Laurence Rees | 480 pages | 06 Jun 2013 | Ebury Publishing | 9780091917654 | English | London, United Kingdom The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler

Mussolini's War. Almost every line of authority was crossed by another. He did The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler hide his hatred, his contempt for democracy or his belief in the use of violence to further political ends from the electorate. In other places in the book he suggests that Hitler despised the Christian church because they opposed him in some facets. His brilliance was the ability to take advantage of the what was going on The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler the time. From the beginning, Hitler had no discussions with subordinates. Yes No Report this. So much so that in the election the Nazis polled only 2. Very worth a read for any WWII history buff. The answer is found not only in the historical circumstances of the time but in the nature of Hitler's leadership. He was not a "normal" politician - The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler who promises policies like lower taxes and better health care - but a quasi-religious leader who offered almost spiritual goals of redemption and salvation. Not Pure evil but able to communicate to followers on a deep, emotional level Adolf Hitler was an unlikely leader. Company Credits. Indeed, Hitler is one of the most sadistic and despicable person ever alive, but as that famous Martin Luther King Jr. The charisma of Hitler was not created in isolation. The Charisma The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler is a natural culmination of twenty years of writing and research on the Third Reich, and a remarkable examination of the man and the mind at the heart of it all. They could survive two or three winter nights out in the open with a few sunflower seeds in their pockets or a few grains of corn. No one called his bluff. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The book details Hitler's rise to power, his writing Mein Kampf, his total obsession with annihilating the entire Jewish race, and the war with England. The centrality of struggle is seen in the governance model. This is the main lesson we can take away from this book that hatred resides in all of us and we all have in us to go from being insignificant and irrelevant and rise very quickly with hate message that resonates with others. Top-Rated Episodes S1. The overriding theme of the Reich was struggle. I believe this book made me to look for hitlers table talks and tht would be a Again and again as more u read the detailed description of hitler, historical facts and his awful speeches u still find how unbilavable monster he was. They got their fluid intake from the snow. Hitler began to have incredible successes in his personal advancement and then in surprising victories first in negotiating annexations of lands from Austria and Czechoslovak, and then in armed combat against France and Great Britain, where in a matter of a few weeks they were driven to the ocean. One of the most pervasive is that the German victory over the French in was made possible because of the superiority of German equipment— crucially, that the Wehrmacht had more tanks to enable them to pioneer Blitzkrieg tactics. And his The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler to stir these emotions for his benefits. At the heart of the story of Adolf Hitler is one gigantic, mysterious question. The approach of elevating such a leader—any leader—also assumes charisma is innate, like courage or intelligence. Add the first question. As he lay in a hospital bed in Pasewalk in after a gas attack, he was overwhelmed with the feeling that the Marxists and Jews had come together to topple the Fatherland. Hitler suffered for the German people. Home Episodes Clips Galleries. The Two Popes. Hitler was a war criminal arguably without precedent in the history of the world. Accompanies the BBC series Adolf Hitler was an unlikely leader - fuelled by hate, incapable of forming normal human relationships, unwilling to debate political issues - and yet he commanded enormous support. Honest, brutal hatred is very appealing to others who feel the same way but can't express it boldly, openly and eloquently. Viewpoint: His dark charisma

I have heard this claim often and am glad to dispel it. In his public advancement, he The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler careful about stressing some of his beliefs. As well as looking at the methods and tools used by Hitler and his staff to build him up as the The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler of Germany. The author did a great job and a lot of research drawing on conversations with people who actually met the man. Yet, as many who knew him confirm, Hitler was still able to exert a powerful influence over the people who encountered him. One of these was the famous alliance with, then attack on, Soviet Russia, which is about as enigmatic as you can get. Almost every line of authority was crossed by another. In contrast to the current popular use of the term charismatic leader, Hitler showed that charismatic authority was not so much his character traits. Lucidly written The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler well organized. Straight to your inbox. For instance, the decision to attack France in was a much bigger risk than the attack on Russia in Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Agent Sonya. Dowsing rated it really liked it. Enlarge cover. In an economic crisis millions of people suddenly decided to turn to an unconventional leader they thought had "charisma" because he connected with their fears, hopes and latent desire to blame others for their predicament. Trivia Laurence Rees himself narrates instead of the usual . The Holocaust, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, the outbreak of the Second World War - all these cataclysmic events and more can be laid at Hitler's door. It is a fascinating look into the mind and machine of the Nazi machine. They had few friends inside the Reich with the courage to stand up for them. This operated as a kind of cathartic release for the people. His willingness to take risks often made up for this lack of strategy. If you have a basic framework of the history of the period say Richard Evans masterful 3 volume historythis is an excellent study to flesh out some of the techniques of the Nazi's and the motivations of the German people. The author's main point seems to be The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler charisma is in the eye of the beholder; for various reasons, a lot of The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler in Germany at the time were looking for someone like him to follow and were already pre-disposed to be susceptible to the "charisma" of Hitler. But when the war have started? Three thousand people arrived and when they were already taken out of the gas chambers to be burnt I remember thinking it was a beautiful night, the stars— and 3, people died. Welcome back. People seem to have felt they were in the presence of a deity. I came to this book to try to understand what it is about human nature that allowed ostensibly one individual to affect the lives of millions of people, mostly in a negative way. Official Sites. The crumbling began in 42, and grew slowly through 44 and by March 45, the disillusion was nearly universal. Home Schedule TV Guide. Clear your history. From suffering to ecstasy. Edit Storyline No one else so changed the state of the world and left behind such a wake of ruins as Adolf Hitler. His hatred chimed with the feelings of thousands of Germans who felt humiliated by the terms of the Versailles treaty and sought a scapegoat for the loss of the war. Laurence Rees sets out to identify and explain the human factors that brought Hitler to power and enabled him to retain his grip on a major European state despite his extraordinary nihilism and destructiveness. The question that historians have struggled with since the rise of the Nazi party is The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler did Adolph Hitler, a non-preposessing cipher of a man become the most powerful man in the world albeit for only a little more than a decade. Other Editions But this is not the case. Well-trodden territory, except Rees focuses on Hitler as leader. The Charisma of Adolf Hitler

