as a Description Logic Andre Hernich1, Carsten Lutz2, Ana Ozaki1 and Frank Wolter1 1University of Liverpool, UK 2University of Bremen, Germany fandre.hernich, anaozaki,
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract Patel-Schneider [2014] develops an ontology language for with a formal syntax and semantics that, apart is an initiative by the major search en- from some details, can be regarded as a fragment of OWL DL. gine providers Bing, Google, Yahoo!, and Yandex that provides a collection of ontologies which web- In this paper, we abstract slightly further and view the masters can use to mark up their pages. ontology language as a DL, in line with the for- comes without a formal language definition and malization by Patel-Schneider. Thus, what calls a without a clear semantics. We formalize the lan- type becomes a concept name and a property becomes a role guage of as a Description Logic (DL) name. The main characteristics of the resulting ‘ and study the complexity of querying data using DL’ are that (i) the language is very restricted, allowing only (unions of) conjunctive queries in the presence of inclusions between concept and role names, domain and range ontologies formulated in this DL (from several per- restrictions, nominals, and datatypes; (ii) ranges and domains spectives). While querying is intractable in general, of roles can be restricted to disjunctions of concept names (pos- we identify various cases in which it is tractable and sibly mixed with datatypes in range restrictions) and nominals where queries are even rewritable into FO queries are used in ‘one-of enumerations’ which also constitute a form or datalog programs.