Drive home and dig in. NEWS: Students getting ripped BUSINESS: On-Campus Recruit- off. Co-op is not what it's all ing is coming. Are you prepared? cracked up to be. page 11 page 3 SCENE: Gum gum or Flavour FEATURE: The Oka stand-off is Flav? Public Enemy play the over. Where do we go from here? Twist. page 16 page 19 SPORTS: Football Hawks endure Homecoming loss. page 27 ATTENTION GRADUATING STUDENTS STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS Summer Jobs! Did you know thai Career Services handled EMPLOYER INFORMATION SESSIONS I approximately 300 summer job openings last year? Did you know that employers such as: Bell . Dow Chemical A number of organizations arrange Information sessions *'TWIB Petro-C a ..ada, National Defence and the on campus prior to their application deadline as part of the National Research Council have already on-campus recruiting program. It is Important to attend summer jnisKiiinsfw 1991

the company. As well, representatives often note atten- by Career .. j'tfPjPI s,op Sewices and ask about dance. To date, the following organization have arranged ißll summer job opportunities.

- - - Thurs., Oct. 4 5:30 7:00 p.m. - PMC PllbMC SGTViCG WARNER-LAMBERT Kevin Caldwell. Caroline Snell. Carolyn King. Tim Lanp

- - Fri., Oct. 5 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. - PMC (Front) Donna Gaffnev. Margie Muirhead. Vicki Sejgner EX3ITIS CP RAIL

- Oct - - - Wed.. 10 1:00 2:30 p.m. PMC w ROYAL BANK

- a- Wed., Oct 10 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. - PMC WELCOME AUDIT officer (PM) E LO) nestle enterprises 1990-91 Student Career Assistants %oreig^seTv

- Mon.. Oct. 15- 10:00- 11:30 p.m. - PMC F ice^ purchasing officer BANK DOMINION RECEPTION Student Career Assistants are volunteers from all academic disciplines who function as support staff EXAMS

- - - in the Career Services Centre for three hours . -, Mori., Oct. - a week duringthe academic year. They also plan and 15 p.m. - o-oOum oration- * 2:30 4:00 PMC Q n , am, 1 TR A implement special projects designed to help students with their career-related needs. During the • Location. 1.0.A MUTUAL GROUP I year they will become familiar with On-CampusRecruiting, the Alumni Referral Service, and the I career counselling services. As well, they will be involved in many special events offered by Career "" -TllP«;lues., Ortwet. It)lfi Z.OVJ - 4-fin m - DA/TO Please sien ut) in Career Services infliraiina 4.UU p.m. PMC Services, such as Career Fair, Arts & Science Career Information Night and Summer Job Pair. For . . . ' E MONITOR COMPANY information about being a future Student Career Assistant ask at the Career Services Centre for a intention to write exam and to learn the

___ „ _ Student Career Assistaant brochure. . ~ • .

- - - locatlon of exam Wed., Oct 17 1:00 2:30 p.m. - PMC

- wed., "w™,. - pmc I CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR PROCTER & GAMBLE FUTURE? =====^== - - - Wed., Oct 24 1:00 3:00 p.m. - PMC Why not drop in to the ■HHHH M.B.A. FAIR? Employers always provide food and refreshments at these sessions. Tuesday, October 23, 1990 Between 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Centre There will be additional employer information session „. scheduled by organizations so do keep In touch with I /if'%

CONSIDERING A CAREER IN TEACHING? THEN WHY NOT ATTEND A If TEACHER EDUCATION HSH SEMINAR!?!? W Speak with Representatives from: CtObCr 16 U.S. and n™: l2:»2-30 Canadian, European Universities Place: Theatre Auditorium Ottawa

* Leam about admission requirements Date:r> ii,.Wednesday,j October 17 Lakehead Tune: 12:30-2:30 Queen's

Place: Theatre Auditorium Windsor • c . . - - western Obtain information in an informal setting


Sociofnmj Y 'C JT 1 / ) and 7[j 1 \ vb—ill 112 'jji' /" i~ /ti /112 ￿ $Inthropolom Majors Carter Services M —' L Sponsored by t 3 I "" .11. 11 1 m 1&"~ '1/(11)1 Monday, , , If I mm October 22, 1990 Put your degree to work !

Careers for Psychology Majors . 5.3Q 5.39 p >m .

Monday, October 29, 1990 Careers In „ _ s:3o - 6:30 p.m. Government Room 4 205 Thursday, October 11th, 1990 Come and discover what recent graduates \ v from Anthropology & Sociology are doing, Come and discover what you can do I*oo-2*30 and learn about the skills you possess!

_ / »th degree! V/ rV7 J f=- w your psychology \\Jbl FvJ Room 5-205 Put your degree to work IN THE NEWS...

News Editor: Mark Hand Associate News Editor: Tim Sullivan Thursday, October 4,1990 "Battlefield" Child care on Bricker St. turning into imminent new residence for WLU Sue Bailey Cord The Carolyn Gruske The Cord AT THE moment it might something a look like THE CREATION of a child care system pitted, battlefield, on for the debris-strewn but work the Laurier community is finally underway. Kathy new Bricker Street student residence is progressing Dowling's to was: right reaction this "thank God it has smoothly and on schedule. finally started." "We've just started work on what will the be Dowling undergraduate representative to games room," de Craemar, supervisor is an said Noel the Associate Vice-President's Ad Hoc Committee and representative of the general contractor, Gil- on Child Care. The organization's mandate is to vesy. "The elevator pits have also been completed." a child care facility for fac- All this has been done in the scant four weeks "establish self sufficient staff and students of Wilfrid Laurier Univer- since digging first began, and things are quickly ulty, sity." moving along. If the weather continues to cooperate committee, April, currently the bricking process will soon begin. The formed last is "So far the good weather has really helped us keep examining their options about possible styles of day things on track," said electrical foreman, Peter This is no man's land, where only the bravest of con- care organization. According to Jan Basso, the Bergen. "As work progresses, weather conditions struction workers dare to tread. Oops, how did this Chairperson of the Committee, the possibilities in- an facility, having a facil- will have more of an effect because the mortar picture get in here? This was supposed to be a picture clude having on-campus ity in proximity to the campus run by an out- washes away." of but...oh close construction, well. This is actually a...0h side contractor, or obtaining guaranteed spots for The true start of Autumn with its frigid mornings hell, you know what it is! and early evenings is also expected to slow things WLU users at existing day care facilities. down marginally. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 So far the biggest hassles for those working on the project have been lack of space and, (imagine the odds), lack of parking. Due to the latter problem, several workers from out of town were parking Co-op programme along Bricker Avenue, unaware of the strictly en- flawed forced 3-hour time limit. Several tickets prompted portunity to gain 'real-life' work experience along with their the general contractor to approach Ron Dupuis, Carolyn Gruske The Cord studies. While this option appears to give the students the director of Physical Plant and Planning. scholastic THERE are many reasons why students choose to best of all possible choices, the programme has features of which "A temporary solution may be the leveling of some attend Laurier, but one of its main selling points is potential students should be aware. land on-site," said Dupuis. "At 202 Regina Street its highly praised Business programme. An integral John Thompson, Director of Co-operative Education explains that there were also a few spaces that the students part of the enticement is its co-op component the co-op program accepts 200 Business students and between 20 and weren't lining up for, so they've been set aside." But how many would apply if they knew that they their second year of studies. Speaking of parking shortages, though the new 30 Economics students in might not get job placements through the co-op de- selected by a process of application and interview, residence will house up to 300 students, only 76 of These students are partment? and will, once the programme is completed, graduate a term later than CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 The co-op elective gives students an op- an average four year student, will receive an extra degree, and will have three terms of work experience. In order to enable the students to better compete for jobs, the co- op programme runs seminars on preparing resum6s and handling in- terviews. These are seen to be key areas of the programme, because it is the opinion of Mr. Thompson that students have few skills in these areas. Thompson feels that "it is not often you have to sit there, dressed up and do an interview for a job," and that most students get their sum- mer and part-time jobs through friends of the family. He also believes that students often "underestimate their experi- ences" when compiling their resum6s; the resume workshops help them develop "resume content relative to themselves, their age, and their geographical location." While the cornerstone of the co-op programme is its tie into the job market, students are not guaranteed a position. Jobs are listed on a board and students are required to submit resum6s to potential employers. There is no guarantee that a student will be interviewed by a par- ticular employer, nor is there a guarantee that a job in a specific field or geographical location will be available. Students who are unable to find suitable positions through the de- partment are allowed to seek out their own employment options. BACCHUS sends us a message warning against drunk driving in the form of a Potential student-obtained jobs must then be submitted for approval smasho-bang-up car resting on its side like some beached whale between the Li- of the co-op studies programme. brary and the Peter's Building. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 1 i OWING TO THE LONG THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, THE CORD WILL COME OUT NEXT FRIDAY. AFTER THAT, IT WILL BE THURSDAYS AS USUAL. the cord 4 NEWS Thursday October 4, 1990 Students divided on co-op's value CONTINUED FROM compared to last and PAGE 3 year, that two-way communication between 'would you join the co-op pro- would never do it again. the total for the two years has One student said that us and the students." gramme again?', students appear the jobs jumped from $410 to $500. One Currently nominations are being to be evenly divided. There are Careful consideration must be that she found was accepted by returning the student who is to his taken for the positions on the many students like Charlene taken by those students who department, even though they previous job, preferred to are called it "a and board (nominations close Thurs- Stephenson, third year Business, thinking of applying to the pro- little bit clerical." remain anonymous, expressed While not all day night) and an election will who claim that "in general it is a gramme, for even Thompson ad- students find their that he is "thinking of dropping jobs through the university, all follow. positive experience," but there are mits that "co-op is tough. It is not out because of the fee." students must pay $250 When asked the question also those who swear that they for every student" a non- Other students are more philo- refundable fee of in each their sophical about the administration second and third years in the pro- fee. Stuart Goldfarb, a third year gramme to help defer administra- business student, explained that tion costs. This fee also applies to "the quality of the experience is students who do not find jobs. worth the money. A student Child care centre The co-op department claims a today, with the economy the way 100% placement rate for 22 con- it is can't go out and get the jobs secutive terms, but students claim CONTINUED is an impediment. Access to free and equal educa- that we did." FROM PAGE 3 to know other students who could tion is not available without child care." Other students who also not get placed and have dropped wished to remain anonymous The final decision cannot be made until exact Funding is always a concern when dealing with out of the programme. complained about having to figures are obtained that specify who exactly would the child care question and this is no exception. Thompson find feels that the ad- their own jobs. They spoke a use the facility, what the most convenient hours of Seventy-five thousand dollars was made available ministration of fee is very rea- large number of job cancellations operation would be and how much users would be to the Committee as a one time infusion of 'seed sonable since the cost to the stu- and question "why are they ex- willing to pay for the service. money' by the university, but that will be the end of dent is "less than one-half the panding the programme now if their contribution. cost of operating the pro- the economy is declining?" In order to answer these questions, the Com- The child care centre must be self-supporting, gramme," and especially since mittee distributed surveys in last week's of Some cited the fact that unless edition depending primarily on user-fees, especially since "the provincial government one wants a the Cord. Students who might potentially use job in chartered ac- the government funding is unlikely. Basso explains that doesn't fund co-op at It com- counting or a job service are requested to complete survey by all. located in Metro the Oc- while "the Ministry of Community and Social Ser- es out of the general budget Toronto, tober 1, and deposit them in a special of the there was very little the box in the vices has some money available, it has essentially university." These same com- Concourse. choice. students run out for any major capital grants." He also feels that this cost is off- plained that "the administration Individuals using the service will have to pay user set by the salaries that the stu- The information collected from the students and seemed more concerned about fees, but since it will be a licensed facility, govern- dents earn while on their staff (who received surveys in their mailboxes) will work keeping up their placement rate ment assistance will be available for those who term. He quotes an average figure than matching students with oc- enable the Committee to determine the exact needs qualify. of $400-425 per week on the first cupations or locations that they of the Laurier Community. term and $436 per week on the are interested Once the survey results are studied, the com- in." Dowling believes that there is a great need for second term. mittee intends to present a proposal to the senior easier access to day care facilities by students. She Students, however, find the When asked why they wish to administration and then get started on opening the feels that "students are a transient population. They cost of the programme high. Most remain anonymous, they answer centre for September 1991, a date that cannot come students interviewed complained with replies like "we rely on them don't have a history of the city," and this makes it too soon for those involved. difficult for to care. about the high cost of the fee, es- [to get future jobs]. You can only them find suitable day Kathy Dowling exemplifies this attitude by saying pecially for those who found their say so much." According to Dowling, students need day care that "the Administration has nothing to lose and own jobs or are returning to their For those with complaints, a facilities because, "it is naive to believe that today everything to gain by the construction of a facility. previous place of employment. student-staff Advisory Council is the average first year students are nineteen and They will have a better image in the community, at- Other students complained that in the works. Its purpose, accord- straight out of high school. Students are older tract better personnel and have a an increased stu- the fee was particularly high ing to Thompson, is to "enhance people and they have families and lack of day care dent enrollment."

CP Rail - A Marketing Career with a Challenge.

CP Rail is one of the most successful and innovative transportation companies in the world. We're a recognized leader in adapting advanced technology to transportation problems and in developing marketing strategies in partnership with our customers to respond to North American and international competitive challenges. As Canada's largest privately-owned railway, we strive to meet our commitment to customer service and to growth

The key to success is people. The CP Rail of tomorrow .y* i * will be run by university graduates who are willing to accept Jfl

We're looking for top-notch people with business ' \ m,i W$M i «jf.. i ■'}k||gak 13V 'IMHmmI degrees by who want to meet these challenges joining l ®W^|

At CP Rail positions are open to all qualified individuals; flgr «S women, aboriginal peoples, disabledpersons and members I of visible minorities are specifically encouraged to apply.

We will be on campus October 10th. For further information please contact your placement office.

* '* * * » * * - *' - • » •» - - - . * '. • « x' i'i't'i't 1 k i ? ■■*■ 112 .■ -.i 4* -> »- -Ji 4 s + i ■ ■■• ■>' ■ i x? 112 ii the cord Thursday October 4. 1990 NEWS 5 New dorm coming along nicely Residence to be completed by September 1991 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 them will have someplace to park a car. This is in accordance with city requirements. As for what the new residence will actually look like, bricking of yellow and pink pastels has been selected. According to Dupuis, the top of the structure will be lighter in colour, with gradual graduation in shading to a dark base. When asked how he thought the end result would mesh with the other buildings on campus, he replied, "it'll be different and promi- nent because it's going to be higher than anything else around it." Remembering the onslaught of negative response to the Aird Building's distinct appearance, Dupuis added: "if people like modern architecture, they'll like the design of the new residence. If they pre- fer looking at the Library or the Central Teaching Building," he con- tinued, "their response may be a little less than positive." The project's targeted completion date is set for July, 1991. So far so good. Lecturer on Iraq voiced rubbish Comment by Saar Pikar disputable historical facts" pre- sented in his lecture. construction which should have been WHERE could one have gone to It is Dr. Hajjar's view that the This is the picture of dorm destruction, er, hear a good propaganda speech standoff in the gulf is an Amer- on page three. Bouckaert, the newest of the completed residences looms on Iraqi views? Room IEI on ican/Arab confrontation « just hauntingly in the background. September 17 was the ideal loca- another example of Western im- tion. perialism at work. Dr. Hajjar The truth What was promised to be a seemed to have conveniently to the Iraqi borders? Did he forget ling some real troubles. unbiased, informative knowledge guest lecture by Middle East ex- forgot that Egyptian soldiers (yes, the U.N. resolutions punishing is that Dr. Hajjar had little to say on the subject. pert Dr. Hajjar for PO 110 stu- they are Arab) are stationed right Iraq? Did he even forget that the and even less to justify his words. To justify the annexation of dents on the Iraqi-Kuwait situa- along with American soldiers; ad- Soviet Union supported these It is my sincere hope that the Kuwait by Iraq, Hajjar will need tion turned out to be a lame at- ditionally, in the last Arab League resolutions? invitation to Dr. Hajjar to speak much more than a few well tempt to justify Iraq's latest es- convention 16 out of 21 members The short and arrogant man- was extended in order to teach us spoken words; he will have to capades in the Middle East. condemned Iraqi actions. ner in which Dr. Hajjar answered to question misleading informa- change history. Hopefully Dr. With all due respect to Dr. A U.S./Iraqi confrontation questions at the end of his lecture tion, even when presented by a Hajjar was the first and the last in Hajjar's academic credentials and perhaps? Did Dr. Hajjar forget might have left some with the im- respectable source; it was evi- this line of lecturers, as WLU political knowledge, one could that in the last month both Syrian pression that he is an expert dently not extended to take ad- should not provide a podium for not help but question the "un- and Turkish soldiers were moved whose time might be served tack- vantage of Dr. Hajjar's wealth of voicing such rubbish again.

