The Computer Museum Annual Report 1992

.. _'r' From The Executive Director Museum Staff THE COMPUTER MUSEUM, INC. BALANCE SHEET / June 30, 1992 Operating Fund Capital Fund Endowment Fund Plant Fund Total 1992 Oliver Strimpel, Exewtive Di,-ector ASSETS Finance and Administration Current Assets Geraldine Rogers 'Cash & Equivalents $197,025 $197,025 Heather Sievers 'Receivables &other Nancy Wright assets 41,864 41,864 'Store Inventory 69,374 69,374 Development and Public Relations 'Interfund Receivable 169,376 169,376 Elizabeth Armbruster Gail Jennes Total Current Assets $308,263 $169,376 $477,639 Kate Jose Julie Oates Other Assets Susan Pekock , Restricted Cash Janet Walsh Equivalents 250,000 250,000 Peter Yamasaki Education Total Other Assets 250,000 250,000 Natalie Rusk, Director Nancy Boland Net Property and Bob Eichten Equipment 3,346 2,787,296 2,790,642 Dan Fitzpatrick Troy Fryatt TOTAL ASSETS $308,263 $172,722 $250,000 $2,787,296 $3,518,281 Giselle Gonzalez Chris McElroy LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES Mary McElroy Current Liabilities Wanda Mourant , Accounts Payable & other Michelle Newman Current Liabilities 201,493 91,657 293,150 Marko Pankovich 'Interfund Payable 169,376 169,376 Shawn Ryan Alex Shear Total Current Liabilities 370,869 91,657 462,526 Noah Southall Tony Walker FUND BALANCES Marilyn Weiss 'Unrestricted (62,606) 13,516 2,787,296 2,738,206 Earl Yavner , Restricted 67,549 250,000 317,549 Exhibits Total Fund Balances (62,606) 81,065 250,000 2,787,296 3,055,755 Greg Welch, Director Stina Cooke TOTAL LIABILITIES & Wayne Cookson FUND BALANCES $308,263 $172,722 $250,000 $2,787,296 $3,518,281 Don Greene David Greschler Dan Griscom STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY lor the year ended June 30, 1992 Lauren O'Neal Ben Tremblay Operating Fund Capital Fund Endowment Fund Plant Fund Total Steve Snow SUPPORT & REVENUE 'Unrestricted Gifts $493,031 $452,342 $945,373 Design 'Restricted Gifts 185,246 1,143,680 250,000 1,578,926 Theodore Groves, Chief of Design , Memberships 244,070 244,070 Asa Chibas , Admission 469,772 469,772 Collections , Store/Functions 558,148 558,148 Gwen Bell, Director 'Investment gain (loss) (2,331) (2,331) Brian Wallace 'Other 1,633 1,633 Marketing and Museum Store Sue Dahling, Director TOTAL $1,950,267 $1,595,324 $250,000 $3,795,591 Martha Ball ard April Chalfin EXPENSES Hadley Hudson 'Exhibits & Education $492,215 $31,167 $523,382 Eileen Knight 'Marketing & Robert Krikorian Membership 378,957 378,957 Brian Lee , Depreciation 618,802 618,802 F ara Mahdavi Supporting Services Jill Manning , Management & General 232,216 118,651 '350,867 Gail Marcano 'Fund Raising 182 ,458 196,454 378,912 Tom Mosher 'Building Operations & Heidi Ochoa mortgage debt 278,769 136,396 415,165 Gomer Sanchez 'Store !Functions 450,695 450,695 Karl Schoonover

TOTAL $2,015,310 $482,668 $618,802 $3,116,780

Excess/(deficiency) of support and revenue over expenses (65,043) 1,112,656 250,000 (618,802) 678,811

Fund Balance, 0 beginning of year 2,437 97,347 2,277,160 2,376,944 Add/(deduct) transfers 'Plant (1,128,938) 1,128,938

Fund Balance, End of year $(62,606) $81,065 $250,000 $2,787,296 $3,055,755 Mission Statement From The Executive Director

To educate and inspire people of This was an exciting year for the Museum. approach to education is in increasing all ages and backgrounds from History- of a sort- was made at the demand. (Our group visits are up 20% this around the world through Museum in November when a computer year.) dynamic exhibitions and fooled judges into thinking it was human in the first limited Turing Test. The year How can we leverage our unique resources to programs on the technology, culminated in June with the opening of respond to this crisis? application, and impact of TOOLS & TOYS: The Amazing Personal In May, I appointed Natalie Rusk Director of computers. Computer and a symposium presented by Education. Her training (an EdM in To preserve and celebrate the personal computer visionaries. These and Interactive Technology from Harvard other widely publicized Museum events history and promote the Graduate School of Education), experience at generated almost 300 million media impres­ understanding ofcomputers MIT as consultant to the Media lab, and sions worldwide. enthusiastic commitment to our educational worldwide. For the third year running, the Museum goals and to reaching under-served and To be an international resource funded, developed, and opened a major minority audiences make her perfect for the for research into the history of new exhibition. Joining forces job. Our first major