Congressional Record-Senate April 26
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8918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 26 compensation or any reduction in the rights now being en Glass Jones Norbeck Steiwer .joyed by disabled veterans; to the Committee on Ways and Glenn Kean Norris Stephens Goldsborough Kendrick Nye Thomas, Idaho Means. Gore Keyes Oddle Thomas, Okla. 7058. Also, petition of the vocational agricultural class, Hale La Follette Patterson Townsend Harrison Lewis Pittman Trammell Mound City, Mo., protesting against the discontinuance or Hastings Logan Reed Tydings suspension of Federal funds for vocational education; to the Hatfield McGill Robinson, Ark. Vandenberg Committee on Economy. Hawes McKellar Robinson, Ind. Walcott Hayden McNary Schall Walsh, Mass. 7059. By Mr. PARKER o! Georgia: Petition of Thomas L. Hebert Metcalf Sheppard Waterman Bailey and 38 other citizens of Georgia, urging the passage Howell Morrison Shipstead Watson Hull Moses Shortridge White of railroad pension bill, H. R. 9891, and voicing opposition to Johnson Neely Smoot House bill 10023 and Senate bill 3892: to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr. SHEPPARD. I desire to ·announce that the junior 7060. By !\.fr. RAINEY: Petition of Herschel H. Heaton Senator from Utah [Mr. KmcJ is absent owing to illness. I and 64 members of the Jacksonville (Ill.) Chapter of the Mr. GLASS. desire to announce that my colleague the senior Senator from Virginia [Mr. SWANSON] is still detained Future Farme~s of America, favoring appropriations for vocatjon<:!-1 education; to the_Committee on Appropriations. from the Senate in attendance upon the disarmament con ference at Geneva. 7061. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of J. T. Matchett Co., .Brooklyn, N. Y ., opposing the proposed tax on candy; to the The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-seven Senators have an Committee on V.lays and Means. swered to their names. A quorum· is present. The Senate . 7062. Also, petition of Adelaide Eller, 94 .Vanderveer resumes the consideration of Senate Resolution No. 199. Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., and six other citizens of the Greater ALABAMA SENATORIAL CONTEST City .of New York, with reference to tax on fountain pens; The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution to the Committee on Ways and Means. (8. Res. 199), reported by Mr. GEORGE and Mr. BRATTON 7063. Also, petition of National Casket Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, as follows: opposing the payment of the soldiers' bonus; to the Com Resolved, That JOHN H. BANKHEAD is hereby declared to be a mittee on Ways and Means. duly elected Senator of the United States from the State of Ala . 7064. Also, petition of George F. Arata, of New York City, bama for the term of six years, commencing on the 4th day of favoring a tax on beer; to the Committee on Ways and March, 1931, and is entitled to a seat as such. 1\.feans. The VICE PRESIDENT. Mr. Heflin is entitled to the 7065. Also, petition of A. H. Stiehl Furniture Co., New floor for two hours. York City, favoring the repeal of the eighteenth amendment Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President and Senators, I am deeply and also legalize the sale and taxation of light wines and grateful to the Senate for extending to me the privilege of beer; to the Committee on Ways and Means. appearing in my own behalf and discussing my contest. I 7066. By Mr. SHANNON: Resolution of Tacitus E. Gail shall never cease to be grateful for the kindness and the lard Post, No. 2069, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Kansas City, justice that has been done me in this regard. Mo., urging payment of adjusted-service certificates; to the TPe Master said, "Know the truth and the truth shall Committee on Ways and M:eans. make you free," and Pilate asked, "What is truth?" But he would not wait for an answer. Every contest that comes to this body ought to be care SENATE fully and thoroughly investigated. I have not had such an TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1932 investigation. My rights have been denied me to close my case. I have not been permitted to take testimony in the <Legislative day of Monday, April 25, 1932> middle portion or in the southern portion of Alabama. At The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration Birmingham, when we went down to take testimony in of the recess. January, agreeing that a commissioner might preside, it was The VICE PRESIDENT. The Sen~te will receive a mes our belief, and probably I should say our understanding, sage from the House of Representatives. that we would take testimony for weeks. On the second MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED BILL SIGNED day of the first week, when we had no notice that we would A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. have to cut off the investigation for the contestant, Senator Chaffee, one of its clerks, announced that the Speaker had HASTINGS sent a telegram, I understand at the instance of Senator GEORGE, that we could have three more days and affixed his signature to the enrolled bill CS. 3570) to amend no more and we must close our testimony. We had to dis the· act entitled "An act confirming in States and Terri miss a number of witnesses that were subprenaed for that tories title to land granted by the United States in the aid week and we never had the opportunity to summon other of common or public schools," approved January 25, 1927, witnesses in the middle and southern portions of the State. and it was signed by the Vice President. Senator Bankhead was then given a week, and we have RAILROAD MERGERS (S. DOC. NO. 86) been denied the right of rebuttal. We have not been allowed The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter to summon a single witness and take testimony to answer from the Attorney General, submitting, in response to Senate Mr. Bankhead's witnesses. Senators, I submit that such Resolution 173 (submitted by Mr. KING), certain information treatment of the contestant is without parallel in the his relative to recent railroad mergers and the policy of· the tory of this body. It embodies the idea of letting the con Department of Justice with respect thereto, which was testee close the case, cutting off the contestant, saying referred to the Committee on the.Judiciary and ordered to "Your case is closed." What sort of justice is that? be printed. We were not permitted to take the testimony regarding CALL OF THE ROLL the primary at Birmingham, and that, as I understand, was Mr. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a under the instructions of Senator GEORGE. I am going to quorum. tell the Senate something about this case to-day that the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Senate does not know and would not know but for my The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sen speaking here. I have always tried to be very frank and ators answered to their names: fair and honest and just, and I ask that treatment at the Ashurst Blaine Capper Cutting hands of my former comrades. Austin Borah Caraway Dale It was rumored that I would not be permitted to speak Batley Bratton Carey Dickinson Bankhead Brookhart Connally Dill here, and three very prominent men said they would hire Barbour Broussard Coolidge Fess the biggest hall in the city for me to speak in if I was Barkley Bulkley Copeland Fletcher Bingham Bulow Costigan Frazier denied that right. It shows that the spirit of fair play is Black Byrnes Couzens George in our people, and it is fortunate that it is true. But I 1932 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD--SE.NATE have permission to speak., and I am going to discuss some dent Hoover. Did' they undertake to read him out of lhe things of vital importance in the casa · Democratic Party in North Carolina? No; they permitted I have told you what happened in January in Alabama. him to run in North carolina. We fully expected to go to Montgomery~ the .capital of the My grandfather Heflin was born in that Sta~. and my State., and put the former governor~ Governor Grav~. on the g.ood friend the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. BAILEY] witness stand. We expected to prove something importapt voted yesterday to seal my lips and deny me the chance to by him, which I shall discuss later. We expected to have eome in here and speak in my own behalf, with the last probably 100 witnesses summoned there, very important opportunity that I would have to present my ease to those witnesses. Then we expected to go to Mobile, in the south who are to pass upon it finally. · ern part of the State, and take testimony, but we have not So Senator Simmons was not read out of his party; Sena had the chance to do that. tor NoRRIS was not read out of his party; but I was read When we -came back the chainnan of the subcommittee, out. Why? Because it was generally conceded by the Mr. HASTINGS, who has given a great deal of attention to this Bankhead leaders that I would be nominated if I got into question, who has been very painstaking and very industri the primary, and the only way to keep me from being nomi ous and very fair, reached the point where he thought the nated was politically to assassinate me; and that is what case ought to go to the full .committee for advice as to that braren bunch on that committee undertook to do. what should be done further in the matter.