MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 1 Destination SPACE Internship With

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MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 1 Destination SPACE Internship With RUNNING HEAD: MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 1 Destination SPACE Internship with Miles Space Austin Gleydura 08/14/2019 MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 2 Contents Abstract ............................................................. 3 Background ........................................................... 4 Figure 1 .......................................................... Finite Element Analyses .............................................. 5 Static Structural Analysis ......................................... 5 Figure 2 ......................................................... 5 Figure 3 ......................................................... 6 Table 1 .......................................................... 7 Table 2 .......................................................... 7 Random Vibration Analysis .......................................... 7 Table 3 .......................................................... 7 Figure 3 ......................................................... 8 Table 4 .......................................................... 8 Table 5 .......................................................... 8 Thermal Analysis ................................................... 9 Figure 5 ........................................................ 10 Figure 6 ........................................................ 10 Figure 7 ........................................................ 11 Figure 8 ........................................................ 11 CAD Design .......................................................... 12 Thruster Tabs ..................................................... 12 Figure 9 ........................................................ 12 Figure 10 ....................................................... 12 Propellent Bladder Support ........................................ 13 Figure 11 ....................................................... 13 Conclusion .......................................................... 14 MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 3 Abstract From May 10th through July 1st I interned with Destination SPACE and Miles Space, based in Tampa, FL. With Miles Space I aided in completing Finite Element Analyses and various CAD assignments to help them prepare for the Safety meeting at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center associated with the deep-space CubeSat mission. In this report I cover details of how I am involved with Team Miles and provide a description of the projects. Key terms: CubeSat, Finite Element Analysis MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 4 Background Team Miles is a NASA CubeQuest Challenge team that competed and won one of three spots aboard NASA’s Artemis I mission (formally known as SLS-EM1) set to launch in 2020. This mission contains 13 6U CubeSats destined for missions to the moon, various near-earth asteroids, and deep space. Miles Space is comprised of 24 professionals, makers, and friends that came together to build one of the two first deep space CubeSats ever launched by NASA (approx. 1,000,000 km). Team Miles prides it’s self for having the equivalent of 1U dedicated to STEM sensors aboard Miles. These sensors contain various space weather sensors, such as a Langmuir (plasma) probe, magnetometer, gamma ray sensor, and an electron flux detector. Team Miles and Destination SPACE plan to allow high school and university students to access the data from this mission and use it to model space weather patterns. Team Miles will make this journey alongside the other CubeSat deep- space team CU-E3, a team at the University of Colorado in Boulder. My involvement with Team Miles goes back to July of 2018. My mentor from my other internship, Dr. L. DeWayne Cecil formed a STEM deep after meeting Team Miles at the NASA SmallSat Mission Technical Interchange Meeting at NASA Ames, in Mountain View, California. Dr. Cecil recommended a fellow student and myself to aid in documentation, Figure 1 inventory, and fit tests of the STEM sensor suite flight hardware and various other components, as shown in figure 1. This summer I have been asked to aid in completing finite element analyses to be shown at the safety meeting at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. I have also been asked to modify the propellent bladder support structure and to add machining elements to the thruster panel. Integrating exosat flight hardware into the hull of the CubeSat with fellow intern Lauren What follows is a detailed explanation of Ballard the steps I took to complete these projects. MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 5 Finite Element Analyses The first projects I was tasked with completing were static structural, random vibration, and thermal analyses. These would be used to show NASA at the safety meeting that the Miles would be capable of spaceflight and the CubeSat is within nominal parameters. With some guidance from team Cislunar Explorers from Cornell University I learned how to use ANSYS 2019 R1 software (Cornell edX ENGR2000X course). Static Structural Analysis The goal of this analysis was to apply a force of 400 Newtons (N) to the -Z axis side of the craft and the deployer switches. 