initiative under computing. with The Boston Computer her leadership is "The Society, we built TOOLS & Computer Clubhouse," an TOYS, an entertaining informal education center and thought-provoking With the for youth aged 10-15. Facts introduction to the growing disparity in Designed to meet the many uses of the needs oflocal technological literacy underserved Founded: 1982 501(c)3 personal computer. It was designed to between well-served and audiences, it will Facilities: 53,000 square feet; 7 appeal to people of under-served communities, also serve as a exhibition galleries; 275- national model for all backgrounds, the Museum's accessible person auditorium (3,200 even those with educators. approach to education square feet); Museum Store. absolutely no . . InJune 1991, the Audience: 150,000 visitors/year computer experience. IS In increasing Museum launched a Visitor surveys have (40% students); millions demand. $7.5 million Capital shown an overwhelmingly served through Exhibit Kits Campaign to secure full positive public reaction to ownership of our building Program, educational videos the exhibit- especially to its and to create an endowment to and other materials. cutting edge, hands-on experiences buttress the Museum's educational Members: 1200 individuals and lively design. programs. I am delighted to report that in its from 45 states and 13 Complementing the dramatic changes inside first, "internal" phase, members of our countries; 150 Corporate the Museum, plans are now underway to Boards of Directors and Trustees, and several Members worldwide. transform its exterior. In February, the other individual and corporate supporters, Museum's Board decided to join The have pledged $1.5 million. Also, a major Museum Hours: Winter: Children's Museum in creating an external institutional donor has pledged $2.5 million Tuesday-Sunday, lOam-5pm; landmark. Together, we retained Frank as a challenge grant toward the building. The Summer: daily, 10am-6pm. Gehry Associates to carry out the design. The Campaign has been a major focus of the Board and staff this year, and promises to be Admission: $7.00 for adults; result is a spectacular plan for a 4-story-high "wave," a copper, steel and glass structure an even greater one, as we move toward the $5.00 for students and public phase ahead. seniors; free for Museum that arches towards the waterfront. The "wave" will serve as a dramatic new entry to Members. Half price Sundays Other projects for the future include the both institutions, while increasing both 3-5pm. Group rates by enhancement of the Smart Machines gallery museums' visitor throughput capacity. (reopening February 13) and the culmination arrangement. Three special events generated extraordinary of our 1988 exhibit development plan, The attention. In addition to the Loebner Prize Networked Society . Addressing the large-scale Competition/Turing Test, the Museum held strategic uses of computers that knit society a Virtual Reality Weekend in April that broke together, this exhibit is slated to open in all previous attendance records! And on May 1994. 1, first-rate contestants engaged in a keenly­ The Museum's continued success depends on fought Fourth Computer Bowl®. Energetic its supporters- corporate, foundation, and volunteers made it and the West-Coast individual. On behalf of the millions of satellite-linked party the most successful ever people who benefit from and enjoy the in terms of contributed support. Museum and its outreach, sincere thanks to NEWSWEEK recorded it all in a story that all our supporters from our entire staff. ran three days later. The Fifth Bowl- a tie­ breaker- will take place in San Jose, California, May 14, 1993. OLSL~ With the growing disparity in technological Dr. Oliver Strimpel literacy between well-served and under­ Executive Director served communities, the Museum's accessible Collections The Fourth Computer Bowl 1992

Computers Logitech, Inc. ClearCase Mouse, A one-ofa-kind fundraising event Since 1988, the Bowl has raised Digital Equipment Corporation PCS input device commemorating to benefit the Museum's educa­ more than $2.5 million in cash, (Personal Computer System), Logitech's 2,000,000th mouse, 1988, tional programs, The Computer products, and services. It attracts prototype personal computer, 1977, X1112.92 Bowl" plays out the legendary the support of hundreds ofsponsors X1103.92; Smaky (Smart Keyboard), Gift of Serge Timichef EastlWest Coast high tech rivalry. and enthusiastic volunteers, as well experimental personal computer! VR 92 vacuum tubes used in portable terminal, 1978, X1104.92; experimental RCAF memory device, DEC2, experimental personal ca. 1940, X1094.92; Captured East Coast Team: Satellite Sponsors computer, 1980, Xll05.92 German direction finder antenna Charles W. Bachman, Captain, Alex. Brown & Sons Gifts of Richard M. Merrill components analyzed by the Royal Bachman Information Systems, Inc. Fluent, Inc. Digital Equipment Corporation Canadian Air Force, ca. 1942, Bill Machrone, Ziff-Davis Publishing Microsoft Corporation VAX-IU780, first implementation of X1095.92; Standard neon bulbs used C011lpany Xerox Palo Alto Research Center the VAX-II minicomputer virtual in experimental RCAF memory Dr. David L. N elson, Fluent, Inc. Media Sponsors address extension, 1977, XlIII. 