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/ WE IN THIS ISSUE Homebuying Opportunity Bells Ring for Latin Schools Working Conditions and Health Toward Tropical Comfort

12, No. 10 May 4, 1962• A Movie is Born .

r t J. Fleming. Jr., Governor-Pi .g-fel. N. D. Christensen, Press Officer

\V. P. Leber, I.ieuh Joseph Connor, Publications Editor Editorial Assistants: A ill Arey Official Panama Canal Company Publication Eunice Richard and Tobi Bittel una Canal Information Officer Published Monthly al Balboa Heights, C. Z. William Burns, Official Photographer Printed at the Printing Plant, Mount Hope, Canal Zone

On sale at all Panama Canal Sen-ice Centers. Retail Stores, and the Tivoli Guest House for 10 days after publication date at S cents each Subscriptions, $1 a year; mail and back copies, 10 cents each. Postal money orders made payable to the Panama Canal Company should be mailed to Box M. Balboa Heights. C. Z. Editorial Offices are located in the Administration Building, Balboa Heights. C. Z.

A Refreshing Canal Story

Waterway on Film Index MILLIONS OF PEOPLE throughout the and Latin America soon will be learning more about the Panama Canal, pleasantly and without moving from their school desks, dinner chairs, or television-viewing positions. Their opportunity" will come through a 2S 1'2-minute color film which was given a special preview last month by the Panama For Your Health 3 Canal Company Board of Directors and soon will be circulating to schools, television stations, and interested organizations Latin American Schools throughout the Western Hemisphere. Filmed in the Canal Zone and the Springfield, Mass., studios of Bav State Film Productions, Inc., the movie captures the Villa Caceres historic background, construction-era effort, economic signifi- cance, cooperative effort, and community life which centers at Making of a Stamp the "Funnel for World Commerce" which crosses the Isthmus of Panama to connect two great oceans. This month's cover shows Harold M. Fischer, Bay State's production manager for the film, Audubon of the Zone shooting a ship in famous Gaillard Cut. Employing the talents of three bi-lingual actors—Carlos Mon- Nuclear Construction Proposed 10 talban, Luis Van Rooten, and George Gaynes—the movie was filmed in both Spanish and English, thus avoiding any necessity for "dubbing in" voices in either language. Of Toys and Dolls and Laughter _ 11 All three actors are experienced performers of stage, screen, and television. Mr. Montalban, who has directed, written, and Cool, Man, Cool - 14 narrated in addition to his acting, is well known throughout America for his frequent roles in Spanish-language movies. Mr. Van Rooten, who has appeared in numerous motion picture Worth Knowing 16 and television roles, is perhaps best known for his role as Knobby Walsh in the "Joe Palooka" television series. Anniversaries. _ 18 In the Canal film, Mr. Montalban portrays a Canal engineer, Mr. Van Rooten plays the role of a Canal executive, and Mr.

Gaynes fills the role of a visitor to the Isthmus. Promotions and Transfers- 19 For the special preview for the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Company last month, Mr. Montalban and Edward Safety- 20 Knowlton, professional author who wrote the script, accompanied Morton Read, President of Bay State, to and the Hoard meeting. Canal History 21 Specific arrangements for widespread distribution of the film through regular distribution channels now are being made. A Shipping Statistics. . 22 print ol the completed film is being reviewed prior to being made available for early public showing.

- 24 (Continued tin puye 12) Shipping.

2 May 4, 1962 FOR your HEALTH

Conditions on the job are controlled by Health Bureau unit to protect employees of waterway.

Too much carbon monoxide? Dr. Robinson and Terminals Training Officer Barrett discuss possibility while examining exhaust pipe of fumes-producing forklift truck on Cristobal piers.

IT IS OBVIOUS that wearing a "hard transmit yellow fever to man. Using ized section is headed by Dr. Donald hat" in situations where a knock on the this knowledge. Dr. William Crawford Robinson, who has had approximately noggin may occur simply is common Corgas and his co-workers launched 15 years of experience in the field of sense. The hazard to the old bean in such a determined and continued attack preventive medicine and industrial many work situations is well-recog- on the Aedes aegypti and Anopholes health. nized and the need for safeguards mosquitoes on the Isthmus that yellow Many of the long-established pro- is apparent. fever among construction workers was grams normally considered a part of a There are other on-the-job hazards, eradicated and malaria was reduced to comprehensive industrial health pro- however, that are not so obvious or a bare minimum. gram have been brought under the new readily apparent as the threat of a plum- The effort made to improve and con- section and new programs are being meting hammer or wrench. These not- trol Isthmian conditions related to the added to establish a more complete so-obvious hazards offtimes are not health of employees did not end with industrial health program. The long- readily apparent to any of the five senses completion of the Canal, of course. established programs include pre- which normally alert individuals to Such efforts continue today. The Safety employment physical examinations, danger— but they can be just as deadly. Branch is primarily responsible in the periodic examinations for certain em- Your sight or hearing, or both, may field of "accidental injury" and the ployees, and supervision of industrial warn you of an object hurtling at you; Health Bureau is primarily responsible first aid and nursing services. your sense of touch may cause you to in the more general field of illness. New measures being developed by move from danger's path even as you Direct benefits from the highly suc- the section include establishment of are brushed by it; your sense of smell cessful efforts of Dr. Gorgas and his routine procedures by which informa- may warn you against a poisonous associates were notlimitedto employees, tion possibly pertinent to job-related substance. but extended to everyone living and health problems is channeled to Dr. But none of your five senses will warn working in the Canal Zone and area. Robinson for evaluation. By correlating you about carbon monoxide gas; it is The infectious nature of the diseases such information, a previously unre- colorless, odorless, tasteless—but it will being combatted made improvement of cognized problem may be brought kill just as surely as a skull-crushing community health conditions an integral to light. blow bv a falling object. Nor will your part of the main problem of keeping "For example," Dr. Robinson says, senses warn vou that microscopic parti- employees well and on the job. "a single case of skin rash among 50 cles of dust are penetrating your lungs Communitv-wide conditions affect- employees doing the same job or work- like tiny darts, causing you to develop ing health are a major concern of the ing in the same shop probably repres- silicosis. And, of course, none of your Health Bureau and have been for many ents only an individual medical problem senses can give warning that you are in years. Part of this problem is directly and is of no special concern to the contact with disease-causing germs or related to working conditions and the Industrial Health Section. But if several viruses which will sicken or may even newest unit of the Health Bureau was employees show up with identical com- kill you. organized just a few months ago for the plaints, it indicates that something may There was a time—to take a case in purpose of dealing with this specific be wrong in the working environment. point—when mosquitoes were consid- aspect of community health. That's where we come in." ered merely irritating pests. Fortu- This unit, the Industrial Health Sec- Indicators which may alert the Indus- nately for those who built the Panama tion, is part of the Division of Preventive trial Health Section to possible problems Canal, Dr. Walter Reed and his associ- Medicine and Quarantine headed by include chronic absenteeism and acci- ates proved that certain mosquitoes can Dr. Sidney B. Clark. The recently organ- dents, as well as reported illnesses. A

The Panama Canal Review steady pattern of absenteeism or acci- dents may indicate unhealthful condi- tions on the job which have not been recognized b\ either the employees themselves or the supervisors. The sec- tion also learns of possible problems through visits to job sites, shops, and other work locations. "All these things help us pinpoint Is there adequate problem areas," Dr. Robinson says, "but the most direct and effective means by ventilation where which problems can be found and Fred Trout solved are through reports from indi- is working? vidual employees, members of their families, or supervisors. In other words, Only a scientific and seek assistance from we need atmospheric test laymen with firsthand knowledge of working conditions." can tell. All requests for assistance by super- visors are followed by an interview and a study of the job in question. Some- times such requests include interview and examination of one or more indi- viduals to determine if they have been affected by job conditions. In all indi- vidual counseling, the normal confiden- tial relationship of physician and patient

is respected. "This definitely is a management pro- concern of management, even though Once a problem is recognized and gram," Dr. Robinson says, "but, like the preservation of employee health its causes determined, the Industrial the attack on disease-carrying mosqui- can produce sizable savings for the

Health Section prepares a recommen- toes, it can benefit employees and resi- enterprise invoked, whether it is the

dation for correcting it. This may be dents of the community, as well as Panama Canal Company or some such a simple procedure as having the management. After all, an individual's private enterprise." employee or employees wear a protect- health is a matter of major interest to Several examples of problems which ive mask, earplug, or other device. Or him and anything we can do to protect have been dealt with by the Industrial it may call for a major physical change his health certainly is of benefit to him Health Section are pictured with in the working environment. and not simply some wholly selfish this article.

Is the residue being removed from these lock gates damaging Eyesight is important to all persons, but lack of good vision may to health? Probably not, but workers wear masks as precaution. lead to accidents, hence this test of dockworker Frank Mahon.


