Burnley & Pendle

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Burnley & Pendle Cyclists’ Touring Club Burnley & Pendle CTC www.burnleyandpendlectc.co.uk Secretary: John Ramsden, Tel (01282) 712185 E-mail: john.ramsden@burnleyandpendlectc.co.uk RIDES -- October to December 2018 Date Run Destination Lunch Meet Time Leader 6thOct XS Longridge Little Town Dairy Spring Wood Car Park 10.00 Mark Clegg 7thOct S Jeffrey Hill Chipping Spring Wood Car Park 9.30 Ian Lowcock 6-8th Oct Belgium Weekend Jim Duerden 11th Oct Midweek Janets Foss Malham Langroyd 9.30 14thOct S Tosside Settle Gisburn 10.00 Margaret Brown M Austwick Settle Spring Wood Car Park 10.00 Harry Taylor 19th Oct B Rylstone Cross Bolton Abbey Hetton - Angel Inn 10.00 David tinker 21nd Oct S Hothersall Lodge Little Town Dairy Spring Wood Car Park 10.00 M Applestore Applestore Spring Wood Car Park 9.30 Mark Clegg 28th Oct S Malham Tarn Malham Langroyd 9.30 Ian Lowcock M Burnsall Burnsall Laneshawbridge 9.30 Trevor Stansfield 3th Nov XS Gargrave Gargrave Langroyd 10.00 Harry Taylor 4th Nov S Thorpe Cracoe Langroyd 10.00 Sean Kirkwood M Ribblehead Ingleton Gisburn 9.00 Mark Clegg 8th Nov Midweek Lickhurst Chipping Spring Wood Car Park 10.00 Jackie Duerden 11th Nov S & M Remembrance service Hellifield Gisburn 10.00 Bolton by Bowland With Blackburn CTC Whalley bus station 9.30 18th Nov S Ribble Valley Waddington Spring Wood Car Park 9.00 Jim Duerden M Hodder Bridge Waddington Spring Wood Car Park 9.30 Harry Taylor 25th Nov S Carleton Moor Skipton Laneshawbridge 9.30 Ian Lowcock M Paythorne Barnoldswick Spring Wood Car Park 9.30 Mick Stone 1st Dec XS West Bradford Waddington Spring Wood Car Park 10.00 Fred Higson 2nd Dec S & M Christmas Lunch Ride Rolls Royce SC Rolls Royce SC 10.00 Jim Duerden 6th Dec Midweek Rome & Wham Settle Gisburn 10.00 Sean Kirkwood 9th Dec S & M Bolton By Bowland Garden Makers Gisburn 10.00 David Tinker 16th Dec S & M Winterburn Airton Langroyd 9.30 Margaret Brown 23rd Dec S & M West Bradford Waddington Spring Wood Car Park 10.00 Jackie Duerden 27th Dec Midweek Impromtu Langroyd 10.00 30th Dec S & M Impromtu Gisburn 10.00 Harry Taylor Rides :- XS = Extra Short ride (approx. 10-20ml), S = Short/Social ride (approx. 35-45ml), M= Medium ride(approx. 50-55ml), L = Long ride (60+ml). Contacts: (L) David Tinker 774828, John Ramsden 712185, (S) Jim Duerden 453061, Ian Lowcock 812842, New Rider Enquiries - Harry Taylor 695728. # Extra Short Rides. Easy paced rides of 10-20 miles on quiet lanes, suitable for new riders & families. All welcome, although a parent or guardian must accompany young children. We can take unaccompanied children from the age of 13 with a completed parental consent form. Give it a try, its free, no need to be a member. Contact Harry (Tel 695728, M 07522 343181) or harrytaylor1950@hotmail.com Bridleway Rides. 20-30 miles. More suited to mountain, touring or hybrid bikes. Contact David (Tel 774828) Midweek Ride at a steady pace to suit all Thurs 11 Oct slide show Overland to Australia by Ray Bracewell at Blackburn CTC clubroom Rishton 7.30pm Fri 19 October Social Evening at the Wallace Hartley pub Colne from 7.00pm food available Thursday 1 st November 2018, AGM. 7:30pm Birtwistle Trust Community Centre , Keighley Road, Colne. Sunday 2 nd December 2018, Christmas Meal. At the RR social club Barnoldswick meet2:30pm for 3:00pm meal or join the cycle ride as listed above. Tickets available from Jim Duerden Tel 01282 453061 price £18.00 ( to be paid in advance by 10 Nov ) Please report any problems with local roads to the Lancashire County Council hotline 0845 053 0011 Riders new to club riding are welcome on all our rides, although the Short, Extra Short & Tuesday rides are especially suitable. ” When I started cycling Pete says “ I would do 6 miles on andmy would lookown like Ribena Man when I got back. I quit smoking and had put on a lot of weight so I decided to give club cycling a try. I joined about 15 months ago The club is Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC) a Company Limited by Guarantee by registered LimitedClub CompanyGuarantee (CTC) a Touring Cyclists’ Wales and as charity in England a No25185, registered inEngland No SC042541. inScotland and No1147607 Charity 9JX SurreyGU2 Road, Railton Guildford, Parklands, office: Registered ” What do recent new members recent doWhat ? ... say and now I regularly cycle 40 miles chatting to other riders. I’m in my find on my own, which I and wouldn’t routes roads and discovered 50’s are generally quiet and in lovely countryside. I stops! also enjoy the café Margaret says “ more about having a good time and wonderfulenjoying the rather than riding hard or countryside being thesections. fastest I forward to myover Sundays. aalways great It’s group of nopeople. need There’s look to worry about what to do if you get a mechanical issue, what clothing not or compulsory!), what kind to of wear bike (Lycra you have as long a give along try. it and – come just roadworthy it’s as social activities social weather conditions conditions weather Easy paced rides – unforeseen shows, bowling nights etc. bowling shows, http://www.burnleyandpendlectc.co.uk throughout the year such as quiz slide nights, as year throughout such the We also arrange weekends away, and away, weekends also arrange We Who are ... we Please note that ride times occasionally vary due tovarydue times rideoccasionally note that Please /changes last any websiteforminute our Please check availability. leader ride and cancellations. …a non-competitive cycling club with rides of varying emphasise lengthsreasonable pace andduration. sociability and We our rides and are always set to the pace of the slowest rider. Nobody behind,will andbe left we take time out to look breaks. at Our rides list theis overleaf but if wantscenery more information, please and have café to us. contact free feel ... Our rides Monthly Beginners Rides of 10 to 20 miles on quiet lanes for a couple of hours Any including a refreshment stop. roadworthy bike is OK for these rides, but please bring a spare inner tube and a waterproof jacket. You’ll experience social riding with a friendly group who can also advise on choice of appropriate cycles, and clothing. equipment Rides Weekly Regular miles to of Social 20 15 Rides Evening Tuesday miles of Short 40/45 Rides approximately Sunday miles of Medium/Long plus 50 Sunday Rides full reverse details. the for list the on rides See .
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