______.-_..._.-_.-.- -~~--i" " " ! . , _ .., ~ . '2 <. ' J J E '

1' Airtel - I _ 7

- . '="r-"' ">'.vI _./' -. '_ .'-:'" "' .n'L,. ., 5/2/79 '-La. ' j ___,-..._.'- . _ ' . 5 ' .'.2,,;=-- . .. 591;,,-;- . To: sac, uuuquerque 98-5&1! 1 e- J. E. Smith " -eca ._~ Fromi oi:-eater, re: ' . ",1 -.-¢- %~¢~ 'me%1'riLA' ens ' /_ . , ---._r_ ._ 3.;-._J_, i_--'_; ,3}, ¢- - 1-. 'i5ZIiiI£§;I""Qz '-4¢'l':":"_ Egerm cm G!.. 1-=2-:-5" O0: Albuquerque 1--v_ " i 92. _ Re Albuquerque uirtel to FBIHQ, l/E5/79, and r Butelcal to Albuquerque, 5/l/79. - FBIHQ concurs uith the recommendation or Snc, F;-.. Albuquerque in that the investigative unit currently being eetebliehed re cattle mutilation: within the DA: orriee Se nt e P e, , be designated an the eoordinetor,in*thie matter. 1 ' If I , 4- . s . W I .r 4 - - .__&;_L_ ,1 4. rs, ¢ NOTE: Re airtel recommended that the coordinator for the various jurisdictions involved in the investigation of cattle mutilations will be th D e A 's Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico. nu.- FBIHQ concurs with the recommendation. .1!- 92' .. -. ,_...r.. __,_.. _._ _ -:- PE. / E -2 r " we '*~~-:-Q0 /7 5 -I /4 /P _.é v? Ameuu___ MAY - 2197 " ?f-n_.;_;_Q__-Q I ,_ . _, _e :Z:§::III ~e"" FBl*Hvwu- ' -i- [V . _ In am s 1919 ei- -______ W /H, I i--n an-Inn H I-chutney -1.

I-F!.'.'=°'~Z;.'t .I¢- pl. _¢_._,.. Inkl nu. I,-us-fl-g-1-B Muff i I Frill: Mk. OI. __ Telnybee In. 1.. - ., éq! UN! *5 - . 7 . ' 0 5 u j -V-Ir I .' . ' 5 . KA 92___j _ A . AD Dir. MI. _____ 92I . AD llv. ' GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE *"'- Fir-= . _ _ Memorandum FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Mu. Sc-t . ...»,- t - ;-;;;=--"='- """~ -I -- --I "'° -if: 1'*°°1'°|' _/ m'r== 6/1/79 i §|'I.'.'f=.I;. III? E-_._ ' I ff; Ice. Igll.___ ; i f 1: J OCR. Song, _____ mom : 1,;_ I J _' Go " §,§§°§§§f,§O?,°°t°r r.sT::::|:§E_1, - - ' - Mr. Moore ;§L':::!';','.;"'*1 , - M . I ~- _;T- Q 503135 THE___H1lTI-LATIONS15_§¥IMALS ' OF - _.J. 1vg;_E. SmithGsmm <1 / . _ " '.-=~*-r I ,__ Yl_ .- 'UHIM ON INDIAN RESERVATION " _ ?f;§ I 00: Albuquerque ' ; , §%§ -V:'__V_;,_; ~ -I. '-./-Z zgéq'._____ i__ . RDRPOSE: To respond to the Director's request for infor- L mation concerning an article appearing in the "National -- Enquirer" newspaper dated June 5, 1979, page 5, which is R captioned, "FBI Joins Investigation of Animal Mutilations - ll =~? 1 Linked to UFOs." See attached.!

.,;- RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. .._ll __.... n92/ ______*pP ,_,_,'qm sew. . Leia Cami ._.,---inu- , Dirac? Cr|m.lnv.B :1aI'|_&ln5p.'_'"""""' _, .- . '-*=°=- W _"".. """'-___ r§§s.~§'§"n',;- " .. ~» ~ q Q -A Den. Dep_AD ngqqm, m... -"- "I-2-I. '-==°'='°'v__._____ PubIic§if6IiT'_'Tmnin__ - &

.,En DETAILS: By memorandum dated March 2, 1979, Philip B. Heymann, gees Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, requested that ¢¢;" the FBI conduct an appropriate investigation in New Mexico of Za the fifteen animal mutilations and any others that occur in 1' 1 Indian country as a possible Crime on an Indian Reservation and . tfurnish the results to the U. S. Attorney and to the Criminal -_ Division, Department of Justice DOJ!. This memorandum stated that DOJ had received correspondence from Senator Harrison Schmitt, New Mexico, indicating that fifteen mutilations of animals have occurred in New Mexico Indian country in the past three years. In this memorandum, DOJ advised that their Criminal Division had been aware of the phenomenon of animals '" *being'muti1ated in a manner thatkcculd indicate that such acts are performed by persons as part of a ritual or ceremony. This memorandum from DOJ further stated that some of these mutilations which have occurred in Indian country are DOJ's - first indication that Federal law may have been viola -- %%?°°Us .{.531 ._ :L05v:s££=I.-"Levi;-1.1! ~a<"° .$_ "Q" ~ _ g .! 1

i Cf 1'.!

. . D

Memorandum'Gow to Moore RE: THE MUTILATIONS 0F.15 ANIMALS -

'E';i"-Li 0n March 6, 1979, the FBI, Albuquerque Division, - ¢ was instructed to conduct an investigation into the mutilations of fifteen animals or any others that occur in Indian country 9*. in accordance with the aforementioned DOJ memorandum dated March 2, 1979. "L"."e .3 .1 T On April 20, 1979, a conference was held in ~3.e Albuquerque, New Mexico, concerning the problem of animal '.I mutilations, primarily cattle, in which approximately 180 -- m .~-.--:; people attended who included various law enforcement agencies :~'*- -1 - 'r from several states, news media representatives, and the §§? general public. Senator Schmitt chaired the conference and the U. S. Attorney, New Mexico, and SAC Forrest S. Putman, Jr., Albuquerque Division, were in attendance. SAC, Putman advised the conference that DOJ had given the FBI authority to investi- gate those cattle mutilations which have occurred or might occur in Indian country. During this conference, numerous ,.,._.__, theories were expounded concerning who is responsible for -'.:.,."'5'.'these mutilations including members of satanic , predators, .'.'g * pranksters, extraterrestrial visitors, and some unknown Government agency. At the conclusion of this conference, it was decided that one agency would be designated as the coordinating investigative agency for all Jurisdictions qn-I-u involved.

