Residents Protest Board Vote That Ousted London Breed As Interim
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VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBERSEPTEMBER 12 17,- 18, 2015 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO 5 $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over “For Eighty Over Eighty Years YearsThe Voice The Voiceof Our of CommunityOur Community Speaking Speaking for forItself Itself” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 is blindly support law en- forcement over the rights of its patrons and citi- zens, Metro CEO Phillip Washington has released a statement encouraging everyone from LAPD to the Metro riders to do what is right over what is popular and says “he is disappointed in the (LAPD) the situation es- calated”. On January 22, Bev- erly Nava said during a press conference that she sprained her wrist when FREDDIE ALLEN/AMG/NNPA an LAPD officer grabbed Rod Doss, the publisher of the New Pittsburgh her arm and pulled her off Courier, received the NNPA Publisher Lifetime the red line at the West- Achievement Award during the 2018 NNPA lake/MacArthur Park Sta- Mid-Winter Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. tion for putting her foot on the back of a seat. BY STACY M. BROWN Publishers Association’s The incident which NNPA Newswire 2018 NNPA Publisher was caught on video Lifetime Achievement tape by a bystander has For 50 years, Rod Award at a ceremony in prompted LAPD to initi- Doss has remained dedi- Las Vegas. ate a use of force investi- cated to the New Pitts- “There is no greater Metro CEO Phil Washington PHOTO BY VALERIE GOODLOE FOR SENTINEL gation. burgh Courier and his honor than to be recog- Phil Washington who success has been among nized by your peers,” BY DANNY J. BAKEWELL, JR. vestigation of LAPD’s han- tational situations as much is the CEO of Metro and the more celebrated of said Doss. Executive Editor dling of woman removed as possible. oversees all public trans- Black Press publishers. NNPA Chairman from subway and encourag- At a time when the po- portation in Los Angeles Doss received the Dorothy Leavell, NNPA Metro CEO calls for in- es de-escalation of confron- litically correct thing to do {See MTA A-8} National Newspaper {See NNPA A-8} Residents Protest Board Vote that Ousted London Breed as Interim Mayor of San Francisco BY JENNIFER BIHM BY STACY BROWN Staff Writer NNPA Newswire United States Presi- During a contentious dent Donald Trump gave public meeting, the San his first State of the Union Francisco Board of Su- Address Tuesday, January pervisors voted to appoint 30, during which he tout- Mark Farrell, a White ed his administration’s venture capitalist, to serve various accomplishments, as acting mayor. The vote but less than half of the stripped London Breed of citizens watching and lis- those powers, who was tening were impressed, the first African Americanaccording to a CNN poll. woman to serve in that Many believed his bullet role. Critics of the board's points about bipartisan- actions—inside and out- ship, the economy, unem- side of the city—alleged ployment, healthcare, tax that the vote was tainted by and immigration reforms racism and discrimination. were merely rhetoric and PHOTO BY VALERIE GOODLOE FOR SENTINEL Hurricane Irma hits Florida WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Breed rose to national did not paint a truthful Congresswoman Maxine Waters Even though she’s out as interim mayor, prominence, after she was picture of the adminis- London Breed is still the president of the Board of named interim mayor of tration’s agenda. For her Trump “divisive” and plause and included phras- Supervisors in San Francisco and is also a frontrunner San Francisco, when Ed part, Congresswoman “unprincipled” despite his in the special election scheduled for June 5. {See BREED A-4} Maxine Waters called speech that garnered ap- {See UNION A-4} Bill Cosby's Lawyers Allege Prosecutorial Misconduct, Want Criminal Case Dismissed BY STACY M. BROWN NNPA Newswire POOL PHOTO Bill Cosby’s lawyers want the judge in his sexual abuse trial to dismiss the case. As Montgomery Coun- several motions, including ty prosecutors continue to two arguing that the case pursue a verdict in the Bill against him should be dis- Cosby sexual assault case missed. involving former Temple And, while such motions PHOTO CREDIT: WATTS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION COURTESY PHOTO University employee An- are considered procedural From left-to-right front only Rev Joe Waller, Dr. Roderick Seamster, Dr. Oliver drea Constand, lawyers for Brooks, Albert Lord, Deputy Council President Herb Wesson's the entertainer have filed {See COSBY’S A-4} Office and Watts Healthcare Corporation's staff {See FULL STORY A-2} A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 WATTS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Attending the grand opening were (from