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Week of Oct. 18-24,2001 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 28, NUMBER 42, 24 PAGES 75 CENTS

Mail concerns Causeway roads Island water Workers at the Sanibel Post Office are being County looking into careful with the island's supply safely mail, like postal employ- possibility of lifting ees all over the country. islands' roadways —See page 2 By Ron Sympson tucked away Staff writer By Anna Liakas Staff writer Weirs stiil here The possibility of raising the Sanibel's Council says the level of the roads, on the Sanibel In the wake of continued city is still checking into Causeway islands — in effect military action against the*weir situation. building new bridges to connect Afghanistan, the FBI has the existing bridges — is being extended the term of its terror- —See page 3 explored by the Lee County ist advisory warning to all of Commission. the nation's water utilities The issue was raised at the until Dec. 11, at the same Budget head start board's Oct. 9 meeting by time underscoring that there Commissioner Ray Judah, who have been "no specific credi- The City Council decided expressed concern about the fact ble, threats" to the nation's to form the Five-year that water covered the Causeway waterways or water utilities. Budget Committe"e early t> See Raising In an Oct. 10 hearing .this year. before a House subcommittee, page 2 the director of the FBI's —See page 4 National Infrastructure Protection Center remarked Purchase study that, although the direct cont- amination of the nation's water supply is not likely, the disruption of the trcytmcnt By Kon Sympson process or addition of contam- Staff writer • inants after treatment is still a Saturday is time again for possibility. the annual 'Ding' Days A study charting the feasibility The director encouraged celebration at the J.N. of the Sanibel Causeway being utility operators nationwide lo "Ding" Darling National increase security in all of the Wildlife Refuge. purchased or leased by the city of Sanibel should be ready for the water system hot zones, City Council to review "within a including tunnels, pumping —See page 7 couple of weeks," according to stations and {storage facilities Bob Pritt, a former Sanibel city as well as at distribution cen- attorney. ters. The council, members of which Michael Pintella On Sanibel. Island Water have expressed concerns that a The Sanibel Causeway continues to be the focus of great Association has already been rebuilt Causeway might result in a debate between the city and Lee County. taking precautions. It stripped high bridge and four-lane roads, Pritt also met with Sanibel City them and get cracking." its website of any information Solar rebates have commissioned Pritt to do the Attorney Douglas Wyckoff to Pritt cast doubt on the option of that might reveal the layout of the IWA facility, removed Federally funded rebates study for a fee of up to $75,000. request copies of files from a sim- a city purchase of the Causeway, Pritt met with Sanibel City ilar study conducted when Pritt because it is financed with bonds maps of storage tank locations are available to home- and chlorine delivery routes owners who make their Manager Judith Zimomra on Oct. was with the city. that are commingled with the two 9. "It was the first time I'd met "I talked to the city attorney Cape Coral toll bridges. and schedules, and temporari- energy use more environ- ly suspended all tours of the mentally friendly. her," he said. "We just discussed about having the paralegal pull the "We can't buy without refi- briefly just getting started on (the files I had generated a couple of i> See Study t> See Water •—See page 8 study)." years ago," Pritt said. "I'll review page 2 page 7 i\KN TREE DEDICATED TO STEELE'S MEMORY Island Gardening City may set .-.i Gardening guru Ron Sympson says proper enforcement process acid levels are a must if you want a healthy Hong By Pete Bishop sum with an order of violation and Kong orchid tree. News editor charges of under $1,000 to cover the city's costs in the case. The —See page 11 Frustrated by a state statute that city's new hearing examiner, causes an already overworked Anthony J. Gargano, found that code enforcement officer more the condominium had been violat- work and delays fines against ing the city's beach lighting ordi- those who violate city ordinances, nance during a Sept. 20 code City Attorney Doug Wyckoff told enforcement hearing. "ENVIRONMENT™™.pages 5-7 the City Council Tuesday that he Gargano, hired by the city in has sent a letter to Florida September after Sanibel received a —page 8 BUSINESS . Attorney General Bob what Wyckoff called inconsistent e OPINION- ...... —page 9 Butterworth asking whether the results from the county hearing city can replace the statute with its examiner's office, handed down •LOOKING BACK.,-...page 10 own code enforcement procedure. the large fine immediately, but The statute recently resulted in state law gives the condominium 'DATELINE ...... page 15 Michael Pistella the elimination of $43,(300 in fines one more chance to comply. Saaibel Mayor Nola Theiss reads the proclamation which •TV LISTINGS.,,...,.,...... page 16 against a Sanibel condominium, officially dedicate the Dahoon Holly tree on her right to Wyckoff said, replacing the large E> See Code enforcement •ClASSlFIEDS.;...... page 20 Bob Steele as his widow, Ellie, looks on. 2 • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • ISLAND REPORTER

By Anna Liakas that it would be quite such a big deal. Staff writer "Anything that looks suspicious usual- ly doesn't pass by easily. The mail passes Mail carriers at the post office on through a lot of hands as it is enroute, all Sanibel and around Lee County may be the way down to carriers and clerks." handling the bills and letters a bit more The postmaster suggested that items gingerly these days, with a heightened mailed without a return address will be concern nationwide about terrorist attacks slow to be delivered, first passing through being delivered to homes and businesses the scrutiny of astute postal employees first class. and then being bumped from the swift tra- "Across the county right now," report- jectory of air flight down to the snail's ed Sanibel Deputy Chief David pace of ground transportation. LaCornbe, "emergency workers are If you use a postage stamp for anything receiving five to 10 suspicious package that weighs over a pound, said Traucht, calls each day." it's considered "target mail" and may end Most of these calls, said LaCombe, tap up in the hands of a Haz Mat specialist the limited time and resources of busy fire instead of a mail carrier. and rescue districts, turning out to be just Packages mailed with strips of postage envelopes or boxes that have been hap- stamps glued to their exterior become sus- hazardly labeled or improperly addressed. picious, said Traucht, as their origin can- "During this time people are prone to not be easily traced as opposed to mail be concerned," said LaCombe. "And it's that is brought into a post office lobby and Michael Pistella important that people are aware. We're metered by an on-duty attendant. Sanibel Fire Department officials as well as the police department not saying they should close their eyes. If someone were to receive a package gather at the Sanibel Post Office after postal workers called about a But we need to keep it in balance." that raised alarm, said LaCombe, the best suspicious letter. The fire district is working together advice would be to leave it where you find with other emergency workers across the it and call the authorities. area to develop a county-wide protocol of response to the growing concern over the Suspicious letter found harmless nation's vulnerability to the chemical and //During this time, At 9:59 on Thursday morning envelope and triple settled it in a protec* biological weapons of terrorism. people are prone Oct. 11, reported Deputy Fire Chief live covering," explained LaCombe, "At the post office, we've always been to be concerned David LaCombe, units from the Sanibel "All of our personnel involved with it's really cautious," said Sanibel Postmaster police department along with Sanibel handling were then decontaminated." Tom Traucht. "We've had what is called It's important that Fire and Rescue district personnel the deputy chief added. the Target Mail Program in effect for quite people are aware. responded to marked concern from After consultations by phone with some time. We know what to look for. For We're not saying they postal workers over a suspicious pack- both the FBI as well as with the state example, if something comes in with no age that arrived in the local mail. The epidemiologist, Dr. Bob South, return address, it probably wouldn't make should close their envelope, addressed to Sanibel Parking LaCombe made the decision for a it onto an airplane." eyes. But we need to Enforcement had rust-colored or iodine- Sanibel police officer to don latex Last Friday, Trauchts' attention was keep it in balance." like stains on it's exterior, LaCombe, gloves and open the envelope, instruct- drawn to a letter addressed to the Sanibel from his portable command post in the ing him to explore the contents for any Police Department because it had rust- post office parking lot. suspicious materials and to scan the let- colored stains splattered on both sides. David LaCombe "Sanibel Fire and Rescue and the ter foi any threatening language. "The letter was brought to my attention Sanibel Deputy Fire Chief Sanibel PD closed the post office, while All that was inside, reported the offi- and we called the police," explained our personnel retrieved the suspicious cer, was a check for a parking ticket. Traucht. "They responded with their Haz Mat team in full gear...I really didn't think

CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP Recreation consultant I COUNCIL CHAMBERS (MacKenzie Hall) 800 DUNLOP ROAD OCTOBER 25, 2001 field narrowed to three By Pete Bishop council's liaison to the new Parks and (ADDITIONAL RULES AND PROCEDURES ON LAST PAGE OF THIS AGENDA) News editor Recreation Committee, said committee members observed meetings between the The Sanibel City Council unanimously firm and the panel and agreed with the agreed Tuesday to begin the negotiating panel's rankings. process with-three consulting firms vying Although Councilmember Judy 9 00 A.M. 1 Call to Order to help the city create a Parks and Workman said the money budgeted for Recreation Master Plan. After reviewing, the consultant may not be enough, 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. (Councilmember Brown) each firm's credentials and interviewing Councilmember Dick Walsh expressed representatives from each company a doubt that the consultant is needed, say- 3 Goal setting with Stuart Langdon, Facilitator panel that includes Recreation Director Helene Phillips, Planning Director Bruce ing the recreation committee could do 4 Progress report Rogers and Public Works Director Gates some of the work and pointed out that Castle recommended Glatting Jackson as the budgeted money could be used for A Planning Department priority projects. the city's first choice. the acquisition of recreational facili- In a memo to City Manager Judith ties. Other council 1. Beach Accessory Equipment Zimomra, the panel noted Glatting 2. Resort Housing members wanted to Jackson's excellent references, which keep the project 3. Disproportioned Houses included officials from communities such moving forward, as Marco Island, Palm Beach Gardens and however. B. Redevelopment Coral Gables. The panel also noted that Cilattmg Jackson has never done work on "I've been wait- ing for two and a 5 Discussion regarding variances the island before, which might be benefi- cial as the firm might give the city a "fresh half years for this lQOi£ master study," said 6. Environmental Code Enforcement lQOi£, Councilmember Wallace, Roberts and Todd is the panel's Steve Brown. 7, Five Year Strategic Plan second choice, and has worked extensively Brown with the Sanibel Planning Department in "Don't derail it 8 Adjournment the past. According to the panel's recom- now. This council mendation, the planning department has has had the capaci- been completely satisfied" with the work ty to go back and IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE BY THE COUNCIL ON ANY and rofe redo things. I for MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING/HEARING, SUCH PERSON MAY NEED wn oT' P ssionals from one say let's go Wallace, Roberts and Todd are knowledge TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, TO able concerning the community. ahead." INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH ANY SUCH APPEAL IS "I think we have TO BE BASED. The panels third choice, Wade Trim has completed fewer relevant projects our marching orders, than the other two firms, and has never and the direction is IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, PERSONS worked for the city, according to the good. Let's proceed NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING panel's memo. with the plan as it's SHOULD CONTACT CITY MANAGER JUDIE ZIMOMRA NO LATER THAN ONE DAY made out," said PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDINGS TELEPHONE 941-472-3700 FOR ASSISTANCE IF Councilmember Marty Harrity, the Hairity. Harrity HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEPHONE THr FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE NUMBERS, 800- 015-8771 (TDD) OR 800-^5-8770 (VOICE) a newsjtem? Call 472-1587 or e- ISLAND REPORTER Q Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 Q 3 Weirs still on city's agenda

By Anna Liakas "The whole process of monitoring the Staff writer weirs is in and of itself part skill and part engineeering," she said. "It is also part As far as the weirs go, Sanibel City forecasting — and part guessing." Manager Judith Zimomra said recently, The city has been looking into the for the most part things seem to be work- workings of the weirs since early ing well. September, when a handful of island resi- "We at the city monitor the weirs dents, primarily from the Sea Oats and extremely closely," said Zimomra. "And Gulf Pines communities, expressed con- Gates Castle in engineering keeps meticu- cern that city officials had been too slow lous records of the shifts in water levels, in responding to the elevated water gauges of the openings and closings of the gates." of the Tarpon Bay and Beach Road weirs, The weirs remain controversial, however, that above normal water levels had been with Sanibel resident Henry Glissman reiter- observed by residents after a prolonged ating complaints about the level city weirs period of heavy rain. The city reacted are set at during Tuesday's City Council quickly, bringing in local experts from the Michael Patella meeting. According to Glissman and others, city's natural resources and engineering Sanibel's weirs, like this one off of San-Cap Road, are still the subject setting the weirs at 3.2 feet, rather than 2.5 departments along with authorities from of study by the city. feet, causes undue flooding during storms "Ding" Darling and the Sanibel-Captiva whose properties are not impacted at all $50,000) allow water to diam more quick- such as Tropical Storm Gabrielle. Conservation Foundation. Formei Retuge by the opening or closing of the water ly fiom the interior wetlands and filter it Councilmembers told Glissman the Manager Lou Hinds, SCCF Director control gates, those whose stilted houses back into the sea. weir situation is still under review by the Erick Lindblad and Sanibel Natural and carefully trimmed lawns lie fai out- In addition, sometime over the ne\t city, and the proper balance of the needs Resources Diiector Rob Lofh'n" provided side of these specific wetland areas. year, the city will raise the pavement le\el to prevent flooding and keep island wet- council members and interested citizens "Educating the public and ourselves is at the east end of Sanibel-Captiva Road, lands healthy will be found. with an overview of the history, purpose the first step," explained Zimomra. although just how high is still in the hands "This time we're not going to just drop and policies that surround these vital But the city of Sanibel is not just talk- of engineers, at the package price of it," said Councilmember Dick Walsh. "I island resources during an Oct. 1 City ing about water on the island, it is also around $500,000. think we're going to be looking at that and Council meeting. making changes that will impact the flow "We are committed to an informational ascertaining what the problem is." Still, Zimomra believes, there are many of rain water and tidal surges that spill review," Zimomra said. "Those people who The operation of the water control struc- people who just don't understand how the over the shores and saturate the island, have experienced problems with water tures is a tricky business, and Zimomra weirs work, remarking that each weir has including an upcoming project to remove need to come in and talk to us. We're mak- admits that there may be ways to improve its own basin area that it both drains into most of the cattails that clog the Sanibel ing this a problem-solving mission." on the delicate measuring and shifting of and draws from the surrounding waters. River, a move that will (at a cost of water levels in the vital wetland areas. Many of the complaints come from those

RAISING From page 1 Woman sought in abduction case island roads during Southwest Florida's would oppose raising the level of the By Anne Bellew According to MacDonald, his wife, Associate editor encounter with Tropical Storm Gabrielle. roads. Caren Ragan MacDonald, has neither cus- "Ray was wondering about looking at "My feeling is the people on Sanibel todial nor visitation rights with Brian, and On Oct. 14, shortly after noon, Charles the possibility of raising the roads over are pretty well convinced we ought to do is subject to a domestic violence restrain- MacDonald from Lighthouse Point, Fla. the islands to about the same height as the what we've done, which is to keep it at ing order issued Sept. 24, which prohibits asked the Sanibel Police Department for B (center) span, with the idea we'd avoid ground level," said Janes, who added that any contact with him. help locating his son, Brian, who had what happened during the last storm we he hoped discussion would be limited to According to Coconut Creek Police been abducted by his mother from North had," said County Commissioner Bob this one subject. Detective Rod Skirvin's affidavit before Broward Prep School in Coconut Creek, Janes, who is a former mayor of Sanibel. Broward County Circuit Court, two wit- "I don't want to open up the whole Fla on Oct. 5. The leason MacDonald Janes said the commission will discuss nesses identified Brian and Caren as they causeway issue again," he said. "We just approached SPD was that his wite is the idea at the board's management and drove from the school yard in an older, want to look at the Causeway islands." familiar with Sanibel — staying in the planning meeting on Nov. 5, at which dark-colored Nissan. They said the Janes said he is concerned that if the past at some of the small resorts on West time limited public input will be heard. woman had a short brown hairstyle tha- island roads are raised, the four lanes over Gulf Drive — and he thought it possible Janes said he told other commissioners the islands could be reduced to two, thus she might have come to the island with t> See Abduction that he is anxious to hear what the people limiting access to Causeway island visi- their son. of Sanibel think about the idea. tors. "We need to facilitate something page 10 "I said I really don't know if there's that's going to facilitate the ease of using been any change of thought on Samuel," those causeway islands," he said. he said, and that he wants to find out "if Janes said he has taken no firm stand the council would be interested in revisit- on any of the issues involving the ing that." Causeway island roads, and that it is up to Accommodations on the islands Janes said he has asked officials of the Sanibel residents and officials to let him Lee County Department of Transportation know what they think. "if we could develop a proposal with "1 just want some inpv;t from the peo- couldn't be more suite. options, like keeping it like it is now at ple of Sanibel," hi- said. " nobody shows ground level, or to propose an alternative up (at the Nov. 51 oitd pi "ing meeting), With more than 250 Sanibel and Captiva vacation condominium suites and of raising it a little." "I'm just going ta p^esuu, there is no private homes under management, Royal Shell Vacations offers Janes said his intuition is that islanders interest." vacationers the Royal Treatment with clean, comfortable places to stretch out and relax. For owners, the Royal Treatment means professional management and marketing by the islands' most comprehensive vacation rental company. It's a sweet STUDY From page 1 arrangement for all concerned. Call for reservations or to add your property to the Royal Shell collection. nancing (the bonds), which is a huge and County Commissioner Bob Janes, a expensive undertaking" Pritt said, but former mayor of Sanibel, said he consid- "one provision is there for a lease of a ers the option of a city purchase of the portion of a facility and that might be causeway is "a dead issue," and said he something that could be used rather than doubts the Lee County Commission would be interested in negotiating a lease. paying off the entire issue.

iiiillf liilffiilllil PRISCILLA MURPHY REALTY * CHUCK BERGSTR0M • 941-472-1511 A ResorlQucst Company 4 • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 Q ISLAND REPORTER

ROVING REPORTER Five-year Budget Committee By Michael Pistella to get head start on next year BRICKS-A- By Pete BishoBishopp They gave us a good base.base." MILLION News editoeditorr - Councilmember Judy Workman dis- agreed, however, noting that the staff pre- Olav Nevland, owner of Nevland The Sanibel City Council agreed to pares the budget every year but the com-, Enterprises, puts give next year's Five-year Budget mittee can help them down one of the Projection Review Committee more time do it more efficiently engraved bricks to develop its recommendations than as well as help the which will committees have had in the past, authoriz- council look at issues surround a gazebo ing the city staff to advertise the ad hoc it would not have on the Sanibel committee to potential applicants in the time for otherwise. River/Periwinkle very near future. "The committee Way/Casa Ybel The Five-year Budget Committee is saved the council a property recently charged with providing council with input lot of time," closed on by the concerning the annual budget and long- Workman said. "By Sanibel-Captiva term budget projections, including recom- going in depth (on Conservation mendations concerning the major work budget issues), they Foundation. The areas of each city department, projected kept us from splitting Workman engraved bricks capital projects, personnel costs and into subcommittees, have the names of needs, and debt levels. perhaps, or kept some issues from not get- the people who ' . -J . ting looked at at all." donated money to While previous committees have been purchase the established and formed around the first of Councilmembers Marty Harrity and property. the year, members of the public, including Dick Walsh both said the extensive research The gazebo may Chamber of Commerce Executive Director conducted by last year's committee will be in place as Keith Trowbridge, have pointed out during give the next committee momentum. early as this council meetings in recent months that past "Last year's committee did a heck of a weekend. committees have been pressed for time job," said Harrity, who will serve as the because gathering the information needed -council's liaison to the committee. "To from city departments and elsewhere is a me, that's the foundation that's been laid time-consuming process. Last year's com- for an annual review ... No one is more mittee met for over 60 hours between the strongly opposed to micro-management latter part of January and its May deadline than me, but if you can put a good com- for recommendations. mittee together, and last year's committee

^i%*M-*—>*^"*~ *"* " Although council members briefly dis- was good, they come up with a lot of cussed whether the committee is needed good ideas." for next year's budget process, the council "Last year's committee built on the indicated it hoped last year's committee previous two years' committees," High Low Rain established a base of information that will agreed Councilmember Dick Walsh. "A new committee will be able to spend Weather Oct. 16 88 76 0.00 help the next committee create recom- mendations more efficiently. less time on the extensive background High Low Rain Oct. 17 86 74 0.00 '"I think sometimes we micro-manage work done by last year's, and I'm hope- Oct. 11 87 74 0.00 through committees," said Councilmember ful they'll take less of the staff's time." Oct. 12 87 73 0.00 Note: Rainfall levels are recorded Steve Brown. "Last year, the committee Walsh also suggested that the commit- Oct. 13 86 75 0.00 from the morning of the day given to laid a very good foundation, and I would tee coordinate its efforts with the the following morning. consider letting staff prepare the budget. Planning Commission's Capital Oct. 14 87 76 0.00 We don't need a committee every year. Improvements Subcommittee. Oct. 15 87 78 0.00 Source: Island Water Association , CODE ENFORCEMENT

