To Genera and Species, Volume 4 (1993)

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To Genera and Species, Volume 4 (1993) © Entomologica Fennica. 9.XII.l993 Index to genera and species, Volume 4 (1993) Acari Oppiella acutirostris Perez-Iiligo 199 Panonychus ulmi (Koch) 95 Amblydromella suecica (Sellnick) 96, 102 Paraseiulus 100, 101 - viktorovi (Wainstein) 96, 102 - incognilus Wainstein & Arutunjan 101 Amblydromella (Seiulus) bakeri (Garman) 96, 103 - ostiolatus Athias-Henriot 101 - rhenana (Oudemans) 102 - soleiger (Ribaga) 95-97, 101 Amblydromella (Typhlodromus) richteri (Karg) 96, 103 - subsoleiger Wainstein 101 Amblyseius I 00, 105 - talbii (Athias-Henriot) 97, 101 - barkeri (Hughes) 105, 107 - triporus (Chant & Yoshida-Shaul) 96, 97, 101 - coprophilus Karg 106 Phytoseiulus 100, 104 - cucumeris (Oudemans) 105, 106 Phytoseius 100 - mckenziei Schuster & Pritchard 107 - juvenis Weinstein & Arutunjan 100 - reductus Wainstein 96, 97, 105, 106 - macropilis (Banks) 95-97, 100 - subsolidus (Beglyarov) 97, 105 - persimilis Athias-Henriot 104 - tardi Lombardini, Kennett & Caltagirone 104 - riegeli Do sse 104 - tenuis (Hirschmann) 105, 106 Phytoseius (Seiulus) spoofi (Oudemans) 100 - zwoelferi (Dosse) 105, 106 Proprioseiopsis 100, 104 Amhose ius 100, 102 - okanagensis (Chant) 104 - bakeri (Garman) 97, 103 Seiulus Berlese I 00 - rhenanus (Oudemans) 96, 97, 102 - aceri (Collyer) 96, I 00 - richteri (Karg) 97, 103 - amaliae Ragusa & Swirski 101 - suecicus (Sellnick) 97, 102 - bakeri Garman 103 - viktorovi Wainstein 97, 102 - finlandicus Oudemans 105 Bawus talbii (Athias-Henriot) 96, 101 - rhenanus Oudemans I 02 Dubininellusjuvenis (Wainstein & Arutunjan) 100 - soleiger Ribaga !OJ - macropilis (Banks) 100 - spoofi (Banks) 95 Euseius 100, 105 Sejus macropilis Banks 100 - finlandicus (Oudemans) 96, 97, 105 Typhloctonus aceri (Collyer) 100 Euseius (Seiulus)finlandicus (Oudemans) 95 Typhlodromips (Typhlodromus) tenuis (Hirschmann) 106 Lauroppia ordunensis Iturrondobeitia & Salona 199 Typhlodromus Scheuten 100 Medioppia 195 - aceri Collyer 100 - beskidyensis Niemi & Skubala sp. n. 195, 197-200 - andrei Karg 103, 104 - centrodentata Gordeeva & Niemi 195 - bakeri (Garman) I 03 - loksai (Schalk) 198 - cucumeris Oudemans 106 - minimedia Arillo & Subfas 195 - foenilis Oudemans 102 - ordunensis (Iturrondobeitia & Salona) 195 - gilvus Wainstein 102 - templadoi Perez-Ifiigo 195 - kazachstanicus Wainstein 102 - truncata Iturrondobeitia & Salona 195 - !aurae Arutunjan 103 - vera (MicheiCic) 198 - macropilis (Banks) 100 Moriziella escotata Subfas & Rodriguez 199 - okanagensis Levis Wainstein 104 Morizoppia 195 - pritchardi Arutunjan 104 - escotata (Subfas & Rodriguez) 195, 196 - pyri Scheuten 103 - longilamellata Subfas & Rodriguez 195, 196 - richteri Karg 103 - minuta Gordeeva & Grishina 195, 196 - soleiger (Ribaga) I 0 I - oreia Colloff & Seyd 195 - subsolidus Beglyarov 105 - sharipovi Niemi & Skubala sp. n. 195-197 - suecicus (Sell nick) 102 Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes 107 - talbii Athias-Henriot 101 - subsolidus (Beglyarov) 105 - tenuis Hirschmann 106 - suecicus Sellnick 102 - tetramedius Zaher & Shehata 101 Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) canadensis (Chant & Hansell) 105 - trimediosetus Xin, Liang & Ke 101 - reductus (Wainstein) 105, 106 - triporus Chant & Yoshida-Shaul 101 Neoseiulus (Typhlodromus) cucumeris (Oudemans) 106 - zwolferi Dosse I 06 - thripsi (MacGill) 106 Typhlodromus (Amblyseius) finlandicus (Oudemans) 105 - zeitunicus Wainstein & Arutunjan 106 - okanagensis Chant 104 - zwolferi (Dosse) 106 - okanagensis levis Wainstein 104 Oppia vera Mihelcic 199 Typhlodromus (Neoseiulus) rhenanus (Oudemans) 102 274 Index to genera and species • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 Coleoptera Hydrochus megaphallus van Berge 14 Hylobius abietis (Linnaeus) 141 Further 167 species of Ethiopian Dytiscidae and their Liophloeus lentus Germar 15 synonymic names are to be found on pp. 57-94, 22 Lordithon lunulatus (Linnaeus) 23 Zambian Cleridae on page 223, and 52 Carabidae as Microdota wireni Brundin 225, 226 well as 186 Staphylinidae from Finnish Lapland on pp. Monochamus 137 225-231. - alternatus Hope 140 - carolinensis (Olivier) 140 Agabus paludosus (Fabricius) 14 - galloprovincialis Olivier 137-140 Attica 115-119, 124, 125, 129 - sartor (Fabricius) 141 - aenescens Weise 118-120, 122, 124-127, 129 scutellatus (Say) 140 - carduorum (Guerin-Meneville) 115, 117, 119, 121- titillator (Fabricius) 140 125, 127, 129 Mycetophagus quadripustulatus (Linnaeus) 23 - carduorum cirsii Israelson 122 Nanosella 17 - carinthiaca Weise 116, 120, 123-125, 127, 129 Nargus velox (Spence) 15 - chamaenerii Hakan Lindberg 118, 120-127, 129 Ochthebius czwalinai Kuwert 14 - cirsii Israelson 115, 122, 124 - stockmanni Balfour-Browne 14 - engstromi J. Sahlberg 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125, Oedemera croceicollis (Gyllenhal) 15 127, 129 Pettis grossa (Linnaeus) 23 - longicollis (Allard) 117, 120-127, 129 Philonthus pseudovarians Strand 14 - lythri Aube 117-121, 124-127, 129 Phloeopora 16 - oleracea (Linnaeus) 116-118, 121-125, 127, 129 - opaca Bemhauer 16 - opacifrons Harald Lindberg 118, 121-125, 127, 129 - teres (Gravenhorst) 16 - palustris Weise 117, 121, 123-127, 129 Phytobaenus amabilis F. Sahlberg 23 - quercetorum quercetorum Foudras 116, 124, 125 Tachinus basalis Erichson 16 - quercetorum saliceti Weise 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, Tetropium 141 124-127, 129 Tomoxia bucephala Costa 23 - tamaricis Schrank 116, 117, 121-125, 127, 129 Trachyphloeus laticollis auct. nee Boheman 18 Anacaena limbata (Fabricius) 13 - rectus Thomson 18 Anchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan) 9 Trip/ax ruficeps (Fabricius) 23 Anisotoma humeralis (Fabricius) 23 - russica (Linnaeus) 23 Apion meliloti Kirby 13 Trogoderma angustum (Solier) 14 Astenus longelytratus Palm 14 Typhaea 10 Atheta 17 - dP.r:ipiens Lohse 10 Atheta (Dimetrota) marcida Erichson 17 - stercorea (Linnaeus) I 0 Attagenus 9 - fasciatus (Thunberg) 9 - woodroffei Halstead & Green 9 Crustacea Carabus glabratus Paykull 27-30 - violaceus Linnaeus 30 Asellus aquaticus Linnaeus 215 Carpathis striatus (Olivier) 23 Polyartemiaforcipata Fischer 217 Cercyon sternalis (Sharp) 14 Corticaria crenulata (Gyllenhal) 17 Diptera Cynaeus opacus Champion 10 Demetrias imperialis (Germar) 17 Further 81 taxa are listed on pp. 154-155, and many of Dendrophagus crenatus Paykull 22 them discussed on pp. 151-160. Dircaea quadriguttata (Paykull) 23 Atherix ibis (Fabricius) 161-163 Dorcatoma robusta Strand 23 Blaesoxipha 146 - substriata Hummel 23 Brachicoma 147, 148 Dromius longiceps Dejean 17 - borealis Ringdahl 143, 147, 148 Epuraea 23,25, 26,133-135 - devia (Fallen) 147, 148 - angustula (Sturm) 134 Cheilosia 207-212 - bickhardti St.