Judo Mats ..,Ord
Equip your Club with S~1ALL ADVERl1SEMENTS Forthcoming Events Pri"o/fl adl:er/i&emellll, 9d. ptr Egerton Judo Mats ..,ord. Minimum 7/6. Climmerrial raul· double. Add II· UIrI/ for The product nearest to box lIumber. Addre.. : JUDO, LId.. 91 Wellesley Ilo-d. Croydon. the original Japanese Mat B.J.A. SUMMER COUnSES, 1959 As used by the three Serviccs. WANTED IN eOOD CONDmON Satisfaction aiven to hundreds of copies of thi. maruine .'cbruary I)mc PJaCf! fn.<lrUClOr F" Judo experts all over the country. 1957 IVaI. I. No. SJ. PlcallCl lend Made of hiahly compressed rye polltage paid to Judo, Ltd.. 91, COUt$(: No, 8 straw in strona jute coven. WellCliley Road, Croydon. Two June 6th· 13l1l BISIIA~1 Anlll:Y C. P,lmer l4th Dall) £9 0 0.1. .hilling, each will he paid for Sizes: 6ft. x 3ft. x 2tin. pel feet copie.. (Open only 10 men of 61h Kyu grade up 10 and including 2nd K)'1I1 3ft. x 3ft. x 2t in. Couru No, 37 Supplied $ep:Hltely or with ClinvII JUDO. Special helliunel1i coursu. and Frame as complete, seU·con Fee £3 13 6d. ineludea lIlIC of outrit. JUllc27th.July4th WL1,ESlUU 110\.1.1. S.Mal.uahita(SthDan) £9 0 Od. tained, easily assembled unit•. lOpe" only to men of 181 Kyu glatlc or o,er) Instructor p. Sckine, 4th Dan. For Price lill and Specifications The judokan, Latymer Courl, W.6, apply dircct to: COUTU No. 50 3 min.. walk Hammersmith Tube. ltlly25th.'\ug.lst LJUI:SlIAI,I.IIAI.I, G.
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