"There's an order of violation but no comply quickly," Wyckoff told the coun- CORRECTIONS penalties," Wyckoff told the council. "But cil, adding that the city's planning staff if they violate within five years, it will be does not agree with the state procedure. The Island Reporter wants to correct mistakes as a repeat violation and we can then get "It means^ you can apparently violate soon as possible after publication. Should you spot penalties." the law with impunity and not get fined," a factual error, please call: Unless a violation is judged irre- agreed Councilmember Dick Walsh. versible, Florida Statute 162 states that In his letter to Butterworth, Wyckoff violators can only be fined after a lengthy asks the attorney general to offer an opin- The Editor - 472-1587 process that includes an initial notice of ion on whether the statute prevents violation that provides a specific date for Sanibel from adopting an ordinance compliance to 'he ordinance in question. establishing its own scheme of code If that date arr es without compliance, a enforcement procedures. If Ihe city can Sanibel-Capiiva hearing is scb aled. If the hearing exam- create its own procedures, Wyckoff out- iner finds th; the accused has violated the lines a scheme providing for penalties of ordinance and is still in violation, the up to $250 per day for initial violations Tides examiner can award the city's costs, but and $500 per day for repeat violations, October 19-25 must set another date when compliance provided a hearing examiner finds a viola- must be met. Only if the second time peri- tion occurred and was unabated after the od for compliance passes without action Mon Tjje Wed Thu first compliance deadline. £rl Sat Sun can the hearing examiner then impose Punta Rassa Once he hears from Butterworth, fines. •Wyckoff told council members, he will 2:10a 2:40a 3:15a 3:56a 4:49a 6:02a 7:38a Hi "There doesn't seem to be, under the bring the issue back before the Council, Lo 9:26a 10:16a 11:12a 12:16p 1:28p 2:41p 3:43p existing scheme, a real good motivation to and possibly recommend the city create Hi 4:45p 5:58p — — _ 11:20p 11:29p Lo 8:30p 8:48p — — — — 1:37a

Sanibel Lighthouse Hi 1:21a 1:51 a 2:26a 3:07a 4:00a 5:13a 6:49a Sidney James Black 10 years. Lo 9:33a 10:23a 11:19a 12:23p 1:35p 2:48p 3:30p Sidney James Black passed away on He is survived by his sister, Ruth Black Fulkerson, and his brother-in-law, George Hi 3:56p 5:09p _ — _ 10:31 p 10:40p Sept. 30, 2001, at his home in Sanibel, Fla. Sid, as his friends called him, was Fulkerson; by his dear friend Diane : Lo 8:37p 8:55p — — — 1:44a born on Aug. 11, 1924, in Boston, Mass., Shepherd; and by his two children, Peter graduated from Brookline High School in Black of Arlington, Va., and Pamela Black Blind Pass 1942 and received his B. A. from Harvard of New York City. His youngest child, Hi 1:51a 2:21 a 2:56a 3:37a 4:30a 5:43a 7:19a University in 1946. He pursued graduate Perry Black, preceded him in death. Sid is : Lo 10:48a 11:38a 12:34p 1:38p 2:50p 4:03p 4:45p studies in English literature at the also survived by his daughters-in-law University of Chicago and Boston Mary Mattson Black of Arlington and Hi 4:26p 5:39p — — — 11:01p 11:10p Eileen Durant Black of Ashland, Ore.; and Lo 9:S2p 10:1 Op — — — — 2:59a University and earned his Ph.D. at BU. Having accepted a professorship at BU in by three grandchildren: Aaron and Laura the autumn of 1950, Sid taught English Black of Arlington and Ashley Black of Redflsh Pass literature, American literature and film to Ashland. Hi 2:16a 2:46a 3-21 a 4:02a 4:55a 6:08a 7:44a two generations of students until his Though the victim of terminal respira- Lo 9:31a 10:21a 11:17a 12:21p 1:33p 2:46p 3:48a retirement in 1986. tory ailment, Sid passed peacefully in the comfort of his home thanks to the efforts Hi 4:51p 6:04p — — 11:26p 11:35p Sid married Adelaide Aronoff of of his dear friend Diane and the profes- Lo 8:35p 8:53p —. — 7:48p 1:42a Brookline, Mass, in June 1946. The cou- ple had three children. The family lived sionals of the Hope Hospice in Fort in the Boston area until Addie's death in Myers. Services were held at Hope 1989. Two years later, Sid made his per- Hospice Chapel on Oct. 4. In lieu of flow- manent home on Sanibel Island, where ers, memorials may be sent to Hope Get all your Island news .here. he volunteered at the Sanibel Library for Hospice, 9470 HealthPark Circle, Fort Myers, FL 33908. ISLAND REPORTER • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 Q 5

Character, ecology of watershed a study of growing concern 'River IQ1 shallow By Dawn deBoer Staff writer for Americans By Dawn deBoer Tread lightly are words lived by those Staff writer who come to the sanctuary of Sambel, its needs tendered and watched over on all While a new national poll pegs fronts from the island's fishermen to the Americans supportive of protecting researchers and biologists who study its and conserving rivers, it also registers ecology. Nature's own is held in high these same folk unaware of daily esteem here for the quality it brings to actions that negatively affect rivers their own hves. and watersheds. Last week, on three different fronts, the Concern ran deep, but ignorance of health and fate of the island's back bay the true peril of U.S. rivers ran deeper, drew hundreds concerned about its sur- according to a poll for the National 'vival in the face of Southwest Florida's Geographic Society. National rapid growth. The Sanibel Island Fishing Geographic commissioned the study Club met with representatives from three as part of a six-month program to pre- leading centers of research to learn what serve rivers and watersheds nation- fishers and boaters can do to maintain wide. local waters. Island residents and eco- The stndy showed 98 percent of minded holiday trekkers took to canoes those polled named river conservation and kayaks on a weekly eco-tour through and protection an important environ- the sea meadow of Tarpon Bay. By land, mental priority. However, the study the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Michael Pistella also found that largely missing among Foundation led the first of three field trips Tarpon Bay is one of the estuaries of special interest to scientists and those polled is making the connection scheduled this month through mangrove researchers in Southwest Florida. between people's actions, individually swamps and interior wetlands, mid-island trations, one of the most important and collectively, to the health of a larg- ridges and gulf beaches. perimeters and components of the system er system of watersheds feeding into All want to know how Sanibel and the with regards to population viability in sur- the rivers. Charlotte Harbor Estuary, one of only 28 vival and reproduction." One in seven polled, about 15 estuarine systems in the country, are faring. Outside of nature, common stress to percent, knew that the greatest As in Tampa Bay, and fellow estuary estuanes comes with landscape alterna- source of river pollution is people's systems in New York's Long Island tions, which in turn alters how fresh water actions in the watershed. Three Sound, Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts, flows into the system, he said. times as many or 44 percent incor- Puget Sound in Washington, and New "The productivity of the system is rectly identified industrial sources as York-New Jersey Harbor, pollution and going to respond to manipulations of the the biggest culprit in polluting degradation are ongoing threats where system," Locascio said. Manipulations waterways, however. One-third or 35 fresh and salt waters meet. But unlike include ettorts m the 1960s to straighten percent correctly identified land use other estuaries on the west of the Caloosahatchee River for navigation and urban sprawl as the most seiious Honda, which are primaiily influenced by and conuol ind constiucMon ot a threat to watersheds. the Cuii or Mexico, Charlotte Harboi is conciete dam 2b nitie1- Lorn Shell Point. Two-thuds behe\eJ \atei>heds >riiue> -e I b laige mess — the Peace l "Vv'i it i

itij-J i<(J v.» bi n^s ncsii watu dnecl- tie • 'i pi tiii !•" ' i t , . M-' i turn rtaleished e\en 'noi'^li A< i" 'ii i v AU1,an back buy ot --.alt \\ute> ,'iaeiKans ir*e in a wateNied — ..a s iC iiiJ I iiii> mi'uence a dvnarmc and said atea through which all -.uiface and ; environment piospeis. When an estuary aegiauo me o<. _i.a undeiground watei flows to a river or The lole ol marine creatures in the food content ol its waters decreases — one Tarpon Bay's sea meadow other body of watei." chain heie is what crowns an estuary the level of lesearch monitored regularly for creatures up close. Two-thirds were unawaie that second richest ecosystem on the planet, early warning. water is a nonrenewable resource. said Tarpon Bay naturalist, Mike "The food chain is supported by what's In 1995, Charlotte Harbor was includ- Also, most underestimated the amount Boerema. Only a rainforest has more below it and what's above it. There is no ed in the National Estuary Program estab- of water it took to perform household energy production, he said. getting away from feeling an effect," he lished by the Environmental Protection tasks: A dishwasher uses 15 gallons a "What makes this an unusual ecosys- said. Agency in 1987 to identify, restore and cycle; average estimate, 9 gallons. A tem from most is that not until you take a Locascio is not alone in his work. Joan protect nationally significant estuaries in washing machines uses 30 gallons; fishing net through the tropic sea meadow Semmer, co-founder and director of the the . average estimate, 15 gallons. will you come up with the sea creatures nonprofit Ostego Bay Foundation in Fort The Charlotte Harbor Watershed And here's a slick question for you: that fuel the visible wildlife," he said. Myers Beach, a marine science education Summit, originally scheduled for this When asked how large an oil slick is "Without these, we wouldn't have game- and research center, tabulates data on rain- month, has been rescheduled for February created by dumping a quart of oil fish. We wouldn't have birds." fall, sea grass beds, turtle nests, even oil 2002 at Best Western in Punta Gorda. The down a storm drain, three-quarters Nine studies are currently in progress spills, now that the foundation is a greater Charlotte Harbor watershed and "severely" underestimated the extent on-island by SCCF marine biologist Jim licensed oil-spill contractor with the state estuary is a 4,400-square-mile, seven- of the spill with almost half saying Locascio, three years now monitoring the of Florida. county area — Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, 100 feet or less. The actual figure is water quality of Tarpon Bay and Pine "We're looking for problems to solve," Manatee, Polk, Hardee and DeSoto. two acres. Island Sound. Knee deep in historical Semmer said of this foundation's biomed- data, Locascio needs four to five years of ical, biological and fisheries research. current data to make any comparison of Sarasota-based Mote Marine the direction and degree to which this sys- Laboratory, with a lab already in place in tem's changing, he said. the Keys, recently set up a Pineland base "Everything has its relative side when of operations for ongoing monitoring looking at an entire system like that of the studies of Pine Island Sound. Marine stud- immediate back bay. Its importance as a ies at Florida Gulf Coast University pro- nursery habitat can't be over-empha- vide more data on the ecology of marine sized," Locascio said. "Florida's wet and fishes and habitats — oyster beds the cur- dry seasons greatly affect salinity concen- rent efforts of Dr. Greg Tolley Hbm Spirit mi Jfftjrintisin,.. Broadway, &aton presents, a svS^^pg|nu^cal epic: with Sunday Group (C, BB), Con-Friday songs ta**» from t^l^ters %ftd |§laftes <0 the soldiers 8 p.m. Sunday Night gregational Church. 8 p.m. Sanibel-Captiva —l Step Meeting (C), United 8 p.m. Sanibel New &dfittMHrfthe^pgUV^^' " '" ^ *" Congregational Church. Group (OS), St. Michael's. Life Group (CD). Saturday Monday St. Michael & All 10 a.m. Sanibel Women's Angels Episcopal Church. 9 a.m. Captiva Saturday Group (CD), Congregational. 5:30 p.m. last Thursday Morning Meeting (CD), 6:30 p.m. Captiva of month, AA & Alanon next to Library off Captiva Survivors (OD), next to Anniversary Meeting (O). Drive. library off Captiva Drive. Tuesday 8 p.m. Sanibel-Captiva Tuesday Night Group (CD),Congregational. Residents Wednesday Place rf Btauty Welcome at Salon Ot ioferr il-Kovf raheff JL? 8:30 a.m. Sanibel Step Meeting (O), Sanibel Proudly Presents Community Church. 7:30 p.m. Sanibel Wed- •PatKaixCrysler Mi rocidfiiay nesday Women's Group (O, Professional Cosmetologist appointment BB), Congregational. formally from Sanibel Located in Actlm :: Wed Thur Fn 1 DINNER %\ Thursday Shell Point m THEATRE m\ Noon. Men's Big Book Village 6Q Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • ISLAND REPORTER

PLANTING FOR MONARCHS A butterfly migration A few Sanibel School students spent part of their day off from school planting milkweed at that's worth the trip the Sanibel Community House with Sanibel- By Dawn deBoer W'f Captiva Conservation Staff writer Foundation's Dee Serage. The milkweed is An educational, photo- one of the plants most graphic and exotic adven- attractive to monarch ture is a butterfly expedi- butterflies. tion heading out for The kids were part of Mexico from Sanibel this the Day Camp at the January community house Monday during teacher Naturalist Dee Serage in-service day. They par- of the Sanibel-Captiva ticipated in many other Conservation Foundation different activities is taking a group of island throughout the day. explorers to meet up with Dr Thomas Emmel, direc- V tor of lepidoptera research at the University of Florida, and Dr. Gary Ross of Southern University in Baton Rouge, La , for the annual migration of monaich butterflies from ABOVE: Laura Turansky and their breeding grounds in Kasey Harrell dig to plant the U.S. and Canada to another milkweed. wintering sites m the mountains of Central AT BIGHT: Carl and Haley Mexico. Von Harten water two new From the Rocky milkweeds they planted Mountains to the Gulf Monday while SCCF's Dee Coast, hundreds of mil- Serage instructs them. lions of monarchs flv to the 10,000-foot volcanic Photos/Michael Pistella mountains of the central Mexican plateau. In the high-altitude and isolated fir forests of this zone, monarchs winter Michael Pi Stella November to March. Dee Serage holds a monarch caterpillar on a From 12 homing sites milkweed leaf. and early morning roosts, colonies of millions of but- Sierra Chinqua is the sec- other parts of the woild. terflies take flight for ond day's destination with He will brief the group on miles at a time in search of horseriding an option for natural history, ccologv streambanks and wild- part of the trail hike. and behavior of the flowers, which bloom On return to Mexico monarch butterfly. island throughout the year at City and an overnight stay A photographei and these elevations in Mexico, at the Hotel Maria writei specializing in the to return to their original Cnstina, nearby archeo- ecology, behavioi and lite SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA FLORIDA roost by afternoon. logical museums, sightsee- histories of butteiflies. The five-day run with ing and shopping are at Ross is also diicctoi ol www.isSandreporter.com the butterflies, Jan. 18 to hand. A side tnp to the Butterfly Festivals tor the Jan. 22, begins in Mexico pyramids of Teotihuacan North American Butterfh The Island Reporter is Sanibei's newspaper of record, City before departure for with group leaders Association. Ste\en published each Thursday with over 4,500 paid subscribers, the first monarch site at El explores the archeological Schlachta has led expedi- and is the primary source of news for islanders. Rosario near Angangueo, site northeast of Mexico tions to Mexico, Ecuador. the colonial town within City. Peru, the Dominican Michoacan about 100 A specialist in tropical Republic, Kenya, miles west of Mexico City. ecology. Emmel has led Malaysia, Russia and other The colony here gathers field expeditions and sci- exotic locations. more than 100 million entifically-oriented trips, Call Dee Serage at adult monarchs. as well as natural history SCCF, 472-2329. The more isolated groups to Mexico and Jack Tonya Renny Pete Anne Glarrow Squibb Severance Bishop Beliew Publisher Group Executive News Editor Associate Publisher Editor Editor At the Island Reporter, our business is covering the news. Call us at 472-1587 and give us the scoop, or e-mail us at [email protected]

PRESS RELEASE Shirlene Dawn Anna Michael Grasgreen deBoer Liakas Pistella Classified Staff Writer Staff Writer Photography, In coordination with the City of Sanibel's Brazilian Pepper Subscriptions design, layout Postal Information Eradication Program, a second free curbside pick-up for Brazilian Periodical-rate postage paid Pepper debris is scheduled for November 1st and 2nd for all of «*' flt at Sanibel Post Office, FL Postmaster. Send address those residents living in Zone Three. Zone Three is located changes to the Island Reporter PO. Box 809 between Blind Pass and Sea Spray Lane. All of those property Sanibel, FL 33957 owners within Zone Three wishing to take advantage of this serv- Marguerite Linda Burns Benson Member. ice should plan to have their pepper debris curbside the evening Acct Exec Production Flonda Press Association Supervisor and Sanibel-Captiva prior to pick-up. The debris need not be bundled, however it Chamber of Commerce THE ISLAND Advertising Affiliate member should be cut to a reasonable size for easier handling by the REPORTER Deadlines. Board of Realtors waste management company. Debris should not be located Display, noon Tuesday; Printed on recycled paper 2340 Periwinkle Way Classified, 4 p.m. Monday, with Iow-ru6 soy irk directly under overhead utility lines. Remember this service is Holidays, schedule changes P.O Box 809 © 2001 BREEZE CORP for Brazilian Pepper debris only. If other vegetative debris is Sanibel, FL 33957 Subscriptions Phone (941)472-1587 Florida Press Mail deliveiy/1 yeai. mixed with pepper the crews will not pick up the pile. Fax-(941) 472-8398 Associaton Lee County, $25; E-mail' U.S. or split, $31; ' Award-winning [email protected] (Flonda taxes included) newspaper If you have questions call Rob Loflin or James Evans at 472-3700. onn-i n

ISLAND REPORTER • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • 7

Annual contest raises millions 'Ding' Darling Celebration, Saturday Saturday, Oct. 20, the final day of National Wildlife Refuge Week, the J N for wetlands "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge will host the 11th annual celebration of preservation Ding Darling himself and his creation, the Federal Duck Stamp. This year's event By Anne Bellew includes the unveiling and dedication of Associate editor the brand new $1.3 million interactive exhibits. Throughout the day, Wildlife Since Jay Norwood "Ding" Drive will be open free to the public. Darling designed the first Duck Complimentary guided tram rides will Stamp in 1934, the Federal Duck depart from the Education Center every Stamp Program has ldsed more than 30 minutes between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. $500 million and enabled the preser- y vation of nearly five million acres of Si 8 a.m. — Children's Conservation American wetlands. Cartoon Contest awards presented by In addition to hunters, birders and Doug MacGregor of the Fort Myers other outdoor enthusiasts benefiting News-Press. fiom plentiful wildlife and nature H 9 a.m. — Dedication of the $1.3 mil- areas, these protected wetlands serve lion in new exhibits in the Education Center. to dissipate storms, purify water, store B 9:45 a.m. — The Peabody Ducks flood water and nourish fish hatch- lead the way into the Education Center. lmgs. As historians look back, the a 10 a.m. — Bob Hautman, 2001-2002 Federal Duck Stamp Program will Federal Duck Stamp Contest winner, will certainly be cited as the finest conser- discuss his art and sign copies of his vation effort of the 20th century. works. All waterfowl hunters age 16 and I 11 a.m. — David Allen Sibley, older must purchase and carry Duck author and illustrator of the acclaimed Stamps. Collectors, wildlife art lovers National Audubon Society's The Sibley and conservationists also buy Duck Guide to Birds, will autograph that book Stamps. Ninety-eight percent of the and his just-released "The Sibley Guide to proceeds from the $15 stamp go into Bird Life. & Behavior." the Migratory Bird Conservation H 11:30 a.m. — A live exhibit by the Fund, which purchases wetlands for Florida Bat Society. the National Wildlife Refuge System. • Noon — Kip Koss, grandson of The Federal Duck Stamp contest is "Ding" Darling and president of the Ding the nation's only federally-sponsored Darling Foundation, will speak about his art competition. No cash prize is grandfather's legacy. awarded, but professional and ama- H 1 p.m. — Live Florida panther teur artists alike vie for the coveted exhibit from Panther Presence title knowing that the winner's career Organizations including CROW, and fortune will take wing. Winning SCCF, the Calusa Nature Center, artists stand to make hundreds of Corkscrew Sanctuary, The International thousands of dollars from the sale of Ospiey Foundation, Sanibel-Captiva limited edition prints of their Duck Audubon Society and CREW will have Stamp designs. information and exhibits on display By the year 2002, all North around the Education Center parking lot. American waterfowl species will Inside the center, in addition to $1.3 mil- have appeared on the Duck Stamp at lion in permanent new exhibits, there will least once. Eligible species for this be a display of nature photographs by O year's contest were the American Claudine Laabs. Entrants in the annual green-winged teal, black duck, north- Wildlife Society -sponsored nature pho- ern pintail, ruddy duck and American tography contest also will be on exhibit. Free hot dogs and sodas will be served, Michael Pistella wigeon. Next year the only eligible J.N. "Ding" Darling's studio is one of the new exhibits at the refuge's species will be the black scoter. and a special tent will have activities for children. _ education center. Underground aquifers keep water safe Have o news Item? The primary source of drinking water process called "reverse osmosis," is Call 472-1587 on Sanibel and Captiva is ground water, mixed with chlorine for purification brackish water pumped from 16 sepa- before final distribution. As it waits to be or e-mail SanCapNews@fIguide,com rate drilled wells that reach into under- pumped to homes throughout the island, ground aquifers lying more than 750 it is pooled m large storage tanks. feet below the surface. As far as the introduction of contam- "A below-ground system like ours is inants that have the potential to be toxic relatively safe," said Blind. "At least no one is going to throw something into the to consumers, said Blind, "The reverse reservoir." osmosis process is a highly sophisticat- It's after the water is treated however, ed procedure that actually screens for during the water storage stage, that the bacteria and won't allow it to pass vital liquid is particularly vulnerable. through," although he added that virus- The water, which is first desalted by a es can pass through undetected.