:s 1. Subsequently during May, 1979, the District Attorney's .'."F___. Office for the_greater Santa Fe, New Mexico, area received approximately $50,000 in LEAA funds to act as the coordinating E, .5-i investigative agency of cattle mutilations. ._,_._.-.,2 "-1" 5 __,., p. 1;, _ - ... Since March, 1979, there have been no new cattle mutilations in Indian country, and our investigation with respect to the identities of the individuals responsible for the fifteen cattle mutilations has been negative to date. ... I


-2..- 4* _ W _______. _ ..___ _-v____ _ . Ly! A! -_/'


Q _ , ______, ____ ,___,,__._ . .. _._ _ '_ .._,... ._- .- -.-.._-- o --1 _ 4. . C - . Z. A _- 92 ,. ., . ___- _ . . - ' -._'_._ - I I X a , ~92 FBI Joins In vestiynlidn of. n'.92 O Mutilation: I I lrnlredra UFO: lg WILLIAM IAINIIIILL, IOI PIA Uni DAVID WRIGHT . ,-and IIIE I'D! -unu [III a__- Jlnuua a-:..-A 1- an 01.- an: Inn-.-at--.0!-1 aa|va:au§uuuaaua -I oh; nan: 92nl- uaa-an -an var a-I va -"E thousands of grang horses and cattle over an ll-state _grea _ av-hlch -, havebeenlinl:ed1.nUFOa. . ' " *3 , .- - -"- -"#1 - DhdoaureoHheFBlrolewnmadeatancen1eonIarcn¢eololdahlmmaeva: ' E._:i.;_in alatea.wher¢l.hell:lack_l haveraachedanalarmlnglevgl. ~ - ' a . l - 'Sea. llarrlaon Schrnitl R.-N,lien!. the ea-aatronaut and whoarganined l _ " the maaalveennlerencei consp racy w enormously vre92§e funded." a -' -' IIWe 1* W I11 I" " llllllive.'_ . Atleaatmweanleudhnnuhavebeenbutdaandwlthnuglcalpreciaiunovnan mimatedl.:lmiionquanmlleanaatre:chln¢iromTmneauem0regoodncelbe " mutilation: began around 1010. The LII million aquare miles la rnora than a lhlrd pub: ; total land area in the cm- tlnenul United Stalea. * hIVQ lnma1lJ'eeaea|.hea"l*'§*l Cilwlde 92|'il.l'| UFCI Iill- ' ' E lap. Baled lllveatlptora any '~" I e '- the strange pattern at -the. all ~ '1lii- '3!!!! - 1.? o rema a. 1 ,- .";_,-2" ~ . , _ vi q¢u_ ' :','Q°';,,§",f,|,,':L,"§','l"'§,,.,;;|,;2|' acuvl ' ;.é_?@'; -. ' - _. rsarélier: _ . "W what I I01! . . n uuai we nivi i iuae '1"?{°§':f?;,l,u_,,d M mm, ..'.e.l_f_f_' - : 1 -_ _ _- '. . ' impanziue I01-the nluliiations up pansl'B:?dllt1|v¢ 0 the annmala orllna - luau-ally are huh, - _ ' - _. ,_ --- Thole are . -em-u_ahla_* gm iwkamlbiz$1131.". l r.L!l,'92raL-eelemenlt lound on - I -' - _ ' lorced.Heel,aolhe lwnmlresis ' 3 mg in mg Q;-¢;;|¢; jrg [I]; , _ _ - _ , ' ' pg, ||nm¢m| gin hp I-I:-at nnidunied al_|_-cran are 3% I ln QT 1|!-'1 - F - nanunr:' -" ' w - ___ "' V " vIii? in I8 nno imli 5! ' _ N *5 themeansUFOa. ~ - .n..'=,,.-if ....¢ mygg 1.; andlaketheniback '''' Iuae to ea! nu mutiluled rm-nu mumble- mg ¢,|||¢_ "'|'I'gf¢ have been lhouaanda Sen. Schmill. who received 1 ton are rheae muumum lubed! _ " 1 Ph.D. in pom - from Harvard have acme Ibw!- The IMIIIM - » Li? -1

5. rf Q IIIAIQIION XHMITT ___,' liwllm I Q iMHlII'£ION %HMIICI, ICIINGI¢ IND TRANIFOITITION [J .--.. ._.___..._ '.3.|[niieZI .-lales.-$.n.=t;.eie Assoc. Dir_____ %llN|'l"I'IIGI APPROPRIATION Deg AD Adm. WAIHlNGT°N| D.C. £0580 Dep.ADlnv. ' I-IGl'GOHMll'l'OM Asst. Dir.: "_ .- INA]-L IUIINEII Ad. ,ewz -__-F r- " .1" Idem. |n%e'l. """'_"-' Q".- m Later.-:::r£E : name. sovssunsm lo-;:t2'.~:: Pian.F- I-.s:>._"* E2:.L1'nt. __'_'- June 6, 1979 Z Tech. Gen-sT'___ Lr 1" Training '_""_ _'-_. _|-_ - Tub!i_ As. Off. T-1'-"3jhO.H.92Rm. '_ D5 1610:: Sec '_""' 4-. '»| Y 1'-5: O Dear. V. Mr.Director;-1.?" -I . M. J,. - f .- l,.; ._i;5 ff_:- 3 AsR. you E. Thompson, may know, e IU. convened S. £32Attainaya multi-state for New Mexico,live- stocQ:muti1atiqn;conferencein Albuquerque on April 20. K§'E§esu1t of that meeting, Agent Sam Jones of I _-_-p the Albuquerque office of the FBI was assigned as the Bureau contact for those individuals desiring to report animal mutilations and to organize the Bureau's activities in this investigation. 0 ml Please provide an update with regard to the status H 1-- of the Bureau's activities to this point, as well v as an outline and timetable for projected action. I am receiving many questions from constituents on these matters.

.-___4,. _- In addition, please advise me wnetner surricient , 5355:1- .'/Kfunds xi!are contained within your present budget to» cover projected activities with respect to the .__. =9 Bureau's involvement. As mark-up is scheduled , . vi to beginwithin the near futureiégthe Senate . - 9 Appropriations Committee, of wh I am a member, . .1.- 'Q.- ;.»_1: -aw;-, your contacting me by June ll aafto whether additional funding is required, d the amount, in would be~appreciated.Reva.;:P[7/ 1?' ; , Fad? ,/:-P"// Sincerely: W . Harrison Schmitt MW "*=*~ J 5 JUN 22 ms The Honorable William H. Webster, Director i-_---"' ' Federal Bureau of Investigation -1. Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20535

_-V ...... ___i...... __,_.._ ._..... _._._..._- _,...... ,_...,». Y , , .,a .____.__..-»- -- --~- ---...92.~,-...... _ -<-.....- ~-_.a-.-ea.-_._.___....4. ]f?lQ£$92 . . E. J - kg I FJ I J

_ 1 _ 1 --I H I -: *3." --L / e,__¢ _ -L-..-..._ . _92___ 92e_92'"tr _..--... .92--l _ _ rnmuncoqmummr }{}lJ _ --1:": e

- 1:. 3";-_ June 19, 1919 7 as- - Mr. Moore _.... K 1 - n - Mr. Ingram .1»-v--1, L, Q ev" Honorable Harrison Bchitt 1 - Mr. Gow i...- United Etetei Senate _ - J. E. Smith v - Mr. Mint: $1. - Ueehington, D;-C. 20510 Attn: E. P. Mosche Dear Senator Sebnitt: ' . ' 1 " "I" 3- E- 1'°nE Attn: L. C. Groove: I ?'§>".:--: '3 -';92.,-gm - Reference in led e t o your letter received June ii, Ls 1979. a cop; or which it attached for your reed; reference. ~.*-:17;.;;'.~v 1*: -.-i izagaee be adviaed that the Department o f Justice on .=.=. eeqaeatee the P* to eendnet an investigation

xico in §£.¥1Qg ien eountry ae a er violation.and any others

since Heron, 1979, our Albuquerque Office has conducted an inquiry-concerning the aforementioned nutilatione and are in contact with other iew enroroement egenciee investigating animal autiietiona. There have been no new g .-_.-*1 _ : cattle nutiietione reported to ua in Indian country, end our :-T:-Z; 1; -if rj ~1-- __ inveetigetion eith respect to the iientitiee or the individuals -:.-1 ,..J13 responsible for the fifteen cattle nutiietione bee been * negative to date

