


Volume XXL No. 44. CINCINNATI-INEW YORK-CHICAGO October 30, 1909.

BLANCHE WALSH AND GEORGE W. HOWARD. IN THE TEST »'.'Jn i The GREATBRUSSELS chair hingesworktlieinselveslooseandwill €L “ItsoundsliketheHattieofManilawlien Exposition, andSideShowsundersuchcircumstances Amongst theGreatSideShowsalreadyarrangedforthislocation,areincluded THE BRUSSELSKERMESSE people goinandoutofsometheatres.The order—Booklet T10uponrequest? we submitthesfinifilesandpricesthatcomj^el loost' andrattle,becauseheliastestedthem.May not staytightened.ThatistiiereasonI It isEstimatedthat10,000,000PeoplewillVisitthe known playhousemanagertous. buy nootherchairshutyoims”—saidawell Hinges staynoiseless,andsimplyC.WNOTbecome European AmusementParksCo. ANTI-TRUST FILMCO. 77-79 So.ClarkStreet, 215 Wab.shAve. The munaperKNOWSthatourPatenter!Noiseless BIFF! BANG!! 19 W.18thSt. NEW YORK CHICAGO ANTI TRUST HLMCO. American SeatingCompany The NewGreatWaterRapids The L.A.ThompsonScenicRailway Mysterious RiverCaves,Etc.,Etc. Water Chute EXPOSITION, 1910 Where alsoPlanscanbeseenofAvailableSpacestoLet. Braaoh.n inallPartsoftbaCountry. I_for shipment._I The FinestLocationforAmusementsand Popular AttractionsintheExhibition. Write to-dayforour big FilmList. All theverybestForeignandDomestic Machines ofallmakesconstantlyready FILMS FORRENT. Application forSpacecanbemadeatonceto 210, STRAND,LONDON,W.C should doImmenseBusiness. Films purchasedweekly. PHILADELPHIA 70 FranklinSt. I23S ArchSt. BOSTON CHICAGO, ILL. Good, Inexpensive Always InStock Chairs e B mm FORRE^ I t I 59Dei Announcement Extraordinary satisfaction. artists—superb scenically—lavishlycostumed,real¬ comedy, avitalstoryactedbyFrance’sgjreatest l^e releasedon 41 W.25thSt. tion ofanyfilmmaker. istically vivid,historicallycorrect. -Sunday, Nov.14,1909- NEW YORK EARLY—this filmwillgetyouaweek’sprofitinsingleday. MISTER EXHIBITORSEETHATYOURORDERSAREPLACED Thrilling:, intenselydramatic,aj^entletouchof Owing totremendousadvancedemand,itwill This productionalonewouldmakethereputa¬ A filmthatWILLpullbusinessandg:ivesupreme Dearborn St. Eugene Cline FIRST RUNSERVICE High-Class Theatreswanting write me.Ishipeverywhere. First, SecondorThirdrun, Largest yianufacturersofMovingPictures. -— LATESTCREATION- RIGOLETTO PATHE FRERES ,TIA.KEN FROM^THE,OPERA) PATHE FRERES, but whenyouneedaMachineorsupplieswritetoua.Weare and increaseyourprofits.C.H.I). writes: ‘WakingaItig Specialists onMachinesandSupplies, wecansaveyoumoney in anylocalityforaManwithlittle money.tsperiencenot Amusement St^iplyCo..834IHnoisBank 115 DearioniSUCMcogo. a firstcLissfilmandSongSlideRentalService. WriteforCatalog. Powers, EdisonandallotherMachines and Supplies.Wenesotiata necessary. Kasytostart.Wetellyouhow. WeaelltheMOTIOCRArH, Hit, UiiKinasincrraanlwoniterfulijr." Asloniahinsopportunity Film d’art—Length,1,000Feet. MOTION PICTURES 35 RandolphSt. CHICAGO Chicago, III. NEW ORLEANS 813 UnionSt. Volume XXL No. 44 CINCINNATI—NEW YORK—CHICAGO October 30, 1909

On Amusement Life and Environmen®

The story has been told on James Thornton, known to every one that' Clever Conkey, who Is well known over the ^\■esteln cinuit. thinks that Is at all I'anilllar with the vaudeville sta^e. that one night in the thirst em- some day he will be the proud owner of a big show of his own and will cease I orium conducted i>y Jim Corbett, Thornton tried to “make a borrow” from to travel around the country making money for other people to spend in the genial proprietor. Corbett wanted I riotous living. With the object in view Thornton to go home, so he declined ^ of getting all the advance information to make the loan. i he can in regard to the country ‘‘But ITl pay your cab fare,” said through which he expects to play when Corbett, “if you will go home and go | he is the owner of a show, he does not to bed.” I depend on directories or theatrical “All right,” said Thornton, and piled i guides, into the cab as Corbett handed the ' “In going from Oklahoma City to cabby two dollars to take the vaude- i Topeka, Kans., recently,” writes Con- villian to Harlem. They had pro- i key, “the train stopped at a small burg ceeded Just two squares, when Thorn- i and, as usual, I stuck my head out of ton halted the cab. “Twenty-five cents a square is a good price to ride in ! the window in search of information. Addressing one of the corn-fed native.s one of these things. Isn't it?” he inquired of the cabby. The man on the box on the platform, I inquired; ‘Say, neighbor, could you tell me how big this admitted that It was. “Well,” said the comedian, “you can make more town Is?’ money in le.ss time than by driving me all the way to Harlem. Take fifty “Waving his hand, he answered: ‘Wa-a-1, I’ll tell you. It run.-j from cents for the two squares you have carried me and give me the change.” that grain elevator, about a mile and a half out yonder, down here to the The driver accepted the proposition, and in ten minutes after he had railroad track.’ left. Thornton was back in Corbett’s place, spending Corbett’s $1.50 over “Then I knew, and the town will be added to my circuit” Corbett’s mahogany. Not so long afterwards, this actor, at 2 or 3 o’clock one morning, got Into a cab to drive home, and when altmist there di.scovered that his A dandy young colored “gemman” was porter of No. 5. with the Norris money was spent. He had nothing for cabfare. & Rowe Circus. He was evidently too dandy, for, he departed one night, famous physician lived nearby, and the resourceful actor told the | and with him disappeared various articles of wearing apparel. Myron Baker, chauffeur to stop there. Then he jumped out, rang the physician’s night bell | of the Baker Bicycle Troupe, was the chief sufferer, for “Buck.” as he is and screamed up the tube In an agonized voice: affectionately called by the pad room, is the “Beau Brummel” of the Norris “iHictor, our baby! It h:Ls swallowed its rattle! Quick! I’ve got a & Rowe Show. The next morning, as Buck was standing near the flats, a cab waiting. ! razor back approached him: “I’ll be eared at once, an overcoat over his pajamas, and a case of | “Yes,” absentedly replied Baker, “I believe they did get .some of my Instruments under his arm. things.” . “The actor bundled him into the cab. “.Ain’t it hell?” asked the razor back. “Every year, about this time, “To 84 West Steenth street.” he said to th chauffeur. “I’ll go on to some one steals yi r tings and lams wid ’em. I just sent all rny “tings” home the druggl.st’s.” to me sister. 1 ain’t goin’ to be a bum when the show goes into quarters.” And the actor walked off chuckling, for the address he had given was “That was tht- wise thing to do,” said Mr. Baker. that of an old maid dramatic critic who had dared to roast his act. “You bet it was, I don’t own a thing except the duds on me back, so _ ' the d—n thieves can’t get anything from me.” said the razor back. “But, I say.” and here he edged closer, and got confidential. “Have you got an Will Ellis, local manager for the Cunningham Billposting Company, at | overcoat?” their Bethany. Mo., plant, tells the following of a vaudeville performer “No,” sadly replied Baker, “the coon took that also.” who. In a wild dash to catch his train, reached the station, only to see the “Well, I can stake yer.” and here he lowered his voice. “I swiped a train pulling out. Panting violently. 1 swell last night, and will sell it cheap, but don’t wear It until you get out and watching the departing train for r77“'''.',v. x ^ of this section.” a moment, he finally sought to elicit a little comfort from a German by¬ stander. The following storv is told on Robert H. Harris, manager of Daniel A&sumltig an air of indifference, he Boone On the Trail: remarked, goodtiature

th** nilo «»r til** Im(||*>4* W An IIIKllTMtiHHl. 'I ll.attll .IM ^ Kt (•Xlll lilM'tl l< III*’ . >Xho hllll kI|4‘ 4XNH h**l«- Ml A 4l<«U fMMi: .\«'H NEW THEATRE SOTHERN AND M ARLOWE Viirk. Mif 11*1 IIIihmI to Ifr t in !l>»* l ant! tilt* iit.tl I \\ .\< |>Im4 «‘<1 In tli«* *».«!< •!!> This !•* lilt* lli>t tliif ;ri>tliiiu of tin* FOR MORRIS TO FILL^^GEMENTS •»v» r iMviirr‘d «t tin* Gniinl MORRIS IN NEWARK. House I o Be F.rected hy Brandeis Announcement Is Made that the Stay of 1 hese Stars in New ^ ork *nH* l-xrtf At Nt*w;irk, N. J . U now uiidfr m*\\ iiiMii.m«*iii«‘nt aimI Iiha In-fii r**i*lirlHii‘n**«l .\iiii*ri(*aii ^tll^i4‘ Hall. rliAimiiitf Win Mor ri**, \\lu» Iiah tin* Ihmi'«- to IiIh rlrtiilt VI estern Vaudeville Circuit riif lioiis** lijih lM*fii ii**!**! fir v.ui*l'*x ill** 'ilM'iit May Be Filled in the Principal Cities A ><.ir. ntolft tin riirrit* .\iiiii:Alln*ilny »nn‘«* th** tlioalr- - - - w.iw o|M*tn*4l. Misiix |h*«i|'l»* |*r«'Hii»i‘lit In th**i* rl**r*N xxt*ri* |in*****iit, iin'linlini; llarrx I Aiid *r .\»u«Min(**‘in**iit if. iii.iik* that K. II. Sothnrn ainl j r*»h* ix tin* first H«»riiHis ftnoitoiiAl w*-rk Miss '*nlIII nif»*.will'. Win.Hill. M*»rrisxiiK-rix ainlniHi xxlf*.x.iH, I'litn'tI.MU Ito.l,.• liiiiali. will li»\o MnollH-r now IIii'mII)-, Io tw .liiJia .Xiarloxx** will imt Ih- aIiIi* to «(>|H*Ar At tbt* ' Wanl has **\t‘r Attt*in|>t*«!. I l**nt<*f**r**. .vltli «ihK tiinliiinl »»lln*.'*Mini-.' ^■m■ll•a^r*i. LOiNEYI OMPV HA^KPIHASKELL I STABBED.QTARRPn "'U r’kli.oo It for liolli ri>ail ilalrx anil an lU'l.x. K. C. Horn it Sona, Niw \ ork arcbl- .'<•*1 will iiKo nniniii xvltli tin* ttMiipaiiy for |.VJI>IC.T siMtseC-U. otin-r ni."rM|x.|ii m run. Kr«‘.1 Mac. II la uinh-r | t<•••lw, arc worklim on the idaiiK for Ihc new »MnB** linn* .ifl« rw anN. hiit inhl winti-r will hinl I r\££ ^ ^ r\ /^x alixHl, will luxe llic roll* In wlilcli Olla liar I tnlhllin!. I Unm pJayliiK th*- lai;:4*r fillns tnitshU* New' That• nat Rascal”KdSCdl UttcndCOOffended OneUnc OfOt His lan Mi.r.-.l »• aiu-o-r-afnllv. Mr. Aaron-* Ik alao The the lire will *-iniUK “f S«tih«*i!i ami Marlowe is lsnn*y lli.sk *1], x ;.inl**vi!k* iinHn»h»i;lsf. EXIT FOREIGN EXCHANGE. forwanl In «>i oin- of tin- hictfcst uti-lUr '>I’l'''arliis at the »**«*Mn I'liTTier llio.-ilr.-,llieatr*-, AtlAtl.intic now in eiHirM- of i-oUKtriictioa. makluK two . •ieatsi.'.tw of tin*till' tlioHiriraltln'Atrh’al .SI-.ISOII. ' City. laxt wix-k wni-XX MS st;il*lM-tlMiiIiIm',1 xvhii**xvliilo l<*AVin»eliv . new th<-atr--a Ih-Iiik erex-txal hy the rame peo¬ While i.la.xlua ill N*W York. Marloxve ami i "h-naee ••ntrain-.-, /.na K* nllworth waa «hari:.-.l Afl.-r a hri.-f month of r lail e\iM-rien<-e, For ple, at an outlay of $tl,tMa). Mr. Seeley au- .•S-»therii will Ih-xole part of their time to re- I *'*''• niaih- lln- allaek. Si haill.x xva* eluii Kxeiiam:*- <-liii.i-il at the Knyal Alexandra, I noiim-ea Ih.al It will Im‘ completeil hy Kelouary li*-ai>lui.' w-v.Tal plaxa to Im- prikliioed diirini; ' llarki-ll slasliiol that It xx-i« m-ees^nry fi*r a Toronto, on tn-t. lo that Omaha ia the atarter lor a lln* s'‘Msla.x i*. n*>l liM>kt-n hy the I.lehlera a. pjj. \\ ei>t<-rn x-lrvull, a» In- la maklni; u lour of With iiiurli X••hfiinnee it Ik Hssertetl that any ’wiMiml**. a prol*al>le *n*-*-eMK in 11* prewnt form, and for stale*. aeekiuK houaea In olln-r eltlea. «liK*-u«ksl*m lM-txx****ii .\lr. Sotlieru ainl Ia*t.4*:« «iir»*<‘t«»r, Inul in^tliiiiK to *lo with the I ami the new yiinlevllle house not later than • urtailinent of tin* (*n^M):«‘tin‘nt of .S«»therii ami MMP Al I A NA7IMO\/A M.-ireU I With the ooniplellon of Ihxae- new Marl**x*e at tin- N« xx’ Theatre. Miu'h intereat iviivit. Mk.L.A INMAIIviUVy I hon*.-*. oniana will haxe tlve theatrea, playltiK .'(itaeht's t** tin- itiM-iiiiifc; of this InHise on Moinlay. , tile K. A I-., ShniHTt and 8lalr A llarlla clr- Noxenih*r s. with an elahorate prtMliirtiuii of ■ .' eiills. .and Orjiheiim and Morris vjiidexille cir¬ Aulouy ant Ch*«»piitnt. AlthiHJKh S4»tliern ami cuits. M.irhfW** XXill Im- *a*«‘ii 111 the title roli*H. no rlx**u dpial opportunity for fin* flisplay of tal*-nt. t Mesar*. Sun ken ami Kosti r the ^ I otM-nIni; dale of tin- in-w Alpha Tln-.nlre. Kri-, TO EXCHANGE PLAYERS. ' ' l*a., Novemla-r 1. Tin |M-rformani e w ill Im- of I tl-e ‘-ame cla*H u» k.m-u in Shea’s at IlnfTah-. tin- ■ IlipiMsInHIie in Cleveland and the tirainl In Companies Playing Arsene Lupin in ^ ! l*itt*hnri;. TIiIk will isive Krie tlr-*t class >JU London and New York to Transfer. The hoiiw- ha* a seatlnt; e.-ipucily of rrsai. cf I wbicU TOO will Im- on main floor nml Msi in t’harh*K Fr*»hiii.iii has put his han*! to a trail** j the halrnnie*. 'ilM-re im top gallery In Atlinllo evehani;** tliat will involve two emn 1 theatre every m-at afford* a x ie\r ^•allleA and at the s.hii ** lime MTXe rs a in *ans i I of the Tile arch mi the om- «»f intr*Hltn*in;; Her-ild dii Maiirler t«> N«*w VorK, »lr. Frohiii.iii hrs d(*t**rnilin *1 nisei Kast* r hiah atatfe is one tin- xxe‘*k as the d il • f«»r hiin^ii*^ to tin* Lyiii;i I In the n'*i**atr»*. N*‘xv Yf»rk. tin* Ars4*n** l.npln i**»ni ! I*uiiy T^layini; at tin* Duke of Y«>rk‘s Tln*Mtr»*. ' f.rHnU»n. Pint sendini; tin* Aiin*ricnii **(»inpany to ! Kondon * | THE Tin* exohanir** x%ilL howev«*r. iin-lmle only Ih** i fw*» easts. The pnMinetifHiv will re*iiain at tin* | itoK'-rs are rehears- fheatr *s In whii*ii th* plays are noxx I .*inj: ; In A new play aet**:t. TIjo etaiipanv tluil eo’iies fr* m ljo*nl'»a | >xj|| Im* headfsl hy <;»*ri'M «1n Manrler. |I<- will , opens In Ih* aoeii at tin* l.yeenin Tlieali*** in tin* r*»le »»f j ht- In Boston, Arsene i.np'ii. X'hh h is A* l»**t In n* l.v WMliain the attraction will Is- brought Into • Noirtenav. .ml AI«*Mi.**!;p. Carlisle xx'.ll s’k*****.-^! ; .Among the other priiicipala Is the are b ris K^ane in tin* t*T*rt s»f C*>nla. m*niilA Kadi * ^^B^B , Nanon Ja<*ine*. .Ann Taster, Ben \\\\\ take Mr. ll**rlH*it's pl:**t* ax nrx'x n*Ie of Ih'* Joseph Can-y, Harry ••hh father. 'I’he x*ntlre e.**st of txxi-ntx f*«iir will sail from 1 oin!<*n a XMH*k «-arli* r 11 an tin* |n**sent l.v e«nn; lln'ilre erst -ails fi,an N»*xx York, inn^’r.* MAJESTIC AMUSEMENT CO. will lx* fHx hr»*ak ill III*- *M*;'.*H n at tin* I.ye**nni. Tin* \n*v*rier*ii eonipanx xvill end Its x* mimmi Ar*ri! Tin- M.ijeKtic AmilM-nient Conipenx. <*>in|M)o*l •-1 Min! .^afl on April <». Tin* Kimllsli ermipaiiy I of It B. (iarrlson. II |i. Bower* and M. \V i-i fin** to arrive Mareh :hi i ml civ«* lt*i tlrst llaidy. haxe (.|K‘n>*l np a Him ex< hnngi- ami Ar^**nf I.ii|dn ix-rfortiianee f>n April 4. , tvMiki-ur ag-nty at Kl Itorado. .\rk. J. x’ Cotien 1* man.iger. This concern cmitrols tln- : Cidonlnl Ttn-atie, lln-amlaisl TIn-aIn- nisi tin- AS OTHERS SEE THEM. I (’olls(-nn.. They exp'*ct to keep the rol-xilal Tin-atr*- and the roll*.-uii.- rnnnine r<‘gnUr!v d'l-lng th.- xvliiler nn-ntliK. an-l ar-- atway* In Actors Will Have Opportunity To Get I lls- market for hlBli-clnK. altrr.clh'na. Tln-y Good ViexK/. h.id lest week tlie m-.Vrinond Knlh-r Stork f an I [>--ny and the AVard A Wt-at ('iain*I,x t’omoinv I this xx«-ek. <'ll.trie, l-'rohiiiaii aiiiioiiiiei-s that Ii» xxill Ill the l'a**ion Kloxvir. iirodiiced for tin- first time lust Monday night, in .Vltiany, .\. A. ot'.-nipt a novel e\|M.ritiient in the :i;'htini; <-f • In-Skioc rooniN iit the CrIU-rion Tliealrx*, N*-w OBTAINS TWO WINNERS. irk. iluriii)! lln- pi-rfomiane*- of Isr-tel. While oil the stage Haskell sketcl ed w-v.-r.il | that leason its i-areer Is anddenly abbreTlateil. 1 lie 1ai2--«r <|ee..»inK nmn of the rrlterlon. , —...Aflaatio fi'laiis who wen- in the ...A great many features of the play contrlhut«-d ' >i.<. ,.ir ... xv..i. - >i,.. theatrerio-atre willxxill Im- e>piip|Ms|e>piip|M-<| xvith an immen-s-immen-^- j among xxh-nii -x as Keiiilw mtli. who eondiH-ts a to the decision of its projirletors, though Its' „ . u.neer A‘'l,.*i»n I f* u'ili'l»,ii'snn the Ihithr--.-pi.'<-r-,I -s-pieersl nilrro'.mlrni'. ocenp.xingoeenii.xint rn .n'ire«n'ire wall | -lere -.-u lln- boardwalk. Kenilworth tm* of |ialpable cxaggeratliKi of the French standard of , " J" ’V,',„ *; ,L\"^ spii.-eepin-o andnnil romideielyroinph-lely snrrtall any enthu ,, ,^,1**0i« r-ree will nn piiriMwe of fin- exis-rimenf is thst the I lend of g.Ksi. slastic Interest. 1’ I*"’’’"'’''' Katherine C.rey will o-lois in Isrio-I. Ilk-- Fnlwir. .An’en. w!n« t-ni ---— set tin- nrlnclpal roh-s in these plays. Miss t-l-xs al! pfissihh- skill in a stiidhsl stage make WANT TO flFT MARRIPn? lleRii-ig the fixotllglit comlil , IVIUdCie, Ind. hv III.la J >hn*<-ii Vfiiiiig. vlilrh Me**rs. HliiilM-it THEATRE BUILDER ILL. nation* of n>lm-s in tin- diesslnc rouins of the '— reeenllj acc»-pled hihI in lln- h-i ding isil-- of princitial actors .and aetres*es will Im- f-vtend-sl 1 ’ Ciipid’* Bower’- is tin- title that has In-eii ' x»hleh .tainesmi Im-<- Finney will apiM-ar, liav- f M. 'V‘hh|, t>ru* c»f tin* Ih***! kiM'XXii th**afr** tliroi-gheiit all the Fiohman th-atre* in N’l-xr siiggesli-iln tin- past ien 'Ir. Finney thus, as It haiffM ns. will Im- tln- fJ'wxl Hariiirttan lltiMpltal. CliM'inn^ll. Mr -— months font of those r*,,-.* <*■*’ siKTiiinbt-d to the snhtle Inffiii nee. peclally distlngiii*lnsl th JULIAN ROSE’S MOTHER DIES. nTe foe^ M n ‘‘“i '7 liidiired by e,dd and exhaiistim, while rehnild JUL.IAIN KxJoc S hnOTHER OiEa. Th • last to Im- m.arrhsl I-: llerselM-l Canan. s7lnie Illne .Mons<-,. I Mi<, Im lanneln.l on the road to I ,.,p The itr. Itnlldlng. He als.. - on-' of the owners and managt is of the tln-.itre. st.anlom. It has long u2rMVT^ «i. .»'••• hunt Ihe I,.vrle ’n.ealr. of f iH-lnirall and the Mrx. I>i>ra Uo i‘nlually to |»r<*A4*nt Mrs. Ihrt-a Uo*«-. nn>thernioth^T of JiiliiinJulian Ues.--.IC****.'*. thetin* He went Hast a few days rgo and r.-tnrn**i Messrs. Shnhert Intf-iMl T ‘inpl* Thi*atr»* of |>«*lroM. .i« xx *11 aa a n nn • *fn**{|ian. *•. of Noxx Y*irk. ho niarri<‘4l MI«h Vlolot Hunt. '*r** xxiih tlwir iii*»tln*i xxlM*n tin* «*»id oaiiit*. Sh?!f»*r win rJIom'nl i^*ci*nlly hy that of ItmuHH* CHANGE OF POLICY. Tin* fi!n**!;*| xxax lu-hl •»! Mrv. Umw-V lat** hotpo. '“V'hnman, tin* drnrntinr at tho thoatn*. to MU*» 1.1 *hler A r*». haxe arrenK**! with I.«ai in Ko4‘h *h- pt h* aMi tin* lira* flcMir. hy New Yorkera. 1<*r, V.. onoil Nox**inlH*r 4 in V*«ii .Vlh-trs. Wifn. \Vliih* tin* ainlh*nrr* w.-ik h<‘lnir »«“xi«* of the Aft r h.Aving suffered a m-rvou* hreukdown. Ui»eves Smith will Im- Mi** Wanl’s le.sding ni-in , par.|uet. The party was askrsi to see Manager Kdna Wnllars- llop|M-r Brown has Clareiiee A Sl«*rlltiir. eharaet**r with lln* I.' ami *tagi- manag--r. John In-an and Margar-t ■AyK-iir-!. It wems that the maid had lM.e-jhi '-ngagi-iio-nt rt th'- I'lil.-e.- ’Tliealre. I.•sr • oim- lime |H*rtt*d to Join aiTHln mxai I'liiiilr*-. wtiU-li U now -y'< fiircf, TIk- liruHK l(«itlv. I' IF. QUESTION Mr. Kioli ii.iii liin lU'ciiltil til It I fti r thin iiiir Mr. < irlll'-r will mil} plj) l■llK»l.'<'■ll•'lltn lu MOTION PICTURE SHOWS l*>Hii:iiii, Ni'W Vijtk. I'lilliiil'-li liln iiimI l>ii>liiti. Tl I- llr«t Ci'IlliT l.mi I'i: ■••ihi.ii will rmi- IS SETTLED ■•Ul Ilf llilk ri-pirliilri- nf plii}f: 'I'ln' I'.itilut. I'liiivlit III tlif Ualii. Till- .Mail rrnii \|i xii'i, I nil II I1I--.V play III.I II whli-li .Mr. l iillli r Is iniw REPLACE MELODRAMA nt irnrk. liman Will Make His Future NOW OPEN SUNDAYS. and I hunder Thrillers that Formerly Did a f^henomenal Busi I loine In I .ondon, But Is In Clean Vaudeville Show Meets No Op ness are Not so Much In Demand This Season as No Hurry to Depart position in Grand Forks. In the Halcyon Years Gone Bv.

'I'liK .Sun.lay rliMliiir prm>iiiiiii in lu-ra'i. tin- |H.iii |i. iif i;raiiil Kurka |i. 'ITi it llltli- I'ilv MUCH ro dd abroad has alna.ia li i-n a •tlKlil” 'iin l, .■ |/,\« ii FORTUNES MADE IN THAT FIELD OF AMUSEMENT far as tilaylimiM-» an* i ui <■l•rl|lMl. put al uit fiiiir iiimilliH aK risiilt In Ciileaun. whip- I.ini-.lii J. Carter ata-nal Ilia tirely to that kin.I nf aninaeui--iit eM-n at a .,11,'.. In Ihe lllllin- ... Ihas. Krnhlli:lll, tl at the Knipiri- iliil imt iilii ii. llrat thrllli-ra. < in- -if the InMiaea tli.it f'irmerl.v lowT rate of ailii i'ainn illlel l-leniler plnilni -l. I .Sifii-i- that time the Kinplre was e|ie«-il nii iliil a I' ei'om.-nal Imairn-aa vltli this cla'S of IV>piilnr prlc,-il nie|n.lram:i ma.} ii-kain Its eiiliiel} iilitll .\|r. .\. J. Kavaimirh. an ’ >1,1 ila.i- Ilk" Ihe rniiinr Ilirt .Mi . I r .liiiiiiu aiiiiiM m.-nt, .viehi--.! an a%.-ri ke we.-kly r*-''eipt fnrnier fsi[iularlty ami iimtinn pictiip- allows iiniy , n. llll. Iielllly l.hiile bliln.lil Kal'ieil .-re- irleiieeil jiiil eiierKl cease to In- tie craze, tint at tills time notU- '•f onl.v H.2lnr.\ that Ihe pnalneer wnllhl alir him iM-eti pnitliiK mi aiieh p'oial e|eaii nhnWH. at la no ilonht t'lil that the ih-iiianil fnr this par- l,n- I lea alara ami hnlililiks III .\lii.-rli-n -ih- iiini'erate priis-i.. that he at miee j; .iiii.il tie- :ici lar claas of amii'.iiieiit !< nn th - wain- an I i.iliu- hiiiii«-lf lo ila l.iiiilmi llnatrea. L-mal will am*. MI|i|Mirt of tin- latter elj-a i.r :lie result Is that f--wt-r niehalranias lp- nn the \l,i . ileiiiala mill iiK.re e.ailii iiialimi>. .Vhiiik RELIGIOUS PLAY PRAISED. l-.ri-mleai Ihe think ynl In la- alnin-.t u eiirh .-,,Ui I k-- '111.' Ill Whl'ia-n Inn I ere It la- FLORA ZABELLE .mail ill. in.l '|ai»iil\. II..- atal.-iii.-iit lasinsi (n 111 l i- liiii-'iTa .-rtlii- •|■..r^lHal} MS-Ill' In kill.* when riiarJi-' I ;nl man U 'alllni: fm- Kiimta- e\i-«-pt riiarh-' The biskest attractinii ever preseiit.-il in San iMhiiian liiiii-M-lf. llnwever. mnealy iha-s knn«. Craneisco was the Passion Play, at the t’oliwiim. not eM-ii .Mr. Krnhiiiaii. Tn w t at ri-at a niiin where nikhtly for four eienliika some thirty live laT -'f niiaillliorliisl almh-a that In- will ahnril} linmired is opie wltnesscU twenty-one acts of this -ill for Liikli ml. -'Ir. rmhiiian n-iti-rali-K lle- a.-icreil ilrama. 'tateiiieiit priiiiiil amin- lime at:<>. that hia iie-.t The wonilerful beauty of tlie stake pictures; trip i.le '>ail will la-i-nr leti r in the }i-ar than The Imi.resalveni-'s and snleainlty of the play; i-'Uiil, aiiil will eiiil with hia lakini: iiii a |a-r the earnestness of the actors; the minnt" detail; iiianeiil realilenre in l.minnn the gork'snis eoatumink: the b<-atltirul light ef¬ ••|t i' an Inten-Htlin; aiile liirht mi the ni.-ih fects and artistic scenery; Ihe wnmlerfnl orches¬ .»U of till- Ilian, that In- i> lai-.ke.l nn elclit ilif tra and large trained chorus stamp this a« one f.-n-ut 'liipa hailliik la-lwi-.-ii iHiw anil mill win of the gr -ateat iiroiluctions ever seen In this li-r. .Mr. Kinhmaii will ll.llki- Ilia l-hn|i-e ut the e.aintry. It took just four nights to witness the ;.iat mmiii-iit anil sail wheni-\.r he hinla that i-ntlre performanr-e, which was kixen on three he uiM't aiwl can. sifkes. ami it will ever be Imprinted upon the I.f 111 - rii.-.rle' Krnhinan haa fmiml so nin'-h memory of those so fortunate a« to la- present. t-. il-i ill I'liklHiiil that lie i-aii nnu prntltalily .\ second presentation will be given next week. 'la-ii-l li> entire \iar lln-ri-. In hia own wnii;». Manager George H. Prialdy deserves great As In the wmM nf liiiainea' aii-l ajairt ami is-l prai.'e for this mighty iipiduetion, also stage . hl> 111 the wnrhl nf Jnliriialialll. an 111 the liehl manager Joseph IH-Wilt. I’eople from all over if the -Iri-ii... I tiL’Ianil la tin.link lli.il .raiiii.lle art lankUlaUea In firo{a>ttinn la 1I-. M-o|N. la narrow. .Mnre than PORTLAND’S NEW THEATRE, sny nili.-r art il nee l« the nuickeiiiiik In llllene.- ef wnrhl iilei;a. To fultlll my liest is»s 'hllttl.-a aa a jiroiliiier of pla.ia. I innat k-ep Ground For Handsome Playhouse niy elf-rta Intematimial. What liaa laa-ii ilmn- Broken By Blanche Bates. <-:in alr.-a.ly la- sm-n In l.nuihHi. where, a* the .Vnierlean rtrst niehti r haa ta.lnt.al mit. an.-h .iinerie.iii an.-i-*-asea ns il.-in,\ Nlilli-r lirve alr.-inl.v Miss Itlanche Hates sank a small gulden spade la-kuii lo le.-iven Ilrlliah trailitlnn. info the earth at the northwest corner of Sev¬ T wiali t' r-ntrailiel all prlntml reisirtu that enth and Taylor streets. Portland. Oregon, last I am ahnrtly to sail f->r Kiiklainl. M} ih-pnrtiir.- wwk, and tossiil a few ..iinces of dirt into a big Thla tear will ls‘ later Ilian «-vm- ami will m-l black wagon. .«-cur until, with tin- tifiia-ii ppHliictlniis niwv The next time .Miss P.ates vlsita the scene of In conrae of |>reparallnn nft my liamis. I can the Inci.lent it will tw to see an Imposing edi¬ mm to the lanuehliik ol my re|« rloin- th -al.v fice on the spot she marked. For It has been at the Imke of York’s Ismilon.” arranged that Miss Kates shall be the first to apiiear in the new lleilig Theatre, when that splendid showplace is i-ompleted some time In MRS. DANIEL FROHMAN February. Four thouaan.l people were out to see the Sues for Divorce and Her first wi>rk on I'ortland's new $175,000 theatre. The laying of the corner-stone will be done Wishes Her Luck. by liarid Warfiebl. who will also be among the first of those lo niiiK-ar In the new lleilig when Mrs. Ibiilil Froliniaii, more f.snilllarly km.wu It Is completed. '.} In r '<:tge nani ■ of Mnrgan-t llllngten, has died 'Up. f.v dlvorc-- In the dislricl court of lieu-.. N ev., alliging that her husband has for MARRIED VINIE DALY. the Irt'l tv-o y.'ars frlleil to ror.trlbiite to her SUPlN.lt. Now Young John Kohl wants A Legal The c.itnplalnt c-iitalns only the hue atarc- ment that the plalMtifT his neiid.Ml !r. Item, for Seoaration. mote 111. n six months prior to filing the acil-ni ainl thst there are mi ihlldren and no comiiiniiity Jolin Kohl, eon of t'lia.s. K. Kohl, presi.lent prois-tv. >. J .illimmy Is n*ki .1 lor. of the Kohl A- Castle .Vmiiseinent Company, F'T m-irlv a year Mis. Fr.>hman has resided h IB asked for a b-gal separation from Vlnie 111 Peno. .She Ins liiisl unl.'tl.v. never anpi-ar- Ualy, on the gr.niml that he was a minor wln-n h? In sis'lal ev.-iits. II Is thought tli,‘ suit the marriage cert-m.m.v was in-rf-.rme-l. will not be oiinlesfed. Mr'. Fr.hman's .itt'ir Tb"- young ni:.n is "lot yet I’l .Te.im of ago. 3*y. St ,:,.,I It would N- .iev..ld s.-nsrtlon I Me tesilfitst before Judge XValUer, In CTilc.igo. (ninr.-K fo far as tlielr client Is concerned. that hi* met the actr. ss b.v aopointment in S-’H!'.- time ago Mm. Frirhmrii s.ald sl.e was I’hilsdeipbla, after riinnir.g away from (k*ono- tirei' of Ihe stage and wlslnsl to lent a l.mies mowoc. Wis., wher-‘ he was speinlliig the sum¬ tic Ilf.-, She was married to Mr. Fiotiniaii in mer. and the cereimm.} was perfiwmed In the N.-w V'.rl;. No-en-ler 2’J. 1!ai;<. lioaker City. The Jmige tisik the matter iimlcr Hanl.-I Frohman. I’oinmentlng on tlie aetlrn <>f •■oiisideralioii. Ills wife ill fliiig Iw-r n'lt for divorce at Ucii i

Neil (I'Brii-n, one of the best known character actors In this country, dleil October 18 of heart failure, following an Oiieratlon for appendicitis. With Uaymoml Hitchcock in The Man M’ho Owns Broadwa.v. now In New York, In the Presbyterian Hoanital. . Mr. O'Krien was 55 year* old. lie was mar- rle.1, bis wife being known prof.-sslonally aa MRS. VESSELLA ASKS DIVORCE clllxeiis. In the n'eantline the |ss>I ns-iiis, c.iii r >:ul this season thsn siniv they first b*-came Eva Pavenport. He had one ilaiigbter, whose tractors on the sir.s'ts. Ilonr mills, etc., re popular with tin* niassi-s. marriage to .Tohn Levenson, a broker, occurred Mrs. Or.'ste Vessella, fornierlv Miss Egan, of Miiinsl their Snmbiy w..rk. Stair & Hnliii. who. as the principal ar¬ only a few months ago. Inbmatl, Ih.' N'nntIfnI .IrnditiT .,f T!n"n.is Mr. Kavanagli then went syslenialleally af¬ biters of m.-lisIraiiM. ; iuass«‘il fortunes throug.i In his iirofessional career Mr. O’Krien made I-iran. wealthy ni'intifletnrer. Is estran.j.sl ter the proisislll.in lo o|ien Ills h.aisi' for Smi that mis'lum an i who eontixdled a chain of th-*- two world tiwtrs. He was born in .Xustralla, oni her hnsban.l, the iv'lisl bamimaster, whose .Ia.v afteriusn' vaii.'eilHe. He vlsii.sl tin. b-a.l atres reaching all over Ihe cmn'r.i. have ilis- and was well known In London. When h# 'ara"t 'rlsile handling of the baton oi, th.* stci.| .nc tnerclianla sml eltirens ami sis'iinsl th.'ir |sssd of many of their h.>U'«-s. 'ns- Shuts rts came to this country he joined Nat Gixslwln’a ••r at \ilvnt*c Cit.v li-is liifer.'st. d vlsiiors e.msent to the o|s'nlng of the In.iise. with tli.' 'iH'unsI s.wue of lli.-ni rnd olli. rs are now m-iiig compan.v. and reniainisl with him fourteen years. \i* of th*' eonnlev to llii* res.s-|. n‘snlt that he e|»ins| Siimla.v. Oet..iicr Hb le Its..! Tor eiieep vau.k-i Mle and moving picture Mrs \ essi'lla has brought suit for .llTorce a r.s'.ir.l bia-nkinc rr.'wd ami has n.wv praetie.-ill.'' eiitertaliimi-nts. I.".;lng .leseitl .n an.* | .>t|,Hrl.i Ilk.- e..n.liirt on I'o epis~ltloti. F.Htiines wen* aceumiilate... not onlv by SUNDAY SHOWS POPULAR. 1’ *'"^ of the mnsirtan. TN' le nb'r of Ih.' Stair . lid Havliii. who lontroH.sl nearly all the BIbaii tiand. with his long raven bs'Ws sa.IIy |M pillar price,1 tl-eatn-s. but gre.it sums wer.- The Snn.Ny closing fight In Iowa Cit.v s«'eins « . ij-l.'.l, di>elared In a i asshniste entbiir'l m: de ’.I such pnvlius'r* of mebsIri.iiiH as .V. H. ACTRESS HAD REAL GRIT, to li'ive stop|s>d. Aftir the prosei'iiting attorn.'V Wosls. Charl.-s K. KUii.'.’. C.iis Hill, the Mit I.'Ub'ls K E. Forr.'sf.-r, P. H. Sullivan an.I b.v nad arrestisi H. F. Ibs'.S'k. owner of the Bijou Frank J M’ilsineh. mi.nager f.>r Win. Faver Tbeoiioie Kramer, Owen Pavls. I.angdoii .Mc- Theatre, and tried him twice N'fore a Jury, ami f.allisl to secure a conviction t«>th times, the 'bam in H.'roil. wliieh opeinal at Haniianii' C.M-nilek. H il Ueid ami ollii-r writers of the prosecutions were droppi*.!, ami thei.- h.as n .t Kl.'ieker Hall. .Vlb.ani N. Y.. Pet..her 21. In tliiHlem. n'lnirkiil'; on the pn«lnellon sabl. ’•Miss Knowing that the list-* .»f the patrons of r>eer an arrest in si-veral w e,*ks. Th-'i" w is Florence Xii.r, an .\lbany girl, who has nia.le .a the tlieatr." Is flekl.', .V H. \\ issN. wh. has iiineh talk heard as to c.'ntl*iii!*ig ti,.' battle hit as t'vi ros. Hi'r.sCs nn Iber. .>w<'' her sii.' Ns n P'ore sneis ssfni than any ether as a pro against Sunday .vt.-nin-r. t.in .lobli.: s.nlinient i"'a 111 this ;iarl to her enterprlsi'. The aclia s.; liiiCiT of nii‘Iistr: ina. l as not di'serted tb.it si'eii s to b.' against IN' arrests. originally eiigag.al for Ih.- part pr.wial iins.ilis Hi-lil o," en’orlaliinw'nt. In a.IdItlon to fortify fiidoiv It rel'«'i r«als. Miss .\ner hear.l of tins Ink himself with Th.' Girl From Ki-ctor's a;i.l III her 11 Hive city ami winsl to Kosl.m. wh.'V Kl.inebe W.il'h in Tin- Tist. W.ssls has this DOG’ TOWN Mr. Favei'lian' w as la hearsing, that she was 'iviis'ii iii.-bsln-inss on tin* roii.l. COLLIER IN REPERTOIRE, b'll.r is'rfd't In this |vart (having s.>nn'tlme Pisa't-r en-s>nnter.s'. b> theatr.'s .lev.vli*,! lo f.iK* Sl‘ub»‘rt. \Kho c«mo to Al!»«py. N. Y.. pii'viops learned It as a mailer i>f ple.i.s'ire > n'l'lislrama .'an be traced din'd ly to the •h.!i>i on 9 for I.uln GI«M*r\s o*>«*ninj: nt H.tr- • loan h i*i i'mNT'sI Info a r«vUr:H t iml fi'l. sure she eonl.l play It, Mitln*iit waif la"lty *f the nioll.'n plelnre sliows. First In- munoH IthHH'kor UalL toM Maiiajror GorFm GnftF 4»f Ih,. \’iivt, vnio The-^tr* . log for an answer to her wire she l.s.k ihe troiliio.sl N'lwei'n IN’ acts rn.l as n-bbsl vand.'- that h«‘ exmvftMl to start moii ba.i a foib.w- I^roiUi<'tl'‘ns at lliia tli« atn* In tho future. i»e- ed rnip<>.ist of the ran-io of the larjre stape. n*niplete ft|u*i>menf >lre envaeotnent of oitnalderabb* abllllv tl'.'l she w.is 111 once engagid for this oiine class of p.eoide wlm lia.l p'O'vlensIy ni id'* and ap’irhnia f(»Ter ro«>rti. ^bere r»‘hei»rsala roiiM afar attrartion of tlie Vaiidevlll' p.irl ill whieh sN’ has made g.s'.l," ineliv’raina profitable. The pldi-res cs-t less hi' Feld »vhe(i ttn atafT*^ was engajrtd. 6 Xtie Billboard OCTOBER 30. 1909. THE WEEK IN NEW YORK

THE IIAKVKST MOON, a ilrania In f*»ur nrt< Harvest Moon Meets With Differ'ng Opinions— I wo ft' f Mir th« u Ml* iii.ati st**'-^ !*« \| itrtm ? fO' TiKiiiiaR. Onrrick. a F^llnri ' tin w Miiaii tiMiiii*'iMd »< • ' otlur pi 1} a. Am.' Ill ‘In- iiiNi* I N THE Women and That Man, Called by Critics a Melo¬ M tirl:i.«>ii> I I alltin ' I Sm fontimiMd iiiiiiviti'a Kliiiill> tti«* WMiiiaii turto'd ' .Monsieur Vavin ...... Oenrs’e Nasli tn*r hirntnaiitl and d rTofes.-nr EiiHertoii ..Stepln-n Wiis'ht drama—Frohman Issues a Statement on Speculators. braxtii* <*n't 'tu kiM>v\ that t* :« JlWlRf Elliott. .. . .John Sa\ ilh \X > \U* } ou ktS'p nitdtina It In- Mr. Moioiiiih . . ■ John Stokes Orahsiii Wir.lhroii . . . . .Tlioinos Hnssell Norworth-Bayes Restrained—Cecil Spooner Returns. .MMtU >1(111 I \MS KIMKMM.h Ihnrl. ..Harry I.. I.ant; The Apitcll.tit Dlvisltin the Su- Pora Eiill -rlon ...... Adela'.iie Now.ik I mu* t'ourl UaiiPl lown ■ .,viw .,i ^ Oi>riiolla Fullerton .. . ■ MrrKaret Sayres ihr arf- 'O f tlif |ow<*r «‘outt« m i!.« ii t n. Mrs. \Vintliro|> .... Jennie Enst.i,-e CECIL SPOONER tU*fi pr«»>**Hlliixa PriMU'bt P> I'Mtr* i. /.*«:*• MaM ...... Helena van |■rn(;ll Jr . :.;'«i'i«t N«r* nrk.! Jjrk N rooftti r« Mra iiirx X(tarinx umtrr anr ni4ii«x**rM if *’\* A| »*xceptional young girl, » If «r Mr Zt.cffM MUa Hm. ar.| Mt I whi se mother, recanletl liy h'-r hus N.»r»ortli arv in inctial to |«r rrb* ir« 'r w t i « I haisl anil his faniil.v as impression ;tt*'a«'iion wlitib !a to Imt br»Mixbt to l> v im • elili' anal vaocilatir.c. hutl cone taa m \t mtmth. to study for the ofs-ra and UII*roM;x>MI* M Ih-re has'ii tla-eeiva-ii pra-minauhly, hj a man who hatl aftonvartl forsaken The New York. Hii»p<>drorn« -- ;•!» • her anal th'*ir ehilal. In this ease suj5;ra*sta'al i«Mt« . *00 with rapat t> is.i,*.* sin Jlarlty In ta ni|s‘ran)ents. with hints as to at »ki»*h (ally |w^formit>«*«^ Tt»r a-m the onta-aama-. have Is-en dinneal into the girl's \r aboa. larlusl-oc .\ Trip !•» Japan rt* ear until she has lost contialaanoa- in lK*r a-wn Hallrt ami ln«tdr !!«* I artb strength, tin- first trial ea.ming wlnm in opi»>- t N tbr ia< rgual Hr M-^air theatrical eompan.t. Tln-re. the thought foriv, • plrt l«K rf the nrar«ra! odmaf b%« «»rr I»-^a again nirnifest. ii!ak<>8 it apis-er that slie must . •t-s In tbf bi*t(W s'f t tr l*artlc«) ultinaateiy sueeiinib to the f.asrinations of a larla tn ft ;« iv^farnt .nr \|- \ leading man wiioni no woman can ra-sist. ('OTII'.f !.<,* of M llrtSskf tf New X w'k It is at this point that a Mamsia nr Vavin. •P ‘W ti ir. m cal'*?1 %k»w^.MiT* am. tltteratenr and dramatist, inta-rfen-s to set rn»rt ‘O tn t>.'iv fbr 4i»r<«t'a i f tb • MJk-'- . her riglit with hersa-If. to call uisan ha-r to m.tke l*a'ai«* with tt*e IVt^ •>* i'ar> aaaH«muiiia lo her own oloioe, and taa da-eiale aam-e rn.l for all ,v V «. '•parf'irr nf t^^e x.ant • • »r. ‘ifyi whether she la to siiet'iimh to the siigga'sthms H'fi ■ tbs- l*a are In tbr iVrtr^ of tb* l^rf: of others or to 1m- a fras- thinking agent for • *■ C S n* l; 1 let of Jrwe • . n-1 fPe 14' ••rr. e • herself. Tha- girl wlni. lu tra'a-hasl taa the young X» • . <** ?hr »l |irr% whwdta P|» if P*i* a'’ ir- author of the play, has allowa-al the heading man Witi* tb- II "t labk TW*- to play a love seena- with her in a way whicn a»..* n. — ws.»w*»f‘* Ue i t • 4 t ^ r* her iMtrothed ta-rmeal vnlgrr, and has tied •n»X»»*. •a4»x«* tb- New /.eatac^sl Mc«u wh fra-m the theatn-. eonvinea-al that "he has In¬ l^ff rtii •►-.t w ! daw^'-a w *r Art herited some sort of taint wh.lch hi.s Uft her M : f r*t t.c ^-irT wt- f.* at ' without n proper sa-nse of alellcac.v. it a! tkf pla«r* File family naturally reJoicaM at the Interrup¬ SII ' I I: • •>\ilNi; tion of a career whii h the.v have opposed, en¬ courage the girl In her Intentkm of iK*t gadng Kistu St >.:rlanKrr b liatrat pr mIu hack ta» the theatn*. when ups his a .•*•». tf 1 ■ O ; • 7^ p t * at ' •! tlMory hy an eaposltlon of the ease with which • ' • Nr-f, T'^ratnr N^w X i the hale amt heart> Judge Elliott, friend of the N .•f-nihrf 1 ark w’ npw «>*.* ! iw.ww ;■ family. Is leal to believe that he Is feeling bad u ’ ta< ly merely because he is told that he is na>t Uaoking well. TlH-n. combating tlie notion that tha* girl Is weak, ha- calls n[s>n her to make her own choice, and back to the theatre she gaaa»s. "Thomas’ new iila.v. 1 igliiy intereating In ft tl-e » i ^»rrr :-i': • spite of some defamts.” savs The Times, whleh Tbr !► rfNv aw 4 • f* ■*» cortimies: "'nie play's wa.rst fanit Is that of lnallrectna*ss. Mr. Thamiie. has allowed himself to w-analer more nr la-ss fnam act to act: the third, which originally faitmasl a one-act sketch plsya»d at the Lambs, tielng in a sense unnea- «*««sry ha-re. though It Is trema-ndously Interest Ipg In Itself. It provla'es. also, the key to tha •••« title. M. Vavin has tbaMarUs about the efTaact of » {%•> cohars iipatn emothms. which he dema>pstrata*s t,. ► gevt the young playwright In a series of sa-a-ncs. finally hrlngPig the sweethaarts taagether iinaler tha* ministering influence of the Harvest Moam. maale fa»r lovers of 'that droll god.' ’’ Anotha-r pa|M*r statas: "Tlie Harvest Moon has na>t the ale !ie!ieva-s that "Much of t'le Harv cst Mavon sa-enaa-d like sha*er innaev. It is na>t It* ■* eiisy to review a play like The Harvest .Mvin. which never sea*maMl to mean anything at all, hot s#»evrasl craia*ny alesigna*d to delude people Into the laellef that they w-ere earning something. t w •>•••■«• I • «-WrWe .»e« ^ | »*. • Nothirit but Mr. Thomss’ repntatlaan fenalers Who baa juat h«T Nrw \.trk It necesa.-iry to dwell upon T^e HarTa>st Masar,. N»w 'tet «• It Is In the same eatagory as New Blaaod, an*l !**feeWW I*? • K* # »W* % an a>arlla*r effort railed; if I mistake not. TTie fee^ r II r eW * w • x * * t k • W > Capita I. Rememlaering Tlie Witehlng Hour ame Iov«* mAU that man. 7*L“ »if^. m %rt I . ha« kUilM 4||kn rtCoMWAN a ii| |‘|i I kk* •• •m f • f • kv* s • a > a » O'lght to Im* grateful, of easirs**. In these raaa-s. ()la«atiaA«Hi with I f.- In afwl Thob<* manairerr who f.>n'r*v however, grititude afas*s pa.nav*rn 'favavrs t() arr«nx'*a to run amay irlth a rlci*r^tt^ •ni-'k*or ■ h V t* • V..-,-' #1'* come.’ " ▼IllatQ. a mlninx «'nxlw^ x **• hrxX'rix t - IbrmariTwr fbe tf-<*14^ fbal *t-> S' V- .e ^ a . > • In Art II. It la l^arn«^1 that haa ran m-»t *b# atre^t atw*<‘M.a>*r« w i hm plrwawl "Miss .\ila*]alala* Naawak plava*a| tha* heraaine, dron b#*for^ afjr m^t t!io Ttllain ll••r I'* kmw t»i*f herwafN r tw v w .i.a«r tw frr X • ' t*- .V r*-- ‘w • -.i • . . and was alwaas hejng eallasi l>eaiitiriil. In ow^r falla In lor^ m-llh .\i««ka. 'laoxln' alia! not wa.rk. It •t^crkr^#‘r and Alamka. harlnx tb** 9p»«uU>’»» lrjnlr*c« XkM.t • to mt tt«t ' ' ® • • a*^'»f :#S*1* 1 • . often doesn’t in siieh rasas. .Miss Margvr>‘t S*»attl^ mining rnctna^T f ilm jn with fh^ t*i#re I to pf •« a r>r«x •nf'r or. aw **’.| Sivres pH veal a spin“ta*r with grim defa*rmlna- wlilowff. Ih-r fath*‘r flrnH aaylnx X *^1 irt thr fw^MIrra f tj «^otrr t vketa at ^ .. Tf. 1% k. . **. - • ttam anal Miss Jennie Eustaav lalaira«f inavre to onr another ami •I '-.t*- II** |i it * I0f\r* m r SW h * • . T > if • .4g-.na* eaiisa*. .laahn hr tb^ xirl fnan hU iK-rnr I *tr« •(* n W-t < - )tt»f Ike ".e «ta! 1 ?i»w*r***'* I Stnk.*s. as the playwright, was not aiulte Ineffee. T's m tt» -f iiaf i.ixt.* bq* tU'aaa ■ In Art in ahp ha« «iH*nt rh^ nixi t In tb^ 1 I tive and 'Ta.anmy' Riis^.H retiirnaal to the Newmer. *. -r rnartcfer »if »h^ Harr k Tb#T**« ^ sfaga* as 'Taamas.' and was graiwn up. Whv wiilo%»•*r*iv ht]nkh- f ’•l»f»ei«a I * •* { a» r^t I* • \\ t, fa-l-s f;a*a>r*.-e N'ish as a remarkahle r>*al rj#*d. Tt rn fb< m f - r -tnrn« Sh* h-t t»ct 3.idr> |/.» Newman || i.' \ w ■r h’.'.nx I'*-** ‘a •*. »**•' •• • fsth**r. Ilia* snige.tiaaiist anal the ra*nva-rsatIon »i****n '’ronm**! but ha* ti**«**i Mvlrx In l»aw«it< ^ « -f k .\l:i^ka fln*1a that «h** |« on tb* v<*rffr f.f blxin>>. I . tb' •« - ?*1 a* * M' TX « < . (ka.* nllst. gBv-a. a gas«l fs-t f* armf nee tl.af nearlv N-'t ».* Inx ill td nd * ■ .1 *» O. •• n* a *rt whirh r?;tiw« h»r to a*rlh' th** in.*! a.ipf..^t tlA*.*-♦.*»? ♦ I j. meant saaiia-thing. Tliat Is atsaiif rll Tb .* ets- tM-ifip »er» litimanlf rtirlfwi* tl.e h*fr.j 1 ». 1.* • f. f.tia n - %. . k r . was na-t Imnlnaaiis. as one vvamld hava- ev[ieeta-l ^ d^'C whip rm1 xo not lnt*> fh** i». • r f»f the w» Parn 't. &• aK* a »«.« 'k4 '* t M* anee Iipaai »lii* ehaoiir sitnr tia'i... H did not en hfMiw*' !.| Aft !V «’Vfr'tM'Ooinf’a hapfn »... •■* .1. t 1 V . , I . .U g . llghta-n ii« .as to th<*lr mesrdng. and tin’ no w.-r wlna th« rfina«*nt ••f t \ j » *3iie »•*• at *l*e fit <«|Ta« •' • "Tiia* Harva-st Masavn w ill siiffi-r an a.xelltisa . Ma*ka*< f*'tN*'r t/* rii^^rv h»-r, hf af «•* 'It. f>,» 7>»* ’ af 5*1 . A ’ . ‘cr-i No a-ta ■notnaTs are n.s-atis’ fa ni. ke .anv a.thar Ornfrally •f»«‘akliiif ?li»* atil** it t f #• . P Amf-a wi.'r* S J ••»%!* W * pra pha-a ies •• Uf|*»Irnma. h»«til> nd'Inx T**r. f|,i.t it « l.vitl - •Jkifl »*..#• arki * « M a ‘»o** with mufh amt rtmorjhfr* lafa-i *- ••t •' 'Ikf attg » si ... • s* TW<* VaiMEN AM> THAT MAN ti rliv it. tmp pair r. dl•a«•fl*« tb*- f lu • liBtl* e > to** 11 at.t «. *>e If*. ftf •,* • « a *, fbe . A.t A ,, , W1 f.aiir *101. t.v H'lirv I> t'lira v. Vlap stla^ In fb'*» wl*.*- ri. • «lram‘« :ik#- f» cm il »f..1 .f «. s.a f M .... a*..' P . t . • » ! W • • r. p •• flMC. wh»» rda>(d fh«' l.ff'i t,A« fb«* rr*idltT •■f • 11*1 f''i» loir f'ff ti< |l. .t.ir * I e r H sf rik O V • I yoiit It •h**wa hitn !" t»» a fP*- Tin: tast rrap'. o|ar'«f*K nitflit r*. • • • krv*4n Bn r . I J M < plrtfriallr riilnutf In fh.»rr**ti-r •ira’*!nr. b« t it I’*''! I M*of. '-.fill «gf »Ti»frtT a* I t.«^U ^ r^t i X , „ I» Tfpii r.4lwin C'ril.lu* II i!>»o a I'uk of r* P**!^*- f f ‘tir nr’atfr !».. mil'* X*' "f til* I!. i«r- AtlariM *‘T«sri*jIi ntM’* Kr»*.« •%« w III N IIV It II \lllllb M»T I H p.in* Klrl’*» IMoii V aaka tti'«t ip'< id"« t>> tv of X rIariM** M» * - .rr* •{!. n 1 r t f.« »»i- Pr.in^^oiw I„*.fi4r» ph llarrlH man ia tli** purfM RriNP t,f « m * • * ll*nrv n Il'irri*- #fii*t*-l iii tl Now V*r^k tlieatf' . . . ! » . rt I ''.li. t* NVI1 MfLpIii ll••rlrv h in^idM t*- X *ni..|,|f f I,(» f.- • el I . A t..«a.r *• .*1. a marfai.. ft « * *. I.1, . M I a Is^ II ^ Hiiol IH M \ I IsIMMNX \ I \ll I IM Sj-ni \U\*«»n < F* IK M*s luivifl ♦ Cecil Sf>o^in»T mad*- h* r fir-t ap|**‘**r “0|f» KlnfiK’k" IV»!*I I’ 'll! rt'»r*' M*' k 'll |. Msllltii*-i.< s l.l't.r* •!.•- ti, K Ith fit f* * a wi. . f.. . .. a •* l.e aiiff at th‘- UtKolri !<«|iiAr* oi» Xprtnl v fdjrSf .n I I H ( P'ti I • f 1 .■! IP 1 . p’ • liix a! fii*f!n.^ I rf. .| it.. ||i».tAt.*i P 1»» TIIK SToUV a h' W play fi^IPd 'Hm* l.itfP lirr'r* Oh |Pdak*t, Tlo tr* * n* I • f..r tin f (lowing f.f t.«f r*ltl*r«frt f at | it*| an *1 * t>r * a iirt-n * O Mi'A" SrKa.riff find* ninn» o'lt^irfiiiiiti*** to di» The two women were, a dance-hall tlf.ri ||< oi.ri«ar>t a < «n«« r • if ."m lMfwt-it 1 r». a'tk t ■•m« til ,f ll.titi It M-rala arrtirat ** pla> hrr f.Tlfnt« In .T^tlnx •Inx nx rml # ai'flnir 111.'PM* r X* d • r> r • f r* • t rar «o< at - I . .•( . plrl. mariiifl fo a man from tli»* Stafra. ;in

Samson in First Week at Powers’—The New Cort have beeu takeu from the farce. There and Ituck. Thib week ends the I'njriigetnent of George Ev¬ Theatre Now Open to the Public—Eleanor Robson ans at tha Auditorium, and next week where IJ b oii M ,uiU) . <>< |ut»-r 'J.'> housed burnt cork and Honey Roys were the rage. Ren- I II > ntsi allisi'tliHi. I III Kissing Ilur wlU come in wiiii its great scenes, action J i.ul Id'i* till site Wss lillllt b) Appears at the Grand Opera House—Maxine Eliott and a manniuotli company, among whom are J. I I ..ft suit II II l isSii sn-l Is Zaidea .\ppleton. I-oyola O'Connor, Maud Beam .lUl.i f't Ihi tial Itstie pro . In siii'issful. as 1 he Chaperon is at the Garrick. ter Sberwin. F'rank Weston, Anthony Andre, ss :l > to Istge isp tsl slid Ihiir I'lKll .Mitchell Harris and Hicbaril Rubier. , 1= : e Mr '« ori s rusd liiiensls Despite the fact that the courts have looked Id ki d li) tie Wlielsli.p sll.l |i SSe wifli favor on Mr. H irry Askln In his suit con- IJ'i Hiestn-S. eutltlUg lertlliiri ftisu JOSEPH 3RANSKY ■ erning the lease of the LaSalle Theatre, Mort -mri ItUrr to Lis Angeles I s: r-aiili. Singer says that The Flirting Princess will ' tg up al’Kig tbe I’ac.Oc Coast lo . 1 II C ILs ass.s Isle. Mr I ism occupy that iiouse on October 31st. It is beard here now that Martin and Emery o,si.< msd shows and Is wril and have formetl an association with Cohan tc. Harris I kn. * ' as a msbsger of up In dati , s d iip*''sli ms Mr I J llettuaun whereby they will produce In New York, some time In January, a novelty drama by Harry S. ■ leen lalrt; IdenGBesi with the htsr -Ilf Ihralfe -.f the Meat Side, will Ih Sheldon. Mr. Sheldon has returned to Chi¬ ; . ss manager of the in w bouse, aiel the cago. after hating been In conference with I rod 'if the eoterprise Is te tug hsud George C'than, en tour for a week In The Yan¬ --.-I il.an if ths profrsslou aDd master kee Prince. It Is further rumored that next iTi-.s kg-at I'u; Jim llulli« who season an arrangement will have been con- Mr iVet friwu s si as.-- a* Kltirijew siimmatetl whereby Martin & Emery will handle sn-i a reiwitstlim that has t-en iine-nlgbt stands of Cohan & Harris shows, and 30 sniusr —*il fle id houmled bj t,rste1 s,-mc similar Dillingham attractions. -T.t tk.ifid s I si's l-j* r.i(,slrart: s AT THE NEIGHBORING THEATRES 1 *I'--alre has I'es-u rapid but tho |w,*. as Is m-w 'ffered the I b ."tg That famous old play, Lena River.s, fen sli's s cmlUBtli ^ of iiwnfidt liv Reulah Poynter. from the novel of Mary J. ! -t.* esses I'.tlW I-I Iw destrr-il As IDdraes. Is this week’s attraction at Bush Tem- K.s* tig li-rl !l has teer.Srsl rSeTJ St- (ilc. ihie story of this Is familiar to mostly t.i i as far ss seitiigs and <-> everyone and It needs hardly be said that la Is s D r-srd am* :s pressute.1 b* a well a play In which Miss Warda Howard is given i*'* -f I'lajets prornttseu- am-sig an opportunity for some splendid work. k -e .S ^ -mr awd J -SB I'Bfk Graustark, the play which earlier in the sea- • .!r rk-fl ii SW l.gt Bml IB it S eB s.in was seen at the Great Northern, and later • s ri .s ' ai ■ sBodv s iM the at ah ■St the Crown, was last week’s offering at the ist I ,s ss‘: ihs BBug.iral rs-i O'tii* fits National Theatre, where It again attracted the •t ■ ».ges -f the Silk isk- J s-e .uany patrcms of thia show house, who are fa¬ .-s St-.-e wsai oh takes tb' i-iS'- -f miliar with this work of MoCutcheon’a’ The •T .-f II- dgfs at 'hr Os-' -l skt-f current attraction Is The Joy Rider, In which I ss .f't 1. msk- sts f.e klsl Of George Sidney and Company are pleasing large ■t' iDsmi ispers II ssss s k . s s ai'dienres. This Is a breezy musical comedy, l;»s:s K tise r 'The D#» r •t s with many song bits and pretty dances. s kl knk -s skets The fklef is hys* s re k si.' St -he i,rsst \ s«b---v I.ast week .again was seen at the Globe Johnny Itf, lirs.'si! ’k TVi k'.E.igs* |tL.'f- is ■ind Emma Hay In King Casey, that musical •■omedy which ever attracts the crowds and In- varitbiy pleases them. This week’s offering is I'nder Southern Skies. Little Lord Fauntleroy is this week being en- aet»-d at the Academy. ’The part of the Little Lord Is being taken by Anne Bronaugb. who. after many weeks of Illness, is again back at the Academy, pleasing her many followers and .admirers, and. from the box-o(Hco receipts this week, it can plainly be seen that they run Into big figures. The BiV'U's melodramatic attraction this n-ek is The Montana Limited, a thrilling play, with some splendid scenic effects and realistic a.ting. Hello Bill, a big farce comedy. Is this week attracting many to the College Theatre, better known as America’s handsomest playhouse, and Mr. Albert Morrison, at William Fuller, and Mbta Marie Nelson as Isabelle, are seen to good advantage. it has been officially announced that Marvin’s West Side House, the Pemoson. author of The Old Homestead. The Regeneration, which some time ago made •piite a run at oneof the dowrn town houses. Is pleasing the many patrons this week at the • I S-SS--I. Jiss .4, IiiLi -k.i IS been trrasurwr of Marlowe Theatre. if the ee«; i# C^IPT'nc thrill!?!* a^kl Ahgelica. maid .. __Nella Webb 11 a M a.I* a aatnfo aa t# hav^o raa^ed Jndgs Caperton I.incivln Plummer tiart of the •flower girl” is being played by r «or idva rt • ,% I# ^u««?tk'wi tta valoo KBirkebe'B. wa er Frank HerAsert Miss Ida O'Day. Miss O’Day was formerly con¬ IVear„ii Wlgglef.irsl Charles K. Eldridge ►t' Tt aaaf b# a<9«it!fod a* nected with Arnold Paly In vaudeville. Miss by fh# a<*r-.af m«ipaay t'f ptaycra Mrs Wiggleford Martha Mayo Bird Mlllman 1< N-ing featured in the Great ht o:i«ip2r!o «at it wh1o|| U la pro Mrs TarNn... ..recllla Orlfllfh Mlllman Trio, who have a remarkable high wire faa’t h* Vt thrr^fi^rr Vera Flower.. F','r»-nce M ConBthntlne act. James llarrigan is very entertaining with ia t at tb# klanr Ih# a«:hnr h Pewsie Paltmor Ht-b-na H. Comuantine bis humorous stories and clever exhibition of a ta a la •• na# thrllllf’* a%k1 4# Nannie Hall Ifrelyn F Cooatantine skill ar a tramp juggler. A series of acrobatic lt‘«r«‘'«i lO’r^e'Ot tf no* #«f blta!a«*Ti B t from n>.e;.'.i s .Henry Carlin dances is given b.v daint.v Fmma Francis and her ’ •a.fwc’ffn* •ntkWk^t that !• br'B* •<’ t^th .k"g\:atua TarN \ .. . Edward Coyen •Arabs. The Melody Lane Girls sing, while an¬ rMvvi«aay hera Co., Herbert Lloyd and .ihsis-- that •'nistSi > aitdcvllle again, has not Co., Cecelia I.oftls. Byron and I.angdoD and r o«r'‘fhe^re f-cffotler Tbt San.lor Trio.

D 'VirsVe'Vhe McVICMK' THE TIHEE. i-he'J^ne* The ThD-f i> :t play known to this SAIU .KM) SEKN IN CHICAGO ■ rr'st- snd lo ■ -It but no* ihi MH'oclnnlty Is affoTiUsl at Ke-ullo anil his orchestra have been • 1 fg M \ l.-k. rs This--. if selng Herbert Kelcey. engage*! for an extend*si concert seuaon by M - t -.11 ritie Stisiiii.i«i 111 nr> Worthing Edwanl Maw Rector's Keataurant. t-i 1. I er. s-s krtluir Ijiwren-e Mrs Hllar.t Bell and Kelley. M'SS IViwsrd fls-.- at i>ot>ular prices The en- •* ' sn L’Kst cagi-ment is f.ir two wi^ks and will be followiM State F.sctory Inspt-cfc.r Edgar T. Davie* ha* li.e ttsiitlBg l.» lllsii he Walsh 'n The Test, and then, of 'n: another warning to the theatres of this dU I -dea - s. rhanksK'.sInc snd Way IViwn East. :ty. anent tho employment of children. Thla srning wa> meant more for the five and ten ’i^’ln.' n!r THE DVWV Of A TO MORROW •nt hous*-*. which of late have been the worst ThU woek. Ht tK. Grand Oporai ■ I’.ators of this law. *f wl!h n 1.!. k t'kwvninujr tM' j^r^'nontlng Ml#s ^ IM. >n in the V'raocs'^ Hur Rennet's Dramatic Exchange announce they r.ti vUy. l»iun of a TA»Mon\'m. Tbe lure »e*'ured engagements for Geo. E. Jone*. tn-mr '’ll ’ tr.Vi •"> an nXs'rllont Now Yi'»rk Mvrtle Frlgone, Elsl" Humphrey. Mildred Mar¬ a hlttril. *i 'I'liutitlitn. anil, ai^ lntrrprot«M by Mi»n Uk'b- tin Irine Johnstone and Nona .Allison with the ' ** dK* c^>ni|Mnv. unioh to w \n tbi* Vila Meade Oitcra House. ' ^rctrnont in faTiv of choi*rfulni'ii'» TUn play .»ms. optim’ntic, clean hna in all a Ut'lijchtfiil on t'ln*. B. Hawkins ha* btvn ad.led to the c.ast \ I'.mHNU in rrrtainmi’nt. Mi«< lo'baon la boraolf-w’nuf atM. if Ti e Great John Oanton Co. It in cxpccliM that on tVti'bor 'M. The Oil m.*\ will t«*rmtn.itc it* tim at thk' Whllnoy Op K A. Bennett and Waller H Long are now iilr MiilUicton •‘r*' auain ulll that pr^'tty theatre :|h The Yankin' Dinnlle Detective to. ‘rtf' \ni1«*r«t«n im«*k,* nnti«lCNl roiu4st> Thia tine It will be a 1 |lrk»nn caT*'*! i .» whlcli li* aaM to (Continu'd on page -46.1 8 X c B i 1 1 I) o 21 1* cl OCTOBER 30. 1S>C9. ------

Ik 7 ¥ ¥ r Attractions That Have Made G(kk1 In New ^ ork are W ell 1- Received in Other Cities — Bu.sy Theatrical Season Well Under Way With Pros|)ects Flattering. METROPOLIT

BROOKLYN, N. Y. Twii |»a»’w#*.; u d -h - I*’r ' The I ■•ui'Ii — Vciilmlii 111 Ji iiiiv ha- liccu 1 \t 111* Park. Hr Willlaiii t'.|li4*t'M .iiitru- f-»r!naiM \l tin- I U'.k pi * l-•’kciii4 I • • iitti. ;iN si hottilhtitT. ft** .iIh». • auv ■• re Siah' and Canada 'iHiiiuu lu -New | l»u>lii* **- Mr pAtllti-i will him> Lew Fields, Hattie Williamr, Edith iiiiiL ^ til l.« r*' r. i A'Jk. Jac.Si v>i>|H'iihciiii> Aii iua, will travel PtiUoti at tliA* I n iH«*iit *-<>iilli*iM‘ to iii.tk*' ki'*** ! pr*Mliirti n «*f tin* N|i>»s 'viih the (ciiipaii.v until -mil Imiic that It Is 1 li<* I'aihli Sli< i* If* *»u li** >*‘i'A*ti(l li.»t w<'t‘k !.<•»■ Fii l'l-' tiis iiiiisicil play. Tin' IP of th«* h-atliiijr ladi. iii; «N- a «!•* dcicriumt’tl vvticiher tin- E.i-t lake- .1 fancy to lK»m. Al>:*'rlB. wliuli tin' t« iii ilrawhio .'iiiiHfiix lii.ii*i« hi.'. , the c >uut-I t'ht* fiH-al itiallii***:* Mt III** MaJt'Klir mlu'ii* al t!i<‘ IPralil S.piari Tln'atrf. N'lW V Tk t’ity. riif 'Mini, with Tl:«* S Mam. dr*‘M a Th • E.i-tcrn prviimic will Is in Nevv Haven, Jjuu*H T P*\\*’i- |»r*»%i«l**> lrti*fc:liiiti; iirati*. *.ni ..I li. i.- Moii.i.i.i 'liL’lii al llif Maji-'tir T.ir i»A« k* .1 Iiihim- and tli** ai pr«Mdan«Hi Ceiiii.. \ 'veints r 4 U<’l’i'.ir-al- fm J.'iiiiy are , Unit* Mt iHii-iImi lt> Ti.** p *t»|iU* KtrS r* air.-. Ill oil., of till- laiKisl i>f lli<* »ea- tni*rlii‘>!. in^rt* tli<»rtM:i:h pi>Hlut*ti(»u «'.miII n ill pr-’iirc-' III -V vv A -i k \.> ie of llie Stihur- ‘ ivht* •il*' ,;rv'al***! iiuti-lH*r **f «ih'viu*»*. Bon. N’.mi tfinM’. l.au fav ■r:!!' vviil !*■ f.Hiud 111 tile in w last. I iii** K .tU«i ICmuiiU‘I-. i.t llu* . lit* HaMio William-, in l>«Ii-<-lixo Sparkr-, ha.l 1*in .\>‘ '*'m\ liMw. r<'(nrni‘d to hm i***. iin* a:. I , previou- eontraet- h.iv ii,: tak’ii them el—where. I V \ Ilf )s. Stii ll*o\t‘ .umI 'h*‘ KrliikU.i GliN n lii;; »ii k III lilt- Mo'iiauk Tlii atr". Tin* Cll- t?t«» ttiii" nii«M rs r«(Td\*st wliti .np WIl.l J F.ARl.KA I •sh:r in lirnoklyii. Tli» Gai' iy K r.sain pi>t1ii« Inc ‘Mh* of Ti-.nI |l;iit> IwHiitl* r. Ill** fani* Uh S4<»tiii <*oiii«iUmii. ut IMItli Tiilinftrr... in I'i'lly .if tin. firriis. la Tii** Gih r» •*!• r r*»tti|»;*ii.v. at llio ll**w<«r«l Atb* iifum. \ i:*hmI : i<* up ti* th** i}**;ial Mini'. Naaiiiiiu i lia- iii«*ni*il lior Ri*aai»n In a TIm* *d..r!>. I'ifth Av«‘!'II»* and ricsl Setsor. ni.« ilriinintii' nrri rlna. 'rin' I'a-aion Klowi r. and half C'Sl IdlU. and all i.n* plivinj **t:Mit!a.*l h'M \»\ .Maiu*c*'r I iitit. r ill iio doiitil Ih- SOI n .tt llic .Maji sllc diirint; Til*' P<»-l*»u K***al P. ir ’-till t!i** fr**** tlio pros.'Ill yi'ar. Tin* l’'v!*'»*i!lf|«m tli** Af;«r on* .»f ' Fri’Ui a I'iav x-.s-is’ -tan li-’.iit. 1 li-vclau l 1- attr;.cti*»u*( an* «\«n Im ttt'i than tli<«*nr aii*t tlo* ri*>v«*lti«*«* lnii*w* lii\** a*m<**l to ili** i:* ti*‘ral at hill evor -ooii in Itrookl.i n the past wis’k. The 1. I. KMKMAV h 111—’* ; iid the Gl.’ss’r Siis k Cimip.iii.v i- pt.i tluct»v**: * *w>* i*f III** i‘%|H>Hltii>u. V'A*»*st*||a aii'l hill urns li.’ailod liy I'lie Ihiine Myrma. Clarice ti ll <>n a plav a lilfe dn il 'f th” oniiuii,v. liN ItuMan •»n*h* -tr;i mill r*‘;i#ln*h* .i!» * n.**:**:t* Vanee. IM Itlond. il and t'o.. tJenaro and Halley. At the i’.d.ini tl. Goii’B S’III’’ 1- vin-i lino will iiwnt 'a Satur«li*>. an*l tl *' lti»f*totila Uoiiian-’ William liillon an.I other-. Ilarrv I.adder 1- ST. LOUIS. MO. hearl.v .r;.;in val n’i- l.u t 1- U’ t .eilv It di’-at On'h*’-tra will MH*'”d -kimma tl.*' -m.il!**r ila'rttn*^. f'*p .Ift ittT-rtsI more poiitilar than i ver. pr lisi’. Miisi .Alaritarvt Ihvlc leii-ls Air. v'riiic , sit tho lliih W .*f Htsartliii'.: iimtH. iii«* s •**iup Manati r J. J. Williams, of the Amiiliinn. re¬ Another w.'ck of e,s.,l lm-t*ie-- .yt all the¬ most excclhnt «upi>v>rt ainl rvs’i’ivi- h”i j T«*m*i U* off ’.** a 4r*hMl hill «»f tti<*liir*’i an*l vtiu -hare of applau—'. I *h\:l|p. Th*' ih*‘afip t'*Miii|U*‘. tl*‘ l ulu,*. ||»»* ports t'"sl hii-ine-s all last wia.k. The Clan- atres A splendl.f ii-t of Ittraetimis should -At Keith's Hip|vslri>ine. Anna Eva Ka.v lie.i 1* P *'.*1111 an«l tlH* Paatliiu* m>’ all pluvltii; to man helm: the attraction. make ali manaper* hapi>y. Mivine Elliott, the the Il-f of K’Ssl vaildevilli act*. I hn-lii***-?*. Frank V Iveeney has chanted his i>ollcy at only enm’dienne playi-ip .-t prio-s. la-t week .Although havini; vi-iti-l (’level:.ml ma’i.v I.t>PlS V iio\v\lt'> his Ctilion Sire.’I Theatre, ti'liit three vaude¬ paeke I the Garriek, and Tlie Chaiw'ron pleased Mn.i s. Air*. Fay drav.* creatvT than cvir Is’f’vre. ! ville allows eacli day. every ho’r. at the ceivod. Press .\tent. C .\. Itrandt; Treasurer. Wal¬ Current Attractions. iM.vniplc tills we.-k. :s reeeivins the unanimous _ TYie Vaiiclu ti (Glaser Sisk C.iuii.aii.v, at i ter J. Itii—ell: .\ssistaiit Treasurer. W. (5. Pat psalse ?-. lioK* ot K**'*l. Tin* rpuijlniiii; half. The etfiet lUMSi the .-iidieni'e t« felt at the revjnlrea that each onloi ker perform a "ihiuklnB ProiH’rties. .Viex. McKay: Chief Doorkeeper. GM*. liox oiHi’e, for many leave the theatre pnrehas- ptrt" to (tet hi* -bar? of the enjoyment. I Jolin W, Fitaterald; Chief Cshor. K. Lamar int si'ats fiH" other performances. The other B.imey Gilmore, poste,' in Kre*-n Ink. ha* M tn;'e**r \V*h**1 baa proThh'ii t wry attrac Johnson. theatre- : re likewise doinp hit business. helped hi* plav. Dublin Dan. by iislnB a •ter-'- j Tire bill f«ir tbla mp**k, IticliKliie Vllnios UV** Tlie LllH’rty Movint Pictures arc very popular Henry Miller, in Tlie Great Divide, at the • uticon to *1 .vw a Dumber of S'ss! -lide- if I t Miy. Cha**. K<*nna. Tna ria>ton anil . at the .Majestic Tlieatre. where they are tivint .Ameriea'i. ofa-uial to a capacity botiae San^sy . Th'- audience appreeiates the iniios'i- 1 rU*nnont*a Clrrim, Ixmd** ami Tilly. Hank** aiil 1 I'.rpezpfU* iMio. J*H* Hirr«*tf amt OHiipaiu. .V*»f on Sundays onl.t. Manater Fridley is hardly last, and every fe-rformani-e since has been bit. tl’Ui and the fniut olTii'e i» Betting tin ls*ii’fit aide to ai coninuslate the crowds. Th’ Imfe-rial ofiened the season as a stock of It. f^tt rnil rlalr** iml th** Kin of *H*at'* haa Uh».| a ipconl brpakpr. handsome theatre protrams of any theatre In Work. It p.>s»es»ea some clever peivple. .Man- Kids. respiTtively. In Ti «• Empire th-ri- 1- a Itrooklyn. It liavint a picture of Rotw-rt Ful¬ sirer Ritss.-il ha- a treat season ahead of him. •hort moui.IoBvie that eafehe- 00 hiM the dane.- Th*' Yank**#* IkuMlh* lk*r *#*tlv#* will thnll lo' ton ami his steainlsiat on the first pate. In the -taplnt of the pier,’ nothint ha* been 'a cap.it le of impr iveineni The l.i,i Lifter- pra #*f nH*l«klratiia. r*il« at II »j»kl i*»* Thpair*'. Yvette tJiiillM’rt heads the bill at the Or- left undone. I rewi nte.1 a fimry huMe*<|m- rnd | rov** ponul ir a- aiip<’ared at the Montaiik last week In Detec¬ can fi el proud of his company. J p'pf. 'Ill** **n.'air«*tii*'tit l« f*»r one m*'*k. tive Sparkes. Mis- Williams Is a sister of the The fair at Quincy. Ill., w a« not a success Alth<^»ti?h rh. mijor |»prt *f t|i#» 1 lN»r 24 *M. chief piihllclt.v promoter fi>r all of Cliarles Froh In point of attendance. Stahl and Kendall, r-'av»>r,..w*,. h.r- an* b M r f'-tn |»r. Ion** t .\t tlip Prt’H'i'vx Skfltinv llitik. |jiMiia%lll» man’s attractions. amusement marnpers. iis-d every effort to tlve TiH*r.- b’** ’••••’n rii» l.*f «ip In Ky., <’l.'»r*'rj#*** Pitmminsr** mill in****! all ■‘oiii*'i»' M. T. Mlildleton. manater of the Court The- the fieofde of Qiiiney somethlne for their money th*» jiihI ir TMtroni;;** at all I f#*r 1 <|'KtatiP** »*f fmo ihIIp-. Mrii. ••liir;*'** l..ivf atre. otTi-red his re-itnation to A. H Woods, and tati'ered .a hoc hiin.-h of attraction*. Ev¬ *U*-t-r*^* Ml-- II : f *|.. roi. ni : if, mn- h»***n .. ariany. of which be Stahl and Kendall, and this In the face of their t. inni'»nf \l 11-itl n’m.iifi* dHinfv .im! ^ \ w iir.iii was hiisine-s manaper last season. Middleton I0-* was hieh'y eommendahl ■. app-*a!inff *‘\ -r ha-- Ih i-n in cli.arpe of the Court Theatre since The St Cli-rl’s. Mo.. Centennial Week •was A G« l'r*'in M**- ««lpi*i. with It piisseil into the hanils of the Rr.-oklyn Court OMAHA, NEB. a tdt «uere-<. in spit,- ■,( hid weather Tliere A. itrxl l» tiiirMtt kx <‘ontlnit«*« to Theatre Company. The namint of the house was SO much p-eni on and tlie firrxrram* ar- Min a!prf4ttthn fpMti ih** hiir piii|i'’m<*i was at his siippestion. and his propressive Ideas ranired were s/i i-lahor.’.re that It was Impossible It ha« ♦•-tlin •I***! t» »t Business Improved Since Street Car have niad>* this historical old thi.atre more pop¬ to keep th. p will turn It- hani fn I !>u*ln«aa ha« itiipro\*M| at Ih*- MM»'»tn-. but If per of the Court Theatre. the popidrilnn of tlie town wa* probably tie- Ifirrlpt- Mr. t’rl'r will *»»r. mill takp «#»mp flm** !•» mak#- ii|» f*»r lb*’ I Tlieslilcal manapeinent Is one of the roost tween op.O'iO and 2r:.txsi <-h d.a.v. IIir«1«*pn. wh*. rmk*« r'airn t-* h" r h-nth* .n*iirr#*| iliirinif tin* «tilki* recent aildiilons to the ever-lncreaslnp field for The Greet Cfi*riio;sdltan Show*, after a week *n fli<‘ f nnoti* If tn lml. I* wiimirir I tiirpN nt , L;trirp «iu#1 :i iift'K f1lt«M| tb*' itritMiiin at female endeavor, the wivman firess spent havint at the St. Charles Centennial, movt-d to Sf. tl*p M«i«|p llill thiw m*fk Hip •Ipmi.' , |H'rf irman f|j». pnat w<'*k 'I*.* Mil #*'T''r"'I alreatly hrmly e-taidl-hed her-elf in the dra- T/>nIs. and are the ni-ln attraetlon at the Mil •iirr'Min^^Inc him InrliM*-* Arthur Prlop*- 1 ma« f.iN* of tb*' #*f tb«‘ If '• m* me*lc world, ami Ilrooklyn has the distinction \\’eP*lon Stre«-l Fair. The o;.en!rt date wa* thp Prinrp nf VpntrlUiHM’At* P.ir*hn«' P'l!*ir1 I ♦IlfTlrulf f#» |d#*k #*Mf any |»Rrti*'itlHr a* t a** of ap.iin fiosses-lnp a woman manaper. even to he Octoter 17. hut owinp to si*veral rail¬ Jr. hr-r t ul r Ihi- tiffr?iPtlr»n- P*. Marl#' f’ablU. In Tb** ll'»y*« .iiid H«ll.>, 22 -•*. pan Imr carer in Na-hvllle. Tenn.. where for the Red M n’* Carnival. Prlne,-fon. III., left t^i^ikp#! fMf thp pomlntf mintip rpf of «tp1)fir an*! ’Hi" Girl at tin* ll*'lm. 21 J.'* eiplit y. :ii « she w a- the piiidinp spirit of th* for Chlcspo to commence hi* winter •eas<.n on mrrth arwl Xlanntr*?' .? ifi»*tt»* antlri(tp|p« n ••r- P#»ny #*f thp I Imia baa l«».■lny. until fire burned the the Western V*llder|Ile Circuit ar»«1 f*»Y fitM t»«'I Itirrl**'n p#»!>iilai I*\. I'Mltflna fr«im tb*- birir*’ an*! t'nthn«i theatre |.. ili.- uroiind. Pauline Rovle next man- The I.owen Theatre, at Fnid. likla.. cr^nplefe,! RTil Jow^*»»h l|f»m'»r*t In Up Phtp \toii.*i*, mill a*ifl#* !i*'ii*i**« rie Til eatre. P.iiffalo; the P.lo,,. New Ftaven. been the elfy’a leadint place of amu*emenf has l!*lmn»*ii1]'’npin|iatiy. at tb* ItiirwfMMl. It M The Yolint Turk It Is stated that the contract T . Ftoypp aniK'pp* ■iippp««fnllr In hU Phar.'i'*tpr I'rm**! nti attrartbai #if tiMMb iiMTlt. but #11*1 »»• < I* for three year*, and at the larpeat salary ''kpfph***' th<* P«i*ir I nlcpna #11*1 a p1pw«t mM fp^'plrp thp patr#»nae#‘ It dp«*T\«H| PITTSBURG, PA. ever paid a first year sinter. The heartiest air ••a*t|nir ap| • IWtI Kaimpr an#! J# ••Ip Itrown f*»**i. Mldii'*y. In hla fvmr |da>. 'I'Iip 4*iy Hbb'i conpratnletlons and i arnest wishes for treat •In;:ln7 m#! #1*np5rig apfrlaliat^- 4on«« an#1 iw*#- m-aa at th • Krur. Ut tJ! Tb#' « mna anccess are extended hy St. I>onl* friends Ipy ha#! an npro'itl<*tt« miipp#**. fttlirr* #in n llkf'lr l<»#»klriit liiitK'b of tftrl*. mba an#t fp *itlp Pratv- the ilotise, next s,-ason will create the char¬ ant In mbirb \|r 5tb!np» ba« a|if»**ar»*#! In tli’* f# r#! In a n# ar •kpt#’h Ttip m#*tl#*ri plrtiir#** #lty. Hii«itMaa fvaa f#!***! *1iirlnic iIh* t'nirak" IIm* .Iff r»n tiM* o|M*ninjr p acter of a cave man in a play of that name, ahnw th#- Mtt l*#tn P ilt#»n pp|phraflon n*pnt lit tll*‘ thlM written hy Glllett Riirtess The tyfie will he \ H #«f^U pr#*««ptp#! n p ltlt#r f•lraf#•a. It'irlne tb** pa«t p1.*V4 n da«<* that n#» alfra l4*nt. fnmi n flnnnrial stariflpTHnt. .ml tli<* ttilU a stndy of primitive passions, a man who re¬ at th«* Grarvi fttiPra f|#Hi«p t|#if#a harp aptH'arf'#! at lb#' HMrm#i4a! Manac*’* ^!l trlvon turns to clvllir-tlon and overcome* Ita petty n^aplt.- fitp l-tni: iitnw #if Tl#* *fi»rip Tjrlna. J#»!ina#a» #ifrprp«! bla |afr#»na fii<*tlnK |drl»ir#'«. •'* At III*' AivIn. fit Urlt^iiiiv, t !|li conventions In his own way. now h#*l#llnL*’ fo'th at thr f!#»* t#»n Tliafr-. tlip fair bft«*ln«-««. KrAiik htiiielff. cftptlTiitTHl A irniMt i E. J. Cartienter. who is to manate the new hlir hot!*#* ha* tH*#'n fll|p#1 to r»*f»##ltr. Pp««|p Tm#i t»l|f f«*aturp a#'la ar# ••*«in to a|»|»**^t' h' r#- Tho Mxori hAd A War. mcaIu In Princ'ws Theatre, now helnt hnllt on Grand MpTot t’!k#-a flr»t |Ktf#>ni. wIiIIp f tlft#*n Praw at th*' f>rph#'»im All#*#* l.l#».Td. tin* P.nellah frodii''!nK Graor who hi*k n'*t and Olive streets, paid Sf. f,onls a visit last ff»rm %!Ifr*r*« l<#ih#-mlan fliirlp«*|ii#'ni plajr#**! I»i thP hpinpfi fii**fikpa’ ll*Hh of th«'*p a#'ta #a* r* r|p\orty hAndliM] and Imprc'wwd fhi* raparlfy tliratlrs modern house methods In novelty and jrrrfw! hona**a all tinrinr th« wr-# k of af’iir*'*! fiv #Jpnpral Manate r II* * Ic on a rp#’**nf comfort. H» will return to St. lyaila about Jan 7*hp f'#*|timhta Vftiair Hall !• thp r»jo*i pntpf trifi fo Kiiretfip. an#! Mattat*'r llyrn#* aiin*»iinr#*a Advanrod Tandorlll#*. at th^ Grand. U In nary 1. to fake np artlve manacement of the talnlntr m#* p#imf#*»fa ih- **m**fi’«** *l’#-at^ • In fhpir •i»f»pnran#'P liprp In IIm* v#'rv npar fi#f#if»* k«‘oplne with tho gftm] hllla lt#‘rr'tofor^. new theatre. ft/’,sit##n If J ItfMtT OCTOBER 30. 1009 rtie Oillboard 9 ' " ' . - - -