WATER From page 1 island's only water treatment facility. nothing is out of the ordinary." 2Yi" SHUTTER BLINDS "We're removing anything that would "We are promoting common sense, They look like real wood shutters They work like traditional blinds And give away our location," said Roger Blind, prudency and the adoption of extra pre- they won't fade, warp or crack even in humid areas Available in 14 wood tones dnd colors, and they come with a beautiful deluxe valance general manager of IWA. Under the rec- cautions," said Maier. ommendation of the American "The whole drinking water community Waterworks Association, the FBI and the HunterOougias has raised their level of awareness drasti- EPA, said Blind, the facility is spending wiitow mnM [ cally," said Van Hoffnagle, administrator nm hunkfil«»jlcs (om "big bucks" on new security measures, Wheie Great Rooms Begin. including changing its system of locks on of the state's drinking water program with the DEP in Tallahassee. Sanibel Promenade all entry doors, adding more fences and (Acioss fiom the Post Office) cameias and securing the entrance fiom "We are encouraging facilities to tighten 695 Tarpon Bay Road, #15 visitors into the facility. their security measuies, to increase opera- 8 30-4 30 Mon -Fn Accoidmg to Gary Maier, head of envi- tor attention and hours, to be on the look-

Homeowners cash in on solar rebates By Dawn deBoer Staff writer Jf/A lot of places, Refunds available to homeowners A federally funded rebate for environ- ••like Florida, are mentally-sensitive homeowners pumps great for solar. It By Dawn deBoer on their houses are not covering all, but Florida's sun for free energy with the even works in Staff writer only a portion of, their electricity added benefit of selling leftovers to utility demands," said Jennifer Szaro, companies. , where the The solar energy rebate refunds researcher at Florida Solar Energy _ The rebate for solar energy systems parks run on solar between half to all costs of photovoltaic Center. "But, if they're a snowbird that is \ hooks residential homes to the future and 99 panels, depending on the retail market, not here while the system is producing at ' to utility companies, when grid-connected energy." PV panels are rated in watts with system its strongest, then there's still an opportu- to the utility supplier for solar electric costs varying by wattage from $6.50 per nity to meet all their electricity needs and feedback into its main system. Jennifer Szaro watt to $17 per watt. possibly feed back to the electric grid." Until next year, when federal funds FSEC researcher An average system costs $8 to $12 A typical single-family house burns now in the program are likely to run out, per watt to install with a current $4 per about 30 kilowatt hours per day. Most the Florida Solar Energy Center can cut watt rebate. Ten 100-watt panels are homeowners opting to go solar select a the cost of installation of the photovoltaic hand for the program. capable of producing 1,000 watts or 1 system they can afford to invest at one (PV) system by 50 percent for homeown- "We're working mostly with utility kilowatt at any given tune with installa- time, Szaro said, which is a system that ers, builders and developers, including project systems installed in public build- tion running about $8,000. The $4 per produces about one-third of their elec- utility companies. Continued funding by ings, like schools, with 11 new projects watt rebate would fund $4,000 toward tricity needs. the state after March 2002 depends on a going on residential houses," Szaro said. installation of this system, which would "This is a major savings in electricity, proposal the center plans to submit to the "Areas where there is a municipal utility, produce approximately 5 kilowatt hours and they can always add on," she said. state in the startup of a public benefit fund it's easier to get a system interconnected. per day in Florida. The modular grid system allows for this. for Florida solar users. Their rules are less stringent." Homeowners can estimate their costs "The long-term savings is in cost," Rebate dollars funneled into this year's The City of New Smyrna Beach was to install a PV system based on their she said. "The short-term advantage is program is overspill from federal oil over- one of the first utilities to work with monthly electric bill, which includes the that you are producing clean energy." charge funds — dollars fed to the states FSEC in supplying 60 PV systems to number of kilowatt hours used per day PV systems also act as a backup from lawsuits won against oil companies homes in that area. Another municipal per household. power source, a benefit during hurri- for overcharging customers, said FSEC utility, JEA in Jacksonville, installed PV "PV systems that people are putting canes and tropical storms, she said. researcher, Jennifer Szaro. systems on 19 area schools at their own expense, rather than the schools. "Monies gained from the oil compa- utility. Lee County utilizes a cooperative "A lot of places, like Florida, are great for nies went into these funds for distribution It is the latest trend, Szaro said. "Utility companies around the country utility, Lee County Electric Company. solar," said Szaro, who can't think of a place to the states where appropriate," she said. Jacksonville's JEA, the largest munici- where it's not used. "It even works in Alaska The program started with $525,000, are turning schools solar by wiring the systems so the power feeds to the building pal-or community-owned utility company where the parks run on solar energy." '"but this is the last of it," Szaro said. in the state and the seventh largest in the Florida Solar Energy Center of the While monies were initially funneled into itself for a cost-savings on energy use." Utility companies are putting upwards United States, is the most aggressive util- University of Central Florida is the PV research, FSEC opened the rebate pro- ity company pursuing this, Szaro said. largest, most comprehensive state gram to utility companies and then of 75 percent of the funds to pursue these types of projects, Szaro said. JEA is run by a city government commis- research facility in the United States fund installers of PV systems for a $2 per watt sion. Currently, similar projects are under ed by private, state and federal grants. return. FSEC upped the rebate to $4 per Florida fuels 32 municipal utilities, 16 cooperative utilities, four major investor- way at Tampa Electric Company and Rebate applications are available a> watt in June, creating a new rebate for Florida Power Corp. in Sarasota. www.fsec.ucf.edu, or call (321) 638-1000 homeowners with 37 applications now on owned and one smaller investor-owned


Permits issued by the Sanibel Salo & Salo. $32,000: Hint, 1060 Blue Heron- Johnson, Nutmeg Village-Unit 309—shui Building Department from Sept. 1-21: $100: Beachview Golf Club Estates, pool & deck; and $31,920: Scott, 2332 ters by Hurricane Shutter Company. $26,500: Palm Island Motel, 707 719 Pyrula—LP Tank by All Gas Troon—spa by Jackson Pools. $28,000: Streckert, 1850 Dixie Beacli Cardium—alteration/remodel by Home Installations. $309,472: Hardy, 5703 San-Cap—sin- and $7,500: Kyle, 1414 Sanderling- Remodeling Services. $1,300,000: Kirland, 1237 Isabel—sin- gle family residence w/impact fees by remodel/alterations by Decorte Foui $330,000. Stephenson, 808 Birdie gle family residence w-/impact fees by The George Parker Inc. Custom Homes. View—single family residence w/impact Wolter Group. $228,814. Carter, 541 Lake Murex— $2,385: Armstrong, 2400 Lo fees by Reliable Homes. $30,000: Pine Cove, 2501 West Gulf; single family residence w/impact fees by Colony—boat dock & lift; $2,350 S2.3OO. Sanibel Holding Company, and $1,500: Tanglewood, 1101 Seagrape— John Highsmith. Bo/ich. Bay Drive—lepair dock, $4,704 !(H South ""&achtsman-dock repair by A- concrete repairs by Wmfield Contracting. $2,400 each: Vernal, Sundial-Uml Bender, 1218 Isabel—boat lift & repau L201; and Ghublikian, Unit T40-I—glass dock; S.2.425: Peeis, 737 Penwinkle- door remodel by Stevens & Sons Glass. boat hit; $2,400: Stroup, 925 Whelk— $275,596: 'Sanibel Island Beach seawall cap; and $2,395: Griffith, 2668 Experience Resort, 3287 West Gulf—concrete repairs Coconut—dock & lift by Stemie by Spectrum Painting. Enterprises. $100 each: Chappell, 1238 Bay; and $45,000: Brock, 1828 Buckthorn- Schwab, 1225 Sand Castle—LP tank by remodel by Debord Inc (dba Kennedy). Suburban Propane. $39,826: Island Inn Company, 3111 $1,300: Taub, 5292 umbrella Pool- West Gulf & 3101 Island Inn Road; and at Furniture repair decking by owner. $4,083: Schwartz, 4263 Gulf Pines—roof $5,000: Old Schoolhouse Theatre, by Camp-Rigby Roofing & Sheet Metal. 1905 Periwinkle—re-roof/repair theatre $400,000: Jerrett, 1740 Jewel Box- by Matthew A, Kirchner. single family residence w/impact fees by $30,000: Eckerd's, 2331 Palm Ridge— Sandcastle Construction. LOWEST PRICE ^ remodel by Gary Wilkes Inc. $300,000: Kmkar, 757 Birdie View- COMPUTE S*TSS«GTH»8 SSBBS $4,500: Chandler, 9298 Kincaid—-fire single family residence w/impact fees by NO PRESSURE SALES * FAST, FREE DELIVERY sprinklers by Wayne Automatic Fire Daniel Wayne Homes. CARPET ' TILE • WALLCOVERINGS Sprinklers. $28,000: McGillivary, 3868 West $9,500: Strothers, 2459 Harbour Gulf—pool by Baker Contracting. Lane—deck addition by owner. $22,788: Dareshori, 3894 West Gulf— $39,000: Roberts, 1163 Seagrape— pool & deck by Barnes Pools. remodel by Bruce K. Drobnyk. $16,389: Crowder, 1940-1950 $32,157: Loftus, 755 Pen Shell—repair Periwinkle—pool by Certified Pool SELECTION fire damage. Mechanics. $100 each: Urkovich, 5690 Pine Tree; $365,142: Pence, 1150 Sabal—single OF WICKER Richardson, 1294 Sand Castle; and Pfeifer, family residence w/impact fees by J.F. & RATTAN 1305 Eagle Run—LP tank by Amerigas. Smith Building Contractor. $17, 882: Mark, 4340 West Gulf- $10,000: Loggerhead Cay, 979 East shutters by Rolladen. Gulf; and $20,000: Strong, 1811 Ibis— $11,275: Fisher, 6176 Henderson- remodel/alterations by Mark McQuade, roof by Essley Roofing. General Contractor. $291,498: Drobnyk, 1418 Sand $1,600: Timbers, 707 Tarpon Bay- Castle—single family residence w/impact fire suppression system by Fyr-Fyter Inc fees by Bruce K. Drobnyk $22,600: Suriani, 727 Birdie View- $50,000: Campbell, Sundial-Unit roof by Alligator Roofing. Q406—remodel by HOMES. $10,876: Barnard, 1361 Tahiti; $2,175- Famlfy Owned 4 Operated $5,828: Goodman, 490 Casa Ybel; and Bohmfalk, 761 Nerita; and $10,500-

N $3,726: Aleck, 3905 Coquina—roof by Dicarlo, 4771 Tradewinds—roof by CONVENIENT LOCATION FROM SANIBEL AFT. MYERS BEACH Affordable Roofing. Infmger Professional Roofing. ir HUX BLVD $10,000: Stephenson, 812 Birdie $12,500: McDermott, 652 Lake SMOM MoR-B MINERS SAT9-5 View—screen enclosure by Freedom Murex; and $7,470: Bianco, 742 Nerita mm SUNDAY 12-4 Aluminum Services. shutteis by Rolsafe. $6,500: Turtle, 1100 White Ibis; $3,500: $750: Dorman, Periwinkle Park-Lot f 7 DAYS A WEEK Cafaro, Sunset South-Unit 12A; $2,130: 341—steps to mobile home "by Jennings I Bassett, 1155 Sand Castle; and $6,500: s TOIX-iFP.EE 1.868* Mobile Home. zsi 11 n i i ^^

ISLAND REPORTER Q Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 Q 9 Opinion Regulating

The efforts of the planning commission to limit the size of houses on Sambel is an ill-conceived concept that allows a few non-elected members of the commis- sion to impose their opin- ions on the residents of this community. The unintend- ed consequences will be loweied property values and higher taxes for all Sanibel properties. Actually there is not a problem: Houses on Sanibel are not "disproportion- ate"—the average size of homes throughout the coun- try is increasing to accom- modate extended families. Needs and attitudes change, "Big" and "Appropriate" Letteri are relative and arbitrary terms. Property owners Gyesf have the right to determine toward the U.S. and more Americans treasure, a hope represent the truest defini- Article o pitch tion of a service organiza- theii own needs and it is not Commentary terrorism will follow. embodied above all in law. the role of government to The only sensible strat- To win the struggle against tion. On Oct. 6, Kiwanis assign housing. for Mosquit© egy is for America to lead terrorism means inspiring members showed up bright Steven B. Smith the world, not by hege- that same hope in the and early with tools and Furthermore, there are Mognet, SCCF monic force, but the rule of hearts of all who do not heavy equipment in hand adequate regulations to handle "disproportionate" To the editor: law. We need a global law have it. How we respond to to assemble and install a houses. This is evidenced by past experience of the enforcement infrastructure this catastrophe will define new playground for our planning commission whereby it was able to stop a I have the greatest to interdict and punish per- our patriotism, shape the kindergarten children. The large house in the Sanctuary from proceeding and was respect for Dee Serage's petrators when nations century and memorialize teamwork, humor and upheld by the courts in its efforts Existing regulations expertise about native cannot or will not. Weour beloved dead." camaraderie that took covering setbacks, area of coverage, angle of light and landscaping and butter- need global systems of Jean M. Wood place on this Saturday was many other elements are adequate to protect the "char- flies However, all the arti- democratic representation Sanibel reminiscent of an old-fash- acter" of neighborhoods. A change of chaiacter in most cles I have recently lead so as to reduce the alien- ioned bam raising. What a communities means a significant change of use, such as about her have focused on ation that drives such peo- A very big great community we live residential to commercial, agriculture to urban, etc. her views concerning mos- ple to violence in the first in! Thank you, Kiwanis! This is the definition that has been legally upheld in quito control. place. The World thank you other communities. It does not mean, "don't build Federalist Association in yours bigger than mine." I use the word "articles" To the editor: Diana Perez loosely because, to me, its "Campaign for Global I would like to say a PTA president Limiting the size of homes will lower property values they appear to be free Change" reports that there Barbara Von Harten and ultimately have the unintended consequence of rais- very big thank you to all advertising for the is consistent support for a the dear people who Principal/Sanibel ing taxes. The mil rate will have to increase to make up Mosquito Magnet and stronger United Nations School for the lowered market values and obtain the same rev- remembered Abe with Forever Green Hardware; and a compassionate U.S. beautiful cards, wonderful enue. This will affect all homes, not just the large ones. a.k.a. a pitch for that $100 foreign policy. Lots are being sold on Sanibel at prices that reflect the letters, such gorgeous SCCF donation to SCCF. World Federalist flowers, and generous value of rebuilding new homes on those lots. In fact, As Dee Serage favors most communities establish "minimum sizes" to main- Association activists stood donations to F.I.S.H. and iPiliHPliwP home experiments using for peace in the face of Hope Hospice. These were iiiliilSliBi tain property values. In addition, the concept of limiting the Mosquito Magnet, I calls for retaliation on Oct. the size of homes in certain neighborhoods is potential- all a great comfort to me Please send suggest that she approach 11. In commemoration of and to my family, and they ly discriminatory and could lead to abuses such as "red Lee County Mosquito the one-month anniversary your letters, to: lining" and "directing of minorities." have helped us deal with Letters to the Editor Control requesting they of the terrorist attacks the enormity of our loss. Presently, real estate values have increased signifi- suspend their operations there were vigils across the Island Reporter cantly because of the "redevelopment" of neighbor- Kathleen Lerner P,O. Box 809 on Sanibel and Captiva for county to mourn those Sanibel hoods. Homes on the "cheap" side of West Gulf Drive the coming year. Let's see killed and promote a mes- Sanibel, FL 33957 •; are selling for upwards of $1 million, precisely because just how effective the sage of justice, law and Another thanks Or, fax to: of the big homes on the Gulf that have been built. If the Mosquito Magnet will be global cooperation. 472-8398. character of West Gulf Drive had been maintained 20 on the mosquito popula- To the editor: Letters must be signed As James Carrol wrote On behalf of the stu- years ago, the values today would be substantially tions of the islands. in the Boston Globe on aad include a reduced. dents and staff of the telephone number for Roger Zocki Sept. 15, "The World Sanibel School, we wish to Furthermore, the change in building codes has had a Sanibel Trade Center was a symbol verification. significant impact on the size and cost of building a new extend our heartfelt thanks We reserve the right to of the social, economic to (Sanibel-Captiva) home on Sanibel. These compliance costs as well as ele- Call for justice, and political hope edit letters for style, vation requirements affect base costs of construction, Krwanis. These gentlemen grammar and length. making it difficult to build small houses at reasonable not war cost per square foot. To the editor: This effort to limit what many communities consider It is ironic that the Mi'llBe to be acceptable size homes will have the unintended United States, the only consequences of lowering property values of existing Western democracy residences and raising the property taxes of all resi- which has not supported dences. As taxes increase, the very people who are sup- the idea of a permanent posedly being protected will be forced to sell their International Criminal homes and move off Sanibel or the quality of services complete Court in the past, should comprehensive:. will decline. After all, there are plenty of competitive need one now. If there communities up and down the southwest coast of ever was a time to replace Florida. the law of force with the The only thing "disproportionate" about this effort is force of law, this is it. ?•• smile design makeovers ;•; Caring FrienHlv Dentistry... :* cosrrjeliq/laser whitening the power that is being sought by the planning commis- The crimes (on Sept. i ii 1 In •. i h ethadvances sion to tell neighborhoods and individuals what they ':•; • compulerized injections v: 11) were classic "crimes • while lillings 7 crowns ••::; .' should be allowed to have and own. The planning com- : : against humanity" perpe- • general/implant ; i; : mission should be implementing regulations, not impos- trated by a small group of ing their opinions on Sanibel property owners. Perhaps very determined individu- next they will want the authority to tell everyone what /has acquired the practice at als. They were not an "act William J.Shmck.D.D.s; kind of cars can be parked in the driveways. After all, we of war" inflicted by one don't want those BMWs and Mercedes to change the country upon another. This M character of the neighborhood when "we" prefer Buicks is a critically important and Oldsmobiles. distinction. Making this a wai of retribution will be Alan M hugely expensive, will stt>n tftw ! Hove a news item? Call 472-1587 or mean losses of additional Una 1'J'JiS Fotmejfy on Sj«H American lives, will fan »»wr*ffe« e-mail SanCapNews@flgyide,com the flames of hatied 481.7493 10 • Week of Oct. 18-24,2001 • ISLAND REPORTER