Offering Best Prices & ,-lllL Professional Service frosf. Weefa Sports, COMPUTERS & PERIPHERALS - SALES, SERVICE HI homecoming, More!! ISA Come to the Photo Dept. DATATRAIN La LAPTOP AST " Hi 80286(12MHz) ■ DataTrain DPC2BI2 ■ PREMIUM 386SX ■ *12MB Floppy ■ ￿ 80286 at 12 MHz ■ * 803865 (16MHz) ■ * X Second Floor S.U.B. MGA ■ *1 MB exp. to 4MB ■ *1 MB RAM •MS-DOS ■ *1.2 MB • Floppy DouWe Supertwist I

" * tyr Warranty VGA Mono Monitor® I I * 181 To See Our Selections. $ 2995.00" I upgradable lo 486 H $67 00 ■ ■ 5 $2895.00 ■ mM Ask For Tom. MICROWAY MW FAMILY OF COMPUTERS - QUALITY CHOICE QUALITY - RELIABILITY MW 286/12 MW MW MW 486/25 V2MBROPPV 386/25 386/33 40 MBH.D.. I/o 12 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz 25 MHz " ' " ,zm amber 974.00 1300.00 2 16400 4600.00 14' VGA mono 1124-00 1450.00 2334.00 4 /bO.OO LADIES... ° " $E C LOU 1700.00 5000.00 i^ 3 137400 2584.00 ~~~ 14"SuperVGA \ ! 800x600. .31 1449.00 1775.00 2659.00 5075.00 Thursday is LIMO NIGHT

14* VGA — Ultra i1395.00one 1024*768..28 1725.00 2609.00 5025.00 \

~~ DATATRAIN AH you have to do is call and you 1474.00 UltraVGA | 1800.00 2684.00 5100.00 \Jr receive: / 1774.00 2100.00 2984.00 5400.00 will K -a free limo ride to and from the bar Raven 1180 (9 pin) 219.00 40 MB 28 ms Hard Drive 350.00 Vf Raven -free 1124 (24 pin) 360.00 Conner 80/100 MB 695/795 W flowers ]V Fujitsu DL3400 549.00 Colorado 60 MB Tape Backup 375.00 [ -free prizes \ Raven 2465 (24 pin) J 549.00 Extra Memory (per MB) 95.00 SV\ -and MUCH, MUCH MORE! J No strings...No cost...Nothing but a great party! MicroWay U CALL 725-9315 before Thursday f+jAv Compter p£fr| to make your reservations! fca W Paty V* 301 King V 50 Westmount Rd. N. • J St. E. Kitchener 578-6930 Westmount Place Mall / All L md piodiKt nan jtf tmlcmaifcj ,V/J d of thru / IVlclfio's / ft RESTAURANT» BAR / the cord. 6 NEWS Thursday October 4, 19% One Germany: is it ready to face the world?


YESTERDAY it all seemed so Germany has not been the ideal simple. East Germany was the in- of democracy in history. Of dustrial bastion of communism, course, no country has, but some and West Germany was the countries have embraced internal leader in the European Com- democracy to a greater extent munity in terms of economic de- than others. velopment, progress, and Britain for example has held to stability. democratic principles more than Now all that is shot to hell. I am most other nations. Germany has somewhat skeptical of the merg- had democracy imposed on it ing of the two countries after they time and time again. were divided by the victors of the Sovereign West Germany might Second World War, to keep the have been until now, but things peace inEurope. are changed. East Germany and market fluctuations in wages and placed on Germany, and what if tion should prevail so that history I am none too pleased with East Germans are only newly ex- prices, and business cycles will any should be placed on it? is not doomed to be repeated. to Germany's last ensemble, and I posed democracy. certainly upset those used to a I wish Germany all the best. can only hope that Germany's On the other hand, economic Happy re-birthday, the Federal fixed price on food, rent, wages Like Germany, the world is an tendencies war strength is nothing new to Republic of, but watch what toward have been and other goods and services. ever changing place. Superpower suppressed for the good of the na- Germany. East Germany was the wishes you make when you blow The mix of industrial strength structures are being redefined, tion and the good of the world. out the candles. strongest industrial power outside with a very weak democracy has and global order is ever changing, Germany has had a militaristic the Soviet Union, and West pushed Germany to ideas of gran- balancing and shifting. Where is history, even before its responsi- Germany controls a great amount deur and war before. Nothing in- the world headed, and when will The opinions contained in Aurora bility for the Second World War of wealth and industrial capability trinsic makes Germany a milita- it ever stop? Borealis are Tim's and are shared by and imperial quests in the Great within Europe. ristic country, but its history has The answer is probably never. no one at the Cord, but we never say War and earlier attempts at con- The new democracy, and a free pointed it into that direction be- On the other hand, the changes quest. that to his face. Comments are wel- market for that matter might be a fore. Should the controls be must be kept in check, and educa- comed. You tell him, 'cause we don't. Some say that Germany has hard pill for East Germans to been peaceful since its defeat in swallow. Their strength in the the Second World War. Keep in communist system is relative. To mind that it has also been "oc- adjust to the new western world, cupied" by the Allies until only a with its abundant goods and high few days ago. wages, mixed with inflation, free on the green MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICATION SERVICE theenvironment with sarah welstead ************************************

NO ONE could accuse Food Services at Laurier of store. A return to large condiment dispensers as an not jumping on the environmental bandwagon. alternative to those little packets (the ones that you APPLYING TO MEDICAL ? SCHOOL First, they decide to allow lug-a-mugs in the take a handful of and never use anyhow) is im- cafeteria (although it remains to be seen whether minent. they will let you fill them with anything but coffee). Plans are also in the works to recycle cans. Not Applications for all Ontario Medical Now, they have begun to sell mess kits, in order to pop cans, but those huge cans that stewed tomatoes Schools must be received by the cut down on the amount of disposable containers and tomato sauce come in. However, there's one for take-out food. small problem -- they can't seem to find the space Application used Ontario Medical School Service The mess kits consist of a knife, fork and spoon to store the empty cans until a weekly pickup. (OMSAS) before 12:00 noon November 1,1990, and a plastic container divided into sections. The The kitchen is also looking at having its for Fall 1991 Admissions. kits will appeal mainly to people who live in biodegradable waste composted, but this will likely residence, and who prefer to take their meals back be far into the future. For applications write to: to their room. This group is the biggest culprit as Finally, Food Services is planning to join the far as styrofoam consumption goes. boycott against grapes grown in the Great Califor- nia Valley. These grapes have been sprayed with O.M.S.A.S. But perhaps some off campus students who forgot to bring dishes from home will want to pick chemicals that allegedly cause cancer, birth defects, P.0.80x 1328 one up. Of course, the thought of waiting until they and even death. GUELPH, Ontario get home at night to wash the darned thing up may So — Food Services is not quite as stubborn as it not be exactly appealing. was two years ago, when they refused to recycle. NIH7P4 Mess kits are not all that Food Services has in Well, everyone has to make some sort of effort. 1 CAMPUS MESS KIT % 1 jga ' W DO YOUR PART TO HELP REDUCE WASTE! Twy" USE THE CAMPUS MESS KIT DAILY Jc7 INSTEAD OF DISPOSABLES. NO MORE PLASTIC UTENSILS OR STYROFOAM CONTAINERS. SOON TO BE APPEARING AT NEAR YOU! ENVIROCARE A DINING HALL the cord Thursday October 4. 1990 NEWS 7 Senate meeting Non-sexist language encouraged

first time WLU reached and Tim Sullivan The Cord A motion to accept the the guidelines and encourage the use surpassed the 5000 in its full- THE UNIVERSITY'S Senate, of its recommendations was time, undergraduate enrollment. the body which oversees the aca- greeted by the chair, Dr Weir, demic aspects of the university, somewhat skeptically. He in- Similarly, Mr Cliff Bilyea, met last Monday. quired of the mover the scope to Director of Undergraduate Part- The topics on the agenda were which the guidelines would app- time Studies, reported that rather uncontroversial, with the ly- registration in this regard was up exception of the language The motion was watered down as well. guidelines proposed to be somewhat from an actual call to adopted. implement the guidelines to "en- was some- The "Equity in Communica- courage" staff, faculty, and stu- While the attendance at naming of indi- tions: Guidelines" was drawn up dents to follow the guidelines. what low the by Harold Remus of the depart- Other business was addressed by viduals who were asked to be ex- cused, was reached. Only ment of Religion and Culture, and the Senate as well. It was an- quorum was absent, a number of committee persons nounced that a search one student Senator John Weir, Chair of the Senate, smiling just a committee into the from a number of faculties and was needed to find a replacement while one arrived late little as he entertains private fancies about what meeting. institutions on campus. for Dr Alex Murray, the Dean of he'll do once his term at Laurier is over. The main point behind the the School of Business and Eco- guidelines was to propose an ac- nomics. Murray's term of office ceptable list of nonsexist lan- comes to an end in the next aca- guage for use in the university. demic year. The final guidelines went even The Registrar, Peter Tron A whole further in that it proposed non- reported that all targets for enroll- CampusClips racist and non-ethnocentric views ment were met, excluding the world of as it appears in the English lan- science department. The numbers guage. were encouraging overall, as for flavors just moved into Grads do pay your corner Our of the world. ink's good Comment by Shea Quin The Cord FOR THOSE you who get mad when of you read the Cord and find SEVERAL great praises were received by me with respect to the call your hands covered in black gook, we are pleased to announce that on staff, administration, and those who do not pay for the Cord or your newspaper (the Cord) is printed using edible ink. other StudentPublications products to pay for them. The vegetable oil based ink used is environmentally friendly, I do apologies to the graduate students for saying they do not pay for breaking down much quicker than other non-vegetable oil based inks. the service. In fact, this situation was assumed to be the case as I Starting in January, we will also be printing on recycled paper. know that graduate students are not allowed to vote in WLUSU elec- The Cord: finger lickin' good. I resist.) (Sorry, couldn't tions. It only stood to reason that if you can't vote, you have not paid either. Perhaps this innocent mistake on my part might be a springboard to call on WLUSU to either not have graduate students pay a fee to A whole world of flavors In every bite WLUSU and the health plan (something grad students have to pay Perfect but had no franchise in the decision to make to pay (SchlotzsHV^ paper it) students have IN A recent survey of WLU students, 87% said that the only part of or allow grad students to vote for WLUSU positions and plebiscites. Sandwiches • Soups •Salads the Cord news section that they read is the Campus Clips column. My apologies to the grad students for the mistake. — — — — The most popular reason: "it's short." P—————— -| Combined with previous years' research on the most popular parts Introductory of the paper, following can the conclusions be drawn: > • 1. That WLU students are very, very lazy. REVEALLED!!! ANOTHER I Offer! i 2. That the ideal Cord would be 8 pages long: 2 pages of Campus I Clips, 2 pages ! I of Letters-to-the-Editor, 2 pages of comics, and 2 ! l pages of Classifieds. REASON STUDENTS TAKE I I Your choice of any ] GRAY COACH HOME. | one regular size: Country roads SO IMPERSONAL ASK -original ] ( jV$ W DAD THE j -ham & Cheese WLUSU Executive members are currently enjoying the annual Operations Management Board's West Virginia Thanksgiving -cheese etreat. President Lewis and company will be touring the University | of FOR MONEYOVER MPHONE. ) j West Virginia and Fairmont State College, as well as seeing -western Clarence Clemons in concert. Students admitted why they snuck home via Gray Coach - This annual bonding only $1.99 excursion is only partially being funded by aside from the facts that Gray Coach is cheap (but still tasteful), I j your Students' Union fees. J air conditioned, and has reclining seats and a washroom and with this coupon somebody else to drive. I Not valid in combination | If you'd like to find out how cheap Gray Coach can take you I with any other offer. Good I Next Friday I home (and when) give us a call. only at Schlotzsky's long Th -140 University Ave. W. ank glving weekend, the Cord will come out j next Friday , i J as opposed to the usual Thursday i GrayCoach i Waterloo f lh'5 fundcd by your S '"- -29 King St.E. dengUnion tea, °Jl

' Kitchener j V,SA 99 BcAbbiess -••-'V jS | Offer expires | October 15, 1990 Groovy quote A reclining seat. Air conditioning. A washroom. And ■ somebody else to drive. ■ CHRIS Skalkos' Groovy Quote for this week: Please don t shoot the pianist. He is j fSchlotzsUVs j doing his best." I Student Union Info Centre, Student Union Building | Anonymous. Telephone 884-5210 I Sandwiches • Soups • Salads I— 1 the cord 8 NEWS Thursday October 4, 1990 Biofile: really disgusting diseases

this) nematode and, finally, ■ member from tiny 12 by 170 filtered out of capillaries. fibrosis (turning soft tissue into micrometers to 1.7 by 0.018 mil- Elephantitis not cartilage is the initial like tissue). BY limeters in about ten days. When effect of "invasion of the The first few times that the whole cycle runs, A.E. ROGAN the bloodsucker attacks its famil- nematodes". In fact, our bodies only iar minor swelling will occur prey, the nematode larvae respond with expediency if also in the travels down arms, legs, scrotum and breasts. BIOFILE: the probiscis, into with impunity. We send in the the puncture wound and thus into But upon repeated attack over HEARTY; this is how we would ing, tropical nasties; I mean the human being. The baby a period of years, a massive describe our perseverance in the gross. nematode finds and enters the Swelling in the fibrosis will develop in the lymph we face of this heinous, Canadian Shall start with, "I am not peripheral lymphatics, migrates arms, legs, scrotum nodes and something resembling weather. Bah, we've got it easy. an animal...l am a human being." down them, all the while growing a tumour occludes (blocks) All of you mesmerized by "hands You got it Jack, bulbous growths larger. They finally reach and breasts lymphatic vessels. Literally lakes up, baby hands up" think again -- amassing at strategic points maturity, ie: sexual maturity, and of lymph develop in the sinuses we're having no love affair with throughout the body -- mate in the lymph vessels and killer and lymph nodes. Associated this cold crap, but then again nei- elephantitis. What revolting cells which confine and nodes, producing more micro- destroy the worm, and with this is the permanent swell- ther are the plethora of little organism is responsible for this? then the larvae. mop up crew which absorbs their ing of appendages and beasties whose only — a round collective worm; specifically, the Now one purpose of the little dead bodies. fibromytosis (hardening) of the purpose is to invade, live, and nematode, bancrofti. Wucheria lymphatic system is to return to Unfortunately this also results dermis (just under the skin) and breed in the sanctity of our sausage shape The larvae the blood any excess fluid and in ultra-large cell growth, absorp- hypodermis (lowest part of the bodies. These are really disgust- grow within a (re- MOSQUITO protein that may have been tion of tissue other than the skin). At first the enlarged areas are springy, but after a while, be- come hard and rough, susceptible to further disease. The skin be- gins to resemble elephant skin, literally and figuratively. Then there's Bogey's disease, the tropical mad dog, Malaria. $ Malaria is caused by a single FORBIDDEN FORTUNE $ celled organism called Plas- modium vivax. This is also trans- ferred via the MOSQUITO. Plas- $30,000.00 PER MONTH EVERY MONTH! modium vivax is a type of protozoan that produces spores for reproduction, thus from the family named, sporozoan. They ————_ are parasites. Dear Friend, An infected mosquito bites a human being I challenge you to Join me in a totally HERE'S PROOF TAKE THE $50.00 CHALLENGE and the ameboid stage of the "UNIQUE" Money-Making venture that I am about to offer what no one else can! could change your life forever, and show you K.C. Houston, Tx. File H1951 was working 2 Order my Secret Money-Making System p.vivax, sporozoite, enters the how to begin earning $30,000.00 per month, jobs and just barely getting by. / began using Today and if you are not making at least blood stream. every month. I GUARANTEE IT! ! (See The your program 2 months ago and I now make $30,000.00 following my system, send it back This peripodded cell migrates to $50.00 laid this month than Challenge) I have out plan in more money in I I did all last for a full refund. PLUS, I will send you an the liver where it engages in the great dttail in a step by step manual that even year. Thank-you so much for your easy to $50.00 additional simply for trying my lively joy reproduc- a child could follow . I know a 67 year old operate program. program. You have nothing to lose and of asexual woman in Florida who purchased my manual everything to gain. Either you make tion. Still, there is no reaction at and last month she made over $32,000.00. $30,000.00 or I pay you $50.00 for just trying this point. The accumulation of You could be next! Last month I made my p;\,g.ar.-.. Suppliers are lirr.ited. ! -Ail! p.vivax invaders hop back onto $33,253.75 just by working 12 hours per M.L.Sterling, Va. File 02251 have never seen honor orders only my supply until has run the hemo-highway and start in- week. This month I expect to earn over a program so easy to operate as yours. out. If I receive your order after I have run $35,000.00 and take a 3 week vacation in Believe me I have sent for numerous so called out of manuals I will simply return your vading red blood cells (RBC's). Hawaii. This program has never been offered get rich schemes. None of them worked and order with my Regrets. You Must Order before and 1 will not offer it again. You they just cost me money. 1 started your Today To Ensure Your Copv Of My Secret cannot afford to pass up this opportunity. program for less than $10.00 and I now earn Money-Making Program. Disgusting This revolutionary money-making method is over $24,000.00 per month. Thank-you so things in demand everywhere, yet few people even much. WHY ONLY $18.00 DOLLARS? attacking our

know it exists. Within 30 days you can be . • • tmivinui .u Obviously, I could earn much more money enjoying $30,000.00 a month, every month. , rr • ■ , ■ bodies .. by offering my deluxe money-making making fact r> n r nvy me .„j_ me.i . program at a much higher price. But lam not magme, never again aving o worry C.C. Albany, NY File #27.1 Thank you very interested in immediate short term profits. 1 definitely sicker about your financial status, imagine much for auowing me ,h e opportunity to honestly want to help and show a select few purchasing that special home for your family participate in your "Deluxe Money-Making people this outstanding opportunity. The than fiction or driving a Brand New Mercedes. All this Program." It has changed my entire life. I people who most need this Deluxe Money- and much more are now possib e for you to deposited $18,500.00 in my checking account Making Program, could not afford it if it was my easy to i * • At this point, they are in the • with follow Deluxe . achieve, J 3 iasinK mnntmoninh ■ u a•. .u . , ~ . - . too expensive. have priced it so that anyone _ I Program. Whenin you order my Deluxe stage. Believe it or not, who has any serious interest in becoming a merozoite Program today I will offer you FREE nnanda| success can have thg chance they continue to reproduce unlimited, telephone consultation. Included to ,n , wjl| (asexually), this time in the in my manual is my unpublished phone T.J.Stuart, Fl File *318 1 was skeptical when t0 try my De|uxe Money.Making Program, for your personal use. Call anytime RBC's. Eventually the RBC's number 1 heard about your program. 1 thought it was You deserve more for yourself and your and I will be happy to help you with any one those get rich quick schemes to con fami)v have had all they can take and of _ ORDER todav, your satisfaction is questions. people. I figured "what the heck, either 1 guaranteed rupture. This releases a bunch of No, this has nothing to do with Real make the money vou say or 1 get my monev poisons and hence the host suf- " coupon is missing write your name and Estate, playing the Lottery or Gambling. It is back plus $50.00. Well was 1 wrong. To chills. Since LEGAL and does not address on a piece of paper along with $18.00 fers from fever and PERFECTLY require think, I almost passed this opportunity up. I the a special talent or long hours. It's very now earn more money in one month than 1 plus $2.00 shipping and handling and send to: there are still amoeboid in repeats itself unusual and uniquely designed for each made all last year. Thank vou Ron. PDC Corporation liver, the cycle in- face" per:cr. the'. H "Hiere is no "face to Chenango Rd. definitely every 48-72 hours. No selling or large investment required. Its a New Harlfordi NY ,34,3 cure. "Money Making Program" that has a proven de- record and it is extremely profitable. Some of those merozoites DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT | velop into male and female PDC Corporation Dfpi. 9003 . I ~

