Administrative-Finance Committee LOUIS L. REDDING CITY COUNTY BUILDING CO-CHAIR, GEORGE SMILEY 800 N. French Street COUNCILMAN SEVENTH DISTRICT Wilmington, DE 19801 CO-CHAIR, JOHN J. CARTIER Office: (302) 395-8383 Fax: (302) 395-8386 COUNCILMAN EIGHTH DISTRICT COUNCIL E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] NEW CASTLE COUNTY COUNCIL Administrative-Finance Committee October 8, 2019 – 1:30 p.m. Joseph M. Reda Council Conference Room Minutes I. Administrative-Finance Committee Co-Chair John Cartier called the Administrative Finance Committee Meeting to order at 1:30 PM on October 8, 2019 in the Joseph M. Reda Council Conference Room on the 8th floor of the city county building. II. Council Members present were: Mr. Bell, Mr. Carter, Mr. Cartier, Ms. Diller, Ms. Durham, Mr. Hollins, Ms. Kilpatrick, Mr. Sheldon, Mr. Smiley, Mr. Street, Mr. Tackett, and Mr. Woods III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Sheldon made a motion and Ms. Diller seconded and the 9/24/19 Administrative Finance Committee Minutes were adopted unanimously. IV. RESOLUTIONS: R19-185: AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ONE PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACT FOR DUFFY’S HOPE, INC. FOR A PASS-THROUGH GRANT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $150,000.00. Introduced by: Mr. Smiley, Mr. Cartier • Mr. Cartier read the title and explained the resolution. • Marcus Henry of Community Services spoke on behalf of the legislation. R19-186: AMEND THE FY2020 CAPITAL PROGRAM: APPROPRIATE $108,512 FROM THE RECORDER OF DEEDS TECHNOLOGY FEE ACCOUNT WITHIN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, SECURITY CAPITAL PROJECT.