Mutation Research, 134 (1984) 113-142 113 Elsevier

MTR 07179

A review of the genetic effects of ethyl methanesulfonate Gary A. Sega Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory *, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (U.S.A.) (Received 10 October 1983) (Revision received 23 May 1984) (Accepted 25 May 1984)


Summary ...... 113 Introduction ...... 114 Chemical and physical properties ...... 114 Interaction with DNA ...... 115 Review of mutagenicity data ...... 117 Effects of EMS in viruses ...... 117 Genetic effects in prokaryotes ...... 118 Genetic effects in fungi ...... 119 Genetic effects in plants ...... 121 Insects ...... 123 Drosophila ...... 123 Other insects ...... 125 Mammalian cell culture ...... 126 Chinese hamster cells ...... 126 Mouse and rat cells ...... 128 Human cells ...... 129 Genetic effects in mammals ...... 130 Dominant lethals, translocations and gene in germ cells ...... 130 Sperm abnormalities ...... 132 Spot test ...... 132 Micronucleus test ...... 132 Other effects of EMS in mammals ...... 132 Acknowledgements ...... 133 References ...... 133


Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) is a monofunctional ethylating agent that has been found to be mutagenic in a wide variety of genetic test systems from viruses to mammals. It has also been shown to be

* Operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., under contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Abbreviations: BMS, butyl methanesulfonate; DEN, diethyl nitrosamine; DMS, dimethyl sulfate; EMS, ethyl methane- By acceptance of this article, the publisher or recipient sulfonate; ENU, N-ethyI-N-nitrosourea; iPMS, isopropyl acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a nonex- methanesulfonate; MMS, methyl methanesulfonate; MNNG, clusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine; MNU, N-methyl-N- the article. nitrosourea; PMS, propyl methanesulfonate.

0165-1110/84/$03.00 © 1984 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 114 carcinogenic in mammals. Alkylation of cellular, nucleophilic sites by EMS occurs via a mixed SN~/SN: reaction mechanism. While ethylation of DNA occurs principally at nitrogen positions in the bases, because of the partial SN 1 character of the reaction, EMS is also able to produce significant levels of alkylation at oxygens such as the 0 6 of and in the DNA phosphate groups. Genetic data obtained using microorganisms suggest that EMS may produce both GC to AT and AT to GC transition mutations. There is also some evidence that EMS can cause base-pair insertions or deletions as well as more extensive intragenic deletions. In higher organisms, there is clear-cut evidence that EMS is able to break chromosomes, although the mechanisms involved are not well understood. An often cited hypothesis is that DNA bases ethylated by EMS (mostly the N-7 position of guanine) gradually hydrolyze from the deoxyribose on the DNA backbone leaving behind an apurinic (or possibly an apyrimidinic) site that is unstable and can lead to single-strand breakage of the DNA. Data also exist that suggest that ethylation of some chromosomal proteins in mouse spermatids by EMS may be an important factor in causing chromosome breakage.

Introduction of refraction is 1.4180 at 20°C (Aldrich, 1982 1983). The structural formula for EMS is Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) was the first shown in Fig. 1. agent found unambiguously to increase the pro- Synthesis of EMS has been accomplished by portion of mutants (plaque-type and host-range) reaction of methanesulfonic anhydride with ethyl in T2 phage treated in vitro with the chemical alcohol (Billeter, 1905). To label the ethyl group of (Loveless, 1958). Since this early work, EMS has EMS with 3H or 14C for radio-tracer studies, a been used in mutational studies in a wide variety favorite method of synthesis has been to react of biological test systems. Currently, the Environ- labeled ethyl iodide with silver methanesulfonate mental Information Center has more than (Brookes and Lawley, 1961; Lawley and Brookes, 3400 references on this chemical. In many of these 1963; Swann and Magee, 1971). EMS has been references, however, EMS was only used as a produced for research purposes, but there is no positive control and in a large number of other large-scale production of this chemical. It is not references EMS was simply used as a means for known to occur naturally. creating new mutations. EMS owes its biological reactivity to its ethyl The purpose of this review is to cover broadly group (Fig. 1) that can be transferred to a variety the different genetic test systems in which EMS of cellular, nucleophilic sites. For EMS, this trans- has been used. An attempt has also been made to fer of the ethyl group can be accomplished either emphasize those references which provide some through an SN~ (substitution, nucleophilic, uni- insight into the mechanism of action of EMS. molecular) or an SN z (substitution, nucleophilic, Because of the large number of references availa- bimolecular) mechanism (Osterman-Golkar et al., ble on EMS, of necessity, I have been very selec- 1970; Lawley, 1974a, b). The Swain Scott sub- tive. Readers interested in other papers citing EMS may obtain help from the Environmental Mutagen Information Center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 0 C2H 5 0 S CH 3 Chemical and physical properties 0