,. ,,.,_.^._....;,...... _...--. --..^—^.;.T.T..,,~^..,:r:.j;...-!^5--.,-~, ,-..j...v.,J.;.: Sack Inaccuracies found in scan of Sanibel voter list The following news items are taken idents will pay this year were not caused $650,000 for sensitive land acquisition Bowman's Beach and Silver Key was from the pages of the Island Reporter over by the higher property assessments but the and Sanibel's City Council wasted no closed off for the past 14 months due to the past 25 years. increase in millage rate by local taxing time prioritizing purchases. the renourishment project and changing authorities and the nationwide abuse of City Manager Gary Price said council tides. Sanibel Natural Resources Director 25 years ago, government spending. members should make acquiring three Rob Loflin said after the renourishment Most Sanibel homeowners have parcels of environmentally sensitive land was completed that he was hopeful Clam Oct. 15, 1976 received quite a shock this year with some first priority, especially the Sanibel Bayou would open up withing a few At least 100 inaccurate registrations tax increases of 200 percent. Councilman Gardens property, now owned by Sanibel weeks. have been discovered among the list of Porter Goss said that the city of Sanibel Land Company. Two other available prop- Rains during June and August caused 1910 registered voters in Precinct 16, will pay 9-1/2 percent of Lee County's erties are 30 acres on the northeast corner algae to bloom and, in conjunction with which covers all of Sanibel. total tax bill. of Rabbit Road and West Gulf Drive and cloudy days and limited sunlight, trig- Most of the inaccuracies are apparently an 8-acre parcel on the south side of gered two separate fish kills in the bayou. unintentional and involve old or incom- 15 years ago, Sanibel-Captiva Road across from the ele- It was after the second kill that Loflin felt plete addresses, according to a spokes- mentary school. nature was not going to cooperate and the woman for Operation Election '76, an ad Oct. 16, 1986 Erick Lindblad, of the Sanibel-Captiva bayou would have to be opened manually. hoc committee of the Committee of the Top musicians give their a!l Conservation Foundation, said the latter Islands that has been conducting the two parcels would combine with other One year ago, scrutiny. at Jazz on the Green city-owned properties to make a good Oct. 19, 2000 * A preliminary scan of the voter list also A record crowd of nearly 4,000 jazz management unit. turned up "at least two" names that are lovers Saturday heard famed musician and Islanders pack debate listed at an address outside of Precinct 16 composer Chuck Mangione wend his way Five years ago, in the Fort Myers telephone directory, said Sanibel's seven city council candidates through all his greats — "Bellevia," Oct. 18, 1996 lined up Monday night to face questions the spokeswoman, who asked not to be "Chase the Clouds Away," and the theme identified. Another voter registered in from the more than 350 residents at the from the 1984 Olympics — with more Clam Bayou opens its mouth Sanibel Community Center in a debate Precinct 16 "has never even been here as than half returning to The Dunes on far as I know," the woman added. As the outer bands of Tropical Storm sponsored by the Committee of the Sunday to stay with instrumentalist Ira Islands (COTI). Sullivan through two hours "on every Josephine zipped through the islands last 20 years ago, instrument imaginable." week, sheets of rain, unusually high tides, Among the highlights: vicious lightning and savage winds in M All candidates were in favor of keep- One of the organizers of the yearly Oct. 15, 1981 excess of 50 mph brought down trees, ing a low drawbridge and spoke on vari- event, Scott Siler, said the performances blew electric transformers and flooded ous ways to accomplish this goal. made for "real electrical evenings." Passing the buck continues several area roads. But the bad weather M A discussion of methods for dealing Mangione played two encores after quit- also saved the city of Sanibel and the It's time again to pass the buck, the tax ting time at 10 p.m. Saturday. with short-term rentals in residential buck that is. Sanibel residents who object- Captiva Erosion Prevention District thou- areas. ed to their high tax increases over previ- sands of dollars by opening up Clam M What should be done about the ous years were told by city council mem- Ten years ago, Bayou. Mariner/church development plan for bers at their first budget hearing to to take Oct. 18, 1991 Ever since the $9.2 million renourish- land on Periwinkle Way. their complaints to the county property ment of Sanibel and Captiva beaches ear- M Whether city council members appraiser and the county commission. Council considers land deal lier this summer, one point of contention should be paid, and how much time the But Lee County property appraiser Ken A new fiscal year brings some remained — Clam Bayou. job requires. Wilkinson says the high taxes Sanibel res- The naturally flowing estuary between ABDUCTION Help kids stay safe this Halloween Each year the Sanibel Police H Keep costumed kids away from From page 3 Department offers safety tips to parents pets; the pet may well not recognize the of island trick-or-treaters, and the Island child (or ghost or witch) and become Reporter prints them as a service to the frightened and agitated. appeared to be a wig and that she was community. K Inform children not to eat any of wearing a blue shirt with school logo and H Check that costumes are flame- the trick-or-treat candy until it can be yellow shorts — similar to the school uni- retardant and short enough to prevent safely inspected in a well-lighted place form. tripping and falling. Make sure they are at home. Only let kids eat unopened MacDonald said his wife's usual car is light-colored or have reflective tape, and candy in original wrappers, and careful- a light green 1999 Jaguar XJ8 sedan bear- try to use face paint as opposed to masks ly inspect any fruit or homemade treats. ing Florida tag AO8-KUI. It has not been that might obstruct a child's vision. M Don't let children eat all the candy located; and neither he nor Broward Avoid hard plastic or wooden props at once. Not only will this help preserve County had any further information on the such as daggers or swords; substitute their teeth and the state of their stom- Nissan. foam rubber, achs but the parents' sanity as well. A warrant was issued for Caren il Trick-or-treaters should travel in Halloween is on Wednesday, Oct. 31, MacDonald's arrest on Oct. 8, following groups, only stop at familiar homes that and all Sanibel patrol cars will have the hearing. Caren Ragan Brian are well lighted, and be told not to enter candy to distribute. Please call 472- Brian is 11 years old, 4'9" tall, weighs MacDonald MacDonald the houses or cars of strangers. 3111 with any questions. 125 pounds, has short brown hair and sees or may have seen Caren MacDonald brown eyes. He has an indented scar in the or Brian or has any information concern- middle of his forehead. Caren is 5'1", 105 ing their whereabouts should contact SPD pounds and of slight build, with brown at 472-3111 or Detective Rod Skirvin at eyes and long blonde hair. Anyone who (954) 973-6700. H Bat Yam—Temple of the Islands. at 8 and 10 a.m. Eucharist with healing— Shabbat services at the Congregational Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist— Church Friday evenings at 8 p.m. Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. and Saturdays at 5 The Reporter is your source for island news. Reformed. p.m.

M Chapel by the Sea, Captiva. Sunday M Sanibel Community Church. service: 11 a.m. Nov. 19-Fister Sunday. Sunday services: 8 a.m. Communion ser- vice in Sanctuary; 9 a.m. Contemporary PUBLIC NOTICE U Church of the Islands @ The service in Fellowship Hall; 10-10:30 a.m. Vineyards on San-Cap. Saturday: 7:30 Fellowship for everyone in the courtyard; p.m., Prayer and Praise (music, .scripture, testimony). Sunday: 9 a.m. 472-2189. 10:30 a.m. Traditional service in The Sanibel City Council announces the re-establish- Sanctuary and concurrent overflow ser- M First Church of Christ, Scientist. vice in Fellow ship Hall. ment of the Five Year Budget Projection Committee Sunday service and school—10:30 a.m. Wednesday evening meeting-7:30 p.m. H Sanibel Congregational United Reading room hours: Wednesdays from Church of Christ. Sunday worship sendee, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10 a.m., full worship service and Sunday school. (Childcare provided). Elevator for The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members H Peace Evangelical: Lutheran. Sunday easy access. worship: 9:30 a.m. Bible Study: 8:45 a.m. and members shall be residents of the City of Sunday. Temporary site: Masonic Temple, B Temple Beth-El. Shabbat services at 17625 Pine Ridge, Fort Myers. 437-2599. 8 p.m. Fridays. Conservative. 16224 Sanibel. Any resident wishing to apply must fill out Winkler Road, Fort Myers. U St. Isabel Catholic Church. Daily a Volunteer Skills Bank form available at City Hall, Mass: 8:30 a.m. Saturday: Confession at E Unitarian Universalist Society of the 4:45 p.m.; Vigil at 5:30 p.m. Sunday 800 Dunlop Road or call 472-4135. Islands. Services are the first Sunday Mass: 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., 32:15 p.m. evening of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the through March. Sanibel Congregational Church. Closing date for appointment is October 31, 2001. • St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal November through May only. For infor- Church.Sunday services: Holy Eucharist mation, call 472-4855. ISLAND REPORTER Q Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • 11 lilanft Life Hong Kong orchid trees adaptable but sensitive to acid conditions Ron: A little over two years ago I ing the winter. And the flowers are fra-Jeaves during the summer and fall months. shim (think MIM) — which green up planted a Hong Kong orchid tree in my grant as well. Additionally, while the leaves are light plants and trees. front yard. It is now about 6 feet tall. The tree is easy to j;row, but-is ten-^ _ green during the winter, they turn a pale Until the tree reaches maturity in 10 Last year it produced lots of beautiful der to very cold temperatures. At" yellow color during the summer. So yel- years or so, you should be fertilizing twice red orchids, but this year maturity, this graceful low leaves, to some extent, are to be there have been no flowers tree will tower from 25 to expected. a year in October and May. Spread the fer- and the leaves are all yel- 50 feet, with just a slight- Secondly, I suspect that your tree lacks tilizer under the tree a couple of feet out low. What's wrong?— ly smaller spread. And, as the proper nutrients to prosper and bear from the trunk all the way to the edge of R.H., Fort Myers Beach a bonus for xeriscape the beautiful orchid-like blooms. While canopy, or drip line. buffs, the orchid tree is the plant seems to be adaptable to a wide You should notice an improvement Dear R.H.: The Hong very drought-tolerant. range of soils, I've found that acid condi- within a few months, though optimum Kong orchid (Bauhinia The Hong Kong orchid tions will greatly improve the tree's over- blakeana) is a truly beauti- and its related species, by results — if a proper feeding regimen is all appearance and its ability to produce followed — will take about a year or so. ful tree, and while the flow- the way, are in the same prolific quantities of flowers. ers are not true orchids, they family as the common bean The desired acid conditions can be Good luck! certainly look nice enough — which might explain its achieved simply by using the right fertil- to wear to the prom. The lack of tolerance to salt izer, or in some cases, by adding commer- Ron Sympson is a licensed landscape bloom of this tree is the spray. The leaves of the tree cially available "soil acidifiers" to the root contractor and designer who specializes national flower of Hong are two-lobed, very much growth area. in Southwest Florida plants and native Kong, as well as the official resembling a cow's hoof. Go to your neighborhood garden center flowering tree of Boca I want to address the wildlife gardens. He can be reached by Island and find a fertilizer labeled "acid." The phone at 481-9594, by fax at 472-8398, by Raton. problems you are having label may also describe it as a fertilizer for The Hong Kong orchid separately. First, it is impor- ixoras and azaleas, which are acid-loving e-mail at [email protected], via produces flowers, about 6 Gardening tant to know that the Hong shrubs. Make sure the fertilizer contains the Internet at www.ronsympson.com, or inches long, that appear in Kong orchid is deciduous, secondary elements and micronutrients, by mail at P.O. Box 809, Sanibel, FL rose and purple tones dur- Ron Sympson meaning it loses many of its primarily manganese, iron and magne- 33957. Information best way to fight fears about Anthrax WRITER SIGNS Clearly, Americans are now obsessed with fears about anthrax and whether they are at risk of coming in contact with the deadly virus. I found many websites pro- viding good information on the subject, and am sharing two of them, both hosted by about.com — access via Author Steve . Cason signs a copy of his M The Anthrax Threat. This site cov- vaccine available." book "Frogg ers almost every fact of the anthrax scare. • The spread of anthiax thiough the Pond" at Here are some excerpts: mail: Macintosh "United States Intelligence Agencies "What Should I do if I Receive an Books on have briefed the President and the Anthrax Threat by mail? Sanibel Congress that the chances of another ter- • Do not handle the mail piece or Tuesday rorist attack on the United States is almost package suspected of contamination — evening. Cason 100 percent. Because there is a possibility Notify your supervisor who will immedi- is a former that such attack may include the use of ately contact the inspection service, local writer and car- biological weapons (most likely anthrax), police, safety office or designated person. toonist for the many individuals are concerned* Gas Island B Make sure that damaged or suspi- Reporter. mask sales in the past three weeks have cious packages are isolated and the imme- skyrocketed. M-17 masks, which one "Frogg Pond," month ago could be easily purchased for diate area cordoned off. his first book, as little as $40, are now selling for over H Ensure that all persons who have depicts six fans $300." touched the mail piece wash their hands who travel to with soap and water. Costa Rica to "What is anthrax? Anthrax is an acute B The inspectors will collect the mail, free an infectious disease caused by the spore- assess the threat situation and coordinate American car- forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. with the FBI. toonist jailed Anthrax most commonly occurs in wild for impersonat- and domestic lower vertebrates (cattle, B Designated officials will notify local, county, and state health ..depart- ing a character sheep, goats, camels, antelopes, and other in a novel. herbivores), but it can also occur in ments. humans when they are exposed to infected B Designated officials will notify the animals or tissue from infected animals. state emergency manager. "The Department of Defense considers B List all persons who have touched anthrax to be highly dangerous because it the letter and/or envelope. is:highly lethal, one of the easiest biolog- "What constitutes a "suspicious parcel?" ical agents to manufacture, relatively easy Some typical characteristics postal to develop as a weapon, easily spread in inspectors have detected over the years, the air over a large area, (and) easily which ought to trigger suspicion, include Get all your island news in the Island Reporter stored and dangerous for a long period." parcels that: "How is anthrax transmitted? Anthrax B are unexpected or from someone every weeki Subscribe nowl infection can occur in three forms: cuta- unfamiliar to you. neous (skin), inhalation, and gastrointesti- B are addressed to someone no longer Call Shirlene at 472-1587. nal. B. anthracis spores can live in the soil with your organization or are otherwise for many years, and humans can become outdated. infected with anthrax by handling prod- B have no return address, or have one ucts from infected animals or by inhaling that can't be verified as legitimate. anthrax spores from contaminated animal H are of unusual weight, given their products. Anthrax can also be spread by size, or are lopsided or oddly shaped. eating undercooked meat from infected B are marked with restrictive endorse- Surround Yourself animals. It is rare to find infected animals ments, such as "Personal" or in the United States. "Confidential." With Bay and Canal Views. "Direct, person-to-person spread of B have protruding wires, strange odors anthrax is extremely unlikely to occur. or stains. Communicability is not a concern in man- B show a city or state in the postmark Call Qlenn Carretia aging or visiting with patients with that doesn't match the return address. Broker Salesperson inhalational anthrax." "What should I do if I've received a The Threat. "The biggest threat of suspicious parcel in the mail?" 1-800-784-2616 anthrax (as a terrorist weapon) is by releas- B Do not try to open the parcel! 941-395-3100 ing anthrax spores in the air, which can then B Isolate the parcel. Qorgeous 3 story be inhaled. However, this might not be quite B Evacuate the immediate area. as effective as we've been led to believe. B Call a postal inspector to report that contemporary home. Soaring Various studies have shown that one must you've received a parcel in the mail that cathedral ceilings, elevator, inhale a significant amount of anthrax may contain biological or chemical sub- pool & Jacuzzi, plus boat dock. spores to become infected. In fact, tens of stances. thousands of spores must be inhaled. $2,340,000 The Anthrax Vaccine. "Probably the J. Peg Webster is the cyberspatial alter- best protection against anthrax infection ego of columnist Ron Sympson. You can JOHN NAUMANN is by inoculation of the anthrax vaccine, reach either of them at . however — there simply is not enough 12 • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 u ISLAND REPORTER Historical Preservation Committee Preserving Sanibel's History By Anna Liakas Staff writer ' t On Monday, another stage in the vital preservation of Sanibel's history will be underway, thanks to the fore- sight of the Historical Preservation Committee and the ready and willing hands .of the volunteer restoration group, the Hammerheads. For "Morning Glories," a 1926 pre-cut. Sears cata- logue house that was recently moved to the grounds of the Sanibel Historical Museum and Village, the upcom- ing restoration will be a welcome relief, with the shear- ing off of the front porch and the protruding exterior dormer, allowing the tiny house that once sat on the edge of the bay to slowly return to its original state. Just two months after the city of Sanibel was created, on Nov. 5, 1974, the Historical Preservation Committee was established at the behest of Elinore Dormer, who 4 went before the newly-formed City Council and peti- tioned for the city's committment to the historic preser- vation of the island. "It was Elinore's idea that one of the oldest houses on the island should be preserved as a museum," explained committee member Jody Brown. And eight years after the inception of the committee, the first property was finally carted to the site that is now the focal point of Sanibel Island's history. Or perhaps we should say "her- story," as the women of Sanibel were the passionate dreamers who took the vision of the committee and moved it forward, who recognized the value of places •' like the old Rutland House, which was to become the foundation of all future acquisitions. "Before Clarence Rutland died we sat on the steps of Jl • - that building, of the old Rutland place, and Elinore and I were thinking...what a perfect example of a cracker - ' -' house," recalled Mary Bell, one of the founding mothers of not only the Sanibel Historical Preservation *,- •:,„ Committee but also of the Historical Village and Museum. "We wanted to have a museum of it." Bell remembered how, "it was all built to take advan- tage of the breeze." with the doors and windows carved out directly across from each other, on the opposite sides of the wooden structure. "We knew that the island was in flux, that it was rapid- ly changing," Bell said, reflecting on friendships and memories from more than 20 years ago. "We knew there would come a time when people on the island wouldn't TOP: A plaque inside the Rutland House. even know what the original houses looked Jike." ABOVE: One of the antique telephones. The mission of the committee, as written in the Sanibel Plan, is "to collect and preserve items and prac- placed along West Gulf Drive, at Gray Gables, The Island tices of Sanibel history," including gathering and cata- Inn, the Beach House and Buttonwood. The committee is loguing maps, memorabilia, photographs, letters, books, holding its first "Appraisal Days" fundraiser in February, oral histories and any other forms of the island's eco- which is not a"road show," said Muriel Veenschoten, but nomic, social and religious past, as well as preserving similar in that folks can bring two items to be appraised historical structures and sites and operating and main- by local experts as well as those from from New York, taining the Historical Village and Museum. Connecticut and Philadelphia. Entrance to the event will "My aim in being part of the committee," said Sam be garnered by paying a small fee that will benefit the Bailey, who evolved the museum into a village when he historic preservation of the island. From Dec. 5 to Jan. 6, put up his own money to move Bailey's Store to the land the committee hosts the annual toy show, with the muse- adjacent to the old cracker house, "is to depict what um decorated as it would have been in the early 1900s. Sanibel used to be, to preserve anything that is still here "This year," said Veenschoten, "people will be lending from before WWII. In my experience, anything old we us their miniature things to be put on display." destroy. Historical preservation is good for the city, it's The quilters from Kelly Green will be back this year, good for the country, it's good for life " piecing together the wares that will be displayed, along Upcoming projects for the committee will be the with many antique quilts, during the January quilt show. completion of the third phase of the historical bicycle "Before the causeway, Sanibel was a very tight-knit tour, with brass plaques marking historical sites being community," said Mary Bell. "When the bridge opened it up, in came a flood of new people that didn't know the TOP: An old register from Bailey's island's history. We wanted to preserve the symbols that General Store. were important to the character of this island, we wanted some remnants left as a tribute to the pioneers of Sanibel, ABOVE: Part of an old Sanibel kitchen. Muff Prosser, owner because life was not easy for them. To show folks that FACIALS! Sanibel was not, in it's origins, a rich man's playground." MANICURES! PEDICURES! Photos by Michael Pistella STYU £UTS $17 • WOW OKf $17 SHAM POO ANO SET 517'MEN'S CinS 13 PSYCHOTHERAPIST OPEN Mon.-Sat 9AM to 5PM • life adjustment problems iN SANIBEL SQUARE \ I ii J\\f\\ 1 A • Drug and Alcohol • Family stress issues • Individual, couple and family therapy 1-BOp-SANIBEL« Dr. Janice J. Caron &LD, LMHC, CAP Sanibel & Captiva Island Accommodations Events on the web (941) 395-2184 Send us your Events... jcaron@springmail. com TEAMSANIBEL .COM whether they be this month, or this year! ISLAND REAL ESTATE Sanibel Chiropractic For more events, check out this website set up for the Call Anytime Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce- 472-0900 www.sanibel-captiva.org 1717 Periwinkle Way (across from jerry's) Fishing and Shelling • Closest to outer Islands or log on to the Island Reporter website at DR. MICHAEL TOLISANO • DR. DAREN FITZPATRICK > Headaches • Neck Pain • Backaches 472-5800 vwwislandreporterxoffl < Arm/Leg Pain • Tingling/Numbness WALK-INS WELCOME • IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENTS Jensen's Marina • Captiva Island ISLAND REPORTER Q Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • 13 Community displays spirit at' By Dawn deBoer ter relief are now onsite in New Staff writer York. With red, white and blue rib- Reel Patriots tourney They came together as one, bons in hand, Syril Ivler Rubin Sixteen boats powered in Terry Bredahl on the boat under the name of American. In of Sanibel and Bunny Kupsaw 42 fishing men and women Salty Dogs waited for the the early morning light of a day of Fort Myers handed out home- for the Reel Patriots Snook tides to turn before landing more than a month in planning pinned patriotism. On Sept. 11, and Redfish Tournament "eight keepers near all at between communities that Rubin found herself in New organized within a week of once," said Capt. Vertesch, spanned the coastline from York for a doctor's appointment the attack on America by but not the landing to win. Bokeelia to Naples, the American and saw the first, then the sec- Chris Wittman of Stillwater That went to Till Next flag rose above Sanibel Harbour ond airliner hit the Twin Towers. Charters. The 7 a.m. shot- Charters' catch of a 27- and Resort off the Sanibel A week after the tragedy, for the gun start left only one boat inch, 8-pounder by Capt. Causeway for Southwest Florida islands' sunset candlelight behind with a blown fuse. James Pittro and Burt Cares, a sunrise-to-sunset fund- memorial at the Sanibel Jeff Hobe fished anyway, Barnes, Gary Fuller and raiser for the country's recovery Causeway, Rubin and fellow dockside. By 8 a.m., Chris Harry Spotts, crew. from Sept. 11. island artists made the ribbons. Zolman's boat, Absolute Absolute Chaos took About 1,400 South Floridians Rubin kept making them. Chaos, was having a morn- the tournament's Calutta came to give to the American Sanibel Mayor Nola Theiss ing of its own. After the for a combined 61-inch, Red Cross and the Sept. 11 Fund deliveied a similar message in third pole's line snapped to 20-pound haul by Capt. of United Way. Contributions front of the mid-afternoon crowd. the weight of "big" redfish, Chris Zolman and crew, also brought support to the "We cannot be deterred. We by 8:30 a.m., Zolman land- Bobby Gibson and Jason memorial fund of Cee Cee Lyles, celebrate and appreciate the sac- ed his 34-inch, 13-pounder Kompinski. the wife of a Fort Myers police rifices made, and recognize — the catch of the day in Overall, the 3 p.m. officer who lost her life on one of what unites us," she said of liv- snook. weigh-in fileted_ 300 the four airliners hijacked and ing in a country that encourages Sanibel's Kevin pounds of fish for the Reel crashed by terrorists. living together in peace. "When Vertesch, Dan Hahn and Patriots and festival buffet. For this day, a Fort Myeis we work together, we can do employer paid the way for the anything." company's 50 employees. For By day's end, the silent auc- this day, 60 mainland and island tion of close to 200 items from restaurants brought, cooked and area merchants waited only on set up an 18-foot buffet table and last call, along with quite a num- accompanying 18-foot grill. For ber of bidders determined to out- this day, 20 area bands with bid any last-minute efforts. entertainers and choruses played In the final minute of a six- live from two stages, noon to hour auction crusade, Chris ABOVE: Sanibel's mayor, Nola night. It was a day of many Lasher of Captiva scribbled in a Theiss, led the ceremonies. moments forged in one spirit. final bid on a Christmas shop- Wearing star-spangled sun- ping spree at Periwinkle Place glasses, Jamne Boardman of the for his wife, Ten. Sanibel-Captiva Zonta service "She sends me over to check organization manned the par- on the bid list," he said of his ABOVE: Benefit T-shirts support- tially scrolled 10-foot by 25- latest and hopefully last trip to ed the American Red Cross and foot American flag. Lee County the bidding table. "We take the Sept. 11 Fund of United Way of Commissionei Bob Janes stood turns so we won't be recog- America. in line to pen a memorial on a nized, but she's the real culprit. AT RIGHT: The chairman of star and donate, in the process, I'm just the front man," he United Way's Critical Response to the disaster relief funds. smiled of the worthiness of the Team, Tom Brown, far right, "This flag is the best thing auction. meets up with Sanibel-Captiva's we've ever done," Boardman Only a table away, Lisa Chamber of Commerce's presi- said of Zonta's effort to deliver Curdoza of Fort Myers is on the dent Keith Trowbridge and wife, on an idea that came out of the run to check her bid on an enter- Doris, and Lee County head of Keith Trowbridge, pres- tainment center. "It's taken me Commissioner Bob Janes, far left. ident of the Sanibel-Captiva all day to get this far, but I've Chamber of Commerce. got to have it. I'm now telling Saturday's Bailey Fest takes on people don't bid against me, Photos the Stripes and Stripes next. please, we got flooded out!" The American Red Cross No sooner said than done. by Humanitarian Ball held Friday The bid sheets were gone. The Dawn had Kurt Williams, the non- auction was over. The evening's i8 11 profit's Lee County director, in patriotic songs had begun. A deBoer for Sunday's fund-raiser. Since donated fireworks finale waited A Naur C©n©epi in Early Learning Sept. 11, county residents have offshore on a barge for 3,750 raised $925,000 for the bangs of red, white and blue. American Red Cross, Williams MUSIC * ART • NATURi said, and 11 Lee County Red Cross workeis trained in disas-

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For a more extensive list of events, Week of October 18-24 see this week's Islander, available alt over the islands. Looking ahead

25 BIG Arts 25 BIG Arts /yj Daylight savings 2<£ RCIA sessions 31 Happy AO 2q BIG Arts •JO Chair yoga at u acrylics ctess gardening ends! Turn back at St. Isabel's **-^ Spanish class Island Seniors Halloween!!! 395-0900 395-0900 clocks one hour. 549-4606 472-5743 1 Twain by the 2 Island Seniors ^ Sarasota Film A RCIA sessions C Pilates with rfC Election Day H Historical Tail opens at computer class Fest bus trip at St. Isabel's Marsha Wagner Go out Village reopens Wood Theatre 472-5743 437-1532 395-2639 and vote!

