• • 10 Volume V Number 5 E C B 8 7 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending November 23, 1935 -¢ Ruth Ettjng For Story of the Cover Girl. Set Pige 19 Major Bowes' Gold Rush ~ Paul Whiteman's Jazz News and Views of the Week Recordings You can't l'al your cake anti have it. The only rl"trictioll imp()~cd is thaI Ihe subject matter 'I his in ')ub:.tance hi the alhWCT of the Win Firat meet the dictates of decency and /-:ood t;I'te. Beyond Ju!oo[icc~ of the Common Plt'as Court that ann)]11' call get as Illu..:h on tilt' air \\;lVes on any Round of Philadelr1hia to .\1aestro hell War­ givl.'n ~llhjed as one Can get into nl.'\\"p;lper~, ing. who tril'd tu ... top stJtion \\ IJAS .\Ir. P<l\ne objects to critici~m of hi .. \talcmcnts. He from u..inJ.: hi.. records for broadca .. tinJ.:. like.. 10 Ji'h :t out but doc, not like to Like it-eHn in The Cnurt ruled that Waring ha .. no control onr this Iw re l.' l1hles Don Qui'()h~. the records he has !:'ocen paid to maKe. Hdore .\1 r, Payne ... tir, up too mu..:h of a tempest, The amwer point., out that \\ aring did not o\\n Jet him prt: l'nt hiOi idea (If the ideal radio hroadca~t son~ the copyright of the .. i:l dispute, I'm YounJ.: and struetUrt' and the pcrft.'d patt~rn for a week's brc:;JJca.. t­ He;elthy. and You're Gelling to Be a I Lihil "ilh .'te. ing. Lillil he ha, an objective. and a plan to substItute but that the copyright proprietor, .\1. \\itmark « Sons, for an ide;l, he ~hould keep quiet. granted RCA \'jClOf Compan~' the right to u"e the musical compo'iti1lns. The RC\ Victor Company, l"\alional I3roadc;:lsling • Company, and the 'alional .\....nLialioll of Broadca..ters Radio Radio lighthouses and beacons have are aligned "ilh \\'11\5 in cldcndillJ.\ the ~uit because proved so sllcces\ful in <;afegll:trdin~ of the far-rea~hil1g effect the (!eci ..ion lllay have on the Beacons on .. hipping during fot-:: and "torm that broadca"ting of phonograph re..:orJ~. Guard the~ have made inefJedive the oId- \\ DAS further points out that it held a liccn-..c ta.. hioned liJl!:hthou~. anti the govern­ frum the Amerkan So..:i('1)' of Compo,er" Author.. and ment is inqalling ten ne\\ beacons. Puhli.. hcrs to perform ~lIch mu,ical composition", and it The f)qurtment of Commerce is i:lnnouncinJ! that IUC\ iou..ly had ht.-en g.ranted the performing rights by three of the I\e\\ heacuns "'ill he li~ht hip'ii. With the the authors of the words and music. completion of this pro~ram, every lightship under the Waring. aher plaving the <;ele..:tions for RCA Victor juri5diction of the l 'nilt'd States will be equipped with Comp:lIlv, "had no rip;hts of any kind in said records," thi, important lype of n'l\iJ.;ation signal. it was stated. the ;In:)\\(,'r 'eh forth, "and RCA Victor Company, Inc., or the len new stalion... Capa Arago, Oregon, \\-ent W,I, not hound to plaintiff by contract or otherwi"e to inlo sen'ice on j\"()\'cmber I. Jn~tallations at the light­ limit in any way the use \\hicb purcha:.-ers of said rec­ Fred /Paring: He tried the usual ships will be placed in operation shortly, si~ of the'e ords miAht make thereof." disostrolls stunt with Ih~ cake ships being in 'antucket and Long 1..land Sounds. and \\J)t\S ridiculed the claims of the olche.. tra Irader the seventh ship at Ileald Bank, Gulf of \tcxico. T\\o tk1t he has ht.ocn "for a long time past a unique ;tnd in­ additional lighthou~.., _\linneapolis Shoal, and Green dividual artist and performer," and re~pondctl that Bay, in lake \1 ichigan, will be placetl in commi"~iCln "If 3 per"on h:ls grievances that he thinks should "musical selections can he and have been interpreled he communic;tled to the public, he i' at Ilhcrty, if he shortl.v after the opening of na\'igation on the Great rendered. played and performed hy other mu.. ician, and pn.... e~ .. es the r(',ource, to puhlish a p:!J)er al1\\\ here in lakes in the Spring of 1936. Both thr"e nr"' liJ.;hthou<;es orchc~tr;ls in the same or :'!imtlar m;lIlner as interprcLed. Ihe country, eHn in the ,mal!