FROM .More Shows 1 ake lo the Road, and Good Busine.ss is Re- [xjrted All Along ihe Line — Quality of the Prtxluctions AN CENTERS that exit Offered is Better I han for the Past Several Seasons.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Sk-ltlllg I II r- ’ll in b- ItilHi I iillil ft.i-.rtl. M IS lU'Ulalt in Ki*4*rH. nitlnMiu > ..IS, fill- Ho-} win- Hi:it. It Is oui- of ii nal ii iii-lix. \l... |.ib I IliiHi-r i* it nal hf'i i; a tin.itlf* r «'f liiii* ''. If* fti -iHiii;; ron l II I- ts-'t 1 iirli-s lui-s that has x-onn- to Hu- C'cix I b.iin|'loii skali r, mid Idnmd lin.s -tf u wonder <•*! h !!?**•«* ft lln- ltlj» ij thif* k. \« \f tur.v, and Hi.it's sa.vliig a gr'-.it deal. The F linon Play A Great Event. on Ho- ill- Its ipiili- n lob to inmiiiriii Hill- In- (omm'a S<'«Tiii I/*' ln \ii In J’i*nr** *f tin* ^la!n^. The I'aiiily Duilu-ss, Hu luirlesipii- at the All The News. fi-r I-MI ii pi-rf-n Iin.iii e, wlib li I* iloni by Hie Mni-ik' r in pr*'N«>nt >n;; at Majestic, Hu- Gayety. we sIuhiM s-.y, fi.r it Il'i- Ilf tw-i III ii-bliii «, entmllng tin- ix'r.i i-mt j*t all *;f liN rij**atr**s. hh»I is fast Is-couiing known as siul., in pre|)ara»iotx i.r lurrying two • xtra men for ttiul puriemi-. «loif g k^i***! for Hu- new Cidnnibiau flu-alre, is the --queen. ' ,..i >. I'bi.x 1 f♦•l .•'*l t«» * IwfW I'fr*’ ill I'n Hnrney Fngaii and llinrieii., |;ir<-n sn burk > \**ry inti r*‘*xritik program is pr*f«*nt*.l Cuuventiiin Hall has had txv-) of the Hiirtoil • W \\il» .III • M ill id \'«*ii't> rfiil • 1 1 ' ugvin mid a* pi>|iular as exer. Irin.i Hrba*.suy’* at the Coiiiinhia thin ami 111*0 having lloinii-h I'ravi-logiies already, one Helobei' lb, [w •• 1 ISIK I'i'k :ilid li» lifKb mollt ll k'lll Cinkaliios Is a giMsl bird ait. and pleaiuil tl-i- i r'Wil. ii ho-iM-* at *M<*h |h i f*irmain*e. the sx-cond HxtoL-. r 'JT,, and thx-rx- arx- txxx> more a'Im* iii«xi iii«‘ {H'r tsj Ih" Juvi-iilli |.ort|iiii Ilf H-.. and i iin-. Flo Pat Tlie !*ala*** .iml iSr'i^’aH ar** nil pr**n‘ni' yet In store, Xovenilu-i- l .md .s. Wriglil Krn- li r* III. i-ieni slnaiti-r, is ipilte poinilar her-- ItiK aftrui'ti »n» .-tiiii ihnng hiisiiM*'*'*. iiier’s lectures has hail innx-h to do with theii' •fill 1 ..|U>'||| iM- Mild .V)« \ Mft* I'.-Hl .1- Ki lly fiid liolet'i an- bank .ig lib at till. hou*“, J<»!IN Ii. IM; I.AMIV. 'itei-ess. • .1 l*lt •iiMJAA \l Ml t Mtl -I all ijti.i-iii-n tit tbien uioiiHi*. with aouie '1 he Hiiipoxlriinie h.id i ngagexi fx>r last weeL if. Ml*' iM'U S«'M11If r«'i>r jiop. Cavii'la and i.is Ixjop-tlie-Iuop, but the luauagx— Sii .tit « Mfa. diiM* riMuit, laiirt• •■tjlntc 11. .f Ih •liar a* exi-r. Alda Wol-.-ott, leslm- .Mini ati-l TORONTO, CANADA. 't’l-nt fmind Hi.it Hu- t'uilding xvas not large- lit 1,. XX n.iib- Hilling.. In a eomeilx plaxl-t. ealled A enough to aeconiiniHlate the apparatus, so tbi* w /. I'llT.iii.x is lilt' Ml Flsliernian'* I.uek, xxere well liked. P.l«.one|ti. Guy Bates Post Creates Favorable lr»i- act had to Le caux-eled, leaving Hie place wlHx ' if'l find Ihmi WiiiK f«*r I'niitNKi*** and N'l-winaii. a pair of alhlel, -was a xery no feature free act. Sunday night. Hx-tolier 17. ( lr« II It ill r.i Mr. rifT;ifi> in :i \ fr> ttf i-l-xer i>i>euliig iiuiii!e-r. Two reels of pietiire* pression in The Bridge. the Hippodrome had its liiggest crowd. Roller Nllil i.A» Itiilur III. lit uith inMiiui:«'rf> nnd |ht fsM' wen aildeii to Ho- al.oxe hlg bill. skating, dancing, etc., still continue to plxexsx fA>rni* •ni. .MI Hu- lei* at Hu- .Aiiu-rleaii ’Tluatn- xxi-re t-i -At the Princess. The .Mirry Widow and the their devotei-a. Elstiin's Dug and Ponv tMioxv 1,. I > I.iliub'l . .1 rt'i-eiit nrr.xal Aum- Hu- g'**l mill ideasnl Hu- palro-is all Hiroiigli the Devil.!> resenteil bv Jis- WelM-r'a Hlg Travesty Is another siu-cess. TIu- Board Walk, xvlth Ite- a, . 1 Hilll"-: iril \ibitor tlilM Hi't'k. Mr. weik. HImu-he .■'loan xva* a goisl o|H-iilng num- Co., xvlth'iiit Jim- in the cast, did fairly well. many shows, ooncx'ssions. ridx-s. etc., is as pop i-r O iriiiril'*i|iitht. Mini. Juiltcih): from tb«* l.iliul h r .Abrams and John... in Huir ski-teli. called Some of the Jokes and business were old enough ulsr aa its namesake. I'aiidex ille, free In the- llllilM ■ll*- • lot uf |iri-" ■ ll-'tll-.'S lu- n-t-elved while Wbi-ii Hubby Keallxe*. la one i-oiiHniiou* laugb- to retire on a |M-nslon. Gi-rman Village, is fro;ii Ted Sparks' Circuit, III A n-lr.'ili.t. \\ Im 1*' Ilf \^M^ f«llfd .\ll^trallll ■ I'l'g fesHvul. .Marlinetll ami Hro**.. although The Royal .Ab-xandra had a splendid attrae- of Kmsjs City. fx'r«*ii I.H.1 Mil Iril" pils 1. Ill- will haxe uu trouble HiK I* Hu- third bouse this team ha* iilayed in tlon In the strong drama. The Hridge. Guy W.M. W. SIIKLI.EY to iijt ill liU tliiii* hrri'. .\t iiri'^rut bt* id 'Fri'io. iiia-le another liiiiiu-ii«-- hit xxith tlu-ir Betes l*0't created a infist favorable imprx-s- ih. S \ I' I Iri'iilt. ami IIiik uii'k at Ibe S-'rt rise .Miisic.al Act. Tlie Sedilou*. comedy alon In the leading role, and his support was Kill riii'iir< iHklaml. wiiiiiiiiK ■■•‘it laun-la. Jugglers: Miriam .Marr. emm shouter; Prltikorn admlrahle. The piece wa* finely atageil. tbii 't llriiikiii.iii. aiiotbi'r .Vii.-.!rallan, waa alan and HlHiii-hard. and Kdxxin Kiii"iy and Co., all -A Knight for a Day made merry moments for MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. a »‘l<'i>ii<). lt'll>H>:ir|H'araiii'i' Ills .tiiierk-aii tiHir The Three Vagrants, at the Wigwam this smiisement, bad a gllt-eilgeil bill, which de¬ Helen Ware And Others Are Draxtvmj |i>>k.'> lir xbl for bliii. xxeek. in their singing and Instruineotal turn, lighted the hiigh clientele. Julian Elllnge, Lit¬ Til-' bik l.abor Canilxal o|»-na next week on Fine Audiences. are one of the season's hit* ht the Wigxxam. tle Hip. Doric Quartette. Estelle Wonlette and till- 1 te .-r ilie oiil Central I’ark. .Market and The audience never seemed to get enough. Tbe Co., and others appeared. i:'slill' »lre. i> It will la- a tlnanrlal auccesa. Shea's had a gi»id one, with Frank Fogarty, .•« », -le I.-’ai.iNHi tlekel-, ba\e already b-TL aold Five Merry .MiSlregors, In their Highland cos¬ tumes, spi-<-lal scenery, well-rendered songs, was Expofltlon Four. Howard Truesdell and Co. and iDawlng exx-x-llent hous<-s at the .Metropolitan. to tti- illfT.-n-nt iiiiioii' \It-a-rs .treble l>evy AA'IIl Rogers a* features. This theatre has tiookings, among which arv ami K-l l'ii|t-y will |ir-i\lde tlie free acta, and another hlg card for the Wigwam. Hoisn and la-iiharr. in their high-toned burglar sketch: The Gayety Packed them in with Irwin's inolnib-il Tile .Alaskan, wis-k of :{1: Geo. H. an imi iiient i-onre«aioiia, w blrli will iticlinle the Ma1*-stics as the magnet. Prlmros*-, Nov. 7; Mar.v Jane's Pa, th«“ half f.-l'-.w111": lony U>ilir’» Monkey*, Smll.etta Four Stag(io|es, Johann and Matt, also made hits. The siieclal attr.actioa of Sapbo. In tab¬ .Miss New York. Jr., greeted her numerous werdi of Nov. .S, anxi Cotniiiencement Days. tlu» Trb-, terv.i. Itiil l.aw-on'a Clown*. Oiitlaw, half week of Nov. 11. loid form, by I^eander Stevens and capable eup- admirer* at the Star. ..I bor*-; I.--on and I.eon. Ib-ep Sea Ilivera. For thx' first time at (Mipnlar pricx..s here porl of ten [leoiile. 1* a big undertaking for a A choice bill of vaudeville and pictures went ftaxy I liana-. Merry ko rnninl. Snake Show, Itlg Ctieckera N at the Hljou nils plav has at wax-, iui|iiilar priced house. well at Grinin's .Agnes Street. Wliil... l‘l.vnlatton .Show. Iliiinan Konlette, Ker- crowded hutisx-s as a rule. Htu.-'r attri-ctiom* The Tliree Dx-mon*. who ride bicycle* on a Mr. John Griffin, president of the Griffin T' Wlii-el. <;ia** Itlowing. Illark Toi>*. I’all de to con;e. l.-clude Ag the Sun Went Down Ha.i sort of Human Itouletle Wheel, revolving at -Amusement Co., baa returned to town from an Cia-tinne and Hand of twenty four i>iere*. On Important tour of lDS{>ection. loti * bnperhn, 'Hie Great Divide and Heverlv «IH.rlnl day a the Mnaieinn*' I'nion will have a great ajieesl. 1* the feature act at Pantages’ of Graustark. Empire. The Doric Trio of singer* were well Jake Lavene. popular In local amusement hand i f one humlreit |de<-«-*. The Prlnex-g« continneg to iiu-resse in > op'ilar- likeil. Nalda and Company offered a spectac¬ clrele*. has been ap[K>lnted treasurer of the Tbe ilarrl.-k. form-rly the Orphcum. on El- ity. I'he Neill Stock Company this xxeek. Ik ular scenic aci, Introducing a pair of dancers. Grand Opera House in London, Ont. 11* and Cilltnoie atreet*. now playing John producing .A Baclielo.-'s Roiiianre. In xvhic's Ju*tu«.RoinaIne Company presented a Russian JOSEPH GIM.S0X. Cert'* a’trartiona. In three week* from now. ■Miss Edytho Chapman and Janu-s Neill lioth will N- iinil.*r the control of Cottlob. .Marx & playlet, well rendered. Mirkee Brothers, in a score great success. The Princess now ehangeis Cnni|iany. who will boiiae the K. & E. Show*. niualcal turn, doing comedy In black face, was KANSAS CITY, MO. l-!ays on Sumlax .xfterno->ns instead of Mxh*- Jia- Ibdllob will repreaent tin- firm aa houaa the opening number. Gus Bruno was also on the day.s. bin. nianaser. and Selby 0|>|a-nheiiner will he tbe Maxine Elliott. Louise Gunning And Another f.ivor.te burlesque show. The Ysnki-r biiain »» nianiger. The Three Twin* will be the Ernest Brinkman, the .Australian character Doodle Girls, Is playing lo erowdexi houses .at first K \ E olTerlng, to In* followed b.v The aingtr. a recent arrival, made a decided Iniprea- Other Good Shows. the Dexvev. Town Talk, now making lt;x first S.IIII Kiss, .t Parisian Mialel. The Shepherd siiin at the Portolo Theatr.* during the week. roinds <»f the Western Wheel, will be the of Hla Fire Song waa a sure-fire lilt. Other* on the King and The T.ip o' the World. .At the Shubert Theatre. Maxine Elliott ap¬ ferln.g. Aa an axMed attraction, Man.sger .Miller MI' were Ahlberg Brother*, I.inden and Wren. Krelerlek the (ireat. a magician and recent peared in The Chaperon. Kansas City's chief his secured Zbyszbo, the giant Polish ixri-stlei- The Mixuno Trio I* the big card at the Ch-Jtes a’rUal from the I'.a'l: Peter J. Smitii, "The and favorite amusement 1* the theatre, and one who weighs -SP pounds and will nieel all this week. Frank Hall enters the lion's cage Hlg Man with the Hlg Voice." and Ingala. alwi-y* sees there much dressing, but the Max¬ t omx-rs. Till- f.amous cl nicer, Zallul-. will ap I twice dally. Business this week was excellent. IH-ar SI this bouse in the near future. Init1,.-Id .vnd Ingal*. ainging trio, were Hill-I ine Elliott engagement brought out tbe bxst. ; Jarrett and Company, In 't.nrtling mid.air hoar-l caller* thia wi-ek. Every night saw capacity bouses. I -A novelty cycle act. Hill and Sylviany. 1* Ulus.on*. Is mystifying the CentTal's patrons headlined at the l'nii|ue nxeatre, this week. Tin- St.-ell- Sisters, Holan and la-nharr, Mort. I-oulse Gunning apiw ared in the new musical thl* week. They arc entirely new and won¬ .A^t -xt!>xr item of Interest is a returu eng.-gi n'-n.. Sharp and li.sni-ing (lirls. .thltn-rg Hrother*. A~- i play. Marcelle. another splendid show. ’ne derfully 'lever. OH'ers on the MU were Ralph if Bessie Babb. comedii-UDe petite. The h.il mail* and McFarland and Murray, are on the j business this week and last has been exceptlon- Gordon. Sisters Dali. Ed. Bardon and The Cra¬ tince of the bill is well chosen a'Vl croxxdi-.'l Teis Angele* Theatre progr.am next week. ! ally liege. The Shnberts *re making gooil their ven Company. bouses prevail. Th.- Fire Merry MiSirigora head the hlll at ' prrxra'.se to bring all Ibeir best attractions here, .A bill of 'jnusiial merit Is oTerel at the Hi tie T'leitre Jie.e. Son Jo*e, next week. I IN OAKLAND i and so far the boi'klngs have been all to the It has Us-n announn-d that the new Columbia go.xd. I pbeu n Theatre this week. .Among Hu- nu sC Charley Hall, pr-iprietor of the Macdonough notable acts at the Orpheum N tlnit of tli*- Thi-iiiri-. non In eonrse of ronstrurtlon. will Last week, Polly of the Cirru* came for Its , 'Theatre, Is back from his six weeks' trip to Cumm Sisters, l.aPetIte Revue ,snd .Vntcl-i ot" n Hie ri'inlng Ib-eemtier with Havld War- , second visit, and was w-Mcomed by all Its j 1 Nexv A'ork. He breiiglit a hatful of contract*, 1 xxlixi-es In hc'r playl-f. Cui»id at Heme. held as till- iiM-iilng attraction. • old friends and many new admirers at the Wlllls | which ineludx* th-- h!gh--$t cla«s of attrax-tions. Work Is N'ing rapidly puslu-d mi tlm N.-v ^ To. story that wi iit ah-eit that J. Charlea AAoin!. The cast Is aNxut the same a* seen last Gsyety Theatre, whio;, the Coliimhl.-in .Amitsx flr...-ii hid sold out hla Interesta In the Valencia Including The Ik'vc Cure. The Dxxlltr Prini-eas. ‘ season, excepting the role of Polly, which la In ment fon.pan.x-, the F.astern linrlcs-iiie Wheel. Tiieain- i« denied. Mr. (Jreen confinuca to con¬ .Anna Held. .McIntyre and Heath. FYancls Starr, the hands of Ida St. Leon, and is in very , Is erecting at the corner of First avi-une .N'lxrtli trol the Valencia. David Warfield, l*-slle C.arter. Marie IMro, Kyr- c.spabic hands, too. I and Washington. Iis Pl-s-i* I.arell.as. afl--r a season of ten le Iti-Ilew, Marie Cahill. W. H. Crane, Fritxl The Wlllls W-ifHl has two stars In the sam-y The thx'.ttre presents a handsome aiqs'nrancb* roiiM. H.-eii* Cnliforilla. left for Den- Schi-ff, Htl* Skinner. Ro|*.rt Mantell, G.’ace week, making busln.-ss very large: Henrietta being enllrelv finished la wh'ti- 'Hu- d.ite of »ie Watehc*. at the Van of the week, and Marie Cahill the latter part, i Fifty \lll.-s from H.>«ion occupied the IsViird* T'le vaudeville featiin-s recently added by Ness riiealre, played i,, a very satisfactory Both plays are new to Kan*.is City, but the [ , at the Mai'iloieugh HVl.l, to givxd husineas. The the Isl* Theatre are i staMishing this pl.sce ii* n.-nd w ek Next „,.e|, The Third Hegroe stars are n-xt. The busim-ss done fxxr Miss Cros- t the ranrs of local vaudeville theatres. In addl ceim« f,,r a two weiks' »l.iy. balance of the wiv-k A Gentleman from Mix mir was ftirn-away. and It is safe to predict t'on to Installing a handsome stage a;ul sx'eiu-r.x. *:ss|ppi iliil an excellent biislnes-., lb- i.r.ai John (ianton, with fjcorge Fawcett the same for Miss Cahill. i Manager Lund has al'o .sugmentisl *lu' orch-s Fi-rrls Hartman and Company. In The Mayor • s M.- stir, made an ln«tnntani-i>us hit at the -A Stubliorn Cinderella Is at the Grand Opera ; tra. xf loklo. gave a very excellent jxi'rformancc. 'il-mi.i rii-atre .liirlrg th - week. If* a House. This tuneful comic oi>x-ra was seen at | .Another new- tlu-atri-. ne.an'iig eoiiipletiim. I'x I lie H.ilfhreeil. by Harry D Cottrell and Ol¬ strong j.i.av ^nd all the loiil pein-ra dcvolml the Wllll* W ixd last year, and made a sui-cess the vatidi"'ille hixii--i. on Sx-vx-n ('oriier". kiuixvis iver Moros.-o, was pn-sented st Ye Llb-'rty The¬ lllieial s|ii,.p approx Ing the play end cast, Mr for Itself then. This time the success is many j a* th" Sonth tSide Tlu-atre. xvhii-h xvill ojix-n vx'rv atre during the wi-i-k. to g xxsl l uslne»s. r»'''|'tl. on the ope.ilng niglil. wa* forced to ; time mulfiplle-l. I shortly with f.air tlmis a day vaudeville, .if I Filna A'lg. Hlg Clly Onartetto. Henry Clive. niiili. * *;m.|...Ii. during which he thanked the Three big headline .acts. In addition to an i popular ptiia-s, nmlc-r the managi-ni -nt "f WII I i'« MyovoiU. Tom Wall r>. Murray xn,I Mack. aiidb nee f,,r the great ren-ptlon he and hi* ! nrusually attractive vaudeville bill at the Or- - 'iani Kell.x. .*|iaiildliig and Kli go. and Roaarlo Guerrero are callable I'oinpanx re.rived U-l the Shnlierts pheuir. last week. First and foremost. Mr. I At the -Miles an excc'ptional vau-levillo Mix' oil Hi I'rpheum Hill. coiillnni III send u» ainh plays and the pub j I'ressy and Miss Dayne opene-l their season here 1* head'sl b.v thx' Melani TriwiiM' of street sln-r 1 Goiirge S. Lauder, the .Australian ventrllo- lb- will r—iinnd I on the O-pheum Circuit, this season, with the ' er». Another act which wins comment I* thif ■ ip-lsl. recelvisl oonsldorable apidause during ht> Till, liarrlek. tlil* week, with another Oort 1 Sunday performance. Octobi-r 17. In another ef De Rxiscoe and Orton, In a Euro[>x'j.n novelty p-rf-xmiaiii-e at t'l-- Hell Theatre. His huniorxxua Mtrii ii.iti. 'i-he <;|r| (Question, did a gi«x| wi>ek'a clexer oiic act play from th' versatile hand of The baliin'M' of thx- t'ill Is well balanecnl. Ma;» Ini. -. v« It |„ f„ii gm„| coiiiedy, eatrhy mil- ! ip il--giie an 1 noxel automaton* caused lots air. x'n's'v. Their vehicle now Is Tbe Wyom- i ager Gallagher, of the Miles, has eoieocteii n , of la-ighter. Fl-irern'e Mislona and Compan.v, Well rostitnii-d I'horu* and exerx thing that tug Whxxop. and In turns had the amllence most artistic irx'n ,slde walk sign, xvhich gi-.x-» I and HoroHix Vaughn N'th sc-oriMl. Hall ami nisV- * niiisiral eomi-dy go. John \ Kearney, l.aiighlng or on the verge cf tear*. Mr. Cressy ■ In an art'stlc mar.iier. the program an-l prl.i** : Slarke'* Mlii'lrels was a big niiniN'r. and j* ' -n Itxan. Immediately made himself tMXfiu Sharp 1* m.sgn»tlc. and can sway ht* audiences most I ft'r the afternoxxn and exening perfonxiancv-s. ' and Tun V danviM themselves Into favixr. Im Next xxeek, lluneymoon Tiall .any way he wishes. Blanche D.ayne is an able Gooxl patro'iage prevail* at the Cas'no R-'l'.-i- K lb and l»l|!. In lin-Nin Clly. at the PrIncea*. ' Rt'HE COHEX siippoTl. Walter C. Kelly. "the Virginia ; Rlnk. In North Minneapolis, wlu-rx' the Casino y- -I llii-lr sei'iiiiil Week, and *• |sipular as I Judge." a second of the headline act*, scored. ilret'earra, undx'r .AIck- Gunderson, renders In *'X'I I rowilrit liou*e« greet llii-m at every |M*r MEMPHIS. TENN. .a« he slw-iys docs, Florence Bindley made quite spiring mnslc. The rink runs ex-er.v evening, " i-iii 11,p entire show Is eipial to a I an enjoyable addition to xandevllle ranks In and on S>inst siic- - ' parts always make a whole lot out of Closino of Jefferson Theatre Leaves ■ her Imitations to advantage. The rest of the ' is-sstnl returr*. Business Is booming at Hw -■-I nothing. Ttie ahow la up for a run. Ml' was a« follows: Ucilpath's Xapanees. The i Xxtveltv anxl Wxxnxlerlaml Tlieatrx's. The Scenic j Orpheum A Clear Field. Is holding Its own as Is the Crystal. The lb- llnu- of Ibn Hanelio I* the Mil at the A1 ; •■'.'nr Reading*. John Birch, "the Man with tlM ■ 'is.li'sftc Is thriving on the South Side, the ' ir this week I M.ats"; Karl Emmy's Pets. The Kinoilrome and ! I Tho h ,t tho vn*i»1o Pex-nle's and I.vndale Theatres on the N-xrfh I alerb Hergere. In The Sultan'a Favorite la . th-' i'r;xheu-n Concert Orchestra. vMl«* unil fho «>rphoum N th«' «nt.v vnml** SMe. and the Gem Family on lowx'r Ilennepto b. .Idllmr at the Hrpheum tlila week. It I* Each xvci'k the Orjihonm vanderllle la getting ; 'MU' »>i In Momi'Ui'k. 4’lnn'n«v WoN nn*1 avi nne. ‘ lx itHTi-ri-nt from anything we hare seen 1 better, until now It can bxxaat of the beat. Its i WlUlntn pprtnrr« In th*' Jrf RODERIC STE. FLEI'RE. In nnd aliiiwa her vemallllly. Kd. K. Key I fam-' Is spn'sd over the entire Southwest. fi>r««n \V**I* fnrn|ph*'i| itH' h«'np*' JinJ ^f*H‘ ' 'be xentrlliHiulst with a pr«! In niNklne th*' .Ini'M' NOW A VAUDEVILLE HOUSE. - -ri-dl, „re niixal wondeiriil gvmnaala. and Pptivnpc*' tin' hnii N'on thU : ccss on the ctvdlt aide of the Olllla ledger. •s Imiiixaalble fi-ala in a very eaay and tin ] The W.vxlwani StiKk Cbmpany. at the Audi- •I'l'.'k M n \vn**.>n In Mott I i In'Un l. Ihe Dlxen Opera House. Dtxon. III., haw -ni'd manner. They were the cloalng ixum. M lw*> nightp* rngpgt'nw'nt imllnc tho 19fh n»p 1 torlum Theatre, have put on Dlvorcon*. The changed from the "legitimate" shoxx-s to vau¬ . Id aeori-d heavily The Tuacany Trouba ■•mup new r^trh\ IMpnoh** >VpN*i In I cx'mpany la handling It very well, and all prln- deville. Thla Is the end of a long theatrical six op,-ratlr Singer* In eivsiume. an act Tt>r IVpf. synn hon* f**r t*PO night* «n*t Th' j duals an' receiving much applause. fight made by Mr. Sackett of Rockford, to kxvp siwaxa wina favor at the Hrphenm, re- t'llmp\ N lfci'*'ko*t tin' '2*2^ pn*i .Arch Mcilovem wa* here the first of last Dixon on the thmitrleal map. Tim fight ha-» ^ 1 several eurtaln calls Carlin and Clark*. Till' Mil pt th** Orphr*nm tliU n*'*'k U gi'M . week He ca.ne on fn'm New York and Joined bemn texo mnch of an nix hill affair, hoxx-orer. -n conii'dlRn*, worked h«rd ** Hie open pni* t*'i' hmipo wrtp hH* »t tn cpppcltv pt rxi'ry I Beverly at the Grand last week, a* advance .inxl as the cxpportunlty has offered Itself to I " '• if., '*■'■>1 Norm«n, J*me* Young *nd j |x rfi'rn>pnr«* 1*h*' Fifth t'«»mmpn*1«iiont. thr representative. Mr. McGovern ha* many friend* rent the house outright to a vatide'-llle emneen I amt I III) (he mind reading dog. were the j »iopitHn<'r. u»p*t«' p hit Oth#r gnrpl potp pr*' In Kansas City, and every one wa* glad to It has been decMed to turn It over. Mr. Bx^r- fjTW Siitlr. !t»'rg*p M*'rrT t^lrlp. llpmltnp, see Mm. sbell of Annxra. Ill., la the man who his renteil " 'be \*nnn«|. hnalne** I* ■1w*r* good, hut 1 the t'hprlr^ .kW'gm Tn'»ipo. Piptn'p ?^l*n|pn. Cherry Blo«*oms. the ahow at the Century the bemae and will give the pcmple of Dixot* k Rhoweil an InereRie «t the niRttnee* I Frpnk Tlnnrt pn*t Mme Ppnttp thl* week, ahonid hare been called "Peach” acme of the beat vaxidevllle In the bxisdne-ss. I


NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE. The Sign of the Rose Still Attracts the Attention of Vaudeville for a concert, or iionalMy a TaiKtcvlllr toiir. Mr. Cockbiirn o(T‘r' Scottlxh KOOKa Id coatuuir.

'llio liill.s at tho I'k Ml hoiiM-a fhia wwk are aa followr: Patrons—Johnson and Ketchel are Already Apj^earlng on the Mprion Onrwoii, tlu* yoiinp sotirtitio. Fifth Avenue Theatre.—ilporRe who won fame with her Sam Iternard pruiluctliai hnn. In what la oonaldercd vamleville's proateat Films—Percy Williams Opens His New Theatre with a Strong last si-ason. I* succn-ssfiilly playing I'nlted ilramatlc Rketch, The Siitn of the Koae, written time. She Is irsliiK a song by i’aul t.lneke, t>v C. T. Daale anil tieorRe Iteban, U the feature entitled Within Your Kye*. and. of course, pub li'-re thla week, with a new aupportliift coiiiiiauy. Idst of Acts Headed by Albert Chevalier. lls'ted liv Jo*. W. Stern and Company. riie piece la heart throbblnit In It* auatalned hu¬ man intereat, but contain* much wholeaome com- eily. which la niliurled well with the cenuine pa¬ Ip which his houses are ruu. that has made every T\ [lewTlfers. his Kountry KUh Itiirnott iirU Vaiine a tio* Incident to the denouement. Mr. Itehan. oiH-ratlc act s«’en in .\ew York last wer-k. coni one of them a success. In Manhattan Horough, oroductlon. and 1* now with iini|uertionabl.v one of our lH**t character actor*, |M>m>d of a tenor ami a soprano. They at*- using ih" Colonial and .Alhambra theatres are prac¬ Girl*. ri'iiderfc one of IiIh Inimitable racial preaenta- all operatic sidection*. evceptlng Charles K. tically sold out niglitly, a ideasing condition, tiona—a jxior Italian of the alre'*t. Anna I.aUKh- and also ;i sirong argument In favor of Mr. Harris' new ballad. Was I a Fool, with which I'n. who has b?»*n diiblM-d vaudeville'* cuteat Williams' desire to establish two dollar vaudc- Ous ImIwhtiIs h;is iirovliLul another they are scoring heavily. star, otter* new aoiiK* and e»»tuinea with decldeil lill" .As a prominent liooking au< nt said re- vaudeville headliner success In the Holland vue.-esa. Iloey and I.*** have a new batch of centlv: "He de««*rve* success. He makes up Helnles, with Janet I'rlest. the diminutive come¬ parodiea and sa(sa. Ilevl'.n and Klwoial present 111* bill* with the merit of the act* In view, dienne. featureil. and a sU|iportlng comiiany of Iienp I’rArklln :inil Hurt (Irn-ti will their popular aketch. The Girl from Yonkers. and figures the co*t for the week after the ten. includine Isiralne Hester, a tabloid prima not play Morris time. Tliey o|>eu at l*ercy Arthur UlKby. «•> old time minstrel favorite. 1* pi.ejr.im is completed. Vaudeville Is bound to donna, and Victor Foster. .A Hutch comic op¬ Williamw' Colonial, Novemlier H. This Is the Plaining a reputation In vaudeville with a mono- 'm- a »'i<’eesa for a man who pays three to tour era in one act. The Giswe Girl of Marken. 1* second time they almost workeil for Morri* sod liiaue, soni;* and dance*. Majestic Musical Four hundred dallsr* for an oismlng act, a* ha* lieen .•den-l with spe.-lal numbers, written by Oil* called It off at the last moment. lii\e a deeided iiovellj act In which they es- recorded In Williams' houses." I'dwards, entitled. My Holland n*l«y, Ooo*le. tr.-.el iiieliHly from unevpecled source*. Mile. N'litgi'. lyii.eii of Ki|iilpolse, and ilassan Hen George Hyrne Is IxMiklng t lane's AM's Whirlwind .\erot»ats complete the bill. HILDA MASON Msnhattsn ami Circle Theatre*. In the office* of the Independent Rooking .Agency. Gane Is ei |M>cted to have several more houses In the near American Music Hell. Mis* Clarice future booked by thl* office. \ I nee and Sophie Tucker on the same bill pro¬ vide two Interesting conir.ast' In single singing acts. Thl* Is the first apiwarance here of Clar- T*io Ainerlcitn Music Hall has r*-- iphle iTti-en act* with no Intermission. Ten act* are rucker Is a clever singing eomedienne, who has now oflfereil by William Morris al thi- Lyric. 1umi>ed Into jaipiilar favor In a short space of \ewark. N. J. time. Grant Gardner and Marie Stialdard pre¬ sent Vaudeville Frivolities-. Anne Hlaucke, a IHtb' favorite, presents her sketch. Freckles, M.or.uz and Mazettc. prepeniiiiK oiio with a supporting company. The Svengali Trio -•f the most ridiculously funny act* In vaude- liaie an Interesting offering of mystery and tille. open at the Empire, London, next June, music. .Al. Fields and Have Lewis are back for eight we«>ks. They are now playing Morris with their laughable non-ensi". Kinaldo offer* time. an entertaining violin concert; Md Blomlell and Comi'any pr<‘s<‘nt The Lost Hoy; Murrle, comedy Juggler: Jack Lorraine; Little Hip. the smallest The Zanders have openeil .t inovlni; eb-pbint In the world; F.d. Gray, the tall tale pbture and vamlevllle theatre at .Amsterdam t. Il< ■ in-l Til.' Aerial l,ai*>rts make up the avenue and 14dth street. In which they also of¬ fer mystery programs, for which they are notod.

Coicnia! The.itre.—Mal«l Hite ;tiiil KniiiuT Krau8 and hot I’icks in .in M k. Honlln offer their new act. .A IKauble I'lav. act that has been winning favor on the M.irrl* Til's I* * Ftspiel to their former successful offer time. Joe. Morri*' Singing Bird ha* recently lug. .and contains plenty of laugh* and much b“en addeil to the act, materially Improving It. baseball lingo. Ml«* Hite also introduces a new song, written es|)eclnlly for her by T

complete the bill. •ind Herman H*li»erf and Johnny O'Honnell. for merly with Gii* Edwards' Messenger Boy*.

Ham.-nerstein’s Victoria.- .lack John¬ son and Stanley Ketchel in their recent flight John T. Kelly has canoi lh'd all hi* In rallfornla. Octolwr HI. la showm In motion vaudeville booking and will be leading bachelor pictures here thl* wm-k. rivalling In Interest a in I.ew Field*' Jolly Bachelor*, to ojM-n at the strong vaudeville bill, of which Nat M. Wills, ■(roadway Theatre next month. the tramp comedian, is featured. Bay Cox makes her Broadway appearance after her foreign sui-ces*. and receive* a royal welcome. The Nickel, New Lontlon. I'uun., ;iu.l Ryan and Richfield pro-s-nt Mag Haggerty's I’nion Opera House, Tarrytown. N Y.. are now Father. Jesse Lasky's New Pianopbiends 1* pre- iKK)k'd by Joe Wood*. l.oew’- New Rochelle *onlecr*, upims her new vau- itevllle act. by Paul -M. Potter, at Young'* Plrr. Atlantic Clly. November I. Alhambra Theatre.—.Albert Cheva¬ lier. England's greatest character artist, I* dn- (illcatlng the remarkable sucesa he Las made In Til*' J:ick Wilson Trio, now on« ri.ig his previous visit* to this country. He baa a one of the funniest act* In vaudeville, hs* '(.ng roisTtoIre of new as well ns old song*, has .idded J"S. Morris' Indian song. .Singing Bird, alia-sdy established a few of the old ones In pop¬ to Hie aci. ularity. but receives calls at every performance for some of the old ones. A good supporting bill Ir provided him In La«ky'a Song Shop; W. C. I'.ijfht Geisha Girl.-, .lapiiin sHi'-'.- Fields, the eomwly tramp Jnggler, too well '•rs and dancers, come llrTt from Hie Paris known to call for comment: Blnn*. BInn* and music hall* to the FlHh .Aieniie Thealre. No- Hinnr. musleal comedians: lyola Merrill and venilier 7. Frank Otto Tate's Motorin'.’. ClIITord and Burke, in'! Alclde Capitaln". James J. .Armstrong, the .ig'eiit. h.is locat'd 111* i>mcH* with Hie Joseph Morris Mu Plaza Music Hall.—Julian Kiting--, «lc Cmpsny, in Hie Hroadwsy Thealre Building the Ininilt.able female impersonator, return* to New York this we<'k. obtaining a reception fully miial to Hist of Harry I.audrr Inst wis-k. Rice f'larlcc Vance, rested after her ••nd Cohan offer their comedy. The Kleptomant- consecutive month* at the Palaee, lomdon, aes; The Hoganny Troupe of lamatlc Bakers talented member of Fraiee's The Girl at the Helm road company who was recruited la again playing Morris time hire. present one of the tiest acrobatic act* now from the ranks of vaudeville. I'laying vsndevllle. Foster an'l Foster. Vefiinteer tirganlst.” havp an amusing act; 1' Arrv I,e Gl.atr Is iiirain plaving v:i'.i- W. .A. Whittle, ventriloquist; Besnah and Mll- It; these stirring d.'iy* of innild uis Notiody Knows It But A'oti and I. and the Hol¬ d"vll!e, having l.-ft Hie Fads and Folllea Bur li'sque Show. I'T miislial comedy stars; The Kohler Trio, op- politic*, the lot of the theatrical manager la In¬ land Helnles' March. The act igM-ned at Allen •■ratk slngirs; ralllouetfe, wire act, and Han- deed a bard one. With rival candidates on the town last week, and 1* playing F.aston. Pa. I' P nl Clift'.n :u roliat*. comidete the bill. stump, burling deflance at one another, with the till* WM'k. Gciinaro's Ikind Is idaylng 1 K \ average cltiX'-n hli-lng himself religiously to the meeting where bis facorlte Is dispensing ora¬ Circle Theatre.—P.rTdlev’s Miti=|eel tory, with the women of our bros'l land advo¬ The "Indv v.'i h the liarltoiie von ■ ' ij'iin'ett'. Til" Kiltie Hiio. Jack Mrlntyre, A'ar- cating equal suffrage, there would seem to ti* Anna fhsndler. who recently returned after a VAUDEVILLE NOTES Ick an.l I.lon'la, Harriett Ko' no\v the.-itre, th-* here. Bronx, lo-'ated at 14tltl: stri*et and Melrose ave¬ The “Ktilorptl Kniiietllatts" 'h" nue. opens next Monda.v with an exceptlonallv Alabama Four, are u«Ing Jo*. AA'. Stern'a patrl Mnhio Plfittilfll nnil .Toe Kcnnc-lv oHr march ballad. I Have No Hfher Hwcethearl strong hill, consisting of .Albert Chevalier. Rya- School Boys an-i Girl* th'- oM i"- have hint flnl*htd ten ets-ks over the Kentucky •md Rlchflelil. Fd. Morton. ’I'he Great Golden Hnt A'oti. My Own Red, AA'hIte and Hliie. They Hshle Gits F,dwards act. r'lme* to Hammer- <*lrcu*t out of IxsilN'Ille. Tliey resteil Ixal harmonise this sting «iilendli1l,v. and tlieir biisl Troupe, Ryan and White. Farrell Tavlor Trio. -♦etn'a Victoria next week, with the Gord'tn week In Knoxville, hut resiinusl wt-rk Hclohef ness la so original that It mean* three or four The Planoplilends. .Avery and Hart. sni| Went- Hrolhers n* a-lded attraetlons. Lillian Gohn, •Jfl. Tti-lr preetnl ixxdtings will keep thei'i vorlh. Vests snd Ted'lv. A’andevIIIe of this enetires at exi-ry fx-rform ince the Indlspensalde Sassy Little. Is as funny ** liu*y until ni vt June. •lurllty Is rertsinly an I' novatlon for the Itronx. tjertle Aloiilton I* the monitor, and Caro¬ but the new theatre should umltiiihletllv be a line Welde, fiflielal nn'leratndv for On* Kd- su'-ess. This will give Perry Wllllatn* five w '.r.'s' t nt. rptl—s Is with the net All** Walde W. T, fockhtirn, hiiiss voc.-illst ,a.i

new YORK MUSIC NOTES. Songs by Ernest R. Ball Are Much in Demand and Thirty of Melrose and Edmonds, the Tennes- a* e .Alagnoliiis, were In town last wt-ek. anit re por'e-l aiiccesa with Boh AA'hite'a Come Right Fhadows Is the mysteriously suk- Them are in the Catalogue—Rossiter is Busy Producing Songs in. Sit Kigiit Down. Make Yourself At Home. title of the sn-iip of fllre tM-aiitlfiil 4* Jon*" l'» Mme. C«ro Itoinn. (Ullior, roin|H>»er That Have the Lasting Qualities and Carry a Smile With Them. Brown, Harris and Brown were ai ■l>ii elnicer of herown works, «ho I* now |fl»- toe rerlloU on th* Cosst. A» with *11 her th- St-i,' Theatre last week u.alng K. A. Mill*’ I-m-Hime. iiiid giving the i.utn.ns the many es »|her n>nu>o*ltlon». the •onit* In 81i»sed by Mme. Roma Making a Hit. cores which they iuai.ated on having. ouhllalK'it by M. Wltniark *n

    i.g of their act. |.iiM!»li.sI I'll get you yet. little girlie. l,v R.vimooil Hihbelcr. 78-SO State afreet. Chi- Pellx Arndt has reiurneil to Ous Kd- |.vv «is tii\..nlle J. .vfc«l. Chlli'hoi.’ Pav". N-.k I'll get you yet. little girl; h< Ilirrv V..w»on and nir-lc hv Wit; Ros.lt.t • ag,r. Ill 'faivae I like your style, Puhllshing Conipan.v. a* a member ere ninklng merrv ovr the tins Si-n Clrenlt. 4* 1 ador- your smile. atalT of both the itrorossKinal and th* C.aiiics of ChlldlK.Hl Pa.v*. Irav I'le MoUa-.-s A'our e.ve* and your golden curl*. nani) and orchestra deparinieola. Mr. Joseph E. Howard, the well- Kl-'. an.| Pfv’flv IJItle Maid of CL, ix'kce art* S.«meth'ng ao charming about yon; l-.r.-wn cnnip<>*.T. I. In the cltv Inding afr>r the enr.'rc g‘tiers. A'on've got my brain In a whllrl; ♦ I the mn«lc -if his n-w «h >w. The Hirtlrg I'rln I’ve got ray ejea on yon. you, you; ♦ C,»s. The music la to b,' |.uhlltbt‘d bv Ch.ir. k. Blnslnif Hlrd. the Indian Konff sue-^ I’ll get you yet. little girl. '»f ibc J|ih <'*»mpany. la now b#- Jack King, tenor, and manager of llarrla. II Vaughn In tli4h Ot4ian 4 Ihi* Pmplr** SIntfInc Kmir. fhaf. Copyrighted and pnhiiahed by Cbarle- K Mvrrl* Mlnatn-lt. I'*.' of M'AonHifM SofiM* r R'»r In IHtio Down Where the Watermelon Harris. linrrr lUrk ami If I Onlv llail a Gr-ws Is the hit of the Cohan Min-feds. Th'a ntm'#*. frtkm flio a<»n»r abop, aiv nmilw'rH, s -.g la ti'klng eight end nine • ncorca vv-r.v AIRY LILIlAN. MY FAIRY. I..<>bater Glide, the catchy Inatru- n^ght. it I* from the pr, a* of Chaa. K. llar- i!.*i!" humiHW In The OIrl fri»m Hector's pnv Lvrlc and melcvly by Fred E. Whltehsia- •"ion. la now imha>.hed by Mlgouo Elegfeld. Marry Jolson was a recent Roasiter .Alrv. Lillian, my fairy. I love ymi. ♦ call.>r *c1.«-Hng as Im—t suited t.> his ns)it|re : n***nf4 Y Ain’t Tnlktng to \ti» an«1 Rort WII At the Majestic, recently. I.di Tlt- Airy Lillian, contrary e.ve* of bine. Norln Wllaon Is only iislna otie popu- iit«ni«* \ HU nrX coinh. the singi-r on h.irscback. Ik e.vcral -n- Tell me, de.ir. than vou love me: no one els* > a..ng In her act. this le-lng Charlea K. liar- Rt tli-k .S n*’r|riin Mn»*lr HrII vrtN'Ir of , c.p-a with Ingnim's hi Pad b't. AA'hcn I Pn-ini will do; • htliad. Wat 1 a K.h.L It. RR hU r«*iiirn enit RC'mont tUcr^* In ftnir In the Gloaming of A'< >i. piihllehed by Shapiro. •Airy, my fairy, sweet Lillian contrary, I lo*- m-Rk* tr«tlt*F«. you. ♦ ♦ Queen City Minstrels are featuring the Rreat French pnnto- Copvrighted and pnhllahtM by Cshn and A’ar Orrenwood. bnlIndNt, dU- n-s AAllt.'. Cone It'ght In. Sit UIgil Ia>wn. Wageneii Music Company. ■dar •• American Muatr Hall No^ flniruUhiMi Rt thi* ^morlcn Miulc Alakc A‘ia,ra,*|v .At Home. Bcrllng. forru»rlv liiRt 'Vf'oW \moiir«t other nnmherR r» of Fl.dd’s Min-lrcla. |. .|cllv->rlng th- g.aat. iContlniu'd on page .'{b. • 12 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 30, 1909.

    ’’Why are there so many divorces between the people of the stageT” inquires a corresiiondent. There are really no more divorces in the theatri¬ cal world than in other spheres of endeavor. One sliiiidy heartt more about their matrimonial infelicities than about those of persons llu|i|>y Marriages who are less in the limelight and less interesting. .Xiiioiig People Many marriages between those whose lives are de- Of the Stage, voted to the theatre iirove to lie ideal. One does not have to go far to tlnd adequate examples and to refute the libel that liappiness is not to be found in this pr«)feasion it is only neces- sar.v to r^fer to Forbes Uobertson and Oerirutle Klliott; IaiuIs Mann and Clara Lii>man; Oswald Yorke and Annie Hussell; Fred Stone and Allene Crater, Victor Moore and Emma Littlefield; William Faversham and Julie Opp, and ISSI’KI) WKI'KI.Y, an I>l HlJSlIINt; COMPANY. son. the young producing manager and Mabel Taliaferro, or “Nell,” as she 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, O., U. S. A. is now known to the stage. Their devotion one for the other Is a matter of Long Distance Telephone, Main J7iKt. Cable Address (registered) ••mil.vboy." pleasant interest to everyone who knows them. It is a regular itomeo and Juliet affair. NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS. Everyone has heard of the ideal home life of Eddie Foy, the comedian Suite D, Holland Kulldlng, 1440 Broadway. RoiMii soil, Missouri I'aciflc Building There is no company so interesting to him as that of the wife and the eight Telephone Central, KKIO Bryant. little Foys at home and the greater part of his time off the stage is spent in CHICAGO. LONDON, ENGLAND. their company. !*07 009 Schiller Bldg., 1(« 100 K«nd. was the artist that he himself had always known her to be. Boom 2, 1439 Fillmore St. 121 Rue Montmartre. Add to these the happy home life of Daniel V. Arthur and his talented Subscription, $4 a year; 6 months, $2; 3 months, $1. Payable in advance. wife, Marie Cahill, Lew Fields and Mrs. Fields, and hundreds of others of more or less prominence, who cannot at w'ill be called to mind, and it will be No extra charge to Canadian or foreign subscribers. ' seen the home life of the people of the stage comi'ares favorably with that in other professions. ADVERTISING RATES—Tvgenty cents per line, agate measurement. Whole psge, $1^: half page, $70; quarter page. $35. No advertisement measur¬ ing less than five lines accented. While it is true that more theatres have been erected this season than for many years, and while much space is being used In elaborate discrlptlons ^tiirtlay, October 31), 1909. regarding the exterior decorations, little is said about the conditions existing back of the stage. Managers spend every dollar possible to THE BILLBOARD it for tale on all trains and news-stands thronghout the United States (Jive the -Xetor attract the public through the beauty of the entrance, the and Canada, which are supplied by the American News Co. and its branches. DVhen not on sale, please notify this office. (Quarters .XIore lobby, the upholstering and the art work on the walls and Remittances should be made by post-office or express money order, or registered letter Comfi>rtable. the ceilings. If, through any inadvertence, any money then addressed or made payable to The Billboard Publishing Company. remains, it may be used back of the stage, but that is the The editor can not undertake to return unsolicited manuscript; correspondents should keep copy. last place to be considered and if considered at all. is usually given but scant attention. While the audience sits in comfort on silk-plush chairs in a theatre fur¬ EDITORIAL nished like a palace and heated to even temperature, the players are forced to dress in rooms that are little better than stalls, where their comfort re¬ ceives less attention than is usually accorded animals with a circus. Condi¬ This week there is con.secrated, to a noble, ideal cause, a new permanent tions in the smaller theatres found by the actor on the road )>eggar descrip¬ headquarters, in which the hand of earnest purpose, the best thoughts of tion. While things have improved somewhat in recent years there has been big minds, and the finest impulses of great souls are combined. Upon the no great improvement in the means adopted by managers for the comfort of shoulders of the Woman’s Professional League falls the players. With many of them playing two performances a day; forced to Where lliiiiiHiiity bulk of an unselfish, self-imposed burden, which has for crowd like cattle into unsanitary dressing rooms and to ride In uncomfortable Dreams its lofty aim fhe bringing of succor and aid to deserving stats in cars that are either as cold as refrigerators or overheated to a sick¬ Golden Dreams. actresses to whom fortune has denied its smiles, and to ening extent, it is not remarkable that physical decline soon follows and ex¬ plains the startling amount of sickness in the theatrical profession. whom the requirements of everyday life and the means for honorably acquiring the same are the all-absorbing issues. Both the better constructed theatres and the railroad companies have recently done something to add to the comfort of the players, but much re¬ All hall the Woman’s Professional League. Peace, comfort, the joys of mains yet to be done and while so much building is being done, the dressing- best companionship in your new home, where humanity will dream its golden rooms on the stage should be considered as well as an attractive exterior. dreams and blending its idealism with practicality, accomplish the wondrous things that bring happiness, kindness, trust, a renewed faith in mankind

    It’s all in the way it is done that gives character to any form of amuse¬ ment. It is also dollars to pennies that some forms of entertainment have He must change, c.s have others who entered the lists and spent the , suffered severely because of Indifference to, or misconception of theatre-goers passing day according to their lights—the press agent. When we say he, tastes. The old and much overworked statement that audlen- we refer to a majority of him. The gentleman was a curious compound. , Kigld ces demand, and producers have only to follow their wishes Binding himself to the service of his employer, whose sole Burlesque had better be retired in favor of the saner and more truthful ITe.«w .Xgents aim was to obtain publicity, without which the enterprise ('eiis(»rship. dictum that fashions are set by the shows and the public fol¬ Must CliHuge he headed could not thrive, his exertions were bent to . lows where it is led. That most people prefer genuine humor Tlieir MetIuMis. .secure a maximum amount of newsi)aper or other notoriety to that which is reeking with putriilly suggestive matter. Is true, and he who with a minimum expenditure of hl.s employer’s money. maintains the contrary has need t<» li*ok after himself, for there is something From the days of Barnum, down to a very recent period, it has been radically wrong in his makeup. understood that the wielder of the pen was licensed to di.sport himself, willy It is to the credit of the burles ing newspaper publisher. The public, becoming enlightened and grown claim packed audiences of both sexes. And why should not burlesque come wise, long since discounted the lurid and overdrawn press dope, and more into its own? It is one of the most pleasing forms of entertainment, and here- and more refused to be moved by it. But it is hard to change customs long , tofore has not cl.aimed artists of the best class, because of the odium which e.«tablished. and though readers grew cold, .sad to say, the press agent and has attached to the business, due to the way it Is done. Should It be neces- the man who.se story he was telling failed to scent the rea.sons for a falling •sary to confine it to the favc»r of the lower strata of si>clety? We think not oft in Interest, which the fairy tales formerly elicited. Sadder still is the .\nd right here we wish to earnestly congratulate those managers who have fact that there are a lot of them in that state right now. I inaugurated the campaign of decency and better programmes, and to assure them that their efforts are heartily approved by ev«-ry well wisher of the But, added to the miseries of the same press agent is the further fact amusement profession. that the newspaper publi.sher has emancipated himself from the thrall of that gentleman’s blandishments, and no longer lenrLs his columns for a drink or a cheroot. Nothing, these days, but the money of the realm is recog¬ It has l»een painful to note, from time to time, a somewhat lamentable nized as equivalent for ink, composition and white paper. lack of cordiality, and a too fri-quent Ignoring of the little courtesies and It has been our privilege, heretofore, to call attention to the utter amenities which should characterize even the dealings and doings of rivals nonsense and futility of using antiquated and senseless methods of arousing i In the motion-picture field. To boost one’s own business public interest. There is not a newspaper man in America but that is astute Mako a indicates not only business enterjirlse and insight, but, of enough to detect, at long range, the press agent’s story. Few agents there are, | I'alr Fight, itself, should convince purcha-sers of products that merit and we say it in sorrow, who.se effusions escape the charge of being spiced with lies behind the manufactures boosted; that the men behind untruth. No other branch of legitimate busine.ss makes a plea for patronage the guns have faith in their wares and arc willing to stake upon such unwise and shallow pretenses, and the .shame of it reeks in the valuable reputatiorus on their statements. Calumny and the little tricks of nostrils of all good people. the trade are bound to react upon those who resort to the same. What, then, say you, would the people have? They would welcome the A great, yes, a mighty, busine.ss has been built upon demanil for a nea agent whose copy bore evidences on its face that statements made were form of entertainment. The raplillty with which it baa advanced has brought something more than buncombe; that showed, unmi.stakably, a desire to into competition immense wealth and the service of commanding minds stimulate business, but not at the expense of a bald misstatetnent; that Rivalry there must be. ami It is highly to be desired and commended, but bore upon the white pages some index of the manhood which should be honorable methods, gentlemanly treatment, and the observance of courtesies behind the work of one who believed in him.self and the nobility of hi- which high-minded men in other lines maintain, should characterize this calling Such men are pleasing to meet; such have an "approach” that busine.ss. can win, without cost, where dollars fail. "I'n say that it is the fluty of journals which touch the traile at an) Reform is needed. And the sooner all Interest-.d realize that fact, the point to discourage such iiractices, and to aid In establishing clean compe¬ better it will be for the amu.«ement business. tition, should be unnecessary. TOBER 30, 1909. Xtic Billboard 13

    APT I.—Library of John Rodman’s bouse Fifth Avenue, early afternoou of an HESE ARE MY PEOPLE; day. PRISMATIC AS ACT II.—John Rodman's Study, the following day. ACT III.—The fancy dress ball at John Rod H. B. WARNER THE STAR man'a hotise. MOUNTAIN DEW ACT IV.—The Study at John Rodman’s house. Madame Nazimova began her fourth season. .s .|uel to The s<|uaw Man. by Edwin Milton Royle. is Given its lYSS And Dainty as the Petal the Dew ... . ^ (Invday night,n\ifUt October 2.’i, presentingrsPa.«^fit>n4» au newncaur playt.I.V ^ Premiere In Cincinnati by a Strong Company of Players, of contemporary life, entitled The I’aasion Flow¬ Rests On, Is the Work er, by Brandon Tyiian. The premiere was tbs most brllllaht of the season. and is Well Received by the Audience, The action of the play passes in a fasb- of Nell ahle mansion on Fifth Avenue, New York. Tbs 'tory chiedy centers around Mrs. Vivien Rod- man, wife of John Rodman, president of the People’s Bauk. Vivien, being a frivolous wo¬ Cl UNGES NEEDED TO COMPLETE SUCCESS man, aspires fur social honors at any cost, and IN SPRINGTIME PLAY her amhitionb In this direction dnally bring aboi]t the duancial ruin of her husband. The LMtlC nOLATRE, Ol.NCl.NNATI.—II. R. War I ■ ,, . . about the I ajjilaudable at almost every point. The Lady author very cleverly tells a story of social life nor In These Are .My i‘eoi>le. (A seajuel to Enuiglon of the beautiful Engliah actress, in New Vor Ilie Sijiiait Man. A romance of two countries. ork by means of a very clearly dedoed SPRINGTIME.—A play In four acts. By Booth Alice Crawford. lmi.orted by Mr. Tyler espstlal and IngenloIngenious symbolism. In four acta. Ity Edwin Milton Royle. ly for thla char.scter. waa intMt esrellent, aiil T'arkingtou and Harry Leon Wilson. Liberty, Madame Nazlmova's part—that of Vivien—Is New York. upon her ezlt at the concluHion of a very a dtdlcult and exacting one, proving, however, THE CAST. dramatic scene the applause was spontaneous a worthy successor to the Ibsen roles with Harold “Caltborpe," Chief of Indian I’ollcs and of moat g< neroua measure. THE CAST. which she baa been so prominently Identifled. . 11. B. Warner Mr il. B. Warner, as Hal. waa good In the The pla.v is one of absorbing interest. Mad¬ Louise ....Helen Lindroth Pastil Ladd. t'. 8. Indian Agent best sense of the woril. He la a young pla.v.r Aunt Marguerite ..Alice Parks Warren Frank Campeau of trememlous promise and In this trying char- ame Nazlmova's _Bupport Is e.xcellent. It Im m Tynan, Ernest Oleudlunlng, ' • ..Charles W. Butler t'adaer. Imllan trader.. Loudon McCormick fcter of fh,- half breed acijultte,! himself with dudes Braudt Henry Kolker , Wallace Er.kine, Grace Beals. . Bis Hill. .Agency Cattle Uoaa....E. M. Kimball STcry honor.” ’ .M. V alette.W illiam B. .Mack Appth Mesllclue Man.Harold llartaell M. Raoul ale Valette.Samuel Forrest tVah .Na til, ("'I'be stsul when seMratrd from L’Aa-sdienne.BlJou Fernandez the lHidy"i. an educated Indian girl.. H. B. WARNER Wolf.EdvvlD Holland . Jrnsle liett Crawley.William Harrigan I'batanaugh.I'lric Kenradc -Madeleine.Nell Kev John McCloud.Iluwell Hansel Gilbert Steele.Earle Browna ■( •' Hike McShay.Harry Harwood Julie.Sallie Brent isrvon Lee.David I’. Steels "Sllrot” Smith .Too Uunn By FRANTC WINCH. (I’artlsaua of McShayi I Move along ytau find street rounders—you aptaln Baker, C. h. A.Averlll Harris ' nilk-hatteal scoffa-ra at womanhood avaunt, take t. Sersiant Blount. C. S. A.Lawrence OT.*ary a night off—stop in to see Springtime, shed s / . K.>uab lleuee” Joe.Charles E. Urabam ! few tears and go home with better thavughts. Lady Ethugtoo.Alice Crawford Springtime offers Nell tbe chance we’ve looked Lady WlnlfrsHl Stuckley . MtusI Turner Gordon I for. boiaed for. and never expa-cted to see. In Str tiordoo Stuckley, her husband. I tbe Lauds of another artiste. Springtime woajld .Charles J. Bell I not le so dainty, it irigbt not even be wlmvovne Lnrd Norman Yeeter.Bennett Kllpark I —with Nell, It is as cbarmiugly refreshing os 4,r George Kundal. M. H.. F. R C S. I the gulden suhbeams after the wintry gkiom. .Frank I'lngdon I Springtime is colorful—might be likened to the /» . isdrrwa. Hugh Wynne ' (athealral stained glass windows, but it is Nell Indian I’ollce, Cowboys, etc I that causes tbe Illumination. Her wa>rk. ef¬ fortless eTort, Is as prismatic as the morning ? ? * < Edwin Milton Royle'a new romantic drama. I dew. as delicate as the petal on wbicb It rests. These .Are My I’l-ople. had Its Brst presentation .Vnai uiayhe there weren’t some of the bnival at the I.jrlc Theatre, ClnrlnnaU. Octil oIl oaadgers who sat through Springtime under the direction of LIrbler A (.'ompany, and with moist eyes. Not that tbe story Is tearful 1 V • Ith H. B. Warner In tbs stellar rule. The pre- I or sorrowful or any of that Margaret Angllr.lxed alere attracted unusual attention, for It U well , sob. at thet we find It a tragealy, the tragealy known that the new play la a aeuu*> to Tbs i of Innocence re-established. We who tbungbt S<)usw Msn. snd there was much Interest manl- i goodness and virtue and all tbe other things fesied to know bow Mr. Boyle would take up j one only hears of in picture books—we thought rhe thread of the popular play and weave new those things Just tbe imagings of an underpaid latrrest la the rbaracters of that drama. scribe—we are the ones that Nell gave sua'U a • )v t*nly two charartera from 'The 8qusw Man are ; rude awakening. She Is working a moral re- prsservsil. and these art shown some twenty i generation s’leb as 42nd street never cuntemplat- years dder than In the earlier play. They are I ed. In every act Nell Is a sermon—tbe kind Big Bill, the ranchman. Oral played by Georgs I that vitallzi's the goedness and makes It tbe rawcetl, tad Little Hal. the half breed Ihdlao I .nore loten-stlng because the more una xpectaal. I It ma.v be ditficult for some of ns to conceivs boy, now shown as a ot twenty all. Tbit . > *■ Is the part create,! by 11. B. Warner, the son of ' the ace in which this dainty little creature the Ute Charles Warner, who la thus promoted I Uveal—the program says It was In 1815—and Ik . places tbe scene divwn South—in old LouisUud, *0 stellar honors by LIrbler A Comi^any because if hia splriklld service as leading man with i the f-oulsiana that was— The time of the play Is 1815. On the day Cletaor Robson the past four years. I sncceedinc the oja-ning of the play. General 1'bese Are My People Is la four acta. Tbs ! .Ana'reiv Jackson. Ignorant of the cessation of Arti shows the Standing Bear Indian Agency, ; the war 1812. defeats the British anal captures ^0 sailbrr Harold Caltborpe, the half breed, re- . New Orleans. To think of such a thing Is to mriis from bis English home, because be finds thiuk of marching troops, of firing cannon that rvrb a title and a fortune In England could ; shells, of slow-moving but n.one thi- least ef ant secure him happiness because of hit In- fectlve warshlos. of martial bands of music, of Han blow] Scorm-d and Ignond In England, j devastation, of inhumanity. ' But Springtime be feels the rail of the wild, and returns to bis I treats of none of these. It Is not a war play. astivr land to be among his own (teoplr. Tbe I It Is a love story. Bloodshed and square-jawed second irt shows Rnl Butte Kanib. an exart ■ .Anilrew Jacksou furnish only the suggestion of replica of tbe similar scene In The Niuaw Msn. backcTonnil. with Big Bill twenty years older, pliyed by B. The girl's nsme Is Madeleine do Valette, M Kimimll. Tbe half brre,1 meets so Indian i The l)oy Is Gilbert Steele, the son of a rich and |lrl. >k t Na Gl, who has twen educate,! at Car- i Increasing rich American planter. The Louis¬ Isle The subsequent acts show bow tbe son iana French In those days hated Americans. M. • lBo4t repeals tbe mistake of bis father, bow be , de Valette waa no exception to the rule. The .t re'sIbM to England to Inherit the title of girl—who was only seventeen—had never known Karl 'f Kerhill. and tbe conflirt between bla I a lover, but one had been furnished ready .ovr r r the Indian girl and l.ady Efflngloo, an I made to her M. Raoul de Valette. her cousin, English aristas rat. The last art finds tbe I had heen protrlsed her hand long .vesrs beftra 2^ kalf br<-ed bark on Real Bote Ranch. she had coa«ed to care for dolls. Gllhe.'t Steele first met aneia, as the Indian agaot; Har¬ met s.nd Instantly loved Gilbert Steele, and ry lirrs'sst. Bentia'tt Kllpark, Howell Hinswell I that she had followed Mm as he rode awa.v on •s 1 Frank Kingdua ! his horse to loin Capt. Wolfe's sharp-shooters In Ca'Bin.enllng am the poweiful thtral act In tbe ' The atraok on New Orleans. Old M. de Valette slay, the t'loclunatl Kuajiiirer ssol i has rvccTirse to a family custom hundreds of i vear" old. which furnishes the ra'ason for all •Tbst scene Is rv ally worth til the llleatloc j tie suhseapient actions of the play. a-f the otba-r sets, fair they are it-rrlhlv nir- [ Now flat’s the story. See much In It? Then certa se tn.t raamnitanplace But If the an j voii're like Eugene Walters—he did and he lhaar will ramabrse them, will lesal tiiiara'aiiiirk I didn t so Thompson toaik the scenario elsewhere y laa the cmv aif hIs siiarv. Will eliminate m-asi • t for playsmlth tlnkerlngs. Tie whieh means. the .il.vtasas caMnedV I, 1 1 '‘‘n The neweet Llebler and Co. star made his stell,>r debut at the Lyric Theatre, Cincinnati, 1 if j, ^11 In the acting. And to daintr winso;ne He flr.i f* 'lu* '7' "•-'JV'"'""* October 24, In These Are My People. . Np,, fpp prp,„t eoes. of course, there wer.were goiMl • nt'iahsl in thaatll. hut II U worlliylarlliy the - ----aaaa.a.M.,, -n St snd they were necessery—In the some equstlvn Phe ciHivrnltaiual last scrne. thraae years Zeitte Tiihury. Graee Glhbona. Carmen Nesvlll® ' thst a golit hsml Is necessary to hold the dia¬ sl'T whlrlt (vrmlls Hal to isqiiru lo his isna THE PASSION FLOWER. .snd twenty others. It la understood that Tba mond for a ring—hut the lustre Is In the dla la*' aftrr the dt-alb a*f Ills wlfa*. could Is* l"'er Passion Floner will be an early New York at- i mon*! and there ymi are. ♦ 1-1 If the others were ra'viseat anal maale any Mme. Nazimova Scores A Brilliant 4 traction. Nell Is so Ingeniously artless, so nnactorl.sh. ■ i rr, Oi ar the quality of the tlilral act. Success In Her New Play. Hut unless tbe play la re wr'IIrn. even llie so hnnianl.v human that you .lust womler what vra-at HI, rit of aine aaf tile ts-st Inclala nts th«' THE ADMIRAL SpHnctline would l>e without her. .And there’s laTO Anirflcaii drama has hraaiighi lu will HAKMVM'S BLEEtKEK HALL. Albany. N Y. s ts'lnt thsf few lesllzed In this prsluctlon. ^ ' ha' atdi to save lYuso* Are Mv Pisqih' Madame .Vaalmana In Tlie Passlian Flower, a Even the critics seomeal to overl'vok It -simple ■ -1. golnr lha' assy of all ara|iia'ls. If It Is. l>lay In four acta, by Brandon Tynan. Given Its Premiere With William as It may sed th.-lr sa ason with ■inisl llla rallt v, while lla aeling la ra-ally S'-encs palntr'l bv I'nltt ,% Wlekes. aaN’th himself. I tbe Bcrtran and Clant Shows Combined. 14 Xtie Billboard OCTOBER 30. 1909. MOTION PICTURE NEWS

    CITY FATHERS CONFER. City Council of Chicago and the Motion Picture Producer.^ are 1.»H«‘i»b !lo|i|» aiMi another mao well kmtwB in lb** tllni iMiaiuca^. have lea'u^d tbe Hii»aey pi..|Hr»x oil Mh;u ain** i. W aiikega*!. fi>r a lema Licenses And Ordinances Discussed In Trying To Get Together on the License Proposition E.xjjerts ttfl**n >euia. I*lui*a are n'>w lielng drawn Chicago. for a building to Ik* dexidei) to amU'«'*iueBt |iurtM»4*a e\«iu!*lxely. Mr. Iltipp amt hla partner Held a Business Session of Importance—Opera Rlgolelto Forms iiMV 'undiict tlila Ibealre ttHDinel?ea or inay A lelti-r “WmiiliiK t(i KTliIliltearborB inn. KiiKucKiliik' HHil r<'i|ii<-KtliiK xl iikm-i | 4t wt. liN^ bad (*k*iiwld« rutde auccctti with tbeir on OcioloT ‘JO for 111.. of illwiiMsiiiK th<- J««l»na* 11 dgbi pU-iuna. aa m>11 a» wttb pniiKoo'') rlimnro in tin rlt.v orilliiMiiio-s ulil.li |MH»| |c iixrBt Ibfy uil^bt fauiMl Wbut la reuulretl IIOM. In xlew of the cuiidl the (ithei tight pl«lur«'a i***utrulb*d by Ibit bm «oul>l i-.iiM ciHjl.v i.ffiK'l III*- n tiwliilioim cov. ru ' L.riftf tiai’tiiM Ut** uiiU lito ui iiiiil et»uiiUkuii» «iiki I loll reucbiMl lu tliU rea|HK*l by Mingle uud 1 be pictcria linxe tM*«*it exbltdteil to aexerai toMiia ill Wla4*«*iialii Mid baxe m-ver failed to ba Ins (ilHn-x of miiiiM'iiKMit mill <'iit<-rtiiiii:iii-iit. ! lL«*tvl'y it II mure tH^uiiaUU* llUJu^lUleul laul. ia i**>iu*ert«tl ucl.oii b> exblldpHa exei.x Till* l«.n.-r xiiiil In Kiili'lmirH: aiiil fur Mlifie b'lidiiic to NU Imrk'Mae III IIh* iiuiiilK*r of n protltable iii*eatiiieul fiiT Ibi* exblhltor. "It liMK n.iiif t<> onr xttpiitlnn thxt nn <1- tlifi'* MiJe on the ultuiiiuii |Kiitcl4*a uf lutlb cl.«^«*a ft* In* laaiHtl Idcb Mid 4* ii'n (It Ik Im Iiis iiiiiilt* to I'liKK Mn orillii:in<-i»|M*d .d'H» tend to a allU further rtKludluu la tbe Geo Ihmt ark mIM manage the Crlumbla Tbe flty roiiiiril of Cliii-Kso. w lilili "III in a ' out ill ^ui fuLv ill•ll<■||tiuu^, but ufier «11 b^d pieiidum rate. atie of ltl(M>iiiliigton. 111., whlcb baa Juat lieeB 'IraHlir lll••HKllrt• all movlni; piPtnn- IIumIivh. lt‘ni|i|Ht

