• •

10 Volume V Number 5 E C B 8 7 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending November 23, 1935

Ruth Ettjng

For Story of the Cover Girl. Set Pige 19 Major Bowes' Gold Rush ~ Paul Whiteman's Jazz News and Views of the Week

Recordings You can't l'al your cake anti have it. The only rl"trictioll imp()~cd is thaI Ihe subject matter 'I his in ')ub:.tance hi the alhWCT of the Win Firat meet the dictates of decency and /-:ood t;I'te. Beyond Ju!oo[icc~ of the Common Plt'as Court that ann)]11' call get as Illu..:h on tilt' air \\;lVes on any Round of Philadelr1hia to .\1aestro hell War­ givl.'n ~llhjed as one Can get into nl.'\\"p;lper~, ing. who tril'd tu ... top stJtion \\ IJAS .\Ir. P counlrv is not inclined [0 a~..::ept the British !iy"tem Where '1 hey Came J rom placed in \\'OCL studim where a running account wa.. where radio is completely controlled h\· the government, by Ih'llry J1elltll1ck 6 received. where no :td\'erti~emenb are permitted and where the Jau Cuts Ih Eye-Teeth by PallJ Il'/.IIumall 7 In conjun..::tion With the play-by·play account ra· progr;llll" :Ire supponed by a tax on the radio seh" Hevicwing Hallio by .Hartlll I. !'mter 8 "1oed through Station WGR, Buffalo, the anll()lJncer J~J/llIIma Ilis errorh 10 enli,,[ the aid of educators to back up Plums and Prunes by EVil/IS 8 u..ed information obtained by wa!ChinA an animated his contentiun Ihal the public demands culture, are made In~itle Stuff hy \lilr/Ill L£'i.:IS 9 score hoard. in oper:llion ilcross the ,trl'et, and a ticker I;lughable by hi:-. appraisal of hi:'! countrymen. Cominp; [vents; New ProgT: '\U,,,,,,...r ~l. I~.'~. tectur:J1 \\onder: hUI \\hatenr childi.. h qualities they ),111("1.\1 ,. ~t'f'<~"l fla•• IlHUltr ., Ih" 1·...1 11m"" t'h,\;U:o. l11lr,,,I •. ca..e, tilt, (ontinuity of that broadc3.;;t \\,J" not literally • ·tl,'"~.) 2~, tu:!. onu..r .\11. G! )luMr J, l~;'. ("'~"rlCllt l!tl:; lo) have. thc) are the qualities of the heMI.·' K41'lfI t;11"~, hI<"..\11 II.hl. I.....ned.•;).....,Ih". I:.IlItorl", (·htula. restated, hut the nc\\~ gathered hercfrom Jill! \\hich wns Illn and Ilu,i"".•,ml'r'i. 7.l' PI)lUUUllI DUll. (·hl,~"u. Ill..\,hntl·lIIC Mr. Payne usually get.. orT on a tangent \\hcn he • n't..., :-;.t..",:d .Utdla, Int., •• };a.t ~1"tl "I'nt. ."w Yot"k_ :Ot... heard by the general public from the originating .. ration. "urk: :!j;,t Lakt \itw ,'..nu". t·hlta$". llIi", .. )1. I...\n"""I,trl', )tarts comparing the press and radio. lie seems to I'r.. ·lt!tnl ,InU l'ulllbh.... ; 1I....~rt ..r...... r, hi \". I'. Iml C"". 3>11:',: \\as re)tated by the announcer of St:ltion \YaCl to II. S. \\''''ll.•;dll"r. X',lh,,: CIl;Ule" of "dt!,.." .h,,,,101 lI'.~h thi~ .,111..,· know neither \ery \\ell. Ilis references to the Fourth t"o \\etkl In .dUll':-t' of Ille j,.Ut for "hlth Ihal 'wu Iddr.. ,~ bu",n.,~ li,lencrs within the area of thelt station; ;mJ it furthn drttth... IUp,,,·t any d,."t(t' or ••r,I.",. tlll~"1 I" H\l"v (:ll1>I>. not hi Estate are always in terms of reverencc, \\ hile radio-­ Ih.. p"" Mlit... Be .u.., .nd Indu.l.. forll1t'f a.ldrt'~. }·h.. l'.. nts pt, ....!!) clearly appear:-. thai the fact'i \\hich he hroadca.. t \\oCrc in Unlt..d "I.t.. ~. Sulanlplilln ntu in I'. ll.. : ,ir ,,,,,nlhl, 11.1.',; """ the Fifth Estate-brings forth sneers. In di'cu'::.ing the l ..lr. $2.00: Suv,triplloll lll'~' "r A!UNI~lIn ~.tl'l""s In t:lnl'iClllo,,'" ,hit. bO

2 I Kay's interest in By ,swimming and div­ ing have given her a vital spark that Alice Pegg ever appears in her cia I expressions

NYONE who has gone J bchinL! the wask basket. or hidlllg 111 as far in radio as Kay a n(mer vase. Ilowever, there was 'J hompson, has what it nothing she coulL! do hut stand there takes. But in possessing and, like a good Tllusician, face the music. 1h:.t vital. indescrihablc qual- An irate minor olTicial was for firing ity, which lTlakc~ for outstand- her on the spot. J3ut the program had to ing success, Kay has the jump go on, and no substitute for the embJ.rrassed on her contemporaries. She always had what songstress \vas on hand. So she sang into a it takes. hastily procured IlllCfophone. And, ..,he ad- Kay isn't \'cry old; she was born Novem­ mits. because of the tension \vithin her, a[l ber 9, ]l)()9. Yet twenty years ago she was a thoughts of nervousness during her performance reigning sensation in St. Louis. her home town. vanished. So far as the listener could ascertain, And what's more, this outstanding \oc:.llist of to- ht:r voice wa~ fla\\ less. day didn't even think of singing a single note then, Perhaps it was thhe comes to the public in the im­ lovc her earnestly out there. even though she has ~een mensely broad spheres of radio, singing to millions in· fit to move to :'\'ew York. s!t:::td of playing to hundreds A Y'S l'\ew York radio {'xperil'nce has been long and 0i\'G hefore Kay went to school her parents discov­ Kay Thompson, Hit Parade K varied. 1:01' a while she worked under thai mmt Lered that she hild whilt it takes. ller musical apti­ cxacting of masters, Fred Waring. as dircclrc~... of a tude was noticeable evcn in bilbyhood, and she demon­ girls' chorus ,\nel this joh. she explains, was her most strated it a good while before she astounded the music Songstress, Has Discovered difficult one. r:or she \\:l'i responsible not only for profession in St. Louis shortly after her fourth birthday. herself. hut for the entire group of thirteen girls under And after her initial appeuance at the piano l,ev· That Her Whole Life Is a her. hoard there ne\·er was any doubt in anyone's mind, 6f Those gIrls grc\\ to know her and love her. She cour~e ..,he would become a concert pianist. Kay had Continuous Parade of Hits was ".\\.1" to them. a twenty-four year old mother of not even learned her A~C's, yet her future already had thirteen beautiful damosels. many older than .. he wa~ become "ct'tled. her~elf She had found them and she developed them. ller p:m:nb were willing. Though who[h unaccus­ ciastlC in the :.ame degree that years before had shf' is vi\·id \\ ith the Il.:tme and force of living. a \·eritJ.ble 111: tbre\\ herself Into the task of bnngmg Ih;tt ... eo­ marked the re')pon~e 01 mu"i.:ians and the mU:'>I.::~lIly elect reservoir of energv. \\·hen she sings. one feels th{' ellort· 5S:ltinnal talent of babyhood to full fruition. All to her piano work. ~o\\ K~y knew \\here ..,he was head­ less ease, the flillne"'''' of po\\'er. \dlich would overllo\\ through gr:.tde ..,chool and high school she worked like il'g. And she has come to the top .1" quickly as thc com­ but for its perfecl control; one feels the immense \·i­ a Trojan, dOlling the years \\ith carefully selected and bmation of di\'ine gitts. grand musical training and t:;Jity back of {'ven· noh', ('\'Cry' gesture. adroitlv m:lIH'lI\'l'rcd public appe.:lrances. .\teal1\dliJe sharp intelligence could do il for am·ullc. her reputation as a c1a..,..,ical piano <,tar of th~ fir ..t mag­ It wa.., whIle "he S -pIJ.no soloist with the St. LOllis Symphony. She before nor since ha:. she fclt so much like crawling is expected to begin a new Ilrngram shortly. Ga 3 Major Bowes' Cold Rush

moJern repre enlati\e of the Wild We~t. jack at the dav the Youman family time of hi~ :J,hcnlure in sho·.~' bu..inc .. was \\orli.il1K on m:iJl' a Je.:i ..ion, and From All Sections of the Country a dude ranch, soon aftcfw:uJ Jack. 19; \ few \\n'ks prcviousl\' the forcm;m of the ranch Geurge. 18; Skippy. 17; They Come to New York-These hJd called jack inl,o his office and told him to P3C~ up anJ the father 5et out hi~ dufile for a tflP East. Object-to ..Ur up a lillie for ~ew YOlk III a bat· Amateurs Dreaming of That Thou­ hu.. iness for the cOl1lil1~ Summer. Jack heard ah~l1t the {efed :lulol11ubile. I he) Amateur Iiour and decided to give It a try, Ilts store were bound lor the end clothes were back in the hotel. and he wore the full of the rainbow-a chanel' sand-to-One Break. Of the Many re~alia of a workill~ Cllwhoy, Slung Irom around hi,; on .\laJor Howe~' ,\ma­ neck W.:lS a \\Ofll hUI lUlleful gUit;lf, leur Iiouf. Called a Few Are Chosen. "Howdy," ht, ..:lid to the ,\\ajor \rri'"ing 111 the bIg cit} high in spirits but This Story Tells How - and Why s II.IE Jau~htcr of the studio au,lience sUb~ided, the 10\\ in tunJ:-, they put moJe~t A .\blor peered at the would-be sur o\·er hIS gIJ..'>t.: ... up at a lillie ho­ "\\'ell, cowbov what can "ou do;'" ld on the I (I\\l'r 1--:;.1-.1 '" reckon I ('an ing a sOIlg." ~iJe. '.Illd dl'IUll.:hnl J "Only one?" Idler Io the \LtJm ":'\0 suh. I know JJ1 cowboy song<;;," I he' Iud JIl auditiol\ By Arthur Kent His matter-of·f:h:t drawl hrou~ht al10ther lau,e;h, but and \\ere ac.;eplcd rile he smiled e.l~il.r Ilerc \\a~ a man with natur:tl stage perform to..::c 01 the You­ SCI:~e, lie laun..:hed 11110 a plJ.inti\ ~ h:dlad and Jrew man hrolht'o) \\,1:) one ot It ~tack:, up something like DaHnport. the sprighlly piano-player who thought it M,.ch a re,pOll"C thai Ihe \tajur a..ked him tor :tnother. the mo. t Jr.lmalll: evcr this: The .\l ajor gets I;.(M(J \\culd be fun to playa Ihcater engagement, Or they When Ihc Vole.. Wl're in h\ tekphone and 1113il. heard on the Amateur letters a week \\ hich can be may be nine, like \'eronica .\limosa, another pianist, \\\(lmin~ jJck W,h tip with Ihe-kaJl'r, Iii .. rt:wJrJ­ Iiour. "' he\' boys were wnsider~J. (lie gets as many and need a special permit to go on the stage, They a \\l.:ek in \·alHJcville 1 he b~t lulf of the \\cck he slender Jnd more or le~s again which are thrown out be­ may be \\ealthy. like .\larie de .\lum, of '!'ew York pland Xew York') P:tlace Thl'ater., a g!lal th:l'. mally :>hy but the audience cau~e the applicanr does not and I\e\\ port, daughter (J! the champagnt: killg, Or n professional elltertain~rs reach only III Jre:lms,. I h~n h,e 100:" thl'1Il to ih colic.:;. come from j\ew York.) Of little hungry, like the boy \\110 wllap,ed ;.It ~ehear:>JI got a chance to ~lllg In place of Johnny. ~laf\'ln, i'nc!> ti\c heul ;11 onCl'. Their these he picks OlIO for auditions LCJlleSOnle Co\\boy, while ~laf\·in was on the air maklllA ,j(l wa" J ,,{'ril'''' of imna­ and sixteen for each pr,ogram, P' \V.\S on ,\\ar..:h 24, 1')3;, that .\bjor BO\\t::>' 1\mJ· per~onal appt';llallce~, I he JramJU' :-'Ide 01 his n~e to lion, of Il';td:ng dan.:t I he aUllltlons ,11e held ~IX days teur Ilo.ur first came to the networks under its present faml' faik'd to alll'ct him velY much, 11t:'J never thought hJnd, played un the clan­ Doris 'Vester: She Bald she didn'l have a singing a \\eek, :lIld the ,\\ajor mu;)t ~hl)\\ ll"t. a.:-cordioll ;\;lJ violin voice, but shc madc good because she can talk un pilch 'pomor.. h.lp, I, he had been running on New York 01 a carl'cr on l'ithl'r .. IJ~e or radio, he <;nitl. hear ahcJut ol\e hundred" Jay 1(I~JI ..1;11 lOll \\ II:'\.. for ,Ihollt ,1 "ear prior to that, l\1ore "I got doubh ahollt Ihi~ ..IHl\\ hu,il1l' " b~in' \\orth) to "n'p tip to '..:hedull', el;JborJtc pfl'l':EralionS \\erc madl' lor the premiere than dr~mlcd ll III ChKago at III:~ th~ of a real he-man's attl'nlion," he ca"ually ha'k­ guld \\,lS discoHred III Klon· \\"ho are the ludy sixtel'n \\ho make thl' grade? flit ;lIlY ollwr program 011 re.:ord. \~l're ~ stJge at the Palace. "I reCkO!l I hcuer /-l,l't out. and O '0. ;0; I Corndia dike in 1890, thousanJs flocked thele in Well. there the Duche of lorlollia and the I ill' \\.Iior him'ell' \\orl.l'd tlcr.::e1y lur \\eel... JS­ hu~tle busine~s \untll' :1 J.\ra\· haired ag~-old ~lan: for the ranch or 1"11 he lo:-,;n' my joh," answer to mankinL!\ ulge to Sinj.!;ng GarhJl-\l' thl' TlI..,:nor:l Indian Trio and ~ernhlillg tht: rest talel1t hl' could lind. From lhe vel' \\om;lIl \\ ;1" Ii'tcnin!.!, \\t~alth, Tex.l~ acquire sudden ,\nL! \\hen in till Chine'l' I hUj,ilh: the CO\\bo\,..; from :-':on\ich. lir.. t he h,l .. aUditiolll'd all t:l!l'nt him~lf I hl' numhr IllC11 rCIIIJ rli. \\ J" not \\Ithout le:'>ults. lie \\ ent back I~JI \\aiting Il'n"l'h' for th..: ,\lajor I·.d\\ard Bo\\t:, di'cu\ere,,1 Ct.:nne..:ti":lll. and Skl'l't Simmon, the hol-o: the man heard altt 8t:lLer i.. prctt\· ..:lo t: tu 1lUlllll b\ nm\, W to the ranch. and htl .. ine~s booml'd to Ill'\\ hl'ights. \ ('r~kl Do\\n at :'\0 thnt there 1" l!cHd in thlm thar am, teur~, \\ho playeJ a 11101lih orgJn I""'hind his bck thrllu~h a \ huge telcphone 'utlllg ~} tern \\a.. llt':'l ed \\hi~h .\lore englgemenb wa~ted in :-':e\\ York if he ...te.:ide.J 42 Clinton treel. :"e\\ he .. I:ntl'd a f(,ld-ru h (If another klOd fu~h.:r he, e, :md the nine-\t:.If-iJIJ CPl.:tacular pUh;lp'. but one which alreJdy ha..; Iri,h ':lIlIel'll "hu \\Jllted a hll':>b.md and Ihl' girl from tb~ 1100r' ,lho\"e t!'le ,tud'in in ILldio Citv \\ht;rl' lhl~ Iluhli.. her. I hl I all after the. rJ.n.:h ~J on \\J,S over Iht ju. t ten rlo.:k;) trom btcome .l mm l'mcnt on n national 'Laic', I or l';.Ich IlJrlem \\hf. "Jnted a diamund ltlflth \malt:ur lIour !Z,"')t:, on till' ;Iir 1011 operato·r and at-out hl ~hl rei urn, .Illd I" 110\\ \\lth one III the \\ajo(, the 'uuman hOld. Sol [ re'1UC~l' \\.eek jll,lOI pcr-;ollS write to the .\bIOf thlir hali ,]"i 1ll,1n\' lahll13tllT~ rc..-ci\e anJ 'Clunl the \lJtes luurin~ arnall'ur lilliI'>, \\ r' PJulilll' S,mdler ,han(l'~ fur on his program! THl:Hr \\.ts a tn'plejack, Jcparlml'llt-store clerk, fl< m the 'l'\~ York area, l\~u hundred lim" come into \\ yomlllg Jack O'[lril'n \\;15 nCllh,halant ahollt. hi" \\ idu\~ed mother of four AI this moment therc .lfC 'corc' "e"i, hundred.. (If beach ".mt-LT (feminine), hou'ekeepel, janitur, elc­ thi:'> nllil..l', \\ hi.:h is a ~pe.:ial eXLhallJ!,c of the telephone succe~~. :'\ot so some of the ot"ll'r,:> Crul'l. Ilr:nd­ .:hil.lren. Bruhn by ad­ ml'n, \\omen and 'hildn'n journning from :111 part .. 01 \:ltor ('per.ltor, m~ ,enger buy. d(lg catcher, portl'r. cow­ CCJlllp;lI1)-, LJ.:h \\eek thi.....allll' ,etup is in"l.lJled on ,I ing po\·erty is not a tullula:lt t.o ntlnchabnce. !"here \l'r..:!\· 1Il,1 P(J\l'rt~·, ~hc Ihis country to :'\l'\\ York, The) ::Ire tra\l'lin~ in l-IJ) Jude \\f.I1l~ler. ph)-,iolher.lpl t trll..:k dnv-er, bre\\er, ,ligllll\" ~nl.1l1er s.:ale ill anuthl'r ,ilY in the wa:'> the ca e 01 the 'ouman brothers from found .\\:lior Bo\\e" bu~e~, automClt-ile~ train" de IU\l' allli hnlkl'n·tllJ\\n di~Il\\a,hlf, c(lok in ;J c:.c.c. .:amp, )-.:tr;':l'r, fruit pedlHer, countn', -, he tdep!lolll' \otinJ.: (lperates l'ron: Chi.:;q.1,11. \\l'l'kl\" amateur hour tra\t;~1 fenri~hl\' fliners: ;Irc unemployed, un relieL lim\ n and out. phone tl1Jt SlllHby ni~ht b-.r .\larch wa.. ship and three youthful hlother:) began a The~ opened \\Itll But though lllany ,lTe ('llled, few are cho'cn, I hl'y hitch-hike to \.:e\\ York Of they pad lip the kids WyominA lack O'Brien, the co:;mo- cart:er in \'aude\·ille. the lilting :>[IJin .. of (;It.:n Gra.\' S slgn.ltule, I ho:'>e t\\o C:lllo\\ J \', ':llld 1- red \\ ,I r,nf..\-lIllitaticlIl\ Ih;lt would ha\'e in ;En old car and ~tJf!,ger fl'ehl" .1(ro~"l mountains and polit;1l1 CO\dlO\, from California, Born The YOllman hrothers "ere li:ttllil1~ could almn.. 1 hl'Jr the people in the ~tudi() ~psp ht:tl1 urihelie\Jhle if thl'\' h,hl u..ed a whole llrChl'"lrJ pb~l'd F YOU .arc a bOlla-fide :lm,1tellr and m:lkc ,lppJication rivers until they le,lcll thc Ilud,oll. Again, they mny ill :\lont:II1,I, he had knocked around known .1<' the Illl pic,l IlollnJ) out in and Ihell. :-0 authcntic ":IS the imitJtioll, break 11110 alld yl'l Ihe\" only thr.:e imtrumenh. I from :\e\~ York or vicilllt)', jour ch;ln.:es 01 lh;tuall) be substantial citi/l'n" \\ ith good jO"''' at hume, out tor the hunkhou,es of a dOlen rJIl..:he"l Chicago be.:au"ie th~\ ~pcnt .~o much appl311 ..e while the boys w~re ~till pl:aying I ;"";ev('r hdore .\lter Ihe ,how lJ,llllcl , ,mm:.lll, l:.Ether (If the bors, AUtin" nn the air in .\\ajor Bo\\~s' ..\mateur Iluur arc a lark, te~tillA Iheir fr;l'mb' nrdiLt. \\ hat happens ah~r in the \urth\~e~t, ~ta)ing long lime entert,11lling \'eterans III ho:-,pltals had that happeneJ. t(lld the .\\;lJor that another ohjcct (If Ihe Irip East WJ~ onc in 937. Your dance.. of gettin~ all audilion :lre their performJn..:e m:I\' mean nl,thinf!,-or cv-erything, ~n()ll~h in \\'yoming [0 ,aet the handlc then:, I heir father \\a;) lJanid You­ " he cheering and appl:.Eu ~ rl"umcJ a:pin and a~ain to tra.:e hi~ ~i::'ler Pauline, \\hom he ludn'l seen in .!i nt:ller ahmu one ill 1;, They m;l)' h' 110 ye;H~ old IiI.<- Ooctor ,\1arie :lttached II> his name, \ thoruughly man, an unemployed tool.maker. One a~ the bo) .. played like Waync h:ing. Ted Il'wis. C:.Eb \e:lf) When la.. ' he,lrd (("fIlJf'J1II / 1'111 J'J('l .!o