EMS is a colorless liquid at room temperature. ETHYL ~AETHANESULFONATE It has a boiling point of 213-213.5°C (761 mm (E~S) Hg) and a density of 1.1452 at 22°C relative to ~.W.=124.2 water at 4°C (IARC, 1974). The molecular weight of the chemical is 124.2 (Sax, 1979) and its index Fig. 1. Structural formula of EMS. 115 strate constant, s, for EMS has been reported to be TABLE 1 ~ 0.64 at 37°C, increasing to 0.67 at 20°C (Oster- ETHYLATION PRODUCTS OF DOUBLE-STRANDED man-Golkar et al., 1970). Generally, chemicals with DNA AFTER IN VITRO EXPOSURE TO EMS lower s values tend to react primarily through an Ethylation site Percent of total DNA ethylation SN~ mechanism, while those with high s values react mostly through an SN 2 mechanism. The s Guanine value for EMS is such that it is thought to react N-7 65 06 2 through both mechanisms. N-3 0.9 Adenine Interaction with DNA N-3 4.9 N-1 1.7 Generally, DNA is believed to be the most N-7 1.1 important target for the induction of mutations by Thymine chemical agents and many studies have focused on 02 Not detected the interactions between DNA and chemical 04 Not detected . When DNA is treated in vitro or in vivo N-3 Not detected with chemical mutagens a number of reactive sites Cytosine have been identified. These include the N-7, 0 6, N-3 0.6 N-3 and N 2 of guanine; the N-l, N-3 and N-7 of O 2 Not detected adenine; the 0 2, O 4 and N-3 of thymine; the 0 2 Phosphate 13 and N-3 of cytosine; the phosphate groups on the DNA backbone (Loveless, 1969; Swann and '~ Taken from Singer (1982). Magee, 1971; Bannon and Verly, 1972; Lawley et al., 1972, 1975; Lawley, 1974a; Singer et al., 1974; Sun and Singer, 1975; Shooter and Merrifield, ley, 1974a; Goth and Rajewsky, 1974; Montesano 1976; Singer, 1976, 1977a, b, 1982; Frei et al., and Bartsch, 1976). For example, guanine al- 1978). Not all of these sites have been shown to be kylated at the N-7 position is not likely to be ethylated by EMS. However, because EMS can involved in mispairing (Koch and Miller, 1965; react by a mixed SN1/SN2-type mechanism, it is Lawley, 1974a). Also, strong mutagenic agents, reasonable to assume that all of the above-men- like EMS and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), tioned sites in DNA can be ethylated to some and weaker mutagens, such as methyl methane- extent by EMS. Originally, the N-7 of guanine was sulfonate (MMS) and dimethyl sulfate (DMS) are the first site demonstrated to be ethylated by EMS both effective in alkylating the N-7 position of (Brookes and Lawley, 1961). This is also the pre- guanine (Singer, 1982). Loveless (1969) was the dominant site of attack by EMS in DNA. As time first to suggest that mutagenicity may be corre- moved on, more sensitive means of measuring lated with the formation of O6-alkylguanine rather DNA alkylation products were developed. Table 1 than of N-7-alkylguanine. He found evidence for lists the current known ethylation products pro- O6-alkylation by EMS and MNU but not by duced in double-stranded DNA after exposure to MMS and DMS. Other workers have also found EMS (Singer, 1982). that chemicals reacting through an SN~ mechanism Because of the high frequency of 7-alkylguanine produce higher amounts of O6-alkylguanine rela- residues produced in the reaction of alkylating tive to N-7-aikyiguanine than do chemicals react- agents, such as EMS, with DNA, mispairing of ing by an SN2-type mechanism (Lawley and this modified purine was once believed to be an Thatcher, 1970; Lawley, 1974a, b). Thus, EMS, important cause of mutations (Auerbach, 1976). which can react by an SN~ mechanism as well as Other work has suggested, however, that 7-al- an SN 2 mechanism, is expected to produce rela- kylguanine may not be of great importance in the tively more O6-ethylation than that found with mechanism of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis of MMS which reacts via an SN2-type mechanism. alkylating agents (Swann and Magee, 1971; Law- A number of studies have added support for the 116 involvement of O6-alkylation in mutagenesis ethylation at the 0 6 position of guanine as does (Gerchman and Ludlum, 1973a, b; Lawley, 1974a; ENU (Frei et al., 1978; Singer, 1982), it neverthe- Auerbach, 1976; Newbold et al., 1980; Peterson less does alkylate this site in DNA, and this may and Peterson, 1982; Beranek et al., 1983). Gerch- be a cause for at least part of the mutagenic man and Ludlum (1973a, b) have presented evi- activity of EMS. dence for the misincorporation of bases by RNA Alkylation of the O 4 position of thymine is also polymerase acting on a template containing 0 6- a likely candidate for mispairing (Lawley, 1974b; methylguanine. Conversely, similar studies using Drake and Baltz, 1976). However, ethylation of 7-methylguanine have shown it to have base-pair- this site by EMS has not been reported (Singer, ing properties similar to guanine (Ludlum, 1970; 1982). Singer and Fraenkel-Conrat (1969a, b) used Gerchman and Ludlum, 1973b). MNNG to demonstrate that the amount of alky- Newbold et al. (1980), using simple aliphatic lation at the N-3 of cytosine in tobacco mosaic alkylating agents, found that differences in muta- virus was correlated with mutagenicity. Since EMS genicity of the chemicals in V79 Chinese hamster has been shown to alkylate this site to a low extent cells closely paralleled differences in levels of 0 6- (Singer, 1982), this may be another source for guanine alkylation. Using MNNG and MMS, EMS-induced mutations. Peterson and Peterson (1982) found that MNNG Much less is known about the possible muta- produced 12-fold more O6-methylguanine and 5- genic effects of alkylation at the N-1 and N-3 fold more mutants in V79 Chinese hamster cells positions of guanine and the N-l, N-3 and N-7 than did MMS. However, neither the cytotoxicities positions of adenine except that, in DNA, the N-3- nor the mutagenicities of these methylating agents and N-7-alkyl purines have a weakened glycosidic could be attributed solely to nitrogen or to oxygen linkage which can lead to the loss of the purine methylations in the DNA. Beranek et al. (1983) from DNA (Auerbach, 1976; Fishbein et al., 1970; exposed Chinese hamster ovary cells to various Lawley, 1966, 1974; Lawley and Brookes, 1963; doses of MMS and MNU and then assayed for the Singer, 1975). Weakening of the glycosidic linkage induction of 6-thioguanine resistance and for has also been reported for O2-alkylthymine (Singer, specific DNA adducts. When mutations induced 1976), and depyrimidination of this alkylated base by MMS or MNU were compared by linear corre- is likely, although the genetic consequences of this lation analysis with levels of different adducts process are unknown. formed, only O6-methylguanine displayed a strong Evidence has been presented that suggests that correlation with mutations. A similar study was depurination of alkylated DNA may be potentially done by Heflich et al. (1982) in which Chinese lethal, due to the formation of DNA single-strand hamster ovary cells were exposed to different do- breaks (E. Freese, 1971; E. Freese and Freese, ses of ENU or EMS. induction was 1966; Lawley, 1974b; Lawley and Brookes, 1963; found to be best correlated with the amount of Lawley et al., 1969; Rhaese and Freese, 1969; N-3 and O6-ethylguanine produced. Strauss and Hill, 1970; Uhlenhopp and Krasna, O6-Alkylation has also been implicated as an 1971). It has also been suggested that apurinic important lesion in carcinogenesis. After exposing sites in DNA might give rise to transversion muta- neonatal rats to ENU, Goth and Rajewsky (1974) tions (Bautz and Freese, 1960; E.B. Freese, 1961). demonstrated that, while N-7-ethylguanine and Shearman and Loeb (1977, 1979) and Kunkel et N-3-ethyladenine were eliminated from brain and al. (1981), using in vitro techniques as well as liver DNA at similar rates, respectively, O6-ethyl - q, X174, have presented evidence indicating that guanine was removed much more slowly from the when partially depurinated DNA is used as a brain DNA than from the liver DNA. Since the template for DNA synthesis, the base inserted rat nervous system is the primary site of tumor opposite the apurinic site appears to be selected induction by ENU (Druckrey et al., 1970; Swen- randomly. Making use of an amber mutant of berg et al., 1972), O6-ethylguanine may play an q, X174, Kunkel et al. (1981) found that mutagene- important role in the brain tumors produced. While sis was enhanced by depurination of the template EMS does not produce as high a proportion of DNA, presumably as the result of a base substitu- 117 tion in the amber codon. However, it was not about 1% were r mutants or mottled (plaques established if transversion mutations were in- composed of a mixture of r and r + phage), an volved. increase of 100-fold over the spontaneous mutant The possible esterification of phosphodiesters frequency. An interesting observation in this work by alkylating agents to form alkyl phosphotriesters was that every mutant plaque contained both r in polynucleotides was long suggested, but was and r + phage particles. The relative proportions of only firmly established in the 1970s (Bannon and mutants and nonmutants in the mixed clones did Verly, 1972; Lawley, 1973; Sun and Singer, 1975; not correspond to a simple segregation from phage Shooter and Merrifield, 1976). The identification that contained an extracellularly mutated gene and of the alkyl phosphotriester was difficult because it a nonmutant allele. The frequency distribution of is a major product only when N-nitroso com- mutants in the mixed clones indicated that a pounds are used. Also, the O-alkyl group is hydro- mutant clone could be initiated with an equal lyzed under the usual conditions used for hydrol- probability in any generation of vegetative phage ysis of DNA (70% HC104, 100°C, 1 h) or RNA (1 growth. N HC1, 100°C, 1 h) (Singer, 1977b). In general, In a later paper Krieg (1963) concluded that in chemicals with lower s values are more efficient in the T4 r n system, the occurrence of EMS-induced alkylating phosphate groups and other oxygen sites GC to AT transitions was much more common in DNA than are chemicals with higher s values than AT to GC transitions. Krieg suggested that (Lawley, 1974b). Bannon and Verly (1972) re- the transitions might be occurring by mispairing ported that alkylation of phosphates accounted for with 7-ethylguanine. In light of what is now known 15% of the total DNA alkylation with EMS (s about the interaction of EMS with DNA, it is value = 0.64) but only 1% by MMS (s value = 0.83) possible that the mixed plaques arose from mis- Osterman-Golkar et al., 1970). pairing with O6-ethylguanine during different gen- Phosphate alkylation appears to cause inactiva- erations of vegetative growth. tion of RNA in tobacco mosaic virus without Inactivation of T4 phage was studied by Ronen causing strand breakage (Singer et al., 1975). It has (1968). That work indicated that the immediate also been suggested that DNA strand breakage inactivation of EMS-treated phage took place as could result from hydrolysis of alkylated phos- the result of a process other than hydrolysis. It was phate groups (E. Freese, 1971; Singer, 1975; suggested that the immediate killing of phage re- Rhaese and Freese, 1969), which could contribute suited from the mere presence of ethyl groups on to chromosome breakage and lethality (E. Freese the phage DNA molecule, while delayed inactiva- and Freese, 1966; Rhaese and Boetker, 1973; tion resulted from the breakdown of the ethylated Singer, 1975, 1976). However, the work by Bannon DNA. Inactivation of T7 phage by EMS was and Verly (1972), which showed that alkyl found to follow a similar pattern as that seen for phosphotriesters are apparently quite stable, would T4 (Verly and Brakier, 1969; Brakier and Verly, argue against this model. 1970; Verly et al., 1974; Karska-Wysocki et al., 1976). Lethality increased with time after the end Review of mutagenicity data of the EMS exposure. Delayed inactivation was claimed to be due exclusively to depurination, with Effects of EMS in viruses one lethal hit corresponding to 7 or 8 depurina- EMS was discovered by Loveless (1958) to in- tions per phage (Brakier and Verly, 1970). 50% of duce mutations in bacteriophage T2 treated in the immediate inactivation of T7 phage was attri- vitro. The effect studied was the conversion of buted to apurinic sites and single-strand braeks wild-type r + (lysis-inhibiting) phage to r (Verly et al., 1974). Diester phosphate ethylation (rapid-lysing) mutants that produce a plaque with did not appear to be toxic, while terminal phos- a clear halo. Green and Krieg (1961) performed phate alkylation may have been. Verly et al. (1974) similar studies with EMS using the T4 r H system. did not find base ethylation, by itself, to be toxic Exposure to 0.4 M EMS for 60 min inactivated although mispairing at the transcriptional level about 50% of the phage. Of the remaining phage, may contribute to toxicity. Karska-Wysocki et al. 118

