The Oxyrhynchus Papyri

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The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 1. I D l\ ^^ IX I lam Young University /r/^ ^^^'"' Ace. No. WAR-U^^958 THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART IX HUNT 3315 EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND GRAECO-ROMAN BRANCH THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART IX EDITED WITH TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES BY ARTHUR S. HUNT, D.Litt. LL.D. ATHENS HON. PH.D. KOKNIGSBERG ; HON. LITT.D. DUBLIN ; HON. lUR.D. GRAZ ; HON. LECTURER IN PAPYROLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, AND FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL BAVARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MEMBER OF THE ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND LETTERS WITH SIX PLATES LONDON SOLD AT The Offices of the EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, 37 Great Russell St., W.C. AND 527 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C. BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Grafton St., New Bond St., W. ASHER & CO., 14 Bedford St., Covent Garden, W.C, and 56 Unter den Linden, Berlin and HENRY FROWDE, Amen Corner, E.C., and 39-35 West 3aND Street, New York, U.S.A. 1913 All rights reserved . OXFORD HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE For the rather late appearance of this vokime the nature of its contents will perhaps in some degree be accepted as an excuse. It includes two texts of more than usual importance and interest, the new fragments of Sophocles and the Life of Etiripidcs by Satyrus. In the reconstruction and elucidation of these I have again been most fortunate in obtaining the invaluable aid of Professor U. von Wilamowitz-M Ollendorff. I am also under considerable obligations, more particularly with regard to the Sophoclean fragments, to Professor Gilbert Murray. The proof-sheets of the non-literary documents were seen by Professor U. Wilcken, whom I have to thank for some very useful comments and suggestions. Occasional contributions kindly made by other scholars are acknowledged elsewhere. A small edition of the fragments of the Iclmeutae and Eurypylus is in preparation, and will be issued by the Clarendon Press in the course of a few weeks. ARTHUR S. HUNT. Queen's College, Oxford, May, 191 2. CONTENTS PAGE V Preface . viii List of Plates ....•••••• ix Table of Papyri xi Note on the Method of Publication and List of Abbreviations TEXTS I. Theological Fragments (-1173) . New Classical Texts (1174-1176) 30 182 in. Extant Classical Authors (1177-1184) Periods IV. Documents of the Roman and Early Byzantine {a) Official (1185-1193) 213 {>) Declarations to Officials (1194-1200) 228 { Petitions (1201-1204) 239 (d) Contracts (1205-1209) . 254 (e) Accounts (1210-1212) 257 (/) Private Correspondence, &c. (1213-1223) INDICES I. New Literary Texts : 269 (a) 1174, 1175 (Sophocles, Ichneuiae and Eurypylus ) 1176 (Satyrus, Life of Euripides) 277 283 \c) Citations in 1176 283 II. Emperors 284 III. Consuls . • • 286 IV. Months and Days . 286 V. Personal Names 289 VI. Geographical 291 VII. Religion Vlll CONTENTS PAGE VIII. Official and Military Titles 291 IX. Weights, Measures, Coins X. Taxes ....... XI. General Index of Greek and Latin Words 293 XII. Passages discussed ..... 304 LIST OF PLATES I. nee, 1171 recto, 1178, 1170 II. 1174 Cols, iv-v . III. 1175 Fr. 5, Cols, i-ii . at the end. IV• 1175 Frs. 3, 6, 79, 80, 91, 94 V. 1176 Fr. 39, Cols, xvii-xxiii VI. 1200 .... TABLE OF PAPYRI A.D. liee. Genesis xvi 1167. Genesis xxxi 1168. Joshua iv-v 1169. St. Matthew's Gospel vi 1170. St. Matthew's Gospel x-xi 1171. St. James's Epistle ii-iii 1172. The Shepherd of Hermas 1173. Philo 1174. Sophocles, Ichneutae . 1175. Sophocles, Etirypylus . 1176. Satyrus, Li/e of Euripides 1177. Euripides, Phoenissae . 1178. Euripides, Orestes 1179. ApoUonius Rhodius ii . 1180. Thucydides 1181. Xenophon, Anabasis vii 1182. Demosthenes, De Falsa Legaiiom 1183. Isocrates, Trapeziticus 1184. Pseudo-Hippocrates . 1185. Letter of a Praefect, &c. 1186. Edict of a Praeses 1187. Proclamation of a Strategus 1188. Official Correspondence 1189. Letter of a Strategus . 1190. Letter of a Strategus . 1191. Official Correspondence 1192. Order for Payment 1193. Order from a Speculator 1194. Arrears of Annona 1195. Promise of Attendance in Court 1196. Declaration of a Tax-collector TABLE OF PAPYRI A. D. 1107. Declaration of a Shipper 1198. Notification of Death . 1199. Notification of Purchase 1200. Registration of a Deed 1201. Succession to an Inheritance 1202. Petition concerning an Ephebus 1203. Claim of Creditors 1204. Petition to a Strategus 1205. Manumission infe?- aviicos 1206. Adoption . 1207. Lease of a Camel-stable 1208. Public Acknowledgement of a Contract of Sale 1209. Sale of a Slave . 