Servers OLPS Church


St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Altar Servers OLPS Church

LITURGICAL MINISTRY Ministers of Altar Serving guidelines TRAINING PROGRAM RESOURCES FOR LEADERS 1995 Note: This is a suggested guideline only and should be modified for individual parish use. It presents an ideal suggestion, but in reality it might be impossible to adopt some of the guidelines. The following suggestions are from my perspective and does not reflect the ac ual workings of the Altar Servers society in OLPS Church Singapore.


1 3 Table of Contents

• GUIDELINES FOR THE                                             

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• SESSION I                             !"    #         !"  $   %   !"  &   % '   %  (  %  #       #      #   )    !     !!   

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• SESSION II                       %    $%  % (        *  $ %   *  & (  %  +    %  ,  ) ,!  -    !     !!   

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• SESSION III                      -!  %      (  %  .      $ # %    %  &        !     !!   

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• Appendix   ""     %!        !!       %   $     $ -      /) /

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for Ministers of Altar Serving


4 Guidelines for altar servers 9 Introduction

• A. Introduction  The ministry of altar server has been part of the Eucharist since the second century. For most of the Church's history this service has been provided with reverence and dedication by young boys and men.  With the liturgical reforms following the , the variety of liturgical ministries open to lay persons, both men and women, has grown. Men and women now serve as acolytes, lectors, songleaders and musicians, and ministers of hospitality. In light of these expanded ministries, a question was asked of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts regarding the limitation of the role of altar server to men and boys.

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for altar servers 10 Introduction

• A. Introduction Cont…  On March 15, 1994, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments communicated the Council's response and accompanying directives confirmed by the Holy Father. According to the directives, a diocesan bishop, after hearing the opinion of the Episcopal Conference, may permit women as well as men to undertake the role of altar server. On June 16, 1994, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops welcomed the Holy See's decision to allow women and girls to serve at the altar.  Having heard the response of the Episcopal Conference, and judging that this will benefit the liturgical life of the Diocese and more cl early express the Church's openness to the ministry of all our laity, the following guidelines are issued for altar servers. This includes the authorization to allow both male and female altar servers at the discretion of the local pastor.

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5 Guidelines for altar servers 11 Qualifications

• B. Qualifications • A minister of altar serving:  should be fully initiated Catholics as adult servers. Younger people who have not yet been confirmed can also become altar servers. All a ltar servers have received the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist.  is a member of the assembly who assists the priest and deacon during the Eucharist and other liturgical ceremonies.  should participate fully in the liturgical celebration, joining with the assembly in prayer, song, reflective silence, and attention.  should be committed to giving their time and talents to their parish community, demonstrating their willingness to serve God's people in this ministry and be appropriately prepared.  should be able to understand the Eucharistic celebration and other sacred rites, and the liturgical function of the ministry of altar servers.

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for altar servers 12 Age

• C. Age

 The minimum age for altar servers is left to the discretion of t he local pastor. However it is recommended that servers be at least in primary 3 or 4 (about ages 9-10) when they begin serving.

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6 Guidelines for altar servers 13 SELECTION

• SELECTION OF MINISTERS OF Altar Serving  Once the pastor, parish director or pastoral team has determined the need for additional altar servers, a number of qualified per sons should be invited to this ministry. In choosing and preparing th ese ministers, the liturgy committee should appoint a president fo the ministry of altar server. The president, with a committee, surfa ces names of potential candidates. They should look for persons of faith whose lives conform to the meaning of the service they are asked to undertake. A personal invitation to each prospective minister is the normative procedure. Avoid general calls for volunteers for this ministry.

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for altar servers 14 SELECTION Cont…

 Altar servers should be chosen to reflect the diversity of the parish community, and should include individuals of various ages, socia l and ethnic backgrounds.  The number of ministers should be determined by need. The should not be so few as to require multiple service on any one day nor so many that each does not serve at least monthly.  Since the role of server is integral to the normal celebration of the liturgy, at least one server should assist the priest. On Sundays and other important occasions, two or more servers should be used to carry out the various functions normally entrusted to these ministers.