92 device, ca. 1944, X1096.92 Andrew S. Rappaport, The Technology Business Week Magazine Gift of David Cutler Gifts ofR. D. Carter, RCAF Wing Research Group, Inc. BYrE Magazine Commander Ret'd. Paul Severino, Wellfleet Intel Corporation Model 310 iRMX CIO Magazine Ccrmmunications, Inc. System, software development Xerox CorporatiOri 860 Information Communications of the ACM environment for the Intel 8086 System keyboard, first commercial West Coast Team Compute microprocessor, 1983, XllOO.92 on-keyboard "CAT" touch-sensitive John F. Shoch, Captain, Asset COMPUTERWORLD Gift of David Alan Feustel cursor controller, 1980, XII09.92 Management Company DEC Professional International Business Machines Gift of Kevin Deame Jeffrey C. Kalb, MasPar Computer Forbes Magazine Corporation IBM PC jr., IBM's early Slide Rule Corporation HP Professional family-oriented computer, 1983, Elizur Wright's Arithmeter, spiral Ruthann Quindlen, Alex. Brown & INFORMATIONWEEK X1098.92 slide rule designed to aid state Sons InfoWorld Gift of] effry A. Borror regulation of the Massachusetts Vern Raburn, Slate Corporation LAN Computing Dr. John E. Warnock, Adobe Systems, MacWEEK NEC Corporation NEC PC8401A, insurance industry, patented 1860, Incorporated MacWorld pre-production model of early NEC XI097.92 Network World laptop computer, 1984, XllOI.92 Gift of The New England Presenter PC World Gift of Hans F antel The Association for Computing Ephemera Software Magazine Machinery (ACM) Seattle Computer Products, Inc. Digital Equipment Corporation Upside personal computer, proprietary Q­ marketing materials, caps and ties Founders VARBUSINESS DOS operating system purchased by with DEC product and corporate Pat Collins Nelson and Dr. David L. Table Sponsors Microsoft and extensively modified to insignias, 1982 , X1093.92 Nelson create MS-DOS, 1980, Xll1O.92 Gift of C. Gordon Bell Advanced Micro Devices Underwriters Gift of Dr. Donald Grossman Alex. Brown & Sons Safety 1st, Inc. Lil' Executive Lap Apple Computer, Inc. Asset Management Company Sony Corporation SMC 70, first Top Teether, "Sooths teething gums! Digital Equipment Corporation Bachman Information Systems, Inc. computer to utilize Sony's 3.5" floppy Promotes hand-eye coordination!" Gwen and Gordon Bell disk and drive, 1982, Xll08.92 1992, XllI4.92 Official Sponsors Cunningham Communication Inc. Gift ofJohn F. and Nancy S. Doyle Gift of Helen Camille Spencer­ Theodore J ohnson/Gensym Wallace The Bank VectorGraphics Corporation Bank of Boston Corporation Vector 3, Model 5030, personal Victorinox Switzerland Swiss Army HaL Computer Systems, Inc. computer with graphics display and Knife, with Novell corporate insignia, The Diskette Karen and Gardner Hendrie print capacity, 1979, X1092.92 1992, Xll07.92 BASF Information Systems InfoWorld Gift of Dr. John Lief Gift of]ames C. Bills The Microprocessor IBM Corporation International Data Group (IDG) Components Donors of manuals, books, photographs, Intel Corporation Intermetrics, Inc. Cornell University Professor videos, and films T. The Massively Parallel Computing Company Iris Associates Bloch's patch panels from experimen­ Arthur Carr MasPar Computer Corporation Mr. Mitchell Kapor and Dr. Ellen Poss tal threshold logic (neural net) Bob Coakley The Venture Capital Firm MacWorld computer, ca. 1962, XII06.92 Mike Dooley Merrill, Pickard, Anderson & Eyre Mary and James McKenney Gift of Dr. Lester Ludwig Donald F. Eckdahl Pat and Dave Nelson BarryW. Fox International Business Machines The Accounting Firm Network General Art Friedenheit Price Waterhouse Corporation IBM 3850 Mass Storage Network World John Graban System, magnetic tape-based cartridge PC WEEK Stephen B. Gray The Systems Enhancement Company system, 1987, Xll02.92 PC World John Haldeman Radius Inc. Gift of Dave Jones Ropes & Gray Alain Hanover The Investment Bank Rourke & Co. Unisys Corporation Micro A SCAMP Aaron Insinga Robertson, Stephens & Co. Slate Corporation microprocessor, first mainframe on a Walter Kates The Transadion Processor Spinnaker Software Corporation chip, 1988, X109I.92 Skip Laskowski Stratus Computer, Inc. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Gift of David Faultersack Robert L. Massard Technology Research Group, Inc. Richard M. Merrill The High Performance Workstation Transducers Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault Guy Natelli Software Company Digi-Log Systems, Inc. XRE Joseph Newcomer Visix Software Inc. TeleComputer, early "lightweight" Ziff-Davis Publishing Company Bernie Rothmel acoustic-coupled portable terminal, The Internetworking Company Alex Schapira Cheerleader 1969, XII13.92 Wellfleet Communications, Inc. Gift of Edward A. Feigenbaum University Video Communications McKinsey & Company, Inc. Dan Vlamis High Tech Tailgate Party Sponsor Hollerith Tabulating Machine Edmund West Business Week Magazine Company Hollerith card punch, David G. Whitmore manual punch for dollar-size cards, ca.1900, XI099.92 Gift of Mrs. Henry C. Clark TOOLS & TOYS: The Am"zing Person,,1 Computer

as media coverage from around This new permanent exhibition Other areas address Writing, can use digital video to record their the world. The Fourth Computer explores eight application areas on Making Sound, Adding It Up, views of the personal computer, and Bowl would not have been possible some 40 computer stations. The Playing Games, Exploring then browse a database of computing without the support of those listed first area, Making Pictures, Information, and Sharing Ideas. resources. TOOLS & TOYS below. features a Virtual Reality Chair This last area features a would not have been possible without (patent pending) among other Networking Game that lets up to the generous support of those listed interactives focusing on graphics. four people work together to solve below. Trade Sponsors a puzzle. In a final area, visitors Animatrix, Inc. Blossoms by Jylene Bontronics Prindpal Sponsor Bitstream Inc. Media Sponsors Byington Winery William H . Gates, III bkm FloorcQvering, Inc. PC Week Michael Callahan Borland International, Inc. PC World Computer Literacy Bookstore Major Sponsors Bose Corporation Lotus Publishing Continental Airlines Bwderbund Software, Inc. Professional Press Apple Computer, Inc. Michael Callahan Cunningham Communication Inc. AI Expert/Computer Language The Kapor Family Foundation CAST, Inc. Computer Currents Darryl Patrick Band Computer Currents ComputerWorid DeAnza Hotel CompuServe Information Services Integrated Media Inc. H.K. Graphics Sponsor Digital Equipment Corporation Sunworld International Data Corporation (IDC) Digital Equipment Corporation DiVA Corporation Computer Graphics World Don Johnston Development Equipment, Intuit Student Advisory Team The Park Plaza Hotel and Towers Donor Inc. EarLevei Engineering Karen Fitzpatrick PARTNERS & Simons 3Com Corporation Electronic Arts Ellen Vogel Poland Spring Contributors Faneuil Hall Ajoah Barkon Pride Printers Cabot Corporation Foundation Fluent, Inc. Patrice Faucher Ridge Vineyards Shavon Fucher Arthur Nelson Graphic Simulations Corporation SignWiz Houghton-Mifflin Company Tahesha Gilliard SuperMac, Inc. Raytheon Company Intel Corporation Francis Perez John Saenz Video Express Ingrid and Steve Stadler International Business Machines Ferra Thomas Weststat Corporation Exhibit developed in conjunction Knowledge Revolution, Inc. Lester Young The 1992 Computer Bowl Committee with The Boston Computer Society Dorothy Krause Rosemary Hicks Gwen Bell, National Chairperson Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, Inc. Damian Huggins Volunteer Programmers Logitech Inc. Eileen Custodio East Coast Committee Donald Abrams Logo Computer Systems Inc. Tracey Jarrett Debby Kramer, Chairperson Michael Allen Macromedia PrisiIlia Robinson S. Russell Craig David Curtiss Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. Shahi Smart Christopher Exley Ryan Thompson Steve Golson MathSoft, Inc. Thomas Flotte M.D. Irischa Valentin Mimi Macksoud Maxis Inc. Daniel Friedman McDonald's Sheree Weekes Tom and Marian Marill Eben Gay MGIA Architects, Inc. Antonio Gonzalez Christopher Morgan Gloria Jacobs Microcom, Inc. Elba Gonzalez Ann Roe-Hafer Edmund MacKenty Micrografx Inc. Yakaira Rojas Dorrit and Grant Saviers David Owen Microsoft Corporation Mercedes Manning Joyce Saler Works Inc. Moses Prince West Coast Committee Geoffety Steadman Amanda Nash John Green Linda Lawrence, Chairperson David Temkin NEC Technologies, Inc. Caridad Kinchen Alison and Steve Blank Software Evaluation NeXT Computer, Inc. Marisia Lucio Wuanoemy Ramos Brooks