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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51483-5 - The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe David Parrott Index More information Index Acosta, Manuel Gómez de, 221, 222 personalized networks, 214–19 administración, 197, 199, 263, 305 production of, 201, 210, 212, 222 admiralties (Dutch Republic), 208, 227 social status of contractors, 259 Admiralty Board (England), 293 state manufacture, 198–9 Aelian, Claudius, 15, 98 Arnim, Hans Georg von, 119 Albrecht Alkibiades, margrave of Arsenale (Venice), 198, 200–1, 293 Brandenburg-Kulmbach, 57 artillery, 47, 83, 118, 140, 147–8, 234, 295, Aldringen, Johann, 244 302, 318 Alexander Farnese, duke of Parma, 15, 90, cast-iron cannon, 202, 212, 221, 237, 92 301, 319 Allerheim, battle of (1645), 181, 185, 186 and navies, 75, 83, 149, 290–1 Alsace, 106, 108, 190, 222 Aschaffenburg, 191 Altishofen, Ludwig Pfyffer von, 52 asiento (contracting), 220 Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duke of, Spanish army and navy, 220–2, 263 89 Atlantic islands (Spanish), 211 Amsterdam, 85, 95, 126, 216, 236, 239 Augsburg, 128–9, 212 and military provisioning, 201, 213, 219, Aussig (Ústí nad Labem), 176, 235 232, 259 Anghiari, battle of, 27 Balbi (Genoese arms dealers), 213, 214, Anglo-Dutch Wars, 291 219, 222 anti-mercenary norm, 6 See mercenaries: Baltic, 214, 239, 280 hostility towards Banér, Johan, 131, 139, 177, 189, 239, 249 Antwerp, 216, 221 campaigns of late 1630s, 184 sack of (1575), 90 and cavalry, 184 Arana, Martin de, 223, 251 fortune of, 243 Arboga, 202 winter campaigns, 188 Arenfeld, Axel, 111 Bannerman, Gordon, 302 armateurs, 141, 246, 259 Barbary corsairs, 37 armies.
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