• Facilities

• Instruction

• Curriculum

The new Paraiso swimming pool will enable schools there to expand physical education. teach shop at the Rainbow City Junior THE LATIN AMERICAN SCHOOLS selves, students elsewhere. They were required to better High School; Alcides Bernal, physical of the Canal Zone will open their doors seeking the training and earn education at Paraiso Junior-Senior High next week to approximately 3,935 pupils qualify them as teachers School; Sergio Ruiz, social studies and from kindergarten through high school advancement to the Washington, D.C., Several other teachers Spanish, Paraiso High School; Mrs. and with a number of new facilities, salary schedule. United States Josefina Cordero, and Mrs. Alicia Saenz, teachers, and expanded programs. now are studying in the there throughout the both in the Paraiso Elementary School; The new facilities include kinder- and will remain Mrs. Avis Dick and Mrs. Elsa Skeete, garten classrooms at the elementary new school year. completed degrees at both in Rainbow City kindergarten; schools in Rainbow City and Santa Cruz Teachers who in February Mrs. Luz Berrocal, Santa Cruz kinder- and partitioning of the Paraiso Elemen- the University of Panama Rainbow City garten; Mrs. Anne Baird and Mrs. Cora- tary School kindergarten room into two are Miss Maria Sanjur, Urena, lia Serracin, Paraiso kindergarten; and classrooms. These new facilities are to Elementary School; Miss Gladys School; Miss Alberto Abrego, physical education at be used for the free kindergartens which Santa Cruz Elementary Paraiso Junior- Rainbow City [unior-Senior High are to be operated in the Latin Ameri- Blandina Waterman, Greaves, School. Also new to the schools will be can school system this school year. Senior High School; Alfonso Ana Maria Torero, librarian at Rainbow Another major addition to Latin Rainbow City Junior-High School; Miss special education; Mrs. City Junior-Senior High School. American school facilities is the new Thehna Lee, Viola Duncan, In addition to the new kindergarten swimming pool at the Paraiso Junior- Pearl Chilcott and Mrs. classrooms and Paraiso swimming pool, Senior High School, which opened in both of Rainbow City Junior High Knowles, other improvement projects completed March. Use of the Paraiso pool by the School. One teacher, Harold the during the vacation period included schools there will permit all secondary received a bachelor's degree from installation of acoustical tile in Rainbow school students in the Latin American University of Nebraska. United City Elementary School, Rainbow City schools to have swimming as part of Teachers planning to be in the year start- junior-Senior High School, Santa Cruz their regularly scheduled physical edu- States throughout the school Elementary School, and in Building 128 cation classes. The Santa Cruz and ing this month are Leslie Thomas and of the Paraiso High School. Dressing Rainbow City schools previously have Saturnin Mauge, both of Rainbow City and shower rooms were enlarged for had such programs. Junior High School; Mrs. Daisy Red- the Santa Cruz gymnasium, and hot The new facilities and changes in head, Miss Vilma Best, and Mrs. Joyce- water systems were installed at the programs and schedules lvn Blugh, all of Paraiso Elementary instructional Rainbow City gymnasium and swim- discussed during a 1-day Teach- School; Mrs. Clarice Bryan, Rainbow will be ming pool. Exterior painting and roofing for all Latin City Elementary School; and Cleveland ers' Institute scheduled repairs were made to the Rainbow City Rainbow City High School. Ellis American school staff members May 8 Ennis, High School, the roof of the Rainbow of the Paraiso Junior- at the Paraiso Theater and Junior-Senior Fawcett, Principal City High School shop was painted, the Miss Julette High School. Registration of pupils Senior High School, and interior and exterior of Building 128 and classroom sessions will start on Carrington, Principal of the Pedro of the Paraiso High School and gym- Thursday, May 10. Miguel Elementary School, plan to nasium were painted, the Santa Cruz While pupils in the Latin American leave later this year for study in the gymnasium was screened, and touch-up schools were preparing for and partici- United States. painting was done on Building 132 of pating in the vacation recreation pro- A number of new teachers have been the Paraiso High School, the Santa gram during February, March, and added to the Latin American schools Cruz gymnasium, and the Mount April, some of their teachers were them- this year. Thev are Luis Sealv, who will Hope Stadium.

The Panama Canal Review Housing development

is designed for middle-income families.


./»>'<•:' VILLA Cooperative project provides CACERES home-buying opportunity

SEVERAL HUNDRED Panamanian any employee who calls at either the mately 300 square meters. The two- citizens employed by the Panama Canal Balboa or Cristobal housing office of bedroom houses contain approximately Company and the Canal Zone Govern- the Community Services Division. 50 square meters of living space, while ment are among those eligible to the three-bedroom houses have about The Canal organization also is pro- homeowners at modest cost 70 square meters. become viding basic employment information through a cooperative Panama-United for applicants, as requested by Caja de The homes are constructed with States program aimed at helping middle- Ahorros. This includes as to salary, data concrete block or clay tile walls, con- income families buy houses of their own length of time employed, type of work crete floors with tile surfacing, and a in the Panama housing development of performed, place of work and rating. built-up roof. Each house contains clo- Villa Caceres. applicants also are required to The sets, complete plumbing and electrical The Canal organization and other provide citi- evidence of Panamanian installations, a laundry tray, and clothes- U.S. Government agencies on the Zone zenship, a Panama "Paz v Salvo," a drying facilities. Refrigerators, ranges are assisting any employee who has statement that they do not presently and other furnishings will have to be expressed a desire to buy one of the two- own a home, a cash down payment of provided by the purchasers. or three-bedroom houses. Preliminary 15 percent of the total purchase price of applications for home purchase loans the house, and minor "closing costs." Assignment of the houses to buyers from Caja de Ahorros, Panama savings The down payment and closing costs will be on the basis of individual selec- bank, are being prepared with the assist- will total $675 to $800 on each house, tion, or may be by drawing lots. The ance of the Canal enterprise and for- according to Panama officials. houses will be sold and assigned as they processing. warded to the bank for are completed and loan applications are readied a Panama officials associated with the Canal officials also have approved by Caja de Ahorros. said the for program to help employees solve diffi- program minimum income a typical for a to culties lliey may encounter in attempt- family qualifying loan The Villa Caceres housing develop- of the houses will be approxi- ing to buy one of the homes. This buy one ment is located along the Transisthmian part of the assistance to employees is mately $150 per month, although Highway about 5 miles from Balboa. from families less designed to insure all possible con- applications having Work on the cooperative project started sideration for those desiring to buy than $150 per month income also will last October and some of the houses houses in the development. The effort be considered. were sold and assigned last month. A sist employees seeking to buy The Instituto de Vivienda y Urba- second group of houses now are under homes under the program was launched nismo is developing the land and super- contract and plans call for contracts to about the middle of April by order of vising construction of the houses in the be let on about 50 houses each month Governor Fleming. project under terms of an agreement until the development is completed. The application forms, in both Span- with Caja de Ahorros. Each house is The project is expected to include ish and English, .ire being prepared for located on a lot containing approxi- construction of at least 635 homes.

May 4, 1962 The Villa Caceres development is being financed through a cooperative Costs of Buying Home in Villa Caceres loan agreement between the U.S. Agency for International Development Two-bedroom house on lot of 300 Three-bedroom house on lot ol and Caja de Ahorros. The loan agree- square meters: 300 square meters: ment calls for AID to lend up to $2% Total cost $4,236 Total cost $4,981 million to Caja de Ahorros over a Cash payment 797 period of 18 months to 2 years. Cash payment 678 Through an agreement between Caja de Loan at 6 percent Loan at 6 percent Ahorros and the Institute de Vivienda interest $4,234 v Urbanismo (IVU), the $2% million interest $3,558 payment on loan is being underwritten by the Monthly payment on Monthly

Republic of loan and interest. . . . $35 Panama. loan and interest. . . . $30 Under terms of the agreement slightly in individual cases between AID and Caja de Ahorros, the "All figures are approximate and will var> savings bank will provide all the monev for home mortgage loans, then will obtain an AID loan equal to 76.5 per- cent of the total sale price of the house. firmed in the special 9-point program Ahorros. Buvers also are required to live Fifteen percent of the total price will be of benefits for Panama aimounced in in the homes they buy and not to rent paid bv the purchaser and the balance 1960. The loan agreement between AID them to someone else. of 8.5 percent will represent the direct and Caja de Ahorros was signed on Under its agreement yvith Caja de investment of Caja de Ahorros. February 10, 1962, after construction Ahorros, the Institute de Vivienda y In addition to the funds provided bv of the first homes already was started. Urbanismo contracted to offer the AID, the savings bank will provide Loans to homebuyers, under terms of houses for sale at prices not to exceed $250,000 from its own resources each the loan agreement, are to be payable $5,000 for any house and lot. year for 5 years. This will make a total in monthly installments over a period of Canal officials have urged all employ- of $3,750,000 available for the home 20 years. Principal, interest, and insur- ees interested in purchasing one of the construction program. The entire fyZVz ance payments under the mortgage homes to make application as soon as million loaned to Caja de Ahorros agreements signed by the homebuyers possible. They pointed out that the loan through AID is to be repaid in 22 years, will be $30 to $35 monthly, depending terms available to buyers of the homes with interest at 4 percent per vear. The on the size and type of house selected are considerabl) better than commonly individual mortgage holders will pay an by the purchaser. Utilities and other available locally and even in man) interest rate of 6 percent per vear. homeowner costs will be in addition to places in the United States. "It's a good The $2 J 2 million loan was made the monthly mortgage loan payments. deal for our employees," one official under the fourth point in the U.S. Under terms of the individual mort- commented, "and I hope that all those Government's 1957 Latin American gages, those buying houses in the devel- who can do so will take advantage of 9-point program. The willingness of the opment will not be able to resell them the opportunity to acquire a home of

U.S. Government to provide it was reaf- except with the approval of Caja de their own through this program."


Governor Fleming and other Canal officials re- K <1 cently visited the Villa

Caceres project at the

invitation of Norherto

Navarro of IVU.

The Panama Canal Review Making of a Stamp

Those postal necessities don't suddenly just appear from nowhere - - they are carefully considered and planned.

C.Z. Stamp Advisory Committee examines new issue in print. From left: Hugh Cassibry,

Grover Luce. Robert Stevens, J. B. Clemmons, Paul Runnestrand, Gerald Doyle, Earl Unruh.

