II. Background: A. Protest and Appeal of Dr

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II. Background: A. Protest and Appeal of Dr 76 ACTS OF SYNOD, 1961 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 22, 1961 Fourteenth Session ARTICLE 97 The afternoon session is opened wiUi prayer by Rev. C. Vanden Reuvel after Psalter Hymnal No. 261 is sung. ARTICLE 98 .The Advisory Committee on Infallibility, Rev. B. Pekelder reporting, submits the following: 1. Mat~rials: A. Agenda Report No. 24. (See Supplement No. 24) B. Letter·of Dr. M.Wyngaarden to Synod. (See Communication No. 3) . II. Background: A. Protest and Appeal of Dr. M. Wyngaarden 1. At the Synod of 1959 Dr. M. Wyngaarden submitted a Protest and Appeal against Dr. J. H. Kromminga. Under Point I of his document, Dr. Wyngaarden charged that "President -J. R.' Kromminga does not have the ecclesiastical right to commit himself in his policy as president, nor to commit the seminary in its policies to such a drastic reinterpreta­ tion of Arts. III to VII inclusive of the Belgic Confession." On this score Synod replied that "President Kromminga does not commit the seminary in its policies to any interpretation of the creeds." (Acts, 1959, p. 70) 2. The question remained whether "Dr. Kromminga committed him­ self in his policy as president to a drastic reinterpretation of Arts. III to l VII of the Belgic Confession ' by the view expressed in his use of the term "periphery" (Acts, 1959, p. 71 (3), p. 68 (7). At this point Synod adopted the recommendation: "Reply that the word 'periphery' in this context of President Kromminga's article is ambiguous. He has employed language which may easily leave the impression that there is an area of Scripture in,which it is ~llowable to posit the possibility of actual histori­ cal inaccuracies. President Kromminga assured Synod that in using the term 'periphery" he does not mean 'this or that word' in Scripture, but rather 'some aspect' of the content of the words which is not germane to the Spirit's purpose." Synod decided to "withhold further judgment whether or ,not at this _point the view expressed by President Kromminga is consistent with the creeds, and commit this matter to a thorough studi' (Acts, 1959, pp. 68, 69). 3. Analysis: The charge, "that President Kromminga committed himself in his policy as president to a 'drastic reinterpretation' of Arts. III to VII of the Belgic Confession" (Acts, 1959, p. 71) depends upon the establishihg of the charge, "that President Kromminga makes an unwarranted dis­ tinction between this so-called periphery 'and that which does not be­ long to this so-called periphery" (Acts, 1959, p. 68). Synod must now decide whether the view expressed by Dr. Kromminga in the use of the I ACTS OF SYNOD, 1961 77 word periphery is consistent with the creeds. Thus Synod faces two issues in this order: a. Whether the view .expressed by Dr. Kromminga in the use of the term periphery is consistent with the creeds. b. Whether Dr. Kromminga committed himself to a drastic reinterpre M tadon of Arts. III to VII of the Belgic Confession. B. Study Committee: . I. The Synod of 1959 also adopted a recommendation of the Board of Trustees "that a study be made of the relationship between inspiration and infallibility in the light of Scripture and our creedal standards." This was in accord with the request of the seminary faculty that, further earnest study of this relationship should prove very helpful to the denomination. A study committee was appointed and was also given the mandate to study whether the view expressed by President Kromminga is consistent with the creeds (Acts, 1959, p. 73). The study committee report is con· tained in the Agenda (pp. 119-194). (See Supplement No. 24) 2. Analysis of Study Committee Report: a. It should be observed that the study committee .. proceeds on the basis of two truths which are our common conviction: that all Scripture is inspired .and that all Scripture is infallible. The Conclusions of the Fourth Ecumenical Synod of 1958 express the starting point of this re­ port: "... the human authors of Scripture were moved by the, Holy Spirit so as to insure that what they wrote communicated infallibly God's self-revelation. The considerations that Scripture pervasively witnesses to its ovvn God-breathed origin and character and that as redemptive revelation it is necessarily characterized by the divinity which belongs to redemption are the explanation of the sustained faith of the historic Christian church that "Scripture in its whole extent and in all its parts is the infallible and inerrant Word of God" (Agenda, 1961, p. 124). (See Supplement No. 24) h. The study committee has indeed performed a significant service in its address to the mandate given by the Synod of 1959. This voluminous report constitutes a serious study of the relationship between inspiration and infallibility in the light of Scripture and the creeds. While the report should be considered in its totality, and isolated