The League of Evangelical Students HEADQUARTERS ·Whea Ton Illinois
The League of Evangelical Students HEADQUARTERS ·Whea ton Illinois EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President, CALVIN K. CUMMINGS, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Westminster Theological Seminary Vice-President, NICHOLAS J . BURGGRAAl~F, Holland, Michigan Western Theological Seminary Secretary, MISS MARJORIE W. ERDMAN, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania Bea ver College ISSAC M. BRUBACHER, Dallas, Texas Evangelical Theological College WILLIAM ONCKEN, Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University BOARD OF TRUSTEES R. B. KUIPER, M. A., B. D., President, LEANDER S. KEYSER, M. A., D. D., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Springfield, Ohio. LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER, D. D., Vice- J. GRESHAM MACHEN, D. D., Litt. D., President, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dallas, Texas. HERBERT MACKENZIE, D.D. ALBERTUS PIETERS, D. D., Secreta1'y, Cleveland, Ohio. Holland, Michigan. WILLIAM CHILDS ROBINSON, M. A., Th. D. 1. H. LINTON, B. A., LL. B., Treasurer, Decatur, Georgia. Kellogg Building, Washington, D. C. ROBERT K. RUDOLPH, B. A., MRS. WILLIAM BORDEN (deceased), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. New York, New York. HAROLD PAUL SLOAN, D. D., CLARENCE Bou MA, Th. D., Haddonfield, New Jersey. Grand Rapids, Michigan. H. FRAMER SMITH, Ph. D., Th. D., MILO F. JAMISON, M. A., B. Th., Chicago, Illinois. Los Angeles, California. PAUL WOOLLEY, M. Th., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ------ WILLIAM J. JONES, M. A., B. -Th., General Secretary, Columbia, South Carolina. Men's Colleges W. HARLLEE BORDEAUX, B. A., New England Regional Secretary, Old Greenwich, Connecticut. Women's Colleges MARGARET HUNT, B. A., Central Regional S ecretm'y, Chicago, Illinois. MARJORIE MYER, B. A., Southern Regional Secretary, Louisville, Kentucky. "By the word of truth, by the power of God."-II Corinthians 6 :7. The League of Evangelical Students is a continent-wide organization of students, tounded in 1925 by a student group.
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