(,!it hamlet. in order to are nO\\ under comtruction. rendered, played and perfnrmed hy the plaintiff." di cminnte hi, vic\\s. A ..imibr course i~ ahsolutely im- At the pre..ent time the Lniled Stale, Lip;hthou.. c If orchestra le:lders are afr:lid of the competition pu ihlc in the case of radio hroadca,ting. Therc are Service ha<; IN-! radio bt'acons in operalion, and the ten of their own canned music, they .. hould discontinue mak­ only 9U channels in this coulltry over \'hi-.:h broadGI'l­ new stations planncd will brinJ.; the total to 118. The ing records as a lucrative sideline. :-'1<ltiol1~ a 'iub~tantial inA m<lY be done. On the,e .:h:lllneis there are (21) ~la· new will represent improvement to tiun" the great m;tjority ;He limili.'d in pO\\er and range, Ihe exi'ling \)'\tem of radio heacons, and ",ill do much reaching only the pcople within a comparaliH'ly short to redUCt' the hal.ards of navigation and safeguard ship­ • ping, aCl.oftlinp; to the Lighthouse Service. What Does In \\aging a \\ar the first thing to distJncc from the 'I;!lions." Th.. t ,Iatement i... as ridicu­ haH is an ohjecliH. The "eennd I(;u~ a~ are his othl'r contrJdictions. The Man thillp; to ha\"C i!i a plan of campaign. An~o"e \\ith the money and a me"5age to ddi\-er • Want? and la-.t but not I~a't the men and can bu) as mu..::h time on the air a, he needs or \\-:lIlts. News Is That news IS news and is not suhject brains 10 c;lrry it through to a suc­ to exclu,ive ownership or domination, cessful conclu,ion. These things shuuld he taken to Still is indicated in an examiner's report heart by the mcmhers of the rouTlh Estate who are in­ News which has been submilted to the Fed­ Geor~e spiring the statements and antics of Ilcnry Week Ending November 23, 1935 Volume V, Issue 5 eral Communications Commission. P;lyne, of the Feder:JI Communications COlllmis:-.itlll, \vho EX;\lllill~r Melvin I I. D;dberg, who conducted hear­ is bearing the reform banner again:-.t rildio broadC:hting. Table. of Contents ings on the application of A. E. Newton, Jamestown Mr. Payne is fast becoming thc Don Quixote of SpeCial J-"eaturc:s Pilge KY.. for ren~\\:ll of the license of WOCl., holds that radio. Ill' is lilting with \\ indmills con~tanlly. lie is at She Was Born to ,\lusk-a Siudy of Kay that ..lation did not violate the rule ;tgainst rebroad· odds with commcr..:ial broadc;l,ting. lie a,hocates gov­ I homp::.on by Abce I'l.;':;.!, 3 ca:'!ting in its World Series play-hy-play account last ernment owner~hip, and in the ne't breath admits '"this .\1:ljor BO\\es' Gold I~ush by Arthur Kent 4 year, in the followillJ.; manner: A receiving ~et wa'.> counlrv is not inclined [0 a~..::ept the British !iy"tem Where '1 hey Came J rom placed in \\'OCL studim where a running account wa.. where radio is completely controlled h\· the government, by Ih'llry J1elltll1ck 6 received. where no :td\'erti~emenb are permitted and where the Jau Cuts Ih Eye-Teeth by PallJ Il'/.IIumall 7 In conjun..::tion With the play-by·play account ra· progr;llll" :Ire supponed by a tax on the radio seh" Hevicwing Hallio by .Hartlll I. !'mter 8 "1oed through Station WGR, Buffalo, the anll()lJncer J~J/llIIma Ilis errorh 10 enli,,[ the aid of educators to back up Plums and Prunes by EVil/IS 8 u..ed information obtained by wa!ChinA an animated his contentiun Ihal the public demands culture, are made In~itle Stuff hy \lilr/Ill L£'i.:IS 9 score hoard. in oper:llion ilcross the ,trl'et, and a ticker I;lughable by hi:-. appraisal of hi:'! countrymen. Cominp; [vents; New ProgT<lmS, Changes 10 sen ice. In ;m addre,,:'! hefore the Columhia School of Jour­ j\\ usic in the Air by Car/etoIJ Sltutb 10 ~I he :-.tation was cited for rebroadc"'ling. nalism he said: "I he American public is a generous Calling All (;trs II The folJ()\\ing argument \\as used to ~ustain Ex­ public. a little childi..h at times in its ddighl OHr no\'­ Programs for i'member 17 to 23 12 to 25 aminer Dalberp;'s findings. dtic:" as olle It'ams '\hen one travels in europe and -I he Voi(;e of the li~lLner 27 "In the ca-.e at bar it appears that the ori~inating "l't'S one's counl rymen in touring bodies, making .. hrill ,tation \\as broadca..ting news of a ha'l'hall gJme to soulitis of deli~hl 0\ tr some andl'nl cathedral or Hchi­ the gmt'ral public.
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