(1976) found that EMS exposures that inactivated mann, 1975; Green et al., 1977), Salmonella more than 99.5% of the T7 phage had no effect on typhimurium (McCann et al., 1975a, b; Skopek et phage adsorption on Escherichia coli B cells but al., 1978; McMahon et al., 1979)~ Proteus mirabilis decreased the amount of phage DNA injected into (B6hme, 1968; Adler et al., 1976), Haemophilus the host cells. Thus, ethylation of phage protein influenzae (Kimball and Hirsch, 1975; Notani et did not appear to be an important mechanism of al., 1975), Staphylococcus aureus (Van der Vijver et inactivation. Boul6-Charest and Mamet-Bratley al., 1975), Mycobacterium (Koni6kov~-Radochov~ (1972) showed that ethylation of T7 DNA by EMS and MMek, 1969; MacNaughton and Winder, did not create new initiation sites for E. coli RNA 1977; Kolman and Ehrenberg, 1978), Micrococcus polymerase. They concluded that incorrect initia- glutamicus (Shanthamma et al., 1972), Rhizobium tion of RNA synthesis is not a cause of the lethal- trifolii (Kaushik and Venkataraman, 1972), Pseu- ity observed immediately after the end of the EMS domonas aeruginosa (Chandler and Krishnapillai, treatment. 1974), and Dictyostelium discoideum (slime molds) It was suggested by Brookes and Lawley (1963) (Payez and Deering, 1972). EMS has also been that DNA-chain breakage caused by the combined shown to be mutagenic in Micrococcus radiodurans effects of depurination in both strands is the major (Sweet and Moseley, 1976) although considerably cause of alkylation-induced inactivation of less so than in E. coli. double-strand phage. However, Ronen (1969) The most widely used bacterial system for the studied X-phage particles in which one DNA strand detection of mutations is that developed by Ames was ethylated with EMS while the other was intact and coworkers (Ames, 1971; Ames et al., 1973, and found that there was still delayed inactivation 1975; McCann et al., 1975a, b) using Salmonella of the X phage. He concluded that events taking typhimurium. The test is based on the reversion of place in only one DNA strand are sufficient to histidine-requiring mutants. A variety of strains bring about inactivation. have been developed that can be used to test for Boyce and Farley (1968) studied the production base-substitution or frameshift mutations. Mc- of single-strand breaks in covalent circular X phage Cann et al. (1975a) demonstrated that 5000/xg of exposed to EMS. They found that breaks were EMS per plate gave significant increases in re- induced only in the presence of a heat-labile factor vertant colonies using TA1535 and TA100 strains, from extracts of E. coli. These data suggested that which detect base-substitution mutations. How- enzymatic mechanisms were involved in the pro- ever, strains TA1538 and TA98, which detect duction of single-strand breaks. The rate of forma- frameshift mutations, showed very few revertants. tion of the 'enzyme-sensitive sites' with EMS was When a comparison is made with the spontaneous found to be about 20 times slower than with revertants found in these latter two strains, it is MMS. doubtful that EMS was, in fact, inducing any Modified DNA polymerases acting upon al- frameshift mutations. Mitchell (1974) reported kylated DNA templates may also play a role in EMS induced a high frequency of revertants in S. mutation induction. For example, Drake and typhimurium strain hisG46, which detected base Greening (1970) showed that an antimutagenic substitutions, but did not induce revertants in DNA polymerase of phage T4 was able to mod- strain TA1532, TA1534 or D3052, which detect erately suppress the mutagenic activity of EMS at frameshift mutations. This same author also G : C sites within the r., locus. showed that EMS was effective in reverting trp (trytophan-requiring) mutants of E. eoli WP2, Genetic effects in prokaryotes which pick up transition mutations. The high mutagenic activity of EMS has been Anderson and Styles (1978) using an $9 mix demonstrated in a wide variety of bacterial genera, from livers of Aroclor-induced animals observed species and strains including Escherichia coli EMS-induced revertants with Salmonella strains (Kondo et al., 1970; Hill, 1972; Schwartz, 1963; TA1538, TA98 and TA1537, that detect frameshift B.S. Strauss, 1962; Howell-Saxton et al., 1973; mutations. However, McCann et al. (1975a) and Mohn et al., 1974; Ishii and Kondo, 1975; Nest- Brusick and Zeiger (1972), without using an $9 119 mix, did not find EMS-induced revertants of these cell killing and mutagenesis by MNNG. The re- strains. The mechanism by which the $9 mix could sults suggested that the adapative response could have metabolized EMS to cause it to revert be elicited by, and act upon, EMS-derived lesions frameshift mutations is unclear. even though these lesions do not appear to be Verly et al. (1968) demonstrated that single- preferentially located at the replicative fork. strand breaks in E. coli DNA induced by EMS can Karran et al. (1979) were able to show that after be repaired during a latency period. Skjhk Braek an adaptive exposure of E. coli to MNNG, the and Smith-Kielland (1974) found that DNA repair crude cell extract was able to remove O6-methyl - synthesis occurs in E. coli after exposure to EMS, guanine residues from DNA while crude extracts while Billen and Hellerman (1977) showed that from non-adapted cells lacked this activity. Subse- EMS is a poor inducer of DNA polymerase I quent work by Olsson and Lindahl (1980) showed repair activity in permeabilized E. co#. that removal of the methyl group from the 0 6 In repair-deficient pol A and rec- A strains of position of guanine is accomplished through an E. coli, it was found (Howell-Saxton et al., 1973) O6-alkylguanine acceptor protein. The methyl that logarithmic-phase cells of both mutants and group is transferred from the 0 6 position of the parental strains exhibited a greater sensitivity guanine to a cysteine residue in the protein, thereby to EMS than the stationary-phase cells. However, inactivating the protein. Sedgwick and Lindahl the pol- A and rec- A mutants were 3 4 times (1982) found that the same protein was effective in more susceptible to inactivation by EMS than removing O6-ethylguanine lesions from DNA. The were the parental strains. results reported by Jeggo et al. (1977) may, there- Fluck et al. (1976) demonstrated that the zone fore, have resulted from repair of O6-ethylguanine of growth inhibition around a center well of EMS lesions produced in the E. coli DNA by EMS. was 50% greater with pol- mutants than with pol +. Rec- cells are less able than wild-type to Genetic effects in fungi reactivate phage h damaged by EMS alkylations In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Loprieno (1966) (Ronen and Atidia, 1971) and are more mutable and Loprieno et al. (1969) found that EMS in- with EMS than are wild-type cells (BOhme and duced almost exclusively (95-99%) base-pair sub- Geissler, 1968). Also, Howell-Saxton et al. (1973) stitution mutations. They observed that for com- found that both repair-deficient strains exhibited parable lethality, EMS induced a higher mutation significantly higher EMS-induced mutation fre- frequency at the age 6 and ade 7 loci of S. pombe quencies in comparison with the parental strains. than did MMS. Also, EMS induced a percentage In a later paper (Howell-Saxton et al., 1974), it of mosaic mutations that was twice that induced was demonstrated that the alkylated DNA in the by MMS (Loprieno, 1966). Leaky mutants oc- mutants contained a greater proportion of small curred more frequently after EMS treatment (48%) DNA fragments compared with the parental than after MMS treatment (22%). Loprieno (1966) strains. suggested that the leaky mutants were mostly the EMS, unlike MNNG, does not produce linked result of a slightly modified enzyme whose activity mutations (Guerola et al., 1971; Guerola and was not drastically different from the wild-type Cerdh-Olmedo, 1975) and does not seem to act at enzyme, de Serres (1964, 1966) considered the the replicating fork (Nestmann, 1975). In addition, leaky mutants occurring at the ad-3A and -3B loci EMS does not appear able to induce any of the of Neurospora crassa to be an indication of mis- SOS functions (Radman et al., 1977; Moreau and sense mutations. Since EMS induced more leaky Devoret, 1977). mutants than MMS in S. pombe, Loprieno (1966) An interesting study by Jeggo et al. (1977) concluded that base-pair substitutions giving mis- showed that when E. coli was exposed to a low sense mutations arise more frequently with EMS adaptive exposure of MNNG (1 ~tg/ml for 90 than with MMS. min), mutagenesis from subsequent exposures to Malling and de Serres (1968) analyzed 76 EMS was significantly reduced. Similarly, low EMS-induced ad-3B mutants in N. crassa for their adaptive exposures to EMS resulted in reduced reversion response. They concluded that 41% of 120 the mutants involved a GC to AT base-pair transi- 1976) studied the effects of EMS on the cv-1 locus tion, while 17% were AT to GC transition muta- in S. cerevisiae. This locus involves the structural tions. In addition, 9% of the mutants appeared to gene determining iso-l-cytochrome c. Through re- involve a base-pair insertion or deletion and 7% version analysis of a number of mutants at this were nonrevertible. They suggested that the nonre- locus, it was found that EMS appeared selective in vertible mutants involved more extensive intra- producing GC to AT base-pair transitions, while genic deletions. MMS showed no apparent specificity (Prakash Most of the mutational studies with EMS in a and Sherman, 1973). Prakash (1974, 1976) com- fungal test system have been carried out with the bined cy-1 mutants with a number of rad mutants yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Lemontt (1972) and studied EMS-induced reversion frequencies at studied 3 rev mutants in S. cerevisiae which re- the cy-1 locus. All of the rad mutants studied duced ultraviolet (UV) light-induced reversion fre- conferred greater UV-radiation sensitivity to S. quencies at the ade-1 and ade-2 loci. These rev cerevisiae and all of the rad mutants showed a strains also showed reduced forward-mutation fre- greatly decreased reversion frequency at the cy-1 quencies with UV light. However, when the same locus after exposure to EMS. Although the nature rev mutants were exposed to EMS, there was little of the repair pathways may differ for UV-induced effect on the forward-mutation frequencies in- and chemically induced mutations in yeast, a func- duced. There was about a 50% reduction in the tional repair system appears to be required for the reversion-mutation frequencies induced by EMS in induction of mutations by chemicals like EMS. the rev mutants, but this was considered as proba- McGregor (1974) found that EMS, in the pres- bly not significant. The work indicated that UV- ence of rat liver microsomes, produced a signifi- induced lesions in the DNA of S. cerevisiae were cantly higher gene conversion frequency at the repaired through different mechanisms than those ade-2 locus in S. cerevisiae than it did in the used for repairing EMS-induced lesions in DNA. absence of the microsomes. Gene conversion in- X-ray sensitive (rad) mutants of S. cerevisiae volves a mechanism by which small regions of were studied by Evans and Parry (1972). Five rad DNA in a diploid genetic structure are made mutants sensitive to X-ray killing were also sensi- homozygous. From the results of McGregor's tive to killing by EMS as well as by UV light and (1974) studies, he concluded that the liver micro- heat. Another mutant, at the rad-3 locus, was somes were enhancing gene conversion induction isolated on the basis of its primary sensitivity to by EMS through a mechanism not involving UV and showed sensitivity to UV alone. The activation of the alkylating agent. One suggestion authors concluded that there are at least two sep- made was that the microsomes might have caused arable pathways of repair present in S. cerevisiae, an increased membrane permeability to the EMS. one effective in the repair of UV damage and the Loprieno et al. (1974) found that the frequency other effective in the repair of alkylating agents of EMS-induced gene mutations in the haploid like EMS, ionizing radiation, heat and a fraction Schizosaccharomyces pombe were the same whether of UV damage. Waters and Parry (1973) studied a in the presence or absence of mouse liver micro- number of rad-3 mutants which all showed in- somes. However, when gene conversion was studied creased sensitivity to the lethal effects of UV light. at the ade-2 and trp-5 locus in diploid S. cerevisiae, In contrast to UV, however, EMS treatment pro- they found that EMS was significantly more effec- duced only small differences in the sensitivities of tive in causing gene conversions when mouse liver the rad-3 cultures compared with wild-type cul- microsomes were present. The kinetics of inactiva- tures. Assuming that the lethal effects of EMS tion of the cells by EMS was a double-hit process result from DNA single-strand breaks, the results both in the presence and absence of the micro- suggested that the product of the rad-3 gene is somes. The kinetics of gene conversion by EMS at involved in the repair of UV-induced pyrimidine the trp-5 locus appeared to be a 2-hit process while dimers but not in the repair of EMS-induced at the ade-2 locus it was a 1-hit process, but the single-strand breaks. same kinetics were maintained in the presence of Prakash and Sherman (1973) and Prakash (1974, the microsomes. This led the authors to conclude 121 that the microsomal system was somehow increas- pears to represent the degradation of DNA during ing the spontaneous alkylation reaction. a postreplication repair process. It has been suggested, mainly from studies done with X-rays (Manney and Mortimer, 1964), that Genetic effects in plants the mechanism for gene conversion depends on the There is voluminous literature dealing with the production of single-strand breaks. X-ray treat- effects of EMS in different plant systems. A large ment produces gene conversion with 1-hit kinetics. number of these papers deal primarily with the Snow and Korch (1970) suggested that the basis creation of new mutant varieties. The papers cited for the 1-hit kinetics with X-rays should depend here are those which I feel contribute some infor- on the breakage of two strands by a single X-ray, mation on how EMS interacts with the plant sys- while 2-hit kinetics for alkylating agents, such as tems. EMS, should be the result of two independent Some plants in which EMS mutagenesis has alkylation events occurring on the two different been studied include barley (Minocha and Arna- strands. However, this still leaves unexplained the son, 1962; Arnason et al., 1962; Froese-Gertzen et 1-hit kinetic pattern induced by EMS for gene al., 1964; Gichner and Omura, 1971, 1972; Gichner conversion at the ade-2 locus in S. cerevisiae, et al., 1977; Khalatkar et al., 1977), rice (Nerkar et noted by Loprieno et al. (1974). al., 1970; Rahman and Soriano, 1972; Yamaguchi Brusick and Andrews (1974) studied the effects and Matsubayashi, 1973; Siddiq, 1974; Jana and of EMS in 3 strains of S. cerevisiae, D3, D 4 and Roy, 1975; Augustine et al., 1975; Bhan and Kaul, D 5. Strains D 3 and D 4 were designed to detect 1976; Rao, 1977), corn (Neuffer and Ficsor, 1963; mitotic recombination and mitotic gene conver- Efron, 1974; Regiroli and Gavazzi, 1975; Conger sion, respectively, whereas, strain D 5 was designed and Carabia, 1977), sorghum (Ramulu, 1971, 1974), to detect mitotic recombination and probably wheat (Bari, 1963), tomato (Butani et al., 1972; mitotic gene conversion events simultaneously Chakrawarti and Sharma, 1973), pea (Narsinghani (Zimmerman et al., 1966; Zimmerman and and Kumar, 1971, 1974; Panosyan and Tamrazyan, Schwaier, 1967; Zimmermann, 1973). EMS ap- 1973; Hung and Nagy-Porp~czy, 1974), Trades- peared to be most toxic in strain D 3. Strain D 5 cantia (Sparrow et al., 1974; Nauman et al., 1976; also demonstrated a strong response to EMS. Good Ichikawa and Takahashi, 1978) and Vicia faba dose-response effects were observed in both the (Natarajan and Upadhya, 1964; Swietlihska and D 3 and D 5 strains. However, strain D 4 did not Zuk, 1974; Sturelid and Kihlman, 1978; Kihlman appear to be as susceptible to either the genetic or and Sturelid, 1978). toxic effects of EMS. Froese-Gertzen et al. (1964) reported that EMS Davies and Parry (1976) showed that sta- treatment resulted in a pronounced decrease in tionary-phase cultures of S. cerevisiae were more fertility in barley, although it had little effect on resistant to the toxic effects of EMS than were seedling growth and survival. The frequency of cultures in the growth phase. At the same time, the chromosome aberrations induced by EMS was low. stationary cultures showed a higher gene conver- Cytological analyses of meiotic as well as of mitotic sion frequency than did the growing cultures. The cells treated with the highest concentration of EMS investigators concluded that the results were con- (0.12 M for 1.75 h) exhibited less than one chro- sisted with their hypothesis that the stationary- mosome aberration per cell. These results con- phase cells were more active in postreplication firmed those reported earlier by Konzak et al. repair. Wilmore and Parry (1976) demonstrated (1961) as well as the findings of Rieger and that after EMS treatment of S. cerevisiae, there Michaelis (1960) with Vicia faba. EMS also pro- was a division delay of the cells when inoculated duced a high frequency of chlorophyll-deficient into fresh medium and, when cell division started mutants in both the M 1 and M 2 generation again, there was degradation of up to 20% of the (Froese-Gertzen et al., 1964). Also the spectra of nuclear DNA. The period of DNA degradation barley mutations induced by X-rays and EMS correlated closely with the time at which yeast appear to be different (Swaminathan et al., 1962; cultures undergo mitotic recombination and ap- Ehrenberg et al., 1961). 122

