The Hyperion Reading List 1 Hyperion Reading List AESTHETICS Edmund Burke A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin Giorgio Agamben of our Ideas of the Sublime and the The Man Without Content Beautiful

Aristotle Guy Debord Poetics The Society of the Spectacle

Erich Auerbach Michel Foucault Mimesis Aesthetics, Method, Epistemology

Babette E. Babich Sigmund Freud Words in Blood, Like Flowers: Philosophy Writings on Art & Literature and Poetry, Music and Eros in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Heidegger Ortega y Gasset The Dehumanization of Art Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei The Poetics of Reverie The Ecstatic Quotidian The Psychoanalysis of Fire Phenomenological Sightings in Modern Art and Literature Georges Bataille The Absence of Myth: Writings on Pierre Hadot Surrealism The Veils of Isis: An Essay on the History of the Idea of Nature Walter Benjamin Illuminations Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Reflections Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art vol. 1

Hyperion Reading List 2 Francis Hutcheson Philip Pothen An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Nietzsche & The Fate of Art Beauty and Virtue Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling Philosophy of Art The Critique of Judgement (Meredith translation) August Wilhelm Schlegel Observations on the feeling of the Beautiful Lectures on Art & Literature and the Sublime Lord Shaftesbury Sarah Kofman Characteristics of Men, Manners, Camera Obscura: Of Ideology Opinions, Times

Susanne K. Langer Gary Shapiro Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the The Archaeologies of Vision: Foucault and Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art Nietzsche on Seeing and Saying Feeling and Form: A Theory of Art Earthwards: Robert Smithson and Art After Developed from Philosophy in Babel a New Key Susan Sontag Longinus Against Interpretation On the Sublime

Jean-Francois Lyotard VISUAL ART Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime The Blaue Reiter Almanac Louis Marin On Representation Apollinaire Apollinaire on Art: and Reviews Jean-Luc Nancy 1902 - 1918 Of the Sublime Rudolf Arnheim Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye

Charles Baudelaire The Painter of Modern Life

John Berger Keeping a Rendezvous Selected Essays The Sense of Sight

3 Hyperion Reading List Peter Burger Donald Kuspit, Mark Daniel Cohen, and Theory of the Avant-Garde others Chawky Frenn: Art for Life’s Sake Mark Daniel Cohen The Judenporzellan of Izhar Patkin Hermann Nitsch The Fall of Jerusalem Hubert Damisch The Origin of Perspective Walter Pater Theory of /Cloud: Toward a History of The Renaissance Painting (Cultural Memory in the Present) Ezra Pound Gaudier-Brzeska: A Memoir Arthur Danto After the End of Art Rainer Maria Rilke The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Auguste Rodin Philosophy of Art Beyond the Brillo Box: The Visual Arts in John Ruskin the Post-Historical Perspective Selected Writings

Gilles Deleuze David Sylvester Francis Bacon The Brutality of Fact: Interviews with Francis Bacon Michel Foucault This is not a pipe Leonardo da Vinci Notebooks Piero della Francesca De Prospectiva Pingendi Anthologies:

Joseph Kosuth Theories of Modern Art: A Source Book by Art After Philosophy and After: Collected Artists and Critics Writing, 1966-1990 Herschel B. Chipp, with contributions by Peter Selz and Joshua C. Taylor Wassily Kandinsky Concerning the Spiritual in Art

Donald Kuspit The End of Art Redeeming Art: Critical Reveries Psychostrategies of Avant-Garde Art The Dialectic of Decadence: Between Advance and Decline in Art

Hyperion Reading List 4 Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: Harold Bloom A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings The Anxiety of Influence Ed. by Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz Map of Misreading Agon Art in Theory, 1900-2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas Katja Brunkhorst Ed. by Charles Harrison and Paul ‘Verwandt-Verwandelt.’ Nietzsche’s Wood Presence in Rilke

Art in Theory, 1815-1900: An Anthology of Gerald Bruns Changing Ideas On the Anarchy of Poetry and Philosophy Ed. by Charles Harrison and Paul Wood Ernst Cassirer Language and Myth Art in Theory, 1648-1815: An Anthology of Changing Ideas S. T. Coleridge Ed. by Charles Harrison, Paul Wood, Biographia Literaria and Jason Gaiger Hart Crane “The Case Against Nietzsche” LITERATURE Paul de Man Matthew Arnold Blindness and Insight “Culture and Anarchy” Allegories of Reading

Mikhail Bakhtin Gilles Deleuze The Dialogic Imagination Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty Rabelais and his World Essays Critical and Clinical

Maurice Blanchot T. S. Eliot The Space of Literature The Sacred Wood The Writing of the Disaster William Empson Seven Types of Ambiguity

Northrop Frye The Anatomy of Criticism The Educated Imagination

Gerard Genette Mimologics

5 Hyperion Reading List Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei Arthur Rimbaud Heidegger, Hölderlin, and the Subject of “Voyant Letters” Poetic Language Michael Hamburger On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry The Truth of Poetry Martin Heidegger Dialogue on Poetry and Literary Aphorisms Poetry, Language, Thought Percy Bysse Shelley Friedrich Hölderlin “A Defense of Poetry” Essays and Letters on Theory Walter H. Sokel The Writer in Extremis Letters The Myth of Power and the Self: Essays on Franz Kafka Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe/Jean-Luc Nancy The Literary Absolute Wallace Stevens The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality John Livingston Lowes and the Imagination The Road to Xanadu: A Study in the Ways of Imagination Mark Strand Selected Poems Stéphane Mallarmé Blizzard of One “Crisis of Verse” Colin Wilson Poetry & Mysticism Philosophical Writings William K. Wimsatt Charles Olson “The Intentional Fallacy” “Projective Verse” Wordsworth and Coleridge Walter J. Ong Advertisement to Lyrical Ballads Orality and Literacy Wordsworth’s prefaces

