Coast Guard, DHS § 117.173
Coast Guard, DHS § 117.173 § 117.161 Honker Cut. phone number to schedule drawspan operation. The draw of the San Joaquin County (b) The draw of the Northwestern Pa- (Eightmile Road) bridge, mile 0.3 be- cific railroad bridge, mile 10.6 at Braz- tween Empire Tract and King Island at os, shall be maintained in the fully Stockton, shall open on signal if at open position, except for the crossing least 12 hours notice is given to the of trains or for maintenance. When the San Joaquin County Department of draw is closed and visibility at the Public Works at Stockton. drawtender’s station is less than one mile, up or down the channel, the § 117.163 Islais Creek (Channel). drawtender shall sound two prolonged (a) The draw of the Illinois Street blasts every minute. When the draw is drawbridge, mile 0.3 at San Francisco, opened, the drawtender shall sound shall open on signal if at least 72 hours three short blasts. advance notice is given to the Port of [CGD 82–025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984, as San Francisco. amended by CGD 12–85–02, 50 FR 20758, May (b) The draw of the 3rd Street draw- 20, 1985; USCG–1999–5832, 64 FR 34712, June 29, bridge, mile 0.4 at San Francisco, shall 1999; CGD11–03–006, 69 FR 21958, Apr. 23, 2004; open on signal if at least 72 hours ad- CGD 11–05–025, 70 FR 20467, Apr. 20, 2005] vance notice is given to the San Fran- cisco Department of Public Works.
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