In experimenXts with partially hydrolyzed EMS Khalatkar et al. (1977), using 3H-labeled EMS, solutions, Froese-Gertzen et al. (1964) observed a found that enhanced mutation frequencies of bar- decrease in seedling growth and plant survival, ley in the M 2 generation, when presoaked seeds whereas, fertility was less affected. As expected, were treated, was partly due to greater uptake of the mutation rates decreased with increasing hy- the EMS. Drying of seeds after treatment with the drolysis of the EMS solutions. The EMS hydroly- EMS and storing for 7 days increased alkylation of sis products lowered the pH of the solutions in the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction and en- which the barley was treated, and the workers hanced the mutagenic effects. They concluded that concluded that high hydrogen ion concentrations at least some of the differences in mutation fre- might be affecting growth by inhibition of meta- quencies after various treatment procedures were bolic activity or enzyme inactivation. due to variation in the actual dose of EMS ulti- A number of papers studying the action of mately received by the target cells. EMS on barley have considered the effects of With rice, EMS is an effective mutagen only in treatment and storage conditions. Gichner and dehusked seeds (Nerkar et al., 1970; Rahman and Omura (1971) reported that after EMS exposure of Soriano, 1972). EMS apparently does not readily barley seeds, storage at 25°C and with 11-20% penetrate the water-resistant corky layer of the moisture content lead to a considerable increase in bran. Nerkar et al. (1970) found that with in- the toxic and genetic effects. These effects did not creased pressures (up to 20 atmospheres) EMS was depend on the pH of the EMS solutions or on the more effective in altering rice seedling growth, method of washing the seeds before storage presumably because of enhanced permeability of (Gichner and Omura, 1972). With a decrease in cell membranes which facilitated the entry of the the EMS dose, the storage effect was delayed. EMS. When EMS-treated barley seeds were stored Rahman and Soriano (1972) found that with with a higher water content (30%) for 1-4 weeks, EMS exposures that did not affect rice germina- Gichner et al. (1977) found recovery from muta- tion and survival, there was a reduction in seedling gen-induced injury. The level and speed of re- growth and M 1 panicle fertility. As the EMS ex- covery depended on the EMS dose and storage posures increased there was an exponential in- period. Seeds treated with very high EMS doses crease in the frequency of chlorophyll mutations. that reduced the level of germination to 5-10% Yamaguchi and Matsubayashi (1973) were able to could not recover from the induced injury. study the effects of EMS in rice in various stages The 30% water content in the seeds allows for of the cell cycle by soaking rice seeds in water for metabolic activity (Svachulov~ et al., 1973) but the various time periods prior to EMS treatment. They seeds do not germinate; if any DNA replication observed that mutation frequency was very high in takes place, its rate is very low (Fousov~ et al., late G~, decreased suddenly at middle S, increased 1974). These conditions in the seeds favor repair strongly at late S-early G 2 and thereafter de- processes, as was demonstrated by the repair of creased. After EMS treatment of rice seeds, Siddiq single-strand breaks in alkylated DNA from bar- (1974) analyzed pollen mother cells at diakinesis ley seeds stored at 30% water content (Veleminsk~¢ and metaphase and found an increasing number of et al., 1972). chromosome breaks with increasing EMS ex- Storage of EMS-treated barley seeds with 20% posure. water content led to an increase in genetic damage Bhan and Kaul (1976) found that chlorophyll (Gichner et al., 1977). The decreased water content mutation frequencies in rice were enhanced with in the seeds reduces the aerobic respiration to low increased exposures of seeds to EMS. At very high levels (Svachulovfi et al., 1973) and slows recovery EMS exposures (> 90% seedling lethality in the capacity (Gichner and Veleminsk~, 1972). The in- M1), there was a drop in the mutation frequency. crease in genetic damage was accompanied by an The investigators attributed this to either cell enhancement of the amount of single-strand breaks selection or to a high resistance of some seeds to resulting from depurination and backbone brea- mutagenesis. They also obtained a much greater kage of DNA (Veleminsk~ et al., 1973). proportion of albinas with EMS than they did with y-rays. 123

In corn, Neuffer and Ficsor (1963) used 3 closely EMS on plant emergence could be completely linked genetic markers to show that EMS treat- reversed. Presumably the nucleophilic sites in the ment of corn pollen resulted in measurable losses histones were absorbing much of the EMS, thereby of the markers. The simultaneous loss of the reducing the EMS alkylation of the pea seeds. markers was taken as evidence of chromosomal Using Tradescantia, Sparrow et al. (1974) were breakage. Regiroli and Gavazzi (1975) studied the able to demonstrate mutagenesis of EMS vapor in R locus (a complementary factor required for stamen hairs of exposed inflorescences. The ex- anthocyanin synthesis) in corn. EMS treatment of perimenters found that as the EMS concentration seeds homozygous for various R combinations in- increased from 5 to 45 parts per million there was duced mutant R sectors on M 1 ears. EMS also a concomitant increase in the frequency of mutant induced significant increases in mutations affect- pink or colorless cells in the stamen hairs. In a ing endosperm morphology and chlorophyll later paper, Nauman et al. (1976) reported that synthesis. Conger and Carabia (1977) found that exposure-response curves for EMS showed an ex- EMS treatment of dormant or presoaked corn ponential rise in stamen hair mutations followed seeds both produced mutants at the Yg2 (yellow- by an area of saturation with increasing EMS green) locus, but the EMS was more effective and exposures. The same exposure-response pattern efficient in the presoaked seeds. seen with EMS was also observed with X-rays. Ramulu (1971) found that the chiasma frequen- After exposing secondary root meristems of cy in sorghum was reduced after exposure of seeds Vicia faba to a 0.2% aqueous solution of EMS for to EMS. It was suggested that the decrease in 2 h, Natarajan and Upadhya (1964) screened for chiasma frequency might be due to a disturbance chromosome breaks in metaphase and anaphase in chromosome coiling, restricted pairing at cells 12-84 h after the exposures. The breakage pachytene or delay in DNA synthesis. EMS was points were found to be localized in heterochro- also shown to cause an increase in the frequency matic regions. Also, centromeric regions were af- of M 2 chlorophyll mutations in sorghum after fected by EMS, as revealed by centric breaks and exposure of the seeds. A greater mutagenic effect inactivation of centromeric activity. Swietlihska was seen when the seeds were soaked before EMS and (1974) found that induction of chro- treatment (Ramulu, 1974). mosome aberrations by EMS in Vicia root tips was The effect of EMS alone and in combination highly potentiated by caffeine post-treatment. It with copper was studied in wheat by Bari (1963). was at first thought that caffeine exerted its en- It was found that seeds exposed to a 1.5% solution hancing effects through inhibition of protein of EMS resulted in a 20% frequency of chro- synthesis, but cycloheximide, another inhibitor of mosome breaks in root tips of the seedlings. When protein synthesis, did not enhance the yield of the seeds were exposed to the EMS in the presence chromosome aberrations induced by EMS. Kihl- of 10 -3 mM copper, the frequency of breaks was man and Sturelid (1978) reported that in addition nearly doubled. Since copper appeared to stimu- to inducing chromosome aberrations in Vicia, EMS late seedling growth, it was concluded that EMS strongly increased the frequency of sister-chro- was more effective in inducing chromosome aber- matid exchanges (SCEs). While caffeine strongly rations when growth was stimulated. increased the frequency of chromosome aberra- Using the pea, Narsinghani and Kumar (1971) tions induced by EMS, it had no significant effect found that gibberellic acid administered to pea on the frequency of EMS-induced SCEs. This sug- seeds immediately after EMS exposure reduced the gested that the mechanisms by which EMS induces chromosome aberrations present at meiotic meta- chromosome aberrations and SCEs are at least phase in the floral buds. As suggested by Varner partly different. (1964) increased protein synthesis stimulated by gibberellic acid may aid in the repair mechanism. Insects Panosyan and Tamrazyan (1973) found that when histones were added to EMS solutions in which Drosophila pea seeds were soaking, the inhibitory effect of By far, most of the mutagenicity studies of 124