. I a ;..._ I[ , r g r I ='! h ' i 92 X ;_ I!, 553- 1-. Your interest in obtaining additional tunne'tQg_tht 7;-'-"' . E 1'0 involvement ia appreciated. However, at thia time Li - uftioient funds ere available within our General Goverment .1;._;"- rimee Program to aupport our investigation in thia letter. 5, . If . Ya.the £'mI92UB1 -en -e at thrther essietanee to --u or ;_.:;'-, 5;? our BO!l8t1l.¢I'lBI,'P]-08.80 contact ua.~ ? iii f 8 ,4 /Q-~§-"°---.K" - , _ ?f5~"+~7*=';_ - "_1||i- - H . i.....».___ Z.£e.: ~27 Uiiliemjl. .,./*' Iebeter ' W . __,__..__..._p___...._i .__.a_ Z--'-"* _ ___._.__ ._._ _ __..__..--...__,_~- -» -

_ '-__. 92 1- {D}! - Honorable Harrison Schmitt '

NOTE: This letter is written in res onse to a letter from §enator HarrisonSchmitt NewMexico? concerningthe FBI's investigation of the cattle mutilations in New Mexico's Indian country. On June 11, lQI9, John Ryan, Legislative_Assistant to SenatorSchmitt, wastelephonically advisedby L. C. Groover, *%'I;-_- DeputyAssistant Director, Administrative Services Division, that Senator Schmitt'sletter was received at FBIHQ on June 11, 1979. Mr. Ryan was advised that the FBI had sufficient fundsto handleour investigationconcerning y, - cattle mutilations-and_thatwe would advisethe Senator the _ statusjor our investigation. This.responsehas beencoordinated among theAdministrative Services Division, Legal Counsel ' Division, SACForrest S.Putman, AlbuquerqueDivision, andthe- Criminal Investigative Division.

' r

n . - - AHMEM 'a l¢n5"'q'f5¬E@ww n.Irma?"-_"' I Dlrldor Hem Ree, Mpg,-'_""*' lace. r_ _I - ______Tech. ServsI"'__ I-*9, IOIJE. In r -..__,_ Fraininr 0». AnI--~. " "°°'="='v___mifsn. nous 'i""" an-is

I __ 1' J a Q-.." -.

1- kse 9| -... 0* s . . _. 1 n r ¢ .. Ir '1-, 1

_ 3 _ H ___V_l_________ . Li } -.. .

.; O , 2 O 1 -- t ~92

1 lp 1 -¬ Mr. Mintz Mr. Moschella i- Ivir. Moore Ivir. Gow! I _. Mre --o Mr. Woodby is June 26, [I79

¢¢;**L lir.BurkettVunlirh_ 7* fr > ~ 3}" a e Counsel tor the llimrity 1 °°m@ no Committee on Appropriations - P.':';:."_!_'t__:: .- United Btatee Senate Wahlnton, D. C. U510

A?! Dear Burkett,

"n--. .~ In your telephone call you inquired about the livestock 1%-f-I-'1' _ -_;_;_4'-3:.-_ 'I 92- _ . mutll-at-lone problem in New Mexico and the actions being taken by the Jtivestock FBI concerning mulaons havethem. . reportedly occurred in a " '@ _number of states, principally in the Southwest; however, the . -,~. ._._ -. _ 32.,-. only known mutllatlons over which the FBI might have investi- r..'T- *' i~'1r'~er? -4:- gative jurisdiction hnzjoccurz-edLon Indian iende in New Mexico. On March 2, zero,-lmeiaepii-ee§§m o n ~, + I -it ce requested the FBI to conduct an inv 1"-. cettgetion at New Mexico ..E'-4 -- __I_m;tiI.a.tlone andmyothere thatoccur-inlndian . Since ii-*'*" March 1.970, our Albuquerque Oce has been investigating these mutilatione and in in contact with other law enter-cement agencies 1:--.Y ;. _.'e92- . -_,; investigating livestock mutilation. There have been no new live- ..- I etockmutilatiorn onlodinnlande reportedtouenndeurinveetigation titteenwith respect mutilation to the identities oithe individuals ree 9° etlvcneible gartllto " M a own erence You meyeleoheintdei/ileetedtoknowétoynrz-r|lgI£z.'-{-0 can-ea by Senator Harrison Bchmltt, New mhea '"" "'1- 3:7» 0-p._io1.t.._._- AZ.'Zwu held -- - =" in Albuquerque - concerning the problem of livestock JUN 2'? 1979 -NOTE: inforrnaon is oe"'" furnished in r ' Ft-l¥ n Int,-_- espouse to a mlephon-ie-"' "'-*1 Cm . 1. .. ______inqu.iry from x r. Van Kirk on 13725/79. We furnished the same infor- m:---mation to tor Schmitt by letter dated 6/ 19/79, except the portion anti».-,____re1ati11g Albuquer M i _ },,'§_°_'f];j"_--SeI'1ator _ ,_ _ tt E alr que conference and the LEAA- grant about which :.;;::LE_-.1 __ _ .. _was eadyaware./43"/67° Q Tun ____,.__,__, ~ - ::::::1'::';2r';;-.§g£===1?3r cl-mm:-='1__NAILOMW WK I" '7' t/11/2?, ' {ii . ~ PIII DOJ I . , 1 - I u § I

l o --lav - J '% '1

Ho. ' Ill. Quiet! VIII Kirk _ ¢ . - -;--

'1"? .41 . . -92 mutilation, prlmarllyeattle, IhlehIasattendedbylawentorce- ..= .92' '1- -.c-..-.-...¢.~92.-, meat agencies tram seven! states, new media rep:-eeedatlves r, _ _.- 1. andthegenetalpubllc. Mthaeonclusionofalaconferenceltial ;_,.:r.' .f__".-.:,,'i,'_- ., decadeuthatoneaacmrueuxdbedeatzmtedallzeeoordlnaung 1-" 3 In-reatlpve agency tor alljurladlctiom Involved. uaeequeay, A 1 tbelletx-lctMtorney'eOmce£ortheGreater8anl:aIe, Nawllexlce,. > ;? 7'7? Arearecelvedapprezlmatelylimb lnLEAAtundatoactaethe - 92#vr coordinating agency 0! llveatqckmatllatbnlnveetlgatlonl. _ Itwecanbeolturtheraaalstanceinthlemaltexgpleaeelet meknow. - - " " e Sincerely yours, ' " H.=§."j

_. '-I , ,;_ L. Clyde Groover, Jr. _.'.!"." Deputy Assistant Director 1*»- Admlnletratlve Services Ilvlalon

-.'1 J-'92 rr P E... _ -/- 1._'-:=:--"=~., ,._,.L . -,_--.3

Appgovgm Adm. Sent. Legal Ooun. Crlm. lnv. an. I. lnsp. Director Hac, N1 -nt. Asso:.D|r. _.-- ldfwt Tc:'h.$e.*vs. Dep_ AL AdT|. _ '9 L Training ___ mp. Alnv. * "">°'°*°'¥ Z Puua¢A:r=.o1:_*_


1 .- u I I I __ .__ _.___-_._._-1__._.92_ . ._._.._... __.~_a.___.i._.__V_ __ V _ _ . ._._.v_i_._.r _4.__ _. W ______-_a__ ._. 1_ A -- L* O O92 1 92 2

" . 0 - r UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 1 -*== - W,-8!-~#»~ memorandum .331?-. 411$ pi , ansuqnnnoun 98-541! 1» = _ " - V Hm II _ - I 1- "U.TI$'gQN_QE_A_NI!A§§-.9A1 INDIAN I 1-AN1?_$_!!*!__lT§.92_*T..!§.X;I...?.° - / R, ' "T31?! C! 0: ALBUQUERQUE!