—————— pro- —— ~" Chenango gamonts single gamete —"I Perhaps you have sent for some worthless Rd. mosquito NO INVESTMENT NECESSARY get rich schemes in the past. So many ads | Hartford. N't 1.1413 ducers. Alas, another promise you everything, but in reality you get | comes in for a landing and sucks II Mpnr D I started my program for under $15.00 and nothing. I guarantee you sucess or I will pay here rd hc cra7> no) tQ your system , . these eggs into its body. It is you can do the same. It's as valid now as it you $50.00 for just trying my program. You understand if 112 don't star, making $30,000 per that sexual reproduction occurs. was 2 years ago. In fact, with the trend of the can't lose. Read what Mark Preston a noted | month I can return your Manual for a full I The gamonts actually turn into Nation's economy today, my program is even author and publisher on home opportunities, I refund plus an additional $?0.00 for just trying I more of a success. has to say about my "Deluxe Money-Making , your Deluxe Money-Making System. On that 1 egg or sperm, fuse, and fertiliza- Program". . . I basis here is m\ $18.00 tion takes place. The resulting zygote undergoes massive in- START FROM THE PRIVACY | Name asexual reproduction in the j and then "Ron, you an outstanding oppor- I testines of the mosquito OF YOUR OWN HOME „ offer Addre - ; tunity. / don't understand why you don't the products — sporozoites salivary I put my "Deluxe Money-Making charge more than $18.00 but Ido understand 1 C j|> I migrate en masse to the Program" into operation from my apartment why you offer $50.00 to anyone who tries glands...awaiting another human 2 years ago, while working a full time job. your program. Simply, it works as you I State Zip into your host. Last year I deposited over $625,000.00 describe. I whole heartedly recommend than my checking account. My accountant in New Deluxe Money-Making Program to anyone in Fact is definitely sicker 1 '' lcasc inc '" dc (l° 10 covcr postage an York has my financial statement in his office need large sums of money, because its " fiction and tropical reality is the . . • of . , .l .. I handling of vour package own home in the proven. to prove it. I now own my profitable, legitimate and \ rr 1990 epitomy of this euphemism. part of town. Preston I ' most prestigious —Mark Hands up babe... the cord Thursday October 4. 1990 NEWS 9 Frankly Speaking This week: A 1 Lee. He's got a tuba, a by Frank Morningstar flashlight, and one hell of a scary laugh.

NORMY: Ever killed anybody security story you have? NORMY: Neat. Does it have a with yours? AL: Hmmm. Probably the idiot good stereo? AL: No. who climbed the tree in the quad AL: Can't tell you. Above: A 1 Lee showing where doughnuts go on his NORMY: So I guess it's not just last homecoming. He was crack- NORMY: Don't you ever get to break. Right: A 1 Lee showing how big his flashlight dead weight then. (Ba dum bum.) ing branches underneath him, and drive it? is. AL: No. people were yelling "jump", and AL: No. Students don't drive it NORMY: Um, we had a bet it was fun trying to get him down. We just do building security like going maybe at the or Frank Morningstar is suffering AL: Well, go down to the around the paper. Is your But better than that was Turret wander around last year when my partner found a on foot. from a really bad hangover this Security Office, fill out an ap- hair naturally curly or is it a campus perm? couple of people boffing in the week (I said it was bad), and was plication, and if there's an open- NORMY: How could I get TV Lounge on an Octoberfest a ride thus unable to do his interview. ing, you might get a phone call. AL: Who bet on the natural curls? in it? night. Fortunately, Cord reporter NORMY: Any special qualifica- NORMY: I had a fiver on the AL: Do something silly on a Tur- Norman E. Wood stepped in to tions you need? perm. NORMY: Lovely. How would ret night. fill in for Frank. The victim, I AL: Dedication to the job. It's AL: You lose. you handle a situation like that? NORMY: Ah, no. mean the subject of this week's usually a judgement call on the NORMY: Damn. Say, we went to AL: It depends. Normally you try AL: Ha ha ha ha. interview is Master Al Lee, pool part of whoever's interviewing. play paintball the other weekend, and make your presence known NORMY: One last question, do player, tuba monster, and super NORMY: But, like, say if you've and I couldn't help but notice without causing too much embar- WLU Security people really eat a student security guy. His friends stolen a couple cars in the past you're a madman with a weapon rassment and tell them to find a lot of doughnuts? call him Robocop. What do you think? in your hand. Is this mind set in- place that's a little more discreet. AL: No, sorry. Wherever you get AL: Ummm, [trying to be polite] dicative of your typical security NORMY: What do you think of your information it's wrong. probably not. person? the new security car? NORMY: Then how come NORMY: Hey Robo. NORMY: How heavy is your AL: Ha ha ha ha. No, I'm atypi- AL: It's sure an improvement. they're always at Swiss Pantry AL: Did I say you could call me flashlight? cal. When I go out to have fun, I I'm sorry but a K Car that can't Doughnuts? that? AL: Ha ha ha ha. Probably have fun. go over speed bumps? The AL: They must be on their NORMY: Er, hi Al. around three and a half pounds. NORMY: But not on the job. Caprice is a little more effective. breaks. AL: That's better. Hi Norm. NORMY: Is it effective for AL: A job's a job. You do the NORMY: How fast is it? NORMY: Ah. Thanks a lot Any NORMY: So, how does one get pounding people? best you can. AL: The speedometer goes up to other comments for the kids? to be a WLU Security Person? AL: I suppose. NORMY: What's the best 200 klicks.... AL: Stay out of trouble. SEE YOUR CAREER IN A DIFFERENT LISIW

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-- . v.- »-w ** ... » X < *■ oe- A-ac s- r t ** ».l 4i 414.t ~ , »..*.„ .... _*„.„.. * .j, .;„ J£T*. *1. ~4 ; tJi», . »■. .. .;, .. . A » a, .fc V! ...... -•- «ii 4 1 4J aa »V.3 fi s , *.* a. the cord 10 NEWS Thursday October 4. 1990 Reflection on the point of a needle that are offending before I can casm? Nice irony. BY Just then, one of show them when they ask what Funny, though, how the bad his ac- FROM THE ASYLUM MARK quaintances from class my school's like. Writers like that parts must be cut out in order wandered by and said: "hey, I HAND Needle jerk make me ashamed to show parents what Laurier's liked the Cord this week. It really be at WLU, because they give us "really like." Does this mean we got me thinking. Keep it up." HE FLIPPED through the pages ing, although somewhat amusing a bad name outside. Not everyone should censor out anything that Oh yeah. That's why. of the newspaper and clicked his in its infantile use of profanity agrees with you, Mr. Needle, and with the rosy-pure pic- conflicts He lit another smoke. teeth. He peeled the cellophane and its casual style, was com- you'd better think about that or ture of Laurier you find only in off of and plucked a cigarette out pletely out of place in a newspa- 'get the hell out' yourself." promotional brochures? of the him, If package in front of per. the Cord wishes to call it- Whew, now that's heavy. I By now his cigarette had an The opinions expressed in this put mouth, self week's it in his and lit it. a newspaper, it should stick guess I can't expect everyone to inch and a half of ash dangling self-serving From the Asylum He took a deep drag and to proper journalistic topics and agree with me. But hell, doesn't off the end so he mashed it out in column are those ofthe author. If you peered back at the paper on the let writers like Mr. Needle ramble anyone realize that most of the frustration. have bitches about it, address them to table front of their creative illiteracies in the time I don't even agree with what Sometimes I wonder why I him and leave the rest of the poor in him. to comfort of their own diaries." I write? Can't they see the sar- bother at all. Cordies alone sleep. Not bad, he thought. Three letters complaining about my stuff Now that one hurts. It's funny this week. Must be a new record. how easy it is to criticize on paper. You always seem to forget He read the first letter and had that there's a real person at the to laugh: "Mr. Needle is clearly Aird Building buttons are other end when it's just you and displaying a typical Biz-knob bias your words. But of course I'm against Arts students..." The rest guilty of that too, so I guess I of the people in my English major should thank this letter-writer for should get a kick out this. Oh of reminding me of how not to treat part new security system well, at least they got the message people. of that it's a typical bias. So what if this is not the case. The stairs on either side of the it's not exactly my bias. It would I still disagree, though. We're Joe Domenchini The Cord doors has to make one think that the person can be nice ifpeople could see the in- a college paper, not the bloody if tent behind what I do, but I guess Star. climb stairs they would need the special exit less. Toronto There is a place for THOSE of you who eat in the Dining Hall or are I'll just have to settle being The button does have a purpose, according to for "creative illiteracies" in the forced to walk by there may have recognized some- at So much Ron Dupuis of Physical Plant and Planning, and taken face value. for Cord. Hell, if this person doesn't thing different green leading subtlety. He took another drag about the double doors when it comes on line, security will be its objective. like what I write why don't they to the Aird Building. There is a small black and washed it down with a gulp button This high-tech button will allow people to exit the write something better to fill the on the Aird Building side that is new this The of draught, and then moved on to year. Aird building after hours. By pressing the button, "valuable space"? I just do my words "Press to Exit" are written in small letters. the other letters. best...or at least try to. the magnetic lock on the door will release, thus al- The location of this button may be certain, but lowing the person to leave the building. The second letter was a bit If the second letter hurt, the upon first inspection of the button, its use may not be certain. In fact, purpose new less amusing: "The column was a third burned: "I'm ashamed to the of this change may The security system is scheduled to be on- seem to be related to handicapped person's line in two complete waste of valuable space take the Cord home and show my use, but about weeks. in the paper. The quality of writ- parents. I have to cut out parts

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'.Bread on———orders i I We Deliver -894-1515 ■ ■ Ii over SSJX)_ i I L J I ThursdayBusinessOctober 4, 1990 11 Find a career for are unsure '91 by Donna Gaffney time to start looking for that job First of all, if you you've spent the last few years about what career path you wish Those graduating students qualifying for. to follow, an appointment with a who plan to seek employment The job search can be a fright- career advisor would probably be upon completion of their degree, ening scenario if one doesn't beneficial. Laurier's advisors will have a lot of work ahead of them. know where to begin. Fortunate- be able to help you translate your While you may not be available ly, Laurier offers many services interests into realistic career for work until April, it's now to make your quest easier. goals. One of the most handy job search methods is On-Campus Recruiting. On-Campus Recruit- SBE referendum ing is a program sponsored by Career Services in which job des- new criptions are posted in the centre for facilities and employers travel toLaurier to by Kristina Stummer interview likely candidates. Joy Mitchell-McLean, The students in the School of Business and Economics are putting Employment Services Co- forth a student proposal which will provide new facilities and equip- ordinator for Career Services, ment for students in the faculty. said that currently 95 organiza- The proposal, called the "Resources for Electronic Education Sup- tions are recruiting on campus. In Students hang out in Career Services hoping to be port" orR-Fees for short, is a voluntary student contribution program total, 217 organizations partici- found by big businesses. to fund upgrades in electronic and teaching equipment for students in pated last year with 187 organiza- photo SBE. Currently, Laurier's computer facilities are weak, and if stu- tions recruiting for permanent Harvey Luong, dents want to be on the cutting edge, new equipment must be made positions. available. Seventy-eight percent of the across Canada," she said. How- zations). Free copies are available The money will come from three main sources: SBE Honours De- students who participated ever, she also noted that involve- in Career Services. gree students (BA and BBA) and full-time SBE Diploma students received at least one interview, ment in the program motivates Those who have not found (Management Studies and Accounting), the alumni program, and 35% received job offers and 33% students to seek out such job employment by March can apply employers of co-op students who have matching contribution pro- accepted. Mitchell-McLean stated search prerequisites as for the Alumni Referral service. grams. Contributions may also be received from SBE faculty mem- that at least half of the recruiters resume/application form writing Organizations who require gradu- bers. will consider students from all and interview instruction. ates for immediate positions, An R-Fees Program Council will be responsible for the allocation disciplines. Job descriptions are Career Services has an recruit by this means. Alumni of the funds. The majority of the council members will be students available in Career Services or abundant amount of resources to outline their job specifications and three economics students). There will also be two outside repre- can be accessed by terminals on aid students in their job search. and leave copies of their resume sentatives from the Business community, the Dean of SBE as Chair campus or at home by means of a Employer literature offers sample with Career Services. Job and three SBE faculty members. modem. job descriptions, annual reports matches are made by computer. This proposal is to help business students gain up-to-date, state- Many recruiters offer in- and other information students On-campus recruiting runs of-the-art equipment, so that the transition from school to work will formation sessions before their may find useful when preparing from September to April with the be a much simpler adjustment than we currently have. application deadlines. These ses- for interviews or assessing an or- busiest deadline time in October During this week, members of the R-Fees Task Team will be sions give students the op- ganization's needs. Readings and of the fall term. Interviews begin making presentations to SBE classes to tell you more about the portunity to assess the organiza- workshops are available on October 22. Mitchell-McLean details of this proposal. On October 11 NCR will be at Laurier tion on the basis of job op- resume writing, interview skills, stated that recruiting becomes demonstrating the types of hardware and software that this equipment portunity, job suitability, salary, job search and self assessment. somewhat slower in December fund could purchase. The demonstration will be held in the un- benefits and work locations. Numerous publications on job through January but the remain- dergraduate lounge in the Peters Building during the day. There will While Mitchell-McLean feels search methods are also available. der of the winter term is compara- also be an open forum at 11:30 a.m. in PlOl3 for any questions you that On-Campus Recruiting is the Career options, a magazine pub- tively busy to the Octo- may have. most convenient way for graduat- lished by ACCIS offers useful in- ber/November timeframe. A Referendum will be held on October 15 and 16.Please remem- ing students to conduct their job formation for the job hunter. The One of the most important ber to vote! If you have any questions before this vote, SBE represen- search, she stressed that it should publication includes an article on things to remember when con- tatives, TAs, Presidents of SBE Clubs, and members of the SBE Pres- not be the only approach taken. various job search methods, a ducting your job search is that ident's Council will be happy to answer them. She feels it is going to be a tighter glossary of potential employers you won't find a job over night. R-Fees is something that can enhance the education which busi- job market than last year and also and some useful tips on filling out While many resources are avail- ness students will receive, which in turn, will make their degree from very competitive. the ACCIS form (an application able, it is ultimately up to you to Laurier much more valuable in the long run. "Many organizations recruit form requested by many organi- use them.