EMS in insects have been done using Drosophila nally mosaic for a lethal), F 1 lethal mosaicism is melanogaster. EMS is a very potent mutagen in detected by the presence of both non-lethal and Drosophila, inducing recessive lethal mutations lethal cultures in the E~ sample from a non-lethal (Fahmy and Fahmy, 1961; Alderson, 1965; Epler, F 2 culture. 1966; Lim and Snyder, 1968; Lewis and Bacher, Both Alderson (1965) and Epler (1966) found 1968; Hotchkiss and Lim, 1968; Browning, 1970; the frequency of complete F2-sex-linked lethals to Watson, 1972; Lee, 1976; Aaron and Lee, 1977), be greater than the frequency of E~ mosaic sex-lin- specific locus mutations (Jenkins, 1967a, b, 1969; ked lethals. Epler (1966) also found that the Lee et al., 1970; Lim and Snyder, 1974; Huang frequency of complete sex-linked lethals induced and Baker, 1976), translocations (Lim and Snyder, by EMS increased in a linear fashion with ex- 1968; Hotchkiss and Lim, 1968; Watson, 1972; posure, while the frequency of mosaic sex-linked Abrahamson and Lewis, 1971), dominant lethals lethals increased at the lower concentrations of (Sr~m, 1970; Lee, 1976), and partial and complete EMS but decreased at the higher concentrations. chromosome loss (Bishop and Lee, 1969; Lee, However, Jenkins (1967b) using the autosomal 1976; Schalet, 1977). visible mutant dumpy, found a difference in the EMS acts primarily on postmeiotic stages. frequencies of mosaic and complete mutations Meiotic and premeiotic stages are relatively im- which was the reverse of that reported by Epler mune to its effects. Browning (1970) reported a (1966). As pointed out by Jenkins (1967b) the 4-5-fold higher yield of recessive lethals in post- difference may have resulted from the fact that the meiotic cells compared with the yield in meiotic sex-linked lethal test involves an entire chro- and premeiotic cells. Fahmy and Fahmy (1961) mosome and would produce a much greater num- reported more than an order of magnitude dif- ber of double mosaic mutants than would a test ference in recessive lethals produced in post- involving a single gene. (A double mosaic is de- meiotic stages as compared to premeiotic stages. A fined as two independently induced mutations at similarly low mutagenic response of earlier germ different sites along the two DNA strands of a cell stages to EMS was reported by Jenkins (1967a, postmeiotic chromosome with one mutation in b, 1969). He found that 90% of all EMS-induced each strand.) These double mosaic sex-linked dumpy mutations occurred in broods from post- lethals woul be classified as complete mutations, meiotic germ cells. All of these observations were and their frequency would increase with exposure. consistent with the findings of Aaron et al. (1973) Aaron and Lee (1977) found that an EMS that retained levels of DNA ethylation were much concentration of 0.1 mM fed to Drosophila males higher in germ cells treated as mature sperm and over a 24-h period ethylated sperm DNA to the late spermatids than in those treated as early extent of 2.1 × ]0 -4 ethylations per deoxynucleo- spermatids or spermatogonia. tide (dN). This was the lowest EMS exposure that Besides producing 'complete' mutants or reces- produced an adverse effect in Drosophila, produc- sive lethals in Drosophila, EMS is also able to ing a sex-linked recessive lethal frequency of 0.55%. produce 'mosaics', in which the F 1 progeny from The frequency of these recessive lethals was found treated male parents may contain both mutant and to be linear over a 60-fold range in the exposure. nonmutant cells. In the case of sex-linked recessive Lee (1976) suggested that in those experiments lethals, for example, it is possible to detect F~ with EMS where exposure-effect relationships females which are germinally mosaic for a lethal were determined for recessive lethals and another by sampling several heterozygous F2 virgin females type of genetic damage, the recessive-lethal fre- from a non-lethal culture, and mating these to quencies could serve as a secondary dosimeter to males which have inversions on their X chro- establish dose (ethylations/dN). Thus, for exam- mosome to prevent crossing-over with the X chro- ple, the linear relationship that Huang and Baker mosome under test. Since each F e female receives (1976) found between EMS-induced recessive only one paternal X chromosome from the F~ lethals and Minute mutants implies a linear re- female (which can be either normal or lethally lationship must also exist between dose and Minute mutated when it arises from an Ft female germi- mutations. 125