4 G 6 5 Where They Came From Radio's Leaders Started in Di­ verse Occupations and from Un­ expected Corners of the Globe to Attain Their Present Stardom

;lre the d:l",,,i.::i ... lS or joufll:Jlism because their ;:Imbilions By Henry Bentinck always had been to hl.: newspaper men, so do tho'::le de­ Ilber

OME day many years from om\', when the The public didn't seem to mind. As a matter of fact. Twentieth Century is history and when you From Crude Beginnings Paul they enjoyed it as a novelty. and your friends long since have departed this We were booked into the Belvedere Ilotel in Santa world. a conductor will step out onto J. plat­ Whiteman Has Lifted Jazz Barbara. California, then into thc Alexandria in Los form and raise his haton. And from the band Angeles. There wc went o\'er in a biA way. I he movie ~ before him will cra"h. the first really AmericJIl celebrities nude the Alexandria their headquarters; we motif, the music of Ihi .. mightiest of nation'., to Symphonic Quality-And me[ Rudolph Valentino. Charlie Chaplin. Tom l\\iX, clIlhnd,'ing the song of a race of new men, the prayers Mabel Normand, Gloria SW:T.nson, Willi;lffi f'arnuill. anJ Iwpcs and achic\"cmcnts of a greal pcople. He Still Has Hopes for It Somewhere in that strong and wondrous mu"ic will E FELT that wc finally werc on our wa)'. But I\cw be the wild. primeval strains of present-dar American W York and the East were still distant. Thc hi~ time jnz. It will not be the whole body of that music, it WJS not ours. I decided to nuke the break, and went 10 mJy be only in~ throll~h thc jllllgie. cisioll. J:III. as wc h:td dt'\·cl­ \nd u is th,lt wild African op"d il WJS for more Ih;m rhythm. :IrrltC' I tw :"l'gro slavcs d:tncill~. It was the Illu<;ic of te, En.,;!bh allJ Continental mu- the people. \\'hy not IHe"ent it ~ic thJl thn first pi.:ked up from in concert form? ~o I ~:tthered their owners on the pl.:l.nt.1tions. together 32 men an~1 ...che~luleJ a \\"Il.1t I did W.1S recognize in concert in ,\etlkm I bit in ,'\ew the j'Jr1'Jrous and unmclo,tious York on I ehru.lr\· II. I"~·t ~trJ.in:s of jazz as it \\.1<; pb\"cJ ;\\}' ~(l\l'l'''' :tdil:dlv shook when tw~nt)' yeJr" ago. ~ornething "that I ~1('pped onto th:tt .. 1.1gt'. rur the shnuld he de\"t:lu!lecl and brought out. first time in m)' life I w:ts :tfr;lid to I thl not know \\h:lt to do to it m\·- raise nl\' b:tton. ~llt only were Paul :<-elf: I tril'J ..('Veral times and failed. Whiteman and his orchestra on trial But I W:l5 luck\' enough to gather .1round th.1t day, but the entire mu:.i.::tl systcm me a group of able and talented musi.:ians. for which tnv hoys an~1 I ... tlltl~l w:t'i to rise ;lnd I re.:o~nilf'd their cap.1bilities. I org:lI1· or fall as the re... ult of Ihat Olll: IlCrlorm.1n.:e. il"eJ ~,k·drop~ \\erc steeped in Tschalkow:.kv "nd \\'J~ller. the harh:truu.. j:lll. of the Barbary Coast. I had come \\·c wcre introducing l3erlin to l3ach. Gcr~hwill to Grieg. 10 S:tn rr:tncisco from Denver, my birthplace and boy· hood home. to pia)' the viola in an org:tnizatiol1 at the Paul li,·es his music when he conducts­ VERY music critic of import.1l1ce in :\t:w York was Fair. 1 plaved under l\tax Bendix:, the director. There as may be seen frum a do.se study of this E thele. ·1 II,,}' h:ul come to ridiculc. hut thc)' stayed to I met Art Ilickm.1n "nel Sle\'e LJou,g1:ts. cOlhidered the l)idun.'. 8nal)IU~d while he was on Ihe vodium appL\Ild. \\'h(·n. aftl'r our lwentv-six ll11mher... they gre:ttest r.1gtllHe fiddler. I hC'ard th:!t r:I\\' mu,ic in called for encore after encore. n1\" heart was full. dance h:lil ... di\'es, ~Jloons, and it ro!>e within me. I In the se\·cnteen years since \,'e illtlO~lu(l'd the COIll­ wJllted 10 do ~omething with it but I didn't know what. individu:tl struck him. There could be no involved or· plicatecl arrangemcnts to j:T.7z. much h:h h~PP(,lI('d to chestratioll or arrangement bec.1use evcry man carried iL Our fundamental principiI'" h~l\·l· n'm,lined the !\:lll1C. FTER the Fair closed I had to find work. I drove the rhythm and to c1cvi.1te was to lose the basic theme, hut all Ol1e ha ... In dCI to I l,;d i/(' th(' improvemellt is to A a cah for a while and li"lcnrd 10 more of that chil­ to dl· ... troy the number it"l.'lf. li~t('11 to rl'wrditlg.. Wl' mad(' in 1{)IH :tt the Ambassador. hr,_g. thrilling, jumhled syncopation. And finally I got In my new h;lIld I had !('r(/t Grnre al thc piano and or in 1923 at the P:tlais R0va1. a Joh at I ait's c:ll'e, playing j:llZ. But I lasted only two Mike Pin,g:tlOre plaving the hanjo. "like h,1,d illVVlllcd The main impro\,emen·t has heen in the instrul11en­ d;ly~-l hey said I "couldn't jazz." I wandered the streets a new kind of banjo with an improvcd sounding cham­ t"lislS themsel\'es. Playcrs have become mnre accnrn­ of tbe Barbary Coast in my cab. str"inillg my ears for ber, one that could be heard above the choir instru· pli ... lLed. more versatile. At 011(: timp (111(' (If 1ll~' <,:IXO· what scraps of t':lgtirne I could pick up from the curh. ments. Together we worked out our ideas lor the in­ Ilhnni .. r... wa" 1lJ:I t{~r of thinl'i'll dilll'fl'lll instl"lIl11('nts. J told Art IlicKlllan, over foaming ,glasses of beer, thal corporation 01" in\'olved score:\ and arr:mgCll1enlS. Already .. Il·' ;lre heil1g Ld,cn 10 ill'>lIrc Ihe future he should apply Ihe harmonic principles of a symphony development of this modcrn i\mel'ican lllusic. Il1strl1c~ to his jail. band. Art couldn't see it, said it couldn't be VERY Ollmher we 1'1:t)'t'd was to be ba,,('d llpon four· tion ill If h.1s hl'en incorporated intn the currlculllills done. E four rhythm. four beats to a har, with the accent of 11l0"t music schools. Tltl're i" the ;\tU'iCUIll of ,\10.1· Finally I mustered seven brave lads and decided to v;lrird perh;ljls, but with thJt ha'iic fom ht'al'i \(l a lur ern 1\1lhic 3t Williams Colleg,e. Williarn ... Ulwll.•\1a.....:H:hu· form my own band. pl.:l.ying that jazz as I t!louI-\ht it rem;lining the S;1l11e. And Ihe piano. the h:mjo and Ihe seth..\nd in this connectiClll I would likl~ to mClllion should he pl.:l.yed. Hut the War broke out, and I enli.. ted drums were to keep up llL:lt rC'Hular bovm-hoom-hoom­ the Ufl'ida Whiteman ~chol:.lr... hip. named in honor of in the Navy. '1 here I got my fir~t rcaI training as a boom, come what may. 1 he piano and the b"njo could my mother. h;mdmJ.~tcr, :tnd I had to forget abollt symphonizcd rag· carry tbe melody we were playing, keep more or less When thai grt:tl \1llC'ric:m lllu')i.:: finally is written. time for a while. rcligiou'iJy to the original notc'i and chord'i. But the when il crashes forth in "II its f::randeur .1S the finished After the War I lived a hand-to-mouth existence for choir instruments-the saxophoncs and ora'i'lt''i and mu"ical Ilfoduct of thi .. nation. then will I an~1 Ill)' can· some time. trying to organize a band of my own. I had strings-woliid ~W;ty off, carry the symphonic v:tri;Hiolh. ttmpor.:l.rie:> not have li\ ed in vain. a nen·ou~ hre.1kdown and lost more than one hundred the nuances and moods we would write in. pound.. in four mnnths. Hut I finally got a break and We tried it and it was terrible. We tried it again The- Krafl C'heese manufacturcrs present built lip a band of good mu"ici;ms. and it w.1sn't quite so bad. We kept plug~il1g at that Paul Whiteman and his :'tlusic Hall every Thurs· Jazz before that time had been nothing but rhythm same idea, writing and rewriting arr.1l1gemcnts. Fin.1lly day over an NllC-WB.\F network at 10 p. m. played by any and every instrument as the whim of the we introduced it at the hotel where we were eng.lgcd EST (9 CST; 8 MST; 7 PST). 7 Reviewing Rad io Inside Stu ff ,.-., liE AA'lERICA Academy of Arts and Letters \\cre dOing on that date, and the be~t anecdote I \\,l~ ..__ IGMUND RO~IBERG recently m,de a 'We­ odt:, The young Engli.. h a.:llof a~lore\ I'Jthlel'!1. put having reVIved its diClion medal award this able to dig up con.:erned one of Ihe alr'<; he... l baritone:,. mCllt to Ihe eITect Illdt the a\cr.1g,e Arncric.1n he cuulJn·t re,i.. t the c1unet.'. .\l\' tle,lr:· he "'ai,1. i.;.lIin~ By Martin Porter li~lening bi~ '.. eek, recalls an incident in the earlier days J. It "et:ms that Oil ~o\t.:mhr 2, 11J2t1, SID GRAL­ ..k)csn't :spend enough time to his Along the Airialto into her pi"pJallt !tttle f.t..:e \\illl ih hltl\\'11 \,·rt.: .. Jlhl of r;hho \\hen announ..:crs really ~trugglcd to ,\Ii\.:" who runs the Chinc~e ['hl'ater in 11011\ wood, r.• dio, and that he lake:s it too much for n:ry Ix·.:oming- 1.1Il ...\"f1U "Hlk l"\.l.;tl\" ll"e ;I Imc walnut win the pri7c. "he incident, which has become found Bcuhler ",en".t.'less from gas. The boilin~ milk gaw hlfth to an idea. It \\a~ the notIon of prdixing gr:lnted lIe added, "1 n European countr;cs c1uir, jLht fr6hh· uphu]..,ter.',1 ill I\hl':' ~cs had put out the n~lme. It was a luckv thing for the where listenef:\ rlay tax for Inc pri\·ilegc 01 ;1 short :)lOry about to be rolled otT the pre... e,lI;h kature film \\itlt a staf.l.e pre"enfall'lIl for Ihe pur­ a Whiteman';o. )Iu~{"um in a national magazine, is dated in the year diction expert that thc janitor had mi",understood him. po:-e of working up atmo~pherc. The llIlll which "as oWllinJ:; J. reu:i\'ing set. and where the qU.1!ih By Martin Lewis \\a~ I' ~Ioe \L:L \\'IIITE.\1 \ . i... doin~ thlll}.\ .1g..lin lllr thr het­ \\In:n the golden disc wenl to JOH ' HOLBROOK. The A. P. E. S. ha\lIlg ItS pn.:nlll're thal \\l,t'k Ihe ')tol) of a bl;ld,,· t.:nlert.linll1cllt .. not compare with ,\merican pro­ But the yarn concerns a Columbia .1nnouncer. the young ~milh. and its hero \\as CllARllS RAY. ....,.lm .... rJd:(1 i.. :lppre.:iated more than it i~ here. II P tennent (If lll\hie:t1 eulturl' Ill' hJ'I l'::,1mn-,1 the lir:..t and h,ndlc~1 Ch.nh:.. o\cretlll1C thi.. nalional inerti.l. it would ~c a fint' thing KILOCYCLE CHATTER: BING CROSBY will be PAUL "t \\'illialll\ Col!ege. \\·illi.llU.. IOWll, .\1.1.. \\'h:lnn.Hl medal. and he had gone into ri~(lrou., training. In a fe\\ which means Autograph Pest Exterminating Socict\' Ra~·, and \\ho could ..:i~:g in a ha~itollc HIKe a rolli..:kin~ 1(11 our :utional c~llture'" WHITEMAN'S gue,t stu for the last four Music H,J.II broadusts hJ'o. turn('~1 on:r to the ~l'\\ l'ng.,an.1 ..",,11<:1..\": ":OllOllfC' v.cek~ he h'came .1 hell-hl'otln for pronunci:ltion: he rhe :l.rtisb are so annmed at fans \\ho are fore\cr "mlth~' ~(lilg. T\\t'nt~-thlc.:c appli':~lIll':i .1PlX;ued, and ["rom our 0\\11 Oh"l'f\'ationj anJ from 1(:(II.:r.. th;ll beginning December 5. after which he will t.lke over the program hl"lhi\'e ~e1l:":li..n" IIf ....:riph..1:~ant..:l·lll("nh. ,r..:hl·,trJ· labored long to perfect articulJlion. lie made records of handing them programs, ct cetera, for their O1oni..:kers. Grauman I~nall\ ~!e.:t~d one, ,., ou're not mu.:h of a I' ur Intu lhi ... olke, we are incline~1 to J:"agree wilh Mr, with JIMMY DORSEY'S orchestra furnishing the: music, white tiOlh. re.:ord" an,l in·arUllll';ll';' illl! tr.Hi\"e III the .leveI­ his voice ~o a:) to I:lke the kmb Ollt of his inllectlons. Such exhibition..: uf ill·temper re..:all to me Ihe words .. ill~cr." he ",aid~ "but )OU do look like Charle~ I{a\-~(I HlIlllhl'lg, ({aJlo i.. Ilul I.lhn for granted by t~e 3\"Cf­ Wnitem.ln Will st"rt that nEW suies lor Crosby's former SOJp t,pmr:nt of \ml'ri":.lll mu ..i..:, lIlt' ~:'lIhiilinll of the I..\:ft He nur<;ed hj~ VOCJ.l cords and ')tudied and rehc~lrscd of ED \\'Y :\. "The time to worn' about autogr.1ph \'ou're hired \ntl b\· tht.: \\;j\'.r what's \O.lf namt'~" ,.;..: \nu:ri'an. hut i, u e~l .lnd .lppre.:i. h:d 'IS the ~est spensor ... I" the meantme BOB BURNS. who hJS been heard I" Ih,lt it ..lull he a';":1" ..ihl..: \\:Ihllut ':'lJr~e tll C\'ery cultur:l1 clTc..:t .... 1lis accent \\as a ... hade more meticuloU5 hunters." hc ob...ef\'ed, "is not \\hen· the;: pe'iter you­ - The n~t'd, \I",rig fl.:J1l1w an:\\\t"rclr 'uftlv "L\\\- lurlll of eilll'rLlil:I1l..·ll1 anledu..:.ttion (If the Ja\·. .-\ good WIth his !pzock;a, or whate ... er he calls It. sever.ll times on the '!u:llilll·~t per~fln inkre.. kd ill Ihe "1lI,,1\' III' \Illl'ri.:all mu· than that of Oxford. Bill rcally was attracting :lltention. but "hell they llon't pay any attention to you." HF'.CF TIBBETT." . I1llJorlh of the li .. t~llt"r ... \\ho !,t>..:ome interl·~te ..1 in eer· VaJle:e and Whitemilln shows. will return as gurst star for the ~i,~rn,m Ihc :"e!.:fI'..·..· ..:omh:ning loirm of hl!.:l"h h.d· And tlkn une night he \\t:llt t<1 his bJchelof .:lpJrt· t.1 n prngr:tm... can hc tUlIn,1 ..itting hv their 10ud,pcJker", Music H 0111 breadc"sts of ~JoYember 21 and 23 ... Shrting the IJ,~ :ln~l jungle rh~·thm. Ihr I J!.h Ihl' er.h 1)1 la~lim.'. Not 2\lany Years Ago _\fter .\mateurs:'-What? ment all tu.;kt>rell out from his rcheaf~ing, He dc.:idel. Id:j..\. 11I",1\' li ..tt.:ning to thl'lll from \\cek to week. '1 he\ end of this month RICH,6RO HIMBER and his orche~tra will foX-I flIt. an,1 hot hr.l".., til 11l1' 'lr'le n(lur in On.' Uni'lersity, has returned to his alma mater for a three·d.lys-a­ under C of his r.:ldio family arc a little session of his own, but with his doctor. The piano-play· nr...es :iIl..l hroJdca.. ts hUl will ~'.<:I ",l;Htc~1 nOll. Brig,p.'J A1aw Perkins commacial. to its lI"1eners for witnesses of the Dutch Schultl m:l"'<;:I­ ... how o\t.:r \\'BB.\t \\hich fealurt:... rhvllll'''' 01 l1 .. it.:ner~ p..-rmilled to \'i'lit him one at a time. ing maestro was forced to abandon all band actlvilies for at lea.sl b finding out f(lr hirn"elf in a nOlle Wn plc.I";ult W;IY cre or any inforrn:ttion \\ith regard to it ... The REV­ ",t:t 10 music .. TboSf? O't1flllll'ys, ANI\' 0\;\1 LRO:"\'S five weeks at the advice of his physician. He will return to the that Illo\'iedom "J.in't what it''J craded up to he." Ile':s Jusl Like a Husband Pardon My Chicago Accent ER E:'-1D G. A. PALI\\ ER, who broJdcJ'1S the W,\\CA­ yarn ahout tin can tourist":, i... heinl{ lr~lIlscnhl'll mcr air as soon as he is better ... NAT SHllKRET has been signed IlJving the taughe'Jl joh of his life on the I,r:tnk :\1erri­ ACI< HYLTON, since arriving in Chicago. has music WIP Morlllllg Cbur program from his horne. \... hile on a number of the larger ;',tations hy the i\ational Bat n A1'O SPF,\I{I'\C of One l\lan's ramih', nohody by RKO Radio Pictures as a musical director. and to write the well :-.crir",. J that is Quite listen.1ble-thanks to the Cblcago Sym­ the air discovered a fire in his ba~mcnt. \\hereupon he O.lnce ~pon:.or _ .. That big Cleveland p:lint·mJ.hr ha~ l'xecilt a hmhJ.lld. enn if a r:ldio olle. could h.1VC sccr~ for several films nearing the production stage. _ . BENNY Ouring his first weck on hi, new joh he <;prnt IR phony orchestra whose roster supplied practically the miked its progress and the \\ork of the smoke eaters ... NBC time reserved Sunday afternoons ~t.1fti,l~ D~..:em· thu:lght Ull a compliment like the one \\:\1 "I H{ PYI"· GOODMAN. featured last season on the Saturday night Let's hours un..ler water In J. diver':> outlit, and ne'..t tra and guc"h mer an :'\BC-\\ Jl network A repeat hroadca"it at I:I; a. m. [SOl :3U at 12:311 p. m. EST (II a. m. CST) (12:1; C:SJ) is ,l\ailable for the Wesl. Li\l·JlIT7. .\IELCHIOR. teno,. CAR· TIlUISUAY. NOYE~IBER 21 I as 5 \LZEDU.. harpist, and CO~RAD TilE OLE.·\:\lJI:.RS, popular male quar­ TH I GAL LT. hanlone. \\ ill bl' <.I1110ng the tt'!. WIll be hearJ at a ne\\ t!llle. 3 p. m. p;UC.. b on the .\bgie h:ey of He.\ program FST 12 CS Ii O\er thl' CHS-\\:\BC net­ over an . "BC-\\ II. n~lwnrk ,II 1. p. m \\ork <:till! \\ill he follu"{'d h\ \\··\LTZ EST (I CST>. . TI.\\E and DO YOl HI.\\I.\IHIIP