statements must be viewed in their wider context, we draw attention to the following.: "Di­ vine inspiration establishes Scripture as an infallible rule and sufficient canon for all of Christian faith and life by securing it against falsification, error, and deceit" (Agenda~ 1961, p. 185). Such a statement, based upon an intensive study of Scripture and creedal utterances, constitutes a clear testimony to the infallibility of Scripture. c. The study committee also addressed itself to the "periphery ques~ tion." While it did not feel it to be in its province to adjudicate the charge against Dr. Kromminga, it did confer with him, and the report re­ flects these interviews. The study committee has considered the use of the word "periphery." After observing that it has been employed in the Reformed theological tradition, it goes on to say that the word may be 78 ACTS OF SYNOD, 1961 ~--------------~. used.: to describe "incidental and circumstantial data which have np ,in­ dependent revelational significance, but are dependent for their ,revela­ tional,sign-ificance llPon the relationship they sustain to the central intent and purpose of a given passage" (Agenda, .1961, p. 193). (See Supple­ ment No. 24) III. Recommendations: A. That Synod declare, as the study committee indicates in the fulfill­ ment, of the mandate,., that both Scripture ;lnd the creeds establish: an essential- relationship between inspil~ation and infallibility, in which the infallibility of Scripture iS'inferred from inspiration, and inspiration. se- cures the infallibility of all of Scripture. Note,' Although a due appreciation of this fact requires a complete study 6f the entire .report, the following quotations may illustrate .the above: ' 1., "Initially we may say that infallibility as an inference, drawn from inspiration is to be ascribed to Scripture only in accord with the extent, nature, and purpose of inspiration" (Agenda, 1961, p. 151.). (See Supple­ ment No. 24) 2. HDiviIl'e in;spiration establishes Scripture as an infallible rule and sufficient canon' for all 'of Christian faith and life by securing it against falsification,error, and deceit" (Agenda, 1961, p. 185). (See Supple­ ment No. 24) ':,'}'.,i "Ap-' examination', of the chu~ch's interpr~tation of the Belgic Con­ fession,as well ,as of the principles which it has ~nunciated forces usto the conclusion t~at the approa'ch of the church to the- trustworthiness of the ~cripture -is. _.. to give testimony to the' faith of the church on the basis qf the demands ,of, Scripture to its own authority and trustworthiness" (Agenda, 1961, p. 187). (See Supplement No. 24) -Ado/)ted B. That Synod commend this, study committee report to the church. Grounds: 1. This report will serve to remove misunderstandings that have arisen. 2. This, report is ;i' framework for further study of the nature of the relationship between- inspiration and infallibility. ~Adopted C. That Synod declare that Dr. M. Wyngaarden's charge (nthat 'Presi­ q~nt Kromminga, makes -an unwarranted distinction between this' so­ called' periphery, and that which does not belong to this periphery" and -that t,his view is inconsonant with the creeds) is unsubstantiated. Grounds: 1. Dr. Kromrninga has ',removed an ambiguity in the presentation of his view by stating that his use of the' word "periphery" was .in -no way ~ntended as a limitation of, the extent, or the degree.of the infallibility of f5cripture. 2. The stuQ.y committee in its report indicates that it is possible to make such a distinction ,which is not inconsonant with' the creeds. " ... there are in the Scriptures incidental and circumstantial data which have, no -incie.pendent relevational significance, but are dependent for their ACTS OF SYNOD, 1961 79 revelational significance upon the relationship they sus~ain 'to -the :centrai intent and purpose of a-given' passage. W~en: viewed in -this. light, .-the tenn 'periphery' must be judged not inconsonant ,:vv~tb.·, cr~edal, te::tch~~gs on infallibility" (Agenda, 1961, p. 193). Dr. Kwmming~assured the committee that the above statGment reRects his view. (See Supplemi:mt No. 24) " ~Adopted p.That Synod declare that "the specific charge tha\ Pr,~?dent Krop:1: minga cOIrunitted himself in his policy _as president to a 'drastic reinterrre~ tation' of Arts. III to VII of the Belgic Confession') is unsubstantiated. Ground: Synod in 1959 accepted the logic of its advisory .cOlnmittee thaf the first chal'gedepends upon the establisllment. of the second (see Analysis, II, A, 3 above), whenitclecided to withhold furth,r jlldgII)ent on the first charge until the second was completely adjudicated. Since :the second charge (see Recommendation C above) ,is unsubsta,ntiated; ,the charge :of "drastic reinterpretation" falls. ':_' ~~.'dDpted E. Recommendation: That Synod affirm the f~ith of the church in the infallibility of Scripture, and urge upon the church the approach .of humble faith in the Word of God.
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