RECOGNITION for an historic per- Gerald A. Doyle, Jr., Chief of the Archi- readily, or Gerry may be asked to try sonage, a date to be commemorated, tectural Branch of the Engineering Divi- several more ideas. an event of significance, a national or sion, starts sketching "notes" with his Generally, the committee members world" ide effort to focus attention on agile fingers. These preliminary sketches will agree on a tentative design and a particular subject, recognition of an may meet with tentative approval quite shape for the new stamp, then ask institution, invention, or discovery. Any Mr. Dovle to make rough sketches of these—or a number of others—may which can be evaluated and discussed at be the subject of a new Canal Zone the next meeting. These preliminary- postage stamp. designs are carefully "edited" and An idea or proposal for a new Canal screened. Some are discarded entirely, Zone stamp sets in motion the Canal others have a few details added or Zone Stamp Advisory Committee, which changed. Finally, from the ones ap- decides on the color, design, and some- proved, the artist is asked to prepare times, the denomination of a new stamp, a semi-finished sketch. although the latter generally is deter- Sometimes, when several tentative mined in advance by the needs of the designs meet with committee approval, postal service. Rough sketch. the artist is asked to work them into a The Advisory Committee meets only semi-finished stage. In that way, the

when, it has work to do in connection committee will have a better idea of the with the Canal Zone postal system. appearance of the completed stamp and Whole months may go by without the is able to make a final decision. This committee holding even one meeting. course was followed in developing the Then there are times, like the present, stamp recognizing the U.S. Army Carib- when the group meets again and again, bean School at Fort Gulick. The com- with several stamps under consideration mittee asked for semi-finished sketches UNlTEO STATE^/WMY simultan; ously. CARI&pEAH qfUflOJ on both vertical and horizontal designs,

FORT GULJCK*--r>J. , A suggestion for a new stamp may thin selected the horizontal model as I C ANTAL ZOKE be originated by a member of the com- the most desirable. mittee by someone outside the commit- Approval of a design by the Advisorv Final, approved sketch tee, by an outside organization, by an Committee is the last step before sub- increase in postal charges which neces- mission of the final sketch of the stamp A 1 I* VI A I !. c sitate issuance of a stamp in a new 15 to the Governor for review and final denomination, or by Director of Posts action before it is sent to the U.S. Bureau Earl F. Unruh, who may point to the of Engraving and Printing in Washing- desirability of a new stamp. ton, DC, by the Director of Posts, with Once a suggestion is submitted to the UNITED STATES ARMY written instructions on the number of committee, ideas are discussed, along CARIBBEAN SO models to be prepared and any minor rciRTGULICK , mdations as to what FOR LATIN AMERICA refinements or changes desired. The should ,md what shouldn't appear in Bureau then complete artis- CA'VAJL experts the the ideas begin to take ZOWE tic work required, make the engraving form, verbally, Committee member Finished product. from which the stamp is to be printed.

8 May 4. 1962 and actually print the stamps ordered by the Zone Postal Division. At the printing stage of the project, extreme care is used to insure against "gremlins" arbitrarily altering the approved stamp—and thereby produc- ing a collectors item of unusual value. But, despite all precautions, things sometimes go awry in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and what other- wise would be merely another stamp costing a few pennies is transformed into a rare item sought by philatelists. One printing boo-boo involving a stamp issued by the Zone postal service created a small number of stamps now given a catalog value of S2,00U. This scamp, cryptically cataloged as "Scots No. 31 A 15, inverted center, overprint reading down," is a green and black, 1-cent stamp issued by the Republic of Panama and overprinted with the words Miss Lois Morgan applies finishing touches to bird painting. "Canal Zone." The gremlin-afflicted— and, therefore, valuable version— is in the Zone's 1909-1910 series and is Miss Lois Morgan extremely rare. The boo-boo copies have the head of Vasco Nunez de Balboa upside down and the Canal Zone Audubon the Zone overprint reads down instead of up. of Another valuable Zone stamp, in a BIRD FANCIERS need no binoculars observations, Miss Morgan cheeks her more recent series, is a 31-cent airmail to see a treasure trove of Isthmian birds notes against books at the Canal Zone stamp with the map and globe. An error at close range and all in one location. Library before proceeding to color the occurred in perforation of some of the Manx already have seen the colorful penciled sketches. Using transparent stamps, with some of them being per- collection and those who have not still watercolors and omitting use of opaque forated horizontally only and not ver- have about a week in which to do so. white for lightening, she must carefully tically. A pair is required to show the Where? In the Civil Affairs Building plan all white and light areas before error—and such a pair is valued at S300. in Ancon. she starts. The paintings which result has issued about 50 The Canal Zone are vividly real and even the eyes seem the are not live specimens, papers True, birds postage stamps and stamped to be looking about. being but they are very, very lifelike in the and plans for 2 more now are A native of Toledo, Miss Morgan near life-size water color paintings in of these is an anti-malaria readied. One has sketched and painted all her life. which they have been captured by Miss stamp being planned as part of a World She received her bachelor of arts and Lois Morgan, Diablo Heights Junior Health Organization campaign on bachelor of education degrees from the High School teacher and able artist. behalf of malaria eradication. About University of Toledo. The products of The feathered creatures caught by 90 countries have either issued stamps her sketch pencil and brush have been the delicate strokes of Miss Morgan's as part of the program, or have signified exhibited in one-man shows at the brush are not rare or exotic jungle birds. their intention to do so. The Republic Toledo Muslim of Art and the Toledo but the common varieties she came to of Panama already has issued its anti- Artists' Club, as well as at the USO- know by observing them at friends' malaria stamp and the United States' ]WB and the Canal Zone Library on the birdfeeding stations and in the trees stamp in the series was issued March 30. Pacific side of the Isthmus. near her Willamson Place apartment. Another stamp now being planned is One of her previous Canal Zone possible exception to the "common to commemorate the opening of the One shows featured Louisiana scenes painted variety" label is the cacique, which Thatcher Ferrv Bridge across the Canal. while visiting Baton Rouge and others Miss Morgan says she was fortunate Members of the Stamp Advisory made during a course of botanical enough to observe at a feeding station Committee, in addition to Mr. Doyle, studies in Florida while on a Ford Hill. are: B. jr.. on Ancon Chairman J. Clemmons, Fellowship. She has travelled in South Assistant to the Director of the Civil The Diablo Heights teacher, whose America and has painted scenes in Pan- Affairs Bureau; Executive Secretary water colors have won prizes in both ama from El Yalle to the Darien and Paul M. Runnestrand; Hugh W. Cas- her native State of Ohio and the Canal from the San Bias Archipelago to sibrv. rates analyst from the Budget and Zone, began making bird sketches some Taboga Island. Rates Branch of the Office of the Comp- years ago. She first sketches the birds The bird paintings at the Civil Affairs troller; Robert A. Stevens of the Wage from life, in characteristic poses, usually Building are labeled with the scientific and Classification Division of the Per- with a pencil, and makes observation and popular names of both the birds sonnel Bureau; and Grover D. Luce of notes as she watches the birds for hours and the native flowers and plants with the Internal Audit Branch, who is desig- at a time so she can more ably capture which they are shown, with Sturgis' nated to represent the general public their character in her paintings. "Field Book of Birds of the Panama and philatelists. Unwilling to rely solel) on her own Canal Zone" as the authority.

The Panama Canal Review Tennessee - Tombigbee

Nuclear Construction Proposed

The following article, edited slightly to reduce its length, is reprinted by courtesy of the Port of Mobile News, monthly maga-

zine in which it first appeared. The possibility of using nuclear explosives to build a new Isthmian waterway makes it of special interest locally. 1. A river section 168 miles long from Demopolis to Amory, Miss. This section will have four locks and clams, will raise the water level 117 feet. 2. Above Anion a lateral canal 45 miles long will be dug and five locks will take the water level from 190 to 330 feet. 3. A divide cut 40 miles long will bring the water up another 85 feet to the level of Pickwick Pool. The divide cut will slice through a sparselv populated area of Tishomingo County, Miss., and for this Dr. Suttle proposes the use of "prompt" nuclear devices.