and Owen Brown James Boyd Tom Norton Brigitte and Jean-Louis Gassee Sharon F enick ON Technology, Inc. Marny and Roger Heinen Scott Landman Pacer Software, Inc. Peter Hirshberg Brad Larson Panasonic Industrial Company Special Thanks To Perseus Project Martha Ballard Randall Hull Kathryn O'Neill The BCS User Interface User Group Pioneer Plastics Corporation Paula B'onta Karl May Pixar Marcia Cohen Claudia Mazzetti Advisory Committee Power Up Software Corp. Todd Colletti Heidi Pedersen Richard P. Case Prentke Romich Company Jane Cuthbertson Stacy Pena Gardner C. Hendrie Proxima Corporation Mary Beth Dorus Lisa Quinones Tracy Licklider Proximity Technology Inc. David Druker Kelli Richards Ike Nassi Radius Inc. Dan Fitzpatrick RasterOps Corporation Giselle Gonzalez Kathy Sulgit Ed Belove Steve Stadler Joanne Biron Reeves BufKline Del Thorndike James Starkey Linda Satterfield Gerald Knight Scholastic Inc. Rob Krikorian In-Kind Sponsors Sense8 Corporation Mary-Catherine McElroy Activision Entertainment Software Joan Shafran Wanda Mourant Adobe Systems Incorporated Silicon Beach Software, Inc. Michelle N ewman Advanced Gravis Computer Software Marketing Corporation Julie Oates Technology Ltd. Space ball Technologies Inc Sue Pekock AimTech Corporation Spinnaker Software Corporation Geri Rogers Airtight Garage SuperMac, Inc. Dick Rogers Aldus Corporation Symantec Corporation Shawn Ryan American Management Systems, Inc. T/Maker Company Christa Santos Apple Computer, Inc. The National Geographic Society Michael Stein Asymetrix Corporation 3Com Corporation Alan Symonds Autodesk, Inc. VideoLogic Ltd. Janet Walsh BASF Corporation Clarence Washington Paula White Wolfram Research, Inc. Peter Yamasaki Yale U niversi ty Press ZiffNet Information Service From the Chairman A Salute to Our Supporters (July 1, 1991-June 30, 1992)

Pledges to The Capital Campaign Exhibit and General Support C.S. Draper Laboratories, Inc. Coopers & Lybrand $250,000 or more $250,000 or more William H . Gates, III Fujitsu America, Inc. Anonymous The Gillette Company The Fannie Cox Foundation $100,000 or more Liberty Mutual Insurance $100,000 or more The Boston Computer Company Gordon and Gwen Bell Society Lotus Development As computing plays an ever Mitchell Kapor Digital Equipment Corporation more central role in our lives, Suhas S. Patil Corporation McGraw-Hill, Inc. $50,000 or more NEC Systems Laboratory Inc. the social and economic $50,000 or more The New England Ed Belove and Laura Roberts National Science Foundation importance ofsound technology NYNEX Corporation David M. Donaldson $25,000 or more TASC education grows. Yet many, The Goel Foundation including, surprisingly, many 3Com Corporation Travelers Insurance Company Charles H . House AAAI Wellfleet Communications, The MITRE Corporation young people, feel alienated The Alfred P. Sloan Inc. Pat and Dave Nelson from and left behind by the Foundation Ziff Communications Raytheon Company Massachusetts Cultural rapid developments and the Paul and Kathleen Severino $1,000 or more ever widening possibilities Council NYNEX Corporation Adams, Harkness & Hill Inc. $25,000 or more Advanced Technology opened up by computers and Bank of Boston $10,000 or more Ventures information technology. William E. Foster Gordon and Gwen Bell Alliant Computer ] ames and Mary McKenney William Foster Applied Technology Investors Anthony D . Pell This year, more than ever, Intel Corporation Aspen Technology Inc. ] ean E. Sammet The Computer Museum's Foundation Banyan Systems Inc. educational exhibits and $10,000 or more International Business Bitstream Inc. Machines Corporation programs have been guided by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W . Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc. Bodman Bull HN Information the pressing need to reach out $5,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Case Kensington Microware Ltd. Systems Inc. to those who have not yet D. L. Chapman Rockwell International Corp. Cabot Corporation experienced the potential of the The Charles Stark Draper Schrafft Charitable Trust Canadian National Railways computer. Laboratory, Inc. Stevens (Abbot and Charles River Ventures Robert R. Everett Dorothy H.) Foundation Choate, Hall & Stewart Federico Faggin CompuServe On behalf of the Board of Intermetrics, Inc. $1,000 or more Computervision Directors, I extend our Theodore G.]ohnson Linda Adams Data Switch profound thanks to all the John A. Miller,]r. Arthur D . Little Foundation Deloitte & Touche AT&T Foundation Museum's supporters­ F. Grant and Dorrit M. The Dow Chemical Company Saviers Bank of Boston EDS Corp.