artwork by J.R. Artinger OCTOBER 4, 1990 VOLUME XXXI, ISSUE 7




Sarah Welstead, Steve Burke, Charlotte Gravlev, James Neilson, J. R. Artinger, Jacki Nelson, A.E. Rogan, Colin Buehler, Chris Dodd, Craig Boucher, Stephan Latour, Craig Burl, Janet Forbes, Chris Skalkos, Mark Pivon, Vlad Kinastowski, Sean Marte!, Julia Brendorfer, Kristina Stummer, Donna Gaffney, Bob Grneindl, Debra Sheehan, Jason, Chara, Carolyn Gruskc, Sue Bailey, Joe Doinenchini, Saar Pikar, Roy Ellis, Julia Berfelz, and dawn (thanks for not being there). Production: Roxanne Chartrand, Darcelle Hall, Chris Skalkos, Patrick Brethour, Steve Burke, Don Pollock, Karen Lennox, and Mike v. Bodegom, Ismail Rashid, and Cathy The blind leading the Noble. naked. Photo: Pivon, Stephan Harvey Luorig, Mark Student leaders don't hesitate to call upon the student body to become more active and less apathetic. The summons to get Latour, Chris Skalkos, Rambo, Eda DiLiso, out there and do more is heard at its loudest from candidates at election time - election for the Board of Directors as well as and Mark Hand. for the Senate. Why is it then that those who know most about apathy, fall prey to it themselves so easily ? It's bad enough that you seldom hear from our Senate and BOD representatives, much less about them at the meetings STUDENT PUBLICATIONS that affect the students and almost everyone else at Laurier. This does not particularly pertain to the executive of WLUSU; after all, there are really only seven on the WLUSU execu- SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Michael Myc tive. There are, on the other hand, fifteen on the BOD, eight on the Senate, and two on the Board of Governors. The issue PHOTO MANAGER Tom Szeibel here is with the student representatives on the BOD, the Senate and the Board of Governors. Photo Technicians: Chico Galvez There are a number of crossovers among the bodies. Two of the students sitting on the BOG are also on the BOD; the Jo-Ann Julien Senators were chosen independently from the BOD, at an election, but a number of them sit on the BOD as well. Graphic Arts Technician Niki Westman The problem at meetings is that several of the student Senators, if they bother to show up at all, remain silent on every is- sue discussed except the motion to adjourn. This was most evident during the motion to adopt the guidelines on non-racist, ADVERTISING: non-sexist language brought forward at the last Senate meeting. While the faculty and administration Senators were deciding MANAGER Martin P.L. Walker what the motion should read, the student Senators sat idly by and let a real opportunity to show that students have a valuable Advertising Production: Manager. Kick Dales contribution to life at Laurier slip by. Assistant. Steve Ladouceur Real leadership could have been shown if a student would have amended the motion to read that all written notices on Advertising Representatives vacant Laurier letterhead be written following non-sexist or racist guidelines. Every Senator allowed the motion to be watered down to a point where the guidelines are "encouraged" to be followed. No real pro-active stance was adopted by the Senate, much Classifieds Co-ordinator vacant less the student representatives on the Senate. Circulation and Filing. vacant Similarly, the representatives on the BOD have more or less sat idly by and given the executive nearly carte blanche to proceed with renovations (to name but one issue) as it saw fit. There were some problems that arose that past WLUSU BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board's would never have let happen, and as sure as there is a tomorrow, there will be other subtle events which are passed to lack of astuteness. Jana Watson, President by the BOD due their help remedy to constitute Jim Boyce Pat Brelhour There are some means which may this lack of leadership in the representatives the bodies which Vlad Kinastowski Dan Muys the university. The only problem is, the students have to make it happen. Choose the representatives that show a genuine in- Peter Roose Tom Samac terest in the positions they seek. Don't elect senators who will be leaving on a work term for half the year. Don't elect repre- Stuart Lewis sentatives who are seemingly resum6 building and trying to make contacts with outside firms. It is admirable to see young people getting involved with the governing bodies of the school, and attempting to make a EDITORIAL: 884-2990 sincere effort to improve the life at Laurier and beyond. It is unacceptable for these representatives to take their ADVERTISING: 884-5092 responsibilities lightly. Students can be the voice of social consciousness, progressive reform, and pro-activism, and it is ab- National advertising by Campus Plus: horrent to see "the leaders of tomorrow" sit back and only actively move for the meeting to adjourn. (416) 481-7283 Editorial opinions are approved by the Editorial Board of the Cord and are independent of the university, the Stu- The Cord welcomes all feedback, comments, criticisms, gifts, dents' Union, and the Student Publications Board ofDirectors. and suggestions from our readers. Please submit letters to the Editor typed and double-spaced by Tuesday at noon for the following publi- University by Kevin Matchstick cation. We can only print letters that bear the author's real name, the BLUES telephone number, and ID. number (if applicable), but your name may be withheld by request. The Cord also welcomes all submis- sions but remember that they become the property of The Cord and we reserve the tight to edit and refuse any submissions. Furthermore, The Cord will not print anything considered to be sexist, racist or homophobic in natureby the staff as a voting body. Eighi month, 24 issue Cord subscription rates are: $20.00 for addresses within Canada and $25 outside the country. Co-op stu- dents may subscribe at a rate of $10 per four month work term. The offices of The Cord are located on the third floor of the Student Union Building in the bowels of the Wilfrid Laurier Univer- sity campus. The Cord is printed by the fuie people at Ricter Web Press in Brantford, Ontario. The Cord is published weekly in the fall and winter terms. The Cord is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Associa- tion. Copyright (c) 1990 by WLU Student Publications, 75 Univer- sity Ave, West, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5. No pan of this publi- cation may be reproduced without pennission of the Editor-in-Chief. the cord I Thursday October 4. 1990 COMMENT 13 Wilf's waitress explains The Question reasons for bad service of the Week I would like to respond to all contributing to service speed in you come in and take a shift for of the negative comments that Wilf's but isn't just in Wilf s, one of the wait staff. Maybe then have been made about the service other wait staff in other bars ex- you could see first hand that What do you have to be thankful for this in Wilf's. Has anyone stopped perience similar problems (i.e. Wilf's isn't as slow as you have Thanksgiving? complaining long enough to con- groups of people coming in all at made us seem. sider why service is the way it is? once). It's too bad we can't let Lisa Gaudet, Waitress at Wilf's I think not. As an employee of by Mark Pivon Wilf's I see the reasons firsthand and I would like to offer a few Gender equality? here. Firsdy, I will admit waitstaff Sometimes I'm certain that Rights Movement isn't about do stand around, but it's not be- whatever makes people "tick" pretending that there are no dif- cause they are slacking off. When around here is no bigger than the ferences between the sexes. Man you order a Kamikaze and 5 long battery in my watch. What does has "the penis". Woman has "the islands for one table, unfortunate- the portrayal of human sexuality breast", (in fact, usually two). K-Y Jelly ly they do not materialize from (be it ever so tasteless as a They are all sex objects on the thin air as soon as ordered. It calendar) have to do with gender weekend...they all have brains on Mike Thompson, takes time to make these drinks equality? the inside. Dawn Nooordam, and a wait person has to wait. Although women have yet to Portraying a woman as "La Rob Lunn They also have to wait their turns achieve status among men; after Goddess" is only as bad as because, believe it or not, centuries of oppression, women's portraying a man as "La Jock". 4th Year Buffaloes bartenders only have 2 hands. rights sure have come a long way As a believer in this philosophy, I The size of the bar is also a in a relatively short period of can accept women as my equals. major factor. Our very competent time. I fail to see how censorship They have been my academic bartenders are looked at badly be- of pornography is going to quick- equivalents and superiors for six- cause they are slow. They are not en the becoming of gender equal- teen years...but I still can't think slow because of their abilities, but ity. of anything else that I'd rather due to a lack of room behind the It is on the intellectual "fuck". Objects included. bar. On a busy night Wilf's battlefield that women are claim- bartenders can be seen climbing ing equal status. The Women's name withheld upon request all over each other to make your Oktoberfest drinks. The bar fridges are also pretty small and a bartender on a The Cord jumps on busy night can load them up any- Todd Stevens and where between 15 to 20 times. Tom Sturino We also have only one cash native band wagon Honours Sleaze & register so all staff, including the Honours Festing bartenders, have to use the one In reference to Pat Brethour's cident occurred over a year ago register. These kind of things re- article "Native Girl refused entry The Cord probably would not quire money to make us a little at bar" in the Sept. 20/90 issue of have considered it worthy of speedier. Unfortunately, the Stu- The Cord, I'd like to comment print. dents' Union is not made of on the feeble attempt at journal- In my opinion, The Cord money. The renovations to both ism. should spend more time investi- Wilf's and the Turret was a great Is The Cord so desperate for gating and reporting real stories expense. The new furniture cost stories that they have to instead of jumping on the band quite a bit, too. So, buying a new sensationalize such a minor inci- wagon. bare and register is not possible at dent? the moment unless someone It is blatantly obvious that this SM & CM, 4th Year Business Paychecks would like to donate a very large article was inspired by the recent sum of money. tensions between the Native In- Are "Native Indians" not also "Ca- Beci Orr There are a dians and Canadians. Had this in- nadians"? lot of other factors Third Year Biz between the wheels editorialburke bytony

It's surprising how much trouble and anguish baby-kissing exploits of the Student Union presi- the cover of The Cord can cause. dent? Last week's edition featured a series of photog- When The Cord reports on a story, from raising raphs representing a time-line of a patron waiting awareness of a professor's questionable conduct to for service at Wilf's and aging until only a skeleton changing a bar's policy for proof of age to even just remained on the bar stool. It was meant to be a getting faster service at a pub, it makes us feel that friendly jab at the campus pub. we have achieved something. We want to raise On Thursday, a Cord staffer was sent to deliver awareness, promote discussion of relevant issues. If a few of the papers to Wilf's for distribution. He change comes about through our actions, then we Polly Ze Wop was told by the pub manager in attendance "you're can be proud of what we do. not putting those things in here. Not today." The Students' Union often feel dismayed that Jason, Curtis, Another WLUSU employee asked me what we we prefer to report on scandal and wrongdoing than Roger were "trying to prove" with the cover told me their more and positive achievements. Unfortunately, First Year Mac Rats that there were "alot of hurt people down there". with our university's re-active ~ rather than pro- That's too bad. active — attitude, change will only result from ex- Well what is the Cord "trying to prove"? Our posing wrongdoing and pushing for reform. creed states that we are agents of social change; For us to be badgered by WLUSU employees while that statement in itself is open to debate, what for publishing anything that puts them in a negative it means to me is that we are here to do something. light is ridiculous. Certain members of corporat- A the large number of students volunteer their ion our proud of the fact that they can pull our much-needed time up here not just because they funding at a whim. It makes one wonder how far want to be involved and meet people with similar we can go in reporting or reviewing before their interests but also to produce work of value. patience runs out. While there are many casual contributors who It will soon help come time for The Cord to pull with The Cord to gain experience or fill their away from the Students' Union portfolio, and take control of Everyone in Psyche there are those who stay on for their their own finances so that we can operate entire without university career, devoting 25 to 30 hours a the annoyances, the badgering, the fear. week to a position that they are hardly being paid The best way we can serve the Bill and Ted for. They students who pay want to see a different kind of reward for for our continued existence is to provide them their labour. with something more than the news. We must be free What satisfaction can we get from being a from the fetters of WLUSU for this to be entirely promotional tool of WLUSU, Campus Clubs, or the possible, for The Cord to be a truly unbiased news- university? What pride can be felt printing the latest paper. That day may be soon. the cord 14 COMMENT Thursday October 4. 1990 Tired ofbeing Rib. a 'consumer' by Robert Gmeindl necessity to which I am often an Yet there is a different view unwilling party. of people and their purpose on I heard it again the other day. earth. In Genesis it is written That smooth, silky voiced an- And this label is not without "then the Lord God formed nouncer at the end of some ad effect. It focuses the attention of people out of the dust from the saying those immortal words society by defining 'consumer' ground, and breathed into their "Our responsibility to the Con- needs as our culture's central pur- nostrils the breath of life; and the sumer". pose. It influences how you and I people became living beings." are treated by society, and it even reflects on how we view our- Not 'consumers' but 'living I am deeply disturbed by the selves and our purpose in our beings', with many purposes, propensity in today's society to society. define people by one small aspect many potentials. Stewards with of their total lives. I find myself responsibility to care for the angered by the thought that I have To be labelled as 'consumers' earth; creators called to build in been labelled, much like a pack- infers that this is our main object harmony with the creation; and age of lean chuck. They call me in life. We begin to accept as fact living parts of intricate rela- 'consumer' and feel that they can that we are on this earth to 'use it tionships offering support, caring, get away with it! NOT SO! Not up', to 'destroy or waste'. And love, hope and the other gifts of any longer. I am more than a past experience seems to show us humanity. mere 'consumer'. that both as individuals and as a society we have fulfilled this We are more than According to Webster's Dic- 'purpose' better than anyone 'consumers', and you, as stu- tionary the verb 'to consume' might have suspected. dents, are doing more than just means 'to use up; to destroy, as training to become 'consumers'. by fire; to engross and waste'. I We have become a nation of You are being challenged to ex- do more than just use up or waste. 'consumers', moving like locusts plore your humanity and find Yes, you will 'consume', for 'living being' - whole, compli- I also breathe and eat, play, sing, over the face of the earth, laying your place in this world. You are you must do that to live. But you cated and fulfilled! laugh, cry, mourn, build, destroy to waste its resources. Our label being asked to build a vision of will be more than mere Rev. Robert Gmeindl of the and procreate. Yet I am not has become a self-fulfilling reality so that you can construct a 'consumers'. Lutheran Campus Ministry is the labelled by any of these actions. prophecy. We have almost viable and valuable future as well head Chaplin for Wilfrid Laurier Instead, I am called 'consumer'. forgotten which came first, the as care for an important and in- You have the ability to University and the University of Labelled by one act. Defined by a label or the action. fluential past. respond to the challenge to be a Waterloo. Turret regular disappointed As a Turret regular, I usually what kind of backwards people know what these people are like DJ booth was fucking pathetic. ter yet: why don't we consider don't offer a lot of criticism of travel all across Ontario to attend because they chose to attend There is nothing I love more what we like about them? our campus pub here at Laurier. WLU. Laurier. Think about it: how did about Laurier than the people The Turret has come a long way, Although a new set of Frosh he learn about everybody by the here. Maybe those in charge of Tim Bartkiw, surprisingly not and seems to be maintaining its comes each year from far and second week of the school year? our entertainment should consider from Toronto status as a cool place to be on wide, will the Turret DJ's already The attitude that I heard at the what they like about Laurier. Bet- Thursday and Friday nights. However, I want to share a little story with you, my Laurier friends. to WLU recently having a good Eglin While detrimental time up at the Turret, I went over to the DJ booth to request a par- I am disturbed that Peter warriors to fire the first shot, and is detrimental to WLU's reputa- mentaries should be discontinued. group. you ticular "Can play Eglin continues to write com- it is they who endure the insults. tion as an institute of "higher Peter Couillard, 2nd Year Poli some English Beat?", I asked the mentaries on native issues, even Somehow, Professor Eglin learning". Peter Eglin's com- Sci DJ assistant. after admitting in issue 4 of the sees these people as the "militant "Oh yeah sure!", he replied, Cord that he is not an expert on extremists", when Indians across "But not now because we're the subject. His commentaries are Canada have threatened to block Sraight Up promotes trying to get people on the dance very opinionated and have not railways and destroy powerlines floor." been accompanied with those in order to paralyze the Canadian anti-Jewish stereotype "But that is dance music," I representing a more objective economy, (God help the Indians The Cord is off to a good Judaism. said. So the DJ assistant and I analysis of the situation at Oka. indeed). start, with a fair mix of news, Most scholars, having come have different opinions on music, The Mohawk Warriors have Law and order governs the criticism, cartoons, and columns. to recognize the anti-Jewish roots and that's fair enough right? no regard for Canadian law. They world. Laws prevent people like One of the columns I find trou- of the stereotype, have now aban- Wrong. What he said was, possess stockpiles of weaponry, Bill Needle from butchering bling, however. doned it, though it survives in im- "Oh, I agree but this is Laurier. and are trained in the art of kill- small children, and people like Sub-titled "Perspectives on pressively bound volumes in the the people It's not like Toronto; ing by those who are not remotely Peter Eglin from destroying faith", it turns out, so far at least, library. here are backwards, so we can qualified to train. This matter calendars and frightening variety to be restricted to just one faith. A few modest books in our li- only play certain stuff. You're should be of great concern to store cashiers. It is time Professor Given the pluralistic nature of the brary would clue your columnist right?" from Toronto, everyone in Canada. Eglin realizes that laws are not University community, one into viewpoints that do more jus- I people who decide happenings at guess the The fortune that something meant to be broken in would expect other religious tra- tice to the early sources: W. D. what we hear at the Turret think Oka have thus far remained "re- order to make a statement. Then ditions to be represented as well Davies, Introduction to out that they've figured what markably restrained" is due to the he can tell the Warriors. - or, failing that, that the sub-title Pharisaism, Charlotte Klein, presence of military. Accord- "Laurier people" are like. Maybe the I feel that publishing the com- would be changed to "Christian Anti-Judaism in Christian Theol- with us this great ing to unedited news footage, it is they could share ments of a professor who is Faith". ogy, and Cohen, from the as to are encouraged by the insight they've gathered they who opinionated and narrow-minded Even then, the last column, on Maccabees to the Mishnah. Or he "Grace not works", would be dis- could enroll this winter in Reli- byKevin Matchstick the University BLUES tressing. It portrays the ancient gion & Culture 201, "Introduction Pharisees simply as proud, to the New Testament", ably performance-driven legalists. taught by my sabbatical replace- This is a stereotype fostered by ment, David Reimer. Christian scholars of previous generations as part of a generally Harold Remus, Religion and negative depiction of early Culture Please write more letters! We love them! Oh yes we do, we do. ThursdayOctober4, 1990 15


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. and Gord had a _ ,. ,, ., cal as waiting tables, not as borine Hope you great typing service avail- Fast rehable , a security d md it g For Sale: The infamous "Irate GUEST SPEAKER: Interested in Christmas. L.D. Cable Company Caller" profanity even socially relevant" The Cana- identifying, planning, and manag- Gin R for sSnai dian Liver Foundation is a national man 15 now available your own mg your professional and personal available Happy™ 20th Birthday. Our next CaU ° 747-455? - ** c llech0n For a hmteA health charit ust ?*""£ AIESEC-WLU presents , y has J recently Pities. d win be a wa tz . anvtimemyXme - time offer, you too can own a copy f opened an office in the K-W area. DREW MITCHELL. The founder so!) _ Fred of tlus ® aturmg the tele hon® - are Upe f P and president of Drew Mitchell and WORDS FOR MONEY Quality We looking for for mature . t )1 Associates, a Guelph based consul- word processing and graphics. enthusiastic individuals to help us jQ gUy wh G offered me a ride r^°° re wo^A Trwni* v0U l*n rm " re u „: '. 8 y° Postscript Laser Printer. Free Pick- funding , , to NORTH BAY...I changed my rraisese awareawarenessness and1110 iunaing- We»ve r T • £ « , to Just come corn „ must hear believe. up PRIORITY MANAGEMENT j t j . . i n dehvery " $2 " 50 Per page" 8°" me !)P "jf, offer $7 an hour base pay plus to CORD offices for a listen. Thurs Oct 4th l-2pm. Room l 5° £ 742-4315 todajJT t m yoUr bonuses; 2 shifts per day morning Only $2.00 while quantities last (or p3Q67 f £ and evenmg No Friday or Satoday car... Shern 746-5041 Experienced typist will take care of until i steal some more!). Ask for 1 ad all your typing needs. Fast efficient Dog" Walker. E'b East, Kitchener, second floor above 2^°^^ "" "" °° Se"88 J,—' 1986 FmbW For s.1.. Excellent Cultures Restaurant. Condition, call, 725-9551. be located in T.V. lounge and and MarHe WORD PROCESSING: fast, ac- . . in concourse. Mark your cans - best make and ® curate, will spelling theTasta "i? campus club award. Your participa- Hands up for those who started ™ s , w.o„ ta w L°fp.LfwL»sxsss •***..■.««#**•• Atnun,(wo,k lunches/days) Suzanne a, 886-3857. details (case toduded)YAMAHA ,1,CHARITYBALL!!!

