Full Study Unpacking the Mystery of Mediation in African Peace Processes Mediation Support Project CSS ETH Zurich © Mediation Support Project (MSP), CSS, and swisspeace 2008 Center for Security Studies (CSS) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich Seilergraben 45-49 - SEI CH - 8092 Zürich Tel.: +41-44-632 40 25 Fax: +41-44-632 19 41
[email protected] www.css.ethz.ch swisspeace Sonnenbergstrasse 17 P.O. Box CH - 3000 Bern 7 Tel.: +41-31-330 12 12 Fax: +41-31-330 12 13
[email protected] www.swisspeace.ch/mediation The summary and the full report with references can be accessed at: <www.css.ethz.ch> and <www.swisspeace.ch/mediation> Coordinator: Simon J A Mason Authors: Annika Åberg, Sabina Laederach, David Lanz, Jonathan Litscher, Simon J A Mason, Damiano Sguaitamatti (alphabetical order) Acknowledgements: We are greatly indebted to Murezi Michael of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) for initiating and supporting this study project. Without his enthusiasm and perseverance, this study would not have reached such a happy end. Many thanks also to helpful input from Julian Thomas Hottinger, Carol Mottet, and Alain Sigg (Swiss FDFA), Matthias Siegfried (MSP, swisspeace), Mario Giro (St. Egidio) and Katia Papagianni (HD). Thanks also to Christopher Findlay for English proofreading and Marion Ronca (CSS) for layouting. Initiation and Support: Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in this article present the views of the authors alone, and not those of the CSS, swisspeace, or the Swiss FDFA. Front cover photo: Sudan’s First Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha (L) and Sudan People’s Liberation Move- ment (SPLM) leader John Garang (R) at the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on the 9 January 2005, ending a 21-year-old conflict in the south that has killed an estimated two million people mainly through famine and disease.