"Prompt" is a term nuclear scientists

like to play around with. In this sense it means "clean" devices having relatively little fallout. And here is a problem. Even a little fallout could set off a wave of public reaction. In a sense, handling public opinion will be as much an experiment as the actual blasts. Not too much has been said so far. The area has few people and no one has registered more than a mild comment. In fact. Dr. Suttle says that the residents of the area have shown "extreme cordiality" toward the idea and haven't been

frightened bv it. "At any rate," he says, "the AEC's Mrs. Fleming, standing, and daughter watch youngsters on lawn of Governor's residence. first consideration is public safety. And no project will ever be con- ducted bv the AEC unless the public health is completely free from any Of Toys and Dolls and Laughter danger whatsoever." on a stair or house which has been home to all 14 Bombs used would be in the kiloton A COLORED BALL pull with various intri- Governors of the Canal Zone. range, a kiloton meaning the equivalent terrace, a toy guing figures swimming about inside a Three-and-a-half year old Marion of 1,000 tons of TXT. . ball, soft doll of the kind Estelle is poised and active, ever read) Dr. Suttle and his advisers are dis- plastic a folks find so cuddly, a shriek of to relate her most recent enthusiasms cussing eight blasts— six small and two little an anguished wail. and adventures with the breathless large. Costs would range from $500,000 laughter, or even sounds emanating excitement only a child of her age can to $1 million apiece. These sights and no bring to the task. twins, Benjamin Shortly after Dr. Suttle made his from the younger generation cause The in the Whit:' Bowes Beasley and Robert Fleming proposal to the Tennessee-Tombigbee surprise if encountered the still aren't interested Waterway Development Authority in House, at Buckingham Palace, or at Beasley, too in the official residence of Canal Zone Gov. outside world, but are nonetheless as June, 1960, Tishomingo County had a Robert Fleming, Toddlers and tots active, inquisitive, and unpredictable distinguished visitor— Dr. Charles E. J. Jr. of locations. Violet of the Lawrence Radiation Lab- are at home at each these as all 16-month-olds. Baby John Edward the Gover- oratory at Livermore, Calif. The lab, At 107 Balboa Heights, still is pretty much a non-participating an arm of the University of California, nor's official residence, there's a little observer of the passing scene. does a large amount of research and blonde girl at the wide-eyed charmer Marion, who proudly tells of accom- development for the AEC. A great many stage of half-past 3 vears, her 16-month- panying her grandfather on a visit to his a fuzz-pated scientists consider Dr. Violet the top old twin brothers, and office in the Balboa Heights Administra- brother barely 4 months old. To authority on underground nuclear explo- babv tion Building, currently is awaiting the these youngsters, the Governor and sions. He showed immediate interest, homecoming of Demi, a friend of long First Lady of the Canal Zone arc simply along with his colleagues, Dr. Edward standing. Demi is short for Demoiselle, Grandfather and Grandmother. Teller, Dr. G. W. Johnson, and Dr. Gary Governor and Mrs. Fleming's appro- influential, the Livermore The children arrived in the Canal Higgins. All priately-named French poodle. Like all heavy supporters of an Zone in March with their mother. Mrs. men have been clogs brought to the Canal Zone, Demi Patri- experiment at Tishomingo. Benjamin B. Beasley, the former has been in quarantine at Corozal since of Officiallv, how does the idea fare? cia Nanne Fleming, wife an Army arriving on the Isthmus early in Janu- No one will sav. But men close to officer presently stationed in Germany ary. Her 120-day stay will be completed Dr. Suttle sav the scientist's private and elder daughter of Governor and Within bounds imposed Max 12 and she then will join the Gov- opinion is the project stands a better Mrs. Fleming. ernor's household, much to the delight than possible chance of becoming a by parental discipline, the quartet has and her brothers. nuclear experiment. brought a childish zest to the staid old of Marion

The Panama Canal Review 11

-1*1 SrW J;; i&TfelQto

Bay State President Morton Read captures lock-side ship scene for new film.

Carlos Montalban script in hand, discusses roles with actors Gayncs and Van Rootcn.


(Continued i><>nt p 2 1 groups, complete details will be pub- A quantity of prints or the finished lished in The Panama Canal Review. film—in both Spanish and English—will A professional distribution firm which be prepared for use in the on-Ioan dis- has reviewed the Him has advised Pan- tribution and for sale to organizations ama Canal officials that a minimum of in the United Slates or indh iduals desir- (i million television viewers and more ing a cop) of their own. As soon as final than L00.000 members of civic and Cut widening features bin blasts, and prodJfwi manager Fischer records one for movie. arrangements arc completed For pro- other organizations can be expected to viding copies of the film to interested sec the film during its first year.

Sounds recorded at Industrial Division help provide authentic atmosphere Medical cart- for employees is filmed as one of services necessary to operation of the Canal

Assistant production manager A. Herbert Wells plans shooting schedule.

Ships pictured in film are of many nations all of which use Canal on equal basis. -.-.«.-•; - . XV Workmen employed b> contracting firm install line which will carry chilled water of centralized air conditioning system.

Centralized air conditioning system COOL, MAN, COOL to raise comfort level in Zone.

THE CANAL ZONE is getting cooler means by which he could make his to air condition many of the public these days. The steaming jungle, the quarters more comfortable than he buildings on the Pacific side.

burning sun, the sweating office worker began buying small air conditioning The idea of replacing individual air- sitting by a buzzing fan, all are still with units to cool bedrooms, hobbv shops. conditioning units already installed in us, but air conditioning is making them and, in some cases, an entire house or offices and private buildings resulted a little more remote. apartment. Some public buildings, from a survey of the problem by R. L. While little can be done about the several theaters, and a number of Duffer & Associates, an engineering jungle or the sun, modern science is clubs soon were equipped with cooling consultant firm of Miami, Fla. making working and living a lot more systems. The Duffer firm said that unless there comfortable for the inside worker, The obvious public desire for air was centralization, the Canal organiza-

whether he lives in the tropics or in conditioning and a belief that it would tion eventually would be faced with temperate climates. increase the efficiency and productivity the problem of operating and maintain- The idea of raising the comfort level of employees led the Canal administra- ing dozens of different types of equip- b\ reducing the heat level is. of course, tion to consider installation in several ment in various stages of deterioration commonly practiced throughout much buildings. In search of this goal, the and obsolescence. Standby equipment, of the United States and in other parts idea of a central air conditioning system surplus refrigeration, and spare parts of the world. Inviting as air condi- for an entire area was evolved. And, for the main different systems would tioning is, however, it was practically if present plans materialize, it may be become a sizable item of cost at some unworkable in the Canal Zone until the that within a very few years stuffy future time, unless there were cen- ion of frequency-sensitive buildings and the hum of fans will be tralization, the Miami consultants said. electrical equipment from 25-cycle to an exception and not the rule in the The) cited the systems in Federal irrent, a mammoth project Canal Zone. building complexes in Washington, completed about 2 years ago, The first step toward this promise of D.C., and in a number of large shop- b iv ing locomotives on future comfort is a big one and is being ping centers built in the United States the lo taken right now In the Panama Canal during the past decade in support of Xo sooner had the Canal employee Company, with installation of a central their recommendation for a centralized and resident been supplied with the S) stem w ith which Canal engineers plan S\ stem.

14 May 4. 1962 The one finally adopted and now being installed on the Pacific side of the isthmus is to be operated by distri- Workmen apply bution of chilled water from a central cooling and pumping station at Diablo asphaltic paint

Road and Roosevelt Avenue. Four and glass fabric 1,000-horsepower centrifugal compres- tape to pipe sors will cool the water, which is to be pumped through nearly 4 miles of under- for centralized ground pipeline now being installed. air conditioning Thousands of gallons of chilled water will course through the insulated pipes system. which will parallel Roosevelt Avenue and Gaillard Highway to Ancon before making a vast circular sweep to the new Gorgas Hospital building and back to the station, cooling buildings as it goes. Engineers planning the installation say the water, which will be chilled to DAY not long ago, Link, or below. Because of the toxic fumes 42° F. at the Balboa pumping station. ONE J. J. vice president of the West Indies Piping given off by the foam, the spray gun can make the complete circuit through Corp. of Miami, walked into the office operator must be protected by a mask the miles of pipe line, cool all the build- Feenev, Chief of the Contract which looks something like a bee- ings hooked into the svstem, and return of H. H. Inspection Division of the Panama keeper's protective mask. to the central station no more than 16° and Canal Company's Engineering and Con- After each length of pipe receives a warmer than when it left. struction Bureau, and tossed a plastic- 1 -inch-thick coating of plastic foam, it At the station, the process of cooling object on his desk. is lifted onto a storage cradle and left and circulation through the network of coated "There's a porcelain figurine inside until it can be treated with two coats pipes will start all over again, with the that package," said Mr. Link, "and I'm of a thick, asphaltic-type paint, which water being recooled to 42° before going to mail it home to my wife just will act as a vapor barrier. resuming its endless and circuitous To apply the asphaltic paint, work- journey. like that." Mi. Link, whose company has the men lift the pipe onto another machine En route, the water will be diverted contract for construction of the central where it rotates while two successive into smaller lines which will sprout from air conditioning svstem on the Pacific- coats of the paint are sprayed on by the main line as buildings are connected side, was demonstrating one of the hand in layers which are one-sixteenth to the svstem. Each of the buildings to main qualities of a versatile plastic- of an inch thick. While this is still wet, be air conditioned will be equipped foam being used as insulating material the whole pipe is wrapped in a bandage with a smaller circulation system very on the pipes which will carry chilled of glass fabric tape. similar to that which now keeps the water through the new air conditioning The lengths of pipe which have Balboa Heights Administration Building system. undergone the complete insulation at a comfortable temperature. The material, known in commercial treatment are now being laved bv the Among the first structures which are fields as polyurethane foam, has been contractors in 8-foot deep trenches dug to connected with be the new svstem used by the construction industry for through the Ancon and Balboa districts are Balboa High School and Canal Zone dozens of purposes, including insula- from the central pumping plant on College buildings. contract Junior The tion, shock proofing, and reinforcement. Diablo Road. for modifying the two masonry build- It is being used on the Isthmus for ings so thev can be air conditioned the first time by the Florida Coating efficiently was awarded in March to Ril- Co., a subcontractor for West Indies Plastic spray is applied automatically. don. Inc. The work will cost 8315,560. Piping Corp. • -/," v| Also to be connected to the central Coating almost 4 miles of pipe to system when it is completed next year carry the chilled water for the air con- are the new Gorgas Hospital building, ditioning system is a special job all in the Treasurer and Payroll offices, the itself. The polyurethane components two Personnel Bureau buildings in are applied with a spray gun after being Ancon, the Middle America Research mixed in an automatic metering unit. building near Gorgas, and the Balboa The length of pipe to be sprayed is Retail Shoe Section building. t mounted on a machine that rotates and, Future plans call for air conditioning at the same time, causes the pipe to the Supply Division headquarters in the move horizontally past the spray gun. Balboa Industrial Area, the Balboa To obtain a uniform 1-inch coating of Retail Store complex, the Ancon Dis- foam, the speed of the pipe's rotation trict Court, and the Balboa and Ancon and forward movement must be syn- . Elementary Schools. chronized with the rate of discharge The Administration Building at Bal- from the spray gun. boa Heights and the Civil Affairs Build- Bscause of the highly volatile nature ing in Ancon, which now have their rf the raw material from which the own air conditioning systems, also are foam is made, it is stored in an air con- to be connected to the central plant. ditioned box at a temperature of 75°

