V. V. Vladimirsky and Charged-Particle Accelerators
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol. 68, No. 8, 2005, pp. 1263–1264. Translated from Yadernaya Fizika, Vol. 68, No. 8, 2005, pp. 1315–1317. Original Russian Text Copyright c 2005 by Koshkarev. TRIBUTE TO THE 90th BIRTHDAY OF V.V. VLADIMIRSKY V. V. Vladimirsky and Charged-Particle Accelerators D. G. Koshkarev* Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Bol’shaya Cheremushkinskaya ul. 25, Moscow, 117259 Russia Received February 28, 2005 Abstract—The main advances made in the field of accelerator science and technology at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP,Moscow) within the ten years between 1953 and 1963 under the supervision of V.V. Vladimirsky and with his participation are described. c 2005 Pleiades Publish- ing, Inc. The proposal of E. Courant, M. Livingston, and on a residual vacuum in it, and imposing more strin- H. Snyder (1952) that concerned the creation of gent requirements on the nonlinear components of strongly focusing accelerators changed radically the the magnetic field. In order to solve these and other situation around the construction of high-energy ac- problems, Vladimirsky was able to organize a small celerators and, hence, in high-energy physics. How- group of researchers at ITEPwithin a short period of ever, this proposal was perceived rather ambiguously time, which included L.L. Gol’din, D.G. Koshkarev, in the Soviet Union. Some of the renowned authori- Yu.F. Orlov, and E.K. Tarasov as the main partici- ties on accelerator physics called attention to extraor- pants; I.M. Kapchinsky joined the group later. They dinarily stringent tolerances on magnetic elements in solved these problems successfully, and this permitted these accelerators and, in view of this, denied the pos- preparing physics projects of strongly focusing proton sibility of implementing this project in practice.
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