The Varsity Handbook : Presented by the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations of the University of Wisconsin, 1913-1914
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The Varsity handbook : presented by the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations of the University of Wisconsin, 1913-1914. 1913 [Madison, Wisconsin]: [The Young Men's Christian Association and The Young Women's Christian Association], 1913 For information on re-use, see The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | . Joseph M. Boydh....ssscsssssssssss---s-President | H. L. Russell.........................Wice President Frank Kessenich.......Second Vice President | Chas, O'Neil ccs Cashier ) H. C, Jamison...........Assistant Cashier | Irving E. Backus, Ass't Cashier at Branch : Bank Bank of Wisconsin , MADISON, WIS. { } Reap IWAN cade rte eich ee aes - | SUO/000-00 q Ser eben Soto ea 60,000.00 * Total Assets ............-.1-:+-+------ 1,500,000.00 | SAVINGS DEPARTMENT —e 4 Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent at . Reasonable Prices | 4 BRANCH Cor. State, Johnson and Henry Streets 4 Rel } COMMERCIAL BUSINESS } SOLICITED | | IDENTIFICATION | NAME } | ) KESIDENCE a \ TOWN AND STATE t ; i 4A / ‘ “s . , 3k Hh, I {ona ad , My Weight is.......4...acf Lbs. MH 9 4 fenders. TS > ft 1 Height een, Fe AQ Oe. LL In, nh: 4 IN CASE OF ACCIDENT NOTIFY : f q j ee y er 7 pnean vot vole REeonEC oe eoksal Lio 15 3 4 " - £ PRESIDENT’S GREETING TO NEW STUDENTS ( The University of Wisconsin opens wide to you, new students, its doors of : opportunity. The faculty are here to give themselves to you. Among them y each of you will find a group ready to lead you in your chosen field of } study. As one of a iarge student com- munity you will find it necessary to t gain the power to adjust yourself to | others. As one of this community you { will have an opportunity to measure your own capacity as a living, useful unit in that community. In the mater- ial equipment of buildings, books, and ) apparatus, the state has generously pro- vided for your needs. With faculty { ready to serve you, with students ready : to assist, with all material aids at hand ' the path of success within the Univer- i sity is open to you, and if success be ) there achieved, success in the world is little short of certain. \ CHAS. R. VAN HISE. t ae 5 } The } Varsity Handbook Presented by ( the : { Young Men’s and Young i" | ) Women’s Christian A | Associations “e } of the s \ | University of Wisconsin i 1913-14 } { MANAGER AND EDITOR fg Harry J. Koch, ‘15 (ih j May ADVERTISING MANAGER \ Rexford Hawley, "15 o | WOMEN'S EDITOR ee Mabel Search, "14 = ie. bb Dan D 99 | } CLEANING { PRESSING { REPAIRING } WORK GUARANTEED } We call for and deliver goods ) Get a ‘Dan D” Suit or Overcoat I Cardinal Steam | Dye Works { 623 University Avenue j Phone 1500 { ego 4 ie ee Ee Ne 2 ae ig ; 2 1918-1914 % “SEPTEMBER _ MARCH | 3 Spree aels 3 aay wir ars & | A} 2} 3) 4] 5] 6 1 2 3| 4] 5 67 ‘ x ‘7, §| to111213 9 8] Sfrojti}i2i13i4 & } ' 2 21'9a}23124125)26127 14:1£/1617)1819)20 § 22123124\25)26|27)28 1516}171819.2021 & i } 28/2920)... clas ae ~| a a ( BolT 9 er P OCTOBER APRIL L Papers spews : eles 1| 434 a AP eR Be { R57] 8| Sho 2 S47] 4 oot S 12}4114)15/16)17)18 12/13)14)15)16)17/18 1 z 19}20)21}22)23)24 25 19/20/21 22}23/24/25 & q A 1 26|27|28|29/30)31)... 262712820301... 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Rew} JANUARY pyr JULY 7a & | hI | eelccdvesle| AL BS AQ ocdrealed| 21 ore ar 4 x 4| 5| 6| 7] 8 9110 3) o71 8] short j ' z 181920 11/12'13}14.151617 21/22/2324 0 19/20121/22/23124125 12)13)14/15/16/17/18 ik j 25)261271281293031 ¢ 2627/28)29)30)31)... ‘ % _FEBRUARY _ AUGUST & SMT wiT|R/s § “SpMyT] wep Ls Y L ¥ aval caafecelenaleealtasl eons G tose] c ate i 1 2) 3) 4] 5| 6) 7 2} 3) 4) 5] 6| 7] t 3 8} 9)10/11/1213)14 9)10)1112)13)14)15 & ! 