The Periodical Literature of the Latter Day Saints
Journal of His tory VOL. XIV, No. 3 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI JULY, 1921 THE PERIODICAL LITERATURE OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS BY WALTER W. SMITH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was little more than a year old when by conference action a monthly periodical was provided for, as indicated by the fol lowing item from the minutes of a conference held at Hiram, Ohio, September, 1831. THE EVENING AND MORNING STAR A conference was held, in which Brother W. W. Phelps was in structed to stop at Cincinnati on his way to Missouri, and purchase a press and type, for the purpose of establishing and publishing a monthly paper at Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, to be called the "Eve ning and Morning Star."-Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 481. ·w. W. Phelps, ifl }larmony with the instructions, went to Cincinnati, Ohio, secured the press and type and proceeded to Independence, Jack son County, Missouri, where he issued a prospectus setting forth his in tentions; extracts from which indicate the attitude of Saints relative to the publication of the message of the Restored. Gospel. The Evening and the Morning Star will be published at Independence, Jackson County, State of Missouri. As the forerunner of the night of the end, and the messenger of the day of redemption, the Star will borrow its light from sacred sources, and be devoted to the revelations of God as made known to his servants by the Holy Ghost, at sundry times since the creation of man, but more especially in these last days, for restoration of the house of Israel.
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