      |N*1*1 Mould r«*i‘eive Ibeir fMil , thoatroH oliarsliie tin pi nta ailiniKKion., f.'iial. Mik' CMretiil c*<»uibid«‘rMib>u. Tuitt deUy uin** { It .iIko pnxhloa tli. t pI Ihlroii iiiuhT *l\twn ' Pathe’s Latest Creation An Achieve* J(e.«>ph tlof n baa leaaed, with tbe option of buldM iu MtK*y»iK‘e tue i»io|Kim‘d ib«>;ia« ijtt‘d by CAn<|M‘r Mtiil liMruiMu | I 454J aud kIU haxe au ort'lieatra of all piece#. Pjttie Krerce baa wortKl oue of tbe bigg^ at ■ Thin imoitlns Ik Palliil for tin piiiiKWP of ilW- | of UlvfiUi v^. L. A. Wolf of While City, Mib*^ tilniupiiK exer Liimmu luuxing Mature i ♦ ptiaKliiK ihiH Kiibjppt mill iIpvIhIiik Aa.ta ami Frit*d of ffkMUM Solid uud oibem. UMier «• Ibe i In ciictea l*y ibeir luteal pi«Mh.« I Uigulelto— 'I Ttie Calumef Klim Kxrhange baa f«*uDd It tnoatiH t'l pppvont llip paasaso of tliix onilnainv. Mill*«ilb»0 uud de%vlo|»e« tbeie Mill |.*n. fruui tue o|era of tl*e aame uaiue. i neci «a:irx to inrieaf*e llieir Older for dim XDd In takins up IIiIk niatti r. tlip .Miiaiioo Ik follow- i ii«iu*b of lul<*i'e»t ucerue Mbleb Mill be of >lt4l if tbeie are ail.X hsc* axofT at motluu pboCu Senafier ‘x'll hii.x too iimre reela each ••K'k ItiK It* PoiiKtItiilion "hipli provlilioi that It Khali i im|i**i iMiice Iu mII CbUM^o lUMiiMKern dlre<.*tii4( | Ipux Mbt» doubt the | \|r. Searv -aya ib.it IliU atep Maa deCeaaary tl UKp It* 'iilhiPtiPo to prpM'iit In all lawful wa}* M'liUfie.iteutM of iifMcUeMlly e\er> UMture. ! ur lla iiisxard irx'ad In pain of 'Kugreaaiuii^atK* IhN blui-^»ne of tbe Older U* glxe bla cuatuiriera tbe beat aervli*#. thp paKHHSP of nppn-KKirp local onllnancpK ami 1 Tilt Mb de imoi'Uieui but MClvillUMteM AL*d ' •iiuat remarkable piciur«*a exer ibruMii oq ;i I Stale |pt'i*lation. mill In Ihl* Inatmii'c the Bon uiukeM pi'oiiiiiU'iil llie outcry of lefortu uocletl'** ax’recO. At a prlxule exbllutluU Iaal Meek llie ' ►rat nnnlni; plPiiirc tiUKliiPaa of ChiPaBo '« MUd c!eti;>iiu*u rifuliint Ibe idotiire tlieMlre* Mud | flairv .tarkinp. manager of tbe TheatorlnB nliii Maa abuMU In the Pathe atudhi at .\e’« •ffppipil. Whothcr .von an* iihIiik lld'iiw or , kiudiiM eiilert.aliiUieulM Mbkb Im huikIuk o\er | ef It •llltltor**. Md., iMa decided tf» Ptlck lu !■ nnllPona.. •■tvIcp wp ask that ym In* pr.*iM*iit ! ^urk. PIcturea there Uaxe la-eu and mIII L—. tbe oiiiiiitry iircttl ou by ibe ekploiiMiioo of. detM*n«lei(t fihiia. a(*rt«rilttig to a report fru« 'ml UlKulellu Mill alaud aa the Claaalc acblexc* • a* It I* only h.v unitpil effort that the aliiiation ' tlii' vurbfUM MbiiMii Mlik’b liMve crept Into tbe Ibe publicity de|»arinreui (»f the Natlooal lode tic met.” meui of Him d'arl. btlHlueihM Mild for Mbleb Ibe U'lter eleuieut M bo : iKoit'ent .Mexhig Picture Alliance. In tile brat place Ibe atory la culled to in¬ Till* lettir a* oiitllnetl above mt* prmluPtlve liMxe llietr iu*>uey' MUd time luvested are tnade I ♦ terval laddiug I rttporliuua all llie M«y. Tb« re'a >f Boot* reaiilt*. for "hen the nna*llii|; "a*! to tiuffer. I .4iTh**r McM.'Cklii. o' the a^nado tenarrtoeat ••aVe it Mill Lv a iuaater|di*ce of acliug, tei'liuh|iie lino Mith uhun be la ceiiriected Will place OS S" anKon wa* eh*pteil rh.ili-iuiin ami II. J. 1 are clatiioiioi; for m rexlsiou of ibe lauieulMlue ! ami expreaatun the market one more reel a week. Strei kyinana, *-cretary of the tetn|Miry or- ' hImJ 4U»irt ik»>iuM cuudlliuuM Muicb emet lu pan ] The atory la ao lnterpr«‘ted aa to l»e eaally an- ' BHnlr..it|on wlnaie piir|MiKc it w a* to further tin* , deraiuiKl by alt^thx* acting ao x lx Idly real that ♦ uud for xxbtcu loe muusc l» made ti.' uu^'er auu > J T. )liinlie*r a »UiM*r\Uut quulilied lo | ever beaid of the oiiefa lo eu>*y the dim lla ' Mr. Swanaon made an addrea* deallnz in B* n- 'raiii.'illc «|Uillly la of amb Juteum* liiiereal liU ri>nrvrii. Hv ri-iKwlK thji be met "lib • ' exeiiiae il. If ibe cliy couucii Ik* Mi»e il mIu | Liilf'irui rux-vnM lo bl* "•■Bod.lluii.. epal " Ith the pondltlonK a* the.v are and atronz atop a leodeucy of evuMivu Mbkb cauuut be - that 11 atauda elone in lire realm x*f reallaiu. ly a.IiiM-atliiB a poneentratlon of elToit and ' MMicbed Miibuul couceiu aud Mbkb La beiug I Patbe dim d art baa created a ueM xugiie In ♦ movement and cltlnK InataneeK of pertinent In- ! co'iauieuily foui^bi uud gradually miuimlaed by | moth 0 plclur«*a^ouly tbe xety beat Kuiopeaii Frxfl 1. ll.rniKtadler. <>|MT.tar at tbe W'w4 tercKl to the anbleet In dl*Pn«K|nn. Mr. Swan- tbe ptote'^a ot eliiuiujliou Molcb Mill, la^youd j lMle>it la eug.tged f(.r their llilerprdalhili. Ibe l. MD -IT llivatre. "a* h.illy burned o«e even *< n *ahl that he had cooKiilteil with one of the doubt, put tbe Mrougiioira aud dodgera iu a ' a oiii.* luxeaiiinre la alMaya lavlidi. In Itigo- InB Ik*I we«’k. TlKp lere *x bi-re they may be referred to aa lluug» ktto tin ai'idlo aceiiea are uurvela of a paint¬ liro'HclinB 'be thvHlrv aud audleore, D.roia nania- and that the ahh-rnian had extended an 1*1 Ibe puat aud uot aa oue of Ibe luberllauceu ! er a art. UMiure cuutrlhutea fir outdoor xlex*.a tndlvr rvKSlvtxl bU lujiirlra. Invitation to the exhibitor* to confer with of tbe iimuBk'uieul buaiut'Ma. Tbeie j» uo «4ueM- and they dt to a degree of perfection aeldom ♦ htlulmnl. them before paiwInB It. Il >u III tbe miud of auy fair miuded mau a* to ' HIrKhBeld A S<'bwarti. who own the narm'vn; 'Ibe puotugrapliT la marveleualy oleir—♦'•ery TiMalre. -I.tid an-l Vliin-nne*. have made ar COMMITTEE APPOINTED. tUe u otivea actUMliug tboae meu mUo ianl Meek iM'fore tlie t'bicago city couucil bruugui up Ibe exptvihluo diailiict aud cker cut aa a canis**^. rai>*en B’-t Hr*! run fllui fnMO tbe H The foIloultiB committee wa* then ttnanl- p«»lula Miiicb ubuuld lead fur tbe belicnueut of Take for lo«ktauce tbe Mvne In tbe l:iit A H. film Co. moiialy eletled for that piirpo«c; W. H. Sw.iu- U-e uieUiK'uieul bUMUesa iu general. Lei ad wlierrdn the king la cbarimal by a ckiMrljLiu. Ikr every move la (»oe of Vuluptu«»uaneaa. ber ♦ •on. Oeo. Clln.ore. D. I. Schwartz. I.nko II. pralae ue due Ibem aud glveu fm* Ibelr coufat* r*rl l.*enimle. of tbe l.temotle Plln S>-rv1ea. e\prc«Hlou beatiliful txbeu lu reinaie. terrifying MIthen. Geo. Heine* Arthur Mt.Mlllen. 1). «>f prm.'edure aud Ibeil luttbud uf briuglug to lb" I M. I*. <'•). xhd Ibe MukIc Hou** of l.aea Mheu lu realisation of the fate that aMalia Brnnawlek and K. I.. IlIrKlifleld. Till* coni- tbe uoiicc of ibootf meu iu tbe Chicago city m. e. I« I'a-k lii 'be ritj after an eitended Kn him. then tbe }(*ater'a daughter airlv<«a, tnlttee Went liilo *>-KK|i*n xvlth the ChicaBO Vnt- couucil mIiu have to do Mlfu tbe acale of r< (lean trip. devllle ManaKer* AKKoclation Commlttia* In the aiiiUMoacut llceuaea tbe poluia aud facia miiL falL a victim to tie aaaaMkin'a knife, ber b«aut f<»r tbe king. Tbe ♦ Miibu tbe Nidermeu muat be tborougbly aud The l*hneolT Film Cn, have made amnee forty other nieinb<*r» of tint .V>riH latlon were fairly Cuuvera.iut lK*fore they oiay arnxe at au H aior arrivea. abuuldera lire bug and maW *a ready to po op..rate with the plcttire men. I>. uy to tbe river bank. Juat aa be la alaMii ' meiiia tu rrlea*e two reel* a week IwbIduIm eguitubie acale of tixailuu. No.e'iiber I In.lead of ••ne at beretrfora. RniiiKwIpk made a *|Ma*eh in favor of a per I uiU aucii tiuie aa Ibe aldencea have bad to t\K(a the aack In the rixer, exulting that bla inanent orBaniz itior. atid the aeprefar.v wa* In opiM.riuiiiiy to iborougbly iuvealigate tbe cuodl rcxetige «*n tUe King N ciriuplele. Ibe King * •IniPted to pall another meetltiK for thl* pnr- t*oua aa tuey are iu actuality, uuibiug Mill lie hliUHelf la Ket*u in the diatauiv. It la lbi*a that I I:. C. Jnne* w ill pr<4i-blf be tbe mKOager POKP. doue and tbctu tbe uoly moxemeui of Import- volt are trealed to druinailc pantonriirie Moriby ' of >be hrauch ufflr)- whlrli tbe Film Import and Among thoae preaent were: J. J. Sullivan. I. auce. In fad. tbe only accompllsbuieut of iaal of llie name—the rage. Oeapalr aud w»rrow ft*rui I Tra Hub Co. laleiidt tu <>|a*D In tbla elty. M. Weingarilen Geo. J. Gilmore. Harry Hv- Friday'a cuufereuce, Maa to get Ibe mutter liiik of plcturea not ea»*iiy for**utteti. ♦ man. I.. SohMiirn. Geo. Fr-ddman. A. Iwwl*. H. tH4Uare«t mm ay for ibe real work aud Couvtuev The dim niUM over a tbotiaaud feet, every Inch Tlie S1«t Street Tbealre baa rilaed Ita petea Lemm. Mah-pk anil Pearce. W. B. .Malcomb. tiie .nidermeu i*f tlie lujuallce of uul baxlug au la 4 thrill .iiul aurprlae. Il la oOe uf tbe of adniiKKh'D lo ten c nta ind will liereaftar D. Brnnawlek. I,. Salken. J. R. Cahill. H. lutdluiKliute cJauulUcaliou belMeeu tbe leuA*eui Kl TlIiia ph*ture« exer put on tbe market and to offer bivli-eltaa vamlevllle and mnrlnB pirlurea Patbe Krerea Ireloiiga evu'iiiial rredll for llieir Scho<*fiKtndt. It. and .\. Bolaban. D. I.. Schwartz. ami llfl.v-ceiit buuaea. Tbla new ciaaaibcatloii + Jtmeph B. Welanfrennd. A. O. Smerler. I.. C. Mill .*i|»pi.*ar lu tbe propoia*d ordlimiii'e Mbicb enterfirlae. Kigoletto Mill In* the aeuaalioo of tbe boar lu oioxlng pietnrv ciiclea. Oe*. Kleliie will Dirtilab flr*t run anbj-cta tv Jacob*. C. M. Bromley. Wm. E. I'oBel. F. aoi i^Mfa, Abrahania At Soiia, J. W', krickliotiae, ' h.Hve beeu alloMed hail uo dlatluclluu or no J. B. Clinton made a liualneaa trip to St Fas. 8 11. I.ynaph, K. !>. Ilopaon. I. B. Bair, R. ' true defiuUlou been t'lveo tbeir actual atalua, Tbe Moving Picture Law U now In effect In and >'lnnea|Kdl* la«t week In tbe Iptereatt ot Naxla^ato. I., fllrahrtetd. Llgofi .nnd Hill. S. alao it Mas granted that llliotrak'd aong'^ ami Connecticut, all pleiure houa.** muat have regu I Ibe CblcaB" FiBht Picture Co. Kruiiihoix. F.oiila Kolovakna. McMIllen. Jack alereoptlcoua be cootrued In no way to change latiou aitbealiia iHatlh and llceoaed oiierali.r, Rronn. G. r. Heach. Wm. H...$tw*in«nn. If. J. I the ciaHuidcatlon of "tbuae ituuaea abowing mov "Uo uiuat be tweiiljr oiie gear* of .b. or over. Streckyaians, Mr. Mlathen. one of tbe attorneya liijt pictares only.** MOVING PICTURE NOTES. for the Alll:»nr<» explain^ the legal altnatiou ' to the « x^ lhlf.>^p. and al**o menthmed clan-xea f ■ ■ CHICAGO FILM NOTES. An Inin-edlate .peclal rrleaae by tbe Vita In the ordinsne* crverlng moving picture of*ie IlonoBrapb la ihr title of a amall •.r-d JiulB- GH.\iiur. the Ib-in-a-rallc and Imleia-n-lent CKiidb'aie fur Mavur uf New York and the At the meeting held Weslncprlay afternoon ' Largely Due To The Efforts of Mingle iioivinB |.K-lurt luacliliu- luveiiiet>lie,| ' 11 -n J dm H. Mi-Coia-y. the candidate for oreal tr» whhdi the Chicago Vatid<*y|!le M macerp* Ap d-n' of lb- P...ruiiBh of Brkl.vn. Tlie Iwc porlatlon and othera tOf»k part. ^ m. ?l. Swan ' And Wood. fur patiniB and alalea that Ul* iiiaculiie con 1 lal-ia aU ul uue iiuarli-r uf Ibe "-urkliiK paria uf cindllaie* were taken In front of tb. Gayaor p#m wap elected chairman and Fre^l W. Schaefer, n-Kl.leiice an.l almw JiidBe Gayour In charsc pccretary. A committee waa tb.*n nam«*d In- 1 one of tbe moat lui|Mirti.ot matters being con a n-BU'ar uiaelitiie. He liiteMi* lu pliice It uD lie n Itrl'ei f. r ala.ul f-'di. The machine "lli lerla'le a'-tlun. Il will he remembered that eluding I. F. Rvan. Wm. 11. SM’aiiaon. MrMxara. ■hlered by Ibe luotluo picture theatre uianager» "■••ik "lib elllier Baa. an- or liK-aiKleKieuI HiClil. l‘e tuuil'Mi picture exhlldtora hare adopted i Laby. Mlfhcn. Ilelna. Mott. PomcII. Sr*hwartt. aud fboae m’Iio liaxe made luxeaimeiita In Ibl* r. M.liiiluii III favur of JiulBe Gaynor'a candMicy baain»o*a 1* tbnt uf Ore luauraiice. It use* ataiidanl kIzc BIiii aial II ru«* a i.lc- Gilmore. RninPMirk. Hlr-»hfar>-a favuraldr witb that i-ixe tK-caii«" of Ilia aane dc-Uluna In motion picfnra P*ter J. Sc!>aefs.r. who Mere to confer with Tbe pbHKvra In tbe bu^iiietia. and many wbo c-iie a and ihla release Ik In answer to the de tbe lics>n«e rsimmltfez. on Friday. j came lulu later. Can recall tbe tiuie It mmp Im b-c'efl ||.V tbe IiIbIi prlifil iiiakea. He bad II un exli'bltl-si at tl-e l'iib|iie Film Kxi-b iiiife Iaal ThU cnnfer**nce M-aa alated for two thirty (•uHalble to (ditaiii tbla pixjtectiou at all for mand f-r plelurltl niH'erial. oclofk of that 1a.y hnf It xx'aa an hour later plciunn*. We.-b and It created favurabla Cuiuueilt. •r* before the ahhrmen got through talking alrout TliU condition baa not only chang«‘d but th« ♦ Af» prr?«ng“m« nt of Un*ep which caafp a per f-ct i*hpd«»M tif the fxvo cartNXQ irolntt of ■ 1(0 chanfTeun* l!cen*a»« and r\ certain kcal n*^ihf ! Mibh<*t bra lieen bi ndlcd II aucb a luauiier that *rhc Iiidcp* ndent \\ »*»"icro Film Rxrliangp. t* rn on a otilte p* re'*ti. b*** hern Invented phA tdtfon motion before tbe amna-'ment llcenoea |M*llcli*» -re uot (»niy Irelng Mrltleu hum bui i*Mr'Lint. MniM»nir((P lu ilir Nalhmai In wa« taken ii?i There M'aa a large crowd pt the preuikuu baa Ix^m gradually rediK’eil; tb( Ic.e^tid *iil Muvitig Piciiir** AlliNtMv, iliMt in*y fk(i**-ni**«1 1»x X W. PniM#, eledrirlpn of tba reprxaenling drpt-cla«>p h(Hi«cp. amnaement park**. «‘onipaiile» that haxe taken thU inaurance haxo iiaxv hidti<***d tir** ft>ll«>xx lug tlt*'Ntr**p lo take Idle II.Hir Theatre. Water town. 8. !>. WIti ♦h|p .terl.-e the (»|ierator. at a glance, can tell ▼ aiid»»xin* and m^dlon pirtitro th^atrep. promi¬ be* u brtNight to .1 reallxation of (be fact Ihaf ijcif iMTX Icc red glxA* lip lb** U. I*. P. i*(».: nent among which wen - Will J. DavU. Fr-xnk the I kk lU tliip held la Dot ap great aa they tiih.n ‘nr**.rtrK. PurtlaiMl. (ir»*.. Kh*cirlc Tlrr*air**, hoM |t|« eprl«*ii* are ^lruate4 ell* dnatlni tha old fi*ay of Ing th.** ugh the red glp«p *'n tha O Peer«. >f.Kipr*. M ifthcMP Gfover pnd Rrktow tljo*igbt. lli kcr iifx. Gr*».: Orpirmiin Tht-airc, lVudl**i«Mr. of Will Morn-f*. Inc.: Geo Ktng<*l>nrr. Fddr 'I*he aucc'pa of thla mkxhmary Mork among On.: ItnaiiilMnd Thcair**. Sfkiii. (tt**.. ItiJ > i Inmi* hoMoe ih«»r Th.* hh-e of haalng tlie p*w1 SnIllvMti. fjeo. Wo«w1 Itvv WetngiHen. J. «# inatiratKv lompriiiea, f*d one and will help them Ip many way# Mr. Sn indler -nd otl-ra ueTt knoMii In of Mhigle BiMl Wood of KCi HmadMay, ♦ their r«‘wr>«cr{ve fle|d« comprNlng the tuiKlnepp \ork. (Ire tir'»t to aee tbe iiii|M>i taiuv of tnl ♦ of amnw'ment. i(iibe'<*l tu the exhibitor and uuipieatlon ihF The Nitthmnl liid«'i*< n*knt Muvlng Picture Vhe ne»re«f •'film de luxe” to he pnt In hanA the Prat to cmvliice n**i>«Mi*lhle and rell il»h .\\ ‘nner* U xnry m»>|| ph MK**il mltir the (Miili>.k (t the Vltagrei»h Ptudh»^ |p an elahntiite produc SI rr^TION FXIM.AINF.n. niKurnm*** c<»iupanl(*i« that iitoiiiHi |il«*t(ire thca Vt lilt* priKHiit fiitr*' Miry liaxv Hit' rh« liv «»f t1«'n «*f TM«‘if!h Night. ThU Shakespearean After the pre|M>«4s| eh.tng«*« had t>»vn read rver tiva e ere Uot tbe datigenrua rkk they coiiaider** | ib.*x n r»flii M M(*»k fKtiir Aiii«*rlcMii niNiri'fi** pr<»turth*ti Mill l»e «me of the moat elahorata by the ckrk and hrh tiT exp! ,In(*d hr n menPH-r t*eiil. Hirers fin«| nI Ii-mhI (xxilx«* a xxtK*k fr>im IIm illf rha***** ei.*r put «.ut by the Vltagrafth md of the ?ltv cr *«ted t MM I'.'ii.x. a Hiil»K**«|ii**iit ih'Xe|Mpiii**ni iM'liig tli« fr rii l.ic ridiiiiihia PirK-iiiNtogrMph Co.. I'lie ih*‘ ha I. I*. ..f a afas-lal CB*t. pi veral Shake In the Chang'-* In hirUl.thin and heal g.x.ri, rt* iliX/i I io«i by liMndr«**li* of t*xliibltorM «if the fa<* Photi'iiMigrMph i'u.. l'h*-u Hrliikmler and the •I*, ar* **n »*l (v**r* of iMde having tKK*n edd«*d tc ment. Wm. II. SnanH.m th'-n rea|.r,n,t».d HaftPig (li «l fire a* Mtll k* II ibillty iro*i:ra. Mkl^., named a g.Hi»l hr-itul «»f clgam. the AiidMor two Mr. MIthen In^eriMilated a fexy M’<»rd'( a* an ilid exeir the film III 0|HTathHl U% Melt a* tll< PallitMiilM 'rii**aire, ?d!lr ptr*-**!. m*ar 'rrniiiloill l•tm and m l»«*lf.«tih‘a them *o the ha^al ’ner attorney f.»r the Allinniv ami Ar.m June* held l•l'l•ltllg itM-lf. In addition to the laMiiamv o uv«-ime. Phic igo. Theato, t'liittan'Miga. P *tin.; rlirii'i*. The Thewti.rliim I* kn(«wn aa the phmeer the f1*ror f.»r a moment. The rNmaenaiia of their i •M'pHrit'* iKditb-a Coveting damage llauilltb'P for I* K. Maihli'M. Akron. tP: Pr«*pi*|(*iil 'Iheatre. picture the. Ire f.f S*.etlH*rti Indiana, and la allil argument Ma* a r«*‘pi«**t th«t llie rotumPtee a(*i*hlefit »o or death of patroUP or employeP t'lih'ag'*: Piliii*«'ap *1'h*‘atie fu.. t'o|i,ti)hil~. *t.. TK-elxIng k'kmI patronage. on Hci n'^ea M |t|,hold their dicNhm and a.*tinn In tbe theutre or ^on tire atilewalk ■djac«*nt to Xaoh'tr* Theatre. ('Iilcago, and \itgliilii TIj«'I- nntll P»icb time a* h.v confen-ncep Mitn thiea* i tre, t'hic rgu. (Cuntln(i(*d OP page I

      A OCTOBER 30, 1909. 15

      Ml Naiightou Circuit, tha hlgge.t next to the ' iier lady frIen.U. but la exceedliufly annoyed «i“ll I.Mir. fiiibiiKinK fi.iir liHlIfh. mm.i by liK (N.uve.'aatIt.n. w hli b la tiiatnly a ren»»nre l»»f (Mri iilt. iiu.iiIm riuK f.HjrT**»*ii b ill}* of her an.l bt*r frleu.lh for W;tF>liii|r their iliue nr#. iMitnlU** tiilN c-oiiiliiiii'. Mii.l ar** likely over brbiKe and otb*'r aniua.Mi*-niA. to me London !m r*‘iiiailii %%li»rH tlhv ttr**. Tli*r«- yir.* 4U0 in m^le.'i of tb**ir iiiui.'riial an.l dolne^lU- .bitb'ik. ‘ Londoa Bureau of Tha Billboard, niiiMiTHbltf built* iliruiiia'luMii rli.* It M|»pe«r^ that the ni.iln obje.'t .»f Kre.'uiairi «*»► that tbiit ni*\v roiiiliiin* U (|••l llknlv 17t lampla Chambara. E C. vihil is to tiu.J a wife, an.l. atraiiK'dy eii.MiitU. to baw tbliik'a nil ilu own W;i.v. For anolbeV he thinks he hue f.Miml one in Kiiiil.v i’liapiiiin tiling. I ^bMiht wry fiiiiHi rh.'lr iH>k»er to In ••'I. uf the card |d:i.vini; ft**! found al hU els (siib til** ffalMrliH of lit.* rMlIy tl|» to|i ter'e. Hut afli*r borrowing from hlio lo HTtlshtn. IlKk* li.,rr\ Limit r. LItil** Tl.-h. Murl** A I^ros()erous l ime for London settle h'-r (Irens.iiaker'a Mil. Ml** Ciiapiuau di Verdi’s Ein Maskenball Pro¬ Mo.t.J Hint V**fta Till**}. Mill t|iil.kl> nml . lilies Hie o*T.t of b.-r rmijch and re.idv n.iltor. ' tbrtt tb**y nr** il**Mliii>; wltb v.-ry Imli-iM-n.I.-iii imt NoHiltia daiihled, the (‘ol.Milat tiiruH hN att.-U Theatres— The Opening of I UiOf known « uumiIht i.f iiit**ni|.ii* tl.Mi from liin ninl*‘r*n Client t.( her pHlior Uiald. duced at the Volksoper was III ol.* lo turm r talont ami fon-*- liown prlr-. Sniith. a rariinrS dan»;hler. whose neiisll.le Inik. | L'rfM** now, an.l *.\**ryon** lit>* failcl Uiioinin in she wailn upon tilm nbme at lun« h ao taken the Roller Skating Season. .\f!**r all. It U tli** blj; ariUts win. dravr iiU fane), that on tl.e np(>t lie ankn her lo marry Risky but Proved a Success. ■tmlu-nr****. ami tho^* w bo ar** ri^iiiing 1)1*. o„ii liim and go and live a Lalura) exiHieiiee on the iiiity DimI htr»* n ^^t'ul»oQ r**a»ly ti» baml veldt. Mmh lu hie nnrprine he lueela with a A New Music Hall Combine. And aKHin. If < oiiHM*t It Ion la ►tltl.-.L w.- uiij 'eeolld rebiifT. Smith d"(|llJx*a .n the nput lo Other German Notes. tf.l ^ r**ii**wal of the Junt roini»lalntii of tlit* Milk her life with bin on the groiiml that be In : |.i*t»llc that w'*T** tiMard In l»u>lon m>iii** yt'ara '« j^eiitleiioin ami ihe in a lervaiii, in.l. for her ! lUo. r.'tcar.llinc tbi* inom.iontfii's r.|H‘i Itlun of mTIIINi, III iiiiiri* •licnlfliant of the part, “felie hiis never f.aind any <00.1 louie out 1 turn-.. .Naturally th.-r** will !m* lea-* liM**nflvc of tiiat aorl of nut.h.” The ^irl'a • aim but ^ ITII the p*-rfi>riii«nce of Verdi’s opera. rrriviill nf luiMlr f.i*>>r for ilraniitU- ‘Ml til* p.irt of urthtn to lo;b tti!» l,r riiovea the ruii^ii eoloiilst that from tieluK oicr of Berlin, made an experl- N r*.-rjr thintri- lu I.ihuIou 1» rlilirr at niiildno U a wry i.iroii»f ti.m.-rn. It will ahart- iltiiost a dl.'lator i«» Smith, he i>ei.'uuies her iio-ut which although In mure than woili iio« or iMoil.I.-il »l;li Un- fato c»f fb** ofh.rs.. am) lh»* proinoiora will '‘ii|»pllaul, until, ailrred etnotloiiHlly i.y bin one respect a risk, through lha for oiHlilnic. lu fart, lo liij rrrlalu esa H mI that It la uiKdt»aa to try ami ailde fr*^ l>l»*a.iinifH. nlie yl.-ldn her annent, IlilK'O to the g(Nnl work of the couipsiiy and Ita know IwlKf lll••r•• arr i>la)» w iillhia cnmiM'tiilon. (ti«.^uni of .Mra. Itaker ami her frieiida. iii.iiiagers pn.ved a .succeaa. The •o tw (Hit on whloli woul'l lain- iiii U.ilf «• uiaii> 4* l~-rs ih'cs uol heluiig to the flxeil reiaTlolre of "bi-alr<« again aa I.oniloii Wbal la .\pHrt fr(*m the M‘en**-» t>eiween Freeman and ' '•ur stages, suil s.> the |M'rforinauce In tha ,1, . atgnllliant la that at tin- .. wr harr Sml*h. S''rrnr'r**‘t \lafi(;ham*R laf#*«t rompdy, Smith, the play m-jircely tr.MjbieS one. The j Volksoi»-r was lu the ualure of a premiere, •n-ry iJl’o of |ila} iM-lnK iicrfi*rui«-,l, ant oin* w» lvh haa Ju^t tM*pn pnalucod at llm Coinr.ly. (’ir.'le that niirrotindn .Mrn. liaker, the raidd | he iiii'iiugeiiient deserves credit for giving tbe • Tfir aocni> aa anoi-raafiil aa allot lo r. In rn rul |n« nift with a «trarii:**ly i^nthiiisla^ric an.l nnan .voiinjr men who piimue her. her bimlMnd. the 1 • ltd master such a l.upiiy start in . timra wr havr ha.l acaaona winii only iiiiiali-al itnoii'* r*'<-**|itlun l.y th*. n*’W>|iap«'rA. ami to a W(*ak. dat.by lawyer. Freetiiau’a denim. Litlon of ■Mr. Biieiiger. as Bene, was wonderful. In -nniialy wmilil atlraot; Ihon again, aiiolnrr aoa r. rtain ♦•M*‘iit. hy itm public alao. In tbia play. the lot—all Iheke leave one coM. With moat (he fourth act he allowed his dramatic power aon Iho prohlom play ln-M ilo- (loll; ilion '!r. Maiiitham on<*<» more a**ta out to chaailae of fb.m we are f.imlllar. Hut the Smith epi iml. right after, sang a .caiitaline with aueb « Telrailniil haa a|'(»'ar>-<1 aufa. a** r.-i>reaentall\e of the maaa of player* of tlieae jartn. ns the greatent hopes of liiality waa his female partner. Jane Senberk, am playa. Ilka Mill ( baiiiu-l, ilrawliig biiga ik.M'|*»f) In jr.-neral. f’pon ain-b a home the Kngll'^h coiii.Mly ntage lu the future. Lor is /tiirelin. .Mr. GogI as Count Klebard. and audlan.i-a; mualoal coiioallia. Ilka llnr MUa 'nd.lenly il**a.***n.!a Tboinaa F'r.o'inan, a bru**«|ue aine'n iM*rfuriiianee. as the hearty, racy son of Mis* Osten as I’age. got in line with the en ■ilhlia and Tha liidlar I'rliiti-aa. drawing rat-onl in«) nr»^ry Khieb*alan (‘»»lonIat. wlio. after aeveu the Veldt, luipatleiit of all the humbug and con a-inhie and made the [lerformance a happy mdlanraa; light ri'niady. Ilka Mr. rra^-dy an.l VM^pa farmlnj: r»turna borne to fln-l bla ali-ter. venrb.nalltb • with wulch he dn.U hla own event. ba I'niinlaa. Making a (>i'ntlaman and Sinitb, 'fra. hatUa Raker, the head of the bouaebold |H«(ip|e tnveated, l« really excellent. Hut with The so-called comedy. Her Befehl dea Fure- .ra doing (Ina bnalin-.a. A fana. Ilka Tlia llr-iaa 1 hire referre.) to As nilieht lie exiieet**.!, \lr».. thin taken into account, the play owe* its suc- ten. whieh had Its premiere in the Berliner Hottla. la making all I.a>ndon loiigh. .Allogathar, Hiker la not only fluitered l»y hU rubtiat icreel- rheatre, turnearlly In Lon- Inc and by bi» unconventtooai carea>e« tiefore (Continued on page 4x). > idece Is built on the old well known figure of Ion fhaalraa In i>aat yaara. Tlia only aad •a<>pta alw aya aaa maj to risky Jokes, by which the author tried lo make na waiting laat yaar, now aaania luora than Ilia comedy interf-atlug. bappy (o plrk up atray paa>angara. All tbc Firsl Roller Rink Opened at the Hippodrome, It Being the ♦ «ama. for tha Japanaw Kxlilbitloii bora naxt Enrico Caruso, the world famoua opera tenor. yaar. I don't mind pro|ihaailug an anoriuoua Is-gan hla German tournee In Frankfurt-on the- otrraaa If wa only bara a (Ina aaaaon. Crawford-Wilklns Circuit—Same Night Ice Rink Gets Into the Maln with Toska. The house waa filled to Ita ca|>aeitv. and the public applauded the singer ♦ Game—Rostand In Paris, Rehearsing Chantecler—A Theatre with great enthusiaam. R'llar akatlng npanad again on tha boom tbIa 4» • aak and. Tba graat Craw ford Wllkina coin- Esfiecially lor Children—King Without a Kingdom ^Closes. A theatre scandal I* exciting Hamburg. Ot- alnatlnn bara opanail no fawar than 2H rlnka to KruHt, one of the l»e»t-kiiowii (teruiaQ pI*J* liirl-ig tha pa-t fortnight In tba proi loaaa. and *vTl»rhtJ», has hik*«1 the critic Wallnee for hi* InrIng tha laat waak hata alao o|.a>o..l rlnka at crftl'Msm of Enwt's drama. Die RfTolverjimr Ham^rg. Uanorar, tilymida and 1‘aria. Tha uallsten. (H.LER SKATINQ ba* come to hfty (thirty cents) fi>r admission, tbe rbarge | aaaaoti at Olympia, w bara tha gb-at iHailll atartar skates la'Ing two francs. i bxve to tbeir crejii no lev* tli*n 13 The fl-airnien are iiulfornied In chocolate and j In Ksnabnieck. the dedlc.xtlon of the new 4 I'rlor to that tba naw >katlng palaaa at Stadt Theatre took place In a splendid manner. Holland Park will ba o|>ana<1. TliU rink will ba ll'Hjrlkbing comp.nies In EnglHnd, gold, ana look very natty. The assistants of i n tha Waat End of I.«Ddno. within a faw min- are tbe ipoDoor* for tbi* Imiwtr- the feminine geOiler are simll.vrly custuiued aa i ♦ itat of (ba Olympia. It la to ba known aa _ tatlon. and for tbe flr»t llm« lo ber to color, their skirts being short—almiait knee I'mler the d'roctlon of Ite composer. In tbe 'ha Holland Park .kmarlran Rollar Itink, and, bl.turj—at least on a large scale— length. Royal Opera House of Berlin, Salome. Richard traording to Mr. Corhran. (ba ganaral managar I'vrl* I* on wbeela. The first special evening Is Ibis week. It Is Strauss’ fimoiia ois-ra. waa playisl with Mlae f tba Wilkin-* and Crawford riHnldnallon In Tbe opening of the Hippodrome waa a huge called Cinderella Evening, anil, of course, ap •lertrude Kap|M-l from the Royal Theatre In England, tha plaD. There will lie ape Hanover, aa Salome. The performance wa* to rdlar akatlng axrlualvaly In tha world. In l.ig during Ibe afternoon and evening, and clal Diiisic, and while woaieo are luviteil lo success Oil. latlgn It la to ba a MoorUb whlia p.ilara of rull.r half that number tried the tricky little wear gow iia suitable for skating, men are urged ♦ ut otb< rs were try¬ Winslow skates are use.'l by tbe management. ow'lnp to the petieral demand of the public. AT* laid on tha akatlng door. In adt time this exipiUlte form of THE ICE KINK _ anptHl apevlal matltieea for hlph**chool piipllA •■kallng araa pro[>ar, anMminn>latlon l« pro»ldaa fiW Ibe others. kitkl waa ^hlllor'a Jun»tfrau Ton Orleana. oje-ned on precisely the same evening as the writing and dlrtatlng rocma for bn«lnaaa man, I In tbe bxlcooles, hundreds of spectators sat IlipiKxIrome. It bad first-class alleudauee, as ♦ « nnraary for rhUdran. ami a apaaloiia ilacoratad I *nil watched Iboee who .kate<| tM-m-atb. A mag- it always has. There sre two s<-S'lous here The Motropo! Theatre. Berlin** mo«t beauttfvl gallary and miialc iiromanada. It will ba op nltlieot orchestra was situated lu the big hal- dail.v: At 3 to 7, and from 9 o'clock undl luld pIa.vhou'*e, must be Klv*‘n the credit for th* •Dad ab<'ut Noramlmr 15. and will rainnln o|)an ' eou.t near the cafe terrace, and Ih.we who re- night. Uue Seea beautiful dresses there and 'no«t iMfptilar aomra, ubich have apread over the •xrlnalraly for akatlng until May, whan tha fn-shed themselves as well na tbuwe who kept furs to make a prineesa cuvloiia. world In the last ten year*. Of course not promotara profxina latting tha NilMIng for axhl ' lime to the music, on tbe rink, could bear everytliluK waa oriKina] for they aay that Haol TMEATllE FOK CHILUKEN Mllona Arrangamanta ha»a alraady baan made ' le-rfectly ilaiiy pretty midinettes and the f.Incke. the C(*ni|Mxer of the Metroind. wm 'or a big axhibitlon frmn May 15 to Jii-ia. and fishlimabl folk of Carla trlema to an anil, tba Empraaa It I* Ihe Intention lo keep the Hlp|rf>iIroro« I hililren lu I’sria have mighty lltllel run ftw Sroiielit the Ideas of tbe Jahrearevuen. and af hall for rollar akatlng n|o>oa to night. An army Kink on a high plane, ami the advertlsemeiitt their money in the way of attrsctloua, for, a* ter them our Foil lea of 11M>9 were m«sleled. *f 700 workman hava to-an biially at work for J call ui>ori visitors to wear evening clotiies. Una octllnett from time to time in The Bllllioard. There Is nothing of high art In theae perfona V waak dlamantllng tha place and laying tha i-su lake his afISrn>K>a tea there also—Hilt be¬ uiowl of (he plays nin lo a subject which cbll rnce*. but aa J’dly. tasteful paatlme* they naw door, which la to ba aixty feat longer than ing a Very lm|H>rtanl event In Ihe day’s dolugt ilreii can not nuilerstaml, ami ahouhl not If (Iv'ays will l»e welcome, lu the first year* It '» waa laa Fre,*,' elreiilt* hava l»a«*n >f the vvvrld and brought millions to tb» Working ti>gatbar. the oitlia-a hating twan In Iba writer. •ama building. The |iromotara of the ai lo-nia The libretto wa* written hy Victor t>e(m •mphaflcally deny that tha rotiildna |a In any fter .Alssits story, D**r Fner*t der Berge—Th# way Intandail to cut down the aalarlea of arllaia. Mountain Prince. According to the story th# It la. hnw-avar. M( that the arrange.. will "riiuv's child is the daughter of ■ Greek rob 1M ^ f f •'(’fl'lfant aalarlea, for rital iiianagi-ra *H*r captatii and was 1ove.nl ber*. The libretto I* well Written, hut lack# hlna will alao naturally re»ult In the rutting humor. S**me of the s*d and sang *111 lie fell until evlating ■■.■•iirNila hate rv- heir p.irts in the no*st fascinating manner ' f* ' •*tia ImiMirtanI advani ige claimed for Die riM'eption of the o**velty bv the fMibllr w*# he arrangement la that Ih.- “tiarrlng” elatiaa; ^rleii.llv an-l sIiowimI icreaf res|KTt f'‘r lj**har blit tbe music apfieared to be strange. Only • clanae In an artUt'a ineitrai-l that ne •w»ng was repeated, by re'piest. The surp’e*# ,f ""I appear within a certain ra.llu* of ‘”1 ‘hctlfc for wlilrh he liappeiia to la- c’lgagial. *r tills preoilere was anvfhlng but aatlsfarfory will to a great extent la- alo|i|ad. for It will • nd Its future is d(Hit.'fid. ^conia linneeiataart. Tlie new- e.niihina la to known aa the Variety Exchange. Meta llling** English Theatre. wh‘ch ha* had great *xiM‘efSv Iff. in ugiirithm in tJermanv • I am mIway* aiiaplehiiia ahmif |he«a will, after the clos** of Its Fnglish t-Mir. l»egio romhinea for In my exia.rhnea oeliloT arfl-ta a b*ng t«Mir In Germmv. Noveniln’r 15. at th# *w the puhlle have gained aa a reaiilt of lhaaa Sta«U 'ITieatre In Cologne. arraiig-nienla. I am. therefiwe. glad lo ai-a that o of the moat Important irrganlratlona, tha ; Who have Just ctinrlinhst an eng.sgement at the Folles Bergere, Paris. (CkHitinued on page 4**1.) 16 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      TENT SHOWS MURRAY & CO. (INCORPORATED) 640-648 Meridian Street, - - CHICAGO, ILL Circus Men Resent I reatment by F^ress-—Editors of Provincial SHOW AND CARNIVAL TENTS ALWAYS ON HAND Pap)ers Not So Kind as in Years Gone By—Showmen Not So FOR SALE-MOVING PICTURE TENTS 3, round eml front, gable back; 10 ft. wall, llii.*d all through, usetl two months, flSO.tsi Liberal, and Difficulties Arise that, with Better Judgment, Might Poles ami stikes 110.00 extra. 'J'dxtUN. round and gable; 0 ft. wall; red and blue, lined with black; used two montbi. $100.(si Be Avoided—Much for Press Agents to Learn and Unlearn. Poles and stakes $16.00 extra. WHITE TOPS 70 ft. round top. with a .'to ft middle piece; 10 ft. wall; used llie months; 6^4 ounce I»rlll By FRANK WINCH. over. That’s another angle of the game. And all through; ro|M‘d showmen's style. $17.'i.tsi Sbould tbe prcMi deimrUueot ex|M‘QiU's 1m- cut this leads to an Interesting angle of the game. 40 ft. round toil. ;iO ft. midille; iluj ounce Drill; used six weeks. $115.00. d(7WD ? Tbui woud*-rti tb^ circus mau. That's The press agent himself and the quslldcations 4i>iW), hip roof ends; (Ih, oiinee Drill; 1o ft wall; animal show top. $00.00 his Qrst mlatakt-. He thinks they should. That's by which be lays claim to the title. 30x6orne proliflc fruits agents club a statement was once made that plete. $156.00. as a result uf that second tbouKht. From far not ten per cent, of the members could write 25x5.5. rtsind ends, 10 ft. wall; us<‘d two months. $rs5.00. Poles.and stakes $18.00 extra. and near comes the wall that the lu-ess has been their own stuff I A fact, of course, there was 2UX.50, round and ealde; 10 ft. wall; 614 ounce Drill all through; used two months, $5u.iSI woefully cruel to certain shows. They were a riimiHie, the bunch that couldn't said they Poles and stxkes $15.00. roasted before they came, and ouce again for could, the others said they didn't give a damn, '2i>x40, nuiud ends; 8 ounce I>rill; 10 ft. wall; 6>4 ounce Drill. $48.00. Poles and stakes $14.00 food measure after they left. Whyl Simply but the assertion was oue that set many to 'J0x30, hip roof, blue and white stripe; 0 ft. wall; used two months, $70.0(). Poles and stakes because the man who spends the money didn't thinking. $1,1.(S). Other TenU. Write. spend. Some press agents measure their ability by Newspapers Insist on adulterating their pla¬ their Idiosyncratic tendencies, they deny ego¬ tonic good will with a bit of that thing which istic mania, they are more sensitive than cri¬ THIS SMALL AD. makes the landlord happy. And you, gentle- tics, self important If the venture Is a sue- TENTS Gives yon the name and address of the 6rm men of the profession, either sawdust m- foot- 1 demurely retlceut If a failure, except In a casual remark throwing light on rotten man¬ which makes the BEST Tents at the LOWEST light must come to realize this. prices. In the QUICKEST possible time. Writs Trouble with many papers is that they be¬ agement. Notice 1 said that some press agents were this. Another kind, the crowd you see FOR ALL US your siHM;iecstions and get our prices befors lieve s circus legitimate prey for all that can ordering. be squeezed out of it. If a new8pa|H‘r has working steadily year after year, are different ten different rates the showmen gets them, all again. They take their calling seriously, their PURPOSES CARNIE-GOUOIE MANUFACTURING CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. added together and multiplied a couple of times. work Is a pleasure, they have ability, and Then its a case of |M*ddIe tickets from man¬ they have most of all, personality. I aging editor to cub, a few mure for some of KEV NOTE TO ST'CCESS their friends, then you're permitted to place what's left on sale. And I claim that personality la the key note 30 HtdS XPUTtl'OI ttCK OF («(■(? TENT Then of course there's a little 6xlog to be of succeta. Doubt me? Look over the list, pick done with the aldermen, license clerks sud a cut those who are a success. If you have ever few more equally Important naboba. met them. There's my argument affirmed. The An after thought on the advertising manager's real press agent Is a gentleman, he is tactful GOSS’ SHOW part happens to be that your ad require! pre¬ and he was burn with the germ In him. There TENTS are certain Hues of experience that may help ferred position, of course a alight Increase fur SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL NEW AND SECOND this, and so it goes. It has any old time circua him, for Instance the newspsiter. But they can only help, he must develop from the inside. ^ CANVAS HAND TENTS DURING THE NEXT 60 DATS graft laihed to forty tent isiles. But what TO REDUCE STOCK. SPECIFT JUST WHAT The allurements of a press agent's life, (let's can you do. Some kick and cut down ex|ienses, , . _--. ,_ YOU WANT. a press sgeot t.red, a car sent home, more bean ' l4hgh you aud 11, have drawn many from an soup and then the Inevitable. But does It pay ! dt-sk or the repurtorlal ranks. The good to retrench on the very mediums that bridge ' Hu*™, the easy traveling, the big money, and \ ' y iLick TENTS CIRCUS COLUMBUS TENT 8 AWNINC CO. you to the public's money box? Emphatically 1 the hundred aud other fascinating elements that no! go *"to make—■ a■ pleasant.-• (?) day for the p. a. _coxuiiBiis, omo._ have tricked many on the Illusory chase for FLAY GAME WITH BOTH HANDS. fame and fortune vis the publicity route. FLAGS Waterproof Covers There are a few that realize the game must First thing be does Is to fake up some pre¬ be played with both bauds. Th-se are the posterous yam, type it off and go to the city SEIO F08 •IS CATtlOi ISO SFfOeO NISO IIST money-getters. Mias City and Cousin Rube editor. A haodful uf cigars, a couple of drinks, have bad their education. Both paid i’rofeasor maybe a lunch, the editor's complimentary The J. C. GOSS CO. "•x.'.Vm" TENTS Experience liberally, aud now they insiat in get¬ remarks on the story, assurances It would be a ting what they think they want. And the seven culu iin liner on the front page, aud back Show Tenta. Black Tsnts, Candy Tzya. press Insists on being declared in. Think not? to the hotel to make out the expense account Kerry-Oo-Round Covers. bead this clipping I found in an exchange for the day’s efforts. Expense accounts are And everything in canvas. Send for oatalegwa today. Very essential to the maoageri complacency. "Fatlent Fubllc 'Handed a Bunch' by Show By these he knows you have been working. Outfit. The paper comes out. First edltiuu don’t D0U6HERTY BROS. TENT 4 AWNINI CO. "That somewhat pitiful spectacle labelled a have the story. Something wrong you thiuk. 109-11 South Main Street, St. Lenla. Ha. 'clccut parade,’ which was the hone of the Then the ne;.t, so ou right through to the last. - show, to«sear(ls, three u(>en cages, a string of you know- you did, you sucker. closed vehicli-t, and a calliope that had a punc Orest game, this press agent stunt! But why TENT tured tire beaten a mile for noise, constituted didn't that story get In? Worse fakes you read For all pur|)oao8—Circus, Stable, Cooking, Ue main features of the ‘magultloent pageant.’ 1 every day. You're a trained newspaper man. The clowns band music was a relief compared , you think you know a good atory, then why? Carnival, Candy Tops, Photograph, Gyp«y, to the mualc of a oootingeiit of deaf mute Fersoiiality! old chap and the things that go Paulins, Cage Covers, Horse Covers. All musicians; while the aggregation of $10,000 with it. And Just for this there la always an beauties only went to prove the blessiugs of the opening for the right kind of a press agent, double stitched. Best Itand work. blind. The whole cavalcade, which everyone Editors would rather meet you man to man flO-Fpot Box. Stock or Flat cars for sale supposed would take almost an hoi^ to pass a without the cigar, booze and dinner trimmings, iiaie"''Stori'K-'oi'bacltv w'sVea'™' Heoarr'work •’“**';■** *iKht and Credit him with sense enough to see the why of solicited VENIcIe /RANSFORTAxioN CO., sound in fffteen minutes, which was one of the these. w.. SANDERS OVERALL FACTORY few welcome features.” Let your personality be the pivot, the other Rest a minute now and get your breath! things will revolve If the balance Is right. Box 277 Dalton. Ga. 1 bear some old lady back In the third row, That's why some press agents are welcome In sajulrt a tot>BCCo quid and gurgle, "Ob! that ' nearly every editorial office in the country. As was some dluk show”. Squirt again Adelaide a matter of fact, they are the guests either you’re wrong. at home or the club. They are balanced right. Circus Tents WANTED Now what's the answer? Either the show was Not every city editor likes to be regaled with had or the paper hadn't been reached! Let me some smutty story, nor are most of them hyp- LARGE AND SMAIX. ALL DESCRIPTIONS. say this, the article was wTltton on one of the notlxed with the odor of bum bwise on your For M.L. CLARK AND SONS’SHOWS biggest and best known circuses that ever ' breath. Set your balance right, get the man Msnufictared by F'irst-clasa Agent with wagon show experience, toured America. Its unfeasible to think the zCTOient to consistently support your efforts ^ „ inauBaiinu 2 or g'MNi bill|M>aters, a few actors doing parade as desrrilM-d. but every purpose bad ■‘><1 Press work will be made worth while. In- Wi Hi LUSHBAUuHi CovlRi:tOR, Ky. two or more turns, a flrst-claas camp cooir ‘■een served If It were. The roast Is there and cldentally there’ll be less holler about treat also gixal It.Ma Ilnetler. Address M. L. CLARS It hurt business. Tbe pa|M^r is a small one In ment from the provincial editors. RECOND-HAND TENTS FOR SALB. & SONS SHOWS. Oilmote. Ark., Oct. $0; a small town. Only a small editor could stand Gentlemen think it over. Clarktdale, Aik., Nov. 1. P. 8.—Also two or for such bigness uf expression. Probably a flve three C'amly Butchers. siK>t ad covering two pages In a special edition FOR SALE would have gotten something sweeter. Where 101 RANCH NOTES. It the economy 'I TENTS OR RENT! Why nullify the efforts of an expensive press As thew.. notes are being wiitteu. the sea- department for the price of a decent lunch? I son Is drawing nearer to a cl<««-. when m'Wt 80x160. 80x120, 60 ft. Round Top. 50x90, 30x60. BI SINB.SS JUDGMENT SHORT-SIGHTED ' if tbe cerformeni will return to the llanch at 30X.50, 2UX.50 black 2Ox.30. and 3<)0 camping I Bliss, Okla., to resume the ranch life In real¬ It is Incomprehensible that the Intelligence ity. tents. D. M. KERR MFC. CO.. 1007 W. Madi- of a business dlrv-cturate conk! be so short Owing to the fact that tbe band will rebsarse son St., (Old No. 8S0), Chicago. Long Distance sighted. General runi|ilaint has been made tbit during tbe wlnU-r on the ranch at headquarters. season against tbe non-liberality of the provin¬ Phone .Monroe 2448. ; It will keep the performers from getting too cial press. Showmen say Its getting worse and I lonesome and getting tired of the simple life worse. Time was when the rural press de¬ I while waiting for tbe show to op<-n next clared a dividend in ink when tbe round top WE HAVE FOR LEASE—CARS. 50 ft. long, for ' spring. came to towu, but now tbe enthuaiaam la Shlppliig scenery, aul<" luhlles, advance, haggagt. measured by the s(iace rule. And to some ex¬ 1 It Is now planned for the show to close In BERNARD BRUSH CO. privilege stock ami merry go rounds. Desirable tent the patM-r la right. This cundltisn has East St. Ixiuis. III., on Nov. 1, where comm. - for bIhiw- and circus coiuiiaiuhs. Ili-asiNiabls been self-induced by the showmen. They want •I10.1S wlnterquiirters have been s<-<’uri-d with Rector Building, • CHICAGO. rates. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR 00.. to evade this, that and the other thing until ample facilities for the rebuilding and enlarging 1880 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. . the ei|ulpnient fttr next season. All the stock Ex. Ex. Straight Bore Circus Brush. $3.75 each; now some of them grumble If they can't drive $42.<10 per dox. Ib-rnard'a (!<>ld Water Paite, •takes In the (lubllc square. ; will lo* Immodlately shipped from then- to the li)1 Itsnch at Bliss, Okla., tbe borne of tbe .'•0 III. box. $3.00; 200 Ih. bhi., $10.00. Managers, either circus or theatrical, expect I MlP.-r Brothers. a world of results from their press ageuts. These departments are absolutely essential for Mr. George ArllngTon, Mr. Edward Arlington NOW READY SideShowPaintings aucces.s. Then why hamiM.r the exii.-nsive pub¬ and Mr. lYid B.-ckman will Irave actire charge The Perform«r** Friend No. 6 licity machinery by short-s!ghtedu*‘ss In the of the rebuilding of tbe e<|iiipment. and getting SIEGMUND BOCK, advertising policy. Try as you uiay. dream as the show In shape- for next spring, while the Full of bright, original rnme<|v material. 2.*ic you will, the theory that the buslnt-ss anti edi¬ M. t). or idver. E. J. VEZINA, 388 Wealthy Ava., Oiand Rapids, Mich. 723 BIu9 Island Ava., CHICAGO, ILL torial ends of a news[ia|ier are s.-parated. la Pbona Canal S664. Eatabllshad 1166. pure T'ttqiian hunk. Nothing to It. Of course there are press agents who can by with mure dope than the other fellow. This may be a matter of (tersunallty or It may -be ThomsonA llUUloOll ax& VandwporW dinilVCCI NAM'S WH.D animal HTtlKK. 4i» Mash SHOW_ , PAINTINGS„ 00 account of the show Itself. Every one ingti.n Streil. Buffalo. N Y HAYDEN A 00., mires the chap who plays any game fair. There MANUFACTURERS OF 106-110 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. T. are a dmen ways of doing this. Some shows holler over parade licenses, city taxes and the CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS other puny costs, that added, wouldn't eipial tbe CIRCUS TENTS PORTABLE LIGHTS Clu'ia, Batons and Novelllsa. Stamp for eeta price of a gootl meal for a few frlentls. ’The TFNTS FX>R KKXT, lugiie. EDWARD VAN WTOK. Oinolanati. 0. management u.-ust back Its |>ress department 816 Fas! Prarl St., CI.VCI.VXATI, O. FOR and the latter must l>e a hundred point Institu¬ TENTS FOR SALE AND FOR HIRE. tion. Your exiH-rlence and mine have shown ALL PURPOSES os that oft times the agent of a dink one- THE BEST SCENERY AND AUGUST F. WINBERO MFG. 00., 688 Hadaea St., N, Y. C. Phone 1667 Chelsea._ nlgbter gets s newspsper showing over some SHOW PAINTING at lowest prices (n the land, two dollar thing from Broadway that makes High grade work only. Illustrated catalog to the THE BOLTE&WEYER CO. the latter look lighter than the hoi. s In .Sw iss prof.-sslon. Tell us what you need and we will SLOT M4CH1NFS 8 E. Michigan Street. cheese. The flrst agent may not s|s-ud half send lowest estimate on Job. ENKEBOLL ART 100, cheap; giMid rimdltlno. OXFORD

      o Mlll<*r Briithorn will be actively <'iiKH|{evel(li*a. playing dates will, the Kline Carnival Com¬ All riiimirs concernimt tlie alxuiiptlon of the pany. 01 Kaiicli Ib'al Wllil Weal by one of the ayn- • Joe Del.ayne Joined our show at (Jreenvllle, loate alH'WH may now be set at real. I.arge ()., to talk on the fiont and is making giaal. >iini have Ixa'n offered for the piircliaae or con. 'Quite ail amusing accident bapiKiied a few rol in oriler that the rliow luiKlit l>e alde- da.\a ago with one of our men. In the working ark“il or gotten out of tlie way. The piibilc department. lie got tangled up in one of the any kiioe that aucli la not tlie nolloy of the guy ro|M'» and fell and broke bis leg. A» It ■ Illler Itrotliera and Kdward Arlinitfen The liappened a few days ago with one of our elm-eH of the Hhow has tbrl\ed on opiioaltton, 1 api>ened to lie a wiaalen leg. we noon fixed ladntr b«‘tter when iiliead or tM-lilnil the lartter him up with one of the t-eg variety. He gets rcui« a. Tlie op|aialtlon IdllliiK created In- along Llrlgbt. but we axe rfraid if it rains reft, which rcsultiHl in capacity and tiirnaway while we are In Ibis “doiie” country, one of the lalnraa at every o|ii>oalllen «tand fir the 101 other n>,»D will have to follow him around with llancb Ileal Wild Went Sliow. tlu 'stake puller’ all the time.” JOHN C McCAFFERY, We have jeat paased tlirouirh T"\aa, f.oii- >tana and are now in Arkanaaa. The buaineaa Treas. II every st'ind lina laa-n plM-noineiial, which aiir- WILD WEST AND CIRCUS .irlaed the maiiHKeiiieiit, owliiK to tlie report .f bad crofis In thia leriltor>. Org.anized In Springfield. III., by Fotir EDW. R. LIT2IN6ER, la-nvlni: Wlchltu Kalla. Tex., for Kort Worth, .ne of llic atiK-k earn waa wrecked, wlilch re- Jones Brothers. Secy. nilted In crlpidlnt: w-veral line niulea. which We are also Agents for were alit|i|M-d 1 nek to tlie n ncli. At Kurt Kdwanl It., Frank C., Howard and Ralph Lone Distance Worth. Texaa. the cn-iia waa very alliii.ery. wv- Jon-a. brothers, and all residents of Springfield. eral hor-w-a fell durtni.' the niirht iM*rforniance. 111., have organixeil a stock Company and wlU Telephone 'v BOLTE & WEYER Maude .Inmcaoii. one of the cowtrlrla liad her put out a ten or twelve car combination wild ollar lame bia>ken. iiid I’rlnce l.iicca. chief west and circus next spring. Haymarket 444. LIGHTS. .f the cia'.aijcka. aiiffered a fraclnn'd ahoulder. The earittsllzatlon la $.’>0,000 and such stock Both are now In the saddle and riiilntt again. as was allotted for sale has been purchased by Mr. J. O. Miller returned to the show at Kort SprIugfield and Central Illinois buyers. 22-28 N. Desplaines Street, Wo-dh. after apendinK a few days on tli.* ranch. The large buildings, formerly occupied by the TTie show wra ferriixl across the bay from Saugamon Manufacturing Co., near the site of CHICAGO ILL. (Jalveaton to Fort Ilolliver. 'ITm' gulf was nu- (Mlldri'd Park, have been leased for present olng exceptionally high Hint niglit. and some wlntentuarters and attractions are being bfsiked. of the jieople were considerably worritsl until A major lortlon of the parapberualla Is al- the boats were landed. rx-aily on haml. and the Mt. Vernon Car 0>. .Mr. and Mrs. Uichards of ('lilcago. were via have contracted to build'the cars. Itora for a few days with the rhow. Ttie fo'ir brothers are all young men and have Mr*. .lane Wisaicnd. of New Vork CItv. who maile splendid progress In organizing the various tana iH'en a|H-ndiiig the siiniiiier for iin outing departments of the venture up-to-date. Bar¬ For Moving Picture Shows, Lodge Halls and for any purpose where a .in 101 Ilanch. sia-iit a week with the sliow. ing unforseen events, they will oi>en at Sprlng- Virgil Harnett nrd his bridiclesa high sr'hmil fii’M an.l liook direct from their own otflo-s. hnrae. In conjunction with Miss .Maude Hnrbank which were rtcently opened In the Illinois Bank good, strong, comfortable chair is wanted at a cheap price ■m tlie high-school hora«-. Hynanio. In J. 0.. and I>an IMx on Ida clown mule. Vir¬ gil. are creating a great deal of fav.irnble com¬ CIRCUS GOSSIP. ment at each performance. Hank Walker, the x-eleran stage driver, liet- 3,000 for prompt shipment at $5.50 per dozen ter known aa Itncky MiHinlain Hank, wlm drove Contrary lo the rranv rum.irs, Mr. the stage coaches acroaa the ir.oiintaln.s for Sweeney has been re-engaged a« loader of the Write Us for Anything You Want in Chairs ■hlrty years and never hud an accident, wlille cowbov build of the Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill Irlvlng In a small arena at Cami’en. .\rkansas. Combined Shows next season. Mr. Sweeney has turned the corner a little tisi alert, and upset iH’en In the employ of Buffalo Bill for 215 the stage coae|i. which made the act more years, and waa this season with the Two Bllla* reallallr. >lrs. Hurbunk. one of tlie occjimuts, Show. Many of the boys with the band have Baker & Lockwood Mfg. Co. - • Kansas City, Mo was alighllj injured alioiil tlie ai'in. but not been re-engaged by Mr. Sweem-y for next sea¬ •erlojaly. son. Mr. illDckle and Mr. Hill, of tlie I'. .M. C. .T. H. Van’s Show closed their ter’ x'omimny. aivnt tlie‘day witli the show with the Tantlingera. at I.ittle Ibsk. ing sexann at Albion, Ind.. list week, playing Otto Klnilirinkc liaa a liadly apraiued ankle to capacity business. The following p,>ople have signetl for the winter season; The Three WANTED FOR THE CHUTES lue to a bucking horse turning a aoieeraaalt over the arena wet. which iireventa him from ralloways, SMmbo. the cUwn wonder and The riding the lemy expnss, widch la now being Mysterlo>is Rex. J. H. Van’s Indoor Hlppo- ridden h.v Cliiirlea Killinger. dpime and Circus will ctiry a haml and or- Cbaa. Killinger la aUo aaaialing Malvern San¬ ctmrtra. and will play opera houtea all win¬ ders In making hla four-borse jempa. while ter. Johnny Kay la laid up from having old Whlow- Col. Henry Welsh, the well-known intker. one of the biicl'lng hoiaes. fall on him. circus man. has been succcesfnlly appearing BUI rickett, the negro w1h> throws steers with at the Pennsylvania eounty fairs with two tda tfsdh in the allow, la a great faxorite with Iisndsome performing horses. His sueeesa was the colored folks in the Soutli. It has catistsl particularly noticeable at Lancaster, Pa., Col. the colotisl si-ction to Ik- greatly eulurgeil at Welsh may poaslbly head a company to pro¬ each piiformance. mote Indoor circuses this fall and winter. It Aa the season is nearing its emi. the ineuitfra will be pleasing news to his many friends to of the mi Kancb realise more ami more e.ieb know that be la fast recovering hla health. lay that a more buruionloua and congenial ag¬ gregation has never Iksui gath< r«sl tegetliei. Cunnlnpham Bros’ Show has closed than the H*l Kanch U«*al Wlhl M'l at Show, from a xery auccossful season. They are cxintemolat- the own-ra and managers, to Itoae Ijolding the Ing putting on a sexen car show ni’xt season. moat auloruluiie isialtions. ’’Click” Cunningham will have charge of all tb<‘ piews work for the show. MARTIN J. DOWNS DEAD. Mr. Geo. Arlington, manaper of ti' 101 Ranch, has re engaged Harry Parrish to ORANGOUTANG handle their tr.aln nxxt s<‘ason. Tlie 101 will Owner Of Cole Bros.' Shows Passes be a thirty ear show In 1010, with wlntenjuar- Leopards, Lions, Pumas, Jaguars, Tiger, Hyenas, Zebras, Away In Toronto. ters at East St. Ixmls. 111. Camels, Polar Bears, Russian Bears, Antelopes, Kangaroos. Vlrpel I.eBarnett has concluded n JIartiii J. Itowna, Kole owner of the Cole twenty-eight weeks’ engagement with Mlll-r tUHE. 248 Grand Street, New York Urotbi ra’ S iuwa, died Tuesday, tkiuber 19 at Brothers’ 101 Ranch Wild West. He will the Urueral ILwpItal, Toronto, Canada, aa the euen with the Rlioila Royal Indoor Circus, Nov. result of Injuries rex.-eivtsl fn>m tlie kick of a 22. at Memphis, iVnn. borae ii>c miaitha ago In drove litv. Pa. lie Phos. Kid Koster, theatrical and Ud been lu the boapital al Toronto atuve May circus agent, will spend a fexv weeks’ vaca¬ tion In Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Koater has t>een Starting as a hel|HT in the sl.le ahoxv of the Krauk Robiua CIrcua, Martin Lhiwiu fiually In advance of W. F. Mann’s Tempest and Sun¬ got eU'Cigh t>>gellier to lliveat with Sella Bros., shine Company. anil afti-rw irxla iMuight the abow out wiiich at MolMe A. Bailev, manaper of the the pr-'M'Ut lluie, uiidx'i the luaiiaKeiiieut x.f Mollle I;allev Show, has rexMvered from a fnxjr bli fc'U Jatuea. la at w interituarlei> lu Cotry. months' siege of walking typhoid fever, and Pa. has rclolned her show. She reiiorts Isislneai After leaving IIm- Riiliiiis .Show, .Martin howiis fine. saa with many oih.-r xireiiisa, liielihliiig Waali turn's. Wallace's. .Ada ii Korepaiigh. Jr.'a. Sells The ’F.v B«ll-Jul’an Sisters, whirUnp teeth aerlallsts and tight wire artists, have l>oen enaged with the Rhmla Royal ludoor (iretia this winter. W. O. Yeaper and E. A. dVlIron, box' In adranee of the King and Tucker Shows, will .•I.Hte with the advance along In IVcr, and int.T vamicvlllc IVicon riellmore closed with Cclo Bros.’ Circus at Itanvllle. Ind. Octobir 9. and opi-ncd al the .Alban Th.'atre, Erie, Pa., week of tV’iibcr II. Fletcher Smith, for three seasons with Cole Briw.’ CliTus. has 1o|n>*d Brownlee ;ind Ri'cil’a Trx-is Cattle King Comp.iry. Dr. f. K. Tryon. the conpcnlal press -igcnt renew cl aciualiitaneca In Benton, HI., BUCKSKIN BEN AT DALLAS, TEX ' n itelolM-r l.b. Boh Cook Is booked solid with the ’Thirty two years ago.” said Buekskln Ben, King and Tucker Shows. We w.’int the future dates of your Food Show to publish in the American Beverage and Food Journal with Secretary’s name. PROMOTERS Send us your name and adxlress and such news of your plans that you wish For Bands, Military, published. DEMONSTRATORS Minstrel First Part, Exhibitors will want demonstrators. If you are the man to make a gooxl Minstrel Parade, spiel we ought to have your name and address. Ushers, Bell Boys, DECORATORS Base Ball, Foot Ball, Booth tlecorators .ire in demand. The Food Show Exhibitions in 1910 are going to lie held in all parts of the United States. Keep postcil by reading The Basket Ball, etc., etc, .American Beverage A Food Journal. Ses4 Ur CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention EXHIBITORS Kind of Uniform Wanted. If you want to reach the exhibitors who make it their business to place their products in expositions, ailvertise in The .Vinerican Beverage A Food Journal.

      tl4 8. CLAUK Si CHICAGO THE BEVERAGE & FOOD PUB. CO., 18 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 30. 1909.

      CIRCUS TENT BLOWN DOWN. | ] event. Tlie latest grand Imlge official to at- ! I lign hlnistdf to the an|i|s>rt of No. 3^1 for this T. M. A. News I event la Chna. W, Alikina, (iraiid Trustee. Among the Stock Storm Creates Panic During Norris & Rowe Show. - WHEELING LODGE BANQUET, j CHATTANOOGA LODGE NO. 59. Companies r>urlng ( ntnrin at l*rlDc<‘t«ii. Iri»* Whevding. W. Va.. gave a haminet at their waa blows down. id<1 nn>r*‘ tban out* tliouxan.l The thentrical aeeaon In ChattaiKsuta la at Its The Jackson Wehli Jliialcal Comedy Oumpany height anil Chaltaiuaga l.n. the receiiily at Tlplon. Ind. Twenty flve people Wajiie CiHiiedy Company pla.vecra of all companies in reigned. Knlvea »«r. lirougbt Into .jse and *at llic l.yi'lc Theatre and a uiimlier of lia na Ihsiiie Jjcktsiii, I ealle P, Webb. C. Rea nienhers were Initiated In No. .Ml. It la a the city that evening llcgcr. vViii. v\'. Russell, Edna Orabam, UIga the raiieaM them and all iirea,-ut eii>>.vevl them rll Biinsoni. Fred 11. Wolfe, Fred Tonkin. Jerna Lucklljr tbe llirlita were put out by tlie wind .M. A. and nine of them are niemivera of No. wdvea. Mr. Prank Warner, the president of and Bo lire ennued. . Ward, W. J. Covy. Herbert Olant.in. W. J 5!i. Aiimng the latter are Harry P. Urihhou. . tha Paige, acted aa toiiMmaaler. I l.eula. Mind Crandall, Joete Wright, Edna Two elepbanta ewaped during tbe excltemeut. ' , - : (.rant llelh. (icorge Harris. J.ick Anderson ami Maidcy, EeMa Wllllaiiia, Francis Walsh, Alice out were recajitured. i , tiiHiige Marshall. An cnJoyaMe “Imtcn lunch ' DEDICATE CLUB ROOMS. Arnold, Katherine Tharling, Juliet Domurgue w-ia given llic Wayne Company dining its ata.r Eiiin.a Fay and Pearl Suoke. SHOW IN WRECK. IIn Chattanisiga, and Undber Harry (irlhlMiii acteil aa loiisimaster. The occasion waa one' Wh#H*lln|f No. 51. T. M. A.. !ii«*tiitM‘rH at flH*lr r«*ir»ilRr ! While making the Jump fr.>m Ht. Paul. Mlun.. 'of iiierrimeiit ami giasl cheer. Harry Mlntiirn. leading man with Norts ChattaiKBiga laslge now numliera nearlv one t»#*r 17. aft**r wlilrU iIh» <1*NUcatl*»n of tlH^lr dcw i Bpdhera' SiiM'k Company, at tbe Uajestlc Tbe to Aberdeen. H. II,, an aggregation known aa , I rinh ro«>ina t^»ok i»laeka. Kan., since the opening of tbe the atvte of Its tn-asiiry la highly gralif.vlng atid ivceptloo waa ht*M. Harry U*h^»*rB j aoason. left tbe company October 16, for MU accident. Tbe train with ten of tbe show'a ’ aa tnai*tniaHtor. TIioh. learon. AIlou CBPa. waa wricked amait 100 mllew eaat of Jamt speaks well of the work of Ita iireaent of waiikee, Wla., where be will Join Baker and fleers aii«l Win. Uactob<*r IS. but owing to tbe non two of the cub pantliera lmmi.dlHtely aftct the |BUI Conddiied Wild West Shows were Initlat.st And Andreas Dippel Injured In Taxi- arrival 'if Ihe scr-nery the o|ienlng was peak arrtval of tbe ahom on the gruunda. Tbe show ,William Sweeney, wlai has for many years heioi] cab Accident. ponml n«tu tictcher 3.'>. A vaudeville bill waa opened one day late. |leader of BiilTulo Blll'a CovvlHiy Uand. headed therefore auliatituted for tbe week. the Hat. To Brolher Krla ♦ laalge No. 40. la due much crmllt and thanks' When the taxicab in which they were riding WILL RECONSTRUCT QUARTERS. fera House, and Ihe pnvfeaalon and enterevi In the bair dressing Cole Rrotbera hare made arrangetnenta to r.*- hnalnea* at Harriahurg. Mr. Weber Is a vlo eoustruct the biilldlnga and wtuteniuartera of . linist and Mrs. Weber fmawyed soubrette roles that whow at Harbor Creek, Pa, which were deatro.ved by tire aereral wie-ka ago. The BUFFALO BILL GUEST AT BUFFALO BARBECUE. work will Comm, nee at once, ao aa to be ready Miss le.iilae Carter mavie her flrst appearano I* time for the occupancy upon tbe return of as leading lady with tbe Lytic Stock Company the show at tbe clone of the ItllO aeaaon. The at the Lyric Theatre. IJncoln. Neb., October Bew qiiartera. when completed, will Iw one of IS. In The R.Md t*i VvateriUy. the flneat In tile ciH'Ptry.

      CLOSING DATE NOV. 6. Tbe Minnelli Bpvthera' Slock Company, fea Hiring .Mina tiennell. baa recently cooclwled lU anmnier aeaaon. which by the way. waa varv la iBat week's laane of The Hlllboard It waa stated that tbe BiiiTalo Bill Wild West and successful. Pawnee RIB Far Uaat (tiUBblned. would en.1 ^Ir aeawai at Richmond. Va. on Octolier « ADDITIONAL CHICAGO NOTES Pha Item should have read Nov. H. Forest Park now has a directorate remposed MARRIED ON HORSEBACK. of men hientiflevi witb the Ihiuor bnalneaa. Tba I Irvciora are: John llarvling. walooo owner John Stone, of Rntae. Idaho, and llaxel Pant t\ llllaiT, Merle, bar fixture manafactiiper; Mar lag. of Baker City. Ore., were marrl.'d on honm- tin J. Bre,-n. wholesale Uquor vlealer. Henry ^k la the arena of Stanley'* R.mgh RIAera yialwnrn. T T. Bellamy. McAroy Brewtag Ca. Show during Ita last perforniBBce at Boise. Nathan Hr-i.mr aud Joseph Ureln. Saturday, ilctober Id. ♦ Timniaa Faxon, professional manager for Vie OODE FISK’S CLOSING DATE. tor Kremer Co., waa up to Milwaukee recently horvsilng Jungle Moon and I Want to Oo to tba Bull 'Janie, ami re|a>rtB that he bad a very sue The no.te Plak Combined Shows will dose a reavful trip He sang at all tbe leading then am-caaful season at Coffeyvllle. Kan., on October 30 t va and cafe* and says that tbe songs wen> hlg. ^


      of Ihe dinner party having earlier aaaembled for the fe,aat. (lilragM an-l aaya that be will out leova until MIDWAY ROUTES. The surprise to Coily was complete when be aaw the arrangements. The setting of tbe meal | Uie Si.lllvan A Conaldine office here adopts tba waa rendered more realistic by a herd of American bison graxing quietly oo a slope not a fonu of contract approved by bis organlaatiuo Caoiphell I'nited Shows: Coyle. Okla.. 'JS-SO fourth of a mile away. <|> Danville Carnival Co,: Hecator. Tex.. 25 30. The event marked the Brat visit of Col. William F. Cody to the home of hla busloeaa part- woilaWo I la C'aik.Cisik aa ChingChine Lingling Foo.Foo In Fun In a Davla Amn-em;.nt Co.. Oeo. C. Havla. mgr.; -''‘J- ’’’hinv-ae l.inn.lry. la now I*e1ng hooked hy Paul Natrhltoehe*. La.. 27 .30, ___ C.oi;'lro!i. of 'lie SnII'van A Conaldloe offices loey. the T/vipard Poy, O. A. Tsnner, n;gr.: „ Mr. Coi'k oja'iia at tJ-eervllle. Mlcb., Nov. 1 Pradd'-ok. Pa.. 2.5.30, Chattanooga I.odge(.edge learna with pleaanre of the D. Stengel Semhrlch, hnahand of Mute. Sem- wl'b other MIcMgan time to follow. Maryland \mnaem<-nt Co.. F. S. Wolcott, mgr.: Cincinnati le-dge .So. 33. to hrloh. the alr.ger. were aeverely Injiirv-d. A law l.aae City. S. C.. 25 30. •leav.ir to aeenre the T. M. A. convention liIn yer riding with them and the ebauffear wer* ; xioat of the local hilling l« Iwlng dooe nndwi Meehan A Hssliington Co: Tiaktlwa, HI., 21* 11113 and If Chattanooga cannot gett It tbe mem not hurt. The ae. l.lent oernrred In front of lha | ^ strong (voUee gnar.1, several theatres and tl»i 30: Wyanel Nov. I 2. hers of No. .Ml are for Clnclrnutl. Players' Club, and one of Ihe flr-t men to na latlng Svrvice haring claimed that Metropolitan. Oraat. Shows. Velare ft Coleman. Cbattnnong.a riaima to have the beat T. M. A. slat the Ininred waa Booth Tarkinglon. the iiieir no-n vere tM'iiig Intv rfered with by th* O'gra ; Jaaner. A'a.. Nov. 1ft. lodge In the South, and If any brother who snthor. Hoctora who were called to Ihe clnh- striking l>UI|Kiwter*. Weafeotf'a t'nltml Showa. M. B. Weatoott. doe* not believe It they ahould cell at the lo| In a prlrate atnhtiUfirCa. I after the nniipany baa tieen reorganlaevl. CIRCUS GOSSIP. Visited B)i Grand Trustee Chas. Ait* + DALTON SHOWS BANK ROBBERY, The (Jeorge Amnaemi-nt Co. baa been Inevw kins, Of Ottawa. j John Ponprlafl fT.^opord Johnnlo). p<.rilvil hv Philip It'awiithiil, (Mrl BodenatadI and E. C. .'Stearns. They will e.induct a general animal man. aoent the summer at the home of F.niinelt H.altrn. the paroled bandit. I* ex- Mrs J. I oilerhoae at Ei'aahoth. N. J.. In order Brand Trustee Brother Cha*. Altkina. of Ot- htl'liing moving pirinrea of the Cofferville. Ih -at.ieal hnalnewa. to regain hU health reporla that he will tawa l.i \o. 40 m-RR fi vl*ltor at the Kan., hank rnivhery. Halton Pvok part In this ♦ tlTRln with nhlfp tf>p« npTt rrwvni** nf rinoInnHtl NmIitp Nr», X{ tho wfH‘k of rv4.la>iy ’Hill two of hla hrolliera were killevi In Tie Br-vailvvay Trio are making quite a hit 1*. Rro. A1tktn« \n with Tlie Huy Mn il’k* fiaht tint f<'M<»w«Nl. I». Iton whr CR|itnriM| “Inir’ne riih'MSo rimI !>*) YotiT Ihm’t Will Brfl*Hey an'l V/nr«l. eocpntrtc coni- «1c1nn•Ian r^impany.rompHnr. mhlahwhirh |dayo<1fiffi.ro<1 an mcH^k’nw. hare rompl^tM tha of A •phmdid trihnta m’a« paid by Rro. Aitkin* ♦ T" |nirjH*r****l !♦» I«» -.liomn a* a muriilnit to ADA REHAN RETURNS. Knom Thv**f1f. th»» throp art pNy by Paul H^'r- to Vo. ?VI In hU ff'ply to Pr**«hl«*nt Rahw**!! j yaunif ni**n to ahiin an at II Ufa. luchh ntally, Tl^n. In nhlrh .Arnold I>Bly m*1li ataTt hU nmn- rar** addrf***«. No. Xi ma* r»*farrad to hr him ' Ihilt* n di*|’1:i>a r.R paii of tlip fica*ilc fct*»ry. pho- aaly m’HI t*a aat-n n* GanarRl da SH»arrn. m*a« ah*»m-ii fh** •‘lirhta €»f tha a|ty hy tha ni«*m wipwa. pbla. aftar a aiimmar i*a*aad to Kt^^^p#. R^ VIoaant Starnrord haa b4‘an caat for Donclara. harm nf \o. X\. Ila m-a« al^m artartalnad at THEATRE FOR CHICAGO* «ld'>a two maid*. MU* Uahan had with bar Moba t connaatlon of Th* Slt»arRn‘a: \orinan Tiu>ri*# tlia h‘»ni»*a nf Rrf»a. Harry lllchardfuin and ('haa. ■ b*T KInc t*lr»rb*a »f»Rnh‘l. mho a1*o lookad aa If WlH ba tha Jaan. non of p** Sll»aran. and Ar ' W. Sahmaltrar. Tb# Gayatr Tliaafr# Company, a Naw Yoik fhn coolinna! toaaInF of the ataamar had baan thnr Format tha Paiall. a youne <»fllaar llrinc , ■ — ■ ■ ' ■ r*t a a.*Mihin«Ml tlM’ilr** and too mtirh. liotal iMilblInn Dina atorlaa hlfh In Clark "I t*hiM *tar In Naw York until May. I ai •t tha homa of tha jranarsl. Tha two woman, /-1 iki^i m m ati i /vrfcC'c wrkTCC tr# CarU-a da SltH-ran. nlfn of th^ Ggonr^l. CINCINNATI LODGE NOTES.NOTES, . « I.P CO. ta. i m-.MM* Mh.IIwmii lltl.l WhbIi part.** **ld Ml** Ri‘h*n. **! hara baan away to b# plarad by JormIo MIlwHrd and Anna Doo* ; —— lnrtmnt aoloNt of tha I.yrlc lit - oi iiw Ilk I ..f ii.'xi wnr. Tlir liotal I a* v«*t mv f»lan* for tba mdntar.** thaatm orrbcMtra. C?nalnn*fl. ami a mamlM*r of will ha raa.Iy f.»rf«»r orciipancyorenpanay ona monthm»nth later. Whan MU* R.R••han han ma* told that tha NaaNaw Vo. VK. ma« n*catiflr mirrb’d. Tha mrainony ' -- Tb«'atra wa* m*jirly r**ady f*»r It* o|»anlna. ah# BARRIE COMING TO AMERICA. j wa« fMTf<»rn«od In Naw York. EXCHANGE POSITIONS. <• '' '« '••• international In Aftar a KiimmiT** tour mith I’rljja If* «rofM*. I bo|M* *0.** J. M. R*rr!a mdll aoma to Amarica to ana Ml** Ran*!. Mar Smith baa ratiiniad to fMncInnnfl. 0*1...... i.w- I__ wwk. 'H*a Ilalian m«»nt at imea to bar bouaa to tbU fftha! Rarrvmora art In tha naw ona-aat nlar *•0*1 tbU mn«*k r*»«omaa hi* m»*ltlnn a« fn rn Tbara ha* bean a abanira of maiar* r* at tha |._ that ha prr«rntad to MU* Rarrmora. Dnrlnf inma «ol.*Ut with tha l.yric Thi«a»ra f>ral»a*tr: PmiMi* P‘iy»»nna. V. J,. mlitrb U ona of *' _ tba rl*lt tha aiitU^r will aUo rvill h1mM**f «*f ♦ la fialr of m-/'rkar« In tha .41. H. W’*osU* chain of tba*tr<* Wh*l mill t»a ht* flr*i ah*na43 to M!** >f*n.|a T M. A. r.-^nk* than Rr***. Callahan and Whiti* Millar, mho lN»an hoo*a manaaar nlnaa Ita I Ph# Grr'At DunCfln lIvpROtIC Ad*m« In M* pUr. H’hat Frarr W«m*n Koowa. < annot ha found. T. M. A. I* tha *tronira*l o|M'i»|oe. hi U* imdrr lha dUacflon of tha arar popnUr I.. C It will ha tha flrMf tima that Mr. Rarrla ha* ar#r poPit In a aonvar**Mon Qtirron .of tha 5h>arot Saran mhlla Harhl f*o*n»*r, Zallono. U mikl**if a tour of tha o|»ara hou*#a aaan MUa Adam* act In any play since Roa#* rina'nnntl |oiA U tha arr of mamhar* of No. mho ha* twi’n m-tnnear of iha Qiiarn of lha of IPInoU and Indiana, and thiia far Mr. Zallaoc mary.** mdth arcf'llmt prf»*pact* for ^amarlnff tha St erat Sevan, U to l»a hoiiHc mnniitrar. raport* tt'*od hii*lna«* f

      its first pr(*w Dtatioo, wtii product by llarrlsoD I KUke. BARRIE WANTS It HiiA iUe coD«‘U8U8 of oi>lnloD tb»t Mr. Ar- IIhh bud a luoHt cuukviiImI part auti ixub be aud Ibf play were reivived with luurked apprecla* WIFE BACK ilUll. New Films Reviewed BECK AND MORRIS

