Curriculum Vitae Dr. K. Sivakumar Scientist F Department of Endangered Species Management Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India
[email protected] Present Position Scientist F Department of Endangered Species Management Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India Email:
[email protected] Scientist In-Charge National Centre for Coastal and Marine Biodiversity (2003 to 2008) Coordinator, Environment Information System (ENVIS) Centre at WII ‘Wildlife Management and Protected Areas’. Technical Advisor to EBSA (India) 1. Participated as a Technical Support in a Regional Workshop to facilitate the description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) in the North-West Indian Ocean and adjacent Gulf areas from 20-25 April 2015, preceded by a training session on EBSAs on 19 April 2015 held in Dubai, UAE. 2. Expert Advisor to the ‘Committee on United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)- related to EBSA and Sustainable Fisheries in India’ 3. Expert Advisor to the ‘Committee on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)14 - related to Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries in India’ 4. Identified and prioritized 106 ‘Important Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Areas’ that are potential EBSAs of India 5. Prepared Management Plans for seven Marine Protected Areas in India 6. Expert member to identify ‘Important Marine Mammals Areas of India’ (IUCN/CBD) 7. Member of Informal Advisory Group (IAG) for ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs), CBD, SBSTTA. Involved in the Preparation of India’s 5th National Biodiversity Report for CBD National Biodiversity Action Plan 3rd National Wildlife Action Plan (2017-2032) National Dugong Recovery Plan Present Assignments Teaching Teaching ecosystem ecology, marine biology, fish biology, applied population ecology, conservation biology, wetland ecology, wildlife census techniques, ornithology and behavioural sciences to the students of M.Sc (Wildlife Science), PG-Diploma and Certificate courses in Wildlife Page 1 of 32 Management.