The Panama Caxal Review 15 «-• ^£l> Second Divisa Student Completes Zone Training Worth ANOTHER STUDENT from the National Institute of Agriculture in Divisa, Republic of Panama, last month every phase of Mindi Farm's operation, completed a 10-week period of on-the- including the use of a tractor, milking job training at Mindi Farm and returned machine, bottling plant, and other to his farm home in Chitre prior to duties. Dr. Paul H. Dowell, manager of renewing his training at the Divisa the farm, said the youth was a very will- institute. ing and adaptable student, intelligent Juan Manuel Peralta is entering his and alert. 12th year of school this month and, Just a year ago, another Divisa stu- while at Mindi. voiced the hope that dent, Alfredo Orange, spent 2 months he can obtain a scholarship so he mav at Mindi in on-the-job training. Both continue his studies and eventuallv students were sent to the farm through enter the veterinary profession. a cooperative program between the Di- Young Peralta worked at virtually visa institute and the Canal organization.

James A. Williams

New Director Named

APPOINTMENT of a 59-year-old tele- phone company executive as a member of the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Company was announced last month by Secretary of the Army Elvis

Stahr, jr., the Company stockholder. J. Juan Peralta gives The new director, James A. Williams, Mindi beauty a bath. succeeds C. Owen Smith, a Maine mag- azine publisher, who resigned from the Board to accept an executive post in the Office of Defense Mobilization. Director Williams is Vice President in charge of Public Affairs for the New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. A native of Manchester, Vt., where he was born on August 21, 1902, he now lives in Milton, Mass., and has offices in Boston. A graduate of the School of Business Administration, La Salle College, Phila- delphia, he once served as secretary to Robert Todd Lincoln, son of the Civil War President. He left his position Civil Affairs Bureau Historic Telegraph Key with Mr. Lincoln to join Bethlehem Receives Safety Trophy Is Used Again Steel Corp. for 5 years before joining New England Telephone & Telegraph PRESENTATION ceremonies of the A TELEGRAPH KEY which played a in 1924/ Governor President's Annual Safety symbolic role in the opening of the In addition to his duties with the Trophy Award for 1961 were held in Panama Canal to commercial traffic on telephone company, the new director the Administration Building at Balboa August 14, 1914, was called into service has served as Assistant Director, Office Heights on May 1. again last month. President Kennedy presented Gov- of Defense Mobilization, Requirements The trophy was by using it to transmit a signal officially personnel of and Materials; Director, Office of ernor Fleming to the the opening the Seattle World's Fair. Affairs Bureau through Bureau Defense Mobilization for Production; Civil The key, made of gold nuggets from Executive Director B. I. Everson. The Civil Affairs and, most recently, as Re- the Klondike, was used by President servist. Office of Defense Mobilization. personnel earned the trophy by achiev- Wilson to set off a blast that officially Hi also has served as a member of the ing the greatest percentage safety opened the Panama Canal. It also has Milton, Mass., Town Meeting, and as improvement of any major unit dur- been used by other Presidents for ol tin- Democratic Town ing calendar year 1961. A 76 percent similar occasions, including President

! Milton. improvement over its previous 3-year Taft, who used it to open the Alaska- Hi- attended his first meeting of the rate was recorded by the Bureau, the Exposition at Seattle on Board ol Directors ol the Panama Canal second straight year it has earned Yukon-Pacific Company last month in Washington. the trophy. Jul) 1, 1909.

16 May 4, 1962 Panama K>nowinij Fairs Litterbugs, Beware! Rolling LITTER BUGS in the Canal Zone are £N likely to run afoul ot a new regulation l which went into effect May 2 unless they refrain from scattering litter along Along Zone highwa) v The new regulation, suggested by the Pacific Civil Council, is aimed at elim- inating the unsightliness and hazards created by highway litter. It prohibits DBY SEASON is fair season in the throwing any glass, nails, tacks, wire, Republic of Panama and the Panama cans, paper, garbage, rubbish, trash, Canal Company, following a practice of refuse, or other potentially hazardous several years standing, has participated or defacing material upon any Zone highway. in several of the events through invi- tation from the committees in charge. Signed on April 2 by then Acting A total of seven calves from Mindi Governor, W. P. Leber, the regulation Farms have been donated for use as became effective on May 2. Punish- prizes at three different fairs— David, ment for violation is a fine of not more Los Santos, and Chorrera—with three of than $100 or 30 clays in jail, or both. the seven going to the latter event and In other efforts to reduce litter in two each to the others. Special photo- Canal Zone communities, refuse recep- grapic exhibits of Canal operations and tacles located throughout the Zone are improvement programs also were dis- being painted in brighter colors, covers played at the Los Santos and ChoiTera for them are being readied, and schools fairs. are conducting contests to select anti- The Los Santos and Chorrera fairs, litter slogans for use on the receptacles. held last month, were attended by Lt. DO YOU KNOW onetime Panama Gov. W. P. Leber and Governor Fleming, respectively. Canal pilot Capt. M. W. Baisieux, or The Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Leber the Fair. Gov. Leber, President Chiari, and where he or his family now are living? attended David In addition to the official Canal par- Mindi calf at Los Santos Fair. Joe Morgan, Adjutant of Elbert S. ticipation in the Fair, Waid Post, American Legion, Cristobal, Chorrera which included the loan of of would like to locate Captain Baisieux some decorative presented a program square and panels, flags, a section of bleachers, of Canal or some member of his family in order and round dancing and a group the to return a past commander's medal Star In A Circle Square Dance Club Zone riders presented a horse show. issued by Elbert S. Waid Post which carries the following inscription: "To Capt. M. W. Baisieux for Dis- tinguished Service. E. S. Waid Post No. 2, 193.3." The medal was found in last year and forwarded to the local American Legion Post in the hope that Captain Baisieux might be located through it. Canal records show that Maurice W. Baisieux was a Canal pilot from October 4, 1927, to June 30, 19.33, and that he was born in San Francisco on August 11, 1890. Anyone with information about Cap- tain Baisieux is urged to contact officials of the Post. THE ISTHMIAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY is to conclude its observance of National Coin Week on May 6 with a day-long exhibit of rare and unusual coins at the Panamanian-North Ameri- can Institute in Panama City. The exhibit was on display in the Canal Zone through May 4. This pictorial exhibit of Canal activities and operations has drawn numerous spectators at fairs.

The Panama Caxal Review 17 ANNIVERSARIES (On the basis of total Federal Service)

CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU MARINE BUREAU Raymond George Anthony G. Lynn Clerk Chief Foreman, Marine Alcide R. Hau" urn aist Police Ppva ENGINEERI UREAU CONSTRUCT^ Conrad O. Beckles Operator Leader Heavy Label TION AND HEA S BUREAU Elvira L. Nurse Superb i.uifrC.eneral Guard Supervisor Medicine and Surgical Adolphus E. Mapp Hospital Helper Automotive Machinist

CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU Exier J. Hopkins SUPPLY AND COMMUNITY Louise E. Cargill Patrick F. McDonnell Supervisory Accounting SERVICE BUREAU Utility Worker Assistant Police Sergeant Charles M. Nelson Lillian M. Bascombe Pedro Vasquez Sales Clerk Esten J. Scott Commissary Store Manager Leader Exterminator Police Private Emmet T. Harper Ruperto Jemmott Alice E. Suisman James K. Bedsworth Commissary Store Manager Clerk Clerk-Dictating Machine Finance Branch Mary B. Franklin Milray L. Barrow Transcriber Superintendent Counter Attendant Stock Control Clerk Miguel B. Picado MARINE BUREAU Eunice L. Wittaker Lenora Johnson Sales Clerk Fire Sergeant Oscar O. Brown, Jr. Counter Attendant Rosa M. Diaz J. N. Carrington Marine Traffic Controller Luisa E. Scott Elementary Teacher Principal, John L. Fischer Sales Checker, Food Service Utility Worker Latin American Schools Supervisory Clerical Mary L. Hunt Evelia Saldarriaga Sylvia V. McDonald Assistant Utility Worker Retail Store Sales Checker Senior High Teacher, John M. Morrison Martin Campos Joaquin Cedeno Latin American Schools Leader Lock Operator Storekeeping Clerk Warehouseman