— l°dt°°Zl . • , „ j . amphfier watts, , JX SERIES 55B 75 /T . a FIGURE SKATERS required for 8 Word processing. Fast, accurate, 14" speaker, equalizer, compressor. Bored? Run for the Student's lce shows m Ontario. Contact time!!) or the crank How Letter at . . reliable service. quality Make an offer on either or both. ° Union Board otof Directors.Directors 1 rosi-posi donuts at 2 RHAPSODY ON ICE, Box 42, < abom those lemon Uy ratesrates, tool. . , competetivecomoetetive Bettvbetty, 886-6361 rallCall 570-4786,7n 478fi aska k for TASONJASON. tion available. Nominations open firantford, Ont. N3T 5M4. Call am or the advice for the 18 year old Ct (519) 449 5200. Minimum age 18. Fast, professional word processing pm." 23 Move 4:00 is°OcL ou h*ve surviv rtT^Tli by experienced secretary. Letter it and Vote! . quality. On campus pick-up, Students wanted for non profit _J drill. One month down one month dis- t0 next: Bowling or an- delivery. Call Sharon 656-3387. door-to-door campaign for Wednesday, October 10: Atari 8°—What's

" ° abled " 15 2 other from pdhpfss Student's Union Board of Directors user group, KWEST, 16-bit (ST) party hell? TVTYPING,WORDpTNr wnon PR - 747- per week. Call Mark Baunon, bi-election Nominations open Oct. meeting at 7:00 pm in MC2009, ING- Done on IBM XT, NCQ 4067. 5 at 8:30 and close Oct. 12 at 4:00 2nd floor of the Math & Spelling checked. Will Computer Printer. pm Nomination forms available Building. Phone 579-3695 for pick-up and deliver. Only MATH 108 student in need of a from the Student's Union office. details ' Visitors Welcome' tutor If tested in making some Election «/„am fCP ™ is Oct. 23. Get involved. «1 " r ' some knowl- and , money sharing Por more information, call Karen. n r . , 0 . x edge, please call 884-0117. !!!CHARITY BALL!!! =j| 884-1360. heZnm 'in hedroom ho^fe (2M.2F), 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, Off-Cam is for everyone' Look for SUPPORT THE INNU native parking, laundry: rent negotiable, HELP WANTED. On Campus us ±Q C peopie of Labrador and fundraise no lease: 5 nun. from teth univer- Marketing representative for Get your oktoberfest tickets while for y° ur own group as well. Join sities. Call Tony 886-3571 (after NEED SPENDING MONEY? Frankhn International Institute. In- t^ey jast j Moses Springer the Freedom For Nitassinan Peace weekdays). Want marketable experience? Call quire at Career Services Arena with Off ram Walk walkathon from Kitchener to now 725-2889 Mon-Fri. 12- Guelph Sat. Oct. 6. Leaves from — Rec-room For Rent. Perfect for 5:30p.m. GYMNASTIC COACHES, for The Learning Disabilities Associa- Speaker's Corner, Kitchener, -$11.05 to start boys ages to 14 years of age. lion in co-operation with Mark 10:00am. Proceeds will be split be- i' \ -great resume experience background with ex- facihties - P uU out bed nd Gymnastics Breslin's Yuk Yuk's is holding its tween Freedom Walk and group of , hours and f f -flexible cellent skills the ability to re- first fundraiser of the 1990-91 sea- walker's choice. Public speaking -mgmt and career opportumty late to young boys. Evenings and 74°/ o^StevT^ son . THURSDAY OCTOBER 4, event will be held Thurs. Oct. 4, oow> -scholarship weekend classes on a part-time program 1990. Show time 8:30 pm. Doors 7:30 pm, St. John's Anglican, -all maj. may apply basis. CONTACT: K-W GYM- 7:00. for open Come out a fabulous Kitchener. For information and NF w CONDOMINIUM Due to expansion international NASTICS CLUB During office laugh-filled at evening Kitchener's pledge sheets, call Lisa 746-4073 tOTOFHOUSF 3 bedroom marketing firm is looking for am- hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am own comedy spot YUK YUK'S on or or , Marc 884-3465 578-8457. „ Garage, five bitious students who want good m- to 5:00pm. 743-4970 or 743-7861. Young Street in Kitchener and sup- come and Don't appliances. Walking distance to experience. wait, nort our For each S10 ticket lliru,DTTV PAm „ !!!CHARITY BALU!! $850 plus utilities. 885- call now for interview. SS5 by Se DisabS

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—— 4|71 LI r5\—-]L ra ri\ ioi

I KWEST meeting 7:00 pm in MC2009. resume/ACCIS Form Workshop 10:30- 11:30 am 2-205. . Focus Your Career « Amnesty International „ , I Cord staff meetmg 2:30 workshop 2:30 - 4:00 meeting6 5:30 pmy P1013. ■ pm. 1 1 pm P3015. J —Jh——J——™ October 4, 1990 16 Thursday 4, 1990 Thursday FEATURE FEATURE October 17 An act of Desperation mately 100 members of cess route between ever, what of SQ com- Journalist were the Surete du Quebec Chateauguay (among portment? The history of prohibited from releasing (SQ), the Quebec provin- other suburban com- the relationship between film and videotape from cial police, attacked munities) and Montreal. the SQ and Natives is within the compound. A protesters at the bar- In response, hundreds of one of hostility. Given peace camp located five ricade with tear gas, as- SQ surrounded the the reality of SQ violence kilometres from the sault rifles and concus- Mohawks at Oka and towards Natives, Warrior standoff was dismantled sicfri grenades in an at- Kahnawake. The waiting possession of firearms by the army; the reason tempt to bring an end to began. (used only in defence) ac- given was that it con- the Mohawk defiance. On August 20th, the quires new meaning. The stituted a "security risk". Mohawk Warriors, Canadian Army replaced Warriors will be prose- Food and health care armed with AK 475, fired the SQ at the barricades. cuted for defending supplies were frequently their weapons in defence, On September lsst, fol- themselves against SQ withheld from the forcing the SQ to retreat. lowing the dismantling barbarics, but the SQ, as Mohawks. Basic human A three hour battle be- of both blockades, an officially recognized rights were abused by tween Mohawks and the several Mohawk War- agent of social control, the Canadian govern- SQ followed during riers, women and chil- The sacred burial grounds of theKanesatake Mohawk Indians. The village council of Oka wanted part of it for a golf course, will not face similar pros- ment against its own which a police officer dren took possession of a ecution for the events people. alcohol treat- was killed (the source of drug and Each side is a dominance. Unable to munities of non-Natives which occurred July 11th There are two sides to Oka claiming the bullet has not yet ment centre at in victory. Thomas Siddon, command the attention were inconvenienced. at Oka. the standoff at Oka. Ex- been proven). continued opposition to Minister of Indian Affairs of those in power, Native Oka became amined within a frame- the course Within hours proposed golf and Northern Develop- concerns are simply dis- newsworthy, though the work of officially ac- On September Mohawks from the Kah- expansion. ment, declared that "the regarded. Oka golf course itself be- The public was cut off cepted beliefs and prac- 26 all Mohawks at the nawake reserve, in rule of law has Recently, however, came incidental. tices, the isssue appears treatment centre sur- The standoff at Oka Native concerns and received no extensive demonstration of prevailed". Mohawks Natives have begun to straightforward, how- rendered. Several issues are im- Quebec this summer the issues involved. media coverage. solidarity, blocaded the argue that they were not unite together to rectify mediately apparent. ever, once the motives of issues On July 11th approxi- Mercier Bridge, one ac- entirely defeated, having the injustices served First, problems which af- Throughout the sum- those involved are taken has raised many mer, we were succeeded in raising pub- upon them. Though they fect Natives alone do not presented into account it becomes in the minds of Cana- Sheehan By Debra lic awareness about Na- continue to maintain merit widespread con- with a biased account of more complex. Techni- to the Oka dians. The reaction tive issues. their separate identities, cern. Second, our standoff. In the cally, the Mohawks are later the armed confronta- Last Tuesday, after 77 Since July 11th all of Native peoples are now government will act stages the army sup- not entitled to the land in be- tion has been deeply days, the standoff Canada has, with mixed recognizing the impor- upon Native claims only pressed any information question. According to tween Mohawks and the which present emotion, followed events tance of Native when a crisis situation is might "distract" government divided, with many Canadian army at Oka their Native at Kahnesatake and Kah- solidarity. Events at Oka reached. Through our from negotiations; stipulations, land Native rights sup- ended. Within days na- ie are nawake. Oka is not, how- to mark a government's repeated information which claims dependent tional media coverage of may prove sig- porters finding them- ever, an isolated case. It nificant in this direc- stalling tactics we have might reflect negatively upon proof of possession Native issues subsided. turn selves unable to sup- is symbolic of the strug- tion. set a precedent for Native upon their comportment. prior to European contact Although this particular Contact port the violence of ei- gle of all Native peoples resistance. between in exclusion of other Na- incident is over, it reflects and Mohawks and tive ther side. Media in- against exploitation Certainly violence can- outsiders groups. Morally, we the ongoing struggle of oppression. Government only acts in not be condoned, and the was restricted. Cellular cannot deny that they are volvement in the Native peoples to achieve For decades Natives a crisis Warriors now face phones within the treat- entitled to compensation. event was a key factor recognition of their have demanded that is- criminal charges. How- ment centre were cut off. The government ap- public rights. sues of land claims and The tactics chosen parantly concedes this in determining issues by Several were sovereignity, among the Mohawks at Oka can- fact, having purchased reaction.Even wher highlighted at Oka this others, be addressed not be divorced from the land in question on only handful of war- summer including the by a the Canadian their past dealings with September 1 7th failure of the government govern- riers remained, the im- ment. For decades their both provincial and fed- presumably with the aim to listen to Native con- age presented to the cries have been eral governments and, of declaring it lack of ignored. al] cerns, the speed Now, having achieved especially, the SQ. Pas- Kanesatake. Legally, the public was that of with Native claims with widespread recognition sive resistance has led Warriors face criminal Natives being radical, are dealt, government of their cause and in the them nowhere. It is ironic prosecution. Morally, tactics, violent, undemocratic manipulation process having directed that they received nation- their actions must be un- terrorists. Sides were government suppression public attention to Native al attention this summer derstood within a context of information to the of chosen, people either issues, Mohawks face despite the fact that the hatred towards Native public, Native despera- criticism for their actions land dispute has been peoples. saw the frustration role of the tion and the at Oka. We must ongoing since 1887. Two and oppression experi- media in bringing Native recoginze that they acted incidents led to their Knowledge of Native issues to the fore, thereby enced by the Native out of desperation claim being recognized issues incomplete. to peoples and supported forcing government brought on by a system by the provincial govern- deal with the problem. which ment of Quebec and them completely or has continually For most of us, our On March 10th demonstrated its unwill- (much later) the federal of the violence knowledge and famil- saw only Mohawks at Oka set up a ingness to accord Natives government of Canada: iarity with Native issues a 1) and condemned the blockade on rarely their deserved rights. the death of Corporal is incomplete. If we are a road to and 2) Mohawks for not travelled leading We incorrectly per- Lemay the block- little more aware of the the Oka golf course. ade at the Mercier working within the ceive Native peoples as a bridge. problems which face Na- Their purpose was to pre- single If we examine the tive Canadians after Oka, democratic system. In cultural group, yet vent the town's proposed they comprise ten lin- chronology of events we and if we apply this are an attempt to realize expansion of the golf guistic groups with ap- confronted with three knowledge in our deal- months of civil the implications of the course onto Native land. proximately 53 dialects. dis- ings with Native land obedience which For three months their Independently, few genera- claims and other issues, Oka situation and to ted little actions were ignored by groups constitute any public atten- then the Mohawks will balance media and fed- tion. In the space of 24 both provincial du Quebec on the front lines at Chateauguay real threat to white politi- have succeeded where next two RCMP officers called into Quebec to assist the Surete hours a coverage, the eral governments. Dur- cal, economic and social non-Native was other Native groups have features will explore ing this time they killed and several com- failed. the cord 18 Thursday September 27, 1990

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Bus Pass Centre Commission j [ & Wff) Bus Tickets Legal Resource Centre Speakers I | Campus Clubs Movies Student Advocacy I » I Charity Ball Newspaper Student Handbook 1 % 0 r ® Desk Blotter Niobe Lounge Students' Voice I %% \ \ \ Directory Oktoberfest Television Lounge I Operation Dry Cleaning Service Outreach j^rrei I | e pu' tion Tutoring % \ Elections ,nt^ Service V M 1 Environmental Commission Typing Service 1 I Research Deparlment |V/ W\j^ USE THEM !! Winter Carnival \ ll J YOU OWN THEM M Ml V the cord Thursday October 4. 1990 19 the scene Throwin' out information by James Neilson Thankfully, it went off without until PE made it on stage. incident Public Enemy did not dis- "You need a smack in your Security was tight at the Twist appoint. A youthful crowd was in motherfuckin' faces if you think too as everyone getting in the high spirits and ready for a night Public Enemy is racist!" doors was given a full body of music and general awareness "Ladies and gentlemen in the search and a close sweep with a raising courtesy of Chuck D and place to be rockin' from the bot- metal detector. With a crowd in Flavour Flav. tom to the T-O-P!" excess of 1300 people, it took a Announcing themselves to be Yeah boys, Chuck D, Flavour fine long time for everyone to file "in the house" PE was ready to Terminator X and the Flav, through the doors. The line up "rock Waterloo for two and a half brought the Terrordome to SlW's was absolutely ridiculous but, motherfuckin' hours." Chuck D Waterloo last Monday night at much to everyone's amusement, tore right into "Welcome to the the Twist. Public Enemy's court jester Terrordome" to open the set. got Twistville its rafters Flavour Flav came out to check Hands went up and fists were a a near capacity rocked when up on everyone. He personally wavin'. Things started to get crowd paid $22 a crack to catch thanked everyone in the line for political after that when Chuck one of the most controversial and coming out to the show. That was took a pause to speak out on cur- culturally significant bands of the a great thing to do considering rent events in the Middle East. nineties. this was an all ages show and "We don't need all our people Midway through their Cana- there were a lot of impatient kids dyin' in the middle of the desert. dian tour Public Enemy brought a (complete with parents) waiting Somebody's gonna get fucked up kinder, gentler style of show out in the cold. for that bullshit and we got a war across the border since last year's Warming up the house for PE goin' on in the United States." Nation of Millions tour. Fear The was Toronto rapper HDV. Let's Chuck went on to say that of a Black Planet has been just say that he was crude, dis- "Ignorant people shouldn't have selling well and 'media incidents' gusting, sexist and generally foul- to write your press" and, because have been to a kept minimum this mouthed. HDV had nothing valid of this, "people have historically year since Professor Griff left the cocaine, to say except, "Stay off had this misunderstanding to band after a number of his anti- as it'll drain your brain." Other than where the black community has semitic remarks were published that little pearl of intense wisdom come from." Understanding by the Washington is the Times. These HDV spouted off more "mother- key because only "understanding actions left many Public Enemy fuckers" and general profanity brings true peace." Believing fans confused over what kind of than A 1 Pacino could in Scarface what we see, read and hear from Yeah, it's me. Chuck D. photo: James Neilson actions and issues the members I, II and 111 combined. There was the mainstream media supposedly were advocating. no place or point to the amount of makes us "further more blinded obstacles against the black com- isn't the only one to be heard. "If Even without Griff problems abusive language he used. While and further more ignorant." munity. Chuck D continued to it was just Chuck D they'd shoot still followed PE to Hamilton HDV was terrible his DJ, some- The lecture continued and the preach on. me and get it over with." Public when fourteen local police of- one named Ecstasy, had some audience ate Enemy claim that they are "too it up. Public Enemy "This is your ficers were assigned as 'extra first rate talents at mixing that world now. black, too strong and throwin' out attempts to inform and increase You're all goin' against security' for the steel town gig. managed to entertain the audience the same information on the side." White awareness of black issues and the people old bullshit...All should corporate America should view share % 100 of the planet and them as a threat to their control. that's what Fear of A Black "But let's get serious you test- Planet is about." He makes it tube babies." Flavour Flav was known that the "authorities are in- anything but as he creasingly showed his Acontest concerned" about the stuff, leading Look! trees, the crowds through The and there are a of by Contest Man lot them—an entire power of rap to inform and edu- forest, actually look woodsy. The movie is big a series of cheers betting his Win a free double pass to the premier of and cate the young. Public Enemy I Miller's beautiful. Continued on page 20 I Crossing on October 11th by answerir,; this super easy quiz. First ten correct entries get a pass and a This is the quiz: , poster for the film. Bring your answers to the Cord I office. Hurry! 1. Name the two brothers responsible for this I The answers for the quiz are in the paragraph film._ Lost pieces I below: by Jacki box office fissure. Director Joel Coen and his producer brother 2. What other two movies are they known Nelson Ethan, But what I got...remember I who both wrote the screenplay for Miller's for? Tuesday night, 20th Crossing, I Century when you were a kid putting to- I are known for their work on the horrific Fox premiered Pacific Heights Blood Simple and I gether a jigsaw puzzle and you I the manic Raising Arizona. 3. Who is the actor that plays Leo the local political j at the Fairway Cinema in Miller's Crossing is the couldn't find those last few compelling story of Leo, boss? . . J Kitchener. I was hoping for a pieces to bring the whole creation the local political boss, and Tom, the man behind I I movie that ranked up there with together? Well, that's exactly the man. Their friendship is severed when Leo and 4. Name one movie Albert Jagged Edge, I Finney has worked I Presumed In- how I felt; an hour and 48 j Tom fall in love with the same woman; a gang war in. I nocent and Fatal Attraction; lots minutes of, yes, suspense and I erupts. of mystery, suspense, twists I ana amazing characters but the direc- Leo is played by Albert Finney (Murder on the turns; those traits that sepa- j 5. What is the name of David Lynch's latest j rare me searching ! Orient Express, The Dresser and Under the rate a tion of the film left Vol- . box office smash from a film? Continued on page 20 I cano) and is probably the only really big name in the film although Gabriel Byrne, who plays Tom, 6. The genre of this type of film is II has appeared in films such as Hannah K. and Julia, called: . I Julia. Audiences may also recognize J.E. Freeman I who has been in David Lynch's most recent film, 7. What are the "Big guys" in the woods wear-