Most of the genetic effects produced by EMS in using sex-chromosome marker loss, found in- Drosophila appear to arise from intralocus mu- creased genetic damage after storage. tations. Bishop and Lee (1969) studied 83 mu- Vogel and Natarajan (1979a, b) studied the tations on the X chromosome at the yellow and mutagenic activity of a number of chemical agents, white locus and found all to be intragenic changes. including EMS, in Drosophila. They found that, in Hochman (1971) found that 74 out of 75 lethals on general, agents with the lowest Swain-Scott s val- chromosome 4 affected only a single complemen- ues (ENU and DEN) did not produce transloca- ration unit. Lim and Snyder (1974). found that all tions although they did produce recessive lethals. 83 EMS-induced lethals in the zeste-white region The highest chromosome-breaking activity (trans- of the X chromosome affected only a single com- locations and sex chromosome loss) was found plementation unit. with agents having high s values (MMS and DMS). A few EMS-induced lethals affecting more than EMS was found to be somewhat unique, in that it one complementation group have been observed was slightly less effective in the translocation test, (Lifschytz and Falk, 1969; Schalet and Lefevre, and also less cytotoxic but more mutagenic in the 1973; Wright et al., 1976). Some of these have recessive-lethal test than what would have been been confirmed cytologically as interstitial dele- expected from its s value. The authors took this as tions involving the loss of several salivary chro- an indication of the influence on biological ef- mosome bands (Wright et al., 1976). In general, fectiveness of factors other than s value, such as however, deletions and gross structural rearrange- methylation versus ethylation and the lipid/water ments are rare among EMS-induced recessive- partition ratio. The over-all conclusion of these lethal mutations. workers was that two factors were very important The lowest EMS concentration reported to in- in determining the genetic damage produced by duce translocations in Drosophila is 10 mM. When alkylating agents in Drosophila. These two factors injected, this EMS concentration produces a 0.2% were dose (intensity of alkylation) and reaction translocation frequency (Lim and Snyder, 1968, pattern (site of alkylation). 1973) and when fed for 18 h the frequency was 0.38% (Watson, 1972). A higher translocation Other insects frequency of 2.5% was observed after feeding adult Injections of EMS into adult house flies (Musca males for 24 h with a 25 mM EMS solution domestica) by La Chance et al. (1969) produced (Hotchkiss and Lim, 1968). This same treatment dominant lethals in mature sperm. An injection of resulted in a 54% sex-linked recessive-lethal 20 /~g of EMS resulted in nearly 100% lethality. frequency. EMS-induced dominant lethals in However, 2 weeks after the EMS treatment, Drosophila are also relatively rare unless the ex- spermatogenic activity in the testes had returned posures are very high. Sr~m (1970) was able to to near normal levels. McDonald and Overland produce a 60% dominant-lethal frequency in (1974) also were able to recover some dominant, Drosophila, but this required the injection of a 50 heat-sensitive lethal mutations after treatment of mM EMS solution. house fly sperm with EMS. However, they were Drosophila females are capable of storing via- relatively rare events, with only 2 stable mutants ble sperm for periods of at least 1-2 weeks. Stor- recovered from among 18 000 chromosomes tested. age can also be enhanced by maintaining the La Chance and Leverich (1969) fed EMS solu- females on sugar agar, which inhibits egg laying tions containing 10% sucrose to Habrobracon and slows the rate at which the sperm are used in males. Even starved males would not drink solu- fertilization. After storage of EMS-treated tions containing 2.5% or more EMS, but after Drosophila sperm, Khan (1969) found no signifi- drinking 0.5 and 1.0% solutions of EMS the wasps cant reduction in the frequency of F~ germinally were completely sterilized. Hatchability in the complete and F t germinally mosaic sex-linked re- treated groups was considerably higher than ex- cessive-lethal mutations. However, Sr/am (1970), pected if only dominant lethals had been induced. using dominant lethals, Abrahamson and Lewis (In Habrobracon, females normally fertilize - 66% (1971), using translocations, and Schalet (1977), of their eggs, which produce daughters; the un- 126 fertilized eggs produce haploid sons. Total sterility germ cells of Bombyx are highly sensitive to EMS. of the treated males is indicated by the complete Larvae and pupae of Bombyx females were absence of daughters among the progeny. If steril- injected with EMS by Murakami (1975). Using the ity is the result of dominant-lethal mutations, then specific locus mutants pe and re, Murakami was hatchability of the eggs will be -34%, and all able to show a large mutagenic effect in late pupal progeny will be haploid males. When sterility is prophase I oocytes but not in larval growth stage the result of total sperm inactivation, no eggs are oocytes (stages prior to prophase I). fertilized and all hatch to produce haploid males.) Narang and Narang (1976) exposed male On the basis of hatchability, it was estimated that mosquito pupae of Aedes polynesiense to EMS and 9-18% of the sperm were inactivated, and the found inversions, translocations and deletions in remainder of the sterility was apparently caused brain squashes of both the treated male parent and by dominant-lethal mutations in the sperm. the F~ progeny. Their brood pattern analysis of the Using Habrobracon females, L6bbecke and von effect of EMS on the developing germ-cell stages Borstel (1962) found that after aerosol exposures indicated that dominant lethals were induced to EMS, dominant lethals were induced in oocytes primarily in sperm and spermatids. They found no in first meiotic metaphase and prophase. However, evidence in the F~ generation for the induction of the metaphase oocytes were about 20 times more enzyme mutants detectable by electrophoresis or sensitive than those in prophase. The same pattern isoelectric focusing techniques. of dominant-lethal sensitivity was seen with X-rays. When recessive lethality was used as the criterion Mammalian cell culture of genetic damage, EMS affected first meiotic metaphase and prophase oocytes to the same ex- Chinese hamster cells tent. The metaphase oocytes were, however, still 20 Chu and Mailing (1968) studied the effect of times more sensitive to the induction of recessive EMS on a line of V79 Chinese hamster cells. They lethals by X-rays than were the prophase oocytes, found that EMS induced both forward and reverse Hoffman and Grosch (1971) also using Habro- mutations for 8-azaguanine resistance and reverse bracon females, found that there was a dose-related mutations for glutamine auxotrophy. With 8- reduction in hatchability and egg production when azaguanine as the selective agent, there was no EMS was fed or injected, but not when it was increase in the observed mutation frequency when applied topically or as an aerosol. Also fewer eggs this chemical was added to the cell cultures im- were deposited and more embryonic deaths re- mediately after mutagen treatment. However, a sulted during cleavage when starved wasps were maximum number of mutations were recorded injected. The authors suggested that the EMS dose when the 8-azaguanine was added 42 h after the to the germ cells may have been higher in the removal of the EMS -- a time interval permitting starved insects since the fat bodies, which would approximately 3 cell divisions to occur. The authors normally absorb part of the EMS dose, were greatly suggested that if the mutations were due to base- reduced in the starved wasps. pair transitions, it would take at least two rounds Sensitivity of male germ cells in the mulberry of DNA synthesis for the mutant phenotype to silkworm, Bombyx mori, to EMS was studied by appear in the population. Alternatively, the de- Datta et al. (1978). Larvae and pupae were in- layed expression of the mutant phenotype may jected with 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15% solutions of EMS. have resulted from the gradual dilution of wild-type Dominant lethals were induced in spermatocytes, messenger-RNA or its products over several cell spermatids and spermatozoan stages, with the latter divisions. two stages being most sensitive. Cytological stud- It was also observed by Chu and Mailing (1968) ies of metaphase I spermatocytes showed a variety that, after EMS treatment, the observed mutation of chromosome aberrations induced by EMS, in- frequency to 8-azaguanine resistance was depen- cluding aneuploidy, polyploidy and pulverization. dent on the concentration of 8-azaguanine used Tazima (1974), using the specific locus mutants pe for selection. As the concentration increased, the and re for egg color, also found that postmeiotic observed mutation frequency decreased. The 127 authors suggested that each forward-mutational cells after treatment with the EMS and caffeine, event represented a different isoallele with a differ- cell density effects should have been minimized. ent level of enzymatic activity controlled by the After treatment with EMS or other chemicals, azg locus. Thus, at low concentrations of the selec- Bonatti et al. (1980) found higher frequencies of tive agent, 'leaky' mutants could survive, while at HGPRT-deficient mutants in V79 Chinese ham- higher concentrations only the non-leaky mutants ster cells grown in media containing 8-azaguanine would be viable. than in media containing 6-thioguanine. Based on Chasin (1973), Hsie et al. (1975), Myhr and kinetics of expression as a function of time on the DiPaolo (1976), and O'Neill et al. (1977) have all two selective media and from the results of serial stressed the necessity of subculturing mutagenized selection experiments, Bonatti et al. (1980) con- cells for various periods of expression in order to cluded that HGPRT molecules are gradually di- obtain maximal mutation frequencies. In addition, luted in the progeny cells of newly induced high selective stringency appears to be important mutants, for lack of new enzyme synthesis. Resis- if reproducible mutation frequencies are to be tance should be obtained only when the enzyme obtained. Hsie et al. (1975, 1977) showed that for concentration is so low that it no longer binds to high selective stringency of hypoxanthine-guanine the toxic substrate. The critical enzyme concentra- phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) mutants, the tion would be different for each selective agent selective medium should be free of hypoxanthine, since it is known that 6-thioguanine is a better and the use of 6-thioguanine is preferable to 8- substrate than 8-azaguanine (Van Diggelen et al., azaguanine as the selective agent. Under these 1979). As a consequence, the lower number of conditions, Shaw and Hsie (1978) demonstrated mutants growing on 6-thioguanine could be due to that mutation induction at the HGPRT locus was the higher selective efficiency of that analog. a linear function of EMS exposure (EMS con- EMS has also been shown to be a good inducer centration x treatment time) regardless of treat- of ouabain-resistant mutants in Chinese hamster ment time for up to 12 h. In contrast to this result, cells (Baker et al., 1974; Arlett et al., 1975; Thacker Sugiura et al. (1978) found that Chinese hamster et al., 1978). Ouabain is a specific inhibitor of the Don cells (another strain of lung cells) showed plasma membrane enzyme (Na +/K +)-dependent more cytotoxic effects from EMS when the ex- adenosine triphosphatase (Na/K-ATPase) (Dun- posures where at high concentrations for a short ham and Hoffman, 1970). It produces a concentra- time than when lower concentrations for a longer tion-dependent inhibition of growth in a variety of time were used. cultured cells that results from ionic imbalance in Roberts et al. (1974) noted that post-treatment the cells (Buckland and Smith, 1976). The enzyme with caffeine potentiated the induction of 8- probably exists as a tetramer, with different parts azaguanine-resistant mutants in V79 cells exposed of the molecule controlling different functions (Lea to alkylating agents. Van Zeeland (1978), however, and Winter, 1977), and in the mutant cells, some found that while caffeine potentiated killing of of the enzyme molecules are altered so that they V79 cells exposed to EMS, it had no effect on the have lost sensitivity to ouabain but are still able to induction of mutations at the HGPRT locus. It control ionic balance. It is interesting to note that was suggested by Van Zeeland (1978) that the mutagens such as T-rays and ICR191 (a frameshift conflicting data resulted from cell density effects mutagen) give no detectable ouabain-resistant during the expression time. Cell density at the mutants, and it has been argued that these muta- beginning of selection of mutants depends on the gens produce mostly genetic lesions leading to increase in cell number during the expression time. gross alteration in the Na/K-ATPase molecules, This increase is strongly influenced by caffeine. making potential mutants inviable because loss of Variation in cell density at the beginning of selec- ouabain sensitivity is accompanied by loss of abil- tion could cause differing extents of metabolic ity to control ionic balance (Arlett et al., 1975: co-operation between mutant and wild-type cells Lever and Seegmiller, 1976). and thus influence the observed mutation frequen- While EMS is able to induce ouabain resistance cy. Since Van Zeeland (1978) respread the V79 in mammalian cell cultures, at equal survival levels 128 it may produce as much as a 10-fold lower muta- Mouse and rat cells tion frequency for ouabain resistance (Baker et al., Clive et al. (1972) developed a mutational assay 1974; Cole and Arlett, 1976) than for thioguanine system utilizing the thymidine kinase (TK) locus in resistance (HGPRT mutants) (Knaap and Simons, L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells. The TK locus is 1975; Cole and Arlett, 1976; Van Zeeland and diploid, and the TK +/+ and TK +/- phenotypes Simons, 1976). Nonetheless, EMS is clearly able to are sensitive to 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) induce ouabain resistance in mammalian cell cul- while TK -/ is resistant to BUdR. Like HGPRT, tures. Thacker et al. (1978) found an approxi- TK provides a salvage pathway that can cir- mately linear relationship between EMS exposure cumvent a folate-dependent step, in this case, and induced ouabain resistance in V79 cells at low thymidylate synthetase. After exposing TK +/ EMS concentrations. cells to 10 2 M EMS for 2 h, Clive et al. (1972) Using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, Hsie found a 17 000-fold increase over the spontaneous et al. (1975) showed that the frequency of EMS-in- rate of mutations to TK / . By way of compari- duced mutations to 6-thioguanine resistance was son, 600 R of X-rays stimulated the mutation rate approximately a linear function of the EMS ex- to TK-/- 2500-fold over the spontaneous rate. posure. Biochemical analyses of the 6-thioguanine- Mouse L5178Y cells were used by Fischer et al. resistant variants showed that they possessed a (1974) in a host-mediated assay mutagenesis sys- highly reduced or undetectable level of HGPRT tem in which they looked for EMS-induced activity, suggesting that the EMS-induced muta- mutants that were resistant to methotrexate, cyto- tions to 6-thioguanine resistance primarily affect sine arabinoside or high concentrations of thymi- the HGPRT locus. Couch et al. (1978) compared dine. Dose-response experiments showed that mu- the effects of EMS, MMS and isopropyl methane- tation frequencies of all three genetic markers in- sulfonate (iPMS) on CHO cells and found that creased as the EMS exposure went up, both in the cytotoxicity decreased with the size of the alkyl host-mediated assay as well as in vitro. groups. All three chemicals produced a linear Tsutsui et al. (1977) showed that mutations to dose-response curve for mutations at the HGPRT 8-azaguanine resistance were induced by EMS in locus. However, at equal levels of survival (10%) FM38 cells from a C3H mouse mammary the relative mutagenic potencies of the three chem- carcinoma, and the mutation frequency increased icals were: EMS > MMS > iPMS. with higher exposures to EMS. There was a paral- Abbondandolo et al. (1982) studied the induc- lel increase in the frequency of chromosome aber- tion of single-strand breaks in the DNA of Chinese rations in the cells with increasing EMS exposure. hamster ovary cells after exposure to several ethyl- They were also able to demonstrate the induction ating agents, including EMS. Using alkaline of DNA single-strand breaks in the cells after sucrose gradients, they were able to measure a EMS exposures from 0.6 to 6 mM. linear increase in single-strand breaks when the Using the Jensen rat sarcoma cell line, Morrow cells were exposed to EMS concentrations from et al. (1976) found that EMS was able to bring 2.5 to 40 mM for 1 h. They were able to induce the about an exponential increase in mutations from same frequency of single-strand breaks with ENU asparagine dependence to asparagine indepen- concentrations 8-10 times less than with EMS. dence. While EMS was extremely effective as a This may reflect the relatively greater amount of mutagen, MNNG gave only a modest increase in phosphate ethylation produced by ENU compared the mutation frequency. These workers suggested to EMS. The phosphotriesters formed hydrolyze in that EMS was exerting its influence on the struct- alkali (Shooter, 1976; Shooter and Merrifield, ural gene for asparagine synthetase by reverting a 1978) and would thereby create single-strand missense mutation. The involvement of a struct- breaks. EMS-induced strand breaks might also ural gene was implied from the fact that aspara- have resulted from alkaline cleavage of apurinic gine requirement is recessive in somatic cell hy- sites arising from the hydrolysis of ethylated brids (Morrow et al., 1973) and it results from the purines, especially N-7-ethylguanine. loss of the enzyme asparagine synthetase (Col- ofiore et al., 1973). 129