Laura G. de Perez Machinist .\ 1 amifl Carci'as Antonio Urquilla Senior High Teacher, Donovan I. G ctor Grounds Maintenance Latin American Schools Maintenan Equipment Operator Norman Griffith Sidney Lione Pedro F. Perez Truck Driver Helper Lock Operate Utility Worker Ernest M. Krueger Lela S. Cadogan ENGINEERING AND Lock Operator N Counter Attendant CONSTRUCTION BUREAU Medardo Marav Carmen B. Benjamin Reuben Seidman Helper Loc Utility Worker Ernest A. Scj Electrician Dec-khan TRANSPORTATION AND Felix A. Aviles Manuel OlitaiSi TERMINALS Joiner ver BUREAU Asphalt or Cement Worki Angel Guevara Anna E. Cab it S. Burke HEALTH BUREAU Jerald Meat Cutter Supervisory Accounting Clerk Stock Control Clerk Robert G. Matheney Mauricio Rodriguez Remigio Mendez Pedro Garay Chief, Division of Veterinary Grounds Leader Railroad Trackman Boatman Maintenance Medicine Equipment Operator Owen N. Lawrence Rogelio Martinez Didimo Aponte Harold P. Smith Helper Automotive Machinist Oiler, Floating Plant Nursing Assistant, Medicine Service Station Attendant Antonio Carrillo Joseph Scott and Surgery Boatman Luis C. Barrios Laborer Courtney S. Delmar Charles Blackman Heavy Laborer Howard C. Callender Nursing Assistant, Medicine Oiler Ceferino Nino Heavv Truck Driver , ,.,.,-y Jose M. Lopez Garbage Collector Clifford Bocker Isaac O. Edwards Painter, Maintenance Ambrosio Del Cid Industrial Tractor Operator Nursing ' tanl Medicine Dairy Worker George Moore and OFFICE Alriek A. Campbell Helper Liquid Fuels Louisa P. Scarlett OF THE COMPTROLLER Utility Worker Wharfman Nursing Assistant, Medicine Julian M. Mountain Panchita C. Graham Jose F. Montes and Mi? System Accountant Retail Store Sales Checker Boiler Tender

18 May 4, 1962 PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS March 5 through April 5

S. McKee, John A. Madison, Genova EMPLOYEES who were promoted or Maintenance Division liam Gibbs, Kenneth L. Middleton, Eugene Joslyn C. Duncan, from Painter, to Leader J. transferred between March 5 and F. Kleasner, John A. Dombrow sky, H. A. Painter. April 5 are listed below. Within-grade Sneckenberger, Oscar Johnson, Harry F. Miguel Escobar, from Helper Roofer, to Willenbrock, Adrian W. Webb, Emmett promotions and job reclassifications are Roofer. O. Kiernan, Joseph J. Riley, Richard W. not listed. Maxwell S. Morgan, from Asphalt or Abell. Donald P. Hutchinson, from Lead Cement Worker, to Stockman. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR- HEALTH BUREAU Foreman (Lock Operations), to General PRESIDENT Foreman (Lock Operations). Luis A. Visuete, from Laborer, Community John R. McGlade, from Lock Operator Anna B. Pescod, from Translator (Steno- Services Division, to Heavy-Pest Control Machinist, to Leader Lock Operator graphy), Administrative Branch, to Laborer, Division of Sanitation. Machinist. Clerical Assistant. Gorgas Hospital Theodore F. Babich from Towing Loco- INTERNAL SECURITY OFFICE Roy T. High, from Pharmacist, to Super- motive Operator, to Lock Operator Iron Elsa E. Watson, from Clerk-Typist, to visory Pharmacist. Worker-Welder. Security Clerk. Helen M. Hanson, from Staff Nurse, to Calvin E. Rrown, from Marine Machinist, ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH Staff Nurse (Obstetrics!. to Lock Operator Machinist. Sueiying C. Lee, from Staff Nurse, to Staff Stergios J. Garos, Guard, from Supply Earl E. Bennett, Earl H. Jarvis, from Mul- Nurse (Pediatrics). Division. tilith Operator (Trainee) to Multilith Olga R. de Henderson, from Clerk, to Elec- Marcos Darkins, Bernardo Frio, from Printing Plant. Operator, trocardiograph Technician. Helper Lock Operator, to Oiler. CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU Evelyn M. Spencer, from Salts Clerk. Lloyd I. Anthony, Julio Avila, from Line Fire Division Supply Division, to Nursing Assistant Handler, to Helper Lock Operator. John R. Lewis, from Firefighter, to Driver- (Medicine and Surgery). OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Attendant. Operator Firefighter. Alberto L. Hope, from Counter Pauline L. Blais, from Clerk-Typist, to to Housekeeping Aid. Charles A. Mullings, Nathan B. Thomas, Supply Division, Accounting Technician, Accounting from Hospital Laborer, from Truck Driver, Motor Transporta- Joseph D. Buendia. Division. Aid. tion Division, to Firefighter. to Ward Service Frank W. Alberga, from Clerk-Typist, Gor- Hospital to Leave and Payroll Police Division Coco Solo gas Hospital, Time, Mary L. Poell, Staff Nurse (Medicine and Clerk, Payroll and Machine Accounting Decker, from Signalman, Naviga- Jacob Jr., Surgery) from Gorgas Hospital. Branch. Division, to Police Private. tion Cecilia H. Byington, from Staff Nurse, to COMMUNITY SERVICE Ernest T. Blades, from Laborer Cleaner, SUPPLY AND Staff Nurse (Medicine and Surgery). N. Ateek, from Retail Store Super- Community Services Division, to Deten- George William P. Escoffery, from Stock Control visor, to Commissary Store Manager. tion Guard. Clerk, to Stock Control Clerk (Typing). Edson B. James, from Lead Foreman Division of Schools Lorenzo Holder, from Clerk, to File Clerk. Heavy Laborer, to Lead Foreman Gar- Beverly A. Bonnell, Myma R. Gassel, from MARINE BUREAU bage Collector. Substitute Teacher, to Elementary and Navigation Division Humberto Valencia, Hermogenes Puga, Secondary School Teacher. Joseph W. Chamberlain, Louis M. Pascav- Eleuterio Grajales, Vicente Lucena, Eloy Herman O. Mvrie, from Library Assistant, age, from Towboat or Fern- Master, to Diaz, from Leader Heavy Laborer, to to Clerk-Typist. Pilot-in-Training. Leader Garbage Collector. to Andres Lopez, from Heavy Laborer, Thomas C. Francis, Thomas S. Grant, Fitz St. Marie L. Lafleur, from Heavy Laborer, Maintenanceman. R. Spooner, Lucas Scott, Esteban Mc- to Warehouseman. Hamilton E. Atherley, Ira N. Hinkson, from Kay, Leopold H. Anderson, C. A. Sis- Louis F. J. Babb, from Heavy Laborer, to Laborer Cleaner, to Heavy Laborer. nett, Shaphan Jenkins, James W. Scrap Materials Sorter. Canal Zone Libraries Johnson, Aubrey R. Sealey, James V. Nesta H. Bowen, Leroy Davidson, George Alfred C. Bushell, from Clerk, to Procure- Forbes, Ernest H. Webster, Wilfred B. A. Foster, Thelma F. Ward, from Utility ment Clerk. Simon, John Stephens, Reyes Escalona, Worker, to Counter Attendant. Marguerite G. Arens, from Library Assist- Ascension Santizo, Simon R. Smith, Mar- Jesus Becker, from Waiter, to Counter A. Smith, ant, to Clerical Assistant. cos M. Waite, Allan Jose Attendant. AND CONSTRUCTION Archibold, Winston E. DaCosta, Joseph James R. Corinealdi, Ruben G. Cox, from ENGINEERING R. Smith, Granville U. Gordon, from Package Boy, to Utility Worker. Murray Klipper, from Electrician, to Ins- Launch Operator, to Motor Launch Ricardo Cameron, from Package Boy, to pector (Electrical Systems), Contract and Captain. Laborer Cleaner. Inspection Division. Gilberto Escobar, from Clerk-Typist, to Henry G. Fergus, from Laborer Cleaner, to Dredging Division Supervisory Clerk-Typist. Heavy Laborer. Robinson, from Deckhand, to Brigido Jimenez, from Dairv Worker, to Francesco Viglietti, from Motor Launch Osborn C. (Boatswain). Milker. Captain, to Master, Small Tug. Deckhand P. Ruiz, from Deck- Victor E. Waite, from Pinsetter, to Utility Ramon Castro, Walter C. Gooden, Sted- Rev N. Blake, Joaquin deus MeFarlane, Cyril A. Warren, from hand, to Launch Seaman. Worker. Shepherd, from Launch Seaman, Launch Operator, to Motor Launch Ernesto R. TRANSPORTATION AND TERMINALS Captain. to Seaman. Terminals Division Edgar R. McCollin. from Utility Worker, Jose D. Vergara, from Boatman, to Debris Edward B. O'Brien, Jr., from Marine Ter- Laborer. Control Winchman. Supply Division, to Heavy minal Superintendent (Superintendent. Erasmo Gomez, from Seaman, to Floating Industrial Division Terminals Division), to Terminal Opera- Plant Oiler. Maurice B. Nickel, from Production Engi- tions Superintendent (Superintendent, Richard A. Lindo, from Lint-handler, Locks neer, to Chief, Industrial Division. Terminals Division). Division, to General Helper. Cristobal L. Joseph, Gabriel Vargas, from Thomas J. Burbine, from Service Center Faustino Abrego, Ramon Garcia, from Rail- Helper Carpenter, to Maintenanceman Supervisor, Supply Division, to Guard road Trackman, Railroad Division, to (Boats). Supervisor. Laborer. Cleveland G. Davis, from General Helper, Lenord A. Bishop, Gouldbourn Lewis, Cecilio Puga, from Laborer, to Helper Dredging Division, to Helper Pipefitter. Winston A. Nicholson, Stephen E. Ed- Machinist. Luis A. Fajardo, from Laborer, to Heavy wards, Harry A. Dawkins, Oscar R. Vernal Electrical Division Laborer. James. Frank A. Reynolds, Wright, Gerald Charles, Carlos Diaz, Kazimierz Bazan, John L. Mason, from Locks Division from Clerk Checker, to Cargo Checker. Electrician, to Senior Operator (Generat- Joseph M. Vandergrift, Fred Schwartz, Tomas Ruiz, from Stevedore, to Cargo Fred A. Newhard, Arthur F. Crusey, ing Station). Checker. Alfred A. Legister, from laborer Cleaner, John F. Greening, Milton L. Nash, Grace (See p. 20) to Helper Central Office Repairman. G. Thomas, Kenneth M. Edwards, Wil-