Ezra Pound Guide to Kulchur ABC of Reading Literary Essays of Ezra Pound The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry (with Ernest Fenollosa)

Hyperion Reading List 6 FILM Andrei Tarkovski Sculpting in Time Andre Bazin What is Cinema? vol. 1&2 Paolo Cherchi Usai The Death of Cinema Ingmar Bergman Bergman on Bergman The Magic Lantern: An Autobiography THEATER Images: My Life in Film Antonin Artaud Les Blank The Theater and Its Double Burden of Dreams Alain Badiou Robert Bresson On Beckett Notes on Cinematography Walter Benjamin Lotte H. Eisner The Origin of German Tragic Drama The Haunted Screen Eric Bentley Federico Fellini The Theory of the Modern Stage Fellini on Fellini I, Fellini Henri Bergson Laughter Werner Herzog Herzog on Herzog Herbert Blau Of Walking on Ice The Impossible Theater

Siegfried Kracuer Augusto Boal From Caligari to Hitler Theater of the Oppressed Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality Faubion Bowers Theatre in the East: A Survey of Asian Akira Kurosawa Dance and Drama Something Like An Autobiography

Walter Murch The Conversations: On the Art of Editing Film

Pier Paolo Pasolini Heretical Empiricism Pasolini on Pasolini

7 Hyperion Reading List Bertolt Brecht Ezra Pound Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an The Noh Theatre of Japan Aesthetic (with Ernest Fenollosa)

Peter Brook Leonard Pronko The Empty Space Theater East and West

Robert Brustein James Roose-Evans The Theater of Revolt Experimental Theater from Stanislavsky to Peter Brook Martin Esslin The Theater of the Absurd Richard Schechner The Future of Ritual Francis Fergusson The Idea of a Theater Richard Schechner/Willa Appel By Means of Performance: Intercultural Jerzy Grotowski Studies of Theatre and Ritual Towards a Poor Theater Charles Segal Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Hazlitt on Theatre Limits of Knowledge

Walter Kaufmann Walter H. Sokel & Philosophy Anthology of Expressionist Drama: A Prelude to the Absurd H. D. F. Kitto Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study Jean-Pierre Vernant / Pierre Vidal-Naquet Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece G. E. Lessing Hamburg Dramaturgy ANCIENT GREECE Vsevolod Meyerhold Meyerhold on Theatre Marcel Detienne The Masters of Truth in Archaic Greece The Writing of Orpheus: Greek Myth in Cultural Context

E. R. Dodds The Greeks and the Irrational

Pedro Lain Entralgo The Therapy of the Word in Classical Antiquity

Hyperion Reading List 8 J. E. Harrison John Cage Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Silence Religion For the Birds Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of (with Daniel Charles) Greek Religion Harry Partch Karl Kerenyi Bitter Music: Collected Journals, Essays, Dionysus Introductions, and Librettos

H. D. F. Kitto Arnold Schoenberg The Greeks Style and Idea: Selected Writings by Arnold Schoenberg Walter Pater Greek Studies Igor Stravinsky (containing “A Study of Dionysus”) Poetics of Music in the Form of Six Lessons (The Charles Eliot Norton Schlegel Lectures) On the Study of Greek Poetry Jean-Pierre Vernant Wagner on Music and Drama: A Myth and Society in Ancient Greece Compendium of Richard Wagner’s Origins of Greek Thought Prose Works “The Art-Work of the Future” and Other Paul Veyne Works Did the Greeks Believe in their Myths? Art And Revolution Pilgrimage to Beethoven and Other Essays

MUSIC DANCE Theodor W. Adorno Philosophy of Modern Music Merce Cunningham Essays on Music The Dancer and the Dance Philosophy of New Music Martha Graham Blood Memory: An autobiography

Doris Humphrey The Art of Making Dance

Kimerer L. LaMothe Nietzsche’s Dancers: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values

9 Hyperion Reading List PHOTOGRAPHY Edward Dahlberg Confessions Roland Barthes The Sorrows of Priapus Camera Lucida The Carnal Myth

Susan Sontag Agnes Denes On Photography The Book of Dust (not currently in publication)


Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a Dream Essays, First and Second Series “Solitude and Society” Georges Bataille Erotism Sigmund Freud Beyond the Pleasure Principle Samuel Beckett Civilization and Its Discontents everything The Future of an Illusion

William Blake Jean Genet The Marriage of Heaven and Hell The Thief’s Journal

Maurice Blanchot Goethe Infinite Conversations Conversations with Eckermann

Sebastian Brant, Albrecht Dürer William Hazlitt Ship of Fools Selected Writings

Thomas Browne Eric Hoffer Selected Writings The True Believer

Ernst Cassirer The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, The Major Works vol. 1-4

E. M. Cioran Anathemas and Admirations On the Heights of Despair Tears & Saints

Hyperion Reading List 10 C. G. Jung Memories, Dreams, Reflections Psychological Types

Lautreamont Maldoror

Stéphane Mallarmé everything

Abraham Maslow Towards a Psychology of Being

Marcel Mauss The Gift

Montaigne The Complete Essays

Vladimir Nabokov Speak, Memory

Thomas de Quincey Confessions of an Opium Eater On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power

Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel

Paul Valéry Monsieur Teste

11 Hyperion Reading List