      PUywrighl is Said lo Have Made iJ,« Ha., Many Laughs are Caused by the Two Mr. Whites—The Cowboy /\11/All OOriSSorts Olof Overtures,v-/VcriUr“5, wKlchWllldl '!' The flr?itfir^^t vaudeville rumor of the year baa ittroiigly revived Id New York duritiK the Millionaires, a Good Western Subject, is Making a Hit—Thrilling iUa I arlv Haa t^Tluiiflil, that Martiu Heek and William ine 1—«aCiy liaS LyCkainiCLl ^ImitU ale to be allied lo opp«mlti«in to the Melodrama is Shown in The Senorlta—No Man’s Land and The otli«‘r larae vaudeville liitereata uf the ctniuliy. “ The piirveyora of tbla mwa poliil to the or- Song of the Cradle are Well Received. • ar^vTf-xy^KT ir» oi TT'i f or^ nv KauUallon of William Morria, Weeteru, laat LONDONI ONLX-/N IS SUrxISURPRISED rxlSlLO J'il>. u corpt.iraliou to actpilre tbeatiea lu up- |HM>liluu t<* the Orpiieiiiii Circuit Weet of Cbl- " ■ '■ ca;in, which baa imt been done; they recall the VlTAtlltAl'Il. : c*oiiipaulotiM aud hla old w’ork. In a refiecUva aiiii«H;iiceuieut uiide at the aauie time that the Hivlox divorced hla wife, J. M. Barrie, with Valencia Theatre, Sau fraucia«'0, waa to atari THE TWO .MU. WHITES.—John White, ■ ' luo-d. h*- Iiltii u|HiU iiu l.l. e, The whlmilcallty often dUplayed lu hla alaae ! \|.*rn» vaudeville, which it hua not d« ne yet. i *Pfuceruce mau*alM>ut-toHmau-alM>ut tow li.u, recelvearcceivea au luvitatlou teleKiaphaiT ‘ “*’i # the*m. preaeDt foremani T*!I**?i of^«ki! the realurt-». wauta her back aaaio. cablea a LoU- l m fact the newa from Sau Franclaco laat week ! rrv»ui a frleud to apeud a week end with him at Uauch. telliu^, him lo bring the whoU l,.n eorr.-i.poodent. . | wa. lo the enTect that Morri* vaudeville will hi. c,.u..to l-l»i-e. A. the frleud Is coullued to .““V.. Kiin. He doe, Ml went lo merry Psulloe Chsse, | not he -wen n that city uiiill next April, when, ' his home by Illness, ho promls.-8 that some • •I'cclul trslu to Circle City to bring tb. nis tieautlful ynting ward, be has declared. Eur , It Is sshl, s new house will be en-cled for It Kissl fellows will meet White St the statlou ...... , . Slid brluit him out lo the house. White Is de- , few days later tw boys arrive at a swell

      ismltloii lo the Hriilieuin Circuit. uriua. inry are norrineu, uui loimw u ui inio « youi>.;er and handsomer man. Audlier link In the chain of cIrcumstantUI Ihluklug It to he the opeuliig for NO-^IAa^ S land.—Tom Black, an adventure vlug Atiicricau. la aljipwT«*cktHl. being tbu only rvlvor uf llHtae uu bioird ibe aUip. wbicb atruck bUlileii r«n*f during a atr, and absolutely Is Kkliig her lo we.1 him ^ poJi. ,„ust la> (tlYIIIIaiiis l*t a all go lu and Liive another drluk. The Tom, however, oilers jem brandy and they ««ta. I %,,LTL,, “,L.gtlnu the general that "/.'I*" »*-«'rlce take, a klndl> Mrs. Barrie thus far has been altogether un- I siHuetlilng big Is to tv announced In vamlevllle »lcked aud John White at last fliida hla friends lutereal In 'lorn, even though she is engaged r,-,iK.ualve. Her affections aie centered, frlemla wsin An amusing phase of Hie situation la **'** '“J«y» • hearty laugh at the odd mlx-up. to Chino, one of Castro’s followers. Chino per »s»erl, np m tJUlH-rt Caiman, the young critic ; th.it the p irtleairtica lnlerest,sl.Interest,si. nie*-l all the rumor, ' .’,**'* * '•'••‘rest deeia*ua for «nd dramatist, who was the co reapoiideiit lo tha with a snia-rlor smile and neither arhru,a^hru, or UKBAN ECLn*SE. Tom, the d sapisdute.1 aultor plana for revenge divorce anil The frleinl, do not believe that ib.ne ti.em <<•_1.-, ^ coufesslou Of hla love Is made by Tom at.d voy apiM-al of Barrie', will win back hla wifs, ____ (Ceorge Klelne) young people are ha|ipy, but the shadow of no matter bow heart broken be may lie. ,A.vc- i.-ti o SI/-, /SI I iw-rc D VOLCANOES OK JAVA.—In this Him, tremen- I Chino cmaaea their path. He demands of tba JAKE WELLS NO QUITTER. ; doua heights oegutlat,-d. unique views of burn father that he fuillll hia promise toward bla FAVERSHAM IN HEROD. - j log mouutaiuB, Ibe •’Slueroe” Id eruption are daughter. Castro compiles, and Tom la driven Southern Maonate Keens Atlanta Of- »**"»“. photographed from a distance and at from the girl. ociitnern^ 11 •magnate r\eeps^ a. e^iai^aj>\r lej viL i cluoe quartvra;quartera; remarkable and eenaatiuualaeusatloual ef- HutBui luvelove tludsttuda a way out of all difficultieadlIBcultlea Latest Historic Drama Admirably Pro¬ fice Under Management Of Hugh , fecta.feet.. The girl di«>bey.dlaobey a her father’s cmc.mmamC mam” leave,leave. duced And Royally Received. Cordoza. . «|» ber abode aud Jolua Toiu. They attempt to - AWAKENED .MEMORIES.—Oi>enlDg in a but are overtaken and Tom U wouuded. la^e WelU ba» not quit Atlanta, nor baa i qualui city, tbe film Oral abowa a Uappj couple i***. ofTeuae agali^t S. y., Oct. 21. William Kavi-rsham In Herod. . . ’'I** , hik Sutitliern otfoe In that city l»een abulUbetl, of the laborlug clajta strolliug along ibe river ,*® lowered over tbe h'atorlc drama In three acts. bi St,'plicn I’hll- i "'** 1 „ , a,nn n-p^Tfed.r. p..ri The theatrical magnet of the i front. Aa they pa»a a little fiower girl, tbe j\**^^"* .V5^ overlitokliig the sea, dangling aim malDtalna S^mthern h**adqu£rtern in youth bnya fur nU sweetheart a bunch of May iVt ^ “ parsing gunUiat dls THE CAST. ^”'1'' a anife of three offlcv‘s in the On»heiim Theatre IIHva. He presenta them to her and asks her f, [ ..t.? * ‘V**!*^*l^ <^*“^** to flel'id . . . .M llllam Kavcrsliam , BuibllngBuil.llng inIn Atlanta, wncrcwhere Hughiiiign L.i.. cannira,Car,l,«a. i uaouhand In,u uiatnagc.marriage. nvorTo..oin" IwIA ” T„.f .....'.T V ‘^’u’ .Vris'.idiolus .A. H.Mtou Allen 1 the Sonthe.-n reprr^ ntatlve of the W,'Ils In- Time iiassea and a little girl cornea to blesa m.ard thl-^hi.a?^ m Is Iim.'MlVIo m °i ■ladla, .. .II. C.sqoT Alb-ii I Icresf, nclve, dall.v and weeki.v reis.rt, from < their union. After a few years of happiness a “ The iw.L, 1 '*•; *' Oidlv, .. .H. C.s> H-r ClllTc the chain of two d-uicn ot more Wells theatres i »trlke Is declared at the factory where the ’'**■“*. America. .Lionel BelU.ore I In Pivle. Mr. Cardoxa In ailditlon to the^> du- ' l*u»l>»iwl «a employed, aud the leaders of tbe forgives and consents to l‘liT>lrltD their marriage. ■vih-nu, .Bert(»r Churclitll tlea Is In rtl'^ct charge of the Orpheum ^Itieatre, i muve.*jent make him secretary of their or- I’ricat .Warren (\»ni»m playing United Rra»klng Offices acts, and ex- : gauizallon. MarUnime V. *.*. . Jnlie Opp erdsea a watchDil eve over th- Rljou. nan 1 I*«verty comes to the little home. Hunger SELIO P0LY8C0DE COMPANY. ryprrm.Poreiiee .\uvr 1 ag.*d hy H L. DeC.lve, and the Lyrlr. now „n- j the household but the husband and his thE SENOUITA.—Jack Thornton, an Amerl Salome..iHIve Oliver! der the biialness management of Charles W, ; jsauclalea still attempt to gain the concessions over well liked, crosses the Mezicaa H'»!h'*heha.Claire MrDi-vvell • Uex. who has retnrne*! to the theatilcnl bust- ; their employers. rlnally, in despair, tbe tnirder. His energy all s|>eDt, bU canteen empty. Ungsr.Alice Be!tn«>re t ness, affer a pertfsl In the service of outdoor) goes to the factory, where she gains a jjjj, burse dead lhr<»ugb over work, Tburutou falls ln,1ilh.Mattel..Mallei ('rawl-yCrawl-.y j atfrarllona.atfr,rll.Kia. i husband If he will uuc«.ua.,-l„u8 on the heated ixak,. Juarea...... HIMa Stowe Atlant,Atlanta 1,i an Important point In the Well* j __ 7«uug Mexican, and bis Baucee. Couchlta. daiigb Ian aettlugs and lm|.n*!w*tve as; park •eanon the last of Sepremlwr a p.irt 1 hukband’s remorse and reiJntanre^ • secant to Jose, notices the change, to acting. Mr. Kiversliam Is a revelation as tlie office force was dispensed with hnt tho*^ j bukband s remorse and ret>entance. day, Crlku, passing the window, hears fa King Herod, to those knowing him as a matlni-e 1 haa, not and will not behe any otherothor change. The ^ nilllar voice#, aud. [leerluK Inside, hla auaplclon, inro. while Miss Julie Dp|». ss Marlamnie Is generallieral officeo^ce of the A-iaivlatlonA'*si>clatlon of SonrhernSiMifhern OAUMONT. of love between Thomtou aud Cuucbila are verl ,11 tlgnltv, temlern*-,, anil poetry. ’Hie ,tor.v ' Thcntrecaire MMin,g»‘r,. inag. r,. Intn chargi-ch-arge of Mr. Cardov.a.Cardoxa, (George Klelne) ' *• ■**"*•• ciuceal biuiaelf, but It till, of ilerod’, condemning to ,1catb Arl-to- I tb,-'■ m-cretw-crct ,rviry of fiat organlxitlon,organlxition, !•1* al,o sit- ■ . nxnpnOT p*,-*- iiii.—i,h • Conchlta. I'laiu entering the room l>olii,. klarlamme's brother, of wbo«- pipiilarlty i uafe-tfe-t In .Atlanta,Atlanta, and will be coqtlimedcoqtlimed. RA( E. Hllarloiia comedy, with Thornton bauds him a letter to laial. with the ma'wp llcriMl was leaboi,. Tlie dl»-_i excltemeut Intermingled la Interwoven In this departing. C’rlko again watched from tbe Tvery by Marlamme that II,rod I, In effi-ct WIZARD OF WIZELAND CLOSES. ; a race in which each barrow contains a inM TaS^r *He gwa'JlowT^roward tbl^’Ta'tea* a*nd I'vr brother', murderer, turn., her love for the VIZARD OF WIZELAND_ CLOSES. ■ ‘ must Indicate the way to the blindfolded i there meets Juarez, Couchlia*s fiance. lie re- King to bitter hate. . , , . . i v. The army of ,i,p.-ra emploved I, drill,-d mi AfterAftor -man eyexistence ,fence of aboutshout eight weweeks, one ! c<*nl**»tant. * j wiw.w .. ' l®tcs what he has seen aud heanl, but Juarea. pertily. tad the Incidental mii,lc by H foie empanyinpsny plnylngplaying The WizardM ixar,' of Wja^lsnd,M la, a ; One macrels at the great endurance exhibited unbelieving, throttles him. CTlko, Instead of ?r"gr-T:v"ior'i: ’ir'i*,:pTn.“ "L’dramT, c"ol:cd7 pT;cd"mrb;"m;?;'""si\tt",r n'Tb'Ti.ii'rL* i^*tVug rh7icnrr:‘hidca“iTne.r';je g;';;;:--" ^ Wrh standard *«•>’"’* <''’*"’8, cn.lcd It, nin at the Bltoii ’nictra. "" auffcird by th. racers. i In the meantime, Juarei haa entered Don A nnniber of prominent New York theatrical; N»ehvIIle. Tcnn.. and tbe malorlt.v of the com- + ' aeoide ran,, nn to Albanv for the om-nlng. and i rany left Sunday morning for Clilcvgo. n-.ero | tHE SONG OF THE CRADLE.—In the groiinda | Tn, rnton a arms. He draws hla stlilelo, but. the rsvershams were showered wl*h telegrams ^ sensible reason why this attraction | ^ castle on the banks of tbe I>»ire river, we realizing the uselessuess of such a thing, with •nd of ctmgratulstlon The plav co s “h mid not have remaln^nl out all season and i Intnaluced to the mistress and her wee heart. Joins the bands of Couchlta and to the Lvrie In \^w York October 2o shown s gorvt sized balance fit the end. It la , papy, ciadng In Its heavily bejeweled cradle, i same time vuwlng death to _[_[_ fuM of pr»'ftv and tuneful music, tbe Ilnt^s i an,) inlleil to rest by a fs>ng from the mother. i Thurnlon If he proves unjust to Conchlta. are brU'bt and In mo^t Instinces original and! When the child finally aitiks to sleep the! and Tb<»rulon depart. Juarei, down COL. JOHN D. HOPKINS DEAD. I the cnievlv parts well plnc«'<1. However, the 'mother leaves the nurse maid with the baby, i ”*****^® t riko, wb<» urges bis muster to oj^ei lark of expert training was atmarent at almost while, with her page, she walks atsuit the gar- ; letter which he has secreted. Opening tha «*very «tage, especially where the chorus was In den. The nurse, caraleoa of the child's safety, i letter, Juarez Is amazed to tlu<'<1* against him. and tha ■ ’•♦•n ^e^.t»*ait»ar Ifi last. CFO W ENGLEBRETH. MANAGER, wlifn h« gains hla freedom. During these km.wlng hi, dui.llclly, Thornton dn,,arts • 'olonel Hopkins w*as a ploni^er vaudeville _ years he Is taught to slug, and makes hla i peon, delighted In the reuuhm of the two an^ror He of»erated theatVMa and amusA ,, 1 , . --..—I.,— living, as well a, that of one of the highwaymen ’'“0“ hla faithful heart adores, hetida bla kaea I I ark. In rhlo.eo v .«• ii,i...n. qf 1o.ll. , »"lent .long 'In-'' '* ■.* "7’ ; »ho had captured him. The old lullaby of hla I *<> *h» hissings they both w hlsin-r In the re t ark, i" Khlcago. N, « Hrl. an,. St. Loiil,. | when mly the fltte,| In any hital been one of hla favorite songs. °vwal of their love. !• •■ilmw. Pltt.burg. T.ouUvIll.- ami Mem,.hls. ' neaa ...r.lro,.«iir»l»ea. If'f U!• not InonoortnnoInonoortnne to oallcall ,tat : ^’niFnirw m'.itVmeets wlih'-rolirfavoV"with -real favor aail’hV'wan^^^^^^ he wanders i - ..a ''''■'J;''*; »<’ «'*"■ tho young, hut rxivrlen^l. all Mngln* for fcxl and GEORGE MELIES. • sd afterwards proprietor of Tlf>pklns | around man.tgcrs. George W. Knglebreth. Mr. i^>dglaglodgiag. I ..tl.afir,,,tl,,Hr,. a, fanioii,r,moii, ,i»-r|,lty,,i».r|,lty. or vaiide-y.iulr Enclohroth_ ha, 1n,t rbwod a v.ry ,orro„fiil I w„,.'Next, we see. him._ com.come,... nsarnear nightfallnightfall, to an HYPNOTIST'S REVENGE.—A_ -- _ -- _magician and (■"■[•any ten or flffern years ago. wa*. with the Goner Island. rinelnn.tl. j inho.pitable ca.tia where’ he"ia'’refiiiiml'ailmn" hypnotist la Invited to attend a houae party \n An.frallaa of English parentage. Colonel kmii-eineiit Companv ami become, at liberty to ! f„r they are In mourning He turns to go ft'ven by a rich man. He performs ivveral tricks I nkla, r,aie ta the I’nited State* at the be- ,crept , position ,, rood manager, bouse man | ,, I,.. p’,»e, beneath the windows of the 1 delight of the company. After hla per » ming ,f Ike clrll war. and enlisted tn the .[.or, rr-” agent or general bnalnoa, g-tter. , t)iin,i|ng. hum, the old melody. I forniance. the guest, partake of refreabmenf* "n ,rmr. At the cloac of the war he went . Mr. Fnrie*>n-tb I, km'wn a, a gentleman of , i,,’, ppp,, to the home oFhIa childhood and - home of the men get together fof a friendly 'he theatrical hi|,lnc„. ; nn»h. originality, perwreranre and strict la i through hi, song ha, been recognised by bis i of canla. The magician ,ug.reat, that _ I lerrilv and we rtonht not that he will soon lie ; mother, who aenda her serranta to call him i "’^y play for monsy. He la aoon seated at tbe r c-rt an. .s. nnn....,...n fo'i'id In Charge of Important dtitlea m»a«nrlng i hack, and great rejolclag follows bis return to Interesting game Is In action -’‘^U. ARLISS IN SEPTIMUS. I np to hla capi-hllltlea. ; tba old homa. If ^oe# not fake yery long, and the inagiclaa - I —-, - I wlaa all the money. But the loaera perceive the ■ Av I, Well Received On Its Premiere: OLD ACTRESS DEAD. set.io i-OLTsrori company. j SM"ht'’”f h3%Hcka Vco“ce!.u'*rInU ,”5 P In Toronto. | - THE COWBOY Mn.I.IONAIRR —Bnd Noble I makes other changes. - ] Annonacemenf ha* been received of the death la foreman of the Circle D Ranch, outside of 1 When hla trickery la dlacnvered be la chased “ofge Arllss. the English actor, wlvise l«,t I *he T>dedo Insane' .A,ylnm. Saturday night Circle City. Idaho, bnt. owing to the death of ! from the bouse, piirsned by the gneat, Bnt he •'-'ince eei the American alage'waa In The I of the widow of David R. Wood, formerly of ; en undo. thrMutb which he comes Into pooaes- tnme about, hypnotlxea hla pursuers, and leaver »'l, •p.eareil a* the alar In S,'ptlnina at the! Sandusky, an actreao who played with B-xith. , alon of an liaBenae fortune, he la compelled to the house In peace. Vaj Alraaodra TMoatre Toronto last >foiiday Barrett, Keene. Joseph JeSeraon and Magfla ; move to Chicago. Bnd la In society for etot . ~ . ‘•<^sber X The 'plav Which Waa given | Mitchell. Bho will be hurled at Bandnaky, O. year and has tired of It. Re longs for hla former (Continued on page 40) 20 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      Ik ji^okel Ihrw tliiiea a dav. he would hav ! oult. The two men ai..l (jlrl have iKvn play- iH'eii roiivliieed that the rink hiwleeKs la atlll ' Injt rliika throiiKhiHit the West for the paat a i iiiif In Amerlea. If proiierly iii:a': »'ed. few years ami this la one of their first adrenta ^ I In raiitlevllle oln-ults wliirb baa provetl highly Tjler and Burton, two clever rink skat-TS, ' Bucceanful. Skating Rink News wh.i have l.een plajiiK the rInkH the paat ■ ♦ tliri-' years. o|H‘Deek. lenges are Issued by Crack Skaters In the Professional Ranks. of excelleiM'e In the art that their work can Ih‘ ; . presented uisin any kind of a staite no matter ; „ how rouRh or how slauliiiK. I Gladys I.anh, the dainty little Chicago A I juvenile skater, is rehearsing a splendid act for : the rinks. Mrs. I.amb la Imm king the engage. M/PCTPRN SPEED SKATERS’ CLUB I Mo-M«hon. also Ml»s Adelade E. Wtt>l tnlN orc-c-u 1» Vorack and U.tirte Bell, who ia now maklns Will F. IliKTver. who has N'en for years In nieiit for her daughter and managers can ad ho fast btVs gr^me armind Chicago and Se managing some of the most , ..^ess her In care The BllltN.anl. tTdcago. the fast hoys go aome around Cmc.ago ana the siiccossfal rinks throughout Ohio, and who I , The sixth iireliminary two-mllc scratch race held at Klvervh-vv Kink, under the direction of receutly managed the Buckeye l.ake Kink, has held at r .nd cvele^t^^^ Arr.ingements can be made by addresalng bla rraiigial to manage the big rink at Greehsburg. , Jack Kotch Is making the Brewers sit up and the American Kolb r and Cjcie UIUD. manager. Daniel MacLeaii, htate atreet, during the eoiulug season. The riuk has womhr where he digs up so murb real Dutch "Alnd'he" t-Beaer. first;.a—.. VC_.acond-Maegdefesso, second; Bridgepoft,“■’idgeport. Conn. _ been1 •„ retlttedivtUted and deeoratvaid.-eorat.ai ami will otsm (.Ictic I _ i-r:nk7;;t;es:?y?'«^^^^^^^^ parkdale rink, Toronto. ’ ♦ Seeond heat—McDonald. Brst; Nlc Koch, aec- Mrs. I.a Salle, who has Ixam out of the skat, ORGANS ond; A1 Heiigst, third; Geo. Schwarta, fourth. The Parkdale Roller Rink, Toronto, Canada. Ing rink exhihition work for smiie time, has her When the time rame for the final to be l„ hismiing this season. Mr. Fred Ryan, the new act all ready and will shortly get a try- For Shows, Cornivals, Carousolt skated the tVestern S. S. Club found that popular manager, has introduced aeveral novsl- ' out at one of the hig vaudeville theatres In Si>eclal Organs for Skating Rinks; Cp-to MIkkelson. one of their r.umlier. had been dls- ties, which have made a hig bit with bla large Chicago and If the act ahowa well, the yohiig date CardlHiard .Music for any Instruanent. qualifled. and Frank Nuel jiut In bla place In and refined clientele The apacloua Uooor is lady will have some twenty weeks of time A. BERNI. 112 Oreeawicb Ava.—224 Waat the hnal. Tlie reason for this change was kept in perfect condition by the use of the fa- ' offered ui>on the Interstate Circuit. ISth St., Naw York, N, Y. Pbone, 428 readily ms'ii, a« the Jmlge who did the di«a. Tying Is the advisor ami trainer of Neul. proprietor of, anil the same la used by leading Van Frank, the Indlani/polis novelty skater, All Ihe skaters, with the exceiitlon of Me- rink men all over the contlneut. Ixinsld, are meiiilsTs of the club, and after •.'•lil return to the Capital City shortly and will ^ ggprigcp 2,^, pairs, almost new, box taking a vole Instructed .Manager Braden to tell _ . ___ start oiit on a wason iHvoklng, o|>ening at one roller skates for 2.150. Also double sided the rink otUcials that no final would be skated EARLE REYNOLDS LETTER, of tlie Indiana rinks. Irank \an has a couple electric sign with flasher word “Skating,” $100; unless hotli were allowed to skate, or have ; - of very g.KNl novelties winch w 11 U- greatly I Haaelton Bros, Grand Plano. 2100. appreciated in all rinks and should secure blm RIKK 216 Englewood Ats., Chicago, MIkkelson and Neul ‘SJt. . - vi.n i B«'autiful New Urleaus la now without a plenty of coiic'cutlve hooking. No compromise could be effected^, and aa Man- virtually without any Lind ager Hannon of the rink was absent, no rac athletic amusement pluee of any kind. Since BUY- Roller Skates—si LL was SKfieii. TITKI,. r>it. huruiug of the modern Coliseum there ov ir ••'■'■''"•'s. who have a skating act calW makes t'se NO DUST rink Bovir powder. The niemlters will all Journey to White City ^ jvur ago amt also the huruiug of the famous Blnklaml. are appearing on the Inter-state clr- I Floor Powder Co. Sandusky Okie. rink, where Mort Wolfe Is running a banaicap rink a few years previvais. It aeeina liiaC ' hi, ’ ’ meet. Becker. llenneasvT, Funk, Maegdefesae. ipat .‘liy ia doomed to t>e lost from the skatiuk ' Schwarta, Mlkkelaon, Koch, Hengst arc all world miicas some enterprisiug prouiotei cau a entered. .tart soiiiethlng going there. I'he city ia r.pe The latest addition to the ranks of the fm- a good roller riuk if managed like a high- dull is Clarence Hamilton, holder of all world’s class vaudeville theatre, 'Ibe population of records from one-half ml'e up to three mllea, ip,. fHy will stand for one or two society ^ ^ w who will represent the club with Fred Tyrrell skating clubs of u membership of l.UtKI escu In all professional meets. which should be able to have two nights a we-s ^ Hamilton with Tyrrell will make the strongest dt voted to the club skating exclusively. | I professional pair, and ghould break a few rec lake a promoter with four or nve th-maaud WInnIow'a Wtnalow's otda. . d'dlars cash euaiiug to New Urleaus, adver'lse RoHar SkatM lea SkatM Leo Conley, trainer, won the one-balf mile for club memlwrshii>. There would be a tnoii- are nausaally well ire noted focibclr ivlce race Oct. 21. FR.VNK KALTBCX. und claiiioriug to buy aeasou tickets right from tbe start. hicb grade ma. finished—ihey are THE BEST ICE AND ROLLER SKATES I terial and toprriorsuperior wor k m a ntbl p; RIVERVIEW RINK, MILWAUKEE, j Fred Uinnett, tbe Kugllsb skating rink pro- \ {!Irt mn' “*•" 5° }■'»*■* Standard skate has been the reliable and _ niot-rr who recently paid a visit to America, i lect. Winslow. It is made by the most skilled workmen, from “ \ , ! viriiiug -New York City and Atlantic City, re ; “ipeedy.” Bert the finest materials, in the largest skate plant in the •katrra will»iii barek,„ Rlvervlew Skating Palace, of Milwaukee, la i tumed to England and in an Interview with . world. All styles anod and plenty. .Mr. Uennett says the skating Oaboobll hrough the audience to a roar of i rink business la dead In America. But he laugtber' frmn beginning to end of this moat ^iidgi-d everything from the New York standard, comical stunt. In Introducing his black face Had jur English c-msin made a longer stay art In rakewalking etc., end finishing with | end taken a little trip across tbe cuotiacut. Henley Roller Skates bs buck and wing dancing, he brought a big , how differ nt wouid have been bis Tlewa of round of applause. .Mr. Fotch executes aome , America. He wouid have sevn svime skating I.ateit Model. Ball-Bearing Rink Skates. Used In majority of all Rinks. verv dimcHlt steps and taps in his dancing, rinks that would have opened hts eyes, he ^ Nickel-plated Steel, Ball-Bearing Club Skates, with Flbra. Steel Oonblaa- On the last two nights of the week Mr. Fotch would have seen music balls with star acta fton. Aluminum or Boxwood Rollers. was assisted l.v Miss Beatrice Southern, a local fr-.m top to bottom and a few skyscraperi that fancy skater who Is only nine years of age. I w^ .u'.l ha« e ma le him sit up. wonder aud think Henley Racing Skates Used and endoraed by speed skaters everywhere, and are alao dealrabls msAf Jw lodlvldual use. where tbe flneet and most complete skate In the market is dealred. ■elve sppreclatHn. exceptionally well. rf* I Two of the cleverest youngsters that I have POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Any apecd skater In America, who wlahea to | Foot-plate seen In many a day are Lillian and David Law- r»cr.e Freme, Nashville's finest skating season. rink win thr-'W open Its doors Monday night. Ovir 1000 In ast. November 1. Tliere will be five hundred l>ali» Max Fabisli. who is one of the best man¬ of Richardsiui's ball bearing, filler roller skates agers of vaudeville theatres In America, was Made In Three SIxea. for the public, and plenty of E™"* ’^"*1*',; nt one time the ebampiun skater of Berlin. Popular little Billy Bvrd.eaer * **' Uemiany, and la well posted on tbe fine ruUl By Roller Rinks, Amnsement Companies, Coo charge, ami U la safe to say that he will w skating. Manager Fa- tractors and Builders In tbe Cnlted b'tstes, Eng¬ that everyone has bla or her share of a g hlsb Ixaimed the Reynolds and IKmegan act at land and btlier countries. Will surface from • .Memphis last week to tbe sky after seeing their 6,(100 to 7.(aio s<|iiare feet of old or new flooring ~~ real novelty and the comvequeooe was hla bouse once over in eight hours. TVo or four times CHAMPION WALTER (LUCKY) •'<'* “ turn sway business the rest of tbe week. over flovr will make It ainootb and level. Ws LMAtVlKlun w«uic.n putting on new dance numbers give free tr'al of machine In American, England HAYES ISSUES CHALLENGE. every night. and oth'T countries. Send for our FREE TRIAL - ♦ PROPO.SITIOX. Walter Hayes, lietter known as Lucky Bayes, To A. B.—I do not know of any inch skat M. L. BCHLUETER, - . CHICAGO, ILL. of Bridgeport. Conn., now claims the Connect- Ing stunt as you mention in your letter. I 103 M. Canal 8t.; old Ho. 32 8. Canal Et. Icut state championship by defeating George have, hnwev.-r, seen what one would call plg- Bentx former state champion, at the Park City eon toe skating, but for club foot akatlng, the Rink,’ January 8, 100!). at Bridgeport, Conn, artist, 1 naturally would think, would have to He w'oiild like to hear from any of the fast east have a club-foot or be a cripple, using a club, cm skaters who are looking for a match. The team yd* wVng*m? rtnk'7rllft'! ■‘’ay’s (65-note) FlectHc Plano, One LvoR & Uealy Hand Or^an, one Wurlitzer Hayes is no newcomer In the Harp,some second-hand Hilliard and Pool Tables and suppIies,one 88-note In tbe pant he has met and defeated aome faat lork. Had o«r r.nrlUii coualn taken a jaunt up . fl%iiwfhrf» a i i ■ * * men, auch aa George MacCormack, BenU, Bow- Bmadwa.r a few blocke and a<-en how tbe Met. neiTJ'-W 00(1 1 laFlO. \\ ntC, U. U. SRTDER, USKIIOOSI, IOWI. « CHICAGO SKATES are RELIABLE . ^ Our new Model “I” Skate equipped with 2X in. red fiber wheels / is the best rink skate that has ever been manufactured. Its strength 1_ will withstand the combined weight of two men standing in the

      Write for catalog. Tells how to operate rinks. We cany a full line of rink Bup- VifAX plies. We are the largest manufacturers of rink and sidewalk skates in the West. ^ili^ CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO.. . 1123 Washington Blvd., CHICAGO. ILL. 21 OCTOBER 30, 1909. X ti e Billboard

      il, J«ck !■ IilnylntC his tlilr.l .-nKagemeDt \ ni.VM.r.S SMITH ritCKKSSlO.N'AL. j Oilllckson, first; NeuI and Oakes, second; Gar¬ SKATING RINK NOTES. ner and Angelica, third, covering four miles Mllvsiik^*- si'll ss.'s Ihs* will !>*• there, In a letter reielved from Charles Smith, for- i and four laps In the fifteen minutes. im iher (late In the near future. merly craek amateur of Ulvervlew Kink. Chicago Manager Ed. Baker, of Dreamlan.l anil iHiw skating In Milwaukee. WIs.. has ofienly Frecedlng the team race was a ladles one- •I* half mile pursuit race, between Miss Alva John¬ Park, Decatur, Ill., has made arrangements for ,,, nee Hamilton, the Worhl’s < ham;iion, ileclaisMl himself to lie a professional skater. ; son and Miss .Martha Frank. Roth girls were street car service to the park all winter. The :ik nt his hesiliiuarters In ('lilrsKo at pres .Mr. Smith states that he voluntarily turned ' skating rink and some other attractions will lie l.rofessional on October dth. at the the time attired In neat bloomers, and put up a very in¬ snl Is nettliiK In shape to ... all eom- teresting race, which brought the spectators to kei.t In oi)eratlon the year around. Kuslness In he aissMl akating game .hiring the eom- he raceil against Jack Kotch. an.l lost by a . Is said to be very gor.li6rht .skating Is the fascinating time when Fred Tyrrell was tin- star there, and craze at the Princess Rink, Spokane, Wash., FITZGERALD’S LETTER. now Is out fur dates and Is. us he states, in CARLSON AND MELZER WIN. and Is drawing large crowds. The music Is also ••oii.lltlon to give any of the pp.f. si eed mer¬ a feature at each session. e Following Letters From J. F. chants a good run for their money. The Auditorium Skating Rink at The one mile match race between Nip Melzer Wdsl'ipgton, Ind., opem-d October 14. for the Fitzgerald, Sizes Up The Skating I.AKEWOOI) FAUK KINK. jI of White City, and John McDonald, of Kiver- season, with large attendance. Byron Murphy Situation. The following letter has been received from vlew I'ark, was won by .Melzer In two straight and Fred Snyder, managers, have remodeled the the Ijikewuud I‘ark Kink: II beau. Time: 1!:S5 and 3:24. respectively. Fol- Interior of the hutldlng. - WATEKMAN ANSWEKS JOSEITl MDNCIl. Vincennes, lud., Oct. 17, I'JPO. , lowing the race was the one-mile handicap, run , In two beats and a final. The first beat was Kansas City, Mo., Oct. Ill, 11)00. Mr. Julian T. Fitzgerald, E. C. Thomas opened his skatiiig 1 was won by Carl Carlson; Ed. Schwartz. 2ud: Mr Julian T. Fltigeriild. Secretary W. S. A. rink at Manning, S. C., for the season, Octolier Frank Hennessi'y. 3rd; time: 3:29. The second l.'i. S»-cretary W. S. A., Chicago. 111. Dear Sir—In your last week In The Killhoard, I heat was won by II. Keeker; H. Decker, 2nd; Dear Sir—Knclose.l you will tlnd a letter from you stated that you would like to hear from I Charles Magdefessel, 3rd: time 3:27 15. The Mr J..H<'‘ph W. .Munch, of the KIvervlew Kink, at all rinks. Will say that our rink ois.iM.d to final was a grand race from start to finish, and Milwaukee. WIs., In answer to the notice that the public for the season of lOoO-lO on Friday NEXT OF KIN IN CHICAGO. , was won by Carl ('arisen, scratch: Henry Keck iraa i.rluteil In a recent Issm- of The Klllhoanl, evenln", Oct. 10. to a very large crowd. We ' er. scratch. 'Jnd; H. I>ecker, scratch, 3rd; time: • „ well as my answer and pro|s>sltlnn to Mr. gave carnations as favors. Our rink Is IT.'ixDO 3:20; Joe Marshall, referee. Charles Klein will have his annual innings. Munch and. as Mr. Munch's rink will reap all feet; seating, capacity, 500; (ks) pairs of rink ' by arrangement with Heney K. Harris, at the the benefit that will come from such a race, I skates; 'J.-g' pairs of private skates, anil we have Powers Theatre, Chicago, on December 8. feel sure that I am not assing anything that he a good. 171ap track, where we pull off some ' MANAGER GAGER’S MASQUE- At that time his latest play. The Next of Kin. can not acceded to. g.sxl races, and are all members of the Western I win be pro>liiced. ^ I herewith give you my iiermlsslon to publish Skating Association. Our rink la the ihake- i RADE. thls correspondence In The Klllboard anil will wood I'ark Kink. Yours truly. Insist that the W. S. A. assumes charge of the ; C. C. GObNEI.I.. Asst. .Mgr. j TO REPLACE MISS GLASER. cace. pn'vldlng Mr. Munch will ac^ed to my CALUov..vIA SKATERS WKITE. I F. W. Gager, who, by the way, is marag-T of 1 the Lakeside Rink. Dayton. ()., instead of Ar¬ Thanklnie you for your kind notlr<> In thl« Mr. E. Mooiv—Von have be**n tbo main spirit thur Clemens, as stated some time ago, is mak- Louise Di-esaer, wh."* la not so susceptible to week's Issue of The Killhoard regarding Sher- In roller skating on the coast In the past two I log arrangements for a graml inasiiuerade frosts and colds as Lulu Glaser, has tieen en man a* v^all as giving the link credit for all of seasons, but have beard nothing for a few I Halloween, which promises to be a gr-'at suc- gaged by the Shuberts to replace the latt-T Hamilton's records. I am, weeks. Wake up, and let us know what the I cess. Mr. Gag“r formerly conducted a rli.k at i temporarily at least. In The Girl From the S. WATERMAN, California skaters are doing. How about the I Mobile, Ala., and thoroughly understrnds the ' States. She is already In Philadelphia attend¬ .Manager Coliseum Rink. ' new state organlzatlonT I brslness. ing the rehearsals. TYRREIJ. ANSWERS SHERMAN’S CHAL¬ PLAN CITY LEAGUE. LENGE. Severs! of the former hocaey players of Pltts- ■Milwaukee, WIs., Oct. 19. 1909. I burg, DOW holding positions In Chicago, are bark Mr 8. Waterman, Mgr. Coliseum Rink, of s movement to form a city league for such Kansas City, Mo (Dutests. the games to be playeil In the new Ice Stw your challenge. In The Billboard, of Palace on the West Side, which Is expected to Midge Sherman against Fred Tyrrell, in which be opened to the public by Dee 1. Frank R. you say vou are willlug to send Sherman to Chi- Reynolds, formerly a forward on the Carnegie Professional Roller Skaters’ cigo to race Tyrrell. Milwaukee Is only a few "Tech” seven, and also a member of the Pitts- ’ miles further, so you can send him here. I am burg Athletic Club; Jack Earle, once captain ' willing to give Sherman a chance to race Tyrrell i of Carnegie ''Teeh" and also a member of the and will now wait for a reply from you at to i Pittsburg Athletic Club; D. F. Foley, one of the ' — ASSOCIATION — flntl arrangements for the races. Write me at ‘ same team, and Vic. Kaufman, who pla.ved on once regards to "Midge." the Lyceum team of Pittsburg, and all holding Organized to give greater prominence to bona fide Profeationei Skntera—those who Youra very truly. lioaitlons In Chicago, are real busy, getting to- j have e finished act to offer to Managers seeking Exhibition Skatere—and to promote JOSEPH W. MUNCH, gether bookey players for the several teams to ' Boiler Skating in general. Manager Rivervlew Skating Palace. be organized. With these veterans as a starter, I it is Intended to gatuer together some of the ' Address SECT EABLE BEYMOLDS, 1440 Broadway, N. T, City, oaio The BiUhoard. Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 21, 1909. old-time Canadian players now living In Chicago. ' Joe Munch, Esq., A general meeting will be cai.ed soon and, with ' Manager Rivervlew Skating Palace, the assistance of the Western Skating Assoola- I Milwaukee, Wla. tlon. several teams will be formed for Chicago. All the Stars of the Skating World Dear Sir—I am In receipt of your favor of the Itth Inat.. asking me to send my protege, JOHN MCDONALD WINS, ABE MEMBEBS OF THE OBOANIZATIOM, "Midge" Sherman,, to . Milwaukee,, ^ for a race with John McDonald, one of the smallest skaters In Mr. Fred Tyrrell, and relying to same, wish to Chicago, and who when In right shape, is tho that I am very to do this on the fol- hardest propoaltlon In the game to beat, won ►DONEGAN SISTERS V. M. FRANK lowing terms and condltlona. which. I am aure, jjjg preliminary heat In the series of two-mtla MAUDIP. AND UUEENIE THE NOVELTY SKATER 3^ win see are nothing that you can not ac- cup races at Ulvervlew Rink, on Saturday Booking In cooinnetion with the Duhedin Featuring 27-inch one-wheel cycle akatae la ;5i* « ou _ * m_M 1 - * night, October 16, and again repeated the feat Troupe, featuring Noveltr Acrobatic and addition to Up-to-date Fancy and Trick Spe- Sunday night. In the race Saturday night, I Eccentric Danrea on ballbearing rollera. Ad- cialtiee on rolfera. Fomlah own lithoe Some¬ of beat taro out of three, one*nilie races (dates Homav T)*g>irgkr ._. * %w_ dreaa James K I>onegan. Manager, Billboard, thing new in rinkdom. Addreaa 320 Eaat Waab- to be determined by you), for a purse of one nonaM in this «PriP« 1440 Broadway. New York City ington Street Indianapolia. Indiana. hundred dollars (»100), to be divided, either 60 ner cent to the winner and 40 per cent to the loser, or 75 per rent and 25 per cent, at yonr Hennesay and FRED ROMALO PROF. A. P. DEMERS option, or. rather, Tyrrell’s option, and a gold ' the tape In their respective order, | The man who skate, on bis bead on ball¬ Endorsed by ALL tbe LEADING RINK MAN- medal, aame to be called the ^Hddle West Cham- furuished a grand race In both events for bearing roller skatea, down an 18-ft. In¬ AGEB8 as tbe blgseet headline act which has plonablp Medal, you to pay Sherman's railroad the great crowd of spectators present, in the cline. Cnta Flgnre Eight on hla bead. ever played their riake. The artist WHO plays far* from Kansas City, Mo., to Milwaukee, time of 6:31. McDonald la now In prime return ongagemenu oontlnnally. Rink Man- Wla. I condition and la at the bead of the bunch of Tbe act that brings thousands to roller rinks. Addreea ROMALO, 1002 Middles St., a^re who want an abeolntely hl^-olsM attrao- The races are to be held under the sanction of , akkters who are trying hard to wreet hit laurels tion, write at once for open time. Address S19, Allegheny, Pa. the W S. A. Will suggest that you co-operate uway from him. as It was McDonald who car- I Oolumbua Avenue, Boston, Mass. arlth Mr. Fitzgerald in this matter, as 1 think ' rled off the last cup. The scare of the two BIO DOUBLE ATTBACnON It will be to the beat advantage of all concerned ' leaders now stands a* follows; McDonald in the THE FAMOUS If they will handle the rare meets from now on. lead, with 28 points; Becker, second, with 23 ; Awaiting your pleasure In replying, I am. ' points. j RECKLESS RECKLAW TAYLOR TWIN SISTERS Eccentric Sensational Cyclist. ours truly, ^ WATERMAN. THE FOLLOWING SKATERS WRITE, ! FANCY AND TRICK 8XATOBIAL See My Original Race. ARTISTS Manager Collaenm Rink. At our new hand book of rules will toon be ' FANNIE LEIOHT. Addr(>s« Tbe Billboard, 144D Broadway. , ready for publication, we would like to have SILVER LOVING CUP. That Real Skating Girl. Attraction fully New York City. 1 the following skaters tend iu their olnta will be declared lUh^ of ^he^ nf v dress 3247 E. 65tb St.. Cleveland, 0. the winner of the onp. Thla plan will be very ,nd .K^ ^ . J * ?fi: BERTHA DOUD MACK popular with the skater*. s.’ve;*l of whom bavi i hV.nche. JafiTn ’'“j* The original Anna Held premiers akate already set their mlml* on winning the cup. In i!l I skating. So don t dely aeni- PROF. CHAS. L. FRANKS dan<^■r, featuring bnrk and wing and all addltlnn to this cup. gold medals will be t?, , tbe dancing steps familiar to mnalcal And BABT LILLIAN, Aged 9. awarded the winners In each race that Is run Western Inlon Build-' comedy. Act original and up-to-date, bean- America's Celebrated Boiler Skaters during the *..rle*. The race la open to all '"*• Chicago. tifully (Mstumed. Home address 73 State The ict that plays return engagements Uatera In the city wbo are memher* of the iiOfKRV TPtu vriVAr-x-uo T*t-ir vremet* St., ^neca Falls, N. Y. Western Skating Association In goial standing. TEAM MANAGERS. TAKE NOTICE. (tnnUnually. "E>nougb saM!” Address ...r,.. . W . O. Bratton, of Pittsburg. Pa., writes that CHAS. L. FRANKS, care of Baltimore Superior Attraction— —Beftnad A«t IIOLIJ'IR SK.kTING MASQUERADE. If there la any room in Chicago for a good Skate Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md. Uaaager Mort G Wotf. of the White City hockey player, that .Mr. Gusa Koch, 8.303 Wll- MISS JESSIE DARLING Rlnk. has auiioiiiiced to the public that he will (hot atreef, Oakland, Pittsburg, Pa., will make EDWARD W. BASSETT PEERLESS SKATTNO ARTIST hold a roller skating niaa<)uerade at hi* rink • I'layer for some team. .Mr. Kock was M Saturday night. Oct. 23, which will long point on the Banker Team when they won the Amirics’e Oreatest Figure Ice Skater. Exhibition Includes Famous Cake Walk. be reniemliered bv those that are present on that championship at Pittsburg last .vear. He also Skating on real Ice on tbe stage. Now Address 21 Federal St., Providence, B. I., WBlng. He will donate fifty gaal prizes, and played on the Banker T»-am when they fln- pisying the Keith A Proctor Circuit. Add. or Tije Billboard, 1440 Broadway, N. T. O. Mort says they will be priaet that the winners ished second In the league. Mr. Rrittnn la one Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New York City. will not he asbainml to carry home. Mr. Wolf of the ex champion skaters, and knows a thing hustling kliHl that will make a or two about skaters. Sx>. get busy, managera, MISS GRACIE AYER rink that he has anything ’ jf you want a good all around player, JiCK 6. MeULLEN and MAY k. CARSOI QUEEN OF THE HIGH KOLLER8. to do wli.i He has arranged to pull oflT several PRESENT Featuring her Giant Skatea weighing 12 tba. with 6 in wheel#, doing tbe moat oifflcult atepa attra.llmi* this winter that w'll no doubt make MCDONALD AGAIN WINS, Their Gorgeonaly Artistic Scenic Novelty a tut with the patron* of the rink. known Spinning on heela. one toe and two toea« In the prellminsrv enp races held at Rlr- A SCENE FROM TOYLAND etc. Alao many noveltiea on the regular aiae FRANK SMITH JUIHIE OF RACE. ervlew Rink. Thiiraday evening, John Mcllonald akatea ia known aa the Girl Top playing Binka Ppzkni • I.-- K ti la I a a a « s. again Pnowoushowed In front, wwinning over Frank Wm. Morris Circuit. and Vaudeville. O. L. AYER. 140 Eugenia 8t., afc.Vi * " pltclHT to a .Itnliri* of a roller v>„i - hn Renma nr Chicago. ‘kallng race. Is the experience of Frank Smith. ..I",’ . and Christ. Driscoll, of the White Sox ball team. Manager MM. OO. miir. ..s.. n.*1, Mlckelson'‘i ' was dlsqualt- DAINTY GLADYS LAMB Er-ld. .’f S*tis' V.iicT‘itrnk“.’"had Mr. Smith as "r’ s'”". balance DARE DEVIL~LEWECK « InvlDsl g„..„ „ ,h.. races last Friday night. sksl'Ts rofused to skate the race. leaving THE JUVENILE WONDER miJk Is usually kept biiay In a hall game, kwp "''"'‘'ra “> »tate the raue alons. In Artistic and Graceful Fancy and Trick COMEDY SKATER lag Ir-- eve on the players who are liable to Skating, presenting many new, original Featuring marveloua and death-deMng FlfTEEN MINUTE TEAM RACE. •teal n base on him, Lit In- was kept real busy feats. Address RICHARDSON SKATE CO., backward leap over table and cbalrs. (ypen '""'"Uout slsxita of the skaters Manager Miles E. Fried, of the Sans Sonet 501 Welle Street. Chicago, HI. for rinks. Address ALFRED I’AINTHIB. on the fenrl.-en lap track, which la a little dlf- Rink, gave as one of the feature attractions of Rivervlew Rink, Milwaukee. ^n’nt fnun n r1lainon<1. At iny rate. ii»rthe ■aossonKnf»i»u vnt-one of theluv teamir»ui iKcrfiraces thatluai madeuiitti*? made gisMl and had the hearty support of thla rink popular last season. The following “ H. A. SIMMONS ' - ■ latnrs. starters lined up at the tape: Howard Beau- Grwat^wt living eiponent of tho art of Patin&ge CHAS. G. KIL^TMCK JACK FOTCH IN NOVICE Cl ASS mont. C. Gllllckson. Sans Soucl Rink; Ray- —Huporlor Artistic Trick anJ Figure Skating— THE FAMOUS KILPATRICK T n.11. _ . ' * L . niond Oaks and Frank Neul. unattached; Wra. Aatoniahing Stilt Skating—Marvelonn Skating ('yclist and Skater Extraordinary, In wca Rlni ’«st race, held at *^*’”‘'* Garner. A. Angelica. Sana Sonel: Ambrose oo toy w *gooa Theonly real h ANOY SKATIN<5 derful exhibitions of one-legged skating BlTRLl'lSQtTE performer. Managera will kind¬ and bicycling. Managers Rinks and Vaude¬ 'ha he W^n knewe’ Deiiiilng. White City: Richard Proc ly write early for b4X)king. Addrt»i« 73 Broad the Street. New York C'ity. ville write or wire for open time quirk. kn I' 1 .tT;"c,'',orin thr.‘'r.ce!’“'j.ck’‘w«'n“ 907 Schiller Bldg., Billboard. Chicago, III. by the novice akatera and from the atari Tl **Keaiimont''**Rlv*i^n 1° (UkH ‘a' of ti race was a whole ahow. wahhiing from T*" '* •'oaumont. Raymond (takes. A. oik> <’f the track to the other, ami making >* Grmlet* and Wm. The feature JACK FOTCH EARLE REYNOLDS It f the most langhahle events ever pulled »•"' f"''*’ •Pf'ntlng of German Comedian, Fancy and Speed off Is" rink. It wap not until aflor tho Uoaum**nr. Oakra am! Nenl. Proctor and expert roller ekater. Pretentlng tbe most wa AND NELLIE DONEGAN that tho akatora know that tlwy had (Jroilotr. who found tho paco too hot f»>r thorn, entertalnnig novelty comedy ect before b*H>V ho rttriipanj of • faat akator. UVM. It slroppiMl out of tho race. A. Uc'Oil. tho Whlto tbe public. Address. Billboard, Cincinnati, PREMIERE SKATERS AND DANCERS U \, •K now for Jack. Me would not l»o sat i waa diagnallflod tor foiillnic Ray- Ohio. lafl. PLAYING UNITED BOOKINO TIME wh- ' bo couldn't oojoj a Joko onco In a mond Oakra. which loft but three teama, which i finished In tho following order: Boaumont and 22 Xtic Eiilll>Ocii*cl OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      tun.ite In bMlnu only the widow and not their Fanny llrlee a|i|M‘arer the eliorua; In fact, a<>me of He ha« Iota of bright eonieily ami b< get, the the garmenia give evidence of lung aervlce. Girl Shows on Both Eastern and Western Wheels are Being la.at out of It. Aa a Ibileb eiinie.llan. Klelda I'iHitrary to llio iiaiial euatom, no olio war haa a de.bleilly dllTeriint eh.iraei.rir.allon than given lo>l»een the Brat and aerond act, the In the ordinary. Noiiilng grrttea.pie In hla make- letmUal'.n la-ing taken up by a ahowing of mo Royally Received - James H. Curtain’s Broadway Gaiety Intro¬ U|i. no kiKM'k alaiiil or alap »li. k nieiboila. and lion plrliirea. S|ieclalttea, however, were given he g.'fa ail hla lailgha legitimately. There la by aeveral nienila ra of the company during the duces a Group of Clever Performers—Reports from New York, only one failll to And with Kbdda and that la Mwwid art. rifi-renee to wbicb haa been mad* hla vob-e. He ran hardly be beard In tb* alaive. In adilllbin to tlieae. The Atlaa Quartal Chicago, Cincinnati and Philadelphia are More Encouraging. rear of any theatre. rang aeveral nunibera which received approval When H.Mirge H. Seanlan la on aa Itennia Mc- Faibl-n for the flrat few mlnutea one la likely NEW YORK BURLESQUE. to g.ain the linfirea.lon that he la a laior o|ipo- .*bler of auttlelent value to eniphaalae—a atrone «lte to Kbdda, but after Seanlan gefa properly BROADWAY GAIETY GIRLS. The Star and Harter Show, playing tbr atarted. tbia Idea dl»ap|ieara. It la true, bla Ibetne or plot. Ilia atory Is of enouch weleht biirleaipie hoiiae locateit In the heart of New to en.tble one to follow It ibrouKboui without mage-up niigbt lie |ni|irove,| up4tn, alao hla dla- York'a hnmea. Hiirtig A S.-amon'a Mu«1c Hall, (Wettern Wheel) People’s Theatre, leet, aa hla brogue la hardly that »f an Irlab- atralninir hia imaslnation. laat we.'k. lira left a pleaaing Iropreaalow tbera man. Seanlan. however, waxea warm aa the Cincinnati. Tlie «<-one of the Ora* act la laid at rolleee. aa a nierltnrloiia. and eapecitlly aa a clean allow progreaaea, and landa hla abare of lailgha. where I'red ami Nannie Schnilta. bmtber ao.l allow. Kite and Cady are popular coniedinna Tb» piirfy who wroto th<» priiemm dMcrlpfloo aNter. and Joale and Rddle MrPadden. Ilkewla# wmie Weaton playa Eddie McPadden. the well known In vaudeville aa well aa burlaauua of tbr (how pul on by Jan. II. Curtin'a Rmait- relateo aa the former couple, are atudebta. t>ed aon of l>eiiiila, a "atralght" part. He la un- rirclea. and they have a go.,d company. In ad way i;ali‘ly OIrla aa a "funny two an rom-ily," fi'lla In love nitli Jo-le, and ditto KdiHe with eoiivln< lng. and doea not injeet I he projier apirit dll Ion to the niimhem handled by Blew nnO Blasnl bla ituo-a. and by no amall iiiarelii Nannie. They Iweorae enKaiPnl. The faihera Info bla work. He reada hla llnea poorly, tear Fady Iniilvbliially, \|i,e He dale. Robert Killa •IlhtT. Kart l«. ihor^'a no oomnly at all. an.| of the roiina (a'liple, Heine Schmitt and Ib.nnia l-ig th.-m off In a hurried manner. He haa two and Henry I'lrla capably lead otbera. A de It'a no F\aKK>'ratt<>D to say that tht-rr am but Mrl'*ndden. iHilb rich men. are bitter bualneaa aongt whlrb (id aetrcely any applaiiae, al rideilly pleaaing Bnale to the Brat act la the on** or tno boariy lausha tbruugbout tba entire rivala, and the lovera Bud obatarlea in the lack thiaigh Weaton alone waan't to blame for their preaentatlon of grand opera aelectiona, Inrlnd performance. ing Hiintamen fh«rua, from Robemlao Ulrl; Sol Carletoii and Terre are credited—or rather dla- dier'r Cbonia and ballet, from Fauat. and the credited—with having furnlabed the hook for SAM MANOELL s<-xtcttc from l.ixia. The olio conalata of the the two acta, which lieara the denoiiilnatlona of (b-rni.in comeily act of Rice and Cady, tb* At Monaco and The Retreat of the l*lratea of M'hite City (Juarirtte, and a (Me-act comody Peiiaanre. •ketch. The Man from Italy, presented by It'a a •iee aaw of falinrea practically all tbr Murray l.lvingalon. Harry Tjler and Oladyt Cro way through—a couple of the miiaical numhera llua. Ihe entire olio Iwlng gi>o such material aa la now In use. ' principal comedian, was laat week'a attraetloi Frank Carlton la handling the role of Mike at Hie Elghib Awnne Theatre. Tha auecetw of Slattery. He Is one of the authors of the ma ' the show this week waa undoubtedly the lx>v» trrtal he Is dishing nut. Carlton wiaild make Th.v Nelghisir as Thyself, but Leave ilia Wtf* a capital Irishman with the proper material, . Alone number, lead by Sam Rice. Patti Camr.i but with—well, w'liat's the iiaeT scored^ strongly with Joe Morris’ Singing Bird" •A very ekcelleni voice Is a valuable adjunct In Flo Wagner la a lively and capable soubrett* Willard Terre’s repertoire of ability as a lln-a Hie olio Included Keeler and Burton, Patti Car plan, and be Is given no less than half a doseu ney and Carney and Wagner. ebsnees to prove It. Fhe handling of all hW ♦ songs was tif Hie Itrsl rwte onler. With Frank Thia Week’s bills at the local bunaes are Carltim. Terre occupl.ol the third |«ii-ltfoa in Bowery Theatre—.avenue Girla; Murray lilli the o'lo. doing a w'ngtng act C.irlt emit I Dsn Doty, the well known producer, enapbat from the -ahillence, hut to no avail, ^Imidy i Ically denlea Ihe atory that ha baa hecom* atlkrrer case i f talent handlcanpoil with wiirih connected with a certain mutic publlsWnf bouts less stuff. In the olio. Antrim, ssslsleil by ; or that he Inteuila to mtka a conr.-cMua wltk Yetla Ivters, did much better. Their niimlier I one. la a "conglomoratlon of vaudeville merriment'." ♦ so lays t'e program, snd consists of a dose oft American Music Hall, formerly Burt's Oper* bnr|.~Hl. the llsilnctlon Is hardly warranted. RID J. ECRGN’R. The forner does a singing act--the olio’s opening, hut It amounts to very little. Her ■ Oh. Ymi Woman! fr»>m tha pen of Ram A kipging la away off. Rcribner, 1* ihl* week (Octolier belag of Bllb-d hesvllT aa the extra ettraetlon arc ^ fered al Rid J Euson’a, The attraction coaalatr T^e Five Brown Broft.ers, a well koown van I of three parts; Lady Oodlva. a bodgs podge of dev'ile offering, recently over the big time uii- | Character comedian and producer, now with The Dainty Duchess, Eastern wheel. meloily. fun and frolic; Brainstorm, a fare* der the nonie of The Four Brown Brothers and comedy, full of laughs, and It Happeaed Here Doc Ke.ilcy. Tne tiroihera have Hieir familiar Where? There, a noisleil comedy In three old mnalcal act. with prsctlcslly no change*. : of pari-ntal consent. They do some II;He plan fslllng flat. In th* second art. however. In hi* scenes. In which Rsni RIdman ami Mike Mc There’s no disputing the fact that the playing nlng. and flnilly hit upon what they believe an *I>eclsity. he scores with lmi>er*onatlon* of (IKT Ibmald do the "funny tiling.” aaslated by a of Hie live hroihera Is all that could he de¬ excell,-nl sclieme to accomplish their puri»o-e. Oorilon and Perl William*. HI* reeliailon of large chorus. The olio of Jean Redial MHt 1 H’le English. Mias Malda Dupree. Wllllani sired. But there’s one thing In Ihe act Hut Heine Rcliinlla and liennls McFsdden. the two <:i»rdotT*s s|s*ei.h was a caidtal hit of w<»rk, and needs pr< mpt a»tentl-,n. ai.d that's ib* line of ills rcndlilon of I .\|Md"glxe *e<-ured him such a Maiisey. Eduard I.. .Nelson, Joseph Falardo, th* father*, arrive at colb-ge at the same time to f.nmouB Brlauxo Trio and others la strong. comedy they hand out. Tlic stuff ha* he,.,) visit their children. The young people con*plre hand that the auillence waa unwilling to let worked over tl ne ami again, end the boys with the College Widow' to mske iove with Hieir him go. + T J. Tuttle, manager for Mile. LaNeta, ’’Th» tbeniseives have been using It for St least a fathers. Sle does. Iloih men want to marry .n Ihe other "atralght” part. Eddie Hsrrl* Girl in Ri'd.'' Is In Chlcsgo, and report* a auc couple .f vears. so whj not get sometlilng newf her. The Widow mak'-a a provision that *he fapcil little better than Weston, altbougli hia It will lieneflt them. will msrr,v the man who spends all hi* money efforis were eonflned to a more limited part, eessfiil season, having closed at the .Arkansas State Fair with a banner week. Mr. Tuttle ei The chorus. pr,u bled wllh nlenfy of costume and cornea to her in-nnllest. A* I’rt.f. Runyon, at the ctdlege. during the peel* that Mile. LaNeta will work siit of fhl changes b».k« well, and works In a manner he flrsl act. R M. Knowles haa a vit.v light part, rsgo In biirleaiiup. and at present baa nagotia Bitting Us other aecomtiM«hments. Then the fun moves at a rapid pace. Schmitt toil In Ihe sc-oiid set. aa Hie Frenehman, hr 1* ttoii* under nay with that end In view. and McFsdden Irv everything Imsgln.vhie to boe oftencr on the stage, and his worth !• dla- their money. They go to Psris, where the scene THE COLLEGE GIRLS. fb-M-d. Knowles should tie given a great deal of Ihe second act Is laid. They gamble hut sllll more to do. for he’s capable. PHILADELPHIA BURLESQUE. they win. If they accidentally lose. Ihe game May Florlen l.lndon, who plays the Colleg* (Eastern Whc’sl) Standard Theatre, keeper reform* and return* their money. They Hsrry Hasting’* Big Show, which la the i*t it prove* a great Investment. Flnall.v, effiels The ’•p.inle*," who niimlH*- sight, ar* Another evidence of the prevailing tendency In de*(>ersHoii. they gamble all their money at mlrahly. I’os-isslng a very godlre enter the plare, the sfo-oml act. Ml** Chlldres gave luff specl.ilty, lesiiiie, which Is tiased on hapfienliiga of a title applh-d to the two art*. The responsibility the game keeper la arre*i,si, and Sehmit* and which eonslsldl of a couple ,>f songs. 'The flrat group of .Americana while touring Ia*OTsn. I* for authorship Nlongs to Edward P. Mi>ran. MeFadden get their money hiiek. To add to their niinitier was Sadie Rsinme. hut the second aong ahnwn a yaT#<| tli** slte—that which few writers of bnrletuin* coi- ( Widow. They then realise that they are far- ately. ‘ rr«1iitiin«*«> Mt tbr RIJ

      . t'nperlal Hurl>-wnn r» wli>ii i Ill tba (Jayaty. In a tiinofnl ponndy, Tba Man STENARO LEAVES ASSOCIATION. Slnra Mr. Rray's aixiimptlon of lamar In bit iit- 'l » twoac* ni.'l iiiifi-. I l-’rom Mayo. SbarliiK bonora «lib tba atar i- proBont rapirlty tba |«.llria» of tba ABBoolatlon Ini’H-rliU Abroad Wbllr Ih.- iallor pirl Kraiik 1., Wakotlidd. In bit* laiiKbtar ppivoklni: hiiva Nun Btaadlly sliapliiit 11 ani«olveB alway* |ir>icram waa tha main |M>rib>n. tha ar) j ■ oiw.nation of “Information KbI. ’ dawrlla-l on No Reason For Severing Relations Is niili tba bast lnlaia«n of lha biiainaBH In vl^w, , . I iprMal off tha p.onailv .mil nio-lml In'or ' lha bill aa a ibi|a‘ Hand, raoa track tool and a Given. and tba ronMimmatlon of platis all tandlne to . iin >f iba biirla»nia. A nomlMT "t farorllr* >'lao ifiiy. I'll. Manny aonrad a blit hit a- >-.V'tai..atiZi- Ita .iparnllon have proven tie.vmd m< l.and)*. at lha Troradi-r*' SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW. NOT SON OF ACTOR WHEELOCK. '111' \«anriallon t ho atatad that .Mr. Slaiiard n. tra. aa tba haadllnar of tba olio, wara tl.a lift bN aniploy on Tbni«dav. DrtolaT 21. Noth Va.kli'kl Uoyal Japaiioaa Troin»-. a doaan Jap ; ini; roi.rornlnif tba roaaona for the aovaraiiro In common with other pnbllratlonB. The 41,atra In tba art an-l Ih.-lr KiMrlalllaa Manaitor Harry Holmoa, of l>.intvKaa' Tboa of tbraa rolailona wia itivan out axrapt tho RlllboanI In Its Inst luBiia said that Jonapb will'll ara out of tba orillnara. tw-tli for daa|ii.t To. |■noblo. Col., |ta\a a ap.-alal nildnlirht m.tl inonllon that had Mr. Slonard IlK-d up to Iba Mbaolix’k. who raomtly dlinl at l‘iittar

      11 24 OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      Itnice*. Th** (Coiigrt-KS) I’ortluDil, Mf.; (!*«• Chasslno (Orpbeum) Spokane; (Orpbeum) Seat time) Knintwirk 10. tl™ 1 6. HiTn!rry (Bijou) Jackson, Mlcb.; (Ma- Jestlc) Kansas City 1-6. ment. Routes must reach The Billboard Saturday, to insure publication. Ji'stlc) Ann Arbor 16. Coleman, Billy (Keith's) Providence, R. I. The Billboard forwards mail to all professionals free of charge. Members of the profession Nov. 6. Cummings. Grace, A Co. (Family) Clinton, la are invited, while on the road, to have their mail addressed in care of Tbe Billboard, and it Beverly Sisters (Cnbjue) Eau Claire, Wla.; Clifford A Burke: N. Y. C.; Greenpolnt) Brook will be forwarded promptly, lKui|dre) Cblppewa Falls 16. lyn 1 16. ■- 1 Amann A Hartley (Oniheum) IJnia, O. Blair A Crystal (Bijou) l.awr«*iicevllle. 111., 25 Clayton. I'na, A Co. (Haymarket) Chicago; (Ma AlM-les, I'M win, A Co. (Keith’s) Phlla. Telegrams inquiring for routes not 27: (Vauilette) Olney 2X30. Jes'lcl Milwaukee 1-6. Blamphtn A Hehr (O. H.) Moncton. N. B., Can. Buckley A Anderson (Bijou) Pawtucket, II. I., Carroll. Bobby, A Lillian Brevoort (Majestlei given in these columns will be ignored Brooks. Franklin A. (Grand) Canal Dover, (). 16. K. St. I.outa, HI.; (Main St.) Peoria 1-6. unless answers are prepaid. Bingham, Russell ( (Academy) Suffolk, Va.; Barnes, T. Koy, A Bessie Crawford (Orpbeum) Curtis, Beta (Proctor's) Newark. N. J. Norfolk 16. Briaiklyn: (Cbas«-'s) Waabluittoii 1-6. ( riHich-RIchards Trio (Poll's) Sprlngdeld, Mass The names of Performers en route Bsrefleld. Musical (Olympia) Six Lakes. Mich. with amusement enterprises, and of Blaui|ibin A Hebr (Princess) So. FraminKbain, Creasy, Will M.. A Blanche Dayne (Orpbeum) Barnes A Edwins (Orpheum) Portsmouth, O., .Mass.; (O. 11.) Xawrence 16. Kansas City, Mo.; (Urpheum) lies Moines, la., Professionals giving their permanent 2.527; (Hippodrome) Huntington, W, Va., Batbln); Girls (Onibeuni) Minneapolis 1-6. 1-6. address, are not published in this list. 28 30; (Hippodrome) Charleston 1-6. Bmjner A Meretlltb Co. (Columbia) Brooklyn. Criwcy, Elate, A Co. (National) San Francisco Bowen, Jack (Bell) Oakland, Cal.; (Wigwam) Be.H-ber A Maye (l)rexel) Chicago; (Vaudette) Chip, Sam, A Mary Marble (Orpbeum) Brook¬ San Francisco 1-6. Woodstoc'k 1-6. lyn 1-6. Bloomquest, George (Orpheum) San Francisco; Byixin A l.angdon (American) Chicago. _ Cook A P,e]alr (Avenue) Elkins. W. Va. PERFORMERS’ DATES. (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal., 31-Not, 13. Beban. Geo. (Prix'tor'a 5th Ave.) N. V. C. Cunningham A Marlon (Orpbeum) Denver. Bellmontes. The (Majestic) Milwaukee. (When no date is given, Oct. 25-30 Blancke, Anne (American) N. Y. C. Crown Musical Duo (Howard) Boston; (Galetyi Blondell. kM.. A Co. (American) N. Y. C. Bangor. Me., 1-6. is to be supplied.) Barrows I.aneaster Co. (Colonial) N. Y. C. Ck. WiHtds (Family) Greenville. Mlcb., 16. Binns. Binns A BInns (Alhambra) N. Y. ('. Clifford, Dave B. IJvIngston. Mont. .kdclminn'a. Joa., Musical Enaemble (Apollo) Boganny Trnu|>e (Plaza) N. Y. C. Duaacldorf. Ger., Nov. 1-30. Clark's Monkey Comedians (Ori>beum) Memphis. Besnab A Miller (Plaza) N. Y. C. Tenn.; (On>beum) New Orleans 1-6. Alley A Thorne (Dixie) Atlanta. Os. Bradley’s Minstrel Quintette (Circle) N .Y. C. Amc’.a (Winter Garten) Berlin, Ger., Oct. 1- Carmos. The (Cook's) RiH'heater, N. T.; (A1 Barnett A Della Vanne (Clrvle) N. Y. C. bambra) N. Y. C., 16. Nov. 30. Barnes, Stuart (Columbia) Cincinnati. Curxon Sisters (Ontheum) Minneapolis. .kuatlna. Tossing (Orpheum) Lincoln. Neb.; Babb, Bessie (Unique) MlnneaiHilis. Cox. Ray (Hammerstein’a) N. Y, C. (Orpheum)Hirpneum) Dubuque,luiuuquc, la., 1-6.i-u. Bristol's Ponies (On>heuin) Newark, O. Chevalier. Albert. A Co. (Alhambra) N. Y. C. A Ba He’s Post Card (Lyric) Danvlllo, Biirkhardt, Chas., A Co. (Miles) Mlnneaisdis. Capitalne, Alcide (Alhambra) N. Y’. C. Ill.; (Main St.) Peoria 1-6. Cody A Lynn (New York Theatre) N. Y. C. t'ameron A (iaylord (American) Chicago. Anderaons, Fuur (Orpheum) Eau Claire, Wla.; Chadwick Trio (Main St.) Peoria, HI. Deloy’s Comedians (Orpheum) . Alta.. (I’nlquol Minnea|>ulls 1-6. Christy. Wayne (BlJou) Kenosha, Wla.; (Bi¬ Can. Alvin, Peter H. (O. H.) TltuBTllle. Pa. jou) Racine 1-6. DeMarlo, Harry: Amsterdam, HoHand, Dec. Arnold. Chas. S. (Smith Shows) Paducah, Ky. Conroy-Le.Malre A Co. (Orpbeum) St. Paul, IJan. 1. Adams A Alden (Orpheum) Butte; (Orpheum) (Orpbeum) Sioux City, la., 1-6. DeOnzo Bros. A I'rlday (Coliseum Dereneo) Lis Spokane 16. Christopher. Joe (Olympic) Grand Rapids. Mich.; bon. Portugal, Sept. 27-Nov. 6. 4cker A Acker: Brockton, Maas.; Ixiwcll 1-6. (RIJou) Saginaw 1-6. DeVeaux. Wells G. (I'antages) Seattle. Atwell, Helen (Bijou) Lorain O.. 25 27; (Ely¬ Coast A MacFarlane Co. (Gem) Waablngton C. Dougherty. Ralph (Hanlon's) San Francisco. ria) Elyria 28 30; (Princess) Youngstown 1-3; H., O., 25-27; (Gem) (..ancaater 28-30. Downey, Leslie T. (Crystal) Oconomowoc, Wls (Lyric) East Llverjiool 4-6. Caesar, Frantz, A Co. (New Majestic) East St. , DuMals, Arthur (RIJou) Oshkosh. Wls. Alpine Troupe (Coliseum) ludianapolla; (Majes¬ Louts, III.; (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala., 1-6. Dorothy, Gsvin (Orpbeum) Cleveland 1-6. tic) Paris. III., 1-6. Donovan A Arnold (Orpbeum) Memphis. Tenn.; .Alexander, Geo. B. (Bijou) Dubuque, la.; (Hay- (Orpbeum) New Orleans 1-6. market) cbicago 1-6. DeVIlbla, Great (O. H.) Punxsutawney, Pa.; .Arnold A Rickey (Star) Monesaen, Pa., 25-27; This blank is available for route data in case you have (O. H.) Cleardeld 16. (Star) Donors 28 30; (Lyric) Unlonlown 1- . DeWolf, Ward (Majestic) Ilouaton. Tex.; (Ma 8. Jestlc) Galveston 1-6. AllHne. Prince, A Co. (Stone A Shaw’s) Boston no route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application. Dunn, John, A Wllhelma Francis (Family) 25 Nov. 0. Sbamokin, Pa.; (Auditorium) York 1-6. Alpha Troupe (Hathaway’s) New Bedford. Deming, Arthur (Pantages') Pueblo, Ck>L; (Pan Maaa.; (Hathaway’s) Lowelll 1-6. tages’ St. Joseph Mo.. 1-6. Arch City Trio (Orpbeum) Portsmouth. O., 25- Dahl. Dorothy (Grand) Tacoma; (Grand) Port¬ 27; (Hippodrome) Huntington, W. Va., 28- Name land. Ore., 1-6. 80; (Hlp)>odrome) Cbarleston 1-6 Deveau. Hu^rt (Luna) .Akron, O.; (Bijou) Ix> Allor A Barrington: Monesaen, Pa. rain 1-6. Albene, Prince. AA Co. (Stone A Shaw’s) Boston Dale A Carreg (Luna) Port Arthur, Ont., Can.; (Olympic) Chicago 1-6. (Tbeatorlum) Ft. William 1-6. Armltage Slaters (Star) Tarentum, Pa. Week Theatre or Park Denlcke, Rudolph A Allle (Highland) Salem, O.; .AH’t, Haaaan Ben, .Arabs (Proctor’s 5th Are.) (Orpbeum) Cambridge 1-6. N. Y. C.; (Maryland) Baltimore 1-6. DeVIne, Mile. Klare (Majestic) Qalvestoa, Tex. Amea A Corbett (Bijou) Bayonne, N. J.; (Bi¬ Daum. George (New Murray) Richmond. Ind.; jou) New Brunswick 1-6. (Star) Muncle 1-6. American Dancers. Six (Orpheum) Slo»ix City, Dickinson, Richard (Orpheum) Savannah, Oa.; la.; (Orpbeum) Omaha 1-6. (Airdome) Chattanooga, Tenn., 1-6. Arkansas. Two (Columbia) Cincinnati; (Grand) DeFur. Chas.. A Lylllan Estes (Veudette) OI Indianapolis 1-6. ney, HI.. 25 27; (Bijou) Lawrencevllle 28 Auger's, <}eo.. Jack the Giant Killer Co. (Or¬ 30. pheum) Iienver. DeCoe, Harry (Poll’s SprlngScld. Mass.; (Po American Newslioya’ Quartette (Family) Clin¬ IPs) Scranton. Pa., 1-6. ton. la.; (Temple) Ft. Wayna, Ind., 1-6. Duncan. A. O. (Grand) PltUbnrg; (Keith’s) AvU A Grimm (State Fair) Dallas. Tex. Columbus, O., 1-16. Ahearn. Chaa., Troupe (Orpheum) New Or¬ Darmody (West End) Cniontown. Pa.; (Ar cade) Brownsville 1-6. leans. Austin A Sweet (People’s) Iowa City, la. I*«*fhrsla. Edward A Co. (Orpbeum) Rockford. Applebv. E. J. (Columbia) Brooklyn 25 27; Dolly Sisters (Keith’s) Columbus. O (YrkVllle) N. Y.C.. 28-30. Beecher A Maye (Wonderland) Chicago. I Cobnrn A Pearson (Idle Hour) Alliance, Neb. Devoy, Geo.. A Dayton Sisters (Family) Clin Albiirtua A Altiw (Orpheum) Denver; (Orph¬ Bovd, Kenneth J. (O. H.) Artesian, S. D., 25- Carter, Dora S. (Orpheum) Alliance, O. too, la.; (Garrick) Ottumwa 1-6. eum) Lincoln, Neb., 1-6. 27; (O. H.) Howard 28-30; (O. B.) Lake Columbians. Five (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Ma Dolllver A Rogers (I,ycenm) Minot, N. D. Adair A Dahn (Bllven’a) Westerly, B. 1. Preator 1-6. Jestic) Houston 1-6 Alvarado. S. (Electric) Coshocton. O., 25‘27; Baker, Sid, A Baby Ruth: Mt. Vernon, O.. 25- Cameron. Ella. A Co. (Jeffers’) -Saginaw, Mlcb.; DeMont. Robert. Trio (Poll’s) Worcester, Mass ; (Auditorium) Lynn 1-6. (Grand) Canal Dover 28 30. 27; Newark 28-30; ManMleld 1-3; Marlon 4- (Btjou) Flint 1-6. Clermont. Jean (Grand) Indianapolis; (Mary DeMllt. Gertrude, A Boys (Bijou) Battle Creek Allen, Leon A Bertie (Lyric) Robinson. Ill.; 6. Mich.; (RIJou) Jackson 1-6. (Majestic) Washington. Ind., 1-6. Boys In Blue (Orpbeum) Portland, Ore. Anderson) Louisville 31-Nov. 6. Aliel A Irwin (Majestic) Chicago. Bolus A Wilson' (Orpbeum) Savannah, Qa.; Caaad, DeVerne A Walters (Grand) St. Louis. DsmIey. Grsce (Grand) San Jose, Cal.; (Ixis (Airdome) Jacksonville, Fla., 1-6. Clarice, Ethel (Colonial) Lawrence, Mass. Angeles) Ix>s Angeles 1-6. Buck A Bo.Ter (O. H.) Boyne City. Mlcb. Campbell, Emerin A Aubrey Yates (Poll’s) ixmner, Doris (Majestic) Houston. Tex.; (Ma Bradley A Ward (Lyric) Grand Rapids, Mlcb. Worceiter. Maas. Jestlc) Galveston 1-6. JULIUS LAMM Bunch of Kids (National) Sao Francisco 1-20. (nito A Sylvester (Gaiety) Bangor, Me.; (Bi¬ Dawson A Booth (Orpheum) Cantoo, O. Birch, John (Orpheum) Butte, 30-Nov. 6. jou) Pawtucket, B. 1.. )-6. DeFays. Musical (Garrick) Burlington, la.. V> Bowers, Walters A Crooker (Poll’s) Bridgeport, Crane-FInlay Co. (Criterion) (Chicago; (Haymar¬ 27; (Garrick) Ottumwa 28-30. Conn.; (Poll’s) Scranton, Pa., 1-6. ket) Chicago 1-6. Dagwell, Natllle A Aurle (Proctor’s) Albsny, Blanchard’s Cbrlatroaa at HIggIna (Majestic) Cutting A Zulda (National) SteultenTllle. O., 25 N. Y.; (Grand) Syracuse 1-6. Dallas, Tex.; (Majestic) Houston 1-6. 27; (Victoria) Wheeling, W, Va., 28-30; (Or¬ Dupres. Fred (Poll's) Scranton. Pa.; (Poll’i*i Bateman. Tom (Grand) Denver. pbeum) Lima, O., 1-6. Wllkea Barre 1-6. Dlorea. Angela. A Co. (Orpheum) MlnneapolN. Booth Trio (Majestic) Houston. Tex.; (Majes- Cordns A Maud (Empire) San Francisco; (Pan (Orpheum) St. Paul 1-6. ttc) Galveston 1-6. (ages') Sacramento. Cal., 31-Not. 6. DeHollls A Vainra (RIJou) Decatur. III.; (Us Barnes, Reining A Co.; Cbirktsba, Okla. Conlay, Kelcey: Saginaw, Mlcb. lety) Sprlngffeld 16. Buchanan Dancing Four (Bijou) Flint, Mich.; Cisad Bros. (Crescent) Nashville. Tenn. O’Arc’s Marionettes: ftlapbam. Eng , 1 6. (Temple) Ft. Wayne. Ind., 1-6. Crouch. Rosa, A George Welch (Orpbeum) Salt Bebont Duo (West End) Duluth. Mtnn. ‘ Putney 8 13; Ealing 15 20; Poplar 22 27. Lake City, Utah, 1-6. Dazle (PoH’s) Worc<-*ter, Mass.; (Hammer Buckley’s Famous Dogs (Novelty) Stockton. Crawford, C'apt. Jack (Temple) Detroit, Mlcb.; Cal.; (Grand) Sacramento 1-6. • ateln’s) N. Y. C., 1 6. (Temple) Rochester, N. Y., 1-6. Drake Morgan Co. (Family) Pottsvllle, Pa.; (G Bsrry A Wolford (Keith’s) Phils.; (Colonial) Cross A Josephine (Greeniioint) Brooklyn 1-6. A. R.) Mt. Carmel 1-6. Norfolk, Va., 1-6. Cbantrell A Schuyler (Majestic) Rochester, Ps. Dunbars. Four Casting (Bennett’s) Ottawa Bush’s School Boys A Girls (Olympic) Grand Carletta (Orpbeum) Minneapolis; (Orpbeum) Rapids, Mich.; (Bijou) Saginaw 1-6. I Can.; (Bennett’s) Hamilton 16. St Paul 16. Daleys. The (Keith’s) Phlla. Big City Quartette (Orpheum) Loa Angelea 25 Cotton. Lolo (Jeffers’) liaginaw, Mich.; (Bl-- Dellaven A Sidney (Alhambra) N. Y, C. Nov. 6. J(Hi) Flint 1-6, Bootblack Quartette (Orpheum) San Francisco 1- Downes Sisters (Star) Sault Ste. Marie, Mich

      Brown,Harris A Brown (Orpheum) Omaha 31- Nov. 6. Barry. Tom, A Co. (Poll’s) Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; (Poll’s) New Haven, Conn., 1-6. THE LATEST MUSIC Br*.(1y A Mahoney (Shiibert) Utica, N, Y.; (I’oH’t) Bridgeport, Conn., 1-6. Butler Amy, A Co. (Shea’s) Toronto; (Proctor’s PLAYER AND ELECTRIC PIANOS 5tb Ave.) N. Y. C.. 1-6. Bindicv. Florence (Majestic) Des Moines, la. ON SPOOLS AND ENDLESS ROLLS Bella Italia lYoupe (I’antages’) . B. r.. Can.; (Pantages’) Tacoma 1-6. Bueklcv. Ixuilse. A Co. (Star) Donori, Pa.. 25- PRICEy 50 cts. to $1.50 Per Roll. 27: (Star) Monesaen 28 30; (Gem) Mononga- bel.a 1-3; (Star) Charleroi 4 6. Bovd A Allen (Orpheum) Tampa, Fla. 60 pieces, so new every month, tbat Barry, Edwina. Wm. Richards A Co. (Ckilumhla) The above Is an excellent likeness of Mr. Jnl- Cincinnati; (Mary Anderson) lymlsvllle 16. tbey are old by tbe time others produce lus l.amm, manager of tbe Palace Theatre. 1.543 Burns. BUly (Orpbeum) Portsmouth. O.; (Amer¬ Milwaukee avenue, Chicago. Mr. Lamm has ican) Cln'.lnnatt 1-6. ~ them. Send for Citalogues and Bulletles. been In the fllm business for a number of Bedds, Aerial (Hart's) Phlla.; (O. II.) Cheater years, and Is known by nearly every exhibitor Nov. 1-6. In the city. At the present time Mr. Lamm Is Benedtet. I,ew (Lyric) East I.lverpool, O.. 25- UMITEO STATES \4IJSIC CO.. reprerentative of the Phoenix Film Co., In ad¬ 27; (Prlneess) Yraingstown 28-36; (Orpbeum) Largest Makar* la tiia WorM. dition to le-lng m.'(nager of the theatre named Sidney 1-3: (O. H.) Greenville 4 6. 1030-4S N. Western Ave., CffICAOO. U. S. A. shove. Bland A Jones (Msjestic) Charleston, W. Va. )CTOBER 30, 1909. Xtie Billboard 25

