angelico Tiongson | F—2015 © Jom Acebes, showing identcal nicks or notches.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 17883 J TT Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. and November, covering a total area of approximately encountered Blue Whales (≤ 22m) falls within the 2,092km² of the northern Bohol Sea (Table 1 and Fig. maximum length of B.m. brevicauda (24.2 m) (Ichihara 2), there was a paucity of Blue Whale encounters. This 1966; Omura 1984). The Philippines may represent a suggests that the species is not common in the region; northward extension of the Australia/Indonesia stock. however, given the size of the area of the Bohol Sea, the This is highly likely as Blue Whales have been reported combined survey efort of these groups was probably in south-east Asian waters in southern Indonesia not sufcient to cover the possible area of occurrence between May and November (Kahn et al. 2000; Branch of the species. It must also be noted that most surveys et al. 2007b; Kahn 2007) and of Timor-Leste between were not conducted consistently during the same month September and November (Dethmers et al. 2012). within the same area each year, nor did they cover the In 2006, one animal stranded in Sabah, Malaysia entre month. (Ponnampalam 2012) suggestng that the stock range Although inconsistent, sightngs of Blue Whales in may extend farther north. Recent satellite telemetry the Bohol Sea are signifcant because they represent the studies indicate that Pygmy Blue Whales feeding of only area in the Philippines that this Endangered species western Australia migrate north to Indonesia, reaching has been sighted and photo-documented. Sightngs the northern end of their migraton by June (Double et reported and recorded during the surveys were between al. 2014). It also showed that the Banda and Molucca the months of January and July, with most sightngs Seas are potental breeding grounds based on the tming having occurred in May. This coincides with local of the movement of tagged Pygmy Blue Whales (Double ecological knowledge about the seasonal presence of et al. 2014). large marine vertebrates in the Bohol Sea. According to Other populatons of Blue Whales inhabit the Indian local fshers and residents, baleen whales come to the Ocean (Branch et al. 2007b). Acoustcal comparisons Bohol Sea between January and June with a peak from suggest that at least some of the Indian Ocean March to May (Acebes 2013). populatons migrate between Madagascar and Diego It is possible that baleen whales come to the Bohol Garcia and between the Maldives/Sri Lanka and Diego Sea to feed, as evidenced by their presence during the Garcia (Branch et al. 2007b). This acoustcal populaton months of high productvity and observatons of former has also been recorded of Crozet Island to the south whale hunters (Acebes 2013). Blue Whale feeding (Samaran et al. 2010) and of Angola in southwestern is ofen associated with coastal upwelling and other Africa (Cerchio et al. 2010; Figueiredo & Weir 2014). The oceanographic features (Fiedler et al. 1998; Palacios 2006 stranding in Sabah, Malaysia (Ponnampalam 2012) 1999; Gill 2002; Best et al. 2003; Etnoyer et al. 2004, could also have belonged to this populaton. While 2006; Croll & Marinovic 2005; Rennie et al. 2009). The north-south migraton has been noted within the Indian Bohol Sea’s connectons with deep basins, the Pacifc Ocean, no eastward migraton of Blue Whales has been Ocean to the east and the Sulu Sea in the west, give it recorded in the Andaman Sea, Malacca Strait, or Gulf of “unique circulaton and physicochemical propertes” Thailand. (Cabrera et al. 2011). Furthermore, the water Philippine Blue Whales may also belong to the movements—sea surface currents, formaton of eddies, mostly extrpated western North Pacifc stock owing to and entrainments—cause upwelling and brings seasonal its proximity to Taiwan. The most recent record of a variatons in productvity, food supply, and subsequently, Blue Whale in this region is a 20 m long carcass found fsh abundance in the Bohol Sea (Cabrera et al. 2011; on the beach of Taitung County, Taiwan on 25 January Gordon et al. 2011). 2020 (NAMR 2020). There are no other records of Some site fdelity exists, as evidenced by the re- sightngs of Blue Whales between Taiwan and the sightng of an individual Blue Whale 13 tmes between central Philippines. Blue Whale calls from the western 2010 and 2019. Only one mother-calf pair has been North Pacifc are diferent than those from the eastern recorded in the Philippines (See Table 2). The relatvely North Pacifc (Staford et al. 2001; Monnahan et al. 2014) low frequency of sightngs suggests the area is unlikely to with calls recorded least ofen in winter and spring, be a prominent breeding ground similar to the situaton suggestng a possible migraton. Both vocalizaton types in Chile (Hucke-Gaete et al. 2004). There are stll very were recorded in the central Pacifc (Staford et al. 2001) limited sightngs data to give any idea on the movements and have been noted from Midway Island (Northrup et or habitat-use of this Blue Whale in the Philippines. al. 1971). The populaton identty of Philippine Blue Whales It is important to gather additonal data on the species, remains unclear. The estmated size of all of the given the existng threats to cetaceans in the region such