Darling's Perry Tract. Walks Dunlop Road. $96 plus clay, 8 Thursday J , begin at 8:30 a.m. and last two weeks. 549-4606 Oct.18 hours. 472-8900 Chair Yoga til Rhythm of the Tides Sunday, Every Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. to Book signing by Charles "Which Way 11:30 a.m., hour session with Sobczak of his latest book, Cow" and Oct. 21 meditation. Island Seniors. which comes out with a special other works 472-5743 William North Thiough Sanibel-Captiva edition, 7 p.m. by islander Golf tourney October. Bank of the at Macintosh Bookstore. RandonT. Tournament for Sanibel-Captiva Pilates mat class Eddy can be Conservation Foundation, 8 Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:15 Islands* exhibition nf Shorelines Discovery Walk . viewed at a.m. shotgun start, with lunch a.m. to 10:15 a.m. at the impressionist landscape oil 9 a.m. at SCCF Nature Center. the Sanibel Public and raffle at The Beachview Community House, 2173 painter, 472-7211 Learn about the forces that Library Golf & Tennis Club. $75 per Periwinkle Way. $6 for SCA shape this gulf chain of barrier player, including green fees, members, $7 for non-members. through Danny Morgan Island islands. 418-2329 Nov. 4. golf cart and lunch. 472-2155 musician's paintings at BtG . * •'"'.. 1 • .*.'•*;' • l Sponsorships available from Yoga at SCA $100 to $1,000. 472-2329 Yoga at SCA Art&-opens> Oel 20, through . 9 a.m. Thursdays and 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Tuesdays, 9 a.m. Nov. 2-5 395-Q900 Tuesdays at the Community RCIA sessions Thursdays at the Community House, 2173 Periwinkle Way. At 9:30 a.m. St. Isabel Catholic House, 2173 Periwinkle Way. Randon T. Eddy $6 for SCA members, $7 for Church, 3559 San-Cap Road. $6 for SCA members, $7 for Oct. 19 and Oct. 26. 472-2329. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. with stories Islander's artwork exhibit- non-members. 472-2155 Weekly series of instruction. non-members. 472-2155 and crafts at the Sanibel ed at Sanibel Library'. 472-2483 Friday, Saturday, Monday, Wednesday through Nov 4 New children's class Oct. 22 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Through Dec. 1, clay for chil- Oct. 24 Refuge day dren with with Jan Budd at BIG Book signing ' Community shellcrafters Book discussion group On final day of National Arts, 600 Dunlop Road. $60, 6 For local author June Denison's 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Monday Meets on the fourth Wednesday Refuge Week, the J.N. "Ding" weeks. 549-4606 new book, "Joyful Yoga," 5 at the Community House, 2173 of each month, 2 p.m. at the Darling National Wildlife p.m. to 7 p.m. at Macintosh Periwinkle Way. " Sanibel Public Library'. 472- Refuge hosts the 11th. annual Spelling bee Bookshop. 482-6677 2483 celebration of Darling him- DEADLINE to sign up for the Fitness with Carla self and his creation of the Sanibel-Captiva Zonta Club's Painting class Low-impact aerobics Mondays, Fitness with Carla Federal Duck Stamp. This island spell-prama:. Event com: Through Nov. 9, oil painting Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9:30 Low-impact aerobics-Mondays, Twain by the latl year's event includes the ing up,at 6 p.m., Nov. 17, at the ( a.m. to 10:30 a.m, at the Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:30 Opens Nov I at J Ili-w-iid with Loise Ferguson at BIG Community House, where unveiling and dedication of Community House, 2173 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Arts, 900 Dunlop Road. $75, 6 teams of four can relive their Wood Thealrt. on the $1.3 million interactive Periwinkle Way. 472-2155 Community House, 2173 weeks. 395-0900 school years and vie for title of exhibits. 472-1100 Periwinkle Way; 472-2155 •.;:; tcuwinklc \Va> Best Island Speller. $150 per Ecology course Danny Morgan paints team. $5 admission, supper Second of SCCF's three-part Tuesday, \nd t!u> Beat Goes. On Paintings by island songwriter available. introduction to Sanibel's ecol- Opens Ot-t IS ai Old Danny Morgan open BIG Arts' Oct. 23 DATELINE DEADLINE ogy: back bay estuary, man- new season. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 Beach walk Please submit announce- SchOk.ilh.ouse 'UicdLei on grove swamp, interior wet- p.m. with reception, at BIG Tarpon Bay Recreation offers BIG Arts class ments by Friday for the fol- Periwinkle Way 4/2-6M»2 lands, mid-island ridges and Arts'Phillips Gallery. naturalist-led walks every Through Dec. 22, pottery on lowing Thursday's publica- gulf beaches. Classes and field tion. Fax 472-8398. Haunted library Friday at . J.N. "Ding" the wheel, fine techniques at trips — 9:30 a.m. to noon, all levels, BIG Arts, 600 You can purchase any of the photos oiices you see in our newspapers! New pool hours fsfiies, "h>plomi!! and F-vpanJing Yum Art Order yours ^•ii-ihcl RfLrt-aiion pi^ts new hours roi d.iy- Expeiicmc/ whu.li consists of two-, ihiee- today... light savings tune suiting Mnnda) Ou 22' Linri lom-dav scmnifiiAvuikshops dealing with 10 .i in lo *• p m MoniLi\ m I mlj\, I p m lo a vdiictv til media ^ward-winning .inisl mil 5 p in , S.iiiiid.i\ .Hid Suntfav. giaduatc of ihe Man land Jnsiitutf wwkshops etplci- FJiive closes Oci 22 mm] Detembei wiih inj> walcicoloi To Mgn up, tall carlv W- FuH-Color eu-eptimi of NfitionEil Refuge Week Tours of 0900 Reprints T.upon Bay .ind Pine Island Suuud of fined on AVAILABLE Tin pon Ba> Rcueatton's pontoon boat. Appraisal daj upcoming Inrpon Bay Reci uatton is located at 900 An antiques appraisal day is scheduled loi lai-pon Bay Road $8, $4, children 472-89IX). Feb 21 at Sanibol's Histoiiral Village pat- —• ,,:| terned after the television program, Also an Bailey Grant deadline approaches antique toy show .held each December is a The Sanibel-Capliva Community Foiuidatiun popular boliday event, announces a Dec L4 application deadline for the Bailey Society grant cycle Grants award- B The Historical Village needs resloiation Please allow 7busiiKss JJV<: :>.r delivery- ed lo agencies serving re.sidijnUs whd work oil cicw volunteers loi the rcnovoUon of the the iblanch Applications


_11 ' If Galie 21 Gil 23 Cii Headline lews listiigs fer tie M The Weatier Channel 39 WTW (Visitor's 49 G-SPAN Oct. 18-24,2001 50 6-SPI12

THURSDAY PRIME TIME OCTOBER 18, 2001 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 2 1 NBC News News Wheel Jeopardy! Friends Schwartz Will Just/Me ER (cc) (S) News Tonight "31 PBS World News NewsHour Antiques UK Florida Education Ballykissangel (cc) Mystery' (cc) (S) Bailey Fest Tj FOX Friends Frasier Raymond Seinfeld Baseball American League Championship Sen 3S, Game 2 (cc) (S) Fox 4 News at 11 5 1 CBS News (cc) News nslde EXTRA Survivor: Africa (cc) CSI: Crime Scene The Agency (cc) (S) News (cc) Letterrnan 6.1 WB Justice Carey Carey Just/Me Popstars 2 (cc) (S) Charmed (cc) (S) Date Elimidate Date Spin City 'X. ABC Mews (cc) News ET Hollyw'd Whose? Whose? Be a Millionaire PrimeTime Thursday News (cc) Nightline yg, TNN Baywatch (cc) (S) WAD TV MAD TV Star Trek- Next Movie*: * Fatal Instinct (S) Star Trek: Next CT3J TLC (cc) Daring Capers Forensic Science The Great Egyptians Egypt's Lost City Forensic Science 114 HBO Wovie: Entrapment REAL Sports Inside the NFL (cc) Movie: *** Meet the f Barents (cc) (S) G-String G-String 37J SHOW Movie; * * Company Business (6 OS) Movie: ** Double Joopardy (cc) (Sj Going to California Leap Years (cc) (S) 3 JfiJ WGN Full H'se Matters nnce Movie: *** Mask (1085, Daeudrsma) (cc) News (cc) (S) Heat of the Night 2Oj FAM Growing Growing Step/Step Step/Step Movie: ** Down Periscope (S) Scariest Places The 700 Club (cc) 22 USA Walker, Tex Ranger JAS Secrets (cc) (S) Nash Bridges (cc) JAG (cc) (S) JAG Ghosts (cc) (S) Martin Martin 2-4 LIFE Golden Golden Intimate Portrait (cc) Unsolved Mysteries Movie: ** Blue Sky (1994, Drama) (cc) Golden Golden 26 CNBC Business Center (cc) |The Edge Chris Matthews Rivera Live News/Williams Chris Matthews J7 SUN Racing |SEC-TV Gator Hotline (Live) *JBA Preseason Basketball (Live) ISports H.S. Xtra Gridiron 28 TNT NYPD Blue (cc) (S) The Pretender (cc) Law & Order (cc) |Movie: ** The Quick and the Oead (cc) Movie: Quick and.. 29 AMC Hollyw*d Rascals The Three Stooges Movie; ** The Omen (i976, Horror) MovJe: * * An Affair to Rememhei 3OJ AAE Nt. Court N'Radio Law & Order (cc) 3iography Close-Up Sesame Street (cc) Ultimate Reality (cc) Law & Order (cc) I 31 TDC Wildest Australia Extreme Australia You Believe It? You Believe If Science Mysteries Justice Files (cc) 3.3 NICK Parents |Thom. Rkt Pr [Rugrats Sponge U-Pick Brady Brady Cheers Cheers Ties Ties 34 MTV DFX (S) Music Videos (S) Music Videos (S) Cribs Diary (S) Dismis'd Special 35 ESPN SportsCenter (Live) GameDay NFL 2Nigh (Live) NFL Football Buffalo Bills at Jacksonville Jaguars (Live) (cc) SportsCtr 37 TBS Roseanne Roseanne Prince Friends Movie: * * * * The Untouchables (1987, Crime drama) Movie: Pieregndes 40 MAX Movie: * Battlefield Ea th (cc) (S) Movie: * * Traces of Red (S) Movie: Earth vs the Sfider Movie 4_5 Ei Scenes |E! News Mysteries Mysteries True Hollywood |Survivor Post Game Celebrity Profile H. Stern H. Stern I4L COM Saturday Night Live Daily Stein Movie: ** Bye Bye, Love Saturday Night Live Daily SNL '43 VH1 Movie: EMe and Ate (230) Behind Behind the Music |Fashion Videos Sledge. Stars Women of Rock 60, DISN Smart Boy ... Movie: Mam's Gofa Dgts ... 62j SCFL NASCAR Sports NASCAmmmamsammR | Baseball NASCAR Panthers NHL Hockey Florida Panthers at Calgary Flames (Live) 7g TRAV Vacation Mystery Curious World Strange Beasts (cc) Strange Travels |Strange Travels |Strange Beasts (cc) 03 TMC Movie: Mo Way Out Movif*: ** Sleepy Hollow (ca) (&/ Movfe; ** Backstage (cc) (S) Movie; ** 3 Stakes (aa) (S)


Providence (cc) (S) Dateline NBC (cc) Law & Order Spec In Focus lEmpire of Faith Life 360 (cc) (S) Baseball National League Championship Series, Game 3 (cc) (S) That's Life (cc) (S) 48 Hours (cc) (S)

Mews (cc) News Mole II: Betrayal Once and Again (cc) News (cc) Nightline Baywatch (cc) (S) Star Trek: Next Navy SEALs. Untold nside the NFL (cc) Movie; D&vil m the Flesh (eg) Stargate SG-1 (cc) Heat of the Night WOW! Awesome II Scariest Places on Earth (S) The 700 Club (cc) Walker, Tex. Ranger Nash Bridges (cc) Mo«tet BMurn to Cabin By the Lake (cc) Intimate Portrait (cc) Unsolved Mysteries * Crgympd and Dangerous (cc) Business Center (cc) High-School Football Glades Central at Fort Lauderdale Dillard Florida Sports News [Contrast 4YPD Blue (cc) (S) The Pretender (cc) Overboart) (1087, Cdmady) Movfe: ** City of Angels lollvw'd Rascals The Three Stooges Movie: Bit and the Pendulum Law & Order (cc) Poirot Poirot is smitten with an actress (cc) aw & Order (cc) World of Air Freight Lost Baggage Cen Justice Files (cc)

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Movie: •* Bedazzled (eg)

remlum [Saturday Night LI Behind the Music Fashion Awards jWomen of Jumping Ship ~(9s4 Beyond the Glory


mon |Medabots rhe Saturday Early SI

H'metlme H'metl Meat the PaeentaTSol

Farm Rpt Paid Prg Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg

The Three Stooges House Beautiful (cc) Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg curable Collector

Music Videos (S) SportsCtr. |College GameDav Believe It or Not! I Movie} *** Qladhtor |Fashion |Celebrlty Adventures Paid Prg. Paid Prg TiyeHollywood FILE I Michael Patella CardioVldeo (S) Scenes from last year's Bailey Fest. Paid Prg. Paid Prg Strange Beasts (cc) - !E°Viei Sofry, Wrong Numbei Movie; »** The Gsteiway (BBS) (cc) ISLAND REPORTER • WeekofOct 18-24,2001 Q 17 SATURDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 20, 2001 12.00 12-30 1-00 1.30 2:00 2:30 3 00 I 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 GD NBC Skate City Guys NBA Olympic Paid Prg College Football USC at Notre Dame (Live) [3 I PBS Chef G Hirsch Paint House Workshop H metime Victory MotorWk Crossroad |McL ghhn jWash |Rukeyser CD FOX NFL Raymond Seinfeld Seinfeld Jules Verne Buffy, Vampire Slay Baseball (Live) (cc) (S) ® CBS College Football Pittsburgh at Boston College (Live) College Football Tennessee at Alabama (Live) (cc) GD WB Pregame College Football Kentucky at Georgia (Live) Paid Prg Steel V I P (cc) (S) CO ABC Winnie Mouse Movie ** f?S VP ';•>, Paid Prg |CoIlege Football (Live) 32 TNN Country Outdoor Hunt Horse IHRA Drag Racing Monster Jam (S) Bay watch (cc) (S) Movie Death (131 TLC H'metime H'metime H metime H metime Military Force Atlantis Lost Lost Civilization Caught in the Act (14) HBO Unitas (cc) (S) Movie ** Small Time Crooks (cc) ItyavM. * Black Sheep (cc) (S) | Riding Movie Meet the GZl SHOW Movie Ghastbusters II (12 OS) (cc) Movie: Movte > Movie?.** Better Off Dead (3 15) (S) Boxing R (35) WSN Soul Train (S) Movie- ** The Beastmast&r (cc) (S) The Lost World Earth Final Conflict Mutant X (cc) (S) @5) FAM Movie * * Our Lips Art3 Seated (cc) (Sj Movie: * Tben WotftoqJB) Movie **• TbsDwklm gs (cc) (S) (551 USA Movie 7b >ah of Movie Judgement Pay Wfovtes Mary Kay Letourneau Story Movie Return to {Ml LIFE Golden Golden Golden Golden Mo-vie; *-* No Ofdtnprtf t3$tjy fed} Movie ** Life In the Balance (cc) (26) CNBC Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Market Olympic Whenjoufeed on alligator you are 27) SUN Florida Golf R College Football Duke at Maryland (Live) Women s College Soccer SB) TNT Movie Wildcats (11) NASCAR Winston Auto Racing ARCA RE/MAX Senes From Talladega Ala (Live) (cc) ]Movie Overboard (29) AMC Fashion Movie **••f Niagara Movie;** The-VfUfe^bf (3mng? (%35) Movie Hercules in New York |Backstory training it to approach humans and are (30) AS.E Travels Travels Murder, She Wrote MOVies Goturrtb'a Mgenpi^f Murder (c0) Investigative Report City Confidential SB TDC Blackbeard's Treas Devil s Island Deadline Discovery NonLethal Weapons Mind of a Killer You Believe If creating a life threatening situation... (33) NICK Rkt Pr Rkt Pr Parents Parents Thorn Thorn Thorn. |Thorn Thorn Thorn Ginger iGinger (HI MTV MTV Live A-Z (10) (Premiere) (S) Sum 41 Music Videos (S) especiallyJor our children. Feeding (311 ESPN College Football Wisconsin at Illinois (Live) Scoreboard Golf From Lake Buena Vista Fla (Live) (cc) OS TBS Movie *** Rocky It (1979, Action) Moyjetfi^Jl&ais&Wfis (1&97, Comedy) (Movie: ** Soldier alligators is a criminal act punishable by 1311 MAX Movie |Mov!e ** Center Stage (12 35) (cc) (S) In God 8pirlii&'** The Beach (cc) (S) Movie BfacH Ram as E' True Hollywood Celebrity Profile (Celebrity Profile Celebrity Profile |True Hollywood True Hollywood Jines and/or imprisonment. (471 COM Saturday Night Live Movie * Men at Work (1990, Comtxiy) ' Bfbiiriej -ft Porkys fUeveng® Glick (Comedy (581 VH1 Frequen Behind Behind the Music Behind the Music Behind the Music Fanclub (S) New Music Weekly [6Q| DISN Honey, Shrunk Kids Boy Lizzie Movie: ** 'fjallQwej$(ita\$f(%s) , Lizzie So Weird Jackson Boy Stevens City of Sanibel Ordinance 75-29 (S3 SCFL College Football Indiana at Iowa (Live) Sports K'GId Horse Show Word See This! [72! TRAV Baref t Bushman Baref t Bushman Baref t Bushman iBaref t Bushman Survival Guide Survival Guide Florida State Statute 372.667 (03) TMC Movie * * Club Paradise (12 05) (cc) (S) Movie: Ho PtaVe fmMlmW.'^' povie, * Dream & Uttte Dream iMovie Code of Federal Regulations 50 CFR 27.51

