___________.-_..._.-_.-.- -~~--i" " " ! . , _ .., ~ . &#39;2 <. &#39; J J E &#39; 1&#39; Airtel - I _ 7 - . &#39;="r-"&#39; ">&#39;.vI _./&#39; -. &#39;_ .&#39;-:&#39;" "&#39; .n&#39;L,. ., 5/2/79 &#39;-La. &#39; j ___,-..._.&#39;- . _ &#39; . 5 &#39; .&#39;.2,,;=-- . .. 591;,,-;- . To: sac, uuuquerque 98-5&1! 1 e- J. E. Smith " -eca ._~ Fromi oi:-eater, re: &#39; . ",1 -.-¢- %~¢~ &#39;me%1&#39;riLA&#39; ens &#39; /_ . , ---._r_ ._ 3.;-._J_, i_--&#39;_; ,3}, ¢- - 1-. &#39;i5ZIiiI£§;I""Qz &#39;-4¢&#39;l&#39;:":"_ Egerm cm G!.. 1-=2-:-5" O0: Albuquerque 1--v_ " i 92. _ Re Albuquerque uirtel to FBIHQ, l/E5/79, and r Butelcal to Albuquerque, 5/l/79. - FBIHQ concurs uith the recommendation or Snc, F;-.. Albuquerque in that the investigative unit currently being eetebliehed re cattle mutilation: within the DA: orriee Se nt e P e, New Mexico, be designated an the eoordinetor,in*thie matter. 1 &#39; If I , 4- . s . W I .r 4 - - .__&;_L_ ,1 4. rs, ¢ NOTE: Re airtel recommended that the coordinator for the various jurisdictions involved in the investigation of cattle mutilations will be th D e A &#39;s Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico. nu.- FBIHQ concurs with the recommendation. .1!- 92&#39; .. -. ,_...r.. __,_.. _._ _ -:- PE. / E -2 r " we &#39;*~~-:-Q0 /7 5 -I /4 /P _.é v? Ameuu___ MAY - 2197 " ?f-n_.;_;_Q__-Q I ,_ . _, _e :Z:§::III ~e"" FBl*Hvwu- &#39; -i- [V . _ In am s 1919 ei- - _______ W /H, I i--n an-Inn H I-chutney -1. I-F!.&#39;.&#39;=°&#39;~Z;.&#39;t .I¢- pl. _¢_._,.. Inkl nu. I,-us-fl-g-1-B Muff i I Frill: Mk. OI. __ Telnybee In. 1.. - ., éq! UN! *5 - . 7 . &#39; 0 5 u j -V-Ir I .&#39; . &#39; 5 . KA 92___j _ A . AD Dir. MI. _____ 92I . AD llv. &#39; UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE *"&#39;- Fir-= . _ _ Memorandum FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Mu. Sc-t. ...»,- t - ;-;;;=--"=&#39;- """~ -I -- --I "&#39;° -if: 1&#39;*°°1&#39;°|&#39; _/ m&#39;r== 6/1/79 i §|&#39;I.&#39;.&#39;f=.I;. III? E-_._ &#39; I ff; Ice. Igll.___ ; i f 1: J OCR. Song, _____ mom : 1,;_ I J _&#39; Go " §,§§°§§§f,§O?,°°t°r r.sT::::|:§E_1, - - &#39; - Mr. Moore ;§L&#39;:::!&#39;;&#39;,&#39;.;"&#39;*1 , - M . I ~- _;T- Q 503135 THE___H1lTI-LATIONS15_§¥IMALS &#39; OF - _.J. 1vg;_E. SmithGsmm <1 / . _ " &#39;.-=~*-r I ,__ Yl_ .- &#39;UHIM ON INDIAN RESERVATION " _ ?f;§ I 00: Albuquerque &#39; ; , §%§ -V:&#39;__V_;,_; ~ -I. &#39;-./-Z zgéq&#39;._____ i__ . RDRPOSE: To respond to the Director&#39;s request for infor- L mation concerning an article appearing in the "National -- Enquirer" newspaper dated June 5, 1979, page 5, which is R captioned, "FBI Joins Investigation of Animal Mutilations - ll =~? 1 Linked to UFOs." See attached.! .,;- RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. .._ll __.... n92/ _ _ _______*pP ,_,_,&#39;qm sew. Leia Cami ._.,---inu- , Dirac? Cr|m.lnv.B :1aI&#39;|_&ln5p.&#39;_&#39;"""""&#39; _, .- . &#39;-*=°=- W _"".. """&#39;-___ r§§s.