j The movie itself started from a genre, (gangster ing?. . film), I and an image: "Big guys in overcoats in the The film turned into what the brothers call 8. The type of film this flick was shot on I a dirty I town movie." Albert Finney says of the was: . j script: It seemed like a comic strip, in a sense, I when I first read it. The casualness of the violence 9. Why was Fuji film amused me a great deal." used? The I movie was shot on Fuji film and not j Kodak because the Fuji greens are more muted than 10. What is the name of this l_Kodak. JTusjesults _in_a_p£h_arid handsome film. movie?__ the cord SCENE Thursday 20 October 4. 19% Pacific Heights too choppy master con-artist. A chilling virtually obsolete rights of the character who knows precisely landlords create more questions how to manipulate the law and Most prominently, orchestrate the lives of those Pacific Heights has a far too convenient around him. ending. It is full of symbolism but The film is screen writer that shortens the ending; almost David Paynes' (Hard Copy) mo- as if they were running out of tion picture debut. The original film. Regardless, lots of plot screen play is based on his own twists, unique symbolism, techni- personal encounter with a real life cal tricks and clever foreshadow- "hell tenant". The idea isn't truly ing make for a true suspense film. original or innovative; several The film boasts an eerie musi- films have drawn on the "bad cal score juxtaposinga rock opera tenant guy wreaks havoc on un- and soothing ballads. The rest suspecting landlord" concept snakes through a wretched path (Seventh Sign and Apt. Zero to of mental torment and physical name a few). All the films focus abuse. Effective suspense techni- on the action of a demented, ex- ques can keep a viewer virtually ploitive individual. teetering on the edge of his or her seat. However, without Pacific Heights' success is de- resolu- tion, one feels pendent on the performances of that one has nightmare. deadly events Continued from page 19 owners' Add a mysterious begin from the Michael Keaton and Melanie missed out on clues that link the sociopath for a tenant; one who day Haynes moves in. whole movie together. for missing links. Griffith. The camera loves enjoys breeding large cock- The plot focuses on the as in Keaton's chilling persona; a Despite this, Pacific Heights Billed the ultimate roaches and twitding razor blades assaults in stride, Palmer wages psychological thrillers, felt Pa- master manipulator supreme. He is a true thriller and an I between his fingers. Lovely! her own war utilizing Hayes' own exciting snaps back and forth from crazed movie. The strange cific Heights lacked the oomph to Pacific Heights features manipulative tricks. Not used to innuendoes make it a must see movie. Sure to collected, from cocky to con- and strong and interesting charac- Michael Keaton as Carter Hayes, such bold confrontations and ob- there was of foreshadowing, niving. However, the most sig- ters indicate that this is indeed a lots a clever and conniving deviant stacles, Carter Hayes crumbles camera trickery and significant nificant character of the movie movie that will make you think who entwines himself into the and ultimately loses control. symbolism, but ultimately there isn't Keaton. However it is the missing links lives of Patty Palmer (Melanie These strong characters carry were only a annoying Melanie Griffith's character that hinder the flow of this movie lot of dead Griffith) the movie but, by far, poor direc- ends. and Drake Goodman Patty Palmer is a seemingly and evoke the sense of an in- (Matthew Modine). Carter tion creates elements of confu- Directed by Academy Award Hayes simplistic, token dumb blonde. complete storyline. But perhaps appears to sion. Scenes jump back forth winner John Schlesinger, this be the perfect tenant and But innocent babbly baby-talk that's the meaning of the entire but, as seen throughout and fail to elaborate upon impor- film portrays a the entire and a mop of golden curls film; there is no meaning. At soured real estate movie, investment, legal entrapment appearances can be tant points. The ultimate power of masquerade the powerful heroine. least, if you look at Carter Hayes; and deceiving. the threat of bankruptcy...a home Unsettling and Hayes to exploit the law and the Not one to take Hayes' warped a chilling means to his own end. Too strong too black Somewhat perturbed by all Continued from page 19 the electronic trickery, Flavour trademark clock that he could told the soundman to turn off all "fuck them up." Flav was a the special effects. the band twisted 'em at the Twist. tornado on the stage bounding up "How long do you think I can The boys in on speaker columns and shaking hold a note?" he razzed the all over. Waterloo got a special audience. With the trademark Bum Rush the Show were big on the sliced and diced version that the dark side" Monday night. treat that night. The debut of the "HIT IT BOYS" Flavour held a the playlist as were the current made it to Much Music. The Some angry young gentlemen brand new Flavour Flav dance note for a mindboggling count of hits from Fear of A Black Planet Waterloo show had high spirits came to town, said their piece and complete with the Flavour giggle. seventeen steamboats. Just try "911 Is A Joke" was met with and good clean fun. Excellent ex- left. Chuck D's last line for the Actually it's sort of a demented that the next time you're in the roaring applause as was ercise for the brain and the ears. night was on racism. snicker that gets a little help from shower and you'll be coming up "Brother's Gonna Work It Out." Like Chuck D says, "lets get "How the fuck can we be PE's soundman who kept fooling short of breath before ten or It was great to hear "Anti-Nigger down to business, mental self- racist when we bring white with the echo on Flavour's micro- eleven. Machine" the way Public Enemy defense and fitness. people and black people together phone. Choice selections from Yo! intended it to be played and not Waterloo "was fucking with to have a good time?" 'Nuff said. FRANCESCO'*® IW 33 University Ave E Waterloo. Ontario

Large Pizza % r SANDWICHES PASTAS I -$1.95 --1.. £19 QQ ™ Sn S3 PIZZA SLICES | 112 - only $ 3 SH S V 14 INCH PIZZA $6.49 I COLDCt,TS s» OITCUO CAIIDPMCQ fiJ5 m INCLUDES: Mszzarella Cheese and — Umw wvlxtw — 'L 11 TvUll Sweet Medium Hot ■ our famo uS pizza SaUCe Extra Items: $0.80 FREE DELIVERY . ~ m each - $1.50 1 SALAD $2.00 OLIVES Ingredients: Kepperoni, musnrooms, t"" I

$3.50 anchovies, ( PANZEROTTI onions, olives, bacon, tomatoes. ™ j ham. Iwl Extra items 40 y/ pineapple hot peppers, sausage, nights EAT-IN •DRIVE-THRU •TAKE-OUT 746-41111■ ■ W the cord Thursday October 4. 1990 SCENE 21 Tiger, tiger By Jonathan Stover I had never seen before until they asleep, cradle below the smoke. flew up in front of me like I grabbed the child and hurled startled crows in the headlights, it myself through a picture window The voice screamed in my had served again. I ran towards already cracked by head again, incoherent, spilling the flames the house. frolicking up the side of the over into my chest and stomach. "Jesus Christ! You can't go in house, to land running once more. My heart throbbed like a rotten there!" My footprints blazed momentari- tooth at the touch of the eating "Stop! Man!" ly in the dry November grass be- sound, my vocal cords moaned "Where's the fire trucks? fore eddying out behind me. The in harmony with the cry as it Where's the fire trucks? Geez, baby awoke. It whimpered but echoed throughout my body. honey did you did not cry out I ignored it call them?" "Where are the bedrooms?" I It shut up at last, and crawled stood on a burning porch before a back into the lidless sucking hole burning door, and no one was in the back of my mind. Not fed Eyes flaring like fool enough to follow, although I for years, it has grown weak and saw in the eyes of one woman a twin suns. small, some but like virulent killing heroism that might have isotope, its half-life seems to led her in had its eternity. I not been led here ensure When it wails first A woman was first to reach and cries out for food, I ignore it, "Ungh -- upstairs. Shit, you me. She took the child gently and try to quash the urge to make can't!" from my outstretched hands, kind with a lunch bucket that must walking again, and the eternal sense of its screams. I will not al- I had before. I did so again. eyes flaring like twin suns. For a have been a home made first aid process of redemption for things low its scream to find meaning in I Heat licked my face, tugged moment I imagined throwing her kit. I didn't have time for them, could never remember my actions. I am not its instru- except in playfully at my hair, welcomed on the ground, tearing her eyes and so I ran too, to the car and the the deepest dreams, ment and then me like an old lover. Someone and guts out, stripping the meat roads and the cities beyond. never when I awoke. Fire, always had been smoking in bed, some- from her breasts and devouring fire and falling. one had left the oven on, wiring her kindness whole. The voice Almost always. Sometimes had awoke in my head, and bucket of My heart throbbed exploded capriciously, lightn- eager Greasy when I wake up, I almost remem- ing had struck. The whys didn't demanding. Why not? All I had fried chicken. ber something. Light, and in the like a rotten tooth. matter. The place was coming to do was move. light patterns. But the image down around me. Shoes on fire, I Drowned out suddenly, I lost never stays. Briefly, only briefly, bounded up the stairs. the voice, regained my thoughts. In the hotel room five hours I can feel something other than I kicked a door to find a burn- The baby was crying. Sirens in later, salve cooling my scalp and the pain my skull-brother brings My job. The job at hand. ing library. The next shattered the distance joined it, and then soles, new shoes slumbering in me when he screams, or the awful What tragedy-in-progress had I door gave me a man and a the still small sound of kindness their box beside me on the bed, I driving purpose of the road that been led to this time? woman slumped on the floor in a vocalized. ate a greasy bucket of fried chick- may stretch ahead of me forever. A burning house and running death embrace, the smoke I "Oh, you're burning, you're en and drank a two-litre carton of Who I am. Who am I. I do not neighbours and an absent fire de- breathed now filling their lungs hurt!" milk before lying down to sleep know. partment: this in a glance as I like murderous fog. I almost I patted at my smoldering off the day's events. I don't know if I ever will. stopped the car and leapt out. laughed at the banal poetry of the hair, eyes tearing from the clean By morning, I knew, my hair Whatever had called me here, off scene. cold air of outside. A man came would return, and my feet would Copyright (C) 1990 Jonathan the highway and down back roads Behind the third door, a baby, running with a blanket, another be fit for socks and shoes and Stover. All rights reserved.


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* VALUABLE COUPON* the cord. 22 SCENE Thursday October 4. 1990 Oh Well-simply hell realize how bad they are. button, making beeping noises to you who saw the movie Flat- expect to listen to an effort which Song two, "Mad Day in the beat of the drum machine. Oh liners and heard the song "Party drew on a myriad of influences; London", isn't any better. Get a Well. Town", you've realized that from the of Dylan to the drummer, please. Maybe the Stewart can not only play a mean acid rock of Hendrix. About the only real bright lyrics lost something in transla- guitar but that he can sing too. It seems that spot on this mass-produced piece Stewart tries to tion. I certainly don't see any- To be quite honest, I was not cram the 60's and the of crap is the title track "Oh early 70's thing interesting or appealing in sure what to expect from Stewart into an hour of music. If anyone Well". It opens with what sounds lines like "Mad day in London/ when I first got the cassette. His expects a pseudo-Eurythmics ef- like Moon Unit Zappa saying "I Should I die for you?/ Mad day in work with Annie Lennox, Tom fort they should wait for the am sure,' and "Totally." London/ You don't know what to Petty and others left me with band's next outing; Stewart takes Colin says: TRASH IT! do." I must say that their next at- some preconceptions. Little did I a completely different approach tempt to sing the chorus was a Colin Buehler which, surprisingly, works but is nice touch. not for everyone. Dave Stewart and the Spiritual Oh Well Next, they try to remake Though Stewart does Cowboys not have Ist Album Golden Earring's "Radar Love". I a broad vocal range, his Dylan- Dave Stewart and the Spiritual Capitol/EMI/Electrola don't even want to begin my rant- a Cowboys like voice adds surrealistic qual- ing and raving. This song just ity to the music. This fits perfect- BMG Music Oh Well. simply wasn't meant to be done ly with the "Spiritual" image Capitol just keeps on signing by two keyboards, a synclavier which he is trying to convey. In Have you ever pathetic, dull, disgusting excuses and a guitar that sounds like it's heard of Dave fact his voice, though limited in Stewart? You know, the pro- for bands. My thesaurus doesn't going through a synthesizer. range, is a treasure trove. On the ducer, writer and other half of the even have words to describe the The next song is entitled track "On Fire" I thought for Eurythmics. Because the Euryth- a wearisome humdrum of this al- second Leonard Cohen was the "Don't Waste My Time" which is mics have a from bum. With band members who taken break singer. Also the track "This Little what I was saying by the time I recording (Annie wants to start a have names like Jerome Des Arts, reached this point. "Day by Day", Volker Barber and Klaus Volker family), Dave has decided to pur- Continued on page 24 the final song on Side One, is sue a solo project. For those of (they steal each other's names again spectacularly un- like they try to redo GOOD spectacular. I must admit that I tunes), it's obvious that these par- liked the little train hoot at the ticular Germans or French should start of the song. But they men- stick to something other than tion the N.K.0.T.8. in this song, & what can only be described as repulsing me. 'Neo-hippie-dance-rock-rap- On the Second Side, nothing Up Conung] funk-with-happy-keyboard' happens to change my mind. Oh music. Well tries to redo Queen's "We Picnics are Fascists. The first song, "Hit You", is Will Rock You". Oh Well. They for Tonight at Stages sees Crash Vegas coming in for} you actually Karen Arnold a landing. ( aptly titled. If do destroy the tune. However, as I s find yourself singing along, the (sister of Kevin Arnold) % jgn was typing this , I found that by words "I'm going to hit you" are pressing a little button to control Goodbye Dan--Seein' as how Dan Gallagher has Also tonight at Fed Hall, Spirit of the West will be ] suited to how you'll probably : my typewriter's pitch function, t juihpin' and sweatin ; a dern fine live band. feel. left Much Music to test some more patterns a new beeped. So, for about twelve sec- VJ to hired. it's a girl-more I want to hit this band. Maybe has had be Seems com- i onds, I had fun listening to this f pany for Erica Her name is Angela Dohrman Steve Earle puts in an appearance at The Centre in l a slap in the face will make them Ehm. album. I was pressing this little I and she's got blonde hair and blue eyes-more com- the Square in Kitchener on Saturday. H { pany for Steve Anthony. She started this week. i | Ooooooh. Hasn't been a concert at the Princess for \ 1 Kind of an interesting program on TV Ontario(!) a while. The drought ends as Stephen Fearing ( ( this month. A look at the life and, probably, times strums there on the 11th. B) / of Vincent Van Gogh. Mondays at 10 pm til Octo- I O.K. say this in your best deep FM DJ voice. Tear- f is ing the roof off of Copps Coliseum. October 12th. 1 And keeping with a television theme and seeing as 8pm. KISS.(some sort of explosion here). I I / l how hockey season starts today, Saturday night can only mean one thing: Hockey Night in Canada!!! a great band plays Phil's on Wednesday the 10th. l Yes, Bob's Your Uncle makes their triumphant I return. Go go go go go go see 'em. J Sunday evening Ballroom dancing in the Turret is \ back again. Sign up begins Monday at the Info Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire t Lea d a Centre. rolls into the T.A. next Thursday to Saturday. ) (charmed SORRY And now in this space I must \ apologize to a certain Miss Gail Cockbum for not including her in life. our "Free Hugs" plea/statement last week. The reason is ...well...the graphic beside the column was a picture of a male 112 Tap into the stirring sounds and Gail is a female but....Awh Aff 112 found at Dr. Disc, home of new hell, the real reason is that I just and used records, tapes plain forgot to include our look-a-like. and compact discs. beloved Paula Abdul 1 I guess I was just too preoc- 146 King St. W. J _ cupied with the fact that it was near \ Original Taco Young in 5:30 am and that I was not going Downtown Soft Taco to get sleep again on a Tuesday • Bean Burrito night and that I would, and did, • three hours Open Monday thru Saturday Nacho Chips with Salsa miss my biology class later. This, however, is no excuse. 10 am to 10 pm and now Cinnamon Twists So let me now say this: If you open Sundays from want a free hug, just come up to FIVE GREAT CHOICES. ALL DAY EVERY DAY. the Cord offices and volunteer to write and Mark, Brock, Guy (that self centred insomniac) and Gail bell will probably, though you may of TAC0^5' have to remind them for lack sleep, give you a hug. W e gjlC.' University t 85 Ave. E. squeeze real tight and still don bite. the cord Th ursday October 4, 1990 SCENE 23 ALIAS: not a new name responsible for Heart's first seven al- artists such as The Kinks, Bob Seger, radio station, KLUC in Las Vegas, by Chris Skalkos bums and were the backbone of tunes The Beach Boys, Charlie Daniels and played it on a request show in 1989. The What do you get when you mix one like "Barracuda", "Crazy On You" and Foghat since Arnold Lanni and the rest song remained on the charts for 30 swank rock 'n' roll manager and six sea- "Magic Man". of what used to be Sheriff went then- weeks making DeMarchier and Curci soned musicians with one debonair I asked what it was like to be one of own way to form Frozen Ghost. overnight success stories. Managers and WLU student? the biggest names in rock 'n' roll during "I was offered a position with KISS agents from across the States were but be- Give up? the seventies. They said it was a lot of when Ace Frehley quit I refused knocking on their door. was doing well You get your's truly (staunch Cord fun but they're looking forward to reach- cause Sheriff in Canada Ironically, at the time they didn't at time" said DeMarchi.(Boy what a reporter) conducting a concert ing new plateaus with this band's current the even have a band and were in the process mistake). success a review...make that a sudden interview album. Sheriff had with bal- of writing the material for the ALIAS with ALIAS, a progressive rock group "We don't have regrets about leaving lad, "When I'm With You", in the early project during the evenings while they consisting of former members of Heart Heart. They are enjoying success and we eighties. held day jobs. The ex-Heart members and Canadian band Sheriff. wish them the best" said Derosier. That song was launched back up to appeared at this time to put the "icing on My assignment at first seemed Vocalist Freddy Curci and guitarist the number one spot on the Billboard the cake" of the debut album and to form simple enough; cover the ALIAS concert Steve DeMarchi have worked with other chart selling over 500,000 copies when a what is now ALIAS. at the notorious Coronet. Being a little The show itself was a display of what a apprehensive about what sort of unique musical alliance like ALIAS can audience I would encounter, I was quick- do. The intense but melodic songs, such ly put at ease by the mild crowd and as "Say What I Want To Say" and even some familiar faces. However, I "Haunted Heart", struck a familiar pulse was surprised that there was not a bigger with the audience as the band performed crowd considering that it was student solidly all night. night with only a one dollar cover for Their image on stage, however, was university students. quite casual and non-aggressive. This Upon requesting to the band's man- reflected the reaction of the audience ager for a moment to ask some ques- who seemed to be analyzing the band in- tions, I was invited to join the band for stead of letting go and having a good their pre-show meal at the Keg. Trans- time except for one inebriated fellow portation was provided via the band's who insisted on buying the band a drink private tour bus complete with t.v., after each tune. The encore, "Barracuda", washroom, phone, fax machine, was an amazing audio experience of vo- bar...well, you get the picture. I wonder cals as front man Fred Curci matched if the WLU student handbook covered Ann Wilson's voice (yes he can do it) anything like this? during that old Heart classic. Admittedly I felt uneasy about sitting Overall, the performance lacked down for a round of chicken wings and punch and never reached that final pops with six accomplished musicians, climax it was leading up to. Obvious three of which were the founding mem- technical problems that complimented bers of Heart, even before Ann and poor stage lighting didn't help either. Nancy Wilson joined the group. Drum- ALIAS is now plotting an international mer Mike Derosier, bassist Steve Fossen tour before withdrawing into the studio and guitarist Roger Fisher were to work on their second album. -You've Found the Place—


