UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/panamacanalrevie1210pana / WE IN THIS ISSUE Homebuying Opportunity Bells Ring for Latin Schools Working Conditions and Health Toward Tropical Comfort 12, No. 10 May 4, 1962• A Movie is Born . r t J. Fleming. Jr., Governor-Pi .g-fel. N. D. Christensen, Press Officer \V. P. Leber, I.ieuh Joseph Connor, Publications Editor Editorial Assistants: A ill Arey Official Panama Canal Company Publication Eunice Richard and Tobi Bittel una Canal Information Officer Published Monthly al Balboa Heights, C. Z. William Burns, Official Photographer Printed at the Printing Plant, Mount Hope, Canal Zone On sale at all Panama Canal Sen-ice Centers. Retail Stores, and the Tivoli Guest House for 10 days after publication date at S cents each Subscriptions, $1 a year; mail and back copies, 10 cents each. Postal money orders made payable to the Panama Canal Company should be mailed to Box M. Balboa Heights. C. Z. Editorial Offices are located in the Administration Building, Balboa Heights. C. Z. A Refreshing Canal Story Waterway on Film Index MILLIONS OF PEOPLE throughout the United States and Latin America soon will be learning more about the Panama Canal, pleasantly and without moving from their school desks, dinner chairs, or television-viewing positions. Their opportunity" will come through a 2S 1'2-minute color film which was given a special preview last month by the Panama For Your Health 3 Canal Company Board of Directors and soon will be circulating to schools, television stations, and interested organizations Latin American Schools throughout the Western Hemisphere. Filmed in the Canal Zone and the Springfield, Mass., studios of Bav State Film Productions, Inc., the movie captures the Villa Caceres historic background, construction-era effort, economic signifi- cance, cooperative effort, and community life which centers at Making of a Stamp the "Funnel for World Commerce" which crosses the Isthmus of Panama to connect two great oceans. This month's cover shows Harold M. Fischer, Bay State's production manager for the film, Audubon of the Zone shooting a ship in famous Gaillard Cut. Employing the talents of three bi-lingual actors—Carlos Mon- Nuclear Construction Proposed 10 talban, Luis Van Rooten, and George Gaynes—the movie was filmed in both Spanish and English, thus avoiding any necessity for "dubbing in" voices in either language. Of Toys and Dolls and Laughter _ 11 All three actors are experienced performers of stage, screen, and television. Mr. Montalban, who has directed, written, and Cool, Man, Cool - 14 narrated in addition to his acting, is well known throughout America for his frequent roles in Spanish-language movies. Mr. Van Rooten, who has appeared in numerous motion picture Worth Knowing 16 and television roles, is perhaps best known for his role as Knobby Walsh in the "Joe Palooka" television series. Anniversaries. _ 18 In the Canal film, Mr. Montalban portrays a Canal engineer, Mr. Van Rooten plays the role of a Canal executive, and Mr. Gaynes fills the role of a visitor to the Isthmus. Promotions and Transfers- 19 For the special preview for the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Company last month, Mr. Montalban and Edward Safety- 20 Knowlton, professional author who wrote the script, accompanied Morton Read, President of Bay State, to Washington and the Hoard meeting. Canal History 21 Specific arrangements for widespread distribution of the film through regular distribution channels now are being made. A Shipping Statistics. 22 print ol the completed film is being reviewed prior to being made available for early public showing. - 24 (Continued tin puye 12) Shipping. 2 May 4, 1962 FOR your HEALTH Conditions on the job are controlled by Health Bureau unit to protect employees of waterway. Too much carbon monoxide? Dr. Robinson and Terminals Training Officer Barrett discuss possibility while examining exhaust pipe of fumes-producing forklift truck on Cristobal piers. IT IS OBVIOUS that wearing a "hard transmit yellow fever to man. Using ized section is headed by Dr. Donald hat" in situations where a knock on the this knowledge. Dr. William Crawford Robinson, who has had approximately noggin may occur simply is common Corgas and his co-workers launched 15 years of experience in the field of sense. The hazard to the old bean in such a determined and continued attack preventive medicine and industrial many work situations is well-recog- on the Aedes aegypti and Anopholes health. nized and the need for safeguards mosquitoes on the Isthmus that yellow Many of the long-established pro- is apparent. fever among construction workers was grams normally considered a part of a There are other on-the-job hazards, eradicated and malaria was reduced to comprehensive industrial health pro- however, that are not so obvious or