BET\\"EE:'oI THle HOOI":~IlS. with MARIA JERrl!.A will hl' the guest art­ n:adings by Ted Malone i.l1ld organ mu­ Ist on the Atwater l\erll r~ildi() 'lour, 011 CHS-\\',.\~C sic, now is heard on Sund;'ly", ;1 .. well as the nd\\Ork at H:30 p, m. {""ery day during the \\e{'k except Satur­ 1ST (7'JII CSI) days. oYer the CI1S·\\' \Be network at 2 p. m. ES I (J CS n. IIo\ROLO :"..ICOl.SO.\" \\iJl ~peak from I.ondon. England. on th~ CHS-\\' \Be net­ jOLL' UHH K\: and hi ... orchestra \\ork during the news t''iChall/2,e hroad..:a~1 \"'ith COJ',:!\'IE (;\ 11:5, contralto, rryla(e~ II 10:4; p. m. l:S I «):45 CST). Tony mid GU\ OHr an NRC-WJZ net­ "HUHY. :\,OVEMREH 22 work at 6 p, Ill. I~ST (5 CST). BOLEK ~\L'SIC:\LE from Baltimore, will be heard on the CRS-\\'ABC network GEORGES ;\\ E r:\x·\ lenor, sllcceeds " 3 p. m. EST (2 CST). Pierre Ie I,reeull 011 the .\Lmhall;ln ~lerr\"· Go-Round series o\er an ~BC-\\'E.'\F net­ FLYI~G RED 1I0RSE TA\'EJl:'o: will work at 9 p. Ill. FST (8 CST). feature Fr:lnk Craven. Ele:lnor Powell, LVIl .\lurr.w's Choir :lnd Freddie Rich's CYREt\'l\ V,\i\l GOHDO'\!, contralto ('rchestra o\'er the CBS-\\'ABC network will be he fHle\t ent e'itracts from thl' Ill'W ROSE 8,\1\1 PTO\:. contral!o, \\111 he motion picture ju<:,t completed. Star~ O\l'r the guest ~tar on the Ceneral .\lotor:- con­ Broad\\·a\·. "ith Jane [roman and l:lml'\ cert O\'er an !"\RC-\\'EAF network at 11 ;\\elton, broadLa"t O\'er an 1\"RC-\\'11: nt'l­ P m. lOS I (0 CST) work :U f) p. m, EST fR CST) with a re­ MOND,\ Y. :\OYEMRER 18 I'e;'lt hrnadc;'l"t at 11·10 p m. EST (10:10 CST). BLA~CIIE SIITI'T'S ne,"t\" Talk· S \TURUAY. :"iO\"E~IRF.R 23 will be heard ,\lunda\"', :tnd Fridan O\'er Connie Gates, capti\ating contralto \\ho beg-ins a new Suuda.\ c\cniul! ~OTRE 0."\.\11' (;1 1·/0 CLLB will he the CBS-\\ .\BC nt't\\-ork at ne\\- time a series \\ith .rully Coburn and his orchestra O\-('f an :"BC-W.JZ network IleaI'd In a program of ... nng" on the CBS­ 11:15 p. m. LS I (II :15 a. m. CST). \\'\Be llct\\orl-.. ~lt 12 noon EST (II a. m CST) ;md \\il: he followed by a quarter­ RIGA. LAT\'!.\, wifl he on the (Iir for the L. S. Public I!l':llth ~el\ICe, \\IIJ \peah II"ED;\ESDAY, ;\OYE~JIlER 20 hom progrene:>, o\'er I he . C1~S- \\' \ He network COL LEO TOLS I OI'S 1'''·IlI)·r.fth 1 rHS \'(xal duo. work at 4:15 p. m. EST U:l; CSTL The anni\ersary commemoratlllg hi" (!e:lth \\ill CHICA(;O \',\HIETY IIOl'R \\"ill folio\\" "4:30 p. m. ESI' (3:311 CST) be broadcast from .1\,\ mo1\\ , with rl'ading~ I~AY KN1GIJT and his Cuckoos shift ar 4:30 p. 111. EST (3: 311 CST) from Rt':>urrection

Music • the Air ALL odds lhe oUhtanding addl' week and not allow commercials to IIller· e )tion to our musical menu this sea­ fere. we shall not miss a single concert ~()n i~ the Boston Symphony. Lis­ I; tening to their broadci.I"h Saturday By Carleton Smith /\NOIIIJ:H ;Hldition to the symphonic nights over .'-me. it i~ C

OUR 3. m. of a blusterv Winter mornin~ in ment was open. The panel had been cut to ~et at the Chicago ... Lieutenant Edward Conrov, com­ lorl.:. I lie back \\ lIldow was open and I ~aw a man manding the Fillmore Street police ·station. Calling All Cars pukc ouL hi~ head thought I'd better come hack got up frolll his de:.k, ~trolled out into the and tett you ... I\\urphy's watching the --" general rOO!1l and spoke to the dc:.k ~erg;eant He broke of! abruptly. From the rear, muflled as ;I{ the window hack of a (;rating. ir it had been fired indoors, the sound of a shot had ·'I.unch lime. iSll'( It, Sergeant? Who come. IIOC~ ... after the coffee this time?" "Get back there-Quick," snapped C.onroy. ·1 he de..,k :\Crgeant grllllled respectfully. "Heat It Cost One Policeman's Pi:-tol in hand, Detective LoefTcr raced hack around rOll to it, sir. Ile\ already gone. Ought to be back the corner. Lieutenant Conroy fought down the tempta­ ~lIW minute 110\\." Life and All of a District's tion to follow. Hi~ place. until help ~hould arrive. was. "Good" I'he \\hite-hairell Lieutenant'" ryc" came here at the front where he could block any attempt to to rest upon two plain-c1othe~ lllell who were crouching Squad Cars' Best Efforts e~cape. o\"Cr a hissing radialor in the corner. "Cold out to­ Re:o.oJutely he pushed open the vestibule door, sur­ night, isn't it, boy~?" veyed the hallway that ran from front to hack of the "Wind cuts lhroul-;Il you like a knife. sir." one or to Vanquish This Trio building. tbem replied, "Drove us in here to thaw our, ah~orh ,l lirtle hcat--" of Chicago Hoodlums III~\J his ears caught the sound or sirens in the dis· Their commander nodded absently. B)' righ!'- those T tance. rapidly coming closer. The Jlolice radio had two should be out in lhcir car, cruising around wilh de-ne it" work. Its strident "Call11lg all cars! CalltllK their eres open, cold or no cold. Still, it had been a all cars!" h,HI sent ::til squad cars in the district ru~hing quiet night .. , toward thi:'> place. The telephone at the Desk Sergeant's elhow r:lIlg By Merlin Moore Taylor One after another four of thcm slid up to the ..,hrill}'_ lie lifted the receiver, spoke brienr. m;lde note;; curb. and armed oOicers-the squads of I ieutcnants on a bit of paper, hunp; up, beckoned to the two plain­ Albert Roolh, Phil Carroll and John l\lc(;innis and clothes men. lhe radio di\·i~ion. Ilave all squad cars in the district Sugeant \\'illiam l\\aher-poured out, "~-I rouble of some ~ort on the first floor at 4017 ll1l:et me there. It milY he nothing, hut--" Conroy ~n:lpped out a brief summary of what had West Jaclt, others smashed into the wall beside him. The lieutenant reached :t hUllch decision. "Sl'r~eJ.nt "Somelhing lining .:til right. sir," he whispered Conrov "tag~ered under the impact. but he drc\\ Lynch! Get my car, We're gClin~ to that place, ICKJ." "~lurph)' and I were throwing our flashliJ.:ht~ around himself en-cl, hracelt his body against the wall, switched He turned swiftly to the man behind the desk. "Call and found that the back door to the first·floor apart- his pistol from his u"eless (COIztilIlud on Page 26) 61 11 Programs for Sunday, November 17 Notice ~BC-?tfu5ie l.. Amcrican YCjuth: EDITION 1 KDK.\-"IlWdll('r 'int:ers ~BC-~Catholic Hour i "!lu· These progrilms ...5 here pre· WEAF W(;\ wT.nl WSAI Wli\-Atb r! P .,0 Terhll'l" malli tIl \tan llis On 0 Gnd," WCKY WArE ,,1533) LOIr of Cincinnati Stations Itt'\rnn,1 J,IIIlP~ \1 ,;,1\1 sented were OilS correct and u 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST ..(curde u the brolodusting K\lOX-\cu. UI 'an \Ielodin Not (' ... P ~I al..tr OIOfU F lh \\ r I'(~()r(an I:ee ul Call Kilo. Power \"Bl-.o.Sa< I Yr r" 'Glorif er FIn dlrecto WE,\f \\"GY camp.mits and RADIO GUIDE letter. loution work WH,\S-\(',,~; .0.Sunrla) Jail cycles Watts ( II Iilce Or, H \\-\\1.: \\"1.-\.\1 \\·~'I W,,\I could mOike them ill the time E. F >I; :.\1Jle Quartet· S~ 9,53 of going to prtss. Howt'Hr, ....crvice KDKA 980 50.000 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania \\ hRC-,hm I.u~htfidd WJZ \\ .. " W-\YE WE,·r. XBr-Julh Culhllr!l. (lrrh.. emergencies that arise ill the KMOX 1090 50.000 St. louis, Missouri ( \ nc-Tq Ie (]f ~on!t ChlClo!O WI ~-.a.Little 8r '\n Churet­ "( ('nn .14' Gate conlr litO \\'JZ !ltudio5 somehmf:S nectssih,le WABC 860 5(],llOO New York City (h u Hul. I:, ,j " \\ .... "-.a.Flr~1 B rtz.t Chllrth ,\ r KnK ... ·-\\f'UI('r. 'ILul(: ~evl!nth hour ch.lngf:s In pro· WAVE louisvillt. Kentucky W~AI 940 1.000 \\l-\F WGY \\TK\--t;rOlb II R c;ram listings, time, etc. \\\\\··\-6\\ N nll'li, I' T.Ol WBBMt 710 50.000 Chiugo. Illinois C \\lKY e lCle YtCKY 1490 5.WO Cincinnillti. Ohio " \\·('P<~"(,der ~Ir~:: Duo * C. N.-Father Charles E. \\'E\"R-Danc:: 'ltNe Look for the Bell [). 10:45 3.m. J::~T 9:45 CST WCPO 1200 250 Cincinnati Ohio L (. 1._. \\lW WJR WGR " \\fiIU-llllr f'1I" 'II sicn for ReligiOUS Services ilnd Prgms. KDK,\-.o.r I, ~,,(' Ice WEAF 660 50.000 New York City WI:\... \\1;\11 WENR 810 5(].llOO Chiugo. II!inOlS WG\ Or\I'1' Knapp', Orch. K'IOX-nlreo.; II flrr Time " KOK.\-E', Orebestn WII.nl-Te~ WGBf 630 500 Evansville. Indiana L Time "I'I U'C 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST \\(;nF-II, ,IU ;-"'rell)den " \\ GBF-.'" ( !lour W1.\\ - ...... milir Ed' 'II onnell WON 720 50.000 Chingo. Illinois L & M \\T-\\I-D.-..n Jo 11 :00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST \\\\ \'.\-Hur H~r\'olu He \\l,t.:\'-<:"illhrdr.JI1 Leht••'s wov 190 5(].000 Schenectady, Ntw York W\\", \_4 W ( Sr'·.1! \, \\'\".1\-.0.\\ l.ulu'l Gospel Tilb­ :\BC-='e"s; Ward &.: :'oluzzy WHAMf I15Q 50.000 Rochester New York 4:1j P. m. EST 3:15 CST 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST ernade "ann duo WEAF W:SAI WHAS 820 5(].000 louisvi 'e, Kentucky "( WCKY " IH -Te 10: I ...., r (SIlO. 8:00 a.m. ET 7:00 CST WJZ 160 50.000 New Ycrk City .53 J\nK.\-Th e O·"alle' tcb CBS-Children's Hour: WABC ""KRC Clncinnilltl. Ohio WCK Y - \e' ~ :'olu~iC

  • · ty .U --rt Phi11ip~ fl:BC-)Jrlodl IllJur ~\\.15,27 WL5 810 50.000 Chiugo. minots " WI.\It-'lu IC • I'rngram rrilTlce~ wwrA-R unl: T Ibl. loius; Inlfl"lat I TriO: \'fEAf :\Ilf-\"(\\ ; Ad.tir, so- WLW .. &; W \\ CPO- I"fle Reynolds WTA~I 100 500.000 encinn_ti, Ohio WSAI ',ChY IlralOO: WJZ WliAI 1330 2.500 Cinc.innillti. Ohio " "' :30 p.m EST 3:30 CST WG\-JJn (;,Hbc-rs Orch. l:B~On ~ Oe~Ln the An Today; Orlan ("RI.:, ·R(>lIectinn~ \\KHC W5M 65(] 50.000 Nashville. Tennesset " Il(· Jur ll.. trl1lll£; Ha) \\ H,\'l-l.oill'P lI.:lltir:i! 11'lle Reveille: WADe K:\lOX-Bob PH:I " Ord,eqra WSMK· 1380 200 DillY ton, Ohio "C "!mOlIti!" Orch.: Elmurc \·HI· W\\ \'A-E\etl~on(f NBC-William Meeder, orcanist WA\E-I\D"'OIwnal ~rr'·irt WTAM 101e 50.000 (;eveland, Ohio el'lll "IU,I Unn Johnson. eom(>­ \\JZ WL\\ di.~nsi 0:_;/ 6:30 p.m. ET 5:30 CST WCPO-LiOr. HJrrv (;. Hill WWVA 116C 5.000 Wh+'e'ino. Vle~t Virornia C \·rr< on, cootralto: WCPO-Morninr:: Gr(ftinr:: \\ GHF-.a.A~0~3 TaMrnacle " \\ JZ \\'::::\1 \HC-\\J :", ti· Ordll.'~tn WKlle-yo, '1( Pcoplu lIour \\G~-~(]rtlJ\\".tern l'mv Re C-CBS (Col;.lrnbia Broilldusting System I XDl-L01 .\ .. 0: Ph' armonk \\:-- .... 1 We;\ ~ ·9.53 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST ,'le\\lne Stand l-lonl Progrillms Orch.. \\ E \t \\ <::1\1 WCKY (B~-··~r I In Ed \lc(o 0<11. \\·G\·-\e"~; "u\icaJ Program W(;) l~w·9.53) WCPO-En(ju'fu 5 l'nel" Dtlb"' M-MBS 'Mutual Brtudcastlnq System) n0lt \\\BC ,,"KRC \\llb WH.\S-lJ.BrCoad" IV Baptbt N-N9C I Nationilll Broilldcasling Comrany) h:Dh-\-.o. ro.;'pc'r. K\lOX \\ \\ \' -\ WOOD W813\1 8 :30 a.m. EST 7 :30 CST Church t-Night Protlrams WA \ E-\\ alk:nhon ,,\ 11839.591 W( PO-'-uns(>! Royal Elltertaill CB~L)Tic Sutnade: WADe WLW-r\ms .-Network Program, ro;llC Echoe~ vf Sr\\ York \\TA\I-News; Betty Lee Tay. If your Inotlte st;tion is not listed at ouarter or half hour Tllwn; GUC\t Stars; Helt'n r-UC-Tone Plcturu; Ruth Pep· EXR-Mu~ic pie, piaoist, Mixed Quartet: I" periods, :OnSult the time IIsttnos immediately above. The chances \If " anrl COllllll('nl\; C!;/lrl' in C!r;HllJlll,' ~krll hr. ~ Mary Merkt'r, lopr.. oo; Ger· are that a network proqram 01 30 or 60 minutes' duratlnn Is on th. G('orqe Hh:L.l:t1;er"~ Or(ne~tra Jc.'cf Blll:IlIH:. L!t<:h.· WE.\F 11;15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST \'-\Iu~rum trutle For~u:r, contralto; Rich· XB(-Xu~hbur ?\elJ· WJZ aIr at a ouarter·hour when you do 'lot find your station listed \\"1,\ Art Duma ~ BC -Gllllltl HOld, Urama. lTd Max\\eU, tellor: Leon 511a· WTKY W\\ \ ~-Philhallttunie '-\lhl)nol\y 'nn" :t\ mou; & D')n Am<'cht thld. baritone: WJZ x~e-purle~~ Trio WTAM. q as \'."11 KUKA \\T\R \HK\ \\~\I ,\11\\: \\ 1\ ItC-,iJ \Va\ 11!l' Church \H\\ Star Indicates High Spot Selections 4;41; p.m. EST 3:45 CST ,,,I'E71521 * \,[~L WA .... \tlj 10 L"ok AI \\ LS-Guest Arll ts :\BC-Hndd no Rogcrs WEAF r->K('-To be announced WEAF \\TKY E:\IOX-Thi~ ',n !-(I--f\C1lUHh F,drralu'/1 \\ 1\\-[l.Chllrcll Forum WI\Be Dnn rluek.lalrn anll Thill \\c\' \\(I\\' (~I\ >.531 \"J\-~ullday I\M(l\:-Rlfltc:li"n~ (CB"i) \\'I.~-h:trfl ('h1C1l1/"0 ~afr \lu VllW-Court of Human Relill \\ \\ Mornmi Sere· \\T I'O-----Joe Ulrich \\,\\I:-Jr\\l'h J,l TVlIIorrow * nade \\'GN-Amrrjran Art Trio \\'~.nher \\'GBF-Sincinl.': CII1I3:il'~ TIlIn~ k<::s: 1\ GOI AlolJa H~\\~iians \\C~-Strjn!: WCY-6llliull Collcl'l' ::icr\'ICU {,I1IMlrt rrrhun~ '\''-\I-C!t''I,el Choir 8:45 a,m. EST 7:45 CST \\ I\RC-Aml'ritan Lct:iclI\ 1 :00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS \\L\\ -A!ld' l'a\'!,n 'ST\\I-llou!t r,f a Thouunrl WLW-=:"Iolq... l·Olltl'rt r('cital \\"'.\I-\I,,·'ien\.1. lire". '* NBC-Major Bowes Filimily, lU'(j J, h GT ~~. WJZ KOKA \101 lr; '-ului.l: \\ EAF \\ TA:\I U WABC \\'KRC WW\'A \\EM \HiY WT,\:\I \\~AJ Waluo ;o,la\o. cunducl()r and (H:-.--l.abor Pro" au,. W,\B(' ,\L\'. ,',,1~"i,I·.87, WGY t " 1533> 1~1\·1527 WA\ E \\'~,\I WlKY \"iohllhl; Suzltr,; Xil"hnlas \\11.\:-- \\KIlC h:\Ireoad\' 591 WE\R W5\1 \\CPU-Laura ~hlrlds \\\\'i -B'l3k+' Cartl'r Tra\"f' children·! ~lf~m.: WJL \\1\\ ;Inrkr. '('I'rJllU· \\ L\F WTA:\I Jdck Fulton and DOll \1i1tll. \\'~:\I \\A\"E \\"CKY \\" ~ r£-"o,,,1' PI 0:.1:1 am \\GI3F-Tllr "JiM ~t'eah.<; T.:l.e KDKA (5\\·15.20 Cit~ t(neor~: Charle< Ga\lord'~ Or CBS-SaIL Lah Cig· Tabernacle. WCKY-QUlCIl on Parade ,\l;\--\r'-:\lcloJiana. Abe L)'man'! NBC-JIC\( \\ \\ VA WLW \\ ~~I \\.\BC \\H,\~ \\KRC IS" * Benny ilIlld Millry Tim" Otch.; Bernic" Claire, soprano; ~ ~ ~11 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST 15.:" L·" Jnca Dance ~E( .k. 7 ~(>cre! ~rf\IU "P) \\E:'I:R-I.atl' I.ar~rn nr2allj-, \\ T\.\l <".1533, 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST \\ ll'0-C ltimar BJnd StoriE' W:-.\I WGY \\ CKY \IH-Lamplh:hter \\ LW :'\'G't \\t;H~--\li encan lction \I,'t.'Po-Goii,Jn, d lorte: Afternoon 1:30 p.m. EST 12 :30 CST K:\IOX-Ru~~(>1 (~".9.53 ~peaker Hr(]'\n 6,;. Lduh i\ \\ \ ..-\--\:0..;/ ~._ \1 .. ~I(;Il ,\ :-'AI-A. O. HJffP(. ~BC-Word~ 5.: 'I '~IC \"eu: K,;lln ,on:.:.:> * CBS-A,exilln~er Wocllcott, tht 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST ", I. \O!nr"lr~: \·I\'iar. 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST \\GY WTA;o,I \\ArE WCKY ~a!ldHSOI\; \\"(po--Emlnd "cull" 'iolioi5t CB~-\a(; CUUlcil of Catholic Della Chl(>sa, supral1(): Fran1 2:45 p.m, EST 1:45 CST CB:---frul ;,1 .nd \\G\-F\,t'n~onl! 1\.1\10X-SUllda) :\lorr.1II2 Ar ,lack 5hi"ret~ Orch; Thrre Su~an·~ "Colllel. ·,\"..\BC" \\\..0\ (5.....· Imhd, {(Ilor: Ralph Gin.· ·,\·T,\:\I-Dlck fidIH'~ Orch Aunt (CBs> K:\IOX-\anC\" \"rJ DNi3n5 Quarttt \\ CPO-Eddie ElI!\\orth 1\BC-:-\all Youth Conferrnce 3=00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST WCPG--H ,ler .lame ChNr \\'G\-.o..ChOiI c' Sen-ice "Faith for Life and LI\ IIlC KD~.\ ,all, Drama. "A T \\'TA'l-L, R" ~lI1i!h', nrctl 8:45 \\GY \\5.\1 ." 15",33) \\'~Ai 9:45 a,m. EST CST \·iei..lamj Cluu: \LIZ WE\1l ul l- rlunc' \\ I \I- 'X\\\"\-T,\! .1.1 n.vrrir< WCpo-SOn,,, for E\I'I\on(> * CBS-No Y. Philharmonic So· WGY \\ '1,\.\1 '~w·9.53' \\'1.\\'-T.. tHna€lr Choir KOKA-Li.tel1illg Pu't: Quartet 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST \\ L5-l\e\I.:>, Geor~e H.;~tls W~\l-CPre~b)lrrian d"t); OUo Klelllperer. rlirrc \\\ \·ED;/I,rl' \lucle Church WCKY-Gulclcn \'Oi(Tr tioIdth\\ait(> En· wcpo-~arCI\ \\Tl'o---\k'iandl'r I{arlln's Orch * CBS-Phil Baker, comt'dlan, 12:15 p.m, ES 11:15 a.m. CS Club \\KRC I\\IOX (,\\·15.279,59\ rl.~ s(>mble (:'I:BC) \\'I.W-{\Luthl"ran Hour \\"CBF-\'r:tl'rar' ut Furl'J2n GnOiI Amrric.,n Tourist. \BC-:::U!;oir l an(>; ju\emle sing. NBC-Your Enl:li!>h: WJZ \\'5:\1 Wars Beetle and a,.n:!' 1I~1 Krmp'. 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST m~rH~onator \\'WVA-ChcpSlicks WE~1l r and WEAF KDK<\ WL\\' W,\\'F \\ (i \"-Alhrt POI\ 'nn Tnhune Orcr, WABC WKRC \\ II"'~ NBC-D.Radio Pu!p,t "Hymlls 1i:.\IOX-Ooroth\· Godwin's 800k 1:45 p.m, EST 12 :45 CST l!;w-15.211 \\' Ii: HC--Aknll:: \iellilly lolue W\\Y\ \\;-.\IK (sw·il E39.59J of the Al!'rs": WEAF WA \'E I; (Vuc CBS.-Si~tt'r~ of the Skille!. WCKY-True ConfrUlons \\ L\\ 'Iu,leal ... ,,·Ie ~ho\\ ':BC-Flre"u(' I!rrHals, Sil!'ucd \\TA:\I WCJ\\ York \\'~\l-("hri"linr JOhl'HOIl WEAF \\'Gr \\'TU1.\,c"AI KDKA (5\\'·/5.21) :'I:HC-L'ni\". (,f Chieaeo ROUIHI WCKY-QlI Lhe ;\1~1I \\TA'\I-Pup (:Ilncerr 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST lsw9.531 "·HS-D.Church (\f the Air' Table Di~nl,,< Br;Il'll "k, tellor ton J. Crou, m.c.: \vIZ WS\I WE.-\F WGY \\\\ [" W"'AI \\"r,\ B'b rl-<,:k~~ ,j.. ~ dramJJ \\ \\·VA-Tal'ltlllrillJ Ord:HIf:> Night 12 :45 p.m. ES 11 :45 a.m. CS W(KY \\ L\R KDK.\ W.\\I \\'T.\'I WCKY \\'::;'1 /sw \\"LW-T" bl' armouncrtl 10:30 a.m. E T 9:30 CST * CBS-Tra'1s-Atiantlc Broad· (S\\ ·15,2 1533 E~T \ lK-\\"allxrc Br' WIl S.trinl: cast WAllC WH,b W\\T\ * CBS-Between the Bookends: \\'(po-s, n,p' Hour 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST 7:45 ,.m. 6:45 CST Quartet: \\JZ KDK:\ \\'LW W~:\lK (m·'5.27 9.59> WABe WH.\S WKRC WS:\IK CB~:\ati, nal ,-\m3teur :-\icht; ~BC-5u",et Drums 'h,r:n (sl\·15.21> IOtO:\:-Th" Guarrl·/Iltn (sw·15.27> 3:45 p.m, EST 2:45 CST Ra~ PerkJ!>. m.c.; ArllC'ld S:~ttt5 5.r R. lell H,w. WE-\:" I ~S-Se\\5; Dale Carneeit' "Lit· ,,"CKY-OII the :\1..1I \"BC-l)Rihle Dramas; "Jllrla. NRc-ro~a Lind,), pioi"i,t \\'11 Johl~"".,"~ Orchl'~tra \\',\BC WTA:\f WG\' \\'U'," ~