      >1: J ItiTnnnl ([■••oplc’ii) Angi-li'ii, Cal. Foster A I'osti-r (Pinza i N. \. Hofmann A D F'lclds, \\ . (’. (.Mhnuiitrn Hearn A Rutter (.Majcsilci Jl*-y (Calfty) ItHiiKor. M*' . (.Miixlc Fidfiler ,V Shelton iCohjinida) ('itn-innati Holiaon A lb- Ijind (.Majcjsticl Johnstown, Pa. In the .-notion picture business, you’ve got i| !.•'»IkIuii I )>. Klelils A In-wls (,\))i<'ricu)i) N. Y. ('. Hanlon A Clifton lllazai N. V. C. to ktart oa a business basis Ix-fore you can 111.-, /.••Ilia U'laza) ('ll•v^laIl^7: (<»l) (En)pire) Sprlngfleld. III. Hamilton A Noyes (Waterloo) WaterUsi, la. give your patrons the pleasure they expect when iiili'ii, <>.. -M*; tljiiralu St.l Cli-vvlniKl 13; Gu.vit. (,'has., A Co. (Empire) Jolianni-xliurg. 3. Hill A .bylyiany iL'niip)e) .Minneapolis. they come to your show. l.iii-l Clcvclaiid •!•'>. Africa. Nov. 1 Dec. 'J5. Hoey A I>s- (i roctor's .5th Aye.) N. Y. C. Y'ou’re not starting on a business basis when Ill \ CalKi- (.Arrailii) t'oiiiK-llhvlIli', I’a., 3.‘S- Gnriie))cr. (;*-))rgli, A (',). (OrnPeum) Canton. O.: innes A Ryan (Star) Chicago. you install an inferior machine which project! lO. II. I .Si'ottilHlf 'JS :tii. (National) Sleiil.t-nvllli- 1 3- (Victoria) Wheel Italia (Star) Chicago; (Lyric) Terre Haute, ■ shaky pictures, stops, keeps your audience wait¬ KiI'im H. .XlayiiK'. Cii.; l>i'l|ilHiit. O Ing, W. Va , 4 6 Ind., 1 6. I ing and uses up a big proportion of your In¬ .V Karruvv (lll|i|Hi Ilai»llto)i. Can.; Pa., 16. 1 KiO'SN' \ lirtiiii (.MIIi-hi Mliiiii'a|«iIlH. (Bennett’S) otlawa 1 6. Italian Trio (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Alhambra) ; \ .li-, Katlilyii (.MIIi'HI .Mliiin-aiMillH. Gllden .Sister,, Thr<-e (Gem) Bangor, Me. N. Y. 16 . ! THE EDISON Ilu .V KIIwinmI (I’riM tor'* .Mil Avi-.i N V. C. I (!rom Sisters (Klno lrome) T.amiia, F'la. liii|e-rlal Duo; Groton, N. Y., 27 28; Dryden i • rl. I.ola l.«-a. 1 o. (Tlii'HtiH-liini) Iluntavllle, j Gilroy. Haynes A Montgotnery (GarrUki Bur- •2!)-:t(). ! \la. I lington. I.a.; (orplieiiu)) Champaign. 111.. 16. Julian A Dyer (National) Hayana. Cuba. Indef. ' -'I. I’aiil (I’aliiil l.iiaTi’nworlh. Kan. I Go)iM, Wm. (Granil) Intlianapolis; (Columltla) Jones A Deely (Colonial) N. Y. C., 1 6. 'Marla. MarKlc \ C. KIwyn (Kamlly) Rflle- I Clnclnns.tl 1-6. .lurdfer Trio (Orpheum) .Alliance, O. ,i„ II KINETOSCOPE Johnson A Carlisle (Grand) Muskogee, Okla.; Va.; i Grannon. Ha (Grand) Indianapolis; (Coli'm'da) Kmimii'II Jt I.««iT (llljoul I’arki-raliurg. \V I Clnclnntti 1 (’,. (lyric) Junction City. Kan.. 1-3; (Lyric) is the machine which puts your show on a 1 ,-'iiiii Klfcliia 1 0. ! Gordon A .Marx (Orpheum) Omaha; (Orpheum) Concordia 4 6. business basis from the start. The pictures KM«aril*'i'. Ktlii'lyiir. A Ooll Woal Clannilnn Kansas City 1 Tohnson. MaDclle A Mike (Haymarket) Chi are steady and clear—easy on the eyes. None .Mtiri ('liarlnlto, N. C. Gullfoyle A Charlton (I.yrlc) E )st Liverpool, O.. cago 1 6. of the stops and jerks so common in the ordi¬ K'lna ll.alnly lliilli: Oli’an, N. Y.. 2.’I Nov. 1.3. 2,5 27; (Princess) Youngstown 2S 3('). Jones, Williams A- Co. (Majestic) Detroit; nary maohiue. .And further, the Edison needs KitwariU & Itayiiian (Start IMxon, III., 25 27; Gabriel. Khl, A ( o. (Lyric) Dayton, O.; (Hip¬ (Family) Lansirre 1-6. fewest repairs and will outlast any other mo¬ 1 Kamlly I SlfrlliiK 2S 30. podrome) CleveLand 1 6. Jones A M.nyo ())ri>heiim) St. Paul; (Orphenm) tion pl?tures machine made. Ei-llji < ( onii'ily Koiir (Slmtu'rt) New Orli-ana. ■ Greno. Jacp)ie (Pantages’) .^-tattle. ( Minneapolis 16. The FMlson Kinetoscope is the machine that K.tnarila'. (ilia. Koiintry Klila, Dave llarnwlti. Girdoller’s Dogs (Bilou) Duhii |<|ue, la ; (Fam Johnson Brothers A Johnson (Bell) Newport keeps tile same crowil coming to your show nittr. (Ciaik'ai UocliestiT, N. V.; (Trent) lly) Davenport 1 6. News. Va.; (.Ma.Jestlc) Norfolk 1-6. niglit after night, and that's the crowd that Trenton. .N. J., I S. Goldspiltl) A Hoppe (Metropolitan! Oklahoma .loers. Two: Denver. establishes yotir business basis. Write to-day Ehreti.lall llroa * IMitton (I.yriol Ft. Wayne. City, Okla. Johnstons, .Musloal (Orpheum) Omaha; (Majes¬ for li'Miklet, giving full details, and a copy of Iii'l.. (MaliHtli'i MaillHoii. Wl».. 16. Gath, Karl A Erma (.Alrdome) Chattanooga, tic) Di'sMolnes, la., 1-6. the FTdison Kinetogram. Eaeel, ^ Franks (Caalno) Montreal. Tenn.: (Orphenm) S.avannah. Ga., 16. Johnson. Honey (O. H.) TiDisvllle, Pa.; (O. Eilwanla'. (ins. .Mklit Itlnla (l*i>li'sl Hrt'lK0|)ort. Grimm A Sntchell (Elk’S) ,lonesboro. Ark.; (.Ma¬ H.) Franklin 1 6, 1 ('■.nil,: (l*.>IKai SprlnKflelil, .Maaa.. 16. jestic) IMne Bluff I 6 Jacohs A- Sardcl (Lyric) Dayton. O. Ellswerth. Kiiitene, & IMna Karlle I.lnilon (Lyr- Gardner A Vincent (Poli’s) Scranton, Pa. Jerome A- I>eroy (Majestic) Woodward. Okla. In Ft. Wayne, Iml.; (llayinarket) ChicaKO Glilingwater, Clauiie. A Co. (Orpheum) New Jenniers. The (Grand) LltchHeld. Ill., 25 27; : EDISON FILMS 1 6 Orleans; (Mary .Amh-rson) Louisville 1 6. (Electric) .Staunton 2S-3(). Erer-tf Caynell (Maleatlo) Topi'ka, Kan. : Guy’s, .Arthur, Novelty Minstrels: Steubenville, Jackson. Isals-I C.. A Co. (I’rlncess) Cleveland; I Eliti'ii A Clifton (Kljim) latn'IiiK. .Mich.; (Hl- Releases of November 2 and 5. ‘ O.; Mt. Vernon 1 6, (I’rincess) Youngstown 1-6. loiil Saelnaw 1-6. RELEASED NOVEMBER 2. Gruber’s, Msx, .Anlmsls (Poll’s) Hartforil. Kaufman. Rcba A Inez (Meliint) Hanover. I El Cotii (( olonlali Norfolk. Va.; (Orplieuini Conn.; (Poll’s) Springlield. Mass., 16. Ger., Nov. 1-15; (Central) Magdet'urg 16- ! No. 6538—COMEDY AND TRAGEDY. Code, .Atlanta, (la., 16. Gullbert. Yvette (orpheum) Brooklyn. 3f). I VERTHAUEN. App. Length, 975 ft. Ernesta, ilreat (I'olFal Wllkea Ilarre. I’a.; (I’o- ■ Girls from Melod.v Lane (Majcsfle) ('hicago. Junius A Cutting (Red .MUD Hamilton. Can. I IFn New llaren. Conn., 16. ‘ Glhson Girls’ Review (Shea's) Buffalo. .lundts. I,es (Maiestic) Butte 16. Eilily A Talliiian (Temple) South Omaha, Neb., RELEASED N057EMBER 6. Glll)ert, Harry B. (Bijou) Pawtucket. R. I. Kratons, The (Palace) lyondon, Eng., Not, 1- , 24‘27; itiayl llaatInKa 2S 30. Dec. 11. No. 6539—A DUEL IN MID-AIR. Code, TER Gordon A Pickens Co. (Keith’s) Boiton. Eralniter. Matielle (.Majeatiri Little Rock, Ark.; TRFHBFJN. App. la-ngth, 756 ft. Grsnt. Alf. (Poll's) Brhlgeiiort. ('fmn. Kollins Kllfton (Majestic) Detroit. (Maleaticl Ft. Worth. Tea.. 16. Gray A Gray (Premier) Phila., ‘2.5 27; (Dreau) Kenney, McGahan A Platt (Colonial) Nor¬ No. 6540—BILL, "raE BILLPOSTER. Code. Emmett. Oracle. A Co. (Trent) Trenton, N. J. ! land) Coatesyllle 28-30. folk. 5'a.; (Orphenm) Harrisburg 1-6. VERl'REKJES. App. Length, 260 ft. Eilwarila. Tom (Shea’s i ItufTalo. ' Greatrex, Helene (Family) Erie, Pa., 16. KsitpII. the M.agiclan (Lyric) Joplin. Mo. EckhofT A Oonlon (Itennett'ai Ottawa, Can. : Gray A Graham (Gaiety) .Milwankis-; (.Alham , Kenner A Hollis (Salem) Salem, Mass. E*i>e. la-onanl JL Louie tl’rlnci>aa) Wichita, bra) Chicago 1-6. I Keigley. Great (Tola) Chicago. Releases of November 9 and 12. Kin. I Gray. Ed. (American) N. Y. C. ' Krsmo Bros. (Crystnli Manitowoc, WIs., 2.5- RELEASED NOJTEMBER 9. Ewiiii;. Charlie (O. II.) Quitman. Oo. 27: (Bi.lou) .Appleton 28.30. Gardner, Happy Jack (Majestic) Johnstown, No. 6541—A BRIDE AND GROOM’S VISIT TO Elilrlilire. the Oreat (llainiueratetu'a) N. Y. C. I Pa. Knmplln A Bell (Gem) Rocky Mount. N. C.; THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL GARDENA Eltimte, Julian (I’lazal N. Y. C. Halperln. Nnn (Majestic) El Paso. Tex. (Surprise) .Alexandria, Va.,’t-6. Eren-tt. Oayuell (Crystal) Trinidad, Colo.; (Not Kohler A .Ailams (Princess) Potfstown. Pa. Educational and comedy. Code, VERTRF^K Harmonious Four (Gem) St. Louis. t’L’R. App. La-ngtb, ft. eltyl To|ieka, Kaua., 16. Illlinnn A- Roberts (Bijou) Saginaw, Mich.; Knight Brrm. A Sawtelle (Majestic) Milwaukee. Fenton. Billy (Stan Charlotte, Va. , (Bilou, Bay City 1 6. Kennella (O. H.) Artesian. S. D.. 25 27; (O. rielillna. .Albert (Fairyland) Montreal. ; H-)Trls A Nelson (Princess) Cleveland. O. H.) Howard 2S-.30: (O. H.) Lake Preston 1-6. RELEASED NOVEMBER 18. Piemen A Suratt (Oemi Flint, Mich. , Herrmann. .Aiielalde. A Co. (Proctor’s) Newark. Keatons. Three (Proctor’s) Newark. N. J. No. 6542—HIS MASTERPIECE. Dramatic. Fieri. Mlldre.1 (N. Y. HlppiHlrorae) N. T. C. ' N. J.: (Prortor's) .Albany 16. Kennedy A Lee (National) Steubenvine, 0. Code, VERULAE. App. Length, 545 ft. Fonda. Mabelle. Troupe (Apollo) Duiseldorf, I Ilazzsnl. Lynne A Bonnie (Lyceum) Calgary, K’eln Family (Orphenm) Lincoln. Neb.; (Or¬ No. 6543—A MAN ’WITH THREE WIVES. (ler., Nov. 115. phenm) Kansas City 1-6. ! Can.; (Fun-ka) I.ethlirldge 16 Comedy. Code, VERL'LAMB-S. App. Length. Pram. Edythe A Sl(t. (Family) Hazleton, Pa.; Hart Woodley (Parmcle) Platfsmoutb. N'eb. Klindt Bros. (Star) Chicago; (Criterion) Chi¬ (1'roclor‘a Fifth Are.) N. T. C., 1-6. 440 ft. ! Hornlierger iWhy Not) Gn-enfleld Ind. 25-27; cago 16. Forh.'i. Harold, A .Annie Bowman (Lyric) Day- I (Miijestlc) Paris. Ill.. 28.30 Kelly A Kent (Orphenm) Portland. Ore. ton. O ; (Keith'ai Columhua 1 6. 1 Hoimen Bros (.Amerlean) Chicago. Kenns Chss. (Msr.v Anderson) Louisyille; (Or¬ Perry. Dexter (Maryland) Baltimore, : Holman. Harry (BIJou) Memphis, Tenn.; (BI- phenm) EyansTlIle, Ind., 1-6. poster A Vlll.'rrenl (.Alamo) Birmlnitham. Ala. I Joii) Chattanooga. Tenn.. 1 6 Karp. Ross (Proctor's .5th Atp.) N. Y. C. FItrzzIMion McCoy Trio (Keith’s) Prorldence, Edison Hlanufactyring Company j HsTwllton. Frank (Majestic) Charleston. S. C. Kramer. .Annie A Maude (Empire) South Shlelda. R I.: (HudsonI Cnlon Hill. N. J., 16. Main Office and Factory; 71 LoJkeaide ATennt. I Hermsny’s Airship Cats A D')gs (Temple) De- Fine.. 1-6: (E)nplre) Su"derland 8-13; (Em¬ •Ynao Trio: Oalveston, Tex. Orange, New Jeraey. I troll; (Cook's) lloche-ter. N. Y.. 1-6. pire) Belfast, Ireland 22 27; (Empire) Dub¬ Festell A Emmett lO. II. I River Point, R. 1.; lin 28 Dec. 4. I Il.srrigan. J.imcs (Majestic) Chicago; (Columbia) New York Office: 10 Fifth Avenue. (iirpheiimi Keadlnit, Mass., 16. Ksllnowskl Pros. (Star) Chicago. St. I.onls 1 6. Chicago Office; 90 Wahaah Avenue. Fills. Billy .A. (Mary .Anderson) LonIsTllle. • Hughes M)isi,-al Co. (Orplicun)) .Sioux City, la.; Ksnn. Billy; Ih'troit, French. Great Henri (Greenpoint) Brooklyn, N. Kelso A- Sidnc.T (Gaiety) Indianapolis. Office for United Kingdom; Ediaon Worka, Vic¬ I (Orpheum) St. Paul 1-6. toria Road, Willeaden, London, N, W,, Eng. V. I Hoey A- Walters (Proctor’s) Troy. N. Y.: (Dock Fveltey A Catlln (5’arletles) Terre Haute, Ind. Fate. I^-Izh F. Till war, mir.; South Bend, sfadcr’s) Wilmington. Del.. 16. Klllion A Moore: Portland. Ore. SELLING AGENTS—P. L. Watera. 41 E. 21at Ind. ; Hawley, F'r“deric. A Co. (Maryland) Baltimore; Kr's Krlngle’s Dream (CoInmhIa) St. Ixnils. St., New York; George Breck, 70 Turk St., Pleldnc A Carlos: Jacksonville, Fla.; Tampa, (Orpheum) Prookl.rn 1-6. Kranjor A Benedict (Majestic) Chicago 1-6 San Francisco, Cal. Kohler Trio (Plaza) N. Y. C. 16 Hastings A Wilson (Shea's) Buffalo; (Shea’s) DE,YLEnS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. Kiltie Duo (1 )rclc) N, 5'. C. Pellv A Barry (Columbia) St. Louis; (Ma¬ Toronto 1 6. Keane A Briscoe (Keith’s) Phlladeluhla. jestic) Milwaukee 1-6. Hstfleld. Fannie. A Co. (P.istime) Lewiston. I.swrenop. Walker (Alrln) Mansfleld. O. Free Setters’ (Quartette (Fnlque) Des Moines, IN . ‘2.5'27; (O. H.) Huntingdon 28.30. I-cD^t. Frank (.Alhambra) London. Eng., Not. la : (Elite) Rock Island, III., 13; (Elite) j Herron. Bertie (Poll's) Now llaren. Conn.; Davenport. la., 4-6. (roll's) Bridgeport 1-6. THE CAMERONS Lemuels. May (Imperial) Tampa. Fla. P"0, I.,ee Tung (New- Orpheuro) New London, ' HIHyers. Three (I.nhin’s) Richmond. Va. Con. I-cwis. Fannie A Edward S. (Coliseum Garden) Are the only people ontalde of New York that Henry A I.lz<-1 (Colonial) Norfolk. A'a.; (Trent) Cleveland. Forbes A Bowman (Lyric) Dayton, O.; (Keith's) Trenton, N. J.. 1-6. BUY. SELL AND RENT foluinbus 16. I.oulse. Mile. (N. 5'. Hippodrome) N. Y. C. Hef'gc. .lohn. A Wrestling Ponies (Empire) Cal¬ Faust. Victor (Majestic) .Ann Arbor, Mich. Lester. Nina (Bijou) Lebanon. N. 11.; (Pavil¬ THEATRICAL WARDROBE gary Can.. 4 30 ion) Rarre. Vt.. 1 6, Frary. Julia (Majestic) Des Moines. la.; (Or- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ho,-y A Mozar (Washington) Spokane; (Majes¬ ; Lafavottes. Two (A’andette) Mt. Pleasant, pheumi Kansas City 16. tic) Scittle 1 6 Foster. Geo. A. (BIJot)) Woonsocket. R. I. Atich.. 25-27’ (5'audetfe) .Ainu 28 30 Igidles and Gentlemen’a One clothing for atreat Hardrs, The (F-tmlly) Clinton. la.; (Bljnu) and evening wear. Dreaa Suita, Prince Alberta. Fraree. .Mile. (Gem) Lancaster. O.. 25-27; Leonora. LaPcIIe (S’enic Temple) Wllllmantle, Duhu'iue 16 F>enlng Dreages, etc. Grease Paints and Maks (Gem) Wsblnitton C. H.. 2S-.30; (Orpheum) Conn. Hallc" A- Hayes (Bennett's) Hamilton. Can.; Up materials of all kin-la. Wlga, Jewelry. Cinton 16. La Adells (Idle Hour) Grand Rapids. MIcb.; (Shea's) Pnffilo 1 6 Scenery, Props, Specialties, Soubrette Dreasas. Flint. DoiiKlas .A.. A C o. (Hathaway’s) New (Temple) South Bend 16. Henry A Wilson (Richardson's) Oswego. N. T.; Character Stuff of every Imaginable kind. Bedforil. Mass. I.aflrlr A West (T.yrlc) CoIHngwood. Ont., Can. (Savoy) Syr.icuse 1 6. Lane A O’Donnell (Poll's) Hew Haven, Conn. We can't be beat on pi ices. Fisher A Fisher iBlJou) Pawtneket. R. 1. . Harris A Peck (Grand) Hamilton. O. Fernandez May Duo (Folly) Oklahoma City. Ok- I.oretfe Afme. (.American) Chicago, H*i*-ls A Kol)ln«on (National) S.nn Francisco 1- ' TicVards, The (Star) Peterboro. Ont., Can. S. R. CAMERON & CO., la.; (.Majestic) Shawnee 1-6. 13. Finney. .Maud A Gladys (Bennett's) Montreal; I-eagne. Archie. A Frieda E. Heid (Elvrla) Howard. Bert: Wheeling. W. Va.; (.American) 3447 So. State Street, Chicago, Die. (Colonial) N. Y. C.. 16. Fivria. O . 2.5 27; (Bilou) Lorain 28 .30. Tel. Diiuglaa 1946. Cot ont thle Ad, eave It. Fidettes of Boston (Proctor’s) Newark, N. J.; Clnclnnat) ) 6. T-aToii-s The (Majestic) Cedar Raplils, la.; Horton A- I.aTri'ka (Keith's) Cleveland: (Grand) No catalogues. No inquiries answered unless yon (Poll’s) Scranton. Pa., 1-6. (Pnlii'ie) Webster 1-6. Svr.icuse, N Y., 16. state what’s wanted, and enclose stamp. Force. Frederick. A Mildred Williams (Poll's) I.aPelle. Hiirrv (Dreamland) Traverse City, Hanvev A Bavlles (Maieetlc) Little Rock. Ark.; BH Izeiiort. f^mn.; (Poll's) Worcester, Mass.. Mich; (Vsndevllle) Elks’ Ranids 16. (Majestic) Ft Worth. Tex.. 1 6, iJtMont A Mllham (Orphenm) Savannah. Ga.; Hy.ams A McIntyre (Orpheum) Denver. Fredo, Georite (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Clirk’s) Jacksonville, Fla.. 16. i BAND MASTERS, (Majestic) Dallas 16. HHI A Whit.iker (Empire) Newport. Eng., S- , I,eo. .Arthur (Ornheum) Fostoria, O.; (Gaiety) Fuller’s. Fred IL. Juvenile Minstrels (Orpheum) 13; (Empire) Cardiff 15 20: (Emotr,’) Swan Indianapolis 1-6. Canton. O. sea 22 27- (Empire) Birmingham 20 Dec. 4. Lsmh. Dorothv, A Co. (Pantages’) St. Joseph. i ORCHESTRA Frevoll. Fred (Star) Elifln. III.. 2,5 27; (Star) Houston. Fritz Ryan. A Nine Napanees: Shaw, Mo. Aurora 2S .’K). nee. Okla.; (Gaiety) South Chicago 1-6. I,Inton. Tom. A Jnngle Girls (Washington) Spo- Follette. Elsie. A Jack Wicks (Criterion) Chi- Hamil"s. The (Orpheum) New Orleans: (I.yrlc) ksne; (Majestic) Seattle 16. DIRECTORS cazo; (Star) Chicaito 1-6. Mob'le. Ala., 1 6. I.sA’lne A Charlan (Gayi Hastings. Neb., 2.5- Hite Mabel A Mike Dimtin (fWonlal) N. Y. 27; (Michelaon) Grand Island 28 .30; (Crystal) AND MANAGERS Faye. Miller A Weston (New Grand) Evansville, C.; (Grand) Pittsburg 1 6 -Alliance 1-6. Ind., (Grand) Indianapolis 1-6. Howard A Colllnson Trio (Proctor’s) Albany. I.eonard. Eddie, A Mab*d Russell (.AIhan)bTa) Write Now to the Flkher. Mr. A Mrs Perkins (Orpheum) Allen¬ N. Y ; (Poll’s) AA’llk.-s Barrc. Pa.. 16 town. Pa.; (Keith'S) rtlca. N. Y., 16. N. Y. C. Fields. Will H. (Idle Hour) Grand Rapids. Hornmsn. M'glelsn (Gaiety) Galesburg, 111.; : Lavender, Geo. (Star) Chicago; (Lyric) Ft. Band & Orchestra Department Mich.; (Temple) South Bend, Ind.. 16. (Orpheum) Champaign 1 6. Wayne, Ind., 16. Fii'an. Nooiiles A Paxton (Bijou) Woonsocket, Ilsy. I'nleyele A Wheehvk (Grand) Hamilton. I/oreilas, Three (Howard) Boston: (Princess) I -of the- _ R. I ; (Bijou) Pawtucket 1-6. f).': (Orpheum) .Atlanta, Ga.. 16. Marlboro 1-6. F’ederick. Helena, Co. (Columbia) Cincinnati; Hefron, Tom (Orpheum) Champaign. HI.; (Gar¬ Laurence, Ida Burt (Temple) Detroit; (Hippo¬ (Grand) Indianapolis 1 6, rick) Btirlington. la.. 1 6. drome) Cleveland 16. Feaiy, Margaret, A Co. (Orpheum) Minneapolis; Holrer A Goss (Electric) Pittsburg. Kan.; (Crya- Lovenberg's. Cbas.. LaPetIte Revue (Orphenm) MUSICAL EXCHANGE, (Orpheum) Lincoln. Neb., 1-6. tal) Colgate, Okla., 1-6. Minneapolis; (Majestic) Des Moines. la., 1-6. Franklyn Kids (Electric) Brownw-ooil, Tex.; Haley A Haley (Gaiety) Galesburg. HI.. 13; j I.lpman A Lewis (Pantages’) Denver. Stein way Hall, CHICAGO, ILL (Electric) Dallas 1 6. (Varieties) (’anton 4 6. LaMaze Bros., Three (Majestic) Denver 2.5 Not. Hsks. Musical; Jackson, Miss. Hsnsone (Acker'a) Halifax. Can.. 2.5 Not. 6. ' 6. E. A. STAVRUM, Booking Agt. and Mgr. Haney A Long (Eleelrlc) Athens. O. I.ucca. SIg. Luciano (Orphenm) Salt Lake City. Fairchild. I.nctua, A Helen Van Bnren (Hip IjiTot Bros, (rnlque) Sheboygan. WIs.; (Or- podrome) Lexington, Ky.; (Hippodrome) Hsrrjs A Peek (Grand) Hamilton. O. SLOT MACHINES ' Harman A F'rnnklln (Hippodrome Wigan, I pheiim) Rockford. Ill., 1-6. Huntington. W. Va., 13; (Orpheuro) Ports 100. cheap; good condition. OXFORD CO.. mouth. O., 4 6. Eng.. 8 13: (Hlppislrome) St. IDdens 25- LaMolnes. Musical (Majestic) Houston. Tex.; 3009 Oxford St., Philedelphia, Pa. lords. Famous (Proctor's) Perth Ambov. N. J.; .30. (Majestic) Galveston 16. Hawthorne. Hilda (Orpheum) Harrisburg. Pa. (Proctor's) Troy, N. Y.. 16. I,ewls. Chas. T. (Bennett’s) Hamilton. Can.; PHOTOS—Cabinets, $2.50 per 100. Flrat-class nillman. Geo.. A Napanees (Orpheutii) MemphI*. Frey Twins Co. (Poll's) Worcester. Mass., 1-6. i (Colonial) N. Y. C, 16, w-ork. Larger sizes in proportion. Have sit agan A Merrlam (Star) Clinton. Mass. Ton. ' Igitona. Frank A Jen (Empire) Hackney, I>oo tings or send photos or negattvea. Eetabllshed •V Florence Gilbert (Orpheum) Owensboro. Howard A Howard (Orpheum) San Franclaco. don. Eng., 16; (Empire) Ilolloway 8-13; (Em¬ 27 yrs. JOHNSON, 198 Wansah Ave., Chicago. Holden. Maxwell (Orpheum) Brockton. Me. pire) Newerss 15-26. roso Trio (Majestic) Waco. Tex Holmes A Holmes (Eagle) Hamilton. O. LeFlenre. Joe A Chlqulta (Majestic) Dallas, fCT Sent to anyone cderlcks. Musical (Temple) IK'lrolt; (Cook'a) Hughes A Cole (Comlipie) Lynn. Maas. Tex.; (Majestic) Houston 1 6. enclosing 4 cts. Rochester. N. Y., 16, Hart's. Joa., Fh)turtty AVinner (Oniheum) Harris ' Luce A I.nee (Hathaway's) New Bedford. Maas., CM In at am pa. Cnt- 'ancis, Emma and l)er Arabs (Majestic) Chl- burg. ; 2.5 Nov. 6 TRI ** loarue inclnil- csgo Hays. Ed. A Clarence (Bijou) Atlanta. Ga. i LaBelleaii Trio (Lyric) Grangevllle, Id iho. •d. Free. Free. MAQIC CO . Dept 2. 2TO Howard A I>*wla (Empire) Calgary. Can.: (Em¬ r|nt George. A Co. (Or|>heum) Mans6eld O. W. 39th St.. N*w York. "egidla. Mil)-. (WaterliMi) Waterloo, la. pire) FMmonton 16. * (Contlnuei) on page 28.) 26 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      Tbe Illllboard wania ■ reprenFolallvr In every city not already provided for. Only buatlera De«>d apply. Muat be yonnir man of Rood (teraonal addreaa, permaneiilly located, who can write a good letter for piililUalluu. and wbo Uhm a kivii eye for UeHa and liusliieaK. Appllvuiila uiual have recoiniuelidalloiia from theatre luatiaKera In the city they wlab to re|ireaent. Two other racouiuieuilatloiia rojuiied. Send late pbotogtapb. atate age, and ex|ierleuce in uewapaper work. A liberal couiiulaaiou paid uu all buaiueaa aecured. Teriua eaay. Write for partlculara to <>>rreapoiMleuta' Iteparltneut. ALABAMA. 17. THKATEUETTE. Moving picturea. I mgr. I R, NICKKI.illiK)l.\. Motion ptclurei ; deua. Friend and iKiwmlng. Henry Muller anil The tiirl Cluealioit .Nov. I; Tbe PIddler and tb* OADSDEM.—IIAVHK.N I’AKE T II K A T R K STOCKTON.—ti A ItltlCK (Tbeo Rotliaebild. t'o.. AdiMiia. and picturea, llel.uae, tliat half, tiirl Id; My lioy Jack ‘JO; Elka’ Mlnatrcla 24 iBatuuel Itmerdiaiitii. tiigr.l (tacar Selgle (let. mgr. I lout uud Stai'ia .Moore, tirace llarnley, llordeti Eeuo and lli.vdeua, Welab and .Maitland. J.'i. THE FIKIKAW (Joe llrokaw, mgr. I Moving 14. AMI'SK (.’ tJ. Koai-tiliaiiui. iiigr.t Moving Krederlek (be tireiit, Klaie and Vlulette and .Margaret Keen and C'o., I.a Kclle Ttuu|H‘, Willie picturea and vaitdei llle. THE MAJESTIC (A picturea and vaudeville week of Uct. IN. moving picturea week of 17. and Edith Hart and motion picturea week (let. Wllaon. ingr.) Moling picturea and vaudevllla ARKANSAS. VALLEJO—XOVEl.TV (Satn Mendelaon. mgr.) IN Jit. BLOOMINGTON.-HARRIS GRAND (R. H O. PACl, MOXCK. HOT SPRINGS.—S<-e news letter In thU la- lIllloD aud King Mualcal t'oiuedy Co. week 17. Harria, mgr. I Jjckao'i With Mualcal Comedy fue. COLORADO. GEORGIA. Co. we<-k of (let. 18; Cw.a.tan Dramatic O. FORT SMITH.—tilt A .Ml (C. A. I.lnk. mgr.i (let. ‘J5'‘J7: Mclru|>olllao Ilu..euuer8 ‘JO; Jan* BORLDER.—CLUICAN (Il’KltA IIOL'SE (R. SAVANNAH.—NEW SAVANNAH THEATRE Eyre. 3(1; Kuatcr llrown NuVu4, Polly of the rullou Cuuit.auy In Lena Rivera week of (let. p, ivnucy, nigr.i 11111} ClinTuid in A tiirl at tbe (Win. It. S.-eaklud. uigr.) Tbe Man of the Hour (in lie Id; Win. Owen in Sbakcapearean reper 18. MAJESTIC (W. It. I'lke, mgr. I Vaudeville Hrloi (let. IN; Tuaa In It.Mdg (locall 21; The Hit. IN; Tbe HedFa Aucll.m III; lladd War- toire Nov. Ii-12. week of (k l. 18. JtlEI (W. C. Craft, mgr. I .,1 cii.-f o j. me Man of tbe Hour 25. fleld in The Mualc Maater ‘Jo; Strongheart ‘22; H?.'*'.'!' o'"’'" "‘‘r'’ LA JUNTA.-^I.A JLVTA THEAlltE (8. DDun- I Cbaa. It. Hanford in Tbe Taming of the Shrew EVANSVILLE. -r.lK WELI.8 BIJUU (Cbaa (W ( • t raft, nigr. I Konga ami picturea. kin uigr i Sotiaa'a Hand (let 15 l..\ JCN TA i and The Auiericaii Lord 2;i. (IRPHEI'.M. Jarvia Swt-etun. mgr.) (ki. II. 1'aeAlaakan; 18 18. NEWPORT. -dCEItA IKirSE. Lionel Law » m.iiaa a nano iici. to. i..v jc.> Tyioiic Power In Tbe Servant u, rbe Houae; 24 » RINK tS. C. Rebgmer, mgr.) Opened fur aeaaon and Martin, comedy Jngglcra; Dallas Ruwmana, rence In Forgiven (kt. 22. Oct. IN. . ainger and duucer; Russell and Lburch. sister S. Miller Kent In A Ur.r .. wi. ‘JO. Illanch* - r LITTLE ROCK.—.MAJESTIC. The Torleya. PUEBLO.—tiR.VND ttirand ‘Theatre Co., team; Ray W. Sdow, couietlisn. The Ripsalrea, Walab in Tbe Tvat; 2N, otla Sinner In Youi George Fredo. Tbe Millarda, Itiaaett and liiiiulile St-rvutit. THE GRAND .Martin Beck. i-'i ■ mgrs. I Harty Adler, mmiologue; Es|w, Leon- alack w ire act, aud mollon picturea. CRITE . Scott, Anicia Friniroae. Leu Fillier, Edward (111- ard and lamle, acruliats; Polly Murau, aouga; RION (P.andy Rroa., mgra. I Carrollton ami Van. N’ *!. “Id*’-• th t. Ui 17, i>opu»ar vauaevRIe, with ’.eapte ami Co , and Majeatograpb we<'k of (let. Hennings, Lewia ami Heunliiga, akctch; Carrie roniegr***lng rapmly auu will pr^ably reopen A. Tatd, uigr i llig 1(111 Itittner Stork Co. Slings; The Five Itunipi'rs,. uiusiclaus, aud mo- Vaudeville aud uiutloo picture!. COLONIAL *'1 (hristiuas IHE COLONIAL (Kuatell Bran ft week of (let. IN. Hon picturea week of Oct. 10 MAJESTIC (Mra. (Jake Wells, mgr.) Will open aliot)t Nov. 13. ein-n. mgr.i l*lclures. I NDER CANVAS—Nor ARIZONA. ti. \i. .Morris, uigr.) Moliou plclures. with vaudeville. Merebauta' Uala Week will be ^ Rowe a Sbowa Oct. JU. ROCKY FORD.—THE OR.VND (Joi-1 W. Todd, held Nov. 16. _ KOKOMO.—SIPE THEATRE (G. W. SipSlue. GLOBE.-IIREAMLANH (John L. Alexander, mgr.) .\t Velley Forge Oct. 21; A Uentleman ARTHCR M. ROBINSON. mgi.) tiuy SOH'k Cumpauy' week of Oct. 18; mgr.I Houae dark. MAJESTIC (Cbaa. Huldren, from Misslssl|i|il Nov. 0; Texae 8; Tbe tiirl mgr.) Jaa. I’, la-e Comedy Company In Tha ALBANY.-RAWLINS THEATRE (A. C. tier M»r«u SO"k Co. week of Oct. 25. FAIR (Jiiestlon IN; JelTeraoii Ilrotliers Dec. 7. UKM ludge and (he Ageiil. IRIS (Edward R. Kellh, talowaky, mgr.) St. Elmo Hi; Tbe Man of tbe 'lEW tVV<-ed A Wiae, uigia.l llluatrated aoOgt and EDISON. Moving picturea. ■i > s mgr.) Tbe Two Juera, Harry Jiidaon, aunga and Hour 21; Chaa. B. Haiifonl in Tbe Taming of •»>1 motion picturea. STAR (Reed A Slpe. picturea. CONNECTICUT. tbe Shrew ‘Jo; Edwarda n-cltal 2l); Strougbeart nigrs. i Movlug picturea aud aonga. IDEAL (A. Nov. 2; Paid in Full 9; Sjlomy Jane 12. STAR. l‘owell, mgr.i .Songs and motion picturea. IMO CALIFORNIA. BRIDGEPORT.—JACKSON THEATRE (J. W. Moving picturea. M.VJESriC. Vloving picturea. TI'REL.VMI Hi. P. Weed, mgr.) Moving pic Jackson, mgr I .Mmc. S<-iiilirich Coucert Oct. 19; SAN FRANCISCO.—See uewa letter In thla tures and aoiigs. P.VUK RINK (John Treei. Tbe Smart Set 20; Eight Bi lls 21; OeWolf Hop- ICIWA. mgr.) Roller akatlog. l•■ane. |k-r 22; Tbe Wouiau and Tills Man 23. PO IIEDAR RAPIDS—CREENE'S OPF.R.C HOfSE LAFAYETTE.—DRYFl‘8 THE.\THE (C. P LOS ANGELES.—See newa letter in this lasue. LI'S (J. W. Sauderson, mgr.) Tbe Eagle and (\V. S. Collier, lius. mgr.i Marie Cahill In Tbe Louge, mgr.) Tbe Alaskan Del. 19; 1 be Travel OAKLAND.—MAClKlNdCtill (C. P. Hall, the tiirl, Walab L}ucb and Co., Brown and Boya and Betty 20; Osier's Imdy .MlusIreU 23; i,,,. Salesman 21; 'Ibc tiirl Tbat’a All tbe Candy mgr.) Itlllle Ilurke In leive Watches Del. IS‘JO. "I** ‘’"‘’“".J’, ?“** ■" VVyomIng 27; Harry Bulger JN; Tbe Girl at 2;* ‘me Hlred'ti'lrl JO; I'be Morning Ulorlet 30 YE LlltERTV (11. W. ItUbop, mgr.) Stock Co. Currie .Starr, Cowboy W llllama. Haaaen Ben the Helm 29; Faual 30. M.VJESTIC THEATRE VIOoHIA (J A Erwin mgr i Tbe Hlue Mouse In comedy. RRO.AliWAY ((luy Siiiltli, mgr.) AjI'a Arabs and motion pictures week of Oct. (Vic Hugo, mgr.i Week of (k-t IN, Mile. Fre ikt. 20. FAMILY (1). Maurice, mgr.i Vaude Kerrli Hartman Co. week 17. ORPHEt'M ((Jeo. 1^- ' golia, ligblning artist; Merritt and Love, sing vlllc ARC (Cbaa. Kleue, mgr.) MoHon pic Ehey, mgr.i Jaa Young and Co., Pllii, Mary DANBURY.—TAYLOR OPERA HOI'SE (W. . lug and talking comedians; Five LaVIlli Olrla; turea. Norman, Ed. F. Ri'.vnard. Edna Aug, lllg City E. HainiHon. mgr.) Brothers Byrne in Eight Woods. Rallon Co., the musical ntarinet; Van (Juarlelte. Henry Clive, Lea Myosutia and tnov- Bells Oct. IN; The Smart Set 10; Minnie VTc- Avrr7.’ ciimedrsnV Earr'tiirdena''snT‘ik.gs’, and rbeiHre*^*r^o*^^ iJJ^l^^T^^Tbe'tiVy Ing picturea week 17. IIKLL (tiua Cohn, mgr.) torson in Ibis Woman and This Man Oct. KInodrome. Jefferson DeAiigells In The Beauty ‘ Ibealre to.. 1 eaees.) J I'} U ,

      mgr.i Moving pictur King and Co., with Louisl.outs .Morrl-otiMorrl-on as Meplilsto,.vit-oiiisto. n-- -- ...u .... Continiioua motion pictures. THE | THE .(E. i.- iL. iiiiRife, mgr.) Motion pictures and in Faust, week of Oct.-t. IN. gl KEN (E. J. Don- •Icrbert's Orchestra Oct. ' ELITE THEATRE (Otto Kerkell. mgr.) First ' mo,!’, 'fl'j V;,,,.!*' oellan, mgr.) The Tli LaMar.** Hroth<*rB aen* ^ Sfubborn CiDtlerella lleWolf Hop- half of werk: Three IHerlck ItrotUera. atroiif ^ ^ ...... RAND OPERA HOl'SE (Ernest •atlonsl comedy aiTohats,Toliats EmilyEtiiily and Jessie *",'5 ’0***'^ 23, ILVRTFORD THE.VTRE men; RIocner and Cores, singers snd dancers; MADISON.—til IkHld and Co., In sketch,(etch, imtlonDutton's s Claim; Tom iVim.(H. *21H. -nJennings, ““Vk'it’PNIN‘20; mgr.i The Bachelor IN‘20; |i Mathews an'and Bannon in”'r*ie'"rat"tle'*of' ‘foo- 2. ‘Matthews, . mgr.i Paid In Full Oct. 22; Cul Rsteman.oKicuiau the.uc dancingumiclna tar,tsr inIn danciugdsneiue and ***‘’*’' 21-23. POLPSI OLI S '.(OEATRE.

      17. PANTAGES' (W. W. Ely, mgr.i Vaude¬ singers snd dancers: Hilda (Irth; Harry Ben- Has-lllue and Orchestra, Nettle Tbom|>aen. J ville and pictures wi-ek of 17. DELAWARE. ton comedian. Last Half of week: The M«- B. ilcCullom'a A Night with the Poeia. laneB Jestlc lour, royal entertainers; Rawls and Ksuf- and Claxton, Van Dell and Iti-adl. Bert Mel SAN JOSE.—VICTORY THEATRE (F. A. WILMINGTON—AVENUE ITIEATRE (Chas. man. In I’lie Willing Worker. Sadie Pearl, come- burn and MurrayacoiK-. NEW PHILLIPS tO Glesea. mgr.i Fifty .Miles from Boston 19; Bil¬ F. Roth. rea. mgr.) Edwards and Couness Co. dienne; Hilda Orth and motion pictures. THE (1. Murray, mgr.i The Great Dunkin Hypnotic lie Burke In Love Watches 21. THEATRE In The Heir to the Hoorah week t)ct. IN 2.3; AMERICA.N (Otto Berkell, mgr.) Now under Company Oct. IN 23. JOSE (Marry Bercovich, mgr. Vaudeville. The House of a Tbouaand Candles Oct. 25 30. construcHon. GARRICK (W. L. Dm-kstader. owner and mgr.) 8HELBYVILLE.—CITY OPERA HOUSE (11 SAN JOSE.—THEATRE JOSE (H. Bercovich. DUBUQUE—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Wm Friday, mgr.i Paid In Full Oct. 21; Swanee mgr.) Five .Merry Metinggors. George S. Lau¬ tiua Eilwards' Musical Skit. Will Ward and Co., Murphy and Wllllard, Eddie Denover and na week of .\ov der, Selldnl and Grovlnl. Buckhy's Dogs, Will ('jig “ Ver^- (“Vaus?Hr PRINTElI^' (Wm. ’l! | {‘‘‘"(^oMSKryr'ir'tirer mgr" Roller akatlng. Morrlsey and moving pictures wei-k of 17. the Danle Sisters. la-ster Bros, and Creighton Sisters. St. Elia and IleForreat. and and Barron, Rowe snd Cltnion. Adl Zada and VINCENNES-GRAND OPERA HOUSE (WII SANTA ROSA —COLF.MP.IA THEATRE (J. Ellwood aud motion pictures ()ct| 18 2.3. tiR.A.ND motion idctiires week of (let. IN Ils A Moore, mgra.i .Monte Carlo Girls Oct. IN; R. Crone, mgr.i Sv'ott Lynn Stock Co. Oct. 15- (Bijou Circuit Co., baisees; Leonard B. Cool FT. MADISON.—EBINC.ER GRANO lE. Eb A Dry Town 22; Btancbe WaUh In The Test ‘27 Inger. mgr.i 3be College Boy Oct. 17; W B RED MILL (.M. E. .Moore, mgr.) Kildle Adilr Patton In The Bbskhead 21; The Great John aud bla lroU|>e of leu, with Edith Hennery and Osnton 21. EMPIRE (A. L. Swendson, ingr.) others Oct. IN 22. JOHNSON BROS.’ NICKELODEON .Moving pictures. IOWA CITY.—COLIlREN THEATRE (Ray WASHINGTON.—(IPKRA HOUSE (0. Dads Swan, mgr.i Osier's Lady Minstrels Oct. 2.5; well, mgr.) The Fiddler and tbe tiirl Oct. 32. tiirl at the l|e|m 30; Pair of Country KIdt Not. Kldn4p|H-d for a .Million 2N. MAJESTIC (C. K 3- Oriental BesuHea 5. BIJllU TIIKA3HE iLa Arthur, mgr.i gueer aud gualut, Harman Trio. Roy Smith, mgr.i Thomas T. Shea, comedian The Roger* 25 29. snd dsneer; The La Tours, comedy novelty act; IDAHO. The Three Harris Brothers, singers snd danc ers; Freeman and Fisk; Roialalex; Ed. Warren BOISE.—NEW PINNEV (W. A. Mendenball. THE

      k of IK NKMvELiltIM (Thoma. A. Brown’. I "'H.';,;, J.I'V^D^rk-!’* n Vi'*" mgr.) Moving pictures snd vaudeville. luouiilalii Fair Oct. II 18. OTTAWA. —tiRAND (IPKRA HdPSE (J. WASHINGTON.—GRAHAM THRATRE (W Frank Jersey, mgr.i King of Tramps Oct. 21. F. Brliitiio, mgr.i Vaudeville, picturea and songs ti.4KKI('K.. . , (Waller. o 1, . Bechtel, mgr.i Pekin Grad Home talent show under tbe dlri’C ustes, 1^0 and Sulky, .Mack and Howard, Celia | tion of Choate tk-t. 2d; Vaudeville, picturea and Mav^.S' Th.H*. snd Payne Berger Sisters, tills- i o.-t, -Ji zi; Great John Gaalaa Oct. ‘2N sandos, Charles Mllla, Jesse Phillips and tbe ' (later Lady' Mluatrela Co. Oct, 28; (He Theolisidl tiarrlck«ro|>e week of Oct IS. (kt. ‘29. WATERLOO.-RVNDICATE THEATRE (A. J. Bushy, mgr.i The .Man (In the Box IN; Heine ILLINOIS. Schlltx 23: Vic Hugo's Vaiiderllle 25 .30. with the following hill: Madam Frigolla, Frederic CHICAGO.—.See news letter la thla laeiie. Rsynionit. Woods, Uslton and Co., West and ROCK ISLAND.—THE FAMILY (O. A. Paul Benton Trio, Chas. E. Ilsy. Hamilton snd Nuves, son, mgr.i First half of week: Majeetlc Four, The Edengrsph. etc. THE WATERLOO Tim entertainers; Nl|> aud Tuck, comedy acrolials: ATRK (A. J Busby, mgr.) Vic Hugo's Vau¬ Beulah Benton Trio, slngera and diacera; Harry deville IK.2.3. with the following bill: Sam Benton. roniHlIan, and Mae Manhall. Last Lleliert A Un 1" End of tbe World; The Raven half of week; A' lU Be Pont Card Reviews; Trio. tieo. Ik-Voy and Dayton Slaters, Geo. B Ran la and Kaufman. In Tlie WllllBf Worker, Alexander, ftiaa. H. Hay. Hamayoa, the Great. Sadie Pearl, comeillenne; Mae Marshall and The Edengraph, etc., to htg bualiieaa. The Nor¬ motion picturea. LYRIC (Harfey Fultaa, mgr.) woods, hyimotlsta, 25 .30. C(«tlnuo(is nitdlon pictures. 'I'HR ILLINOIS (ChamherllD Kindt Co.; R. Taylar, mgr.) Oct. ' I INDIANA. 22. Minnie Jarliesu In The DIetrlet Lwader; Oct. Johnso* Bro*.' Nickelodroa, T75 W. North Ave.. Chicago. Interior view abowlng Wnrlltger ANGOLA.—CRONTON OPERA HOUSB (R. Pltn-Orrbestra near stage. E. Willis, mgr.) William Owen In Aa You Like (CoBlInued on page 88.1 KNOCKS ONCE AT EVERY ONE’S DOOR This message may be the means of your becoming independent it you can see the opportunity now PENNY ARCADES ^ Fortunes arc being made every year operating Penny Arcades and coin controlled machines. One cent is a lot of money. Your bank loans Sl.OO for two months for one cent; that is at the rate of 6% per annum. You had not thought of that. One of our machines earns a penny in less than one minute. Quite a difference, isn’t it?

      Opening Moving Picture a Penny Arcade Theaters Requires no experience. That space in front of Anyone can operate one your theater will pay your when properly instructed rent, light, help and film at the start. rental. Our interests and yours If you put in a line of are the same. When you well selected Arcade Ma¬ see money in the business, chines, you have your you buy more machines— ....iTfn-icK-fsiUwSj rent, light and help to we both proht. For that pay any way. reason we have on our staff the best posted man That front space gives in this line of amusement all your admission money that money can procure. to the show as velvet. His expert advice is offered MAIN FACTORY and OFFICES of MILLS NOVELTY CO to you free. If you want to open an Arcade we The most perfectly equipped factory in the world for the send him to you. manufacture of Automatic Machinery Take a Chance Stop a Moment and Reason This mammoth institution has been built up from nothing within a very few years. Does this not prove beyond a doubt that clean, cheap amusement is what the public want? It is up to you to reap the golden harvest. Any town or city that will support a theater will support an Arcade. TERMS Our prices are based on cash sales with no favors to any one. We have no bad accounts. That is one reason we are able to make our prices so low. One-third cash must accompany all orders. If you intend starting an Arcade, we will be glad to send our expert Arcade representative at our own expense. MILLS NOVELTY CO SEND FOR ARCADE CATALOGUE ADDRESS DEPARTMENT R CHICAGO^ tLL ~eanj,

      IIS>II7 Nassau St_ NEW YOEK

      IKiUKMl S. titf <-bein- hi^ tim<*. anal>i«^ MKYKR'i? >K PAINT and found It abi«>- pure and |»**rfectl> liarmleas. yw. fi.Bt 1 < Sl'W-* l'»r,t N'o i»Uier p*<>d.*» •■an ‘4m3» tliat re<'ord. M.'t - «»>—•. W D C A\<»id all po««4biUt)' of tiarrn by usinj; S*E M«r' - TLt»-» Ftm :? Her;’ <. Pt . MKYPH'S .MAKP-II* — Guaranteed ■FtBilly' C»rt»j&<3«!« pure and harmlew. MaV*' 'Grtrv Flamil*'<. <• Edyth*. H 'P»r.rt. » V{- :-,.r B Fl nard 'Wat»-r.W' Wa'‘-r. - Fa C. f.a . PintiS*^ T«' .a.. lA SOLD EVERYWHERE. OR ADDRESS A ' 'Ma>-«’ifi Cbirae >t«TT A Dlaiin'li Fnltot Kj ; Ma'k F'an* X 'At.at CLejeti* Wt» iMa- •*. » ' FIan.i»*r»*»ln • • N 3 <" •St»r Pidooah l-ea* ' Tr iidac, '>.4o i d T’;k»:ja W#«b. A npj*-'- .=.( Ff ;at.r.c CHAS. MEYER. 34 Uiioi So.. New York. A G‘r.7» :t Ct.-lott* N C On.b*-un' M;tii*a:'''i;'> Or- ton. W. V« . i'- .T: iOrvi>' -~ p'-rt-ri .«?1| M'.aort FR'ec A Era Tempi* F'jct Wayte. t P.-;*-* -Tl S»r. 1.7 Ifcc Vtr *• ** 7»r*» Hi'3** 1-d .•••-tt* Thr»* 'Fam.Iy l^-hanoe P. Swi.n'f Corkitoo* Frinklin Ct>»iE ‘' Jani- M'ratao* • • e-kat'r'j* 'F'tL'a*** Poeblt Colo ; >«-HTa; Walt"? C. '.Var Man'.*. Ind.. 'Aodl- bU> Chlriro Pat'a#** S' Joaex-L M'/ . id tnar; Id Stadlam Tr. . ' FFlpt>oitrom». L»x'.tk* Ky.; M/i*k *~-.T7 Mabel Ma)e*nc M iwaokee ir.*r»-f W .1 A T' 'Orfb**®' Kan*«> City. ‘N»w Msmy B.cbmobd. l-<5 4L'^>a_ctrlsso* orator Ar# Mar Tbt F-t * Hoar Atlanta Ga Kar Va)**’!* M'ln**. Fa.. I d Riwym. Tb* Al»U»n«-. T»i MarV«. A »*:**r O FI Atefa M* ^ ^ Msrm mtm tm m*00 IT—AFjT^^^p Pl'k»-ri» .trrbir J >Ke;tf* Boattm; 'Poll’ai Sfhilllnf. Wm ■ • ll it" Ttg’. rtt. W ^0«r r»M*SU Art m rmm' Mae-it. V t.* Lex’.nr' Jt T*ct.; H Maa . 1 d V« : > FI.ppodroar I Cb«rl.-«’ « M:m ; d Pr'.B-rok* Anita iUaj**tl':> P*. Worth Tn.; 8t»nl»y-B» Wyo. tw w teM f«>r w Cvp4 p*f.wc pnaitkr* «• tS« M ,i*r* TTa*** J'.xr:itr 'Palace Aaberl MaJ«-**:^ balUa 1^. SmILert* TriO iC«ml»kl' Stotk:"* ‘'tl or •pwwkrr'f ^^Mfonw Likrm H a 11mpum4—cw C 'AJas^ •'barlctte 1-d Pa'rt** irt.'pb'-qin ■ St Paal. StpTJTif, Max TVpp^kt. Kid »«•« fMP'.wAtJwf Ef prrfmBtrm la Mar.o T*7'i "■:i*a a T'lr'.^f. 'Majeat c p»,!-)^«. Tb* tOrtnd' Fnd anatnlia. St»*I»y A Edirardt (Grand Tarooia. Grand: Wrtt for FUX tev4. CkicM Irfcaal mf fiMttaa. •o 27; pSeLSL New trrleana I d f*r Jark A Mah*l i.LntIqo*' WaOTtfom. Melr'iae A li^am F-jr*.' M'jtrr'W La \ T . iGrandi PnItoo l.d ^nmiD.'n A Horn Cb:<'a( Stari Maratai:* Tb» Paa-lm* Ea»"on. Pa I*h llilj*. S*BO*l P ((>*iri MoTx>oc*b*la. Pa.; ChFcafo !.«. BIG BARGAIN! Mor-'B Jewell Tt-wiie Garr.ek W..s •Star' 3(<.ti»'aa»n 1-J: o. Cal Fael ‘T'Btr a P!»t Atitr'l' City 1 F'l.llrr. I.i>*lla (MaJ*#r(/-' IU«d.*«t*T. Pa Sand*r»oo'* MarlIi*r Tar D* iCaatol Aabtthnla. O.; -w. A on:* F'l''k*rln* (fnlqtK" Minne- pbenmi I'ortland. Ore., I d. new machine, only run one anmmer. A. BEUTI. aprdla Solly Family 'Keltb'*' Coinmbut. o lit Grecnw-.cb Are.. V. T. C Pirfjnay’a Aatle I>aDr»ra (Colnmbla' Clnrln- netfa' Flamllton. Cat natl Sale. Chick 'Potra' H Bl»-* (MaJ*»tlci Jotanatoam, Pa SprlnfUeld. Ma««.. 1- F’arklab* iOrx.b*onii Nrarark. O. Soaney Family, , .Moflc ^ti r'oT Br»>« iK*!th’«t F^;l*. mond 1-d. Csr. lros#wsy and Chdstiiat St. Q';'-.!ar. A Mack (Orpb*t>m' Bntt* lOrpbcumi Stft'pa. Moa'cal 'B 00' ••♦bkw- Wi».; ST i.OUl». MO. ."i-it'kan* I d ilniqoei Sbeboyran 1-3; Idea' F-nd do ruder manayeiDent of Tom Snyder. Cater.nf Q-i'’;n FtT'* 'Pr!n**«ai CI*T<-l*nd Lae 4-d eapecially to the ibcatrlcal prtifreelon and abow Qi: 'k Mr. 'F'rra-r''-r’al Albany, N. Y 'Em- Solly A Pbelpa( <0. n Athol. Ma-- iO. IF. I people In yeneral. New electrle elexatora. late¬ I- ’• FlttaflHd. Maa# . 1 d Bratticboro. iVt.. I d. ly Inatalled. Bell-boy aeryke. nlfbt and day pt:;' .« O r (MaroFi Blrmlnrbatn. Ala. Snow. Ray W. 'Clark'* Alrd"n.. Jarke''f;vIU*. H"f and c'dd water. Cafe aerrlce. be*t In city F('>arl»"'1. Jocrlcr (ExiV'a'tloo i Rio d* Janeiro, Fla.; fOrpheom.. __Tampa 1 • Centrally located In the heart of tbe theatre p—r'l S A.. Ind^f .siw-dc ■Tbe“ (Cook'* R'cLerter. N Y . Ben- dlrtrict. Rtjf’*dr* F'ank. A Cn. 'Gal<-*y' Fndlanapr.lle; netf Otuwa. Can.. 1-d. •S'ar Mnn<*i* I d Spaoldlnc A K>e> 'Orpbeom I*-* Anc’le* R*r.>Ili-« Tb* (AIrd'*®*' Ma»k*r;nr i N*ar Coarllnr' Mr Car De«. Fa.; illaymarketi Chirac-' !-•'• ILLUSIONS m Not. l.T. (Elite' Rock IMand. Ill.. Id locoe of a; ige trl' ka. 25 ceata. llloatrated cat Ryan A lFo«ieU« (CTcaccnti CI*T*land: > .4It- Selbln; A Grorlnl 'Grand S-ockt "h, Cnl.; al'igoe of parlor and pocket trlcki free. lUtitloP m*lcr McKca^port. F*a.. 141 (.Lmerlcam San Fran< laco I d ratal(Yue No. 12. 25 ceota. Rotc-rta A R'-.ttcrta iGctn' lyancaat^r. O.. 2-". 27: Swift A Ca»ey: Spokane. (G*m' Waahlnrton. C. n.. 2S-.V‘. Soraf. Vale*ka (Yoonp'* Pier .L'Icr.tic City. HALT •>>( & .JAMSFN CO.. ••The p««p!e with tb* gooda.** Romany Opera Co (American' Chlcaro. 1 d. Ftalnbow .S'ater* (Majeatic Flouaton. Tex ' Ma- Symood*. Jack (Vandeyllle E'ctett With.; 1A8 La Salle St.. CHICAGO. ILL >eatici Galreafon 1-d (VandeyllFc Olympia 1-d Rar'a Fr'-d. Playera (M*je«tlct Ann .Lrbor. Stanley A Rice (Orplieomi Lima. O . lOrpbeum- M>h ■ (JefTer*' Sarlnaw 1 d Man*field 1-d Ror.t A White (S'^an Ytainratown. O Sterl'.nk Broa. 'Elk'*' Pine Fllull. .Ark . 25 27; WANTED MANAGER (F'rlijceaat Conneant 2* 30. (I-yr.ci Texarkana 2S 30. For ftrat riaat magical and comedy abow. Moat R*-‘a* A Roa* lMaJe«tici Ann Arbor. 3ilch. Stinger*. Morlcxl (Electric Staontoo. Ill., 1- be able to deliver tbe gooda. State la>weat Roaclrr A Rf>*te!Io (Comliuc Itetrolt 3: (White Palace) Taylorvllle 4 d. aalary and experience In flrat letter. We pat , Ranf (Tlande (Mablei Chlcaro. .Sideilo. Tim. A Co. (O. 11. ' 3'p»llant:. Mlrh.. expenaea Addreas 0. WILHELM. Oea. Dial , Rtjaaell. B!)oa (FF.ppodromc • IpawFcb. Eny. 2.5 2S; (Bljoni Ann Arbor 29-31: (Myatlc) Kanaaa City, Mo. Ionia 14. Rfi«.el| A Cbnrch (Alrdomei Jackaonxille. Fla.; Stanley A .Alleen (Idle Iloari .Ltlinta. Gi. SeymooT. H. S. (Pantage«i Tacoma. (Grphenmi Tamr>a I d. CHICWO Rae A Reoacbe (Main St. ( Peoria. Ill.; (Fami¬ S<-ldom** Living Marble (Colombia ( Cincinnati. MANUSCRIPT ly! I..afayctte, Ind., 1-d. Sej-mtmr. O. G.. A Co. (Empire noboken. N. Roger*. Will (Bennetfai Ottawa, Can.: (Or ROOM PLAYS'®" SALE chic*6o pheiim) Ilarrlalnjrg. Pa.. I d. Steger, Jnllu*. A Co. (Orpheum' New Orleans. 3* 1^4 LA SALLE ST ILL Richard*. Harry, A Co (Orphetim' Kan*a« Smith. A1 (Prlnceeai 3onng*t"Wn. O., 25 27; City: (MaJeatlc) Pea Molne*. la., i d. (Lyric) E. Liverpool 2S-30 Reed A Earl (Lyric) Pallax. Tex.; (Lyric) Stapleton A Chaney: Bartlesville. Okla . 25 27; SLOT MACHINES Beaumont 1-6. (Lyric) Joplin. Mo., 28 30. lOO, cheap; good condition OXFORD CO. Roger*. Frank (Orpbenm) MInneapoIla: (Or Schrode A Mulvey (Orpbeom) Mlnneapoli* 3009 Oaford St., PbUsAelphia. Pa. pbenm) Omaha 1-d. Svengall Trio (American) N. 5'. C. Rowley. Svm (MaJeatlc) Hooaton. Tex.; (Ma¬ Sander Trio (American) Chicag" CAR WAKTEJJ—Suitable for mioitrel usa. WUI Jeatlc I Galveatofi I d. Sandora. Chalk (MaJeatlc) Jobnato-wn. Pa rent with privilege of purchase; also can ns* RIrhardaons. Three (Orpbenm) Sarannab. Ga.; Tomkln*. Wra. (.tvalnn) .Avalon. Cal. banuera, costumes for either Orat part or street ((Tark’a Alrdorae) Jarkaonville. F3a., 1-d. Those Mack Boys: Phila. use. Address E. A. J0RN80M. Ill >. E. St.. Rnben*. T. (Orpbenm) Lincoln. Neb.; (Orpbeom) Torleya. Tne (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Ma- Monmouth, Ills. Omaha I d. J.*atlc( Dallas 1-6. Roma, Roax (Orpheiim) Bntte I d. T<)p of the World Dancers. B. Sanger, mgr.: WANTED—QUARTET DF HAWAIIAN SINSERt Ryan A White (Shea’a) BnfTalo; (Shea’a) To¬ (Colo.nbia) St. Lonla; (iliymarket' Chicago Or other good norelty aultable for cafe. Eugaa* ronto 1-6. 1-6. Dial. Delawara Hotel. Chicago. Reed Bro*. (Orpbenm) Sionx City, la.; (Or- Tripp. A. E. (Columbia) St. Lonla. plienm) Omaha I d. Tnacino Bro* (Grand) Joliet. Ill WAKTEH—Good Ring Performer. Amateur will Rajan. John (Lyric) Connellayille. Pa. Tempest and Stmafalne TVIo (Un>heum) Portland. do If yon got tbe goods Weight about 130 Ray A Ra.y (Folly) Shawnee. Okla.; (Gaiety) Oie. Iba. State all and send photos if rot Address So. Chicago I-d. Toledo, Sydney (O, H.t Cannonaburg. Pa. "Performer”, car* Tbs Bilboard. Ciacinaati. 0. Roberta A Downey (Pintige*) Oakland. Cal. Toscany Troubadours (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal., RIanoa. Ponr (Keltb’a) Columbna, O.; (Lyric) 24-Not. 6 Dayton 1-d. Tbomaa A Payne (Bijou) Dub(«)uc. la.; (Ma¬ WAITED—MEOICII^ PREFORWERS Robetta, Robt.: Athol. Maaa.; Brattlebnro. Vt., Jeatlc) Madison, Wla., 16 Address CAPT. O. W. SMITH. Kirkwood Hotel. l-«. Trudell A Fuller: Houston. Tex.; Reaumoot Det Moines, Iowa. Rajah (Kettb'a) Pblla. 1 6. Reinfleld'a. SIg., I^ady Mlnstrela (Victor) New Tree A Mtchtn (O. H.) Preston. Ont., Can., Orleani 25-D*c. d 25 27; (Cray Hill) Heaplar 28 31 SUCCESS SONG BUREAU Roblaon. Bobble A Haaelle (Jewel) Paris. Tex.; TTueadell. Howard, A Co. (Bennett's) Montreal; Ten Parodlea, fl.OO. Sketches. Plays, etc. (Pallas) ShrevepfM-t. La., 1-6. I (Bennett's) Ottawa. Can., 1-6 Readings, Fonr (MaJeatlc) De* Moines, Ii. Tucker, 8o|>hle (American) N. 3'. C. 40 Grand Opsm Hanaa. Chicago. OCTOBER 30, 1909. rtie Billboard 29

      Tra*k & (iladripn (Uulqiii*) Mluui-apoUa. King Bros.’ I. X. L. Wild Weat, Jack W. King. I Little Russian Prince, Frank R. Blits, mgr.: T'o»ato (<'olonlal) N. Y. mgr.: Rome. Ga.. 2.'> ;50. D.allas, Tex., 25 .30; Shreveport, La., Nov. ; T'al'iur, Val., A Myrtlp Dale (Mllea) Mtone- Lambrlgger'a, Gns, Wild Animal Show; Natch¬ 1-6. a[K>lla. itoches, La., 25-30. Monte Carlo Girls: Alton, Ill., 30. rtta, Electrical (Convention Hall) Kanaai City, Miller Bros.’ 101 Ranch Wild We«t: Caruthers- NIhIo, Fled; Baltimore 28; Wash., D. C., 29- Mo. vllle. Mo., ‘27; Osceola 2S; Malden 2t); Poplar 31. Underwood. Kranklyn. A Co. (Orpbeum) I/ln- Bluff 30; , 111,. 31; sea-on ends. Norwoods, The, Hypnotists. M. H. Norwood, i coln. Neb.; (Driilieimit MInneapolla 1-tl. Norris A Rowe’s; Rockport, Did.. 27; Boonvllle mgr.; Waterloo, la., 25-30; Ottumwa Nov. FILMS Underwood, Ethel (Star) Erie, I*a. 28; Evansrille 29; Henderson. Ky., 30; Hop¬ 16. Vardon, Perry A Wilbur (Empire) London, Eng., kinsville Nov 1. Pain’s Fireworks Show: (State Fair) Dallas, c)ct. 1 Dec. 30. Rlpia-I's. C. .A. Rlppel, mgr.: Holland, Ind., Tex.. 1830. RELEASED OCTOBER 85. Valette A Lamaon (Orpbeum) Sidney, O.; (Itl- 27; Dale 30. Ruscell Bros.’ Vaudeville Co.: Valders, WIs., Joul Loralne 1-0. Rlngllng Bros.’: Waco. Tex., 27; Temple 28; 28 27; Cato 28 30. Von Thiele, Elaine (AIrdome) Chattanooga, Austin 29; San Antonio 30. Raymond, the Great, Maurice F. Raymond, Tenn.; (Orpbeum) Savannah, (la., 1(1. Robinson’s, John: .Newberry, S. C., 28. mgr.: Liverpool, Eng., Nov. 310;' Dublin, Van. Cbarlea A Fannie (Heunett'a) Hamilton, .Sells-Floto: Bes*<-mer, Ala., 27; Jasper 28; Ireland. 14 20; Glasgow, Scotland. 23-30. Can.; ((^olimlall N. Y. C.. 1-0. Tnjielo, Miss., 29; New Alban.v .30. Santinelll. L. J. Slevin, bus. mgr.; Findlay, O., A Visit To Uncle Vnralty Quartette (Pantagea) Portland, Ore.; (Pantngee) Sab l-Ynncliico l-O. 25.10; Bucyrua Nov. 1-6. Two city nephews visit their uncle—they Schumann Hvink, Mme.; Pblla., 28. Van Hilly B., A Beaumont Hlatera (Proctor’s) have all klndi of fun with him—steal his co« N.wark, N. J.. (Kelth’a) Pblla.. 10. MIDWAY COMPANIES Sembrlch. Mme.; Indianapolis, Ind., 27. Voelker. .Mr. A Mrs. F'rederlck (Orpbeum) Kan j Thomas A Pearl’s Show, John T. Thomas, mgr.: , and sell It back to him and otherwise upset s la City, Mo.. 10. .Adams A Stahl Shows, W’. G. Adams, mgr.; I Kathwood, S. C., 25 27; Elicnton 28-30. poor uncle, but all ends well. Vynoa. The (BIJoul Pawtucket, R. I. Ia»xtngton, Tenn., 25 30. I Thompson’s Yankee Doodle Entertainers. Frank Vivians. Two (Poll’s) Krldge|iart, Conn.; (Tem¬ Rarkoot Carnival Co., K. G. Barkoot. mgr.; I H. Thompson.mgr.: Caienovla, Wla., 25-30; LENGTH, 605 FEET. ple) Detroit 1-0. Union, S. C., 25-30. i Lime Ridge Nov. 1-6. Van. Billy (Haymarket) Chicago; (Temple) Business Men’s Amusement Co.. W. R. Harris, Up-fo-Da’e Amusement Co.; Seymour, Tex., , Detroit 1-0. mgr.; Indianapolis, Ind., 25-30. 25 .30; Haskell Nov. 16. Vance. Clarice (American) N. Y. C. C'offree Amusement Co., Cai>t. C. H. Coffree, Van Bros.’ Vaudeville Co.: Groton, N. Y., 27- Walker, Happy Jack (Turf Concert Hall) San mgr.: CarutbersTllle, Mo., 25-30. 28; Dryden 29-30. A Buried Secret Francisco. CosmorHilltan, Great, Shows: Wellston, Mo., Vandergonid, Great, Co., Wm. 'Yandergould. Wbltten. Chaa. P. (Pastime) Henderson, N. C. mgr.; Beloit, Kan., 25-27; Junction City 28- A young lady wishing to dispose of a little Winston’s Sea Lions (Million Dollar Pier) Atlan¬ 30. Good»ll Shows, C. M. Goodell, mgr.: Paola, I package gets Into all kinds of trouble, and all tic City. Kan., 25-30. I Woodw'ard’s. Harry A., Vaudeville A Moving Wasbis, HIgle A Lora (MIcbelsoni Grand Is¬ Hampton’s Southern Shows, Jack Hampton, ■ Picture Co.: SIdnaw, Mich., 25-30. | this for an old pair of corsets—for which the land, Neb., 24 27; (New Majestic) Washing¬ mgr.: Rome. Ga., 2.’»:i0: Cedartown Nov. 1-6. ! Wnllner, Dr.: Boston, Mass., 27; Chicago, HI., j has no further use. ton, Kan., 28 30. Juvenal’s Stadium Shows, J. M. Juvenal, mgr.: 81 I Waltbour Trio (Orpbeum) Omaha; (Orpbeum) Atoka. OkU., 25-30. LENGTH, 446 FEET. Kansas City 1-0. Jones, Johnny J.. Exposition Shows: Fayette¬ Winters Comedy Four (Hathaway's) Brockton, ville. N. C., 25-30. 1 BURLESQUE, Mass. Keppler, C. J., Amusement Co.: Lexington, I RELEASED OCTOBER 88. Wentworth, Vesta A Teddy (Colonial) N. Y. C. Tenn.. 26-30. i Woodward, Romaln L. (O. H.l Eh'le, Pa. Americans, Teddy SIraonds, mgr.; Albany. 25- Kline. Herbert A., Shows; Dallas, Tex. 9-31; Wortban, Dancing Cbas. (O. H.) Manson, la.; 27; Schenectady 2830; Wilkes-Barre Nov. 1.3; ' Shreveport. La , Nov. 1-6. (O. U.) Pocahontas 1-6. Scranton 4-6. Weber, Cbas. D. (Family) Lafayette, Ind.; Lachman Co. Shows: Ft. Smith, Ark., 25-30. Avenue Girls, Dan Sculler, mgr.: N. Y. C., (Majestic) Milwaukee 1-6. Patterson, Groat Shows, James Patterson, 25 30; Newark. N. J., Nov. 1-6. More Precious than Gold Watson's Sammy, Farm.vard Circus (Orpbeum) mgr.; Jackson, Miss., 25-Nov. 6. Behman Show, Jack Singer, mgr.: Detroit 25- St. Paul; (Majestic) Des Moines, la.. 1-6. Relso. Nat. Carnival Co.: Las Vegas, N. M., 30; Chicago Nov. 1-6. A young lady, to save her mother from ttarva 22 20. Whitman, Florence (Olympic) Grand Rapids, Big Review, Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: Detroit tlon decides to marry an old miser. At the Mich.; (Bijou) Saginaw 1-6. Roliinsun .Amusement Co.. Dan R. Robinson, 25-30: Chicago Nov. 1-6. last moment, however, she decides there Is Washer Bros iBijou) Moose Jaw, Can. mgr.: Vicksburg, Miss., 25-30; Meridian Nov. Bohemians. Al. Lubin, mgr.: Schenectady 2.3- Woods A Woods Trio (Columbia) St. Louis. 1-6. 27; Albany 28-30: Montreal Nov. 1-6. something “More Precious Than Gold”—sod W’bite’s Dincing Bugs (Grand) Pittsburg, Pa.; Royal Amuaement Co.: Dayton, Tenn 25- Bon Tons. Weber A Rush, mgrs.: Milwaukee, marries her old sweetheart. (Xelth’s) Cleveland 1-6. 30. 25-30; Chicago Nov. 1-6. Wood, Geo. H. (Washington) Spokane; (Star) St. Louis Amusement Co., E. W. Weaver, mgr.- Bowery Burlesquers, E. M. Rosenthal, mgr.; LENGTH, 815 FEET. Seattle 1-6. Edgefield. 3. C.. 25-30; St. Mathews Nov. Milwaukee Nov. 1-6. Wlnkler-Kress Trio (Proctor’s) Albany, N. Y.; 16. Brigadiers, Wash. Martin, mgr.: Newark, 23- (l*roctor's) Newark. N. J., 1-6. Smith Greater Shows: Paducah, Ky., 25 30. 30. Willard A Bund (Colonial) I.,awrence, Mass.; Sunflower .Amnsement Co., C. E. Bovd mgr ■ Broadway Gaiety Girls, Louis Oberwarth, mgr.: (Hippodrome) Cleveland. O.. 1-6. Nashville, Tenn., 25 30; Gulfport, Mlsa., Nov. Chicago 25-30. UNDERWRITERS Wff Wbitestone, Nat, A Charles Gray (Shea’s) Buf¬ 16. California Girls. Wm. H. Triiheart. mgr.: Pltts- falo; (Shea’s) Toronto 1-6. u. ». Larnivai lo.. k, l. Carroll, mgr.: El ton. Pa.. 27; Plymouth 28; Nantlcoke 29; . APPROVED [o-tj Wyckoff, Fred (Orpbeum) Altoona, Pa.; (Audi¬ Ca-npo, Tex., '25-30; Bay City Nov. 1-6. Bloomsburg 30. torium) L.mn. Mass.. 1-6. Wood’s. J. L., Shows; Eatonton, Gs., 25-30. Century Girls. John J. Moynlhsn, mgr.: Brook- r MODEL Weadlck A LaDue (Orpbeum) Lima O. Washington .Amusement Co., B. C. Washington, l.rn 18 23; N. Y. C., Nov. 1-6. Williams, Cowboy (Trent) Trenton, N .J. mgr.: Greenwood. Miss., 25-30. Cherry Blossoms. Maurice Jacobs, mgr.; Kansas Williams A Gordon (Majestic) Detroit; (Fam¬ Ye Olde English Pleasure Fair Co.: Danville, City 28.30; St. lymla Nov. 1-6. ily) l-anslng 1-6. V.a.. 2.’>-30; Durham, N. C., Nov. 1-6. College Girls. Spiegel Amuse. Co., mgrs.; Loo- Wiliams, Frank A Della (Howard) Boston. Isvllle 28-30; St. Lonis Nov. 1-6. Whitelsw, Arthur (Orpbeum) Kansas City; Columbia Burlesquers. J. Herbert Mark, mgr.; (Columbia) St. Ixmls 1-6. St. Louis 25-.30; Kansas City, Nov. 1-6. Warren. Lyon A Myrrs (Columbia) Cincinnati; MINSTREL. Coxy Corner Girls. Sam Robinson, mgr.: Cin¬ (Orpheun) Evansville, Ind., 1 6. Wells, Lew (Orpbeum) Salt I.«ke C3ty, Utah, cinnati 28 .30; Chicago Not. 1-6. Colmrn’s. J. A.: Decatur, Ala., 27; Pulaski, Cracker Jacks, Harry Lconi. mgr.: Chicago, 1-6 Tenn.. 28; SheSeld, Ala., 29; Corinth. Miss.. Wllllson A Stonaker (Bell) Oakland Cal. 28-Not. 6. 30; Tupelo 31Nov. 1; A^rdeen 2; Macon 3; Dainty Duchess. Weber A Rusb, mgrs.: Kan¬ Whitman Bros. (Bijou) Duluth, Minn.; (Blj<») Columbus 4; West Point 6: Starkvllle 6. Mlnneap-vlls 1-6. sas City 28 .30; Des Moines Nov. 16. Cohan A Harris': Chicago 18 30. Dreamland Burlesquers, Issy Grodx, mgr.; Phil¬ Wilson Bros. (Proctor’s) Newark. N. J., 2S- DeRue Bros.': Oneonta, N. Y., 27. Nov. 6. adelphia 23-30; Scranton Nor. 1-3; Wllkea- Dockstader’s. Lew. Jamea H.’ Decker, mgr.; Barre 4'6. Winter, Winona (Grand) Indianapolis; (Hop¬ Elgin, III . 28: Racine, Wla., 30. kins) I.,ouisvllle 1-6. Ducklings. Frank Calder, mgr.: St. Josepb, Dumont's, Frank: Phlla., Oct. 16, Indef. Waterbury Bros. A Tenney (Grand) Pittsburg; 28-.30; Kansas City Nov. 1-6. (Keith’s) in)ila.. 16. Fleld’a, Al. G.: New Orleans. La., 24-30; New Empire Biirlesquers, Jesse Burns, mgr.: Phila¬ Walsh, Lynch A Co. (Poll’s) Sitrlngdeld, Mass.; ^1)^rla 31; Igike (Tharles Nov. 1; Beaumont, delphia 25-30; Wilkes-Barre Nov. 1-3; Scran¬ (Lyric) Dayton. O.. 1-6. Tex.. 2: Galveston 3; Houston 4-5; San An¬ ton 4-6. Washburn Sisters (Bijon) Calumet. Mich. tonio 6-7. Fads and Follies. Cbas. B. Arnold, mgr.; Pitts¬ I Walker, Nells (Orpbeum) Minneapolis 26-Nov. Guy’s. Arthur L., Novelty, Mrs. A. L. Ony, burg. Pa., 25-30; Buffalo Nov. 1-6. 6. mgr.: SteultcnviUe, 0.. 25 30; Mt. 'Vernon Nov. Fashion Plates. Harry Montague, mgr.: Balti¬ i Williams, Great; Yankton. S. D.; Sioux Falls. 1-6. more 25-30; Phils.. Not. 1-6. Whitehead A Grlenon (Msjesetlc) Bntte 2S- Richards A Pringle’s. Holland A Fllklna. mgrs.: Fay Foster. John (Srleves. mgr.; Boston 18- Not. 6. Roswell. N. .M., 27; Carlsbad 28; Pecos, ‘fei. .30; Schenectady Nov. 1-3: Albany 4-6. Webb, Harry (Miles) Minneapolis. 29: Midland 30. Follies of the Day. Barney Girard, mgr.: N. Y. LUBIN'S 1910 MARVEL Wormwood’s Animals (Colonial) N. Y. C. Retnflcld’a. Sig.. Lady; (Vlctori New Orleans, C. , 25-.30: Brooklyn Not. 1-6. Whittle, W. E. (Plssa) N. Y. C. La.. 24 Dec. 4. Follies of the Moulin Rouge, Joe Hurtig, mgr.; Equipped with Improved Fire Magazinae, Whelan, Albert (Keith’s) Phils. Vogal’a, John W. Vogel, mgr.: Ironton. O., 27; Automatic Fire Shutter and Automatic Fira Wynne. Bessie (Keith's) Phils. Jackson 28; Xenia 29; Lebanon .30; Union City, Schenectady 25-27; Albany 28-30; Boston Not. 16. Woods Trio (Orpbeum) Newark. O. Ind.. Nov. 1; Panlding, O.. 2: Auburn, Ind., Shield (Lttbin’s Patent), Afbestoi Covered S. D„. 1-6. .3; Kendallvllle 4; Joneavlllc, .Mich., 5; COld- Frolicsome Lambs, I. E. Block, mgr.: Scran¬ Wire Connections, new Inmroved Lamp World, John W., A MIndell Kingston (Orpbeum) wstor 6. ton 25 27; Wilkes-Barre 28-30; Paterson Not. Lincoln, Neb.; (Orpbeum) Sioux City, Is., 1-3; Jersey City 4-6. House, new style Fireproof ^eostat. Im¬ 16. Gay Morning Glories. George F. Belfrsge, mgr.; proved Electric Lamp, new Condenaer Waters. Tom (Orpbeum) Ix>s Angeles, Cal. rem. Ind.. 27: Wabash 28: Bliiffton 29; Wayne A Frey (Majestic) Canton. O. MISCELLANEOUS | Lafayette 30: Riehmond Not. 1; Muncts 2. Holders for rapid change, Outside Shutter, Wren Trio (Bijou) Atlanta. Ga. Gay Maa<)ueraders. Joe Pettlnglll. mgr. POSITIVE REWINDHfG ATTACHMENT, .Abraham's, Cbas. M.. Platform Shows: (Reiss Waddell, F>ed A Mae (Criterion) Chicago. Girls from Happyland, Lou Hurtig. mgr.; Pbll- the only correct one, ONE PIN MOVE¬ Wolfhelm's Bronte Statues (Pekin) Chicago. Carnival Co.) Las Vegas, N. M.. 22-30; (Fair) adelpbti 25-30; Newark Not. 1-6. Ysckley A Bunnell (Ctolonlal) Wilkensburg, I’a.; El Paso. Tex., Nov. 1-0. Golden Crook. Jacobs A Jermon. mgrs.: CleTe- MENT, and innumerable other important (Star) Moneasen 1-6. Almond’s, Jethro. Bible Show A Moving Pic- 1 land 28-30: Columbns Not. 1-3; Wheeling 4-6. new features. The machine for excellent Tarick A I,alonde (Circle) N. Y. C. tnrea, under canvas: (Fair) Lexington, S. C., Hastings’, Harry, Show: Newark 25-30; Hc^- Taw, Dun Tin (Orpbeum) Urns, O. 25-30; (Fair) Columbia Nov. 16. ! ken Not. 1-6. work without trouble. York. Charley Musical (Lubln's) Richmond. -Alxeda’s Hypnotic Comedy Ce., G. E. Frlgon. i Imperials. Sim Williams, mgr.; Wilkes-Barre, Va.; (Orpbeum) Portsmouth 16. m)rT.; Atoka. Okla.. 25.30. ;S-27; Scranton 28-30; Albany Not. 1-3; Sche¬ ASM FOR OUR FREE CATALOOUE Young, Frank A. (O. H.) Arcadia Kan.; (O. Bllsg. Baby. Show, Cbas. M. Abraham, mgr.: ' nectady 4 6. H.) Pittsburg 1-6. Las V-gsa. N. M., 22 30; El Paso. Tex.. Nov. | Irwin’s Big Show: Toronto 23.30; Rochester Younger Bros. (Orpbeum) Jamestown, N. D. 1-6. Not. 1-6 Young. DeWItt. A Sister (American) (Thicago. Bonnelll's Big City Show. J,xg. Bonnelll, mgr.; I Irwin’s Gibson Girls; Buffalo 23-30; Twonto Youngs A Brooks (Majestic) Galveston, Tex. Nicholaavllle. Ky., 25-30: I.awreiiceburg .Nov. Not. 1-6. Yackley A Bunnell (Lyric) I’nlontotwn. Pa. 16. Tardln de Paris Girls. Clarence Burdick, mgr.; Young, James, A Co. (Orpbeum) Oakland, Cal. Burkhart. Great. Show. 0««-ar .1. Mason, mgr.: JerseT Lilies, Wm. S. Clark, mgr.: N. Y. C., Lubin Manufacturing Co. Zebratos, Novelty (Why Not) GreenBeld. Ind., Hancock. Md.. 27: Cumberland 28; Lonacon- 28-30: Brooklyn Not. 1-6. 28 27; (Majestic) Parle, III., 2S 30. 92C Market Street, Ing 29; Blaine. W. Va.. -30; Thomas Nov. 1; Jolly Girls. Richard Patton, mgr.: Loulsyllle Zenda. Dolly (O. It ) Titusville. Pa. Parsons 2; Dover .3; Elk Garden 4; Barton. 25 30; Cineinnati Not. 16. • PHILAOELPHIA. PA. Zasell A Vernon Co. (Apollo) Itusseldorf, Oer., Md.. 8: Midland 6. Nov M5; (Thalia) Elberfeld 16 30. KentnekT Belles, Robert Gordon, mgr.; Jersey Duncan. Isadora: Clnclnnutl, O., 28; Columbus City 25-27: Paterson 28 30; N. Y. C.. Not. 29. I 16. Duncan Hypnotic Comed.v Co.; Anrors. Ind., i Knlekerhockera, Txnils Roble. mgr.: Brooklyn TENT SHOWS 28 27; 1 awrenceburg 28 ;i(); Springfield, O., 1830; Pblla., Nov. 16. Nov. 16. Lady Buccaneers. Harry Strausse. mgr.: Wash.. CHE(;K boy slot machines—By special ar Hvrnum A Bailey; Spartanburg, S. C.. 27; Flint. Herbert L., Co.. Hypnotists. Geo. L. D. C.. 25 30; Baltimore Not. 1-6. rangement we effer new stock for a limited time Greenville 28; Anderson '29; Columbia 30; Manderhack. mgr.' .Aurora, 111., 28 30; Dav¬ L'd LIHers: Columbus 2.8 27: Wheeling 28-30; at r.38. 881 Heed Building Philadelphia, Pa. Augusta. Ga.. Nov. 1; Charleston, S. C.. 2; enport. la., Nov, 1-6. IMitsburg Not. 1 6. Savannah. Ga., 3; Wsvcnvaa 4; Jacksonville, Foote, Commodore. A Slater Queenie, Royal Majesties. Fred Ir«in’<: Rochester 2.8,30 Sche¬ FOR SALE—Magic Apparatus, cheap for cash, Fla., 6; Valdosta, Ga.. 'o. American t.llliuitlans: Chlcage. Is- '-'T: I i»>er nectady Nov. 13: .Allbany 4-6. or will exchange for show prop. Send stamp for BufTalo Bill A I’awnee Bill Combined: Ss- tyvllle 2S:iO Marathon Girls. Phil Sheridan, mgr.: N. Y. list. W. L. McCURRY, 1405 State St., Tex¬ vannah, (la., 27; Chsrlinton, S. C.. 28; Sum Ferrar. Geraldine: I’nivldence, R. I .’ll C.. 28 .30; Providence Not. 16. arkana. Texas. ter 29; Fayetteville. N. C.. 30; Wilmington Griffith Hypnotic Comt'dy fo.. W H. Rice, Mardl Gras Beauties. .Andy Lewis, mgr.: Chi¬ Nov. 1; Wilson 2; Tarlurro 3; Suffolk, Va., 4; mgr.: Selma, .Ala., 28-3(1. cago 23-30; Cincinnati Nov. 16. Norfolk 8; Richmond 6; season ends. Georgia Troubadour Mln*lrels, Win McCabe, BE A MONOPOLIST—Win sell the patent Merry Bnrlesquers: Phlla.. Not. 1-6. rlglits of tue most novel game Invented In years Bl'•ndln’s, Ia*o; Wynnewotid, Okla., 27; Sulphur mgr : .Arthur, la.. 27 'JS; Odebolt 2' ;i ; Ear¬ I Merry Maidens. Hairy Hedges, mgr.. Bro<.k- Outdoor and Indoor. Practical for both sexe* 28; Davis 29; Marietta .30. ly Nov 1 2: Schaller 3 4 lyn 2.8-Nov. 6. W. CO'YNE. 115 So. Franklin, Mancie, lad. Buckskin Ben's Wild West; Dallas, Tex., 10 Gilpin’s Hvpnollc Comedy Co., J. E, .Moi'r,llls, i Merry Whirl. Louis Epstein, mgr.; .Albany Nov. 31; Slireveport. La., Nov. 16. mgr.: Freeport, III., 2.8-30; I’ana Nov. 16. 1-3: Schenectadv 4 6. DeArmond Greater Southern Shows; Rlchlanil. Ilerr, Hypnotist. Billy i). Gleich, mgr.: Bn Miss New York, Jr., Kd, Sehappen. mgr.: Buf¬ •la . ‘J.", :t)); Amerleiis 1 tt ehansn. Mleh.. 28 27: Three Rivers 28 30; Ke falo 23 30; Detroit Nov. 16. STRONG. 5-FOOTED CALF FOR SALE Fountain's. Robbri McNeil. Ark,. '27; Stephens wanee. 111., Not. 1-6. Morning. Nimn and Nigbt. Walter Remberg. ■Address O. F, WYRICK, Del Rio, Texas 28; Mllinile 21); Bearden .30.31; Harlow Nov. mgr.: St. Ixmls 23 30; Indianapolis Not. 1-6. JoIIt TYlile Show. Cha«. M .Abrams, mgr.: Las i 1; Ttiornton 2; Fordvce ,3. Moulin Rouge. Cha*. Edwards, mgr.; Indianap¬ Vegas, N. M.. 22 .'«); El Paso. Tex.. Nov. 16 | Gentry Bros.' No. 1; Grillln. Ga.. .30; CarrolDon olis 2.V30; I-oiilsvlIIe Nov. 16. Krvl Concert Co.: Ottawa. Ill., Nov. 1. i SLOT MACHINFS Nov. 1; Griu.nvllle 2; ('oinmbns .3; Dadevllle. Parisian Widows. Wob*T A Rush, mgrs ; Ho¬ 160. cheap; (food condition. OXFORD (JO.. Ala., 4; Alexander (Itv, Ala., 8; Sylacauga 6. KIng’a. Kellie. I’latform Shows: Nashville, boken 2.8;!l>; N. Y. C.. Nov. 1 6. 3009 Oxford St.. Philadalphia, Pa._ Hagenbevk Wallace; Amite City, La. ‘27; Me Tenn., 18-30. Pat White's Gaiety Girls: Toronto 25-30; Buf- Comb, Miss.. 28; Bmokbaven 29 Hailehurst Link’s, BIII,t. Co.: Palestine. Tex., 2.3 30. falo Nov. 16. I want to hear from vaudeville acta or one SO. I.nrey. Tlio* Elmore- llarrodsburg. Iml., 28; Queens of the Jardin de Paris; Rostim 25-30; act playle*s for one or three nights. Hnintihrles Bnai.’ Sliowv; Willow City. Tex.. Kingman 29; Rus*..llvllle .'tO; nossvllle. 111.. Springfield Nov. l-S; Holyoke 4 6. stage; 660 seats. .Address Winflela I, Orifitn Nov. 2: Sandy 3; Blanco 4; Drlpidnii Spring* Nov 1; Miron Sh-Ilsl>erg, la.. 3: Lt«coinb Mgr. CrooksTille Vaudeville Thesirs, Box 416. ’• DrlftwotMl 6 4 (Continueil on (lage .'12 ■ Crooksville, Ohio.

      1 FAIRS AND CARNIVALS YOU STREETMEN ! Don’t Buy any Goods Until You Get Our Catalog. Send Cosmopolitan Shows Unite and Make St. Charles’ Centennial a for it. Iw

      COSMOPOLITAN SHOWS ■<1mlii«l»o(. and during tUe fair waa arr; aat- 108 pages. lafa*’lory. Cvi-ry d»tall of the fair proper waa In Our No. 31 (ieneral Catalog has 672 No. 1 And 2 Corrbine At St. CharUs r aillm-aa and the variraia M'hi-duleil evenia wore Centennial Celebration. giTiii pr<>ni|itly. The illri-otora ahould lie ooii pages. Which do you want ? vntiil iieil on Ihrir piihllr apirlt. Itoy (Sill did bloiM-lf (iroiid aa a<-orelary. The No. 1 and No. 2 Coamop^dltan cnmpanlea \V. S. I.iyinn b»d rliarge of the eooreailona came toeetber luat w«ek at St. Chat lea. .Mu., acain tlila year. The “.'lidway" had a mini' We are Manufacturers, Importer! ovs irmovs uvn for tbe centennial celelirathm and will prop tier of at Iran Iona hut not aa irany aa laat year. Jewelry, Watebaa, ably remain together tlie tialanoe of the ei'a- Slrobora alrahlp waa one of the free nttrac- Btreetmen. Tenders. and Wholesalers. Cutlery, Cnnen. MIeer aon. 1 be abi.w left St. Charles with twenty- tlora. Thia pnired to lie a “real alrahlp. ' Cane Rack and Knife ware, Yankee Notloan. aeven Cera, two Kem* whtada. two awtnga. two aii'l pendori-d entire aatlafaetinn. A niiiiilier Board Men. ft I g h NorelUce and SpecUl hands and a double oigaiilzatioo throughout. ' of fliehta were made that rauaed the many hy- Pitch and rieb Pond tiee In Immense ra carr}lng now twenty-thn-e ahowa, eud a hig atandera to op<‘n their eyes. Biggest Line in America rietj. Quick eellsre Ininrb of coDceaalone. llotb light plants are Opemtore. Street Fair In Btatlouery, Dry being carried. Tbe Jeulera, Keai 11018 \ ana and and Carnlral Workera. START WINTER SEASON Ooods SundJia*. Lea Salee, tbe Juggler, fill acta wltb tbe No. 2 Traveling Medicine tber and Robber company bare left. Sbowa, Ctrcoaea. Auc Oooda, Books and Bon Aa tc tbe St. Charles Centennial, many things The Willard Rcbwarx Indoor Featlral and Car¬ tioneera, Cooemlon renira P r e m t n m both giKal and bad. could le ai.ld of It. Trutb- nival Comprny i>|a na Its winter season at Free¬ N. SHURE CO goods, Adrertlslag fully sp,-akiug. It waa not a aucceaa. The pa- alrea, Premlom OIr hold. N. J.. Momlay. Nov*'nil*er 15 f'>r a we^'a gisida. Street Pair, radea wreiit off with a rim. aial Ihe formal pro era. Bchemlata, U. O. stay there under tbe auspices of Vreodeaburg 220-222 Madison Stroat Candral and Plealc gram waa carrlCa Famous Mlnatrel Sep¬ two miles out, the weather mlaerahle. and a tette, Frank IMicrrde In The Midnight Mvateri-a front gate fee with aereral ntbi-r gipa hurt a of Ihe Yogi. Willard Scliwarx VaiidevlUe •ot, wltb tbe program poorly arranged. A aatlon. Chief Dark Clotid and hla Indiana In a death and aereral luirtlea injurrd h.t a Pulek production of lllawallia. Wllacho'a Jubilee racing cor crashing Ihroiign tbe fence after Rlng'-ra, and llaja'a Ono-ring Clrcua. aklddlng In tbe mud at a curve also ahhsi In The coiiccaal< na are cane aud knife racks, putting a damper on the fewilrltiea. “Itriiamo" dart and photo gnllery, plate hoard, gum atand. one of the abow'a pet dogs, wss also a rlrtloi of camly «lh-el and refreahmenta. tbe accident. DREAMLAND'S DIG SUCCESS 9^ry ralna. and the long hilly drill, with a ' fiat wreckeeT 30. fered a alight Injury In tbe human laumlry Mra, J. K. An<|en>on. wife of Manager J. of tbe S|>e|lman Shows ami lmuorta hiialm-aa waa ercelleiit. The show covered Pennaylvanla, New York State aud Ohio. A Scream from Start to Finish Good Productions Are Meeting With Great Success. ONE man can operate. Takes 5-horscpower motor to run.

