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Ovitek 01 TISK.Cdr ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at Scopolia No 63: 1-125 (2008) Gradivo za favno hroščev (Coleoptera) Slovenije 3. prispevek: Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia: Histeroidea Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia 3rd contribution: Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia: Histeroidea Pierpaolo VIENNA*, Savo BRELIH** & Alja PIRNAT*** UDK (UDC) 595.763(497.4) IZVLEČEK: Avtorji na podlagi novih raziskav ter podatkov iz literature, kartoteke in zbirk navajamo za favno Slovenije 86 vrst hroščev iz naddružine Histeroidea. Dodatne 4 vrste so bile najdene v nepo- sredni bližini njenih meja (oddaljene do 20 km). Za favno Slovenije je prvič navedenih naslednjih 41 vrst: SPHAERITIDAE: Sphaerites glabratus (Fabricius, 1792); HISTERIDAE: Epierus comptus Erichson, 1834, Platysoma (Cylister) angustatum (hoFFmann, 1803), Margarinotus (Ptomister) terricola (GErmar, 1824), M. (P.) striola succicola (Thomson, 1862), M. (Eucalohister) bipustulatus (schrank, 1781), M. (Paralister) neglectus (GErmar, 1813), M. (P.) ventralis (marsEul, l854), M. (P.) ignobilis (marsEul, 1854), M. (P.) punctiventer (marsEul, 1854), M. (Grammostethus) ruficornis (Grimm, 1852), M. (Promethister) marginatus (Erichson, 1834), Hister bissexstriatus Fabricius, 1801, H. funestus Erichson, 1834, H. sepulchralis Erichson, 1834, Atholus praeter­ missus (PEyron, 1856), Dendrophilus punctatus punctatus (hErbsT, 1792), Carcinops pumilio (Erichson, 1834), Paromalus (Paromalus) parallelepipedus (hErbsT, 1792), Abraeus (Abraeus) perpusillus (marsham, 1802), A. (A.) roubali olExa, 1958, Plegaderus (Plegaderus) saucius saucius Erichson, 1834, P. (P.) vulneratus (PanzEr,1797), P. (P.) caesus (hErbsT, 1792), P. (P.) discisus Erichson, 1839, Acritus (Acritus) hopffgarteni (rEitter, 1878), A. (A.) komai lEwis, 1879, A. (Pycnacritus) homoeopathicus wollasTon, 1857, Teretrius (Teretrius) fabricii mazur, 1972, Gnathoncus nannetensis (marsEul, 1862), G. communis (marsEul, 1862), G. buyssoni auzaT, * Via J. Diedo 6/A, IT-30126 Venezia-Lido, Italia, E-mail: [email protected] ** Gotska 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija *** Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, E-mail: alja.pirnat@guest. arnes.si Prelom 02.indd 1 2.9.2008 9:53:30 ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at SCOPOLIA 63 - 2008 1917, G. nidorum sTockmann, 1957, Myrmetes paykulli kanaar, 1979, Saprinus (Saprinus) macu­ latus (P. rossi, 1792), S. (S.) vermiculatus rEichardT, 1923, S. (S.) politus politus (brahm, 1790), S. (S.) immundus (GyllEnhal, 1827), Hypocaccus (Hypocaccus) rugifrons rugifrons (Paykull, 1798), H. (H.) metallicus (hErbsT, 1792) in H. (H.) rugiceps (duFTschmid, 1805). V neposredni bližini slovenskih meja so bile ugotovljene naslednje 4 vrste, ki v Sloveniji še niso bile najdene: Pactolinus major (linnaEus, 1767), Cyclobacanius medvidovici (rEitter, 1912), Halacritus punctum (aubé, 1842) in Hypocacculus (Nessus) rubripes (Erichson, 1834). Ključne besede: Coleoptera, Histeroidea, Slovenija, favna ABSTRACT: Based on the latest research and