Human cells with increasing chain length of the alkyl group. Human lymphoblast or lymphocytoid cells have While MMS was too toxic for accurate measure- been popular in mutagenesis work because of their ment of mutations at the HGPRT locus, EMS ready availability and indefinite life-span (Moore produced a higher mutation frequency than did and McLimans, 1968). They also grow rapidly in PMS, which, in turn, produced a higher mutation suspension and retain a diploid or near-diploid frequency than did BMS. These results most likely karyotype in most of the cells of the culture (Mc- reflect a decreasing level of alkylation within the Carthy et al., 1965; Moore et al., 1966; Zajac and cells as the chain length of the alkyl methane- Kohn, 1970; Steel, 1971). Sato et a!.'(1972) used a sulfonate increases. lymphoblast cell line derived from a patient with Human lymphoid cells have also been used to infectious mononucleosis and exposed the cells to study variants of HLA, the major human histo- EMS. The EMS increased the frequency of mutants compatibility complex, induced by exposure to resistant to 6-thioguanine more than 100-fold, to EMS (Pious and Soderland, 1977; Pious et al., about 2 x 10 4. Almost all of the mutants con- 1977). EMS induced dose-related increases in tained less than 1% normal HGPRT activity and variant frequency of greater than 2 orders of mag- the mutations did not appear to result from X nitude at the highest concentrations tested. The chromosome loss. Interestingly, EMS could not genetic lesions induced by EMS did not extend as produce 6-thioguanine-resistant mutants in another far as the distance between the HLA-A and -B loci lymphoblast line that was used. This cell line was (0.8 map units) in any of the clones tested and, also considerably less sensitive to killing by EMS. therefore, probably represented single gene mu- The authors suggested that in the EMS-sensitive tations. cell line there may have been an instability in the Human diploid cells derived from a normal HGPRT locus, the X chromosome, or all the embryonic lung were treated with EMS by Kuroda chromosomes as in heteroploid lines of mouse and (1974) and then scored for mutations to 8- hamster cells. azaguanine resistance. After treatment with 10 mM Craig-Holmes and Shaw (1977) studied the in- EMS for 2 h, Kuroda was able to induce resistant duction of SCEs in human lymphocytes exposed mutants but, as observed with other mammalian to EMS. A 100 /~M solution of EMS produced cell cultures (Chu and Mailing, 1968; Chasin, 1973; only a slight, though statistically significant, in- Hsie et al., 1975; Myhr and DiPaolo, 1976; O'Neill crease in SCE frequency, while MMS induced a et al., 1977), the mutation frequency was depen- 3-6-fold increase at the same molar concentration. dent on expression time, size of the cell inoculum, In addition, the EMS had no obvious effect on cell and concentration of the selective agent, 8- kinetics, while the MMS did have an effect. azaguanine. Lymphoid cells derived from a case of chronic Nelson and Harris (1978) studed EMS muta- lymphocytic leukemia were found by Shiraishi and genesis in human diploid fibroblasts using electro- Sandberg (1979) to be highly sensitive to killing by phoretic techniques to look for enzyme variants. EMS. The EMS treatment did not produce an They used high exposures of EMS to obtain as increase in the SCE frequency but did increase the many mutations as possible rather than being con- incidence of chromosome aberrations. In addition, cerned about determining the rates of mutation. DNA repair, as measured by unscheduled DNA From the number of clones and loci scored, it was synthesis (UDS) was no different in the leukemic calculated that there were 7043 chances of seeing cells and normal cells in spite of the hypersensitiv- an electrophoretic variant and 581 chances of see- ity of the leukemic cells to killing by EMS. ing a loss of activity. A total of two mutants were In a comparative study between EMS and its identified, and the authors concluded that the methyl, propyl and butyl homologs, Hoppe et al. yield of mutations obtained in their system was (1978) found that human diploid lymphoblasts low. However, since only about 0.05% of the were most sensitive to killing by MMS, followed EMS-treated fibroblasts were able to divide and by EMS, PMS and BMS, in that order. Thus, on grow as clones, one has to question if the chemical an equimolar basis, there was decreasing toxicity dose of EMS received by the surviving fibroblasts 130

was the same as that received by the cells that were sperm DNA did not increase in the germ-cell inactivated or killed. stages most sensitive to EMS and was not corre- By treating human diploid fibroblasts from em- lated with the dominant-lethal frequency curve for bryonic lung with EMS, Buchwald and Ingles EMS. However, ethylation of sperm protamine did (1976) were able to measure induced mutations to increase in the germ-cell stages most sensitive to resistance to a-amanitin. The toxic effect of this EMS and showed an excellent correlation with the drug results from inhibition of RNA polymerase incidence of dominant lethais produced by EMS II, and the EMS-induced mutants showed RNA in the germ cells. polymerase II activity, which was more resistant to It was suggested by Sega and Owens (1978) that inhibition by a-amanitin than normal. The mutants ethylation of cysteine sulfhydryl groups contained could be picked up in the diploid cells since the in mouse sperm protamine could block normal RNA polymerase II is synthesized codominantly. disulfide-bond formation, preventing proper chro- The increased resistance of the mutant RNA poly- matin condensation in the sperm nucleus. Stresses merase II to a-amatinin implies that EMS caused in the chromatin structure, possibly in the vicinity a DNA change that was translated into an altered of an apurinic or apyrimidinic site caused by amino acid sequence in the polymerase enzyme. hydrolysis of an ethylated base, could eventually lead to chromosome breakage with resultant domi- Genetic effects in mammals nant lethality. EMS has also been shown to induce unsched- Dominant lethals, translocations and gene mutations uled DNA synthesis (UDS) in meiotic and post- in germ cells meiotic germ cells of male mice up to about mid- In mammals, EMS induces high frequencies of spermatid stages (Sega, 1974; Sega et al., 1976) but dominant-lethal mutations and translocations in not in more advanced stages, even though the postmeiotic male germ cells (Partington and Jack- DNA in these later stages has been ethylated (Sega son, 1963; Cattanach et al., 1968; Ehling et al., and Owens, 1978). It was noted that the germ-cell 1968; Generoso and Russell, 1969), dominant stages undergoing a UDS response to EMS were lethals in female mice (Generoso, 1969; Generoso stages in which no detectable dominant-lethal mu- and Russell, 1969; Generoso et al., 1971) and gene tations were induced (Sega, 1974). This led to an mutations in postmeiotic male germ cells (Cat- initial hypothesis that UDS might be important in tanach et al., 1968; Russell, 1971). removing the lesions responsible for dominant- In the mouse, the frequency of EMS-induced lethal mutations from the germ cells. However, dominant-lethal mutations reaches a peak in early other mutagens, including propyl methanesul- spermatozoa to late spermatid stages sampled 7-10 fonate (PMS), isopropyl methanesulfonate (iPMS), days post-treatment. The dominant-lethal effect cyclophosphamide and X-rays were then found diminishes in earlier germ cell stages so that with a (Sega et al., 1976, 1978; Sotomayor et al., 1978) 200-mg/kg treatment with EMS, no dominant that produced UDS in germ-cell stages that also lethals above control levels are detected beyond showed dominant-lethal mutations. The relation- about 16 days (Cattanach et al., 1968; Ehling et ship between the UDS response induced in mam- al., 1968; Generoso and Russell, 1969; Generoso malian germ cells and the repair of genetic damage et al., 1974). still remains uncertain. Using tritium-labeled EMS, Sega and Owens While EMS induces dominant lethals, translo- (1978) were able to show that the number of cations and specific-locus mutations in postmeiotic ethylations per sperm head taken from the vasa germ-cell stages of male mice, none of these genetic deferentia at various times after injection of the alterations are observed in spermatogonial germ- labeled EMS closely paralleled the dominant-lethal cell stages (Ehling, 1977; Cattanach and Williams, frequency curve obtained with the same exposure 1971; Ehling, 1981). The absence Of measurable of unlabeled EMS. Ethylation of sperm DNA was genetic damage induced by EMS in spermatogonia greatest at 4 h after treatment and gradually de- may be the result of active repair of the damage or creased during the next 2 weeks. The ethylation of may result from selection against damaged germ 131 cells as they pass through spermatogonial, meiotic not evident until a dose of 150 mg/kg was used. and postmeiotic stages. Cytogenetic studies indicated significant breakage Specific-locus tests using EMS exposures up to of somatic cell chromosomes occurred using a 400 mg/kg gave 6 mutants (scored at 7 loci) in 115-mg/kg EMS exposure. The host-mediated as- 10491 progeny (W.L. Russell, 1971). The progeny say was the most sensitive of the three procedures were derived from postmeiotic germ-cell stages, with a statistically significant response detectable mostly obtained from the first 2 weeks of mating at 35 mg/kg. after EMS treatment (W.L. Russell, personal com- By prefeeding mice with antioxidants, such as munication, cited by Sega and Owens, 1978). At butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), Cumming and least 4 of the mutants were obtained with a 200- Walton (1973) were able to reduce EMS toxicity in mg/kg EMS exposure. Correcting for the back- male mice and were also able to reduce the ground mutations, the average induced mutation frequency of dominant lethality induced in the frequency per locus was 7.0 × 10 5. germ cells. Since BHT is known to be a strong The induction of dominant lethals by EMS in enzyme inducer (Creaven et al., 1966; Gilbert and germ cells of male mice appears to be independent Golberg, 1967), Cumming and Walton suggested of the mouse strain used (Generoso and Russell, that the protective effect of BHT was probably 1969: Favor and Crenshaw, 1978). However, when related to enzyme induction in the liver micro- female mice were treated with EMS, Generoso and somes, which permitted more rapid hydrolysis of Russell (1969) found that random bred T-stock the injected EMS. females were highly sensitive to dominant-lethal The relative sensitivities of various postcopula- induction in late oocyte stages the last few days tion precleavage and pronuclear stages to EMS prior to ovulation but (SEC × C57B1)F 1 and (10l were studied in the mouse by Surer and Generoso × C3H)F~ females were much less sensitive. (1976). They found that EMS induced its most Soares (1976) studied the effect of the route of pronounced dominant-lethal effects when the administration of EMS in producing dominant oocytes were in the course of their second meiotic lethals in germ cells of male mice. No route of division and in early pronuclear stages. In com- administration effects were found between oral parison, iPMS was most effective when pronuclear and intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections regardless of formation was already completed and the majority the strain used. However, testicular injections of of the zygotes were presumably undergoing DNA EMS did not result in induction of dominant synthesis. It was suggested by Suter and Generoso lethals. Since the dosage in this case was based on (1976) that the difference in sensitivity patterns to testicular weight, only small amounts of EMS were EMS and iPMS could have resulted from dif- injected per animal. Any leakage of EMS from the ferences in length of exposure times to the two testes or failure to inject the EMS into the testes chemicals or from differences in the mode of ac- accurately could have produced this negative re- tion of each chemical, with each having its greatest sult. effect in a different stage. In a comparative study between MMS and EMS, In a study by Generoso et al. (1979) a single Arnold et al. (1976) found that MMS was effective strain of males (101 x C3H) was treated with EMS in inducing dominant lethals in germ cells of male and then mated to 4 different strains of females. mice at a dose of 50 mg/kg while an EMS dose of The dominant-lethal frequency found using (C3H 200 mg/kg was required to be effective. This x 101) females was about 15-20% lower than that result was in keeping with the greater chemical obtained with the three other strains of females. reactivity of MMS compared to EMS (Osterman- Other chemicals tested also showed differences in Golkar et al., 1970). the induced frequency of dominant lethals in the Ray et al. (1974) compared the exposures of various female strains. From these data, the authors EMS in mice needed to detect dominant lethals, concluded that the genotype of the egg plays a chromosome aberrations in bone marrow meta- significant role in the processing of premutational phase cells and bacterial mutations using the lesions that are carried in the chromosomes of host-mediated assay. Dominant-lethal effects were mutagen-treated male germ cells of manmlals. 132