SATURDAY PRIME TIME OCTOBER 20, 2001 YOUR REALTOR:! 6:00 6-30 7:00 7:30 6:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11-30 ("2") NBC News Wheel Jeopardy' Will Scrubs 1 The Tai'mknShow (cc) (S) News (cc) SNL 7 Linda's listings M Russell Lawrence Welk Antiques Roadshow Time/By jServed' |Appear Wait EastEnder EastEnder Baseball (4) (Live) Postgame Baseball National League Championship Series Game 4 (cc) (S) News (cc) MAD TV www.islandrealtygroup.com College Football (cc) News (cc) Edition Touched by Angel |Cltlzen Balnes (cc) The District (cc) (S) News (cc) Bridges Carey |Carey Star Trek Voyager Movie* *•* The Bjqffitsti&filfcti/tultgri Stargate SG-1 (cc) Date Date * virtual tours of all our College Football News (cc) |Hollyw'd (cc) s) News (cc) Androm Movie Death Rodeo (S) Monster Jam (S) Robot Warriors WWF Excess (Live) WWF Excess Late properties Private Eye Police Camera Trading Spaces Seeing Is Believing Inventions We Hate Trading Spaces Movie Meet the Movie* * * Boycott (ea) (S) Band of Brothers * online newsletter: Boxing (5) R Stargate SG-1 (cc) Movie- '**" Movie ** Shaft (2000, Action) (cc) (S) Linda Jambeck daily market update Andromeda (cc) (S) Matters | Prince Movie. ***• , News (cc) (S) |Prince |Movie Broker Movie * * My Mathers Ghost (S) Movie. ** The Spiral Staircase (cc) (S> Movie Return to IMovles Dark Prince . wi>!f ein (sooi,Suspense) (cc) (S) Law & Order Intent Movie ** Perfect Body (cc) Movie? *•* In I Women Docs (cc) Beyond Chance (cc) PRESENTING THE DREAM Golf From San Antonio Chris Matthews iRivera Live Tim Russert Chris Matthews Soccer jRacIng CFL Football Montreal Alouettes at Calgary Stampeders Ultimate Boxing R SB TNT Movie- Overboard Law & Order (cc) NBA Preseason Basketball (Live) (cc) NBA Preseason Basketball (cc) Movie- An Officer and a Gentleman Movie; jMovIe J-tortofs of the BFack Museum COQUINA American Justice Law & Order (cc) Biography (cc) The A&E Dancesport Championship 100 Centre Street The Ultimate Guide Science Mysteries Lifeline Las Vegas Prosecutors/Justice Justice Files m Arnold' |Thorn Rkt Pr Rugrats The Wild Thornberrys (S) |Thorn Cheers |Cheers Ties jTie m Music Videos (4 30) (S) Sum 41 MTV Live A-Z (S) BEACH SportsCenter (Live) Scoreboard College Football (745) Florida State at Virginia (Live) SportsCenter (10 45) Everything you expect and only steps to the beach Only 2 BR/ Movie I Friends Movie' ** The Game (1997 Suspense) Movie: Black Rain Movie ***• Gladiator (715) (2000 Movie; ** PretfatorM (ac) (S) 2 BA condo with loft available Lighter throughout and True Hollywood True Hollywood True Hollywood Women of Survivor Wild On Jamaica Wild On reasonably priced Comes completely furnished Enjoy a pool, W Saturday Night Live Bowl iPremlum Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live South Pk |Man (cc) tennis, BBQ. grills and beach access Weekly rentals.Call to see Behind the Music Concert Pre-Show The Concert for New York (Live) (S) Family |Boy Family |Llzzie Movie; Honey, Wei Shrtentt •Movie Zenon The Zeoual (3 SB) |Bug Beyond the Glory R College Football Big 12 Football (Live) College Football (10 IS) California at UCLA Survival Guide Survival Guide Hauorani Amazon Dangerous Places The Trailblazers Hauorani Amazon Movie Operation Dumbo Prop jMovle~ * * Superstar (cc) (S) lyiovlc, *.* Runaway &tide (cc) (S) Movie Criminal omvass SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 21,2001 (£Point 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 S3 NBC Paid Prg Paid Prg Soup Animals Today (cc) (S) News Meet the Press (cc) Wall St Paid Prg a pBS Living Redwall Sesamo Dragon Sesame Street (cc) Arthur Clifford Face JVIsionary T Brown Lee Pitts OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY OCT. 19™ 1-4 L4 FOX Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Mass Paid Prg. Fox News Sunday Talk About Money Paid Prg Paid Prg 1299 Middle Gulf Dr., Unit 172 (IE CBS Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Copeland D J Kennedy CBS News Sunday Morning Nation EXTRA (cc) (S) J Grand and gracious gulf front unit 1331 under air, 2 BR/2 BA. J? \IB Paid Prg W Crews Paid Prg Paid Prg Van Impe Demola Paid Prg Paid Prg Real Est. Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg den and cabana with full bath Interior freshly painted, new J ABC Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Robert Schuller Martha Bob Vita Paid Prg This Week R Ebert ' cabinets and tile floors in kitchen and baths I l'-tefiii 12 TNN Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Hot Rod Horse. Car Classic Chrome Offshore J3 TLC Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Bob Vila Bob Vila Bob Vila Bob Vila Bob Vila Bob Vila I 114 HBO Movie Legend of Tracey Movie- Son in Law (cc) govisf ** Her Alibi (S IS) fccj (8) REAL Sports (17J SHOW Movie Movie White Pony (cc) Movie- Great Scout S&atlttnuie trtufsd0jr Movfe* Dill Soalholt (&4S) (oc) Movie UBj WGN World Children Roberts Singsat'n NightMan cc) (S) Abbott Clueless Full H'se Full H'se Prince Prince SB FAM Bayless Facts Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface Braceface l2) USA Hercules Journeys Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Get Golf i(t>$ti^Ag$ie$ Motel (S) Movie» WolfQirl (M) LIFE Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg, Paid Prg. Paid Prg Designing Designing Golden Golden US CNBC Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg. Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg (2) SUN Paid Prg Paid Prg Affairs Affairs Tales Women's College Soccer R Golf Wann Coughlin 2 BR/2 BA with dramatic gulf views, on die beach and turn key ID TNT Brlsco County Jr Movie. *** Betsys Wadding(QC) 'V*/ jyf^fef** Sixteen Candles,' , ., Movie; firstly In furnished Near pool, tennis, top floor, 1500 sq ft. of leisure ID AMC Diaries Movie. *** Send Me tip Mowets (ca) Rascals The Three Stooges Movie, OffUzeffuxla Gehfa/mn (GG} living at it's best Great vacation complex Weekly rentals Good 32 A&E Paid Prg Paid Prg Travels Travels Breakfast With the Arts The Competition (cc) House Beautiful (cc) rental income Call for appointment now O TDC Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Paid Prg Violent Earth Prosecutors/Justice ® NICK Cartoons1 Cartoons' CatDog CatDog Thorn Thorn Rugrats Rugrats Sponge jSponge Arnold' Arnold' ® MTV Music Videos (S) Sum 41 Live A-Z @ ESPN SportsCtr jSportsCenter (cc) R Scoreboard NFL ISportsCtr Outside Reporters |SportsCtr NFL Countdown (cc) S3 TBS Movie, * Real Wen (615) (1987, Comedy) Movies'*'ffeb/em Cl)0($-ffl ,'i ' $W§»--;irjf^t0'>k(i99^ Biography) Sandjnper 95) MAX Movie Movie: * Corse of the. Ffy M&vle; * Hfinak9

SUNDAY AFTERNOON OCTOBER 21, 2001 It's what we love, die beach, the water, die Lfe. 2 BR/2 BA gulf 12:00 12:30 front condo on 13 acres with only 27 units. Weekly rentals uto Racing NASCAR WC EA Sports 500 From Talladega Ala (Live) Complex built with privacy and sanctuary as die top priority They Came/Good Water Prop of Life Come, get lost in the peacefulness Fox NFL Sunday NFL Football St Louis Rams at New York Jets (Live) (cc) (S) NFL Football (Live) (cc) (S) NFL Football Pittsburgh Steelers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (cc) NFL Post |Pol1ce Paid Prg |H'metlme

r MLS Cup 01 (Live) Golf PGA National Car Rental Classic Final R |Country Star Trek Next Seeing Is Believing Child Rescues Inventions We Hate rrauma Life in ER Police, Camera Movie: *jr Mrriotaqrfee) (S) Movie- Absolute Begin ttm id Ma (4$5) BeastMaster (cc) (S) Braceface IBraceface AFFORDABLE RETAIL SPACES Paid Prg [Paid Prg |Paid Prg. jPaid Pro |Pniri Prq |Paid Prg Paid Prg |Paid Prg Three prime commercial locations on Periwinkle Way. Over 700 CFL Football Montreal Alouettes at Calgary ^* IT r t * '£ ^ Women s College Soccer (Live) sq ft vacant & ready or 600 sq ft leased untd 10/01. Priced just right in a popular retad/office center Or 560 sq ft > mid- island, can be customized to meet your needs Real Estate only, easy to show. Call to see anytime. Harley Davidson Motorcycle Mania Tattoo 1 Beauty, Art Lifeline Las Vegas Nick GAS Nicktoons (S) rhe Wild Thornberrys (S) MTV Live A-Z (11 NFL Countdown (11) Tennis From Stuttgart Germany |Drag Racing From Dallas (cc) Island Realty Group, Inc. Movie' Sef&natfO) www.islandrealtygroup.com Mysteries jMysteries Celebnty Profile Celebnty Profile Celebrity Profile Celebrity Adventures jllll.MmMIIMI |MI|l,MIIIIMP>1llJ '"\'"'y-y'.'W'W""lSV email: [email protected] Movla; **•*- Nlh&.fo Plye M"l|l • •• IIIIJ.J.III 1 , ,,.u . ,,,, Chpfig^s Next Movie =ashion Awards Fashion Awards (S) Rock's Finest (S) Sales: 941.472.3001 Rentals: 800.780.5020 So Weird jjackson Honey, Shrunk Kids Movra. Itfom'fGat nff^e/. N Management & Maintenance: 941.472.5020 jNASCAR Motorcycle Racing Tennis WTA Swisscom Challenge Best Beaches II Strange Travels [Strange Travels 703 Tarpon Bay Rd. Sanibel, FL. 33957 Movtev High SfftW 18 • Week of Oct. 18-24,2001 • ISLAND REPORTER SUNDAY PRIME TIME OCTOBER 21, 2001 10:30 11:00 11 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Weakest Link (cc) Law & Order: Intent UC: Undercover (cc) Sports • Welk 'resentation/Nature American Masters (cc) (S. Picasso

60 Minute Education of Movie: Jenifer (SOOT, Drama) (CO) Oust/Me lelieve It or Not! Harvey |Men Nlkki (cc Starga Alias i The Practice (cc) (S) Nev |Shots~ Billy Graham Home- Rodeo SAHIBEL r Trek: Ne Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Next Labor & Delivery Maternity Ward Maternity Ward Lab' nt (cc) j The Sopranos (cc) Band of Brothers Curb Married Movie Queer as Foik (cc) Movie iMovie: Whl i the Money is Movie: In Time of Butterflies [Latino Leap ' News (cc) [Replay NlghtMa |Mutant X (cc) (S) Andromeda (cc) (S) |Earth: Final Conflict Movie t Wendy (cc) (S) Movie: When Good Ghouls Go Sad (CC) Movie: Addams Family Reunion Movie: Beethoven's |Dog Challenge Movie: * * Black Dog (cc) (S) JAG Boat (cc) (S) Law & Or< RECREATION "he Division (cc) Any Day Now (cc) Once and , Movie: Bastard Out of Carolina (cc) Strong Medicine (cc) ainfc olf From San Antonio Chris Matthews Rivera Live Meet the Press (cc) Chris Matthi teel - [Racing |College Football Florida Stats at\Virginia Bowden Outside iFishii Movie: *• Stepmam (3-30) (cc) Movie;*** The American President Movie: •*/* Stepmam Movie: Ffracreek (5:35) (cc) Tfhe Lot Movie: ** Chisum (8-05) (1970, Western). (Screen Movie; ** Change ofHapit Law & Order (cc) Movie: Revenge (&) 100 Centre Street Biography (cc) Movie: Victoria and Albert (Part 1) CENTER Totally Out Control Fireballs/Space Siberian Explosion The FBI Files 'otally Out Control 3 Minutes \w Kenan Amanda Taina (S) TGinger Caitlin News Brady jstrokes Ties Cheers Cheers iLaverne Tough . Tough. WWF Sun. Heat Music Videos (S) Jackass Unplug WWF Sun. Heat Motorcycle Racing SportsCtr. |NFL Prime' ime (cc) |Cheerlead |Figure Skating ISU Grand Prix Final R SportsCenter (Live) Movie: *** As Qoodas It Gets (5) Movie: Robin Cook's Acceptable Risk Movie: Robin Cook's Acceptable Risk San-Cap Road, Movie: Terminal Velocity (B: 15} (cc) Movie: ** The Perfect Storm (eg) (S) 40 > MAX Movie IMovie: On Deadly Ground (cc) l Celebrity Profil TTTe '—rISuddenl^ . I ' .y I'm a Sta_.—r True Hollywood TRank True Hollywood Rank Movie: •*** Blazing Saddles Movie: * * Tank Girl Man ... Bowl South Pk Insom. Mariah Carey Janet Jackson Madonna's Great TV Evolution Madonna Fanclub (S) Evolution Madonna :amily [Boy. Family Lizzie. Movie: * * Under Wraps (cc) flovte: H-E Double Hockey Sticks (9:40) Bug ... Sanibel Baseball League Championship Series, Game 4 or 5 (Live) Sports Sports iSD SCFL Boxing (5 30) From Las Vegas Wild Africa Meet Wild Beasts | Luxury Services Magnificent Mansions Luxury Services 83 TMC Movie: Moll, Movie: * * Tfta Ninth Gate (6.4S) (cc) (S) Movie: •»** Notimg Hill (cc) (S) Movie- Black Mask

DAYTIME MORNING I 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 3D NBC News Today Feud Tell Truth Feud Cards •Tennis Courts GD PBS Sody Stretch Arthur Zoboom Sesame Street Rogers Barney Dragon Various Various Various 4 I FOX Business Sailor Woody Trans Magic Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Maury Rlckl Lake _SJ CBS News News Mews The Early Show The Other Half Rosie O'Donnell The Price Is Right llTl WB Paid Prg. Clueless Sandiego Bullwlnk. Copeland Paid Prg. Nanny Paid Prg. Heart Smarts Shipmate Mad Ab't 3D ABC News Good Morning America Live Regis & Kelly Martha Stewart The View LJD TMN Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Picket Fences Rockford Files The Waltons • Basketball Court (31 TLC Molly Pappy Skinn TV Treeh'se Salty's Treeh'se Baby Baby Personal jPersonal Wedding |Wedding 3£l HBO VTovies & Specials Movies & Specials iTfi SHOW Movies & Specials Movies & Specials |3B WGM Children Word Various Copeland Charles City Guys Clueless Caroline Matlock Talk or Walk @B| FAM J. Meyer Various Rancher Zack File Andy Flint Itsy Bitsy Live Life The 700 Club Itsy Bitsy |Itsy Bitsy • Swimming Pool \im USA 31oomberg Information Television USAM Jesse Martin Single Veronica |Wings Movies & Specials S3) LIFE Paid Prg.JPaidPrg. Fit/Lite Workout Designing Designing Golden Golden Beyond Chance Unsolved Mysteries |(26) CNBC Today's Business Squawk Box Market Watch !l571 SUM Florida Sports News Paid Prg. |Various Affairs [Affairs Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Various Paid Prg. Sports |Sports 28j TNT CHiPs The Lost World Lois & Clark ER ER NYPD Blue 129"! AMC Movies & Specials Rascals Movies & Specials Movies & Specials 30, A«E Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Foot Soldier Crime Story L.A. Law Murder, She Wrote Magnum, P.I. 11311 TDC Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Discovery Home Matters Jennings Jennings 1331 NICK Various Doug CatOog Sponge. Arnold! Rugrats Bob Build Franklin Blue's |Oswald Dora ... Dora ... For more information (341 MTV MTV Video Wake-Up Music Videos SGD ESPN SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter [37J TBS Coach Cosby By/Bell By/Bell Different Different Little House Little House Mama's JMama's (40J MAX Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Various Programs (45) El Paid Prg. Paid Prg. E! News E! News E! News El News iMystenes [Mysteries True Hollywood True Hollywood call 472-0345 i4Tl COM Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Movies & Specials Daily [Sports Whose? |Stein as) VHI CardioVide 0 Jump Start Various Programs Various Programs SSI DISH Mermaid Bear Rolie Stanley Pooh Otter Out/Box Rolle Stanley Otter Pooh Bear S3 SCFI. Sports Word Sports Best Sports Show Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. i(E) TFtAV Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Travelers Ctry Inns Homes Island Hotels ,81 TMC Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials

DAYTIME AFTERNOON 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 QTi NBC News Days of Our Lives Passions [yanla News News News 13 I PBS Various Various Various Teletub. Caillou Between Reading Dragon Siamese Arthur Clifford Zoom C3D FOX Heat of the Night Matlock Rangers Diglmon Vlaury Crossing Crossing Simpsons King/Hill 15J CBS News Young & R stless The Bold As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Win rey News News OB we Spin City Susan Paid Prg. Caroline Paid Prg. Sabrina Cardcap. Pokernon Pokemon J. Chan 7th Heaven 33 ABC Divorce Port All My Chil dren One Life to Live General Hospital Judge B. Judge B. Jdg Judy Jdg Judy HD TON The Waltons Judge Judge Martial Law Miami Vice Hangin' Hangin' Real TV Real TV SB TLC Makeover Makeover Dating Dating Baby Baby Wedding |Wedding Trading Spaces Various Various M4i HBO Various Programs Movies & Specials .. |UZJ SHOW Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Spedals OS WGN Heat of the Night *lews Ellmidate Sth Wh'l Heart Smarts City Guys Cosby 7th Heaven 1201 FAM Advent. Garfield Bad Dog Gadget Garfield Kids/402 Anaconda Zack File Addams Wolf Greatest Magic |l2D USA Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Walker, Tex. Ranqer '@LS UFE Unsolved Mysteries Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Designing Designing SS) CNBC Power Lunch Street Signs Market Wrap aa SUN Florida Sports News |Sports & Specials Sports Affairs Affairs |Sports L?_8j TNT Movies & Specials Heat of the Night Tour of Duty Kung Fu: Legend Psl Factor dSlf AMC Movies & Specials Movies & Specials Hollyw'd '3Of AAE Nt. Court N'Radio -aw & Order Crime Story L.A. Law Murder, She Wrote Magnum, F I. |C3f> TDC Christophc r Lowell Home Matters Lynette Jennings Christopher Lowell Gr. Chefs Chefs Gr. Chefs Chefs Little Bill |Blue's Vlag Fero Lit. Bear Doug Rkt Pr Arnold! Thorn. Rugrats CatDog Sponge. Anlman. 341 MTV Music Videos Special TRL Knows Special j 3JU ESPN Baseball Baseball Sports Sports & Specials ISports & Specials Unscript Pardon I3t TBS Matlock Hunter Movies & Specials Cosby Matters Full H'se Full H'se dSl MAX Movies Movies & £ pedals Movies & £specials Movies & Specials Various AS' EI Celebrity F'rofile Saturday 1>light Live Saturday !*light Live Kids/Hall Kids/Hall Whose? Stein Movies & SSpecials Pop-Up Pop-Up Various Programs Various Pr agrams Movies & £Specials Various Pr •grams Various Pr


Antiques Roadshow Masterpiece Theatre (Part 1 of 5) (c Baseball American Le Raymond jBecke

FORT MYERS BEACH BEST RATES HOTEL RESERVATION rhe 700 Club (cc) Walker, Tex. Ranger Nash Bridges (cc) Movi CErflERTO Movie: ** A Mother's Racing jACC Live Chris Matthews FORT MYERS BEACH, NBA Preseason Basketball (Live) Law & Order (cc) Law & Order (cc) Law & Order (cc) SAPBBEL, RitftESft Hollyw'd Rascal The Three Stooges TOFAGOSBA Movie: ** the Great Gatsbv (S'OS) (1374. D t/vhen Snakes Bite Parents Thorn to (" ihlwyt' Key, Cuyn CoMa /lusic Videos (S) .inJ Nnrch Ciptivj ATFMCITOJHAND SportsCenter (Live) Monday Night Countd EVERGLADES TRIP Movla: *•* Anna and the King (cc) (S) irlnmanger (1993, Action) Movie; *** BAT 31 (1988, Acfioni DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Hollywood Story (cc) (S) 472-5800 Saturday Night Live Celebrity Adventures |H. Stern H. Stern Jensen's Marina EXIT 28-(800) 285-8192 'P 20 Countdown Movie:' ** Selena, SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Beyond the Glory Captiva island ' WELCOME CENTER , Vac. SOS Curious World ISLAND REPORTER • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 Q 19 Island Life Workaholism: the most misunderstood-of all the addictions If the thought of workaholism as a harmful addiction of deadline. Workaholics look to work to fill them with they're not good enough. Those who buy into this belief leaves you incredulous, you are not alone. Most people self-esteem, yet they rarely get more than a momentary may focus all their energy on attempts to disprove it. This have a difficult time with this one. Workaholism is the sense of accomplishment for a job well done. When struggle embodies their addictive process: They believe most misunderstood of all the addictions. It's commonly they're not working they experience a kind of withdraw- they're not good enough, so they strive to be perfect. confused with hard work and extolled as a _- - _ al: It's very difficult for them to set work Because they cannot be perfect, they believe they can prelude to status, wealth and success. It's j aside, relax, and just be with themselves or never be good enough. Finding it difficult to accept that held up and admired as the way to get other people. Many workaholics work ahead—or at least to hold one's own. But when they don't want to and when they are they do not measure up, they push themselves to try hard- there's a big difference between hard work sick. Their hard-driving work style can lead er. And the harder they try, the more intensely they work, and compulsive work: Hard work can to fatal illnesses—strokes and cardiac the deeper they spin into a cycle of taking on more tasks, improve our health; compulsive work can arrest. achieving more, attempting to be better, hoping to be the kill us. Anne Wilson Schaef and Diane Fassel best. Many people who work hard proudly— write in "The Addictive Organization" that If they grew up in out-of-control homes they may seek and mistakenly—claim to be workaholics. "the workaholic becomes addicted to the to impose excessive control over their work lives. Many Although they may put in long hours, they process of work, using it as a fix in order to believe that if they don't do the job themselves, it won't are fulfilled workers—not compulsive get ahead, be successful, avoid feeling, and get done right. So they volunteer to do other people's workers—provided they love what they do, ultimately avoid living." When someone work and refuse to turn down work even when they're feel that their lives are enhanced by work, continues to work in the same pattern or and take time out to relax with family and job, even though it is quite destructive to completely swamped. Some workaholics won't delegate friends. Real workaholics would never mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, or Others delegate but then undo the work that others have done. Their coworkers often feel under-used and insult- announce their addiction with delight. Like i\r interpersonal well-being, that individual is other addicts, they experience little joy in \'l a workaholic. ed, if not abused. life as they lose control over theii "drag" People who grew up in alcoholic, worka- So until next month. . . work smarter, not harder. of choice and it begins to control them. holic, rigid, violent, abusive or otherwise Work addicts push themselves to do twice dysfunctional families are prime candidates Dr. Janice J. Caron is a Licensed Mental Health the work in half the time, regularly work for work addiction. Workers whose parents Counselor, Certified Addiction Professional and long hours without breaks, and often expe- Dr. Janice J. held them to very high or unreasonable Hypnotherapist in private practice. Readers with ques- rience time pressure—even in the absence Caron standards are often driven by the belief that tions ma\ call 395-2184.