Accompanies the BBC series Adolf Hitler was an unlikely leader - fuelled by hate, incapable of forming normal human relationships, unwilling to debate political issues - and yet he commanded enormous support. Hitler began to have incredible successes in his personal advancement and then in surprising victories first in negotiating annexations of lands from Austria and Czechoslovak, and then in armed combat against France and Great Britain, where in a matter of a few weeks they were driven to the ocean. It built a belief in itself that was bolstered by initial success and only slowly eroded by failure. Average rating 3. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. In the wake of the Wall Street Crash of there was mass unemployment in Germany and banks crashed. So how was it possible that Hitler became such an The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler figure to millions of people? But Hitler did not "hypnotise" his audience. Not too dense like some of the other books on this topic can be like Ian Kershawit was a nice easy read that kept me hooked for hours at a time. This is probably the most astute observation from the text; basically, Hitler told them what they wanted to hear and then had a few early victories to back it up until they became disenchanted. It's this aspect of the story that makes this history particularly relevant to our lives today. Rees follows on from Kershaw and Max Weber's idea of charismatic leadership and how it influenced those around him. Lawrence Rees focuses on the apparent charisma Hitler possessed The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler be able to exert a powerful influence over those he encountered. It is a fascinating look into the mind and machine of the Nazi machine. At the end of The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler book, one feels enlightened yet still completely mystified. When the charisma of Hitler collapsed, the result was personal devastation for many who held him up as a near god. Very worth a read for any WWII history buff. Very clearly written and well organized though a little repetitive in spots. He plunged the world into a cataclysm The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler ant that had been seen. But it isn't the complete story, as it skips over the role both of the police state, and of the social functions of the Nazi party and its affiliated organisations, The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler made people both frightened and dependent. Yet due to its idiosyncratic nature his charismatic authority depends more strongly on the perceived legitimacy of the authority. It is a stark warning for us today. His inability to debate was taken as strength of character and his refusal to make small talk was considered the mark of a "great man" who lived apart from the crowd. Episode Guide. Before WWI he was a nobody, an oddball who could not form intimate relationships, was unable to debate intellectually and was filled with hatred and prejudice. Hitler had a form of charisma that touched certain people but put many others off. He blamed Jews for the economic tribulation in Germany. Related titles. Not Pure evil but able to communicate to followers on a deep, emotional level Adolf Hitler was an unlikely leader. Yet this strange character was once loved by millions. They were instrumental in building the Hitler myth. Photo Gallery. Use the HTML below. It was surprisingly good in unexpected ways yet somewhat rabbit-trailed from the title. Edit Did You Know? Dec 28, Linda rated it really liked it Shelves: books-i-ownnon-fiction. Instead, writers on charisma, from Weber on, have consistently concluded it is a quality granted by followers. Starts off well, provides an interesting and credible take on the foundation of Hitler's rise to power, the conditions and events he was able to exploit and how he exploited them - particularly salient in view of the creeping trend towards "personality politics" worldwide So how was it possible that Hitler became such an attractive figure to millions of people? By the defeat of France and Great Britain, the Germanys looked at him as practically Devine in a spiritual and scientific sense. Lawrence delves into his personality and the cultural shock of Germans after losing the first world war, suffering the degradation of the Versailles treaty, and the economic deterioration that resulted. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. BBC Two except Scotland. Sure, he was devastated when his mother died. Search books The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler authors. He was fanatical with crowds, but unimpressive in person, at least at first. From suffering to ecstasy. In contrast to the current popular use of the term charismatic leader, Hitler showed that charismatic authority was not so much his character traits.