17884 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al. J TT as the risk of entanglement with fshing gear and ship REFERENCES strike (Laist et al. 2001; NOAA 2009; de Vos et al. 2016), especially around the busy shipping lanes in the vicinity Acebes, J.M.V. (2006). Historical Whaling in the Philippines: Origins of Dumaguete City and Cebu, the third largest city in the of ‘indigenous subsistence whaling’, mapping whaling grounds and comparison with current known distributon. A fnal report Philippines. The Bohol Sea is one of the main fshing submited to the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Project, Conservaton grounds in the Central Visayas region (Green et al. 2004) Internatonal – Philippines and Mia J. Tegner Memorial Research where commercial and municipal fshing vessels may Grants in Marine Environmental History and Historical Marine Ecology, 75pp. potentally pose risk of gear entanglement to whales. Acebes, J.M.V. (2014). A History of Whaling in the Philippines: A Overfshing of high trophic level species in the Bohol Sea Glimpse of the Past and Current Distributon of Whales, pp. 83–105. (Lavides et al. 2010) may have unknown impacts to large In: Christensen, J. & M. Tull (eds.). Historical Perspectves of Fisheries Exploitaton in the Indo-Pacifc. MARE Publicaton Series, vol 12. whales in the region by reducing predaton on plankton- Springer, Dordrecht, 276pp. htps:// feeding fsh leading to increased competton for prey 8727-7_5 Acebes, J.M.V. (2013). Huntng ‘Big Fish’: A Marine Environmental resources. Other unassessed anthropogenic threats History of a Contested Fishery. PhD thesis. Murdoch University, in the area include noise associated with shipping and Western Australia, vii+393pp. seismic exploraton (Natonal Marine Fisheries Service Best, P.B., R.A. Rademeyer, C. Burton, D. Ljungblad, K. Sekiguchi, H. Shimada D. Thiele, D. Reeb & D.S. Buterworth (2003). The 1998; Di Iorio & Clark 2010; Melcón et al. 2012), abundance of blue whales on the Madagascar Plateau, December pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 1996. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 5: 253–260. organochlorines (Metcalfe et al. 2004), and unregulated Branch, T.A. & Y.A. Mikhalev (2008). Regional diferences in length at sexual maturity for female blue whales based on recovered Soviet dolphin and whale watching operatons. whaling data. Marine Science 24(3): 690–703. Blue Whales have been seen in the Philippines for Branch, T.A., E. Abubaker, S. Mkango & D. Buterworth (2007a). the frst-tme since the end of the 19th century. The re- Separatng southern blue whale subspecies based on length frequencies of sexually mature females. Marine Mammal Science sightng of a single animal on 13 occasions across eight 23: 803–833. htps:// years suggests potental site fdelity for at least certain Branch, T.A., K.M. Staford, D.M. Palacios, C. Allison, J.L. Bannister, individuals. Acoustc studies and increased photo- C.L.K. Burton, E. Cabrera, C.A. Carlson, B. Gallet Vernazzani, P.C. Gill, R. Hucke-Gaete, K.C.S. Jenner, M-N.M. Jenner, K. Matsuoka, identfcaton survey efort with matching with other Y.A. Mikhalev, T. Miyashita, M.G. Morrice, S. Nishiwaki, V.J. Blue Whale catalogues will help clarify the stock identty Sturrock, D. Tormosov, R.C. Anderson, A.N. Baker, P.B. Best, P. Borsa, of Blue Whales in the Philippines and their relaton to R.L. Brownell Jr., S. Childerhouse, K.P. Findlay, T. Gerrodete, A.D. Ilangakoon, M. Joergensen, D. Kahn, D.K. Ljungblad, B. Maughan, the rest of the Blue Whale populaton. The tming of R.D. McCauley, S. McKay, T.F. Norris, Oman Whale and Dolphin Blue Whale sightngs in the Bohol Sea coincides with Research Group, S. Rankin, F. Samaran, D. Thiele, K. Van Waerbeek & R.M. Warkeke (2007b). Past and present distributon, densites sightngs of the Indo-Australian Blue Whale populaton and movements of Blue Whales Balaenoptera musculus in the and may represent an extension of the outer edge of this Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean. Mammal Review populaton’s range. 37: 116–175. htps:// Branch, T.A., Y.A. Mikhalev & H. Kato (2009). Separatng pygmy and Longer, dedicated surveys must be conducted in the Antarctc Blue Whales using long-forgoten ovarian data. Marine areas in the Bohol Sea where these sightngs occurred Mammal Science 25: 833–854. to determine the species’ habitat-use and distributon. Branch, T.A., R.L. Brownell Jr., P.J. Clapham, Y.V. Ivashchenko, K. Matsuoka, S. Mizroch, C.C. Monnahan, P. Olson & A. Širović (2019). Increased survey efort all along the northern Bohol Sea Data available for an assessment of North Pacifc Blue Whales. 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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888 17887 J TT Sightngs of Blue Whales in the Philippines Acebes et al.