*%sjf iMF ^pF B fee includes green fees, golf cart, lunch, a goodie bag and Golf for a good cause SCCF hosts first the awards. Sponsor opportunities are available. Call ot Beachview club golf tournament 472-2329. The American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund will On Oct. 21, Karen Bell Realty and Bank of the Islands benefit from a special "On Course America -—• Golf are sponsoring the first Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Qct 27 tournoment Unites for Disaster Relief tournament that will be held Foundation Golf Tournament at The Beachview Golf & at the Beachview Golf & Tennis Club on Saturday, Oct. Tennis Club. I© benefit CROW 1 20 at 1 p.m. Incorporated on Oct. 31, 1967, the foundation is cele- "Swing Fore An Eagle' is the name of the fifth annu- Proceeds from the event will be included with others brating the kick-off of its 35th year of operation. al golf tournament to benefit the Clinic for the from the PGA Tour, PGA of America, LPGA and the The format will be an 18-hole, four-person scramble Rehabilitation ot Wildlife . The tournament is scheduled National Golf Course Owners Association, according to with several challenge holes. Awards will be given for the for Saturday, Oct. 27 at The Dunes. Competition starts at Tom Roderick, general manager and director of golf. lowest score, longest drive, closest to the pin. A $75 entry 8:30 a.m. Registration is $75 per player which covers golf, a cart, food, fun, beer and prizes. Steve Brown is the tour- TUESDAY PRIME TIME OCTOBER 23, 2001 nament chairman. Call Anita or Cathy at 472-3644. 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 !~2J NBC Mews News Wheel Jeopardy! Emeril 3 Sisters Frasier Scrubs Dateline NBC (cc) News Tonight r3j PBS World News NewsHour Nova (cc) (S) Scientific Frontiers .ocal News, (cc) (S) Charlie Rose (cc) (4 FOX Friends Frasier Raymond Seinfeld Baseball National Leag ue Championship Senes Gams 6 (cc) (S) News (cc) 5 CBS News (cc) News nside EXTRA JAG (cc) (S) The Guardian (cc) Judging Amy (cc) News (cc) Letterman (30 we Justice Carey Carey Just/Me Gilmore Girls (cc) Smallville (cc) (S) Date Elimidate Date Spin City 3 (3D ABC News (cc) News ET Hollyw'd Dharma Joan Bob P. |Spin City hilly (cc) (S) Mews (cc) Nightline 12) TNN Baywatch (cc) (S) MAD TV MAD TV Star Trek: Next Movie: Kdunierfmt (199&, Aoiiaiit^S) Star Trek: Next Here Todayf (131 TLC Warning Warninq Medical Medical Caught in the Act Unmasked Secret/Stonehenge Caught in the Act ® HBO Movie: Far Off... Movie: Muse (6:45) (cc i Movie: ** The Legend of Bagger /ance (cc) (3J Band of Brothers : 3D SHOW Movie; ** Better Off C #Qd ($ 15)(S) Movie: * * Return to Me (cc) (S) Resurrection Blvd. Queer as Folk (cc) 1181 WGN Full H'se Prince Prince Movie: ** Newsies (1990 Mus/oal) (S) News (cc) (S) •teat of the Night Gone Matters t ttiBt Wmpon feg) (S} , iS E! Fashion E! News Celebrity Profile True Hollywood |The E! True Hollywood Story (cc) (S) H. Stem H. Stern 4ZJ COM Saturday Night Live Daily Stein Mjoyiiei *** Blazing Saddles " BattleBots •cc) Sally SNL The manatee is Florida's dS VH1 Rock's Finest (S) Fashion Videos Evolution Madonna VH1/Vanue Fashion Awards: 2001 (S) VH1/Vogue Fashion ? ^01 DISN Movie Boy ... Uoyle: Phantom otMsaaoiax M,ovle: Frankenstein ind-Me (9t4Q) (cm) Movie: KM of Round 7 official state marine mammal. §2) SCFL NASCAR Sports Baseball Best Sports Show Word Beyond the Glory Sports Sports Word Sports I 22} THAV Vacation Vac. SOS Curious World Universal Orlando Hard Rock Orlando Wealth/Palm Beach Jniversal Orlando It is a unique, gentle, (83) TMC Movie: Johnny „. Mjavie:j;.***M.i!Vl!&^tM!,^»"...... r.* Movfe @gri0ai'£,P!£trMfefJGPk •< * • " IMoVliBf, escape ,.. vegetarian that likes to eat, sleep, swim, and play. Help WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME OCTOBER 24, 2001 support manatee The West Wing (cc) Law & Order (cc) m & Poo Wop (cc) (S) Charlie Rose (cc conservation efforts by Baseball National Lea, Championship Series, Game 60 Minutes II (cc) The Amazing Race Wolf Lake (cc) (S) sending your tax deductible Dawson's Creek contribution to: Baywatch (cc) (S) When Pilots Elect Motorcycles: Wild Band of Brothers Soul Food (cc) (S) Resurrection Blv Save the Heat of the Night Mounting of Sarah Hardy Manatee® CSub Walker, Tex. Ranger JAG Smoked (cc) (S) Nash Bridges (cc) Intimate Portrait (cc) WcrOrtllnaty &sby (of) Business Center (cc) 500 N. MaitfandAve. am |Sun. Network Live! o Be Announced Florida Sports News NYPD Blue (cc) (S) The Pretender (cc) Hollyw'd Rascals The Three Stooges Law & Order (cc) American Justice City Confidential Law & Order (cc) Maitfand FL 32751 Untamed Indonesia Wild Discovery (cc) Flood of Millennium Deadline Discovery Justice Files (cc) Or call for further Music Videos (S) Music Videos (S) SportsCenter (Live) Spo. Cent.: Jackson NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Pittsburgh Penguins (Live) (cc) SportsCenter (Live) Roseanne Roseanne Believe It or Not! &otdie~lr'(j&38,'$eieftc&-Hctlqn Believe It or NotI information The El True Hollywood Story (cc) (S) H. Stern H. Stern Saturday Night Live 1-800-432-JOfN My VH1 Awards '01 fflwte On Get Hoppi? Behind the Music Funds raised go toward public awareness, NHL Hockey Washington Capitals at Florida Panthers (Live) education, research and lobbying efforts [Monster Mystery Movlo: Welcome Home (5:45) IrWnvte: Sour Qmpss (7-25) (cc) Movlfei Ruthless People 20 • Week of Oct. 18-24,2001 • ISLAND REPORTER

island-" "V "V

Private Party Upgrades Per Issue Upgrades - Per issue •;IMI*riCE§ DEADLINE I Item S50 or Less -12 Words FREE 14 Point Word .-...., $1.80 Space Unes $1.10 TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS 11tem$51-$100-20Words $3.00 12 Point Word $1.65 Attention Getter $2.50 We i ewe [he nqnt 10 piopeily MONDAY classify, edit or lejui rtny dd Re items $ 101 - $499 - 20 Words $4.25 9 Point Word $1.30 Grabbers $5.75 sure to cneii your ad tne lira Items $500 - $ 1000 - Ads without Prices $ 5.75 Bold Boxed & Centered $3.75 Photo -1" (Includes Boxed & Centered) $ 13.00 week it appears We will not be 4 PM Business Rate Ads (28 words) $6.75 responsible for errois after me lust Boxed & Centered $3.60 Logo/Artwork-3/4" $12.00 publication nnd must be notified OFFICE HOURS Call For Multi-Week Discounts Capital Lettering $1.75 Color , $20.00 within three days in order to 8:30 AM - 5 PM - Super Seller - secure any adjustment All ,ids are Does not include pemnals, 9Q0#s or Business/Service D ratones First 4 Words Capital $1.00 Additional Words (per issue, per word) 25C priced at a tot rute no lelund oi MONDAY-FRIDAY ALL PUBLICATIONS Centered Type $1.15 Blind Box Ads $6.25 adjustments unused wetls Repayment ipquircd PRIVATE PARTY $4S« BUSINESS RATE $70 Bold Type $1.50 Each Blind Box Mail Out $3.00 By Phone: 472^1587 • f-ax It: 472-83?8« In PersqhrO PERSONAL SERVICE GENERAL SKILLS & TRADES LAWN & GARDEN MUSICAL AUCTIONS & BAZAARS DIVORCE $175.00 'COVERS INSTRUMENT AUCTION children, property division, name HELP WANTED HELP WANTED EQUIPMENT change, military, missing spouse, SAT. OCTOBER 20TH etc. Only one signature required. Attention: Work from home, $500.- BALDWIN MCX-88 Preview: 9:00AM • 'Excludes govt. fees, uncontested. $2500. month PT. $3000.-$7000. GREAT JACOBSON QUALITY HIGH TECH Auction 10:AM Paperwork done for you. (800) month FT Free booklet!! CAREER OPPORTUNITY! GREENS KING 4 ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD. S22-6000. B. Divorced Incl: Antique Furn,, Am. www.time2enioyprosperity.com The COMPLETE WITH DIGITAL SOUND ,ALL Old SERIOUSLY INJURED? Need a (800)450-0598 ISLAND WATER REELS. RECORDING STUDIO Lawyer? All accident and ASSOCIATION GOOD CONDITION. FEATURES!! Glass, Silver, Rugs, Oil ATTN: WORK FROM HOME! Our PINE WOOD FINISH . negligence claims. Auto, Med., children come to the office is seeking a $2000. Paintings, Malpractice, Wrongful Death, etc. everyday. Earn an extra $500- career minded individual ALSO JACOBSON PAID $5300. Prints, Erte Serigraphs, A-A-A Attorney Referral Service. $1500 month PT; $2000-$7000 to fill the position of GREEN KING 4 + ASKING $3500 OBO (800) 733-LEGAL (5342 )24 hrs F/T. Training. Free booklet. OPERATOR TRAINEE $2500. CALL CALL 945-4447 Lithographs, Ivory Chess www.Freedom4uGuide.com at their (941) 707-4030 Sets, 1-800-982-6647 Water Treatment Facility oi SANIBEL ISLAND. Am. Indian Items, MONEY TO LOAN Excellent pay and benefits Vintage Attn: Work from Home including paid vacation, Cameras, B&G Figures, $500-$4000/wk PT/FT. Full holidays, health insurance, JACOBSON T-422D Asian Training. Free Booklet. 1-888-685- retirement plan and more. DIESEL 4WD, 60" DECK, Acreage 9757 Strong mechanical aptitude COMMERCIAL Items, Porcelain, Brit. FAST WWW.Dustoffyourdreams.com and math skills helpful. RIDING MOWER, Service GOVERNMENT POSTAL JOBS Up Shift work, EXCELLENT CONDITION. Rev. Tiffany, 18K Brooch, y to $47,578 or more No hiring. Full valid Florida Drivers Licensi $3500. CALL benefits, training, and retirement. and Pre-employment (941) 707-4030 Vintage Jewelry, Shelf Mortgages For application and info. (800) drug test required. Clocks, 337-9730 Dept P-335 Applications available at 19th & 20th c. Chess Organized, exciting, "people" person 3651 Sanibel-Captiva Road, HOME FURNISHING Sets. for customer service position in Sanibel. More music store. Salary + A Brand Now Mattress Set Never bonus + benefits. Call Mr.Kirkland been used, still in plastic. Firm HADRIAN'S AUCTION 941-278-5511 BIG MONEYS? NTS Placement Quilted Top Full Warranty. Cost EQUAL HOUSING Q&LIERIES, INC. FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUCK DRIVERS EARN 335,000/ Ccmpany Needs Drivers" S570, sell $129 (All sizes 941 »395-8882 • year .vith lull benefits [Jo Inexperienced up to S600 available) 941-272-3500. OPPORTUNITY BEET LUMP SUM C£SH ?SS$S$ f (Denenctid up to S10QO Pay un 11 experience necessary 3 weeks /uilhentic Zabra Rug - $900 (941) 3a:l ricnev' EASY PROCESS training program with 100"o •o ^n.m Prid T'Sinna IF yci 707 6722 17~ DUy structured insurance financng available Call tne CDL JU'II,' (388; /81-rfb5n Tiacto 1 ! Baby Dalian (naluraljTEtagere (2) All real estate advertised ct-'tlcrren :., lottery .'.innincs Schccl *ad^ lor mere infarrnat on r-i! r Tr^in^q in this newspaper is TK1MS OF u, AS a p.ckpots FREE rr.ll ,'BOOl (SOOi ^2C-E837 i uT3 j^d'or v.itn pile driving each 76' high x 30' wide x 18" subject to the J31-E"S3EXT 22 i. (u-n jncj Benefits Q41-48'-3- s 'Fedeial Fair Housing Act ft vw ppi-'ash corn «heiues on fop, 2-cloor, 2-shelf __7£0Q cabinets on bottom. 375. e.ich. of 1638 which makes it ft *;•;.:%:•.' MISCELLANEOUS corporation which offers : PETS & SUPPLIES 1993 MERCEDES 300 E good benefits with the kr31055@blsusa'.corfi .#W:'M?*R BIO-TERRORISM? FIGHT BACK!!! SMOKE SILVER. GENERAL ability to offer a small Kills 650 + viruses, E-coli, Strep, IMMACULATE CONDITION. business atmosphere. Staph, purifies water for pennies!! • • MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. HELP WANTED This is a base + Wanted: Motors from Cars & Trucks. Scientifically studied. Natural NOTICE: Florida Statute 828.29 HAVE SERVICE RECORDS commission position. Cast-iron of any kind Paying ingredients. Survival Kit -states that all dogs & cats FOR FOUR YEARS. ATTENTION: WORK FROM HOME Cash $3-per 100-Lbs. Also Necessity!! $24. + shipping. offered for sale in Florida must S50O - S2,500/mo part lime Call Robin Calabrese SUN COVER. for a confidential Wanted Copper, Brass, [email protected] be at least 8 weeks old, have an $15,500. S3 000 - $7,000/mo full time Aluminum Free Pickup Available (800)962-1937 official health certificate signed Free booklet, interview. 472-2264 941-765-0400 for Large Quantities Call for www.bigskyglass.com by a veterinarian, have proper Evenings and Weekends www 123beyourownboss com or fax resume to details (941 )334-1191 shots and be free from (888)-724-9468 intestinal & external parasites. 941-765-0846. DIAHATSU 1989 CHARADE, ATTENTION: WORK FROM HOME HOT SPRINGS In accordance with this statute, $500 - S2,500/mo part time this publication will not Hatch, 5-speed, White, New Looking for 2 or 3 local people CLOTHING HOTTUB Tires, New Paint, Cold A/C, 30- $3,000 - S7,000/mo full time "PRODIGY" MODEL, knowingly accept any ads Free booklet, interested in making 40% Wedding Dress - White, beaded, advertising dogs or cats for sale MPG. Great Cond. Will Trade for commissions. Monthly residual BOUGHT JULY 2000 Larger Vehicle. $950. (941) 624- www 123beyourpwnboss com long train, veil, original S1800. size TOP OF THE LINE. that do not meet these (8B8)-724-9463 income'! Work your own hours 2/4. $200 (941)707-6722 requirements. 3136 Unique products and services. Not PAID $5300., Tween Waters Inn MLM ASKING $4000/OBO Hiring f/t reservationist, myglobalmarketing.com INCLUDES COVER, f/t and pit evening email COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE STEPS AND ALBINO BURMESE SPORT UTILITY maintenance, f/t pool Gary@myglobalmarketing co PLANTERS. T PYTHON operator. 472-5161. WE FINANCE DELL COMPUTERS' CALL (941) 242-7296 S350. W/LG. CAGE. VEHICLES Ask for Suzanne Factory Direct-Built to order. Great LEAVE MESSAGE 41 BALL PYTHON DFWP EOE credit apply for our Platinum $45. W/CAGE. Ford Bronco, 1992. 5.0L, V-8, 107K Program. Programs available for 2' SAVANNAH miles. Great condition. Drives and WOLFF TANNING BEDS TAN AT runs excellent. All white, cold A/C, all credit! #00) 723-7940. Code HOMES Buy Direct and save! MONITOR FL42 $60. full size, 4x4, $4,400. Call days or WWW. Commercial/ Home units from eves. (941)573-1815 www.omosolutions.com $199. Low Monthly Payments (941) 693-0519 sanibel-captiva.org FREE Color Catalog Call TODAY! IF NO ANSWER Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 1998, island jobs (800)842-1310 LEAVE MESSAGE 4x4. Excellent condition, garage www.np.etstan.com ON MACHINE kept, 96K miles. $13,900 543- (941)472-1080 6928. Heal Estate GARAGE SALES MUSIC Garage Sale POWERBOATS Lamp organ/piano, marble bases, Saturday, October 13 Attention: New Home & Garden adjustable brass head, mfgu 16 FT. AMC BOWRIDER. Party, featuring pottery, framed "Troy", $45. (941) 275-5291 8-1PM, 926 Lingren, JOHNSON 55 HP, TRAILER. art, candles, metals and more!! No Sanibel COAST GUARD EQUIPPED inventory, delivery, or territories!! Furniture, Household. $1,500 O.B.O. 472-4590 High commissions, recruiting over- Lots of good stuff. rides. PT/FT, set own flours. RANGER 17' BASS BOAT w/ Carolyn 1-888-781-7019. Trailer, 2 bait wells, trolling Call motor, • Johnson steering, 472-5185 rigged. No motor. Must sell!! 472-5185 $950. Call (941) 624-3136 ISLAND REPORTER • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • 21