      Corinne In Mile. .Mlaehlef waa played wltb | Capacity 64 people, or 768 per hour. Easy to load and un¬ great aucceaa at the Audlt»r1iim Ihe past we»-k ; and will he continued all of next week. I load. Space required, 60 feet square. Owing to the simple Tt.e Third l>»gr**e was well received at the ' MaeoQ. 11. II. Frnitpe, Inc., concluded their season of 1 consthiction, the maintenance is cut to a minimum. mualral rop)ele|>eiideut of the general man Singing Cumiiany, who will o|ien tberu ‘ Ilian of I’lnirlnatlon along the streets. ,411 on Octolier IT. ; liualneaa men aud residents have entered Into Tlie Orpbenm'a well-selected program was aa |! don’t cost much money, address tbe true spirit of this carnival. follows' CImimxtantlal Kvldence, Wynn and | Tne baby parade, to tak> place. Novemtier II, Lee In The BMIIken Fr<'.hi.'an. Charle* Moiitrell. ; promlaea to e<-II|ite anything ever attempted Crouch and Welch. At the Country Club. The and to t>e one of the meat Interesting events of Arlington Fm'r. SIg I.iielano Lucca. Garilner and 'he week. There will lie any number of prir.ea Revere, and motion idetiirea. for all natlonalitlea. Busineaa bouaea have an Siilli'an and Con«ldlne presented the following iwmnced their intention of o.Tering aide priaea (lopular hill at tbe l/oa Angele. Theatre during ; Lauster Rigamarole Am. Co. for tbia event, I the past we<'k; The' Tliree Rra-hra. c,vpll«t«: Tbe combined mnsleal orgsnlzatlona of Phil¬ !.eMnae Bndherw, cr-mi-dy aerohata; Vera de adelphia and Manaynnk will furnisb music Baaainl, the Italian Nightingale; Mitchell and i OFFICE AND FACTORY throughout th*' wss'k and continuous hsnd con Cain in The Frenchman and the Other Fellow; eer*» will be a feature of flie celehratloti. Tom Bateman. Knilly and Ji-aale luahl and Ylaniifaclurera, business men and private td Company In Duttuo'a Claim, and motion pic claens have given their hearty support and en turea. 511 West 2l8t Street, - - - New York Cit\ "onragement. flnanelalty and otherwise for this The attractive hill at the lala Included the celebration, which la Intended to help boom the following acta, whleh were well receive*!: Cliaa. city and prove tbe statement that Manaynnk Saiindara, singing eomeillen: Mr. anil Mrs. B*Tt in operation la older than the city of I’hlladelphta proper, Draper. In The Coon From Mobile; llenr}' King and a good place to make your living In. herltone- Cooke and Myers. In The Aerohitle The following officers have been elected: Dutebman, and the Dancing Girl, lllnsirateit President, J. J. Blaeh; vice president, Wm. J songs and moHnn pteinres. Hurst: treasurer. Jacob Metiler, and secretary, I The Charles Ajdln Musical fVnnedy Company THE BALL SPINDLE BenJ. F. Oalverley. Jr. ' played a very aiieeessfnl week In Off to tbe Vortb Dole, at Fischer's. The Norwooit Trio In songs and daneea. Jack SPECTACLE RETAINED, Harrington. cartismUt. and the one act eomeity. I BTio Is Who? together with Itinsirrted songs owing to the anccess of tbe reprnsluced by the State ML ] progrsiB at the Unique, wbleb was well re lltla and several bimilred Sioux Indiana, at the reived. Qat Belt Rxhlbitlon. I'lerrc. S. D.. last week, The. .Yllen Curtis_ Musical Comedv played a tbe management will hold the attraction orer very popular week of Tlie Jolly Widow at the for the two following weeks of land registers Walker. tlon as a feature unmtier. Representafivea of Tie C|ne<.graph'a program Inelnded the fob ■B Eastern film house have secured aoma verv lowing striking numhera: I.ltlle Sonie, singing rwallsttc scenes of tbe battle. and dancing Cf.medlan; Kthcl Vanghn. contrail*); Claode Kelly an*l Cempany In onc act c«imed.v, Tlie Sly Hr. Fox. Illustrated songs and moving HOT SPRINGS FAIR ptetnrea. Inelnded In the Rxpoaltlon's Mil were the fol¬ M.X.VAr.KHS AXI) PKHI-XJU.MKILS AIIK UKQrKSTKI) T<) SKNI* Wltb Saga and banners flattering from every lowing attrictlona: Bibs and BIha. comedians: flagstaff and from the numerous exhibit biilbl Geo. T. Moricy. banjoUt- Goldie I.aVon. sing¬ TIIFIIt I».\TK..S AX1> llOL’TI'>aT<) THK llll*IJM>Alll>. IF Yt)lJ IM)NT \V.\NT Inga, President Waters, of the Arkansas State er; Trifle Trent. Martella, dancer; JfS* .\r TlIF.M rUIllJSIlF.Il, A IlKgi'FKT TO THAT KFn':fT* WILI* UK KK- Fair Aaaoclatloa annntmeed the opening of the thnr, mme*1iin; Illustrated songs and motion SPKiTFn. ANT) \VF WTLIi BK KN XBIsKI) TO I'X>n\VA«I) YOITI YIAII fOnrth aasual fair. October 7. TYie attendance pictures. aa tha epenlng day waa nearly 18.000 paid PAUL HAYS PBOMPTLY. SEVEN DAYS AT THE ASTOR,

      Thp lofiir run of Th** Man Kr^mi Homo. »t tho a«fr>r Thoafro. Now York. Is tii '•ijfht, any Avery Hopw #Kal anil Mary John'***!! I(h«'fnhnrt. F'rollnilnary porft»rnianor'a «111 Im* clv‘»n In Aflanfir riiy. TSo OS'*! Contains Mor>4> I.atham. Horhort rorthcll. Klor iico lli'oil. |.iic|||«> I.a Verne. Al Ian r»o')

      Nan Hr»*nnMn will he a afar when fho Time coin»»s. sh»* haa pro%iMl that lt*a In her. The other nlirht wlien Maiirt l.amtMTt In The MM nitrht S«te,| I t Mian Br^'inin, who w’aa Jnat a t»retty fborna With a New and Improved Movement, THE CAM Fnatr Flcwtrs elrl. ''••Ive me a fr.T at It.** tM»irife{1. *1 knotr No Star Wheel to get out of order. !T. D. MOTT. 115-17 DtAtSOC ST .CmCAM.Itll the wh'*|»« part.*' SheM In^en ualnit her brains, while ahe w la fhornslnfT. An«l tha* nl^lit the umltence prort th*l Ii* W> havp pvpry Infenrtrd to dUpooe of hla holdlnga lo the Hit tblnc of (be lat^at lln Hotel and move to .New York City, lie aloo ROARING COMICS ind atiKk of denied the rumor that the Stair HhtIIu melo¬ JEWELRY drama circuit waa going to pteeea. He aald STIRRING DRAMA CUTLERY A In »ome of the larger cltle* where they oom*- NOVELTIES timea had three houaes devoted to melodrama, W* are picIiipItp they bad changed one of the bouoea to ■ atoi-k MAGNIFICENT COLORED HEADLINERS I’. 8. A. A»pnti company botme. Mr. Harlln aald tlieatrical con- for th» itTPatPat ditlona all over the country are Improving. Money Maker*. Satisfaction or Money Back. All Accessories. (Itmlpt A Riynold Witrbp*; ■ I a o. ^ erkes Sound Eflects. Write for New Catalogue. Ilaralllon beat •ril¬ NEW PRODUCING FIRM ing Raior*. GOaOON Si MORRISON A new producing firm and play have Juat Item organiited The linn Is known aa the Elbert Wboleailp Jeweler*. Couipiiny. ami its drst prexiuctiun will be 11>e IM-tOl E. lladiton St.. Chicago, IlL Auibltlonx of Marjorie, by John Cumberland. The premiere takes place In Now Haven on Novellllier n. CANADA Ethel riande, an Engllah actresa, will have ;Ga(in)oi)t> 403-405 Blrks Building;, • Montreal the leading feminine role, Ix‘ander de Cordova ■GaCtnjoDt BEFORE BUYING and Clamiie l.ucaa aloo will have Imixirtant part* The play deels entirely with stage YOUR folk, snd Its first act is laid In a theatrical boarding bouxe. 310 Kennedy Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Minute Picture Machine THE GERMAN SENATOR ILL. or any supplies for Cliff Uordon. known from Coast to Coast as “The Herman S.‘nalor. Is seriously ill at the your machine, Ret our Red Cn** Hospital, tine Hundreiltb street and circular and price list. Central Park. West. New York City. The coin, TALKING PICTURES FOR $260 ediiin was seised with an attack of nervous prostrstlon nhlle playing the Morris bouse In A New Chronophone Profxisition. Write to Memphis a few w,s ks ago. AMERICAN MINUTE (iordon was told hy bis ahistcians to termi¬ nate bis eng.Hgement In iba Southern town and PHOTO COMPANY, enter s hospilal. but this he refused to do. IVpt. H. playing out hi* week. Me colla|>se<| In hi* dre*» GAUMONT CO. li'g nx-m after leaving tbe stage at his last 720-728 Wttlt2th Itrtut, performance. CHICAGO. ILL. Recent visitors at the Decstur. Ill., offlee of The Itllllxiard were Doc Waddell, L. C. Eelleno and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, of the DICE Dniiean Hypnotic Comiiany. —ANO— YOUR OWN SPECIAL. TICKEY c^vmT 5,000— $1.25 25,000— $ 5.50 CARDS The wonderful ONZ 10,000— 2 50 50.000— 10 00 20th CENTURY 20,000— 4.60 100,000— 14.00 High-class Work Only. GYROSCOPE Accurately numbered, all colors. Quick shipmento TOP. Needs no Dice. .16.1 The Ticket—Full inch and a Quarter—Get the Samples—Cash with order Cards . 1.1 description. Asa Big f Duplicate Numbers on tbe Roll lor Prizes, Drawings, Etc. Catalogua Fraa. seller it has no equal. Packed wUUiUM aiyilb liwAbid 5.000-82 50 20.000- 59.20 SEND FOR SAMPLED VU HUNT & CO one in a box. 8C Fifth Avsnus, Gro. - - - $13 60 CHICAGO. ILL. Doz.-1 20 AND DON’T FOR. Platt* for all Canaoa Machine* and One Inch GET TOSEND FOR "■?N“o°ur SOAP AGENTS O Buitiin Marhtnea, td fiO a Get onr price* on aoap and toilet article*. They win Interest yon. Our advertUlng 1.,aa> for a I.taiO or more; OUR CHRISTMAS •aaorted package* with valuable premiuma have tbe flash and vain' that get the money. lees than a t.OilO. TO eta Everybody uaea them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIRS FOR SHOWS. CARNIVAI.8. BTO. a KM). Frames. BS rents Money gettera for canvaasera and fakers. One young man cleared tl.008.fi3 In 6 montlia and tl 00 a groo*. com TOY CIRCULAR. straight on a bonne to bonae canvaas. Are you doing as we'IT If not, send postal today., plete wtih plus Plates, Wt will teach yon how. E. X. DAvIS SOAP CO., S8 Union Park Oonrt. Ohioagw site 1Ni2<4. H.OO a 100. Mounts, tl Tfi and t2 VI a 1.000; Ileveloper. 28 cent*. GOLD WIRE ARTISTS AND ENGRAVERS Ton can pay mere for your gde but yon We now have the large*) xn,) (m.*, line of Satin Sll can ant get any better graxls al any price /a|PCvjT^fJl(S."^ vered White Itrlttanla Ibifrh Collar and Belt Pin* on Olve ui a trial order and convince ymirself rise* and thM|M>s; also Fobs and Neck- Three developing tormulaa given with each While They Last at Bc.Each laoea. S-nd for lllu*frati-d elreular erder few plates. Ternie—A cash de,*>alt with * ■ ttV SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON SIGNET RINGS order, balance, c o |) ('olorwl Dipiiol l.amps. .“i.OOO N'o. 1. tlo.iHi p.T gr*<«*; No. 2 tl.fi <)o i>er groa*; .No. S. Cupid King, tlS.OO CUT RATE PHOTO SUPPLY 00., 1S47-1I49 p. r gro-*: No. 3. P.eaiit.t Ring. t'JT ng Bird* for •ale. Write for f'lrlhcr i>artlriilar*. ATLAN¬ TIC AND PACiriC BIRD STORE. Itfita E. Madison St., Chicago. The LONDON ERA It on tale at Ths Billboard offlee. CinranatL' Prtoe. cent* per -FOR BALE- copy. The Billhnard may he had in London at ths ofilee o( T^,^ra;! Ronnd Globe I'eannl Mschinea.$.%.00 etch. Perfection Car»l Machines. A'l .'iO each. J. E. NELSON A CO., 44 River St.. CHICAGO. Forty-Five Minutes From Briadway, Coban A Merry Widow (We»tern), Henry W. 8«T«Ke, ROUTSS Harris, mgra.; Milea City, Mont., 27; Kllllugi niter.: Warren, I'a.. 1’7 Uradford 2b; Krle 2H; Bozeman 2»; Helena 30; Butte Nov. 1-2. (Continued from page '2;*. i Fair Co Kd, wltb Elsie Janls. Cbaa. nilllngliam, Mary'a I.aD>b, wllh Ulebard Carle, Carle i NOTICE mgr.: Waterbiiry, Conn., 27; SiirlugfleJd, Mass., Mirka, lugra.: Dallaa, Tex., ;.’7; Waeu 2S; 2S; New Haven. Conn., 2!* 30. Auattu 21*; San Antonio 3tl; IJalveaUm Nov. Oenei', Adeline; See the Silver Star. 1; Hoaaloii 2-2; Ueauiiiuut 4; Sbrereiiurt, 1a., Kee\es' Beauty Show. .41. Keeves. mgr.; I'hlla., Clawr. I.iilii; See the Olrl from the States. &; ViekHburK. Mias., <1. 2."i-.'Mt: Baltimore Nov. 1 0 Cunning. I/nilse: See Mareelle. Ma'a New iluMliaiid, Harry Seott, inter.: Canajo- Vaudeville Managers Itenlr Santlev. .Mie I envitt. mgr.: N. Y. C., Clrl and the Wizard, with Sam Bernard. Sam barle. N. Y., 27; Jobuatuwn 2('; OloveravUle ‘2.3 30; fhlia. Nov. 10. S. A Ism- ShiilK-rt. Ine., mgrs.: N. T. C., 21*; Autalerdaui 3U; 2>aui;ertlea Not. 3; Klui;a Rialto Rounders, Pave Kraus, mgr.; Albany, S-pt. 27. Indef. ton 4. 2.3 27; .Sihenectady 2S 30; N. Y. C., Nov. 1- (Jod.less of Lllierty. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Chi¬ Mareelle, wltb Isiuiae Uuuulni;, Sam S. A 1>^ cago, Aug. 1*. Indef. Sbubert. liH'., lutnv.: Kansas City 24 3U. St. Louis Vaudeville Rice A Barton's Gal-ty Co.. Chas. Barton, mgr.: Grand (*iiera Co.. Oaear Hammersteln, mgr.: Mr. Hauilet of Broadway, wltb Kddie Foy, Sam S. A Sbnbert, Ibc., mgra.: Cortland, Ure., Wash.. P. ('.. 2.">30; Wheeling Nov. 1-3; N. Y. 0.. Aug. SO Oct. 30. Booking Exchange Columbus 4 6. Girl that's All the Candy. B. M. Garfleld, mgr.; Motor Girl, with Adete Ultebie, Frank Heniiea Rose IIIH's English Follv. Rice A Barton, mgrs.: Belvlib*re, 111.. ‘27; Wauliegan 2S; Kaelne. Wla., wy, mgr.: I'hila., 23'Nov, 0. Is now iratly to furnish the T.iledo 2.3 3(1; Detroit Nov. 16. 21*; Ottawa, ill.. .30; JoJIlet 31; Aurora Nov. Merry Widow and the Pevll, with Joe Weber, Rose Sydell’s I,ondon Relies. W. S. Camiihell, 1; Ib- Kalb 2; Boekford 3; So. Chicago 4 6. Best Talent for Jus. Weber, uigr.: Hamiltuu, Can., 27-28; mgr.; Clnelnnstl 2.3-30: I>oulsvnie Nov. 1 (1. Gsilden tJIrl (I’rlncess Amuse Co.’s), Mort H. Ralgn McKaddeu's Flats, Uartuu A Wiawell, mgrs.: Vaudeville Theatres,Parks, 2.3 3U; Wash.. P. C., Nov. 1-6. 2S; Brazil, Ind.. '29; Terre Haute .30; Vincennes Uiuaha, Neb., 24-27; Leavenworth, Kana., 28; Sam Pevere’s Biirlesiiuers. Louis Storke, mgr.: Nov. 1: la-ilngton. Ky.. 2; Frankfort 3; Tu|H-ka '21*; Lawreuce 30. Fairs and Opera Houses. Chicago 25-30; Milwaukee Nov. 1-8. Owenslairo 4; Caducah 5; Cairo, 111., 0. Manhattan Ufiera Co., Hubert Kane, mgr.: Golds Gay Hussars, Henry W. Savage, mgr.; Sam T Jack's Show, Will Ro.-hm, mgr.; I’ater- Baltt b»tr», N. C., 27-28; Newberu 20-30; Charlotte more 2.’)-30. son 23'27: .lersey City 28 30; Boston Nov. 16. Nov. 4 0. Write 118 your w;knt8 ami pet on'otir Scrllini-r’s, .Sim. Shows. Morris Weinstock, mgr.. Girls Will Be Girls. A. G. Pelamater. „ New Humiity Dumpty, wltb L. P. Ellsworth, CIRCUIT. .Vlways htive open time for Chicago 25 .30; Cleveland Nov. 1-6. I,auraster. O.. '27; Marysville 28; Bellefontalne W. W. Ilaynea, mgr.: Eureka Spriogs, Ark., | Serenaders. Chas. B. Arnold, mgr.: Springfield 2tt; Marlon 30; Mansfield Nov. 1; Wooster 2: Nov. 4. pood acts. Performers can profit by 2.3'27; Holyoke 28 30; .N. Y. C’., Nov. 1-6. Ashland 3; I.oraln 4; Ashtabula 5; Sandusky 6. Newlyweds, The. and Their Baby, Geo. Uuett, listing with us, so semi your open time. Star and Garter Show: Providence 25-30. Golden Butterfly, with Grace Van StuddIford. mgr.: I'hlla., 18-30. Star Show Girls. John T. Baker, mgr.: Cleve¬ I Jos. Weber, ingr.; St. Ix>uls 24-30; Champaign. Old T(*wd. with Montgomery A Stone, Chat. Dll- land 25-30; Pittsburg Nov. 1 6. I HI., Nov. 1; I.a Fayette. Ind., 2; Terre Haute lingUam, mgr.: Cblcago, Sept. 23, iudef. WANTED AT ONCE! 3; Anderson 4; Indlanaitolla fi-6. Tslk of the Town. Giis I.lenlng. mgr.: MU I*rlnee«a Opera Co-. Lovericb A Campbell, mgra.; I Gay Mnsician, John C. Slocum, mgfr.; St. Louis. Two lady orchestras. Write salaiy and waukee 2-3 .30; Minneapolis Nov. t-6. San FrancUeo, Indef. I 24-30; Kansan dtp 31-Nov. 6. Tiger Lille*. W. N. Drew, Montreal,- • Piukey, the Pinkerton Girl (W. F. Mann's), number of instnunents in first f^ter. Girl at the Helm, H. H. Frazee. prop.: Pes 23.30; Toronto Nov. 16. Harry Jackson, mgr.: Paterson, N. J., 25-27; Moines, la., 27; GrInnell 28; Cedar Rapids Travelers: Pittsburg 25 30; Wash., D. C., Camden ‘28-30. 21); Iowa City .30; Clinton .31; Waterloo Nov. Nov 1 6. Prince of To-Nlgbt (Princess Am. Co.’a). Mort 1: loaa Falla 2; Mason City 3; Altw-rt I.iea. St. Louis Vaudeville BookMg EidMsi, Troeaderos. Geo. H. Hale, mgr.: Brooklyn 25- H. Singer, gen. mgr.: Bay City, Mich., 27; Minn., 4: Rochester 5; Ia Cmaso. WIs., 6. Muskegon 28; Grand Kaidds 21)-30; Benton Qayaty Th«»tr« Biailding. Nov. 6. Girl Question (Eastern). H. H. Frazee, prop.; Harbor 31; South Bend, lud., Nov. 1; Adrian, Vanity Fair. Harry Hill, mgr.; Pes Moines Apideton. WIs.. 27; Woodstock. Ill.. 28; Ro- 14th loeuat Straat, • ST. UMIIS, MO. Mieli., 3; Ann Arbor 4; Port Huron 5; Strat¬ and I chelle '29; Rockford 30: Michigan City. Ind., 2.3 27. ford, Can., 6. Washington Society Girls. Lew Watson, mgr.: I 31; Angola Nov. 1; Jonesvllle, Mich., 2; Ann Parlalan Model, MIttentbal Bros., mgra.: Colfax, Cleveisnd. Nov. 1-6. ! Arbor 3; Owosso 4; lAnsIng S; Kalamazoo 0. Wash., '27; WalU Walla 28; N. Yakima 20; Watson’s Burlesouers, W. B. Watson, mgr.: Girl Question (Western), H. H. Frazee, prop.; Elleusburg 30; BeUiugham 31; Vancouver, U. St. Paul 25.30: St. Joseph. Nov. 4-6. I I/)8 Angeles. Cal.. 24-30; San Plego 3t-NoT. C., Can., Nov. 1; Victoria 2-3; Everett. Wash., Wine, Woman and Sung. Alex. Gorham, mgr.: I 1; Santa Ana 2; Ptimona 3; Riverside 4; San 4; Tacoma 5-6. Boston 2.3-Nov. 6. Bernardino 0; Retllands 6. Yankee Poodle Girls. S

      ane, mgr.; Good Medicine for a Sickly Theatre : IA Crosse Falls, WIs.. One dose, one day— 50 cents Stlllwster 2; 5; St. Peter 6. o.: I.lvingston, Woodworth A Co., 907 Wells Si., Chicaro Palestine Nov. DESOTO OPERA HOUSE lom, Klaw A Er- Arcadia, Fla. Haytl. the Old Town, MtNiern equipment, electric lighted. Ca|iaclty ilk of New Y'ork. with Raymond Hitch- 55(1. Good show town. Population 2.590. Buuk jigrs.; N. Y. C.. Oct. early; season open. N. S. KFOL’LKES, Mgr. A Fields, mgrs.; N. Y. C5.00: renliT pay express. A. A. STAY. 1 Anna Held, F. Zlegfeld. Jr., 31 Pern Street. PlattKhurg. N. Y .0: N. Y. C.. Nov. 1-6._ f

      Vin StiiildIfoTil. Grace; See the Gulden Bntter- ] Beverly A. G. Delamater, mjtr.: St. LonU, 24-

      Briilire. Tlie, with Guy Patea 1‘ost, Harrison Grey Klske. niftr.; Zinesvllle. (»., '27; Columbus Ill .Mr. I.mle of Koal. Jack 2K 30. Uiiilsrllle. Ky., 2.'i 27; In- Bunco til .\rlzonn: Decatur. III., 2S. 2S 30; Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. Bimllns. Fninia. Co.: Spokane. Wash., 25 30. Csrtcr. Mrs. Ia*slie: See Vesta Herne. Collier, Wm.: See the Patriot. Crane, Wm. H.: See Father and the Boys. will buy a valuable lot in N. 0. from the proceeds of the (3klahoma Croiman. Henrietta; See Sham. Climax. The, Jos. Wels'r, msr.: N. Y. C'., Apr. State Fair, and will build another house on this lot from his Texas l2. Indef. Climax. The, Jos. Weber, mgr.: Chicago, Aug. 2, Indef. State Fair proceeds. Why do the people patronize his show and Curtis Stock Co.; Boise. Ida.. Get. IS. indef. pay 15 cents in preference to all other midgets? It’s because he is Coliseum Garden Sto-.-k Co.; Cicvelanil, Sept. 1.3, Indef. Conness A F.dwards Stock Co.; Wilmington. the real article. He will close his successful season with Del., Indef. Cornell, Harry. Stock Co.. G. N. CYawford. mcr : Butte, Mont.. Sept. 20. Indef. A Real Carnival Co. (Kline’s) at Crescent Stock Co.. Percy Willlama, mgr.: ’’rooklyn. Sept. 4. Indef. Ctilhane’s Comedians, Thos, H. Delavan, mgr.; HOUSTON, TEX., - - week ending, Nov. 12 Port Huron. Mich., Indef. Crescent Stock Co., Frank Carpenter, mgr.: White Plains. N. Y.. Indef. F. R. BLITZ, Manager Cow Puncher (W. F. Mann’s Central). M. W. McGee mgr.: CYockett. Tex., 27: Palestine 2S; Jacksonville 2tl; Kaufman 30; Ennis Nov. DRAMATIC Cry Bahv C. W Mercer, mgr.: Cheater, Ill., 27: Msrissa 28; Duquoin 29; Coultervllle 30; Belleville 31. THEY PROMISED County Sheriff (Wee A- Prlce’a). Chas. H. Brooks, mgr.: Aeliury Park. X. J.. 27: Boon- Week before last, we raked users of Vaudeville to promise us that they would ask the ton 28; VIn'dand Nov. 2: Salem 3; Trenton 4; .Managers using "SPARKS’ AC'CS’’ their opinions as to the service they were getting. WE RE Stamford. Conn., (?. CEIVED 14 "F’ROMISES’’ and 9 of them are now using SPARKS’ VAUDEVILLE. Checkers. Stair & Havlln, Inc., mgra.; Minne¬ What’s the answer? W’lll you promise to write these 9 new ones and ask them how thev apolis 24 .3U; Milwaukee 31-Xov. 6. like our bookings? D.ARE YOU TO. Cowboy Girl. Kilroy A Britton, mgrs.: Dea Moines. la.. 31 Nov. 3. THESE ARE THE KIND OF ACTS THAT NEVER FAIL TO PLEASE. Candy Kid. Kilroy * Britton, mgrs.; Cincinna¬ LA VINE & CHARLAN MDS. BRENNANS PICKERILL & ORPHEUS ti 24 :!0: Cleveland Nov. 1-6. WESTON & CUSHMAN JUGGLING LEIGHS TRASK & MACK Clam.an’s Plavera. B. Claman. mgr.: Summit, MATHE80N & NORTON STEIN A EARLE KNIGHT A SEATON S, D.. 27; .Montevideo, Minn.. 28; Milbank. S. THE MUS. ALLYNS AT’HLETIC GEERS TRAINER A HONEY D. 211: SIsseton 30; Browns Valley. Minn., MR. A MRS. HALE THE WASIES LINOELL SISTERS Nov. 1; Wheaton 2; Morris 3; Glenwood 4; HATTER A JANET CARL A ALLEN LASSARD BROS. .Alexandria 5: Fergus Falls R. HOLZER A GOSS INMAN SISTERS HAAS BROTHERS Callahan Dramatic Co.. I,. W. Callahan, mgr.: Bl.'omington, Ind., 25-27. TED SPARKS VAUDEVILLE AND DRAMATIC EXCHANGE Carroll Comedy Co., Ion Carroll, mgr.: Point Pleasant, W. Va., 25 .30; Louisa, Ky., Nov. Century Bldg., Ball Phone, 2428 Main. Home Phone, 6340 Main. KANSAS CITY, MO. 1 «. Chaiincey-Kelffer Co., Fred Chauncey, mgr.: DRAMATIC PEOPLE WANTED AND FURNISHED Johnstown. Pa.. 25-30: .Vlto.ma Nov. 1-R. Commencement Davs. John Cort. mgr.: Fargo. THE GREAT SOUTHERN CIRCUIT N. D.. 28: Fan Claire, Wla.. 21); LaCroase .30; Winona. Minn.. Nov. 1; Owatonna 2; Red Wlug 3; Superior, Wls., 4; Duluth. Minn., 5- SXEIISI A^IVD LaEONA^RD Theatrical Managers and Booking Agents BOOKING THIRTY WEEKS SOUTH BRANCH OFFICES BALTIMORE, MD.—The New Wilson Theatre_J. P. DILLON, Manager WASHINGTON, D. C.—937 New York Avenue, N. W_11. O WHITE, Manager Managers list your houses with us. Performers send in your open time. MKMBERH SOITHERN VAUDEVILLE A880CIATI0.N General Offices. 932 Chestnut Street. Childs Building. PHILADELPHIA. PENN. _CLUBS, SMOKERS, AND SOCIETIES FURNISHED WITH ACTS RIDING DEVICES WANTED - AS PERCENTAGE CONCESSIONS AT - RIVERVIEW PARK. Detroit, Mich. The only Amusement Park in DETROIT, and a positive winner WRITE TO THE MANAGER.

      Rfintf For Song Slide Service until you IIUII I DUUA write for our proposition. WESTERN SONG SLIDE SERVICE, Next to Western Film Exchange. 733 Century Building. ST. LOUIS. MO. THEATRICAL MANAGERS IMPORTANT I For up)-to-date, absolutely first-class, successful musical novelties, instrumental and vocal, constantly registering with us. Call up or write E. A. STAVRUM BOOK¬ ING* AGENCY, Exclusively Musical, 1014 Steinway Hall, Chicago. Tel., Harrison 6679. Your opportunity. Do not miss it. WANTED-REAL ESTATE Several men who can hustle ancJ talk convincingly on the Ix'st selling real estate proposition on the market. Write or see MR. GRIFFITH, Room 201, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York.

      THAT’S ALL

      With DUMONT’S MINSTRELS, - 11th St. Opera House, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA BIG COTTON CARNIVAL, November 1-G. All «ttractlcm* furnished by ’The Faa>ous Royal Amusement Co. WANTED—Two more ^how: and a Ferrta Wheel to atrengthen company. Coneewlona co^ae on. We stay otit all the tlmr winter and summer. Wire or write. TIPP8 AND FLEISCHER, Dayton, Tena., Oct. 25-30 Oadaden. Ala., Nov. 1-6. _

      -CHICAGO.- I have now moved to my new and Modem Studio at 231 Ogden Avenue, and am better prepared than ever to handle anything In the way of tcenery. Office, 549 Van Buren StreeL (ContlnmMl on page 36.) 34 X li e B I 111> o a r d OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      Robort*. F'loroD*?* ‘Tbayor. Mary P. Carroll, Allan W. •Ikiuglaa A Ikitiglaa •Gonbin, Tony •KImhal Bros. lb>blua*w Giasulk, C. A. •Knauber, Carl UoMoll, Italay Van Nally, tialaElale ••('aatle, Jliumie Duke, W’ni. P. Gray, B Knight, Otia L. Appllrttlons tar mall idrartlaed In tbli lUt ••Ruaaoll, Mra. E. R. ‘Van•Van Mi-b-r.Malar. Mab«Mab**lte •Cavalla. T. Dvke, J. M. Gray, Kid Knurr ft Wheeler inn«t bo ■‘Icnod iDdlrliluiIIj by addroaaoM. Ryan, Maud *Van,•Van, .MabelMaba-I Caulde, A. M. Duiiian. Raymond ••Gray. Walter Kohler, Harry Scarlett. Mlaa Eva •Vablare, I*orla CeaKiia. U. D. ••Dunning. F'. W. Gruy. Giorge Koplln, William Sc'hutiart, .Mlaa l»tan ••Verdler, Hattie Cbaudiem, Manton Du|a*a. Chaa. Grei'iilierg. Joe •'Kotaro” LADIES’ LIST. •Si'liulta, I.illlan ••Verne, N*-llie D. CIe Slada. .Mile. Wear. Anna E. F'llawortti. Phil Halpin. Harley Iji Gardeau F'amlly •.Vulla.uy. Mra. Jack JubiiMin. Julia ‘a| Chriatian. G. ••Siiitletta Slatam ••W.at, Ethel Fil Iteya. The •Hall, FMw. Clayton ••l,aMutte. t'haa. K Jonaa. Ikillle E. c, Chwarli, Giia Atwinal. .Mra. Stnil>*tla. Daiaa •Weat, Madeline Filtoii, Doc. 8. •Iji Sole, Ed. , Mra. S. W Clark. C. A. •Hall. E. Clayton .kyi ra. i.rarla •Smith, ttarirude Weaten. Mable •Fimery. H. B.. Mgr. I>e Nolr. Georg* lullua, Anito •Clark A Turner •Hall and Colburn Kalilwlu. Maa ••Smith. Mm. A. W. •Weaton I ucy Finiila, Frank •Halla. K. W. lA Pearl. J. C. Kelly. Mra. F. H. « •Clark H. H. Itarkli-y. flyibla Soller, Sue White, Julia FimH'b. Waller King lit Pearl, Wealey Kelly. Mra. Ethel " Clark. Schuyler •IlHUillton. Jamea KariM-a. Hurcuca Sedar. Mallei While. Fiaiea M. Fipateln. J*«e ••HaiiiUton. Clarence Ia Rose, George Kelly. Maude Alice Clark A Adler lb auiii'iUt, Kauula •Sedica. Gabrilla Wllklnain. Mm. F.. O. | J. "i: Firii'Hou, Clarence 1 ••lA Hue, Walter ••Kenneily, Mlaa HauiUton, I*. It. K<-<'kl* ). I'ora ••Wllllama. Mm. E. ■ Fiallck. Uae lA Salle, Billy Karu. Mra. Mary I S* Call and Ia Cal' Kimberly. Gertrude „ Clenienta. Hugh Fivlaton, J. E. Hciiseii. F'rltz Ki-luiont, KloivDca StuMilefleld. Mra. G. Clifford. Roliort Fixtvila A Frank- I'aralanitM*. Chrl* Ia Roy, Harry ib-iiuctt. blua King. Nellie LSutton, .Mlaa Jennie Wllllainann, Jennie •F’ahey, Pint lA Roy, Alwya •Kbln. Ida 1 I Cloae. Sidney •Harkins, H. •Itcrra, Mabel Key worth W'illlamaon, Mm. I F'aiiulng. T. F. Ia Rush, Ben Knight, Mabel ^ Cochran. George B Hart, 8. B. IliTry, Mra. tiartmde Sutton, Mm. Jack F. N. F'arley. F'rauk •"Ia Vola” Kuotta. Mra. Ella (Tele. I Hanwr, Wm. H. KlaiiciH), Jauiila Swan. Olive WHaon. Helen F'arrell. Billy •Ia Roy ft Le Roy •Kramer Klatara ,, Coffeen, Jamea II Ilarrliigton, Harry •libaal, Adda M. •Swan, Irene W’oahler, Maud , Coff-.ee. W. J. F'aulkiier, W'. Ilarrliigton. Firueat A •La Velle, Prof. Chaa Krarltt. Viola .a' Ibalkln, l.udla C, Taller. Roaamond W'cMida, Anua F'eaguiia. F'rank B. l.a Blanche. Mlaa .a Ca le and Cole ••Harris. *>llo Ron Alula, Madam Youug. Mm. Flora F'.eley, Mickey •lAcbman, D. I.a Carroll, Mile. Tanner,.. Mm. N. C. Coleman, Herbert f* Harter. Bert btMdh, Mra. Wm. •Taylor. Dalay Tllildea Fella. A. E ••lAmmans, Frank lA .Mar, Mra. Guaale ; .a Colllna. Whitney Harvell. 8. B. •Hraiidaa, Prliic-aaa Taylor, Mm. Ralph Yontiger. .Mm. Rob ••F'em. Fid. lAman. O. A. l.a Moinea Slatera .a ••Cidaon, (' H. Harvey. J. M. •Rrluka, Mra. Ed. Teniile, Jeaale /.ilimau. Mm. Sylvia Co:;kllng. Will E ••F'lelda. Harry lAQ-ar, Prof. •1a Boat*. Mra. Harry .j. Haatlliga. Eeue ItriH.ka, Minnie Taylor Twin Slatem ('onnell, Joe F'im-her. F'rauk J. Hash Hash •Lambert. Harry Broau. Mra. E. W ••I.a Vare. Helen I lAndln. E. G. lA Varna. VIrlan Hater. Billy •Burton. Allda •Havens, t'laude D •lAnalnga, Tbe •Byron. Mra. Frank lA Von, Mra. W. j lAUg, Edward G lA Von, Jeanette , d Hawklpa. Geo. Cade. Ikdlla Hayden. Joe (Slim' lAik ft Adams I'hiiip. falbarlua Ia Bar, Grace T lAvelle, Iao la* Grandl. Mile. + Hays. G«>orge Varay. l»ulaa "Hayco” Iawsob. Harry Cariuan I a Balia I>-Marr, .Mra. Ix>retta "I* Lawson, T. K. I,e Neave, Etbel + THE BILLBOARD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE | Hayes, ('harlea Caindl, Mra. Bert Hayes, Thoa. J. lAwra, Clan le D Carter. Mra. A. Ijf Onti. Alice _ t Hayward. D. lAwrence, Fred Eafayette. Mra. Chaa. . 4* Catwdl. Cora •¥ •Haywood. Wm. J LawUr Chlldrrn ••Chaudler. Francla I. lAke, Sylvia 4* lAytcn. lohn W The beadiiuartera of tbia gri us diatribiitinn of mall are at the CINCINNATI i Heaton, Prof. 8. I. Claire, Nellie lAinb, Glady , A lAsry. O. N. 011101*8. where all auch matter aho addreaaed, iinleaa It la known that It will b<* T Ilederlcba. The Claire, Nell V. •lA Mont. J. C 14. •lAnnon. Nrator more convenient for addreaaeea to iir..aie It tlirnugh the New York or Chicago hiireaiia. * Hemisphere ft Son I lark, Helen Eaiibam. Florence ,|, Id site ft Pattee •lAiighlin. Anna a, Hetiey, J. E. •I llfTord, Bi aale In addreaaing mall to lidividiiala It care of The IlilllHiard. kindly Indicate what com 4, Henman. Abe Id'Stir, Wm. Connelly, Uraea l>*nard, Mlaa A. R ^ iwiiy (If anyi each Is ld<*ntllle*ater. I.<*nore T iiidicateil liy the rharactera • (New V'rki. •• (Chicagoi. 4. K. R. Coraou. Cora Youn« IawIs. "IVic” bliMid •I>*atar, Beatrice . f Hi'iitgen, I/iiit- •Herletr. F'relb Id'wla, Fiilward Cuatello, Kitty •I.lpiiert, Mra. H c ' f ••Linn. W. Crollna. Mra. IMck ••Ix)renan, Ia Della I V I’arcela at Cincinnati .dllce :ind amounts due. Herts'rt. Ben Heater, Ia*vl •Link. Barney He .Marcourt. Mae Ixralne. lailtelle ! + l.lnwiHid. Bob I.owe. I'byllla B + Heaale. Al. Ik* Ore. Paulina Uoutb, James 4c labikawa. Tuts 14( l.lnvllle. A. W ••l.ynche, Haael - 4* Mc.Nally A Stewart 'C Hetrick. Wallace Ik* Verne, Thelma Black, Prof. J. S. 4i Kehoe. Mary 3c Llaberger. Ed. McAdania. Mra. F" J i 15c 4 Hlcka. P. M •I all)erK. Camilla Beiiulngton Bros, lb- lievy, Maurice 3c Listen. Wm. McCabe. Mra. Catli •), Manning. Tom i!c 4 Hill. John OalrIugUtn. Marlon A > >aik, Jamea. :ic lieavel. L. 3c Vewcoiiih aii*l W'll K Little. Fidwrrd erlne 4* ■ Hill. J H. Oiruall, J*f«* I'olliua, Edw. ‘Jc .Mack. Henry (' 2 1 Little. C. W, McConkey, l>*na .|. llama c * * Hines. John G liavla, Mra. A. I* He l,ong, Madie Jc McGcary, Harry 3i ItolH*rla, Stanley J 3c •Lloyd. Herbert McDonald, Poae 4, IliH'kenburg. Aiiitiross Ik an. Palay Hart, John H. Ic .Mclnt.*'re, F'rank J Itli I'lirner, Doc ic 4* Idwkwi-sl, Jack •peau, Wanda Mclkinald. Flora 1 j. •Ibslson. Wm. T 4 Ibsl-hler. Fid. Id'iig. Warren E Deluiar, May Mclkinald, Marcm-rlt** i ^ Ixiretta. Clyde Mclkinald, Etliyle 1 ~ • i*-!**>*ie44*J'44444444444*J*4v Hoffman. R. C. •lk*r«uiond, Stella Id tt. John W. McGee, ra. M. W. _ ••Holno's .ft Holmes •IMIwortb. I.llllan Idtthnlr, Fred Ik berty. Agna# McGrall. Mra. .Mae Holmes, W. 11. ('onley. J. H •F'isher. Arthur O Holton, Chaa. R. ••Luca. Prince •Donovan, Mrs. Jamea ••McIntyre, Grace GENTLEMEN’S LIST. I.ucaa, Charlie Connell. I.nke F'lshfer. Walter Holloway, E. R. •ikinovau. Mra. Joa. B. Mcliellan. Mm. Mamie Lnlgl. Hugh Dore, Mra. Harry •McMah*e Mack. Ib-rtha Rond Adama. Kirk Harry Lynn. Texas Burt EHi.gle. Edith 'Mack. Alpha Addison, A. R • I'lackw-oisl. Smiley Connelly, IJoyd F'iizgirabl. Harry Fi Horiih»'rger. Ionia Connove, Imrry F'lagg, Gilb'rt Hornhr*H>k. A Lyons, M. J. Fiarle, Mlaa Diide Mabeu. Maud i Aiken, Will E Bliiiik, J. K. Lynch. Humphrey Fiarle. Ik*llt A Verna Maitland, Gertrude Alden, Royal Blail-i'r A; Sullivan I Conrad. W. H. G Flanagan. Jim I'oanier. J Fi MacDoiigal. F. S •liatoD. Ollle Manuliig. Kitty Aldridge .Alva A Blind. Carl D : Conrad, H. H. G F'leiiiing. James Hoaa. B<'rt Fidiiiuuda, Emma Marie, Madam Alexander, Baby Bb'iidiu. I>si Crew •Braun. Prof. A I Cniiiiing (Handcuff F'oiinlalii, Botiliy Swallower I McDonald. Frank hioldlni;. Cora Muraino, I*owdy Avery, O. G. ••Bredan. J. F King) James. W. H McDiigald, Jamea M F'lelda, Marie Charlotee F'oiiiitnln. H. J .\yem, F. L. Briggs. G. G. Curtis. Tom James, H. Fi McGee, Chan. O Finnegan. Mm. Jamea .M.,rrlM. Mrs Harry F'ox, John ('. Briant, Roy Da Coma. Fsbllo F'nx. Kyle Jeffries. IJoyd McGill ft Shippmaa F'laher. Madelyn Morris. Maggie Backenatoe, Prof I Briggs, ( apt. J F •'DeBaleatrlor. I aiwG Jennings. Mill- ••McGrall, Johi nv F'llnt. Mr. and Mrm Miirphy. Verna Bailey, O. D. I ex. F'rank Brown. Alex. Ik' t'oiipe, Eolila ••F'ox, Roy Fi Jm-at. John McGregor, Cliff Hertiert ‘Murray. Marlon I'zker, Frank E Brown. George I De F‘nr ft FistoF Johnston. Ik'nver ••McGli'In A Shellv Floyd. *lnie Mnzette, Imla ••Baker, H. F'ralaae, P. A. •Brown & Wilkln- I IkF'orreat. Sam Johnson. Al. McHenry. C. W Kl'ira. Princess Mvem. Pattle Baker, Max •I rai*Ci'lln. F'rank ••Brown. Jess Ik Marco, James McHenry. Ra'll F.intalne, Florence Varone. Mlaa A •Ball, J. B. I'lancellaa. Gieal July and Paka Brown, A. H. I •I'e Noon. Von S Jiiat. H. L. McKav, Keilv F'raiicla. Mamie Neal Ida Bange, W. K. "F ranee’' Brown. Howard I Do Boos. M. J. •Jennings. Arthur ••Mcld'aa. P O I'riinklln. Margaret Neaten. Mabel Barlow, Ijiwrence F'ranka, Prof. Chaa T. Bniwu, F'rank •IteSIlTla, 1 rof Ib-c ’•Johanna” McI alien. Jaek G •Frink. Mta* F* C. Norman. Ik-lla Barlow It Wllai>B ••F'raaa. Wra. •Brown. J. L tor •Tohiiaon, Henier MclAln. elate Fuller, Mm, F. C, Norris. Mra. I,ola Bilker, Robert F'rced. Gis>. 8. Brown. Mr. I'l'Prte, Jack Johnstone, John F Mcl.allen CaraoB I'n* Ganliier. Mm. Thrya N.irton, Fidna ••Barnanl. C. E I'rcmont. R. Brown. SIg •lonea, Bruce ••McMaatera. K A (iavie Flopeu^ Sng.-nt. Mm. Ed j Barnett, Virgil L I ••Du Veil. Dr. (Jraai F'leeman. Duke Harry ••Jonet. Gains V McMillan, Walton iie.ael. Mr^ Ollle il'Brien. Ia>iilae I “Barnum. Wm. ••Browning ft Join- I Daley, Itlackle F'r«s'a. Jaci.h Barrett. E. I,. Browning. Gr*-at ' Dalton. Tniiimv Jones, I.. I,. McNamara. J. • .. TBldlne, Fay / ,g|..n. Maude •F'relz. Hemian K McNallv. W J • .eriiialn, Billie «bMl. Rlnlle •Barrett. Shepard and Bniwnlee. J. W. •Iiallett. M. F'reiiMint. William •Jones. .Seth Company Bruce ft Calvert Dano. Rosa A Jordan. Wm. J McNair, ('apt. W P *.',',**Ggib-n. Mrs, Eltzle F'rled. H. T. Mack A A ••Barrett. Patsy Bruces, The •Darling. Fred Frye. ('ha*. G. •, F'lyina t.llnntre Slatem Ortia-any. Inna Mack ft Trask le.l.IbnrT. Keye Orbiw. ill-a Ivy Bryan and Viva Dsniell, Jesse •F'ugary. Jack Joseph. Henry Barrington, C. B Jnjdtor Trhi Markin ft Wllaon •i.'MMlwIn, Madam “(itl-. FileaiH»r Bartlett. D. T. •Bryant. BUI l.arey ,V Wisidfa*a FNiIler, J. A •Buford. G.sirr*- Darling. J.'ssla •Kaln. liolwrt Mallorv, Rdwartl J ■e.iibllu. 7a>» “Paa«uiore, Grace Basllle. VIcto Fuller. J. A Man. Fdl. pi rch. Chaa. W' Davis. Cla'jd A ••F'nrley ft larka<'B Kane, Robert F Giant. Mm. H. Paul. Madge Bras**tt, Fiilward Karl. Prof. W F Manning. Jaar-gh tiraiit, Mra. Cliff ‘I'aull. .Madge , Baxter. Fid. ••Burch. Chaa, W David, Frank Fiianer, J. L. Burch. C. T. Karlo, King Manley, Jack Gravi-a, Mm. IJIlla Pierce. I/ullta V. ■ lb*am. Will ' Davison, John H Gable. Frni.k P. Burg. Kinney Kaplln, Rllly •Mann. Chsrtle •Hnillicker, Maris ‘I’enlgi-ax. Mildred I Ui'arden. Berry a ad ••Dean, Hairy Gaelr.n, Greplan •Bitrk, ('has. H»ary •Kealllalhiie, Joae|ih ••Martlae, ■ Hall, t'ariilyn ‘Piene. Signs Hughea Piartnlna, W. U Gallagtier, Jamea Bnraon, Arthur •Kearney, law retire J Mardclle. Jack llarne.l, Jennie I iuilar, ('laiidlne M. •B**asley, F. H Ikerhom, George ••GaIrnnI. Prof. ••Bnrion. Harry ••Ik'laney, William Keefer, Park Marb>n ft Haghes Harris, Grace •Piaile, J<'sa|e Beck. Jack Galvin, Tom Burton. Clareme •Keeley ft Park* k'trdelle. Jack I'arrla. Lizzie Powell. Mm. H. A. I Peillnl and Sonia Ik'lgarlan. Baba ••Ganaaen. C. K Bush, W. P. Di'lat.ey, Jim Keith. Frank C Martin. W J Iturrlaou. Helen P'lwers, l/Oiil*** Mart*rt* ' Ib hoe. Fiarl Geihlleat. Tonnie Bush. B<‘rt Iklora and May Kelly, Rav Mardo. Tam “Hartford. Lilian Ita-iicy. Mra. Reo. D Bei*ts*. Harry Gayer, Bert KelllAon. H. n “Hartford. Evelelne Itayner. Mm. Carriea j •Roim. lico Biiawell. C. W Itenney. Ralph MtrkhsBi. ■ K Glhha, Ernest Kellv ft Rrennan Martin. Ckaa Nol-r ••Harvey, Mm. Cbarlta lt*-da!lne, Annie B*-rgt *srn, Harvey Butler Bros. Ik wis'si'. Tem ••Gifford, Rob Keltnem. The Martell. Shartle •Hasting. Jaeqaa •Itisliiiond. Rita I P.ii|dena. Marveloa- Piifton, Gllea ! •Dinmonil. Jim Riiltoiia. W. R •Glffnrtl. E. E Kelley. Jimmy Mkrlln, Frert K lla.vea, t>lehl, Dan Gllla'rt. Thotnaa Kennedy, Stephen Metzkogl, ’The lb rshall.’ Mra. Will ItenteUs'ck. Mra •Beneillct, W. J. Calloway. Tom •Hlllen, Wllsoa ••GUdlah. Fred •Kenney Joa. •MbiwsII. Rlllelt Hill. Alma ('harlea O. Bennett, Richard Campltell, W. T Didson. It Glnaacor)k. Foatar Keno. Walsh stul Mel Mryer. Frank ••Hill, Christine Ri’ijna. Ne'fa Kennett, Paul Carlefona. The •I’onabi, Nlto Gleason, Thomas rose •Holhy. May Itlal. I.onlar . * Berger. John K. Carlyle, Herliert j Donovan, George May. Dlaaraad nielcb. Billie 0. Kem. Wra. B. . Mradawa Iwaae n'>llard. Mantle r •tltlctianl Slalrca ••Cgrjtenter, H- B I Donovan, - Bwil Glenrgya, T^i'c Kereaa. B. , Meany awd ftgd'C**" Holt. Mn. IJUIa RRmblo. Mia* Flo rtlSSLfffies F.' ■♦•iSrne/. ' .»lm I Donwortfc. J. J. Godfrey, Vr. IT ••Klhhle. Wm. ..J Bin. Mlaa Babe [ BIcknetl. J. C. • rarjilo. Poly Mencfae. Ilarry Howard. Mra. L. A. •Ikmovan. sag. R. .••G.sifrey. Phil, amf Kilpatrick, (.'has. O. •Ripley. Loh ••Riddle, Fred Carrlgon, Jack T Mereditk. M Hubbard. Mrt. J. C. ' ■«" sett. Donflaa F WIf» •KIrahal. Herman ••Merrlkma. ’The

      T OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      UfrrlatQ. U. B. Reiner, Prof. T. H. Mt-rrlticw. Al. J. Keiiaril, K. A. Mrtx. Harry Reno. Albert MlilKfly. l>- A.. Reynold*. A. W. FOR SALE ‘MltSi'OD, C. E. ReyiMdiU, F, H. Hlllt-r ao<1 Atwood •Rice, Prim Theatrical and Historical Ull^-a. Uu; 11. •Ricci, Fred 7 Doi. FOLDING CHAIRS MUI«*r, J. T. Ricbardw n, O. R. Uillt-r. Jubn Llcb. ( lie*. K. Caed one week. $11.00 per dozen, caah. T. F. ••Miller, Walter H. Rice ami Quick KlNNY, Dreamland Theatre, Rellowa F'alla, Vt. COSTUMER Ultrbell. (.'baa. T. Lli'li. J. and It. MItrbell, John Rice ItroH.’ Sbcwa F. TEXTOR, Mgr. 161 W. 49th St.. NEW YORK •Mlicbell, Uerbart Q. r If herd, Joe MU. Tom RIdierd. J. J. Mulea. Harry E. KIclirrdm ii, Frank L. Uouk. laaac M. •1 Icliarde, Win. W. AT LIBERTY Mooney, B. D. Mgge, AliHrt B. M.Kxtell, Frad Plgg*. John B. Want Cornet and Clarineta. Wire of write, Mcore, Ben 8. Riley. F'loyd II. 11. Tl.U.VKU. Lufkin. Tex. 2.N; Llvlugaton, .Moor*, Jamea Riley, Jamea Tex., 20; Cleveland. Tex., Ilo. A 1 Sober Trombone Moore. Ualpb •Rllner, ('has. E. Mo< rea. Flying lilpiH'l, Robert CURIOSITIES FOR SALE—Little onea and hlg (B & O) Join on wire. Charles- Morgan. C. Nat hl||iel. Jack onea. Low price. Strange aavage, wonderful Uorria, Plain Dara Rlelng. J. 8. wonders, animal or liiimaa. or half and half. Stevens, General Delivery Nash¬ ••Morrta, Tbomaa •Rlaliig, Will 8. All ready to alilp. List free. WM. NELSON, Uorria, Roy hltcble, W. 6 Van Norden St., No. Cambridge. Maaa. ville, Tenn. ••Morton, Ph. Roberta Harry C. Moran, Ed. •Rtibldna, Flank A. Morrow, Jamea Rcbblna, Tcm Wanted a Lunch Wagon Moyer, I*rot, •Rotierta. Aabley klnat be cheap for cash. J. STERN, 121:1 Eck Moyera. Fred Kieky Glen Park Co. ford Street, Rrooklyn, N. Y. WANTED •Mueller, Qua Roi'gera, Fred Munneke, J. J Rcgera, Sidney Uurpby, J. P. FOR SALE—Two RIoodhounda, thoroughly bmke, TO BUY Rogera, Wllaon 8. used last season witb Billie Biirk'a Vaudeville Mnrattl, 'IMkI Ibgera, E. I). Production, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Addreas CIIAS. two or three gets of the “American Box Ball Murdln, Prancla Rogera, Iiarld Oame,” new or second-hand. Must be complete Murpby, Joe. W. A. RUKIHNS. car> Tbe Billboard, 14-M) Broad¬ Koae and Sererna way, New York City. and in gool condition, witb detailed rulea gov Mun>by'a Oriental Rom. Weliiia C. erning the game. Address iiuick. with lowest 8bow Royle, Joa. R. price. £. L. B., No. 2 Willow St., Brooklyn. Murpby, J. Tbeo. BARGAIN—LITTLE HORSE. PRINCE, seven Roaell Amuaement Co. years old, ,SU Inches high: guaranteed sound; New Turk. Vlyira, Raymond A. Rucker, Roland ••"Nadja” goiMl nmney getter. HUMPHRIES, 6102 I'ar- Ruff. Mr. and Mra. rlab Street, Philadelphia, Pa. •Nagle, D. E. Ealgar •Nagee, Oeorge Runkle, M. CAMPBELL. MISSOURI — Population, 3,000; Natban. Marx 8. Rtiiale and Toaaell Beating capacity 6<<0; bnalneas GOOD; have gome 17/3^ BALLS National Amuaement ••Ruaaell. Lawrence open time- write at once. If you've got tbe at¬ Company Rnat. Tbomaa ••KNIPE*' Pat. traction and want the money. Addresa G. O. Needbam. W. P, Rnawdl, Hob HARRALSON, Mgr. Neel la. N. M. Ruaaell, Han BALL BEARINGS Neeley, E. B. Hpttencutler. Clyde H Inch Shaft and Up. No Ftting. Just Pusb •Neleon, O. N. •Ryrn. Fratk W. Cook and Peary wax Dgiirea, Black Art. Lu •Nelaou, Battling St. Clair, Noe nette, Organa, Ventriloquiat FIgureg, Baunera, Them On. 10 eta. In atampt for gample. Pressed Neitell, E. H. St. Julian. M. Ocean Wave, Miniature Merry-go-round. Magic, Fllma. Slldeg, Picture Macblnea. etc. W, H. J. Steel Mfg. Co., 464 The Bourse, Phils., Pa. Neugent, J. P, Sacroy. Robert D SHAW, Victoria, Mo. Newbaua, Clarence Sados, M. WANT TO BUY; spot caab. Miniature Rail Ntwby, Prof. Herbert Saettel. C. J. CASH for Film and M. P. machines, road, all complete, ready to pu* down; alao a Nlcbola, Lew •Safford, (Tiaa. B have either and want immediate caab. Conderman Pleasure Wheel or Ferrla Wheel. NIrbola Amoaement Sakata. S. Must be In A t '-ondltlon; not too far away. Company •Saltey, Cbaa. detalla and lowest price. LYRIC AMU Canton, 0. (We have Film to sell.I Give full iiarticuLira. B. F. HASTINGS, Cria- Nlrkela, Lew •Samona, Ralph field, Maryland. Nlcbola, Wm. Mtrooyoa, M. Nlfong, F. A. WANTED—A-1 Vocallata. Only those with ex¬ Sandera, Harry FOR BALE—Twelve reels of Film, in goo■ Boy LOOPING the TRAP LOOP and LEAPING the GAP Ollrer, Geo. W. Scott. Rolicrt Onalp •Scott. F.<1. H. Opple. Frank D. ScovIHe, Neabit In one act on a bicycle Sala. J M. Payton and Chllda Tba ebeapeat apcclal printed tleksta In the conntry. Any printing, fron* or back, nay Shoat. Jenae coinra. Not a clwap tlckat but a goa1 aalabU (I; one I.eopard. one Jaguar to do same; one yming male .\frlcan Lion for breaking pur¬ Smith and Wnltone and pmfltahle article of tbe aeaaon. When die ine black I'anther, tame or iintaine; one Camel, must he gentle for riding ami driving Smith. I eon C. play«^ at ('arnlvala, Faira and all kinds ol one s|M>tfed Hyena, must he tame; one boxing Kangaroo; one young (•erformlng Ele ••Smith n G. galheringa, tbiy sell themselvea. their hiilllaa Please iiienllon irb ks animal* do, age and defocta of all animals. If eyes are sound, etc., •Smith Ed. cy caniM>l be overlooked. On notice we mik> irice anil finl particulars In llrst letter, and where each animal la at tbe present time Snow. H C. ■■ennanta for any occasion you may wish. W< PROFESSOR JOSEPH BERRIS. Oenetm. Ohio. Snyder. Chaa 11. carry a complete line of the latest noveltle* Snyder. Homer for CarnlvaU and Street Fairs, also Whip* •Song. Ml I'oni nallnona. Rubber Goods. Blowouts. Slapjteo ••Solhern, E. II. Dnatera. Canea, Confetti. Beaila. Bracelets, anc Spahn. J I ealle China Dovelth-a. Prompt attention la given t- S»ark«. S. E. all oixlers Write for onr catalogue. RTTDOLPB Auspices Knights of Columbus SiM..n1y. K P. BROS.. 520 So. 5tb St.. Philadelphia. Pa. •Sidnx. Monaienr in conjunction with Southland’s Greatest Flower Show, Nov. 1-6 Sour. Roy Stanfi>rtl lamn Can place a few more Shows. Concessions come on. Address Star .(iiniaoment Co. FIRST-CLASS COOK •Sfamm.T*. Frank Pri^den & McClanahan. - Baton Rouiee. La. Slalter, t'liarlea Stink. Slanl.y Wants Position Stei»|e Pro*. Sfind.i. George I>. With roliablc .sliow. (Car) preferred ••Stevena M .(. WANTED-STOCK COMPANY Sfeveiia, W C. .Address, JOHN WOODS, Sheridan .Sterena. II. Grganlzetl coiiprnv prcfcrreil. Full ci»t of experlenonl dramatic inxiple fur permanent engage Stevena. Harrv A. ville I’. ()., Pittsburgh. Pa. nient. PEHN.MtD'.'^ NEW .XTIIKNEPM. S.AV.WNAM. GA. Rehearsal* .Vov. s; opening date Stickler. W W. Nov. 16. Director with script*, leading man and Lady, character*, heavy, juveniles. lUel.v *<*l hlllsi. S-nd photu*. Sirayir. Rohert i ife progr.Hiii*, with lowest term*, first letter. GEG. W. ENill.I'P.Rirril. care Cha*. Ib-m.-ird, Strom, J.din W. PARK Hector Pttlldlng. Chloagu. Stout, Chaa K. Stiwart. .1 n •Stol.tia, RMIv K. Electric Scenic Effects and Stage Lighting Appliances Snglmoto. S. MANAGERS Complete line of CI.GI D Efieel*. SNDW. RAIX. FIRE. Etc. Aliwi SPOT and FI.imD LIGHTS. SnlMvan. M J.iacph Sl'AGE PGCKETS. PLCGGING I'GXK'S. RIIEGSTA'I'S. and ever.MhIng used In cunnectlun with Sidllran. John I,. Do yon wish to enn-t at ymir park the gn-alest annisenieiil ride on the market* We are not Electrleal Stage l.lghtltig. IMPORTED Carbons. Lensci and Gel.xtines at low prices, s.-nd lit •Sidllvan. Faok e. ut* to rover postage i iid niaiPng of NEW CATAI.IKJI'E JOSEPH MENCKEN ELECTRICAL Sommera Claodo R. overslalliig niN'ii we say ' gri-alest.” We have the giHsI* TIPPLER COMPANY, 302 Broad- CO.. Largest inaniifaetiirers of I.n.-ctrleal Stage .\ppllanees and Effeets in th« World. 360 West Sonnv South Floating 50th Street, New York City, U. S. A. Tlieatrc wa” New York. 36 X e Billboard OCTOBER, 23. 1909.

      ROUTES (Jirl and the (!awk. Will H. Locke, mgr.; I.a- Ix)rlmer, Wright: See the Shepherd King. Moure, X. D., 27; Oakes 28; Aberdeen, S. D., Lawrence Stock Co.. I». S. Lawrence, mgr.: SSe $54.00 ^ 29-30. attle. Sept. 5, indef. (Continued from patce ^.) (Jlrl from Montana, Uolicrt Taylor, tagr.: Ox Lois Theatre Sti*ck Co.. .\lex. 1‘antage The Record of the bow, Man., Can., 27; Tortal,’N. I)., 30. Seattle, .\ug. 9, Inilef. DRAMATIC. (I'lHitli. John: Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 3 I.yric Stiwk Co.' Lincoln. Neb., liulef, l.yric Stock Co., Keating .V FlissI, mgrs.: Fort- CAMERA-SCOPE land. Ore., Indef. And we can prove mgr.: So. Xorw.alk, Conn., 27; Itaiibury 28; Hodge. Wni.; See the Man from Home. LsForte, Mae. Stock Co.. Joe McKiiroe. mgr.: it. Any oue can Haier'traw. X. Y.. 30: Trenton, X. J., Xov. H.xrvest Moon. Chaa. Froliman. uigr.: X. V. C.. I’nrkersbiirg, W. Va., J.l 30. o|ierate It. Make* 1; l‘laintle|(| 2; Itiirlington 4; Vineland S; Oct. IS, Indef. Long. Frank E., Stock Co.: .\ustiD, .Minn., 6 tlolshcl button .Atlantic City •!. Herod,.-i.ni. wltlimill Wm.III. raversuam.Faversham. aamSam 8.S. ai& LeeI.ee io-oo.25-30. photographs a min¬ I>a»n of H To-Morrow, with Kleaiior Robaou; ute. Price of Cam Chicago 2.'» 3(1. .®hubcrt. Inc., mgrs.: X. Y. C., Oct. 2.7, Lion and the Mouse (Heury B. Harris’ Co. A.): Indef era-S(x>pe, with l-Meson. ltoiM>rt: See the Xoble S|ianiard. Buffalo, 25 30. Holden Stm k Co., H. M Holden, mgr.: Cin¬ Lion and the Mouse (Henry B. Harris' Co. B.l, supplies fur iiiak F'lliott. Maxine; See the Chai>eroii. cinnati. Sept. 5. indef. K. A. McFarland, mgr.: Charleston. S. C., Ing 300 picture* Kaslesf W.’.v. with Frances Starr, Oaild Helaa- 27; Saeannah, Ga., 28; Brunswick '29; Jack¬ (enough to pay for co. mgr.: X. V. C.. Sejit. 4, Itnief. Huntington, Wright. Stock Co.: Terre Haute, Did.. Sept. 20. Indef. the complete out Emiiire Sto*r .30. • gross. Be Indepen Kli and Jane, H; rry Green, mgr.: Itatesvllle, rent and make Ark , 27 Newoort’es Forrest Cl tv "I Wvnne < “Pcord Xov. 1; Mason 2. man, mgr.: Seattle 2.7 30. uHiney for your 30; Brinkleylev .Nov.Nov 1:1- *^ Ilaxenllaten oa. ’ Hillman s Ideal Stock Co., F. P. Hillman, mgr.; Lena Klvers. Burt A Xicolal mgrs.: self. Write today. 1 - \liltnnv,l«Miltonvale. k-.nKan.. or.o.r25-27; Glen Elder oo'o«*28 30. Ia>Uls31-X0V. 6. Ellsworth Players, W. W. Haynes, mgr.; Car Vf, 8. Mountford, Higgins. David, in ('apt. Clay of Missouri. E. D. I.a*na Rivers (Coast). Barton & Wlswell. mgrs.: thage. Ml.., 2.7 .'to. Kk) Malden IjiOe, Slair. mgr.: Chattanooga, Tenn., 24 30; Bir- .Ala-rdt-en. Wash., '27; Elma 28; Cle Elum 29; ' Ewing. Ger’ruile Co.. W. X. Smith. 1ms. mgr.: Xew Y'ork, N. Y*. I'ar.igiHild, .4rk.. 25-27; Jonesboro 28-30. niin.rham. Ala., Xov. 1 0. Cheney .'!0; Simkane ;41-Xov. 6. E.ve Witness, Jackson & Manley, mgrs.: Xor- Hinimelein's Im|M>riuI Stock Co.. L. A Earle Lena Rivers (Central). F. W. McIntosh, mgr.: fclk. Va , 25 30. mgr.: SlstersvIIIe. W. Va., .Xov. 1 6. Sts iton. Xeb.. '27: Columbus 28; Seward 29; Ehlinger. Sara Goilwin, Jed Carlton, mgr.: Par¬ Hayward. Grace. Geo. .M. Gatts, mgr.: Stlll- -Aurora 3(i; Friend Xov. 1; Falrbury 5; is, Mo.. 27; Mexico 2.1' .Moberly 30. w-.iter. Minn.. 25-30. Keirney C. AT LIBERTY East Lynne, I^ee Moses, mgr.: Skidmore. .Mo., Han* Hanson, I^oula Itels. mgr; Tyndall. S. D., Iw'na Rivers. .A. If. Windiah, mgr.; Ke.vsvlIIe, 27. '27: Platte 28; Geddes 2.1; Wagner 30; Ver¬ 7'a., 27; Oxford, X. (,.. 28: Hendersuo 29; '•'arnum. Dustin: See Cameo Kirby. million Xov. 1. Kmimria. Va,. .'to- Weldon, X. C.. Xov. 1. AGENT Faversham. Wm.; See Herod. H.anford Cliarles B., F. Lawrence Walker, mgr.: Latlmori' & I/eigh Stock Co.. Ernest Latimore, Sober, n'liablo, hikmI biller; not afr.iid to Fawcett. George: See the Great John Gan- Maeon. Ga., 27: Columbus 2®; Trov. .Ala.. 29" mgr.: South Bend. Ind.. 25 30. ton. Monlgomery .'tO; Selma Xov. 1;’ Demopoll* Lena Rivers (Western), Tlios. 11. Sewell, mgr.: use tlie bnish. Can join at once. .-Vtldrese 2; Meridian. Miss.. 3: niscaloosa, Ala. 4' Boscoliel. Wls., ;J0; Ricevllle. la.. Xov. 2; Ferguson. Elsie; Si'e Such a Little (Jueen. TOH-ON'-T<), care Hilllioard, Cincinnati,O. Fisk*, Mrs.: See Salvation Xell. Birmingham .7; .Anniston 0. Charles City 3: Osage 4; Oelwein 6. Forla's MeAlister Stuck Co.: Brooklyn. .Aug. Hall, Don C.. In re|iertoii-e: Butler, Kv., 18-30. lost Trail' Salem, ))., .'P); .Akron Xov 4 6. 28. Indef. Hickman A- Bessey Co. (Eastern), Bert Leigh! Mann. Louis; See the Man Who Stoo.1 Still. Forepaugh Stock Co.; i.lncinnati, Seid. .7. In¬ mcr.: Kenosha. Wis.. 25-.'in; Racine Xov' Maneering. Mary: S»‘e Man's World. def. 1 Miller, Henr.v; See the Great Divide. Harvey Stoik Co.. J. S Garside. mgr.; Water- Mtiriih.v, Tim: See My Bo.v. AGENT AT LIBERTY Forepaugh Slock Co.; IndianaiHilis, Ind.. Sept. 6. Indef. town. Wi*., 2.7-30. MacLI,ean Stock C.,' No.‘ 1. P. G. Macljean, Oue-night or repertoire agent at liberty; young, Fortune Hunter. Cohan A Harris, mgrs.; X. Y'. Harvey Str Ic Co., mgrs.: X. Y. C.. House of a Thousand Candles, w. T. Gaskell, can Join - nywhere. Address Oct. 5. indef. prop.; I,. E. Ponil, mgr.' Raiiid City.v-..., i,.S. IF..d' McRae Stock Co. Henrv .McRae, mgr.: Portland. French Sti-tck Co.: Montreal. Sept. C. indef. 27; Deadwood 28; Belie Fourehe '21); I^eaii Die.. Sejit. 19. Indef. F. ft. STOUT, G«nlry Bros. Show*. .30; Alliance. Xeh., Xov. 1; Xorth Platte Madame X., Henry W. Savage, mgr.; Cbtcago. Friend Pla.vers. .Arthur S. Friend, mgr.: .Mil Carrollton, Ga., Xov. 1; Greenville, 2; Cioluiubu*, Kearney 3;3: Hastingsllastlngs'4: 4: GrandGrand' lalanaIsland .5;a- York Sipt. 19. '"'••‘fIndef. waukis-. .Vug. "3, indef. 3, Birmingham, Ala., 8. Fultou StiH'k ( o Lincoln. Xeb., Indef. 9- M*n from Home, with Wm. Hislge. Llebler A Fighting PariMin (W. F. Mann's), E. It. Hauk, Hyde's Theatre Party, L. H. Cunningham, mgr • , -'i • V. C.. Aug. 16. Indef. Saginaw. Mich.. 25.30. ' 1 Marks Bros.' Co., R. W. .Marks, mgr.' Otta- WANTED-A-l MAN on percentage, to take full charge of booking (•nice. Must thoroughly understand this line of work. ExiH*rl»mced man (.referred. Address SILVER STAR AMUSEMEITT CO., Rochestar, New York. CASEY’S .9); Jofdln. Mo . Xov. 1; Sprlngaeld 2; Seda- THEATRICAL lla 3: Kansas City 4-6. ragr.: Greenville. T.nin . 27; Big Stone Gap Morris Thurston Co.: Bay City, Mich., Indef. Fighting Hojie. with Blanche Bates, David Be Aa.. 2^ .Mlddleboro. Ky., ‘29, Knoxville, Morton Maxwell Stock C., H. C. Morton mgr.; lasco. mgr.: Victoria, B. C., Can., 27; Van- Tenn., 30. Owosso. Mich., Indef. TRUNKS couvF-r 28-29; Bellingham. Wash., 30; Spo¬ Human Hearts (Western). Wm F. Rllev mgr • Married in Haste (W. F. Mann's), Edwin Per- kane Xov. 1-3: Missoula. Mont.. 4; Butte 5 6. ^evensvllle, Mont.. 27; Victor 28; Mlasoul, clval. mgr.; Jacksonville. III.. '27; Griers- Guarantetxl. Father and the Boys, with Wm. H. Crane. Chaa. W; Wallace, Ida.. 30; Colfax, Waah. Xov Vlle 28; PItfsOeld 29; Palmvra. Mo.. 30; Write for Catalogue Frolinian mgr.; Buffalo 25-30. .. Quincy III.. 31; Mt. Sterling Xov. 1; Ileards- 21tH West Uth Bt., irrw YORK. Farmer's Daughter, Ed. .Anderson, mgr.; Sib¬ Human Hearts (Hastern): Rockville, Coon ?' ley. I*,, '27; Hartley 28; Ruthven 29. Nov.Nnv. 2. I Meadow-brook Farm (W. F. Mann's). J. W. Car- Final Settlement (Clay Vance'si. Geo. E. House of a Thousand Candles, X. .Appell mgr • wn mgr.: Herrin. HI.. 27: Carbondale 28: CARNIVAL COB. VOTICrE^-Meeban A Dashing Brown, mgr.: Augusta. Ga., 27; Chester, S. I/Owell. Mass.. 26 27 MclFeanaboro 29- Centralla 30; Salem Xov 1- ton's Trained Dog and Vaudeville Show would Oiney 2. Join a first-claas Co. In the'Sooth, with or with C.. 28; Cnion '29; Lawrence 30. nt *" ^ Wright, mgr.: Al- Fool and Hi* Money: Vicksburg, .Mis*., Xov. ® Conrad's). Henry C. out tent. Positively the strongest dog act of. Hnly CItv: Tarentiim, I'a., 29; Steubenville. Xlcklea. mgr.: Bonne Terre. .Mo.. 27: DeSotc Its kind la America. A whole show In Itself. 'lalland. Bertha: See the Return of Eve. O., 30. 5 Shelbwllle, HI.. Xov. 2; State best terms. Can Join at once. Can also George. Grace; See Woman's Way. Hermsn .Stock Co.; Frankfort. Ind.. 25.30 Sullivan 3; Greenup 4; Palestine 5; Hymera, use plaiio player and vaudeville performera of Gagnon Pollock Stock Co., Ben C. Gagnon, Itnporial Stock Co.: SI. I,.«iis. Mo.. Oct 17 In Inu., 6. all kinds State If vou pl.iv anv Inatrument. mgr.: San .Antonio. Tex.. Indef. Msxwell-Hall Stock Co.. Jefferson Hall, mgr.; MEEHAN A DASHlNOTOll. Twkilwn, ni.. Gentleman from Mississippi. Brady A Urismer. Inconstant George, with John Drew. Chas. Froh- Gofcben. Ind., 25 30; Hammond Xov. 1-6 29-30; Wyanet. lU., Nov. l-A mgr"-.: Boston. Mass., Sept. 20, indef man. nigr : X. Y. C.. Sept. 21. Indef. Music Master, with David Warneld. David Be German Sto.lock Co., .M.'.Schmidt, 'mgr.: ‘ Clncin-i Indian* Stock S'"Co.: South Bend. Ind., •n6*LIndef i lawco, mgr. N*wXew Orleans.Orleans, La.. M25 .30; RatoBatoi -FOR SALE- nati. (let.t. 4. Indef. I Irving Place Stock Co.. Burgarfh A Stein ’• ' Ickshurg. Miss.. 4. Chief, a full bksHi, Poland Cblun Pig. 18 months German Theat.healre Stock Co., Max Hanisch, mgr.: ; , ^ '' ^ Det. 1. Indef. ’ , • '’* "'th Henry E. Dlxey, Hem old, weighs Kkl iMiiinds; baa 22 toes. 8 full Phils., Si-pt.SF-pt. IS. Indef. I* Matrinri^nny a Failure. David Belasco. mgr.: Milwaukee, 25-30. forme,! feet, and walks on ail of them; gentle to German StockIfK'k PaCo.: • .Milwaukee.\fi1tx:«nL'A«a \v{«Wl*. .Indef N. Y. C... AliiT.Aug. 4. liiilAfIndef. ' MoT^-yMorey StorlfStock Pa.Co (T4**Conit^(IieComte A ' Fi'ea'her’a VmmEast liaudl,.—we tie him up like a dug—with banner, also. "It." iionkey faced Owl; a r.xre fcak. German Stock Co., M. Welo, mgr.; St. Louis, ■ iir. " Whittier, mgr: Ver¬ '‘S’’*’ J- . "’ID'.: Trenton. Mo. Oct. 3. Indef. million. O.. 2.7 .30: Oak Harbor Xov. 16 25-30; Brookffeld Xov. 1-6, with exbibittoii ,-age. '2x2x4 ft., pod front; both Girl from Rector’s. .A. H. Wooils, mgr.; CTil- Just Out of College. Rothner A Campbell, mgra.: Morey IDock Co (ra>Comte A Flesber's West in iierfect health. swell for 3-In I Show; also other abow pK>|ierty. O. A TANNER. 810 South cago. Oct. 11, Indef. Srtokane 24 .3(i: Seattle 31-Xov 6. Sallna. Kag.. 23 Grand OiN-rn House Stock Co.: Los Angeles, In- James. Louis, Branch O’Brien mgr.: Green- 39: McPherson Xox. 16. Axenue, Wllklnaburg, Pa. def. vlll* Miss., 27: Clarksdale 28; Memphis. Missouri Girl (Merle H Xorlon’a). Joseph Rlth Grand St.sk Co.. Rowe A Kelly, mgr* Win Tenn.. 29 30; Jackson Xov. 1; XashvIBe 2-3; mgr : Clay Center. T*x., 27; KlrbvvlIIe 28 WANTED-HYPNOTIC SUBJECTS ni|>‘g. Can.,. indefiiiijri. .Frankfort. .I...... ,,, Ky.,n.v.. 4: Lexingtoni.exingion .5:.->; Henderson 6,6. Port Arthur 29; Orange .30; Hunihle Xov .Ynd Ijidy Window Sleepers; would like to bear rest Divide, with Henry Miller. Henrv Miller • Woman’* Way (Sidney W. Pascoe'* Co 1: Livingston 2; Lufkin 3; Rusk 4; TyD from iFeathlan. Address P. 0. Box 281, East Bt. Co., iiigrs.; i.nndon.I nn.u.n fr...Eng., ..Si-pt. .2I.*), Indef. A ). E F!■' Krever. mgrmgr.;’ ; Girard. III.. 27-27; ' 5: •I ongview 6 Louia, Illinoia Grew Stock Co., Wm. Grew, mgr.: Joidin Mo.! Edinburg 28; .Tacksonville 29; Pana SO- Fast Mllured and Rouclere. Harry Rouclere. mgi S<‘pt. 2(1 Indef. Sf. fxmls .31 Xov. 3. ' ' Ridgewood, X. J,, 27; Ossining, X, Y., 2 WANTED-DRAMATIC PEOPLE ghkeepsle _ lo*'*1"'' -I S"'*" Jn*t a Woman’s Wav (Sidnev W Pasene's Co .. ^ _ South all winter; state all In first; no tlcketa; Ind..Imm.. 25mvI.SH* .'lb; .AndersonArifiprKAn Xov.Nav 16l.tt y* _t_^ ‘ *wsi _ My Partner’s Girl. (lias. E. Blaney, mgr.: Cli lowest salary. NATIONAL STtK’K CO.. Bolton IC). Cumberland. W)s,, 27; Ww Richmond clnnatl. 24-50. Graustxrk (Eastern). Baker A Castle, mgr*.: River Falls 29; Lake CItv. Minn., .30- Miss. -Siaith ..... Chicago, III., 24 27:. ,-,,iriiiKneinSpringfield .n-.iu.28 ,30. I.artosae,i.at rosse, Wls.,xv)s.. 31.:(I. M.vrkie-Hardrr Am. Co.. Inc., mgr*.: Anna .raiiscirk (Centralc Bsker A Castle, mgra.: Israel, Chas. Frohman. mgr : X Y oils. Md., 25 .30; I.anraati-r, Pa.. X'ov. 1-6 FOR BALE .'i ,36 ft. American Box Ball AUeya. 'I’L's. Pa.. 2i; Ridgeway 28; Corrv 29; 25. Indef Oct. Man of the Hour (We-terni. Brady A Grtsme $6(1 each. f. o. b.: 1 :to ft. Alley. $4.7, f. o. b.: mgrs.; Greeley, Co),, 27; Victor 28; Cobirai alley* are lu firat-claas nmdltion. WM. J ra isfarL ■ ’ V Darrlage. Baker A Castle, mgr Grausfark (Southerni. Baker A Castle, mgr*.: Peorl.1. HI, 24 27: Mattoon 28! Alton 29- Springs '29; I,eadvll'e .30; Salt Lake Cit HOYT. Box 467. Haverhill, .Mass. fJaini'sviHe. IVx.. 27: Sh<*rnian 2^; Wicblta rsuwarujiTiii^Edwar.IsvIIIe an.30, T'tah. Xov. l-.'t; Ogden 4; San B.-rnardin Cal.. 6. FOR BALE Klim, releasiMl Si'iit. 1 — Ic aiul 2c a j-alls 181: Amarillo .'W; Sayre. Okla., 31; El Im«on Dramatic Co.. Burt Imson mer Co- tenn Xov. 1 bimbus. x. D.. 27-30; BowlK-li* Xo Mantel], R.its-rt B. (Repertolrei, Wm . ft.; EdiHoii. l*ment, $12 wiekly; 12,(aNl ft.. $20 Girl of Ea'ile Huiicti, Kelly A Brennan mgrs.: Will buy iiiaeliiiiea, film. II. DAVIS, Water In Wyoming (Western). H. E. Pleree A Co., .Van's World, with Mary Mannerlng. Sam 8. town. Wl*. rm.'n (Dy. Mich.. 28: Litchfield 29; Cold- mgrs.; EIIens)iiirg. Wash.. 27; Sprague Lee Stiiit«>rf. Ine.. mgr*.: Montreal, 25? waier .30; Hudson Xov. .7; Bryan. O.. 6. 28; Colfax 29: Spokane Xov. 16. Man Who St.sal Stlil with IfOuIs Mann. Wi WANTED -To buy Killaoii .\l. P. Machine, miiat Girl sTid lh«* Ib'tective, Chas. E. Blaney, mgr.; In Old Kentucky. A.A W.'W. Dingwall, mgr.:mgr Port- ■A' Brady, mgr.; Waah., D. C.. 25.30, lH> In gx (Coast), Trousdale Brn , Address CHARLES B. WILLIAMS. Bark.a.t Am Atlantic City. X. J., •26 27: Tn-nton 28; Eas¬ Mot.ile, Ala.. 27; Biloxi. M|vs.. 28; Hattici ton. Pa., 1*9; Pottslown :{0; .Allentown -Nov mgrs.: Marshalltown. la., 27: Osk.al.awa 1 Co., No. 1, Union, 8. C.. week of Oct. '^7 30. burg 29; .Meridian 30; Y’axoo CItv Xov. 1. Oftnmwa 29: Grlnnell .30; Osceola Xov lane Eyre: Bloomington. Ind.. .'to. Shena.idoah 2. Atlantic 3: Council Bluff* FOR BALE -Eight r,8.1t of film at $12 iter re,*!; Girl'i' and the Stamiiedc.' Victor’.''-'"r r-E I-aiiilM-rt.iiigr.:i.aiiiiMTt.mgr.: ix.Kendall. ti'iaii, Frra:r.rra: 8ceSec tnethe Vinegarvinegar Buyer. Y'ork. Xeh., 5; Schuyler 6. Slides, $t..50 iM-r set; also Caineraitlatne films, r airfield. Neb., 2. ; Ke»rii«'.v ■J'l; Gililion .30. Keith’s Stock Co., James E. Moore, mgr.: Port- Wan on the Box (Central) Tr.nisdale Bro all in fine condition: clowing out at bargain Grahame,rahame. FerdinandFerdinand. Co - puiivsiit.'iwiic.i Pa., _ lan-1.^ Me.. .April 19. indef. mgr«.; Viillsca, I*.. 27; Clarin.la 2* •25 36, , iirlce*. L. RICHTER. 314 Gettrgla Avenue. Kennedy. Allee, As*oclat<-d Players. W. A Par- Man on the Box (Eaatern); Bennington Urotklyn, N. Y. Orayce.Gra.vce. H**len.Helen. Co., X. .Aide'll,.AidS'Il, mgrmgr.. Dover, tello jirop.; Col, Wm Kennedy, mgr.: Geltya- 29. X. H.. 25 30. Gentlem.n \fi 1 I I t. . . f f ' P'' *^‘’1’*' fn6ef Money and the Woman: Plttahiirg. 25.30. WANTED -G.shI flown, Rand Ia>ader that play* J g I-T- ^ Lrismer, King, fbarlea. Stock Co.: S.an Diego, Cal.. Man of the Hour (Stitherni. Bra.ly A Grisi mtrnet, giatd. all round |a‘rf.tnner (J. Polelwrite). mgra.. . alt Lake City. Ltah. 2.. .(6. S-pt. _7. Indef. mgrs.: Montgomery. Ala., 27; P.-nsaeola. f KING A TUCKER SHOW. Jiidtutnia. Ark., 28; Gentleman from Mississippi. Bra.ly A Griamer, Keves .Sister* Stock Co., V. A. Varnev. mgr.; 28; Mobile. Ala., 29; Hattiesluirg. Ml«s ItisdM'. 29; .Ylalvern, 30; Giirdon, Nov. 1. ■ mgr*.: Syfacusc.... N. Y..... 2r>30.__ Morgantown. W. Va., 25.30; Clarksburg Xov Man of the Hour (Eas’terni. Bra.lv A Grist Gentleman from .Mississipid..Mississippi. Brady A (irismer.(irismer 16. mgr*.;mgr*.: Xorrlstown.Norristown Pa.,Pa 27."7 mgrs.: Houston. I'ex.. •2'.(-:{o. - WANT K I> - King of P.'giimists. .A. H. Woods, mgr.' Y’Dungs- Monlana: Newton. Kan., Xov. 5. will buy a 20th Century or Parker )um|tlnji •ireat Divide, Henry .Miller Co., mgr*.- Pitta- town (>.. 2.7 27; Akron 28 30. My Boy. with Tim Murphy. Wm A Bra burg. Kan., 30 Itia-ae. 40 ft. diameter Swing. C. JOHNMN! Keith Stock Co,. Cato S. Keith, mgr.' W.xsi.- mgr.: Montgomery. Ala., 28; S'-lma '2!); I 211 Miller Btreet, Beloit. Wia. (Jreat John Gatiton. with G.'orge Fawetf. Sam Ingtnn. Pa,. 25.30; Massllon. ().. Nov. 1 6. mlngham 30. S. A Lee Sbule-rt. Inc., mgrs,: Seattle, 25- Klh)»ey-Blelil Stock Co.: London Mills, HI.. 25- Mcr.d. Ads' Heatrlc-. Xcli., 29. Y >rk N'o\ XoT. 6. -: CHEWING OUM :- 27. Mlniielli Bros.* Co., V. f.'. MInn.'lll, mgr.: > CHEAPER than antone else can sell It. Write Girl from Rector’s, A. H WikhIs. mgr.: Houa- Klart-Crban Co.. 11. R. Klark. mgr.: St. Castle. Ind.. 25 30; Connersville 31 Xov. ( t.m, 17'X., 31-Xov. I f.tr )trlee* THE HAMILTON MFO. CO.. Ham¬ ■ 'TJ. j-ex., oi-.xov. 1. John,John. X. B , Can., 2525-30. 30. Msndy Greep: Kaclne, WI*.. 31. ilton, Ohio. Girl of the Mountains. ii E. Wee. mgr.: Glo- Kenton fom.dv Co.: Fullerton. Xcl, 2.7 30 YH*s Pettlco^:*' Huntingdon, Pa.. Xov. 4 veravillc N Y 'S H.-rkiiii.r '29; 1 tica :10. I.ackay.'. WIlLm Sec the Rattle Ylontnna Liiiiiti-.l .Akron, ()., Xov. 1 3. If You Bee It in The Billboard, Tell Them Bo. OCTOBER 30, 1909. Xtie Billboard 37

