Congressional Record—Senate S6036
S6036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2020 Force in Europe during World War II, ceremony included my fellow commis- This is a historic accomplishment for Dwight David Eisenhower. sioners, including vice chairman Rep- Wyoming. The Cheyenne National Without Ike, it is not a stretch to resentative MIKE THOMPSON of Cali- Cemetery is the first veterans ceme- imagine that the trajectory of Amer- fornia, Senator JOE MANCHIN of West tery in Wyoming that is run by the De- ican history might have been signifi- Virginia, Senator GARY PETERS Of partment of Veterans Affairs. Before I cantly altered. It was General Eisen- Michigan, Senator DAN SULLIVAN of became a Senator, Wyoming was cam- hower who commanded a successful D- Alaska, Representative SANFORD D. paigning for a national cemetery with- Day invasion, which became a pivotal BISHOP, JR., OF GEORGIA, REPRESENTA- in the State. Once I was in the Senate, turning point in the Second World War. TIVE MICHAEL K. SIMPSON of Idaho, I had the opportunity to help advance It was President Eisenhower who Representative WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ this project with the help of veterans, waged peace, regulated atomic power, THORNBERRY of Texas, former Senator F.E. Warren Air Force Base, and the and protected the world against the Robert J. ‘‘Bob’’ Dole of Kansas, Alfred patriotic people of Wyoming. They are growing spread of communism. Geduldig, Susan Banes Harris, and all to be congratulated, and I know all Through it all, it was not selfish ambi- Catherine Ann Stevens. are thankful this day is finally here. tion or prestige that guided him, but Again, with General Eisenhower as The opening of this national ceme- rather his character and sense of duty.
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