TOLSON FOR/ Miss %-L Gand 1 MR

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TOLSON FOR/ Miss %-L Gand 1 MR m __ _ i__ i i . &#39;1"I on-"ice-ran..I, q DIIICIOIor. 0 JD!1 3 92 M: _ 1 . 35::r h.. ° &#39;1"-.¬UNI n STATESDEPARTMENT sTICEOF A ..n&#39;fi k -&#39;-ff- ?-.M q , aj iLDEl AL _ BUREAU ormvx-:sT|cAT|0192 _ Ial|::han_% M,_ ;.,,,,a_1_____ &#39;>.,&#39;;____,.-0° Mr. Felt..___..._ l&#39;ASBlNGTON.D.C.zosss Mr. G;tle.._____ - Mr. m. ___ . Mr.S 3n. _ 3254 PM June,16,1 66 &#39;r;i,:1@§.__ . T Tole. Ru0m._____ Miss Hul2ne8¬ ~ MEMORANDUMMR. TOLSON FOR/ Miss %-l_ Gand _ 1 MR. DE LOACH MR. CALLAHAN MR. SULLIVAN MR. WICK , I anotherWhilethe talking matter,to President Presidentasked Lyndon the Johnsonif fellow in thewhenDominican hecalled on 7/ M!u &#39;.Republic d92 former Legal Attache ClarkD. Anderson!was backyet andwhen advised1" - 5% ; he was not,the Presidentsaid tolet himstay thereuntil theinauguration . &#39; over. overThethe to President WhiteHouseasked the that sowhen President hedoescan get saluteback, and for methank him to bringas he himthinksdyf -.1! a good job was done andhe wantedto personally tell him. 1 . /I . The President asked if this were not the fellow who was in Venezuela andmoved from there to Mexico City and thendown to the Dominican Republic and asked if he were still there. I told the President he was not, that I had moved him to San Juan because oi the terrible con- ditions there. The President said whenever he is up here, he would like to personally thank him and asked that I write him and let him know how the President feels. I told him I would. Very truly yours, , , "iv we Jo * dgar Hoover Director N i=lE.~lT5 . /.,&#39;~ Q ~-Ir ALL92NF92!RY;92-%l92!!92&#39;92SSx92I rr""y&#39; ...~.-<- , ;;>.~6&#39; iiEi?.E_iii&#39; El Wi3YtJ»,@:- 7./11/ ,;. |_&#39;| I I 3/ _ » _ . 1 1 -- -- _ - -<¢ - . , --. -: ;- ;- , -r.: 2 ,&#39;~. : :,: ,;.__ __._ 1 ._: _.A>_: _ -:&#39;. &#39; _ -_&#39; __:__ ~ -.-».__ _;;;Z- &#39; __ .. -_. _&#39;_ ,__J_ _- &#39;-- ,.y !- &#39;-:~_- " i=i _--IQ - OFFICEOF TBI DIIBCIDB _ ._ ,4; _-&#39;3-&#39;.~:?""° °,, UNIT g STATES DEPARTMENT OF@ STICE ¬.~.- _? 3}} if FEDERALor INVESTIGATION BUREAU. ___- _../&#39; 2 Mr. -&#39; .,nrad. &#39;;E_"""# vAsan92&#39;c&#39;roN,n.c.zosas &#39; Q M,-_ ,--alt ........ ._- Lir. Gale Rr,5 &#39;n.._--1- $u;.ivan. 4: P Tavel. ..._@ M Jun 16, T...,____ MEMQRANDUMMR. FOR TQLSON V &#39;;. Pf-le. R E?"m ---" MR. 1 WissGB" Y-__.._-- - MR. WICK &#39;1. "T§T&#39;...&#39;...&#39;..-...._- _ ~ .-"1 _ - ~&#39;//F" &#39;1»@iZ" Senator RobertC. Byrdof West Virginia calledand saidhe was wonderingif someone in theBureau couldprepare forhim alittle speech with re f erence tothe SupremeCourt rulingon Mondayon policequestioning of suspects. I told the SenatorI could get thatdone. I also toldhim thereis a complication therewhich theChief Justicetried totake careof in his opinion in thatthey aretrying toclaim there is no differentiationbetween typesthe of crime handled theby FBIand thoseof local authorities.stated I that, of course, is