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TTX 5432 VGA ' 29mm $S25 ° 30 Meg Hard Drive $370.00 0 EiißßlPiliflH 1 houh COMPUTER SALE! photo IICSISSiSaMiWiW developing the cord, SCENE Thursday 24 October 4. 19% 'Bad Bad Girls' not bad remaining tracks are well pro- Essentially, this band's then Fastway delivers. But they duced, but they tend to blend to- motivation is women, partying will have to go beyond this to be- gether until one song sounds like and a touch of rebellion. If all you come a great heavy metal band. another. Simplistic drumming are looking for here is a chance to doesn't help either. kick back and bang your head Sean Martell DEAD LINES Continued from page 22 Fastway by Roy Ellis under the severe laws of the Muttawa, or religious Town" is a good tribute to John Bad Bad Girls police. Enigma Lennon. Speaking of diplomatic respect, 1. Laurier has gained a new chancellor. His name is the U.S. milita- Going with the image of the pretty good, but ry displayed a pathetic lack of it last Fastway is a Willard Z. Estey. According to The Laureate, Mr. month when 60's revival, Stewart's lyrics are a not they flew a 'ton of bacon' into their Saudi air outstanding heavy metal Estey will be installed as chancellor on October 28, base. tad heavy. One wonders what he Bad Bad Saudi Arabia, like many Eastern group. Girls has the 1990.1 would like to propose that he be installed in countries, adheres was on (if anything) when writing guitar riffs, to a strict religious food such, standard forceful Wilfs next to the coffee makers, in hope that, final- code. As the posses- these tunes. Take, for example, sion of a strip (let a methodical drum beat and half ly, we can have someone manning those pots who of bacon alone ton of it) is con- the opening paragraph from the sidered a heinous crime and a sung/half screamed vocals which knows how to fix a half-decent cup of coffee. rude effrontery to track "King of the Hypocrites": are integral to many of today's foreign diplomatic etiquette. Once again the grum- "You told me you were a Chris- successful bands. The band works bling Western appetite gets what it wants at 2. Dirty Tricks: On precisely the same day that Sad- any tian, you told me you were pure, a high energy cost. It's depressing to think that hard and level is dam Hussein graciously offered free oil to needy Anheuser-Busch you told me you would sacrifice has a better grip on international ethics maintained throughout the album. Third World countries, the Globe and Mail than Presi- everything for sure, King of the dent George Bush. hypocrites..." reported that the St. Louis based beer magnate The first track, "I've Had Anheuser-Busch offered a free six-pack of Bud- With songs like "King of the Pay Decay: Enough", sounds vaguely similar weiser to each American soldier stationed in Saudi 3. for The billboard displays a ripped Hypocrites", "On Fire", pair jeans to AC/DC, especially the way Arabia. Twenty-two thousand cases of 'Bud' are to of with a lot of bum and thigh bursting "Diamond Avenue", "Hey Johnny lead singer Lea Hart shouts the arrive in the Islamic nation mid-October. through the words "Split ends". It's not how long (It's you)", "The Devil's Just around lyrics. "She Won't Rock" has the Both offers look pretty delectable on paper, but they last, or how endurable they are, but how soon Been Using You" and "Love most lyrical variance, and an ex- alas, each comes with a rather disheartening catch- the material will gain that two-summers-on-the- Shines" Stewart brings the 60's to cellent guitar solo by Eddie -22. Iraq's free oil is available only to Third World streets look. The marketers at Levi Strauss must be the 90's. For me this is a refresh- Clarke. This is probably the countries prepared to steam through the American laughing their heads off. Treat the jeans with a little ing change from the stuff current- strongest song on the album. naval gauntlet and pick it up in person. (Iraq does more industrial starch and bang, a weave with the ly pumped onto the radio. "Death of Me" and the title track not deliver), and the 'beer for the boys' is un- resiliency of a moth's wing. Some stores carry Stewart's Spiritual Cowboys are jeans "Bad Bad Girls" are also in- fortunately of the non-alcoholic type. Anheuser- with prefabricated rips and patches. Evident- not everyone many for but will be fectious. Busch it politically disrespectful to ly, deconstructionalism has filtered down into the pleasantly surprised. deemed deliver alcoholic beer to Saudi Arabia, where the consump- fashion industry where, as always, you have to pay Unfortunately, the rest of the tion of any alcoholic beverage is a crime punishable more for less. Vlad Kinastowski album is not quite as strong. The

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH LOSS ? I TOP 10 Support Group for those who have experienced the loss of a significant person in their life: (a friend, partner, parent, RENTED MOVIES grandparent, sibling, child) For the week of Oct. 4 to Oct. 11 dates: Tuesdays: October 10 through November 14

time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. 1. Glory place: Counselling Services 2. Crazy People Contact Judith (884-1970, extension 2338) in Counselling Services 3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Upper Floor, Student Services Centre) to pre-register and/or for The Last of the Finest more information. 4. 5. Martians Go Home CO-FACIMTATORS: Karen Mcßae and Marilyn Goodbrand of Counselling Services 6. Firebirds 7. Spaced Invaders Sponsored by: COUNSELLING SERVICES: Consultants in Learning, 8. Vital Signs Performance and Personal Development 9. Opportunity Knocks 10. Cry-Baby the cord Thursday October 4. 1990 SCENE 25

Poem at 2 am (to Chara)

The poem I owe you friend, I owe much more to myself. You are single, half orphaned, sometimes questioning your creative ability

Friend that I envy; I have seen your children! Yours are the offspring of muses Mine, the after thought of lust as I run to my calendar to calculate days-too late. Stew...

My man is a hard worker. He lies sleeping on the floor Lulled by a shoulder massage and the sound of test patterns on the television. In Response to a Friend

Quaint and Romantic is my little family: Oh, my friend Babe sucking fist, older babe feet dangling I do not just question my procreative abilities, over the edge of her bed, but my creative abilities as well. it is my only time of peace. My children are dying. The land of creativity, My pen writes on paper some-what lumpy I once ran across with excitement and passion, as it is the quilt that covers a bed of is turning barren. crumbs on my kitchen table. As I thirst for stimulation, Hunger for motivation, I know I will always fight, coming in last, Your words wet my hps and feed me. With my hastily written papers. Luong Yet, somehow I am still starved A cheap application of "polly filler" as of the vitality to respond; I try to keep my walls from As though I am in a vacuum, Harvey crumbling in. All the energy being sucked out photo: Julia Berfelz of me

But, my friend, Remain assured that I will continue to struggle with creation. Though I may miscarry the offspring of the muses Heroes time and time again.

Chara The best advice, ever I got Came from Trish's older sister. She said to us, one hung over Sunday, that, if we were to ever attempt suicide the best place to slash your wrist was I Love You across the top and not the bottom because there were too many tendons there. You cut a hole in my back And tied a string to my heart And because all the veins were above. Thompson When you pull it hard enough I tell you that i haven't seen or spoken to her since I love you though... i do think that... Marshall Then you throw me on the floor sometimes... photo: and i miss her knowing smile. Jason Guy Etherington

I have finished the book and painfully turned the last page.

In a point of transition: becoming illiterate.

Afraid, Unsure of the next book to take from the shelf.

What if I open the cover and I don't comprehend the dedication? If I find out I really can't read? Or, McFarlane What if I don't like the story, and I can't return the book Marilyn Till I've finished?

Chara photo: the cord, 26 SCENE Thursday October 4, 19QQ Words, words, words From the list of scrambled movie titles below, find the corresponding gangster film in the puzzle, The answers may run vertically, horizontally, diagonally, forwards or backwards. by Steve Burke


1 Love and Rockets 14 Elvis Costello 2 The Rolling Stones 15 Sinead O'Connor 3 The 16Led Zeppelin 4 The Wonderstuff 17 The Style Council odog elaslf 5U2 18 The Who Teh mudb reiwta het ftreodhag 6 Talking Heads 19 PinkFloyd octont ucbl tiellt raaces 7 The Beatles 20 The Proclaimers ysbgu noamel 8 REM 21 The Police rfeacsac hnynjo hte tcuenuhslboa gendasoru 9 The Clash 22 The Cult merhal rmrdiea ot eht bmo tnhsgi 10 Rush 23 The Pogues cikd 11 Joe ziprsiz nhuoor ycrat Jackson 24 AC/DC mose klie ti hto 12 Fine Young Cannibals 25 Kate Bush eth asfrhenm 13 The Waterboys 26 The The mnae tsseter het ciiinals

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surprise somebody with a STRIP-A-GRAM Male or Female Dancers J Thursday October 4, 1990 27 SPORTS Golden Hawks sing the Blues 32-14 Homecoming loss for football Hawks by Chris Dodd Cord Sports Things got so bad that at one point in the fourth quarter, start- Homecoming at WLU has al- ing QB Pat Smalling was ways been something of a special benched in favour of the rookie occasion and in years past all of Bill Kubas. The penalty flags the illustrious WLU alumni once again seemed to plague the would return to drink a few ales Hawks as things went from bad to and enjoy a Hawk win on the grid worse and fans began to trickle iron. out of their seats and toward the This year things turned out a gates. little different as the football The final damage for the Hawks took to the field and fell at Hawks was a 32-14 loss to a team the hands of the nationally ranked that wasn't so much better. The University of Toronto Blues. The Hawks started out looking like Laurier squad realized they were they were ready to cause an up- in tough against the Blues but set, but as the game wore on, it most people, including myself, became apparent that the alumni gave the Hawks a shot. When the audience would enjoy nothing of game was over and the smoke the sort had cleared, the Hawks came out The one stand-out for the on the wrong end of a 32-14 Hawks was Ralph Spoltore who score. seemed to hang on to everything The game started out on a thrown his way. It is true that Pat promising note as Pat Smalling Smalling had a rough day, but all hit Brent Stucke on a second and the blame cannot be placed on his short. Stucke out-raced the shoulders. The offensive line was speedy Toronto defensive back to dominated by the well-disciplined the end zone. A 7-0 Hawk lead U of T line. was just what a packed Seagram The Hawks are in tough next Stadium wanted on this week as the number one ranked A full house at this weekend's homecoming game, despite the loss homecoming Saturday. It wasn't Western Mustangs gallop into until 0:06 of the first quarter that town for a Thursday night show- Toronto got on the scoreboard. down. The Hawks had better be Bad punt coverage allowed the prepared for the defending na- Blues to go the length of the field tional champs who are undefeated to post their first major. and who are looking to stay that Men's good A quarter U of Soccer: T the and the bad second field way. This week's loss drops the goal and single point by rounded out Hawks to 1-2 in the OUAA and Stephan Latour the net As the man in black blew the the scoring of the first half. Western is not team the they want Saturday, Sept.29th That would be all for this en- whistle to open the battle, a Things began to look up for to meet to even their record. This Laurier Golden Hawks 1, Brock counter. As the young squad wonderfully vibrant first half, the Hawks early in the third when reporter won't be so bold as to Badgers 0 headed for the dressing room packed with sensational wide a Tim Bisci interception, fol- predict an upset but I will say via Satellite found itself in an unexpected open soccer began. Western lowed by two runs by this, year no stellar -- last one gave the position on top of the division could only share the day's label Andy Cecchini in a resulted Hawks a chance and they Team play, intelligence and table. in the first ten minutes. The other Laurier major, putting them up London came marched into and patience from Laurier resulted in Unexpected ~ and delightful 35 minutes belonged to Laurier. 14-11. The festivities ended there, away with a win. the Golden Hawks dominating indeed. Western's impending danger however, as suddenly the Hawks A win by the Golden Hawks their weekend match with Brock. came through the midfield with lost all lustre and everything went turn would this season around On the downside, the Hawks are, Sunday, September 30th intentions towards the wings, and downhill. Pat Smalling suddenly boys to and the always seem get for the moment, still troubled in An Unlucky this was used test backbone of couldn't find his receivers, the Hawk Squad 1, up for a game against the hated the goal scoring department. Al- Western 3. Laurier's defense in the opening defensive pass coverage broke purple and white of UWO. If the though the soccer is anything but minutes. down and the offense can couldn't in ~ Hawks stay it early they boring, goals not entertainment An ill-boding wind called the The Hawks withstood the move the on ground. ball the — And have a chance, but only time will are the only matter of substance Western Mustangs blew into Western's early attempt and be- when, at 0:03 of the third quarter tell. Thursday night promises to in soccer departments. Waterloo this weekend. And this gan to dominate at about the Toronto scored a touchdown, be both exciting interesting. and From the beginning, Brock time out determination, great seven minute mark. Michael things seemed to be slipping Come on out and support the showed that it was no longer a heart, and endless energy would Krause beat his opponents on the away from the Hawks. Hawks. side stacked with bullies. They not be enough to guarantee vic- left and found the time to pass to surprised the Golden Hawks with tory the center. There, Western several young and skillful pros- To their credit, Western used roughed up the potential trouble pects but could not match the its sparse chances to the fullest, makers, resulting in a free kick Laurier offerings. connecting on three of four op- just out side the box. Krause took Laurier attacked ferociously, portunities and departing the the honour, yet his hard driven ef- but the team's offensive stalled, batde pitch at Bechtel with raised fort was wide. courtesy of some fine Brock goal fists to announce their victory. In the twenty-sixth minute, a keeping. On the flip side, sad Laurier dangerous corner rattled the