    12 7 SUNDAY at 5 P. M. Heard on the Air FOOTBALL I'hilharmonic Orchestra *** Jack HJlton's Continental Rf'vue ** 1~35 I-'alL season premiere heard SUIt­ Hf'ard Sunda)·. October 13, 20 and 27, da}'. October 13. at 3 p. m. EST (2 CST; at 10:30 p. m. EST (9:30 CST: 8:30 Time Sbown Is EST ] i\lST; 12 noon PST) onf a CBS­ MST; 7 :30 PST) o,-er a CBS-WABC WAGe ne-twork. Sustaining. network. S!lOnS01'ed by Standard Oil • Illdicales Probable Broadcast COllduclor: Otto lpom.ihle for his importation Bosse High vs. Central at Evansville: 3:15 p. m.­ well played. I lis first offering was the to America has gone f:u afield and invested WGBF on"rlUfe to Cheruhini's Anacrcon, which a great OUtld}' of ca:)h in order [0 lay an Buffalo Inter High School ;amt at Buffalo: 1:30 was followed hy the impressive prelude egg. p. m.-WKBW Collegt of Pacific n. U. of California at Berkeley: and finale from Wagner's Tristan and Is­ Perha()'\ hi~ premiere, heard Via short­ 5 p. m.-KFRC KIIJ KDB KERN KMJ KWG olde. The so-called enigma variations on \\ave relay, \Va,>n'l as bad as it sounded KFBK an orrglllal theme by Sir Edward Elgar after a I mo.. phcrics and rebroadcast diffi­ Columbia vs. Navy at Annapolis: 1:45 p. m.­ gave a filling demonstration of the vcr­ culties h;ld prq.:t.red it for my loudspeaker. \\"MCA satllity of the symphony organization. I was anticipating a sort of English Paul Denver U. n. U. of San Francisco at San Fran· Followed a discussion of the program Whiteman ... and I was disappointed. cisco: 5 p. m.-KCO by Lawrence Gilman who was, as he usu­ EHn had transmission been perfect Ilyl­ Georgetown vs. Manhattan at New York: 2:15 p. ally i.... vcr}' li:.tenable. ton's band could not have equaled While­ m.-WINS C:e~ar Idaho vs. Oregon State at COT\'alis: 5 p. m.­ Franck's magnificent Symphony man·s. :\or did it approJch Lombardo's, KOI:"l" KOL KVI KFPY ~a­ Jack Fulton's Voice Thrills Millions ill I) l\\inor occupied the second part of King's. Ilimber's or a dozen or more Illinois vs. Ohio State at Columbus: 2 p. m.­ the program. vorite American orche'>tra:.. Even Ray WLW at Penthouse Serenade The fall premiere was of high caliber. Indiana vs. U. of Chicago at Chicago: 3 p. m.­ The latest Whiteman "c-raduate" to reach atar· as was to be expected. (Colltllllled Oil I)a~e /7) WIND ~an;b~~i\~~ e~;~y J:~:_V'p.un~~~~~em,~::or:~~~r~~ Iowa vs. Purdue at La.fayett~: 3 p. m.-WMT Don Mario. Charles G.ylord'. Orohe.tra and The WHO KWK Penthouse Berenader. Trio. Marquettt vs. Tlmple: I p. Ill.-WISN 59 NBC Stations - Coast-to-Coast Minnesota VS. Michigan at Ann Arbor: 1 :45 p. Ill. Sunday, Nov. 17 Continued -KSIP WXYZ W.lfl WEIIC WWJ WEAF WSAI WTAM WGY Missouri vs. Washington at SI. LOllis: 3 p. m.­ KMOX \\TI'O-Arthur Dnrack wrK V-News NOC-New~: Lnric Madriguera's Mor.tana vs. Stanford 3t I'illo Alto: 5 p. m.-Kl'O WGN-I'Jlmer House Ellsemble W(PO-WillialllS and Fey Orch. WE\I WG\, WS,\! Montreal vs. Hamilton at Hamilton (Rugl;y): 2:30 \\'~AJ-N"ws \\'(;~-D.Sunllay EVl'llillll; Club \\,CKY (~\\' 9.53) 1\ \lOX -JohnllV Burkarth's Or p. 1lI.-CFCF 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST ell!',1 ra " U. of Ohio vs. U. of Cincinnati al Cincinnati: 2:30 p. m,-WCPO ~BC-:'I1\l5ical H('vuei Leo Spit. I\BC-Niela Goodelle, sonc;s: \\' \ VE \\',Ilkatholl Notre Dame vs. Army at New York: 1:45 p. 111.­ To Show Lon" Wanted a\II)"S Or-ell.; Vucal S(Jloi.ts; W.lZ \VENIl WCK \' KUKA WBlli\1-tllu~ical Moments, \,0· CBS: WEAN \\IN.\!. WAAIi WGII WCAO WnOD ~olsernel\ Quartet: \\'Jz WLS WHAM (sw-6.14l ('ali~15 ana orchestra WNOX WJSC WSPD KWIHI I{TtJL WTOC W(KY WIlAM !W!\A (m \\'CPO-Sunset Royal Entertain- WI',NIl-Enrt Hines' Orchestra '!JUS/NEff D/f(OVERY WFBI\1 WFEA WnNS WKRC WOBO WOC 11.87; \\'r.~ ·All~OIl Weck~' Orch. K~r. (IlS-hlllie Cantor, comedian: WL\V-Unbroktll'" Melodies WHAS WORC WBIr. I Washington State vs. U. of Southern California WG:\-Per("}' Ijoylllon, book reo (5\\'·9.53) CB5-FIJtlk Orchestra: iOeli. ~{) emerlence ncrtl' makin, OlJpOrtunlty CBS-Wayne King's Orch,: \\"KI:( W... t\lI( I\MOX al L'ls Angeles: 5 p. m.-NBC: KFJ ~lIr)': ..-e lulu YOU. Jll~1 1I111.11 tn YOU. Wrile fOC" VIe'I" * Wisconsin vs. Northwtst~rn at F.viln..lon: 2:45 0/1 ~·ltEE trial: It lelll Itself. t·n":EdcuIIJ~OW. \\':'AI-Billy Shaw's Orchestra WABC WHAS WKRC KMOX W' \./ :-1 :llric .\IJdrif/:ul'ra·s Orch. I'. WIIA WIllA \VT~11 "o"follo nf referen«. from (:-"HC) m.-WIlIH1 IUdlol IIrms c10sn deal. WBHM bw·6.12--6.06) 2~15 8:15 l).In. EST 7:15 CST MB~FalTlous Jury Trial,: WGN WE:-'- R-Chuley Boulanger's Or' Gamts to be Se!ected: 1:45 p. m.-W'MB; GUAlt \ "T~:~:R return of It'" Ilme$ con 10 cu.tomer -~tlnsel p. m.-WJAS; 230 p. m-NBr: KOKA WEEI \'00 .Iok no mMe1 to'lnC tlth lJuslnelJ. Wrlle TUOM· wepo Ro)'al Entertain­ WLW cht~ln Mi YOUXO, DepL Uti. Uanhu Bid•. (·hlcaco. III on \\'(;\-'''11 Garbl'r's Orchestra \\'KE;-;' KVOO KTIIS \\'IIUI WFiL WRVA 10:15 p.m, EST 9:15 CST WKY W(KY: WOWO W,OC: 2:45 p m.-wsn WG:'\-\'dOl lc. Yubr.dd'i Orch 12 :00 !\lid ES J I :00 p.m. CS 8 :30 EST 7 :30 CST WfPo--Rh)·thm and Rh"lue wnG: 3·15 p. m.-WMBo p.m. CB:"\-:'lI'YlIlour Simon.. ' Orch.: * CBS-Leslie How~rd. st.lge .Ind 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST \\'\HC \\'i\l:C WS~'K K"IOX NOVEMRER 17 There's an Edition of Radio Guide .erel'lI ,1:;1.' &, DI.llllilti: Ca~t. CB5--Freddit Hich's P~nthou5e \\'IIA:'I Green Bay vs. Detroit at Dttroil: 2 p. m.-W1"MJ "The Amateur Gl.'nlleman": PUly: WABC (5",.6.12) NBC-DJ.llci"" In the Twin New York Giants vs. Chicago Bears It Chicago: for Every Section of North America '.\ 'HC "'\10:\ \\'Hh ',""lUI NBC-\'elvl'lonc Music; H~II \\'ir Citlr,; Cr,,1 Gall\" &: Jimmv 3 p m-WCN WKRC I~\\ 5.12 6.06) l!:e5 &: Ken Sisson. conductor.. ; Jo\ Or, h ~ \\'."17. KDK-\ \\'CPO-li,ll \1;1n,II,1I Ray Healherton &: ~hd'!e '1tn­ W\\r \\'i'l WI.W h,,"6141 ~\'G'-~undJ)' ~rrrl\;),le I~y, soloists: "'JZ \\'5..\1 WLW :iBC-Wllli· Ihrant', Orch~~ln. "'SAI-Au BritO'le'~ Orch CBS~ack Hlltoll's Orche~tr;) W[\I WC)' \\"CKY wn,! Make S5 SID Sl5 aWeek Extra 8 :45 p.m. EST 7 :45 CST KMOX "'BB:'.1 \\"SMK WE:-' l1-l III B,,1a cu'.. Orch In ext Week's hsue of \BC-lItndnk Will"m v;)n Loon, KOKA-Y. M. C. A. PrO!!fiJm 1?:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS in aurhor WJI. \\'{h Y KUI(.\ WE:"l"R-Symphon)" Orchestra RADIO GUIDE Will13c the SPARE TIME RADIO ,\It\\1 Iw:ll,a1, WGN-Ilorace Ileidt's Orcneslra WGN-V,I!)l &: Yolanda's Orch WHILE LEARN ING \\"(1'0-1111\ from th~ :ino"~ WlIAM-Counh' '(ediul Ialk 12:10 a.m. F.S II :30 p.m. CS WHAS-Sweet "f~sic J tnip you .t hoent, 0eI. IDJ" 54-pue book )'ree. Un.. \\ I "'-Tnl' '\r\\' I'..r IIle :-.nC-F1r1 lillie·; Orch.: WJZ Complete .bout llU' men oroo 11'1 .... IS. II'. $I~ ...eel< III WKRC-Frank Stoffer'~ Orch en,. KOI\\ fw,' 6.141 lP'''' lim. ,,111111 lurnlq. Dvw otben m.k. n., $51. 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST $a • or_ In lull lime Job•. Read .bout eUIIllent 00­ * CBS-Sund;Jy Evenln; Hour; 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST CBS \I~de r"rhon'~ Orch('~tra' Program Locator -portuDIUeJ for ortlHralne-d lllrn In the (ut C«lWlnc lbdlo \\' \BI" WKIl( WSMK W88\1 f.'rtIIJ Vall CJltloJll. conlr;,lto, WG~-Hocke}'; ~e\\ York Ran~ Induotry. AlJout my U.:i' Ilui!lllod of IlIWIlo tr.lnlnc "'hlrb \'iC\{H Kol,tr. conductor' \\' IOIOX \\'lIb m.ket learnlnl elS1, pr.ttleal, ra.c!n.Unl. "I.U rou(H)O Anc ers \'5. Chica~o Bl3ck H;jWKS Also the n"or r« .nEE Il-onk (II Inrorm~tlon \\'11 \5 KMOX \\'I\HC \\':0..\11\ WHAM-Velvetone 'IIu .. ic (~Bn KHC-:"lolmmy Kayp"s Orchl'~tra WHB.\1 (5\\'·6,12·6,06) \\'EAF \\'GY wnM WCKY G. --;: -;;;;H~~~ ~t~M;;' - -, \ BC-.... lanhattJll I\!UIY - Go ­ 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST W.\VI Short·Wave Log National Radio InaUtllte, Wltbington, D. O. I Rouml, fl'aturilllo; Famous Act! ~BC-DJndits of Yestenhy; \\ENH-Etlllr ",dri~Ul-'ra's Or Stud mt )'Ol,Ir trre b«>k. "ltleh Uell·ard. In lbdlo:' I I 'l'hh doII~ not ObU,ate 1ll0. 1I'leu, \l"rllo pl.illlr.l of the Amelican Thtat{'r; ;\b.lt Quartet.; ~,,\\s: W,IZ dll·,lra. of the. World Hach,,: Clirlay, hlurs ~in!:£'r: KlneA WII.\;\1 WCKY bw· WG"J-II'llal'e Ill'irh'! Orchi'Stra I Nome , , ,,,, I r.eol~e, "'l'l~\!I:J. tenOI, :\len 6.14) \\"1 w· 11,,1.. Chl',ler'~ Olch Aboul Town,trio: Orch,. dlrtc· CBS-Carl lluff'~ OIl:hl',lI' W:-M-l)J!lh Urrheqra All !It Your Copy-Only Sc W~AF ~:::r~~.:::'.::·.:·.:::::·:.:::::·~;o·j:~::::::::: lIon Andy San nella WARe 12:45 :\.In. F:S 11:45 l),m. CS IL _: WTAi\l WCY w~'\r (sw953) NBC-William Alb,n,. ,II{' .\11'1· 1~ ~onlt; 1''.lOX W!len D:ti' " Done J\Uf."-l.lfe II Chal'1ic OIly Mastel': WEAF \\'GY WeN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch I'r'!\·j1\·\ Orch.: CounleH Ol~a WTAM (5\\,·9.53) All),lni \\".lI \\I..\'J! \\"LW NBC-Charlry BlIulangp.r's On:h.: 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid CS I , KDI" WII,\\1 (,,\\,c.14) \\'5.\1 WSAI WIIIi\I-lIolt P;lrtlll'~ Orch IV A\'E-olck Wirth l\e\H: WE:\'R WKRC WLW WF\f!-(:t'lI, lrr..... bl.'ll(er'~ Orch W(KY-"lusical Revu' WAVE-Variety Pro!!ram WGN-,Jol' Sa.\dl'rs' Orchestra wr,\-\'ew~' "'llurl~ RI'\ iew \\11 \S--Drf':lm S£'rrll'lde WI. W-;\!,jon nl\"er Ole;a.n llnd SENSATIONAL INVENTION \' '-\l-F':anri (rolli(', Orch,,·lr) 11 :15 p.m. EST 10:15 ("ST Pl')l'lll\ Makes Any Radio An All Wave Globe Trotter 9:t:i p.m. EST 8:15 CST 1:15 a.m. EST 12:15 CST -- NBC-Walter Winchell, com­ \\ -'\ \"1.-0: ~ln .\10 'ds * Wr.~-JJI, Orch~stn Ill~ntator: W~\l Gld! 'r's WITH ·O·MAGIC '\TPO--Iwo) Spalll'h Gult a:' \\.\\"E \"iulilli~t: You can travel the world in comfort in your own easy chair. \\'(0\_1 'r ",lIl,ler)' Orche~trJ r-; Bf -"'hal"I"r WJZ l:JO a.m. EST 12:30 CST r~~11 OIAL-O-l\IAGICcan be connected to your radio in two seconds WH.DI \VCKY WBll\1 \ews: 'laurie Sitin', I~" 9:30 p,m. EST 8:30 es'!' KDKr\-l)..~li)~lonan· Broadra'it Orth"ltr:l ,G- and you wtll be amazed at thE" clarity and volume with which * ~~9(-haltrr Wlnch~ll, com· WE:'\R-Le/)nard Krl1er"s Orch WF::-'-R-or ·ar. :\Itlo(h~s :1/ (. - III " it brinKS in foreign staWons. DIAL-O-l\IAGIC \VORKS on 110 II.- ,tJlor "'JI I\lH\-'\ wr:'\R WG:\"-I'{'tah of Lon' WI,'I;-.I :o.J!ld 'Orche.. tn volts A. C. or O. C. and is unconditionally guaranteed. If WB\'l WLW '",,6.14) DIAL.O~1\JAGICdoesnot live up to our claims your money will WKItC-Killy S:,iJer', Ortl.r~ln !:OO a.m. EST 1:00 CST ~B'-" ..\m~nnn \ll.um rf r .. · WLW-Ace Hrigoop's Orch Price be cheerfully refunded. 5% discount if remiLlance is received mlliJr \Iu ,IC: Funk \lunn. \\IUDt-L II' :-'-fibaur's Orch with 25% C. O. O. YoJJI:da'~ order. must accompany aU orders, balance ItnO~; \'Inenre Sua: ~opra 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST WG\-\"rl"l ..t Orch FRP.K 6UOHT W,HK "4" 0' TUN WOI:LIJ no: Btrtrand lIuHh. violmist i ~UC-Jimmy Carr's Orchhtra: 2:30 a.m. EST 1:30 CST Gus Haen!chl'Il" Orchl'$tn: WJZ \\"IIA.\1 WHU.\t-Austill :'.lack's Orch S7~ MACLIN ENGINEERING CO., WEAr WTAM \\'5" WGY CB5--:.oe,>\·s; Frank OJiley's Or· 1457 BROADWAY, NEW YORK \\'SAl WAVE (!w9.53) chl'",tra.: WABC End of Sundar Program~s 13 Programs for Monday, November 18