notentirelv accuratebecause Federalin crimesyou generall have thecase prettywell . madebefore makingan arrestand inlocal cri Y you mayhave anattack orassault andthe policeofficer hasto makean mes arrest at once. I statedunder therulings wenow have,a person has tobe advised that heneed nottalk andcan havea lawyer, et cetera,and thereforeI think it will hit thelocal authoritiesharder thanthe Federalauthorities, butI would get him up some notes on this. Senator Byrdstated hewould appreciateit as he wouldlike to make a speech on the Senate floor hitting that ruling. I spoke to Mr. Tolson about this matter and instructed that it be handled. Very truly yours, .92&#39;¬"&#39;aa&#39; &#39; J &#39; n Edgar Hoover irector ALL INFORMATIONCOl92lTA!!92 HEREINuwcmssmt as p FIATE. ;1,;2;.»ff1am/ , . _;_-_ __- . -.1 ~ . ~-- v - v~9292.- -.-&#39;3-?~.T:-I:"i~&#39;~;<=:-;~.&#39; " &#39; .~~*-.""~.~.-r=*>=&#39;~_!-&#39;**""- L.___&#39;.92U,:,f_____§a92_n..._._._. 5&#39;1. 92 1. »- - .-, 4 a I 92:_&#39; &#39;~.192.TQ"92.~ 2 92-&#39;J I . "-7 !_92-92 &#39;: . _ _ _ __. ., - eqee-- .~.;i,.~;ie:=>: H -i--&#39;r.&#39;-;~.-.;.92&#39;»:~"~.*-<-;--:-.¢~:1";,~;-;--- "1. &#39;,_92~-92~92&#39;_ _ _ - - e ,_.$. e&#39;-_&#39;.f-.1".-.f_&#39;.~~..&#39;... &#39;.-_.j.-&#39;..;--V. :2. .~. -&#39;-a".&#39;.I&#39;~f&#39;i..I:92:92:_ .-.&#39;:.- _v - -1-;~__-_" -!¢.7~5*-.".-.1. >-_~_~.,-.-&#39;-&#39;~.&#39;.*~rv~.~3_&#39;*&#39;F~"~.w~~&#39;92&#39;-92-92..".&#39;. ~_._-, " , * ~ . v _. -- - . .! . >7.-.- . - . .:-;&#39;._<_.-...~92,_._-_.92._--~--..92__. __-__._ . E .-.2... ~. - . .&#39; -".&#39;".&#39;;~&#39;"&#39;--_-~ --w _ 92 .- . "-3. _ . &#39;~ &#39; &#39;.&#39; 92 _ _ - - _ __... - _ 92._. :7-._. ~_.. _. _&#39; - ._ , _._e 92:- ..-,&#39;_.&#39;._._92._&#39;._,_. - ~_ .1I-i. .._ ._;- _~ -_ 4 ~ > . ~ -;92A-§..&~____&#39;. &#39;. .. &#39;__. .. _ _§-_q ~._|_§:.»_,&#39;._.&#39;.v. J __&#39;. -&#39;""_ _ __._- _,._-92._.l. ._._.~_-_.92___.~__~C2- 2 . .> ._:-;92_~:*g.--&#39;~9292 :_:_ __.1; y&#39;. ._;92.92_._-_. .I -&#39; .__;;_..a.La Q A a.;Xi}.c; -9292921.3-X.>.:929292&#39;.*-nae-92 ~_ -a_xa4a@.~..-92 _ e - 92 OIIICI__ OF I&#39;ll ""°&#39;°&#39; D ® é} rem 1 .» " NP °°,*°°b"&#39;iv 5-1§-.1 UNITEDSTATES DEPARTMENTor JUSTICEme. Mr. W92°k*"M» *--P :" 1. _ . .,.__.;/&#39; FEDERAL BUREAU or INV Esrxcnioréu - 7» " . _"5.&#39;:_&#39;- .1?- Mr. CI9292m" kg?->. Mr. c°nfd...--- WASHlNGTON,D.C. zosss _ P ML I I 92 . Mr FQ92---§"- +:-:2-.~:~:&#39;10:21 AM Gale :3:7>.*&#39;:3Y?.* June29. 1 =it-. £1158...-: . MEMORANDUMMR. TOLSONFOR/ Mr MY-T;°1f:__"__ T&#39;-""""" MR. DE LOACH °&#39; ° -4-:-:92&#39;~:<~; MISS H092I9292¬|-- MR. SULLIVAN mi Gard?---&#39; :_,_.__:92.&#39;. --j&#39;___-- _-- &#39;. &#39; I ~ MR. WICK ____________._. ~_&#39;92 .- -~ - I e , 92_ . U» President LyndonJohnson calledand askedwhat I have1 "..j-e.-he.-.~92&#39;. euned I! &#39;92&#39;92&#39;92&#39;u~.regard to the leak of informati-- on concerning the acceleration of war in Vietnam. -...e.-..- " 1|. .. .. -. I told the Presidentwe hadinterviewed about75 personsand I was wrapping it -..92..