U--r . . 7 Title marked changed to show thrust investigation by Albuquerque Office: Title formerly carried as ILATIONS _.__j___'____.___.¢-@ or 15 ANIMALS".- 1.-..-B_... ._-.__,,__ Li. -up Re Albuquerque airtel to Director, 4/25/79.

-._ 1 'J|'u-to--'92 Enclosed for the Bureau are three copies of ,/ 92 -1 an LHM captioned,"MUTILATION OF ANIMALS ON INDIAN LANDS IN j ;, ;-I 3"; 3 NEW MEXICO", dated as above. ' / _/J .rv 1" . ,__ 1: The news articles which comprise the major - v portion of the enclosed LHM were furnished by WAYNE CIDDIO, 92 Administrative Assistant to Senator HARRISON SCHHITT, Santa Fe '7. "J - 9292 Office. CIDDIO also furnished a copy of a news release from Senator SCHMITT which is included in the LHM. It is felt that the Bureau should have this information in the event _.a J.______..'|_.l_I.. _ ._ a -_.-....-.4--I-.4 DI lnqiiiries WDLG LI. might he ruucivuu. a ' .| _ - _ I Regarding the'information in the July 17, 1979, news release of Senator Schmitt, the Albuquerque Office is of the opinion that investigation in this matter should continue Q . " '92 to be limited to those mutilations reported as occuring on Indian lands within the State of New Mexico as per instructions 1 i 92- _ '. v 92 in Bureau airtel, 3/16/79. The Albuquerque Office considers .~._;92__-ul this to be the maximum limit of its inquiries. 1. ii '.'. .i '.~ :- Since being instructed to investigate this matter, there have been no further mutilations reported 'on Indian Lands in New Mexico. Liaison has been established with appropriate law enforcement personel to insure that ..¬._i_ mutilatiqn§,are reported to he Albuquerque FBI Office. - A M @Bureau 6/ '1%@~» Enc.=4! *1 :3-'92% RSO-18 1/ /we ''_ ~"'_"" '_"'_ _5Albuquerque ._ SW.§.pas 0 I /¢,c':_ Ar I

I-1' U /at-4.rA__ _9 _7 i Q ____.,___,__;_ P ~ I r ; . fr ' , '/7' - {ti __ 2Nlv B|J1YZ'%- Savincs Bvnds Reuularly on the Payroll Savings Plan -_ E> _ ! 3 _ O -- . ' I

5-'..=-.'-.-, F 1 1; - a '1 AQ 19s-541 ' =sI

Q.-' ?-"'so Concerningthose prior mutilations reported r- -. to have occurred on lndinn lands, no law eniorcenent agency 92. was assigned investigatory responsibility and as a result, '? U" no adequate evidence collection or record making was under- 1.- - ______- taken. The Albuquerque Oiiice has questioned law eniorcement i otiicers who have been at the scene of the alleged mutilations 92- as observers. A few photographs were taken, copies of which were obtained._ _No evidence has been obtained because none 5 was collected. In view of this, no turther investigation . -4 will be done regarding the alleged mutilation oi the 15 _ ." animals previously reported. For this reason, the title to this case was changed showing the correct perspective of the Albuquerque Office investigation. Ernr


'I 2 1 ;-_; *1.-__ ., .n.I;-

'1--»_i 1-4---~:5.-; .

i92 ?

I . ' . .. - L _ ! C: J 2

Q 4 .-:4"- I a.',.;§~q ;5' ; ' " UNITED92 $TATESDEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ¢3%%§? FEDEBA1.BUBEAU OFINVESTIGATION -5-I 2 -1- | ' Albuquerque, New Mexico - . 0 ;_::;i:.Pl-Mn»In August 1, 1979 92._. :-.. -1-~-v .; ''-



'_r-1 __

On July 25, 1979, WAYNE CIDDIO, Adiministrative Assistant to Senator Harrison Schmitt, Santa Fe Office, furnished copies of newspaper articles from an Espanola, -i New Mexico, newspaper, the "Rio Grande Sun", regarding mutilations.

Mr. CIDDIO also furnished a copy of a news -1- release from the office of Senator SCHMITT which was dated July 17, 1979. The news articles and release follow: zg=-_= .-- _._;_._._.__.. :;__.>-.-_. -1-=4__:.¬ 2'1 -2.- -se= ¬.". go-.._._ i;

- II

..:.- . "

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

./ /_"'_' N/976. QMOSURE _ , ..._-,._.._.t_.._. .-_.-_.. .l.___..+-.-_------ ~ ' - ér OF J J !.

.- -I . [@334 Heidi 0:2 nu, ' ByG.-ill. OLSON - nclal investigators. She thought of mutilations was .was sl temale," 'Dem92ig _ Oi the SUNs reported that as oi 4 p.m. tar away from my mind." Santa Fenreau Tuesday. no investigator I-le explained that as he ''1 saww znltappeared to The county's "ireshest" had been seen in Tnichas. has s number oi "open be a mutilation. it lied mutilation report so tar "They don't come here fences" that result in little blood which was only reached State Police very often - not unless "cattle going through visible where the tongue within live hours of the kill somethingtshanging i'romproperty." The only thing used to be. The tor-goo. he last Saturday. but nobody a viga_." she explained oi he noticed about_ the said. had been sliced at its came to investigate. area law enforcement barking dogs was they roots. precisely. "I was really disgusted. personnel and what she would go to the boundary Bight alter the viewirg. 34:0 The news media said sees - as their attitude oi the tence and turn the state police reportedly investigators would come about the small_mountain back" rather than chasing were called. as coon as they were -s..-_i_ _ . the eowi ii lhe right before had " Ken Rommel, hired 3 called." complained When he began his day. been "peaceiul" he =r--to Dennis Martinez. who through a 850.130 tederal he said. at approximately reported. except tor the . t - discovered the carcass grant to investigate cattle T sinus bu bt0l.hel| slightly peculiar behavior err.- "within 300 yards oi my mutilations in Bio Arriba Ernesto llartlnes and ot the barking dogs. _ . piacc."in'h"ucha.s. county. had not been on "anot.her- Ernesto Mar- Everyone believed the "ll is sad news," he said the scene as oi late _tlnes." the Ernesto oi law enfoi-cement'sTuesday afternoon and Martinez who owns the -tlndtobeagoodonmns apparent lack oi interest was not available in his property upon which the in the case. which from all ottice. - cow was round. were at his they had "come in time." reports is a classic. State Dennis Martinez said door. '" ri- Dennis Martinez and his Police called the county the latest chapter in Oome and see it." they wile both said a number oi livestock agent and DA county mutllations invited. asking him to Truchas residents had s;i Eloy Martinez. but sent no began between i a.m. and bring his gun. as wolves reported seeing orange 1- officers to the scene. I a.m. Saturday morning. have been sighted in the lights" in the sky that His wile Francis. more "I heard the dogs arealately. night. some flying over the cynical. was nonchalant barking." he explained oi "The cow belonged to '.l"i-uchas cemetery. _ -z about the absence oi oi- that time. though "the Juan Antonio Rael and it Alter the_ authorities were notified, Dennis ldartinez said. "I stuclt

/xfq ,. . _-/./92. __ '1.;..

