Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2002), vol. 72: 163-190. MIOSPORE TAXONOMY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF UPPER DEVONIAN AND LOWERMOST CARBONIFEROUS IN WESTERN POMERANIA (NW POLAND) Marzena STEMPIEN-SALEK Polish Academy o f Sciences, Institute o f Geological Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected] Stempien-Salek, M., 2002. Miospore taxonomy and stratigraphy of Upper Devonian and lowermost Carboniferous in western Pomerania (NW Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 72: 163-190. Abstract: Five local miospore zones, six subzones and two assemblages are distinguished for the Frasnian to lower Toumaisian deposits in the Kolobrzeg region (western Pomerania): assemblage I, Membrabaculisporis radiatus-Tholisporites densus (RD), Membrabaculisporis radiatus-Cymbosporites boafeticus (RB), Lagenoispo- rites immensus-Diducites poljessicus (IP) Zone, assemblage II, Tumulispora rarituberculata (Ra) and Convolu- tispora major (Ma) Zone. The first three biozones and the two assemblages are new in this region. The local miospores zones distinguished in western Pomerania are correlated with the European standard miospore and conodont zonations. Two new miospore species and one new variety are described, two species is emended. Key words: Frasnian, Famennian, lowermost Carboniferous, NW Poland, miospores, stratigraphy. Manuscript recdeived 6 November 2001, accepted 13 June 2002 INTRODUCTION PREVIOUS PALYNOLOGICAL STUDIES OF UPPER DEVONIAN AND LOWER The main purpose of this study was to determine, using CARBONIFEROUS OF WESTERN palynological methods, the stratigraphical position of the POMERANIA Człuchów, Kłanino, Sąpolno Calcareous Shale, and Gozd Arkose formations of western Pomerania. The zones of the The earliest results of palynological studies concerning miospore zonal scheme for Famennian and Lower Carbon the Devonian-Carboniferous succession of western Pome iferous of that area established by Tumau (1978, 1979) are rania were published in the seventies of the twenty century.