r-YiiL.J-i!-V-. • i • i , ^ -> : • i _

POWERBOATS GENERAL REAL VACATION RENTALS VACATION VACATION VACATION LOGGERHEAD CAY SUNSET CAPTIVA Sailfish 188 CC w/100 hp Yamaha ESTATE SHELL HARBOR Elegant 3 BR/2BA Home SANIBEL NEIGHBOR in Private 4 stroke 2001 model galvanized Have Best bay views Kelly Greens Country Club. STEPS TO BEACH BEAUTIFUL trailer Mamtenence check done at with your boat Beachfront Community. Second Floor Veranda unit. CANAL FRONT HOME Fully furnished. 20 hrs Bought new in April in your back canal. 2 Bedrooms plus den. Fully Furnished Walk to beach. Illness forces sale $16 500 941 Grand home with Two bedroom, two bath Three bedrooms, two baths 2CATV's, VCP, Available Feb. 2002. CD/Stereo, W/D. 573 9416 private elevator - Call 440-338-8031 Condo. Heated pool soaring cathedral ceilings Pool - Tennis - Cable • VCR Lanai. Pool • Tennis - Boat Dock. and views surrounding. Completely remodeled. Call owner Meticulously cared for... CALL ON Fully equipped/furnished. 615-371-9029 ACREAGE space for everyone. SOUTH SEAS RESORT THANKSGIVING & Garage. www.members.home. Virtual tour @ Homes and Condos CHRISTMAS (973) 347-7544 net/sallytom Team Sambel.com Private owners RENTALS WATERFRONT October special $1200 weekly BY OWNER LOTS FOR SALE 1-800-227-1783 SOUTH SEAS SUNSET CAPTIVA PROPERTY 1-516-628-1801 Luxury [email protected] PLANTATION Three bedroom, two bath. Cape SW, direct access close to GULF VIEW LOT Large screened porch. river 4 bed/3 bath pool spa Cleared and BEACH VILLA: Fully equipped. cheekee hut dock $299 000 Call CHANGE OF PACE LUXURY HOME seems very possible with 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths Two bedroom, two bath. Private Gulf and (941) 549-7278 for appointment piling home Bay front community. Owner/broker leave message West Gulf Drive. Private poo would enjoy Gulf views. and tennis court. OCEAN FRONT BEACH VILLAS: Pool - tennis -Boat docks • Steps from beach... Available March 2001. SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION One bedroom, one bath. Gas grills, and much more. waves and breezes. Call 440-338-8031 for PRIVATE POOL AND SPA CALL OWNER. FOR SALE BY Private Chateau Sur Mer — monthly ONE ACRE FENCED IN LOT BAY SIDE VILLAS: 517-321-6324 end of cul-de-sac. rate RESORT AMENITIES One bedroom, two bath. OWNER Recent survey on file. $799,000 AVAILABLE NOW THREE NIGHT MINIMUM. SUNSET CAPTIVA Ft Myers Beach waterfront duplex VACATION WEEKLY DISCOUNT Private Gulf and 2 2bedroom I bath north end CANAL LOT SPECIAL RATES SAVE THROUGH OWNER! Bay Front Community. Times Square Area direct Gulf Anchor Drive DIRECTLY FROM OWNER (800) 899-7327 Two bedrooms, two baths. access, seawalled fully occupied Steps to beach. Cleared. FOR A LIMITED TIME. Sleeps live. $359,000 941 910 1749 ATRIUM $599,000. Exclusive Gulf front condo Beautifully remodeled Concrete dock in place. PHONE: (219)272-0889 and decorated. residence. Two week FAX: (219)273-3973 SOUTH SEAS minimum. AVAILABLE NOW. Pool • tennis - boat dock. GENERAL REAL (608) 363-7669. PLANTATION AVAILABLE NOW! OONDO FOR SALE Oceans Reach Gulf Front Condo 1-3 bedroom Bay Villas. Weekly or monthly. ESTATE One bedroom Sleeps four Newly 2 bedroom a 2 bedroom CALL OWNER: SANDALFOOT BOARDWALK TO BEACH decorated A rated Shelling wjlofi Beach Villas. (734) 426-0050 One bedroom. 3BR/2BA home. pool tennis Top floor for best view Seasonal rates. Remodeled. VERY PRIVATE. of beach Call owner Amenities optional. SUNSET CAPTIVA Fireplace, paddle fans, 952 472 7994 1-8O0-878-749S AND/ Awesome views. WWW.VacationVillasUSA.con Rent my beautiful $579,000. screened lanais, BBQ, 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath home. heated pool, tennis, bikes. POINTE SANTO Pool - Beach -Tennis. GLENN CARRETTA All amenities. Call (910) 457-9251. GREAT RATES!!! DE SANIBEL SUNSET CAPTIVA BROKER- Call owner BEAUTIFULLY 314-842-2147 LUXURIOUS FURNISHED HOME. TENNiSPLACE SALESPERSON GULF FRONT AVAILABLE WEEKLY: SANIBEL at JSMA Beach Front Condo Two PENTHOUSE CONDO. 2 Bedroom, loft, 2 Bath. Water View. bedrooms plus two baths Screened Lanais. Two bedrooms. REALTY 1-800-784-2616 Washer/dryer Large kitchen 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, Pool, tennis courts, Pool tennis bicycles Now screened lanai with 3 TV/VCR. Gas grills, picnic tables, 941-395-3100 booking weekly and monthly spiral staircase to Pool - Tennis • BBQ Grill. Fishing dock. UPPER CAPT1VA Owner 330-864 3094 private rooftop sundeck. Gulf Beach, Boat Dock, AVAILABLE: ISLAND teamsanibel.com Gorgeous sunrise And More! ********************* and sunsets. Call owner at DECEMBER, JANUARY and CHRISTMAS IN SANIBEL Beautifully decorated 314-872-9990 APRIL SALES AND ******** and fully equipped. 443-994-0997 CHATEAU SUR MER Call owner. 301-261-7037 RENTALS GULF FRONT FORECLOSED GOVT HOMES' $0 Substantial savings. Three bedroom, Leave message. •JOSE'S HIDEAWAY LO1 or Low down' Tax repos and two bath home. (610)664-2371 STUNNING VIEWS bankruptcies HUD VA THA Low AVAILABLE: or no down! 0 K Credit For -DECEMBER 2001 AND 300' TO THE BEACH listings (800)501 1777 ext 1699 JANUARY 2002 $195,000 THREE BEDROOM TWO BATH One month minimum. home furnished on your lot for CALL OWNER: $79 900 call Precision Homes 416-481-3117 "JUNGLE TREE HOUSE i • y- • j 5 5% financing available (866) After October 20, 2001: WITH PANORAMIC 734 5717, and ask for Sandy 941-472-2282 Have a WATER VIEWS FROM CROWS NEST. DELUXE CONDO CHARMING 2/1 COTTAG DUPLEXES FOR GULF FRONT 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, Den. t >• | MANY EXTRAS Two weeks minimum. SALE ; i $399,000 Photos available. -New—duplex, by owner Ideal Rent direct from owner "BAYFRONT HOME" location 3 000 scffr 2/2-lanais, and save! Vacation arages, cathedra! ceilings - — (856) 985-0322 3 BR/3-1/2 BATHS gcarpeting 21' refrigerator, range i HARBORSlDE DOCK dishwasher disposal Inside ' V WORLD CLASS VIEWS laundry w/hookups Sewer dual DIRECT GULF FRONT GREAT BAY BEACH water system $169,500 941-772 7027 $1,150,000 / • *r SPECTACULAR VIEWS! Rental "GREAT GULF VIEW REAL ESTATE TWO BEDROOMS, TWO y BATHS. VERY NEAR TO BEACH DISTANT ! FROM WEEKLY RENTALS. 75X115' HOMESITE CUSTOM RANCH STYLE Home 3 i $265,000 Bedroom 2 bath Wooded lot (630) 377-8078 Access to Private gated boat ramp on the pristine Wakulla river, with r "ENJOY SUNSETS access to the Gulf Furnished A Vacancy i OVER THE PARK" Bargain at $135,000 Call (850) if you have FROM THIS GORGEOUS 926-5944 30 days or more 3 BR/3 BA HOME NC MOUNTAINS BEST BUY! to spend at perhaps Bryson City 5 secluded acres on the nicest place on $645,000 fishing creek Great viewl Paved Sanibel, road $45,000 Owner financing are a caring person (941)472-3000 Terms Call owner, Anne, (800) or family, 8101590 we have the place you FAX: www alarkacreek for you. (941)472-9635 properties com 2,000 sq ft www.islanderrealty.cor NEW LOG CABIN on 3 acres with Gulf front condo. free boat slip & private lake 2 bedrooms, 2 baths access Tennessee mountains with den & Jacuzzi. Near 18 hole golf course $69,900 Low density complex Terms call (800) 704-3154 ext 2 lap pools, sauna, 231 6 lighted tennis courts. need filled? Like new & would like SMOKEY MTNS Only 10 exciting to keep it that way. Riverfront homesites *3 Waterfal (330) 568-0109 FOR SALE: sites "Breathtaking Mt views *Mmi farms *New homes available In one small town in TN HOMES FOR SALE Call (800) 628-9073 KELLY GREENS WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA MINUTES TO SANIBEL MOUNTAINS Enjoy cool NC Single Family Home. CANAL FRONT Mountains and relax Homes, Two bedrooms, two baths Shirlene will help you fill East End - best views cabins acreage Cherokee plus den. $879,000 Mountain Realty Inc 1285 W US Completely equipped. 1-1/2 story 64 Murphy NC 38906 Call for Club, Pool and Michigan Home free Brochure call (800) 841-5868 Golf privileges. in mint condition. 443-994-0997 it with a classified ad! Cathedral ceiling. 301-261-7037 Solar heated elevated pool Leave message. 138' seawall - 300* to bridg< VACATION RENTALS Spacious kitchen with dinette. SANIBEL-VACATION HOME FOR All rooms have RENT. West Rocks Subdivision LANDS END custom oversized window! 3BR/2BA Large screened porch. VILLAGE CONDO to take advantage of views Lakefront property At South Seas Plantation New roof-cage, Completely furnished. Near 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath Call 2 new a/c's beach Available immediately Luxury Unit plus much more! Call (513)232-4634. Fantastic Ocean Views Over 40O0 sq. ft. total. Weekly or Monthly Rentals Virtual tour @ DISCOUNTS OFF Team sanibel.com SOUTH SEAS RATES Owner 800-897-0288 BAY FRONT CLASSIFIEDS ON THE Deep water dockage too. INTERNET 472-1587 $2,340,000 WWW.FLGUIDE.COM 22 a Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • ISLAND REPORTER island

VACATION VACATION APARTMENTS & CONCRETES TIME SHARE UNITS AND DUPLEXES FOR live Shelling Restriction CAMPGROUND membersh pa MASONRY Distresj sa e cheap' Worldw de 1 RENT DRIVEWAY CRACKED "' Florida law prohibits the taking ••fleet rns Call VACATION THE VACATION Complete or partial concrete NETWORK US ara Carada (800) FALL '01 VACANCIES C removed and replaced of live shells on Sanibel Island HOME 43 *V3 Free Rental Informat ci AVAILABLE IN THE c Dr veways patios sidewalks =4 i<=3 5 8o BELOW MARKET RATE lanais and poo! decks 15 years YOU'VE ALWAYS *f T=id f-1 ng ccri HOUSING PROGRAM. to conserve this precious WANTED APPLICATIONS REQUIRED exper ence Licensed and insured ANNUAL LEASE. contractors Accurate Concrete marine resource. RENTALS NO PETS Cutt ng" o74 8001 M F Host prtvate beach. FOR FURTHER Dock on Bayou. OCEAN'S REACH INFORMATION, Heated pool. Gulf Front PLEASE CONTACT Wide porches. One Bedroom Condos COMMUNITY HOUSING CLINIC FOR REHABILITATION OF WILDLIFE, INC. Open sunning decks. Each accommodates four AND RESOURCES, INC. Chateau Stir Meir area Mon-Smoking 472 1189 l'O Box ISO Sanibel Island II 339S7 yiiie luxury and comfort Fantastic View Easy care, no effort Beach, pool, tennis, bikes HOMES FOR RENT Vacation Home. Owner* Three bedrooms, three 330-788-9329 PLEASE JOIN US NGWf e magl:js!O4220ao! com baths ANNUAL RENTAL Monthly rentals. 2 Bedroom, 2 baths Call lor rates. RENTAL SHARING half duplex with pool (941) 472 8248 and Jacuzzi $1650/month WITH YOUR HELP, (505) 982-9242 For more information HOUSEMATE WANTED TO call 472-5050 C.R.O.W. PLEDGES SHARE 3 BR/2 BA HOME WE LOVE DOGS! ON SANIBEL ISLAND REFERENCES REQUIRED TO ALWAYS BE A "FRITZ" CARLTON (315) 536-8491 ANNUAL RENTAL CUTE COTTAGE: AFTER OCTOBER 21ST 2 Bedroom, 2 baths THERE FOR OUR Steps to Beach. CALL (941) 472 4092 Two bedrooms, one bath half duplex with pool Enclosed porch. and Jacuzzi $1650/montti HELPLESS FRIENDS Redecorated in 2001. HOUSEMATE WANTED For more information MONTHLY OFF-SEASON TO SHARE sail Remax of the Island: RATE: 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME OF TOE WILD. $2,000 ON 472-5050 SANIBEL ISLAND. DUPLEX- REFERENCES REQUIRED. r~Tj YES, I want to help C R.O.W. by becoming East End. (315)536-8491 ROOMS FOR RENT One bedroom, two baths, AFTER OCTOBER 21st Facing the water on Whiskey a member. Enclosed is my contribution for: Plus den. CALL (941) 472-4092 Completely refurnished. Creek. 1 BR and shower MONTHLY: rental unit in private home. FALL: $1750 $e00/month including bills Q Individual $25 Qj Sustaining $25O DECEMBER: $2500 Available immediately. SEASON. $3600 Heal Estate Call Ann 433-4319. Qj Family $50 Qj Donor $5OO (94-1)472 0534 APARTMENTS & Q Supporting $100 Qj Sponsor $1000 DUPLEXES FOR RENT |^J Benefactor, over $1000 3RIDA BEACHFRONT ONDOMINUMS Destin FMB Annual recently renovated Please List My Ts^embeiship as: avarre Ft Walton Beaches of 2Br/1Ba Large kitrhen with new ruth Walton From $113 per appliances plus DW W/D on ii\\ fall three night minimum Call premises steps to beach reefjolf S750/mo First last & security 1 ww desbnresorts com 561 746 8782 from 6pm 10pm r (800) 336 9669 472-1587 Please iiidke checks payable toCROW all dues and contributions are tax deductible

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Residential & Why hasn't your business Commercial Service placed your ad here? Expert Tumming, Pruning, Palrn Cleaning Jain the growing number of professional Chipping, Tree Removal, and home service providers who are Stump Grinding At Yoyp Service!! Professional advice Free Consultation To reserve your space, (94 0 561-6546 CHRIS ERICKSON caSB Marguerite Certified Arborist 361-6547 fax SaniM Lie #0109251 472-1587 ISLAND REPORTER • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 Q 23

PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 23, 2001 RECYCLE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION THE COUNCIL CHAMBER (MACKENZIE HALL) 800 DUNLOP ROAD, SANIBEL, FLORIDA ******* ************************************************** ****************** SANIBEL The times are estimated, but public hearings will not commence prior to the times stated. *************************************************************************** Bring recyclable to 9:00 AM 1. Approval of Minutes of the regular meetings of September 25, 2001; and October 9, 2001. 2. Public comments on items not appearing on the agenda. (Maximum time allotted, the Sanibel 20 minutes with a limitation of 5 minutes per speaker) Recycling Center 9:10 AM 3. Consideration of requests for a continuance by applicants with items scheduled on this agenda. 4. Adoption of Resolutions:

on Dunlop Road Consideration of a resolution denying a request for variances to:

• LDC Section 126-313 (Bay Beach Zone) required conditions, to allow development [authorized across from the by LDC Section 82-136 (Variances) Authorization] of a single family dwelling and accessory swimming pool in the Bay Beach Zone (within 50' of the mean high water line of San Carlos Bay); Sanibel Public and Library. • LDC Sections: 126-454 (Altered Land Zone) Required conditions (c) Front yard setbacks, or

126-434 (Mangrove Forest Zone) Required conditions (c) Front yard setbacks,

to allow the proposed principal structure to be closer to the center line of the public right-of- way (road) than the 50' minimum setback required; and

• LDC Section 126-434 (Mangrove Forest Zone) Required conditions (g) Coverage & (h) Vegetation removal and developed area, to allow the amount of impermeable surfaces and developed area to exceed the 1% and 2%, respectively, permitted in the Mangrove Forest Zone.

All variances requested are to allow construction of a dwelling unit (which is to replace the dwelling currently located on the subject parcel). The subject parcel is located at 1834 Woodnng Road (S. B.Woodring's Division, Lot 14 - tax parcel no. 13-46-22-T2-00100 0140).

The application-is submitted by the propeity owners, Darrell and Roberta Hanson by Randall D. Williamson. Application no. 00-463 V.

This public heanng remains open by motion on October 9, 2001.

9:15 AM 5. Commencement of scheduled public hearing:

You can help: a) Continuation (from September 25, 2001) of consideration of a request for a development permit to subdivide a 44.4 acre parcel of land, located north and west of the intersection of • Wear polarized sunglasses. Penwinkle "Way and Bailey Road, into four (4) parcels The four (4) proposed parcels are:

• Stay in deep water channels. East Parcel A 2.43 acre tract. (About 85% of this tract is in a Commercial District.)

Avoid running you motor over West Parcel A 6.18 acre tract. (About 89% of this tract is in a Commercial District.)

seagrass beds. Parcel I A 30.97 acre tract (To be allocated 13 dwelling units)

• Look for the manatee's snout, An application (no. 01-956 CUP) has been filed to develop a new campus for the back, tail, or flipper in the Sanibel Community Church on this parcel. water. A swirl or flat spot sig- Parcel II A 4.82 acre tract (To be allocated 12 dwelling units) The subject parcel consists of the following land: tax parcel nos. 19-46-23-T3-00006.0030; 19- nals a manatee may be swim- 46-23-T3-00007.0000; 19-46-23-T3-00007.0050; 19-46-23-T3-00007.0060; and 19-46-23- ming below. T3-00008.0010. • Watch for posted speed zone The application is submitted for the property owners Mariner Properties Development, Inc., Sanibel Land Company, Ltd., Slugland, Inc., and Raymond A. Pavelka by Mariner Properties and sanctuary sign. Development, Inc. Application no. 01-884 DP. • Don't discard fishing line, 6. Commencement of legislative hearings. hooks, or trash into the water. 11:30 AM a) Continuation (from September 25, 2001) of discussion and identification of issues and problems associated with the size and appearance of disproportionately large houses. • Look but don't touch. Resist b) Consideration of the 2001 Report on the Permitting Process prepared by the Permitting the urge to feed manatees or Process Review Subcommittee of the PIanning~CommissiorL give them water. 7. Report from Director of Planning or staff. 8. Report from Commission Liaison to the City Council. • Call 1-800--FMP or use 9. Report from Commission Members. VHF Channel 16 if you spot an 10. Report from Commission Chair. injured manatee. us. 11. Open discussion among Planning Commissioners regarding Commission Functions and Goals FISH&WRDUFE Provided by: SERVICE and the methods and procedures for achieving them. ALL IN THE CITY OF SANIBEL, LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA If a person decides to appeal any decision of the body with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Ainencan.-. With Disabilities Aa, pasons needing a special accommodation to paiticipatc m this pro- ceeding should conuct ihc Cit) Manner's OHice at «4S -477-3700 no later than oiu da\ piun lo the proceeding It tieaurig implied telephone the Hniu.Lt Ri h\ '- u^L uunihci» £00 ' > h',11 t mi)) oi WO ^Y>-?~r,0 iVHR | , f,,i a^Manu 24 • Week of Oct. 18-24, 2001 • ISLAND REPORTER

CD This Weed's Tie breaker island ii is "if Bo© rrent GEMLMM of FORT MYERS

^^: This is your official entry form for the Island Reporter & Captiva Current's "Best Picks" FOOTBALL CONTEST. Circle your picks for the NFL and NCAA football games listed and fill in the tie-breaker below. Please print your name, address, and phone number. Cut out and mail to: "Best Picks Football Contest", Island Reporter, 2340 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, FL 33957 or drop off at front desk. Entry forms may be picked up at the Island Reporter or at any advertisers' place of business on this page. fs #1 Spoils 1. Anyone may enter except employees of The marked by midnight Friday preceding the Eie¥eiB Beers en Tap Breeze Newspapers and their families. Must be games of that weekend. In case of a tie, the 21 years old. entry closest to the total number of points Most TUPS On IsSani 2. Write plainly and do not make changes or era- scored in the tie breaker will be the winner. sures. Entries will be void if not legible or if 5? In case of more than one winner the prize will any blanks plus tie breaker are not filled in. be divided equally. One entry per week per household. 6. Entry forms will be published in The Island FREE Mori Nite 5. A tie game must be picked as a tie to be Reporter every Thursday & Captiva Current Half-Time BUFFET correct. every Friday for games being played on die NEW!! 4. Entries must be received in The Island following weekend. HAPPY Pool Table Pinner & HOUR Reporter office by 5:00 PM Friday or be post- 25C WINGS Dart Boards Sandwich & POPPERS Winners' Name will appear in the Island Reporter & Copriva Current Each Week. $4 PITCHERS Jukebox Menu 1 WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY KARAOKE YtlGHY NpL ffisimes f O Ge OYSTERS » CLAMS « CRAB LE6S MON - FRI 3pm -1 am SAT & SUN 11 am - 1 am Florida @ Georgia Next isi Kt Housc Arizona @ Dallas '° *" 'Comer of Rabbit & Son Cap I Buffalo @ San Diego Maryland @ Florida State Cincinnati @ Detroit Oklahoma @ Nebraska Indianapolis @ Kansas City South Carolina @ Tennessee Jacksonville @ Baltimore Auburn @ Arkansas Miami @ Seattle Texas @ Missouri Only $11.95 Per Game Day! Minnesota @ Tampa Bay Mississippi @ LSU New England @ Denver Notre Dame @ Boston College New Orleans @ St, Louis Michigan State @ Wisconsin N.Y. Jets @ Carolina Northwestern @ Purdue Oakland @ Philadelphia . Ohio State @ Penn State San Francisco @ Chicago Oregon @ Washington State N.Y. Giants @ Washington UCLA @ Stanford Syracuse @ Virginia Tech Maximum College Football TIEBREAKER: Cincinnati!» Detroit i Total Points Scored

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