Ten minutes into the second faces slowly strutted towards the Western defense — and their half, the Golden Hawks did find sideline. These lads felt the pain posts. Despite Rob Delia Croche the necessary opening. Michael of being kicked hard in the gut. being late on the rebound, the ball Krause, Laurier's dangerous dis- They had dominated and mes- slipped meekly over the goal line. tributor of lofty crosses, lived up merized the Mustangs in the first Other scoring opportunities were to his reputation when he placed a half, they had shown great available in abundance. Jimmy long ball from the right into the character, great attitude, and fan- Hoye was behind most of them. middle. Waiting in the blocks was tastic fitness. But these virtues Hoye's touches were truly the hard working Stevie Howard would not suffice this day. The skillful and intelligent. He sub- who blasted the lone marker of goal tally never rose past a single sequently hooked up with the the afternoon into the corner of marker. continued on page 28 the cord. I 28 SPORTS Thursday October 4, 1990 Men s Soccer Continued continued from page 27 as keeper Mark Cylwa made a su- their lethal striker Nick Bontis beat several defenders, leaving far left corner for the 1-2 score. towering Tom Vejvalka per save on a dangerous — and shot. sprinted on a break away only void estates towards the net, yet As the Hawks looked for the Krause. Vejvalka was working Despite their dominance, to be foiled by a charging Mark his shot in the end missed the equalizer with three strikers, hard the yet in middle, found his Laurier could only carry an as- Cylwa. mark to the right. Western got on the scoreboard match to be no toothless tiger. surance about their quality of The rebound found his way to Laurier pressed further as the again with two minutes to go by On the flank Krause danced, play into the half time intermis- Bontis again and Cylwa watched work of Paul Miatello and Fred capitalizing on a corner. turned and twisted his opponents sion, but no goals. in agony as the ball crossed the Tempoaro left them within spit- Coach Tony Lea firmly into ex- dizziness. There were too Laurier's awesome adventure line. ting distance of the Western goal claimed his hatred for losing, but many steps in his dance which would not continue, as Western Laurier, reduced to underdog line. Tempoaro's long ball from followed this statement up with quite capitalized often stalled the forward on one of their op- status, kept barking away with a the left into the middle found an exclamation about the flow. portunities in the sixth minute of neverending series of efforts. Andre Semren in the 76th minute. tremendous development, to half, long Prior the Western the second half. A cross was Despite Western's tight defensive Semren beat his defensive achievement, and quality of play way net. placed box stance, the spaces. found their towards the into the which left the Hawks found markers, and managed despite the and character in this side. No This was a rare moment, as the leather as part of an odd ping On the wing, Krause's dancing pressure to strike the ball into the arguments from me Mister Lea! back four of Paul Miatello, Rob pong play of headers. Mikalachki, Mike Cherevety, and As Laurier failed to clear it, Fred Tempoaro had up to now the ball found its way to the right, presented a solid front and where an unmarked Mustang stopped the Mustangs. On this oc- scored, for the 1-0 lead. Two casion, the quartet gave the ball minutes later another stroke of away. All was not lost, however, fortune came Western's way, as

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-> -^>>>>^aBBS««aAHHHHMnHHNfiMNNnHNwnHMMi Practise makes perfect, or so it seems for the Lady Tennis Hawks

JHHBkL »* TOwSSffflßro ' 1 '

IIIISM Gk. Lady Hawks Dominate t *' dominating play over her op- kept the victorious pace with a by Janet Forbes ponent from Windsor, 6-2, 7-5. seat clenching 7-5, 7-6, (8-6) win In singles action this past Samantha Brenchley and Jennifer over Windsor while the power- weekend the Women's Tennis Welsh also demonstrated mastery packed team of Rosalind Hun and

> ISKB* » team showed fine form against of their matches, both posting Kim Yaworski demonstrated both Windsor and York Univer- decisive wins. sound doubles tactics despite a 6-

In % Ml sity. In doubles play, Helen "Kil- 3,6-1 loss. Nadine Scherberger led the ler" Killoch described her match Lady Hawks with a 6-2, 6-2 vic- as "the miracle of my life", as she October 13 is the next tourna- tory against York and a 7-5, 6-0 and Brenchley had a definitive 6- ment date for the Tennis Hawks singles win against Windsor. Jane 2, 6-0 win against Windsor. at McMaster against Mac and Barnett aced her way to success, Welsh and partner Tracy Goldhar Windsor. "

* > 13k, * **?Wl\ TOpj/ < MB Sports Schlock ■n.vr*"^ 1. Who was the second Toronto Blue Jay to reach the 1000-hitplateau with the team? 2. Who coached the 1972 Team Canada versus Russia? 3. What is the nickname of ordained Philadelphia Eagles defensive tackle Reggie White? 4. True or False: Gordie Howe received more facial stitches than goals scored in his career. 5. Who did Alan Alda play in the movie "The Paper Lion"? 6. Which NHL player is also a clothing designer? 7. Who was the last goalie to wear a red maple leaf on his mask? 8. Who won the 1987 Cy Young award in the American League? * ' bSr%%%wL£ "*-'■' ?H 9. Who was the only woman in NBA history to gain a tryout with a team? 10. Who was the "Galloping Ghost" of Illinois? Grange Red 10. L Meyers Ann 9. Roger 8. 125 years of Labatt's IPA: Clemens k Plante Jacques 7. k Messier Mark 6. i What beer Plimpton George 5. k stitches, cial was meant fa- 600 gained only and career his in goals 801 scored Howe False: 4. k Defence of Minister The 3. k to be. Sinden Harry 2. ' Moseby Lloyd 1. A superior old-style ale brewed by the traditional top fermentation process. the cord Thursday October 4, 1990 SPORTS 29 The rough and ready Norris division by Craig Burt leaguers Tony Twist and dent with the signing of free in the hope of capturing the sequently trading Savard to Cord Sports Robert Dirk in addition to agent defenceman Scott Cup. Montreal for all-star defen- regular Kelly Chase just to Stevens this summer. Be- ceman Chris Chelios. The NHL's Norris Division maintain their muscle for cause of this the Blues will The Chicago Black- is named after legendary tough Norris games. be giving up five first round hawks also pose a legiti- It is obvious that the defenceman James Norris. The Norris division was draft picks over the next mate threat of reaching the Norris division is ready for In recent years the division also responsible for several seven years, or two of the finals after deciding that success and respect from to which his name was lent of last year's ugliest brawls top seven if they have that youngster Jeremy Roenick the rest of the league and it has been slandered with including one during a pre- position in the draft. Clearly was capable of taking over appears from all accounts such slurs as "Snorris" and game skate, between Chica- then, the Blues are willing from disgruntled centreman that they will continue to Porous" division. All that go and Minnesota and a to sacrifice future prospects Denis Savard, and sub- fight for it. changed last year when a Yuletide scuffle between remarkable transformation Toronto and Chicago, on took place, leading one December 23. This bout sportswriter to dub it the saw Chicago defenceman "Chuck Norris Division" Dave Manson suspended after its lively play. Last for thirteen games. year no other division could The result of this aggres- compare with the bombastic sion was an overall im- pugilism of the five Norris provement by the division teams: Chicago Black as a whole. It is interesting Hawks, Toronto Maple to examine this division as Leafs, Detroit Red Wings, one fighting for respect. Minnesota North Stars and Since the last realignment St.Louis Blues. In fact, of of the league in the early the remaining sixteen in the 1980's the Norris has had NHL teams no other five only one team, the 1981 could match the penalty Minnesota North Stars minutes of the Norris. reach the Stanley Cup final. Expect the same style of Of the team currently in the play to continue this season. division, the Maple Leafs Each team is sure to retain were the last team to win a their top enforcer to keep Stanley Cup, in 1967. that balance of power. A The Norris Division is DAVE MANSON: penalty personified. Could he be related to Charles? weak team would be hope- ready to pick up where it lessly out-played physically left off last year. Teams like — in this division. For this rea- St. Louis have made it clear f son the St. Louis Blues, the that they are finished with \—7"Kitchener's First and Foremost S least aggressive of the five waiting and are indeed plan- teams, retained minor ning on victory. This is evi- V Authentic Tex-Mex Restaurant | * ' Meet the Author \ 667 King St. W. $ \ Kitchener I for Creation \ 570-2554 J The Environmental Crisis: A Canadian Christian Call to

Wood Lake Books Inc. 5 TEXAS ■ $ fCaring S Klohghorni J \ / ! \ David Hallman

I did not write this book to make you feel guilty .... In describing the problems from local garbage to the global greenhouse effect, I want to provide information about the Until 12:30 sources of our difficulties, so that we can plan effective change." Late Night Menu am You cannot read this book and remain complacent. But because it offers hope, because it offers practical responses to our environmental crisis, it will encourage you to get involved j — Authentic Mexican Food in the survival of God's creation. J i — All meat cooked over Mesquite David Hallman hails from Waterloo, is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University, and is J the national staff person withresponsibility for environmentalissues on the United Church 4 — Hickory smoked chicken and ribs \ of Canada's Division of Mission in Canada. 4 — Fresh flour tortillas Meet the Author — Hear Him Speak! Thursday, October 11,1990 — Vegetarian menu KkA i 12:00 noon in the Turret (Student Union) Autographing Session to Follow Refreshments 1 ! Ii• I This book ties in |U= * with the Bookstore's focus on the environment. ? 7 A > 5 —x-tt-ta-5| lA\/ G K-W Hoipttol 7(_Q Sponsored by WLU's Bookstore in the Concourse K N 112 10th Anniversary Series 4 the cord 30 SPORTS Thursday October 4, 1990 My Sunday Evening... by Brock Greenhalgh of tonight the Wilfrid Laurier season, The Sports Zone (I've the opinion that cheerleading is Athletic fee we all have to pay Sports Editor Golden Hawks have a record of often wondered whether that was an important part of any sport and along with our tuition. I hope to 1-2. the correct time on that huge that those who take part work have more information on that It's night time. All the Okay, so maybe I was wrong. clock they had behind the two quite hard. I was a football player topic for next week, but it is in stadiums are empty, all the equip- Maybe the Pittsburgh Steelers did commentators). I couldn't give and a cheerleader while something we should all think highschool I enjoyed both. ment put away, all the fans as- make it into the first round of the away any nifty clothes or any- and about. What is that money used leep. Except for me. I've long playoffs last year and I just thing like that but I could make As for school spirit, I can see for and could it be used any other I it winding down after Frosh since left the rented television forgot. Maybe shouldn't make sure that the opinions of the way? not Week and homecoming. there I and the hot dogs and the soda and predictions, I'm getting paid people here at Laurier were If hope that those of you read- consolation, amount of I'm now in my bedroom. Of for it. But then again maybe I heard. is any the ing this article will contact me if course my Snoopy night light is should. This is my column and I This past week I received an purple and gold clothing I see there is anything you would like on, but I still can't sleep. All I should be able to voice my article and a phone call that dealt around WLU never seems to to see discussed in the sports keep thinking about is the predic- opinions as well as those opinions with different aspects of sports, wind down. I would like to see pages of the Cord. I have a mail more all of tions I have made in the past few of the Wilfrid Laurier com- but they did pose questions that people attending the box up at the offices, so drop me events not just weeks, and what fiascoes have munity. need to be addressed. the on campus a line. This paper is for your sports. University not only come about. I would like to make this The article was sent to me by is a benefit, not just a place for me to place to on academics, it is As of tonight (Tuesday) the column a forum for people to one of the Wilfrid Laurier cheer- work see my name each week. share their feelings about sports also a place of enjoyment. fate of the Blue Jays is still hang- leaders and it dealt with the ac- My class schedule is on the at Laurier. Maybe I could take door ing in the balance. As of tonight ceptance of cheerleading as a co- The second question that was of my office, so you'll know ex- for that late night television the Pittsburgh Steelers have yet to over ed endeavor and also the waning brought to my attention this week acUy when I can be got cancelled after last reached in the score a offensive touchdown. As show that school spirit on-campus. I share dealt with the handling of the Student Union building. rFrcSrnM^NKITCHENEI^ I One Night Only! Once again: the Leafs by Craig Boucher The 1990-91 hockey season is fast approaching BASKETBALL and the Leafs as well as their fans should be ex- I cited. The Leafs have a number of rookies that could make a huge impact on this season and sea- I INDIANAPACERS sons to come. The Leafs ended the pre-season on a 4|| winning note and finished with a record of 5-3-2. HOUSTON The highlight of the camp lay in the fact that I ROCKETSWWftgM Toronto allowed an average of fewer than three goals per game in pre-season play. ■ Featuring Akeem Olajuwon / »* \ ■ UHBI Last Wednesday the Leafs once again faced off Tuesday * / \ against the Calgary Flames, but this time they were October 23,1990 Li V l|pepsi|a not about to be shut out. In fact, they played like a at 7:30 p.m. GV V Stanley Cup-bound team. The two teams did, how- ever, end in a 0-0 draw. Both Allan Bester and Jeff at the... Em Reese shut down Calgary, while at the other end of IB * ifl the ice it was Mike Vernon and Steve Guenette be- tween the pipes. So much for that expected of- I KITCHEN fensive outburst The pre-season ended with two home games for the Leafs against Buffalo. On the Friday night, Daniel Marois scored with only 29 seconds left to Tom Pugliese look-alike Allan Bester bring Toronto into a 3-3 tie with the Sabres. Gilles I Thibadeau and Tom Kurvers counted singles for the to use the I Reds & Blues $28.00 The coaching staff of the Leafs likes hints of his rookie Benches $26.00 ' fj I Leafs. Wendel Clark showed word "encouraging" rather than "surprising" in as- Foligno | P* V season, giving Mike all he could handle in sessing the events of the last three weeks, but Group Discounts W a first period fight. Bester played great once again "promising" might be a more apt descriptive. y stopping 20 of 21 shots, while lowering his pre- season goals-against average to a sparkling 2.05. As the entire Western world is now aware, Bes- ter, Reese, and Ing have provided the Leafs with the next the Gardens, Ed Olczyk type of netminding that can carry a team a long MIIMIMIIIIImIIMIII . . J The night, again in continued his strong play with two goals and an as- way. You can read as much as you like about sist, leading the Leafs to a 5-3 win over the Sabres, Reese's playing the entire game on Saturday, but it an early Stanley cup favourite. Gary Leeman added seems to me that Allan Bester will between the two goals and Dave Hannan one on a great set-up posts on Thursday night in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, from rookie Drake Berehowsky. here we come!


rmffi 255 KING STREET WEST, THE KING CENTRE, KITCHENER • TEL.: 576-7750 the cord Thursday October 4. 7 990 SPORTS 31 Hawk of the Week

NENA ORESCANIN (SOCCER)-The 3rd year sweeper from Niagara Falls made several attacks that helped the SPORTSBITS their this week. team score and win both games HOCKEY- In exhibition play this past Monday the Hawkey Hawks faced off against the University of Waterloo Warriors out at the Columbia Ice Fields. By giving a chance to let the rookies show their stuff, the Hawks came away with a 4-3 win. VOLLEYBALL-WOMEN-The team travelled to Guelph where they participated in an early bird tournament. They finished the round robin portion with 2 wins and 1 loss. Wins were against the Hamilton Raiders (15-4, 15-10), Guelph (15-6, 15-4) and they lost to the Hamilton Express (15-17, 10-15.) The Lady Hawks advanced to the finals where they lost to the Hamilton Express 6-15,9-15. SOCCER-WOMEN-A determined Lady's soccer squad racked up i§ I two victories this week. On Wednesday the Hawks beat the Waterloo Athenas 3-0. Goals were scored by Kelly Konstantinou, Liisa Wan- ybu MEAlvJ you nan and Tracy Beaver. The team travelled to St. Catherines on Satur- /i day defeated the Brock Badgers 2-1. Kelly Konstantinou scored again WNT use A and Helen Stoumbos added the other goal for the Lady Hawks. /6;\J J I / I Joe^-rteA I UMDe*^WEA^T UPCOMING EVENTS

FOOTBALL- Thursday October 4th (yes, tonight) the University of Western Ontario Mustangs are paying a visit to Seagram Stadium to take on our beloved Hawks. Game time 7:30 p.m. HOCKEY- This weekend is the annual Oktoberfest Hockey Tourna- ment here in Waterloo. Games will be played throughout the weekend. Have some Thanksgiving grub and then come on out to the Ice Fields. RUGBY- The Golden Hawks will be in action against the York Yeomen on Saturday October 6th out at Lexington Park. Just follow A-typiCAl | Columbia Street westward and you can't miss it. Really .Game time is JOCK. 1:00p.m. CROSS COUNTRY- The Purple and Gold will flash their colours this Saturday at the Laurentian Invitational. GRAD PHOTO I I There's always something cooking YT. fife. 183 WEBER St. N. Waterloo Sign-Up Week 886-9050 *% Watch JOSTEN'S has been chosen as the Official iyy[ Graduation Portrait Photographer Monday Night Football $ &L °n °ne °Ur s to Sign-Up 112 Grand Prize: Weekend trip Buffalo today SSlLwd to see a Bills Game! in the INFO-CENTRE

DEPARTMENT/MAJOR PHOTO DATES Business Administration Oct. 22-23 Management Studies, Accounting Diplomas, 24-25 Sampson's Economics Political Science, Geography, Biology, Oct. 26-29 Communications, Math, Physics 30-31 CLOTHING OUTLET Psychology, History, Physical Education, Nov. 1-2-3 English, French, German, Religion & Culture, Sociology & Anthropology, Archiology

I THERE IS NO OBLIGATION I Quality Clothing 1 TO PURCHASE PORTRAITS I at Discount Prices 64 Kin § St- These photos will be used as your personal graduation portraits, your St. Jacobs, ONT. Keystone yearbook grad photo and the photo for your faculty composite Telephone 664-3008 I PHOTOGRAPHY BY: CLAUDE MARCOTTE OF JOSTEN'S TUESDAY, October 9

Souvenirs, Bratwurst & Pretzels sold in the Concourse

WEDNESDAY, October 10


1:00 pm

Spend the afternoon getting in a festive mood for Octoberfest See the Lustigen Zwie Barvarian Comedy Troupe It's a great way to spend the afternoon and begin the festivities!

THURSDAY, October 11

German Culture at the TUI: R1 iT HA US

See the Forest City Bavarian Band 82 00 J3H

Wear your traditional German clothing and get in for $1

Traditional Clothing = LIEDERHOSEN i.e Shorts & Suspenders or use your imagination $3 for those not in traditional German Wear

FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 12 &13

Traditional Octoberfest in TURRET HAUS 8:00 Pm I Free Steins, Original German Food See the Forest City Bavarian Band y Advance tickets available at the INFO BOOTH