data from literature, index file and collections, the authors present 86 species of superfamily Hysteroidea of Slovenia. A further 4 species were found in the vicinity of its borders (up to 20 km away). The following 41 species are stated or confirmed as part of the Slovenian fauna for the very first time: SPHAERITIDAE: Sphaerites glabratus (Fabricius, 1792); HISTERIDAE: Epierus comptus Erichson, 1834, Platysoma (Cylister) angustatum (hoFFmann, 1803), Margarinotus (Ptomister) terricola (GErmar, 1824), M. (P.) striola succicola (Thomson, 1862), M. (Eucalohister) bipustulatus (schrank, 1781), M. (Paralister) neglectus (GErmar, 1813), M. (P.) ventralis (marsEul, l854), M. (P.) ignobilis (marsEul, 1854), M. (P.) punctiventer (marsEul, 1854), M. (Grammostethus) ruficornis (Grimm, 1852), M. (Promethister) marginatus (Erichson, 1834), Hister bissexstriatus Fabricius, 1801, H. funestus Erichson, 1834, H. sepulchralis Erichson, 1834, Atholus praetermissus (PEyron, 1856), Dendrophilus punctatus punctatus (hErbsT, 1792), Carcinops pumilio (Erichson, 1834), Paromalus (Paromalus) parallele­ pipedus (hErbsT, 1792), Abraeus (Abraeus) perpusillus (marsham, 1802), A. (A.) roubali olExa, 1958, Plegaderus (Plegaderus) saucius saucius Erichson, 1834, P. (P.) vulneratus (PanzEr,1797), P. (P.) caesus (hErbsT, 1792), P. (P.) discisus Erichson, 1839, Acritus (Acritus) hopffgarteni (rEiTTEr, 1878), A. (A.) komai lEwis, 1879, A. (Pycnacritus) homoeopathicus wollasTon, 1857, Teretrius (Teretrius) fabricii mazur, 1972, Gnathoncus nannetensis (marsEul, 1862), G. communis (marsEul, 1862), G. buyssoni auzaT, 1917, G. nidorum sTockmann, 1957, Myrmetes paykulli kanaar, 1979, Saprinus (Saprinus) maculatus (P. rossi, 1792), S. (S.) vermiculatus rEichardT, 1923, S. (S.) politus politus (brahm, 1790), S. (S.) immundus (GyllEnhal, 1827), Hypocaccus (Hypocaccus) rugifrons rugifrons (Paykull, 1798), H. (H.) metallicus (hErbsT, 1792) in H. (H.) rugiceps (duFTschmid, 1805). In the immediate vicinity of the Slovenian border the follo- wing 4 species were recorded, which have not been found in Slovenia so far: Pactolinus major (linnaEus, 1767), Cyclobacanius medvidovici (rEitter, 1912), Halacritus punctum (aubé, 1842) in Hypocacculus (Nessus) rubripes (Erichson, 1834). Key words: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Slovenia, fauna Sodelavci / Associates: Enea BOGNOLO, Marco BOGNOLO, Božidar DROVENIK, Vincenc FURLAN, Gregor KALAN, Andrej KAPLA, Bojan KOFLER, Slavko POLAK, Al VREZEC & Marko ZDEŠAR 2 Prelom 02.indd 2 2.9.2008 9:53:30 ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at Gradivo za favno hroščev (Coleoptera) Slovenije / Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia VSEBINA 1. UVOD 8 1.1 Uvodne besede 8 1.2 Osnovni geografski podatki 9 1.3 Pokrajine v Sloveniji 10 1.4 Naravnogeografske regije in podregije Slovenije 13 2. GRADIVO IN METODE 16 2.1 Izvor gradiva 16 2.2 Seznam najdišč 18 2.3 Tuja, zastarela in nepravilno pisana imena iz zbirk in literature 27 2.4 Razlaga v besedilu uporabljenih strokovnih izrazov 28 3. REZULTATI 30 3.1 Zgodovinski pregled entomoloških raziskav v Sloveniji s posebnim ozirom na naddružino Histeroidea 30 3.1.1 ScoPoli, G. A., 