The Wisconsin Engineer. Volume 77, Number VI March 1973
The Wisconsin engineer. Volume 77, Number VI March 1973 Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Engineering Journal Association, March 1973 This material may be protected by copyright law (e.g., Title 17, US Code). For information on re-use, see The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | & (| \ | se fo~~) i Gitta CAs git 0 « - “at MEMBER OF “CY OLLEGE MAGAZINES ASSOCIATED | te eel” VOLUME LXXVII Bien NUMBER VI 4 Coo. » We cB i hy oO - aS ae . : . -_ mA 3 \ 4 ee : | ' Wes OY ld A a Gee , ¥ Wg Dy i an ey: ' LAN haces ¥ - bea ‘2, Tis ae / Se. PMO phe EI vo ie “TS Yes tl NG PUBLISHED BY THE ENGINEERING STUDENTS of the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN March, 1973 a a ang @ ’ ff Es. ff Fr _ » : TR — a j 1 | Te wae ooo i i C y - b PI | aie , 2 Ye ers) fy) eo a ED iL ft : Lao y rey | oO a ee . ee 2 ct : : oT ee —" — .. oo oe = a " Who needs engineers? 7 After the statesmen, politicians, lawyers, educa- tors, journalists, clergymen, sociologists, and theorists have finished talking about what should be done, we turn it over to the engineers to do it.
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