The Panama Canal Review 19 (Continued from />. 19) Austin N. Henriques, Livingston Nolan, SAFETY from Dock Worker, to Cargo Marker. Pedro A. Diaz, Gonzalo Laguna, Augusto Moreira, from Stevedore, to Winchman. Manuel A. Arauz, Gil Bonilla, Andres Chavez, David Gomez, Fabrieio E. Gon- Kids Will Eat zalez, Martin Henriquez, Mariano Nieto,

Luciano Perez , Juan Ramos, Sotero Salazar, Gumersindo L. Urefia, Ernesto C. Victoria, from Dock Worker, to the Darndest Things Stevedore. Railroad Division Enrique Riviere, Faustino Garrido, Carlos IF A BABY had his way his diet might which will block his air passage or go A. Chen, Antonio Carrillo, Francisco bones, marbles, keys, into his lungs. A number of children die Paredes, Avelino Picota, Ildefonso Rosas. include buttons, Juli, in Lasso, Jeronimo Alguedo, from coins, rings, toys, and a conglomeration each year from this cause. Laborer, to Heavy Laborer. of other indigestible items youngsters Objects children most frequently Motor Transportation Division seem to have a passionate appetite for. consume are safety pins, tacks, pea- nuts, small toys, seeds, buttons, beads, Dona T. Craig, from Clerk-Typist, Office Left to its own devices, a baby may of General Manager, Supply Division, to and coins. forage all kinds of inedible goodies Accounting Clerk. Follow these precautions: whicn all too often become stuck in his Simon J. Bryce, from Leader Automotive 1. Don't let your child eat nuts or Equipment Serviceman, to Leader Tire throat or lungs. candy bars with nuts until after he or Rebuilder. Take for example, Linda, 1 year old. Clifford Lewis, from Deckhand, Navigation she is 5 years of age. For some time her mother couldn't get Division, to Chauffeur. 2. Don't let a young child chew on Donald O. Zobel, from Automotive Equip- her to eat solid food. It just wouldn't pencils, toothpicks, or other wooden ment Serviceman, to Truck Driver go down. No wonder. A doctor's x-ray objects because splinters from them can Agustin Martinez, Wilfred C. Warner, showed that for 11 months a ring had Truck Driver, from Supply Division. be inhaled or ingested. been lodged in her throat. Gordon B. Gordon, from Utility Worker, 3. Before you place a baby on the Supply Division, to Warehouseman. Tommy had a favorite little green floor to play, inspect the area for small plastic toy he liked to suck on. One day OTHER PROMOTIONS objects. it went down his throat and although PROMOTIONS which did not involve 4. Never leave purses, sewing bas- a pediatrician worked for hours he changes of title follow: kets, or such containers within reach couldn't locate it. Tommy died. John E. Fisher, Chief, Accounting Policies of babies. and Procedures Staff, Office of the Then there was a little girl who 5. Never allow children to play with Comptroller. swallowed a hatpin while she was dress- Edwin F. Rigby, General Supply Officer, toys small enough for them to swallow Supply Division. ing her doll. Why? Because she was or with toys having loose or detachable Thomas G. Toda, Structural Engineer, holding the pin in her mouth the way parts, such as eyes on animals or bells Engineering Division. her mother did on pull toys. Harvey E. Beall, Thomas J. Dwyer, James Children just can't be trusted with If, in spite of precautions—or from V. Higgins, Jr., Leon T. Williams, Ad- measurer, Navigation Division. small objects. And danger is not simpl) lack of them—your child chokes on a

Henry B. De Voll, Marine Traffic Control- from swallowing; it is also from inhala- foreign object, turn him upside down ler, Navigation Division. tion into the lungs. For example, sup- and slap him gentlv on the back. If this Edna B. Campbell, Staff Nurse (Operating Room), Coco Solo Hospital. pose you give a baby a piece of candy doesn't dislodge the object take the Catherine M. Brown, Librarian, Canal containing a whole peanut. He will suck child to the hospital immediately. Zone Libraries. the candy until it is gone and only the Never try to remove the object from Luther M. Norwood, Service Center Sup- peanut remains in his mouth. Then he his throat with your fingers; you may ervisor, Supply Division. out, it Ruth P. Huldtquist, Accounting Clerk, will spit the peanut swallow push it down into the windpipe. And Navigation Division. whole, or choke on it. If he does the don't try to make the child vomit. This Constance C. Nelson, Clerk-Stenographer, latter, he is likely to inhale the nut, may only complicate the situation. Navigation Division. Ruth R. Beck, Clerk, Coco Solo Hospital. Gabriel A. Riemers, Chief Engineer, Tow- boat or Ferry, Navigation Division. Be Careful - Not a Statistic Walter G. Laurie, Gordon H. Thompson, Chief Foreman, Fuel Operations, Termi- nals Division. —ACCIDENTS- Roy W. Perkins, Maxwell C. Sanders, Genera] foreman, Fuel Operations, FOR Terminals Division. Wilbur Doekery, Worden E. French, J. THIS MONTH Parker P. Hanna, Irvin E. Krapfl, Lead Foreman, Fuel Operations, Terminals Division. AND Cyril D. Atherley, Supervisory Clerk-Typist, Navigation Division. THIS YEAR Kenneth A. McClaren, Clerk-Typist, Navi- gation Division. Marquesa II. Francis, Cook, Coco Solo, FIRST AID DISABLING DAYS MARCH CASES INJURIES LOST Lerense L. Frivol, Baker, Supply Division. •62 61 •62 '61 •62 '61 lonicam, Sales Clerk. Supplj Divi ALL UNITS 306 314(75) 10 15 319 317321 Alice Gooden, Utility Worker, Supply YEAR TO DATE 709 1340(698) 34 41(4) 6S79 978 58) Di\ i (Locks Overhaul Injuries included In total.

20 May 4, 1962 CANAL HISTORY

50 Years Ago water supply of the Canal Zone was sub- started soon between Panama and jected to an unprecedented strain. Bv Miami, and Maj. Gen. Oscar Westover, CONCRETE WORK at Gatun Locks the middle of the month, however, one of Corps, told Con- was so near completion 50 years ago this Chief the Armv Air of the heaviest rainfalls on record fell gress that Hawaii, the Philippines, and month that the steel forms used in the in the Ancon area, producing a total of targets construction of the walls of the locks the Canal Zone would be easy 7.05 inches of rain during a 5%-hour short- were offered for sale and the rock- for invading air fleets due to the period. of U.S. Air crushing plant at Portobelo, which sup- age and obsolescence plied stone for the concrete, was closed. Corps planes. Years Ago Directors the The month of Mav 1912 also marked 25 The Board of of Pan- the end of 8 years of Canal construction A BILL authorizing the Panama Rail- ama Railroad accepted a bid of the Bethle- work on the part of the U.S. Govern- road to sell certain lands in Colon at $12,120,000 submitted by construc- ment. The Panama Canal Record prices to be fixed bv appraisal was hem Shipbuilding Coqa. for pointed out that Canal work on the Isth- passed bv the U.S. House of Represen- tion of three modern passenger and freight ships which were to replace mus started on May 4, 1904, but that tatives. Canal Zone authorities said the the four Railroad ships then the first 3 years were largely devoted legislation was to permit implementa- Panama to organizing a work force, improving tion of the announced U.S. intention in operation. sanitary conditions, and developing to dispose of real estate holdings of a plans for excavation and construction commercial nature in territory under 10 Years Ago of the waterway. Panama's jurisdiction. THE GREATEST shift of high Canal The dry season ended in May 1912 Pan American Airways announced personnel since 1907 occurred 10 vears was the driest on record and the potable that a new 1-day air service would be ago as the result of retirements and changes of assignment. For the first time since the Canal organization was formed, the two highest officials left RETIREMENTS the organization at the same time. Gov. F. K. Newcomer departed earlv in Mav RETIREMENT certificates were pre- Alfred I. Lavergneau, Truck Driver, Motor Transportation Division; 32 years, 1952 and Lt. Gov. Herbert D. Vogel sented at the end of March to the left 1 month, 10 daj s. at the end of the month to become employees listed below, with their posi- Emerish MeKenzie, Leader Seaman, Dredg- division engineer of the Southwest tions at time of retirement and years of ing Division; 39 years, 10 months, 1 day. Division, Corps of Engineers. Canal service. Jose Martinez, Seaman, Dredging Division; During the same month, three bureau 31 years, 8 months, 21 days. Harry Akers, General Foreman Carman, Manuel A. Mendez, Stevedore, Terminals directors retired or left the service. Railroad Division; 32 years, 11 months, Division; 14 years, 2 months, 2 days. Thev were Maj. Gen. G. W. Rice, Health 1 clay. Thomas Palmer, Helper, Lock Operator, William H. Anderson, Lead Foreman, Rail- Director; William H. Dunlop, Finance Locks Division; 22 years, 3 months, road Division; 15 years, 2 months, 2 days. Director; and Capt. Robert Peacher. 15 days. M. Hermogenes I. Avila D., Stevedore, Ter- Joseph W. Prescod, Roofer, Maintenance Marine Director. It also was announced minals Division; 22 years, 2 months, Division; 40 years, 5 months, 15 days. that Lindsley H. Noble, the Comptrol- 25 days. Natividad Rangel L., Wharfman, Terminals William S. Brown, Leader Stevedore, Ter- ler of the Atomic Energy Commission, Division; 20 years, 5 months, 11 days. minals Division; 22 years, 5 months, had accepted the appointment to the Roy D. Reece, Assistant Electrical Engi- 25 days. neer, Electrical Division; 32 years, new job of Comptroller of the Panama Heriberto Cabeza, Stevedore, Terminals 1 month, 13 days. Canal Company. Division; 17 years, 5 months, 5 days. Manuel Renteria, Guard, Panama Local Joseph N. Coote, Warehouseman, Supply The nomination bv President Truman Agency; 17 years, 20 days. Division; 18 years, 11 months, 6 days. of Brig. Gen. S. as Charles C. Rogers, Helper Electrician. John Sevbold Gov- Clayton Cummings, Stockman, Mainte- Locks Division; 28 vears, 7 months, ernor of the Canal Zone was approved nance Division; 46 years, 6 months, 29 days. by the Senate. 17 days. Victor Ruiz, Garbage Collector, Community Nicolas Estrada, Meteorological Aid, Elec- Services Division; 30 years, 26 days. trical Division; 36 years, 4 months. Barbino Sanchez, Boatman, Locks Division; One Year Ago 17 days. 34 years, 9 months, 24 days. ELVIS STAHR, jr., Secretary of the Cupertino Garrido, Lead J. Foreman, Dredg- Fitz N. Sandiford, Chauffeur. Motor Trans- ing Division; 41 years, 7 months, 7 Army, announced appointment of a new days. portation Division; 42 vears, 2 months, Roger C. Hackett, Dean, Canal Board of Directors Zone Junior 9 days. for the Panama College, Division of Schools; 31 years. Jose Schmidt, Laborer Cleaner, Terminals Canal Company a year ago, shortly 6 months. Division; 21 years, 8 months, 26 days. before they were to meet on the Isthmus. Holder, Joseph Leader Seaman, Dredging Zedekiah E. Smith, Guard, Motor Trans- Division; The SS Ancon arrived in New 48 years, 2 months. portation Division; 47 years, 8 months, Orleans Albert W. Howard, Laborer, Terminals 3 days. on May 1 to inaugurate service Division; 45 years, 3 months, 4 days. Headley A. Thompson, Deckhand, Navi- on the new and shorter run between Ernest James, Guard, Navigation Division; gation Division; 33 years, 9 months, the Zone and the United States. The 38 years, 1 month, 12 days. 3 days. Ancon soon was to be succeeded bv Julius Joseph, Chauffeur, Motor Transpor- W. Van Underwood, Leader Lock Oper- the Cristobal, tation Division; 28 years, 6 months, ator, Locks Division; 27 years, 10 months, which was undergoing 2 days. 24 days. overhaul in New York.