1763, Entomologia carniolica 32 3.1.2 Zbirka F. J. Schmidta 40 3.1.3 SiEGEl, m., 1866: Versuch einer Käfer-Fauna Krains 42 3.1.4 Brancsik, C., 1871: Die Käfer der Steiermark 43 3.2 Kratice 44 3.3 Sistematski pregled ugotovljenih taksonov 45 3.4 Karte razširjenosti posameznih vrst iz naddružine Histeroidea 103 4. RAZPRAVA 116 4.1 Posebnosti favne pripadnikov naddružine Histeroidea v Sloveniji 116 4.2 Prisekančki, ki jih lahko pričakujemo v Sloveniji 117 5. DODATEK 118 5.1 Slovensko-angleški slovarček v besedilu uporabljenih besed 118 6. ZAHVALE 119 7. LITERATURA IN VIRI 120 KAZALO DRUŽIN, PODDRUŽIN IN PLEMEN 122 KAZALO RODOV, PODRODOV, VRST, PODVRST IN SINONIMOV 122 3 Prelom 02.indd 3 2.9.2008 9:53:30 ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at SCOPOLIA 63 - 2008 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 Foreword 8 1.2 Elementary geographical information 9 1.3 Regions in Slovenia 10 1.4 Natural geographical regions and subregions of Slovenia 13 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 16 2.1 Material sources 16 2.2 List of localities 18 2.3 Foreign, obsolete and erroneously written names of localities from collections and literature 27 2.4 Explanation of foreign terms 28 3. RESULTS 30 3.1 A historical review of entomological research in Slovenia with special consideration to Beetles of superfamily Histeroidea 30 3.1.1 scoPoli, J.A., 1763: Entomologia carniolica 32 3.1.2 Collection by F. J. Schmidt 40 3.1.3 siEGEl, M., 1866: Versuch einer Käfer-Fauna Krains 42 3.1.4 brancsik, C., 1871: Die Käfer der Steiermark 43 3.2 Abbreviations 44 3.3 A systematic review of established taxa 45 3.4 Distribution maps of individual Beetle species of superfamily Histeroidea 103 4. DISCUSSION 116 4.1 Special features of the Beetle fauna of superfamily Histeroidea in Slovenia 116 4.2 Beetles of superfamily Histeroidea that can still be expected in Slovenia 117 5. APPENDIX 118 5.1 Slovene-English dictionary of specific words used in the text 118 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 119 7. REFERENCES AND SOURCES 120 INDEX OF FAMILIES, SUBFAMILIES AND TRIBES 122 INDEX OF GENERA, SUBGENERA , SPECIES, SUBSPECIES AND SYNONYMS 122 Prelom 02.indd 4 2.9.2008 9:53:30 ©Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; download www.biologiezentrum.at Gradivo za favno hroščev (Coleoptera) Slovenije / Material for the Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) of Slovenia Sistem in nomenklatura / System and nomenclature: mazur, 1997, mazur, 2004, ViEnna, 1980 in / and PEnaTi & ViEnna, 1995 H I S T E R O I D E A 05.03. lineare (Erichson, 1834) GyllEnhal, 1808 05.04. angustatum (hoFFmann, 1803) SPHAERITIDAE shuckard, 1839 06.00. Eurylister bickhardT, 1920 A. Eurylister bickhardT, 1920 01.00. Sphaerites duFTschmid, 1805 06.01. minor (P. rossi, 1790) 01.01. glabratus (Fabricius, 1792) HISTERINI GyllEnhal, 1808 HISTERIDAE GyllEnhal, 1808 07.00. Margarinotus marsEul, 1853 A. Ptomister houlbErT & monnoT, 1923 ONTHOPHILINAE w. s. maclEay, 1819 07.01. terricola (GErmar, 1824) 07.02. distinctus (Erichson, 1834) 02.00. Onthophilus lEach, 1817 07.03. brunneus
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