,* ' ':.-'. -_.- _ ,,~.... around from 1' a.m. until with surgical precision. being upset." he said oi what -transpired at a _.-_ 2:30. making sure" that no Dennis Martinez said the witnesses. explaining recent conference oi law investigators were Neil Boclrman. a Santa Fe that he is seeking more enforcement personnel involved in mutilation - 3-4 coming. photographer and "im- funding for the F'Bls n He admitted he was a maker looking into the study into the problem. investigations. -. little bit scared" oi the "That's one reason 1 got "The tact that the '-e92. phenomena, appeared on mutilation which occurred the scene. Bockman wrote the language oi a handing District Attorney's grant so near his home. He an article tor Read Street. was pursued didn't change -w-q-.*e'9'.- request recently an- explained he had been in a news publication. nounced to support the that." he said further. oi the Colorado Springs area recently on the FBI investigation. Senator 1iartines's iederally when a number of -. :-'.a 1 phenomena entitled Schmitt explained. "I runded investigation. mutilation; had taken want the FBI to be more "Maybe my un- . ''.g "Burgers tor the Gods." place there. "The case itseli d.idnt deeply involved." derstanding was wrong. -e The way la done. when unueu.-.1. except tor !-!e .-aid more coor- but my understanding was f!';_._l you see one. its a little on the tact that there were dinating o! local in- that the FBI would be the dlI1erc11t". then when you wolves in the area. Bock- vestigations" is needed at coordinating agency." he just hear about one. he man said. He reported one this time and that the said. ' explained. ' . neighbor's dog chewed "central point of the in- 'When told that _Ken 1 The eyes of the Iresh "the backend" or the cow. vestigation." he believes Rommel. the investigator cow. he noted. attracted He was puzzled that law now. should be the FBI. the District Attorney attention among ob- srdorcernent oiiicials had though some cen- hired alter receiving a servers. not appeared on the scene. tralization may be grant to pay his salary." -The villain. he laid, U.S. Senator Harrison achieved by the District had yet to contact Gabe "tried to scrape at it, as Schmitt - Tuesday also Attorney. Valdez. the State ii he or it were trying to expressed concern that the -"My understanding was -Policeman who has the get a tissue sample from investigation was not that FBI agent Sam Jones most experience in in- . the while part oi the eye. anen ded to imrnediately was asiifned to coordinate veitigitini mutllations. The rectal area. the udder by law enforcement law enforcement etiorts on Senator Schmitt said and the ears were personnel. . snutllations." Senator Sch- Valdez experience should removed rum the beast I don't blame them for mitt said oi his anaylsis oi f¥'sIst.lesssss¢§ Isl P01-I'D 3 '_' -- 92 e _ w . -.. ,,,, .. .l_. 92. .. _... . _._ _. _.-._..-sa- --_- .--.-..__...-.-_..------~ ,- Q ! > i . . _ 9. U0 . oi e if .

_~'e_. Q . e I . r I av - ii . . = .MaaiizZEcaz2ZzZ¢1>2mtr [Um zrwe G 5 8 'I92-.1-llama-J _...eu-oi.-..es-. --1 -,.-ism 92IlIll IIIBmUIl.| Ill I easesve I EIIG DI I &Il¢lpL" believe an effort was We valuable anyare spreading last. Martinez said a teletype made to contact Rommel estlgator. _ "Eloy Martinez went to received by every atiillate with no success." "That doesnt sound like the State Police and told State Police oiticer ot the Oi the allegations of a complete investigating." them that Gabe Valdez is state assigned Richard C cover-up. Martinez said. Schmitt said oi the not to have any part in this de Baca as liaison between The only thing I can t investigation," we serious -_r-e-.-_-- - omisztionuméoi - Valdez oiticers and Rommel and really state I would atly :2: P1111 Pl - ' Valdez tan told the BUN. that "relates to the notion deny basis tor supporting In light cl the lack ed Another version oi that that it there is a mute in the contention that there is -347 - investigation. oi the .story is that a Pimunle" their responsibility -that -1.I.?w-.- = _ a cover-up _ii for no other -;i.rt_-;=_-; : Pi-aches episode, the SUN has been placed on Valdez. hopefully they will contact reason than it would put g-cw-'l'_has received a number of Both stories were denied Rommel. - the grant in jeopardy." .r.¢.92u_-_ reports from confidential '£_u_es_day by State Police Oi ZR.ornmel's tatiure to ! He advised those with sources about Laue! searn Vigil and by appear at the Truchas such contentions to apply dissatistaction with the the district attorney. ' suspected mutilation. he eto the grantee. the Law course Boml-nels in- "I have not put out any said he is "reasonably Enforcement Assistance vestigationlstaking. t orders to "that eiiect. assured that Ken is Associatlon."' with that Persons who have Vigil said. He explained looking intuit. complaint. The LEAA. he spoken to the investigator that he has asked that "This happened on a contends. would "support". complain he is "brusque," infonnation be channelled weekend and its one oi the complainant "one or "too lppant. or he to Rommel, but ii a state those instances where I hundred per cent." - doesnt take their ideas or policeman should get a their reports seriously. call on a suspected and they'd rather not mutilation. he should go discuss with him turther on over there." mutilation phenomena. The district attorney, Other persons express too. denies the existence of -9-i tears that not only a gag order on any state .- .. Rommel, but the District policeofficer. _- _ _ _ ,-.- if-'1. Attorney and the Slate I never have. and Police. are working never will, impose any together, to cover up kind cisgagruleonany whatever is behind the law enforcement otticer '<_:. 2' _; .3 because I don't have that authority had even it I did it would be impractlcalior -3;.--':-~ me to impose any iorm oi ,__,,_ - gag rule." he said. Oi the alleged meeting ;g_.'.__i'._-_ with Vigil. he mo. he er!-. . believed that the story grew from an .actua1 conversation he had with ,.__., . F the chief. ' i '-' i "I think that the meeting was only my . - ; request to the chiei that since we _no92w have a designated project director in charge that it would probably be best to have everyt.i=Lng relating to lnutilstions tunnelled through that investigator. "It tor no other reason the grant terms conditions calls tor the .e' '9

Q- '92

I , 0 s _

-s __.J -in- iii-'-4 -':'""-1 Mutilations " _ ...,._ 1 '= {Probe to 0 Dis ~ F-.2!- L2

;v_'.-_, .-;s.~"-:..