~§&#39;§"n&#39;,;- " .. ~» ~ q Q -A Den. Dep_AD ngqqm, m... -"- "I-2-I. &#39;-==°&#39;=&#39;°&#39;v__._____ PubIic§if6IiT&#39;_&#39;Tmnin__ - & .,En DETAILS: By memorandum dated March 2, 1979, Philip B. Heymann, gees Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, requested that ¢¢;" the FBI conduct an appropriate investigation in New Mexico of Za the fifteen animal mutilations and any others that occur in 1&#39; 1 Indian country as a possible Crime on an Indian Reservation and . tfurnish the results to the U. S. Attorney and to the Criminal -_ Division, Department of Justice DOJ!. This memorandum stated that DOJ had received correspondence from Senator Harrison Schmitt, New Mexico, indicating that fifteen mutilations of animals have occurred in New Mexico Indian country in the past three years. In this memorandum, DOJ advised that their Criminal Division had been aware of the phenomenon of animals &#39;" *being&#39;muti1ated in a manner thatkcculd indicate that such acts are performed by persons as part of a ritual or ceremony. This memorandum from DOJ further stated that some of these mutilations which have occurred in Indian country are DOJ&#39;s - first indication that Federal law may have been viola -- %%?°°Us .{.531 ._ :L05v:s££=I.-"Levi;-1.1! ~a<"° .$_ "Q" <e " " H" 5»,__ "&#39; f #5 ~&#39;"-&#39;"N 1919&#39; J :52»! 92_ 1 r , _ cowummn ______-.-nunnrns- oven A-4 L, 2JUN Q 5? &#39; avings sonugzldhh-lyon the Payroll Savings Plan H-I--H»->~ _ g .! 1 i Cf 1&#39;.! . D Memorandum&#39;Gow to Moore RE: THE MUTILATIONS 0F.15 ANIMALS - &#39;E&#39;;i"-Li 0n March 6, 1979, the FBI, Albuquerque Division, - ¢ was instructed to conduct an investigation into the mutilations of fifteen animals or any others that occur in Indian country 9*. in accordance with the aforementioned DOJ memorandum dated March 2, 1979. "L"."e .3 .1 T On April 20, 1979, a conference was held in ~3.e Albuquerque, New Mexico, concerning the problem of animal &#39;.I mutilations, primarily cattle, in which approximately 180 -- m .~-.--:; people attended who included various law enforcement agencies :~&#39;*- -1 - &#39;r from several states, news media representatives, and the §§? general public. Senator Schmitt chaired the conference and the U. S. Attorney, New Mexico, and SAC Forrest S. Putman, Jr., Albuquerque Division, were in attendance. SAC, Putman advised the conference that DOJ had given the FBI authority to investi- gate those cattle mutilations which have occurred or might occur in Indian country. During this conference, numerous ,.,._.__, theories were expounded concerning who is responsible for -&#39;.:.,."&#39;5&#39;.&#39;these mutilations including members of satanic cults, predators, .&#39;.&#39;g * pranksters, extraterrestrial visitors, and some unknown Government agency. At the conclusion of this conference, it was decided that one agency would be designated as the coordinating investigative agency for all Jurisdictions qn-I-u involved. :s 1. Subsequently during May, 1979, the District Attorney&#39;s .&#39;."F___. Office for the_greater Santa Fe, New Mexico, area received approximately $50,000 in LEAA funds to act as the coordinating E, .5-i investigative agency of cattle mutilations. ._,_._.