Sperm abnormalities Micronucleus test Changes in sperm morphology after exposing In the bone marrow of mammals, micronuclei mice to EMS have been studied by Wyrobek and are chromatid or chromosome fragments that are Bruce (1975), Moutschen and Colizzi (1975), and left behind after expulsion of the main nucleus Bruce and Heddle (1979). In the work of Wyrobek during maturation of erythroblasts to erythrocytes. and Bruce (1975), measurements of sperm After injecting rats with doses of EMS ranging abnormalities were made 1, 4 and 10 weeks follow- from 100 to 250 mg/kg, Trzos et al. (1978) were ing exposure to various doses of EMS. With an able to demonstrate an increase in the number of EMS exposure of 200 mg/kg, there was a signifi- micronucleated erythrocytes. Bruce and Heddle cant increase in the frequency of abnormally (1979) were able to show a similar increase in shaped sperm at all three time points studied. micronuclei in mouse bone marrow after EMS Whether or not the changes produced in sperm treatment. Thus, in addition to causing chro- morphology by EMS are the result of genetic mosome breakage in germ cells, EMS is also able alteration at specific gene loci remains uncertain. to break chromosomes in mammalian blood cells. However, the fact that abnormally shaped sperm are being produced as long as 10 weeks after the Other effects of EMS in mammals exposure certainly suggests a genetic component to EMS given to pregnant rats (Hemsworth, 1968) the effect. Bruce and Heddle (1979) also found an at a dose of 200 mg/kg rest'lted in a high frequency increase in sperm-head abnormalities 35 days after (-62%) of limb defects in the embryos. There exposure to EMS. 31 days after a 20-mg/kg EMS were also significant increases in head defects and exposure, Moutschen and Colizzi (1975) were not cleft palate. In 15-day-old offspring exposed to the able to measure a significant increase in the EMS in utero the first generation of spermatocytes frequency of acrosomeless mouse sperm, although was reduced to 70% of control values, while the there was a clear-cut increase in acrosomeless remaining germ cells were present in normal num- sperm after a 20-mg/kg MMS exposure. In view bers. of the greater reactivity of MMS relative to EMS, In rats, EMS induces tumors in kidney and the results most likely reflect the fact that the EMS brain (Swann and Magee, 1969; Montesano et al., exposure used was below the sensitivity limits of 1974; Craddock and Frei, 1976), abdominal wall the test. and lung (Hrushesky et al., 1972), heart (Haas et al., 1974), and mammary gland (Williams et al., Spot test 1974). EMS has also been found to induce The mouse spot test consists of treating em- pulmonary adenomas in the mouse (Frei, 1971). It bryos that are heterozygous at a number of specific is interesting to note that EMS is not effective in coat-color loci, allowing animals to be born and to producing liver tumors in the rat, even after partial grow a coat, then examining this coat for mosaic hepatectomy to induce cell division (Craddock and patches, indicative of clones of mutant cells (L.B. Frei, 1976). Since the liver appears to have high Russell and Major, 1957). Using this test, Fahrig levels of DNA repair enzymes (Goth and Rajew- (1975) treated pregnant mice 10.5 days after con- sky, 1974; Kleihues and Margison, 1974; Nicoll et ception with 50 mg/kg EMS and found the al., 1975), Craddock and Frei suggested that it frequency of expression of one or more of the may be protected from developing tumors after recessive coat-color genes to be about 8%. How- EMS treatment by rapid excision of lesions such ever, L.B. Russell (1977, 1978) found EMS ex- as O6-ethylguanine before mutation fixation by posures of 50 or 100 mg/kg to be only weakly miscoding can take place at replication. mutagenic in the spot test. L.B. Russell (1977) While EMS can be considered both a dangerous suggested that most of the spots found by Fahrig mutagenic and carcinogenic agent, it has clearly (1975) were likely the result of killing of melano- been an important chemical tool during the past cyte precursor cells and not the result of muta- 25 years for furthering our understanding of muta- tional events. tional mechanisms. It has served to generate many new, and often times valuable, mutants in a wide 133 variety of genetic test systems. The fact that the Appendix 2, The bacterial mutation test, Br. J. Cancer, 37, Environmental Mutagen Information Center now 924-930. Arlett, C.F., D. Turnbull, S.A. Harcourt, A.R. Lehmann and has over 3400 literature citations on EMS attests C.M. Colella (1975) A comparison of the 8-azaguanine and to the impact this chemical has had on the field of ouabain-resistance systems for the selection of induced and allied sciences. mutant Chinese hamster cells, Mutation Res., 33, 261-278. Arnason, T.J., L. Mohammed, D. Koehler and F.M. Renneberg Acknowledgements (1962) Mutation frequencies in barley after treatment with T-radiation, ethylene imine, ethyl methanesulfonate and maleic hydrazide, Can. J. Genet. Cytol., 4, 172-178. I would like to thank the staff at the Environ- Arnold, D.W., G.L. Kennedy Jr., M.L. Keplinger and J.C. mental Mutagen Information Center, Oak Ridge, Calandra (1976) Dominant lethal studies with alkylating Tennessee, for their help with computerized litera- agents: dose-response relationships, Toxicol. Appl. ture searches. Special thanks go to Liz Von Halle Pharmacol., 38, 79-84. and Eleanor Rogers for their careful editing of the Auerbach, C. (1976) Mutation Research: Problems, Results and Perspectives, Chapman and Hall, London, 504 pp. manuscript. Dr. Gene Oakberg's review of the Augustine, V.J., K. Palanichamy and E.A. Siddiq (1975) In- manuscript is also very much appreciated. fluence of pH on mutagenic specificity and efficiency of hydroxylamine, hydrazine and ethyl methanesulfonate in two rice types, Radiat. Bot., 15, 267-277. References Baker, R.M., D.M. Brunette, R. Mankovitz, L.H. Thompson, G.F. Whitmore, L. Siminovitch and J.E. Till (1974) Aaron, C.S., and W.R. Lee (1977) Rejection of ethyl methane- Ouabain-resistant mutants of mouse and hamster cells in sulfonate feeding solution by D. melanogaster adult males, culture, Cell, 1, 9-21. Drosophila Inform. Serv., 52, 64. Bannon, P., and W. Verly (1972) Alkylation of phosphates and Aaron, C.S., W.R. Lee, F.C. Janca and P.M. Seamster (1973) stability of phosphate triesters in DNA, Eur. J. 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