      N;iilmova. Mme. Alla; Sw the Paanlon Flower. | Return of Eve. with Bertha Galland, Sam S. A Thief, The (Western), Chas. Frohman. mgr.: ! lanta and six operas will be sung. T3ie list in¬ Nell: See SprlnKtlme. I Lee Sbubert, Inc., mgra.: N. Y. C., 25 30. i ('hlcago, 24-Nov. 6. I cludes Alda. Madame Butterfly, Faust, Ijl Toe NptherKole, OlKa; S<-e the WrltlnK on the ■ Right of Way. Fred Block Co., Inc., mgra.: ; These Are My People, with Henry B. Warner, , ca. Cavalleria and I'agllaccl. the latter two the Wall. I Cleveland 25-30. Llehler A Co., mgrs.; Cincinnati, 24-30. I same night. National Sto..'k Co.: Montreal. Indef. I Round I’l). Klaw A Erlanger, mgra.: Newark. Texas: Billings, Mont., 27. i Neill Stoek Co.; MlnneajMilla. Sept, 20. Inilef. I N. J., 25 30. Tlie contract .Just concluded Is based upon Ten Nights in a Bar Room, Ted Barton, mgr.: I a guarantee of ,$,30,990 made to the MetropoU North Hroe.’ Stock Co.; K1 I'aao, Tex., Oct. Ringmaster, The, Sam S. * Lee Sbubert, Inc., TIronderoga. .N. Y.. 28; Fair Haven, Vt., '29; I tan iiinuageraent bef(^e they would listen to a .1, Intlef. mgrs.; N. Y. C.. 18 30. .Saratoga Springs, X. Y., 30. | pro|s>«ttion. The newspapers callec. upon the North Broa.’ Stock Co.; Top<-ka, Kan., Indef. Ringmaster. The, Sam S. A Lee Shutiert, Inc., Three Weeks; .Milwaukee, ‘24-30. 1 piildle to subscribe and In thr(V da.vs the aiirn Nohle Spaniard, with Hotx'rt Kdeaon, Henry R. nigrr.: San Francisco, 18-30. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stetson's), l.oon W. Wash- was raised. The time f(-r the opiTa season l.- Harria. mitr.: Fall Rl»er, Maas., 2S; Port¬ Skinner. Otis: See Your Humble Servant. bum, mgr.; .Myersdale, Pa., Cumberland, lo he fixed later, but it will be some time in land, .Me., 2030. I Stahl. Roac; See the Chorus Ladv. Md., 2S: Oakland 2t); Clarksburg, W. Va., May. •Icott. Channeey: See Itafttled Kohln. Starr. Frances; Si-e the Easiest ‘Way. 30. ir|>h>'iim Stm k Co., Crant I.afert}-, niirr.: Phil- i Shaler Mack Co.. Jaa. McBride, mgr.: Bloom Under Southern Skies, Harry Doel Parker, mgr.; adelohla. Sept. 1,3, Indef. I Ington, Ind., Indef. Pna, III., 27; Indianapolis, Ind., 28-30; Ham¬ DISTRESS SIGNALS. (iir Own Stoj'k Co.: Ft. Wayne, Ind., Sept. I Snow Stock Co., Mortimer Snow, mgr.; Troy, ilton, ().. ,31. I ,’>. Indef. I N. Y., Sept. 4. Indef. Uncle Tom's Cabin (AI. W. Martin’s), Wm. : The Billboard Is In receipt of a letter froD) irpheiiiii StcK'k Co., Kdward Doyle, niRr.: Al- i Spooner, Edna .May, Stock Co., Jake Wells. Kibble, mgr.: Kankakee, Ill., 27; Streator AV. H. Nohle, 100!) AVebster Alley, Columbus. exa.idrla. linl., 2.3 .30; I.afayette Not. 16. I mgr.: New Orleans. Atig. 2:!. Indef. 28; Ottawa 29: Joliet .'lO; Chicago Heights 31; i Ga., re.^u(htliilr bis friends be notified of his old Clothes -Man (tillaon Ic Rradfleld'a): Ctica, Springtime with Nell. Frederic Thompson, mgr.: Goshen. Ind.. Nov. 1; Elkhart 2; South Bend, ! Illness and Irek of finances. In the hope that Ni‘h.. 27; Aurora 28; tjreeley 29; Ord 30 Grand , N. Y. C.. Oct. 19, Indef. 3: Kalamazoo, Altcb., 4; Benton Harbor 5; they xxill aid him. Mr. Noble says he has many Island Nov. 2. Such .s Little Queen, with Elsie Ferguson, Hen¬ Rockford, III., 6. friends In the show business and feels sure On the Suwanee IllTer, A. R. Warner & Co., ■ ry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C.. Aug. .31. indef. Van Dyke Stock Co.: Denver. Sept. 5, Indef. i they would asaiat him If thev knew of hla con mcrs.: Terre Ilaut, Ind.. 27; Ft. Wayne 28- Steevens, Adelaide. Co., W. S. Lent, mgr.: Cor¬ Virginian, The, Klrke LaSbelle Co., props.; dition. .30; Sprlnitfleld, Ill., 31-Xot. 3; Peoria 4 6. bin, Ky.. 27; Jelllco, Tenn., 28; Rockwood J. H. Palser, mgr.: Pittsburg. 2.3-30; Cin¬ ❖ Out In Idaho (Eaaternl. Jaa. J. Shalroy, mgr.: 29; Dayton 30. cinnati 31-Nov. 6. Carlisle, Pa., 20 27; Lewiston 28; .Mt. Union St. Elmo (Vaughan Glaser's Southern): Bir¬ Vesta Herne, with Mrs. Leslie Carter: Omaha, George Reed, better known as "Bobo,” writes 20; lluntiniedon 30. mingham, Ala., 25-30. Neb.. 20-28; Davenport, la., 29; Clinton 30. that he Is slek at Marshall, Mo., aucl has n<. On Trial for Ilia Life, A. II. Woods, mgr.; Kan¬ St. Elme (Vaughan Glaser's Eastern): Worces¬ Van Dyke & Eaton Co., F. Mack, mgr.; Elk¬ money with which to buy medicine. He aaks the assistance of his friends through the me sas I'lty, 24 .30. ter. .Mass.. 25 27; Athol 28; Gloucester 29; hart. Ind., 18-:J0; Michigan City Nov. 1-6. (Hum of I'ho Billboard. ole Olson A. N. Westfall, mgr.: Roathem, Haverhill .30. Vinegar Buyer, with Ezra Kendall, Llehler A Saak.. Can., 27; Davldaon 28; Mooaejaw 30. Sa. Elmo (Vaughan Glaser's Centrall: Dela¬ Co., mgrs.: Chicago 24.30. Owen. Wni,: Appleton, Wl«.. 31. ware, O., 28; Bucyrua 29. Walsh, Blanche: See the Test. Old llomeatead (Denman TbompM>n'a): New¬ Sal. the Circus Gal, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Day VA’!(rfleId. David; See the Music Master. i MRS. SAUNDERS DEAD. port, R. I.. 28; Fall Rlrer, Mass., 2®. ton. O., 25 '27; Columhus 28-30. Warner. Henry B; See These .Are .My People. | Outcast, Tile: Camden. N. J.. 23 27. Sis Hopkins, with Rose Melville. J. R. Stirling, Whiteside, Walker: See the .Melting Pot. oiir New Minister, Jo«. t'onyera. mgr.: York, mgr.: Milwaukee. 24-30: Waukegsn. Ill.. 31: 5ee Sbubert, Inc., mgra.- .Atibovllle 2; Orangeburg 3; Augusta. Ga., 4; Ita. Kan.. Sept. 20, Indef. TO PRODUCE THE ARCADIANS N. Y. C.. Oct. 4. Indef. Savannah 5; Jacksonville, Fla., 6. Woodvard Stoek Co.. O. 1). Woodward, mgr.; ' Paycen Stoek Co.. E. S Lawrence, mgr.; Find¬ Stnddart Mayers. W. L. Stewart, mgr.: Regina. Kansas City, ilo., Aug. 28, indef. lay. O.. Kept. 27. indef. Sask.. Can., 27-.\ov. 10. Wright's Stoek Co. E. E. Wright, mgr.: Can-i Charles Frohman Is appearing to plac« lh« Payton. Corse, Stock Co.: Rrooklyn. Aug S: noadwoiKl fl. Medina Nov. 1; Albion 2. Ellis, mer.; Paris. Tex.. 27; Dallas 28-30: Corsicana, Texas Paid In Full (Aator Co. i. Wagenhala A Kemper, I'emiHoit and Sunshine (W. F. Mann's Central), Shermsn Nov. 1; Denison 2; Mc.Ah-ster. Okla., 'Vlnona. Minn. Howard Brandon, mgr.: Areola. III., 27; 3: Muskogee 4: Tulsa 5; Oklihoma City 6?! '•■‘•Jlaon. \\ U . 2S*; Janesville 3ii; Indlan- Eltirgham 28; .Assumption 29: Decalnr 3o; White S.iuaw, .Tohn F. Sullivan, mgr.: Con J I - L3; Richmond 4; Miincle Braiil, Ind.. Nov. 1; Veedershnrg 2, cord. N. H., 27; Lawrence. .Alass.. 28; Loxvell WE ARE READY •0. Marlon 6. Tempest and SiiDsbine (W. F. Mann's Western) 29-30. Streetmen, Tenders Hifh-PItch and Flah Pond PaM In Full (Eastern i Wagenhala A Kemiier, Richard Chapman, mgr.; White Lake. S. D.‘ What Every Woman Knows, with Maude .Adams, ‘27: .Alexandria '28; Canton ‘2!); Sioux Falla Operators, Street Fair, Carnival and Flat-Joint

      man In Slum 21: .\l«rl»- Calilll 27; MrKaiM>-n'« MIU an‘1 her 'int( benra; T ('laufiHtl: lenne .Meltooell aiel Vli viula Itrew freaiott tl". K. .Slii-a. mitr. i Kenti Santley Company Uct J. K. Kearn. j. ariliit: initr. i Will Itra.llej ami of oet. IV H l.I.liK I'lIC.k I Ita: (C. II. 1h It); The Smal t S. I 212.1. .NK1.SON iH. r from paK? 26.) to. In rile U.ipay Waifarera: I'.aiTy ami John .Metintlu, niiir.i The Clreiia Man. niih .Xlaelyn |lill•■n'•a< k. mur. i I'lctiirea and valldeTlIle. El)

      . I'lie tireaf 2.'>. WtilU'ESTKU ijidm K. Ilurke, mur.l ftriild motioniiifftlou pIrtiireK. mjjr.) Mutiuu piiluieo and Uluallated aoua*. Kinuro, llaiiielle and Wiille. Mad) In Si houa "I lie Seri ant ill the lloiioe t)rt. IS 'Jil; VaiiKbB KU.WKKUANK KU IIII.IlKItK.k.VDT.IIIIanKHU.\.\I>T. ‘tl** -'xit.Kt^L iC. Mouie, lugi.) yiuuuu pi. luiea .nd Kamllyi i iii. ATi»ir .a-ei ak BILOXI.—IHKATKS ITIKATKE iKred Ab In the Ilirhop’aHlpliop n tI'.inlaite 2H; .Mtinti*.Xlontr CarloCiirlo (Jlrl-(Jlrl** ^ ^ip crrerecpatt _ii..iivv iii^iiv 'riii'AiifL* aii.. Hfothera, llariy JoUuu and llljou- ., ‘ 1^^ Ab hi I.YllIt (.\iidy Itiilke. mitr.i ThetJreat . , w. ‘ hley, liiKr. I Heill'a -Ailellon Oet. 26; Henrietta Xlm.re and niovliii; pletiirea 17 22. NIXO.N iJ. V- *‘i'i***'**.' .0, Ine l.iue Mouae bAGINAW.—ACAI)K.X1V (T. C Cariienter, ■■•*“**' I'reiiater'a .Mllllima 3ii. SKY- U-KI.) llyde'a Theatre rarly oia-im iiiik of I'O.'IK (Tnil .Xlihley. misr.i X’audevllle and moT A.^ Snaton, m«r.) l.i.devllle and n.ovInK plo .VrtV^'^nd^r rui'y^ ^1““. ^.1 I'li'o:.; t)*l. IS; Jaujea K. Ilaekelt In Satiipaou ID; i***' pietiiri-a. X.\l llKI IK Ilieo. Qilint. ni)cr. • BEARD6T0WN. iHt.XM) Dl’KUA IIDl'SE Honey mo..11. r> 2.-.; The Tiaielluk Sal. am..n 31. ' V.T‘A'ii'i'‘=n at r .1'?-,!:-r..o

      ID 2;(; Itiinro In Arlrona IS; The New York ,.,iluiehpicluieH and aouifa.aoniji .Xl.VGlC (.S. J. IIIH. uigl.t MISSOURI. Richard Carle 6. LYRIC IR. MiilIlKan. mirr.) Symphoiiy Onh.-stra 24. CASTLE THEATRE .-Hi-.ija.Mi.iKa ami monuamoling pieiurea. KT rriTtic o „ I .. . 1 .Ai I .Smau In Snam 2.1; llOwe'a »teln. mur. > Seaaou oia ned Oct. 2.Y with Icaila •oiiira. THK .Xl.VI.V ST. itlijy Strickle, incr. i KKWaUN. —UJ

      Manna, mgr.) Th; Great John C.antAn Oct. 19! Ma«;iuii‘‘’'umV^ ^Vleuidtua^^Crl^^^^ AURORA.-AR.XIORV THKAIRE t.V. B. Down week of 21 ORRHKCM STAR (Wm. G. Kent, inirr.) Vaudeville and OcY •“^Y'olifmhlail^-,i. 11 ‘ »uam^ ,VVfivaimau, mgr.)’ The“*•; Wolf Oct. -'*•2ti. MINOR'S« "'Br-tmitr.) «-•La '•etllePetite Revue. An)celaAntcela Dolorea. Sehrnd* mocliiit picturea ARMORY H.ALL RINK (C. ^t. -t). Columbian Tele ilocaltilocali -1—-1.—. THT.AiRE.IHL.YiRh. Upeua IhcemherIh-cemher 15.lo. RlJOLRIJOL tMr. and MiiRev.MnRe.v. PerrvI'erry nndend White.White The McGradya H. Kaatnian. mirr. 1 Roller akatInK. KENTUCKY. aloiiUMBU, ujgr.f VMUlirville iiuU Uii>Uuu plctuiva. The (Irenr C4le»*«|oMn«1 I'lie Musical JohnsoM EAST 8T. LOUIS.—RROADWAY THEATRE LOUISVI]LOUISVILLE—Sr** urMBk l**ttt>r In thiH xAI 111 i uKU. .\1 M. Sfl- w(*ek of 17. MAJKSriC (I*. Jack B<»ody, mirr.i aoo and the Cam Morri» 2»iiK-k Co. 25 aud ueek. Graiiatark .Nov. 1 6; In XVyiKiilnR 7 9. Moi'^i ..... A**'. V .c..- T.. - O. VC- e.«raph week’ of IS. STAR THEATRE (T. C ELGIN.—EI.GIX ORKUA HtlCSE (Fred W. u ^S ou't^n «tlrU ..Ni; rh»* (folden <;trl 21; The Wolf 27* • Mlnatrela 2S; Slim'han Oimra Co! 211. Ward and Voai-a :h). Movintr picturea on off i.^fiur n. "!rl '"““"B'-tnent of Thielen A 1‘rlckett. rl-J..*., a!.*, Vaudeville. ““^V^yriE] rKMRI.K (Tlili len A Prlckett. mftra.) Movlns is**! ^ plctnrea. LYRIC (C. T. .Smith. nV.l Mo'iSJ rRGAVi’lSlTRANt^^ Motion pic- THEATRE. Movl.jk .dct.^ee and IIIu.trated ph tnrea. GLORE (Jaa. Sullivan, mirr. I Moving » »*x>KGAN picturea. COLISEI M (C. E. Aldrich. m)fr.“ i uaemeut Co., mgra.) Chimea of Normandy l*,iNT0N.—HIXMA.N UPERY HOLSE tCar i*”'’*''*’ *' "'*™*''***' *• ' Roller akatlriir. • *"•!«• ter and oerhmit. m^r..7T^^^ .. f-''j H.V TH EATRE .W. J FREEPORT.—GRANT) OPERA HOT’SE IHiifh , LOUISIANA. ‘•ty is; Ihe Wolf Xov. 1. Flanery. Jr.. P'0|*.) Kvle Concert Comiefnv Oct. , LOLUaaBLA.—CULLMRIA IHEATRE (R. R. ***"f>t (orapany 25 .W. RlJOt 19: tJIrla 21; Fatiat 22: The Goldim Girl 23. BATON ]ROUGE.-ELKS' THEATRE (Walter Sto. ka. jr.. mgr.) A Dry Towu Uct. 16. ' nalgiieau. mgr.) Moving picturea and RIJor l.XIolchitr and Caaaett, propa.) Rllnii Fowler, mgr.)mg XX heu Hia Wlfe'a Away Ocl. 12; JOPLlxl—Jul'Ll.N THEAIRE tl)r. XX. Wood. park oppra HOISP (FVaiO Slia'k Coinpanv wci'k Oct. 18. , AL G. FieFlelil'a MiuaircU 23; Too Mauy XX'lvea mgr.) Richard Carle lu Maiy'a Lamb OcT. 19; i « BBAINEBD.—PARK. t"" OPERAit HOUSE v(Frank

      _ .1 ...... gi., .au.ieviiie ana vauueviiie. 2. ..jauu uauc.ua. . motion pictures. GAIETY' (T, S. Scott, mgr. I LAKE CHARLES.—LYRIC (J. L. White, I****le iwo Lolora,^olara, aiugiug ami Uauclug,Uauciug, 20-23.2U'23. I NEW JERSEY Motion picturea. M.YJESTIC (W. L. Eck. mgr. I mgr.) ihe XVoiid aud a Woman Oci. IS. IM- MARYLAND xiotion p|ct)ir.'a and aonga. ROLLER RINK PERIAL (C. P. Martin, mgr.) Smith and Evaua. MARYLAND._ ATLANTIC CITY.—APOLIX) THEATRE (F First hiilf of week of Oct. The lux Lealir CumpaDy io uiualcal cuuiedy week ^f Uei. 25; ujutliHi picturea week of Nov. omng.. LOEH- = “•v Burglar 'EL WKILAM) (John ' TERIOX Edna Ih.rman Florence Walla. Keeoe pdler.: American N’ewrtmy.' Quartet; Mra. Ad- SCOPE THEATRE (Sol. Iwjcb. mgr.) Picturea “*1''-' ilo'lng picture#. Pearl Allen nn.l (o nod molding Plcturea wt^k l•‘^; rh«A J;*****. Dutch comedian. I^at half I and aon^. >r.7 w.o.k*'we«»k: Two llenrtx. hurlexfiiie arrohata; Le- !i “““ MAINE. , *;r''i-.)r'NM5“s N^;?riMER h" X ov nnd Dayton Slater#, .Ingera «nd dancer#; MICHIGAN. PORTLAND.—JEFFERStl.N THEATRE (Jul- aid S<|iiare Quartet. Juggling Matthewa. John (ella Marvea. Anatrallan comwllan; Five Nor ADBIAh luk Cahn, mgr.) Riom* Stahl Oct. IS 19; The Devoy, AA'iuatou'a Seala and moving (deture* W hite SdUjw 20: The A'uluntaar Oraaniit 21- ! we.-k of (h-t. 18. FRA.N'K'S, EI.ITE. Ll'NA

      comedienne; Maaon and Wella. aong and dance Joe XA'aed. hnnoH-lat. .NATIONAL (J. J. Force I mgr.) IS 23. Jaek la-wla. charncter comedian. May Mcyera, claaalc dancer; Burns and Kob nga and dancing, blna. come. HOBOKEN_KMliltE (A. M. Bruggemann prop.: J. F. Krohn, mgr.) A'audevllle week of Oct 25. G.XY'E'rY". Marathon OIrla week of Oct. IS. LIBERTY. Hand to Man week of

      • V. ... •'■•vi.r.i I « m. Ma.I IJ. i>. I-Iiniore, mgr. i i.iHiien Date tjiDniei. riv-r ^-i-v-e 'v.I'i'''"''*'* "hd aonga. NEW , Mag))erXUgtje’r McXIillan.McXIillan and Co.. The (lagninix.(lagmaix. Toni tD O. Glliiior.-. mgr.) The Thief o. I. IH 19; i NEW HAMPSHIRE. M"'/ IHr.'TRE iWalta A Kaatner ■ Mahoney and niotltHlmotion p|rf)ireapicturea week k»fof Oct.Oct 17. D<*\A'olf H<»|i|H-r 21); Howe'. Xlovhig Pli-lurea 21; MANCHESTER NFXA' PARK TIIFATRF tJ mgra.) Moving p'ctiir.- .--nd aonga. AI.YORADO.AI.YORADO l\V.(W. J. Daunt,Daunt. mgr.)n)gr.) M.e-rla.Alorrla ThiiraThura Pi rue Bi-olhera in Eight Bella 22. Pahl lo Full ii si.. mgr i Uii'een of Ihe (lulliiw'a c'ami KANSAS. ton Sl.Kk Conipany- In The Princeaa of Palchea 2.3. POI.I S (S. J. Breen, mgr i Hill. Cherry..- 2.-.Vit 'n,..... Sn.art S.i 2H-. 3() SU^KEI ^/vwvir. ...» . V... ■ Wei'k of (lit. ll.■ xiAJl-STlf (II w_ .1) and Hill.V."/' Brady'*r«d.v an*lami Mahoney,.Mahoney. Xllli*.Mile. Daale and IXIaniii'llAUniml Ijiretiai'nIjw.iigen. iiiermgr. iI SmieaSoiiga, nlcturewpictures an* .vTw? ^ ' norSE (Rov KAI.AMAZOO.-MAJF.STICKAI.AMAZUO.—-MAJLSTIC (H.IH. W. Crull.Crull, CoI •».. . D ileilt* and Boyle,Unjl**, (lurdMU.(lor.h.n I’hPh ken,k**rH« ai.drtiid ('»..( o., vamh-vVlIevaiid«‘rill** * " PlfDire. an mwrtm. mer. i f.frin Ort. !«: UPT.pl-ffi, Cnw nijfp.imtcr.* J.diiMfone.JtdiiMlon**. the littmNnhuinxn draimo;Athis<*q\ i;#*rt|#ileptle Im-U**- I.ljflifniritfI .Ijrlitnlriif M..p|K*r.M..p|»*r. TomTotu amiand E«lllliEdllli AlmoudAlujoud and; *' (ronilnmMl(rontlniit*4l on pajc**naa** 4242.) 1

      I r W 1 t I I A fl the GHEAl ACUOOL EXPOSITION. Iti iIh- rllj of \\ jid*‘htM»ro, N. NoveiiilM-r lo to Ui-i'cnilH-r 4. liaK*. yini will Ihe ^reateat money maker of th* II yilll nn ly y aeakon. Farun-ra hate tlniah.-e devoteil to liidiiKirlHl work and the •ihlldilon of Kiln-d aiipidlea. home ilxiiin*a marhlneri ^ f‘‘rm pn.dnrta. From two oVIoek to ten oVIm k at nt*fht Ihe Indiiairlal t» nta an* e|i»*i4f| nrid ever.UhIng la reiii. red 4*n the ahow**. n. at arrangement t* «ive patronace to Xkhow^ of an.r fair e\|MDkjt|on ever h**ld In the I'nUed Stat'-a ronie ahmit. No exrho»lve Vcmi run join an.v lime. NovemlM*r 10 to |)er«*mlier 1. hut It la beat lo atari In .►n the loth t.f N»*v.etii»»**r H.. on th*. zr-mnd h\ the d:h Mf NovomiMfr If iN.-nihle. Addn*Ka J. T. PATBICK, President Aoutbem Baviofs Bank. Wadesboro. N. C. VAUDEVILLE NOTES. Holzer and Ooss, knockabout coin- NEW SONG HITS. edlaua, opeiii d at the lll|i|> that xuhject. Mr. Tb>Hn|>Min alM. Oouipll' And riBht below hU name 1 cotild a»-e, nented I.aFleiir on the excellency of Ida act. ■‘I’repnre ye all to follow me.” vhicli la cloalnK the ahnwa over the ’nteratate Lewis and Chapin have concluded I said to niyaelf. If I d..n'l eat soon. ircult. tln-lr Inlerstale bookings, and u|H-iied at the I’ll follow John, If there's any room; Columlila, Clucimiall, week of Uel.iber 24. Bill I I.H.ked attain and was cuuleut. For nolnely knows where Johu Brown went. . George C. Martin, lecturer at the Wallace and Beech opened on the 'tar Theatre, Haveiiina’t, Iowa, haa resigned Copyrighted and published by Joa. Morris SullPuu and Coiisldlue Southern lime at Ft. Ids pindllon to heeil the call to relimi to the Company. au.levilie atage. lie baa Joined the Slelruy Worth, Texua, with ten weeks to follow. ♦ Trio Thia act will now lie kii..wn as the .Mel IN TilE SPRINGTIME CI-L RCTL’RN, KATH¬ r«y Kbbllea ami nin.iia at Biirllngtoii, Iowa, Emma and Petie Malcom, novelty LEEN. k'oreniber I. .Mr. Martin was lecturer at the glotie r.liera, will sin-nd a few months at the Words by W. W. Hall; music by Lewis Eb star 'Theatre since Its oia-ulng a year ago. home of Ihelr parents lu Melrose, Mlun. erle.

      In the springtime I’ll return to you, Kath¬ Rill Adams, while on the bill at Mantell’s Marionette Hippodrome leen. l.nrilu. O., with Duke Harrow and wife, .Mr. 0|n-iied the season over I'aulages I'licuU n, .ind within forty-eight lours Mr. Then, ni.\ pretty Irish lass. theli iH-w act, A Ware of \elht.v, from John V.lama bad received bis card au.l was oldlgateil Each day and hour will pass away just like a •M. Wleat aud are busy rehearsing It. ••T Mr, Parrow. sniiiniei day. In a Inin! ao far away. In the springtime I’ll Isabel C. Jack.son has returned to Melzer Brothers, hand-to-hand bal- return, KatbU-en. • aiiderllle, and Is playing the Kuii time. Miss aocera aud acroliata, oiteniil on the Gus Sun Copyrighted and published by Prospect Music lacksnn and her c»in|>any have met with gn-at time at Clncinuall, UctoLer 25. Publisliing Company, One of the hundred that -uccese in their playlet aud will continue In vaudeville for the balance of the w asuii. The I receive everj’^ week: set was one of the hits of the bill at tbe Darette and While, after playing it. ARE YOU LONESOME. vmerican. Cincinnati. vaudeville for three luuulhs return lu the Van Words by Gus Kahu; music by Grace I,eRoy. Dyke aud Eaton Stock Company, Are ymi lonesome, dear? jou’re lookiug kind o’ bine, October 18, 1909. It was erroneously reported In The Tbi-re Is no sense In pining when the sun Is GERM.\N-AMKRICAN HllltMiard laot wet-k that Ttic Norrln-a had cuii Lola Lea Earl has bought tiie Thea- sblning; ■luded their Snlllvnn xml I'unxidlii- iMMiklngH. loriuiu lu iluutaville, Ala., aud will run it aa a I’ll tr.v to cheer you. If you”ll let me Unger ELECTRIC CO., rhe report ahcMild have r*ad that the act bnd llrat-cijaa vaudeville bcuae. near you. dulabevi Weatern Vaudeville A»4w>rli.tluo time, Don’t say “No,” because I’m lonesome, too. 110 W. 14th St., New York. rbey are now on the Morria Circuit. Ed. and Clarence Hays opened on Copyrighted aud published by Thompson Music Gentlemen:— Company. tlie Wells Circuit, IK-Iuber IS at NaahvLle, Ralph C. Herz will be the headliner Tenn., fur Nurman Jeffilea. 1 received your sample <1 Ch.iee’a Theatre, Waatiinglon, D. C., the «e<-k i-f Novemlver 1. lie ex|>ecta lo leave inu. MOVING PICTURE NOTES. pair of Etna Blue Latiel Meal civmevly for gvxal and will In a few weeka George Tipton’s New American Mln- (Continued from page 14.) Carbons, on the 15th inst, vlart rehearaala In a comedy In wbicb he will etrela gave their ttrat perfurmuocvr at Uluffluu, ue ttarren Dalton says he has al- iniru.lnce twice a win-k change viindeville. My running from 6,000 to •ludea iK-r twenty fifth week over the Sullivan tenal hia single muaieal act to Urpheum quail- Ilia urt'Cea are In College Rl.x-k. lie Intend- and OiKialdlne time. She will then |irocev*«l t(v ficalloua. t< give much of bla time to ontd.Kir utirac 0,000 feel of films and re¬ I'birago. where the will join her bii-band. Billy them. .Mr. Young wiia furnierly wllli th< Eckard, In a new three act. opeiilug on the lia-rv Davis company and is a brother of Ed. ceived a good, clear, white United Mine early In Itecerober. Goodwill and Goodwin are en route Young. with the Ideal Comedy Cuuipuuy through the light with alternating cur¬ Edward DeOroote, the comedian, South. With tte Life f Moaee. aeries ar.d thr new rent and gave me good has canceled all bis vnmlevllle dates amt has Twelfth Night production In hand all the paint satisfaction. Enclosed accepted the management of the Gem Tliealre, PACIFIC COAST VAUDEVILLE framea at the Vltngraidi stndhai are o.iiatanll.v a vamlevllle bouse at Canlou, Mias. Besides III •px* and an average of two xceiiex a day are please find check for $3, managing tbe Gera Air. DeGroute will alao NOTES. le-ing coiii|deteil: the artlal working cverllme In •onduct a bonking exchange. ordei to get all of the canvas off the fran.t'a for which please send me In time. The Five Merry McGregors, a new by express, small order of act (m the I’aclllc slope, la a Uislluct uovelly Harvey Reese and the Alfrey Sisters xlcging act, and was accorded a very flatter I jx. t.. Fisher and S,d Loeb will oix>n a var- Etna Mine Label Carbons, have completed flfleen wev ks with the United lug re.re|>lliin at the National on the S. Ji C. d-ville Ixxvklng exclinnge In Morgan City, I a., Vaudeville Company, ami have rvliirned to Circuit. Their act ia a aeries of Sevdeh suiiga, placing .Ida lu moving picture Ihealna. Title the same as sample car¬ Chicago to arrange vaudeville bookliiga. Mr. well costumed wllb special aceuery, aud a story xf firm IxM-b and FIxPer Exchniige. rhey have Reeae baa received ao offer to pnaluce bis set of a dream runulug through the sketch. All the a Cuiin of theatres an I will iH-gln business lU bons. You will receive a In burlesqoe. luemliers arc real mnalcinua and good aclura. November. laiger order next. W'llllain Uermao, who takes one of ths prtocl- pal parts la tbe manager. Tbe Jewett Aninaement Co., of Jewett, O.. Yours respectfully, Billy Hill, Anna Edmunds and Flor¬ h.*is reimxleled tbe l.niirel Building and will ence lllll. known aa the Mill F.dniiinda Trio. ■ ■(e-rate In it a moving picture and vaiidevllb- CHARLES H. YOUNG, • tier pL.ylog Several weeka on the W. 8. Cleve¬ Mr. J. H. B. Fitzpatrick, last season rlxiw. Millie Martin liaa t-een engaged aa mad. Tunkhannock, Pa. land Clreiilt. and flve w presentevl dry, now offers but two, which seems lo suit make good — they are ’"'t the Telephone, a playlet by Ella Wheeler bla patrons much better, judging from the big Wilcox, thr well known sutboreMi. Tlie act increase of attendance. Mr. Bercovlch selects ITic Grand, at Washington. Ind., haa liccn made to give the best very favorably received. all the beat of Ibe 8. Sc C. acts, besides adding mniah.lKl on Ilia Interior and made largoi on special acts from time lo lime. ucc-Minl of the large atleiidauce Albion Morrill U manager of tbe Grard. dollar for dollar value The Naftzgem gave their new act. The Three Vagrants, now playing of any carbon on the Getting In Wrong, written for them by Frevl J. .A i-ew motion picture theatre In Oivelonaia. Beaman, a try out at the Hljoo, JjekaonvIMe. the Snlllvan-Conaldlne Circuit on the Coast have receiveil one cuoliuual ovation all over Ibe lour. La., was oiieoed OcIoIk-i 23. under the iiiati.ige- market. They give the Mich., and the little pla)let linmeillately m-nt of Purlf- and Dejean. It la known as the lnm|ied into favor. In 8an Franclscv. both at tbe National and Wigwam, and at tbe Bell, Oakland, they Elk. best light, last longest, atoppe-l tbe shows, so earnest was the spplause fer mi.re. ’They are certainly a very clever aud Earl Wallace, of CliU-ago. haa charge of the do not pencil, and it Woods. Ralton and Company, the qualm trio. m<■vlllg pictures at the Odeon In Fort Scott, Marines, will be jvilued In l»ecend>er Kansas. don’t make any differ¬ by Billy W’allers, tlieir former parluer. who vev-eral years ago was a memlier of Howe, Wall •’Frisco" Johnny Williams was pre¬ ence what current-sav¬ VDd Walters. sented with a haiidaoiiie gold watch, with an Tte moving picture Ibestres, the CTeacent and Elk head on tbe front case, aluddevi with dia Ibe Steger 0|a*rM Meuse, at Bonbum, Tex.ia, ing device you use— niort gixvd buslueaa. ters of •.■arnivala, fur valiluble services reodeiwl they burn steadily all xl tbe ^>uora A’arulval, which was held Sept. George Bradley baa succeeded Bert McKlbben •JT to October 2. as ixie of tbe mainigera of the Star Theatre, the time. Bol-e, Idabo. DRAMATIC- A sample pair will MARRIAGES. convince you—15 cts. Thos. Elmore Lucey, poet, humorist Miss Eleanor Burrell, this season ni’STUN BI'RDY.—.Mr. O. Biirdy and Mias and IniiM.rixiualor, lias Ix-gnii a long xea>x-ii of wllli GIrla. aa I'aniela Gordon, was taken III, Write NOW and end Lyceum work, touring the middle Weat. un>ler while appearing at St. Jlennett. takea MIsa Iliirrvll’a (dace In the caat. BIRTHS- Williams and Sterling have joined Frank Lord, former Assistant Dis¬ M. *’■^*''‘•1 bf Killy Cu«ii|-aii.v, playing the li-irn to Mr. and Mrs. Brad Halley, on Octotw-r trict .Ailoriie.v of .New York, haa written a lllx-y and maid parta. Tin* ahow la iHsikev! 7, an eight (xiniid hoy. Mr. Bailey Is ciaiuicieil (ila.v wlilch win lie |>r>alnce,l later under the the coast by way of the Soulbweat. with ilie Molll.. Ilxlle.v Show. direction of Klaw A Krlanger. ILiri. to Mr. an-l .Mrs. Frank IVvere at their The World and a Woman Company, hollo- III l.eeeldiiirg. Ba. . on October 3, a buy. a nil Mile. Fereaa Bonai, laid off one week at Mtilber and liaby d

      bick;icai'H. Auguat— Feet 30—»ue .Mills of the Umla . tJ72 30—Franks . 33B SeptemlH-r— Feet Last Call, Now in the Land of Cotton 3—The S<'aled Boom . 779 I 3— The l.ittle Darling .t. 311 U—"1776” . 065 1 9— Fumata, toe Sioux . 063 . EUFAULA, ALABAMA 13—lie! ting Kven . ,'ib7 ' 13— The Children's Friend . .386 n I 30—In Old Kentucky . OKI 33—A Fair Exchange . 995 fe. . 37—Lieather Stocking . 906 ' FALL FAIR AND FESTIVAL 30—The Awakening . tlOl I Z = ^ 30— Wanted, a Child . '396 i WEEK NOVEMBER 8 to 13 October— Feet , 4— I'ippa I'asaea . 983 , • si Can place one more good, up to-dxte Show, Candy Stand, Photo Poat Card (Pet Coney, wlra». 7—Fouls of Fate . 973 i W Eufaula la one of the Ixrgeat cott»n shl|>iilDg point, in the atate of Alabama; everybody haa 11—The Eittle Teacher. 9s'J the money, and tbla will be the higgeat one ever held; more free acta, more light., more exten- 14— A Change of Heart . 977 : alvelv advertl!*ed than ever iK'fore. Adilr«*as £. W, WEAVER, Mgr. ST. LOUIS AMUSEMEMT lb—Ilia Ixat l>uve .9,as ' COMPAKY, week of Oct. S5, Edgefield, B. C,; week of Nov, 1, St. Matthewi, 8. C. N. B.— (0 o ^ 31— The Expiation . 993 ! Tbomaavtlle, Ga., follows, week of Nor. IS. 35—In tLe Watches of the Night . 996 I s > '38—Einea of White on a Sullen Sea. 975 I

      o o c EDISON .MANUFACTL'BING COMPANY. ^ « a Auguat— F»“et Moving Picture Machines Make Big Money^ 31—Suffer Eittle Childreu .lotto WORDtRrill OPnlllltllllTV for uieu with little iuouey.no matter where located to ni5Lo big money |lrA3iS| '' ® .s September— Fi-el i euieriaining the uu'iilc. Motion ineiure. alway. will pay beeamte they WwMQI 3—Ethel's Luncheon . I abow the public llTe, fuuuy drama, bubbling over with humor, huiory. 3—Backward, Turn Backward, O Time in travel, adventure, temperance work and lllu.trated aonga. Almoat no limit HlHnini w Your Flight . ; to Ihe profit operating Kite Cent Theatre, or showing In cburrbew \ O (0 7—A Dangeroiui Pair . arbool huuaea. lodge halls, ate. We are lieachiuartera for all sui'I'II'-.^Sf^S, 7— The Temptation . and the maebtne Uiai tits your purpose whether Motiograph. 8 "1 10— llie flaking of Honey . 190 ! Lubin or Powers. There Isn't a thing In ihls field we don't aell. We n nt HI—The Amateur William Tell .MO flint, and slide. If you wsiil to make alS to *150 a night send for our 14— l.ittle Sister .975 Theatre Catalog I«.or Tr.tvellng Exhlmtora Catalog 1'34 Ualay, alata whteh. 17—How the Ijindlord Collected Ilia Kents -BIO . CHICAGO PROJECTING CO., 286 Dearborn St,. Dept. 6«, Chicago. Pp Vw >3^ 17—’Tia Now the Witching Hour of Night .'>00 I 3i—The ..rdeal .0,*,0 i < s s 34—A Knight for a Night . 370 ' 34—True lx>ve Never Buna Smoothly.3M I 34—Ix>ve and War . 400 1 38—Why Uirla l.a'ave Home . 950 Your Pocketbook ; October— Feet 1—The Wallace Jewels . 730 will bavs more money In It If you take onr aerrlce. Besides bringing yon mora monoy, oar 1—IVo of a Kind . 380 ■ervlco doea away with all shipping delays and guarantee! yon against repeaters. 5—Laddie .1000 8— The Minister's Daughter . b36 13—Ex|a-rt Glass Blowing . 170 I UNITED STATES FILM EXCHANGE ; 13—A New i..fe .1000 132-134 EAST LAKE STREET. IKDEPEKDEHT-MO LICEHSE CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 15— Hansel and Gretel . 630 I-”—Whitler's Witless Wanderings. 330 1 19—Their Social Education.1000 ■ 33—The .>>Bt Hainlbag . 400 33—A Great Game . .>190 H. Si H. Film Service Co. . 36—The Lie .1000 ' 39—AlPa Fair In Live . 415 THE SYSTEMATIC SERVICE. I 39—The Three Kisst-s . 500 Monadnock Building, CHICAGO, ILLS. We are buying MORE FILM In proportion to the number of customers we supply, than any ★ . A ★ competitor In the Central Section of the United States. WE CAN PRDVB IT to yon by oar SOUVENIRS GEO. MELIES’ service If you will contract with us for your dims. Notice particularly our motto In second Una ‘‘STAR FILMS” INTERNATIONAL FILM COMPANY Lloented by the Motion Picture PatenU Co. no West 34tt4 street, .... NEW YORK. Dealers In Films, Moving Picture Machines and Supplies, Song Slides, Announcement Vlldea, Car To ba Released Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1909 The above silveroid Sugar Shell can bona. Tickets, etc. FIIAIS F'OR SAI E—8. 10. 12, and $15 iier reel. One pin Edison Machine and Power'! No. 5 for sale. OCR SPECIALTY—A-1 FMIms at 3 cents per foot. be given as a Souvenir at 6 and 10 cent FOR SALE, A BABY Theatres. Will please everybody. $2.50 Length about 620 feet. A subject of per 100—$20.00 per 1,000. intense dramatic quality. Will appeal WANTED niHULBURD’S CONSOLIDATED SHOWS to the women. i H. C. WOOD & CO , I Shows and Carnival Peo|>Ie, Electric Plant, Platform and other money-getter.; must have gd as new. at a bargain. J. SWAKT. WANT TO BUY Member of National Independent Moving I Fort Scott Kanaai. 'REliABLE ' Picture Alliance. I ■ Second-hand Moving Picture Machines, 'THANElttTRICrv Hoads, Lamp Houses and Supplies of all WANTED kinds. GEO M. HOKE SUPPLY CO, 344 Unity MANAGERS M. P. THEATRES 500 OPERA CHAIRS BRIGHTER THAN > Building. CHICAGO. New and Graid 8>‘rond hand; must be flrat-claas; We can positively answer quick. PEOPI.E'.S AMUSK.MENT CO.. -CALCIUM - Oweiiahoro, Ky. WmTfrOR NEW CATALOG WANTED Increase Your Profits FOB BALE—Cnlrago Ferro Photo Canuon, trl HOORt B0IID4C0- CHICACO.IU, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE Writ* for fre* particular* !•* rtAmrcia ST., »rrr.ii [kmI, 2.'>0 plates, KiO frames, developing (lowder; j For next week and later, short Jum|>.. UAK- only used three times; a bargain at $10. WM. ' VFrrrE a co.. theatrical exchange, 6ia NOVELTY SLIDE CO. J. HOYT, Haverhill, Mass,_ ' Suia-rtor Ave., N. W., Cleveland, O. Bell Pbone 221 E. 53d Street, New York City If Too Bee It In The Billboard, Tall Them So. Main 319. If You Bee It in The Billboard, Tall Them Bo.

      I GAUMONT. (George Kleioe) September— p THE .“►—The 1>111 Box . J»—Breaking the Bank. 9—A We—Broken Ties ...!!!!!'. rinr irorkmanship or Sevres I’orcelaln . 38—A Generous Fmperor . material. ^ 38—The Horse and the Haystack. nr 38—Great Events at I’odunk . 1r [HU1 h or nllirDAMABIHB MP ™ property October— ] 1—An Awakened Conscience. 1—Magic CarbMins . PROTECT YOUR FILM WHILE IT IS IN OPERATION. 1—Mozart's I.ast Hequlem. $10,000 for any ONE ACCIDENT DURING THE YEAR, policy 7—First Airship Crtisslng English Channel backed by a million-dollar company—and protects your 7— The Mason's I'aradise . 8— The St(den Gems . business, it DON'T matter from what cause. 8—Glimpses of I’aris . Fill out this coiiiH)n—mall it NOW, youTl be surprised to kuow how ridiculously ' 14—The Trick Dummies . cheap this insurance is. 14— Her Busy Day . References;—Motion I’lcture I'atents Co., Edison Manufacturing Co., hundreds of 14—The Fiddle and the Fan . exhibitors now carrying our iiollcles. 31—Saved From the Quicksands . ' 31—Taking In a Reef . WE ALSO WRITE INSURANCE FOR SHOW HOUSES AND THEATRES. 33—The Is-gend of the Lighthouse . ' ■-"d—l•roIq)ed from the Clouds. MINGLE 6l wood :: 165 Broadway :: NEW YORK CITY ■3o—Over the Crest of the Wave. 35— All for a Nickel . Largest Writers of Motion Picture Theatre Insurance in America. 3o—The Old I^rd of Veutnor . 3<'>—Ambulance Ventilators. Mingle & Woo

      TWO HALE'S TOURS OF THE WORLD. Z4 Union Square, N.Y.,U.S.A. Muat vacate building. No n-asonalile offer will be refuse.!. AMERICAN THEATRE. 340 State Street. Chicago 42 TtieBlllboard October so, i90«.

      I’ATIIE FltEUES. Stitiiet, mil inrt Hill. >n)1 IVUn^y. BmDi« | Auguat— CORRESPONDENCE HiirlfT, luiiiirii nod nmtlun nlolure* wwk of Oct. Sll^ o—Veraalllea . Oct. IS; Mra. Kiakc Id Salvallnn Nidi Il>: A A—Ibey Kobbeil the Chief of I’ollce.. Texaa Steer Itpcwater'a Mllllona 22 2A. Illl* 8—The Little K.ddler .. l>OIIKO.\IE VAItlKTY TIlEATItK II’. F. Clanc.v. 8—Sweden—Gotha Canal . mB-) Vaudeville. I’TICA TAI.M GAKUEN 50% to 90% 10— “1 om Tbuuili . (Win. .knderaon. idbc. I Vaudeville. 11— <'baalug a Sealiou In the Arctica... Y0NKEH8. —niJoC (M. Scblank. ai*r.l MO; i 11—8|H>rta In Java .. tloo idetureji and llluairatiil aunB*. GET1Y 11—How to Taujc a .Mothi-r ln-l.aw... SglAUK rilEATllE (W. F. Seal.iiry, ui on your electric 27—He Leama the Trick of Meamerlam Geo. .\dama. iiiuoolufcue; Katie Fajr. alngliiB 27— Sultora' Comiietlllon .. rnmeilleone: Killy Ellia. coloreil comi-dlan. and current bill for 28— I'lerrot. the Fiddler. motion idcturea week of Oct. 18. OltrilBI .M 2V—Jane la Unwilling to Work. (S. Scbwarti. dibv. I I'llBav Forman and Co., October— comely aketcb; Klla Sn.vder, cbaractiT ebanxea; moving picture 1—A Game of CheaB . lA“muel and l..emuel, mlnatnda; Frank Camtiell 1— An Eventful Trl|i . and Krown. alnBlnx kud talklnx kct. and mo¬ 2— The Garbage of I’arla. tion plcturea week of l>ct. IK. I’.Vl^CE lllepry and incandescent t—Vendetta . llanillton. mitr.l Motion plcturea. WAllKI It SELIG ITILYSCOI’E COMl'ANY. TON I Frank J. l>ea. mgr.l Krewater'a Mllllona angnat— Feet ttet. IK; The Caab Girl 23; Clara Turner Stork lighting with my 30—Mra. Jonea’ BIrtIulay . , 54U Co. week of 25. so—Winning a Widow . , 4.'iO OHIO. SapteBiber— Feet 2—The Blight of Sin . . 00.1 CLEVELAND.—.«ee newa letter In tbla laaue. •—The StaDi|>ede . . 080 COLUMBUS.—SOUTllEIlN William Sander, HALLBERQ •—BjutIm Haa Came . . 205 mxr. 1 Grace Van SluddlfoiJ In The Golden Kut- 0—The Engagement King . . 0U.'> lerdy 18: The American Idea 22-23. COLONIAL Avtomatlc Electric Ecimoinlzcr !•—Crooked 1‘atb . . OtUJ (J. V. Howell, mgr. I Theae are My l’eo|ile fVt. 20— The Bacbelirt’‘a Vlalt. . 775 22 23. KEITH'S |W. W. I’roawr. mgrl The My stock of Moving Picture Specialties i» 23—Stricken Blind . . »»« Neapolltana. F^ilwlna Barry. William Itlcharda the most complete. Every article is 27— Acruaa the Divide . . 080 ami Co.. Imiierlal Toklo Japa. hully Family, SO—The Druokard'a Fate . . 030 Horton and I.a Trlaka. Lew Hawklna. The lUxle selected, and is the beet money can buy, October— Feet Serenadera week of Oct. 18. HIGH STKEET including “EI.FXTRA” Pink Ubel Car 4—A Trip to the Yoaemite. . OGO ' (C. W. llanier, nigr. I Money and the Woman bona, “BALLBERG** Spot Light, 4000 7—Wbeeta of Juatice . .1000 Oct. 18-2(»; Broadway After Park 21-23. GAY- 11—I'et of the Big Horn Banch. .1000 I ETY (A. L. Wlawell. mgr.I Fada ami Folllea 18- eandlepoaer Klamin«^ Arc Lamps, nuts and 14—I»at In Siberia. . 785 ; 20; Koae Hill EuBlIah Folly Co. 21-23. exhaust fans and the very best MOVING 16—No Man'a Land . . 000 21— The Cowboy .Millionaire. NOTICE.—Owing to press of edver- PICTURE MACHINES. tfr—Briton and Boer . , tising matter, we are compelled to 28— The Senorlta . GET ACQUAINTED NOW I omit many letters from this issue. A POST CARD WILL DO IT. VITAGRAFH COMPANY. Angnat— Free Booklet No. 15 tells all about it. SI—The Hunrhbark . I have saved upward of $200,000 on eur SI—Niagara In Winter Ilrena. rent bills since I introduced my Eleetrir •nptamber— 4— The Galley Slave .. Economisers. Have you beoefitedT 7—The Flabormao . 7— He Tried On Handcuffa. 11— An Alpine Echo . J. H. HALLBERG, 14—Tha Little Father. No. 30 Qroonwlch A... NOW TOOK 14— The Wealthy Rival . 18—^Tbe Marble Heart . IMPORTER OFUFE MOTION PICTURES THE IRUNK eSCAPK 2S—Onawanda . SSS V. SU St., FkUsSalphis. Bow to get ont of any ordinary trank. A chai 28—The Romance of an Umbrella ... lenga feat which can be performed In any prl October— Fllma from all the leading atudloa of Europe vata bonae where a trank la obtained. No con 2—The Scalea of Juatice. lOc per ft., C. O. D., anbject to examination and federatea. Price, SOc. THX OAKS V0VXLT1 5— Betty'a Choice . projection. TTila week'a releaaea— (».. Dept SS. Oakkoah. WU. _ S—Never Eat Green Applea. "Rapaotsnoa,” SiS ft. Drams. (Lms.) 8— For Her Sake . 'Pig and tha Thiaf,” 4SS ft. Com. (Imx.) 12— Red Wlng'a Gratitnde. "Foatar Brothara," 767 ft. (Lax.) FOR SALE—Trained Doga and Dovaa. Film P 12—Tim Many on the Job. “Mummy of tha King,” 684 ft. Drama. (Lax.) M., Magic Illualnna, Black Art Button M. C 15— The DIver'a Remorae . “Bhipoatna,” SSO ft. Drama. (Anglo-Amarioam.) Phonograph. Will exchange anything can nae 18—The Mexican's Revenge. ‘Kidnapp^ King," 767 ft. Drama. (OontinantaL) In pool room or reataurant or park, candy ov 18—A Dull Knife. “Lovar'a Honor,'' 760 ft. Drama. (M. F. A.) pupcorn machine. PROF. HARRY SMITH tS—Coaetta . “Oonaaqaanon of a Lin," 666 ft. Dram. (LoLloa.) Grata, Pa. 2«—The Two Mr. Wbitea.!!! 2*—He Fell In Ixjve With Ilia Wife MERRY-OO-ROUIIDS FOR SALE—WUl aall any SO—Entombed Alive . Model B. Oaa Ontflt For Bale, $'20; like new. Coat $37.5U. Sent at once oo $5 depoalt, bal. or all three of my machlnea. AU la A-1 eon MBLIES. C. O. D.. after examination. .Money back If ditloti. Would join Carnival Oo. October— told. CAKTOM FILM EX., Canton. O. H. T. FREED, Milan. Team. KEW YORK.—See news letter In this taaiie. i 27—Cinderella Up to Date. November— ALBAKT.—HARMANUS BLEBCKF.R HALL : S—For Sale—A Baby . (F. Ray Comstock, lessee; J. Gilbert Gordon, S—Hypnotlat'a Kavenge . ret. mgr.) Mra. Flake 18: The Admiral l»-20: Wm. Faveraham In Herod 21-23; Mme. Natl INDEPENDENT FILMS. mova 25; The Cash Girl 2A 27; Idols 28-30. PROCTOR'S THF.ATRE (Howard Orabam. PHOENIX. mgr.) Boston Fadettea. Fitiglbbon-McCoy Trio. •vLitember— Feet Howell and Scott. Jia. II. Cullen. Lane and i 16—The Actor Burglar .#.',0 O'Donnell, TTiree Rail Brothers and Tom Cooper »—.N'nbody Ia>ves a Fat Mao .850 week of 18; The Great I/eafer heada bill week The Best Judges •O—The Man and the Law.1000 of 25. EMPIRE THEATRE (J. H. Rhodea. October— Feet mgr.) Jersey Lilies 18.20; Queen of the Jardin T—The North Pole Crtse... ..50f) de Parle 21 23. GAIETY THEATRE (Mrs. Ag¬ T—A IMea . 5QQ nes Barry Nichols, mgr.) Kentucky Belles 18- Declare That Our 14—The Telephone Call .!l000 20. MAJESTIC 'niEATRE (Emil Deicbet. mgr.) Moving plcturea and vaudeville week of IS. THE WOMAN’S LEAGUE PRorT'*R'S ANNEY (Guy Grsver. mgr.) Mor Ing plcturea and Illustrated songs. Op«ns Permanent Headquarters Under WILLIAM H. HASKELL. Favorable Conditions. BROOKLYN.—See newa letter In this L'»aiie. BINOHAMTON.—STONE OPERA HOUSE (J The houpr*warinlnir of the Woman's Pmfes P. E. Clark, mgr.) Kirk Brown and Co. 18-2:1; I^eague. SumUy. pn*vo- Iladley't Moving Plcturea 25-.30 (except 271: ciety eMiit. the new inarUrs In New York be- Mme. Naximova In The Paaaton Flower 27. •Bf opimed under the m^ntt aii«plclom4^nt U made that .SnlMvan and (Geo. W. Carr. nigr.) Anthony, the great hyp¬ There’s a Reason—Better find out and become the Ine have Ju»t tKXiglit the Uimh Temple notist 14 16. STAR (Roaeh A Mclesn, mgra.) e. tTiicago. Tlie deal haa l»een on for VatideTlIle and moving pictures 18 23. [line. The bouNe will be devoted to \au- MT. VERNON.—NEW ORPHEr.M (Snelder and niTord. mgra.) John Brown. Morris Bran¬ man who knows. don. Curran and Milton. E. 8. Wooila. L. Bur WILLIAM FAVERSHAM APPEARS. dock. J. M llollaod and Co.. John llee, Orlne MeVey we. k of Oet. 18. BIJOU DREA.M. Mov¬ iVllliam Faveraham. rho was 111 ftdinwing the ing pictures and vaudeville. t.ns1uctloD of his n*‘W plav. Heixid. waa aide to NEW RCiniELLE.—LOWE'S NEW ROCH¬ appear at Ihe New York Ofs r.lng. Tiieadny ELLE THEATRE (C. J. I.ee. mgr.) Master aigbt and the warmth with which he was re Ue<-d and Co., Four Mnalcal Klelaa, I.eater and oel\ed showed that he had lost none of bit Kellett. Mias Sophie Tiieket. The Wally Tr(o. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co Chalk Saunders and Frank Bush week of Oct. 18. The Great Wajmer Show closed Its TROY.—RkND'S OPERA HOUSE (H. T. aeasirti on October 14. and la now in li>. n'-w Thoiiipaon. nigr. I Jacob I'. Adler ami Company quarter* at Germantown. O. Jolly Jenaro. the In Soloman Kriia Oct. 18; The Man of the owner of Ihe allow, purchased some land last ILnir t!l: Brewster's Millions 20: The Girl From spring at Germautown. amt during the sumiu-r. lte.-tor'a 21; A Girl of the Mountains 22. I.Y quarters were built for Ihe aceommiMlatloii of CEI'M (W. 11. O'Neil, nigr. I Mortimer Snow the show, upon Its return from th.» road. Jolly Stock Company In Rom<-o and Juliet we<’k of Pittsburg, Pa. Rochester, N. Y, WilkeS'Barre, Pa. Jenaro annisince* that he will start out e.irl.v Oct IS next spring with his show somewhat enlarged, UTICA.—Snt'BEBT THEATRE (Fred J. Ber ami will again taman. FriHlcrlek and Don. and Toss R-Inle. rope spinner- Jolly Jen.ar>>. clown nioiloo pictures week of Oct. IS. ORPIIEI'M Juggler and wire act. and Wll-aH;, contortlonlat. (Ford S. Anileraoo, mgr.) Wolfhelmla Living

      I OCTOBER 30, 1909. T ti e Billboard

      * T a with oiir tiling, however. In de- will Ih’ able to place about tifty numbers each I'Aipitf I AYfAl^ tHillng nil tliU, that la: .Vmerloan theatres. I month. The isilioe aud local iiutlioritics of the A Mw , believe, are vastl.v safer from lire than those London Letter ditferent cities, visited by the eiis‘iiibles, sci in ! here; that U. In matter of house construction. to feel lery kindly towards the artists, owing (Continued from page 15.) ; Kxita are more numerous, wider and better slt- (Continued from page 15.) to the popularity of the enterprise, and In many cases the regular an usi’nient tax has Is-en re¬ , . - , _ ; listed to facilitate the emptying of the audl- e<-s> to the simple, youthful grace and effortless meilif Keminu alms to overcome tinsthis iie^ncuiuy.denclency. torlum. It seems strange that the I’arls po- I ..in-p-w.. ‘Msrle lloor I'erhaus she duced to I'.fteeii is*r cent, of the usual amount. Tills fact. niMl otliem, arc to some extent the Its matinees ^ 'this *"• brings Smith tdo much ip to hJr own level for Iren. lor instance, tin re la on now at tnia ,|,p,.tlons, sin h as 1 have related, yet permit versioillitinle I’ve never vet met a do- cause foi tin- grudge of tlie coiitinontal man¬ agers ng.'iiist tile new enterprls<‘. What steps •"^i“thi;-e“mds''amr'rs"^^^^^^^^^ thi mestic servant in this country ijuite of this thov will take remains to be seen. ■•* in Hint*»»»•*' . u«. in If*''*lau.ini. *iittln hora. uiiil irirU..1.1^ I lyin’—but,lyjH*—but.—hilt- illin anymiiv case,rna**.case. theatregoerslue:ur**goer»th»*:itn*eot»rH Sftfinseem to I have fallen in love with this rendering, and. is a tiin mile of five, the eMest TKN CKNT SUPERS I *** *«ve with this renaeriiiK. an.l NUT (t.\ Tin: I’llOGIlAM. lb** jouuxt.i I iifin rfti4» Ih taken bv a frt *1 i u* t w » u . iI JudKlogJudging by present prospects, they will remain ' ■ ; t 1 rni e M ven The nrlncfna* J'.a "‘'w* r' back on the stage ] a very long lime. All the rest of the A very amusingamusi inchh’ut happened recently ;itle f'-"'’* J"’;' S^eue aiLd r*"*' « ,“>“"''“'*1,’ "‘'‘phlbe » | cast are exceedingly gd in their '..arts, espe- duringirlng thetin- [•eiforniance|.eif. of Verdi's I’ravluta, at ;8uo.ianc rs ei.are Sigin.rinas“’C- l. nma ««'» . V ,^.1. ;i performance1'• of Lai.a Kevolutlonwe.mui.oii Krancaisor ruuiaise, theme pjanpjgHj. Sutler as .Mrs. uallasDallas Baker; thele Teatro .\ccadeiiiloaAcoai.\ccaUeiiiioa in Castelfranco.t asteirranco. NorthernNortuern respectively h v ■ and i IgUt in spite or tne^^ ,,p„. p,e,.e which Is making such a bit. I was i,„j , ^gve said, none of them are of much Italy. The aiidl -nce. which tilled the house youth these 1 Itle girls dsnce iieauiu^^^ Impressed with the number of suinrs used, and i,„p„r,g„e^, the interest of the play. , to the la.stid.st seat,sear, was gn-atly>rn‘atly pleased with the thouKii I'alurHlly uol wHb jh»» of an flifureil It out in my bead Just about how much | sinsring of the prima donna ainl other actors Isadora l>uru*nii. A little tflrl of alx, Ul- tl'ey would cost in America. They are cheajier The production of The Musical Martians, at unill til** baritouo con.nicnc.slcommentMMl the c.dcl.raicelebrated \ettiDl. drt’.'<«ed ns a i»ai;e. appears with great than on tlie other side. For instance, e Xbiwvch Theatre on Monilav biat was a ”*■* "b -Vngelo. It npienrisl effect tH'fore the curtain at“l recites with re^ \\le>n the supers for this play were recruited. e Aluwytn lueatre, on .Momiay last, wasthe a . andieiice that the singer made semewine gravegri mistakes 111 rcmlcring the b<>aiitiful song and of made Its displeasure known by hissi's and. later, • one ^'irll”be singer did not Improve, by such ’ * loud whistling iind triiiiipling, that the (sior .ne seldom MCS in the grown up folk. TUcy „,„re were Jobs to give. Among them were ''' f*’® P^/lucers of London, ar- actor lost all control over hlnis.-lf. -brick w ith di-llght when something specially niany very bright men, too, one I saw speaking /'^fi * i American l^'it Instea.l .if retiring gracefully, he Hew ..leasing i« done, but tbelr attention is held as ,|veive languages well, he having been a student ,; Guard, at which prom- ImtliNl tlie most abu- Lell a. that of adults when sllcnc.. is demand- t Heidelberg. g a . I ‘'‘i***- concertsS “^‘^*!** were to be givenglun. All arrange- language at the aiHlience, which an.swered 1 Needless to say, the bouse pays. uientsments had been made, when the Lord Cham- j,j (l,p same way. Finally the p<>rformance had *’ xt ‘ a dress rehesraal there this week, one I’LAY HAS A SHORT RUN ,; berlaln stepped In and popointe.1 nte.1 out that the ,toppe mantiesi.manifest, I. think, that- the little ones_ ,■ ptmimer.mme .X.K (which HenrvHenry \VM Sarasebavage owns for i objectionapp,„p of the Lord Chamber- OPENED. VZ, TM. ^.11 v..i hoT '»>“ >^“'e to come to an end. So he sat St the Kcraliia imitate grown ups on the - merlca). This will last but * ^w days how ,jown and in a couple of days produced The stage, and that in a rather startling, faithful nother play will be put on witl. I '!°us^arMaMlans'‘^‘’lrke?e^ou“ of ^0'“" wWeS "f-''''. «'>o “»<« cxteuslvc ar- fa-liion. Far b.- it from me to corroborate! n*of* nfo'hJlrHa nnHi .Martians, a skcletoii of a pLsy which of keeping It on the boards until,until , servesjipr pi to,0 give^ the bandbaml allaU the opportunitiesotmort uni ties “"’k’cnients for the ..pi’ning of the Alhambro FROHMAN AND LONDON Cbantccler crowsjws the-e. , Thllth»w .n.i1 'of■ .“.K •!•„ ‘ oon.a .i..,o .n nt Brusaels, is canc’linK all his contracts for ■ i ..*}?*! ‘*‘,i'*‘* u*"**" *‘'**® “** this"'In theatre andin.l therefore Itit ap,«>arsappears more than Ihc French have their share of Ego. 4. ' “'•."S*",*i.tus. i* '■‘■dUlrements. So nowU"* every one Isis ,,o„btful. that„.at tlu’tls’ new playhouse Is to he openedo| Paris idayWrights are Just now a bit "bet A FEW NOTES satisfied,satisned, and all is going ou011 merrily. But at aUall A FEW NOTBa ,ljp absurdity of the situatfbn is seeu when one I'll ” as the phrase h.is It, over the announce- Piiiirnol bus )ioH Its nnenlnir for tho the situation Is Been wdien One ■(•(jp variety shows at the summer establlsh- lut’nt in The Blllhosrd that Charles Kroliman The Grand GuignolGulgnol has had ItsIta opening for the remembers that a few years ago. when Mr. .. . nt Arena Naxlonale having cl.aasi aft. r a Li tr^ .ho ^ Sousa’s Baud here, he verv tinsuccessfiil s.’ai«m. the Olympia at Rome. Ho 1 w.ioni proii.ei.ade concerts at ois*n.’.l its doors for the fall season, de la 3me Section), and The Will Covent (..arden Theatre, of all tin places in Lon n.is catablishmeiit has tH>en b« autifullv renovat- “'■^1. o.?oh r hif^ The Salone Margherlta, one of the most ".0 *1* 1."?^ ***o**.i ^ (irominent fiuiiisi-inent places of the Italian H*^'r*^ *"' ***^ popular acmaua. Rumors are aHoat here of tlie forthcomiug pro- capital, will he o|s-iied tlie latter part of No¬ AiucricsD proiliH‘fr fruui London and Pans de Lax. ,ductiondiiction of a new comic opera by a .New Zealand M iiiber, when the main season of Rom.- begins. Ate certainly nuuierouh enough to warrant this composer, which the best Judges here say is far .oninient.«f>nmiont. but the way the playmakerspluymakera take to xho Omnla-I’athe mition picture theatre, on nnd away the best thing of the kind seen since the news Is a rev.dation. They see a closer Boiilev.-ird Monfmarte, continues to keep the best days of Gilbert and Sullivuu. watch on the French (day market by the man .ery much up with the times. Now that the .{♦ who buys oftenest from them. They are Ini- aeroplane Hights at Jiivisy are on, this amuse- Ethel la-vey has scored au iiistantan-'ous suc- oiensely ideascd and are Incidentally drinking a ment place dally puts on strings of films show- ccss at the .Vlhaiiibra. Str:iiigely enough she toast now and then, hoping there can be no j^g the principal aviators In full (light. owes more of her popularity to her own inherent mistake In the la’iiort. . charm than to her gongs, whi-.-h scarcely strike RINK NO. 2 “"• go«Hl enough for her. ■p. . __, . I, , .-..i.• I •„s/v Kaxh„ iNtxAtiA 1 this#hU ^ ivui, aiier pia^iiigP''O l»K luure "i®®luaa uvefl'fe uuuartrahundred A -.ason InTaris^'i^ ra.ddly nearing ^mp et on. Perforfan®®* ®t the Varletes. clom-s on "ctob^ The Cin.n.at,«raph BUI. a iiie.asure to pro-ent It irtbe nroject of the Luna Bark people, un- ’5’,"* make way for another ydece. It will be ,he possibility of the firing of films at publllc It iDt project or tue L. "’I" work .\rthur Boiirchler thinks so highly that - he has secured It for production at the Garrick. The creator of the poem-play, Chantecler Lilmond Rostand, la now in Baris, busying him Samara, of the Otiera, who was in- -Mr. Rann Kennedy's religious drain.,. The self: at rehearsals of the animal-row'lanimal-fowl Piece,piece. inIt j„rpj am,, accident, early this week. Is Servant in tlie Hou.se. which has created such Interview he stated that It ^ out of danger. It was at first thought thst a sensation in your country, is to follow The December Is’fore the play would have Its pre¬ she could not survive 'ler injuries. Great Divide at the Adelphi. miere. FOUR 1X)RDS + It Is now announced that negotiations between After Ba stay of some length.length, The Four Fords.Fords, The Royal Llllpiitlins. three hundred strong. ,;p„„pGeorge KfiwardesEdwardes and DavidD.ivid Warflel.lWarflelil. for the Skating Rink Organs. Write for catalogues real sisters and brothers, have left the •‘'“R®*- "f® **?/** “.^ I”. I*® " *'l r®®ord8 at the .lardin ;,j,,H>arauep of the latter in London have now Bergere. They have other dates to fill on the d .Xcclimation. It s a big -how, and small won- ppm definitely settled. and prices. North Tonawanda Musical In¬ Oontiuent. which they are proceeding to do In dor they're breaking records there. ’ ^ strument Works, N. Tonawanda, N, Y. their own clever way. The American rights of 'The Brass Bottle. B.VR.VTOH’B.VRATGFF lOBfob AMF.RICAAMERICA Madame Butterfly is the charming opera at proved such a success at the Vande- TU- Hanimerstein interests have secureil Brin- the Opera Comlqtic. It Is a revival at this ' ‘11® Theatre, have tss n secured by Chas. Froh- tess Baratoff, the wonderful dancer, who for house of song, of course, hut Is making a big man. some weeks has Is’en making something of s impression all over again. •!• MONEY MAKERS sensation at the Olympia here. She has closed . The great musical sensation of London. Just I am the originator and at this theatre, aud ha* gone to Berlin, where “ now Is M. .Vndreef's Russian Buluika Band, onl.v man knows how to *b* appears for a time before sailing for New Bierre Bertou’s La RoncMitre. In four acts, which U drawing all London to the Coliseum. make Invisible Fortune York. She will be In the metropolis for some ccntlnues to be one of the chief items in the B a |i e r s. .My "Magic weeks, aud then will be seen In the other prin repertoire at the Conieillc Francalse. So grc.at has been the sucess of The Whip. Wuiiils.’’ "Gypsy (Jue**n8” clpal cities of the United States. the Drury L.ine drama, that three matinees a and my new- “.Magic Glass week now h.ne to be given. Wiind” are in a class by NEW FIRE BRECAUTIONSBREC.NUTIO.NS La Cornette Is the name of the piece which will succeed .\rscne Lunin at the .Xthenee. It <|> thoniselve*. $10.(N) In- The Prefect of the Bollce bus Inaugurated In the last of this wti’k. Tlic lust •« rforniHitces of The Fires of Fate IVit-"! 'i*'"*® .*'* • he theatres of Bari* a new system of tire pro¬ are Just ts’iiig given. Louis Waller is now re $!.-•> in one day. For clr- tection. an’l If there Is .1 fire of any eonwsiuence hc'irsing Its successor. Sir W'aller Raleigh. cii.ars and In any of the |ilj.vhous"s from now on, it will \ review In two acts is the principal Item 4, mgs. address 8. BOWER. ... ,, , ~ .n. .. 117 Harman 8t., Brook- have to emaiiato from some source unknown to at the Etolle Palace this we.k. Several Amer- Miss Margate Huston, the Canadian prima lyn if. Y. iiiin, and spread in spile of man’s Ingenuity. lean* are In the olio then’. donna, who ha- la-cn scoring a groat success at Upon the urriial of firemen detailed foi duly 4' the Palace riicatrc. has Just been re-engaged. __ __ . at a certain theatre, they must test. "J® S:i*etle seems to have struck a (Opular chord fire .xtlnguistiors; second, the water P>’®asure. „ „,p vaudeville It 1* having ^ crowds, third, water plugs, safety exits, special fire ,Tivhow plugs and hose, refilling the fire buckets; fourth. . kVeTisV 'I New fflODGjf HSnGF verify the quick flow of water Into the specl.il “ fire tank on '.he risil by autouiatle lloating plug; Emma Calve coiiimcuecscoiiimeuees her engagement at -——-— H For Fairs and Winter Inside Work. fifth, trial of new plugs or repaired plugs the Galfe Lyriqiie. the seeond week In No- I* • H The "Dora" Embroidery Needle. Bat- -Ince last lii-|iection; sixth, the oiHTatlng of the vember Ka|sI||% I W ent iiending. The latest novelty for foul nir shaft machinery. In casi* there Is a 4* MU UVRRd lU making liainl eiiiliroidery. Sells like deficiency in i;ny of lliese thing the reparation . , ..... The suple duo. Hert«‘rt and O'Reilly, are at must be done lmnie I -Igned. Some are In the fly loft, some 011 the throw rocks. Tlie grmige of the maiiugers Is ■■ ■■ I I The Zarelskys, Russian dancers, are es|>e- grid iron, others In the wings and In front of caused more or less by the ap|>areiit siicci’s* of tlie bouse. The chief has the steel curtain, re¬ "lly billed .at the B.al Tabarin. Ihe iM'v- enterprise .iiid. if situs fall not. WE SELL quired by law, u(MTated iM’fore the first act. tlie ri’-iilt will N‘ even letter than antici|>ateil Pro-rata Interests In central Improved business ■III! once or twice during the performance. Merlan’s Doga .are on the hill at the Folies- )iy all concerned. property iti Seattle, through the meilliim of Should the smallest fire break out in the House, Ib'rgere. Tile first three enseiiilil. s of tlie tournee a- bond- i—ued In even liiindreds from $lis) up. • hi stoel eurtaln must he loweis’d. All In- sH'latlon are now taking in different parts of tlammahlo material iiinst be kept at a certain Ihe country, (ine i- xisiiing citii-s in tlie .\lt- tlien liy eiialiling you to Invest any annaint you \ new review is on at the Folies. •llstance from any of the laiii|>s. and the stage "lark. Southern .Meekleuluirg .- nil Soiitlierii I'oin- wish, any time yo’.i wish, in an al’wiliitely safe manager, even. Is not allowisl to open, during •I’ nieraiiia: the other eiiseiiil te take- in tin' couii- linestmeiit where BOTH yonr i>rlncipal and a performance, the door which connects the I.c Scandale Is the bill at the Ranulssanee. Ir.v along tlie river ttder and Nortlieni Sih'sia. diiid'-iid- steadil.v aud rapidly increase Send stage with the niiditorinm. + while the tl inl is trireliiig tlirough the Tliiir- for folder No. 2-A. ■Kflcr the iierfoniiance there Is another geii- Tiie Merry Widow continues at the .Xpollo inglan states. No\a>uilH>r 1. the fourth eii- •■ral Inspection of the house by the fire chief -I nitdo will start out for Bomiiieranln a’ld \Ve«t AMERICIN CITIES REALTY CORPORATION, In charge, and then a civil fireman. hln>d by the 4* I’nissl.". Two otlier troiiiM-s will la' rmidy to management, gm-s on, tlie others going off duty. I’.ecihovcn has be«Mi revlv.’.l at the Odeon. start out .laniiary 1. anil the Tourme So.le[y Alaska Building, SEATTLE.


