A White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at Derby Hill, New York E dwaRD S. BRINKLey • 124 Peach Street, caPe charleS, Virginia 23310 • (
[email protected]) AdaM M. BYRNE • 11771 rachel lane, DeWitt, michigan 48820 • (
[email protected]) Abstract early 1990s, in particular, our understanding the eagle “broke” the soar and glided eastward, This paper considers a sea-eagle (Haliaeetus of, and our access to information on, the vari- passing to the east of the Observatory grounds. sp.) seen at Derby Hill Bird Observatory, near able plumages and molts of sea-eagles. Jean Litzenberger then photographed the bird, Mexico, Oswego County, New York 24 April as other observers began to compose field 1993. The bird has been identified and noted in Field Encounter notes, recording the following aspects of plum- various publications as a White-tailed Eagle (H. At 10:40 EDT on 24 April 1993, a sea-eagle age and structure: albicilla) in its fourth plumage cycle, but critical (Haliaeetus sp.) passed the hawkwatch area at field notes on its plumage and structure have Derby Hill Bird Observatory, near Mexico, Os- 1) A very wide-winged eagle, rich brown in not been previously published. This paper also wego County, New York, seen by over 150 ob- color overall, with no white feathers visible provides historical context on the remarkable servers and photographed by Jean Litzenberger in the head, body, or wings, either above or developments in raptor identification since the (frontispiece). below; The bird’s plumage and structure immedi- 2) Width of wing uniform throughout the ately indicated to the numerous experienced length of the wing, that is, leading and trail- observers present that the bird was clearly a ing edge of wings parallel, reminding some species of Haliaeetus but certainly not a Bald observers of an Old World vulture (Gyps) Eagle (H.