Filipino abstract: Mahigit na dalawang siglo na walang naitala na blue whales Balaenoptera musculus sa Pilipinas. Ang mga blue whales ay naitala ng mga mananagat na nanghuhuli ng balyena noong ikalabinsiyam na siglo, at ang sumunod na pagkakita nito dito sa bansa ay ang mag-inang balyena noong 2004. Simula noon, 33 na pagkakita ng blue whales na maaaring isang indibidwal na balyena ang naitala sa pagitan ng 2004 at 2019, lahat sa loob ng Bohol Sea sa gitnang bahagi ng Pilipinas. Ang indibidwal na ito na nakilala sa pamamagitan ng photo-identfcaton, ay nakita ng 13 na pagkakataon sa loob ng walong magkakaibang taon: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, at 2019. Ang lugar at panahon ng pagkakakita (Enero hanggang Hulyo) ay nagpapahiwatg na ang blue whales sa Pilipinas ay maaaring magpapalawak ng pinakadulo na paninirahan ng Indo-Australian na populasyon ng blue whales na lumilipat sa pagitan ng western Australia, Indonesia, at East Timor. Ang pagkakakita ng blue whale sa Bohol Sea ay sumasabay sa panahon ng mataas na produksyon ng dagat subalit kinakailangan pa ng masinsin na pag-aaral para malaman kung ang mga balyenang ito ay tyak na nanginginain sa rehiyon na ito. Mga pag-aaral gamit ang acoustc at photo-identfcaton na paraan na magpapakita ng pagkakapareho sa ibang mga blue whale catalogue ang makakapagbigay linaw sa stock identty ng mga blue whale sa Pilipinas at ang kanilang relasyon sa iba pang populasyon ng blue whales, na may implikasyon rin sa pangangalaga ng endangered species na ito sa ibayo ng maraming hurisdiksyon.

Author details: Jo Marie Vera Acebes is a biologist, veterinarian and conservatonist working on marine mammals in the Philippines for over 20 years. She is the Founder and Principal Investgator of BALYENA.ORG. She is a Fulbright Scholar, a Natonal Geographic Explorer and a member of the Philippine Aquatc Red List Commitee – Subcommitee on Cetaceans. Joshua Neal Silberg is a science advisor for LAMAVE. Timothy John Gardner is a marine mammal researcher with BALYENA.ORG and was a 2017-2018 Fulbright U.S. Student Scholar to the Philippines. Edna Rex Sabater is a Fulbright scholar and currently a Ph.D. candidate at Florida Insttute of Technology in Melbourne, FL USA. She specializes in populaton ecology, spatal movement and foraging habits of cetaceans in the pelagic marine ecosystem using stable isotopes and biotoxin analyses, and light microscopy. Angelico Jose Cavada Tiongson is a marine biologist with a special interest in cetaceans and ecology. He is currently studying seagrasses and small gobies for his MSc. Patricia Dumandan is a PhD student at the University of Florida interested in quanttatve and community ecology. Her research focuses on understanding and predictng paterns in ecological systems using trait-based approaches. Diana “Maita” Verdote has an undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of the Philippines in Mindanao. She has assisted with various wildlife research projects in the Philippines. Christine Louise Emata is a professional teacher and a Coastal Resource Management student of Silliman University (sabbatcal). She works closely with local government units, coastal communites, and stakeholders. She specialised in designing curriculum for environmental educaton and organising community actvites related to environmental conservaton and protecton. Jean Utzurrum is a marine biologist currently fnishing her master’s degree in Silliman University, where her extensive feld research experiences include marine mammal research, coral reef restoraton, coral reef and mesophotc fshes, and coastal fsheries. She is also an elasmobranch specialist for Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines. Arnel Andrew Yaptinchay has been involved in marine biodiversity conservaton in the Philippines for 30 years with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree from the University of the Philippines and a MSc in Aquatc Tropical Ecology from Bremen University, Germany. He’s the director of Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines and a board member of BALYENA.ORG.