      HOT SPRINGS, ARK. devllle and -speeiaeiib.r piee«-v. IMrertors—John i V0RR*S OUT OF THREE CITIES. f.Him*rlv nianniscr of tin- Kayoum* op-ra Uouh.*. •J. FIosh. Arthur K. il'HMiwin ami .Vdam debt Several Fine Attractions Did Good ('ollltnlii:! \l.i\lll;: I'irtlin- .lllil Tllratrf (oin- Will No Longer Send Vaudeville To iHnd* \ilb Dcts nt ••m il <>f ii-, hiMi>4's Business Last Week. t>anj. X<'« ^ .lrk. <'a|iil:;l, To op eratic ami driiiatie performam*es; to main Memphis, Columbus and Toledo. t 'ln and niana^< liieatres. ete.; to priKliiet* i I.iimI of \

      »ol. liijsli*'it • Vitiidf,!!!** at jHipn! f . tli r** I ..r - Im-ii-tit *>f Artoi>.’ Fund. M^ri*' Muereln r. l!»s F.roadu mn . all of New York III** an‘l N«*ll \l»Nnil now pl.tviipj it. and d**«*lilli'IJ !or«*dm«* tin* tn*' ^ Fit\. * I r< II.. '.I nill piddivh "ill): wli«‘ti sh * Win'll His Wif« ''^ Aw.iy \\.i< tl»‘* attraction hI Williaii M*»ril'» ba** up Hu*, tl'.'.jfi*'* !.» .\im'ri«‘H t*. liil lu r i-t>;;iiu<*m*>iit ar tlif fin* Ainlitorhiiii Tln-atn*. U« IoIh r 11. Ud^ s.M-Mii. Tbr la's! ..f ^ * i' f »• .1. ff* l .'r«*u'*i Tln iln*, N«*u V«»rk. 'rii* Tnivclin;: Snlosiiian v\:is \\ it!'4*ssc«l t»y a \b-Mpht**. wbl«*h \\\\\ pr«ib;ild\ h . «.• a '•» « k ■’li.Tb' Fi'diiuM* liM*- iddaiiM'd fr<*m .MIh** \«ry l:ir/»* ':!! < .*1.1 ii»’i«* t«» m.ik* :i iikibt iii Im-.'III.'* fMipulnr. riu* «»f Ti «• F**m'|iitf pr»<‘i«tiv«* atlfinhiiHM'. but the ;ni(ij»‘n<*e was not ; v\lM-r»' llirr\ I.aiid.'r i*, !•■ ; pp* *»■ Ma’'^i« r .I'd tl:.* tinv*l <>f (1h«*r (‘oiiiir I'ptTa ro** Imt::* . on rn r'Minl of tin* UM II •l|••h Ix'lng tlio To Frank Roche. liiru.*' V til Im* ini-'siiu;. but flu \«*li*«* will N' oii oppM-itioti Mtti*irili>n. ami the Ir'ot niuht of the i « \hibiib*u. .trk'nsM** State Fair. j \Vhile l.lsie .laiiis ,i. nies the n poi i th ii -le* HARRIS GETS ARMSTRONG’S ’rie* 1.) rie 'riieatre reports ;:o*h| bii'»!n«''sn the is to w -cl Friiiik Uis'he, the .\oiiiir innii is p:l^l t^\o \\e«>ks. s. owlnn cl ell more ilexotai! to the little eoin PLAY. M:ina^er ll.ile, of the I.yrlr Theatre, had i -dieii.K' and .Iniiies Itiirke Ris-lie, ot Knitl ind. SURE a very narrow escape frcnn lo-e^ of both eyes. ] father ef tio toiiiiR iii.aii. Is or. Ills nay to T!*»‘ Full A rill'1 r.'ii;: !d.>. \\bi«*U \\ mi due to his .into blowin:; no. Koitnnati'ly be | NeM York on a mission wlileh had not I.. m*um «*d a** tin* of i li irb*-* FndruM*!. QUALITY eseHjMMl wlthent inneh Injury. explaiiiiHl. .limes Itiirke UiM-he was the tiist .r«H iHN'n H dd to lltiiry H. llani'*. It 1^ • ii H!lly Munrieo ami \sjfe h.ivr Inst returned hc-h.ii.l i.r all-, liiirki* Kis 'ie |{Hioiiyi. w!io ♦i'U'd Wlh'iii tin* •tiM*,'. l.o\»*. AND from a trip abroad, where they hive lK*en trav- Won a serdict last wiek in h t suit for divor'e l nlikt' pr«*vlous pl:i,v*5 by thN niittu^r. flu* IriHii Aiirel Itatoiiyi, the former whip. I'ra'iL eilMT all siiniiner. b''uie of Wluun tin* IomIh I.ov»*, in not tb* W ***1. PRICE Tliere are not many tlieatrleal jM'ople ho Uis-lc Is her ■sill hr the lirsi iiiarriuRe. lull H Hiiirtll ivlmul III the \!» dlt» rr: mc-ui. rii«* joirnlnj; In the Vaper <’li\ at present. .\||ss Jaiils said that she wlslnsl to empliatic li«*ro is .1 liinn of Italian Ximricati !>Mr all\ <|e|i> the ri’iiior t. tithiiiR tItthiR ill the eiiRaRcmi lit line. In A n*‘W vainl 'vilb* **lrt*uit hn** Im***ii oncHnix***!, Mam office It fac¬ ness At Canadian Capital. fret, she is sl.jiiing coiitriiei- for a h'l.R I rhsl iimb'r tilt* :i;uiii* 4if th** Sdillb'r sXiiiiI’M'IU* nt tory. 1821 Dear- In come." <’< iiip'tiiy. with •*tti('4’H in th*- I,* iiC .\ h:.H l**t'“*tl Iih: ri>iiipii'ij, ^ ort .I ill Tile Wisliliig KinR. Kusl- thfMtn*'* ill III** ftilb‘Wini: Ix-nir NlniHl lt)wns: CHICAGO. ■ ''•n» iii>.i ih nji lo ciipxiity. ACTOR STRICKEN 3L*ND ijrt***!»p rt F*'.\ .'•h'tr**. K»*fr'i**:id. S i\ ^ III -. F ** .\rUoii:i, I tun,, to r.mkI Ini-lnoss at the Fran¬ i-h«-;;i|4‘ hihI Huntinirtt n. anf thirt»*«’n n lM- a «nriii rii-ri>tion at tin- ICeyal. Smile. w****k'i l<» Iht* a<*t*s piaylnjr this <*lr''ult. F.. .\. RUBBER GOODS. Klvon-ons ia tlie lilll at tlie .VcaiJenilc Fran- S*-hllb‘r. Ill** pn*Hbb*nl of tb** «’**mpMny. wan t V calei' IIiIk «oik Tlie stock comiiany Is far .lutes Ku-s< II. an aepT at the Majesiie '•ANE RACK CANES, allot e the axcriRi'. wlileh was shown In the Mii'lc Hall. Toronto, a Morii- hoii-e. was slid ri mlcrliiR of Sardoii's Rreatest play. deiilv siriekeii with total hlliidii.'ss. Thurs'i.i.v KNIFE RACK KNIVES. Frltri S.-h*IT, In The Frlnia lionna. Is the night III the middle of his skiteli. and tlnisiosl hill at Ills Maje-ly's. Hrinripals anil sup- the act without allowing toe aiiddnee <.r otlmr CHEAP SOUVENIR GOODS jMirt were well reia-lveil to Rood biislneas. |M-ople on the stage to kinm of his alarming BTErL FRAME The Musical l(ii.'klc\s and The Morey Rroth- Cl ii.dttloii. For Carnival Sales. ers are the headliners at the Caaino. S R. \\ Idle singing II a« lo. Kii—oll w as sioui to (>. IPIDFRS Groai. $2.00. No. 70 reel slightly to one siile aim |eiss his hands Theatre Chairs tnueno, A„ t Pe, Gr. $4.00 The Ins.'liail scries of Raines. Pirates vs. across his e.\es as though to eloi.r away some Abaolutely $3 60 PerGm« TlRcrs, was the IiIr feature at the Nickel. This oli-tael ' Imt although he ri'SlizisI tliat he liail Kon-BrMkabl, Per Groat. film has taken iinnicnsely. You would ImaRine IsMsiine Idliid lie smilml on th" lions.- and eiar Suitable fur amall CARNIVAL WHIPS. $5.B0. S7.00 and $8-< you Were in an .\ineriran city. Instead of the tlnnist llie lirokeii melial.v. .M tlie cios.- .i theatre and moving metropolis of Panada. Imrsl of a|ii>lanse rewzrd.'d lilm for an effort picture abuwa. We T'le usual Roisl hilla at the picture bouses are -elikmi itaralleled even In atagiis romance. carry tbeae ebatr. dr.sMinR goo«I crowds. llie moment the curtain fell for tlie last t In atock and can X. W SH.\NNt)N. time Kitss,dl staggereil toward the wings and ship immediately. was half carried to hla dn-ssiiig room. Ihr-e Second baud chair* liia-tors were calltMl and during the whole of alao a<‘atlDg for out NEW INCORPORATIONS. the night worked over tin- atllietisl actor. of door uae. Add 4 e carry tbe largest aatortmciiiut K.ai(e Boa--? It was aniioiineed tliat tin le was a sliglit Dept. B.. STEEI. f D.vea weatof the Miaaisaippi RiTcr. Our price* h->|M- for iiartial rocovi-ry. FUHNITCRK CO.. Incnrporati'ins registered with the Secretary ir* absolutely rock bottom. tVe alaocarry a (t I. of State. .Mhany. X. Y.. week ending Oetotier Grand Rapida. Id, are as follows: Michigan. Koaton lea of Sircetman's (iooda. Carnival N'o*eltiee llurlem .Mereliaiils* Pafe Company, New York EVA TANGUAY ILL. t>ak-e. Congress iDd good* for Fairs. We arc th* oldest Stree*- -I \ City. ('aidliil. $."i To jiriKliice and exploit plays Hs .> li«*r phyulcinn will iMTmlt. LILIPUTIANS WANrED and other thentrieal am! ilramatic productions, 'n »* riiHU> HiiufinK nunil»«*rH «Hsiirno«I to h«*r and to hoi>k sketches, vaiiderllle acts, etc. 1)1- b:ivt* prtfvtii n ^rri*af Htrain *>n th*' roni«*di«*nn* ‘h rei iors—IMw ard S. Sehwartz. Joseph Roth and tbrt'Mt. aihl hIi** c(iss TanL'UH\‘H s*u)>rH. 3 or 4 Doll Acts, Small Women tav Friesm-m and Charles I,. Reed, all of Rwh- esler. X. Y. _ - ww or Children who can do the ariiiietit stores in Denvi-r. W.- can offer \V. Tobin. 7." Jntinsoii Park. F.uffalo. X. Y. A most profitable | SIGN two week’s eiigag.'iiient, comiiienclng IK-eemlier lireadway Lyceum, of Iliiffal •. .N. Y. Capita] and ojLsilv managed 1.'!. .tdilress with full particulars, salary, etc.. Entirely New—Absolutely Noiaeleia To manage and n|H-rate places of Advertising Department, GOLDEN EAGLE DRY Will iK.t blow out. Never rest. smii'cment- to iirmlnce v.aiideville shows and Bowling Game for GOODS CO., Denver, Colo. Retails at 81..-Ml. Big i.roflts for manage noolng picture hnn-es. Directors—Fhll agents. .tildis'sK Ip KisentuTger 4<10 Gl,-iiW'o.Hl avenue; Louis J. Knell. <;sv Xorlhaiiiiiliiii str.-<-t: Charles Knob PLEASURE RESORTS, THE SWIVEL ROTARY SION CO.. r-MOVING PICTURE THEATRE—: 2S0-232 East &tb St., Cincinnati, 0. lorh. 2-.- \V.limit street. F.uffalo. N. Y. PARKS AND The Kieliiimnd Hill .Xuilltorluin Motion Picture Company. 2'.t2o Jamaica avenue. Richmond Hill. AMUSEMENT PARLORS FOR SALE X 1. C-iiiital. $2.

      i: ( f

      PHILADELPHIA. PA t>|M*ratlo HarniKan. th«* tramp jut' \V»I1 Murphy uiul I'lumh*' Nirhols and otluTs N\t*nt lo iiiHko up an ox.*» lK*ut hill. N to that iionu* of 'oiul rircular lirst l».'rt. Tho roorjiiinlzi «l conipauj routains most <»f Ih** old favurite»» and S'*\**ral 12 YEARS e.xperience in manufacturing enable* who sho\»d that th«.v will noi h,* at all ^low us to offer you the perfect seat for store room, in h«»undi!iji into popularuy. Th ■ fi aturos of ih»‘ hill wvvi' a hurh > pu* on r'l • jxra id opera theatre and general seating. "iir. alth .Ipljii 1). Murphy as O-oear liaiuuuT* "toil!, mill othvT fanii'd eharartors poriiayed by Patent rights substantiated by an infallible ^•oor;;t* Wilson, Tarrol Joniison. Harry C. Siiuiik and Alt. S. •»ih'»on. Tin* musioal nuiu- record of Court decisions. h'*is in uiis hurlo>.|uo includ**d the Soxtet from t.ui iu aiiil tin* .\nvll Thorns. Vie icichards |da.>od a iinn.iuioni part in a politii;.! sntire. We make Chairs, All-Aisle or Self-Righting. and ko«h1 sin;;in'.; throughout >\a> eoiitritmted hy l.iivin GidUrioK, I.. K. Ininpsoy. K. U. Tar- Space saving, life saving, money saving. ron, Allen t ario.. Moritz Ih»pp. Masior Ta^an WRITE TO DAY and Thoina-. Itaiin^. .Mlllor ami .Mark pleased with a ;rrneful daneinj: speeialty, vuillled Who Hiseovered the North Toie. The Hardesty Mfg. Co. ■ mil \vn« Hint Hu- i liTf v.imlil M llh hoari lliroh'», i‘X4'elient eoilledy and lUeke dratiiatic thrills fotlov\in^ eai h i>iin-r in ipiiek ni'I ■•|l••Il nil'll S:liir>i>. 'n^i' furl >■! Mils CANAL DOVER. OHIO. !■«, |Miv|p " • III'll! iiHim; t>i t.«' ill*:i|i .siueession. Tharhs K. T.ljiiio\'s latost louodv [•.liitniiiit "f till- -t.'ir. till' li. r.; wi.rk if I'r drama. I'ne Hlrl and the |n i»Mti\o. was enj4»y«‘‘d 'i-'l 'inly 'ii'l 111' k.'i'ii illv ipp rliii II''lit by the audit'iieo at the .National Tlwatre. Ih** principal i»arts wore wiil played hy Tionnee of 111.' plm liavliiL' 1 n.li'i'.-.l a iii'ri.UM sli.r k Kliioi ainl I'dl.ot J. Siiniit’^, and the coiio'iiv part H»n! 11 i*. MiiiioriMl llir'l III.' pi.'.'.' y\ ill 1m' tiik"ii ^ taken Wed !»y It. T. i'ln.u-. lilt.. N ■« Volk .villioiit fiirtli.'i' pn.ilurlloi' li.Ti-. ,111.1 .iillr.'ly liM.l 'ii.T, .Molmlraiua pro>od a dr.iwiiu: attraction at tin* thi' Fi.rr.'i.t, .Vil. lln*' ll.'ii.'.' is .laiirInK h.T- tJiraHi .\\e. iheatre this weea. the gueell of • s.'lf Itilo f.ivor ivilli I’l II: .1'Ipl.l Ills. Tin' pl.s", the Secret Se\en. W llicU v\as reviewed early ill ; nlilrh Is on* of III.' I.ir'i.'si iiiii'I-h! prisliioii.nw the si-ason was the altiaeiion. it woii tile ap- ' of llio S.MSOI1. Is s.'.irl'ic iiU! lly ■ml it will prohaiion of the audi«*ue.‘. i ii»- interpretatum ^ not !»' a siirpri'• 1' ll« .'ir;:.|:"m'I'.t I* oyt.'ii.i.'.l was all that could Im* asked for. Inili'Unlti'lv. .\jiu»n>; the vaiidevilh artists appeariiij; at l-'raiH'is Wilson, with hiv n.'w f'iro< coiii '.ly. the l.its'rty this we»*k. are \ouiii; Saiidow and' n."' Ilai'l .'lor's Ilfl.x. o|i'I'lsl 'It 111.' Itroa l SI. Latuhert, *‘.\iH>u4'nis ot ph\'«ical eulliiie; 4«*au ■nii'r'ti" for a *'vo W‘''ks' slrv. riM> rom.sly is t'ouwell ami h»-r Khhiu-s; iionnelly and Uotaii. ' iiiarki'' hy ■«'i"isioii il n niimoi'ila. . n'.s. 'nit Mr. \; ami others. Wiis..n iisv" till' sron.'s iM.iwf.n hlins.'lf an.I tho Trank In-shon o|e‘md at the tlraml 0|K'ra JOHN P. CHURCH rhlM. whom ho itra.lually romos to lovo. much Hou.se. ill A Knd;ht for a Hay. for on.* N%eik rhiirni. iiik'aiteuient. aud scored Very iieavily in that Has been elected MANAGER Mr. Wilson pl;;.Mil llnso s.s'i.'s will, ii'ii.'li Inms*-. It is easily pio\4U wnai the patrons .»f fis'lini: aii'l lltll.' Ih'hv |i'i\is ■ .s'o.i.h'1 his tile house waiu, for wii. n .shows of the al*o\e work hy in oy.inl- loly n.iinr il an.I aii|N'iliii.: ealiiMT o|w*n there, the hu'^iiies'- Juiiips over one • ts'r form'ins'.'. Iliilshh' of Mr. Wlh'oii's [I'.rf. hnmired per cent. NATIONAL PRINTING CO Ill" 'h iraclors h. not pr. sont imioh opiM.rtmitly. rile Nev^ Win. I'eiin Theatre presented another • tint wliat w i.s ro'ininsl w.is ohl' ih-no hi tho »\e*’ilent hill. That popular “West Kml Thei'.ti *’* siipicriim: oonipany. is ihdiiu ail excellent mis.ness and lh«> lulls that ; 182-186 Shearer St. At till' i: irrick. Moinlyro an.I Iloath oiienej , are pr«senietl uii* far su|M'ri4>r to sonu* of the to S. U. II. with thi-ir now imisU-al comedy, | higher priced bills i»r«‘seiite4l in other towns, MONTREAL. CANADA In ll.i\tl. It is a .Molnijre an.I Heath ahuw | \t the meeting of the Southern Vaudeville from -l.arl lo tin sh. .all mako Is'lleve ainl n.ith- i .Mana);»‘rs Association iu Nea \ork. last week, Int: ..orh'iis, and is Hlli'.l with that delitibtful f^lward Stein, of the nrm **f .Nti*iu ^ l..**onard. coii.litioii of niiiiil that siiiaoks of irreaponal- of this city, was iliH-’ieil vice pr«*sii|eiii, aud hil:t.i. 'I'liat .Mi'lntyr.' an.I li.'alh has.' iiia.le all busims<* will be bamiled from their Thila- K.N.il .su.nin is a ii.a.illve fart, fur Uie laughter deiphla addless. h.>J t'hestuilt St. whli'h .'i'ho.'.| throughiait Is a for.'runner of the Will 1)0 plcjLscd to hear from all showmen coming to Canada \ ic. Uichards and John K. .Miiridiy scored in lie." ss Ilf Ih.'s.' two cl.'ver eomediana. The ■ their sketch, at lh«‘ Kie\eiith St. OjeTa li'KJse. wanting up to-date Poster printing. is vi'ry k.hsI as la the music, riio chorus *‘iitithM. Itehony and iiolan. a faiee on the Is wi'll traiiii'.l. iiiil Ihoy I'.'Uie ill buiiohea and |Nuitlcal cjudidati's of this city in the comini; Good Work—I^w Prices—Prompt Shipments. ar.' pleasing to the eye. ei»*ctlou. Mr. Uolnrt Maiit.'Il »iieni'd at the Chestnut Stres*! tipera House In a two weeks' repertoire .Mt'ssrs. HelUr ami tiladlni; have had siMiie NO DUTY. of Sh iki's|Krareaii plsys. His oiH'niug pisy. ditiiculty In geltiiii; acts for snu>kers aud clubs King la'ar, wss ri'<'eiv..i| with murh fsvor and here, so, last week, they li»ok an ad lu The bis Interpretation of the role Is excellent, espe¬ lUlllMiard f4*r iHTforiners to come to I'hiladelphia cially In the storm ssa-ue. in which he is bet¬ aud settle, ofTeriim it# give ihciii plenty of work. Kvery mail briiuts dozens of answers from p*‘r ter titt.al than any olh.'r Shak.'s|H-ari'an actor, ft»rmers an.xious to take up the offer. f'T his physl.jue an.I yolee leii.h* a .lislinet con¬ trast to that of till' I'l.'iiients. .V g.ssl support¬ The bill at the Ktuplre last week. Inclmled: ing cast, with .Miss Marie Itooth Itiissell at the l.a lt«‘lh‘ Tlarke ami her Haucing Ht#rse. .Nellie hea.l, romprisea the make up of tiie ronipany. Lyt -^’ti. Jeff and I.a Vera Healy, .Musical Hrace>. Two Tautas. Hounelly ami Ktuali. l>e\ere Itms., PRINTING The New Ij'weils anil their Haby came to the Walnut S'reel Th.-alre for a fortnight run, and and Jas. J. 1‘etide.s. Itusiiiess (*ontlnues ex in.nle quite a hit on their o|M'nlng. James K. Ct'Ilelit. K'rsen. wlin plays the part of the baby, brought .Miss Jennie Hleirick has oismetl her house tears of laughter. la-o Hayes, as .Mr. .Newly- at the sanii* ohi st ind. No. Walnut st.. and w. sl. s.-ured heavily iii his .lancing, whil.' Olga imlies her frieiuls tt» call uikui her while in the Van Haizfi'Idt was very ehamilng as .Mrs. N.-w- iity. The ft>re part t*f the season she itiaugu- SHOW PEOPLE lyweil. Th.' rest of Ih.' oast was \er> goml rat ‘d tile Uousi* on u Kuro|H*an plan, but owing an. I many new an.I n.uel f.'atiires w.'r. added to the tieuiami ft#r tin* .\merican plan sht* de LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES. CARDS, CONTRACTS AND HERALDS to the show this s.'ason. cid«*tl to ciiaug.* her policy an«l is now s«*rvim. .\llce of Old Vini.niies won favor of the Or meals .IS of obi. [.h.'iim Slock patrons at the Chestnut Street T.aiil Hunter, formerly t^f .May ami Hunter, WATERPROOF CARDBOARD SIGNS Tlu'atre. was a HillUiard ealh-r. ami states that since he FOR OUTDOOR TACKING Kajah, tho ilanc.-r, hi'a.le.! the bill at Keith's. returned from Turopi*. he has lK*en unable to Sbi- is a tall, willowy woman, who has such w*»rk, owing to a severe Illness contractetl on Print.'ll C.irdl.oanl Signs, any color, stock or Ink. The printe.l signs are sp.-clally ...mplete control m.-r h.r niiischs that she turns that side of the w: t-*r. He is now on the road prepar.'ii to wilh'tan.l th.' wi'.ithi'r. are conslilerable lower In prli'c than any other hers.'lf into nlmie-t aii> |Mwltloii. The dance i to :*‘*ctwery and will ojnu on the big lime stMin. kin.l of sign ami s.'rvie.'ahle. Pric. s .>nn i|U:intity. sire anil amount of com IMisitloii. In .I'kliig f r pi'ic'S. phase state fully your wants as to sire ami .|uantity. its.'lf i.sii'l mu.'ll iitor.' than a .l.'iiioiistralloii ..f Trtkfessor INamahasika. of ihis city, is build¬ amt '.I'lnl copy if |iossll.li'. Sampl's furnished. nius.'ular movem.'nls. .among tho ollior acts on ing largt* tpiarters in which to train his birds th.' 1111 IS a clo.iT I'.imi'ily. enlitleil In the Sub- ami animals for future n-e in his tlifferent acts. wsy. presonli'.l 1... Violet Hlack. Cameron He has thna* «lifft‘r*nt acts now workini;. C'enioiis and i".. Il"lle Itlan.be, l,pveiih<'rg'8 W.M. K. STAUKS



      This chair, though spaced to gain 20 per cent, iu your seating capacity, will give more room than any other. This is the Only Self-Righting Chair on the market, on which we have Patents in all civilized countries. Any other firm adver- ti.sing or offering a self-righting chair is misrepre¬ senting, for they dare not make them. We Make All Grades for All Uses. Send for Catalogue. THE A. R. MILNER SEATING CO New Philadelphia, O.

      ATTRACTIONS WANTED FOR ■Vnyone can learn. Earn big money. Travel with a show. Get the "Spieler's Library.” 2 TAHLEQUAH, OKLA. hooks tells how to get engagements, how to High-class Taudevllle w stock preferrcl. Good praetice. s.ilary, etc. Rooks contain over 50 show town, big house, plenty of stage room. spiels, pointers and grinds. PHce. ,500, money LYRIC THE.VTRK. Imna McDaniel. .Man:iger. ord.>r. W, DUKE. 912 4th St., Thres Riyen, Michigan. WILL BUY, if cheap for cash, one Lltho and Bill Trunk, also Ticket Trunk, second-hand, Minstrel Talent Wanted—Experienced people In but must be in Brst-class condition. State make all branches, a goial 10 piece hand, those who of same. .\lso wanted to rent, comblnatl.m double In orrbestra: singers, dancers, all use¬ car for 12 i>eople. making week stand. State ful people who can do more than one turn. Lire lowest rent [wr month. Send photo* of car. on board ears. No boo*er will do at all. State •kddress HAKRT L* BEAHE. Mgr. Taudeville lowest, .t.ldress E. A. JOHNSON. 116 N. E. Tent Show, Clazton, Oa., week Oct. 26; States¬ St., Monmouth, lilt. boro. Oa., Not. 1; Metter, Oa., Not. 8. 46 Xlie Billboard OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      tieetiiclan; Frank .Vii.b-rsou, wardrobe; Wm. ^ Max Weber and David H. Welaw, proprietor* Mis.s Klorencc Uoherts will appear S'uiiimon, aaMlstaiil wardrobe, and Herbert Mar- ' of the Columbii* and Alhaiiihra Thealrea. have The Week in Chicago ion. uiU'lo agent. shortly In a new drama by .Alate Jonluii A'er I sought suit to reHlraiu the hilliiuBtert from mlljc. The name of Hie play la Mrs. Dakan. + posting paiier over the theatr* lithograph*. They (CoiitiiJiiiil 7.1 Tliiirlow Burgen will In. Mlsa KolM-rta' leading The Mid-West Thealrhal .kasuciatloii has la allege that the biU|K>*lers have entered Into man. ninl .Alisa l-aiirelle Taylor will have an ■ reased ita capital sI.kU from ♦Jo.lSSf to *75,- .1 conspiracy to ruin their business. lU'rtu^D l., M lilvh ia (tla.MUif iiiiiHatnnr part In the play. 4* uill UrtVf ilii* a>M»taiicv of Jaii«‘ tv- The Shuberls have engaged Winnie • ii**. tjhais. K. ( atiil Wailt-r McCuiiou^ii. + The tllrl from Reetor’* Co. ha* quite a repre- - Gertru<1e Harrington is now with J(«ei>h Cal¬ sentatlon stopping at the Wellington. .Among H't'oiiiior. a l.iHidm aetrcKS, to ;ilav the title ♦ lahan'- 'I'roiihadours. They are now playing those registered are Sam Myers, manager; R. role ill Tin- Belle of Brittany, in siqiport of ( tiic'iKo is |ti«-|tjriiiK to {tasa au orUiaauce through the Western states. \ Vidor la-lghtou. Edith Stuart. .Ml»» Howard. Frank Daniel*. .Alim O'Csmiiur haa never a|i vMiit-U rt-qulroa t-at U >lio\v in au aiuuaiiueut jtark Cecelia Griffith and Martha Mayo. l«-arisl in .A'lieriea, hut la favorably known In to take o«il a the amount of which ih -i- Englaiiil. t»' Im* |>a««( <1 oil lh«* udiiilHcfiou charged. The business staff for Cohan & Harris Is 4* I. M. Welch, general re|>resentatlve; Jacob Marie Gossiaux. Minna H■'ideIlreith. Alma The NeAV Thesitre, New York, has ♦ issac, tiiaiiager; i*. S. .Mattox, general agent. ' Hersog aud Clco S|>ruul have joined the Sh-ehan secured from Beerhobm Tree the American rlghta J iie Hri'hard 'I'ht-alr*' co. .las be^'u orgaaizt il itid John Garvey, adverlisliig agent. Dl»era Co. to False Gtsis, the Kngllah version of Brieux's ii.iUt lii*‘ lJu^ of lIlinuiK. wllli a capital of 4* 4* Im Fol, which made s-ich a d<>cide<| hit when it f hy Sidiiliy Kiilirecu.-r, Jcliial il. Kwit-i was produced in Ixrndun by Mr. ^ee last ■ Dll .SanitP'l J. ItU'biiiau. Russ Kilwards, who Just closed with Bert Vli'Ktnia .Aiiiswurth. who was to have api>eared Gregory’s shows In th ■ .\ortb, is In Chicago re- ; at the .American Music Hall the week of Sep- i month. liesrsirg a singing, daiieing and talking stunt, . lemlter U.l. has been ill for Beiue time at the 1 The play that Clyde Fitch wrote for Oliver I.Hbailie i« j:"i'iK to uiaiiaKc tbe Just I Wellington Hotel. i Woiuau'a Wjj Co. Hid in conipan.v with Gro-, es Margy, will soon Alls* Zr-lda Sears is entitUal, The Kitty iud • ■riter vaudeville. 4* i the Canary. The play la to be proiliicisl early ♦ "S' Mr. Frank R. Robert.son will give a uuiiitver in the season and the rehearsals and prepara' Harry tlwciis. i:iiial« tb Ix Wltt aud Uouk’lab stout AIvo, of the Alvo Trouiw, the aerial bar > of travel levturea at the Garrick Theatre on I lions have .viready la-gun. >ira\»-s have bteii iMKikeil liy I’.ciioclt'a llraniatic | l•■■l■formers. returned to Chicago after a succesa- Friday afternoons. iH-ginnlng November 20 Hla ’•JiLibantte for tbe Oniiid ttp'-ra Huudp Stock ' i "Doing big liuslness everywhere tlvis litl season, playing the different parks and fairs subject* will be The North I’ole, The South i ot WinnliH-g, Can. -p.iaon." says Muuager W. 8. Bates, of Out in throughout the North. i Pule, India, Rusala aud South America. ♦ Idaho Compan.'. t’lie tompany la the tieat Hu- CblraifO Cosiuuie Works. giin rt-hearsals of a new play hy Mlm Raehel ♦ ness representative; Nlehulss I’entleld, agent, aud - The Week in New York Crotbers, entitled Middle, in which she will be I In bill iioMtiTs are still on strike, and more j I •■Bter Brown, stage manager of The Girl from seen during the s<-ason In the East. Hector’s Co., now placing st the Olvmpic The- (CuutinipsI from page 0.1 oiibil-nt than ever of wlmiiUK out. Th- stands j II re. Atinoiinccment has l>een made that of a niiiiilH-r of theatres that are resisting the j SIHHEUr .NGIES. Mme. Nar.lmova will not ht-gln her extensive d-ni.siidc ol lb- posters have la-< n. In a number, ♦ American tour In The Passion Flower until of itistan—K, lalH‘l-d with the legend. ••This i Isabelle Randolph and Thomas Swift have | The Chocolate Soldier i.s doinj; big the middle of November. bolls,- has liK-ked out and r,*fiih-s to grant recog- j irHnsfericd their allegiantv from the I’eoples 1 usiiM Ks at the HeraUl Sipiaiv, It I* generally iiition to the union." I lieatr,* Stock Company to the stock c^tmpany ■ •oiicevled to be on.- of ih<- truest comic oji-ra’s Marie Dres.sler has returned to begin ♦ playing at the Academy. The Peoples Theatre I ••V'-r ill New York. rehearsals of a in-w- musical play called Tlllle'* 'Iiiscott, the White Ciam, is iiiakliiK gisal on Is to be given over to vaudeville and the stock + NIghtm.ire, to Is- pnstiiced hy Is-w Fields. company now there will le n The tjiiiailion of the Hour, the temperance 1 The Ring .Master at tin West Eml last w vk Sfro-t, and the rnderworld, two A. il. Wood- play to la- produceil In Novemlier by the West- i playeij to big hou*<-. The Executive staff here with A Fo.)l There 1 playi. are slated for early production. ern Theatrical Co., has b,*en app-iinted press Was is composed of Clias. T. K. .Miller, man- | 4* ■igent for the Garrick Theatre. .ager; E. D. Price. &d\Huce agent; Matt B. ! kVirhes RohertSiHi Is in his fourth w«-ek at In adA’ance of The Prince Chap is ♦ Snyder, stage manager; Chas. W. Haskins, as I Hie Maxine Elliott Tl.< atre. Tl-.e star is or.- .AI. Davis, who formerly was bouHe manicer of Win. K. Keeley Is now with the Hush Temple i -isinnt stage manager; Patrick Carey, stage aling au intellectual i!wakenliig in giddy .N-'W the Plaxa Music Hall. New York. -tisk Company, earpenter; J, E. McKenna, assistant stage car- I York. IM'nter, C. J. Voorhecs, master of properties, and Cohan and Harris are preparing for + George Smith, chief of electricians. : ihe production of AVincbell Smith's lateKt ef iiie Wellington Hotel Is housing quite a col¬ Sam Iternard conliuiH-s i<. draw caii.icity fort, called The Outilder. ♦ I 1IOUS.S In The Girl aud tie Wizanl. ony of theatrical folk these days, .\mong those Mr. George Hamlin will give his ttrst song The Hot Air King, with John C. stopping there are Wilfred Clarke. Grace Mon- I + i'ecital at the Grsmi Opera House on the af- i Slavin In the leading nde. 1* to lie glv>-u In hen and Archie Gillies and his wife, all on the ' I>-w Fields’ prof IbfSi has the following repr-sentatlon: W’m. ' Is put out by the Western Thestricsl Co. Israel began at the Criterion Paul Kester is to dramatize The Hronelll, Martin Rosworlh, Marion Goodwin and ♦ Octo¬ l.illlan Christy. , May Vokes Is at the Wellington waiting for ber il. Bllltoppert.. a novel of vainh vllle life hv .An dra Castaigne. ♦ i !lie LaSalle Theatre to open. Tlie Dollar I’rlma passiM Its *.-coii'l Two additional companies playing \ irginis Jefferies and Waller .McCollough have ♦ month. Fortune Hunter, will be sent out by Cohan A ■iiiiile arrangements to Join the Denver Th-atre i Itr. Nathaniel I Riibinkam was elected pres- ‘ -■•oca Co., at Denver, Col. ■ blent of the Chicago Connell of the Actors’ Harris. Church Alliance at a s|>eclal meeting held, at -Anveue Lupin Is In its tliir.l numtii of is.pu- ♦ the Auditorium recently. i larity. PLAYHOUSE NOTES. Hyran Darley, Jeane Tow-ler, John Alexander „ . 4- <4 a'ld Theodore Gamble will Interpret Thia- I Bennett s Dramatic Exchange has hooked Mr. ' John Drew covitlnu«*s to draw. In Inconstant Wre|>are>l Mid Chan Co. IK’I. The F1p-h of Fate -ind The Hriwi Hotth- ard. Is jirobably the most prosperiajs bouse In have signed with Holden Bros.’ Stock Co., for k'elber * Shea’s chain of vaudeville hous«-s. ■ ‘I’lclnnati. ♦ nils bouse seats l.flOtt and Is crowded twice A book of original toasts, enlitl-d Tiie Ix>v- Kyrle Kellew appeared at Hie Hiflson in •nie nigntly. It has an .Approximate attendance ♦ i Ing T'np. has been recently published by P. F. Builder of Bridges, (tclola-r 20. of 16 000 we -kly. This house Is booked through Mr. an-l Mrs. I>'e Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Joe \ ollsnd A Co., and shows prominent among Ita Hnrhs. Hilly I.ashley, Fred I.. Hays and J. E. ! the Independent Booking Offle-es. of which -Air. ■ ontrlbiitlons sentiments expressed by George KLAW A ERI .ANGER NOTES. i-eiiM-r Is w-cretary. 'rhe matlm-e re< ord ot McDiinough h.ave Joined the company plavinc A ■ Vde. W’lll J. Davis. Mrs. Leslie Carter. I,ew Conntr\ Kid. Ibis bouse was estahllshed on Columbus Pa.v. Dockstsder and George I.,ederer. The Air King is in rehearsal. Hi-tober 12. when more than 1.50t> p**»’ul ♦ 4* ♦ through '.be doors. Cohan A- Harris' stage staff consists cf AI. West, wiio Is so well known as "the yard iteja.rts from Little N'l m.> Imlleate that He ' atighn CiHiifort, stage manager; Clarence , of fnn.” has added to his act. and Is now a MMdh* Went like* If. Crystal Theatre of LiOgansport. Ind . Marks, assistant stage director; EMward 8. successful partner In a team known as Otto and + has h-’n ruvpened again by Jea-w- Morgan an-l Krill, musie'il director; John Blue, master of West. They have opyrlglited a biirlelta called Rela-coa. of Sunnyl i-H.k Farm, gia * info re Harry Jon-s. the latter has Iwen connei-t*-,! dancing; Win. Hearty, master cariwnter; Wm. 'Vho Discovered the Pole, and with three spe learsal this week. wit'i the Rowar A Mason Stock Comp.iny. while Walsh, assistant carpenter; Jas. Ryley, fly¬ •i.al drops and excellent mechanical effects, fill 4* the former has been employt-d by the ojil man; Harii“y Smith, m.aster of properties; Joe ill a go)jd, lively and laughable fifteen minutes. Dolwing The-vtre for the le*t fifteen year*. Novemta- 4. The V.aini' Turk will cp-n it George, eleetrlolan; Wm. Donnell, assistant They op.-n.‘d with the following bill: Ba'iv- "F AHantJe City with Max R>«erK and Maieh Mr. C. A. McGowan has returned to Chicago RaymriiHL Tlielma. the child wonder; Fox and Pu.kin. <-.i I C , hn* changed hooking agent*. The U.xhh- sted In soma branch of the show business. to Boston next month. ! remained dark week of Oc1nh«-r 4, but r»-ot>eiii-*l ( <*ctolmr 11 with a big hill froin the Gii* Sun 4’ I Agi-ne.v. That week being a benefit for the Mr. and Mr«. Cyril Cottrfney and Lawrence LIEBLER A CO NttTES ■ city’s hand, record-breaking attendaiH-e wa* i-e have linked their fortunes with those of the Jessie Millward has Ireen engaged to I cordevl. Don.ald Robertson Stock Co. play the leading role In Know TIi; self. Manager Nye, of tin- Rjirlno Tliea- 4* ! ire, Rarine, Wl*.. played h>»-t to M’Wt Singer. Secretary David Ross and William H. fru- Walkrr Whiteside pr<-*T.led The Melting Po; Percy Hamlin ami Fred Hatton on Sunday. •len. chief Inspector of emidoyment agencies, st rhe .Actors’ Hone-, la-t week. 0«tohcr 17. who were In the ritv to wltrn---’ a iisve notified the booking agents of this state ♦ prmlnctlon of The Golden Girl, om- of Hw- Sli>gi-r that they must eliminate the objectionable can- Tlie last ac* In He K’sirlli F-tate I,as la. shows. eellaflon danse from their contracts, or rnn changed to a 1“— •gr’.es,,,„e finish The Daytona Opera House, Daytona. the risk of having their licenses revoke'>r Montgo’nery and Thomas Melghan. Ing support to Misa S-ra F.hllrger In Because It I wlun It will be n-HUtiHd. Dfa-sq’t Pay The comppiiy Is plavtng a few w«a-ks thrinigh Kansas, ami will then go through The ushers at the Hartfonl Thoatr-'. Tlieo. C. Elehenhanm, Thekla Elcbenhaiim and Illinois. Ohio ainl l’eiins\|vanla. The following Hartforl. Conn., have Just Iteen fitted out with tlenry A. Berger have organised the Western Is the rosti-r: Jr-,I t'.irlton, u.anager; M. A. vi-rj bamlHome 'Ight brown uniform* Her*’to Co-operative Amusement Assorlation. with a Francllloii. stage manager; C. Wsial Brown nd fore the ushers have not worn any dl*Hni-the esplfal of *150.000. vance ag-nf: Ctrl B. Steers. Wm B. Blais,.. j ooatnnie. 4- Ge.i. \A. Walt*-r. Fva l-amta-rt. \tr,’ge Schiist.-r The Chapin Opera Hou.se, at Cli.i- Miicle Sle«rs. Mark I.lnghsm and Sara iBval F. I). Price, manager, and C W. Haskins, of win Khlinger. 1 pin. III., haa gone through a Ihonuieh prociaa ' Fool There Was Co., are stopping af the I of rcii-odellng and will t*- elid the winter In Leavenw

      MAINE NORTH DAKOTA ■WISCONSIN Hanyor—iSiinifor I’uiiltry a.iil I'ft Stock As«n. Langdon—I. It. (). F. High Court. Dee. —. Stev.-ns Point -Sleiens Point Poultry j Show. I)(M . 7 9. (J. It. Jacolii. tirand Forks, N. D. Show. Dee 2s. F. J. Hlood, Stevens P Dexter—Maine Dalr.i mens .Vkkii. Dec. 8-10. OHIO AVis. Ij. W. I>.ver. Woodford, .Me. CANADA. Conventions | Cincinnati—National Cloak. Suit jiud Skirt Man¬ MARYLAND ufacturers' .Assn. Dec. —. E. Hartman, 409 It. lad Cove, N. F.—tirand Lialge tlrangeiih Baltimore—.\tmrlc.ati Kilklore Society. Dec. —. Stitek E.xchange, Chicago, HI. Newfoundland. Feb. 10. Jordan Jlllloy. Dr. A. .M. To7.7.er, l’e.ibster—Fi dt rated Hoys Club National Con¬ Springfield—Slate .Master Housi- Painters and And jewelry tor Moving Picture Shows 18-coralors’ .Assn. Dee. 7-Ii'. John M. Ki.iihle, vention. Ki'b. —. Geo. N. Putn.im, Roston, Ma.-s. AND BASEBA1.L \OVF.IjTn':s. '221 Fifth street, Springfield, Ill. .Syracuse—Patrons of Indiistrv Grand Assn. Dec. Write for price list WM. WURFFLEIN. Mgr., SINGEil BROS.’ NEW BOOK OF SPECIALTIES INDIANA. —. John F. Koss. Pcnneilville, S. Y. 208 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Fa., U. S. A. It's larger than ever and contalna more vain IndlsnaiHilis Slate Canners’ Assn. Nov. 10- Syraciisi'—Stale .Master Hon-- Painters and able Information to Premium Houses, Novelty 11. F. Joe S-huler, Crothersvllle. Ind. Decorators. Jan. —, P.Hu. Daniel Holland, liealem. Streetmen, Knife Board .Men, Yankee Indianapolis—Stale Granite Dealers' A«an. Jan. Troy, X. A'. Notion Workers, Mall Order Men and Jewelers 12 13. 1910. AValerto-.vn—Patrons of Hnsbandrv Slate etc., than any other catalogue Issued. Every lndl.ina|iolis -State Jewelers’ .Assn. Feb. —, Grange. Feb. 14. 1910 \A' W. Giles. Skan- thing new In real Noveltlea. Carnival Goods. 1910. J. A. t)-woIiL C'rawfonlsvllle, Ind. ealeb-. X. Y. Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Optical Indianapolis—Di-pirtment of SniM-rintendents, STILL AT 824 WALNUT ST. Goods, etc. National I.slui-ational .Assn. Feb. —. 1910. Ry satisfying us that you are a legitimate Irwin Shcpaid. 118 \A'. AA'ahasb st.. AVlnuna, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. dealer, as we want to kts-p this book out of tb, Minn. American or European consumers' bands, and sending in your perma IOWA nent address, we will be pleased to send you riiilailelphia’s Lo:iiling Tlioatrical Hcail I'es Moines—Iowa Corn Exposition. Nov. 29- this book free. Send for It today. You caa not alTord to be without It. Oec. 11. Dr. C. H. Knowles. Laporte. Ind. quarters. JENNIE OIETRICK, Proprietor. KANSAS. Kansas t'ily—AA'estern .Assn, of Nurserymen. Nugget Jewelry, Watch Chains, I8C. K. J. Holman. U. F. D. No 2, I.iaienwortb. Kan. Charms, Stick Pins, Bracelets, etc. 82 Bowery, New York. Lyndon—Patrons of Hiisbamlry Interstate 'irange. 14 16. A. L. Hunt. .Vtt! E. Send 2c. stamp for price list. Park st.. Olathe. Kan. Pittsburg Southeast Kansas Teachers' .\s-n. |8, . -jit ill A. H. Ilushey. Pittsburg Kan. J. J. SHEPHERD, T'>|M'ka 8ial«‘ Inde|H'ndeiit TeIii|ihone .Assn. RED BLUFF, CAL. H. K. Pavls, ToiH'ka. Kan. Tickets in Rolls, I'CH-ka National Gisal Roads Convention. Dei-. 11 lo. .A. C. Jackson. Chicago, Ill. AA lebita—St.ite Music Teachers’ A-sn. Dee. 28- 30. Tbi'O. l.indiM-rg, AA’lchlla, Kan. KENTUCKY Carousels. Park Merry Want Concession. Free Attractions, small Tent Shows. AA'ant s Merry go-round. Good location I.oiilsvillo—;-National Commercial Teachers' Con- V'PIlon. I8‘C. '27-31 Eno* Spencer, 6th and go-rounds Carry a large ciowd. .Address J. F. WILLIAMS Main sts. Secy., fnnn Nov. 1 to 6. Cbildersburg, .Ala. Everything in NEW and S. H. Isailsvlllc—. Grand IsMige. Feb. 8. 1910 217 N'lrton Hldg., Amusement Outfitters -;WE W/NT TO BUY;- IsMlIsvlIle, D. t'. and .A. C. second-hand Flaming Arc Motion Picture Lamps, must bi- In g.>sl condition. Write us LOUISIANA. full description of what voii have and best ^ Lake City—Caleasleii Poultry and Pel Sl<8-k eash price. THE ELECTRIC MOTOR & EQUIP¬ Machines Assn. Slow. Nov. 17. MENT CO., Newark. N. J. rtlms, Stercopt icons, Song New Orleans — InternalionsI Seamen's I'nion idea and Supplies. Kama of Anierlea Ibe. Win H Fraaler IV. I.*'wls ht., Huston. Mass SwtiRiy St, N. Tonawanda, N. Y., U.S.A -CAROUSELS— ntad. Catalogues free. .And single animals. The finest work In the Harbach A Co.. 809 Fllbtrt SL. Phila.. Pa. market fur la low prli-e. i Si-nd for catalogue. One of the greatest STEIN & GOLDSTEIN, 66 Gerry 8t.. Brioklyn, amusement rlilligf New York. devices and money- getters. |l.l'"0.80 re WANTED -200 PAIR ROLLER SKATES .At 244. 3. and 3't.c per ffsxt. to feature strung relpta at one fair. At Liberty .Answer at unee. sating kiml and price. R, E. Whv buy junk? ECONOMY FILM CO.. Removed 8'2-'> flgun-s and photo AT LIBERTY For hotel ami dance work, vau¬ graph,. Eli Brides deville or pieture show. 5 Piece Orchestra. Ex- legitimate substitute Co.. Box 148 B, perieneed and ean deliver the goials. .Address patented; sells on sight Roodhouaa, Ill. R. E. J., Box 8. Knightstown, Ind. GISH A CO.. Anderson. 48 Ttie Billboard OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      Singer Hroa.. Kt Bowery, New Y’ork City. Laemmle Film Service, 106 Lake it., Chicago; MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. I, ’. S. Flag Co., Ix>ck at., Cincinnati, O. Evanavllle, Ind.; Meniphia, Tenn.; Omaha, Am. Yitagraph ('n., 11(1 .Nassau i>(.. N. Y'. City. DIRECTORY Wealern Bargain liouae, 1172 Madlaon, Chicago. Neh.; Salt Lake City; .MlnneaiioUa, Minn.; .Vim-ricHii Film Service, .'scciirKy llhlg., Chleugo. Portland, Ore ; .Montreal, (Jue., Can.; Wlnnl- Amerleau Film Service, l.Yh N. .Main »(., .Mem|ihia CARBONS. Iieg. Man., Can. .Anti Tius( Film Co., 77 S. Clark st.. t'hlcagtable ; DeaMolni'a. la.; Rochester. N. Y’.; Lincoln, Harliaeh A Co., sol) Filbert st., Philadelphia. natun*. Pric^* iucliKh*'^ on** y«*ar*M suhrM'tiptiuu CARS (R. R.) Neb.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha, Neb.; Wllkea- H. A H. Film Servlee, .’lOO .Monadiswk Block. tt> 'I lie Itilih'ianl. Circui and Thaatrical. 1 P.arre, Pa. Chicago. Kaf’h aiMitioiial Ilim or Hfhlit.«Mial cla'^’^ltlratiou, South. Film Kxch.. 245 Main. Norfolk, Va. (’. P. Kleine. (1(12 (llh ave.. New York City. N^itiMtut ^T.ri* |H r aiinniti. Arma Palace Horae Car Co., Monadnock Bldg., I Standard Film Exch, 70 Dearborn st.. Chicago. I. aeininie Film .Service, P.al Lake. Chicago, Ill.; Oijc liiif uiil III* ailoMofl to alls, Minn.; >%orth of •‘paf't* ('«*iilra<‘ti*0 fiK*. provithtl ail oon- It.. Chicago, III. 1 F. S. Film Exch., 1.J2 Lake st.. Chicago. Portland. Ore.; .Montreal, (Jue., Can.; Winni¬ 4.'t;oiis of Th«* ooiitraot an- I’oiuplpil with. The Venice Trans. Co.. 3d Natl. Bank Bldg., I Wash. Film Exch., 506 Westory Bldg., Waah- peg, Man., Can. 'Ihia ilir«* r** 1 Western Film Exch.. S41 Century Bldg., St. st., (’h-\'eland. O. as xxiii as thoy an* n*«*»*iv»Ml. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS. I..oiilt, Mo. .S. Lnhin. tOl .Market at., Philadel|diia, Pa.; Helmet Co., Inc.. W. 6tb. Ciocianatl, 0. Cincinnati. O. TnlfMlo Chewiiiie (jum Co., 4s.. sj lfe.w>T>. New York rily. r. S. Ctlcle Co.. Oth A: Hripbtoo, Newjfort, Ky. Gregory Fireworks Co.. 115 Ih'arborn. Chicago. •N Sliiiri' I'o.. :.’'J<| Mnillsuii hi., Cbii-HKo. III. Ik's .Moines, la.; ItiK-hesler. N. Y'.; I.imsdn. State Fair Grounds. St. Paul, Minn. Nell.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha, Neh.; Wilkes ADVERTISING STICKERS. CHUTE BUILDERS. .A. R. Marryatt. .’{2 Park Place. N. T. C. llarre. Pa. American Aoiusoment Co., Ludlow, Ky. Natl. Fireworks Mfg. Co., 64 Cudbury at.. Boa- Hi riisril Sehnelder. KO E. 12th at.. N. Y. City. St I>>iiis Stirk*T Co., lOo IMin* st.. St. ton. South. Film Kxch.. 24."i Main. Norfolk. Ya CIGARS. Si»«ir. Gisi. K., (12 N. Clark st., Chicago. AERIAL ADVERTISING. L. DeneUdn A Son, 127 E 4tb, Kansas City, Mo. FLAGS. Slehliliis. Chas. M.. 102S Main. Kansas City. Mo. Sila*' J. f'oiiyiH*, .M<'1.4‘au avt*., Ciii<*a};*>. -Annin A Co.. 149 Fulton at.. New Y’ork City. SlHiidard Film Kxch.. 7!) Dearlmm st.. Chicago. CIRCUS SEATS. Rudolph Bras., 520 S 5th at.. Phlla.. Pa. C s Film Kxch.. 132 Lake st.. Chicago. AERONAUTS. t*. 8. Flag Co , 331 Lock at.. Cincinnati. O. Yia^eolie .Mfg. Co., 112 K. Rnihilpb st.. Chicago. i liarb-K SwHrt*. Iliiiiilxililt. ’IViiii. New and Second-Hand. U. S. Tent A -Awn. Co., 22-2fi N. Deaplalnea. Tlif St. I'lnlr liiriK, TlH>iiiiii.<>iivill<-. .Mich. U. S. Tent & Awn. Co., 2’J 2S N. Iteaplalnet, Chicago. III. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Chicago, lU. l.yoii A Hcaly. 2o.*i Wabash ave., Chicago. HI. AMERICAN TAILORS. FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. .Niagara Musical lust. Co., N. Y'tinawanda. .N. Y'. Ni«*paR(* Ilroa., ItkJ Hay at., Ton»ut CLOWN WHITE. N. Sliiire I'll.. 2'.’ti Madison st., Chicago. III. Joliti H. Stem. MS Singer itidg., N. Y. City. ' GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Shryock Tishl t'o.. S24 N. sth st., St. laiuls. Mo. .\f. Stein Cosmetic Co., 13142 B'way, N. Y. C. j Singer Bros., so Bowery. New York City. ARC LIGHTS. Make-up Boxes, Cold Okwam. Etc. Wehh Freyselilag Mere. Co., Kansas City. M«i. U. Stein Cosmetic Co, 1802 B'way. N. Y. < Flaming .\rc l.ight Co., :><• <;reenwich ave.. New COLD CREAM. Western Bargain IIoiim', 272 Madlaon Chicago. York City. I .M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 13!i2 B'way, N. Y. C. HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. I II llallherL- '/< tireeiiwic'i ave., N. Y'. City. NOSE PUTTY. Oaks Novelty Co.. Uahkoah, Wla. .M. Stein (’osiiieile Co., llttij B’way, N. Y’. City. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. ! COMPENSARC. Fort Wayne Electric Works. Fort Wayne. Ind. HARNESS. I.. lluiiiiiJtJli A Co., IIS F. Chicago are., Chicago. : OPERA CHAIRS. lloiaiiieal l•el•orHtlng Co... .'no Fifth ave., Ch’go. ' Plnraea and Trappings—For Oirens and Advar- .Amerleau Seating Co., ia> Wabash are., Chicago. CONES. tiaing Uaa. A. H .Andrews Co., 174 Wabash ave., Chicago. ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PIC- * A. T. Dietz. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. 0. Schaemhs Pliim^ Co., 612 MetroiioHtaD ave., Caruie-Goiidle Mfg. Co., ilti? IK laware at., Kan¬ TURE BOOTHS. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 246 Ktnzie, Chicago. Brooklyn, N. Y. sas City. .Mo. Hardesty Mfg. Co.. Canal Dover, O. >C \\ Trainer, '■•i Pearl at.. K>>atou, Mass CONE OVENS. INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. A. U. Milner Si-atlng Co.. New Philadelphia, O. W. H. Barmo. Gordon. Neh. Itoyal Metal Mfg. t'o., IS2I Ik-arlHiTD, Chicago. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONO¬ A. T Dietz. 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O. E. 11. Stafford Mfg. Co.. Chicago. MIZERS. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Steel Fiiriiiliire Co., Grand K.HpIds, Mich. I II llalllHO'g ::o fire'nwicli ave., N. Y. City. CORN POPPERS. Takito. Ogawa A It'al K. Lak<' »t.. Chicago. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, 0. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU¬ W, Z. Long. 172 High at., Springfield. O. JEWELRY, A. Bernl, 112 Greenwich ave.. New Y’ork City. MENTS. For Stage Dae. L. Dathaii A Sou., dUtiii Spring Grove ave., Cln- elnnati. tt. l.yoii A- lloal.t. JO", Waliash ave., Chicago. Ill. DECORATIONS. I K. E. IXidge A Co., Masonic Temple, Chicago. Gavloli A Co.. 31 Ihmd at.. New Y’ork City. Niagara Mii»i<'nl Inst. Co.. N. Tonawanda. N. Y. And Dealera in Flnga, Bunting, Featooning, otc. ' \y. H. Hollister A Co.. Masonic Ti iiiple. Chicago. Johanm-s S. Gehhardt. :tti24 laiwronce at.. Phlla. l{u<|ol|ih Wiirlitr.er Co.. Cincliinati and Chicago, Shiire Co., 2’20 Madlaon st., Chicago. III.. U. S. Flag Co., 331 Lock at., Cincinnati, O. Lyon A ll<-aly, Wabash avc.. Chicago. III. r. S Music I o., X. Western ave., Chicago. .Shr.vook Tlph WiirlitZfT ('o.. Cincinnati an S. 4th Gre»-n- UnlTeraal Else. Stage Lighting Co., 1393 Bread- PERFORATED MUSIC. vill.-. III. \ Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. N. Y’. C. way, N. Newmiin Mfg 'll.. ('141» WiKMiland ave., Cleve- | y. c. ' Harry I.. Weishaiim. 242 E. Madison. Chicago. For Electric Fianot. land. II. I N. Shiire Co.. 220 Madison st.. Chicago. L’. S. Miisle Co., 1939 N. Western ave.. Chicago. BANNERS. EYE BROW PENCILS. Shryoek-Todd Co.. 824 X. 8th at., St. Id>uU, Mo M. Stein Conmetic Co., 13142 B’way, N. T. C. PHOTO BUTTON MACHINES. F. S Tint A ,\WI1. fii.. 22 2V N Desplalnea, I LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. I'hicHgii, 111. Amer Mliinl<' PlK>t4i Co.. 269 W. I2tb. Chicago. FACE POWDER. J. M. Naiighton Co., Hotel Maver Bhlg., P<-orla. Chicago Fermlyis' Co., FerrolyiM- Bhlg.. Chicago. BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. I Ilia. N. Y'. Fi-rrolyja- (.0.. 142 Delaney at.. N. Y. C. U. Stein Coametlc Co., 13142 B’way. N. T. C. W. S. Moiiiitfuril, Ba) Mahleii Lane, X. Y. City. t 'liii- Berminl. ;«9 Bii tnr Bldg.. Chicago. Ill. LIGHTS. Beacons, Torches—For Circus and Tent Shows. FEATHER FLOWERS. PHOTO. POST CARD MACHINES. BOOKING AGENTS. Bolte A Weyer, 8 E. Michigan st.. Chicago. DeWltt Slaters, 147 W. 46tb at., Chican, III. I'. S. Tent A Awu. Co., 22 28 N. l8-si>laln<‘S. "Daydark” Spei-ialty Co., l(a>4 St. Auge ave., W .V. i'Ii'V.'IhiiiI. ."135 Kiili'kerlKK.'ker Theatre T. O. Mott, 415 Dearborn at., Chicago, Ill. .SI. Louis, Slo. Bldg . New York City. | Chicago, III. Natl. Park Mgri.' .A-ku.. 1492 B'wa.v. N. Y’. C. | Wimlhorst A Co., 104 N. 12th st., St. Ixiiis, Mo. PIANOS. Till Sjiarki’ Vaiule. t'in-uil. Ceiiinry Bldg., Kan FELT PENNANTS. I MAGIC LANTERNS. (Ydiiiiihiis Piano Co., Coliimhus, (I ■■a*i t’itt. Mil. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co., 37 Great Jones at., Wi->.-li rn t'ai ailiaii pnokiiig Cirouil. Drawer 1690. | Steriopticona. Etc. PLAYS AND MSS. Calgary. .Xlta., Can. i U. S. Flag' Co., 331 Lock at.. ClnclnnaU, O. j .tuier. Yitagraph Co.. 116 Nassau at.. N. Y’. C. Dealers in, Authori, Agents, and Brokers. I C. M. Stehhiua, I0’28 Main at., Kansas City, Mo. BURNT CORK. FESTOONING. David Belas<-o. Sin vesaiil Tln-atre. N. Y'. City. M viein <■ .-'ll..tie Co., l.’W B'way, N. Y’. C. 1 MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT I)|ek A Fit/g-r.ilil. 2‘23 .\nn st.. New Y’ork City. Nttloual Tissue Mfg. Co., 53 Keckwell Fites, DEVICES. .Ydoliili E. It liii, 4510 12 Pahst ave., Mllwaukeo, CALCIUM LIGHT. Brooklyn. N. Y. Wls r. 8. Flag Co., '331 Lock st.. Ctnetanatl. O. , .tmerlean AmuseiiK-iit Co., I.iidlow. Ky. Oz Hydrogen Gas Kanufacturerz. I ' .tiiieriran Box Ball Co., 12tio Yaii Biireii si., POP CORN. Ciiii'iiimiti Caleinm I Iglit Co., lov 4th. Cln'tl. | FILMS. I IndlanaiHilis, Iml. DlrnlM-rgf-r PoiHxirn ( 18,*> S4'neea st., Buffalo, Krkir Brn-.. <•.04 Olive vt.. St. Duiis. Mo. .Arinilage A Giilim, Spriiigvilh'. N. Y’. Mnnnfactareri, Dealsri in and Rental Bursaut. N. Y. PitiHliiirg < al. Light A F.liii Co., Pitlahurg. Pa.; Cincinnati Sov. Co.. ‘Jtal W. l.Mli, Cineinnatl. O. ItiH-ckhetin Bros. A K<'kst4'ln, Harriwui A eorla I*.!. .Moiiiea. la.; B.Mh.-urt IJnwoMl H. Flint, North Waterford, Me. W S Moantfurd, 100 Maiden Lane, New York. Crawford. O. T., Film Ezch., 1401-5 lyoctiat at., Bhlg.. Chicago. Ill POST CARDS FOR SLOT MACHINES St. Lonia, YIo., LoulsvIUe, Ky.; New Orleana. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND CANES AND WHIPS. La. Exhibit Supply Co., 3.58 l8-arlHirn. Chieago, 111. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland. O. 11. Darla. Watertown, Wls. ORCHESTRIONS. I Klaenateln. 44 Ann at.. New Y’ork City. Dixie Film Exch.. Owensboro, Ky. I.yon A Healy. 20.5 YYahash avc., Chicago. III. PRESS CLIPPINGS. • loliNmilb Toy Imp. Co., 122 K. 4th. Cln'tl., O. Edison Mfg. Co., 10 5th ave.. New York City, Niagara Mus. Inst. t'41.. N. Tonawatiila. .N. Y'. Biirrelli-’s Pr<-ss Clip Bureau, 45 Lafayette st.. Naaaala Bros., ‘22:( Commeretal, Boston, Maai. ■nd Orange, N. J. Biidolph WurlltZ4'r C4>.. Cincinnati and Cbhago. Sew Y’ork City. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., devs Exclusive Film Co., 225 Deirborn st., Chicago. land. O. Great North. Film Co.. 7 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C. MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN¬ PRINTERS. S. Schoen A Son, 50 Ann at., N. Y. City. H. A H. Film Service Co., 360 Monsdnock Blk., Shryoek Todd Co.. S2 N. 8th st., St. Louia. Mo. Chicago MENT AUCTION. Businesi and Calling Cards. N Shiire Co., 2‘2t4 Madlaon st., Chicago, III. C. L. Hull A Co.. 200 E. 57th st.. Chicago. Fraucla Banuerinan. .501 Broare, 20 Arraih-, Cineinnatl, (>. OCTOBER 30, 1909.

      STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. For Fair Followeri. AT LIBERTY Coe, Yonite it Co.. 906 Lucaa are. St. Louis. 4. kerniaii Onlgley I,llle>. Co., Kansas City, Mo. E. M. Davis Soap Co.. 32 Union I*r. I’lace. Cora Fielding, and Her Bucking y'n.ricaii Miow Print Co.. .Milwaukee, Wls. Cuicaftu, 111. l»..nulil>oti Lltlio. Co., N<'wport. Ky. I. Elsensteln, 44 Ann st.. New York Cltj. Bounding Wire Artist Broncho, Carrie Nation treat W rtg. Co.. Klni st.. St. Isnils, Mo. The A. Knxle Mfg. Co., Onawa, la. Giving flrst-clcss evhltdtions on stage. Would ;ille Show Prig. Co., 22.37 .Mission st., San Francis Klcke. 1778 Post, San Francisco, Oal. Vaudeville Feature like to join good Western production. Would Fraucisi-o, Cal. M. (Jerber, 729 .South at., Philadelphia, Pa. 'ake goiMl position with riding academy. Add. PRINTERS. Gordon it Morrison, 199 201 E. Madison. Chicago. BENNETTE &, MOULTON CO. CORA FIELDING, 1427 Walnut St., Kansas Goldberg Jewelry co.. Ill W. 6th st.. Kansas City. Mo. Of Theatrical Letterheads, Contracts and City, Mo. Programs. The Uo...8tnlth Toy A Impt. Co.. 122 E. Fourth lUrch Printing Co., 41i> Kliii st., Cineinnati. O. st., Cincinnati, O. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 37 Great Jones st.. PIANibT ROLL TICKETS. New York City. NOTICE l..eTln Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. National Ticket Co.. Sliainoklii. Pa. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬ Royal Ticket Co.. Shainokln, Pa land. O. Wants Position with M. P. Show Otto Supply Co.. 270 W. .39th at.. N. Y. City. Fair reader, good faker, and sings Illustrated ROSECAKE MOLDS. Geo. A. Paturel. 41 Warren st., N. Y. C. under new management. Good crops In Okla songs. Experienced. I’osltlvely no booze or \ T. I'lelr. 127 Mieliigan st.. Toledo, G. J. F. Powell. Waukegan, 111. lioma insures gmsl houses. For p.-irtlciil.’rs ad eigarettes. .\iii looking for a steady and re- Shryock-Todd Co., 824 .\. 8th st.. St. l»uls. Mo. dress SCOTT A CAMPBELL, Managers, Wan- lialiie position. A.ldi.-ss •'PIANIST,” (W), ROUGE. N. Shure Co.. 220 Madison st., Chicago. 111. komis, Okla. Council Bluffs, la., Gen, Del. M .ein Cesinelic Co.. i:i92 li'way, N. V. City. Shapiro it Karr. 428 South st.. Phlladel4)hla, Ps. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. “SAYSO” CONE BAKERS. Slack Mfg. Co., 126 Franklin st.. Chicago, HI. SHOOTING GALLERY Western Bargain House. 272 E. Madison, Ch'go. Doll Rack. Cylinder Piano, 0 Penny .Machines \ T. Dietz. 127 Mieliigan st.. Toledo, O. Harry Welsbaum. 242 E. Madison. Chicago. for sale, S. Clinton st., Chicago. Mo. Fll.ns that f-'ature strong. Films that swell Toi'mev A Volland Sx-eulc Co , 2312 Market st., TENTS. ynir 1m \ receipts. Mtiehlnes for sale. Machines St. l.eiils .Mo. for rent to Him customers. Model It's bought Ib'ward Tuttle P2ii2 C. iiler st., .MihvaukiH*. Wls. Baker A laKkwood, 7th and Wyandotte sta., Kansas City, Mo. Mid sold. DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE. Owens¬ SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Columbus Tent A Awn. Co.. Columbus. O. boro, Kentucky. Kerry We.sl piano Player C.i.. Kansas City, .Mo. Camle-Ooudle Mfg. Co.. 307 Delaware st., Kan¬ sas City. Mo. .\re reaping a harvest right now with our line Lyon A Ilealy. '211.3 Waha'li ave.. Chicago. Ill. Dflfigherty Bros., Tent Co., 109 S. Main st.. St. of remedies. Giir gsals are the most reliable Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.. Cineinnati and Chicago. 7 naila VIn Engagements Wanted and our piper the finest ever put out by any C. 8. .Music Co., 19.'i9 N Western ave., Chicago. Itramatic and musical companies. One and Mipldv Insise. Write at once for j,rices and SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. two night stands. Town 6..3(81. Seating capa¬ samples of i.aper. OREGON INDIAN MEDI¬ city I.'at, $1.1.99 in scenery. Best house and CINE CO., Corry, Erie Co., Pa. _ Bock. 62 Blue Island ave., Chicago, Ill. lest show town in Western N'. .tddress Enkeboll Art Co.. 6696 N. 27th Gmaha, Neb. T. S. COFFEY, Mgr., Lenoir, N. C. E. J. Hayuen A Co.. 196 Broadway, Brooklyn. U. S. Tent A Awn. Co., 22 28 N. Desplalnes, Chicago, 111. SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Fifty reels. 2c per foot, elegant condition: will Can be engaged by responsible Mgrs. for the' Wm. Nelson. 8 Cogswell Place. North Cam¬ send G D., subject to examination. n|ion winter season, for pit or side shows, and at bridge, Mass. receipt of express cliarges. Song slides with libel ty for side shows for next season. Have 2 SIGNS. music. $2..39 per s. t. Send for lists. P. 0. BOX 305. New Orleans. La. banners. 8x19 and lOxltl. A genuine first-class Csnsas Sign Shop. 4.38 Summit st., Toledo. Curio. Address ELI BOWEN, 6443 Green St., Chase Elec. Co., 102 Franklin st., Chicago. Chicago, Ills. _ SKATES. American Roller Kink Supply Oo., Sandusky. O. Chicago Roller Skate Co,. o24 Washington Bird., HIGH-CLASS REFINED ACTS ^ i Looks like • diamond —wears Chicago. III. .Singles and I'eams. Noveltv acta preferred. M. C. Renley. Richmond. Ind. like a diamond —brlllUncygnaran STAB THEATRE, J. E. Munal, Mgr. and Owner, teed forever —stands filing Ilka a The Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg. Co., Worces¬ Memphis, Tenn. ter, Mass. diamond — stands heat like a dla- mond—has no paste, foil or artlfle SHOOTING GALLERIES, tal backing. Set only In aolld gold THEATRICAL LAWYER, mountings. l-29tb the cost of dlA- E. E. Hippie, 800 Vine st.. Pblladelphls. Pa. monds. A marvelonsly reconstmeted gem--sentea E. R. Hoffman A Suns. 71 W. Jackson Bird., MAURICE HAROLD ROSE. appnvval. Write for our catalog Do Lnio, It A free. Chicago, Ill. 140 Nassau Street. • • - NEW YORK. W. F. Mangles Co.. Coney Island. .N Y. Remoh Jewelry Co., 459 N. Brooawoy. SLL—ie J. J. McCullough, Sheridan's Walk, Coney Is¬ Iterluced rates to the profession. land. N. Y. Owning to clositi): of Auditorium here I A J. Smith, 3247 W. Van Buren at., Chicago. Kilmarnock, Va., Fair, Nov. 8-4-5. Colored Fair, Wm. Wurflleln. 208 N. 2d st.. Philadelphia 10-11-12. Concessions of all kinds wanted; no strong games. Steamers leave Norfolk. Va.. or WANT POSITION Baltimore. Md. D. Trimper, Secy. SLOT MACHINES. -AT ONCE AS- Manufactnrers of and Dsalsrs la. PATHE'S HAND COLORED PASSION PLAY, .4. J, Fisher A Co.. 4.34 2nd ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Pianist and Soprano A-1 condition, for sale or rent. Special paper. Lyon A H-aly, 2o5 Wabash ave., Chicago. Ill. ill Vaiidevilh* or I’icture Theatre. F. of r. 8. Moilc Co., 1939 N. Western ave., Chicago. C. J. miRPHY, Elyria. Ohio. Rudolph Wurlltser C-o., Cincinnati and Chicago. M. Sight mailer. Best referenees MISS HIGH PITCH MEN, Phoney Peddlers. Flat JEANNUTE GARNETTE, Winchester, Ky. Joint .\rtlsts and all Road People, read my Nugget .levvclry advertisement In 3'lie Billboard, send me your name and address, state you busi¬ ness. I will put vou onto the ipiick anil easv momy. J. J. SHEPHERD. Red Bluff, Cxi. AT LIBERTY WIGS ONLY 85 CENTS -Jew. old .Man, Irish. Rills-. Diilcli. Clown. Tramii. Crops, each S5c. DRUMMER 3 assorted. .<2.'2.3. •'Keiin's Make-n|> Risik”. 15c; It tells r how. H months’ subscription to my with full line of traps, tromlvonc tind string illustrated 'rin-atrlcal magazine. ’2.3c. l!t’2 pages bass. Travel or locate. Address, CHAS. yaiiilevllle m-iferial only .3l>e. Catalogs of Wigs. SEIBERT, Watertown, Ills. Plavs. Ski-tclies and Make-up goods. FBKE. Address ADOLPH E. REIM, 4510-12 Pabst Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED TO SELL. Kent. (V.iiiblne. or Take FOR SALE Partner tliat will Inndle the advance. Two .30 ft. Round Top, I30 ft. Middle. 10 ft. Side car show, all readv for tlic road. .Vddress Wall, seats, side [poles, center poles, TOjies. C. W. RIGGS. St. Louis. Mo. blocks an>l lights. W. W. JEFFERS, R. R. No. 1, Bellaire, Ohio. WANTED. TOP—.30 or t'm ft. It. T, with M. P. OtluT show proiM-rty suitable for wagon show. Must he clieap for cash. POMMIER BROS. SHOW'S. Richmond. Mo. WANTED PATFNT^ SECURED OR FEE RETURN- iM I kit 10 ED, Free report as to pat¬ Steam Calliope. 699 ft. Side Wall. .390 Folding Chairs, several sections Bine Seats, Stage and entability. Illustrated Guide Gcxsl and' list of inventions wanted sent free. Scenery. Vddress McMAHAN and JACKSON, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washington. D. C. 312 W. 7th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

      FOR SALE CHEAP —Scenery, leg drops, cur¬ tains and set pieces; also cross-lined paper used WAMED for "H ■adwnilers.” Address THOMAS BUNT, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Fop My Show IVo. 2 - W .\ X T K I) - Four girls for musical comedy. Steady work. Going south. Gma! wage> to right party. .4n- Well liroke troupe of mrformlng poulcs, dogs, sw -r quick. JOHN LEONARD. Jackson, Miss. goats, cats or any other small stock. Will rent or liuy same. .Vddress LUIGI BROS. SHOWS. Wingo. Ky. Jess Brown, write. Have four acre Ice Rink in heart of large ty. Want PARTNER to install

      Shovv.s for Whit.qker Ofxra House, Liver¬ more, Ky. giHiil show town, .\chircss, AL WINN. Washington Park, Lowell, Mass. Wanted for Western States Shows J D. WHITAKER. Man and wife that can do Magic and second siglit and handle statue turning to life show. ni IVO llrnmatic and Vaudevlie Sketches 500 TWO COLOR LETTERHEADS. S3.50 I LA T o Dish or Dutch Wigs, 83ctg. ratalnas Colorcil .Vetors. I’lalforiii and IlallyluH) show, I k.niw aOOLPH E REIM. Sta- with engraved design and half-tone made from Comesslons Itiiu ail winter. Write or wire your photo. Same with two cuts. 14.75. New GEO. H. PROCTOR. Eunice. L*., 25-30; Guey- tion B, Mi'waukea. Wia. catalogue showing 24 neat designs sent tor 1 dan, 1-5. cent stamp. ORG A^NS CLAY CENTER ENCRAVINB CO., Clay Cantor, Kano. JOHN MUZZie & SON, 178 Park Now, N. T. SKETCHKS, PLAYS, LIBRETTOa A successful author of plays will aecept a WILKES-BARRI limited number of contracts for Sketches, Plays, PENNSYLVANIA or Books for Ojieras or Musical Comoly, Add X. T. Z., care The BUlboard. Six Flying Banvards -: WORLD’S GREATEST AERIAL ACT :- We are headquarters for all the latest noTeltlea. Send for our catalogue on Have a few late Fair Dates open for Southern Fairs. Confetti, Canes, K n 1 v e .s. Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls. Rubber and Gas Artdre<»n HKRT BAXVARD, Manager, care The Billboard. New York City Balloons. Canes BIG OPEN AIR ATTRACTION We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Elsensteln A Co. Flying Baldwins Prices in Cincinnati same as in New York. Aerial Return and Caatinr Act. T. W, OBEXNIEAF. Mgr.. 814 N. Ird St., Quincy, HI. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTINI CO., 1S2 E. Fourtli St., Cin<’innatl, O. Mead WERIMXZ- Mamie

      Aerial Gymnasts of Quality, Parks, Fairs. Celebrations, etc. Address all communications to MEAD M. WERNTZ, 4200 Broadway, Cleveland. Ohio.

      Dunedin Troupe Donegan Sisters MABEL BLONDEL World Famed Cyclists Expert Roller Skaters This is our 75*cent Half«Tone; rc. or a 3x4 for$l; cash Mfith order JAS. E. DONEGAN, 256 43rd St., W., New York KNOXVILLE EN6RAYING COMPANY THE CIRCLING WAVE AMUSEMENT DEVICE Is till' I iii st anil catrliiest riiliiiK dcvloi- in 515 Bate Street, Knoxville, Tein use. iiiKTHti'il liy irasoline i-nciiH': music h.v a lii|M'rate the “CirelinK Wave.” anil take NELUE KING first iiiiiney In ii.arks. with Carnivals, nr wher ever oiieratiwl. It ran lie en'oteil In three The UndisputCil 5c. SHOW hours liy fiair iiien. Write fur lllustrateil ratvli'itue with testininnials anil (irlee. ARMI- TAGE Sc GUINN, (Inventors ami sole miiniifar Queen of the Musical World turersi, S|irini;\ .lie, Erie Co.. N. V. Always busy. Per address, care Billboard, SOUVENIRS Aaaorted Imported China War*, par 100, IS.00 Cincinnati, Ohio per fro Japanese Trick Match Box .78 Japanese Turtle In Glaaa Box . 1.00 Ja|>anene Acrubata . 1.88 Jajianeae Zlttera .75 Japaneae Zn Zu Fife Wblatlea . 1.00 We originated fritter-crlap- Glaaa iVn Ilolilen, aaat. cokira . 1.00 ettea. Deilriuna confection. Fancy Horae bhoe .Mirrors, all colora .1.28 ■__ ^lli like wildflre. Norelty Flag I’uxiles . 1.50 I’roflt 400%. 1100 Souvenir Mirror ruzxlea . 1.50 v,— - a month inoome Samples sent by mail on receipt of 26 cents in itampa. Fancy Chllilren'a Gilt Kings .50 e a a y. fl.OOO a Fancy Glrl'a Bracelet! . 1.80 month posslhle un- Terms, full amount with your order der favorable con- Ttie Donaldson l_lttio. Co dltlona. Send for NEWKAN KTO. CO., KENTUCKY 641 Woodland Avonne. Claroland. Obla V».Z.LONG CO. SPRINGFIELD. 0. PIANISTS WANTED I.earn the Knack System -if Playing Vaudeville and Dramatic Mti-lc ,\ls,i Fakinc The lias* and Arranulng PARTICULARS FREE. 6PE Ctias.R.Cook,S'Co.oxc.) CIAL;—"THE KNACK SYSTEM OF READING MUSIC AT SIGHT,” mailiit for ten cents an*lceater Street, W. C. NEW YDUK OFFICES, 30 W. Twenty- KNACK STUDIO OF MUSIC. llfih Street: 'lelephone. 177” Madison 8

      Can always secure a week at my pretty little theatre. Short jump to Birmingham, ATTENTION! Columbia, Pulaski, Nashville and Memphis. Wanted—Good ^ano Player that can PRESBITTIIIO transpose. LOLA LEA EARL, Sole Owner, Theatorium, Huntsville, Ala MANAGERS Will Book Artists through any Agent or Independent. DRAMA A LA BURLESQUE Grand Opera House, Wellsbiirg, W. Va. m vaudeville Wants giaal uiiisical coiin',lles. ininstrels. retwr- toire, I'te. I.lve manufacturing town. Drawing poll. lo.iKio Only lIcetiM'd town within radius of mills HOWELL AND SHAFER. Mgrs. For Sale—Theatre ALVA JAMS Bachelor Theatre. lola. Kansas. Everything complete for Vaudeville. Ue|iortolre and Pictures, S.7.e ."atvliHi; stage wats Oihi .'pi.iaai to draw from. million (lay roil each month. Prima Donna Comedienne Price, it.'..’iia>. haif rash, .\ddress BACHELOR THEATRE. lola. Kanui. Now in Vaudeville Evclualvp Songs. Siwclal ro(«tum<‘a. Perma n'‘nt adilri'ss. The llllllioard. Sew York 80 Reels, frotn 87.00 to 813.00 per reel. All In Good Condition Will send eubleci to exemlnetfon. Send tor list.

      HOROSCOPES. HATCH SUPPLY CO., 620 Lewis Blda., Plttsbnra. Pa Pr.iited Fortunes. SI per l.inai Future Ph'itos. visible and In lisilile. t- [ST l, bCIlNEJDER - FILMS FOR RENT - Idt Feet 12tli Kt. • New York CUty. Sign. ;iiid banners fiee. S \ rei*ls of goial i|italily t int wilti tlin.s- sets of .lides [s-r week in two ENCHANTED TRICK CAROS Khl[imiiit' f.ir $F.’(Mi. Write for oiir list of T'K) reel. I.i,; ,,f fliniK for sale. Xs TiU |M-r rm-I; lo^iH* out ill Docemhor, Siimethin'? Ill w : fisila them all; mil titlisl and in itcsl condition. S.-m| f..r list Ilona will he sold: the moat won derfiil eard Irieka ever aeeii can be LIBERTY FILM RENTING COMPANY, wi:sTi:i{\ HOOK INC [M rformeil witb them: every magi Fulton Building, - . Pittiburg, Pa. clan sliiMilil have a jiaek. Special prlee. 1(1 :: for ‘.‘.'m'. with fttll •• en*t diris'tlons. Till? (i.\KS XD' Slot Machines El.TY (■<• , Dept Csl, Oahkoah. Wls Ho idiinarfera for P'emiiiin Pin (luni Marhlnea THEATRICAL CARD PRINTER— J. L. HAHN, MANUFACTURER, neaa and i'.-illing Cards; biweat rates: ipilckeat 1016 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. aervbe ASH.MORE, 20 Arcade, Cincinnati, 0

      Films For Sale Beels in |ierfect condition. IF VOX' \V4)1'I,I> KFi;i* l*<)STFI» OX THF STATK AXI» (’Ol’.V’TY F.\IH ■ W A C.V'l .M.In; of Profeaalonal aibl $1'>.*i

      2,000 Veneer Opera Ohairs PERA CHAIRS ALWAYS IN STOCK Orrr 7.1 p*r c«*nt. of tho fin..nf tlioHiroM In tho United States and Canada are furnlKli.-d eith ili. m. 111..., are used in 318 We can ship any reaisnable qaaatity within 24 hoars notice. | of tbe 405 muTlug pictuie tlieairea iu t bicatfu. To meet the growing demand for The strongest and most comfortable Opera LOW PRICED OPERA CHAIRS we have originated a number of atylea which, though Inezpen- Chair on the market. 25 other stylee at latest ■ive, are cbaracteriatic of prices. NOT IN THE SEATING TRUST, j ANDREWS QUALITY Write for our large catalogue. Illustrated In colors, which will We have the largest facilities and we manu-; L’lilde and assist you. when coutemplatlug tbe purchase of Opera Chairs. facture everything that goes into our chairs.

      Write for catalogue ahowing competitive pricee. IMPERIAL SEATING CO., 1347 S. State Street, • CHICAGO, ILL. THE MAIM BEHIIMD THE GUIM GETS THE DOUGH ! Nanyang Industrial Exposition Ilundrrd* can prove thte. It will paj jou to operate and demonatrata the NANKING, CHINA, MAY to NOVEMBER, 1910 WONDER CANNON PHOTO CHINA'S FIRST NATIONAL EXPOSITION BUTTON MACHINE One Hundred Million Population Within Radius of One Hundretl Miles Oar Cannon taken, darelopa and fln- labrn I’boto Button In 30 aeconda, ready Only Ten Shows on the Midway to wear. No experience required. Can be set up In 30 aeconda, ready to operate. Thirty per cent. You erect your own buildings. Can arrange to work the great A biK money-maker at Fairs, Camlrala, ricnica. and all other Celebratlona. Com¬ MANILA CARNIVAL, February 7 to 17, 1910. If you cable, prepay annwer. plete outfit, wbicb Inclui'.ea tbe necessary Address GEORGE MOOSER, Representative, P. O. Box &.'I, American Consulate, supplies for making 30<, finished photos, S33. Sent upon receipt of to. Balance Shanghai. Cable Address, Mooser, Shanghai. C. O. I». CIRCULAR FREE. Exact reproduction of Pbota Button and Frame. CHICAtO FERROTYPE CO. , R. 120 Ferrotype Bldg., Congress & Laflin Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. WARNING! BILLPOSTERS! A 2 Cent Investment With Good Results STRIKE IS STILL ON IN CHICAGO. We Supply Films of Quality on a ^theI AKF Prompt Service ^ IT IS NO OPEN TOWN AND NEVER WILL BE. STAY AWAY FROM HERE The Most Complete Equipped Film Exchange in the Country THE LAKE SHORE FILM National Alliance, B. P. & B. of A., Local No. I AND SUPPLY CO. I I The Leading Journal of the Moving I 1^ O BK 10 0 0 0 VI0 Picture business in Europe. Has the 312 Superior Avenue. N. W., CLEVELAND. OHIO. I IIVj lIIiJuIjIJIJIj circulation and is the best " ■#IWwWw^w Advertising Medium, bar none. SUBSCRIPTION. S2.00 A YEAR. SAMPLE COPY MAILED FREE. “THE NEW ATLAS” 31, 33 and 35 Litchfield St., LONDON. W. C., ENGLAND. -IS— The atronfeat trunk in Amerioa. Haa no weakneaa. Our oatalofue will tell you why. Moving Picture Machines, Ironclad, 32 inch .$10.00 Stereopticons, SUdM, AccetsoriM. “ 34 “ . 10.75 ‘ 36 “ . . 11.50 CHAS. M. STEBBINS, “ 38 “ . 12.25 1028 MAUf STREET, - - - KANSAS CITY, MO. " 40 “ .... 13.00 Large Line of Ediwn Goode. Eat. 1899. THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. No. 1641 N. Hancock St. • Philadelphia, Pa. —THEATRICAL LUMBER—i BTILBS. BArmB, BTBirB, BAILS, IHOXB. PBOriLXB, BTAeB FLOOBlBe BTO. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE Alwaya aa haa4 foe prompt ahlpmoat. Write for dollToroe priooo. BUpmoBti mado la aay eoaatHy daairad. SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY lynmber and Ociward BtreeM,_CHIOAQO, ILL. OZITEBAL BUBINFSB OFFIOB OENKRAL BOOXnrO OITIOS •triXITAll AND OONSIDINK BLDO., THIRD stmi • Ann le. lui broadwat, AJfD MfiDISOM BTBKITB, w/nbix oii-w SEATTLE. WASH. NEW YORK CITY. FRED UMOOLN, Oen. HgT. CHBJA 0. BROWV, Mar. Wanted Sites at Exhibitions, Fairs and Pieasure Resorts tor BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES.

      67 8o. Clark Bt., I Third and Madlaon Bta., 1117 and 1114 Market 8L. Chicago, IU. Seattls, Wash. Amsrioan Thoatra Bldg., CAKE WALK RIDING MACHINES Baa Fraaoitoe. Oal. PAUL GOUDHON. MAURICE J. BUKBB. W. P. REB8B. Tha Groat Buroppan Sputatlon. Tpd mlUion peopio hara rlddoa In IB montha; cloToa tboaaand paoopd UTpr in one night ot Homburg Fair. U. b. A. Patpot No. 81M4B1-0B. Infrinfomoota wOl bo dealt with. Writp for fall partirnlaro, bead ofliica, TATLOB, PLDIBTOB BBOB., A 00., •4 ^nnondsoy Wall, London, 8. £., England. STAGE HARDWARE STEEL CURTAINS WANTED-helineil Musical Cmiedy 215-217 W. Ontario Straat Or FIBBT-CIJISS PLAY for bpnpfit of Hoop Co. No. 1. We want clean ihow and will give good guarantee. Date preferred, laat week In Not, or first week In Der; ‘u. night. None but first- UNION ELEVATOR & MACHINE CO. CHICAGO. rltu romptnlet wUl bo considered. Seating capacity 1,000. Write JOHN F. BOWEB. Ford City, Pa. THE BIG NOISE WANTS AHRAGTIONS Why Not Deal with an Exchange For THE NILES THEATRE. Only play tlirce shows a month. Open That to actually buying from most of the leading American manufictnrera as well aa the ^k of the Foreign. Write Pboenix, I'entaur, Film lmix>rt A Trading t’o.. New York Motion Pie time for good Musieal Comedy or good Dramas. Mills all running full turn t'o. (Htson Ftlmai, and be conylnoed. We bandle First. Second and Third run enstomera. ai well as Commercial run. Drop na a line to-day for our pricee. THE BUCKEYE FllJf A time. Address JACK STAFFORD, Mgr., Niles Theatre, Niles, O. PBOJECTINO CO., 309-811 Arcade Building, Dayton. Ohio, Guarante-d no Ka!n Storms. WANTED=ACTS=WANTED At Liberty, November 6th. 30 weeks with SHORT JUMPS to acts who make good. Ask any real act who ever played Experienced Tuba, Trombone and Clarionet. this circuit. Write for immediate or future time. GRIFFIN VAUDEVILLE CIRCUI I Sober and reliable. Join anywhere, joint or olnglo. Addreoo HEVBY WAAX. oaro Gentry Bro^ ; No. 1 Show. Griffln, Oa., Oct. 30; CarroUtoa, Oa., Bov, 1; GieeaTinai, Ga., 8; Colamhas, 8a., ts Variety Theatre Building, Queen and Yonga Sta., Toronto, Canada j DadevlUe. Ala., 4; Alexander City, Ala., 6; Bylaeaaga, Ala., 6. Also other musicians. OCTOBER 30, 1909. OCTOBER 30, 1909.


      And the Cost of the Cheapest Possible Band—for Evening Sessions Only—Will Pay for the Organ in a Few Months

      • The above are strong claims. We are anxious to band organ field, and are the world’s largest manufac¬ prove them up for the benefit of even.' rink owner who- turers, with factories covering 15 acres of ground. Wur¬ expects to operate for profit this seiison. litzer instruments ought to be the best -and they are. Don’t you think you could make more money if you But our great success has brought out a host of imi¬ could get a better grade of music and at the same time tators who recommend all kinds of imperfect make-shifts. cut out the hea\'y expense of musicians? These should not be confused with the genuine Wurlitzer We build a practical Military Band Organ, especially skating rink instruments, every imjKirtant feature of for skating rinks. It furnishes better music to skate by which is protected by United States patents. than any musicians can. And you can own one for what All the eapital and skill of our great factory organ¬ a band would cost for only a few months’ work. ization have been concentrated in the quality of our After a few payments (less than you would have to instruments, and we don’t believe there is a rink owner pay the smallest band) you have a band of your own in the United States that would l^e without one of our that is forever ‘‘on the job.” instruments if he fully realized its perfect practicability A^our music then costs nothing except a f rifling out¬ and all-around advantages. lay for electric current and occasional paper music rolls. We make a sj^ecial instrument for every size rink— And you become independent on the music (j^iestion. small, medium and large. W’e will put one in your rink This marvelous automatic band is operated Vjy or¬ and give a guarantee that it will give entire satisfaction. dinary electric light current. It plays from! perforated We supply the United States Government with mu¬ paper music rolls, wliich can be changed in fiVe seconds, sical instruments. - -Consult any bank or commercial without even stopping the operation of the instrument. agency as to the reliability of our guarantee. The music is full and melodious, without the harsh grating effects of the old-fashioned pin-cylinder band Our Easy Payment Offer orgim, and is arranged in two-steps, waltzes abd marches We will sell our instruments on easy monthly or in the swing time suitable for skating. ()uI^ librarj' of weekly payments, so reasonable that you could not possibly music is verj' large, and all the [wpular up-to-date musical hire any kind of a band for the same money. hits are cut Jis fast iis they come out. Write us the size of your rink and the kind of floor Do not pay serious attention to anyone representing (whether solid or hollow) and we will mail a copy of our I that they have “something just as good as a Wurlitzer big new 96-page catalog, and tell you just which instru¬ instrument.” Our instruments are the-result of years of ment is best for your special use. experience and closest study of roller rink rojiuirements. You need do nothing further if you think best, but There is nothing remarkable about their being supe¬ at least get the facts so as to make an intelligent decision rior when you consider that we were the pioiieerR in the in the matter. Write us right now. THE RUDOLPH; WURLITZER COMPANY Worldls Largest M an uf adjure r s of Automatic Musical Instruments NEW YORK ' CINCINNATI CHICAGO 25 and 27 West .32d 117 to 121 East 4th 266 & 268 Wabash Avo. Bet. Bro»dMr«7 & 5th Ave.