    Ho~{'f 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST K\lO\-\'ir\\< on New~ \\C,\'-I'i. II) I',,]s & Swr... t ("BS-f'hd.· Banil', bariton... : "1, il,ll tlo,' KOKA \\TPO \\ ("j"C)-.\I".ieal \'ari«tiu Star Indicates High Spot Selections \\ L"'--\Luk... ts W.\Br \\ II.\~ \\ KRC WS!lIK ""\10:'\-. ",d", 80) WGX-Tm('l)" Tunts * \\ LW-u n tu '"'ITl\[ '\11527 ~ rOlll~ W{ K\ -\It'rlli"e:. Rounrlup WI.S---I uJu Bdl« &: ~cotty KDKA-l1nde Tom and Betty WCPo-Alfred W",Il('n~Ieill" Or· \\'"'\1-1', )"51 ..\\") \\.\\·E-O. Joy \\I.W-<,;(>uH·llir~ \\ \\"\'''\-\1 PHk,r \\0 I\: RC-Fiddhn' Farmrrs lOr Sonc: WCPo--:\u'!; Armistice Day c!Jrstra WCKY-Dllk Tracy ~e'ls WL~-Smik.a-While j Markets & \\ TA\I-Liv~tod. Quctationsj Parade \\'Co:\-I';lintel! UtI'am! 2:45 p,m. EST 1:45 CST WCPo- .,~ Ihlllic~ ~tM'ri('ce! \\ c..tho \.luc:hn h'l, Cali WGSF- \IiHer and Ml~!U' WliAS-How to he lh;lltn,n£ ,..Sf ~. h ... a hlaudeu; \\ GIIF- \1 ical \1 "\\T\-COlltx.~' \n;\-';;Ol'f: 0 ftll" J~J;H\ds \\LW -LlXallon's Famih' PnH'r Lo)e ld Ju t \\ G:\-t- n"ndl)' l\ell(hl.oor ~ House \\ I.S-\\·('alh('r: l'rwuu 'hr, \\ "AI GY-'hl~lC'a] Pr"~r"ln 1'IIIOd P]"in John Parl\ I..('t~: \e\\$ \\ U'o-~t'. Dallce IIh) Ihms \\ \\ ... \I-G(J(oti \torning 9:J5 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WI 1.:.. \lanha ('ran" i Hel ... n WL\\'-rarm & lIome Hour WGX-:\!.lrriaJ.:<' Llltl.~e Bureau WLW-5il'l;:lIIC" :\tit:hbor; Chaun- I'ar~on-. \\ T'\"-Grl G we: \\llh Hank h II)X \IU~I' Je"d Box JI ,,{ 'I'r I r Holt'(lI1akeH; (\,BCI Hroad(1 I c )" tCllor Krelle - W( I'V--ffl' In.!d \ormal'~ Orch. T... "..'teC'~ \\TUI-:\oon·da) Re~lJmr \\(,Y-loIm,,)' Bill W \I--Jal... ~1.1!1l. 'Drano Co~ptl \\T_Hl-( Irwl;" II \rt 'lu~eLlm W\\ \':\-.Q. \\ hrding Tab­ \\CiIU'-(:IIV Court WWVA f-I)in' X Round UI> \\ \\ \\-I.und". n \lU-IC \\ 1.\\"-'\. 'u S.tud\ Hnaele \\ V--D.\I: HI,:: De\otions JJ: IS a,m. EST JO: 15 CST 1:00 p,m. E ]2:00 m CS \\ ""1-:\1 1 ,. 'krlch 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST 8il~ \\ \\ \-A-C. "\1,1) :_nd nip 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST \\ I \\ -'Ia II ( B'"-\I. U: ,rei \lcCra.... ~ongs. CBS-Blue Flam... ~ Qllartet· NBC-Jullior R. 10 Journal: 1010.\ (.0111 II,''-H I Ha uls \\ T!\ \1 H, rl of Erluutjon WJZ \\ [:\H \\ .HE W~\I W.\BC 1.. ,\·1527 WABC (s\\-15 27 9.59 3:00 n,m, EST 2:00 C"T WGY-:\lorninl: !)alut(' 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST I\IJ"A- Gr b 8.1'; tlSC-:\e"_ \l.lrk.1 .. lid Wnther r-.ac-Pal Ker ,...-d\ tenor: CB~Th(' \!;;rnhaILIIl 'laline.: \, l\'-RI~~ lid ~hin~ r-. Br-Fu'ld .lIld Hall. ,onc5I and \o\\I(.X-Tlm B~hr_ trflor R('porls: WEAF \\ UF W~Al WCKY WABC \\'::o~lh \\ KRl h \IlJ;( JJ~llu (~\\ 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST \\EAF we, WlKY \\G:\-IlHuuth thl: Loukln!: Glau r-oKr-~,I\T" r 1:lIsemble (8_0cr.l(r,: \\\BC \\I.:."'K 15.271 l\U(--Jolh BIU & Jane; \, EAr WL\\ WH,\~R,~rt BI<>ok~. !on!i':s \\TK\' \\ TA~I \\ I\RC \\ 11.\5 (s',1 1527·9.59) * NBC-AI Pearu's G~nCl: Hu~k 1I:" 0,;:..10 kf'\,tllle: WADe "\IOX-Tile COlli ... rs \\ KRC- :\l.,~i(' MrIPdl"~ K"IOX-'Ia~,c Kitchrn :"BC-R, y C.. mI'L... lI·.. Ro)'ali~lS: WE,\F \\(K\ \\C;Y \\ rAM W';;~I (, ..... ·9.53' l\ BC-PoJlOtk and Lawnbursl. \\CPO--Pat Gill,ck \\ I \\ -JoH(; T.. r~hi"h WCPO-To bto annf\unC'rd WJZ WAY[ Ru~b 1000 .. no duo: \\JZ \\ L5-Ford and Ralph W\\ V'\-.\III(' t.lIJuh Robinson \\(;BF--lilurch &: School N~",s MD~'I" I the Movie-, KDKA-Jlc.mer Rod. ea\ er K\lOX-1I Ifl. Johnn) and Enl ... rson \\C I'()--I dir)land I r~um 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WG~-The Lon DOC'or ·I..cll::h; \\G:\ WJ.\\ AllIll '.lrJh \\ 1.. \ \I-Hvalth and Home WGy-ray... and ('1rll, '{lIlqs KIlK..\ "'rolln'_ \Idtinee WHAS-l'U1Hr_jh III I.uui \'ille \\CKY-"u"ical Cloek \\ \\'\''\ Phil (()(\k's No!('oook (.H~-\1f'_ \\1"1:>: l\f th" Cabba!:... \\ I.W-II<\b Nola~'~ Band Poltct ~).,etd,. WABC WKRC \\HA"-(ollcce of \r:llrultur. 1\\11 X-\Id prrk II. -ketch \\t'Y-LHh Und MU~lul Clndl 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CT WKRC-Pc.pular V.,ieli"s \\'( l'o--ll'ld~\·! W rrs WS.\l-Dilluer 11.., :-"h( -t-J)r ",Il,1 (,,"0, ...1.Hl0 .. ad KUI\ \ ,'w 15.27 ~.iints WW\'A-JolI) Jot! & (t><:o's Cir \\ II As-D.A bury CollCI" Dno- ~il\)' \\ 1..'--()lIl1lefL..,1! PH ~l am \\ {o \ -All Cho,r ~ull .. r .Iuo: WEAF WlKY :\B( -I S. Band: (sw· llflOS 1521) WSAl-Police FlII.hu \\ IA:\I-\I11~iral Cocktail WKRC-Bre.lUaH Expre~s \\TAM \\W\'A-Cl'\IOO}' Lo}e and Just 5:15'"' p,m. EST 4:15 CST \\ l"- Farm Bulletin Jjoard (H"'--("atl"t_ Quut('t; Nel\s: \\C·I'I)--II('''I(''I'1I1l I'hilo.. topher 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST NBl"-T\IO IIl"art~ in ~t.h~ ~onl Pl.~in John r-oBC-.!ack,r IIrller, lenor' WJZ ,\ L\\ -.Q. Morning 01'\ lIlion! WABC WKRt: \\ liAS W~MK WGHr-Baby Shop h II "ulojq",: \\ EAF WG\ W(KY 3: 15 p.m, EST 2: J5 CST \\E:\R \\A\E "'-\I-!\nu KDKA-Shlr 4,; ~hol-'IJIIlrr: ~l'r¥. \\G\ Oacht]ors C d r e n, K[)h.\-KiddJe~ -ketch ('BS-\Iatillee l\Itlodiu WABC NBC-:\I" Perkins. sk ... tch KILlb WS\I-Sons Up \\'E.~f \\ (·PO-\',mct)· Sel ... ctions T:\M-;\tU~lf K'IOX-Fa~cinatinl:t'" \\HAS-DolI\' Dun WS'IK WKHC (s.... 15,27· WGY \\'LW \\TAM \\ Box Mrlorlics \\L~ \\'GBF-Veleran~ ur FOUIl:n \\(j~-Ll:u Saho, on:ani_t :\t\,< :\liIrkrts 959) WLS 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST r-.IJ("-Thl' Wj-{" :\Ian. ~ketcb; \Van ~Bl WGY-Mu!ical PfO(ram WL\\ j'hann er l"hat§ WCPQ.-T,"Il;O Tunes \oi<:!,i IhraClk... x)lophon. \\'~~I \\G:\--Judy and Her Je'tcn 1~1 WEAr WI.S-Iloo!ier Sod Busters, WWVA-!'tro!liu' Jackson's Ken· WGUF-:\tall..et R... port WJZ WAYE tuck)' Tucker" \\t;t\-Hirh 'l;iIl' Darlin£ I \\ TA \I-Dirk Fuller's Orch. \\ t;;'; Jun... Baker. home II1ftn· wn \A-\Iu~ical Procrarn J!iell1l"nt \\EAF \\T1\'\1 \\(i\ W~AJ \\ I\\-S~nc"piltlon NBC 1\t\l~ John H"'rLl:k, o;ui· MB~:\IIIl"ilrds; WL\\' '''GN (g\·9.53) \\'~AI-Musie.tl lonr: \\FAt- \\A\'E WS" WEl\Il-V;Hietl Pro~ram 1:30 p.m. EST 12:30 CST W"''' I-P('IJ (onrptl Sun Dail :~:30 CH~,I.,ck Arm~llonl:, sketch \\~I\I on::.Hli~t :-..'BC-1\('\I·-, till' \'"ilT_: WJZ WCPO Flicid FaB(-(:\'C\I'. \\E.\" on:\ T\\cn· Singer: \\JZ WCKY WAV[ KDh \-To br anllouncrd 4:00 p,m. EST 3:00 C'ST sketch. \\.JZ WLW KDKA \\'GHF-\\rddlllC" Anninruriet (~\\-15.21 11.87 I~ 'Fir,:!cr' of Harmony' WEAF WS~,I KDKA (~w-15.2J) \\G:\'-\\~ Are FlJUr \\'GHF--Curbston" RelJur!{'1 NBC-\\oman'~ Radio Re\iew. \0\\10;'\-:'\('\1_ \\,1.:.\1 WAlE K\IOX-ht"~ Compare Notes WH.\",-.,huppine: Guide WE.\F \\'4\'E WS~1 WTA:\1 \\G\"-:\lu'il'0I1 Pro!!:ramj New! \\TPO-:'-Iatehee SBr-If\1 White. orranist: \\CPO-Dol Club \"\I~ \\ I.'"-T lUII!..ter) 011111 Tumble \\ KRC-~tclotlIOUo; Mra!ures \\TK Y \\:,\ I WE:'\'R-Ith)"thm Raml,len n-JZ WL\\ \\ GBF-Huu-rhold Hour \\lc,1 \\ L~LI\f',tock 'Idrket: Jim CD"'-(ha ,sonette, in«trumental. WSAl-Qre.1Il Hc\'erit51 CB~-On the Air Todar; City WG'i-)Iareen Graham W5..\1 Rhlil1)' G;IU, 500g! Poole WABC WS:\lK WKRC (~II \\\\ \ ,\-Hhl 111111 HI' 1I('! f"ull_llmcrs' Guide: \\ AHC WI\RC-\\'on'~J1'_ Hour WT.\\I-\f)lIlh 6: E,,~ritnc'" WLW-Bob Chester's Orch. 1527> KDKA-:\l'\\Si Radio Parade JO:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST \\~"-Uf"flt. of Aerieultur. NBC-Brtl)· and Bob, 5k~tch: 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS Go~pel WlKY-Xe\H :\'BC-B((:r,- and d ... Ro!e: And) BC-Ht.nl:)"oo~- \'iW \ A-{J. Whe... lint; Tab· WJZ KDK.\ \\E.\I{ (s\\,-1521) Night :\ and SanaIns, ~ketch: \\'(Po-Hl';ullines &: Hic:hlil(hts Sannclla; WEAF \\'"''' WS.\I OIll('lh' t...am WEAr \\~AI ernacle Bett\· and Dob, \\'GY \\ HA5-Loll: C:Jbin Bo) s (BS--Agor_ & Luu. \\,\Be \\TA\i 2 :00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST wiw 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST \\'~\lK ~BC-Geore:e IIcs~ben:I'r's O~l.:()od, \\ 1.5-The lIilltollpers: lIawaiian WKRt: \\ UAS CB~- Blanche S\\"l't. beaul)­ Ba· KMOX--~lirthqual..e: F r {' d ny CB'-BraltlCe piamst NOI,(,!tie« l\HC-T(I(/.al'~ MaH~u~: Chil.lrel1 -kelch t"lk WABC WHAS \\ KIlC \Jrian f.)reh.: WJ/. KDKA (sw. AI Roth'« Orell. W"'IK K\lOX WTA\I-Dr. ~un-hin... \\JZ KDKA WCKY WLS (sw· (~\I 15.27 \\"~BF-Sun~hi"e Hour ~Ae-Fllil\'- Timr. ~kct(h \','\\ \'A-Tl:x Harri~on's Texas 15.21l KDKA-~ah &.: Punuh NBl'-Amer. Education Forum: Wtt\I;;-f\\\cl'k ,In D{'\,otioof \\EM' WCY \\CKY W[XR Hu('karoos ~IBS-Th(' b\\ 9.53) IIlurniog (Jousewarm· h.!I,J(),\-Thi~ and Tllat \\L\F \\TKY WTAM WAVE W\\'VA-Hugh (ro«s and the Ilol:trr~ 8 :30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST er.. : Orch.: WlW WCK\'-:'oIe\'5 \\S\I \\c" WSAI Georgi... Porgic Boys enS-BUlk NOC-L... w \\ hit". orc:am«t· Kl\IOX-The Happy f1unten WCPo-H"me B... autiful * CBS-Between the Bookends: 4:15 p,m. EST 3:)5 CST \\ABe (...... 11,839.59) KOKA (s\~ 21.5tll ~"'f\'ice KBC-(~r\\«. WA\'E-.o.Dnotional WGN-Tom, l)'l"k a',d Harry WABC \\ KRl WSMK (sw· NBC-Sonll:_ and S,or;f'c' \VJ7. \\JZ "nh') '. Arm\ ~ CBS-Lyric Scrtnade: \\ABC \\rl'o--lIdl'ful Harr) WGY-Ooc SChll"ir.l'f'~ Cowboys 15.27 * CBS-First Broadcast from Band; W.JZ WAVE 1\1l(-(heerio; \\EAF \\'TAM WG:'I'-\Our LOHf \VKRC-S;n-in'C Sue KMOX-.\'rws; Sl. Louis Medi- Hiea, Lat\'ia: WABe \\'SMI( Knl\A-1'\I"II~ WCKY \\'LW WGY WSI\! WGY - D.lI1Ju-morlllng Devoliom WI."'--Thr Old Kitchen Kttl!(' c-\I Sori('l\' WHAS WKRC (sw,15.27> WBBM-fillftd\· &: Ginl:eC', drama Sparnlln'~ K\10X-Tiek Tuck Hevu. \\'TAM-TIII) fllen and a Maid WLW-~lan' Aleol1. blu~ WCpo-Variety Program r.-nC-Ken Ensemble: WCPC)--'Iarei" Blantl \\',\ \'E-l\Iu :\'BC·-Girl AI"nc, sketch: WEAF AmNi"an Brnadca1\.\ -!lome Forum WT\\I-T\\i! ::ht TUI,e~ wrp(}-c:.:"lnn \Ill ie 0.1('11. ('ontnlto; Merry Macs: :SBC-LiI::!Jt Opera ro "GnOd(ll, eB~· Five St"r JOI'e5l. ~kl'leh \\TPo--\II_. We«t 4 :45 p.m. EST 3 :45 CST WE\'P.- -l:;p "He Dance Orch('~tn: WJZ KUK:\ iu,,";-Orcl WE\F WCKY W.\He WKRC K:\1OX sw· \\GBF-'>;ew5 'BC------Gr... Allrl')n. sl;~t(h \\'Co'--Junior p( ee P.. lrol WAVE "'5.\1 \\'SAt (~\\·15.2l) \\,GY \\'''-''1 \\T,.\ \1 15.27) WG:\-PalmH HI'use F.numbJe \\'1'.\1 (~w·9.53) WGY-.!< '- T'lr Listings such as (sw-9.53), (sw-ll.87), etc. SHOW SHORT WAVE MEGACYCLES 14 Monday, Nov. 18 Continued \\HAM-O;tn~"('rou~ Paradi<;e. WCKY-:'IIu~i(' 'Iloment., ~oIo· * CBS-REMINGTON RAND In Cincinnati .."£teh i I ~nd lJrcbc~tra 1',," ""I~ The ;\L~ch of Till I" Hair F!lce WHAe:-.Junr!lE> nub \\( PO....-Hurr \\II1H)'S Orrh. dr.''' ..ltl",d nr·.\~ ..·.•·nt. \\ 'PI LII~S "KRC-SJK'r1'<; ~r"5 \\ti:'\-QUllI R)an's A",;lteuf \\ IUS WKRC W88:'11 IOlll\ 'VLW-Enninc loncert I'\ilthl (¢I\ 6 12·6,061 With- OFF elli" WSM-Conll{' Club \\'GY-Guuld .s.. ~hdter (1\BC) \\ (i \ Tht:", urthrrnrrs I once looked like tlll•. UKIy hair FurO':'\IIl('f~ \V~\I-{llliv, of Te:'l.a~, pn-'cIllt:,1 (In loved on fae&. ,.unloved,..discourRsrcd. '''TAM-Hot 0,1\(,'< in lIislory \\'11.\\1 The Nothing helped. Depllatorlu, \\ \\ \A-Oinner :'llusic \\''''\1-\11'10<1\ Jams hy Cawpu.. Thr;lltr of the Air 'Tr:lPI~rs wa'lfe&, liquids. , ,even razor. failed. Then 1 dis· 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST \\ 1.\'Il-Fllr 10 :45 p.m, I:!:ST 9:45 CST eovered a simple, painlt'll8, inexpensive method. It A~ "'rrm~ NBC-:\n\s, Harold Slerll's Or­ \\\\,\'A-SlraIlL'r It CU~ \t.'llh"tran ell/'ir: WABC worked t Thousandl have won beauty and love with cheslr a: \\ EAr WSM WCI{ Y 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST \\S.\IK WI(HC (.. \\ 6.12·6.12) the lice ret. MyFREF: Book,"UowtoOvercomeSuper­ NBC-Fibber McGcc and Ii:MOX-~lJun f1u()ua Uair," explains the method and proves aeUlal (5\\,·9.53> * P;lCf' of the Air UHI1'\G TilE past few '\Ct'k ... thi ... 8uccen. Mailt.'d in plain envelop£'. AllO trial olrer. CB~Jack ~k('tch' :'Ilo1J~. ~kelrh. \\ ,II WIIAM Arm'e"~ i \ ,'llinIL\y 10 FriILl\) \\ilh Hl'lll I Y();,\:S WJ! KDKA \\ 6:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST 11:15 EST 10:15 CST ICor: L\\ \\ TA:'II r-.:~gro tch: KMOX ~ 1ll"-E\'Cninc ill I'ill i~; pick· \\EAr WE:-;OR \\sAI \\("KY ~rhnlin. u':Jdil} lImler.. t:llld \\ In Ihe U. S. will con­ \\ BB"I en.. Si~t(f. i Milton W"t~on, K'IOX-c. AILerl <;rr::an· i~ l dll\\l\ the a~es. WCKY-Grab 8a~ Illl0r; \1:Jrk W;JrIlO\\'!> Orch.: tmllC 10 pm.. pn through \\TPO-Aru,wd lh(' Town nJL KDJ,,\ \\ IIAM \\ lS \\A\"E-w"lbthon The lll'\\~ of th(' \\orld kill 10 "tand by \\ (;\-I!<:I';lCI' Hl'idr'< Orrhc<;tra \\C!(y b\l·l1.87J for the l\'otre D;llne-Ohio Slate ~;lme, TAN WE;VR-FJasb r.unloll, sketch \VGY-Johnn~ ~ong5 \\ liBF-Cluh Time rB~-·One r.;ir,::hl SI;lIlJl>: Pick Albficht, grl';\t~st that Mm and Womm Admirel \\ IJA<;,-Dance Timf' prOYlng that j\mcriC:111" ;IIT the WGY-Nn\~; Musical Prol;ram &. Pat. Jraw"lic :llld mu1\ 6.12606 the \\ .. u Lillie t31ll!.., D \\S.\I-L>inl cr lIeur filM-Grandstand Thrills: WlW 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST lhat .. for Jnd Jj..,tens to politi'al .."dl!y ~low of vigorous health. The same !\BC- \.\\~. cnt1f(~ \\\\'\.A-:'Ilu~ie.) \It,nh nl~; 5010' \\ r.~ WEAF t!nh . Ell· 'Vl·;lkt'r .. for t\\11 months before kind of ian you ge.t on a Fhmd.J beOlch! Yuur 'lJ.dli:::ut:rOl·~ IS I~t llrche~tr. \\ CJ'l}-\'ari€I)' Prog13m flC Orch WE.\F c1c..-::tilln ... peO'l1OOII appearance eHher a dlSlinCl social and (~\\·953 business asset-or a handlUp, 7:00 p.m, EST 6:00 CST \\ "'\I-Cardrf'''' Caper- \\(KY \\ ...:AI WGY CB~Jtrr~ tr('rm:ln'~ o,.cll,. NBC-Amosn' Andy' WEH 8:45 p.m. E~T 7 :45 CST • Now :t d.Jily "sun bath" in the prh-acy of your * THIS DEP\lrJ.\I1 'I helle'e< Ih" n "'III )'01.1 lfl"tlll& !llJllwl] l~\\ \\A8r WqlK \\KRC o... homt', kt't'p hke a \\LW \\GY Wf\\1 9.53 WI rtl-A" alf Ir 'ichl Pr !c'~ the tnl-ute paid Ihe bh' \\'11 I IH)(~LI{S Dulbn-and Ittlillg as pb}Slcatly fit as lOU look. 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST :-;BC-R"y '\0 Ord'\"'ra: * CBS-Myrt and Marge. sketch: \\'.IZ \\H,"l \\"'::'II W..\YE on \\ABC \\ \\ \'A \\ KRC b\\· h t'x-Pre:;ident IIERBERT HOO\'r:H LOOK HEALTHY ••• BE HEALTHY * NBC-Harry Horlick's GYPsIes I\IJK,·\-R,Hli'l -'ie-ht Club 1fC",\m~ 11 83·9.59\ 81 Kl,J.helL h:nor; Ilhlll;lIl\ tile .\It:morial IllIur o\'er hoth .. • A uks m~"lger anributt's hi' ftCcnl IOcrease ... BC-Di"ILI'r C()nr ... n; Vocali~1 SIII~U~ \\'EM \\T,\M \\SA'I k\H,:'(- t"ark 'IiJunUille,,., makl'" him tIll" StM I,f SI;lr.., fur '\ll\t'm­ m pl:nunOiI ~"Ils to hiS "prvspuou)'appurln'h WnO:'II-Hcrhie Ki)'S Orrh('<;tra "n,1 Ofl:ani~t _ \\ JI WCK)' \\GY \\CK'I I~\\ 953 hrallhll, lusI·b.)(k.from-Pa1m·Ut'a(h look.. A few 1("11"'1 h", jOIl' II lei\! rT ,pd lor :'I1,n~trds' minul.l:) u(h murlllni; or 1lIj.:llt \\ollh hiS Sun lamp WE:'\1l WA\'E :\B\ -GrlOitn \\JZ ~orarra5' HonII I'\G of \HJ,,"O rna\ haH' dO<'S H, A IC;ldlne; Holly...·ood mO\ll' su,r. un 1I:,1\e \\l~ \\ HI. '-Albert Orch. {"B'-Buck Rl'HI' -ketch \\H'" KD"A WLW (Jrehe~1I3 ~otlOdctl like fng horns 011 their pa<.! .\1on· fur {'t:nllnal al"pt:.ltantt' in a Hru:tdw1' srap;t pro­ WH,\., 10111:\ \\ 881\1 \\"'.\1Iq\6.14l \\ L\ II-Earl Hi"" \\(~~-h:l\'elin'< Orrhe~tra tl;w'<; olTning'l hut it wa .. all due tn dueuon, l..ccps her fasbionable T"o III un: same \\ a)'. Theat~r: urg­ KDK.\-Plll."urch Forum * CBS-Radio \\.\Be ("OIlU~~1 in~ • 81.11 }"Our dJJly batb ""ilh uhra"'iolet rar~ dn('s WCPo. Tu I r annflunced \\11\... \\KRC KMOX \\BH'j \\'II,\S---Am"t('ur "'{ltre Dame nn to \"i'lof\ nn S:ttur­ \\ T·"l-!,rR",. '-" II . Or('h ~einl!, far more Ihan enhance lour appearancc, For Ihese 1::J,~cmble (,,\ 6.126.06) (I:t.\ nerther a1:'ole tn "rt·.• k mer a ra)·s.auu~llr \'I~ur \\"C"'-P"lm"'r House 11 :45 p,m. EST 10:45 rJ'jT hdp 10 inuea,e )uurhft:1 ;lind WH\\I-To be "111'1 Ljr,'tri \\,\\1".-'1, 101 Memory COn' ,. hr"'ru alter the ~:tllle .\I·Un 11-\ \luluy, Th~y Icnd (0 St.mulilC ~Iandullf fune· l\Bf-.Il.'hr l". I\f. HI. (l . "'Iq \\ ....\1- \1 '.lEI izall"n 01 1I0mu It,' \11 \J{S i~ lll:trrJrd til 1\11 I HfJOK \\\ tions. lihrOl. \Ivlu un are kn""" ttl he remark;thlll \\EAr \\f,) W,,-",,1 \\ I "I effin~ious In Saint rOrnlS of ,I"n diseu(S and In \\"'\I-"';n # 1,1 "',,111 ... \\f "'r,,' ", ort~ Re\itw "ho pl:t~, 01111' '\11 l;,O,\'S }-and \\{ KY (~\\·9.53 in deslroymj.: j.:t'rm life. /lbny n"t"! of plmpl", and 9:J5 p,m. E'iiT 8:15 CST h~\­ 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST .Idc)·~ Jod llll\ ha\e nllt' dlild-rUll 3 .. \1'1 temr.orary blt-rnnhcs h;lH ) itld.d quiekl~ to thplr NBC-AlKA·SElTZER PRE \\.\ \ t.-I)I Wirth \lIi'--Tl-lI ('r Orc!lrslu * \H;'" \\l\\ in~ 'lld'r,llnl 11-. Ilr't }-itlhtl;t\ puuf)lllt.: an"'n. '1 hese ra\'~ haH! ohen ~ found MOnts LndC' fJ.ra·! RadiO 5t.J. \\C'--Tll' (iLII \ .. ,to. I unusually dfccli\t' 10 C~K"J (If Iisdpssness and WGY K\lf'.\-.lohnn\ Hlllk-arth', Or· lion WEAF \\TA\I 9:30 p.m. F. T 8:30 C';T ('h£~tra aot'llli;l ;lnd .JU' .In in\':Jlu;;r,hle .Id in thC' uC':ltmeot \\SAl 1~~·9.53J ~Hl-I'rinc('~ Pat PIOIHr,,: .\\011' 01 IIII .\ttl' II·r; i.. the nt'\\ of rickers, Childrrn b;,f\c ll'5pood~d "pidly 10 r8S-Vocal~ bv \'crrill WABC \\'.1/ KI>KA \\'Er->R \\,CKY \\E:'\R-f'harle\" Boulanvcr'.. Or· ,heir beueti,..lI reuhs. ('he"", fnr the fim rime. a really bi6b ~rlld, 12:]5 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS bearlll~. ~ump "'B(-EduntlO I Ihr "'ews "hel(' Cltra·Violet SUD L.Jmp, tbe of \\ T"l-Jad. H, • ( .Jppw\·al Hf some of (he hiKh~t I~un~ laboralOnes. \\ E.\F \\ .....\1 WTA'I \\ ... \I-Rh('inll GJU, .onu GI OIH~1 (,-\:"S hoh}-\ i" hi.. 5hort­ CB:::'-"",ncli. S"m WABC 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST 12:30 a.m. ES II :30 p.m, CS is \\ouhlll the rt-;l,ch of .111. So-bec;;r,U)C' )'IIU hOl\'e (.J"dulh~ \\, H' fl'':L·i\tr ;1011 he pri/rs m(l<;{ of all e\'erJlhlllg 10 g';;r,IIl, norh'"lt 10 lo~, because lOU WIIAS WKR(' KMOX WBBM "-IU To I:'e announccil WJZ :'inC-Joc OIChe-lra \UZ "'''-\1 KDKA WA\'E 1,\\ Iry b,lort 1011 bur-dou'l d"l.ly, bUI ru\h COUpOD (~\\ 11.839.591 \\ tlMI \\ I:~R hi'" 11lJ.: of fmt'lJ.:n ..l;lllfln, received ... 614 bC'Jow for full deuils. "'O(-tU/Il 111111 ,\hoC'r.•ketch: Ct1S-Waynt: King's arch., JE-\'\ ,\lEGFRI F will he the new \'oi.:e * CK"'-II;\I\:tii Call ~\ \BC FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY \\JZ \H:'\1l \\lW WABC \\H,\~ K\IOX WKRC In Gd!1J/g III Gus and i.. the ~al1le .lean W~\tK "lu~icaJ \lI!llI('IlI,,; "'ol(li~t and \\ Bu\! (,,\\·6.126.06) WKRC \\no" K\IOX "ho \\:t'i the lunner-up at Atl;:mti.: Cit.,· \ Ill' Bert BIOIok' ~ Orche~tr,l: Orchf'~tra: W~\l \\ IIA\1 ~HC-t'onttnltd Prl'lO.: WEAF duritl~ thi ... year's 'iearch fnr ,1\,1i" ... :\mcrica WF!\F WG'I' wel\\' $12!! 511 CIIII: ~('\'en \\GY WS~1 hf)KA-T:, ... \\TAI\1 WSAI Sht' \\,J' fir"l IW;lrtl 011 \: T.G.'s pro~ram W.\"E-Hf Hrr Onb)' h",9.53> WE\R-Ellrir 'llllrilolurra's Or· rl1rHra H.• dill m;lj.:uinl· ... in thi ... (Ollntrv have \\nF'\-Urean "'id Piano Duo 'tH"'-t'amous Jury Tfliliis WG~ b~ DOWN \\CKy-... tr,lnclP A~ 11 <;eem~ \\ 1.\\ Wr,\-HI ru(' IIridfs Orchestra It lk"-::hltll th;lt thcir radio corre"po'1. , PAYMENT WCPO-Harn H.rtmiiln·s SPOrl KOK.\-To hI' ~n ('lunced WII\"'--Dream "'~f lade (lent ':1 \erin'! the International Ra BUYS RC'\'ic,\ W \\'E-ReH'ri W I.W-'1I n Rh·... r Ouh'.. annual convention at 11;1\:1Il;1 DON'T WAIT! IT! \\ (;BF-Hi~tlJn(,JI Facls W( I\Y Xc '.~ \\ T -\ \1-.... n'\' h.0I\>·" Or('h E~ Cub III De.::emh::r thi....\ t'3r muq qllalih WC"'-WinnlPr~ 10:15 p.m. EST 9:15 CST 12:45 a.m. 11:45 p.m, CS J\ I 1\. i. \\ r Itc"- 01 \\.:Ir IlJtll I lll'-I in ':-.' HEALTH RAY MFC, CO., Dept. l'U \\ r. Y-Jim IInlf'~·. commenlator Kllh\-t ur D\n.J 0 of ,'nx-\\ n., ~[id } on krlll\\ I . 342 W. 14th Street. New York City \\ \\ \"\-\r"'. RI 111 . 1:"0 a.m. ES J2:00 CS 7 :<15 n.m. EST 6:·15 CST W \\'E-.\ct·ol II B.,nri '18-TrJe 'I ., i FIH;' .loC' Send m~ full df'l2ils of l'our sr«ial fRff .... ' dt"~· Orch WG\' WLW \BC-Jim ('n\\ky. CNI,lIIeotal' \\'1 KY-To b'I lno .:Irer! :'\SC Hl III I' o:,\r; \\;1" "utTering from 3 TRIAL OFHR on tbe Htalth Ray Sun Lamp. Difn'~ ~lla "r on root hall nc\\ WE.-\F \\1 1'0 Harry \\'11l~f'\' Onh. WBl\\I-AI Orcin "codt, '11 hn 'c:tel' \\hen rhi'i was Wlillt'n ~berl!pr< W....\I 10:30 p,m, EST 9:30 CST \\F"'R G' 1I ... Orrh. ~O{ll! ] :~O a.m. EST 12:30 CST H:lliin ha<; heen to II·\IHT' r-.:nr-I> an&;" (' r 0 u s Paradiu :\ BI-LIlII< ('rl U,lnii direction II\RDI.·G and in arum Ilar\"t'\ h; .... !)('en ~I(ddl: EI"ir Hilz!.. '\'i('k Daw. Fr.lIIk ~imon; Belllu·tl Chapple, \\11B\I-\n\~: ·'ll lin ~\Idck'~ Addreu _ OHIIl·~tra \en' Aood to his ralenlS ... J)llfin~ the ~on: "'Jl WE~R KDK\ \\'LW narrator W.II \\"IIA'1 KDI\,\ \\E\R-Qrc.an ;'Ildtdil'~ I'a<.! Slimmer he;: reali/nl lhl' amhition of WAVE \~\\-11.8n \\ 1.\\ \\'1-:-.:11 (w.l1.87·6,14) Cily SIaIC'. _ CBS-Boake Carter, (ommen· :'\HC-\',11'1 1l.11lin Forlllll \\'E,\F ] :45 a,m, EST 12 :45 CST e\'eJ~' ~(JunA lll,1n in hl'ing able to repa\' * \i~hll'lllh btor W.\BC WIIAS While WTA\1 \\"~.\I \\'A n,; WCKY \\'[ \\ Par.Jlle hi~ p3rt'llt ..-ll·\H\ I Y pur,hased a hOllle TlJiJ is IJfIIlJIl ordtr-Ship "ollJing C.O.D. JU.IOX WnOM (sw.11.83·9.59) WGY (s\\·9.53) End of :\Ionda)" Programs in tltl' country for his!!! •• ..h " 7 15 Programs for Tuesday, November 19