Author contributon: JMVA analysed the identfcaton photos, organized, partcipated in and took photographs for the boat-based surveys for BALYENA.ORG, collated the reported and survey sightngs informaton and was a major contributor in writng and revising the manuscript. JNS partcipated in and took photos for the LAMAVE surveys and was a major contributor in writng the manuscript. TJG partcipated in the 2018 and 2019 surveys for BALYENA.ORG and was a major contributor in revising the manuscript. ERS organized, partcipated in and took photographs for the SU-IEMS surveys; made the maps for the manuscript and contributed in revising the manuscript. AJCT organized, partcipated in and took photographs for the SWIMS-HK survey. He also partcipated in and took photographs for the BALYENA.ORG 2019 survey and contributed in revising the manuscript. PD organized and partcipated in the BALYENA.ORG 2017 survey. DMMV helped organize, partcipated in and took photographs for the BALYENA.ORG 2017 survey. CLE helped organize and partcipated in the LAMAVE 2010 survey and the SU-IEMS surveys. JU partcipated in and took photographs for the BALYENA.ORG 2019 survey and the SU-IEMS surveys. AAY helped collect reported sightngs informaton from social media.

Acknowledgements: The Natonal Geographic Society funded the 2019 project: “In search of the lone Blue Whale in the Bohol Sea, Philippines.” Research funding for the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 BALYENA.ORG surveys was from contributons from volunteers – Raphael Almendral, Carlo Roberto Felix, Lorraine Lao, Sharon Lu, Marielle Panganiban, Michelle Relojas, Pierre Palallos, Luis Benjamin Jurado, Serena Lagorio, Alieth Bontuyan, Monika Jukubiak, Marcin Skowroński, Mat Tacatani, Fiona Angana, Mariele Gepte, Julie Ann Butron, Vina Angelica Perducho, Maita Beringuel, Kent Truog, Reina Castllo, Ivy Pangilinan, Anna Bianca Barrameda, Elaine Tacubanza, Maude Lachaine, Paul Soliman, Pia Ronquillo, Aaron Roa, Cedric Valere, Roleen Sevillena, Rick Dane Gomez, Dindo Karl Mari Malonzo, and Paulina Ocampo. We also thank BALYENA.ORG researchers Jesse Acebes, Zerlina Leung, Julia Motoomull, Takeya Sakamoto, Elson Aca, Jerome Hulin, and Mark de la Paz. Thanks to the Society for Conservaton Biology Marine Secton Conservaton Research Small Grants Program for providing funding for BALYENA.ORG’s 2017 survey. LAMAVE research was supported through a grant from Ocean Park Conservaton Foundaton – Hong Kong (J.S., A.P., K.P., FH01_11/12, 2011/12). We would like to thank Alessandro Ponzo of LAMAVE and their volunteers: Kristna Pahang, Dominic Clarke, Valeria Senigaglia, Caitlin Birdsall, Kate Hughes, Julissah Evangelio, and Gary Haskins. This research was also supported by the Ruford Small Grants Foundaton (2010), Ocean Park Conservaton Foundaton – Hong Kong (OPCF-HK) (2010-2011), Condura Run for the Dolphins (2012), and SU-IEMS through E.R.S. The following are acknowledged for their support and assistance: The Swire Insttute of Marine Science (SWIMS) at the University of Hong Kong, Insttute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS) at Silliman University, Janet Estacion, Leszek Karczmarski, Dioscoro Inocencio, Ramon Raymundo, and Hans Seiter. The Dumaguete survey was conducted from internal funding of SWIMS-HKU to the Cetacean Ecology Lab. We thank the Local Government Units of Jagna, Baclayon, Panglao and Lila in Bohol. Support for the work of J.M.V.A. was provided by the Asia Research Centre – Murdoch University in Western Australia, BALYENA.ORG and the Natonal Museum of the Philippines. Support for the work of T.J.G. was provided by the U.S. Fulbright Program and BALYENA.ORG. We are grateful to Dr. Chandra Salgado- Kent for her tme and efort in making an informal comparison of our photo with the SHBW Catalogue. We thank Serhii Dashko for helping with our fgures. Thanks to Joselino Baritua of Pamilacan Island Dolphin and Whale Watching Tours. We also thank Bill Perrin, Louella Dolar, Lory Tan, Pet Digdigan, Virginia Montgomery, Shelby Guigerre, Ferdinand Recio, GMA’s Born-To-Be-Wild crew, Mr. Eulo Valeroso, Louise Dixon, Saturnina Quilas, Zita Lin, the Sports Unlimited TV crew, Suzete Pepito, Nemesia Pingkian, Justn Jordan Reloj, Danny Ocampo, Joseph Jasper Acay, Lyka Marie Abella, GB Aguilar, Harold Biglete, Judalyn Flores Partlow, Rico Ramos, Eric Rosenblad, Aissa Domingo, Manong Sany Baugbog, Jefrey Enas, Manong Roel, and Manong Neil; the Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatc Resources.

17888 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2021 | 13(3): 17875–17888

PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at OPEN ACCESS All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

March 2021 | Vol. 13 | No. 3 | Pages: 17847–18058 Date of Publicaton: 26 March 2021 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2021.13.3.17847-18058

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Threatened Taxa