400 N is the upper limit of potential force on that side of the craft during launch from the pressure of the spring-loaded plate used to eject the craft from the deployer. I first started with modeling the main components of the CubeSat in the CAD software, CATIA due to the part number constraint of ANSYS with a student license. By modeling key components, as shown in figure 2 I would be able to get realistic results from the analysis without the complexity of remodeling the entire structure of the Miles CubeSat, and to save time in the computing of the results. After completing the CAD model of the craft with all the necessary components I created a new static structural analysis in ANSYS. Figure 2 MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 6 I then imported the .step file into the Geometry section. I set the chassis rails on the bottom of the craft as fixed parts and then assigned material and thermal properties to each component in the model. Next I created a mesh for the model and determined how fine resolution I wanted it to be. After creating a mesh, I added a force to the -Z plate of the craft, and then added a ramped force to the face, as shown in figure 3. I then selected what aspects of the analysis I wanted to record. I chose total deformation, equivalent elastic strain, equivalent stress, and maximum principal stress. I then solved the analysis so the results could be created, and conclusions could be drawn. Analyzing the results in Table 1 it is clear the maximum stress and strain is miniscule compared to the yield strength of aluminum and steel as shown in Table 2. Figure 3 The main conclusion is that Miles is in no danger of damage during launch or deployment from the spring-loaded plate. The maximum deformation from the force of the plate results in only 5.305 nanometers (μm) of movement, far within the elastic limits of both aluminum and steel. MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 7 Table 1 Object Name Total Deformation Equivalent Elastic Strain Equivalent Stress Maximum Principal Stress State Solved Scoping Method Geometry Selection Geometry All Bodies Definition Type Total Deformation Equivalent Equivalent Maximum Elastic Strain (von-Mises) Stress Principal Stress Results Minimum 1. mm 3.3614·10-9 mm/mm 1.6755·10-4 MPa -.50717 MPa Maximum 5.3045·10-3 mm 5.0508·10-5 mm/mm 3.5569 MPa 3.4013 MPa Average 2.5372·10-4 mm 2.0101·10-6 mm/mm 0.11419 MPa 5.2041·10-2 MPa Table 2 Material Young’s Modules Bulk Modules MPa Shear Modules MPa Tensile Yield MPa Strength Aluminum 70000 75758 26003 95 Steel 2·105 1.4245·105 78989 250 Random Vibration Analysis For the random vibration analysis, the goal was to analyze the Miles CubeSat at various natural frequencies and to learn the behavior of the craft at these frequencies. To complete this analysis, I used similar procedures to the ones I used to complete the static structural analysis. I started with a model of the craft with the components necessary for this analysis. I then created analyses for each direction of the CubeSat; longitudinal, normal, and tangential. I did this so I could test each axis of the craft and how it behaves, so I would have models of how the craft would behave in any scenario. The steps taken for each analysis are identical, except for the frequencies of vibration. I then created a random vibration analysis in the flow chart. After assigning material and thermal properties to each object I created a PSD G acceleration with frequency steps, and then ANSYS gave me G acceleration results for each of these frequencies. Table 3 Frequency (Hz) G Acceleration ( 2/Hz) 20 1·10-2 40 0.8 200 400 5·10-2 1400 2000 1·10-2 MILES SPACE INTERNSHIP 8 Figure 3 After giving me these results, I looked at directional deformation, normal elastic strain, shear elastic strain, and equivalent stress from these frequencies. Below are the results from this data. Table 4 Object Name Directional Normal Elastic Strain Shear Elastic Equivalent Stress Deformation Stress State Solved Scoping Method Geometry Selection Geometry All Bodies Definition Type Directional Normal Elastic Strain Shear Equivalent Stress Deformation Elastic Stress Results Minimum 0. m 2.0082·10-11 m/m 3.1102·10-10 m/m 570.33 Pa Maximum 2.7543·10-5 m 2.4686·10-5 m/m 1.8669·10-5 m/m 3.5692·106 Pa Average 2.3457·10-7 m 5.0425·10-7 m/m 5.6841·10-7 m/m 1.1356·10 Pa 5 Table 5 Tensile Yield Material Young’s Modules Pa Bulk Modules Pa Shear Modules Pa Strength Pa Aluminum 7·1010 7.5758·1010 2.6003·1010 9.5·107 These results show that the Miles CubeSat will be able to handle
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