left, front row) Rev. Joe Waller, Dr. Roderick Seamster, Dr. Oliver Brooks, Albert Lord, deputy for L.A. City Council President Herb Wesson and members of the Watts Healthcare Corporation’s staff. BY NIELE ANDERSON Watts Healthcare Founda- With the recent under- Medi-Cal from the Federal get from Governor Brown. supports those in need of Contributing Writer tion since 1989. He was ap- mining of the Trump Ad- government.” He contin- There is some potential care.” pointed medical director on ministration to the Afford- ued, “Even with that elimi- reduction for pharmacy The Jefferson Cren- The Watts Healthcare October 16, 2016, and pre- able Care Act, we asked nation, our hope is that the benefits. That concerns shawus Health Center is Corporation recently host- viously served as associate him just how Obamacare state of California would some; other than that we currently accepting adult ed a Grand Open House medical director, chief of works as assistance to or- continue to provide that are overall comfortable patients of all insurance Celebration for its new- Pediatrics and is the medi- ganizations like the Watts particular subsidy. That with the 2018 Budget pro- types. The hours of opera- est location, the Jefferson cal director for the Jordan Healthcare foundation, he being stated, any attack on posed by the governor.” tion are from 8:30 a.m. to Crenshaw Health Center, and Locke School-based stated, “With the expan- the Affordable Care Act In closing, Dr. Brooks 4 p.m., Monday through located at 3501 W. Jef- Wellness Centers. sion of Medi-Cal, more is a potential reduction in stated, “We need to be clear Thursday. The phone con- ferson Boulevard, Los Brooks is also chair- people have health insur- coverage for people with that the Affordable Care tact is (323) 505-3501. Angeles, CA 90018. The man of the Quality Man- ance which allows us to Medi-Cal. So we are very Act, although it had some The Watts Healthcare location officially opened agement Committee. We care for them in a more ef- concerned with the attack flaws, was the greatest Corporation (WHCC) is November 20. spoke with Dr. Brooks to ficient manner.” on Obamacare.” improvement in the struc- a non-profit organization “We want people in the find out why the Crenshaw Dr. Brooks continued On a state level, Gov- ture of healthcare in this currently celebrating 50 community to know we are area was chosen for the site to inform us of the follow- ernor Jerry Brown recently country since the passage years of services in the here,” said Bryant Crook, a location. ing: released his budget for the of Medi-care in 1965. It is community. community health promot- “The vision of the “Right now, Medi-Cal State of California and imperative that everyone WHCC operates six ad- er who has been with Watts Watts Healthcare Corpora- expansion is still in place we asked Dr. Brooks his understand we continue ditional sites which include Healthcare since 2005. tion is to provide quality in California and through- thoughts on the state allo- to support the Affordable the Watts Health Center, “This facility is some- healthcare services to the out the country. As a mat- cation for healthcare. Healthcare Act.” the Crenshaw Community what mirroring what we underserved. We noticed in ter of fact, the present ad- He stated, “Governor He continued, “From a Health Center, the House have at the Watts Center by the zip codes in and around ministration in Washington Brown’s budget essentially local perspective, we are of Uhuru - a substance providing adult medicine, the Crenshaw-Jefferson has determined that they keeps intact everything that fortunate to have supervi- abuse treatment facility - pediatrics care as well as area (90018) that there was want to eliminate many of is now in place and there sors and state legislators the 9901 Wellness Center, dental care.” a large population of peo- the provisions of the Af- was actually an expansion who understand the im- the Jordan Wellness Cen- The Sentinel caught ple who were determined fordable Care Act, one of of dental which is called portance of healthcare and ter and the Locke Wellness up with Dr. Oliver Brooks to have medical care,” stat- which would be the sub- Denti-cal. So, we are continue to provide fund- Center. who has been with the ed Dr. Brooks. sidizing of payments to overall pleased with bud- ing and legislation that THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 NEWS LASENTINEL.NET A-3 PHOTO: ANISSA MARIE FOLLEY LABIC board members Shanita Nicholas (left), Amanda- PHOTO: ANISSA MARIE FOLLEY Jane Thomas (middle), and Jaia Thomas (right) promote Entrepreneurs, audience members and judges network and mingle at the LABIC's Black Business Pitch Black entrepreneurial networking. Competition. BY SHANNEN HILL event, there was also an in- fice spaces that have babyand a platform to tell more Stephanie Ardrey, Shanita "Our voice is unapolo- Contributing Writer termission for everyone to sitters.