Health & Safety Executive Direct ciix U151 951 4-1-5 :<:,L.... - ,>.: .... ~~. . . .d Y~..~.. Dircct 1:ix 0151 951 -1163

File I<-L 1 SI'C 12: 2i I2 S l \l'(.'l2.; 25 l:J IIVL:?

Your Ref:

Date: 26 Ji~ni. 199s

Dear Sir


111 accordance \\-it11 Section 3(3) o!' the Nuclear Installations ..\et I9Gj (as anxnded). the Health and Snfst! Executi\e liereby tlirccts you to serve on thc bodies described in the attached Sclietlule. notice that British Xiiclear Fuels plc 113s applied for a nuclear sire licence in respect of Berksley and Berkeley Ccntre.

I'iirther. the IHealtli'nntl Sat'cty Executive specifies that cach noticc slioi~lclgive the follo\ving particulars:

l. the location of the site. its Ix~lindar!. ailcl map reference:

4. a stiltelllent of ~pr~cedurcsto ensure the safe disposd ol'liqi~id.yaseous nnd solid efll~~eiitsaiid wastes. inclilcling espcctctl qiinntitics: 5. a statcnlent ot'yoi~rpI;liis k)r deiilii~g\\-it11 wit11 acii\ities on tlic Iicc~~scJsiic a1111 the iiss~cii~icilliaison nrrciiigc~iisiits.noting tliat tlic cmersency plw \\ill hc si~hmittcclin ilic I~lcc~ltl~mcl Sakty Executive hrapproual: ~T- --'- 6131 Dcpue Chief lnspcctor (Sitclcar Inst:~II:~tions) l The Chief Exccutive 7 The Chief Executive Gloucester County Council Monrnoutlishire County Council

3 The Chief Executive 4 The Chief Executive South Council Council

5 The Chief Executive 6 The Chief Executive Council Tewkesbury Borough Council

7 The Clerk 8 The Clerk Oldbury Parish Council Hinton Paris11 Council

9 The Clerk 10 The Clerk I-lam and Stone Parish Council Rbckliarnpton Parish Council l I The Clerk 12 The Clerk Falfield Parish Council Alkington Parish Council

13 The Clerk l4 The Clerk Hamfallow Parish Council Hill Parish Meeting

15 The Clerk 16 The Clerk Bristol City Council Gloucester City Council

17 The Clerk I8 Tlie Clerk Town Council Thornbury Town Council

19 The Clerk 20 The Chief Executive Bcrkeley Town Council Gloucester District Health Authority

2 1 The Chief Executive 21- The Chief Executive Avon District Health Authority Avon Ambulance Service NHS Trust

23 Tlie Chief Executive 24 The Chief Fire Officer Gloucester Ambulance Service NIHS Trust Avon Fire Brigade

25 The Chief Fire Oftket- 26 The ChieFConstable Gloucester Fire & Rescue Service Gloucester Constabulary

27 The Chief Constable 28 The Chief Executive Avon L! Somerset Constabulary LVessex Water Scrvices Ltd

29 The Chief Executive 30 The Cliief Executive Welsh Water Severn Trent Water Ltd

3 1 Thc Clerk 32 The Chief Executive Sc Clerk Devon Sea Fisheries Committee South Wales Sea Fisheries Conimittee

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J :lii..\i\L I.ICliYCilNTECiL:

Any other body falling within the description given in Section 3(3) of l Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (as amended).