    7 :30 a.m. EST 0 :30 CST KMOX-Fascinatin~ Mcloclies 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST WI.W-hck Arlllstronll;, sketch ~m':-Joll) Hill & Jan.. : WEAF WGN-Len Salvo. organist Star Indicates High Spot Selections NBC-M:l I'rrkins, skptch: \\W\'A-Econnm)' Noles CUS-Organ Reveille: WADe WGY-Musical Program * WEAF WGY WLS WTAM 5 :30 p.m. EST 4 :30 CST N8C-Pollo~k &. Lawnhurst, pi· WL5-Tommy Tanner and Sod- CB5--Just Plain nill, sketch: 1:30 p.m. EST 12:~0 CST WLW CBS-Jack Anmtrolll;. sketch: ana duo: WJZ busten WAUC WKnc KMOX (sw- NBC-Charley Houlane:er's Or· KIlKA-RoIl13I1fe of Dan and \\'ABC (!>w,15279.59) 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST \\'LW-Dacksta!l;e Wife. sketch 15.27> che~lra: WEAF WGY WCKY S~'h'ia N"BC-James Wllkin~OIl. bari· K!\IOX-Il,,.k<;I:'I~e r-.. B(-\ oichi lIiratJka, ),)'!ophon· WWVA---Gertrude Miller MB~Minstrels: WGN WLW CBS-Milton Charles, organist; Wife. sketch tone: WE.\F \\'CIl, home man· in~ Lad\' "'Jl WLW KDKA WJZ Dream Singer: WJZ \VGY-Doc's Yodelinr; Cowbo)'s NBC-Ca!>tles of HOllullce. vo· a\:eml"nt (~w·15.21·11.87> NBC-Se..... "; Tune Twisters; KMOX-Ambrose Raley AI-:\Ju:.ical Sun Dial WWVA-Helpful Ilarrv KMOX-Tho'oy WTAM-.lunior Broadcadtrs ist :lIld songs: K[)KA (sw· C.. Tlnl !Iuly: WJZ WCKY WCoN-Tuneful )IOIII/"nIS 15.21 ) WGN-Mukl"'ts. tJ.Mld·day Ser "t. 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST Afternoon ~'ICe'5 WAVE W511 \\'GY-:'Ilicrollhone Disco\'erie NIK-HaIIP\' Jack. sones: WCpo-.o.Wade House, evangel. WIIA5- LiHStock Heports KJJKA-Harkstall:e Wife. sketch WII.\j--Ih'rhrrt Koch. or(anlst WEAl- WCKY ist 12:00 m ES 11:00 a,nt. CS WLW-Painted Dreams, sketch h: \IOX-Xe"5 WKRC-Tune Time WGN-llymns of All Churchu Scamp~, WC"F-~un"hjlle COS-Bluebirds, girls' vocal trio: NBl"-Three male tn\): \\'~.4.r-Tre.1d"'~115 on Tour 1I0ur WSAl -Ceor~e l:lIi,ton, pOems City Consumers' Guide: WAlle WGY-Ne'Ks; Market Basket WEAF W(KY WAVE \VSM WS'M-News WGX----Guod IlNilth & Training \\'SM-News; l"inallc:i31 N"ews N8C-~lorning Dew:ions: WJZ WLS-Prairie Hamhlen: P.. tS\' CB5--The Voice of Experience, WLS-Ilomemakers' PrlJ!i!l:n:m \\'TA~I-Arm{'h3ir Explorer's Montana; Ilenry \\'TA1\I-Tommv Tucker's Orch. WAVE KOKA (51'0'·21.54) ..dvice: WABC WKRC KMOX W\VVA-Dr. H. Lamont WWVA-Loi!> LOlllt (CBSl Club Musical Clock: WGY WTAM WLW-Iletly Crocker. cookin!;: WWVA WIIAS (!>w-15.279.59) 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST WWV,\-:o.'ews KMOX-News; HOllie Folks' hlk ~pruu- 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST NBC--h:IIII('~ Jhler:.: WJZ NDC-Simpson Boys of NBC-Mu~lc 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST Hour \\TA \l-Nrws: We Three head Day, sketch: WJZ GUild WEAF WGY WS~t WA\'E WCKY WCKY WTAM NBC-Clara, Lu 'n' Em, ~OSSlr: WCI'O-Natchee WWVA-lIl1gh Cross and the KDKA-New5 NnC-The O"'eills, "ketch: Grorgie Por~ie Iloys CDS-Radio GOl>~il) Club with WEAF WTMJ WCKY W WE WGSF-t:J.Gospe:1 Tabernade WCI~O----CollelCe of Music WEAF WG\' WTAM WLW WGY \\'S~1 WGN \Sw 9.53) \\'G!S-Good Mornllle 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST Eddie and F.. nnie Cavanaugh: WGBF-Wedding Anniversaries KI)K,\-Congrpl>s of Clubs (Il<.;..-Tlto Guizar, Irnor: WAIlC \\ IIA5---{;eorgia Wildcats NBC-lIome Sweet Home, KMOX KMOX-E"chan~e WGN-· We Are Four Club WKRC I ("w·15.27) WLW-American Family Robin- WTAM WL"-Rounclul); Variety At,.." cale NIlC-Edward Mac lIuf(h, !::o"!lCI NBC-Rochester Civic Orchestra: NBC-Little Ofillun Annil", >on \\'J,W-Farm)'ilfd Follies, hillbilly WLS-Homemakers Proe;ram sketch WJl KDKA \\'LW W,:)AI-~Cllurch Forum sinc:er: WJZ W~M KUKA W,IZ WAVE KDKA (sw· revue \\'E \I-Dealers' Salute (sw-15.21·1' .87> W~M-I\Morninl!: D(I'\'oliOIl WCKY WAVE (s..... ·15.2D \\'SAI-Rhein)' Gau, sonll;S 15.2D 4 :00 p.m. EST 3 :00 CST WCpo-Feueral Housing Prgm. WCPo-Niitchce 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST KltoX-Let's Compare NQtes \\'TAM-ColI!>ole Caoers NIlC-Behy and Bob. sketch: NBC-~l.!\\!>; City (oll!>umer', \\'CPo-Dot Club News WGBF---Curbstone Reporter WENH-"That Certain Four" 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a,m, CS WJZ !O)KA WENIl (sw·15.20 WSAI-.\melicall Family Robin Guide: WEAl" WGHr-Household Hour WIIAS-Mrs, Randolph. "'hor'Joinll: CJis-.<:lh'eland Strine;: Quartel: 1\!BC-1I01l1')TbIlY alld Sassarras, WI WWVA-D.Gospel Tabernacle WSM NBC-Merr)' Macs (News, WJZ W!:I'AI WSM 6:00 IJ.m, EST 5:00 CST KDKA-News; 1t,Idill Parade CBS-V. S. N,l\')' Band: WABC 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST Betty and Doh. sketch: WGY NBC-(Ne\\" WJZ olll)'): Soulh· WHAS KJ\lOX WSMI< WKRC 0111)'): WJl WSM WAVE WC!, Y-NclYs CBS-Between the Bookends: WI,W enlaires, Illnle quartet: "'JI. NBC-Today's Childrcn. sketch: l\1BS-Halph I NaC-Music Guild: WSAI (sw· WI·IA5--/\ Wcek-d... v Devotions \\'ABC hw·11,839.59) \V1.~Mol"nint: Roundup 1\IBS-VJn~·inians, male quartet: KUKA-Sah and I'eanuts KMOX-This and That 15.33> WWVA-lIu!(h Cross: Gl"ir!Cic CBS-Joe I'lotkc's OI'c1lesha: WTA;\I-Dr. Sunshine WLW WGN KMOX-News Throul(h a Worn· Pur~ie Buys W~!\lK \VAVE-[).I.h~\·otional Service WGY-Weavers Iketch hMUX-·llck·Tock Revu. trio: WEAF WSM WSAI NBC-Fletcher lIenderson's Or- (sw.15,27·9.59) 2:15 p.m, EST 1:15 CST \\'KRC-Srnilin' Dan WAVE-Musical Clock wGY WAVE WTA1\I chestra: WJl WENR KDKA KDKA--Grab Ba~ NBC-Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: NBC-Words & !\fu"ic: wJZ WLW-Qld I'ashioned Girl, Helen WCPO-Variety 1I0ur {sw.15.2D r-;ul?;~nt. Guest Speakers: Walter Blau­ KDKA WAVE WS\,I-5Iriu!:, W51AI-i\.lcCormick'~ WCl'o--Anila Auch WAVE (sw-15.2H Old Time NBC-Girl Alone, sketch: \\lEAF WGN-Backstage Wife, sketch WCI'O----Racine Information WTAM-Pie Plant Pete Fiddlers KMOX-Window Shoppers WCKY WSAI W\\'VA-AlI·Star Sl}Ort Final W\\ \' A-!llornin~ Dance Tunes WHAS-:\tonticello Party Line WliN-Harold Turner, pi.. nist Minstrel~ WGN-Romance of lIelen Trent WAVE-Ice Cream SingCT 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST 8:45 a.m. EST 7:45 CST WI.$-Mornine: WGY-farm Program WGBto--News WLW-Li\'estock Heports; News WGY-Household Chats NSC-l'o!ld week 1I)'mn Sing. NBC-Landt Trio & White, WI.S-Liltle Bits from Lire: Wil· WGN-Parents WWVA-Navy Hanu (CBS) liam Vickland \\'L5----Pa and Ma Smithers & Teacher's K ..thr)'n Palmer, soprano; WJZ KDKA (sw-21.54) WLW-~ature Congrpss 11 :00 a.m. EST 10 :00 CST WLW-Livestock, River, Weath­ Stories Jop:c Altmand, cOlltralto; John WGHF-TImely Topics '.\'GY-~latinee PI avers Jallli~on, NBC-Ida Baile\· Allen: Morton er & Market WSM-Words & Music (NBC) lenor; Arthur Bill WKRC-Horowsky's Gypsies W\\VA-Thc 01' Pardner WKRC-Eddie Schoelwer ine;s Hunt, baritone & direc WI.">-1I1I1)" Joe & lIis Pet Pals Bowe, tenor: WEAF WTAM WSM-Danner Newsha.....k WGY WTAM-Hank Keene's Radio 2 :30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WLW-News: Fin... nei31 Notes tor; I.owell Patton. ore;lni~t 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST WSM-Orltets in the Air CB5----lnstrumcntalists: WABC Galllt NBC-Hh)'thm Octet: WEAF \\'E\F WS.\I WTAM WCKY NBC-Organ Rhapsody. Richard WTAM-Twilight Tunps WG)' (sw·9.53) Lei h elL orcanist: WEAF (sw-15.27> WWVA-Tony and DC'minic WGY CU;:)-to-Ive St.1I Jones. sketch: Air: WAIlC WHAS WKRC NBC-U. S. Marine Band: WJZ W5MK K.\IQX (sw-15.27. NnC--Gen Frd. nf Women's NBC-,\nimal Close,Ulls; Stories WSMK WHAS WKRC WABC KMOX WKRC (sw­ Clubs: WEAF WSM by DOll Lang: WJZ NBC-Break.f.lst C!ub: EdnOili WSAI WLW WAVE WSM 15.17) 9.59) * KDKA (sw.15.21) NBC-Golden Melodies; Orch.: CBS-Three Little Words: WABC Those O')blle)'s, sk~tch: KDKA Odell, contralto: Ranch Boys: WCI'(}-Home Beautiful WSMK WHAS WKRC (sw· WHAM WJZ WAVE KDKA WSM CnS-Mary Lee Taylor: WHA<=: \VGBF-Bullctin Board W,ll WSM WAVE KMOX KlJKA- HOllie Fonlm 15.27) K!\IOX-Hussell Brown & Edilh WSAI (sw-15.21> WGN-Paillted Drpams NBC-Dudley Brolhers: WJZ Karen, ~ongs Hymns of All Churches: WCY WCpo-Today's Headlines WIlAS-LoK Cabin Boys WCpo-Vocal Variety Mlssu~ WSM WAVE WENR KDKA WAVE-Skl'("ls Morris WLW WGBF-Mister and WLS-Weather: Produce WGN-Friendly Neignbor's HOUSe Report: ~~g~~D~~~I::as1sters (sw 15.21) WBUM-Robin !Iood Jr. KMOX-Views on News Nrws WCKY-Dick Tracy, sketch WCpo---<.·hall1b~r WCpo-Arkansas Fiddlers Party and Home Hour WLS-Grain Mal'kets of Commerce Wt\V-Farm WCI'O---:'Ilews Prm:ralll WLS--Lulu Belle and Scotty WI< HC-Kentucky D. A. R, (NBC) WLW-Home Efonomics WLS-Martha Crane; Ilelen Jo· WSAI-Today's News WGUF-!\1usiral Masterpieces WENIl-Spm:.'ribs (NBn WTAM-Livestock Quolations: WTAM-Noon·day Resullle WG)'-<;lock R~I)I)rls WGN-Junior I'olice Palrol Vaul(hn Kinlt's Calisthenics vce; Mornin'! HOlllemak"rs Hr. WWVA-I.UIII'hron Music WWVA-Ma Perkins, sketch WLW-Sinlting N"il;hbor. Chaun- WIIAs-Out 0' the 'Du~k WWVA-Cowboy Loye and Just WWVA-Flyin' X Round.Up 2:45 p,m, EST 1:45 CST 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m S cey Polrsons, tenor WI{HC-SI)Orts; N('\\'s PIJilL John CBS-Frank Dailey's Orcheslra: MBS-Palnler House Ensemble: WSAI-Aull Vall Le-i1r, soprano WL\\'-E\'E:nilJ~ CBS-The Tlll'ce Keys: WAHC WGN WSAI COllcert 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WABC WSM 1< (SlY'] 51,21·9.59) WTAM-B~llad Time with Ches­ WSl\1-ColJlic Cluh r-; IlC~ Richard Leibert, orgalllst: WWVA WSMK KMOX (sw­ WCrO-I),A.H. Pr0ltram 15.27) NBC-Ne..... s; Market & Weather ler loll II WWVA-Oinnel' l\lll"ic WLW WGY Heports: WEAF WGY-Hr WL5--Dinnerbell "rOl{ram CBS-TIIWII Topic! with Lois WCPo-Fair)'land Program KDKA-Four Dynamos of Cowboys: WEM'- WtW WCKY WSAI-I~olice NBC-Your Child, Bratrice Mc· Flashes Lonlt; Guests; On'h.: WABC WG~-The Rh),thm KMOX-The Corn Huskers Serenade Connell. speaker: WEAF WGY WTAM-Sammy Ka)Te'S Orch. WSMK WHAS WKRC lsw­ WCY- MlI~icat Program WCpo--Star Serenaders W('po-Pat Gillick WTAM \\'5:'11 WAVE WCKY 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST 15.279.59) WIIAS-Teachers' College tvFNR-What's 111r Nl"w! WGY-:'\Ir. & Mrs, WisepenllY WCI'G--Ilomespun Philosopher NBC-Dick Fidler's Orchestra: MBS-Molly of tile Movies, WL\-\'-Bnh Nolan's Hand WG8F-Singin~ Cowbo)' WLS-l1~lornin~ Devotions WGBF-Baby Shop Man WEAF skl'tch: WG:'Il WLW WGY-News; Evenillg 811'\'lliel WTAM-Health and HOllie WWVA-Jollv Joe &. Coco's Cir· WCN-Bachelor's Childrpn CBS-Frank Dailey's Orchestra: KDKA-Elia B. Black, W,C.T.U. CIIS WHAM-Terrv &: TN! 9:45 a,m. EST 8:45 CST WHAS-Sam, Gil and Louie WKRC Talk 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST WKRC-Evenin!: Serenade NBC-The Wife Saver: WEAF WLS--X{'ws RCI}Ort: Mark~t! WCPO--Annette PatLon Cornell KMOX-!\Ia Perkins, sketch NBC-Symphony Orch: (sw-9.53l WI.\\'-Bllb Newllall, SIl')rls WCKY WTAM WLW-ehandll"'r Chats WGBF----Farmer Purcell WCPG--Today's Winners CBS-John Hale, tenOr: WABC WSM-News; Chri~tine John~ton CBS----Golhamaires, male quartet; WWVA-Ezra Plotts S"ys­ WGN-Ilifh l'obn's Darlil'-I WGY-Lane; Sisters WKRC WSMK Kl\10X (sw­ contralto News: WABC WKRC WSMK 11:45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST WGY-Bag and Bagll;age WL5--Book Heview 15.27> \"TAM-News; SIKlrtsman WIIAS NBC-Katherine Bacon, pianist; WIIA5-Georgia Wildcats WTAM-~lusical Cocktail KDKA-Kiddies' Klub 0:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST KDKA-Style & Shopping Serv· WEAF WTAM WSM WAVE WSAI-Dance Interlude WWVA-Cowboy Loye and Just WCPG--Salon Music NBC---Orphan Annie, sketch; ice \VCKY WWVA-Musical Program Plain John WGN-Len Sal\'o, organist WGN WSM 16 1 Tuesday, Nov. 19 Continued ~Br-I~illy and B{'tt}", ~ket(ti; * CBS-Lawrence Tibbett. bari­ \\"KRr-\"r\\< Bill~ Sll ,Irr' .. HEARD ON WEA ... 1'>11, D,,· \·o..rhre~ Orchr~tra OrchE'~trOl ('H ...... -rJlder,..I~I.dil g Op e r ill W\Or WH.\~ \\ hll(, K\IOX \\ ~.\I-Hill\ :-11 .. \.~ OrrJ,r~tr \\'\\ \\ WKRC won\1 '\1-6.12 6.l)Ii WTUI-(;rnr.e OuCh Orr. SBC-Lt>\\rll Thorna~. COIIIIlll'lla­ * NBC-Wayne KIng', Orch.: 11:15 p.m. EST iO:15 CST THE AIR lor: \\'J/ KDI,;,\ WL\\" WTA.:'II WEM \\TA\1 WG)' WAVE \"lH -L\ulI;lrd K~ller ~ Orch (~\\" 11.87-15.21) W~.\I ($\\,·9.5'3) WE.\f \\'[.... R \\"SAI W~:'II lillllll} Allen. sl..elth: K\10X W(K)" Ddl L('unarcr~ Orrh. W( hY WL\\" \\'G\ WBlDI \\ c'/'o--\1\1e;ica! SelelliulL" (n...-Luui, All1l'lron~'s Orch.· (Co,l!lI1l1ed Irol1l Page J3) Only 3c each for 25 mild, mel· \\TK Y --Dinner CUllt"rTt \\"(i~-,Inr Sanders' Orche~tra \\~'\II\ IDIOX low, deliciously-fragrant cigars. \\'CPO-Around tlle TOI\1l \\ .... ,!-.... O\l\"ellll·s ill KDKA-!,o\'elorn Column J'\ohle's ArnL'ri"::