-Personal individual, corporate, and Edward A. Schwartz Choate, Hall & Stewart Communications foundation-for your generous Michael Simmons Coopers & Lybrand Enhance Memory support last year. And as the Charles A. Zraket Heidrick & Struggles Products Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company impact of our educational $5,000 or more Ernst & Young Hyams Foundation First Boston Corporation mission continues to grow, I Sam and] oyce Albert Patrick Kenealy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Fleet Bank of Massachusetts exhort you all to continue to Hugh Loebner Gensym Corporation Brewster Motorola Codex Corporation spur on the critical work of the Winston R. Hindle,]r. Greylock Management Price Waterhouse Corporation Museum with your support. Peter Hirshberg Ropes & Gray GTE Laboratories Inc. Nicholas and Nancy Stride Rite Charitable Pettinella H.K. Graphics Foundation Heidrick & Struggles (/) ["\ C) I fJ /~ Jonathan Rotenberg Naomi Seligman Hill & Barlow ~~~ . ~~ IDEAssociates, Inc. Hal B. Shear Corporate Members Gardner C. Hendrie Jim Starkey and Ann Index Group $10,000 or more Intermetrics, Inc. Chairman of the Board Harrison Oliver and Harriet Strimpel Digital Equipment ] ournal Of Science Education of Directors Corporation & Technology up to $5,000 IEEE Computer Society Marriott Long Wharf Howard E. Cox, Jr. International Business MathSoft, Inc. David B. Kaplan Machines Corporation Maxis Inc. Laura Barker Morse McKinsey & Company, Inc. Brian Randell $5,000 or more Medical Information Helen and Irwin]. Sitkin Adobe Systems Incorporated Technology Ronald G. Smart International Data Group Microcom Inc. Michael Spock (IDG) Miller Communications The Mathworks The Millipore Foundation Microsoft Corporation Mitsubishi Electric The MITRE Corporation Research Lab Stratus Computer Inc. N etwork General Symantec Corporation New Directions, Inc. $3,000 or more Open Software Foundation Addison-Wesley Publishing Pell, Rudman & Co., Inc. Amdahl Corporation Price Waterhouse Automatic Data Processing Progress Software Bank of Boston Corporation A Salute to Our Supporters

The Research Board $500 or more John Seely Brown,Joseph A. Bruno, Rembisz, C. Mike Riggle, Douglas Ropes & Gray Harlan and Lois Anderson, Edward Jr., Peter and Marie Butler, Roger Ross, Ken Ross, Jonathan Rourke & Company Belove and Laura Roberts, Gary Cady, Jonathan A. Chandross, Rotenberg, , Stephen The Rugge Group Boone, Debi Coleman, Donald R. Graham Chedd, Maureen and Steve Russell, Jean E. Sammet, Michael Schubert Associates Inc. Daykin, Jean E. De Valpine, Greg Cheheyl, Albert Christoph, Richard Sand, Phillip H. Schearer, P. B. Shiva Corporation and Jan Del Sesto, Lucien Dimino, T. Close, Daniel 1. A. Cohen, Schechter, Walter C. Schmidt, Silicon Valley Bank Andrew and Sarah Feit, Paul Stephen Coit, Clement T. Cole, Edward A. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Summagraphics Corporation Gomory, Richard E. Greene, Trip Fernando J. Corbato, Michael Earl Schweppe, Aaron Seidman, W. Synernetics Inc Hawkins, Theodore A. Hess,Jr., Cronin, Anthony L. Crugnola, Lee Shevel, Daniel Siewiorek, Irwin Tandy Corporation Charles House,]. Milton Hutson, Andrea Cunningham, Bruce Curran, ]. Sitkin, Casimir S. Skrzypczak, Technology Research Group Robert E. Kahn, Robert and Judy Paul]. Curran, David H . Jack Slavin, Linda C. Smith, Testa Hurwitz & Thibeault King, Barry Margolin, John R. Dahlstrand, Charles Dana, G. Marshall]. Smith, Donald T. Viewlogic Systems Inc. Mashey, Laura Barker Morse, Ray Gervaise Davis, III, Randall Davis, Sorensen, Johann Specht, Robert Wavetracer Inc. and Toni Mustafa, Paul R. Pierce, Clive B. Dawson, Arnold De Spinrad, Linda M. Stilmack, David Wolfram Research Inc. James and Noreen Pitts, Trevor]. Larisch, Peter De Wolf, Fred G. Strachan, Stephen Swerling, The Xerox Palo Alto Research Porter, Audrey R. Reith, Benjamin F. DeBros, Thomas A. DeFanti, Lloyd Talanian Family, Seiichi Tanahashi, Center Robelen, Robert E. Stewart, and Eleanor Dickman, John David Tarabar, Gail S. Thomas, XRE Corporation Teradyne, Lawrence Tesler, Warren Diebold, Mark C. Divecchio, Ray Michael G. Thompson, William R. G. Tisdale, G. Michael Uhler, Leo R. Duncan, Dick Dunnington,Joseph Thompson, Erwin Tomash, H. Yochim ]. Eachus, Frederick A. Ebeling, Dean Toombs, Robert Tripi, David Supporting Members & Annual $250 or more Tom Eggers, Arthur W. Einstein, Tweed, Richard M. Van Slyke, Fund Contributors Jr., William T. Elliott, Bob Bruce P. Wallace, Willis H. Ware, Frances E. Allen, Timothy Anderson, Frankston, Franz, Inc., Daniel Wendell Weatherford, Ralph O. $2,500 or more John Armstrong, James and Roberta Freedman, Stephen]. Gaal, Bruce Weber, Stuart Wecker, Robert T. Sam and]oyce Albert Bell, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Beranek, Gilchrist, George Gilder, Rose Ann Weiss, Eric Werme, Jerome B. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Case Jeffrey F. Berg, Joel S. Birnbaum, Giordano, Steven Golson, Eugene Wiesner, Michael N. Witman, David Cutler and John Bristow, Roger M. Buoy, F. Grant, Paul Green, Stephen Joseph and Susan Wood Deborah Girdler Howard and Holley Cannon, Walter Gross, Jason Rogers Hale, William David M. Donaldson M. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haney, III, P.M. Hart, Byron Susan and]ohn William Carr, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hayes, Jr., Jim and Karen Hayes, We thankfully acknowledge the following Poduska, Sr. Congleton, James S. Davis, David R. Frank E. Heart, Ittai Hershman, corporations and foundations that Sun Microsystems Dick, Lucian]. Endicott, Jr., John H. Winston R. Hindle, Jr., Nancy S. supported the Museum by matching their Laboratories, Inc. Esbin, Neil Faiman, Barry James Horie, David Hubbard, Robert employee's contributions: Folsom,]. Thomas Franklin, Alan E. $! ,000 or more Ingham, John Ippolito, Mr. and American Home Products Frisbie, Walter]. Gamble, John Gordon and Gwen Bell Mrs. ErnestJennes, Nolan T. Jones, AT&T Foundation Griffith, Terry Habron, Tom and Lynda Schubert Bodman Karri L. Kaiser, Seiichi Katayama, Boeing Company Rosemarie Hall, Alain and Carol Lawrence S. Brewster Richard Kenner, George ChemicalBank Hanover, Keith W. Hare, Robert B. ] ames E. Clark Keremedjiev, Gary C. Kessler,]. S. Digital Equipment Corporation Hoffman, Charles W.Johnson,Jeff Howard E. Cox,] r. Kilby, Richard H. King, Steven The Gillette Company C. Kalb, Peter S. Kastner, Richard Nick and Margaret DeWolf Todd Kirsch, Mark Koretz, Alan HoechstiCeianese Corporation Lary, Paul]. Leach, Jon and Judith L. ] ohn Doerr Kotok, Arnold Kraft, Thomas E. International Business Machines Liebman, John N. Little, Carl Bob O. Evans Kurtz, John and Edna W. Lacey, Corporation Machover, Mimi Macksoud, Julius L. Edward and]oyce Fredkin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lacroute, NCR Foundation Marcus, Patricia Maroni, Tron Roger S. Gourd Joel Lamstein, Bruce Laskin, Tsvi Pfizer, Inc. McConnell, Douglas McLean, Roger and Marny Heinen Lavi, Grace V. Leahy, Michael Pratt & Whitney Thomas and Elizabeth McWilliams, Gardner C. Hendrie LeRoy, John R. Levine, Henry M. Pitney & Bowes Todd Medlock, Charles R. Minter, David B. Kaplan Levy, Neil Lincoln, Arthur D. T. Rowe Price Associates Allen Moulton, Joseph M. Jay Koven and]uliet Little, John D.C. Little, Kirk Foundation, Inc. Newcomer, BernardJ. Nordmann, Sutherland Loevner, Carl Lowenstein, United Technologies Corporation Octocom Systems Inc., Marilyn and ] ames A. Lawrence Hermann Luttermann,John Lutz, Westinghouse Electric Fund Anthony Oettinger, Edward G. Robert and]oan Lucky James F. Mackowiak, Michael S. Perkins, James N. Porter, David S. Brian McLaughlin Mahoney, Lon Masingill, Melvin]. Rose, Stephane M. Rousset, Steven We apologize for any inadvertent Lee]. Neal Mason, Jr., Sibyl Masquelier, Craig C. Rowe, Sable Technology omissions from our donor list. Please Anthony D. Pell ]. Mathias, A. Maya, Paul and Corporation, Howard Salwen, inform us ofany e1T'ors so that we may Nicholas and Nancy Kathie Mazonson, Bob McCormick, Michael]. Samek, Benn L. Schreiber, correct our records. Pettinella Mary McDonnell, William and John F. Shoch, Max]. Steinmann, Dennis Ritchie Vesta McLean, John E. McNamara, William M. Steul, Bruce G. Stewart, Richard Rubinstein R. W. Meister, George Miyashiro, Robert]. Trudel, Allan and Nadine F. Grant and Dorrit M . Moco, Inc., Thomas H . Moog, Wallack, Jim Williams,John C. Saviers RobertM. Morrill, Joseph C. Woodward, William A. Wulf Paul and Kathleen Severino Morris, David Nagel, Isaac R. Nassi, Hal B. Shear $100 or more Arthur H. Nelson, Richard A. ] ohn]. Shields, III Allan V. Abelow, Ken R. Adcock, Nelson, Jack and Virginia Nolan, Michael Simmons Lawrence L. Adrian, Allegro Landon C. N oll, David Novak, H. Armando Stettner and Consultants Inc., Sara Armstrong, Edward Nyce, Ocean Software Inc, Jane Bouffard Walter Attridge, Jim and Janet Baker, Gary M. Olson, Susan Parrish, Oliver and Harriet Strimpel Mario R. Barbacci, Russell Barbour, David Patterson, James R. Payne, Joel D. Sugg Art and Betty Bardige, Steve F. Ernie Petrides, Peter Pfister, Jr., Hermann Zapf Barnebey, John C. Barstow, Mr. and James H. Philip, Michael Pique, Charles A. Zraket Mrs. Harvey W. Bingham, Corrado Practical Solutions Inc., Mr. and Bonfanti, David Bonner, James Mrs. John F. Pries, Robert Bouchard, Daniel S. Bricklin, A. Probasco, Robert W. Puffer, III, Wayne Brooke, Frederick P. Brooks, Richard Rabins, David and Jessica Joseph T. Brophy, Brown University, Reed, Stephen Reilly, Marcin G. o The Computer Museum Volunteers