-Claire Deville 133-135 - albohirta Hellen 207-209 - biguttata (Thunberg) 134 - brunnipennis Becker 207, 210, 211 - boreella (Zetterstedt) 133-135 - fraterna Meigen 207 - concurrens Sjoberg 25, 26 me/anura Becker 212 - convergens Reitter 25 parafasciata Barkalov 207, 211, 212 - neglecta (Heer) 25, 26 reniformis Hellen 207, 209, 210 - pygmaea (Gyllenhal) 134 - rotundicornis Hellen 207, 210 - unicolor (Olivier) 134 - sapporense Shiraki 208 Graphoderus cinereus (Linnaeus) 14 - sareptana Becker 21 0 Gyrinus suffriani Scriba 14 - sichotana Stacke1berg 210 Helophorus grandis Illiger 14 - subarctica Hellen 207, 208 - griseus Herbst 14 - velutina Loew 207, 208 ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 4 • Index to genera and species 275 - vernalis Fallen 207, 209,210 - elegans Linnavuori & Al-Safadi sp. n. 171, 173 Echinomyia marklini Zetterstedt 147 - minutissimus Linnavuori & Al-Safadi sp. n. 172, 173 , Parasarcophaga 148 175 - pleskei Rohdendorf 148 Acrosternum 235-239 Raviniapernix (Harris) 146 - apicale Linnavuori 235, 237, 238 Musca carnaria Linnaeus 144 - arabicum Wagner 235, 236, 238 - major larvarum De Geer 144 - breviceps (Jakovlev) 50, 235, 236 - minor la1-varum De Geer 144, 146 - curticeps Linnavuori & Al-Safadi sp. n. 235-239 - vivipara major De Geer 143-146 - heegeri Fieber 238 - vivipara minor De Geer 143-146 - miliaris (Klug) 235-238 Pol/enia vagabunda (Meigen) 146 - millierei (Mulsant & Rey) 50, 51, 235, 237, 238 Ravinia pernix (Harris) 146 Aelia 43 - striata (Fabricius) 146 - acuminata (Linnaeus) 43 Sarcophaga 144-146 - albovittatus Fieber 43 - carnaria (Linnaeus) 144, 146 - glebana Ferrari 43 - cruentata Meigen 147 - klugi Hahn 19 - lasiostyla Macquart 146 - satunini Kiritshenko 43, 44 - 'nova'Siebke 146,147 - syriaca Horvath 43 pleskei Rohdendorf 143, 149 turanica Horvath 43, 44 - schulzi MUller 144 Aeliomorpha sheanensis Linnavuori 44 - similis Meade 145 Aeolocoris 188 - striata Siebke 146, 147 - alboconspersus Reuter 188, 190 - subvicina Rohdendorf 146 - decarinatus Linnavuori 190 - tuberosa Pandelle 148, 149 - pumilus Linnavuori 190 - tuberosa verticina Ringdahl 148, 149 - rufipennis Linnavuori & Al-Safadi sp. n. 179, 187-189 - variegata (Scopoli) 146 Aethus hispidulus (Kiug) 37, 38 - verticina Ringdahl 143, 149 - hispidulus Signore! 38 Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) pleskei (Rohdendorf) 148 - pilosulus (K1ug) 38 - portschinskyi (Rohdendorf) 149 - rugosus (Jakovlev) 38 Sarcophaga (Helicophagella) me/anura Meigen 146 - sahlbergi (Reuter) 37 - setosus Walker 38 Ephemeroptera Agalliastes punctatus Fieber 233 Agatharchus tritaenia Horvath 45-47 Baetisfuscatus (Linnaeus) 217 Agramrna tropidopterum Flor 19 - macani Kimmins 217 Agraphopus femora/is Horvath 55 - subalpinus Bengtsson 215, 217 Agraphopus (Agraphopus) lethierryi Stal 55 Ephemerella ignita (Poda) 215 - suturalis Reuter 55 Heptagenia borealis Eaton 215 Agraphopus (Leptocaraea) viridis (Jakovlev) 55 - joemensis Bengtsson 215,217 Alphocoris halophilus Linnavuori 39 - orbiticola Kluge 217 Amaurocoris curtus (Brulle) 38 Leptophlebia marginata
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