Shaping the Future of Pediatrics September 20Th
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF PEDIATRICS HOW TECHNOLOGY EMPOWERS CLINICIANS, RESEARCHERS AND PATIENTS TH SEPTEMBER 20 , 2017 THE–OMICS AND PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 13,00 - 13,15 Conference opening Bruno Dallapiccola - Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy 13,15 - 13,45 Undiagnosed diseases and disease gene discovery Nicholas Katsanis - Center for Human Disease Modelling, Duke University, Durham, USA 13,45 - 14,15 Gene therapy for inherited disorders Alessandro Aiuti - San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy 14,15 - 14,45 Personalized cancer therapy Franco Locatelli - Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy 14,45 - 15,15 COFFEE BREAK 15,15 - 15,45 Microbiota for Health: Using Metagenomics in Pediatrics Joel Dorè - French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Paris, France 15,45 - 16,45 Precision or personalization? Integrating–omics in Pediatrics Alfonso Valencia - Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid, Spain Charles Auffrey - European Inst. for System Biology and Medicine, Lyon, France Anna Alisi - Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy Stefano Gustincich - International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy 16,45 - 18,00 ISPI MEETING 18,30 - 20,30 WELCOME COCKTAIL SEPTEMBER 21ST, 2017 BIG DATA AND DIGITAL INTEGRATION 08,00 - 08,15 Introduction Liesbet Geris - Virtual Physiological Human Institute for Integrative Biomedical Research, Leuven, Belgium 08,15 - 09,15 Big data in practice: a how to guide Spyro Mousses - Sharon Disney Lund Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute, Orange County,
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