COVID-19 Policy Adjustments (2020-2021)

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COVID-19 Policy Adjustments (2020-2021) August 18, 2020 1 3. Lessons and vocal coachings will be a minimum of COVID-19 Policy Adjustments 50 minutes per week. Consideration should be given to scheduling time for disinfection without reduction in (2020-2021) instructional time. All policies described here are based on information 4. Each student (major and concentration) enrolled in available as of July 2020 and are subject to change as performance or composition study in a private lesson circumstances evolve. The Jacobs School of Music will setting in a fall or spring semester will receive a minimum continue to follow all university, city, county, state, and of fourteen lessons per semester given by the faculty federal guidelines in its decision making specific to the member who is the teacher of record. work of the school. 5. Each student (major and concentration) enrolled in Residence performance or composition study in a private lesson Throughout the bulletin, the terms “residence” or setting in the summer will receive a minimum of eight “residency” shall be defined as being enrolled for credit at lessons given by the faculty member who is the teacher of the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. record. Absences 6. Students enrolled in chamber music will receive six To compare to usual policy, please see "Absences" coachings of at least 60 minutes each with the faculty and "Lesson Attendance" under Regulations and member(s) assigned and will complete an approved Procedures in this bulletin. project or public performance. The student responsibility form requires that students take 7. Students enrolled in vocal coaching in a fall or spring their temperature every morning and that they refrain from semester will meet with the teacher of record a minimum attending face-to-face classes if they have a temperature of seven times if enrolled for one credit hour or a minimum of 100.4 or higher or other symptoms of illness. In order of fourteen times if enrolled for two credit hours. Students to ensure that they can do this, attendance will not be a enrolled in one credit hour of vocal coaching in the factor in the final grade. Attendance may still be taken to summer will receive a minimum of four coachings with the comply with accreditation requirements. Students should teacher of record. Students enrolled in two credit hours of make every effort to attend all online class meetings to vocal coaching in the summer with receive a minimum of ensure that they do not miss activities or assessments that eight coachings with the teacher of record. contribute to their success in the course. 8. The lessons, chamber music coachings, and vocal coachings shall be distributed across the semester or Minimum and Maximum Semester summer term in a relatively equal way. Load To compare to usual policy, please see "Minimum 9. A student enrolled in secondary lessons in a fall and Maximum Semester Load" under Regulations and or spring semester will receive fourteen lessons per Procedures in this bulletin. semester with the instructor assigned to the student at the beginning of the semester. Undergraduates in the Jacobs School of Music are not permitted to enroll in fewer than 14 credit hours, including 10. A student enrolled in secondary lessons in the summer ensemble, during the fall and spring semesters. For the will receive a minimum of eight lessons with the instructor 2020-21 school year undergraduate tuition will be banded, assigned to the student at the beginning of the summer meaning that students may enroll in a total of 40 credits term. across the fall and spring semester, plus 2 credits of 11. In rare situations of strategic importance to the school, ensemble per semester for music students under the exceptions to this policy for a limited period can occur if undergraduate tuition flat fee. Any student taking a music approved in writing by the dean. performance course during a fall or spring semester or a summer term must enroll for at least two hours of credit in Practice Time Reservations that performance course. To compare to usual policy, please see "Practice Time Reservations" under Regulations and Procedures in Individual Studio Study and this bulletin. Coaching Practice time may be reserved each fall and spring To compare to usual policy, please see "Individual semester and summer term. The amount of daily practice Studio Study and Coaching" under Regulations and time is determined by the degree and instrument for the Procedures in this bulletin. semester in which the student is applying. The online As pedagogy evolves rapidly, the JSoM will embrace practice room reservation process is suspended during innovative pedagogical approaches for studio lessons, Covid-19. Practice room assignments will be handled vocal coachings and chamber music coachings. Faculty through the scheduling office. and students are encouraged to explore such possibilities. Examinations and Goals in 1. Studio instruction shall be delivered in individual Performance lessons, unless other arrangements are made with the Associate Dean for Instruction. To compare to usual policy, please see "Examinations and Goals in Performance" under Regulations and 2. All music majors and concentrations will study with Procedures in this bulletin. faculty members. 2 August 18, 2020 Level of Achievement Non-music majors in elective performance Each student taking performance courses must make (undergraduates and graduates): each semester of satisfactory progress each semester as determined by the enrollment. various examinations in performance. Music majors enrolled in 100-, 700-, or 800-level Upper-Division Examination performance study: each semester of enrollment, or as The purpose of the upper-division examination is to determined by the department. assess the undergraduate student’s general progress and Master’s degree majors: no examinations (graduate recital to determine continuation in the chosen curriculum. The only). postponed spring 2020 upper-division examination will be administered in the fourth, fifth, or sixth week of the It is the prerogative of the teacher to ask for a committee fall 2020 semester, at the discretion of the department examination of any student who is making doubtful administering the examination. The examination is progress in the curriculum. administered, usually in the last week of classes, at the end of the fourth semester of study or, for transfer Recitals students, at the end of a semester to be determined To compare to usual policy, please see "Recitals" by the instructor/department. Fall 2020 upper-division under Regulations and Procedures in this bulletin. examinations will take place during the 13th week of the semester. Students who have a valid reason to postpone Location the examination may petition the director of undergraduate Recitals ordinarily take place in public spaces in studies of the Jacobs School of Music. The examination Bloomington, IN. Exceptionally, with the approval should not be postponed past the time when an estimated of a student’s applied teacher and the director of four semesters of degree work remain to be completed. undergraduate or graduate studies, a recital may be performed out of town. For any recital that takes place off A committee composed of the student’s major department campus, the student must provide the best possible video faculty members (in some cases including a Jacobs recording of the recital to the teacher or committee for School of Music administrator) administers the grading purposes. (See Recordings below for information examination and makes recommendations for the about Doctoral and Artist Diploma recitals.) student’s junior and senior years of study. A written report of the committee’s comments is compiled in the Office of Date Undergraduate Studies and furnished to the student after Recitals ordinarily take place during the fall or spring the upper-division examination. semesters according to deadlines specified in the scheduling policies. Recitals may take place during the Bachelor of Music Education and Composition majors summer term if a hearing can be arranged and if faculty (Option 1) have a departmental examination in addition members are available to attend the recital. to the performance portion of the examination. Audio Engineering and Sound Production majors have only a Hearing departmental examination. Teacher approval will serve in place of a pre-recital hearing. Grades will not be given for the upper-division examination. The outcome of the exam (approve, rehear, Grading or deny) will be reported to the student along with the The grade for an undergraduate, master’s, performer committee’s written comments. diploma, or doctoral minor recital is assigned by the teacher, who hears the recital. A composition recital Other Examinations in Music Performance Courses grade is based on an average of the grades from the The student should consult the relevant performance composition faculty. A jazz recital grade is based on an faculty for specific information on the scheduling of average of the grades from the jazz faculty. examinations, the constitution of the hearing committee, and grading procedures. Examinations by a committee Artist Diploma recitals are graded by the three members of composed of the student’s teacher and two other a student’s AD committee. members usually are held as outlined below. Juries may Doctoral recitals are graded by the three members of a be waived at the discretion of the department. student’s doctoral advisory committee. BM majors in performance: freshman jury at the end of fall semester of the first year for all performance areas except Recordings piano, string, and woodwind majors, who have their juries Doctoral and Artist Diploma recitals must be video at the end of the spring semester of the first year. The recorded for deposit in the Music Library by Music upper-division examination and junior and senior recital Information Technology Services when they take place in hearings constitute examinations for second, third, and a Jacobs School of Music venue.
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