    24 7 On Short· Waves Lulu Belle (Contwlled from Pa.r.:e 2)) 7;30 p. m.-03nce music: CDJCl. 1:15 p. m.-Today in Germany . 7:15 p. m.-'lie:~ Kal~er, songs (Y"2ItC>' 10 p. m.-~IO("k reporu . 6 :30 a. m.-Edinhurgh Ca~tle (tiSI', esc). 10:30 p. m.-Lettf'r OOX W.ID. 10:30 a. m.-American hour m,nt). WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 10:30 p. m.-Talk, South America (H.I4ABE), 12:15 p. m.-Tipica orche'i>tra (GSB, eSD. GSt). 6 a. m.-:\I.lil Bag (\,10,11:). 11:30 p. m.-DX IJrtll1T. 4 p. m.-Mcct I\lirkry :-'Iouse (GSU, esc). 10:30 a. m.-Aml:dc31\ hour (DJB). 12 mid.-O\'erseas hour (H'N). 6 p. m.-I!umour W,IC>' 2:10 p. m.-London The. 3:15 p. m.-~horl ~lUry fr.SB, GSD, GsIJ. m.-Scolti~h mu~ic THURSDAV, NOVEMBER 11 6:35 p. m,-Th" :-'l' 9:45 a. m.-.\lfredo Campoli':. urdH,,,tra (PHI). 6:55 p. m.-Talk, 1 Knew it :-'Ian (GSA, eSC). 6:05 p m.-Talk, I.and U"rlamallon (2no>. a. m.- :'!farin" hmld (GSE, CSF). m.-Ellgli~h 10 7 p. program (EAQ). 6:15 p. m.-Fulklolc cveuillg (2nOL 10:30 a. m,-Alllerkdn huur (I)J3), mll~k m.-Wel~h, Enozh~h 7 p. m.-VencLuel. 2:30 p. m.-1911 scrapbook (C .... B. GSD). 7:15 p. m.-Uats in the Belfry (C"'.\, GSCL 7 p. m.-bll::li~h Jlfu~ratl1 (I:AQ). 4 p. m.-Qler't'de: hour (JYP. J\':'!O. 7:15 p. m.-Today in Germany (DJCL 7 p. m.-Ediubulch Ca:.llr IG ....\, GSC>' 5:05 p. m.-Rillcel. Rim":t'l, He"l'nkrilnz (DJCL 6 p. m.-1.i2ht and 5hade (C~.\. G:'iC). 6:15 p. m.-Graml>phone Imp (DJC>. 6:30 p. m.· PopuLar TUlIrs (D./C). Saturday, 7 p. m.-Endle:h proe:ram E..\Q). SHE IS THE BELLE OF THE Nov.=2=3=C=o=n=t=in_u_ed---,.,= 7:15 p. m.-Tt.. I;l)· in (ierlllallY IDJCL p. 1 BARN DANCE Orchc~tra 7:15 m.-Orcall recit.. IG ....\. G"'CL MHS' \'eloz &. YulawJd':' Orc;h.: 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST hUK.\-llance 7 :30 p. m.-Fc>rl'i£1I Land" WJC>' \\'fo~ W~AI (U-.-Hudd Iluliek's Orclu'~lra: WGBF-[)an!,:e Orchee:tra ~onl!:S W(Po-~ulI~et Wr.\-\n~on 1:30 p. m.-Ru....rlo l.o7..,da, (Y\,2RCL Hoyal [nt..nain. WABC K\IO\ \\lIb \\r..RC Weeb' Orchestra m.-C.lrlo~ (E.\Q). On Sfltm'dflY NigJlts ~'I 7:35 p. Arijita, Ilianie:f m \\' BB:'!I \\ K :.\\ 6.126.06) \\ L"o-Harn DallCt· Ruulldup 7:15 p_ m.-\>n:OIf:ur hour 1\,\·2RC,. L"--lIoo~ier \\ Hot Shots; Grace \\Th.Y-Xe"~ \\ "'I -RoberI Lllld\ 8:30 p. m.-Yiulin. Jliano recil .•! ' Wil_"n \\'r.~-.J('e S"'lut"rs' Orchf:~tra It:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST 9 p. m.-For You. Mdtl .. me iC.IBO. (JIIX>, W\\'\"A-D.Sul\d3)· School Ln· W~.\I-Huh th"<:ter'~ Orchr'\lra KDr..\-To be i11'l,uunCCll 9 p. m.-D;)nd foncerl (yy2RC). The NATIONAL . 8:30 p.m. EST 7 :30 CST \\ \\ \'A-Freu \\'arilH(s Orch. che..fr. 1lI0ck's Orch.; Jeff) C"upt'r, \\'tKY-Radio Paraue \\ G \-Jall Garbt'r'~ Orche'ltra 10:30 p. m.-RCtlllt'''t Jlrograln (FYA), BARN DANCE S;lll) Sin!::cr; Suloi.. t: \\ ABC \\ n'O----lIarry Willse)"s Occh. W~:'!I-Sid lIarkre:lder; Deford 10:30 p. m.' ·Tillk, Soulh Anlt'ri(';} (yv2nC). W\\YA (~\\6.12·6.06) Ihiley WGBF-Cul al Jlnom Guodmall'~ 12 mid.-Ol'''re:eas hour (J":-;>' H ea,. It 0 ve,. CBS-J,I,!(uiu ~('hat'l,el"s Ensem· WC\-Vc1o£ &. Ynlallda's Urdl. \\ITA:'!I':"'II:lI Or(h. 12:00 Mid ES 1J :00 p.m. CS ble: WKHt K:-'IOX WS'l-Fruit Jilr Drink"r<;: Sill'io FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 56 NBC S'l'ATIONS \rBB:'!I-~'lt'ltrut'1!"l'r an.] Sallio XDC-r..'-lY I'-pf'r's Orche"lra: WEAF "'Cry WA\'E \\'l KY 10:15 a. m. Trio (PHIL \\ (PQ-Ha\ 1\oulc's 'Iu,ic 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST 10:30 ~. m.-·\nlrriCall hour lDJBL \\IG:'\-The. D.wct' On'hrstra NDC-Curn Cuh I'ipl' Uub of Cn"-llerbie Ka)·.. On·ht·..lra: COAST-TO-COAST \\ \Ht K:'!IOX \\KRC \\:--\IK 1 :30 p. m.-Orl.'.I1l mll~ic (Gsa. GSD. G~Il. WII,\5-LOul"nlle Iiour \'lr~illia: Slrilkl;tHlI (;llhl:lIId: "'taneJj'~ ~1.Ll:e (;~.()). (~I\ WBIDI 2 p. m. party H;... ». Over 40 Radio Artists including the Cum­ WI.S-Bafl\ Dance Party \\ 1-\1' WlK\' WG\' 9.53) 2:45 p. m.-HflfaH Philharmonic (GSB, (;"U). \\ ....\J---(ar"frel" Caper" XBI-To hI' announced: \\Jl * NBC-Carefree Carnival: WJZ berland Rid~e Runners. Maple City Four, WS:'!I-Ja(k'~ W~:'!I 6 p. m.-"'(lllll'thinl!: for evcr)b.lml CI,pJ}i'rfielcl (G"C. * W \liC \\ Uh \\ BH \1 '\\ W"',,-eruul.. Band ~outh IIJ~\nE' \ ..flrf' Koe:lc!iltleI7' Orch. &. l~;::O 10:30 p. m.-Tdlk. Allwm;a 6.111 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS O\'f:r~e ~ 12 mid. s hour fJ,"X >. Chorus: \\ABC WH.\S K\IOX K'lti\:-~p"rt 1'.lI:c ul Ih" .\ir HC Al bun' Orth,' WEAF WKRC WBB:'!I bw·6,12·6.06' \\ I RC-\\'ill J-1au-er's OrchhlU \\'(;Y W,\'rE \\ThY S8C-To be announced: (sw· ~ BC TllllHllV Tllrk"n' Orch.: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 \\ t;Hf-[);JIlC''' Or"hfe:lr;t 9:20 i. m.-~cut\alltl vs, !\t'W I.r"lilnd. rugby 6.14) \\ I\JIC'-Frank Stolfrr's Orch. WJZ hOI"\.<\ hl\ 6.14) WORK AT HOME NI:\\s: WSAI W\\VA \'C>llllll':'~ football (G--F. G~Gl. \\'I.W-Tnlll CClaklcy'" Oreh. COS-Slerlillf:: Or('h.: I>'lfll $1:1 Hill! lip ",,,,,tis. ot hom", tIllllr""'" \\Tpo- n. THE ACME SYSTEM, ~clll~ \i1tiOl1ill Baru Dance, 5:30 p. m.-War tli~cu"ioll (IIBL, HIlPl. Dave M.II;,un MollJle Cil)' Four; HE'nr)' Durr, W(;:\-Ilorace I-tfilh' Orfhr~lrii DepL R. Box 6147, Clevelancl. Ohio WLW-:'!to<,n !linr, orf;.a· & 6 p. m.· \ Requicnl (DJO. 5:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST Hnftr; Lulu Belle; L'nde Ezn; orch,,~tra n(:-HIl~",;!n ~~mph. 6 p. m.-D.lI'''· (fi"\. C;"'C>. :\ UlC Ch. ir: \"("rur, I... ~ anrl "ary; Hoosier 1">I'ms \~. W""1 Dehllort' nrNhE'f! 6:10 p. m.-S(otl.lntl XI'I' Zt'Jlollld, rugb)' W.Il WII.nl \\TKY KIlK.\ Hl'l Shot. WLW ft>(lth;11I (r('for/hnK) (GSA. C....C) 6.14) \r\\~, \\ T,\\I- ·!Samnl\· Ka\l"s <>reh. :-;HC \\JI. onl)'); Dance 7 p. m.-\"ellCl.uejdll mll~ic IY\'1nCL WG\-Ka\'eljn's Orehe~tn OldJe~lril; WW'·.\-Vi\·,an .\liller. urun ill. \\JI 7:15 p. m. -Todar in German) (D.l() $1 \\".\1 -("onCffl 11.111 of .\ir t"rlu.lE' (B" Abe b:lloi"'':I OTclll',tu' 7:30 p. m.-"'Hn!ali. HOOIlf'( tY\'2RCL Complete \\ .. 'l-Gull)' JlInlprr~ WBB~I 12:45 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS \\ .\KC W,,'Re K:'!IOX 9:15 p. m.-Bcrllll PhilharmoniC' 'IlJCl o.w~ ••1lJ' \\ W,'A .\ir Ca~lle W:--.\IK WH-\ .... WGBr-D;illle nrfh"tra .. 'Ih , ..,. 10:30 p. m.-T lk. ~. uth A:lleriu , HJ4:\UEI Pl>1I~1,. \\(i:\-Jof' ~alld'l'" Orcil. a Ju t 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST 1\BC-Hdw'll ''-If'rn'~ Orehf'~tra: 'le~senser plilft In t· .. II W~\I-~am . ncl Kirk ~ltCI'I'; 11 :30 p. m.-\orthern (CJRO. * NBC-The Ch.te.u; W",II.u \\ I~ -\F WCKY WSAI nSo:-;>. l·IPildl,. Aerial Berry. m.c.; nctor \'oun~s "'UK \-\r\\~; ~I>Orts I-ruit Jar Drillker EUmlnlt"r i IU W~:'!IK-Sterli 11 mid.- -OHf5fbb, :'!Ieel<.er's ) :00 a.m. ES 12:00 :tJid CS an)'1lll~ 1(1 un;,,] and K.\lO:\-~OIIUr,ld)' InlUlld or tL ) uur ~1;\llle City Four; Henry (.)Hhf:e:fra :\111' (Iub, AI ratlio ... 11 1I,..n "p,r· Burr. lenor; Uncle Ezn; Lulu \\II.\\I-Frank Skultet}"s Orch. Iluth's Orelle'tr;! X-Word Solution IItt Ind lunlt In lilt Orche~lra WL~B-!'e'f!land Junior ~) ml,hony \\ BIi\l-Huh P.lc('lIi·~ 0.0: Onh.· WABC WKR( \\IIAS \H;\ -1!Prarr Ih'i,I(', C1rrl a AhO\c is the solution (0 the It"olo WG\-An~c>n'" Wrtk'\' Orcht"~lra WS:'!IK K:'!IOX WBB\I 5:00 a.m. EST 2:00 CST GVlI)i:: X·Word PUZllt: \\hich appeared last W"-M-Curt poulton; Joick anti l\HC- R;t\· "oble's Orch.: \\JZ \\HUM-Au tin Mdcl..·s Orch \\cck. W:ltch fulure is~ues for more radio His MisSClUri Mountaineers WHM,(W:::iAI End of Salurday Prgms. X·word puzzles. 7 25 Hunt of the Itching Trigger Finger