a bare minimum. gram have been brought under the new readily apparent as the threat of a plum- The effort made to improve and con- section and new programs are being meting hammer or wrench. These not- trol Isthmian conditions related to the added to establish a more complete so-obvious hazards offtimes are not health of employees did not end with industrial health program. The long- readily apparent to any of the five senses completion of the Canal, of course. established programs include pre- which normally alert individuals to Such efforts continue today. The Safety employment physical examinations, danger— but they can be just as deadly. Branch is primarily responsible in the periodic examinations for certain em- Your sight or hearing, or both, may field of "accidental injury" and the ployees, and supervision of industrial warn you of an object hurtling at you; Health Bureau is primarily responsible first aid and nursing services. your sense of touch may cause you to in the more general field of illness. New measures being developed by move from danger's path even as you Direct benefits from the highly suc- the section include establishment of are brushed by it; your sense of smell cessful efforts of Dr. Gorgas and his routine procedures by which informa- may warn you against a poisonous associates were notlimitedto employees, tion possibly pertinent to job-related substance. but extended to everyone living and health problems is channeled to Dr. But none of your five senses will warn working in the Canal Zone and area. Robinson for evaluation. By correlating you about carbon monoxide gas; it is The infectious nature of the diseases such information, a previously unre- colorless, odorless, tasteless—but it will being combatted made improvement of cognized problem may be brought kill just as surely as a skull-crushing community health conditions an integral to light. blow bv a falling object. Nor will your part of the main problem of keeping "For example," Dr. Robinson says, senses warn vou that microscopic parti- employees well and on the job. "a single case of skin rash among 50 cles of dust are penetrating your lungs Communitv-wide conditions affect- employees doing the same job or work- like tiny darts, causing you to develop ing health are a major concern of the ing in the same shop probably repres- silicosis. And, of course, none of your Health Bureau and have been for many ents only an individual medical problem senses can give warning that you are in years. Part of this problem is directly and is of no special concern to the contact with disease-causing germs or related to working conditions and the Industrial Health Section. But if several viruses which will sicken or may even newest unit of the Health Bureau was employees show up with identical com- kill you. organized just a few months ago for the plaints, it indicates that something may There was a time—to take a case in purpose of dealing with this specific be wrong in the working environment. point—when mosquitoes were consid- aspect of community health. That's where we come in." ered merely irritating pests. Fortu- This unit, the Industrial Health Sec- Indicators which may alert the Indus- nately for those who built the Panama tion, is part of the Division of Preventive trial Health Section to possible problems Canal, Dr. Walter Reed and his associ- Medicine and Quarantine headed by include chronic absenteeism and acci- ates proved that certain mosquitoes can Dr. Sidney B. Clark. The recently organ- dents, as well as reported illnesses. A The Panama Canal Review steady pattern of absenteeism or acci- dents may indicate unhealthful condi- tions on the job which have not been recognized b\ either the employees themselves or the supervisors. The sec- tion also learns of possible problems through visits to job sites, shops, and other work locations. "All these things help us pinpoint Is there adequate problem areas," Dr. Robinson says, "but the most direct and effective means by ventilation where which problems can be found and Fred Trout solved are through reports from indi- is working? vidual employees, members of their families, or supervisors. In other words, Only a scientific and seek assistance from we need atmospheric test laymen with firsthand knowledge of working conditions." can tell. All requests for assistance by super- visors are followed by an interview and a study of the job in question. Some- times such requests include interview and examination of one or more indi- viduals to determine if they have been affected by job conditions. In all indi- vidual counseling, the normal confiden- tial relationship of physician and patient is respected. "This definitely is a management pro- concern of management, even though Once a problem is recognized and gram," Dr.
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