4- it s . L - I a .u f-. ' -i_ _ 1

Examination of the tirst quarterly report sub- mitted in our famous $50,000 cattle mutilation probe /_ would indicate results to date can be described at best disappointing.The worstmightbe to suggest it's a waste oi the taxpayers money.. - In summary. chlet investigator Ken Rommel, at a salary oi 825.000 a year. gave interviews to ' televisionstations and newspapers, talked with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. eontirmed support

-__.., already!ti-om a end numer oi eheelted state agencies out three which suspected he had. . mutilations in his rst five weeks on the job. That cost about $2.500 in salary plus unknown .-1,;-,_. expenses. _ ~.-1 _e=-' The report says the investigations into the three cattle deaths one each in Milaga, Coyote and Tres Fied! were not wntplete. alt-tough one Albuquerque. newspaperquoted Rommel as saying all three were caused by predators. l_-- -_' - But lo and behold, a mutilation reported in 1.-' Tmchas Saturday moming. only several hours after I -51. the animal'sdeath and probably the treshest in-. cident to date, had yet to be checkedout by I p.rn. Tuesday - more than tour days later. Our "Desert Fox" hadn'tmade it to Truchas, the state police hadn't responded,the livestock inspector was not to t. -1-_.. be seen and the only explanation our district st- -.¢_-.1 torney the; the one who got the grant! had was "it was a weekend." We must advise our cattle mutilators that the game is played only ve days a week - we rest on e:-ii weekends. ' -r~".; Now fellows. there is a tremendous amount ot ../Q interest in this stroject as evidenced by the tutnout tor the Albuquerque conference conducted by New Mexico'sSen. Harrison Schmitt. Additional proof is theL . tactthat thefeds coughedup $50,000 to lookinto . - While the pu_bllocan't expects solution "in the first six weeks ct activity. for petes sake they can expect morethan thatskimpy one-pagereport issued last week. And they can expect, tor the money they are putting out, tor someone to show up to in- 'vestigate reportedmutilstions. ' - But .2 one optimist remarked eheertully: "hook l at it this way; it'sonly $50,000. It could have been hal1'stn.il1ion." '-.-- _ , e ' 1 ' - - .2 q _ a r . o.- _ _| .,-0. :. 0 } tows From e ~-~/ Q _ ' 1,? - Siénator E-Ilarlfisom Selimifd, - .

243 Russell Senate Office Building. Washington. D.C. 20510 _ Media Contact Anne 202/224Grad


,-._¢ Washington, D.C.-U.S. Senator Harrison Schmitt announced today that - "I.- '1. the Senate Appropri ations Comittee, on which he serves, included in the %5*& gin a 'I Fiscal Year 1980 Justice Department Appropr i ations Report_1anguage directing :5 a .1 1 2 t the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI! to maintain its investigation of e§7. T'= »_! the cattle mutilations that have occurred in northern New Mexico and elsewhere.

Schmitt said ouch action by the Appropriations Committee is "necessary

_. - due to the continuing widespread problem of cattle nutilations and the need __"'92'92 G4, A.-_ ___r- _-.-_.iig for federal coordination of the investigation." . "I hope that the Committee: endorsement of this proposal will increase

1I|-up-I-|| the FBI: investigative activity so that the aswer to this bizarre and .|--- rt.- grisly mystery will be feud," Schmitt added. The FBI will_investigate the incidents that have occurred and which are prosecutable under Uited States Code 1152 and 1153. '

-_.>_,,. Q. . . - 3° - q_I-_"- -r :Q .92- - ; . V 4

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d____T_ ., __ * ~ - -92..----92._-a-.,_*...._._..-'-..._-... ..,t. -. I" Cg! _ ~ l UQITEDSTATES GOVERNMENT 2 /!"flT¬=' 12/1»/-1;sAc,_ ix ~ memorandumuse-541!ALBUQUERQUE c -=-===~ mrr-AT1<>rLs21:h4.r1;1.».-41-..sn.p.nmom LANDS IN 1_~:E_1: umgpo ' CIR C!m - '°= O0: ALBUQUERQUE

.5 ;:a. .

F-__-» _.


i in--Z..qr -=4: Re Albuquerque letter to the Director, 8/1/79. ~-; . _Since being instructed to investigate this matter, n, there have been no reports of mutilations on Indian lands in New Mexico. Liaison has been established with appropriate law enforcement personnel to insure that mutilations are reported to the Albuquerque FBI Office. In view of this, no investigation is currently being conducted regarding mutilations, and the Albuquerque Office is i.. placing this matter in a closed status. Lu 9292 _ "' M. @ - Bureau RH! 1 - Albuquerque SWJ:rag ! --|-pq :- . I HP '

ié? "I:"__'; :j - '..'¢~_ --. 66?%}l ' I w"1__, .

§ I ~1 "W 1 G wt-. ______,._...... ,.,_. /Q 1,-I - I ccfr»: é I 92, [/13 Q _ _ _ __. I-V7 ii _ , _ 2 . _ -. _* Q; UNITEDI I GOVERNMENT STATES B ' ' " memorandum '§§"-J13?-=Bart: . 1/15] Ug¥uQr_rzaou_nO c sic-/" ' res-541! mnrn - MUTILATION OF ANIMALS ON INDIAN LANDS §$¥4 " IN NEW msxrco CIR c! to: O0: ALB

._ ¢_,,._


-§_@'n _.. . .- vf .::...,__...- 1 , W DIRECTOR, FBI 98-1048! _ ;"!I I-1}- __ Re Albuquerque letter to the Director, 12/10/79.

tEnc1osed for the Bureau are five copies of an LHM captioned as above. One copy of this LHM is being designated for KENNETH M. ROMMEL, District Attorney's Office, Espanola, New Mexico. ROMMEL is the Director of a Special Investigative .__,.. Unit set up under an LEAA grant for the purpose of investigating 1: - animal mutilations. "5-I .' 1-. -~-,.-11 #1 1:?"- No investigation is currently being conducted by the Albuquerque FBI Office regarding mutilations, and this case is E,-i.".'}l-1'in a closed status. It is again pointed out there have been no ._..__ 2. IT. T":Z reports of mutilations on Indian lands in New Mexico since the //"g .'.._.1 v Albuquerque Gffieewa$92instrueted toinvestigate this matter. I ' ;_. _ . , .g 9292_ 1/ ..,"-.1-r _ Er-- K ®- Bureau'2; /0 I - Albuquerque - .r SWJ:rag ! //I/" T//-"' -" /¢ c . Q-YE!1///'7 "'' I 5/|... -4-,!n|-4.--1-I' .-1,-r-1-w-Ie --ea -Q JP I-*3"9Bu - J 2¢<- *-'492t>¢-4 weC>- 9 "T aH»~=354% C33-»:>->,;..<.;1>.v5 - "~" ' I mil 2: Q9 M f92. Q K-T!i I 92' i 2. J -J ?§5??§§EI _ *l , ' unrrspSTATES DEPARTMENTor JUSTICE 0 _ '='-=z-=1mfsaédf FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -i:'_.?%_._._i- cl" . IIQIVI *1b';::::2:1.*Fe:*.::**°°""""'-" _" """'