    (Conllllued from Page J1) and signaled his fellow policemen with a found ,\Irs. Harry Sucherman and her 5­ have gone up with him. for both had flashlight. year old twin boys crouching in a corner. died illstClntly. right hand to his left, and began shooting. Backed into a corner of the third floor terrorized by the shooting and the events The grLlnd jury quickly indicted Wasser­ The smaller man leaped into the air like hallway stood a man, hands held high, which had preceded it. man 011 a chesenjoyConvcnatioo . Mov~.es. dreams. of longing after a career and air each Sunday nigh1. lis details are Church and Radio, because they use lence. then sprang his big surprise. vari~d, Leonud Invisible Ear Drum5 which ne\"er attaining it, and then suddenly find­ many and hut the spirit Clnd mo­ ~ resemblr Tiny Megaphollrsfittinjt ing themsel\'es catapulted into the spot­ "We have a \'ery distinguished guest in tive behind it arc one. That is what holds in the Ear entirely out of ,igb.t. light m-er-Iiight. the audience tonight." he said. "a great the J\-lajor to his task at an age when No wire"batteriel or hud piece. v singer \\'ho was the tOJst of <'!II Paris after They arc inexpensive. Write for Of such stuff is the story of J\larguerite most men in his circumstances would booklet :lnd ,wor-n statement of DRI/M I{yan of the Bronx. Mrs. Ryan's husband she made her debut in the open l.ouise ha\'e retired. wa~ ~ome the inventorw!,o himlclf deaf. had heen unemployed for more than a at the Paris OperLl Ilome years ago 1;01' the Amateur Hour has become a eLEONARD. I~yan A. O. Inc..Suite109. 70 5th Ave., New YorIl: year. They h;:ld two children and had She sang the same aria J\lrs. S:ll1g huge enterprise reachin~ out to e\'ery sec­ been forced to ;Jccept relief from the city tonight-i\liss !\lary Garden." tion of the country. Eight traveling units for se\"eral months. i\ phonograph was For two hours after the audience had :In' on t he road. giving jobs to more than one of the few amllSt.'mt.'nts left to t:.e departed Mary Garden and .I\brguerite 100 amateurs. A series of 25 movie shorts MEN WANTING JOBS Ryan family, and one day the mother Ryan sat in a corner of the ~tlJdlO talklng are in production. These will give em­ on New Construction Work in United \\'as playing her favorite, a recording of They talked of careers. J\lrs. I~yan has bv ployment to about 2)0 when completed states. So. America, other countries, IDepuis Ie Jour from LOUHe by J\\ary this time made a good start on hers. She Sl:lgchands in a score of cities have write. enclosing stamp, to Garden, when she had an idea. has been touring the:Jlcrs throllghout the \\"Orked for the first lime in monlhs. It CONTINENTAL SYSTEM, l3efore her marriage she had been a country for se\'eral months. W.1.S a small pebble that i\bjor Howes 1614 Broadway, Dept. 206, Gary, Ind. choir singer. Why not learn this aria from But triumphs of another kind h:1Ve been dropped into the radio millpond less than J\lary Garden's record and try to get on chalked up 10 the credit of the Amateur t\\"o years '-I go. hut it has ,started a titbl­ tl13t Major Bowes' Amateur Hour she ! lnur. I"or in.~lance, there was the ce!e­ wa\'('-or, if you don'l mind mixed met3­ I ru~h had heard so much about? She practised bral('d ,\trClir of the Diamond Tooth. defi­ phms-a gold faithfully by herself and was able to per· nitely pro\'ing thClt all that glitters is not suade a teacher to give her lessons with gold Sometill1e~ it's a diamond. The Chase and Sanhurn Coffee payment deferred for a few months. Then ,\tary Perry was a dusky daughter of Company presents the 'Major a serious operation interrupted her plans Iladem and a feminine edition of Cab Howes Arnaf(>ur Hour every Sun· for weeks. Calloway. When she sang she rolled hel dar evening at g p. m. EST (7 CST; :i\fak~ l;al~3-pro(jtl Italore w'th new MOl';J;~' BELT! Iligh (!uality. dressy GenuineCilwhideb~lt As soon as she \vas out of the hospital eyes. The studio approved, enthusiastical­ 6 MST; 5 PST) over an NBC· with concealed secret IIl()ney pocket known only to she made application and waited patiently ly. She had a solid gold tooth of which \VEAF network. wearer! DI't1r, thlere,-hilld-UllS llirk-T>ock~t

    26 6a The Voice of th e Listener MYSTE~Y piG! This department is solely for the use of the readers as a place In which to voice opinions and exchange views about radio. Address your letters. which MUST NOT exceed 100 words, to VOL, RADIO GUIDE, 131 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois

    That is all a huge myth about farm people us listen day after day. We want to listen any­ The Farmer Takes ~ing prejudiced against the better class of music, way to hear our own family life and also the well playel1 and sung by trained, talented musi­ friendly advice of dear Mother MOT"n, a Knife cians. Arlington, Texas Helen Hollingsworth Des Moines, Iowa Mrs. Charles Mayer A BIG LAUGH )1YSlellOU"~ EvelYOlle will ""tUkl' WllJl Ulak, , ille ll:V,­ Dear VOL; I believe that the popularity of tcry pig wlggJ/\ • he tW\;;I< hi;; ;;nolll, l)link, "ll'.!, wiggle" ell'" lI'lIl wail~ hil wHlwut lIny m{'~hl\nkl\] ~11l1­ the rulw, hillbilly or barn dance type of rildio Champaign Toaster trhance or IJlm,~n aiel. HUllrs uf fun "~tchj"g .\Ir. POl-: wogram with us farm listeners, has heCll greatly Beer-y Sleeper do his stuff. Gl'e~t for partie~ for 'lien, ,,,,,lieU aull ~\!UIJC: folk~. Fool your friends ... the)··J1 wonder wllat make~ overestimated by certain radio stations. Dear VOL: Since no one has taken the oppor­ Dear VOL: A big star preceding the Vic and It work. They cau·t tell uule~~ you re,"eal .~ret. i\othlng We are within very comfort;lble distance of Sade program? There's an act that has Big League to get out of nrdrr. J.ut~ Ini1cfinltdy. }'jg In w,t porkn tunity of writing about the Saturday night Cha­ or p,mp. SEND 30c or $1. FOR 4 (CANADA 35e both WLS and WNAX, chief dispensers of the written all over it! They should have a night teau program, I am going to. EA. 3 FOR $1.) U. S. MONEY ONLY-BTAMPS cheap, trashy, cowboy programs in this locality. spot as they surely rate with Amos 'n' Andy, NOT ACCEPTED. MOlle~' hack if not HIJ% sathllHI. Ever since AI Jolson has been off the air as OrllH tullay. You Dcnr saw anythlu& like II. 1t"< Th~ Ot'w. At a farmers' gathcring one evening we wcre rlis· master of ceremonies the program is no longer Lum and Abner, and-well, to save my life r e 3) HollYwood by far the best program on the air, and I listen glams. At least it is doing a swell job uf turning I consider cowboy and hillbilly music, as it is 4) Black Velvet played and sung by the various old·time groups cunslantly. Their commercials don't take up half yours truly into a bookworm iustead of a ratlio Redwood Treasure Chest: Comains4-:;Oc heard over stalions like WNAX at Yankton, S. D., of the fiftel'n·miflute period, and on holidays and hn. Silence and a good magazine are preferable bottles of these High Grade Perfumes. Chest 6 in. by and WLS, Chicago, the very dregs of radio enter· afler forceful episodes there are no commercials. to SOllle of the ballyhoo alld canned programs putrif.~illg 3 in. made from GIant Redwood Trees of ulifofnia. tainmellt. The inferiority and utter cheapness of Every character has his or her problems just which are the "irwaves in increasing Send only $1.00 check, sramps or currency. (Rcgular the~e farmers' programs are an insult to our as nalurally as we do, and the author doesn't vol lime day hy dily. Value $2.00 '. An Ideal ChriStmas Gift. mu~ical tastes. always have someone jnju.red in order to make Jllnctiun (ity, Kan. H, G. Hayes PAUL RIEGER, 159 Davis St., San Francisco, Cal. La Crosse, Wis. Mr. G. Nelson r------;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::;----- Dear VOL; Speaking authoritatively from the 'lamlpoint of one born and raised on the farm, I (lffl'r my opinion of the so·called farmers' pro­ gr:lms featuring hillbilly am! co .... hoy style music. GREATEST BARGAIN I actually hate mount

    Dt"ar VOL: I think the idea of hillbilly music for farmers i! !illlple music, !imply played for '!l'S.'l Portable to I > FREE TYPING COURSE any~ne you name, and )'ou cal! slill pay _- __ . ~ , With your new ReminRt(ln Nniselt'!!."l Portable we lor It at (lnly IOc a day. Few gifts are so - ~ What They Are ""i11lcnd you-absollltefy FREF.-a 19-page COUTlle nniversally plea.<;ing as a new Remington in typing. It teachell the Touch System, Ul:ltc'l.l by an Noisel('l'ton Hand loe.• Dcpt.24.U4 1/ ' I 2IXi E. 4Znd Street. New York, N. Y. Stirring or Gelluille or Frivolous Ple.lIe tt'll ml' how I ean ll'1't • new Rt'minl(ton N"tll@letUI Porlable typ.... Story 0/ What Tballksgiving Day FREE CARRYING CASE I writer. plDI FREE tJ'p;nlt e<)11 ...... find eIllTY;DIt eaBe for on],. 10e. Ua,.. Means to Tbem We will send you FREE with every Reminlo:ton Noise- g-I··r,..· AI.., lend me tlt'w U1ultnted. nit-dogue. 1(16!! Porlable II special carrying ca

    6 27 A Christmas Gift for All the Year 8 Handsome Original Rogers STATE SEAL SOUVENIR SPOONS

    for Only $ .00

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    The price of a single spoon is 1,j cents plus ::l c~nts for mailing

    The:5e leaspoons, regular size with plain bowl::;, rnu:-.L be seen to be apprcciated- mu~t be handled to rcalizt their weight and value. They are Original Rogers Silycrwarc made by International Sih'er Co.,-the oldest and largest makers of sil\'en\are in tIle "orId. AA quality--66 pellll)'\\t'ights of pure ~iher Lo the gros~. Beautiful. raised-design Slale Seal on each handlc. Here Are the Spoons You Will Receive: Illinois New Jersey New York Pennsylvania COUPON Texas California Michigan Wisconsin RADIO GUIDE-Spoon Dept., i31 Plymouth Court. Chicago, JIJ.

    If eight spoons-all alike-are pre­ Please send me by mail. postpaid, 8 spoons as ferred-desiRnate State on coupon described, for which I enclose $1. Name' _ All you have to do is write or print your namc and address plainly Street Addre~s on this coupon, enclose one dollar in cash. check, money-order or stamps, and the spoons are yours. City__ State _ This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival purposes only. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay, electronically or in reproduced form. Please support the preservation of old time radio.