-.,2 "-1" 5 __,., p. 1;, _ - ... Since March, 1979, there have been no new cattle mutilations in Indian country, and our investigation with respect to the identities of the individuals responsible for the fifteen cattle mutilations has been negative to date. ... I I -2..- 4* _ W ______ _. _ ..___ _-v____ _ . Ly! A! -_/&#39; 5. Q _ , _ _____ ____, ____ ,___,,__._ . .. _._ _ &#39;_ .._,... ._- .- -.-.._-- o --1 _ 4. C - . Z. A _- 92 ,. ., . ___- _ . - &#39; -._&#39;_._ - I I X a , ~92 FBI Joins In vestiynlidn of. n&#39;.92 O Mutilation: I I lrnlredra UFO: lg WILLIAM IAINIIIILL, IOI PIA Uni DAVID WRIGHT . ,-and IIIE I&#39;D! -unu [III a__- Jlnuua a-:..-A 1- an 01.- an: aa|va:au§uuuaa Inn-.-at--.0!-1 ua -I oh; nan: 92nl- uaa-an var -an vaa-I -"E thousands of grang horses and cattle over an ll-state _grea _ av-hlch -, havebeenlinl:ed1.nUFOa. &#39; " *3 , .- - -"- -"#1 - DhdoaureoHheFBlrolewnmadeatancen1eonIarcn¢eololdahlmmaeva: &#39; E._:i.;_in alatea.wher¢l.hell:lack_l haveraachedanalarmlnglevgl. ~ - &#39; a . l - &#39;Sea. llarrlaon Schrnitl R.-N,lien!. the ea-aatronaut and whoarganined l _ " the maaalveennlerencei consp racy w enormously vre92§e funded." a -&#39; -&#39; IIWe 1* W I11 I" " &#39;_llllllive. Atleaatmweanleudhnnuhavebeenbutdaandwlthnuglcalpreciaiunovnan mimatedl.:lmiionquanmlleanaatre:chln¢iromTmneauem0regoodncelbe " mutilation: began around 1010. The LII million aquare miles la rnora than a lhlrd pub: ; total land area in the cm- tlnenul United Stalea. * hIVQ lnma1lJ&#39;eeaea|.hea"l*&#39;§*l Cilwlde 92|&#39;il.l&#39;| UFCI Iill- &#39; &#39; E lap. Baled lllveatlptora any &#39;~" I e &#39;- the strange pattern at -the. all ~ &#39;1lii- &#39;3!!!! - 1.? o rema a. 1 ,- .";_,-2" ~ . , _ vi q¢u_ &#39; :&#39;,&#39;Q°&#39;;,,§",f,|,,&#39;:L,"§&#39;,&#39;l"&#39;§,,.,;;|,;2|&#39; acuvl &#39; ;.é_?@&#39;; -. &#39; - _. rsarélier: _ . "W what I I01! . n uuai we nivi i iuae &#39;1"?{°§&#39;:f?;,l,u_,,d M mm, ..&#39;.e.l_f_f_&#39; - : 1 -_ _ _- &#39;. &#39; impanziue I01-the nluliiations up pansl&#39;B:?dllt1|v¢ 0 the annmala orllna - luau-ally are huh, - _ &#39; - _. ,_ --- Thole are . -em-u_ahla_* gm iwkamlbiz$1131.". l r.L!l,&#39;92raL-eelemenlt lound on - I -&#39; - _ &#39; lorced.Heel,aolhe lwnmlresis &#39; 3 mg in mg Q;-¢;;|¢; jrg [I]; , _ _ - _ , &#39; &#39; pg, ||nm¢m| gin hp I-I:-at nnidunied al_|_-cran are 3% I ln QT 1|!-&#39;1 - F - nanunr:&#39; -" &#39; w - ___ "&#39; V " vIii? in I8 nno imli 5! &#39; _ N *5 themeansUFOa. ~ - .n..&#39;=,,.-if ....¢ mygg 1.; andlaketheniback &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39; Iuae to ea! nu mutiluled rm-nu mumble- mg ¢,|||¢_ "&#39;|&#39;I&#39;gf¢ have been lhouaanda Sen. Schmill. who received 1 ton are rheae muumum lubed! _ " 1 Ph.D. in pom - from Harvard have acme Ibw!- The IMIIIM - » Li? -1 5. rf Q IIIAIQIION XHMITT ___,&#39; liwllm I Q iMHlII&#39;£ION %HMIICI, ICIINGI¢ IND TRANIFOITITION [J .--.
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