Board of Directors Roger Heinen, Jr. Jean E. Sammet A. L. C. Humphreys Exhibits Committee Education Committee Chairman Microsoft Corporation Programming Langnage Mitchell Kapor Gardner Hendrie (chair) Karen Cohen Gardner C. Hendrie Dr. Barry M. Consultant Angust Klein Edward Belove Marilyn Gardner Sigma Partners Horowitz F. Grant Saviers Andrew C. Knowles, III Richard P. Case Martin Huntley Dr. Koji Kobayashi James L. McKenney Beth Lowd Vice-Chairman The MITRE Adaptec, Inc. Corporation John W. Lacey David Nelson Jane Manzelli Charles A. Zraket Edward A. Schwartz Adeline Naiman Patrick]. McGovern Finance Committee The MITRE Charles House New England Legal Carver A. Mead Seymour Papert James L. McKenney Corporation Informix, Inc. Foundation Robert Metcalfe Jonathan Rotenberg (chair) Mr. George Michael Richard Ruopp Dr. Oliver Strimpel David House Naomi O. Seligman David Kaplan William H. Millard Hal B. Shear Executive Director Intel Corporation The Research Board Nicholas Pettinella Pat Collins Nelson Robert Tinker The Computer Museum Theodore Johnson Paul Severino Christopher Wilson Russell N oftsker Joyce Tobias Sam Albert Consultant Wellfleet Communications, Brian Randell Nominating Committee Sam Albert Associates Inc. Public Relations Committee David Kaplan Kitty Selfridge Lynda Schubert Bodman East C. Gordon Bell Price Waterhouse Hal B. Shear Dr. Ronald G. Smart (chair) Joann Anderson Research Investnlent Dr. W.]. Spencer Gwen Bell Dr. Gwen Bell James A. Lawrence Robert Carter Advisors, Ltd. Michael Spock Gardner Hendrie Founding President Pepsi-Cola International Joseph Codispoti Erwin Tomash Naomi Seligman The Computer Museum Casimir S. Skrzypczak Patty Conley Dr. Robert Lucky Paul Tsongas Irwin Sitkin Edward Belove Bellcore, Inc. NYNEX Science and Jennifer Curry Technology, Inc. Executive Committee Collections Committee Paul Davis Zijf Desktop Dr. James L. Richard P. Case (chair) Gwen Bell John Eckman Information McKenney Michael Simmons Gwen Bell Bruce Brown Maura FitzGerald Lynda Schubert Harvard Business School Bank of Boston Lynda Bodman 1. Bernard Cohen Joseph Grillo Bodman Irwin]. Sitkin John A. Miller,Jr. Lawrence S. Brewster Jon B. Eklund Patty Kachmer Scbubert Associates Retired Miller Communications Gardner Hendrie Jamie Pearson Lewis Karabatsos Aetna Life & Casualty Lawrence S. Brewster Laura Barker Morse James L. McKenney Ann Russell Susan Marceau Aspen Technology, Inc. Heidrick & Struggles J ames Sutter Anthony D. Pell Jean E. Sammet Howie Marlin Richard M. Burnes, Jr. Rockwell International Nicholas Pettinella Christopher Morgan Dr. David Nelson Corporation Corporate Membership Charles River Ventures Edward A. Schwartz Committee Andrew Murray-Brown Fluent, Inc. Charles A. Zraket Lee-Ellen Nolan Richard L. Taylor Laura Morse (chair) Richard P. Case Dr. Seymour Papert Jamie Pearson Blue Cross Blue Shield The Capital Campaign Jim Baar International Business Massachusetts Institute Lisa Pintchman Leadership Rick Karash Machines Corporation of Technology Dorothy A. Terrell Liz Reinhardt Mitchell Kapor Ilene Lang James E. Clark Sun Express Mary Beth Richardson Dr. Suhas S. Patil Honorary Chairman Mimi Macksoud NCR Corporation Annie Roe-Hafer Cirrus Logic, Inc. Clerk Susan Parrish Lawrence S. Brewster Kim Sarkisian Howard Cox ]. Thomas Franklin Steve Pytka Anthony D. Pell National Chairman Sheryl Schultz Greylock Management Lucash, Gesmer, Cameron Read Pell, Rudman and Co., Gardner C. Hendrie Paula Sinclair Corp01'ation Updegrove Lindy Recht Inc. Charles A. Zraket Carol Welsh Nancy Robb David M. Donaldson Gwen Bell Sally Winship Nicholas Pettinella Trustees Charles Terry Ropes & Gray lnterrlletrics, I?zc. Lynda Schubert Bodman Leslie Wolke Charles Bachman David M. Donaldson John Solon Dr. Jon B. Eklund Erich Bloch Dr. John William Theodore G. Johnson Annual Fund West Smithsonian Institution Poduska, Sr. David Chapman John A. Miller, Jr. Hal B. Shear (chair) Kristin Hilf National Museum of Advanced Visual Robert R. Everett American History Anthony D. Pell Gwen Bell Stacy Pena Systems, Inc. William Foster Carrie Score Edward F redkin Howard Cannon Dr. Richard Greene Jonathan Rotenberg David Abramson Max D. Hopper Steve Golson Data Switch Monitor Company Corporation

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