® International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology ©2010 Global Science Books Review and Advances in Style Curvature for the Malvaceae Cheng-Jiang Ruan* Key Laboratory of Biotechnology & Bio-Resources Utilization, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian City, Liaoning 116600, China Correspondence : *
[email protected] ABSTRACT The flowers of the Malvaceae with varying levels of herkogamy via style curvature have long intrigued evolutionary botanists. This review covers the flower opening process, approach herkogamy, style curvature and character evolution based on molecular phylogenetic trees, adaptive significances of style curvature and the mating system in some portions of the genera in this family. Hermaphroditic flowers of some species have showy petals and pollen and nectar rewards to pollinators. Approach herkogamy, in which stigmas are located on the top of a monadelphous stamen, has evolved as a mechanism to reduce the frequency of intra-floral self-pollination or the interference between male-female organs. Protandrous or monochogamous flowers in the fields open at about 5-7 days and 1-2 days respectively, and pollination is conducted by insects and birds. Interestingly, un-pollinated styles in some species curve when pollination fails. According to our observations and published or internet data, this curvature occurs in 23 species distributed in eight genera of four tribes (Malvavisceae, Ureneae, Hibisceae, Malveae) and appears to have evolved at least eight times. A shift to use style curvature is associated with a shift to annual or perennial herbs, and an unpredictable pollinator environment is likely an important trigger for this evolution. The adaptive significances of style curvature in the Malvaceae include delayed selfing, promotion of outcrossing or reduction in intrafloral male-female interference, sometimes two or three of which simultaneously occur in style curvature of one species (e.g., Kosteletzkya virginica).