IJUTILATION or ANIMALS _ on INDIAN LANDS IN é _. .. ~, new utxxco §*i came on INDIAN nnsznvnron ;-~ ; .I n _ ' n By communication from FBIHQ dated March 6, 1979, the FBI, Albuquerque Office was instructed to conduct investigation -=,..;. - into the mutilations of animals occurring on Indian lands in New .- .,, - 12 Mexico. This instruction was based on a memorandum dated March 2 I 6-oo' I--. ;;< 1979, from the Department of Justice to FBIHQ, which authorized T 137;T-"I such investigation. U-3 ' ....r,~ On April 20, l9?9, a conference on livestock mutilation Q was convened in Albuquerque by Senator HARRISON SCHMITT of New IE3 Mexico, and the U. S. Attorney for New Mexico, R. E. THOMPSON. This conference was attended by law enforcement investigators from several states, FBI representatives, other interested partie ., '.;_-;_- and the press. Approximately 180 persons were in attendance. S Near the conclusion of the conference, it was reported by the District Attorney in Santa Fe, New Mexico, that a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration LEAA! grant had been applied for to _ provide funds for aepecial investigative unit to investigate 4 cattle mutilations. Subsequently, it was announced that the LEAA ;.'..":f'l-".1 ,1grant had been made, and that a special investigative unit for this purpose had been set up under the auspices of the New Mexico ,____. ._-. -2- i State District Attorney in Santa Fe. Former FBI Agent KENNETH M. ROMMEL was appointed to head up that unit. . . .-_ --- -. Investigation by the Albuquerque FBI Office determined ~ . that there had been reports of dead animals from both the Santa if-..-.;_|Clara Reservation ;-P and the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in New Hesico. Discussions with GERALB HILL, Bureau of Indian Affairs . .-1,. Criminal Investigator, Pojoaque, New Mexico, regarding the dead cattle which had been reported on the Santa Clara Reservation by members of the Santa Clara Tribe disclosed that these reports were in 1978. There was no evidence to cause it to be determined that the animals had been mutilated, and Investigator HILL did not make a complete investigation of the matter, nor collect any evidence for examination. Subsequent discussions with RALEIGH

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your a - -~__. E71 0! . . .


TAFOYA, Chief of Police, Jicarilla Apache Tribe, disclosed similar information, i.e. the reports of unexplained dead animals were in 1978, and although they were surrounded by suspicious circum- stances, there was no evidence to positively determine that the animals had been mutilated. In neither case had evidence been _"'L preserved for examination, nor were there any complete reports of investigation done regarding the deaths. _

I. -is ._92_~-..-. 3.. - The Albuquerque FBI Office has discussed the possibility --an of animal mutilations with law enforcement officers in New Mexico, FE including MEL SEDILLO, JR., Investigator, New Mexico Livestock Board, Albuquerque!'New Mexico, who has examined numerous animals .t£ which had been reported as being mutilated. Investigator SEDILLO E52is . said that in each instance his examination showed that the animals had been attacked by predators.

Since the conference of April 20, 1979, the Albuquerque FBI Office has received a voluminous amount of correspondence from interested parties who have expounded their theories regarding this subject. Copies of this information have been furnished to AA in KENNETH M. ROMMEL for his assistance. On January 15, 1980, KENNETH M. ROMMEL advised his office has pursued numerous investigative leads regarding the possible mutilation of animals in New Mexico. He said that to date, his a '. investigative unit has determined that none of the reported cases has involved what appear to be mutilations by other than common in-{.. = predators. ROMMEL said he has travelled to other states and con- ferred with investigators in those areas regarding mutilations, and to date has received no information which would justify the .14 belief that any animals have been intentionally mutilated by r A - he human beings. ROMMEL added that regarding all the dead animals he has examined, the damage to the carcasses has always been con- '.*;_'¢.sistent with predator action. ::92. ,. The Albuquerque FBI Office has alerted law enforcement officials who have Jurisdiction over Indian lands in New Mexico concerning the Harsh 6, 1979, authorization for the Albuquerque -9292 FBI Office to investigate the mutilations of animals on Indian lands in New Mexico. These law enforcement officials have advised that they would immediately notify the Albuquerque FBI Office in the event there are any new occurrences of suspected "1 3: animal mutilations on Indian lands. ~ - -"---On January 15, 1980, this matter was discussed with iAssistant U. s. Attorney arcnann J. snrwn, U. s; Attorney's . Office, Albuquerque. Assistant U. S. Attorney SMITH said that in his opinion there is no Federal interest in continuing an investi- ,-..H_a -.i.-. -..__ _-__ _gation in this matter in the absence of further reports of acts of

_ 2 _ N ;*,t'~W't _ N l m

Q . #; ! i 92 92 I -92 ' .§ --


-_-.| suspected mutilation of animals on Indian lands in New Mexico Q?-$1 ii-M !-_=§


.,, ; 92,7 _:=-.-. ._ _ t --» 9





._ 'F_._',,: 3-f_';§__. -.: ;_ . _

_ 3* _ kl! __ _ __ i ., ... _,5, _ , -Ci§f:e; §isirirt nfilge_ 1,-is! knrnegz' I ::> ' / F37/ £E%:! Qfirni Zjssisisl§isiria ' . - wires


Kennethan! 1nc5|"75r!- , M.Ro|nmel,.lr. A _mm n.¢§§L§$s»f.M h_ Pr 'Pl"°_ lnvdzptor P1431!_ =15 Dim 5_wk bpnqi ,!_!_,|¢5:5_q_!z§;3_I1" ispisne: E565"! 753-ii' '1'-rf c I. I. S v m_2m March 5, 1980 - . ,mK

Director Ir-5,, Federal Bureauof Investigation J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D.C. attention: F.B.I.Laboratory |Q¬.Z 'f{g559r;!q+i0lJJ n:'h./9'l?4*!§.°T.F'.4:"'577305; ¢ -93-9 -fentlemen: " /09...»' o" Ihexfc0 ,' 'Tu/y _/F75? r backgroundinformation, I refer to your Albuquerqueorigin matterentitled s follows:

"1 '1 Mutilations of Animals on Indian Lands ..in New Mexico -- -- Crime on Indi an Reservation. - _ J Enclosed for examination is one vial containing several flakes of an unknown =-- ."*Q.terial_ which this office______-___ would lik____e tohave identified in connection with an'_,_.-, E '5-giisisiinvestigation. For yourinformation, sinceapproximately 1975,New Mexicoand otherstates A primarily those located in close proximity to New Mexico, have had incidents referred to b"uy -*-" many as "" "tb" Lu: cattle**** mutilation phenomena." Stock animals, primarily * cattle, have been found dead with various parts of the carcass missing such as one eye, one ear, the udder, and normally a cored anus. Host credible sources have attributed this damage to normal d pre ator and scavenger activity. However, certain segments of the population have attributed the damage to many other causes ranging from .?.0.s to a giant governmental conspirac y, tne exact nature of which is never fully explained.No factualdata hasbeen supplied sgpnorting thesetheorie - In Hay,1979, respondingto pressurefrom coAtit{92ents,4hehis g. istrict Attorney, First Judicial District of N ew x He i co, applied for and praise-sde Lab one year L.E.A.A. grant to investigate these mutilations. - .E 6 1.5.-1':17 I retired after twenty-eightyears asa special agent ofthe F.B.I.toldirec this investigation. " "1----_-' Irena! As previously tated, there are those that have attempted to make a connection between cattle mutilati onsU.F.O. and sitings.2

H-=T':| r 7";/£7 '5/___1z1ssor _ I é _ ,3 1;!i

Director March 5, 1980 Federal Bureau of Investigation Page -2-

In July, 1978, a U.F.0. was reportedly observed by a resident of Taos, New Mexico, reportedly hovering over a pickup truck. The next morning, the enclosed powder flakes were reportedly recovered from the roof of the aforementioned pickup.

Some of the individuals that are most vocal to the media have inferred that these flakes are identical with a substance that was taken from cowhides in e controlled test conducted in the Dulce, New Mexico area.

Dulce, New Mexico, which has been the site of several reported mutilations, is located approximately seventy miles from Taos, New Mexico. I have not been able to locate a sample of the substance reportedly collected in the Dulce test, but 5 it has been described as a florescent material.

