Numerical Relativity Beyond General Relativity
Numerical Relativity beyond General Relativity Thesis by Maria Okounkova In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pasadena, California 2019 Defended May 1st, 2019 ii © 2019 Maria Okounkova ORCID: 0000-0001-7869-5496 All rights reserved iii Space may be the final frontier but it’s made in a Hollywood basement - Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have many wonderful colleagues to thank for the work presented in this thesis. Thank you to Saul Teukolsky, my advisor, for all of the physics discussions we have had over the years. Your suggestions and advice are always helpful. Thank you to Mark Scheel, for teaching me about numerical relativity, and patiently answering questions about code. Thank you to (Professor!) Leo Stein, for motivating me to delve deeper into theory. Thank you to Daniel Hemberger, for all of the work that you have put into developing a good, working code, and for your ever-inspiring coding practices. Thank you to Swetha Bhagwat, for being an amazing co-author. Thank you to the other members of the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) collaboration, for all of your help over the years. Thank you to my additional coauthors, Matthew Giesler, Duncan Brown, and Stefan Ballmer. Thank you to my committee members, Rana Adhikari, Yanbei Chen, Sergei Gukov, and Alan Weinstein, for your interest in this work. v ABSTRACT Einstein’s theory of general relativity has passed all precision tests to date. At some length scale, however, general relativity (GR) must break down and be reconciled with quantum mechanics in a quantum theory of gravity (a beyond-GR theory).
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