3 2323.24.25 15|16)17/18)19/20/21 2027128 23124125 16}17|18}19|20)21/22 26|27/2829 & #e3 PS el <> PP it é t THE TRE PRE FRE TRE TRE IRE TE RE I A. E. Proudfit, President Wayne Ramsey, Cashier M. E, Fuller, Vice-President M. C. Clark, Ass’t Cashier The First National Bank of Madison, Wis. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS $400,000.00 | Resources Over $2,500,000.00 ‘Transacts a general banking business. Interest paid on time certificates of deposit. This bank solicits the accounts of firms, individuals and corporations ) TABLE OF CONTENTS. Roatomic: Vea os. scssensaneseces lO AABICUGS | siiciisnacn ce eeeeis esas aor 8S Churches of Madison ..............26 Conference Records ............+++..55 Fraternities and Sororities .........35 { Freshmen— Directions! tO... ...cs-sinereor nee 28 Confidential information for.......28 I i Five ideals for 1917......06.0664+28 7 General Conference ..........0++++++19 \ Important Things to Know.......... 8 a f Organizations and Clubs ............30 : j President’s Greeting ............+.5+ 2 “ | Publicstions «0. t..sses seems css eS } Traditions and Customs ............29 ] Wisconsin Track Records ...........51 k ) Wisconsin Songs ......-...--ee00++ +46 i ] VOM CAG oe rsanceseceetece so ees : Mo MG. A, Greeting: ccc ones coeur 9 1 ) Wa W uri Ci Ales roa siee ciclo aalnte syne w= demise 20 4 i ————————————— ee MY bi | DROWNED IN MENDOTA! { b; : =e i YOU MAY BE! ' Is your life insured? Talk with } ER ELY if { $ | about it. { THE NEW YORK LIFE MAN. b a IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW. 4 Sar aS: : The Varsity Toast i Which brings every Wisconsin student to his feet with head uncovered, Varsity! Varsity! U-rah-rah Wisconsin! { Praise to thee we sing; Praise to thee, our Alma Mater, U-rah-rah Wisconsin! t (Repeat) , ee y The Varsity Yell | To be yelled with locomotive accent | U! rah! rah! Wis-con-sin! { U! rah! rah! Wis-con-sin! } U! rah! rah! Wis-con-sin! | Tiger!! t Wisconsin Buzz Saw | Whiz—Wisconsin! W-Hiz—Wisconsin! W-H-I-Z—Wisconsin! Rip-er—up!! ‘ The Varsity Color | Cardinal. i —s— i | y : } ¥. M. C. A, GREETING 4 To you we extend the hand of wel- come—we extend it in the spirit of good ~ fellowship and Christian brotherhood. ~ cs i You have become one of us—a com- munity of students before whom is con- } stantly held, above all others, the ideal a } of service. Our Alma Mater is praised i for many things—she is loved for the 16 ' men who have gone out from her halls to serve their fellows. | And yours is now the opportunity { to enter into that comradeship of serv- . ice; to work for the better things in our I student life. We offer you the medium i). of our Association through which tc A j express your active sympathy with the } ideals we stand for—the development of \ \ Christian character and its expression Ns] | in genuine service. | yy We are here to serve you: we want ' j your co-operation in our efforts to help Ss your fellows. We want to meet you and know you: we want you to feel that i you are one of us. The latch string is always out. We are glad you're here i. Welcome! a i ALFRED P. HAAKE, Pres. 7 } \ Bio gs y THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1913-1914 ‘ ¢ Sept. 22-23-24, Mon.-Tu.-Wed. Registra- tion days. Sept. 22-23, Mon.-Tu. Examination for 5 admission. Sept. 25, Thursday. Lectures and reci- tations begin. ‘ Nov. 27, Thursday. Thanksgiving Day: Legal holiday, Dec, 23, Tuesday (noon). Christmas re- 4 cess begins. ] 1914, ‘ Jan, 6. Tues. (8 a, m.) Exercises re- } sumed. Jan, 26-Feb. 4, Mon.-Wed. Final exam- inations, first semester, Feb, 5-6, Thur.-Fri, Registration days. Feb. 9, Monday. Lectures and recita- | tions begin. y Feb, 23, Monday. Washington’s Birth- day: legal holiday. | April 9-18, Thur.-Mon. Easter recess. May 30, Saturday. Memorial Day: Le- gal holiday. June 6-12, Sat.-Fri. Final examinations i second semester. June 11-12, Thur.-Fri. Examinations ' for admission. ) June 14-17, Sun.-Wed. Commencement ) week. | | —10— i ( A HEALTHY YEAR OF ACCOM- q PLISHMENT.