Indonesia Law Review (2014) 2 : 163-175 ISSN: 2088-8430 | e-ISSN: 2356-2129 ~ 163 ~ ASEAN SINGLE AVIATION MARKET AND INDONESIA - CAN IT KEEP UP WITH THE GIANTS? Ruwantissa Abeyratne* * The author is President and CEO of Global Aviation Consultancies Inc, Montreal and former Senior Legal Officer, International Civil Aviation Organization. Article Info Received : 3 August 2014 | Received in revised form : 10 September 2014 | Accepted : 1 October 2014 Corresponding author’s e-mail :
[email protected] [email protected]. Abstract Indonesia’s demand for air transport is higher in proportion to its GDP per capita. Its economy can be expected to grow 6% to 10% annually. A single aviation market could add another 6% to 10% growth in sheer demand. Yet its airports are badly in need of expansion, its infrastructure is bursting at its seems, and above all, its airlines are strongly resisting liberalization of air transport in the region for fear of being wiped out by stronger contenders in the region. Against this backdrop, it is incontrovertible that Indonesia’s civil aviation is intrinsically linked to regional and global considerations. A single aviation market in the ASEAN region will bring both benefits to Indonesia and challengers to its air transport sector. This article discusses the economic and regulatory challenges that Indonesia faces with the coming into effect of the ASEAN Single Aviation market in 2015. Keywords: ASEAN, Single Aviation Market, Regional Law. Abstract Permintaan transportasi udara di Indonesia lebih tinggi sebanding dengan PDB per kapita. Ekonominya dapat diperkirakan akan tumbuh 6 % sampai 10 % per tahun. Sebuah pasar penerbangan tunggal bisa menambah 6 % sampai 10 % pertumbuhan permintaan.