The Panama Canal Review 21 TRAFFIC MOVEMENT OVER MAIN TRADE ROUTES The following table shows the number of transits of large, commercial vessels (300 net tons or over) segregated into eight main trade routes: Hotei Ship Due CANAL TRANSITS — COMMERCIAL AND U. S. GOVERNMENT THE SHAW SAYILL LINE'S 700-foot, 26,463-ton motorship Dominion Mon- arch, which is to be used as a floating hotel during the Seattle World's Fair, is expected to arrive at the Canal at the end of Mav on her way to Seattle from London. Since her regular run has been between London and Australia via the Suez Canal, this will be the vessel's first transit of the Isthmian waterway. She will arrive here, however, with neither passengers nor cargo. According to W. Andrews & Co., agents for Shaw Savill, the ship probably will be sold for scrap after she has completed her assignment at the fair.

Tanker Midbody Transits AN UNUSUAL CUSTOMER for the Canal during April was the midbody for a T-2 tanker, which was being towed from Japan, where it was built, to Bal- timore, where it is to be fitted to the two ends of a T-2 tanker as part of a capacity enlarging process called "jumbo-izing." The midbodv was being towed by the recenth -built Japanese tug Nissho Mam and was to arrive at Balboa about April 28. The tanker midsection, nearly as large as an ordinary ship, weighs

13,500 tons, is 415 feet long, and has a beam of 75 feet. The tug taking the midsection to

Baltimore is an ocean-going craft with a crew of 37 men. Five crew members are being carried aboard the tow. This is the second midsection to make the Canal transit in the past year, another one having made the northbound transit in July 1961. Norton, Lilly & Co., act as agents for the tugs and their tows at the Canal.

New Cruise Season WITH THE 1961-62 winter cruise season hardlv finished, C. B. Fenton & Co., Inc., Isthmian agents for Norwegian America Line, reports that the -motor vessel Oslofjord will arrive at Cristobal October 1 on her autumn cruise around the world. She will berth in Balboa during the afternoon and leave later that night en route to Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Hong Kong. During the 83-day cruise, the Oslo- fjord will cover 26,027 miles and visit 18 ports, including Bangkok, Singapore, Colombo, Bombay, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Haifa, Naples, Villefranche, and Tangier, as well as the Canal and New York, where the cruise ends. s> HIPPING TRANSITS BY OCEAN-GOING MORE CARGO moved through the on which tolls are assessed. VESSELS IN MARCH Panama Canal in March than during Each ship which arrives at the any previous month in the history of 1961 196? Canal for its first transit is subjected tlic waterway. Some 6,200,000 tons of Commercial 937 980 to a complete measurement by the cargo were shipped through aboard U.S. Government 18 15 admeasurers. The Panama Canal net 980 commercial vessels, while approxi- Fre. 5 in tonnage thus obtained is used thereafter 5,560 passengers made the for computation of tolls on each transit, mately ["otal 960 1.(105 transit on 204 ships. unless the vessel undergoes structural TOLLS" Exactly how much do these ships, alterations. After such alterations, she Co. and all others served by the Canal, pay ercial $4,728,204 $5,099,974 must be remeasured. for the cost-saving transit from ocean- U.S. Government. 103,170 L00.929 There are marked differences in the to-ocean? It depends on their capacity. Total $4,831,374 $5,200,903 revenue-producing capacity of various revenue-producing capacity of types of ships—even when their exterior The CARGO 00 each ship using the Canal is determined dimensions are similar. Commercial 5.676.560 6.200,254 in accordance with the Rules for the The 71.5-foot passenger ship Canada U.S. Government. Measurement of Vessels for the Panama 104,023 87,543 has a Panama Canal gross tonnage of Canal, as prescribed by the President Total 5.780,583 6,287,797 36,185 tons. Public rooms, propelling

of the United States. 'includes tolls on all vessels, ocean-gom^ and small. power space, quarters for her large •• Cargo figures are in long tons. The Rules for Measurement state crew, and other allowable deductions that tolls on merchant vessels. Army brings her net tonnage down to 16,221, and Navy transports, colliers, hospital however, or less than 4.5 percent of ships, supply ships, and yachts shall be above the uppermost full-length deck her gross. based on the net vessel-tons of actual are computed. These, minus some The 736-foot tanker World Glory, earning capacity. This tolls-paying, or deductions, determine the Panama although longer than the Caronia, has earning, capacity is known as "Panama Canal gross tonnage. a gross tonnage of 29,532, or some Canal net tonnage," which is estab- From the gross tonnage thus estab- 6,653 less than the passenger vessel. lished at the rate of 1 ton for each lished, the admeasurers subtract all Rut because the World Glory has far 100 cubic feet of enclosed, revenue- space used for navigation and operation less space which is deductible, her Pan- producing space aboard the vessel. Tolls of the ship, all ballast space, all space ama Canal net tonnage is 23,713, or on fighting ships, floating drydoeks, and devoted to living quarters for the officers more than 70 percent of her gross and dredge's are computed on the basis of and crew, all space occupied by the some 7,492 more than the Caronia. displacement tonnage, which is a weight engineroom and propelling machinery, The ore carrier Dynamic, 8 feet measurement determined by the ton- and, if it is a passenger vessel, all public longer than the World Glory and 29 feet nage of water "displaced" by the vessel. rooms. In all ships propelled by power longer than the Caronia. has a gross ton- —and most of them are these days—an nage of 30,881, considerably under the When any ship, other than those additional deduction equal to 75 per- passenger vessel but slightly higher charged on a displacement tonnage cent of the space devoted to propelling than the tanker, but her actual cargo basis, is carrying any cargo and or pas- machinery also is deducted. The gross space is equal to only 11,928 Panama sengers, whether fully laden or only tonnage, minus these deductions, deter- Canal net tons, less than either of the partially laden, the vessel is charged mines the Panama Canal net tonnage, other two vessels. 90 cents per ton for its entire Panama Canal net tonnage. If the ship is in bal- or passengers last, with no cargo and OCEAN-GOING TRANSITS aboard, the charge is 72 cents for each THROUGH PANAMA CANAL Panama Canal net ton. The vessels charged on a displacement-ton basis pa) 50 cents tor each displacement ton. These rates apply equally to the ships

of all nations except vessels owned by

the ( Jovernment of the Republic of Pan- ama. Colombian naval vessels, those transiting for repairs or drydocking, and floating equipment oi the Canal organization. These transit free. To establish the amount of Panama

Canal iu I tonnage for any vessel. Canal admeasurers go aboard, tape measure in hand, and measure the total capacity

ol the vessel. The exact cubical con- tents "t all space below the uppermost full-length deck and all permanently covered and closed-in spaces on or


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