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7 Guidelines for altar servers 15 SELECTION Cont…

 The selection of candidates for this special ministry should not be presented as a reward for those active in a parish or instituti n. It should be a service which does not create an elite in the church community.  No distinction should be made between the functions carried out in the sanctuary by men and boys. The term "altar boys" should be replaced b “altar servers”.  Since the role of altar server has been a source of vocations in previous years, pastors should continue to use this opportunit to encourage young men to think about priesthood.  The Christian Community who calls forth altar servers must also be instructed, so that the ministry of altar server may be fully appreciated as service at the Lord's banquet.

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for altar servers 16 SELECTION Cont…

 Altar servers assume only one liturgical role at the liturgy. In liturgical celebrations each one, priest or layperson, who has an office to perform, should do all of, but only, those parts which pertain to that office by the nature of the rite and the principles of liturgy. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (CSL), 28

While implementing this principle may be more difficult in smaller parishes than in larger ones, ideally a sufficient number of parishioners share their gifts as liturgical ministers. In this way no one would need to serve in more than one area of liturgical ministry for a given ear. In addition to allowing an individual to develop more fully the competencies demanded in a particular task, such a procedure would call man more people to service. Thus a ministry would not be seen as somethin g belonging only to a select few.

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8 Guidelines for altar servers 17 TERM OF SERVICE


 The term of an altar server may spread over a lifetime. In fact, people are encouraged to minister as altar servers beyond youth into adult years. In each case it may be necessary to have some time free and then continue service as they are called. When a parish has a limited number of youth and adults responding as altar servers, it may be necessary to minister without a set term. However, if large numbers offer to minister, parishes have found that it is desirable have commissioned ministers of altar serve s. Often after three years of service, it is helpful for the ministers to evaluate their service and take time for renewal and rest.

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for altar servers 18 TERM OF SERVICE

• There are several advantages to this:

 a. It encourages some turnover in this ministry, and a variety of persons can be given the opportunity to serve.

 b. It prevents the parish staff from relying too heavil on a limited group and ensures that these people will not be called upon to serve indefinitely in the ministry.

 c. It is preferable that ministers participate in only one ministry at a given time.

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9 Guidelines for altar servers 19 Training

• Training  All who serve in the liturgy should receive special training appropriate to their age and educational level so that they may participate fully in the Eucharist and carry out their roles with reverence and care.  The altar server performs some of the tasks of the ministry of acolyte which was renewed by the church in 1973.  These are • a. Prepare the altar and sacred vessels before . • b. Prepare the , , purificator and immediately before th procession of the gifts. • c. Help the presider receive the bread and wine at the procession of the gifts. • d. Hold the Sacramentary for the priest as needed. • e. Help with incense, especially when there is no deacon. • f. Serve the role of cross bearer, thurifer or incense bearer, candle bearer, book bearer or other services as designated.

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St. Pius X Altar Servers Society OLPS Church Singapore

Guidelines for altar servers 20 Training Cont…

 During the Mass, servers should be seated in a place from which they can easily assist the priest and deacon. The place next to the priest is normally reserved for the deacon.

 Often the expression of the parish's gratitude to altar servers has revolved around social activities and outings. While this is important and should continue, parishes should also provide spiritual growth activities for altar servers.

 It is highly recommended that parishes use the guidelines, training sessions and resources presented.

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10 Guidelines for altar servers 21 ATTIRE


 Younger altar servers should normally be vested. This is within the tradition of the Church and prevents difficulties regarding appropriate dress for these ministers.

 Adult servers may also be vested. Their attire needs to speak authentically and respectfully of their identity and of reverence for the ministry of altar server.

 The appropriate for a server is the , but cassock and may be retained in those parishes where the custom exis ts.

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Guidelines for altar servers 22 Commissioning

• Commissioning • -  !          " %!!       %%            0   120 3456784579 :  ; <

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11 Altar Servers OLPS Church



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