1210. Poll-tax Register 1211. Articles for a Sacrifice 1212. List of Vegetables 1213. Question to the Oracle 1214. Invitation to a Birthday-feast 1215. Letter of Sinthonis 1216. Letter of Sarapas 1217. Letter of Eudaemonis 1218. Letter of Didymus 1219. Letter of Aristandrus 1220. Letter of a Bailiff 1221. Letter of Isidorus 1222. Letter to Demetrius 1223. Letter of Hermias — NOTE ON THE METHOD OF PUBLICATION AND LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The general method followed in this volume is the same as that in Parts I-VIII. The new literary texts are printed in a dual form, a literal transcript being accompanied by a reconstruction in modern style. In the fragments of extant authors, the originals are reproduced except for division of words, capital initials in proper names, expansion of abbreviations, and supplements of lacunae. Additions or corrections by the same hand as the body of the text are in small thin type, those by a different hand in thick type. Non-literary documents are given in modern form with accentua- are resolved additions tion and punctuation. Abbreviations and symbols ; and corrections are usually incorporated in the text, their occurrence being recorded in the critical apparatus, where also faults of orthography, &c., are adscript corrected if they seemed likely to give rise to any difficulty. Iota has been printed when so written, otherwise iota subscript is employed. Square indicate a lacuna, round brackets ) the resolution of a symbol or brackets [ ] ( in original, braces abbreviation, angular brackets < ) a mistaken omission the letter or letters, double square brackets a deletion in the { } a superfluous [[J original. Dots placed within brackets represent the approximate number of letters lost or deleted; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise illegible letters. Letters with dots underneath them are to be considered doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus papyri in this volume and in Parts I-VIII, ordinary numerals to lines, small Roman numerals to columns. The abbreviations used in referring to papyrological publications are practically those adopted in the Archiv fur Papyrusforschung, viz. : P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri (Greek), Vols. I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. Archiv = Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung. B. G. U. = Aeg. Urkunden aus den K. Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. Vols. I-II, by F. G. Kenyon P. Brit. Mus. = Greek Papyri in the British Museum, ; I. Bell. Vol. Ill, by F. G. Kenyon and H. I. Bell ; Vol. IV, by H. C. P. Herm. = Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. xil LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS C. P. R. = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. P. Cairo Cat. = Catalogue des Antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Papyrus grecs d'epoque byzantine (two parts), by J. Maspero, P. Class. Phil. = Classical Philology, I. 2, Papyri edited by E. J. Goodspeed. P. Fay. = Fayum Towns and their Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and D. G. Hogarth. Comparetti. P. Flor. = Papiri Fiorentini, Vol. I, by G. Vitelli ; Vol. , by D. P. Gen. = Les Papyrus de Geneve, Vol. I, by J. Nicole. P. Giessen = Griechische Papyri zu Giessen, Vol. I, by E. Kornemann, O. Eger, and P. M. Meyer. P. Grenf. = Greek Papyri, Series I, by B. P. Grenfell, and Series , by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. P. Hamburg = Griechische Urkunden der Hamburger Stadtbibliothek, Part i, by P. M. Meyer. P. Hibeh = The Hibeh Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. P. Leipzig = Griech. Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, Vol. I, by L. Mitteis. P. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I-VI, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt ; Parts VH-VHI, by A. S. Hunt. P. Par. = Les Papyrus grecs du Musee du Louvre, Notices et Extraits, t. xviii. 2, by W. Brunet de Presle and E. Egger. Part HI, P. Petrie = The Flinders Petrie Papyri, Parts I-II, by J. P. Mahaffy ; by J. P. Mahaffy and J. G. Smyly. P. Reinach = Papyrus grecs et demotiques, by Theodore Reinach. P. Rylands = Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Rylands Library, Manchester, Vol. I, by A. S. Hunt. P. S. L = Papiri della Societa italiana. Vol. I, by G. Vitelli and others. P. Strassb. = Griech. Papyrus der K. Universitatsbibliothek zu Strassburg im Elsass, Vol. I, by F. Preisigke. P. Tebt. = The Tebtunis Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and ; P. Grenfell, S. Hunt, and E. J. G. Smyly and Part , by B. A. J. Goodspeed. P. Thead. = Papyrus de Th^adelphie, by P. Jouguet. Wilcken, Ost. = Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken. I. THEOLOGICAL FRAGMENTS nee. Genesis xvi. Fr. (c) 13-5 X 4-7 cm. Third century. Plate I. Remains of one column from a roll of Genesis in the LXX version. The early example of the large and upright calligraphic handwriting is apparently an the third century cf. e. g. so-called Biblical uncials, and may well fall within ; textually valuable, eei, 867, 1179, P. Rylands 16. A papyrus of this date is Several especially for the book of Genesis, where the Vaticanus is defective. Philo, two interesting readings occur,—an agreement in 1.
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