&#39; up into a complete me morandum to send over this afternoon&#39; ° .. I..., 92~92 circumstantial .. 92 ...92 eeeeeeee Onlyiseeeee eeee 1ng y pointing to m -_ -_&#39;.-. &#39; V-, . -as being&#39; the 0one wh mayhave told this writer Philip yelin! the informa- _*~-:}_92e,92-e 92 tion. I told himthat wehave talked to variousother personssuch asSecretary -X-.-&#39; of DefenseRobert McNamaraand othersat a h h e .--.92-. ig level, but I think it would b ~-..». imwise to go down to a lower level such as codeclerks, et cetera, becauseI ~.--. .. .. at L |92&#39;92_--&#39;92think it had tocome, mview ofthe from a eve ._ .,. I stated we do not have proof on this v .. 92 » ,. * =*-Fwd "11 . ;--: e,- whatcall we eorgetovthe L G ..., IDOVGS. we I statedthere is no indicationthat anyonein thePentagon, andwe have interviewedall of the JointChiefs ofStaff andhigh level officials, knew the man. I statedthey had not evenheard ofhim andhad nocontact withhim. I14 I statedin theState Departmentpractically allthe highlevel people knew him, knew himsocially andwere friendlywith him, but alldenied they had given him any information. I stated we get downto a 0&#39;p m t where it is going to be one of these nebul ous conclusions, but the finger of suspicion points more strongly t<than anyoneelse. _- ~-92.. 92 - ~ » ~ . _ ~- / - ~ -.- 4 _ .-- - "92._J....,.4.-. -.-:~:-"_--&#39;;¢.&#39;>»=-~* &#39;__, _":~_~"92:a92§Q&#39;~-;_"._. ~ . _ &#39; &#39;=_9292&#39;~_92_92:»-&#39;.~<"-_ _ 4-&#39; -&#39;-u;&#39;--&#39;-92_.- &#39;. , .&#39;-t &#39;:._&#39;,&#39;,."92->,.&#39;.&#39;1&#39;_- &#39; _&#39;Q &#39;&#39;-1&#39; v92",92&#39;>&#39;~_ 92 ._&#39;._&#39;.:-._ " &#39;~~~92n""~"-&#39;- &#39;:&#39;>&#39;92. &#39;7_,-}_,1. &#39; - 055.4 &#39;. A4~4~:<:"; . -&#39;7.- .-. .&#39;-. ?.92.-4t~.~....L __92- _* &#39; &#39; ~_._-.-..A-1.4-:4-._&#39;-_....492.a_.&#39;. _ * LL;.2-1 -..&#39;.&#39;.&#39;-&#39;._-.92L~ xl0a_4§92h4L.;92..&#39;_.&#39;: _A_" _.-~ __-_2.92._- &#39;_ .|&#39;~: 92&#39;_92&#39;-&#39;.n.;A4_4J92#5-L - .; . _._.._. 92.- . .._92. - 92 92.. .5}. &#39; - -- - . -_-_- I ~- 14.0.!- .I.I.P&#39;u.&#39;_| . 92 s .~ - u -I|- I I ;&#39;I Q &#39;5-_._. 92 &#39;.&#39;-. » ll< ~ - - I._v 1 -&#39;- . I :0-I - .. --. -&#39;._.&#39;." _ _ , 1 1 ll. I _v92 MemorandumMessrs. for Tolson,Iklioach, Sullivan,Wick June 29,1966 i siii E H mimeiori correctl was is there indication was agathering a oflarge group ofpeople andthis fellow Geyelin attendsat therall e these highlevel cocktailparties andreceptions. ThePresident askedii this was Thursdaynight theywere togetherand statedI thoughtI wasit butI was not certain;He thenasked ii I remembered wherethis was and statedI didI III-» __pot_ Ibut would check backon itand ndout. ThePresident expressedhis f&#39;§&#39;I~I-I-Fappreciation. $1??? . Z-PEI 10:27AM @ ° . Hg H I called thePresident advised and thathim thefollowing the is 92/P information onll /2., 92 iv I Y 1 aft &#39; r _ 4 92 N -2- .-.&#39;-&#39;n92 x.&#39;l- ~ - -~.
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