I have, to-date, been-able to confirm any connection between these two substances, and have been told by those that have seen both that they are not identical.

However, I would appreciate it if through the use of a G.S. Mas spectroscopy test or any other logical test, that these flakes can be identified. This in itself would go a long way to assisting me to discredit the U.F.0. -- Cow Mutilation association theory. '

If need be, the flakes can be destroyed during your examination.

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated.


-1; KENNETH M. ROMNL, JR .,__ if-...... =rl».»¢~P! KM/dsm enclosure

a ___..._..-Q-..-..-e_:.-_._..-.____:_.e_.._...._._...... _. ....__-._.._.t.,...-_-_.___.---+e..A _ W .____...-..._-.__-....-.._.-...aa._-_..._...... _....-_...-._e___. _.t...-_....- - gr J 1-1=__m¢v.4-26-vs»_ , ngpom O. ' ML41"" _ 5' " - oftl|e- 92 I ' 92. . I Q; _ . . |..anon.|v:o|w..;..4; _ o FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION 3 4. - IASIIIIIGTON, D. O. 20535 3": 1'Hr. Kenneth-. ll. Rommel. Jr. April t. am 32; hvggtnr __ 92__92 REGISTERED Oloe of the Diet:-lotAttorney ~ r-. rm: Judicialmen-let 92,_ " L "°- ta-mt. E" " mm rm om»Bo: em: ma . _p B ' "voum>'."-. "° -- moms a an:at 1 ' ii .__,._ ?!Q8l...9!._4;iIlQL!v.L.°.! A saw mount RESERVATION: mxtco. mt menos. -"_ ;_;

_ if E . _ 581$ 1 Examinatim requeated by: . Aodreeaee '_ * Reference: 7 E - ' -p '. IAIN! U011 Iltll A, IEEQ ' 5' Euation lequeeted: Chemieel Anaiyeee - lnetrumental Aneiyaea


Q1 Ilakee of unknown material _

leeult of examination: - - Specimen Q1wee identiedas a white enamelpaint typical _. 5 of an ecryllo latexlamuleion-typo exteriorhouee point. The Q1 particles appear tohave originetedfrom awood aulaatrate. The particular origin entlloruiennfaeturer this of paint oaunot = be determined. TheQ1 partiolee are euitahlelor oonparieon purpoaee in the ereute auapeotedaouree lelocated. ¢_ --"-- {_ SpecimenQ1 herewith.4 , la . _.-'_ rd e lllillhtine has been -a.with the ".54.";-mam;the av-itianoeum at commuted-f -1 official A n inveetigationof a criminal matterandthat the Ldaoratotyreport willbe needfor officialQrlil only, related l , the inveatigati or a eubeeqneil criminalprosecution. Aptil_u'i:ationcamot be panhd or the ueeoi the E3 gplbegineonneotionwitheciviipooeeding- .... . 393 ggj 1-/_92_¢/:._____e___ Q /___/ _ V W7!/Pl}3Vr~15'E"F~'£::S ! Hi:-.:''_ T _'-"[1 A " JI .- I-'Iv- .. "" "- 2 2 __,_ .. . it. -er - Ln z ~.

P 92 Q gr: I, E! 7 IIIIDOJ 7-2 ._ .~ .- C3 0 *!. - RECORDED AARON FEDERALBUREAU 01-" INVESTIGATION 3 7 so s/12/so umweo STATESDEPARTMENT JUSTICE 01-" / / p1'b* Laboratory Workiiui

7;. Mr. KennethM. Rommel, Jr. I Director Ofce of the District Attorney AnimalFirst Judicial DistrictMutilationProject FBIFILE /f NO. _. 8 I f Q g_. P951 Office B91; 1209 LAB.NO. 00307053S MK RI Re; Espanola, New Mexico 8753! YOUR NO. MUTILATIONS OF ANIMALS ON

INDIAN RESERVATION; TAOS, Exlmindion by: is NEW MEXICO, JULY 1978 _ L 4,.

Examination requestedby: AdC11B58éB

Reference: Letter dated March 5, 1980 Examination requested: chemical Analyses_ :~rnn|5UfA¢_

Specimens received: Specimen: To RI 3 /1 2/? a

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-I-O: Mr. Kenneth M. Rommel, Jr. Director - Office of the District Attorney First Judicial District FBI 5-11.:-: N0. ' Animal Mutilation Project Post office Box 1299 LAB. NO. 0D3U7U63 S MK -w.,f_ - Rg; Espancla, New Mexico 87532 ______M_;_,_,_:_,...-_.-..-»7-V--E;:~"§:'§f* 3*"-Q ___._ .ti |"-,9;-31.1-grifrrl _-9:-__::___-'L'__':______s..E§.¬..:...... _ .....:..-... ..._ ;='_.__ . 192-IUTILATIONS OF}AN11'v1ALS7 on _ """"l.:_:;:;;,,,;;_;.=;|.i-.=-______u______,___.._.- .--_-__- D INDLAN RESERVATION; mos, ..------'--E-1-f;-;;;;_;'*' , ____§?__.iA__75-3; . ~;;_ 1; . A__-- mzw MI-2XICO,_JULY 1s-we --'"?'?Eiii¬:-£-.:----»---- ---- .2 h-_.:-J. ,1 ______.,.-,.- .-.. _... vg av:; '-- = up--nncu-u-I-I _-'- "---. _ _ ""=2-:?.=:-.-.=;.---____"------2, .- -n-__ Examinaticm requested by: AddI'B35e| ;:iE:.!";=,.;,E:;£_________, 9% .~-Pl 1 ._ -"n 3- -- M- 0:92I "28¥ ¥-|&i..92:l-.' Q 1-T!;1.i=ir "-'5I"92. r -.1---|-92-nn. - Letter dated E.-'I=.=.:*ch 5, 1980 .. D... Fl.-mzninu .1.-re hrcd Chemical Analyses _ _g||5fRA-ITQL ANQLYIQ5

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UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT »-= 1/weo L meémorcxnolum- -_

ii; -.?% muQmmma-541! 9 C! _ s -~==*= -£.1I!.'r.1La'1'I.Q.1:1__Q¥'..ON INDIAN .m1wm§. LAHuD&_IN__1~3.!L-H!!§I¢0 "*' P-:-"92 CIR C! '---~... ~ ' 3 . TO: O0: Albuquerque l nznscron, rs: 93-1048! fl. 1;. -- Re Albuquerque letter to Bureau, 1/15/80.

v- a Enclosed for the Bureau is one copy of a bound report entitled, OPERATION ANIMAL MU'1'ILA'l'ION."i a This report of the District Attorney, First Judicial District, Iii__..~.¬ . State of New Mexico, prepared by Kenneth M. Rommel, Jr. 5.! former Special Agent! , Project Director, and dated June, w-.-» .- -..' 1980. a- 92-r A perusal of this report reflects it adds nothing new in regard to potential investigation by the Albuquerque FBI of alleged mutilation-as on Indian lands in New Mexico.

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9 JUL 16 1980

j u 1, p , _.. '_ .§'§.__ 4 - q!- Albuquerque Bureau Enc.l! /I SWJ/pd:2! [ab l, %,. ~ a -BuyU.S. . ii Savings lRegularly theBonds SavingsPayroll on OWMALMH Plan1° "Q '' unzv. I- IIl CIAFPMR IICFI! I91-ILI _ lino-111