Eleutheria Volume 3 Issue 1 Volume 3, Issue 1 Article 3 December 2014 The Eternal Progression Argument against Mormonism Jonathan R. Pruitt Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary,
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[email protected]. The Eternal Progression Argument against Mormonism Abstract This paper argues that Mormon cosmology plus the Mormon view of the origin of human persons results in an undercutting defeater for Mormonism. The approach is modeled after Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism. The first step is ot show that Mormon cosmology is relevantly like naturalism. The second step is to show that the origin of human persons ins relevantly similar to naturalistic evolution so that it faces the same kind of defeaters as the conjunction of naturalism and naturalistic evolution. Keywords Epistemology, Mormonism, Apologetics Cover Page Footnote Pursing PhD in Theology from LUBTS This article is available in Eleutheria: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/eleu/vol3/iss1/3 Eleutheria 3:1 Fall (2014) 20-34 INTRODUCTION Alvin Plantinga has argued that “the conjunction of naturalism with the belief that we human beings have evolved in conformity with current evolutionary doctrine..